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    Spotlight, April 2014: London - The best tours

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01_Titel_4_14_d_cyan_VZ_Korr 25.02.14 10:09 Seite 1

                                                                                                                        4 2014

                                                                                               Deutschland € 6,90|CH sfr 12,40|A·E· I·L·SK: € 7,50

                                                               EINFACH ENGLISCH !
TRAVEL London tours | LANGUAGE Shakespeare | FOOD Ballymaloe

                                                                               N  D
                                                                          LTHEOBEST  O N

                                                                      A1- C1
                                                                  EXTRA IM HEFT
                                                                  FIT IN ENGLISCH
                                                                  15 Tabellen Basisgrammatik
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                               Mit Englisch
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      * Kennenlern-Angebot für Neu-Abonnenten: 4 Ausgaben Business Spotlight zum Preis von 3 (€ 34,50 / SFR 51,75).

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03_Editorial_4_14_a 06.03.14 14:52 Seite 3

             EDITORIAL | April 2014

                                                                                                                                              Sprachen lernen
                                              Getting to the                                                                                     – einfach
                                              heart of London                                                                                   beim Lesen!

                                               I thought I knew London. I grew up nearby and
                                               lived there as a student. As it turns out,
                                               though, I’m not such an expert. I discovered
                                               this when I tried out five London tours for this
             Inez Sharp, editor-in-chief
                                               month’s travel feature. Whether it was popu-
             lar sights, East End food, fashion or film, each tour, in its own way, took me to
             the very heart of the city, taught me interesting facts and opened new vistas
             on a familiar place. Join me on my journey of discovery. It begins on page 14.

             William Shakespeare’s plays speak to people of every race and culture.
             Romeo and Juliet explores the drama of young love, Hamlet confronts us with
             mortality, and Macbeth looks at ambition and power. Nonetheless, the presen-
             tation of the plays has often been heavy, without much of a fun factor. This
             month, on the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, we look back to the
             colourful, noisy and engaging presentation of plays during his lifetime and how
             that spirit is being recaptured today. On pages 28–33, you can rediscover his
             work and remind yourself of his brilliant use of language.

             A big “thank you” to all those who took part in the Spotlight Big Events Quiz
             in December 2013. The five lucky winners of the Franklin language computers                                                      150 S. 10 Abb. · € 4,80 · 978-3-15-019888-9
             are: Susann Engelmann, Anja Fischer, Dorothea Zwanger, Wilhelm Fischer and                                                        Lustiges, Witziges, Bemerkenswertes
             Margund Laengin. We hope you enjoyed the quiz, and if you like a challenge,                                                            und Kurioses von und über
             why not try our crossword on page 63? This month, the prize is our fabulous                                                                  Shakespeare.
             game Are You Joking?.

                                                                                                               Rote Reihe
                                                                                                                                                  Sprachtrainingsbände sowie
                                                                                                                                                englische Literatur im Original,
                                                                                                                                              mit praktischen Übersetzungshilfen.
                                                                                                                                                   Über 180 Bände lieferbar!
                                                                                             Titelfoto: Mauritius; Foto Editorial: F1online

                                                                                                                                                  Bestellen Sie kostenlos das aktuelle
                                                                                                                                                   Titelverzeichnis der Roten Reihe!
                            Discover London
                                in your own                                                                                                          »»»
                                  sweet way

             Spotlight 4|14
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04_05_Content_4_14_neu_VZ2_Spotlight 03.03.14 17:02 Seite 4

                                CONTENTS | April 2014

                                 Top London tours
                                                                                 14        Shakespeare today
                                 Experts show you around Britain’s most exciting city:     Today, 450 years after his birth, we celebrate Shake-
                                 join us on London’s top tours.                            speare’s work and language — and its global reach.

                                  6    People                                             38       History
                                       Names and faces from around the world                       The death of musician Kurt Cobain in 1994

                                  8    A Day in My Life                                   40       Press Gallery
                                       A psychologist in Britain                                   A look at the English-language media

                                 10    World View                                         42       Arts
                                       What’s news and what’s hot                                  Films, apps, books, culture and a short story

                                 13    Britain Today                                      66       The Lighter Side
                                       Colin Beaven on how noisy things are today                  Jokes and cartoons

                                 22    Food                                               67       American Life
                                       Ballymaloe, a gourmet Irish tradition                       Ginger Kuenzel on church without God

                                 26    I Ask Myself                                       68       Feedback & Impressum
                                       Amy Argetsinger on the magic of pandas                      Your letters to Spotlight — and our responses

                                 34    Around Oz                                          69       Next Month
                                       Peter Flynn on the future of the post office                  What’s coming next month in Spotlight
                                                                                                                                                   Fotos: Alamy; iStock
                                 36    Debate                                             70       My Life in English
                                       Should biker gangs be better regulated?                     Author Annette Dutton on living in Australia:
                                       People in Adelaide have their say                           the language, the culture and the Beatles

                                      Spotlight plus                                         Spotlight Audio
                                  Every month, you can explore                           This monthly 60-minute CD/down-
                                  and practise the language and                          load brings the world of Spotlight
                                  grammar of Spotlight with the                          to your ears. Enjoy interviews and       new cover
                                  exercise booklet plus.                                 travel stories and try the exercises.
                                  Find out more at:                                      Find out more at:

     4                          Spotlight 4|14
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04_05_Content_4_14_neu_VZ2_Spotlight 03.03.14 17:03 Seite 5


                                                    Grammar to go!
                                                                                                                          Easy English
                                                    Eight pull-out pages cover the most important time                    Don’t miss Green Light! This eight-page booklet
                                                    forms in English, with examples and timelines.                        makes learning English easy and fun.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 2014       R
                                                                                                                                                                              Green Light
                                                                                                                                                                              ENGLISCH LEICHT GEMACHT !

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Read all
                                                                                                                                                                                                       about The
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Body Shop

                                                                                                                                                                                Learn words
                                                                                                                                                                                for things in
                                                                                                                                                                                 the kitchen

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Find out how
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to apply for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                  summer job

                                                48        Vocabulary                                                     59        English at Work
                                                          What people keep in the loft                                             Ken Taylor answers your questions

                                                50        Travel Talk                                                    60        Spoken English
                                                          Going to a baby shower                                                   Ways to say how often you do things

                                                53        Language Cards                                                 61        Word Builder
                                                          Pull out and practise                                                    A focus on the words in Spotlight

                                                55        Everyday English                                               62        Perfectionists Only!
                                                          Staying with a host family                                               Nuances of English

                                                57        The Grammar Page                                               63        Crossword
                                                          Using the future continuous tense                                        Find the words and win a prize

                                                58        Peggy’s Place: The Soap                                       IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH WITH SPOTLIGHT PRODUCTS
                                                          The latest from a London pub                                  Spotlight Audio: hear texts and interviews on our CD or
                                                                                                                        download. See
                                                                                                                        Spotlight plus: 24 pages of language exercises related
                                               OUR LANGUAGE LEVELS                                                      to the magazine. See
                                               rThe levels of difficulty in Spotlight magazine correspond roughly to
                                               The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:                Spotlight in the classroom: free of charge to teachers who
                                                                                                                        subscribe to Spotlight. See
                                                                                                                        Readers’ service: ·
                                               A2                     B1– B2                     C1– C2                 Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 85681-16 · Fax: +49 (0)89 / 85681-159
                                               To find your level, visit
                                                                                                               order products
                                                                                                                        from our online shop (see page 46).

                                               in the classroom                                                         Spotlight Online will help you to improve
                                               Teachers: if you use Spotlight in                                        your English every day. Try our language
                                               your lessons, this six-page supple-                                      exercises or read about current events
                                               ment will provide great ideas for                                        and fascinating places to visit. Subscribers
                                               classroom activities based on the                                        will also find a list of all the glossed vocab-
                                               magazine. Free for all teachers                                          ulary from each issue of the magazine.
                                               who subscribe to Spotlight.

                                                                                                                                                                              4|14 Spotlight                       5
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06-07_People_4_14_MO 03.03.14 10:14 Seite 6

           PEOPLE | Names and Faces

             The politician                                                                           In the news
                                                                                                      When Tony Blair went to a London
                                                                                                      restaurant recently, the barman
                                                                                                      tapped him on the shoulder — but not
                                                                                                      to ask what he wanted to drink. In-
                                                                                                      stead, Twiggy Garcia told the former
                                                                                                      prime minister that he was under citi-
                                                                                                      zen’s arrest for war crimes. The web-
              Who exactly is…                                                                         site offers
                                                                                                      money to anyone who

             Arvind                                                                                   tries to arrest Blair for
                                                                                                      his 2003 decision to
                                                                                                      enter the Iraq War.

             Kejriwal?                                                                                The Independent
                                                                                                      reports that in-
                                                                                                      stead of following
                                                                                                      Garcia to the police

           C       an one man clean up a city of
                   22 million people? Probably
                   not. But Arvind Kejriwal,
           who briefly served as chief minister of
           Delhi from December 2013 until
                                                               Kejriwal believes that politicians
                                                          should not have a luxurious lifestyle.
                                                          It is said that he and his wife still use
                                                          the inexpensive furniture they bought
                                                          when they got married in 1994.
                                                                                                      station, Blair said they
                                                                                                      should discuss Syria.

                                                                                                      Beyoncé is everywhere. Her song
                                                                                                      “Drunk in Love” was a number-one hit
           February this year, did his best and is             In his first month as chief minis-      this year, and the press report on her
           now looking for an even bigger polit-          ter of Delhi, Kejriwal was both             every move. Now Vanity Fair has writ-
           ical platform. Kejriwal founded the            praised and criticized for using un-        ten that Rutgers University in New Jer-
           Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in 2012.                 usual methods. For example, in an ef-       sey is offering a course called
           The party’s name means “the com-               fort to gain more control over the                      “Politicizing Beyoncé”. Stu-
           mon man”, and it chose a broom as              Delhi police force, he held a sit-in                      dents analyse her music
           its symbol. It protested against gov-          protest on the streets of the city. The                   and videos, while reading
           ernment corruption and promised to             BBC reported that in the centre of                        texts by black feminists.
           improve the lives of normal people.            Delhi, roads were closed and the                           The campus newspaper,
               In December, members of the                metro stopped running. Kejriwal ran                         Rutgers Today, ex-
           party won 28 of the 70 seats in                government business from the streets.                         plained that Bey-
           Delhi’s city hall. Most of them, like               India will hold a general election                         oncé’s “music and
           Kejriwal, were new to politics.                before the end of May, and the AAP                                career are used as
               Kejriwal was born in 1968 to               hopes to win seats in parliament.                                  lenses to explore
           middle-class parents in the north of           “Now it is for the people to decide                                American race,
           India. He studied mechanical engi-             whether they want to support clean                      gender, and sexual politics”.
           neering and later worked for the In-           politics or not,” Kejriwal told NDTV.
           dian Revenue Service. In 2006, he              “Earlier, people used to say they           Glenn Beck is a popular right-wing
           began working full-time for causes             didn’t have an option. Now we will          political commentator in the US. In
           such as transparency in government.            provide them with a clean option.”          2010, around three million people
                                                                                                      watched his daily talk show on Fox
           broom [bru:m]                           Besen                                              News, in which he spoke aggressively
           cause [kO:z]                            hier: Sache, Angelegenheit                         about the “evils” of liberalism. Beck has
           chief minister [)tSi:f (mInIstE]        Ministerpräsident
                                                                                                      now left television and has a news
           citizen’s arrest [)sItIzEnz E(rest]     Jedermann-Festnahme
           gender [(dZendE]                        Geschlecht
                                                                                                      website, In a recent Fox
           general election [)dZen&rEl i(lekS&n]   Parlamentswahl                                     News interview, he looked back on his
           lens [lenz]                             Objektiv                                           talk-show days and said he wished he
           praise [preIz]                          loben                                              had been more unifying. “I think I
           revenue service [(revEnju: )s§:vIs]     Steuerbehörde, Finanzamt                                              played a role, un -
           sit-in protest [(sIt In )prEUtest]      Sitzstreik                                                             fortunately, in help-
           tap [tÄp]                               antippen (➝ p. 61)
                                                                                                                           ing tear the
           tear sth. apart [teE E(pA:t]            etw. auseinanderreißen
                                                                                                                           country apart,” he
           unifying [(ju:nIfaIIN]                  vereinend, einheitsstiftend

     6     Spotlight 4|14
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