Page created by Herman Tran
                              “THE WHITE BOOK”
                                      2023 Edition

                                       Table of Contents

Welcomed & Info from the DOD ----- page 3             Lineups, Substitutions & Penalties -------- 11
Notes for Assighers & Associations --------- 5        DP/Flex Rule Chart ---------------------------- 12
2023 NFHS Rules Changes -------------------- 6        Mechanics Notes, Umpire Education ----- 13
OHSAA Reminders ------------------------------ 6      Bat Rules and Penalties ---------------------- 14
NFHS Points of Emphasis ---------------------- 7      Sporting Conduct & Ejections--------------- 17
OHSAA Points of Emphasis ------------------- 8        OHSAA Game Ending Procedures---------- 18
Review of 2022 Rule Changes, POEs ------- 9           Tips for Newer Umpires---------------------- 19
Help Wanted ------------------------------------- 9   OHSAA Mechanics Clinics-------------------- 20
Professionalism, Code of Ethics ----------- 10        OHSAA State Rules Meetings --------------- 23
Welcome to the 2023 Softball Season
It’s time for another softball season and I again look forward to again serving as
Director of Officials Development - Softball. There is no doubt that the part of
the job I enjoy the most is working with our roughly 3,000 umpires and with the
rules interpreters and other leaders in our sixty local associations. Over the past
several years I had the pleasure to meet many of you at our clinics, state and
local meetings, and during our tournaments. I hope to see you this year.
                                                                                            Jerry Fick
We have a number of things that are new this year –           secretary on multiple         Director of Officials
the first of these is another update of “The White            occasions when needed.        Development-Softball
Book”, which provides highlights of NFHS rules and            When you see Jim on the
mechanics along with the OHSAA information that               field please congratulate him and say thanks for his
you’ll need for the coming season. The goal is to put         many contributions to the OHSAA.
all this information in one place and make it easily
                                                              Jim was honored at the Officials Hall of Fame Ban-
accessible for our umpires. It’s important to note that
                                                              quet in June. In addition, veteran softball umpire
unlike the OHSAA books provided in some other
                                                              Larry Saxton was inducted into the 33rd class of the
sports this is NOT a replacement for the NFHS Softball
                                                              OHSAA Officials Hall of Fame. Larry is from Defiance
Umpires Manual which you will continue to receive
                                                              and a tournament official in several sports. He has
every other year (even numbered years). We contin-
                                                              worked seventeen state softball tournaments and
ue to use NFHS Mechanics, the same as used in USA
                                                              was the NFHS Softball Official of the Year in 1997.
Softball. We are confident that the customized con-
                                                              We also want to recognize officials completing 25
tent will better serve you.
                                                              years of service as OHSAA softball umpires. These
There are no changes to the softball umpire uniform           umpires, along with those who worked our State
this year. The OHSAA has a new logo but the logo for          Tournament in Akron, are listed elsewhere in the
officials’ uniforms is NOT changing.                          White Book. Roughly one third of our state tourna-
                                                              ment umpires were making their first appearance at
Congratulations                                               this event and that is no doubt a result of many of
Before further discussing the coming season I would           these umpires attending our Mechanics Clinics and
like to congratulate, on behalf of the entire OHSAA           working hard to improve at their craft. Congratula-
family and all of our officials, James Grandey. Jim is        tions to all!
from Greenfield in the Southeast District, has been an
                                                              Training Opportunities
OHSAA Softball Umpire for 42 years, and was the
2022 recipient of the National Federation OHIO OFFI-          This is the 13th year of the OHSAA’s program to pro-
CIAL OF THE YEAR for softball. He has served as an            vide officials with additional training and you the op-
OHSAA tournament umpire and is very active as a               portunity to improve your “game”. The OHSAA
member of the Chillicothe, Southern Ohio, West Cen-           Board of Directors has directed resources to enhance
tral, and Wilmington Umpires Associations. In the             training programs for all officials. We need your
Wilmington Association he has served in many roles            help as we continue to strengthen officiating in Ohio.
as an instructor, an interpreter and filled in as local       We expect your support of our efforts to follow play-
                                                              ing rules and the approved umpire mechanics. These
              Publications Note                               cannot be optional – either for individual umpires or
                                                              local associations. Consistency is something the
 In addition to this White Book, the Softball Mailing
                                                              game, coaches, players, and your fellow umpires all
 includes your NFHS publications - Rule Book and Case
 Book. Note that the Umpire Manual is printed every
                                                              deserve. Our simple goal: ONE RULE/ONE INTERPRE-
 other year and should be retained for the 2022 and           TATION/ONE MECHANIC
 2023 seasons.                                                                                 Continued on page 4
Welcome cont. from page 3             noon with the clinic running from
25-Years of Service                                                    12:30-4PM.
                                 To further increase consistency
Umpires                          we continue our enhanced              Testing for Success
                                 training opportunities for um-        This year we again offer rules
We want to recognize officials   pires. Details concerning             testing for softball umpires. Um-
completing 25 years of service   attendance requirements, as           pires who complete the rules test
as OHSAA softball umpires.       well a schedule of our state          will receive additional point credit
Congratulations to all!          meetings, can be found on the         for their tournament officials
                                 back cover of the White Book.         rating as follows:
CHARLES ALGIER                   Mechanics Clinics                          94% and above – 3 points
                                                                              86% - 92% - 2 points
GUS BUNNELL                      We will also continue our popu-                80-84% - 1 point
KENNETH COWELL                   lar series of one day Softball
                                 Umpire Mechanics Clinics.             This test will be available mid-
JON DERRYBERRY                   These clinics, designed to help       February and will have a mid-
                                 umpires improve their skills and      March deadline. Additional details
MICHAEL DORBISH                                                        will be sent to you when the test is
                                 attain their advancement goals,
KEN GALLO                        continue to emphasize both            available online.

PHILLIP HENZLER SR               plate and base mechanics. We          We’ll also continue to provide bul-
                                 have found that umpires with a        letins distributed electronically
MARK HETRICK                     strong knowledge of mechanics         throughout the season. These bul-
DEAN HORD                        add greatly to the game of soft-      letins are also posted at
                                 ball. Each clinic is staffed by the   www.ohsaa.org (Go to the Officials
LINDA LINDEMAN                   OHSAA Softball Umpire Instruc-        Page – DOD Section). The direct
JEFF OVERMYER                    tional Team and will include          link is: http://www.ohsaa.org/
                                 OHSAA softball observers.             Officiating/DOD. The comments
                                 Again umpires attending these         we received have been very posi-
JOHN SABO                        clinics will receive three points     tive and if umpires have sugges-
JEFFERY SAUNDERS                 added to their TOURNAMENT             tions to improve these further
                                 SELECTION SCORE. Details can          please let me know.
                                 be found elsewhere in the
TIMOTHY THOMPSON                 White Book or at the OHSAA            Observers
JAMES TONEY                      officiating web page using this
                                                                       Also ongoing is the use of observ-
                                 link: http://www.ohsaa.org/
DONALD TRELL                                                           ers at our state and regional tour-
                                 Officiating/DOD. Go to the soft-
                                                                       naments. Thanks to the many
ERIC VALENTINE                   ball section and click on Umpire
                                                                       wonderful volunteers, we had ob-
                                 Mechanics Clinics.
                                                                       servers last year at our regional
RAYMOND WUERTZ                   In addition we will again offer a     and state championship sites.
                                 pre-tournament clinic covering        These observers not only help the
                                 the three umpire system, plus         umpires working these games but
                                 more, on Sunday, May 7 at             their input is very helpful in identi-
                                 Waggoner Road Junior High             fying areas where we need to fo-
                                 School in Reynoldsburg. This          cus our training efforts. I believe
                                 free clinic is intended for um-       that if umpires working tourna-
                                 pires working in postseason play      ment games have areas that con-
                                 but is open to all OHSAA um-          sistently show up as improvement
                                 pires. No preregistration is          items it’s likely that these can be
                                 needed. Registration will be at
                                                                                       Continued on page 5
Welcome cont. from page 4             tion contains very important            pleting the online course and
                                      information that we all need to         testing our local associations will
improvement items for all um-         know.                                   work to help each new umpire
pires. It is also important to note                                           with on field mechanics and get
that our observers play a key role    We Need More Umpires                    the help they need to be success-
in determining future tourna-         This season let’s continue to           ful. Please encourage your
ment assignments.                     work on recruiting and reten-           friends and neighbors to get in-
                                      tion efforts - especially in re-        volved!
Please take the time to review all
your NFHS and OHSAA publica-          gard to females and minorities -        As this booklet is printed in time
tions including the entire WHITE      we have not had much success            for your rule book mailing, keep in
BOOK. In addition to valuable         in recruiting female and minori-        mind that additional information
information being provided re-        ty umpires and ask for your             will be provided online and
garding rules changes, points of      help with this. In many areas           through our Bulletins as the sea-
emphasis, and mechanics, the          our assigners are having trouble        son progresses. Please watch for
publications provide information      filling games. Our umpires are          updates which are shared when
especially for our OHSAA umpires.     the best recruiting source we           available.
This includes emphasis points on      have. If you know of anyone
                                                                              Have a great season – I hope to
safety issues which must be re-       interested give them this ad-
                                                                              see you on the field!
viewed by all involved in high        dress: http://www.ohsaa.org/
school sports. I also urge you        Officiating/permits. Here they          Jerry Fick
carefully study the OHSAA RE-         will find the information they          Director of Officials Development
MINDERS FOR 2023 as this sec-         need to join a class. After com-        – Softball

            Notes for Assigners and Local Associations
A message to all who hold BOTH a baseball and                the Handbook for Officials located at: http://
softball permit and also to local association secre-         www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Officiating/
taries. OHSAA requires umpires holding permits in            OHSAAOfficialsHandbook.pdf and the application
both sports to attend four local meetings for both           form can be found at: http://www.ohsaa.org/
baseball and softball. Local Associations are not            Portals/0/Officiating/forms/upgrade.PDF    Addi-
permitted to offer meetings that give credit for both        tional details can be obtained through your local
sports. There is one exception as each local associa-        association secretary.
tion will be able to conduct one meeting that covers
OHSAA regulations and other items common to                  Local Associations are strongly encouraged to help
both sports. Officials may attend only one such              umpires through the advancement process – in
meeting and will receive credit for a meeting in both        fact this is a key responsibility of the association.
baseball and softball. All local associations offering       Please work to insure umpires receive the re-
these "dual credit" meetings may offer only one              quired observations during the season and also
such meeting per year and will be required to follow         are prepared for the advancement test given in
a program provided by the OHSAA.                             May. An umpire who completes the advancement
                                                             process is eligible to work both regular season var-
All umpires used in varsity games shall be Class 1           sity and tournament games therefore the testing is
officials. If you have not completed the advance-            a little more challenging than testing for new um-
ment process, this is done through your local offi-          pires and can also include some questions on the
cials association. This process can be completed as          basics of three umpire mechanics.
early as an umpire’s first year and then can take
effect the following year. Details are on page 17 of

1-4-1 - Removes the number of color restictions on a             4-2-1 – Allows for all runs to be counted when a fair
glove, including laces and seams, and does not allow             batted ball clears the home run fence to end the
any part of the glove to match the color of the ball.            game. All runs scored by virtue of the home run will
Manufacturers are producing more multi-colored                   be included in individual and team statistics.
gloves, and as long as one of those colors is not the
                                                                 8-2-7 – This clarifies batter-runner interference on a
color of the ball, they should be permitted for use.
                                                                 fly ball over foul territory. This has always been the
This change allows for NFHS rules to be less restric-
                                                                 enforcement but was not listed in the section cover-
tive, providing more options. The glove still cannot
                                                                 ing batter-runner. The language is consistent with the
have an optic-colored marking which gives the ap-
                                                                 rule covering interference on an initial play on a fair-
pearance of the ball or is judged to be distracting to
                                                                 batted ball and aligns with Rule 8-6-10.
the umpire.
2-20-1g (new) - This allows the definition of a fair ball        EDITORIAL CHANGES
to reflect what umpires have always enforced as part             2-25-1e – Clearly defines that any offensive player can
of the definition of a fair ball. It is intended to mirror       commit interference on a batted ball while over foul
the definition of a foul ball. (2-25-1e)                         territory. This has always been the enforcement, but
3-2-12, 3-6-11 - Removes the language prohibiting                by changing the word from batter to offensive player,
jewelry, which places the softball rules in line with            it makes the rule more inclusive and easily interpret-
other NFHS sports that do not have the restriction.              ed.
These sports have no documented data of an in-                   7-4-11 – This better defines spectator interference on
creased risk for injury while wearing jewelry. With              a fair or foul fly ball. The previous rule language was
this change, medical alert and religious medals are no           confusing on a fly ball when spectator interference
longer a concern. Umpires still have the authority to            prevented the defense from catching the ball.
rule on anything that is considered a distraction or
increases risk to any player.

 OHSAA Reminders                               shirts and jackets when there
                                               is inclement weather.
                                                                                     not to check a rule before we
                                                                                     award the wrong base, fail to
                                               Rule Books—We must have               count a run that should have
 Noisemakers - The use of any item             rule books available and con-         scored or make some other rules
 to create additional noise is a viola-        sult those publications when          misapplication.
 tion of the unsporting conduct reg-           needed during the course of           Head Decorations/Headwear/
 ulation. Noisemaking devices are              a game. We continue to have           Religious Apparel – Regardless
 not permitted in the dugout. This             a few unfortunate situations          of NFHS Playing rules, state law
 would include musical instruments,            each year where rules are             requires that officials/contest
 whistles and horns. It is also not            misapplied and not correct-           administrators not prohibit or
 permissible to bang items such as             ed. The OHSAA does not rec-           create any obstruction to wear-
 ball buckets or bang bats on dug-             ognize protests so it is imper-       ing religious apparel when com-
 outs, benches or fences. Note that            ative that we refer to the            peting or participating in inter-
 the penalty for violations of this            books when needed and                 scholastic athletics, unless a le-
 rule permits a “warning,” but for             make corrections if neces-            gitimate danger to participants is
 repeated violations the umpire                sary. I think that we can all         identified due to wearing reli-
 may “restrict to the bench” or eject          agree that when the umpires           gious apparel. If such a danger is
 either the coach or offender(s).              in a game disagree on a rules         identified, the administrator or
 Umpires should first use warnings             application that this is one of       official of the event or activity
 to enforce this rule.                         the judgment call can’t be            shall offer all reasonable accom-
 Rule 3-2-1 allows state associations          changed by replay or a chal-          modations to the participant
 to permit players to wear sweat-              lenge flag there is no reason         wearing religious apparel.
SPORTSMANSHIP                                                                            cation-based activity programs.
Good sporting behavior is one of the
                                                                                         TIME BETWEEN INNINGS
fundamental ingredients to the con-
                                                                                         As a point of emphasis, umpires and
tinued success and enjoyment of
                                                                                         coaches should pay strict attention
education-based high school sports
                                                                                         to the 60-second time limit between
and activities. In fact, in the 103-year
                                                                                         half-innings. In accordance with
history of organized high school
                                                                                         Rule 6-2-5, at the beginning of each
sports in the United States, good
                                                                                         half-inning, no more than one mi-
sportsmanship has been one of the
                                                                                         nute may be used to deliver no more
most important outcomes of high
                                                                                         than five pitches to the catcher or
school activity programs. NFHS play-
                                                                                         other teammate. The one-minute
ing rules are written to encourage
                                                                                         time limit begins from the third out
sportsmanship. Participation in            positive, open line of communication
                                                                                         of the previous half-inning. A pitch-
these programs should promote              between officials and coaches ultimate-
                                                                                         er returning to the pitching position
respect, integrity, and sportsman-         ly results in a better contest for every-
                                                                                         in the same half-inning will not be
ship. However, for these ideals to         one involved. Contest officials, howev-
                                                                                         granted any warm-up pitch-
occur, everyone involved in these          er, should never engage with spectators
                                                                                         es. Umpires may authorize more
programs must be doing their part.         who are exhibiting unsporting behavior.
                                                                                         pitches during inclement weather or
The NFHS is concerned that un-             Once the contest begins, school admin-
                                                                                         if a pitcher was removed due to inju-
sporting behavior in education-            istration is responsible for dealing with
                                                                                         ry or by rule.
based athletics has increased across       unruly spectators. A proactive approach
all sports. As a result, the NFHS has      by school administration includes moni-       JEWELRY AND ELECTRONIC COM-
made sportsmanship the No. 1 Point         toring the behavior of spectators and         MUNICATION
of Emphasis for the 2022-23 school         intervening as needed. If spectators are      The rule prohibiting jewelry has
year.                                      using demeaning or profane language           been removed, allowing team per-
                                           at officials – or at others in the stands –   sonnel to now wear jewelry; howev-
Sportsmanship, or good sporting
                                           those individuals should be removed           er, the rule regarding the use of
behavior, is about treating one an-
                                           from the contest by school administra-        electronics is still in place. The use of
other with respect and exhibiting
                                           tion. In recent years, a heightened level     electronic devices by team person-
appropriate behavior. It is about
                                           of unsportsmanlike behavior has been          nel to transmit or record information
being fair, honest, and caring. When
                                           occurring by spectators at high school        pertaining to their players or team’s
these types of appropriate behavior
                                           sporting events, and it must be               performance is only permitted with-
occur, competitive play is more en-
                                           stopped. The use of demeaning lan-            in the dugout. Items such as smart-
joyable for everyone. Coaches set
                                           guage, or hate speech, by students,           watches are permitted to be utilized
the tone at athletic contests with
                                           parents, and other fans must cease.           as a watch but cannot be used to
their display of sportsmanship. If
                                           High school sports and other activities       transmit or receive data outside of
these individuals act in a sportsman-
                                           exist to lift people up, not demean or        the dugout.
like manner, their behavior sets the
                                           tear people down. The goal is to treat
tone for players, spectators and oth-                                                    COMPARABLE DRYING AGENTS
                                           everyone fairly and treat each other
ers. If coaches, however, are com-                                                       Pitchers are not permitted to use
                                           with respect. Any speech or harassment
plaining constantly about the deci-                                                      any substance on the ball or on con-
                                           that is insulting, demeaning, or hurtful
sion of contest officials, spectators                                                    tact points of the pitching hand or
                                           will not be tolerated. High schools must
are more likely to do the same.                                                          fingers; also, no foreign substances
                                           establish a culture that values the
There must be a collaborative, work-                                                     may be applied to the ball. If a pitch-
                                           worth of every single person – both
ing relationship between contest                                                         er licks the fingers, the player must
                                           players on the school’s team and play-
officials and game administration to                                                     wipe the fingers prior to touching
                                           ers on the opposing team. There must
promote good sportsmanship and                                                           the ball. Comparable drying agents
                                           be a no-tolerance policy regarding be-
safely conduct the contest. Everyone                                                     listed on the USA website
                                           havior that shows disrespect for anoth-
has their role to play in creating a                                                     (USAsoftball.org) are permitted, and
                                           er individual. Good sports win with hu-
positive, sportsmanlike atmosphere                                                       powdered rosin is also permitted. It
                                           mility, lose with grace and do both with
at contests. Officials should focus on                                                   is not necessary to wipe off the dry-
                                           dignity. It takes the efforts of everyone
the actions of players, coaches and                                                      ing agent before making contact
                                           every day to ensure that sportsmanship
other bench/sideline personnel. A                                                        with the ball.
                                           remains one of the top priorities in edu-
Pitching Rules Enforcement – The OHSAA continues to                 -6-6 offers limited exceptions such as bat/ball shaggers
have expectations concerning the enforcement of all rules           (wearing helmets) who are retrieving discarded bats or
including the pitching rules. These expectations have not           foul balls that may be hit well off the field and down the
changed and are straightforward and reasonable but still            foul lines. This exception does not cover foul balls or other
require our attention:                                              loose balls near a fielder or behind home plate. Defensive
                                                                    coaches are not permitted to take a position outside the
•   Study the pitching rules                                        dugout for the purpose of signaling pitches. Offensive
•   Learn to recognize infractions                                  coaches on the field must take positions within the coach’s
•   Use proper positioning & mechanics                              box.
•   When an illegal pitch is there call it
•   Never guess an illegal pitch                                    Game Management – Umpires know that their responsi-
•   Get these calls made early in the game                          bility is for what happens on the field. Game Administra-
•   Let the pitcher adjust to your proper enforcement of            tion and Site Management is a school responsibility. This is
    the rule                                                        important for a number of reasons – weather issues, the
                                                                    rare case of spectators causing problems that need atten-
We will discuss these during our state and local meetings           tion, or other emergencies. Prior to the game, no later
and also discuss key provisions of the pitching rules at that       than the pregame conference with the coaches, find out if
time. Very important - please note that “leaping”, de-              game management is available or if the head coach is fill-
fined as both feet airborne prior to delivering the pitch is        ing that role. In the spring there are often many events
still not legal in high school play. Although this is now           going on at a school and this forces the coach to take this
permitted under some codes, the results of the annual               responsibility. In any event, umpires need to know who to
NFHS rules survey did not show sufficient support from              go to should assistance become necessary. See our up-
coaches or umpires to make this change.                             dates to our weather regulations elsewhere in this White
Of special note is the NFHS 2022 POE, which we will repeat          Book and note this excerpt from the OHSAA By-Laws:
for 2023, concerning the requirement for the pitcher to             School’s Responsibility When Hosting A Contest 3-2-1.
take a position in contact with the pitching plate and then
simulate taking a signal from the catcher prior to bringing          The host school has the responsibility to ensure that a con-
the hands together. This allows the batter to prepare for           test or event is administered in a manner which emphasiz-
the start of the pitch. If the pitcher does not pause after         es the educational values inherent in interscholastic ath-
stepping onto the pitcher’s plate to simulate taking a signal       letics. It is the host school’s responsibility to remove any
from the catcher prior to bring their hands together, an            individual(s) who disrupts the educational goals of the con-
illegal pitch needs to be called.                                   test or event. Likewise, the host school is ultimately respon-
                                                                    sible for the safety of all participants (players, coaches,
Substitution Rules and Line Up Card Management – This is            officials, spectators, etc.) in the interscholastic contest im-
an area where softball rules provide some complexities. In          mediately before, during and immediately after each con-
an effort to assist umpires, Tom Hathaway of Cincinnati, a          test or event.
long time instructor and member of our Softball Umpire
Improvement Team has developed a DP Flex Chart which                Therefore, the host school shall appoint a site director/
includes various actions and results for the DP/Flex rule.          manager or administrator-in-charge for every contest or
Tom has also authored an article covering Lineups, Substi-          event. The host school shall ensure that the site director/
tutions and Penalty Enforcement. Each of these items are            manager or administrator-in-charge is aware of the
found elsewhere in this White Book and I’m sure they will           school’s emergency action plan and how to adjust it to
be helpful to all of us. I also remind you that Appendix H          meet the needs of the particular contest or event. Included
(page 98) of the NFHS 2023 Softball Rules Book is a valua-          in the emergency action plan shall be procedures to deal
ble DP/Flex resource. These are great topics for local              with emergencies, crowd management and health and
meetings as well. It is important to note the substitution          safety protections. The plan shall also include procedures
and batting order rules for Junior High/Middle School               to ensure that unauthorized personnel are kept from the
(grades 7 & 8) games are the same as the high school rules          playing field; to provide safety and security for the visiting
(the only rules difference for grades 7 & 8 is the pitching         team(s), their spectators and the contest officials, and to
distance). There is no “roster batting” for JH/MS.                  provide safety and security for parking areas related to the
                                                                    contest or event.
Dugout Personnel must remain in the dugout. This in-
cludes coaches, players, and other team personnel. Rule 3

A Look Back at the 2022 Rules Changes and POEs
As we prepare for the 2023 softball    alty is not part of the enforce-          Huddles between innings should
season, it might be helpful to take    ment of this rule.                        take place in safe locations and not
a look back at some of the NFHS                                                  occur on the field after the other
                                       Rule 8-2-6 was amended to clarify
rules changes that were enacted in                                               team has taken the field and is
                                       when the batter-runner’s location
2022.                                                                            making warm-up throw. This is a
                                       in relationship to the running lane
                                                                                 particular danger for a team hud-
Rules governing player attire were     when either foot is in the air. Un-
                                                                                 dle that takes place in an area
altered: In Rule 3-2-5b, language      der this change, the batter-runner
                                                                                 where an overthrow can occur.
was removed limiting the size of       is considered to be out of the run-
clips and fasteners to control         ning lane if either foot last con-        Pitchers simulating taking signs
hair—there is no longer a maxi-        tacted the ground completely              should occur after the pitcher
mum size for these items. Also,        outside of the running lane. Fur-         takes position on the pitcher’s
Rule 3-2-5c eliminated the need        ther interpretations specified that       plate and before bringing the
for state authorization for the        the running lane began with the           hands together. While a pitcher
wearing of religious headwear—         outside edge of the foul line; that       may take a sign before stepping
these are legal as long as they are    is that a foot on the foul line with      onto the pitcher’s plate, the pitch-
of soft, non-abrasive materials and    no part in the running lane was in        er is required to step on to the
are unlikely to come off during        fact outside of the running lane.         plate with hands separated, pause
play. Head coverings worn for          A reminder for that a violation to        long enough to take a sign or simu-
medical reasons still require          occur on a running lane violation,        late taking a sign before bringing
OHSAA approval.                        a play must be made on the                the hands together. Stepping onto
                                       batter-runner attempting to reach         the pitcher’s plate with the hands
Rule 3-5-3 – Coach’s Attire was
                                       first base and interference must          together, or stepping on and im-
altered to allow for slacks, shorts
                                       occur.                                    mediately bringing the hands to-
or other leg coverings in school
                                                                                 gether without a discernible pause,
colors or in khaki, black, white or    Among the 2022 NFHS Points of
                                                                                 is an illegal pitch.
gray.                                  Emphasis that merit review in
If a damaged bat previously re-
moved from the game was brought
back into play, Rule 3-6-21 and its
Penalty specified that the player
                                                                      HELP WANTED
would be called out and the player
and coach shall be restricted to the    We still need your help – please join us in our efforts to recruit new people as
dugout. Reminder: the first time        softball umpires. We’d like you to encourage others – your friends, neighbors,
the bat is determined to be a dam-      relatives, and co-workers to join you as an OHSAA umpire. For information on
aged bat, the bat is removed from       becoming an OHSAA official go to our website, www.ohsaa.org and click on
the game without penalty. If the        the Officiating tab then select – “Become an Official” or use this link - https://
bat is reintroduced into the game,      ohsaa.org/Officiating/permits. Remember that officials working other OHSAA
                                        sports and non-school sports are great candidates to join our team!
the penalty is applied.
                                        We also want to encourage umpires to follow our advancement process and
An editorial change to Rule 6-2-2       move to Class 1. Local Associations are strongly encouraged to help umpires
and Note made the wearing an            through this process –this is a key responsibility of the association. Please
item on the pitching hand, wrist,       work to insure umpires receive the required observations and are prepared
arm and thighs by the pitcher de-       for the advancement test. A Class 1 umpire is eligible to work both regular
tected to be distracting consistent     season varsity and tournament games therefore the testing is a little more
with Rule 3-3-9. In enforcing the       challenging and includes some questions on the basics of three umpire me-
rule, the umpire will ask that the      chanics.
distracting items be removed. The
assessment of the illegal pitch pen-

Professionalism                           OHSAA Officiating Code of Ethics
In addition to the focus on the
student, this year we reprint our      Schools have entrusted the OHSAA and sports officials to assist
Code of Ethics, remind everyone        them in the education and development of their youth through
of the importance of honoring          athletics. The proper operation of such a process requires that
our commitments and contracts          officials be independent, impartial and responsible to people they
regardless of possible inconven-       serve. In recognition of these expectations there is hereby estab-
ience or financial loss, and also      lished a Code of Ethics for all officials. The purpose of the code is
discuss the importance of being        to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct for all offi-
careful about what we say both         cials.
verbally and in social media.
                                           An Official must devote time, thought and study to the rules of the
The OHSAA’s Mission Statement                 game and the mechanics necessary to carry out these rules so
is simple and to the point but                that one may render effective and creditable service in a fair
also speaks volumes:                          and unbiased manner.
   To serve our member                     An Official must work with fellow officials and the state association
                                              in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of
 schools and enrich inter-                    opinion that may arise during debate of issues.
 scholastic opportunities                  An Official must resist every temptation and outside pressure to use
            for                               one’s position as an official to benefit oneself. Under all circum-
                                              stances, officials must avoid promoting the special interest of
                                              any person or group of persons other than the athletes we
The OHSAA’s Officiating Program            An Official must constantly uphold the honor and dignity of the offi-
Mission does the same:                        ciating industry in all personal conduct and relations with stu-
  Creating a competent                        dent-athletes, coaches, athletic directors, school administrators,
community of sports offi-                     colleagues, and the public, to be a worthy example to the ath-
cials who play a key role                     letes under one’s jurisdiction.
                                           An Official will be prepared both physically and mentally, dress ac-
 in developing Ohio stu-                      cording to expectations of sport standards, and maintain a prop-
 dent athletes into good                      er appearance that is befitting the importance of the game.
  citizens of tomorrow.                    An Official shall avoid the use of tobacco and tobacco products at
                                              the contest site.
As officials it’s pretty easy for us       An Official shall not consume alcohol (or any illegal/illicit drug or
to get caught up in what we do                controlled substance) prior to or during the contest.
on a daily basis and forget the            An Official must remember and recognize that it is important to
function that we really need to               honor contracts regardless of possible inconvenience or finan-
play in each and every contest                cial loss. Every member of the officiating profession carries a
and in all that we do as OHSAA                responsibility to act in a manner becoming a professional per-
officials. With this mind we are              son. The conduct of any official influences the attitude of the
taking this opportunity to remind             public toward the profession in general as well as toward the
ourselves of our role as part of              official in particular.
interscholastic athletics and the          An Official shall not delay the process of completing and returning
importance of professionalism.                paperwork provided by a site needed to process the game pay-
Each of the statements above                  ments and will provide a W-9 when requested.
properly create the focus that is      Note – The OHSAA Officiating Code of Ethics, along with OHSAA regula-
appropriately placed on the            tions relating to officials is found in Handbook for Officials. It may be
student.                               accessed at this link: https://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Officiating/
Lineups, Substitutions and Penalty Enforcement
Proper lineup card management and proper enforce-                    pire that No. 12 will bat for No. 7 but No. 7 will
ment of the substitution rules is an important duty of               return to the game when the team goes on de-
the plate umpire. Below is a summary of the lineup                   fense. The umpire accepts the No. 12 for No. 7
and substitution rules that are contained in NFHS                    change. The second part is a projected substitute
Rule 3, as well as a recap outlining the penalties that              and is not accepted.
are applied in each situation.                                   •   Re-entry: Each starter may be removed from the
                                                                     game and returned to the game once, provided
                                                                     she returns to the same position in the batting
• Teams must have 9 players to start the game –
                                                                     order that that she originally occupied. Each sub-
                                                                     stitute may be removed from the game and re-
• When using DP/Flex, lineup consists of 10 players
                                                                     turned to the game once provided she returns to
    but only 9 batters
                                                                     the same position in the batting order that she
• Roster Batting is prohibited—all levels
                                                                     originally entered.
• Once the game has started, teams may drop to 8
                                                                     PENALTY: If a starter or sub re-enters the game
    players should a player leave the game for any
                                                                     in a position in the lineup other than the position
    reason and no sub is available.
                                                                     she originally occupied or after being removed a
• An out is charged each time the vacant position
                                                                     second time, she is an ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTE.
    comes to bat.
                                                                     • If she is discovered while batting or on base,
• If a team drops below 8 players, the game cannot
                                                                          she is called out and restricted to the bench.
    continue and is a forfeit.
                                                                          When discovered after completing her turn at
                                                                          bat and before the next pitch, the offensive
Lineup Card requirements:
                                                                          play is negated
• First initial, last name, jersey number and defen-
                                                                     • If discovered while she is on defense, the
    sive position of all starters, listed in the order in
                                                                          player is removed from the game and re-
    which they will bat.
                                                                          stricted; if she was involved in a play immedi-
• First initial, last name, jersey number of all substi-
                                                                          ately prior to discovery, the offense is given
    tutes (a player does not need to be present in
                                                                          the option of negating the play.
    order to be listed as a sub).
                                                                 Defensive positions:
Lineup Card violations and penalties:
                                                                 • There is no requirement for coaches to report
• Incorrect name, jersey number—make the cor-
                                                                    defensive position changes that do not involve
    rection (name supersedes jersey number). PEN-
                                                                    substitution. However, changes to the pitcher
    ALTY: 1st offense=team warning; 2nd
                                                                    and catcher positions should be reported and
    offense=head coach is restricted
                                                                    recorded so that the courtesy runner rule can be
• Substitute not listed on lineup card—add sub to
                                                                    properly applied.
    lineup card and allow her to play. PENALTY: 1st
                                                                 • Any change involving the DP or Flex is considered
    offense=team warning; 2nd offense=head coach is
                                                                    a substitution and must be reported and record-
                                                                 • Pitchers may be removed and returned to the
                                                                    pitching position once per inning, regardless of
• Substitutes may play even if not listed on the
                                                                    whether they are removed from the lineup. A
   lineup card
                                                                    pitcher returning to the pitching position in the
   PENALTY: 1st offense=team warning; 2nd
                                                                    same inning is not allowed any warmup pitches.
   offense=head coach is restricted
                                                                    The second time the pitcher is removed from the
• Substitutes must be reported to the plate umpire
   PENALTY: 1st offense=team warning; 2nd                           pitching position, she may not return that in-
   offense=head coach and substitute are restricted                  ning.
• Projected substitute: The coach informs the um-                                                 Continued on page 12
Lineups/Subs cont. from page 3
                                           DP/Flex Quick Reference Chart
Courtesy Runners:                          Managing the DP/Flex is a major challenge of lineup card manage-
•      All courtesy runners must be        ment. The chart below presents a number of basic situations and
       reported.                           resulting rulings that umpires may encounter. This chart could be a
•      PENALTY: An unreported              good quick reference while helping develop a deeper understanding
       courtesy runner is an UNRE-         of the DP/Flex rule (Rule 3-3-4).
       PORTED SUBSTITUTE; the un-
       reported substitute penalty
       (1st offense-team warning; 2nd      ACTION                      RESULT
       offense=restriction of head         DP/Flex must be includ-
       coach and substitute) is ap-        ed in starting lineup       DP/Flex cannot be implemented if not part
       plied and the substitute and re     card submitted in           of original starting lineup.
       -entry rules are applied to this    pregame
       lineup change.
                                           DP or Flex may be re-       Team goes from 10 to 9 players but may
                                           moved from lineup after     reinstitute DP/Flex during game. Player (DP
    Summary of Lineup                      lineups become              or Flex) has been removed and may re-
    and Substitution                       "official"                  enter once.
    • Lineup Card Error (incorrect                                  Player for whom DP is playing continues to
                                           DP plays defense for any
      name or number, substitute                                    bat and has not left the game. No effect to
                                           of the other 8 batters
      not listed)                                                   DP/Flex.
      PENALTY: 1st offense=team
      warning; 2nd offense=head                                        DP is playing defense for the Flex. Flex has
      coach restricted                     DP plays defense and        left the game but may re-enter once. Flex
    • Unreported Substitute                Flex comes out of game      may be reinstituted by inserting an eligible
      PENALTY: 1st offense=team                                        sub into Flex position.
      warning; 2nd offense=head
      coach and player restricted                                      DP left the game but may re-enter once. DP
      Illegal Substitute (improper re-     Flex bats or runs for DP    may be reinstated by inserting an eligible
      entry, no longer eligible to re-                                 sub into the DP position.
      enter, illegal courtesy runner,
      Flex entering on offense for a       Flex bats or runs for one
      player other than the DP)            of the other 8 players in   Not allowed. Illegal sub penalty enforced.
      PENALTY: Player removed              the lineup
      from the game and restricted.
      If at bat or immediately after at                                Team continues with 9 players but may re-
                                           Flex is withdrawn from
      -bat=player declared out and                                     institute the Flex by returning that player or
      play negated. If on defense,                                     an eligible substitute to the Flex position.
      preceding play negated if
      offender was involved.                                           The Flex is inserted into the batting order in
                                                                       the DP's position. Team continues with 9
Special thanks to Tom Hathaway of Cin-     DP is withdrawn from        players but may reinstitute the DP by in-
cinnati, a long time instructor and mem-   the game                    serting that player or an eligible sub into
ber of our Softball Umpire Improvement
                                                                       that position in the batting order and re-
Team, for preparing this article.
                                                                       turning the Flex player to defense only.
Check Your Uniforms                                  Brushing up on Mechanics
There are no changes to the OHSAA
softball uniform this year. Some        George Gulas, our state interpreter from Medina, has again put togeth-
reminders as to uniforms:               er a list of observations from our observers and others who have
                                        watched many, many games over the past seasons. These items will be
•   Pants are to be either Heather
                                        the basis for much of our Mechanics Clinics, content at our state
    Gray or Charcoal Gray. All um-
                                        meetings, and of course will be passed on to interpreters for discussion
    pires for any regular or postsea-
    son game are to be dressed          at local meetings. Here is a preview of some of the items we will be
    alike In the event that umpires     working on this winter and spring:
    do not agree to all wear char-      • Plate Umpires – Proper Position including Slot and Distance – Re-
    coal gray pants then heather             porting Changes – Handling Intentional Walks – Fair/Foul Position,
    gray pants shall be worn.                Priorities, Signals - Selling the tough calls vs. making unnecessary
•   A navy shirt with the OHSAA              calls
    embroidered or sublimated           • Base Umpires – Proper Initial Positions getting set and square to the
    logo. It is not permissible to           plate – Tighter Pivots when coming inside diamond – Chasing Balls
    wear a long sleeve garment               to the outfield including when to chase, proper angles, and signals
    under a short sleeve shirt.         • General Mechanics – Between Inning responsibilities - Communica-
•   A jacket shall be the red shoul-
                                             tion through good signals – Don’t take the easy way out – Keys to
    der stripe model—Navy with               Good Judgment - Getting good angles, Timing, and STOP, SET, SEE
    red/white trim on the shoulder.          THE PLAY, MAKE THE CALL
    The OHSAA logo shall be em-         Working the final play of every game – communication with partners
    broidered on the jacket.            and expect the unexpected – it’s not always over when you think it is
•   A navy cap with the OHSAA           Now is the time to plan to take advantage of both our Mechanics Clin-
    logo is required. The OHSAA         ics and Face to Face State Rules Meetings with the second hour (local
    embroidered or sublimated           meeting credit) devoted to items such as those mentioned above.
    logo is the only logo permitted     Work in these areas will help improve the capabilities of all of our um-
    on shirts, jackets and hats.
•   Undershirts or T-shirts are to be
•   Dark blue or gray ball bags for              2023 Umpire Education Opportunities
    the Plate Umpire. If two ball
    bags are worn, they shall be the    ◼ The White Book has been updated – your OHSAA Preseason Guide replac-
    same color.                         es the NFHS Preseason Guide – ALL INFORMATION IN ONE PLACE
•   Wrist watches shall not be          ◼ Six Mechanics Clinics – One in each OHSAA District - Attendees will also
    worn.                               receive three points added to their TOURNAMENT SELECTION SCORE.
                                        ◼ Optional Rules Test - Umpires who complete the optional rules test will
Umpires must remember that ap-
pearance and “looking the part”         receive additional point credit for their tournament officials rating as follows:
are important. When we take the         94% and above – 3 points /// 86% - 92% - 2 points /// 80-84% - 1 point
field we have only one opportunity
                                        The BEST WAY to start your preparation for the coming season is to attend a
to make a first impression. All um-
pires have an equal opportunity to      “face-to-face” State Rules Interpretation Meeting. There will be eight in per-
dress well – your uniform should        son meetings. Each meeting will feature sessions of about two hours and in
be neat, clean and of course in ac-     addition to the state meeting will review the most important items that we
cordance with OHSAA standards.          want to cover prior to the season. By attending the entire session, you will
Let’s make the extra effort to look
                                        receive credit for a local meeting in addition to the state softball meeting.
great. Shine the shoes, clean the
hats, and take time to see what         There is no need to “pre-register” for any State meeting.. Information con-
needs to be replaced this year.         cerning attendance requirements is on the back cover of this booklet.

Social Media Miscues
Umpires need to take great care not
                                                   Bats–Definitions & Penalties
only in performing all their duties
but in controlling what is said on                    Rules 1-5-1, 2-4,7-4-2
Social Media and for that matter
what is said verbally. It is inappro-      ◼ An illegal bat does not meet the specifications of Rule 1-5. Altered
priate for any registered OHSAA            bats and non-approved bats are both types of illegal bats. There are oth-
official assigner, instructor, or local    er types of illegal bats – a bat without a sufficient safety grip or a bat that
association executive to connect           has pine tar on the barrel are just two examples.
with a student via social media. This
does not include athletes that are         ◼ An altered bat was once legal but has been structurally changed by
part of your family or officials that      rolling, shaving, warming, or some other intentional act. When an altered
communicate to students as part of         bat is used all penalties for an illegal bat apply PLUS the batter and head
their job responsibilities (coaches,       coach are also ejected from the game.
administrators, or teachers). It’s
also not appropriate to pose for           ◼ A non-approved bat is one that does not meet USA Softball specifica-
photos with student athletes –             tions OR has been placed on USA Softball list of non approved bats with
“here is our favorite umpire.” These       the USA Softball certification mark. When a non-approved bat is used all
examples, from past years, are de-         penalties for an illegal bat apply PLUS the batter and head coach are
signed to give us something to think       ejected from the game (same penalty as for an altered bat).
about – not only in what we say and
post but in how we enforce the rules       When a penalty includes ejection of the batter and head coach (altered or
we are responsible for –                   non-approved bat) the umpire is required to complete the online ejection
◼ Well that was a first – team gives       report to inform the OHSAA and the school administration which is re-
up 16 runs in the first, 3 more in the     sponsible for enforcing the additional penalties that apply when an ejec-
second, with three of those outs           tion occurs.
manufactured by me behind the
                                           ◼ Illegal Bat Penalty: A batter using an illegal bat may be discovered,
                                           either by the umpire or the opposing team, once she enters the batter’s
◼ Yesterday I had a doubleheader
                                           box and until a pitch to the next batter after she completes her turn at
and did the plate the first game.
                                           bat. The batter is declared out. If the ball was put into play, runners are
Second pitch of the first game I real-
ized the batter had an unapproved          returned to the base occupied at the time of pitch; however, runners who
bat. I don’t know if what I did was        were put out on the play remain out. The batter and the head coach are
right or wrong (I assume wrong             ejected.
since I did not enforce the rule). The
                                           ◼ Damaged bat, a new definition added in 2020 is defined as a bat that
penalty for this is an out, the ejec-
tion of the player, and the coach. I       was once legal but is now broken, cracked, dented, rattles, or has sharp
simply chose to play dumb and not          edges that could cut the ball. Note that a bat that has developed instabil-
start this day or year off like that. If   ity in the handle or taper (often called a wobble) is considered a damaged
the other team questioned it I would       bat. Damaged bats are not considered illegal and when discovered are
have enforced the rule. This player        immediately removed from the game without penalty.
was not a factor and her team lost
both games. Between games, I nev-          The only time the use of a damaged bat results in a penalty is when, after
er told the other umpire because I         being removed from the game, it is reintroduced into the contest. In this
didn’t want to influence him. In the       case, the batter is declared out. If the batter put the ball into play, all
past, I have told the coach after that     runners who were not put out on the play are returned to the base occu-
half inning of the situation and they      pied at the time of the pitch. However, the enforcement of Rule 3-6-21
corrected it going forward. For            requires that the player and head coach are both restricted to the bench
whatever reason, yesterday I did not       and not ejected.
do that. And I probably should have
because eventually it will catch up to
them and then I will be known as
“the last umpire.”

Bat Certification Marks
It is important to know what Certification Marks are
required for NFHS softball competition. Rule 1-5-1d
and Figure 1-6 have now been updated to include
USA Softball’s newest certification mark shown which
are also provided below – there are now three marks
which are the only approved marks for bats used in
high school play, which are pictured on the right:
NFHS rules require that bats meet the USA Softball
bat performance standards. Thus, bats that only bear
approval marks from other softball organizations
without one of the above certification marks do not
meet the requirements for use in high school play.
Note that USA Softball also publishes a listing of Non-
Approved Bats with Certification Marks. This was
created to provide a listing of bats that had once             that a bat should have its approval revoked, either
been approved for use but are no longer deemed                 through the re-testing process or for a voluntary re-
approved for use. This listing can be found on the             moval from the manufacturer, the bat is added to the
USA Softball website at this link - https://                   Non-Approved Bats list with Certification Marks.
usa.asasoftball.com/e/BB1P2000.asp                             These bats were approved when originally manufac-
                                                               tured and were legal for play at that time, but due to
Here is an excerpt from the 2020 NFHS Softball Points
                                                               some unforeseen issues no longer pass the approval
of Emphasis –
Bat manufacturers produce several models of bats
for multiple organizations. These different models are
often custom designed to meet the specific organiza-                     Equipment Inspection
tions' individual certification requirements. Bats that
are custom designed for one organization may only              High school rules no longer require the umpires to
bear that organization's certification mark. Converse-         inspect equipment prior to every game. Umpires are
ly, a large number of these bats are designed to meet          expected to remain vigilant throughout the game and
several organizations' requirements and will bear              when illegal or altered equipment is identified the
multiple organizations certifications marks – making           existing penalties, which remain unchanged, will
them legal to use in multiple codes. What is im-               need to be assessed. Certainly be prepared to an-
portant to know is that NFHS softball recognizes and           swer a question from a coach about legality of equip-
utilizes USA Softball’s certification process. In order        ment whether it’s asked before or during a game.
for a bat to be legal for use in NFHS softball it must         We remind both coaches and umpires that penalties
be marked with the ASA 2000, 2004 or the USA Soft-             prescribed in Rule 3-6-1 and in Rule 7-4-2 will need to
ball All-Games Certification Mark. Additionally, any           be enforced should violations occur. While most
bat with one of these certification marks must not             equipment violations result in a team warning for the
appear on the list of the USA Softball Non-Approved            first offense and a bench restriction for the offender
Bats with Certification Marks. This list was created as        and coach on the next offense it’s important to again
a way to alert players and coaches that a bat that was         note that the penalty for bringing an altered or non-
once approved for use has now been deemed no                   approved bat into the batter’s box includes ejection
longer approved for use. All bats that are approved            of both the batter and head coach. This ejection in-
by USA Softball, formally ASA, for use in fast pitch           cludes the additional penalties that come with any
play shall bear one of the markings shown below.               ejection of a student-athlete or coach.
Once these bats have entered the market and possi-
ble issues arise, there is a process for revoking the
approval of these bats. When it has been determined                                            Continued on page 16
Equipment continued from page 15
                                                                                       Concussion Regulations
Here is another excerpt from a previous NFHS Soft-
                                                                             Ohio law and OHSAA rules spell out our concussion regu-
ball Point of Emphasis –                                                     lations. Every three years all OHSAA officials must com-
It is the head coach’s responsibility to make certain                        plete concussion training. Some reminders:
all players are legally and properly equipped, which                         Review often the list of common symptoms of a concus-
includes checking bats, helmets and catcher’s gear                           sion. This list is found in the Rule Book.
prior to every contest. Equipment wears during use.                          A player who is removed because of signs or symptoms
Bats can become damaged, or a player may purchase                            of a concussion may not return to play that day.
a new bat that does not meet requirements. Catch-                            If you send a player out with signs or symptoms of a con-
ers’ helmets and batter’s helmets have screws that                           cussion, you must complete the concussion form from
                                                                             the OHSAA website and send it to the OHSAA office.
hold face guards in place. These screws loosen and
will eventually fall out rendering the equipment ille-
gal and potentially causing a safety risk if not detect-
ed. Coaches must remain vigilant in inspecting equip-
ment before every contest to ensure no damage has
occurred or new noncompliant equipment has been
purchased since their last inspection.

2022 State Tourament Umpires
We congratulate the following um-                Michael Blazevich III ..... Northwood                John Meyers ........................... Oregon
pires who were selected to umpire                Eric Bond ...................... Benton Ridge        David Miller ............................. Ottawa
                                                 Terry Bowshier .................Grove City           Patrick Montana....................... Girard
at the 2022 OHSAA State Champi-                  William Combs III ........ N. Baltimore              Ryan Murphy ..................... Kimbolton
onships. Roughly one third of our                John Craig ....................North Canton          Rick Nemet ..........................Jefferson
state tournament umpires were                    Jason Craven ........................Marietta        Paul Offenbacher ........................Lima
                                                 Paul Dinan ..................... Pickerington        Linda Papagna ........................Warren
making their first appearance at                 Greg Drach ......................... Cincinnati      David Robenstine .................. Elmore
this event and that is no doubt a                John Fazio ............... Middleburg Hts.           Gary Russell II .................... Roseville
result of many of these umpires                  George Gulas .......................... Medina       John Schultz ..................... Huntsville
                                                 Charles Hall ........................... Ashland     David Scott Jr. ................... Cincinnati
attending our Mechanics Clinics                  Brian Harrell ........................Fairlawn       Robert Seedhouse Jr. ... N. Olmsted
and working hard to improve at                   Galen Harris .......................Casstown         Brandon Smith .................... Lebanon
their craft.                                     Tom Hathaway .................. Cincinnati           Tyler Smith .................Wheelersburg
                                                 Paul Hines ................................ Marion   Ron Tatgenhorst ................ Byesville
                                                 Bill Hutchinson .................... Wooster         Karly Tennant .............................. Etna
Mike Abbuhl .......................... Navarre   Raymond Isla .......................... Canton       Steven Trout .................. Wapakoneta
Richard Annen........................ Canton     William Jordon............... South Point            Bruce Varner ............................. Heath
LeighAnn Baer ................... Loveland       Matthew Kleiner .................... Monroe          Michael Williams Jr. ....... Boardman
Donald Barazak .................. Kinsman        Kevin Lehman ........................ Dundee         Donald Wood ................... Westerville
Brian Beeksma..................... Tipp City     Rob Luklan ..................... Youngstown
Raymond Bess ................. Zanesville        Paul Melcher ...................Westerville

SPORTING CONDUCT & EJECTIONS                                                    Revised Thunder &
                                                                                 Lightning Policy
We all know the importance of good sporting conduct. This ap-                    1. If thunder is heard, the game
plies not only to coaches and players but to umpires as well. Um-                is stopped, the 30-minute clock
pires are reminded to study Rule 3-6 and other rules relating to                 kicks in-NO EXCEPTIONS!
sporting conduct. Remember that potential penalties for un-                      2. If lightning is seen (but no
sporting conduct by a coach often include a bench restriction.                   thunder heard), the game will
When appropriate, we encourage that this option be used.                         be stopped and the Game Ad-
                                                                                 ministrator(s), Umpires, and
When an ejection does occur, there are important steps that must                 Head Coaches will convene and
be followed:                                                                     determine what type of delay
    Officials shall file a report with the OHSAA office whenever a coach         will be administered. If there is
        or player is ejected from an athletic contest within 48 hours of         lightning in the area, the 30-
        the ejection.                                                            minute clock kicks in.
    Step 1: Speak with offender’s principal/athletic director – Whenev-          3. At night (after dark) under
        er an ejection occurs, the ejecting official shall speak with the        certain atmospheric conditions,
        offender’s principal/athletic director no later than the first           lightning flashes may be seen
        school day following the ejection.                                       from distant storms. In these
    Step 2: Submit Report Form – Officials will fill out the form electron-      cases, it MAY be safe to contin-
        ically on their Dashboard at www.myohsaa.org . The link is on            ue. If no thunder can be heard
        the left hand side of the screen; “Submit New Game Report.”              and the flashes are low to the
        Please complete one report per offending school.                         horizon, the storm may not
    The Game Report Form may also be used to report good or poor                 pose a threat. Independently
        sportsmanship, severe injuries, facility problems, or equipment          verified lightning detection in-
        problems.                                                                formation would help eliminate
    Ejections other than players or coaches and other items of which the         any uncertainty. If any member
        Director should be made aware must be reported.                          of the group assessing condi-
    The school AD and OHSAA will automatically be sent an email con-             tions is uncertain, delay for 30
        cerning the ejection..                                                   minutes!
    Response email notifications will be sent once the protocol has been         4. Lightning detection devices
        completed.                                                               may be used to stop the con-
    An official failing to follow the ejection protocol and/or failing to file   test if lightning is in the area
        the Officials Report may result in a maximum fine of $100 to the         (usually 10 miles) even if it is
        official per occurrence.                                                 not seen or thunder heard.
Ejected players must stay with the team. Ejected coaches or adult team           Often, school medical person-
personnel must leave the area of the contest, have no further communi-           nel are monitoring this equip-
cation with the team, and not perform any coaching functions. Such               ment – obtain their input as
personnel may only return if summoned by an official in case of a situa-         part of your discussions.
tion such as a serious injury.                                                   5. Err on the side of safety. If
                                                                                 there is a delay, players, coach-
Ejected players and coaches are ineligible for the remainder of the day          es and officials must clear the
of the ejection and all contests at all levels until two games of the same       field of play and seek cover.
level as the game of the ejection are played.                                    The host school is responsible
Post-game ejections are possible. Umpire jurisdiction does not end until         to have an evacuation plan to
all umpires have left the confines of the field. Inappropriate behavior on       get everyone to designated
the field, after the game has ended, may result in an ejection and will be       safer areas.
handled no differently than an ejection during the game. Umpires are             6. The “thirty minute clock” is
not to be harassed, threatened, followed, or menaced while coming to             re-started each time that thun-
or leaving the field. The home team or game management is responsi-              der is heard or there is lightning
ble for the security of the officials.                                           in the area.
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