On the Evolution of Word Order

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On the Evolution of Word Order

                                                              Idan Rejwan                                   Avi Caciularu
                                                    Tel Aviv University and AI21 Labs                     Bar-Ilan University
                                                             Tel Aviv, Israel                             Ramat-Gan, Israel
                                                     idanrejwan91@gmail.com                             avi.c33@gmail.com

                                                              Abstract                           the object. Apparently, in languages with a rich
                                             Most natural languages have a predominant or
                                                                                                 system of case markers, such as Arabic, Latin, and
                                             fixed word order. For example, in English, the      Sanskrit, the word order is more flexible (Sapir,
                                             word order used most often is Subject-Verb-         1921; McFadden, 2004).
arXiv:2101.09579v1 [cs.CL] 23 Jan 2021

                                             Object. This work attempts to explain this              These findings raise several research questions.
                                             phenomena as well as other typological find-        First, why is there a preferred or fixed order in
                                             ings regarding word order from a functional         the majority of natural languages? Second, why do
                                             perspective. That is, we target the question of     most languages have SVO or SOV as their preferred
                                             whether fixed word order gives a functional ad-
                                                                                                 order? Third, how can we explain the relationship
                                             vantage, that may explain why these languages
                                             are common. To this end, we consider an evo-        between case markers and flexible word order?
                                             lutionary model of language and show, both              This work addresses the aforementioned ques-
                                             theoretically and using a genetic algorithm-        tions within the following evolutionary perspective
                                             based simulation, that an optimal language is       (Pinker and Bloom, 1990; Nowak et al., 2000). As
                                             one with fixed word order. We also show             in the evolution theory of the animal world, if a par-
                                             that adding information to the sentence, such       ticular feature appears in many different species,
                                             as case markers and noun-verb distinction, re-
                                                                                                 it is assumed to give a functional advantage to the
                                             duces the need for fixed word order, in accor-
                                             dance with the typological findings.                organisms carrying it, thus helping them survive
                                                                                                 natural selection. Similarly, linguistic universals
                                         1   Introduction                                        that are common to all languages are assumed to
                                         Word order is a linguistic phenomenon that deals        provide a functional advantage and enable better
                                         with the arrangement of syntactic elements in the       communication between the speakers.
                                         sentence in different languages. Specifically, it           According to this perspective, a plethora of
                                         deals with the relative position of the three promi-    works suggested to use Genetic Algorithms (GA),
                                         nent syntactic roles in a sentence: subject (S), verb   a method to find solutions in large search spaces
                                         (V), and object (O). Theoretically, there are six       inspired by evolutionary principles, in order to in-
                                         possible orders of the three syntactic roles in the     vestigate typological findings (Batali, 1998; Kirby,
                                         sentence: SVO, SOV, VSO, VOS, OVS, OSV. How-            1999; Levin, 1995; Kirby, 2001). In this work, we
                                         ever, typological findings show that most natural       follow this framework and use GA to study the phe-
                                         languages have one preferred or fixed word order,       nomenon of word order, yet not investigated. In par-
                                         with the vast majority of them belonging to the         ticular, we attempt to answer whether a fixed word
                                         first two families: SVO or SOV (Comrie, 1989).          order gives a functional advantage, which might
                                         Interestingly, languages that have developed spon-      explain its emergence in most natural languages.
                                         taneously and did not contact other languages also      We also provide a theoretical analysis which proves
                                         have a distinct preference for particular word or-      that the grammar with the most functional advan-
                                         der, such as the Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language        tage, under some assumptions, is a grammar with
                                         (Sandler et al., 2005). Another typological finding     fixed word order.
                                         is related to case markers, which are morpholog-
                                                                                                 2   Method
                                         ical indicators (usually prefixes or suffixes) that
                                         indicate the syntactic role of a word in a sentence.    Following Pinker and Bloom (1990), we assume
                                         For example, the word for the boy in Arabic is al-      that the role of language is to communicate a literal
                                         walad-u if it is the subject and al-walad-a if it is    description of a thought from one person to another
so that at the end of the verbal communication,            Next, the hearer receives the noisy sentence and
it will be fully and accurately communicated to         matches the syntactic roles in two steps. First, for
the hearer. Accordingly, the optimal language is        every word in the sentence, he removes the noise
the one that allows precise delivery of the thought     by looking for the nearest word in the lexicon, in
between the speaker and the hearer.                     terms of Levenshtein distance. Then, he outputs
   It should be emphasized that the hearer observes     the most probable word order given the grammar
only the sentence received from the speaker, which      and the words.
does not contain any additional information such           Finally, we measure the Hamming distance be-
as the relationship between the words and their         tween the input and the output by counting the
syntactic roles.                                        correct syntactic roles. For example, the distance
   Intuitively, word order might impact the way the     between SVO and SOV is 2/3 since O, and V are
hearer understands the sentence. For example, com-      at different locations.
pare the English sentence “we ship a man” with             In each generation, 30% of the grammars with
“we man a ship”. In this case, as the words “ship”      the smallest distances are replicated to the next gen-
and “man” may function as both a noun and a verb,       eration, with some random mutations to the proba-
and due to the absence of case markers, the mean-       bility distributions - a Gaussian noise with variance
ing is determined solely by the order of words in       0.01 is added to each probability in the grammar,
the sentence.                                           and then re-normalized, to sum up to 1. After many
   Under these assumptions, we use GA to simulate       generations, the surviving grammars are expected
a language’s evolution, starting with no preferred      to be the ones that allow optimal communication
word order, and test whether communication con-         between the speaker and the hearer.
straints enforce a fixation of particular word order.      We use this method to examine whether adding
                                                        information to the sentence, such as the distinction
2.1   Algorithm                                         between nouns and verbs or explicit case markers,
                                                        changes the optimal grammar.
The algorithm is initialized with a lexicon, a fixed       We tested different values for the population size,
list of 1000 words, where each word is a string of      selection rate, and mutation rate, but all the exam-
three letters. The words are randomly initialized       ined values yielded similar trends.
and are given to all agents. We test both options of
one lexicon for all words or two lexicons for nouns     3   Theoretical Analysis
and verbs (see elaboration in section 4).
                                                        As mentioned, optimal communication occurs
   We initialize a population of 100 grammars,          when the distance between the input and output
where each one is a probability distribution over       is minimal. In this section, we prove that under this
the six possible word orders and is initialized to      definition of optimality, and assuming the hearer
the uniform probability. Each grammar is repre-         always identifies the words in the lexicon correctly
sented by a speaker and a hearer trying to commu-       despite the noise (as indeed happens with a high
nicate a message over a noisy channel, and their        probability), the following holds
success in communication measures the fitness of
                                                        Theorem 1. Any optimal grammar has exactly one
the grammar. In other words, for every grammar,
                                                        fixed word order.
the speaker produces a sentence based on the gram-
mar, and the hearer determines the syntactic role       Proof. Let X1 . . . Xn and Y1 . . . Yn be random
of each word in the sentence.                           variables of the occurrence of possible word or-
   The GA runs for 1000 successive generations.         ders, associated with the speaker and the hearer,
In each one, the speaker samples three random           respectively. We define
words from the lexicon with their syntactic roles.      P (Xi = 1) = P (Yi = 1) = pi ,          i = 1, ..., n.
Then, he samples an order according to the proba-
bility distribution in the grammar, concatenates the    Let dij be the distance between Xi and Yj , defined
sampled words according to it, and sends it to the      as the number of syntactic roles with different po-
hearer. Then, a random noise flips every letter in      sitions between Xi and Yj . Then, the expected
the sentence with a probability of p = 0.01. Note       distance is given by
that the noisy sentence might contain words that                     E[d] =      dij P (Xi , Yj ),
are out of the lexicon.                                                      (i,j)
where P (Xi , Yj ) is the probability that the speaker      Figure 1: Avg distance of sentences over generations
chose order Xi (with probability of pi ) and the
hearer chose order Yj (with probability of pj ).
Since the hearer has no additional information other
than the observed sentence, he picks the most prob-
able order from his grammar, independently of
the speaker. Accordingly, P (Xi , Yj ) = pi pj , and
therefore the expected value of the distance is given
by                       X
                E[d] =       pi dij pj .

Note that pi dij pj ≥ 0, ∀i, j, since pi , pj are proba-    Figure 2: Avg entropy of grammars over generations
bilities, and dij is a distance. Since dij = 0 only
for i = j, to get the minimal expected distance
0 it should hold ∀i 6= j either pi = 0 or pj = 0.
Therefore, pi can be greater than zero in exactly
one entry. For other words, the only probability
distributions that give an expected distance of zero
have probability 1 for a particular word order Xi
and zero for the rest. Accordingly, the optimal
grammar must have fixed word order.

4     Experiments
We tested the model in four different scenarios.
                                                           subject and object. In both scenarios, we observe a
    1. Base - all words are taken from a single lex-       drop in the average distance, meaning that at some
       icon, without distinction between nouns and         point, the hearers successfully parsed the sentences
       verbs and without case markers.                     with only a small error. In the two scenarios with
                                                           the case markers, we see that the distance is very
    2. N-V - separate lexicons for nouns and verbs,        close to zero even in the first generation, meaning
       which enables the hearer to distinguish be-         that the hearers parsed the sentences correctly from
       tween nouns and verbs, thus identifying the         the first generation.
       verb in the sentence.
                                                              To examine if the grammars converged to fixed
    3. Case - each word in the sentence carries a          word order, we present the grammars’ average en-
       suffix indicating its syntactic role (S, V or O).   tropy in every generationP(Figure 2). The entropy
                                                           is defined by H = − i pi log pi and satisfies
    4. N-V & Case - both 2 and 3, i.e., there is a dis-    0 ≤ H ≤ 1 where H = 1 represents a uniform
       tinction between nouns and verbs, and every         distribution (absolute randomness) and H = 0 rep-
       word in the sentence carries a case marker.         resents probability 1 for one word order and zero
                                                           for the rest (absolute determinism). It can be ob-
                                                           served that the average entropy of grammars begins
5     Results
                                                           at 1 (absolute randomness) in all scenarios, as the
For every scenario, we present the average distance        probability for every word order is equal. In the
between the input and the output among all gram-           base scenario, we observe a fast decline in entropy
mars in each generation (Figure 1). It can be ob-          until it converges to zero, i.e., a fixed word order. A
served that the base scenario starts with the high-        decline is also observed in the N-V scenario. How-
est distance among the scenarios, as the sentences         ever, it is slower and does not converge to zero even
carry no information regarding the syntactic roles.        after 1000 generations. As for the scenarios with
A similar discussion could be held for the N-V sce-        the case markers, in both cases, we observe that the
nario, in which the hearer can identify the verb in        entropy remains high even after 1000 generations,
the sentence but cannot distinguish between the            meaning that no particular word order was fixed.
Figure 3: Word order probability after 1000 genera-       The reason why the base scenario converged to
tions                                                   VOS and the N-V scenario converged to VSO is
                                                        arbitrary, due to random drift, since there is no
                                                        functional advantage to a particular word order
                                                        over the others.

                                                        7   Conclusions
                                                        Theoretically and empirically, this work proves that
                                                        the absence of information about the syntactic re-
                                                        lations in a sentence implies that any optimal lan-
                                                        guage must have a fixed word order.
                                                           Empirically, we used GA to test whether addi-
   We also present the grammar that had the small-      tional information can make the fixed word order
est distance after 1000 generations (Figure 3). In      redundant. We showed that a distinction between
the base and N-V scenarios, we observe that the         nouns and verbs gives additional information to
grammar converged to an (almost) fixed word or-         the hearer, but it is not sufficient. In contrast, case
der, VOS in the base scenario, and VSO in the N-V       markers provide enough information to enable a
scenario. In contrast, in both scenarios with case      flexible word order. These results are in line with
markers, the word order remained flexible even          the typological findings.
after 1000 generations.                                    As to why most natural languages prefer SVO
                                                        or SOV orders over others, the model used in this
6   Discussion                                          work does not seem to provide an answer. As we
                                                        have seen, even in cases where a single word order
In the base scenario, we observed a fast fixation       fixation has been achieved, we have received vari-
of single word order. Therefore, in line with the       ous possible orders and not necessarily one of these
theoretical result, we conclude that given no addi-     two. This is because we did not assume any func-
tional information regarding the sentence’s syntac-     tional advantage for individual word orders over
tic relations, fixed word order is necessary to allow   others, so the order fixed at the end is purely the
successful communication. We also observed a            result of random drift. We must involve additional
fixation in the N-V scenario, meaning that a dis-       psycho-linguistic considerations to explain the ty-
tinction between nouns and verbs does not provide       pological finding, as done in other works (Gibson
sufficient information for communication, and thus      et al., 2013; Hengeveld et al., 2004).
fixed word order is also necessary in this case.
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not converge to preferred word order, meaning that      References
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