OLLI SPRING 2023 COURSE GUIDE - SPRING 2023 - Temple University

Page created by Jonathan Moreno
OLLI SPRING 2023 COURSE GUIDE - SPRING 2023 - Temple University

                               Artwork by: Mary Ellen Billman


OLLI SPRING 2023 COURSE GUIDE - SPRING 2023 - Temple University
                                                         About OLLI at Temple ......................................................... 3
                                                         Morning & Afternoon Schedule at a Glance .................... 4-5
                                                         COURSE LOCATIONS
                                                           Online Courses ............................................................... 6
     SPRING SCHEDULE                                       In-person Courses & COVID Guidelines .......................... 6
                                                           Hybrid Courses ............................................................... 6
                                                         COURSE DESCRIPTIONS
                                                             The Arts ....................................................................... 7
    Monday, January 30, 2023
                                                             Economics & Finance ................................................... 9
                                                             Entertainment & Media ................................................ 9
    NO CLASSES:                                              Games ........................................................................ 10
    March 6-March 10 (Spring Break)
                                                             Health & Wellness ..................................................... 10
    Thursday, April 6 (Passover)
    Friday, April 7 (Good Friday)                            History ....................................................................... 12
                                                             Languages ................................................................. 14
                                                             Law ............................................................................ 17
    Thursday, April 13, 2023                                 Literature & Writing ................................................... 18
                                                             Philosophy & Religion ................................................ 21
                                                             Political Science ......................................................... 22
    All courses take place Eastern Time.
                                                             Science & Technology ................................................ 24
                                                             Theater, Music & Film ................................................. 26
    OLLI at Temple does not record
                                                         Membership Benefits ...................................................... 28
    classes or one-time lectures.
                                                         Membership Enrollment and Pricing ................................ 28
                                                         Enrollment and Registration Dates .................................. 28
    To ensure delivery of emails from
                                                         How to Enroll and Register Online Workshop ................... 28
    OLLI at Temple, please add the
    following emails to your address                     Payment & Scholarships ................................................. 29
    book:                                                Course Registration ......................................................... 29
    • olli@temple.edu                                    Wait List ..................................................................... 29-30
    • destiny1@temple.edu                                Refund Policy .................................................................. 30
    • no-reply@zoom.us                                   WANT TO HELP?
                                                           Donate to OLLI at Temple .............................................. 30
                                                           Volunteer at OLLI .......................................................... 30
                                                           Ambler Campus ............................................................ 31
                                                           Center City Campus ...................................................... 31
                                                         A Guide to Learning with Zoom ........................................ 32
                                                         Zoom Orientation ............................................................. 32
    Temple University is committed to a policy of
                                                         Spring 2023 Schedule Grid .............................................. 33
    equal opportunity for all in every aspect of its
    operations, including employment, service,
    and educational programs. The University has
    pledged not to discriminate on the basis of age,
    color, disability, marital status, national origin
    or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex (including
    pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity,
    genetic information or veteran status.

2   Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Temple University is an extraordinary educational
environment serving people 50 years and older. We offer courses within Temple’s Center City, Ambler,
and Main campuses and is a membership-based organization.
Members represent a broad spectrum of lifestyles, professions, and interests. All of the instructors
at OLLI at Temple are also members and the number of colleges and universities, academic degrees,
honors, and fields of study associated with our instructors assures a quality learning experience.
OLLI courses are unique because they are designed to promote the joy of learning without the pressure
of traditional academic requirements such as tests or grades. OLLI also offers trips, social events, free
public lectures, and an in-house library.
For people who want to keep on learning, make new friends, and continue “the good life”, OLLI at Temple
is the place to be.
OLLI was organized in 1975 and was originally known as Association of Retired Professionals (ARP).
There were 85 founding members and 34 courses in the fall of 1976. At that time, only two similar
programs existed in the United States. In 1998, the name changed to Temple Association for Retired
Professionals (TARP), and later to Temple Association for Retired Persons.
In 2007, TARP received a grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation, and changed its name to the Osher
Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Temple University. We are one in a network of 125 OLLI programs in
the nation. As more adult programs become available in the coming years, we hope to be at the leading
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Temple University is a university led and member supported
organization that provides a wide array of educational and experiential opportunities to a diverse group
of people, 50 years of age and older, who learn, teach and discover together.

OFFICERS                                      OLLI OFFICE HOURS
                                              Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
President: Lloyd Kern
1st Vice President: Donna Ferrari
2nd Vice President: David Thomas              AMBLER CAMPUS
Treasurer: Kitt Turner                        580 Meetinghouse Road
Secretary: Maureen Broadbent                  Ambler, PA 19002

Susan Berrigan        Susan Brooks
                                              CENTER CITY CAMPUS
                                              1515 Market Street
Ken Davis             Marilyn Golden          Suite 417
Lynn Marks            Jane Wolf               Philadelphia, PA 19102
COMMITTEE CHAIRS                              Entrance is on the plaza side of the building between Market
Curriculum: TBD                               Street and JFK Boulevard.
Library: Carolyn Terry
Membership: David Thomas                       THE BERNARD OSHER FOUNDATION
Policies & Procedures: Donna Ferrari           The Bernard Osher Foundation seeks to improve quality of life
Scholarships: Lloyd Kern, Adam Brunner         through the support of lifelong learning institutes such as OLLI
Special Events: Chuck Putnam                   at Temple. The Foundation was founded in 1977 by Bernard
Trips: Warren Williams                         Osher, a respected businessman and community leader. The
                                               Foundation has now funded 125 Osher Lifelong Learning
OLLI STAFF                                     Institutes overseen by colleges & universities from Maine
Director: Adam Brunner                         to Hawaii. Funding for OLLI is contingent upon membership
Associate Director: Betsy Reese                growth goals, so membership matters. To learn more about the
Sr. Dept. Administrative Specialist: Kate Hays Bernard Osher Foundation, please visit their website at

                                          For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   3
                                                        COURSE LOCATION* KEY:
                    Online via Zoom     TUA      In-person at Ambler Campus         TUCC     In-person at Center City Campus
                                       *More information about course locations can be found on page 6.

         MONDAY                            TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY
        10-11:30 AM                       10-11:30 AM                      10-11:30 AM                         9-10:30 AM
    FORGED AT THE EDGE OF             AND LAW                          EXPANDED AND UPDATED      THE ENLIGHTENMENT
    “CIVILIZATION”                    Judge Phyllis Beck &             Nancy McDonald            Steven Pollack
    Edward Dodson                     Lynn Marks                      Feb 1-Apr 12                        Feb 2-Mar 30     TUA
    Jan 30-Feb 27                     Jan 31-Feb 28
                                                                      GETTING THE MOST OUT OF     10-11:30 AM
    IN LATIN AMERICA                  Betsy Reese                     Gary Rose               Linda Brown
    Alicia Romeu                      Mar 14-Apr 11                   Feb 1-Mar 29                        Feb 2-Apr 13       TUCC
    Feb 6-Mar 20
                                      SHORT TALES AND                 SPANISH 1, SECTION A                FRENCH IMMERSION
    SCIENCE DOCUMENTARIES             BOOK BITES                      Turner, Boling, Jacobs              Lois Beck
    Eric Clausen                      Sol Glassberg &                 Feb 1-Apr 12                        Feb 2-Apr 13    TUCC
    Jan 30-Apr 3                      Tony Trifiletti
                                                                         10:30-11:30 AM                   SPANISH 3
                                      Jan 31-Apr 11
                                                                                                          Stephanie Sesker
        10 AM-12 PM                                                   COMEDY - STANDUP AND                Feb 2-Mar 30
                                        10:30 AM-12 PM                SITCOMS
    CULTURE AND HISTORY               FRENCH BEGINNER/                Abe Vorensky                        THE ART AND LIVES OF
    THROUGH THE GERMAN                INTERMEDIATE                    Feb 1-Mar 1                         THE IMPRESSIONISTS
    LANGUAGE                          Nick Mastripolito                                                   James Pagliaro
                                      Jan 31-Apr 11      TUCC         MORNING DIALOGUE: AN                Feb 2-Feb 16
    Cheri Micheau                                                     EXAMINATION OF WHAT WE
    Jan 30-Apr 3
                                      HOMELAND SECURITY AND           ARE THINKING AS SOCIETAL            THE CHANGING CULTURE
                                      CIVIL LIBERTIES (PART 2)        NORMS ARE CHANGING                  OF FATHERHOOD
      10:30 AM-12 PM
                                      Michael Cleary                  Janice Winston                      Jay Fagan
    HATHA YOGA                        Jan 31-Mar 14                   Feb 1-Mar 29                        Feb 2-Feb 23
    Joanne Gordin
    Jan 30-Mar 27                     SPANISH 2                       RETHINKING RELIGION                   10:30 AM-12 PM
                                      Michael Niederman               Alan Soffin                         BANNED BOOKS BECKON,
    PLEIN AIR PARTY/         Jan 31-Apr 11                            Feb 1-Mar 29                        PART 2
                                                                                                          Eleanor Gesensway
    Joann Neufeld            YOU FLIP THE SWITCH--                       10:30 AM-12 PM
    Jan 30-Mar 27   TUCC AND THE LIGHTS (BETTER)                      SCREENING THE AMERICAN
                                                                                                          2/2, 2/23, 3/23, 4/20

                             COME ON!!                                JUSTICE SYSTEM         MORNING SPORTS
    RELIGION AND POLITICS IN Lee Pedowicz                                                    DIALOGUE
    AMERICA                  Jan 31-Apr 11   TUA                      Sheldon Seligsohn
                                                                                        TUCC Lloyd Kern
                                                                      Feb 22-Apr 12
    Paul Selbst                                                                                           Feb 2-Mar 16
    Jan 30-Apr 10                                                     SPANISH 1, SECTION B
                                                                      Michael Niederman                   PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS
                                                                      Feb 1-Apr 12                        AND AMERICAN IDENTITY
                                                                                                          Stan Cutler
                                                                      THE ART OF LIVING & DYING: Feb 2-Mar 23                TUCC
                                                                      A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE
                                                                      Helen Rosen
                                                                      Feb 1-Apr 12

                                                                      THE GREAT SHAKESPEARE
                                                                      Christine MacArthur
                                                                      Feb 1-Mar 29      TUCC

4   Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
                                                    COURSE LOCATION* KEY:
                Online via Zoom     TUA     In-person at Ambler Campus          TUCC     In-person at Center City Campus
                                   *More information about course locations can be found on page 6.

      MONDAY                            TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY
      1-2:30 PM                          1-2 PM                         1-2:30 PM                          1-2:30 PM
THEOLOGY, PRACTICE AND August Korn                                 WHAT’S CHANGING & WHY? Linda Brown
HISTORY                 Jan 31-Apr 11   TUCC                       Kenneth Davis          Feb 2-Apr 13 TUCC
Ahmet Tekelioglu &                                                Feb 1-Mar 15      TUCC
                               1-2:30 PM                                                              THE EUROPEAN UNION
Iftekhar Hussain                                                                                      IN ACTION
Jan 30-Mar 13           EXPLORING PLAYS BY                        TECHNIQUES FOR WRITING
                                                                  MEMOIR, FICTION,                    Elaine Fultz
                        HENRIK IBSEN                                                                  Feb 2-Mar 30   TUCC
CLIMATE CHANGE-         Lyle Murley                               NONFICTION OR ANY
CLIMATE JUSTICE         Jan 31-Apr 11   TUCC                      WRITING PROJECT                     THOSE BRONTE SISTERS:
Bob Groves                                                        Frances Metzman                     TWO GREAT NOVELS,
Jan 30-Mar 27 TUCC      HISTORY OF AMERICAN                       Feb 1-Apr 5                         TWO WORLD VIEWS
                        POPULAR MUSIC                                                                 Jo Ellen Winters
SPANISH SHORT STORIES   Philip Simon                                       1-3 PM                     Feb 2-Apr 13
Phyllis Bailey          Jan 31-Apr 11  TUA                        ACADEMY AWARDS:
Jan 30-Apr 10      TUCC                                           THEN AND NOW                        WRITE NOW!
                                          1-3 PM                  Marty Millison &                    Phyllis Mass
      2-3:00 PM                   HOOKING WITH WOOL:              Lloyd Kern                          Feb 2-Apr 13
UNDERSTANDING MEDIA               CREATING SMALL                  Feb 1-Apr 12       TUCC
IN THE DIGITAL AGE                PROJECTS                                                                1:30-2:30 PM
Dick Sheeran                      Betsy Warner                           1:30-3 PM                    MEMORY GAMES
Jan 30-Mar 13                     Jan 31-Apr 11     TUCC          INTRODUCTION TO                     Thomas McNellis
                                                                  IMPROVISATIONAL                     Feb 2-Apr 13      TUA
                                      1:30-2:30 PM                THEATER AND ACTING
                                  AN OVERVIEW OF AFRICA:          Jean Haskell                              1:30-3 PM
                                  PAST AND PRESENT                Feb 1-Apr 12                        GREAT JAZZ VOCALISTS
                                  Marilyn Silberfein                                                  John Banger
                                  Jan 31-Mar 28       TUCC               2-3:30 PM                    Feb 2-Mar 16
                                                                  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
                                        1:30-3 PM                 AND HEALTH CARE                     SHAKESPEARE: FOUR PLAYS
                                  FRENCH 3                        Jay Pomerantz                       Wendy Buckingham
                                                                  Feb 1-Mar 29                        Feb 2-Apr 13
                                  Mark Germano
                                  Jan 31-Apr 11     TUCC
                                                           HOW DOES WEATHER WORK?
                                          2-3 PM           AN INTRODUCTION TO
                                  TAI CHI CONTINUING STUDY METEOROLOGY
                                  August Korn              Jonathan Roth
                                  Jan 31-Apr 11     TUCC          Feb 1-Mar 29

                                                                           3-4 PM
                                          3-4 PM
                                                                  GLOBAL CHALLENGES TO
                                  RETIREMENT PLANNING
                                                                  DEMOCRATIC AND
                                  AND PREPAREDNESS
                                                                  PLURALISTIC SOCIETIES
                                  Erik Schuster
                                                                  David Krueger
                                  Jan 31-Mar 14
                                                                  Feb 1-Mar 15
                                        3-4:30 PM
                                  ESSENTIALS TO SELF-
                                  PUBLISHING YOUR BOOK
                                  Vivienne Munn
                                  Jan 31-Mar 14

                                                  For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023    5
     Online courses are held on Zoom and are labeled in this catalog with:
                                           Location: Online via Zoom
     You do not need to have a Zoom account in order to attend class, but it is recommended that you
     install the Zoom app. Please see Zoom Essentials to see what a typical Zoom course link email looks
     like and for instructions on how to install and update Zoom on a computer, laptop, or mobile device.
     Zoom course links are sent only to members who are registered for the course. You will receive
     your link to attend the week prior to the start of the semester and for your convenience, during
     each day your course is held. The link you receive is unique to you and does not change throughout
     the semester. If you cannot find an email with your course link, please first check your Junk/Spam
     folder. If you still cannot find it, please email olli@temple.edu and we will resend it right away.
     Because we keep track of attendance, please do not share your link or use someone else’s.

     In-person courses take place at the Ambler campus or Center City campus and are labeled in this
     catalog in one of the following ways:
        Location: In-person at Ambler (TUA )		                 Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )

     If you are enrolled in an in-person course or the in-person section of a hybrid course, you will be
     required to:
      • follow current public health guidelines, which may include masking and social distancing, and
         are subject to change, while on campus.
      • provide proof of vaccination, or request a medical or religious exemption, prior to your first day
         of class.
      • obtain a noncredit OwlCard. An OwlCard is a Temple-specific photo ID that will give you access
         to campus buildings and classrooms.

     Once you are admitted to an in-person course, we will provide instructions on how to submit your
     vaccination record, or request a medical or religious exemption, as well as how to obtain a noncredit

     Hybrid courses are a combination of the above where the instructor teaches in-person at either the
     Ambler or Center City campus with online participants attending remotely via Zoom. Hybrid courses
     are labeled in this catalog in one of the following ways:
        Location: Online via Zoom     			 Location: Online via Zoom
        Location: In-person at Ambler (TUA )		 Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )

     During Course Registration, please be sure you are registering for your preferred location.

6   Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
                                                      The class members develop an understanding
                the arts                              of basic musical and cultural concepts through
                                                      the study of American popular music history.
                                                      Subjects covered include, but are not limited to,
                                                      African folk music and culture, African American,
Instructor: John Banger
                                                      American and Western European art and folk
Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Mar 16
                                                      music styles before jazz (including Minstrelsy,
Time: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Location: Online via Zoom                             Yiddish Theatre, and ragtime), early jazz roots,
                                                      the emergence of African American influenced
This course addresses two questions – “What           popular music in the early twentieth century, Tin
is the role of the jazz vocalist?” and “What          Pan Alley, Broadway, folk music, rock and roll,
makes a great jazz vocalist?” Whether it’s            and other significant forms of contemporary
telling a story in song, creating an atmosphere,      popular music.
embellishing and improvising on a tune, or            Maximum online registrants: 120
using phrasing to elevate an ordinary song into       Maximum in-person registrants: 40
a work of art, the vocalist is key to the success
of a jazz performance. So come celebrate our          Instructor’s Bio:
musical heritage as we listen to jazz and popular      Philip G. Simon, Emeritus Associate Professor
songs performed by some of the world’s great           at Wilkes University has directed school,
vocalists and learn why the vocalist plays such        collegiate and professional instrumental music
an important role in helping us understand and         ensembles throughout the United States and the
appreciate the music, regardless of the style.         United Kingdom for 51 years. He is the author
Maximum online registrants: 500                        of three books, including the recently published
                                                       A History of American Popular Music (Cognella
Instructor’s Bio:                                      Publishing). He is active as an arranger, bassist
 John Banger has been a music lover all his life.      and tubist in Northeastern PA.
 He was raised on classical music and developed
 an interest in jazz as a teenager. John has          HOOKING WITH WOOL:
 participated in and taught jazz classes in the       CREATING SMALL PROJECTS
 Delaware Valley area for more than 8 years,          Instructor: Betsy Warner
 teaching classes on Jazz Vocalists, Masters of       Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11
 Jazz, Understanding and Listening to Jazz, Jazz      Time: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
 and The Great American Songbook, From Bessie         Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )
 to Bebop, Brazil and Beyond – An Unconventional
 History of Jazz and Active Jazz Listening for the Rug hooking is a traditional art with many
 Non-Musician. He spends much of his free time     contemporary practitioners. Beginners will be
 searching out and listening to jazz.              given a project and learn to use a hook to pull
                                                   yarn or wool strips through a linen backing to
HISTORY OF AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC                  create a rug, wall hanging, pillow and other
Instructor: Philip Simon                           items. Those experienced with rug hooking will
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11                     receive guidance on their projects. The course
Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM                              will cover the use of different yarns and wools,
Location: Online via Zoom                          color planning and how to do your own project.
Location: In-person at Ambler (TUA )               A supply list, along with suggestions of stores
                                                   where one can purchase the supplies, will be
This music survey course focuses on the history of provided prior to the first class.
American popular music from its roots in African   Maximum in-person registrants: 10
folk music to contemporary popular music styles.
                                       For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   7
Instructor’s Bio:                                       THE ART AND LIVES OF THE
     Betsy Warner, BA, University of Pennsylvania;          IMPRESSIONISTS
     JD, Temple University School of Law. Betsy has         Instructor: James Pagliaro
     studied rug hooking for the past 16 years with         Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Feb 16
     teachers from the United States, England, and          Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
     Canada.                                                Location: Online via Zoom

    PLEIN AIR PARTY/ CAPTURING                              19th Century Paris was the European center
    PHILADELPHIA                                            of fashion, culture and art. After centuries of
    Instructor: Joann Neufeld                               domination by the teachings of the Ecole des
    Dates: Mondays, Jan 30-Mar 27                           Beaux-Arts, a group of painters, who came to
    Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                 be known as “The Impressionists” rebelled
    Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )              against the strictures of the Academic School,
                                                            and broke new ground in capturing the light,
    Following our first class that re-emphasizes            color and activities of modern life, from the
    the basics of composition, line, shape, contrast,       cafés and theaters of Paris to the verdant French
    and shading, we will be drawing and/or painting         countryside. Join our class as we take a deep dive
    directly at different locations. The city continues     into the lives and works of impressionist painters
    to offer inspirational spaces for our OLLI              like Pierre-Augusts Renoir, Claude Monet, Paul
    artists to capture. Using historic architecture,        Cezanne, Mary Cassatt and Camille Pissarro, as
    sculptures, markets, waterfronts and museums,           well as the foremost post-impressionist painter,
    we will draw and paint the details of life in           Vincent van Gogh.
    Philadelphia. Both interior and exterior (weather       Pre-requisite: None but an avid interest in Art
    permitting) locations will be meeting spots for         History
    the class. Individual help will be given by the         Maximum online registrants: 50
    instructor at every location throughout the class.
    Demonstrations of various materials will be             Instructor’s Bio:
    given, even digital drawing possibilities.               James Pagliaro has enjoyed a career as a noted
    Pre-requisite: Students have to be able to bring         and successful trial lawyer. At the same time, he
    their own materials to each location chosen for          has led a life rooted in understanding, sharing
    each weekly class.                                       and teaching others about the arts. He has
    Maximum in-person registrants: 20                        spent 20 years in Philadelphia as a Docent at
                                                             the Philadelphia Museum of Art where he has
    Instructor’s Bio:                                        chaired the Corporate Partners Board, and as
     Joann Neufeld received her BFA from Tyler               a committee member of the PMA’s Curatorial
     School of Art and used her Masters in Art Ed to         Committees on European Painting, Sculpture
     teach in both the Philadelphia and New Hope-            and Decorative Arts. Since leaving the practice
     Solebury School districts. The environment of           of law in 2018, James has attended Oxford
     our classes is supportive and friendly as we learn      University where he has mastered in Art History.
     from each other while developing new artistic           Recently, James has lectured at the Florida Gulf
     skills. Each student determines which materials         Coast University Academy on Art History topics.
     they want to use and which techniques they wish         Above all, as a former trial lawyer, James is an
     to try. We share our work regularly on the OLLI         accomplished storyteller, who weaves together
     website as we practice reviewing, discussing,           the threads of history and art to engage and
     and critiquing artwork. OLLI showcases our              delight his audiences.
     student art in exhibitions or in the course guide.

8   Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
local, social, and current issues. The dialogue
    economics & finance                                helps us gain insight into others and ourselves
                                                       on our quest to continue learning. Attendees
                                                       are invited to share their thoughts, ideas, and
                                                       opinions in a congenial and guided forum. Wake
                                                       up your brain as we gain and give knowledge
Instructor: Erik Schuster
                                                       through our individual life experiences.
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Mar 14
                                                       Maximum online registrants: 40
Time: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
                                                       Instructor’s Bio:
                                                        Janice Winston, BS, business communications;
This course will cover all aspects involved in
                                                        certificates in human resources, management,
retirement planning. All topics will focus on
                                                        and marketing, Chestnut Hill College. She is a
people preparing for retirement or currently in
                                                        retired network engineer, an award-winning
retirement. We will cover the financial aspects
                                                        pension activist, certified mediator, educator,
of retirement including cash flow management,
                                                        and elected official. Janice has taught adult
income planning, tax planning, investment
                                                        literacy and elementary education. Janice
options, and estate planning. Our healthcare
                                                        volunteers as an advanced instructor and
and Social Security section will delve into Social
                                                        government liaison at the American Red Cross.
Security optimization, Medicare coverages and
                                                        She has various interests including human rights
options, Medicare surcharges, and medical
                                                        and amateur ham radio operation.
supplemental plans.
Maximum online registrants: 100
                                                       MORNING SPORTS DIALOGUE
                                                       Instructor: Lloyd Kern
Instructor’s Bio:
                                                       Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Mar 16
 Erik Schuster, CFP is a local financial planner
                                                       Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
 that brings clarity to families retirement plan.
                                                       Location: Online via Zoom
 His goal is to educate, serve as a leader, and
 bring certainty to the families he serves. He has
                                                       Since sports have become a much-discussed
 successfully retired hundreds of families in the
                                                       topic in today’s news in general, we will
 Philadelphia area. His goal is to educate and
                                                       discuss current issues in the local, national,
 lead families through the retirement journey. He
                                                       and international sports scene both on the
 is a CFP and has an MBA. He hopes to continue
                                                       professional and amateur level. Students are
 to educate retirees on the many decisions and
                                                       invited to share their thoughts and opinions in an
 complexities that all retirees face.
                                                       open forum, both with the instructor and guest
                                                       speakers who may be present.
                                                       Maximum online registrants: 40
 entertainment & media                                 Instructor’s Bio:
                                                        Lloyd Kern, BS economics, University of
MORNING DIALOGUE: AN EXAMINATION                        Pennsylvania; MBA finance, NYU; CPA, New
OF WHAT WE ARE THINKING AS SOCIETAL                     York State. Lloyd spent over 40 years in various
NORMS ARE CHANGING                                      managerial accounting positions. He was the
Instructor: Janice Winston                              CFO for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia
Dates: Wednesdays, Feb 1-Mar 29                         for nine years. A lifelong baseball fan, he was
Time: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM                                 the owner of an Eastern League baseball
Location: Online via Zoom                               team 1977–1981 and was named the league’s
                                                        Executive of the Year in 1977.
Educational thought-provoking lectures and
discussion. Topics cover historical, national,

                                        For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   9
    AGE                                                     Instructor: Linda Brown
    Instructor: Dick Sheeran                                Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Apr 13
    Dates: Mondays, Jan 30-Mar 13                           Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
    Time: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM                                   Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )
    Location: Online via Zoom
                                                            Mahjongg is an ancient tile game that originated
    We live in a 24/7 media society. From wake to           in China. It is played with tiles in a group of four.
    sleep we are confronted.by media messages.              The object is to match a tile hand to a hand on a
    From traditional media: newspapers, radio, tv           card. It is a little confusing at first, but once you
    to social media sites, we are challenged to make        get the hang of it, you can get addicted.
    sense of it all. This course discusses how news is      Pre-requisite: Every March a new Mahjongg card
    collected and disseminated in this digital age and      needs to be purchased! I will have current cards
    how to navigate the flood of information.               available until we need to switch over.
    Pre-requisite: Knowledge of current events and          Maximum in-person registrants: 20
    desire to discuss in class.
                                                            Instructor’s Bio:
    Maximum online registrants: 50
                                                             Linda Brown, MBA, CFA, MEd, Temple
                                                             University. Linda is a retired high school English
    Instructor’s Bio:
                                                             teacher of 37 years. She is grateful for the
     Dick Sheeran, BA journalism, spent 30 years as
                                                             opportunity to come back to the classroom
     anchor/ reporter for the CBS-TV Philadelphia
                                                             with her hobby/passion of mahjongg. She has
     and five years as reporter/editor at KYW News
                                                             taught mahjongg in many different venues:
     Radio Philadelphia. Dick started his news career
                                                             beach setting, campground, and the traditional
     at the Philadelphia Daily News as a reporter/
                                                             classroom. In addition, Linda has taught one-
     editor. He taught journalism at Temple University
                                                             on-one and presently teaches 19 enthusiastic
     for several years after retiring from TV news. He
     is also a local board member of the SAG-AFTRA
     union. He is a member of the Broadcast Pioneers
     of Philadelphia Hall of Fame and author of a
     memoir titled News Hound.                                       health & wellness
                                                            HATHA YOGA
                       games                                Instructor: Joanne Gordin
                                                            Dates: Mondays, Jan 30-Mar 27
                                                            Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    CANASTA CONSORTIUM                                      Location: Online via Zoom
    Instructor: Linda Brown
    Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Apr 13                          This is a gentle yoga class open to beginners and
    Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM                                 students familiar with yoga. Class will include
    Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )              yoga postures, breathing exercises, relaxation
                                                            and meditation techniques, and a short talk on
    Canasta is a card game for people who love              yoga philosophy. A yoga belt will be used for
    games and numbers. It is played with a partner at       some classes. Students can modify or opt out
    a table of four. There are many “table rules” that      of any pose. Please arrive to class on time; late
    will be pondered and discussed. Once mastered,          arrivals are discouraged.
    this game, like mahjongg, is addictive. Join in the     Maximum online registrants: 150
    Pre-requisite: A love of figures and games.             Instructor’s Bio:
    Maximum in-person registrants: 20                        Joanne Gordin, MFA, Pennsylvania Academy
                                                             of the Fine Arts; CYT 500, YogaLife Institute.
10 Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
Joanne is a certified yoga instructor at the 500-      to our everyday activities and gain a greater
hour level. She completed her yoga training            appreciation of how slowing down and remaining
at the YogaLife Institute, where she studied           present in movement contributes to our ability to
yoga therapy. She completed programs in                relax.
Transcendental Meditation (TM), Jon Kabat-             Pre-requisite: Completion of the Introduction
Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction              to Tai Chi or experience with Tai Chi or any other
Program and The Way of Shambhala levels I-V            Martial Art.
meditation workshops.                                  Maximum in-person registrants: 25

INTRODUCTION TO TAI CHI                                MEMORY GAMES
Instructor: August Korn                                Instructor: Thomas McNellis
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11                         Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Apr 13
Time: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM                                  Time: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )             Location: Online via Zoom
                                                       Location: In-person at Ambler (TUA )
Tai Chi originated in China as a martial art. Over
the years it proved to be beneficial to general        THIS COURSE is a MUST for EVERYONE WHO
health and physical conditioning. The class            WANTS to OPTIMIZE MEMORY! The course
will consist of instruction in a short series of       provides an overview of each area of memory,
movements that will improve balance, flexibility       how it works, and suggests ways to optimize
and strength, and will contribute to reducing          those segments. Fun games and challenging
stress. Our focus will be on these health benefits     exercises are used as examples to cover the
rather than on self-defense. The movements are         latest trends and cutting-edge research that is
slow and gentle with an emphasis on relaxation in      changing the way memory is understood and
movement. The primary principle of Tai Chi is to       developed. The class is designed for students
relax. Go at your own pace and enjoy the journey.      who like fun exercises that are based upon
Maximum in-person registrants: 25                      techniques that enrich both hemispheres of the
                                                       brain. Your own personal Excel Memory Sheet
Instructor’s Bio:                                      will provide continued tracking of growth long
 August Korn, BSN, Thomas Jefferson University;        after class is over. Each fun exercise will analyze
 BSEd, Temple University. August has studied the       brain areas, examine memory functions, and
 Cheng Manching style of Tai Chi for over 20 years     focus on creating positive patterns for memory
 with Andrew Heckert of Philadelphia. He has           processes.
 attended numerous workshops and retreats with         Maximum online registrants: 100
 three senior students of Grandmaster Cheng:           Maximum in-person registrants: 40
 Master William C.C. Chen, NY; Master Benjamin
 Pang Jeng Lo, CA; Master Ping Siang Tao, WA           Instructor’s Bio:
 and Taiwan.                                            Thomas McNellis is currently President of
                                                        Memory Matters Corporation where his research
TAI CHI CONTINUING STUDY                                has been primarily directed toward Accelerated
Instructor: August Korn                                 Learning, initially developed while he was a
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11                          Treasurer and Secretary for the Mathematical
Time: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM                                   Association of America. His new research
Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )              focuses on Memory Retention and games that
                                                        build upon Memory Growth. Mr. McNellis has
In this class we will continue our study of the         taught at universities around the globe including
Tai Chi Solo Form to refine the structure of the        in the United States, the United Kingdom, The
postures and the quality of the movements.              United Arab Emirates, and Europe.
We will explore some of the ways in which
the body mechanics of Tai Chi can be applied

                                        For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   11
THE CHANGING CULTURE OF FATHERHOOD                      Africa will first be examined as a physical space
    Instructor: Jay Fagan                                   with distinct environmental issues. Then we
    Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Feb 23                          will shift to enough of a historical focus to
    Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM                                 correct many common misconceptions. The
    Location: Online via Zoom                               course will subsequently concentrate on the
                                                            issues that beset Africa today. Predominantly:
    Family life has changed dramatically in the United      1) environmental (global warming has had a
    States and other industrialized nations during the      serious impact); 2) political (some countries are
    past 50 years. These trends have placed demands         plagued by such problems as terrorism, unstable
    on fathers to become more involved in childcare         regimes, and competition for power among ethnic
    and to assume greater responsibility for raising        groups, and 3) economic (Africa is sometimes
    children. This course will examine the changing         isolated from major trading flows and tends to be
    family landscape in the U.S., how fathers’ roles        dependent on sales of raw materials). The course
    and behaviors have changed, factors associated          will end by identifying positive signs of growth
    with fathers’ involvement with children, the            and development on the continent.
    effects on children when fathers are or are             Maximum in-person registrants: 40
    not involved with them, and current policies
    and programs for fathers. Participants will be          Instructor’s Bio:
    engaged in a number of exercises to reflect on           Marilyn Silberfein, PhD, is a professor emeritus
    their own experiences with their father.                 who recently retired from the Department
    Maximum online registrants: 20                           of Geography and Urban Studies at Temple
                                                             University. She has spent over three years in
    Instructor’s Bio:                                        Africa conducting research and publishing books
     Jay Fagan, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the            and articles (visiting over 20 countries). She
     School of Social Work at Temple University.             has taught related courses at Temple University
     His research has focused on father-child                during a 45-year career in the Department of
     relationships and coparenting in nonresidential         Geography and Urban Studies. She also spent
     and low-income families. He has published               two years with the Agency for International
     three textbooks: Fathers and Early Childhood            Development in Washington DC.
     Programs, Clinical and Educational Interventions
     with Fathers, and New Research on Parenting            DANIEL BOONE: A LIFE FORGED AT THE EDGE
     Programs for Low-Income Fathers. Jay has               OF “CIVILIZATION”
     published 92 peer reviewed research papers             Instructor: Edward Dodson
     mostly on fathers. He has taught human behavior        Dates: Mondays, Jan 30-Feb 27
     and social environment courses at Temple               Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
     University since 1990.                                 Location: Online via Zoom

                                                            A series of lecture/discussions on the life of
                                                            frontiersman Daniel Boone and the events that
                      history                               brought white settlement beginning in the 1750s
                                                            to the region of North America that became the
    AN OVERVIEW OF AFRICA: PAST AND                         state of Kentucky.
    PRESENT                                                 Maximum online registrants: 100
    Instructor: Marilyn Silberfein
    Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Mar 28                          Instructor’s Bio:
    Time: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM                                    Ed Dodson retired in 2005 after a career in
    Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )               banking and finance. He holds a BS degree from
                                                             Shippensburg University and a Master of Liberal
    This course will look at a part of the world that        Arts degree from Temple University. From 1981
    is typically not well understood by Americans.           until 2013, he served on the faculty of the Henry
12 Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
George School of Social Science. He has served             Florida? Did you know that Panamá was part of
on the OLLI faculty since 2007.                            Colombia before the Panama Canal was built?
                                                           These and other stories and legends will help you
HOW DID WE GET HERE? - THE                                 understand the mindset of Latin Americans. There
ENLIGHTENMENT                                              has always been some degree of outside influence
Instructor: Steven Pollack                                 that has impacted the countries south of the US
Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Mar 30                             border.
Time: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM                                     Pre-requisite: Interest in subject matter
Location: Online via Zoom                                  Maximum online registrants: 100
Location: In-person at Ambler (TUA )
                                                           Instructor’s Bio:
A continuing look at the evolution of human                 Alicia H. Romeu has studied Romance Languages
civilization: the advent of the value of reason,            and history for the past fifty years. She has
rational thought and cooperation; the rise of               earned three master’s degrees: the first one from
science and math as competitors to religion; the            I.T.E.S.M. from Monterrey, México, a Bilingual
decline of monarchies, evidenced by the American            Bicultural degree from LaSalle University in
and French Revolutions; the rise of Deism; a call           Philadelphia culminating with an Educational
for “liberty, equality and fraternity;” and how the         Administration degree from Villanova University.
Industrial Revolution sparked the 2nd Agricultural          Her teaching experience goes back almost 50
Revolution.                                                 years having retired from Germantown Academy
Maximum online registrants: 200                             in Fort Washington. She is now a guide at the
Maximum in-person registrants: 40                           Philadelphia Museum of Art after graduating from
Instructor’s Bio:                                           a two-year training program.
 Steve Pollack is a performer, director, lecturer
 and actor who has appeared in venues ranging              ON THE MAP!
 from Grand Opera to Blues and Pop; an actor               Instructor: Betsy Reese
 and director of stage plays; and as a lecturer and        Dates: Tuesdays, Mar 14-Apr 11
 teacher in schools, community organizations, and          Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
 private associations. He has performed in many            Location: Online via Zoom
 local and regional theaters in opera, concert,            In this class we will examine and discuss the
 and musical theater and was one of the original           elements on, or not on, a map through history.
 members of Peter Nero’s Voices of the Pops in             We will explore: borders and how they are tied
 Philadelphia. He lectures often on subjects of            to topics such as space, territory, sovereignty,
 culture, art, history, music, and social change           politics, and cultural processes; colors, as
 with specific focus on the critical, ironic, or trivial   one of the first things we notice about a map,
 connections between historical events. He was             and how colors impact our instantaneous,
 educated at Franklin & Marshall College and               subconscious view of what the map is “saying;”
 Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.                                 images & symbols, from filling in blank spaces &
                                                           enchanting sea monsters, to standards and visual
LOST STORIES AND LEGENDS IN LATIN                          representations of features on maps; typography
AMERICA                                                    and lettering, seem simple, but are they really?
Instructor: Alicia Romeu                                   And finally we will think about who and what are
Dates: Mondays, Feb 6 - Mar 20                             not on the map.
Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM                                    Maximum online registrants: 150
Location: Online via Zoom
                                                           Instructor’s Bio:
Did you know that Sir Francis Drake challenged the          Betsy Reese is the Associate Director at OLLI.
Spanish Crown during the 16th century when he               She taught Geographic Information Science
arrived at the Pacific Northwest coastline and later        at Bryn Mawr College, where she was also an
attacked the Spanish settlement in St. Augustine,
                                           For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   13
instructional technologist & the map curator.
     Betsy taught GIS, the History of Cartography,                         languages
     Geography, and the Honor’s Seminar at Maine
     Maritime College in Castine, Maine. Her co-
                                                            FRENCH BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE
     produced exhibition at the Castine Historical
                                                            Instructor: Nick Mastripolito
     Society entitled The Schooner Bowdoin on the
                                                            Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11
     Greenland Patrol is now permanently displayed
                                                            Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
     at Maine Maritime.
                                                            Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )
    PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS AND AMERICAN                      We will study grammar and pronunciation with
    IDENTITY                                                the goal of being able to express simple ideas.
    Instructor: Stan Cutler                                 There will be many opportunities to practice
    Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Mar 23                          during class in a fun and supportive environment.
    Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                 The text we will be using is French Verb Tenses by
    Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )              Trudie Maria Booth, McGraw Hill. The cost of the
    The course utilizes a public website with an            text is currently $15.44 on Amazon.
    archive of over 300 presidential campaign               If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of
    advertisements. Each 1½ hour session will               2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the
    begin with viewing representative campaign              spring of 2023.
    ads from a selected year, immediately leading to
    a fifteen-minute interactive discussion among           Instructor’s Bio:
    class participants, followed by a brief PowerPoint       Nick Mastripolito, BA and MA, French language
    lesson, followed by another discussion period            and literature, Temple University. Nick also
    and summary of lessons learned. The course               studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. While working
    will discuss campaign ads from 1948 to the               on his MA, he taught beginning French as a
    present and explore what they teach us about the         teaching assistant. He also taught French for
    changing political scenes.                               several years at a private school on the Main
    Pre-requisite: an open mind and a love of                Line.
    Maximum in-person registrants: 50                       FRENCH 3
                                                            Instructor: Mark Germano
    Instructor’s Bio:                                       Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11
     Stan Cutler, formerly on Penn State’s Speech           Time: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
     and Communications faculty, enjoyed a long             Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )
     career in information technology until his
     retirement. Since then, he has self-published          The objective of this course is to improve the
     four books, with four new novels to be released        proficiency of those who previously have acquired
     in 2022. He is a contributing columnist for the        some ability to read, write, and converse in
     Chestnut Hill Local and on the Board of the            French. We will use language instruction based
     Friends of the Library. In 2015, alarmed by the        loosely on the method developed by John A.
     debasement of political rhetoric, he began             Rassias (1925-2015), longtime professor of
     teaching the fundamentals of rhetoric as they          Romance Languages at Dartmouth College. We
     apply to political speech at lifelong learning         will use the fourth edition of his undergraduate
     venues in and around Philadelphia, continually         text, Départ-Arrivée. In addition, we will conduct
     updating the material in keeping with recent           oral reading and discussion of a French play or
     events. He taught his first course at OLLI in 2019.    short novel. Active class participation is essential.
                                                            Pre-requisite: French 2
                                                            If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of
                                                            2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the
                                                            spring of 2023.
14 Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
Instructor’s Bio:                                      THE STUDY OF GERMAN CULTURE AND
 Mark Germano, BA, Dartmouth College, MA,              HISTORY THROUGH THE GERMAN LANGUAGE
 Middlebury College (thesis on French Foreign          Instructor: Cheri Micheau
 Policy, 1982). He also studied at Institut            Dates: Mondays, Jan 30-Apr 3
 d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Universite de           Time: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
 Caen, Universite de Paris. He taught French to        Location: Online via Zoom
 secondary, undergraduate, and adult students
 in the United States and France (1976-1988).          In this multilevel course, advanced beginner to
 He was Director of Studies Rassias Language           advanced-intermediate-level students explore
 Programs Abroad (1986–1989); Director of              cultural topics, such as German history and
 College Counseling, Lycee Francais de New York        traditions, in the target language. The course
 (1988–1999) and in other schools in the United        emphasizes the development of speaking
 States and Switzerland (1999-2006).                   fluency, improved pronunciation accuracy,
                                                       accurate applications of essential grammatical
FRENCH IMMERSION                                       features, vocabulary expansion and retention,
Instructor: Lois Beck                                  and enhanced listening proficiency. Homework
Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Apr 13                         is assigned weekly, and in class, students work
Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM                                frequently with classmates in break-out rooms,
Location: Online via Zoom                              so many opportunities to practice are offered.
Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )             Singing is encouraged, but not required.
                                                       Pre-requisite: Absolute beginners will not be
This highly interactive class aims to improve          able to take this course......some background in
students’ oral/aural skills and is conducted           German will be necessary.
entirely in French. Course materials, taken from       Maximum online registrants: 50
videos and French newspapers, deal with current
affairs in France and Francophone countries.           Instructor’s Bio:
Pre-requisite: Student should be able to express        Cheri Micheau, (PhD, educational linguistics,
themselves with minor corrections from the              1990, Penn) taught graduate courses in
teacher. They should also have the ability to work      educational linguistics and language at West
easily with the Internet and a printer.                 Chester, Drexel, Temple, and Penn, and coached
If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of       teachers of English as a second language (ESL)
2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the         in the School District of Philadelphia. She taught
spring of 2023.                                         K–12 ESL in Upper Merion and in Philadelphia,
                                                        as well as German in York, PA, and at Frankfurt
Instructor’s Bio:                                       International School in Germany.
 Lois Beck, MA in French Language and Literature
 from Boston University. Lois’ postgraduate work
                                                       SPANISH 1, SECTION A
 includes courses at McGill University in Montreal,
                                                       Instructors: Kitt Turner, Donna Boling, and Jane
 the Sorbonne in Paris, and the University of
 Salamanca in Spain. She has taught French and
                                                       Dates: Wednesdays, Feb 1-Apr 12
 Spanish at the Julia R. Masterman School and at
                                                       Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
 the Philadelphia High School for Girls, as well
                                                       Location: Online via Zoom
 as teaching privately and giving tours of historic
 Philadelphia in French.
                                                       A continuation of Spanish 1 from the Fall
                                                       Pre-requisite: Must have been registered in the
                                                       Fall semester class.
                                                       If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of
                                                       2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the
                                                       spring of 2023.
                                       For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   15
Instructor’s Bios:                                      Instructor’s Bio:
     Kitt Turner returned to studying Spanish after          Michael Niederman, MBA, accounting, Temple
     retiring as a lawyer. She has been studying             University; BA, Spanish language, Penn State
     Spanish since 2018 utilizing classes at OLLI, a         University. He spent two summers during high
     private tutor, self-directed study, and online          school living in Latin America. Michael was
     courses. As a high school student she spent             an internal auditor for the School District of
     10 months as an exchange student in La Paz,             Philadelphia for 25 years, and at the time of
     Bolivia.                                                retirement, he was the director of payroll for the
                                                             district. He enjoys traveling where he can use his
     Donna Boling, M.Ed University of Washington;            foreign language skills.
     BS Penn State University; Donna taught at the
     School District of Philadelphia and later became       SPANISH 2
     an Instructional Technology Specialist there.          Instructor: Michael Niederman
     She teaches Educational Technology classes at          Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Apr 11
     Temple University in the Education Department.         Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
     Donna has completed all levels of Spanish at           Location: Online via Zoom
     OLLI and has taken courses in Spanish while
     staying in Oaxaca and San Miguel de Allende in         This class is Part 2 of a three-part course
     Mexico.                                                spanning the 2022-2023 academic year and is
                                                            intended for students who have taken Part 1 in
     Jane Jacobs served as a corporate attorney             the fall. In class we will build on what we learned
     in New York and Philadelphia for many years.           last semester. We will begin to learn to use tenses
     However, she found her calling teaching law at         other than the present. Students will be able to
     Community College of Philadelphia and retired          create more complex sentences and strengthen
     from there in 2021. She discovered OLLI after          their ability to communicate orally.
     retirement and spent the pandemic happily              Pre-requisite: Students must have taken Spanish
     taking writing and Spanish classes. She is             2 at OLLI in the fall semester. This class is
     excited about the opportunity to teach Spanish         designed as a continuation of the fall semester.
     for OLLI to beginning speakers as she takes            If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of
     every opportunity to converse that she can.            2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the
                                                            spring of 2023.
    SPANISH 1, SECTION B                                    SPANISH 3
    Instructors: Michael Niederman                          Instructor: Stephanie Sesker
    Dates: Wednesdays, Feb 1-Apr 12                         Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2-Mar 30
    Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                 Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
    Location: Online via Zoom                               Location: Online via Zoom
    This is Part 2 of a three-part course in                This is Part 2 of a 3-semester intermediate course
    beginning Spanish. In this class we will build          that includes practice in grammar, vocabulary
    on the knowledge acquired in Part 1, in the fall        building, listening comprehension, and speaking.
    2022 semester. We will continue to work on              All students are required to participate actively in
    pronunciation as well as learn verb conjugation         small and large group conversation each week.
    and additional elements in constructing                 We will continue using the textbook, Advanced
    sentences.                                              Spanish Step-by-Step by Barbara Bregstein, as a
    Pre-requisite: Students must have taken Spanish         reference and homework practice.
    1 at OLLI in the fall 2022 semester.                    Pre-requisite: Students must have been enrolled
    If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of       in Spanish 3, Part 1 at OLLI in the fall semester.
    2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the         If you were enrolled in this class in the fall of
    spring of 2023.                                         2022, you will automatically be enrolled in the
                                                            spring of 2023.
16 Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
Instructor’s Bio:
 Stephanie Sesker, MA in linguistics, University                               law
 of Iowa. Stephanie was involved in English as a
 Second Language administration and teaching
                                                      HOT TOPICS IN JUSTICE AND LAW
 at the university level for 35 years. She was a
                                                      Instructors: Judge Phyllis Beck & Lynn Marks
 Fulbright senior lecturer (TESL) in Mexico and
                                                      Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Feb 28
 academic director of the Binational Center in
                                                      Time: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
 Asunción, Paraguay. She has presented papers
                                                      Location: Online via Zoom
 and led workshops in the field of ESL in Mexico,
 South America, and Spain.
                                                      Explore current policy issues, often from
                                                      opposing perspectives. Expert speakers include
                                                      political and community leaders, judges,
Instructor: Phyllis Bailey
                                                      reporters, authors, formerly incarcerated people,
Dates: Mondays, Jan 30-Apr 10
                                                      legal/political pundits, and advocates for justice.
Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
                                                      The schedule will be flexible to accommodate
Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )
                                                      topics that are in current news cycles. Topics
Each class will begin with a general Q & A            may include: the current political landscapes
session. The students will read the selected          (nationally, PA and regionally); analyses of “hot”
stories aloud in Spanish paying attention to          cases in the courts; criminal justice reform;
pronunciation. This will be followed by small or      abortion, ethics in government, and more. Ed
large group discussion. Grammar will be taught in     Rendell has been a regular speaker. We want to
context or upon request. The entire class will be     challenge students to think about policy and legal
conducted in Spanish.                                 issues from various points of view.
Pre-requisite: Students should have completed         Pre-requisite: Willingness to learn and keep an
4 semesters of Spanish at OLLI or any other           open mind to various points of view
institute and be able to express themselves in        Maximum online registrants: 500
Spanish. The required text is READ and THINK
SPANISH premium 4th edition, published by             Instructor’s Bios:
McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-1-260-47459-6, MHID              Judge Phyllis W. Beck was a practicing lawyer,
1-260-47459-3.                                         was vice dean of the University of Pennsylvania
Maximum in-person registrants: 20                      Law School, and was elected to serve on the
                                                       Superior Court of Pennsylvania where she was
Instructor’s Bio:                                      the first woman to serve. She was an appellate
 Phyllis Bailey, BA in Spanish, University of          judge for 25 years. After she retired from the
 Kentucky; MS in education administration,             court, she was general counsel to the Barnes
 University of Pennsylvania. She was a Peace           Foundation. She is presently chair of the
 Corps volunteer in Brazil and an exchange             Independence Foundation.
 teacher in Puerto Rico. She taught Spanish
 for 33 years and was department chair of the          Lynn A. Marks, JD. She is a public interest
 World Language Department at Central High             lawyer specializing in leading nonprofit
 School. She taught algebra and ESOL (English to       organizations. She has been executive director
 speakers of other languages). She also studied        of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, Women
 in Mexico, Spain, and France and has traveled         Organized Against Rape, and Women’s Medical
 extensively.                                          Fund, and has chaired the boards of directors
                                                       of Living Beyond Breast Cancer; PA Interbranch
                                                       Commission for Gender, Racial, and Ethnic
                                                       Fairness; Women’s Law Project; and National
                                                       Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered

                                       For more information, please visit noncredit.temple.edu/olli | Spring 2023   17
SCREENING THE AMERICAN JUSTICE                          Instructor’s Bio:
    SYSTEM                                                   Ellie Gesensway, BS, MA in American History,
    Instructors: Sheldon Seligsohn                           University of Pennsylvania. She was a high
    Dates: Wednesdays, Feb 22-Apr 12                         school teacher, NPS ranger, bookstore manager,
    Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                  neighborhood book club leader, published
    Location: In-person at Center City (TUCC )               author, 7 continent traveler, violinist, and
                                                             preservationist of the year (1985) for saving the
    Movies about trials have always excited the              Lits building. She has served on many nonprofit
    imagination of theater audiences and of                  boards. At OLLI, she has taught courses, given
    filmmakers. Through the use of selected film             Summer Cafe lectures, organized a special
    clips a veteran trial lawyer will explain how            Friday Forum program, and was featured in the
    the movies and real life can be very different           OLLI 2017 Notebook. Her literature study group
    experiences. The class will include lectures and         is in its 11th year.
    class discussion. The movies in this course are:
    Inherit the Wind, My Cousin Vinnie, Judgement           ESSENTIALS TO SELF-PUBLISHING YOUR
    at Nuremberg, A Few Good Men, A Man for All             BOOK
    Seasons, 12 Angry Men and Chicago.                      Instructor: Vivienne Munn
    Maximum in-person registrants: 40                       Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 31-Mar 14
                                                            Time: 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
    Instructor’s Bio:                                       Location: Online via Zoom
     Sheldon Seligsohn has a JD from Temple Law
     School and a BS from the Wharton School. He            Turn those words into a finished book and self-
     has more than 30 years of teaching and lecturing       publishing into a reality. So… Do you want to
     experience at various colleges and universities        publish your memoir, children’s book, or a fun
     including Temple Law School, Penn State                fiction or non-fiction book? Join author Vivienne
     University, and Arcadia University and as a Road       K. Munn and learn how to get started in self-
     Scholar Lecturer.                                      publishing: from setting goals, the basics of
                                                            writing, to editing and proofreading services and
                                                            demonstrations on how to submit for Amazon
         literature & writing                               publication. This fun, hands-on, demonstration
                                                            workshop will focus on the essentials for
                                                            publication and a brief discussion on marketing
    BANNED BOOKS BECKON, PART 2                             your work.
    Instructor: Eleanor Gesensway                           Pre-requisite: Come to learn how to self-publish
    Dates: Thursdays, Feb 2, Feb 23, Mar 23, Apr 20         your story through demonstrations and class
    Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                 participation.
    Location: Online via Zoom                               Maximum online registrants: 25
    This course is a continuation of the 2022-2023
                                                            Instructor’s Bio:
    monthly literature study class by the same title.
                                                             Vivienne Munn, an American Novelist,
    To participate in the class, members must read all
                                                             Elder-Care Patient Advocate, Educator, and
    the books and, at least once during the year, co-
                                                             Inspirational Speaker. Vivienne writes children’s
    lead the discussion. This semester’s selections
                                                             books and middle-grade books. She has
    are: Feb 2, Slaughterhouse 5 (Kurt Vonnegut);
                                                             published several children’s books, her first
    Feb 23, The Complete Maus (Art Spiegelman);
                                                             of which, My Pal Buddee–The Checker King,
    March 23, The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret
                                                             debuted in 2015. She is a former university
    Atwood); April 20, Beloved (Toni Morrison)
                                                             professor with twenty years of experience in
    Pre-requisite: Students must read all the books
                                                             teaching and publication (two non-fiction, adult,
    and actively participate in the discussions.
                                                             and inspirational books.)
    Maximum online registrants: 20

18 Spring 2023 | OLLI at Temple | olli@temple.edu | (215) 204-1505
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