Page created by Dan Garrett
Thursday, July 16, 2020                                                  COMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AU


                                   ON THE
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   WORLD                                     N C E S S IO N S O V E R P  L A N S TO
   AT HER                 CITY WINS EARLY CO              T S TA T IO N . P A G E 5
                                                 , S H  U
    FEET                   TRANSFORM RAIL LINE
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4            NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                      July 16, 2020

                                                                                                      Magic time in the park
             NEWS ......................................................................... 1-9
             FOOD ........................................................................... 10
             SWANCARE FEATURE ................................................ 12
             ZEST FOR LIFE ............................................................ 14
             BAPTISTCARE FEATURE............................................ 15                       THERE may be just a few              er for what was to come at
                                                                                                      days left before children            Wharf Street and an exam-
             WHAT’S ON.................................................................. 16           return to school but there is        ple of the City’s desire to
             ART ............................................................................... 18   still an opportunity to get          better integrate technology
                                                                                                      them out of the house and            into its public spaces.

             LOOK LOCAL ............................................................... 19
                                                                                                      active with a visit to Mania-           “Canning is going through
             WORKPLACE ............................................................. 20               na Park in Queens Park.              a real digital transforma-
             CLASSIFIEDS ............................................................. 20               A new app by GeoAR                 tion, it is a very exciting
                                                                                                      Games, Magical Park, gets            time,” he said.
             FILM ............................................................................ 20
                                                                                                      kids moving around the park             “We’re working to incor-
             DRIVEWAY .................................................................. 22           and enables them to enter a          porate a lot of cool new tech-
             SPORT ......................................................................... 23       world of dinosaurs, fairies,         nology into our public
                                                                                                      kittens and underwater               spaces, including an aug-
                                                                                                      creatures.                           mented reality experience at
                                                                                                        Targeted at children aged          Wharf Street, free public
             Editorial Director:                              Amanda Keenan                           six to 11, the free app offers       WiFi at more of our parks,
             News Production:                                    David Friedlos                       six augmented reality games          bin and water monitoring,
             Design:                                               Carly Pilton                       that players can download            and more.”
             Features Editor:                        Arylene Westlake-Jennings                        from the Apple App Store or             The Magical Park app is
             Digital Editor:                                  Alison Middleton                        Google Play.                         available for free to use at
                                                                                                        Canning Mayor Patrick              Maniana Park until Decem-
             General inquiries:                              9237 1000
                                                                                                      Hall said the app was a teas-        ber.                             Asha Nguyen tests the new app at Maniana Park.
             Email:                         south@communitynews.com.au
             Carmelle Wilkinson                                                  9237 1464
             (Canning, South Perth)
             Sarah Brookes                                                       9237 1455
             (Belmont, Victoria Park)
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie

             Group Sales Director:
             Max Wilson                                                      0420 927511                               communitynews.com.au

             Business Development Managers:
             Martin Graham                                                 0466 318996                                 communitynews.com.au/subscribe
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Ilsa Yates                                                          9237 1465                             /CanningMelville
             Distribution:                                                 08 9237 1630
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group                                                                   /TheCanningTimes
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.
             Printed by Colourpress
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

July 16, 2020                                                                                                                                                                   NEWS                  5

City’s train of thought
Dave Friedlos                      keep Wharf Street open,”                                             Street,” Ms Saffioti said.        additional works, such as
                                                                                                                                                                         Call to save
                                                                                                                                                                         CITY of Canning staff used
                                                                                                                                                                         their response to Metronet’s
                                                                                                                                                                         ‘sky rail’ proposal, which
                                   Mr Hall said.                                                          “Following initial feed-        rebuilding Cannington sta-     will be presented to council
CANNING            councillors       He said Wharf Street was                                           back from the City of Can-        tion, for cost efficiencies.   at this month’s meeting, to
should seek to overhaul the        a key strategic route that                                           ning, both the City and State        Mr Hall said the most       advocate for the retention of
State Government’s pro-            connected Welshpool Road                                             Government believe this           important aspect of the pro-   Welshpool station and ele-
posed transformation of the        to Albany Highway, as well                                           option should not be pur-         ject was the removal of        vated rail over the Hamilton
Armadale rail line, includ-        as being the location of its                                         sued.                             crossings that “have put       Street crossing instead of a
ing the planned closure of         Leisureplex and library.                                               “A new option will be dis-      large parts of Cannington      road bridge.
Welshpool train station,             “We are also pleased (the                                          tributed for feedback that        under gridlock”, as well as       The report also called for
according to a report by City      Department of Transport)                                             includes elevated rail at         the opening up of land         the elevation of rail to be
staff.                             will include the elevation of      Community facilities              Hamilton and Wharf streets,       underneath the elevated rail   extended to a newly built
   And in a significant win        Cannington and Queens              underneath the ‘sky rail’ in      together with elevated rail at    for development and the op-    Cannington train station
for local officials, Transport     Park train stations in cost-       Melbourne.                        William Street. Reasons for       portunity to transform Can-    and Gerard Street, with the
Minister Rita Saffioti has al-     ings to see if it can be includ-                                     this include opportunities to     nington train station.         removal of the Gerard Street
ready agreed to take the clo-      ed in the first phase of           Street, Carlisle and poten-       enhance local community              Cannington MLA Bill         bridge.
sure of Wharf Street “off the      works,” Mr Hall said.              tially Queens Park.               connectivity across the rail      Johnston said the proposals       “If Welshpool station can-
table” and include the               Ms Saffioti last month              “We put forward two            corridor and to achieve           were good for the region.      not be retained at this stage,
upgrade of additional sta-         announced Perth’s first ‘sky       options for feedback in rela-     enhanced land use and pre-           “These proposals will       it is imperative to allow a
tions in costings after meet-      rail’ with up to 2.8km of ele-     tion to the level crossing re-    cinct outcomes under and          deliver a great outcome for    place and a location for its
ing with Mayor Patrick Hall.       vated track, the removal of        moval in Cannington, one of       around the elevated rail-         local residents; they will     reinstatement at a later
   “It was an incredibly posi-     six level crossings and the        (which) included the closure      way.”                             reduce noise, reduce traffic   stage,” staff said.
tive meeting and we received       construction of new train          of Wharf Street, as well as         Consideration was also          delays and improve public         The station is next to the
a commitment on the spot to        stations at Beckenham, Oats        road over rail at Hamilton        being given to combining          transport options,” he said.   Albany Highway Activity
                                                                                                                                                                         Corridor that will allow for
                                                                                                                                                                         more businesses and resi-

  Sky’s the limit for frustrated mayor
                                                                                                                                                                         dents closer to the railway
                                                                                                                                                                         line, is close to the Bentley
                                                                                                                                                                         Plaza shopping centre that is
                                                                                                                                                                         likely to expand in future,
  THE Town of Victoria Park                                                                                                                                              close to the Bentley 360 rede-
  has slammed the State                                                                                                                                                  velopment area and vital to
  Government’s plan to cre-                                                                                                                                              provide transport options
  ate Perth’s first ‘sky rail’,                                                                                                                                          for employees of the indus-
  saying it fails to reconnect                                                                                                                                           trial area.
  communities divided by                                                                                                                                                    While acknowledging that
  rail crossings on the Arma-                                                                                                                                            a road over rail bridge at
  dale line.                                                                                                                                                             Hamilton Street has been
     Mayor Karen Vernon                                                                                                                                                  planned for several years,
  said the elevated approach,                                                                                                                                            the report said elevated rail
  which would result in the                                                                                                                                              at the intersection would
  removal of crossings in the                                                                                                                                            prevent an “undulating, rol-
  Town at Mint Street and                                                                                                                                                lercoaster-like rail line” and
  Oats Street, was short-                                                                                                                                                free up land for develop-
  sighted.                                                                                                                                                               ment.
     “This is a once-in-a-                                                                                                                                                  The PTA had previously
  generation opportunity to                                                                                                                                              advised the Cannington
  truly allow for the recon-                                                                                                                                             train     station      upgrade
  nection of our communi-                                                                                                                                                was outside the scope of the
  ties across the rail line,” Ms                                                                                                                                         level crossing removal pro-
  Vernon said.                                                                                                                                                           ject.
     “We strongly believe the                                                                                                                                               “PTA (has) advised that
  elevated approach does not                                                                                                                                             given Cannington train sta-
  go far enough to truly                                                                                                                                                 tion’s high usage and its
  achieve transformational                                                                                                                                               pivotal location opposite
  change for the southeast                                                                                                                                               Cecil Avenue, it is likely to be
  corridor of the inner Perth                                                                                                                                            upgraded in the near
  metro region over the long-                                                                                                                                            future,” the report said.
  term. Our preference is for       Victoria Park Mayor Karen Vernon at the Oats Street level crossing. Picture: Andrew Ritchie                                             “The City should advocate
  the Government to go much                                                                                                                                              for the Cannington station
  further by undergrounding         ity and linked cycle paths.”         “This project will also        cating for an investigation      guise of bringing this pro-     and Gerard Street Bridge re-
  the rail line along this cor-       Transport Minister Rita         mean new train stations at        of     underground      rail     ject forward for economic       moval works to be brought
  ridor.                            Saffioti rejected the under-      Carlisle and Oats Street,         options but was given less       stimulus         following      forward.
     “This would allow for          ground rail option as too         giving the local community        than 24 hours notice of the      COVID-19,” she said.               “Extending elevated rail
  better land use opportu-          expensive and said the new        the opportunity to have           sky rail announcement.             “It has robbed us of the      from Queens Park station to
  nities through transit-ori-       project would remove parts        their say on what they               “While we have been           opportunity to truly influ-     Cannington station will pro-
  ented development, create         of the rail barrier that had      would like these new sta-         working with the Metronet        ence the outcome, given         vide the much-needed ‘step
  better transport integra-         separated      communities        tions designs to look like,”      team, this announcement is       limited consultation with       change’ opportunity to sub-
  tion and accessibility, and       such as Carlisle, East Victo-     she said.                         another example of State         council, and none that we       stantially increase the City
  better public health out-         ria Park and Cannington              Mrs Vernon said the            Government       sidelining      know of with our commun-        Centre’s future purpose as a
  comes, with more walkabil-        for more than a century.          Town has since been advo-         local government under the       ity.”                           truly integrated activity

6         NEWS                                                                     July 16, 2020

      Domestic violence fears remain
 AN anticipated rise in do-         “When COVID-19 hit and          violence was historically
 mestic violence cases during     we went into lockdown,            under-reported.
 the COVID-19 pandemic has        there    was    actually     a      “It is likely there has been
 yet to eventuate in the local    decrease because women            significant under-reporting
 region, but some services        were not seeking assis-           during the restrictions,” she
 are predicting demand may        tance,” she said.                 said.
 soon increase.                     “However, there was an            “Women who may not be
   Starick chief executive        increase in women checking        ready to report abuse may
 Leanne Barron leads the          out options on Facebook and       walk into a police station to
 charity     that    supports     websites.                         seek advice from one of the
 women and children escap-          “Some sectors are predic-       advocates stationed at Bel-
 ing family and domestic vio-     ting an increase in reports of    mont or Cannington police
 lence        in       Perth’s    domestic     violence    and      station.”
 southeastern metro region        women seeking help is on            A WA Police spokesman
 and said they had expected       the horizon, especially once      said the Cannington district
 an increase in demand as a       measures such as JobKeep-         did not have an increase in
 result of stay-at-home mea-      er and JobSeeker finish.”         family violence during the
 sures.                             Ms Barron said domestic         March to June period.

 Brooke Thorburn and Owen Clark enjoy a ride along the new shared path in Bentley.

 Time to get
 on your bike
 THE first section of a new       as well as Bentley 360, a de-     begun, with construction of
 shared cycling and walking       velopment expected to even-       the first 2km section to begin
 path that will ultimately link   tually have 1650 new              in July, running between
 the Canning City Centre to       dwellings, new shops and          Canning City Centre and
 Curtin University has been       sporting facilities.              Willetton via the Canning
 completed.                         The path is the first of five   River Regional Park.
   The 1km section is part of     routes to be rolled out over        Canning Mayor Patrick
 Route 1 under the City of        the next 10 years. Once com-      Hall said the shared paths
 Canning’s      Cycling    and    plete, it will run from           signalled the City’s desire to
 Walking Plan, providing an       Queens Park Regional Open         create a more connected
 off-road path for bikes and      Space to Bentley via the Can-     Canning.
 pedestrians      that    runs    ning City Centre and extend         “We are planning for the
 through Bentley.                 beyond City boundaries to         future and these new safer
   It is intended to improve      Curtin, with a shared path        routes will connect resi-
 access to Santa Clara Pri-       under development by the          dents to strategic activity
 mary, Bentley Primary and        Town of Victoria Park.            centres, and provide an
 Al-Hidayah Islamic schools,        Design for Route 2 has          important link,” he said.

July 16, 2020                                                                                                                                                              NEWS                 7

                                                                                                 Magistrate’s dog
                                                                                                 attack warning
                                                                                                 Jon Bassett                         He said significant scar-      Ms Berry told the court.
                                                                                                                                   ring caused by the attack          But     Magistrate     Evan
                                                                                                 A PERTH magistrate has            required six hours of sur-       Shackleton was uncon-
                                                                                                 warned a young mum that           gery, three days of hospital     vinced, saying a dog that had
                                                                                                 her     rescue    greyhound,      care and ongoing treatment.      bitten once was a “mathe-
                                                                                                 which bit open the face of a        “Greyhounds are well           matical chance” of biting
                                                                                                 house guest in a horrific         known to have a propensity       again.
                                                                                                 lounge room attack, may           to have an aggressive nature       Mr Shackleton said the
                                                                                                 now be a threat to her young      and require extra control,”      victim’s injuries were at the
                                                                                                 son.                              Mr Beckett said.                 “horrific” end of the scale
                                                                                                   The bites by former track         Friends of the victim took     and warned Ms Berry of her
                                                                                                 racer Donny left serious          her to hospital, but Ms Ber-     pet’s potential to attack her
                                                                                                 injuries to the female house      ry’s role after the attack was   boy in the future.
                                                                                                 guest’s forehead, left cheek      contested in the court.            He fined Ms Berry $1000
   Mayor Patrick Hall and Elder Roma Winmar.                                                     and lips, and opened up the         Mr Beckett said she had        for the attack and ordered

   Reconciliation in the frame
                                                                                                 left side of her mouth.           got up from sleep in her         she pay the City of Can-
                                                                                                   Jessica Leigh Berry (24),       bedroom, sworn and gone          ning’s costs of $1395.
                                                                                                 of Rossmoyne, a single mum        back to her bed.                   Ms Berry will have a spent
                                                                                                 of an 18-month-old boy,             Ms Berry’s defence lawyer      conviction so she has no
   THE City of Canning has        week to Canning Mayor           tage and strengthen its        pleaded guilty to being liable    said her client had woken        criminal record when seek-
   secured a beautiful piece of   Patrick Hall.                   relationships with the         for dog attack on a person or     and controlled and consoled      ing a job.
   Aboriginal art as part of        He said it was a visual       local Whadjuk Noongar          animal at Perth Magistrates       the dog because the friends        When contacted outside
   plans to rejuvenate its        commitment to the City’s        people, as well as ensuring    Court last Friday.                were already dealing with        the court, Southern River
   council building.              support reconciliation.         the heritage of Aboriginal       City of Canning lawyer          the injured house guest.         Love da Hound founder
     Sister Kate’s Home Kids        The City is committed to      and Torres Strait Islander     Tim Beckett said grey-              Ms Berry had the grey-         Ellisha James alleged the
   Aboriginal    Corporation      building awareness of the       peoples is conserved and       hounds were a breed known         hound for four years after       attack was provoked when
   unveiled the artwork last      City’s rich Aboriginal heri-    celebrated in the area.        to attack that required muz-      getting it from volunteers at    the dog was disturbed from
                                                                                                 zles in public.                   the Love da Hound charity        his sleep.
                                                                                                   But Donny was unmuz-            that finds homes for the rac-      Ms James said the “hun-

Rider still in critical condition                                                                zled because it was inside
                                                                                                 when it was being patted by
                                                                                                 the victim while she, the dog
                                                                                                                                   ing dogs.
                                                                                                                                     After the attack, the dog
                                                                                                                                   was returned to Love da
                                                                                                                                                                    dreds” of greyhounds she
                                                                                                                                                                    had found homes for, includ-
                                                                                                                                                                    ing 15 used as therapy and
AN 18-year-old motorcyclist       5, near the intersection of       Detectives are seeking to    and other guests were on a        Hound for three weeks of         assistance animals, would
was still in a critical condi-    Tighe and Kew streets.          establish the movements of     couch at Ms Berry’s Ross-         behaviour training before it     not have been sent out if
tion at Royal Perth Hospital        Cannington       Detectives   the rider before the crash     moyne share house about           was taken back by Ms Berry       they had failed tests to see if
on Tuesday after a serious        want to speak with anyone       and whether an item, such      5am on June 16 last year.         for more classes after she       they disliked cats, small
crash in Cloverdale earlier       who saw the crash or were       as a brick, was thrown at        “While she was looking at       moved from the share house.      dogs or children.
this month.                       travelling in the area at the   him. Call Crime Stoppers on    the dog, it made a noise, did a     “The dog is much calmer          She said Donny did not
   The incident happened          time and have dashcam foot-     1800 333 000 or visit www.     180-degree turn and bit her,”     now and I wouldn’t keep a        require any extra visits after
about 1am on Sunday, July         age.                            crimestopperswa.com.au.        Mr Beckett said.                  dog if it threatened my son,”    an initial check.

8         NEWS                                                                    July 16, 2020

 Cynthia Wong teaches youngsters money skills.

 Money making idea
 CYNTHIA Wong wants to            gram later in the year.          can make a difference for
 encourage young children to        The Accelerator Program        our children.
 take control of their finan-     provides further business           “Dreaming big, I am hop-
 cial future.                     training and mentoring, as       ing to get into the program,
   The local woman behind         well as an opportunity to        form     connections     with
 Empower2Free has won a           source funding and invest-       others who believe in empo-
 chance to make a pitch to a      ment.                            wering the next generation
 business accelerator pro-          Cynthia said the Plus          and become a success story
 gram that will help her de-      Eight Sprint experience was      to show how we ourselves
 velop     her      enterprise    a great way to learn from        are responsible for unlock-
 through the City of Can-         other business owners.           ing our future today.”
 ning’s Business Mentoring          “When running your own            Canning Mayor Patrick
 Program.                         business, it can often be a      Hall said the Business Men-
   With a goal of helping chil-   solo journey,” she said.         toring Program was devel-
 dren unlock the critical           “Sharing challenges and        oped to provide advice and
 secrets to money manage-         survival tips with one an-       guidance for local business-
 ment skills, Cynthia helps       other, or even learning to       es on their journey to bigger
 young ones look beyond the       laugh at ourselves, has          and better things.
 numbers and understand           helped give me fuel for the         “We recognise that run-
 what they represent.             challenging moments of           ning a business can often be
   After completing the six-      working on the business.         a lonely journey and having
 week Plus Eight Sprint             “Competition into the          the advice and support of a
 course with the City for         Accelerator Program will be      mentor is invaluable,” he
 start-up businesses, Cynthia     intense, so I look forward to    said.
 was chosen to pitch for Spa-     presenting our pitch and get-       Visit   www.canning.wa.
 cecubed’s Accelerator Pro-       ting people to realise that we   gov.au/BMP.

July 16, 2020                                                              NEWS                    9

Josh Zimmerman                                                      help everybody out (by con-
                                                                    straining rates increases)
STAFF leaving some Perth                                            and we’re paying $125,000 to
councils are getting golden                                         somebody for leaving the
handshakes worth tens or                                            company.”
even hundreds of thousands                                            Two enterprise agree-
of dollars through a little-                                        ments covering City of Bel-
known gratuity program                                              mont staff provide access to
shrouded in secrecy.                                                gratuity payments, which
   The City of Belmont alone                                        for some employees who
paid out almost $1 million in                                       started before 2006 are
gratuity payments to 26 staff                                       uncapped.
members over the past five                                            To qualify for a payout,
years, equating to an aver-                                         staff must have a minimum
age windfall of more than         Belmont Councillor Jenny          10 years “satisfactory ser-
$37,000 per employee.             Davis.                            vice” and be retiring at age
   Over the same period, 22                                         55 or over or through ill
City of Perth staff have          Swan — failed to provide          health.
shared in $638,000 in gratui-     details of their gratuities         Belmont chief executive
ty payments — an average          more than a month after ini-      Bruce Christie confirmed
$29,000 each — while the City     tial questions.                   the CEO had “authority to
of     Canning      splashed         Each council is required to    determine eligibility and au-
$253,000 on 105 employees.        prepare and publicly adver-       thorise payment for all
   The generous farewell          tise its Section 5.50 policy,     employees in accordance
payments are permitted            but once enshrined there is       with agreement parame-
under an obscure section of       no obligation to advertise in-    ters”.
the Local Government Act,         dividual payments.                  “These payments were
which allows councils to             The City of Belmont’s          negotiated by employee rep-
hand employees cash “in           2020-21 budget, adopted late      resentatives on behalf of
addition to contract or           last month, sets aside a fur-     employees as part of the
award” when their employ-         ther $169,000 in gratuities for   enterprise bargaining proc-
ment comes to an end.             two employees slated to           ess,” Mr Christie said.
   These payments are dis-        retire this financial year.         “The aim of introducing a
tinct from small parting             Speaking on that budget,       capped system was to ensure
gifts, such as flowers or a       Belmont Councillor Jenny          that we would, in the future,
bottle of wine, and in most       Davis questioned the appro-       limit our financial liability.
cases are a recognition of        priateness of the payments.         “Negotiation on offsets by
long service.                        “There is one employee         the bargaining parties on
   Canning, which caps pay-       retiring who is going to earn     (an enterprise agreement) is
ments at $15,000, has binned      $125,000 in a golden hand-        a normal practice in indus-
gratuities for employees that     shake,” Cr Davis said.            trial relations bargaining.
have started since 2016.             “That is pretty lucrative.       “By having these arrange-
   Half a dozen other metro-      Somebody else is going to         ments in place, the City has
politan councils — Arma-          retire and they’re going to       been able to use it as part of
dale, Bassendean, Cottesloe,      get $44,000.                      our attraction and retention
South Perth, Subiaco and             “There we are trying to        strategy.”

  Doctor answers House call for Labor
  WA Labor has announced Dr          He is currently an Adjunct     Australians Indian Medical
  Jagadish Krishnan as its        Associate Clinical Professor      Association and the Perth
  candidate for the seat of       of Curtin University’s School     Hindu temple.
  Riverton at next year’s State   of Medicine.                         The Liberal Party has
  Election.                          He is also a member of         already announced Anthony
    Dr Krishnan, known in the     the Royal Australian College      Spagnolo as its candidate to
  community as Dr Jags, is a      of General Practitioners,         replace long-serving Mike
  GP who has recently worked      Australian Medical                Nahan in Riverton when he
  on the frontline during the     Association, Australians          retires at the end of his
  COVID-19 pandemic.              General Practice Alliance,        current term.

10         FOOD                                                              July 16, 2020

                                                                 Manager Jayde Hicks
                                                                 at the new Guzman Y
                                                                  Gomez restaurant at
                                                                      Carousel. Picture:
                                                                         Andrew Ritchie

 Hola enchilada
 MEXICAN restaurant            was built in just 14 weeks.    restaurant chain.
 Guzman Y Gomez will open        It is scheduled to open on      “We’ve wanted to open a
 its largest outlet in WA at   Wednesday, July 22, and        flagship drive-through in
 Westfield Carousel next       will offer $5 burritos and     Perth for quite some time,
 week, creating 56 jobs.       burrito bowls from 7am to      we just needed to find the
    The two-storey dual-lane   10pm.                          perfect real estate site,” Mr
 drive-through restaurant at     Founder Steven Marks         Marks said. “Our custom
 the corner of Albany          said Perth was an              Mexican artwork in the
 Highway and Cecil Avenue      important market for the       entrance is breathtaking.”

Nando’s offers winter food relief
 NANDO’S is teaming up         will donate the cost of a      experienced food insecurity
 with Foodbank this winter     meal to Foodbank every         at some point in the past 12
 to provide food relief to     time a customer spends $15     months. Nando’s
 those doing it tough during   or more.                       spokeswoman Helen Reece
 the coronavirus pandemic.        Foodbank chief executive    said in just four weeks the
   Nando’s in Canning Vale,    Brianna Casey said one in      initiative had provided
 Cannington and Willetton      five Australians had           more than 600,000 meals.


12        SWANCARE ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                                                                                                       July 16, 2020

Game-changing aged care
NO, this is not a five-star
hotel or new apartment
complex — this is Perth’s
newest residential aged
care facility and it is a
game-changer for aged care
in WA
   SwanCare Ningana is the
fourth care facility within
SwanCare Bentley Park,
WA’s largest aged care and
retirement campus, and has
been cleverly designed to
emulate familiar concepts
of home.
   The fundamental design
concept of the building
consists of a unique layout
where rooms become
individual homes along a
street that connects to a
wider neighbourhood and
   There are indoor gardens,
resident-use kitchens,
reading nooks, lounge
spaces and an enclosed
fireplace on each level.
   With abundant daylight       SwanCare Ningana is changing aged care living for the better. Pictures: Frances Andrijich
and natural ventilation, the
design also brings the          mature gum trees provide a      and dedicated — they really     behind-the-scenes                Each level has a casual     of meals, adding to the
outside in. There are large     shaded green space for the      know what they are doing.       workspaces that allow          resident-staff meeting        home-like atmosphere.
glass windows on the sides      outdoor deck space on each      You really couldn’t ask for     everyday equipment             space with a nurse station       SwanCare Ningana offers
of the building, with the       upper level, some with city     more.”                          storage as well as laundry     area positioned near the      flexible and adaptable room
interior of the building        views.                            Taking a whole-of-            collection areas.              resident’s kitchenette and    types to cater for singles or
hugging an open-air               “Ningana surpasses all        building approach to               The separation between      dining space, providing a     couples, or those seeking a
landscaped atrium.              my expectations, I can’t give   dementia care, Ningana          living and working spaces      relaxed place for residents   much larger room type
   Sun-loving residents can     high enough praise,”            offers a layout with few        reduces both noise and         and staff to chat and         than traditionally offered.
“chase the sun”, with           resident Patricia               decision points, reducing       operational clutter (such as   connect.                         SwanCare Ningana is
daylight infiltrating various   Muirhead-Caddle said.           possibilities for confusion.    trolleys and medical             This space also offers an   managed by SwanCare, a
parts of the building over        “Aside from the beautiful       Staff have access to          equipment), enabling           operational staff kitchen,    non-profit and WA
the course of the day.          building, the staff are         ‘hidden’ operational            residents to feel more at      allowing residents to see     aged-care organisation
   On the western side,         wonderfully professional        corridors that provide          home and relaxed.              and smell the preparation     operating since 1961.



Quest complete for
sun worshipper
Keren Bellos                  would celebrate the “typical       Making an impression at      Scarborough and it used to
                              suntanned Australian            175cm tall, she scooped a £5    be packed,” Mrs Repper
WEARING her blonde hair       beach girl” and judges          cash prize equivalent to        said. “They would go
loosely tied in a ponytail    wouldn’t ask contestants to     about $165 today,               swimming and leave their
and not a skerrick of         raise money or pass tests       sunglasses, two pairs of        stuff on the sand and
make-up, Julie Repper         during weekly rounds at         stockings and a permanent       nothing would be pinched.
never imagined winning the    beaches across Perth,           hair wave, as well as a           “In those days, shark
beauty pageant heat she       Mandurah and Bunbury.           white lurex swimsuit to be      attacks were unheard of.
entered on a whim.              As an unmarried WA            worn at the final.              There was also no high
  It was December 2, 1956,    resident back then who met         Mrs Repper, now 81,          rise. I think the highest
when the first leg of the     the quest’s minimum age         described her success as the    building was the old
State’s second Miss           requirement — and avid          icing on the cake after         Scarborough Hotel, which
Sunshine Quest, held by       beach-goer sporting a           triumphing earlier that         was two storeys.”
WA Newspapers’ former         terrific tan without using      year at the surf life saving      The competition’s 10
Weekend Mail publication,     butter or paying to be          clubs’ belt race, being the     heat winners each
hit Scarborough Beach in      sprayed in mutton bird oil      first swimmer to put a surf     represented a beach
front of a 3500-strong        on the sand — Mrs Repper        belt around their waist and     during the final at
crowd.                        qualified to compete.           tow a line out to a buoy — a    Cottesloe on February 2,
  A 17-year-old champion        “Three or four of us who      State title she had also won    1957, where Mrs Repper
surf club swimmer living in   were friends decided on the     in 1953.                        placed third.
the northern suburbs at the   spot to go in it,’” she said.      She recalls regularly          Pam Werndly, then of
time, Mrs Repper (nee           “I was au naturel and not     having a good time at the       Rivervale, was named
Grange) was one of 19         feeling very confident.         beach during a much             Miss Sunshine.
entrants vying to be named      “It was a big competition,    simpler era.                      All the action was
the competition’s Miss        so I was just gobsmacked to        “People would travel         captured in a newsreel
Scarborough.                  win the heat and a little       huge distances by bus to        screened at the Mayfair
  The paper reported it       embarrassed.”                   spend the day at                Theatrette in Perth city.    Miss Scarborough 1956, Julie Repper (nee Grange).

July 16, 2020                                                                                      BAPTISTCARE ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                   15

Graham Mabury back on mic
IT has been six years since                                                                                                     “Everybody’s ageing             “The sessions provide
legendary broadcaster                                                                                                        journey is different and it     practical information about
Graham Mabury signed off                                                                                                     was a privilege to hear         retirement and aged care,
from his hugely popular                                                                                                      people’s deeply personal        and have proven
Nightline radio program on                                                                                                   stories about the               enormously popular,” he
6PR for the last time.                                                                                                       unexpected joys and             said.
  After 33 years of using                                                                                                    challenges we can face as          “Attendees have shared
the power and immediacy                                                                                                      we grow older,” he said.        many questions and
of talkback radio to create a                                                                                                   “We also spoke to experts    personal stories with our
sense of community among                                                                                                     such as renowned dementia       team during these events,
his legion of listeners, he                                                                                                  researcher Professor Ralph      and it demonstrates that we
felt the time was right to                                                                                                   Martins and independent         need to be talking more
step away from the                                                                                                           financial planner Nick          about the issues that matter
microphone.                                                                                                                  Bruining, so the podcast        to people as they age.”
  But while he may have                                                                                                      provides plenty of practical       Graham said work had
retired from radio to allow                                                                                                  information and advice.”        already started on Series
him and wife Merle to                                                                                                           While it is Graham’s first   Two and he is hoping
spend more time with their                                                                                                   foray into podcasting, he       Demystifying Aged Care
sons — both successful                                                                                                       believes Demystifying Aged      listeners will send in their
musicians living overseas                                                                                                    Care has strong synergies       questions and feedback,
— Graham’s life is busier                                                                                                    with the brand of radio he      and provide suggestions for
than ever.                                                                                                                   is synonymous with.             future episodes.
  In addition to his role as                                                                                                    “Nightline was about            “We are giving a voice to
pastor at the Mt Pleasant                                                                                                    empowering people to act        the conversations that are
Church, he is on the Curtin                                                                                                  on their own behalf and         happening now in the
FM Advisory Board, sits on                                                                                                   linking them with               community,” he said. “We
three animal ethics and                                                                                                      resources,” he said.            are unpacking the aged
three human ethics                                                                                                              “When we created the         care issues that matter, and
research committees, and is                                                                                                  biggest blanket in the          sharing insights and
an ambassador and patron                                                                                                     world, we were joining          information through a free
of several not-for-profit       Graham Mabury and Baptistcare’s Russell Bricknell in the studio for the Demystifying         people, not just knitted        and easily accessible
organisations.                  Aged Care podcast. Picture: Tony McDonough                                                   squares, and I believe this     broadcast medium.”
  Transitioning from life in                                                                                                 podcast will deliver that          Listen now by searching
radio has seen the now          the microphone, this time     extra support and care.         residential aged care and      same sense of connection.”      for Demystifying Aged Care
73-year-old drawing on his      as the host of a podcast         Series One, which is now     the concept of dying well.        Baptistcare chief            on your favourite podcast
superannuation and a part       exploring ageing.             live on all major podcast          Although Graham was a       exeuctive Russell Bricknell     app or by visiting
pension and, in his own            Produced by aged-care      apps, features six episodes     little nervous about pulling   said the idea for the podcast   www.baptistcare.com.au/
words, “dealing with some       provider Baptistcare, the     examining the emotional,        on the headphones and          was born from the               podcast.
changes in lifestyle I didn’t   podcast is called             physical, spiritual, and        jumping back into a radio      community response to the          Baptistcare has more
see coming”.                    Demystifying Aged Care        financial aspects of ageing.    studio after a six-year        free Demystifying Aged          than 45 years of experience
  These are the personal        and, as the name suggests,       Topics include dementia,     hiatus, his conversations      Care information sessions       providing home care and
experiences Graham is           is about navigating what      planning for retirement,        with experts, seniors and      the organisation had been       residential living options
sharing with a new              can be a challenging          accessing home care,            their families prove that      running over the past few       for West Australians in
audience as he returns to       journey for those needing     volunteering, living in         broadcasting is in his DNA.    years.                          their senior years.

16         WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                             July 16, 2020

Perth is the place to be
Arylene Westlake-Jennings                                                                                                           The co-founder and

WE’VE heard it time and
                                                                                                                                  director added one of the
                                                                                                                                  biggest challenges thus far
time again: Melbourne and                                                                                                         in 2020 had been the                  EVENTS
Sydney are “so much
better” than Perth.
                                                                                                                                  uncertainty surrounding if
                                                                                                                                  and when business would
  Unfortunately for our                                                                                                           return to normal.                    FOR 2020
prodigal eastern states                                                                                                             “With events having such       • OKTOBERFEST IN THE
cousins, the pandemic has                                                                                                         a significant lead time, it       GARDENS – Saturday,
made it difficult for them to                                                                                                     caused a lot of difficulties      October 10
maintain that facade.                                                                                                             co-ordinating logistics and      • GOOD DAY SUNSHINE
  Because, unlike them, we                                                                                                        marketing campaigns for           (Margaret River) –
are now possibly just days                                                                                                        events which were at one          Saturday, October 31
away from Phase 5 of our                                                                                                          stage at risk of not             • BY THE C – Saturday,
restrictions easing, with all                                                                                                     occurring at all in 2020,” Mr     November 7
state restrictions removed,                                                                                                       Buckley said.                    • DINER EN BLANC –
including the 2sq m rule                                                                                                            “Despite these                  Saturday, November 7
dropped for all venues (oh,                                                                                                       challenges, we remained          • THE PINEAPPLE CLUB
except for the hard border                                                                                                        positive and stayed focused       – Saturday, November 21
with the rest of the country                                                                                                      on rolling with the bumps.       • GIN TONICA FESTIVAL
but perhaps we’d be wise to                                                                                                         “It’s been wonderful to         – Sunday, November 29
keep that for now).                                                                                                               touch base with all our          • SETS ON THE BEACH
  When Phase 4 was                                                                                                                suppliers and vendors to          PRESENTS FISHER
announced, a collective                                                                                                           get the ball rolling again        BEACH PARTY –
cheer could be heard from                                                                                                         and play a part in helping        Sunday, November 29
across our state from event     Nowhereman Brewing Co’s Pia Poynton, Rocky Ridge Brewing Co’s Ricky Watt, Perth                   them get back on their feet
organisers and rescheduled      Craft Beer Festival organiser Brett Walsh, Feral Brewing Company’s Bronte O’Donoghue              again, too.”
dates came pouring out.         and Funk Cider’s Dougie Clarke are looking forward to September’s Perth Craft Beer                  Down in our most
  One of those throwing         Festival at Claremont Showground. Picture: Andrew Ritchie                                         recognised wine region, the     prospect for both our artist
her hands up was Palace J                                                                                                         organisers of Margaret          and local tourism
Entertainment’s Jaylee          reasons.                       edition.”                         favourites Beer Farm,            River Region Open Studios       industry,” Open Studios
Osborne as she signalled          “We’re feeling incredibly      Punters are also marking        Rocky Ridge and Boston           were also thrilled to           chairman Jim Davies said.
the return of another of her    enthusiastic and inspired to   the weekend of September          Brewing Co for the event’s       announce its new dates for        So whether you’re
many events that had to be      make it the best year so       4–6 on their calendars for        third edition.                   September 12–23,                looking for a good excuse to
rescheduled.                    far,” Ms Osborne said. “The    the return of WA’s biggest          “We’re absolutely thrilled     confirming a whopping 101       catch up with friends while
  The event director’s          hardest things was the         hops-induced booze-up, the        to be announcing the             artists from the South-West     perusing inspiring
popular vino-themed music       uncertainly of whether it      Perth Craft Beer Festival, in     return of Perth Craft Beer       would open the doors to         creations, turning it up
festival Wine Machine will      was going to happen or not.    time for Father’s Day.            Festival for 2020; it’s one of   their studio to art lovers.     with your besties or
return to the Swan Valley         “So much love has gone         Claremont Showground            our flagship events, and an        “We believe it might be       shouting Dad a frothy, there
for its fourth year on          into planning the event we     will be filled with a range of    event we put a lot of love       the first full-scale event      are plenty of options in the
Saturday, October 17, after     just want to see it come to    breweries and cideries from       into, plus, there’s beer!”       returning to the Margaret       near future for everyone to
the original April date had     fruition; we are all very      across the country,               Aedan Buckley, from event        River region post COVID-19      wrap up 2020 on a more
to be moved for obvious         excited for a spring           including West Australian         organisers Bar Pop, said.        restrictions, an exciting       positive note.


18      ART                                                                                                              July 16, 2020

                                                                                                                  Gemini The Twins,
                                                                                                                  Leo The Lion and
                                                                                                                  Aries The Ram by

     Art written
                                                                                                                  Aisha Valenti

     in the stars
     Tanya MacNaughton                    youth who are at high risk of        backgrounds from around the
                                          ending up in detention centres;      world — Australia, India, Asia
     DIVERSITY is key for artist          it’s what I’d like to avoid.         — where I’d use their pictures
     Aisha Valenti (pictured), whose         “So I provide counselling for     and incorporate something to
     mixed medium practice can            three to 18-year-olds. I             do with the star sign. So Leo,
     move between realistic               incorporate a lot of art therapy     for example, has the claws of a
     portraits to surreal portraits       in my sessions.”                     lion and Scorpio has a braid
     and landscapes, all while being         Valenti’s two interests have      which looks like a scorpion tail
     attached to her bright, bold and     collided once more in her latest     across her chest.
     colourful palette.                   art range, a collection of              “I think people really enjoy
       The 28-year-old, who grew up       original star sign pieces printed reading about their own
     in Darwin before spending her        to A4 size.                          personal star sign and there’s
     high school years in                    “I’m very interested in           been a lot of excitement about
     Bassendean, went on to study a       how the environment                                           them.”
     Bachelor of Arts at Curtin           impacts our personality
     University after a lot of positive   or the way we might act
     feedback about her artwork.          in our day to day and
       However, these days she cites      how the universe
     art as being more about her          impacts our mood as
     self-care or mental health care,     well,” she said.
     where it is “what I do in my            “The range came
     spare time” while pursuing her       about from my
     other love in Broome — social        connection with mental
     work.                                health in my social work
       “I finished my degree and          role, plus my passion for
     found a job up here,” Valenti,       art and research around
     who also completed her               different personality
     Bachelor of Social Work at           types.
     Curtin University, said.                “I found a bunch of
       “I have a strong passion for       female models of all            View more of Valenti’s
     supporting youth, especially         different ethnic                art at aishavalenti.com.



July 16, 2020                                                       FILM               21

      Torrent of emotion
 Taylor Russell as Emily.

 Lucy Rutherford                                              character of Tyler to
                                  WAVES (MA)                  ensure authenticity.
 WAVES bombards the               DIRECTOR: Trey Edward          Every actor is
 senses in a swirl of colour,     Shults                      outstanding in their role
 music and every kind of          STARRING: Sterling K.       and the film is at its best in
 camera technique to tell an      Brown, Kelvin Harrison      quieter moments
 ambitious family saga.           Jr., Taylor Russell         immersing us in their
    The film centres on an        Three stars                 interactions. Shults’ skill in
 African-American family          NOW SHOWING                 evoking emotion through
 living in Florida, the humid     REVIEW BY: Lucy             light, swirling camera
 and lush backdrop                Rutherford                  movements, aspect changes
 beautifully shot as a                                        and an eclectic soundtrack
 character in itself.                                         is impressive, though
    Teenager Tyler (Kelvin      Emily (Taylor Russell), her   verging on music video
 Harrison Jr) appears to        disconnection from her        territory.
 have it all: a supportive      family and her solace in         As tragedy after tragedy
 family, success on his         dorky boyfriend Luke          befalls these characters
 school’s wrestling team and    (Lucas Hedges).               over more than two hours,
 a girlfriend he loves.           Waves is                    Waves edges into the kind of
    However, pressure from      semi-autobiographical for     misery porn that is more
 his father leads him to        white director and writer     likely to elicit weariness
 cover up a serious shoulder    Trey Edward Shults, who       then tears. There are many
 injury, an action that         made the characters           brilliant and original
 initiates his spiral out of    African-American after        elements to Waves and
 control. Halfway through,      casting close friend          while it does not always
 the film switches to the       Harrison Jr and working       work, it will leave you
 point of view of his sister    closely with him on the       reeling one way or another.


Triton tough to beat
Grant Edwards                   more appealing for business      white $940.                       your way through suburban        model that’s another $4850)       — can use the steering
                                owners and with COVID-19            Warranty coverage is           carparks.                        feels like it’s in for the long   wheel paddles for
WHEN you’re a ute owner,        restrictions making              seven years or 150,000km.            Rear cross traffic alert is   haul within a predominant-        manual-style control.
things get done.                overseas and even                   The first three services       also standard, which is an       ly black and straight-              The auto offers timely
  Within hours of getting       interstate travel look dicey     are capped at $299 and            extra set of eyes when           forwardly designed cabin.         shifts and the Triton gets
behind the wheel of the         for at least the short-term,     maintenance is due                reversing. One interesting         Adding the smartphone           away off the line
Mitsubishi Triton, a couch      there is no better time to       annually or every 15,000km.       inclusion is Mitsubishi’s        mirroring apps brings the         briskly.VERDICT:
was moved.                      explore our own backyard.           Among the first utes to        “misacceleration                 infotainment up to modern         Dual-cabs no longer equal a
  Then a desk, filing              We stepped into the           raise the safety bar, the         mitigation” feature, which       expectations: once plugged        rock-hard ride and
cabinet, chair, followed by a   mid-spec GLS variant.            Triton has a five-star safety     guards against the driver        in via the USB port, it           featureless travels.
cross-trainer.                     Base variants are bereft      rating but it was awarded         mistakenly punching the          provides easy access to           Blending car comforts and
  There’s a good reason         of alloy wheels and extra        five years ago and the            accelerator instead of the       podcasts, music and Google        tough looks, the Triton is
dual cabs have become           style; GLS models are            criteria has since become         brake when stationary or         Maps.                             one of the most affordable
commonplace around              where the specification          more demanding.                   below 10km/h.                      Those in the back sit           utes around, which has
Australian households.          begins to gain the best             Still, Mitsubishi upped its       Radar cruise control is       upright, but have roof-           equipment and four-wheel
  The Toyota HiLux has          creature comforts.               game two years ago and the        one of the few current tech      mounted air vents and a           drive ability tough to beat.
held the nation’s top selling      It has 18-inch alloys,        GLS offers autonomous             items missing.                   fold-down armrest with cup
mantle for the past four        7-inch touchscreen               braking, which can slam on           Nothing too flashy, the       holders.
years, with the Ford Ranger     featuring smartphone             the anchors if the driver         Triton interior combines           Feeling sure-footed and           MITSUBISHI TRITON
snapping at its heels.          mirroring apps Apple             doesn’t react quick enough        work and play.                   robust, the Triton has              GLS
  Typically higher dual-cab     CarPlay and Android Auto,        to a frontal collision (it           The driver has only           developed an honest and             Variant GLS 4x4
prices mean both are out of     side steps, rear diff lock for   detects pedestrians, too),        height adjustment of the         reliable reputation.                Price $47,940
reach for many, but             extra traction, keyless          along with blind spot             steering wheel — no reach          The 2.4-litre four-cylinder       Engine 2.4-litre
Mitsubishi’s five-seat          entry with push button           monitoring and lane change        — although we had no issue       diesel engine may not look          four-cylinder turbo diesel
workhorse appeals with          start and dual-zone aircon.      warning.                          finding a good position          inspiring on paper in               Output 133kW/430Nm
prices starting from about         White and red are the            Measuring more than            behind the wheel with            comparison to rivals, but           Transmission Six-speed
$35,990.                        only free external colours,      5.3m, the front and rear          brilliantly supportive front     feels strong and responsive.        automatic
  The instant asset             with silver, blue, grey and      parking sensors and               seats.                             Those who opt for the             Fuel Economy
write-off makes purchases       black costing an extra $740      reversing camera are vital           Cloth trim (leather is        auto — even tradies prefer          8.6L/100km
before December 30 even         and the special diamond          for successfully navigating       available on the Premium         the self-shifters nowadays

Safety at the heart of all-new Toyota Yaris                      Sam Jeremic                          But the Yaris will be the       Top-spec ZR variants will       had as a manual or CVT —
                                                                                                   first Toyota in Australia        also get front and rear           the others are auto only —
                                                                 TOYOTA has revealed               with a system that can also      parking sensors, which can        and comes with 15-inch
                                                                 further details of its            detect and automatically         hit the brakes to avoid           wheels, LED daytime
                                                                 upcoming all-new Yaris,           brake to avoid other             contact. All three trim           running lamps, 60/40
                                                                 which it says will set a new      vehicles and pedestrians         levels will offer a 1.5-litre     split-fold rear seats and
                                                                 benchmark in the light car        when turning at                  three-cylinder petrol             more.
                                                                 class thanks to its safety,       intersections.                   engine.                             Stepping up to the SX
                                                                 engines and design.                  There’s also a new              Although it loses a             adds satellite navigation,
                                                                   Arriving in August, the         front-row centre airbag          cylinder to the current           keyless entry and start,
                                                                 Yaris will come in three          designed to offer more           engine, power jumps 10 per        15-inch alloy wheels, LED
                                                                 trims — Ascent Sport, SX          protection between the           cent to 88kW, while using at      headlights and taillights,
                                                                 and ZR — and feature a raft       driver and front passenger       least 15 per cent less fuel       piano-black and satin
                                                                 of new safety tech as             in side crashes, or for          with a claimed 4.9L/100km         interior finishes,
                                                                 standard.                         passenger-side crashes           fuel economy.                     leather-accented steering
                                                                   A pre-collision safety          when driving alone.                The bigger news is the SX       wheel and digital meters.
                                                                 system uses a camera,                Other standard gear           and ZR also being available         On top of the fancy
                                                                 radar and autonomous              includes speed sign              with a hybrid set-up, which       parking sensors, the ZR
                                                                 braking to avoid or lessen        recognition, which will let      offers 85kW and drinking          also gets bigger 16-inch
                                                                 the impact of a crash.            you know if you’re               just 3.3L/100km of fuel.          alloys, rear spoiler, head-up
                                                                   As with systems on many         speeding, lane keep assist         All variants get a              display, blind spot monitor,
                                                                 other cars, it can detect         and reverse cameras, still       seven-inch infotainment           sports seats and pedals,
                                                                 vehicles and pedestrians,         somewhat a rarity as a           display and Apple                 piano-black trim, red
                                                                 day or night, and cyclists        standard feature in the light    CarPlay/Android Auto.             inserts and paddle shifters
                                                                 during the day.                   class.                             The Ascent Sport can be         on the petrol variant.
July 16, 2020                                                                                                                                                           SPORT                   23

Swans hold                                                        Dreaming of World Cup Glory
off Demons
SWAN Districts could be          Fisher put together an
                                                                  IT may be three years away,
                                                                  but former Queens Park
                                                                  player and Perth Glory cap-
                                                                  tain Natasha Rigby is al-
                                                                  ready dreaming of the
                                                                                                                                                                    last W-League season, Rig-
                                                                                                                                                                    by started in all 12 games
                                                                                                                                                                    for the Glory and was a con-
                                                                                                                                                                    stant shining light in what
                                                                                                                                                                    was ultimately a disap-
without midfielder-forward       even four-quarter perfor-        grassroots      boost     the                                                                     pointing campaign.
George Hampson for round         mance.                           Women’s World Cup will                                                                               For many footballers,
one of the WAFL after               West Coast WAFL addi-         provide.                                                                                          playing in a home World
knocking off Perth by just       tions Brady Grey, Fraser            The local game is set to                                                                       Cup is considered the peak
eight points in a see-sawing     McInnes and Andrew Fisher        reap the rewards of Austra-                                                                       of     one’s      professional
match at Mineral Resources       lifted in the second half dur-   lia and New Zealand jointly                                                                       career and it is certainly no
Park in Lathlain, 12.6 (78) to   ing the Demons’ fight-back,      hosting the 2023 tourna-                                                                          different for Rigby, who
10.10 (70).                      with half-forward Matt Rog-      ment and Rigby is excited                                                                         said the prospect of playing
  Hampson is in doubt for        ers arguably the most con-       to see a domino effect result                                                                     in front of family and
the start of the season after    sistent player against his       in improvements from                                                                              friends in the sport’s big-
hurting his right hamstring      former club and Brant Col-       juniors all the way through                                                                       gest tournament was driv-
in the second quarter            ledge finding plenty of the      to the W-League.                                                                                  ing her to improve.
against the Demons shortly       ball.                               Rigby is one of the few                                                                           While the Glory skipper
after booting his second            Key forward Logan McDo-       regional players in the Glo-                                                                      is yet to play for the Matil-
major.                           nald took the points against     ry squad, having grown up                                                                         das, she said the chance to
  Swan Districts were well       fellow first-round AFL draft     playing in Margaret River                                                                         represent them on the
served by former Northern        fancy Denver Grainger-Bar-       before moving north to                                                                            world stage was more than
Blues (VFL) pair Frank           ras, booting two majors and      Perth for university. She                                                                         enough motivation to last
Anderson and Sam Fisher,         taking several contested         caught the eye with a string                                                                      her until the tournament
who added plenty to their        marks. Potential No.1 pick       of impressive performanc-                                                                         kicks off in July 2023.
midfield. Anderson had a         Grainger-Barras had his          es in the state league for                                                                           “To be able to perform in
huge impact in the first half    moments, including a strong      Queens Park and was                                                                               front of your country,
before he was rested, while      intercept mark and a high-       snapped up by the Glory,        Natasha Rigby on the ball. Picture: Daniel Carson                 friends and family, those
smooth-moving left-footer        flying spoil down back.          making her debut in 2018.                                                                         people that have been there
                                                                     As someone whose skills      so I think this will only help   light on those leagues will      to support your entire ath-

Slow return to sport                                              were honed and developed
                                                                  in the country and has
                                                                  taken the long road to the
                                                                                                  to put the spotlight on what
                                                                                                  we are providing our young
                                                                                                  boys and girls,” she said.
                                                                                                                                   help to kind of lift the qual-
                                                                                                                                   ity of the league and the
                                                                                                                                   financial implications of it;
                                                                                                                                                                    letic career, will be such an
                                                                                                                                                                    amazing opportunity for
                                                                                                                                                                    those women and for us as a
ABOUT a third of people          same time last year.             W-League, Rigby said she           “There will be such a         hopefully there’ll be more       country to come together,”
who played sports before           More than 65 per cent of       hoped hosting the World         focus on the World Cup           funding towards more             she said.
coronavirus have yet to          state sporting associations      Cup would have a trickle-       itself, we’ll almost be forced   amateur competitions as             “It’s so exciting for every-
return.                          that responded to the survey     down effect that extended       to lift the standard of foot-    well so that they can build      body who is a footballer at
  While most winter sports       blamed the reduction on the      to the regional areas.          ball that’s happening from       and then that can only have      the moment and personally
in WA are back in action this    COVID-19 pandemic shut-             “Growing up in Margaret      the grassroots level all the     a flow-on effect.”               it would be an incredible
month, a survey by Sport-        down of sport.                   River, there wasn’t the de-     way through to state league         Stepping into the cap-        opportunity and it only
West found registrations           Nearly 35 per cent of re-      velopment pathways there        and all the way through to       taincy role after Sam            fuels the fire to make you
across junior and senior         spondents said affordability     for young players that          W-League.                        Kerr’s move to English gi-       train harder and play bett-
sports were down by 29 per       was the main driver for low-     there potentially could be,        “I hope that that spot-       ants Chelsea ahead of the        er.”
cent compared with the           er registrations.


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