OHIO NURSES Review Volume 95, Issue 4 - December, 2020 - NursingALD.com

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OHIO NURSES Review Volume 95, Issue 4 - December, 2020 - NursingALD.com
The Official Publication of the Ohio Nurses Association

                                                          Volume 95, Issue 4
                                                          December, 2020                                           Review

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OHIO NURSES Review Volume 95, Issue 4 - December, 2020 - NursingALD.com
                                                                      COUNCIL ON PRACTICE                 HEALTH POLICY COUNCIL
                                                                      Kris Cope, DNP, RN, NE-BC,
                                                                      Co-Chair                            Yvonne Smith, PhD, APRN, CNS
                                                                      Sharon Hawkins, MPA, MSN/ed,        (Chair)
The Ohio Nurses Review (ISSN 0030-0993) is the official               RN, Co-Chair                        Sara Arter, Ph.D, RN
publication of the Ohio Nurses Association, 3760 Ridge Mill           Paula Anderson, RN                  Kelly Duffey, RN
Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026, (614) 969-3800. Indexed in International
Nursing Index and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health       Benitha Garrett, MSN, RN            Peggy Halter, PhD, APRN
Literature. Published quarterly. Circulation approximately 10,000.    Laurie Hornberger, RN               Rick Lucas, BSN, RN
Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, OH.                             Kenneth Quick, BSN                  Shelly Malberti, DNP, RN
                                                                      Holly L. Renninger BSN, RN          Jeri Milstead, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Published by ONA Staff and Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency          Deborah Schwytzer, DNP, RN-BC,      Teresa Monnin, MSN, RN, WCC
Inc., PO Box 216, Cedar Falls, IA 50613. Layout and Design:           CEN                                 Genevieve Richard, BSN, RN
Chris Hall
                                                                                                          Gina Severino, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC
                                                                      CONTINUING EDUCATION
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – Members of ONA, $15, included                   COUNCIL                             Carol Smith, RN
in dues as a member benefit; Corporate first class postage                                                Jacinta Tucker, MSN, RN
subscription, $40; Agencies, $40; members of the Ohio                 Barb Brunt, MA, MN, RN, NPD-BC,     Linda Warino BSN, RN
Nursing Students’ Association, $15 with a copy of NSNA                NE-BC (chair)                       Robert Weitzel, BSN, RN
membership card. Replacement copies, $5 prepaid with order.           Tahnee Andrew, MSN, RN              Teresa Wood, PhD., RN, NEA-BC
POSTMASTER – Send address changes to Ohio Nurses Review,              Lucinda Cave, MSN, RN, BC           ALTERNATES
3760 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026                             Stephanie Clubbs, MSN, RN-BC, CNS   Peggy Berry, PhD, RN, COHN-S,
                                                                      Susan Copeland, MS, RN, BC          CLE, PLNC
MISSION STATEMENT – The mission of the Ohio Nurses                    Beth Griebel, MSN, BSN              Tiffany Mattingly, RN
Review is: To advance professional nursing practice in Ohio in        Amy Knupp, PhD, RN,
service of quality health care.                                       APRN-CNS, CPSS                      OHIO PUBLICATIONS
                                                                      Melanie Morris, MBA, BSN,           COMMITTEE
Articles appearing in the Ohio Nurses Review are presented
                                                                      RN-BC, CCRN-K
for the information of our members. They are not intended as                                              Barb Brunt, MA, MN, RN, NPD-BC,
legal advice and should not be used in lieu of such advice. For       Diane Moyer, MS, BSN, RN
                                                                                                          NE-BC, Editor, Akron
specific legal advice, readers should contact their legal counsel.    Laura Rafeld, MSN, RN
                                                                                                          Alyssa Mauser, BSN, RN, Akron
                                                                      Gail Rhodes, MS, BSN, RN, OCN
Copyright © 2020 by Ohio Nurses Association.                          Deb Shields, PhD, RN, CCRN, QTTT    David Foley, PhD, MSN, RN-BC,
                                                                      Sue Smith, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN         CNE, MPA, Parma
ONA BOARD OF DIRECTORS – 2019-2021                                    Pam Dickerson, PhD, RN-BC (MS,      Jeri Milstead, PhD, RN, NEA-BC,
                                                                      BSN, FAA, (Liaison for ANCC)        FAAN, Dublin
                                                                      Nancy Campbell, MSN, RN-BC          Kristine Cope, DNP, RN, NE-BC,
Deborah Arms, PhD, RN, President, Groveport
                                                                      (Liaison for Indiana)               Columbus
Carol Roe, RN, MSN, JD, First Vice-President, Cleveland Heights
Jacinta Tucker, MSN, RN, Second Vice-President, Midvale                                                   Lucinda Cave, MSN, RN, BC, Cleveland
Joyce Powell, RN, BSN, CEN, Secretary, Cuyahoga Falls
Annie Bowen, MSN, RN, CPN, NE-BC, Treasurer, Pataskala                ONA STAFF

DIRECTORS, UNSTRUCTURED                                               Lisa Ochs, CEO                      Sangita Koparde, Organizer
Paula Anderson, RN, Westerville                                                                           Angie Lemery, Business Office
                                                                      Tiffany Bukoffsky, Director of
Gina Severino, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, Canfield                                                                 Administrator
                                                                      Health Policy
Benitha Garrett, MSN, RN, North Olmsted
Jamie Burchett, BSN, RN, New Franklin                                 Carolyn Carmack, Labor              Cathy McClelland, Finance
                                                                      Representative                      Manager
                                                                      Bob Cousins, DEO of Labor           Anne Mueller, Labor
Rick Lucas, RN, BSN, OCN, VA-BC, CCRN, New Lexington
                                                                      Relations                           Representative
Iris Marcentile, BSN, RN, CPAN, Coshocton
Jessica Frymyer, RN, BSN, CNOR, Orient                                Michelle Donovan,                   Anne Ransone, Deputy Executive
Michelle Thoman, MSN, RN, Cincinnati                                  Communication and                   Officer - Operations
Robert Weitzel, RN, BSN, Harrison                                     Development Coordinator             Kelli Schweitzer, Senior Director of
                                                                      Alex Gehrisch, Membership           Professional Practice
Holly Renninger, RN, BSN, Uniontown                                   Controller                          Robin Smith, Membership
                                                                      Dennis Dugan, Labor                 Controller
ECONOMIC & GENERAL WELFARE COMMISSIONERS                              Representative                      Sandy Swearingen, Continuing
Jessie Frymyer, Chair                                                 Jessica Dzubak, Director of         Education Specialist
                                     Rick Lucas
Orient                               New Lexington                    Nursing Practice                    Brittany Turner, Nurse Planner
Robert Weitzel, Co-Chair             Alex Watts                       Dodie Dowden, Assistant to CEO      Lisa Walker, Health Policy and
Harrison                             Dublin                           Molly Homan, Director of            Nursing Practice Specialist
Iris Marcentile, Secretary           Ashlee Severs                    Communications and Marketing
Coshocton                                                                                                 Rachel Wolfe, Assistant to DEO,
                                     Negley                           Technology                          Labor Relations
Michelle Thoman                      Barbara McGhee                   James Humphreys, Organizer
Cincinnati                           Tallmadge
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                                By Deborah Arms, PhD, RN

Seasons Greetings ONA Members,                                                                                    These are just of few examples of the caregiving we as nurses
The theme of this ONR is Nurses Caring for Themselves First                                                       take on not just in our jobs but with our family as well, whether
Care for Others. In this month of giving, I think it is a perfect                                                 we have children, grandchildren or taking care of our elderly
time to give a gift to yourself.                                                                                  parents.

It has been a very trying year for all of us, but especially trying                                               If we do not take care of ourselves we will not be about to give
for those of you working on the frontlines taking care of very                                                    our best in our job and in our personal life. We know that the
sick patients. We have heard of the instances of the lack of PPE,                                                 pandemic is not letting up anytime soon, therefore I suspect
staff, and any relief in our hospitals from the continuing wave                                                   many of us will not be with family and friends over the holidays.
of sick patients coming through our doors. Naturally this takes                                                   While that is not ideal, it can also be blessing for us to take the
a toll on all of you and I have heard numerous cases of nurse                                                     time for ourselves. Focusing on your mental health through
burnout.                                                                                                          meditation, yoga, reading a good book, taking a walk, sewing or
                                                                                                                  crafting, and even playing board or card games with your kids
In addition, nurses with family have been dealing with virtual                                                    while you are staying at home can bring some calm to a very
schooling for their children which is very stressful for a variety                                                hectic time. Whatever you do, I ask you take at least one day to
of reasons. I don’t know about you, but I was Zooming with my                                                     pamper yourself. It is imperative that we as nurses get better at
granddaughter trying to help her make a pincushion for her life                                                   resting and relaxing so that we can be recharged and ready to go
skills class while her mother was in the other room working                                                       for the new year.
from home. Thank goodness she did not ask me to help her with
her 7th grade math problems.                                                                                      Have a safe and relaxing holiday!
                                                                                                                  All my Best,
For the elderly family members, their isolation is a worry and                                                    Deb Arms
takes a toll on us as we try and stay connected as best we can.

CEO’s Message................................................. 4     Caring During COVID-19: Being a Home
                                                                      Health Nurse in a Pandemic...................21
2020 Year in Review
 Health Policy Council............................. 6                Low Staffing Levels Leads to Increased
 Caucus on Advancing Nursing                                          Risks for Nurses...........................................22
 Education.................................................. 8       Annual Dues Increase..................................22
 E&GW.......................................................... 9
                                                                     Nurse Wellness in 2020...............................23
 RNA........................................................... 10
                                                                     Take Care of MYSELF???...............................24
 Environmental and Community
 Health Caucus (ECHC).......................... 18                   What’s New on CE4Nurses?.......................25
 CE Council............................................... 19        AFT PPE Bus Tour...........................................26
 Council on Practice............................... 19               2021 Convention...........................................30
                                                                     AFT Benefits....................................................31

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                  By Lisa Ochs, CEO

Dear ONA Members,                                                  help our nurses stay safe. Through their generosity, we were able
As the year 2020 comes to an end, we cannot help but reflect on    to provide surgical masks, face shields, wipes and other PPE.
the difficult and good times of the year.                          Unfortunately, ONA was unable to secure N95 masks.

The World Health Organization named 2020 The Year of the           In October, we were fortunate to receive 10,000 N95 masks
Nurse and I know we all had great anticipation. As the year        from AFT to share with nurses across the state. We are grateful
2020 approached, our organization looked forward to what the       to AFT and all organizations that were able to help our nurses
new year would bring and how ONA would celebrate the great         who were helping everyone else.
work of our nurses. We learned quickly that indeed 2020 would
be the Year of the Nurse and nurses would be the lifeline across   The Year of the Nurse was a year of adapting to the “new
the world.                                                         normal.” Our academic nurses were challenged to provide
                                                                   virtual classes to prepare our future nurses. Somehow, they rose
As we approached March and were preparing for a sold-out           above the difficulties and managed to find a way.
Nurses Day at the Statehouse, COVID-19 came to the forefront.
It quickly became clear that we would need to cancel our event.    Not only were our academic nurses challenged to work virtually,
Although we were unable to hold Nurses Day at the Statehouse,      ONA was forced to adapt with staff working remotely while
we were actively engaged in the General Assembly; especially       cancelling some events and offering new ones. Among events
regarding COVID-19 and HB 144.                                     cancelled was the Special House of Delegates meeting slated
                                                                   for October. With the “new normal,” ONA made the decision
During mid-March, ONA staff were on calls with the                 to offer almost all CEs free to our members and utilization
Governor’s office and CDC to gain the latest information           dramatically increased. Our ONA Board of Directors worked
surrounding the virus. Our staff worked diligently to provide      through these unprecedented times by holding virtual board
the latest information regarding COVID-19 and toiled through       meetings to fulfill their responsibilities, complete strategic
PPE challenges that were facing our bedside nurses. We held        planning and continue to move the organization forward.
tele-town events to hear from our members and to help them
navigate the impact the virus was having on their jobs and their   2020 has truly been the Year of the Nurse and our country saw
health. We were fortunate to have experts in the area of human     firsthand why nursing is hailed as the most trusted profession
resources, employment law and healthcare to assist our many        year after year. While this year has been difficult, I have been
members who were experiencing legal and financial challenges       privileged to work for an organization that serves such an
as a result of the virus.                                          honorable profession.

As COVID-19 grew in strength, so did the resolve of our bedside
nurses who worked day and night to help our communities’ most
vulnerable. While many of our nurses worked in hospitals, many
became ill with COVID-19. And yet, they healed and went back
to work to help those in need. Many of our bedside nurses stayed
away from their families to keep them safe from the virus. To
assist them, we were able to provide gift bags with toiletries
from generous donors on Amazon Smile. Staff put bags together
for our nurses on the frontline.

There was a great deal of chaos around COVID-19 and our
nurses were greatly impacted with PPE shortages. Our nurses
were going into battle with an invisible enemy and they
didn’t have the PPE needed to protect them. The Ohio Nurses
Foundation Board was committed to donating funds to purchase
PPE and other needs. Through ONF, we were also able to team
up with companies such as Homage and Arlene’s Candles to

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Health Policy Council
(Information provided as of October 16, 2020)
By Tiffany Bukoffsky, MHA, BSN, RN

In the midst of a global pandemic, the Health Policy Council       hearings to date and over 150 Ohio citizens and organizations
(HPC) has continued to work diligently over the past year          have provided support for the resolution.
to review legislation introduced in Ohio’s 133rd General
Assembly. The Council has supported the review of and offered      ONA provided written interested party testimony for House 606
recommendations for oral and written testimony that was            and Senate Bill 308, which grants civil immunity to a person
provided on behalf of ONA in various committees.                   who provides services for essential businesses and operations
                                                                   for injury, death, or loss that was caused by the transmission of
In 2019, HPC worked with ONA’s contract lobbyists, staff, ONA      COVID-19 during the COVID-19 state of emergency. HB 606
leadership, Representative Don Manning, the Ohio House of          passed both chambers and will take effect on December 16th,
Representatives and interested parties to reintroduce mandatory    2020.
overtime language as House Bill 144. HB 144 is a bill aimed
to prohibit the unsafe practice of nurse mandatory overtime as     The Council and staff have been working closely with Senator
a condition of employment and would add Ohio to a list of 18       Tim Schaffer, one of two sponsors of Senate Bill 348. SB
other states that prohibit the same practice. If passed, HB 144    348 speaks to local boards of health and requires nurses to
would allow nurses to choose if and when to accept overtime        serve on boards of health across the state and allows health
without fear of retaliation by their employer. During the first    care professionals who serve on a board of health to receive
half of the General Assembly, HB 144 successfully made its         continuing education credits. The bill was introduced on
way through the first chamber and was voted out of the House       August 4th, 2020 and was referred to the Senate Health, Human
of Representatives on December 11, 2019 by a vote count of         Services and Medicaid Committee, where it has received
80-13. During the second half of the General Assembly, HB 144      one hearing to date. HPC worked with Senator Schaffer to
received both sponsor and proponent testimony in the Senate        successfully amend the bill to include “registered nurse and
Transportation, Workforce, & Commerce Committee and ONA            advanced practice registered nurse” to the definition of licensed
is currently working with the Senate leadership and members        health care professional.
of the committee to pass the bill out of the second chamber and
have it signed by the Governor before the year’s end.              Many of the bills ONA’s policy team and the Health Policy
                                                                   Council have been tracking this year, as it relates to the
HPC worked to oppose Senate Bill 131, which is a bill that         pandemic, include language specific to workers’ compensation,
aims to change the title of registered veterinary technician       occupational disease coverage, hand hygiene, civil immunity,
to registered veterinary nurse. This bill is one that ONA          price gouging, and COVID-19 testing and response. Of all
fought to oppose last General Assembly (HB 501) and it has         COVID-19 legislation, ONA was most heavily involved in
been reintroduced this legislative session. The bill has had       House Bill 673, a bill aimed to extend the temporary nursing
two hearings in the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources         license for new graduates through July 1, 2021. The ONA policy
Committee. ONA launched a full-blown grassroots campaign           team began working with the bill’s sponsor Representative
where over 2,000 connections have been made with the               Roemer, the Speaker of the House’s policy staff and the Ohio
committee members, asking them to oppose SB 131. Because           Board of Nursing (who was also not supportive of the bill’s
of ONA’s grassroots efforts, SB 131 has not received another       language) to amend the nursing-specific language. In less
hearing during the second half of this legislative session.        than three weeks’ time, the bill was favorably reported out of
                                                                   committee and was scheduled for a House floor vote. ONA
Carol Roe, ONA 1st Vice President provided proponent               was made aware the evening before the House floor vote and
testimony on Senate Concurrent Resolution 14 (SCR 14), which       swiftly took action, pulling together an official opposition letter
would declare racism as a public health crisis and asks the        based on comments from ONA’s Health Policy Council and
Governor to form a taskforce to look at health outcomes as it      sent it to the House leadership immediately prior to the House
relates to minority populations. Ms. Roe testified in the Senate   session starting. HB 673 was scheduled to be the second bill
Health, Human Services & Medicaid Committee on June 9th,           heard on the House floor and ONA continued to advocate for
2020 and she provided information regarding ONA’s structure        an amendment to address concerns. The policy team spent
as it relates to the Legislative Platform approved by the ONA      the afternoon on the phone and in conversations with the
House of Delegates, as well as the improvement of health           House Democrats and Republicans and because of the strong
standards and access to quality health care for all Ohioans.       opposition from ONA, the Speaker stopped House session
Additionally, Ms. Roe spoke about health equality, equity, and     and went into recess for two hours. ONA quickly drafted an
justice. SCR 14 was introduced on June 2nd, 2020 and was           amendment with Representative Jamie Callender and the Ohio
referred to the Senate Health, Human Services & Medicaid           Legislative Service Commission. The amendment was not only
Committee on June 3rd, 2020. The resolution has received two       accepted by the Speaker and the House leadership, but passed

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with full support on the House floor. The amendment language         houses all of ONA’s campaigns in one location. The ONA
ensures that in order to get a temporary nursing license, a new      advocates have grown by roughly 3,200 and ONA connections
graduate cannot have failed the licensing exam, been convicted       with lawmakers have grown by 12,500 over the last year! To
of a felony, or failed a drug test. If a license is issued and any   date, over 5,400 advocates have signed up to be a part of the
of the above has occurred, that license is to be suspended. It’s     Action Center and over 19,200 connections have been made with
unheard of to stop the House session, but ONA was successfully       legislators, letting them know what nurses care about most.
able to do so for two hours! This goes to show the true power
of ONA and the relationships the organization has built with         The Health Policy Council met virtually in August to make
colleagues in the House. ONA will continue working on the bill       strategic decisions regarding the upcoming November elections.
with the Board of Nursing in the Senate to address additional        The Council approved financial contributions to lawmakers
concerns. The bill awaits its first hearing in the Senate General    who support the profession of nursing and ONA held three
Government and Agency Review Committee.                              virtual fundraisers where ONA Board and HPC members spoke
                                                                     with lawmakers from the House Democratic party, Senate
Senate Bill 341 and House Bill 765 are two bills that ONA staff      Republican party, and Senate Democratic party.
and HPC have been monitoring closely. Specifically, ONA has
been working with Senator Kristina Roegner, the sponsor of           Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, ONA had to cancel this
SB 341. This bill would allow Ohio to join the nurse licensure       year’s Nurses Day at the Statehouse (NDASH) and Advocacy
compact. Prior to both bills being introduced, the ONA Board         Academy. The Health Policy Council and ONA staff are excited
of Directors reviewed and reaffirmed ONA’s Position Statement        to plan NDASH 2021, which will be held virtually to keep
on Multistate Nurse Compact Licensure in July of 2020. Senator       nurses, nursing students, and lawmakers safe during this global
Roegner had reached out to the ONA policy team to let ONA            pandemic.
know that she was interested in introducing a bill to allow Ohio
to join the Compact. ONA staff shared the reaffirmed Position        2021 will surely be a year of additional growth, activism, and
Statement with her office and offered to meet with her regarding     protecting nurses and patients throughout Ohio. The 134th
ONA’s position. During the same timeframe, staff and lobbyists       General Assembly, which will begin on January 1st, 2021, will
informed the Health Policy Council of the Senator’s intent.          bring its own set of priorities for the state and a new Health
Additionally, staff reached out to the Ohio Board of Nursing and     Policy Council will begin their incredible work with this new
have continued to keep in close contact with the Nursing Board       legislature at the same time.
regarding this issue. HPC and staff swiftly gathered information
and the HPC discussed the bill once it was introduced on July
21st, 2020. The discussion offered insight from all members
on the Council and the Council discussed ONA’s Position
Statement, questions and concerns regarding an Interstate
Commission not based in Ohio, and what could and could not
be achieved through bill amendments. Since its introduction,
the ONA Board and HPC has taken this bill seriously and
began compiling a list of questions that have been shared with
Senator Roegner. ONA continues to work with stakeholders in
the legislature, the Ohio Board of Nursing, the National Council
State Boards of Nursing and other interested parties to address
these questions. Lastly, the ONA staff are working together to
keep the Board and HPC abreast of changes and will formulate
an FAQ sheet as well as update ONA’s Position Statement
to be considered by the ONA Board. ONA will update the
membership on the progress of this bill. This bill will likely be
reintroduced by Senator Roegner in the next General Assembly.

Ohio is the only state in the country that does not license
hospitals and Governor DeWine made comments to the press
in 2019 that he would like to accomplish hospital licensure
during his tenure. Over the past year and a half, ONA staff and              Complete your member
lobbyists have met with the Governor’s Health Policy team twice
and the Ohio Department of Health once to discussion what                    survey at:
hospital licensure would look like and what can be accomplished              https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HV7MLKN
through statute and rule. ONA staff continue to research hospital
licensure in other states and what systems already exist in Ohio.

This year was exceptionally busy, with ONA’s grassroots
presence at an all-time high. ONA staff have continued to use
Phone2Action, a grassroots platform to push all grassroots
campaigns using social media, patch-through phone calling,
and making connections with legislators through email. ONA
launched the Ohio Nurses’ Action Center two years ago, which

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Caucus on Advancing Nursing Education
By Barbara Welch, MS, RN, Chair & Mary Beth Mathews, PhD, RN, Vice Chair

Purpose:                                                           4     Communicated to ONA leadership our concerns regarding
The purpose of the Caucus on Advancing Nursing Education                 OBN being authorized to license new graduates without
(CANE) is to engage in educational, supportive, collaborative,           NCLEX results because of workforce needs created by
regulatory and legislative activities that advance the academic          COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to identify steps that
education of the Ohio nurse workforce pursuant to directions of          could be taken to mitigate any untoward effects.
the ONA House of Delegates and the ONA Board of Directors.         5     Reviewed ONA’s BSN in 10 Position Statement and sent
                                                                         recommendation to ONA BOD for re-affirmation. (Position
                                                                         Statement re-affirmed by ONA BOD in June 2020).
Members:                                                           6     Endorsed the ONA Executive Statement about relaxing
Doris Edwards, EdD, RN Chair (resigned 10/20), Barbara
                                                                         licensure rules to meet the workforce needs during the
Welch, MS, RN Chair, Mary Beth Mathews, PhD, RN Vice
                                                                         pandemic, and recommended for action by the ONA
Chair, Detrice Barry, PhD, MSN, MEd, RN, Jill Burd, BSN,
                                                                         BOD the following additional measures to safeguard new
RN, Ella Kick, PhD, RN, Carol Roe, MSN, RN, JD, Nancy
                                                                         graduates, colleagues, and patients:
Savage, PhD, Sharon Stout-Shaffer, PhD, RN. ONA Staff
                                                                       a. Deploy furloughed nurses, RN and LPN, to direct care
members Jessica Dzubak, MSN, RN and Lisa Walker.
                                                                            roles before hiring new graduates who have not taken
Meetings and reports:                                                  b. Advise new graduates to explore options for their own
CANE met 4 times and sent 5 requests for action to the ONA                  professional liability insurance before accepting a position
BOD.                                                                        in direct patient care.
                                                                       c. If necessary to hire new graduates, assign them to support
Select activities:                                                          roles in lieu of assignment to care for acutely ill patients
1 Facilitated orientation of new CEO to CANE’s purpose, past                given the reality that orientation and mentoring resources
  activities, and issues of ongoing concern. Established goals              are limited by emergency conditions which include
  for the biennium:                                                         shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
 a Seek opportunities for collaborations which advance the             d Affirmed importance of continuing the work of CANE’s
    ONA Position Statement on BSN-in-Ten as the standard                    Task Group on Nurse Educator Workload (members:
    for nursing education in the U.S.                                       Detrice Berry, Nancy Savage and Barb Welch)
 b Facilitate engagement of ONA members who identify as            7     Prepared letter and requested approval from ONA BOD to
    nurse educators via ONA Connect to facilitate networking             send to AACN requesting that the AACN Essentials Task
    about the role of nurse educator                                     Force reconsider its decision to remove the Health Policy
 c Examine current practices related to faculty/nurse                    Domain from the CCNE accreditation standards. We urged
    educator workloads and working conditions.                           that Essential V: Healthcare Policy, Finance and Regulatory
 d Provide resource materials on current issues for nurse                Environments be retained.
    educators and preceptors                                       8     Prepared survey to be shared with ONA members who
 e Follow up on implications of HOD Reference Proposal #6                are in nurse educator roles and other nursing professional
    regarding cost-free clinical sites.                                  development colleagues in all settings to determine the
 f Reach out to other state nursing organizations about                  challenges they are facing because of the pandemic and
    current issues in nursing education.                                 identify needs with which CANE members and their
2 Communicated to ONA leadership our support for finding                 networks might assist.
  a national solution to mandatory overtime and assuring safe      9     Reaffirmed commitment to establish lines of
  staffing such as influencing rules promulgated by a national           communication with other nurse educator groups in the
  agency like the U.S. Department of Labor or OSHA to                    state in support of supporting educators experiencing
  protect the health of nurses and the safety of the public.             challenges created by pandemic restrictions.
3 Requested to be assigned to work on ONA Reference
  Proposal #6 related to cost-free clinical sites. To date no
  action has been taken.

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                                                                         ·   In Alliance our members were able to fight off attempts by
                                                                             the employer to remove vacation and sick time usage. The
                                                                             local has relentlessly fought the ever changing COVID-19
By Bob Cousins, DEO of Labor Relations at Ohio Nurses Association            procedures that they believe to be unfair and unsafe.

I would like to start this article off by thanking the Economic          ·   In order not to divert from their important role of COVID-19
and General Welfare (E&GW) Commissioners for all of their                    notifications and contract tracing, the nurses at the Cuyahoga
hard work this year: Chair, Jessie Frymyer, RN, BSN, CNOR                    County Board of Health negotiated a contract extension with
Co-Chair, Robert Weitzel, RN, BSN Secretary, Iris Marcentile,                management and also negotiated to get temporary help for the
BSN, RN, CPAN Rick Lucas, RN, BSN, OCN, VA-BC, CCRN                          nurses to relieve schedules that were at maximum.
Michelle Thoman, RN Alex Watts, BSN, RN, PCCN Barbara
McGhee, RN Ashlee Severs, RN                                             ·   At UH Geneva it became clear the importance of having
                                                                             negotiated benefits. While other UH facility employees
I would also like to thank the E&GW Program Staff for their                  suffered cuts to wages, retirement contributions and hours,
hard work: Labor Representatives: Carolyn Carmack, Brandon                   the unionized nurses at the Geneva facility did not.
Marlow, Anne Mueller, Dominic Mendiola, Dennis Dugan
and Kristen Bailey. Organizers: Sangita Koparde and James                ·   The nurses at the Visiting Nurses Association were able
Humphreys. Executive Assistant: Rachel Wolfe.                                to work with management on ways to increase nurse
                                                                             retention, established more flexible scheduling and were
Nothing comes easy in the labor movement. However, this year                 able to negotiate a COVID-19 differential for nurses who are
has been exceptionally challenging. The continued attacks on                 expected to see moderate to high risk patients.
worker rights from extreme right-wing groups like the Buckeye
Institute and the Freedom Foundation are at a fevered pitch. The         ·   The apheresis nurses at the University of Cincinnati
eroding of workers’ rights continues under the anti-worker Trump             Hoxworth Blood Center ratified their contract in February
Administration. Then, to add to all of this, a global pandemic. A            2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning. They
pandemic, that at the time of the writing of this article has infected       were able to secure competitive wage increases, payment
over 8 million people and has killed over 218,000 people nationally.         for time spent preparing for procedures and premium pay
In the state of Ohio, we have seen over 176,000 cases (11% of those          for reporting in inclement weather to perform procedures.
healthcare workers, including ONA members) and over 5,000 deaths.            They travel all over the Tri-State Area providing lifesaving
                                                                             treatments to patients in need.
At the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19 it became
                                                                         ·   2020 was a big year for the Transplant Coordinators at the
very clear that this country was/is not prepared to handle a
                                                                             Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. During
pandemic of this magnitude. First and foremost was (and still
                                                                             COVID-19, the Transplant Coordinators at the Ohio State
is) the shortage of proper personal protective equipment (PPE),
                                                                             University Wexner Medical Center continued to work at
concerns about a shortage of critical medical equipment and
                                                                             a record-breaking pace to provide care for pre and post-
other supplies, and the lack of clear CDC guidelines.
                                                                             transplant patients. In June, they began negotiations for our
From the onset of the pandemic, ONA members have been seen                   fourth contract. In October Transplant Coordinators ratified
in national and local news advocating on behalf of all nurses                a two-year agreement that provides for raises even during
and healthcare professionals. They spoke about the lack of PPE,              COVID-19, includes per diem Coordinators for the first
the inadequate guidelines from the CDC and unsafe working                    time, and has many other improvements.
conditions. They fought hard to pressure the Trump administration
                                                                         ·   COVID-19 hit hard, with OSUNO nurses being responsible
to invoke the Defense Production Act. They fought hard to pressure
                                                                             for corrections facility patients in addition to community
Congress to pass the Heroes Act. Our members attended an AFT
                                                                             patients. Their strong contract and active membership
townhall meeting that featured Dr. Fauci in which our members
                                                                             helped avoid layoffs or furloughs, and many OSUNO nurses
were able to ask questions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                             stepped into different roles during the height of the crisis to
Additionally, 22 members attended the AFT virtual convention.
                                                                             help out their peers. While not immune to PPE shortages,
At this convention E&GW Commissioner and OSUNO President
                                                                             they were also able to successfully win improved PPE
Rick Lucas had a conversation with former VP Joe Biden about
                                                                             standards. On July 1, even with COVID-19, the contractual
COVID-19 and the lack of proper PPE. Within our locals our
                                                                             staffing ratios (4:1 M/S, 3:1 PCU, and 1-2:1 ICU, among
members have fought hard for safer working conditions, increased
                                                                             others) were mostly successfully implemented, adding
access to PPE, and paid time off in the event a nurse was not able
                                                                             hundreds of new ONA members to our ranks.
to work, just to name a few. Working with our national affiliate,
the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) we were able to secure         Our members from OSUNO and Transplant joined forces to advocate
over 200,000 pieces of PPE for our members. Additionally, our            for raises for all staff that work at the Ohio State University Wexner
members were still on the front lines successfully advocating            Medical Center, not just for the nurses who work there.
for our members through grievances and contract negotiations.
Although not an exhaustive list, some of the highlights include:         Although this has been a challenging year to say the least, ONA
                                                                         members have risen to the occasion. As actor Denis Leary once
·   In Lima, ONA was successful in an arbitration ruling that            said, “crisis doesn’t create character; it reveals it.” And during
    resulted in over $70,000 in back pay and ended a policy that         this pandemic our nurses at ONA have revealed heroic character.
    amounted to unpaid incremental on-call.
                                                                         www.ohnurses.org | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 |        9
OHIO NURSES Review Volume 95, Issue 4 - December, 2020 - NursingALD.com

RNA                                                               September 3, 2020- Long time Union Activist, Community and
                                                                  Nurse Advocate, former RNA officer Annie Hamilton Retires.
                                                                  RNA celebrates her long tenure as an early RNA member and
By Michelle Thoman, MSN, RN, RNA President                        forever voice for nurses at UC.

October 15, 2020- RNA helps California Casualty celebrate Jen
Patrick winner of the Nurses Night Out drawing.

                                                                  July 8, 2020- RNA President Michelle Thoman Joins Cincinnati
                                                                  Federation of Teachers (fellow AFT local) at a rally outside of
                                                                  the Sen. Rob Portman’s office to advocate for workplace safety
                                                                  for nurses and urge the Senate to pass the Heroes ACT.

10 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org
May 6-12, 2020- Nurses week looked a little different this year,
however RNA still celebrated nurses. We continued on with our
second annual basket raffle and delivered much needed face
shield wipes from ONA.

                                                                   www.ohnurses.org | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | 11
May 6, 2020- For the Second Year in a row, at the request of
                                                                  RNA the City of Cincinnati has made an official Proclamation
                                                                  that it was National Nurses Day in Cincinnati.

                                                                  May 1, 2020- Due to graduation cancellations RNA Nurses on
                                                                  6NW celebrate former co-op students and pca’s graduating from
                                                                  nursing school and becoming our newest RNA members.

12 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org
April 28, 2020- As a show of solidarity and fight for workers'      greatest concern in the midst of a global pandemic. This letter
safety, RNA participated in the call from AFT to honor Worker’s     was featured in the Cincinnati Enquire News article highlighting
Memorial day by filing complaints with OSHA brought forward         workplace safety and financial concerns frontline health care
by our nurses about unsafe working conditions in the face of        workers are experiencing in the region.
                                                                    Dear Bev,
                                                                    Almost two years ago to date the RNA nurses of UCMC
                                                                    implored that you be our voice and advocate to management at
                                                                    the bargaining table. In your tenure at UCMC we must say time
                                                                    and again you have really disappointed us.

                                                                    During these unprecedented times when nurses are faced
                                                                    with putting ours and our families lives on the line to care for
                                                                    patients both our economic welfare and general safety should be
                                                                    your greatest concern.

                                                                    We understand that nursing leadership may not be able to
                                                                    answer all of the employment questions that RNA/ONA has
                                                                    raised- however you should be asking those same questions.
                                                                    We need to be assured that nurses have a seat at the table and
                                                                    the correct people are in the room if there is ever a chance of

                                                                    The nurses at UCMC are gravely disappointed by your
                                                                    censorship of our nurses and Union leaders during the labor
                                                                    management committee meeting this morning.

                                                                    Many times during this meeting both yourself and HR spoke
                                                                    about the need to ensure that the organization is taken care of.
                                                                    We will say to you- the way to do this is to ensure that the front
                                                                    line healthcare workers in our organization are taken care of.

                                                                    On the agenda for LMC were not only employment issues but
                                                                    also workplace safety concerns that desperately need to be
                                                                    addressed. To abruptly end a meeting not even 30 minutes into
                                                                    the call because you “Don’t like the forum” or the questions
                                                                    being asked is both immature and negligent towards your staff.

                                                                    Union leaders have attempted to collaborate and discuss
                                                                    both the safety and employment affects of COVID-19 with
                                                                    both you and HR since the end of January. It is time you take
                                                                    responsibility for your careless actions and provide real
                                                                    answers and solutions to the concerns raised by nurses. It
                                                                    is dangerous and reckless to continue down the path that
                                                                    UCMC administration has chosen to follow so far during this
                                                                    unprecedented time. For the safety of our patients, our staff, and
                                                                    our community, we insist that you take immediate action to truly
                                                                    collaborate with RNA and to do your part as a nursing leader
                                                                    to assist the frontline nurses who are the heart and paycheck of
                                                                    this organization by doing the following:

                                                                    #1. Be transparent with RNA regarding levels of PPE and
                                                                    numbers of nurses exposed, quarantined and infected.

                                                                    #2. Fix the Sign-up Genius to allow all nurses the ability to
                                                                    fairly and equitably attempt to fulfill their FTE.

                                                                    #3. Advocate for nurses in the workplace to implement the
April 20, 2020- RNA Officers and Board write and open letter        maximum PPE precautions available and optimal staffing levels
to CNO Bev and nursing administration, publicly calling for         throughout the hospital.
nursing administration to have nurse safety, and welfare be their

                                                                    www.ohnurses.org | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | 13
#4. Provide the front-line nurses of the RNA an equal and         January 23, 2020- RNA wraps up its Make-A-Wish Fundraiser
informed seat at the table to discuss the issues facing them      campaign with a special event to help grant Alex’s Wish. Joining
during this unprecedented crisis.                                 RNA member’s were members of Alex’s family and the Make-
                                                                  A-Wish Support Team!
March 27, 2020- RNA President Michelle Thoman spoke at
frontline roundtable with Vice President Joe Biden. During this
discussion cincy nurses concerns about exhausting their hard
earned PTO bank were elevated with the question:
“When nurses are being placed off of work and have run out
PTO so they are not being paid, and they start defaulting on
mortgages and being unable to afford groceries or student loan
payments, what should the government do to help them?”

March 23, 2020- RNA Float Pool nurse Shannon
Lively shares her thoughts with the community on the
importance of visitor restrictions to help keep frontline
healthcare workers and patient’s safe. https://www.

March 4, 2020- New RNA delegates to the Cincinnati AFL-
CIO Central Labor Council Aileen Harms and Jen Hunt are
sworn in at the monthly meeting.

                                                                  October 17 & 24 2019- RNA members hear the call and get
                                                                  involved in supporting our Union Brothers and Sisters in

January 30, 2020- In response to outbreaks of the Coronavirus
and the testing of two students at Miami University, RNA/ONA
issued a formal information request to UC Health, surrounding
the Medical Center's infectious disease preparedness.
RNA advocates to ensure, that we as nurses are prepared and
given the proper education, equipment, and tools to not only
safeguard our health and safety but that of our co-workers and
patients at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.

14 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org
October 12 2019- RNA Vice President Tina Arrona received      October 10, 2019- RNA Celebrates Member Tim Collier, 6S
the outstanding local unit leader award and all RNA Members   (cardiac) appointment as a board member to the Cincinnati
received the Adversity Award during this year's ONA           Board of Health.

                                                              September 10, 2019- RNA nurses and our community allies
                                                              continued to fight to so we have a voice in the workplace and
                                                              for our patients! We let UCMC know that we are Proud Union
                                                              Nurses and We Won’t Be Silenced.

                                                              www.ohnurses.org | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | 15
September 2, 2019- RNA Members joined local labor unions
                                                                  at the annual AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic and helped provide
                                                                  community screenings through the Million Hearts Program.

16 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org
www.ohnurses.org | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | 17

Environmental                    and Community Health Caucus (ECHC)
By Lucinda Cave MSN RN NPD-BC, Chair
“The purpose of the Caucus on Environmental & Community               Deb Martz RN: Was in charge of lead poisoning program at
Health (ECHC) is to engage in education, support, collaboration,      Akron City Health Dept.
regulatory and legislation surveillance, and activities that create
awareness, education, and understanding for the Ohio nurse            Alyssa Figueroa BSN RN: Belongs to Citizen’s Climate Lobby
workforce and the ONA Board of Directors on environmental             and is working with U.S. Legislators to support the Carbon
and community health issues and injustices.” (ECHC Purpose            Dividend Act. In Ohio, Alyssa is working on efforts to repeal
Statement & Functions).                                               HB6.

To fulfill our purpose, ECHC benefits from ONA networking,            Janet Reeves RN: Has been active in many environmental issues
tying together the environmental/community health interests           for many years. Recently, she has encouraged local Farmers’
and actions of individual members, the caucus group and               Market vendors to set out cardboard boxes to reduce the use of
increasingly, ONA as a whole.                                         plastic bags. She is becoming interested in vaccine hesitancy
                                                                      and seeks to promote use of safe vaccines.
Recent Interests and Actions of Individual ECHC Members
                                                                      Marilyn Webster MSN RN: Has worked with Single Payor
Peggy Berry PhD, RN, COHN-S, CLE, PLNC:                               Action Network (SPAN) focusing on access to health insurance
A2Z Plastics – has educated worldwide on the health and               and she promotes green living.
economics of plastic, especially the adverse effects.
                                                                      Actions of ECHC:
ReImagine Appalachia - economic federal outreach to increase          ECHC members had noted the increased use of plastic shopping
green jobs, broadband expansion, repairing the land from              bags during COVID-19, with some stores even prohibiting
extraction industries, and regeneration of the land through a         reusable cloth bags. After online research, with BOD knowledge
conservancy corp.                                                     and support, ECHC embarked on a Cardboard Box Campaign
                                                                      to reduce the amount of plastic released to our landfills and
Freshwater Future - have done several Zoom education                  environment. ECHC asked ONA members to:
activities of the health issues associated with toxic algal blooms.   1. Use reusable shopping bags and containers if allowed,
Promoting clean water.                                                     keeping them clean, and bagging their items.
                                                                      2. Use cardboard boxes provided by some stores if reusable
League of Women Voters (LWV) - Greater Dayton Area: will be                containers are not allowed.
teaching on PFAS over Zoom.                                           3. Encourage that stores make their cardboard shipping boxes
                                                                           available at no cost for customers to use instead of plastic.
LWVOhio and Sierra Club: gave them a work instruction how to          4. Encourage that stores allow customers to use reusable bags
decrease COVID-19 exposure while registering voters - gave a               once again during COVID-19.
cleaning routine. Working to rescind HB 6
                                                                      ECHC provided links to information about COVID-19 safety
Peggy encourages ONA and members of ECHC to address bills             and shopping bags, and a letter template for sending to stores
on health, as well as nursing issues.                                 requesting that they resume allowing reusable bags.

Lucinda Cave MSN RN NPD-BC: Alliance of Nurses for                    We realize individuals can make a difference in the tremendous
Healthy Environments (ANHE) Climate Champion, Healthcare              environmental issues that affect us, but that the voices and
Without Harm/Physicians for Social Responsibility Climate             efforts of many working together can make an even greater
Ambassador. Presents programs to healthcare professionals on          impact. We look forward to working with ONA on future
climate and health.                                                   environmental/community health issues.

Rosemary Chaudry PhD RN MPH MHA: Was in charge of first
letters that went out to Medicaid providers about lead testing for
children. Joined ANHE. Is a Climate Reality Leader.

18 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org

CE     Council
By Kelli Schweitzer, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Grateful for returning members this biennium and the addition         ONA supports 184 organizations as approved providers that
of three first time members, Nancy Sue Smith MSN, RN,                 apply every three years to maintain their status. two CE council
CCHP-RN, Amy Knupp, PhD, RN,APRN-CNS, CPPS, and                       members review each application. This year the CE Council has
Beth Griebel, MSN, RN . In addition, we have a new Indiana            reviewed 58 applications.
liaison, Nancy Campbell MS, RN-BC. Each has completed
the training to be Nurse Peer Reviewers for approved provider         To maintain their competency as Nurse Peer Reviewers each
applications and are doing well.                                      CE Council member completed the Nurse Peer Reviewer
                                                                      retreat CE offering and participates in CE Council meetings.
The CE Council was active in the testing and success of new           In addition, they maintain their knowledge of ANCC criteria
application software for Individual Activity Applications. As         by participating in our yearly Provider Update and Nursing
the largest CE approver among CSNA’s, ONA manages over                Professional Development, NPD, conference which were both
700 applications per year that are each independently reviewed        offered virtually this year. We are grateful that Barb Brunt,MA,
by a trained Nurse Peer Reviewer. When ONA was notified               MN, RN-BC, NE-BC, CE Council chair, was able to speak this
that the current software would no longer be supported they           year at the NPD conference
then transitioned to a new platform ONAapply. ONAapply has
resulted in greater efficiency for applicants, reviewers, and staff   ONA launched a new CE4Nurses website that gives member
processes.                                                            ease of access to free CE. CE council members Barbara Brunt,
                                                                      Lucinda Cave, MSN, RN, BC, and Melanie Morris, MBA, BSN,
                                                                      RN-BC, CCRN-K, have contributed content for the site.

Council            on    Practice
By Jessica Dzubak, MSN, RN
During this challenging year, the 2019-2021 Council on Practice       skills of the profession. Addressing immunizations, social
has been working hard staying up to date on the rapidly               justice and the pandemic has allowed us to realize that we
changing issues affecting nurses in Ohio. With a new Council          nurses can change the world in which we live, the communities
and new Reference Proposals from the 2019 Convention, the             in which we live and secure the future of being a registered
Council has been evaluating priorities and identifying ways to        nurse as one who teaches, encourages protection of the village
support the professional development of ONA members and               and looks at the social determinants in light of the health of a
provide nursing practice resources for Ohio nurses.                   nation.”
                                                                      Kris Cope and Sharon Hawkins
Some activities the Council has participated in this year:

Revised ONA Position Statements which were re-affirmed by             Members 2019-2021:
ONA Board of Directors                                                Co-Chairs:
                                                                      Kristine Cope, DNP, RN, NE-BC Sharon Hawkins MPA, MSN/
Reviewed and discussed five-year chapter rule reviews for Ohio        ed, RN
Board of Nursing
Identified Immunizations Reference Proposal as priority –             Paula Anderson, RN, Benitha Garrett, MSN, RN, Laurie
began working on campaign to increase awareness and promote           Hornberger, RN, Kenneth Quick, BSN, RN, Holly Renninger,
immunizations in Ohio communities                                     BSN, RN, Deborah Schwytzer, DNP, RN-BC, CEN

“Serving as co- chairs, we have had the privilege of exploring        Staff:
how registered nurses could circumvent back to the most basic         Jessica Dzubak, MSN, RN, Lisa Walker

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20 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org
Caring During COVID-19: Being a Home Health Nurse in a Pandemic
By Jessica Dzubak, MSN, RN

Interviewee: Shauna Pavel, BSN, RN                                     process, so we work really closely         I have also noticed
                                                                       together and communicate constantly.
                                                                                                                the need to go above
Hearing about Shauna Pavel’s experience as a home health nurse         Shauna, like many nurses, struggled
during the COVID-19 pandemic reminds me of the reason why              with the fact that many patients         and beyond to make
nurses are the most trusted profession, year after year. Despite
the challenges brought on by this public health crisis, nurses like
                                                                       wanted to be discharged from home             my patients feel
                                                                       care before a single visit or refused
Shauna are resilient – showing up every day, protecting their          hospital or physician care out of fear.     safe...I have to be
patients and showing compassion in a chaotic time.                     Surgeries were postponed, so patients
                                                                       lived with pain, wounds, and other
                                                                                                                 aware of their fears
What is your background and current nursing role? How long             conditions that only worsened with          and address those
have you been in your current position?                                time. The inherent desire to care
I have been in health care for 10 years. I became a caregiver at       for and help others that drives us as                     first.
a senior group home at 18. Then became an STNA and worked              nurses is what makes witnessing this so hard.
at a SNF/LTCF for a few years while I was working on my BSN
at Ursuline College. My last year of nursing school I worked at        What have been some of the barriers or challenges you’ve
Cleveland Clinic - main campus in neurology where I eventually         experienced lately because of COVID-19?
transitioned into my RN job. Now, I am an RN Case Manager in           There is the constant struggle of needing PPE. Our company has
the medical-surgical department of my home care agency. I have         a solid amount to keep us all safe, but it is organized inventory
been doing this for over three years now.                              style and you only get so much at a time, and you have to fill out
                                                                       forms to get it. It feels very “this is your portion, make it last.”
What do you like most about being in home health?
It may sound simple, but I like the environment. When you              While Shauna reports feeling safe and prepared now, she
provide care in the home you are working on the patient’s turf,        remembers navigating a difficult time in March when the
on their terms, unlike the hospital or another facility. They are      pandemic first hit and companies were struggled to get stocked
more comfortable, the food is better, they are getting better          up on PPE.
quality sleep, they have more help. When they are happy, I
see better outcomes. They are more willing to listen to my             I understand the process, I respect it... It’s just a foreign concept
recommendations because they want me there. They HAVE to               for nurses who are used to going to a supply room, stocking our
be in the hospital; they don't HAVE to have home care. We are          (multiple) pockets in our scrubs with whatever we need and keep
optional. They chose it; they know it's what they need to prevent      moving.
[them from] going to a facility. There is something really
rewarding taking care of someone for weeks, months, years at a         Shauna shares an important point that often gets overlooked
time and watching them heal from beginning to end. You don’t           when thinking about how this virus has impacted our lives. The
get that in the facilities.                                            human response and connection, which nurses are so attuned
                                                                       to, has changed drastically. A difficult aspect to these changes,
                                                                       Shauna is explained, is that “I don’t hug my patients when they
How has your work/daily routine changed or been impacted by            hit a milestone, like I normally would.”
What’s clear throughout Shauna’s interview is the selfless             Beyond considering safety factors to protect themselves, nurses
compassion of nurses to care for others, despite the risk and          like Shauna consider the impact it has on those they care for:
impact on their personal lives. When Shauna’s home care
agency asked for volunteers to be trained for COVID-19 care,           I have also noticed the need to go above and beyond to make my
she volunteered without a second thought. “I volunteered not           patients feel safe. I show them my face before I enter their house
even considering [I would be] putting my fiancé at risk and [that      and don my PPE, I warn them on the phone that I have to dress
I’m] not able to hug my parents,” Shauna said.                         up crazy and not to be alarmed. I have to be aware of their fears
                                                                       and address those first. I have to screen people for risk factors
By the end of March, I was on the COVID-19 "Swat" team. There          all the time I sometimes feel like a robot, and that’s not the type
are only a few of us on the team that had to deal with policy change   of nurse I ever want to be.
after policy change until we mastered how to perform an in-home
COVID-19 positive visit without contaminating ourselves, our cars,     I make sure to share with my patients what me and the company
equipment, etc. I am also one of the few nurses that are trained to    are doing to protect them, and I am harder on my patients about
test employees and patients. So being on the Swat team means I         infection control and staying home.
have to do my regular job as a case manager, while also being super
flexible so I can be where I'm needed for a swat team job. All while   While it is upsetting to hear about the difficulties both patients
not infecting myself or my other immunocompromised and high-           and nurses are experiencing, we can all take comfort knowing
risk patients. The stress from March-May was unreal. Luckily my        there are many nurses like Shauna out there doing the best they
fellow swat nurses are incredible and we are a well-oiled machine      can to make patients feel safe while providing the quality care
now. Each COVID-19 associated visit or testing is a 2-nurse            they need, no matter what.
                                                                       www.ohnurses.org | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | 21
Low Staffing Levels Lead to Increased Risks for Nurses
By Georgia Reiner, Senior Risk Specialist for Nurses Service Organization (NSO) in the Healthcare Division of Aon’s Affinity Insurance Services, Inc.
There’s a strong correlation between nurse staffing levels and              •    New nurses entering the workforce. As more nurses
patient outcomes. When a nursing unit is understaffed, nurses                    retire, a steady stream of new nurse will need to enter
may unintentionally provide patients with suboptimal care and                    the workforce to fill those gaps. These new nurses will
make more frequent mistakes, simply as a result of the increased                 need experience, on-the-floor training and mentoring to
constraints on their time. Higher rates of nurse retirement and                  acquire the skills needed to master their environment and
other trends – like the aging Baby Boomer generation – are                       responsibilities.
augmenting these staffing shortage challenges and resulting in              •    More responsibilities. Nurses are at the center of patient
risks, particularly burnout, to nurses.                                          care, and often act as an advocate between patients and
                                                                                 physicians, and patients and their family and friends. Nurses
Understanding these challenges can help improve nurses’ career                   are increasingly responsible for facilitating the coordination
longevity and reduce medical errors and burnout. The risk                        of care and providing informed discharge instructions
experts at Nurses Service Organization (NSO) identified key                      for patients. This leaves room for the potential to impact
risks for nurses as a result of staffing shortages:                              outcomes and nurses’ exposure beyond the facility walls.
• Longer hours. Shifts often stretch at the last minute. This               •    Intensified patient loads. The Affordable Healthcare
    can lead to increased fatigue, weakened mental acuity, and                   Act has increased the number of individuals with health
    the opportunity for an error increases. When combined with                   insurance, including individuals who have multiple
    increased patient ratios, nurses have more opportunities to                  comorbidities, who once used to only seek treatment when
    inadvertently make mistakes and injure those they serve or                   necessary through the ER. A larger and more complex
    themselves. Longer hours can also lead to job dissatisfaction                patient load, coupled with inappropriate staffing levels, can
    and burnout, which stresses healthcare teams and staffs.                     threaten patient health and safety.
• Increased likelihood of “floating.” The nursing shortage
    creates gaps in coverage and the need for additional nurses             As the country continues to see an increase in the number
    to ‘float.’ However, when nurses are assigned to an area                of people aged 65 and up, as well as more nurses entering
    they are unfamiliar with, or when a team of nurses has a                retirement, a nursing shortage will continue to be a concern.
    professional from another department entering their unit,               Nurses must be aware of their increased risk of facing liability,
    it can create confusion and disrupt workflows. Workplace                and know how to protect themselves and their careers.
    dynamics will continue to evolve as facilities move nurses
    as needed to address shortages.

Annual Dues Increase
The ONA bylaws call for an annual dues escalator calculated by              Collective Bargaining
determining the average percentage salary increase negotiated               Full Rate: $2.13
by ONA for its bargaining unit members as of October 1st of                 First Year Rate: $1.07
each year. For 2020, this increase is 4.014% and is effective
January 1, 2021.
                                                                            AFT (Collective Bargaining Only)
                                                                            Full Rate: $.25.
For monthly electronic dues payment payers: Effective January
                                                                            *No Dues increase for AFT at this time
1, 2021 your monthly dues will increase by the following
                                                                            If you have questions about the annual dues increase, please
                                                                            contact Cathy McClelland at cmcclelland@ohnurses.org.
Non-Collective Bargaining
Full Rate: $1.65
First Year Rate: $.83
Retired Rate: $.42

22 | Ohio Nurses Review | Volume 95, Issue 4 | www.ohnurses.org
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