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Alutant The Ellensburg High School’s Student News Magazine March 19, 2021 Issue 5 Volume 49 Trump’s Acquittal Pages 4-5 Yearbook Club Pages Pages 10-11 Sport Lookbook Pages 18-19
2 February 19, 2021 Alutant Alutant Staff: Free College Credit Should Be Free Editor-in-Chief: $550 for two five-credit classes per year. A Jada Godwin Jada Godwin This reimbursement still requires the Editor-in-Chief Editorial student to pay $275 upfront, which for Staff Reporters: Lucy Altman-Coe Ellensburg High School offers a lower-class families becomes a problem. Drew Bland few additional credit options for its If this money is going to be reim- Stephen Martin students, including Running Start and bursed a few months later, why can it Esmeralda Nava-Santos College in the High School. These dual not be paid by the school district in the Echo Nitkey Haley Wallace credit programs offer credit for both first place? Wouldn’t it be so much easi- Carson Wright students’ high school and college tran- er, faster, and cheaper to simply remove scripts, allowing a student to fulfill their the middleman? Money doesn’t need to Adviser: high school graduation requirements be wasted on billing and filling the same Christine Roux while starting their college degree. But expense over and over again. Affiliations students beware—these programs come This process of reimbursement also Washington Journalism at a price. unnecessarily burdens lower-class fami- Education Association Running Start, a program in which lies. Many families live paycheck to pay- National Scholastic Press students take courses at Central Wash- check, and finding $300 out of nowhere Association Quill and Scroll Honor- ington University either in-person or is not an easy task. Not to mention, fam- ary Society online, offers tuition-free classes for ilies are not immediately paid back. Re- Special Thanks EHS juniors and seniors. However, imbursement requires families to fill out ESD Printing Services these students are still responsible for and turn in a reimbursement form, and Alutant is an Old English word paying various fees, such as technol- although there is an immediate payment meaning “bulldog.” ogy fees, which can add up to several option, that option still requires time to The Alutant is a public forum hundred dollars each year. They must file all the necessary paperwork and still for student expression. Content is written and produced by also buy or rent their own textbooks, forces families to pay the school. And if and for students and does not although students who qualify for free families don’t turn in their reimburse- necessarily reflect the opinions of Ellensburg High School or the or reduced lunch can apply to a book ment form, they’re simply out of their school district. loan program for free textbooks. The money. Reimbursement is not automat- The publication accepts program is very transparent in explain- ic, and for busy families, the paperwork freelance work from current students at Ellensburg High ing that textbooks are not guaranteed, can slip through the cracks. School. and the books unable to be provided As for Running Start, students Email: through the program must be bought shouldn’t have to pay any additional fee Instagram: @alutantnews out of students’ pockets. to the tuition. The point of the program There is also the College in the High is to allow students to earn free college ELLENSBURG HIGH SCHOOL 1203 E. Capitol Avenue School program, designed to provide credit. These fees are often not explained Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509)-925-8300 college credit for classes taken at the to prospective students, and are the full high school. Students can take their reg- responsibility of the student to pay. That ular high school classes for reduced col- is unacceptable. lege tuition and full college credit. For Reimbursement is a step in the right $55 per credit, and as most classes are direction, but there is progress that must five credits, this allows students to take be made to further extend the opportu- classes for $275 each. Through this pro- nity to receive free college credit in high Cover Photo: gram, students can receive reimburse- school, especially to the families who Stephen Martin ment for one class per semester, or up to couldn’t afford it otherwise.
Alutant February 19, 2021 3 Abstaining from the Pledge Covid-19 One Reporter’s Update A Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor Opinion Reasoning A Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor Every morning over an- always be loyal to our country? Column nouncements the words, “please When I was taught this habit, Despite vaccinations being stand for the Pledge of Alle- I barely even understood what at a higher level, Covid-19 num- giance,” ring throughout the these words meant, let alone the bers are still an important thing to school. However, starting in 2016, implications of them. keep an eye on, as accurate infor- I have consistently remained sit- While I understood that many mation is a crucial step to better ting through the Pledge of Alle- did not share the same views understanding the pandemic. giance. as me, I did talk to my parents, In Ellensburg School District, According to RCW professors at Central Washing- as of March 9th, there are 76 to- 28A.230.140, a piece of Washing- ton University, about my feel- tal cases, according to the Ellens- ton state legislation, “pupils so ings. They explained to me that, burg School District Covid-19 desiring” recite the pledge every though the habit had been hand- dashboard and previous data. Of day. However, it adds that, “stu- ed to me without the chance for those, 19 have occurred at Ellens- dents not reciting the pledge shall me to consider, I actually had the burg High School. maintain a respectful silence.” choice. I began to stand when the Kittitas County as a whole has I don’t consider myself an request was made to rise for the seen 2,336 total cases, along with anarchist, or a radical leftist. I Pledge of Allegiance, but I would 28 deaths due to the virus, report- stopped reciting the pledge due not say the words. ed the Kittitas County Communi- to personal reasons and an in- Several students and even a ty Impact Dashboard as of Febru- ternal moral compass. I’ve never couple teachers have accused me ary 28th. Of these, 328 cases have tried to convince my fellow stu- of being disrespectful, violating occurred at Central Washington dents to stop saying the pledge, rules, and disrupting the class. University from September 9th, and I am always maintaining the Despite these remarks, I have 2020, to February 28th, 2021, ac- “respectful silence” demanded continued to refrain from repeat- cording to the CWU Covid-19 by the state. ing the pledge and, in 9th grade, I dashboard. My original reasoning for not began to remain sitting while my Statewide, there are a total of saying the pledge started in the classmates rose and repeated the 321,079 cases and 4,956 deaths, November of my 7th grade year, words, “I pledge allegiance to the according to the Washington State when I began to notice some of flag of the United States of Amer- Department of Health on Febru- the many flaws in our country: ica and to the republic for which ary 28th. Throughout the country, rampant poverty being ignored it stands, one nation under God, we have seen 28,355,420 accumu- by the government, a lack of fed- indivisible, with liberty and jus- lated cases since January 21st, eral funding for public schools, tice for all.” 2020, according to the Center for and an overwhelming feeling of Again, I am not diminishing Disease Control on February 28th. dread for the state of the country. those who do pledge their loyalty There have been 510,777 lives lost This was only fueled by an to the United States every day, nor nationwide due to the Covid-19 assignment late in my 7th grade am I trying to pressure those who virus. year that asked us to examine do into stopping. However, those The staff of the Alutant urge what aliens would find odd if who do not say the Pledge of Al- you to follow guidelines from they landed on Earth. I then re- legiance are not rule-breaking an- health officials as the county con- alized: why is the government, archists, they are those who have tinues to fight the pandemic. For from a young age, ingraining the simply made a different choice in more information on masks, see words in our heads that we must a small aspect of their lives. page 16.
4 February 19, 2021 Alutant Trump’s Second Acquittal A Closer Look at the Closer Vote A Carson Wright Building to the ground. tution and our country is more Staff Reporter The rioters broke into the important than any one person. News House and Senate chambers I voted to convict President On February 13th, Donald J. while the representatives and Trump because he is guilty.” Trump, the 45th President of the senators were inside. One DC Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), was United States, was acquitted by police officer died in that break- one of two female Republican the Senate with a vote of 57-43. in, and four rioters. senators that voted to convict. This was the only time a US Following that event, an ar- “I’m sure that there are many President has been impeached ticle of impeachment was intro- Alaskans that are very dissat- twice. duced to the house that accused isfied with my vote,” she ex- The first impeachment took Trump of “Incitement of Insur- plained. Murkowski went on to rection.” explain that the country is divid- The House ed and how we need to unite. quickly voted The fifth senator is Ben Sasse guilty with a (R-NE). And he did not stop at- vote of 232-197. tacking Trump. “First, President The article then Trump lied that he ‘won the went on to the election by a landslide.’ He lied Senate, where the final vote was 57-43. The Sen- President Donald Trump. Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia. ate is currently place one year ago after there split with 50 Republicans and 50 was debate on whether or not Democrats. So which 7 Republi- Donald Trump abused his pow- cans voted to impeach? er as President and obstructed The first was Senator Mitt Congress. Romney (R-UT). He has ex- Senator Bill Cassidy. Photo Courtesy of The House of Representa- pressed his distain for Trump Gage Skidmore. tives voted to impeach on both many times and he was the only about widespread voter fraud, accounts with a vote of 230-197 Republican that voted to im- spreading conspiracy theories and 229-198. But the Senate vot- peach in 2020. despite losing 60 straight court ed to acquit with the votes of The next senator is Richard challenges, many of his losses 48-52 and 47-53. Senator Mitt Burr (R-NC). According to USA handed down by great judges he Romney (R-UT) was the only Today, he said that “as I said on nominated.” Republican senator that voted January 6th, the President bears Republican Pat Tooney from to convict. But the second im- responsibility for these tragic Pennsylvania stated that he peachment told a different story. events. . . I do not make this de- thought that Trump wasn’t a On January 6th, a Trump-sup- cision lightly, but I believe it is good president. “He began with porting protest quickly turned necessary.” dishonest, systematic attempts into a riot. This riot made his- Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to convince supporters that he tory. The last time the capitol also voted to convict Trump. He had won.” was stormed was in 1812 by the made a statement shortly after The last senator that voted British, who burned the Capitol the trial, saying that “our Consti- to convict was Susan Collins
Alutant February 19, 2021 5 After the trial, was a historic day in American Senate Minority history. Leader Mitch Mc- Connell (R-KY) said “there’s no question, none, that President Trump is prac- tically and mor- ally responsible for provoking the Senator Ben Sasse. Photo Courtesy of Gage Skidmore. events of the day.” (R-ME). After the trial she told So why didn’t he vote to the people of America that she convict? Was it pressure on the voted because of his, “failure to party or did he think that he was obey the oath he swore on Jan. going to lose his next election? Senator Mitch McConnell. Photo courtesy 20, 2017.” Either way, February 13th of Gage Skidmore. Girls’ Soccer A Haley Wallace Staff Reporter Sports Kicking It Into Gear Ellensburg High School’s wearing as many layers as we this year for girls soccer, we girls’ soccer team has always can, including masks during did have a smaller group try been known for their amazing practice and games, and have out but still enough for a junior skills and perseverance, and had to deal with shoveling snow varsity and a varsity team. The they have displayed that resil- and playing on ice which isn’t quality of players on each team ience and athleticism this year, normal, but we are all just really is incredible this year too, so I despite starting in February. grateful to have a season at all,” think both junior varsity and says Madelyn Snow, one varsity will be very successful!” of the team’s senior cap- stated Snow. tains. Although this year’s sports The team has com- have gone through many trials, peted in four games and the girls’ soccer team has exem- are proudly undefeated. plified EHS team spirit through “My teammates and comradery, community, and I have responded to the sportsmanship. Snow made it season starting right clear that she felt the team is as now very well! We have close as ever. been working hard and “Our soccer team is unique are excited to be back!” in the way we all push each said Kaelynn Smith, a ju- other to be the best athletes we nior on the team. can be, but are also super close Varisty player Emma Vietzke battling a warrior from Despite the assump- friends. We spend around two Cle Elum-Rosland in a game on March 9th. tion that this year’s par- hours together everyday and “Starting the season in the ticipation would drastically create a special bond that I middle of winter has definite- drop, the team has had plenty of think anyone would love to be ly been a shift for all my team- girls come to try out. a part of. We work hard and we mates, including myself. We are “Regarding the participation have fun!”
6 February 19, 2021 Alutant Volleyball at EHS School Sports Return A Stephen Martin Associate Editor back to February, but we contin- Sports ued.” Volleyball was one of the six The volleyball team has taken spring sports that returned to El- many precautions to prevent the lensburg High School this Febru- spread of Covid-19 during prac- ary. Along with the new regula- tices, following guidelines from tions due to the pandemic, there both the state and WIAA. is also a new coach: Jesse Stuec- “We’re very conscious of our kle. distancing,” said Stueckle, “We Stueckle had been coaching keep our players in pods of six, volleyball since 2007. However, and we try to keep those very he only took over the position of little close contact within those Coach Jesse Stueckle instructing students. head coach this season after the same pods. We’re sanitizing balls, we control our entrances and ex- Prosser resignation of the former head its, we are taking temps, and we EHS wins 3-0 coach. are checking every player as they (25-23, 25-14, 25-14) “I had been the assistant enter the facility. We’re trying to Selah coach at Ellensburg High School just do a good job of keeping kids EHS wins 3-2 for two years,” he said. “Then safe and athletes healthy.” (22-25, 26-24, 26-24, 21-25, 15-12) former head coach, Ted Landry, While competitions were not East Valley resigned, so then I was asked to permitted when the season be- EHS wins 3-1 interim head coach this season.” gan, on February 12th Ellens- (22-25, 25-22, 25-23, 25-17) The date for the beginning of burg’s health region was moved East Valley the season moved around con- into Phase 2, allowing them to EHS wins 3-0 siderably have their first game against (25-20, 25-13, 25-12) “Things changed month by Prosser High School. Since then, Grand View month. They always had a plan there have been five more games, EHS wins 3-0 through WIAA to have con- most of which they have won. (25-14, 25-11, 25-4) densed sports seasons. So first it Scores are listed to the left. West Valley was going to be possibly the be- The season is expected to end EHS loses 2-3 ginning of the sports seasons in (23-25, 19-25, 25-20, 25-21, 13-15) January, and then it was pushed on March 20th. A player about to bump the ball. A player preparing to set the ball for a spike during practice.
Alutant February 19, 2021 7 Cross Country A Good Run of It A Jada Godwin Editor-in-Chief before and after Sports running, we have With the start of second se- to stay 6 feet away mester, students at Ellensburg from other people, High School were able to start our temperature is participating in school-spon- taken before every sored sports again. Grouped practice, and we into various seasons, each sport have a screening now has about a month and a we fill out daily Hashimoto (left) and his pod at the end of a run last fall at half for its season. Six sports to demonstrate we Umptanum Road. Photo courtesy of Jeff Hashimoto. are just now finishing up their don’t have any symptoms of the pre-season. Whether that seasons, including the popular COVID. Also, there is optional was preparing gift bags for the cross country team. COVID testing which many ath- new coming runners, writing Cross country, normally a letes have taken advantage of.” letters to everyone on the team, fall sport, officially started hav- Hashimoto, who is also the or just plain training, I feel that ing practices on February 1st. Secretary of the Washington the team captains and I really The season this year has been State Cross Country Coaches worked hard to make sure ev- pushed back repeatedly due to Association, said he “advocated eryone felt excited and included Covid-19. Although the virus is for common sense safety proce- in the season coming up,” stat- still spreading in the U.S., sever- dures for our sport” in prepara- ed Berthon-Koch. “I dislike how al safety procedures have been tion for the season. Even with all short the season is, but I love put in place to pro- these added precau- my team and the inclusive at- tect the players. tions, both maintain mosphere we continue to create “COVID has that cross country ex- year after year.” had a huge effect on perience hasn’t suf- Both Hashimoto and Ber- cross country this fered. thon-Koch encouraged others to year,” stated Jeff “Students are ex- participate in the sport. Hashimoto, cross cited to have the sea- As Berthon-Koch stated, “I country’s Head son, even in Febru- think everyone should join XC! Coach. “We are Captain Olivia Berthon-Koch ary! We have had a Many of our varsity runners meeting in smaller at practice. Photo courtesy of lot of enthusiasm de- didn’t even like running before pods. We usually do Stephen Martin. spite all of the modi- they joined the team. Joining a lot of whole team activities, like fications we have had to make,” XC my freshman year was the a camping trip, games and fun stated Hashimoto. Although best decision I made throughout activities. We have to limit these participation has dropped from High School. We all work really now. Our meet schedule usually an average of 85 students to just hard to foster an inclusive and involves some longer trips to the 55 this year, the students who’ve encouraging atmosphere on the westside- this year we are all lo- continued with the sport are team, where everyone is friends cal. Our focus is on safety.” “dedicated” and even “willing with everyone. l truly believe That’s not all. Captain Ol- to run in the cold and snow!” as that XC is the best sport/team of- ivia Berthon-Koch added that, Hashimoto put it. fered at Ellensburg High.” “There are a lot of safety proce- It wasn’t just the official sea- The last official meet of the dures being enforced to make son that students were excited season was March 13th, and was sure that all athletes are staying about. held at Rotary Park in Ellens- healthy. We have to wear masks “I did a lot to prepare for burg.
8 February 19, 2021 Alutant Fall Play’s “The Monologue A Jada Godwin Show” Editor-in-Chief Review into their characters and really Although I was disappointed dissected the motivations be- that Ellensburg High School’s hind their monologues. Whether Fall Play production of “Clue” it be weighing in on the London/ was cancelled, its replacement, Caleb debate or attempting to “The Monologue Show,” was an advocate for their personal hob- unexpected treat. bies and dreams, the audience Carol Ritzenthaler during one of her “The Monologue Show” cen- knew exactly why each charac- monologues playing London. ters around the dramatics of a ter was onstage and what they was surprised to hear the snide high school theatre class, play- wanted to use their stage time comments about yoga pants and ing on the tropes of the “weird for. Every monologue held the teasing a boy about having bar- theater kids,” a relationship audience’s attention, and always bies. gone bad, and a teacher in over for a different reason. With that exception, I can his head. The show itself was a confidently say this was a great class assignment for the char- choice. Students were able to be acters, and as it progresses on, spaced out for the play and even the monologues become more filmed on separate days, which and more chaotic as the students kept things safe while maintain- take over. ing the plot of the show. As for London, played by Carol editing, it was incredibly well Ritzenthaler, and Caleb, played done and for the most part nev- by Nick Zimny, were the most er took away from the students’ well-known characters by the performances, and at times even end of the play due to their sta- added to the experience. tus as the fighting couple. Their Some of the humor dragged performances were downright down this play, but the actors amazing, but the real strength Nick Zimny, playing Caleb, performed themselves did an incredible of the show was the individual several monologues in the play. job. I would have never guessed effort of each actor who shoul- This monologue format, to this wasn’t the original show dered the burden of the spotlight the best of my knowledge, has planned for the 2020-2021 school alone. It was obvious that the never before been used to this year. This performance, for me, students in the show had dived extent in an EHS Fall Play. Re- was 4 out of 5 paws. strictions to diminish the spread of Covid-19 hit the Fall Play hard, but their success with this new show, published in 2016, was honestly inspiring. The play does have some hu- mor portraying gender stereo- types that made me uncomfort- able, but, as the cast and crew announced in the credits, they Grady Fortier performing a monologue weren’t backing everything said Starting the show off with a bang, Chloe as Alexis on robbing a mall with Taylor in the play. Even so, the humor Clyburn performing a monologue as Bai- Swift. was at times demeaning, and I ley on her character’s superiority complex.
Alutant February 19, 2021 9 Poetry Out Loud High School and the Arts A Stephen Martin Associate Editor Arts and Entertainment This winter Ellensburg High School held its annual Poetry Out Loud contest. The contest was won by Senior Thomas Lo- nowski and Freshman Krista No- lan at the school level. The competition was very dif- ferent from years prior. Instead of a live performance in front of the judges, students submitted Thomas Lonoswki, senior. Krista Nolan, freshman. videos of themselves performing ducting the competition with re- participate. their poems. EHS English Teach- duced class times. “I had a chance to do it my er Lorraine Barlow explained “AP Lang, unlike AP Lit, is sophomore year and compete at how the competition was con- more based on nonfiction, and the school level,” he said. “And ducted. argument,” said Treadwell, “and then I was pretty busy my junior “Usually we have class com- so I couldn’t really justify doing year so I didn’t choose to ad- petitions where students pres- it there, only seeing students two vance from the class level to the ent in front of the class, and then days a week.” school level. And this year I had the top performers in the classes The competition was also a little more time so I figured I’d then move on to a schoolwide judged differently from years give it another try.” competition,” said Barlow. “But prior due to a shortage of poets. He said that he enjoyed being this year everything was virtual, “Usually we try to have all the able to express himself artistical- because every level beyond the judges be poets, and this year we ly. school level is virtual, up to the only had one poet,” Barlow said. “I just think it’s cool to be able nation level because of covid.” “And we had arts commission- to express yourself some way,” While Barlow still conducted ers. So one poet, arts commis- he stated, “and poetry is a way a classroom competition virtual- sioners, and then two professors that we can do that in school.” ly, many teachers, such as Sara from Central.” Krista Nolan, who performed Treadwell, could not justify con- However, these setbacks did “End of Days Advice from an not stop students from Ex-zombie” by Michael Derrick submitting poems. Hudson and “I heard a Fly buzz Thomas Lonows- - when I died” by Emily Dickin- ki, who performed son, said something similar. “Abecedarian Requir- “I like acting and reading po- ing Further Examina- ems is kinda like acting because tion of Anglikan Sera- you have to express what the au- phym Subjugation of a thor was trying to express,” No- Wild Indian Rezerva- lan said, “so I thought that it’d be tion” by Natalie Diaz fun.” and “Love” by George The regional competition was Herbert, explained judged on February 16th. Nei- The Poetry Out Loud logo. Courtesy of why he decided to ther student moved on to the state competition.
10 February 19, 2021 Alutant New Year, New Yearbook Clubs Designing Their Own Yearbook Pages A club members have enjoyed which I think is great, as each Drew Bland Staff Reporter this new creative freedom and club is different.” Holdeman News even developed the slogan “you also said, “ I think the option of Within this past year change know it’s over when the DM clubs creating their own year- has become an inevitable part smiles,” but there are still some book pages is the best option. of the high school experience, constraints. As Dykes said, “I It gives more control to the in- ranging from the hybrid model do think that the placement of dividual clubs on how they are to how we get our lunches. An- the pictures and words is hard seen by the rest of the school, other shift has popped up with- because of the triangular format it also allows them to make the in the yearbook, as the tasks of which makes it hard to fit more pages more unique to the club.” creating club pages has been “Challenges that my club delegated to the clubs them- has had with making our selves, as opposed to those own page is coordination within the yearbook creat- and the gathering on images ing the pages. to include in the page. How- Summer Dykes, a mem- ever, while there are some ber of Ellensburg High challenges that go along School’s Dungeons and with making our own club Dragons Club, found that, page, we are still able to be “clubs doing the pages productive and it has been is a really good idea and an invaluable experience.” can help the more creative Payton Harvill, a meme- people use their talents to ber of all three of the cyber help the school that would clubs, felt that “club pages [instead] be left to a small should be done by the par- group of students.” ticipants in the yearbook “I think that [clubs do- class, however, it is definite- ing their own pages] is bet- ly nice for clubs to express ter because the clubs get to themselves in the way that show what their club was we (club members) want to about. But I think that we be perceived.” She also un- should change it up a bit derstood that “considering and have the clubs do like the circumstances, this was a collage of what their club Cody Holdeman, junior, Marine Biology Club the best option available; is about or something that President. Photo courtsey of Cody Holdeman. when things were normal, it might be able to be drawn.” than we were told to put.” was nice to have the yearbook Dykes believed clubs doing Cody Holdeman, the Pres- handle those affairs.” their own pages is a change that ident of Marine Biology Club, When asked how Harvill felt should continue post-Covid-19 was on the same yearbook page about clubs making their own as, “new students will be able to as Dykes and agreed that “clubs pages becoming a tradition she experience creating and being a pages being done by clubs this said, “sure, this could be an op- part of the yearbook.” year allows club members to be portunity for each club to de- Through making the D&D creative and include what is im- sign their own page; it may be club page Dykes and other D&D portant to their respective clubs, better for this opportunity to be
Alutant February 19, 2021 11 optional so that there is no pres- personalities, if that makes any I feel as though it might be bet- sure, but I definitely could see sense!” ter, because one of the problems this being the new norm for club When Bennett was asked that we face while working [on] pages.” Harvill said a page is making sure her club had strug- that everyone who is gled to, “get the in the club is includ- club photos and de- ed in the page and sign an aesthetically the names are spelled pleasing page,” but correctly and go with she has enjoyed be- the right person for ing able to “create a that matter.” Bennett space where we can also felt that clubs display what our making their own club does, in a way pages should contin- that we would like.” ue once the Covid-19 Lexi Bennett, the pandemic is over. yearbook’s Head Though opinions Editor, stated “[I] vary, it appears out of think it is a great all the changes made idea to have clubs this year, clubs mak- Lexi Bennett, junior, Klahiam Head Editor. work on their own ing their pages may pages! That way they can make whether clubs making their own be a change well accepted and them look however they feel pages is better than the yearbook encouraged to continue once our matches their club/ club family making them she said, “in a way world looks more normal again. Spring Photo Contest Submit your pictures by April 23rd to our email at with the subject line “Alutant Spring Photo Contest.” Multiple submissions are welcome!
12 February 19, 2021 Alutant Blast From the Past: Technicians Spring To Action A Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor how many people they need- ambulances broke down and the EHS History ed to be transported by air lift, others could not be used as they The call to 911 went out at and how many spots there were might be needed for a real emer- 9:30 a.m. on Nov. 18. The bleach- available in each helicopter. gency. ers in William Brown Memorial After being bussed to KVCH This is the high school’s first Gymnasium on the EHS campus the “injured” students went time participating and Osborne collapsed and over 40 students through triage where they were stated, “Overall it went well. were injured. categorized again and sent into Some of the students thought The first to arrive on the the emergency rooms or readied that it went slow, but the hos- scene were the state patrolmen for surgery, air life to Seattle’s pital staff informed us that it who secured the building. They Harborview Medical Center, or would have gone even slower if were quickly followed by fire- an ambulance ride to Yakima’s it had been a real emergency.” men who categorized the The students volun- victims as critically injured, teered to participate, and to injured, walking wounded, prepare for the ordeal they or dead. The victims who studied first-aid, and a stu- were still alive were then dent from Central Washing- bussed to the Kittitas Val- ton University taught CPR. ley Community Hospital for They also learned about ca- medical attention. reer opportunities in fields The victims, who were such as fire fighters, para- members of Darrylin Os- medics, emergency medical borne’s health classes, technicians, X-ray techni- weren’t really injured but cians, and lab technologists. had gone through a moul- After the “injured” stu- age where they were paint- dents were treated they ed with cosmetics to indicate were taken to the new- various degrees of injuries ly built KVCH Mediplex from the simulated disaster. building where they were Every year emergency then treated to cookies and personnel are required to juice. simulate disasters in order “The best part was not to make sure they are pre- actually being hurt and see- pared for such a disaster. All Counselor Jean Countryman comforts senior Nikki Eaton ing what it is like to be in of the calls really went out as she waits on a gurney for a nurse. Insert: Freshman an emergency room situa- to places that KVCH would Desela Sayar is wheeled through the hospital to a wating tion,” said senior Nikki Ea- send people. They did this room after being treated by KVCH staff. ton. She continued, “I just to see if area help would be Memorial Hospital. wish that I had been able to ride prepared to handle it. The hospi- Although the demonstration in the ambulance”. tal staff kept track of how many went smoothly not all went as ambulances were available from planned. A couple of students Original article written by Julie surrounding hospitals, how were going to experience an am- Helleson. Published in Volume 22, many rooms were available, bulance ride, but one of three Issue 5, on December 3, 1993.
Alutant February 19, 2021 13 91 Years Ago Today A Look into Ellensburg High School’s Past A Drew Bland The class of 1930 consisted of Oh, here’s to the health of the Staff Reporter approximately 80 students with EHS History Ellensburg High, Lloyd Vining being the class Sing, Boo-la, Boo-la, Boo-la, Twelve years after the new president. The students gradu- Boo! high school was built, Klahiam ating had participated in many We’ll sing her praises to the Head Editor John Whitney and events such as Point Club, Glee sky, his team of 17 others worked Club, Associated Student Body, Sing, Boo-la, Boo-la, Boo! away to create a record of events. debate, theatre, and sports. We’re hard as nails and tough Even as it felt the world was on In the 1929-30 school year as rails, the brink of collapse, the small the football team had a record of And first in every fight, valley of Kittitas County still four wins and five losses com- So here’s to the health of her found a way to embrace the joys peting with familiar opponents tonight, of the world within the latest such as Wapato and unfamiliar Sing, Boo-la, Boo-la, Boo. edition of the Klahiam in 1930. opponents such as Cashmere Osky-wow-wow, Wisky, wee- The principal, F. W. Bleak- and Yakima. Boys could partic- wee ney, had the quote “I’m going ipate in football, basketball, and Ole-muck-e-i, Ellensburg to tell you a story about mars,” track, while girls could partic- High, next to his name. He had man- ipate in basketball and captain Washingtonai, Ellensburg aged the school and all 16 of its ball. Girls’ sports were only held High, teachers involved in subjects in- during a tournament between Washingtonai, Ellensburg cluding French, Latin, sewing, the different grades at Ellens- High, geometry, commercial geogra- burg High School, where the Rah! Rah! phy, and many more. school song, shown to the right, could be heard. Two pages filled with student signatures in the back of a 1930 Klahiam. Pages 8-9 of the 1930 edition of the Klahiam detailing the history of Ellensburg High School. Background: Cover of the 1930 Klahiam.
14 February 19, 2021 Alutant Bulldog Talk: What is your favorite class you have taken at A Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor the high school? Feature I think my favorite class that I Even though I enjoy all of my have taken while in high school classes this year, I think that my was Algebra 2 last year with Mr. favorite would be biology with Smith. He was just a great teach- Mr. Arlt. The thing that interests er and explained things well, he me, as I’ve come to learn with also still liked to have fun and myself, is science. I have always joke around which just made loved the power behind science, class that much better! how we can make energy from Annika Zimmerman, Class of 2022 the sun and how the largest I think my favorite class so far mammal swims in the ocean. was my freshman science class I love the fact that we can land Annika Zimmerman, Class of 2022. Photo which was Systems of the Earth on Mars to find hidden forms of courtesy of Annika Zimmerman. with Mr. Hashimoto. I liked this life, and how our bodies work I haven’t been at Ellensburg class because of the subject, the in harmony to get us out of bed high school for very long but be- fun labs, and how much fun we in the morning. In biology, I can fore Covid hit our town I was in had in the class. learn more about some of these Mrs. Nelson’s health class and I Sara Simonson, Class of 2023 things in depth. I have found absolutely loved it. I mainly en- AP Art History, taught by Mrs. that I’m a visual learner, I need joyed the happy and energetic Barlow, because the content was to know what is happening in environment the class had. interesting and the class proj- detail to get me from point A Lexxus Nierman, Class of 2022 ect-based instead of monoto- to point B. I think that is also My favorite class that I have tak- nous, neverending assignments. one reason that I enjoy biology. en so far has been woodshop, I Adele Caron, Class of 2022 I get to see what is happening really enjoy making things and My favorite class or multiple on Earth and get a better under- either giving them as gifts or classes actually have been the standing of how life works. Now displaying my creations in my Spanish classes I’ve taken from take all of these amazing things house. Mr. Wilson teaches the Señor Majsterek. I’ve had him and combine them along with class and does a good job at for first through third year Span- Mr. Arlt and you get an amazing making sure everyone is educat- ish and am looking forward class. He helps get me motivat- ed on how to use the machinery. to continuing with fourth year ed to find a challenge; whether Alexis Gillespie, Class of 2024 next. I’ve enjoyed these class- that be by studying bacteria or I have two favorite classes: es because of the original way learning about the human body, Aquatic Ecosystems with Mr. he has managed to teach us the Mr. Arlt helps move my learning Hodges and Biology with Mrs. language. If one way of learn- forward. Zentner. I loved both these class- ing words doesn’t work he has Sydney Dick, Class of 2023 es because they are super hands other methods too. His class is So far Agricultural Biology is my on and science is one of my fa- engaging and he is funny and favorite, Mrs Sims teaches that vorite subjects! Both Mrs. Zent- entertaining. Overall a great ex- class. and I guess it’s an interest- ner and Mr. Hodges will always perience. And it has helped me ing subject but Mrs Sims seems be some of my favorite teachers, become a lot closer to speaking a so full of life that it makes me for opening my eyes to the sci- second language which is really wanna learn y’know. ence of living things. awesome. Richard O’Brien Jr., Class of 2023 Stuart Loverro, Class of 2021 Melanie Hull, Class of 2022
Alutant February 19, 2021 15 My favorite class was AP Psy- I think my favorite class right chology with Mrs. Zentner. It now is AP world [history], Mr. was a really interesting class; it Acheson’s class. It is a difficult was a topic that fascinated me class but I enjoy the struggle and and it was challenging enough I’m always learning new inter- that I wasn’t bored, but not so esting things. challenging as to scare me away. Kelly Duong, Class of 2023 Charlie Gimlin, Class of 2021 My favorite class so far that I My favourite class has been 1st have taken in high school is ca- year Japanese, taught by Yoko Charlie Gimlin, Class of 2021. Photo cour- reer choices with Mrs. Panattoni Allen. Students call her “Sen- tesy of Charlie Gimlin. because I get to see what my fu- sei” and she’s a very wonderful All years included, my favorite ture can be. teacher. She is very understand- class would probably have to be Fernando Jasso, Class of 2024 ing, cares about all her students, Biology taught by Liz Zentner. My favorite class was psychol- and she makes learning Japa- She’s a great teacher and I found ogy taught by Mrs. Zentner. It nese so much fun. We sing oc- the class interesting and enjoy- was really fun to learn about casionally in the class - we learn able. how our brains work when mak- funny songs to help us remem- Cody Holdeman, Class of 2022 ing decisions and the processes ber phrases. Ms. Allen provides So my favorite class has been art behind our thoughts gifts for the students (sometimes class and Mr.Walter taught it, it Jenna Callan, Class of 2021 even using her own money - see was my favorite class because I like all my classes in general, how sweet she is?) and we play we did many different fun proj- but my favorites one are History a lot of games, and there is nev- ects and also I was able to talk to with Mr. Wickwire and United er pressure on the assignments. my friends and have fun! Science with Mr. Dwight. I say Sensei gives many opportunities Bereniz Lazcano, Class of 2022 this because in previous years for extra credit, and it’s near im- I’d have to say that Mr. Walter’s I had these classes and I failed, possible to fail the class. I always 3 dimensional art class has been was difficult and boring... but look forward to Japanese class, my favorite because of the re- now with these teachers I got plus it is a beautiful language laxed attitude of the course and more interested in these classes. and very unique culture. my interest in art. Josy Carrasco, Class of 2022 Beebin Duvall, Class of 2023 Kaleb Ford, Class of 2021 In my time in high school, I have Freshman Honors English My favorite class while in High taken many amazing classes, taught by Mr. Majsterek because school was 2nd year Spanish although one continues to stick it got me to think about litera- during my Sophomore year. It out. Metals, taught by Mrs. Sims, ture and composition in entirely was taught by Sra. Nicolai and is my favorite class I have taken new and exciting ways. she was able to make the class throughout high school. Met- Willow Logan, Class of 2023 something that I looked forward als teaches you a life skill that to every day! The class was just some students utilize as a career so interactive, and it helped me choice. As well as teaching you understand the language better a trade, Mrs. Sims uses it as an and catch on to concepts faster opportunity to ready us for our when they were used in specific futures by teaching us how to contexts. But the thing that really write a resume and a cover let- fueled me to learn would be the ter, along with how to properly pesos. I’m a super competitive present ourselves in an inter- person, so having something view. These skills that have been like that made me participate taught, you won’t find in any of more, which in turn allowed me your traditional classes and will Suvathi Nataraja, Class of 2022. Photo to get the most out of the class. be used for the rest of your life. courtesy of Suvathi Nataraja. Suvathi Nataraja, Class of 2022 Kohl Hansen, Class of 2022
16 February 19, 2021 Alutant Is Your Mask Safe to Use? And Are You Wearing It Correctly A Carson Wright have no elastic straps and goes Staff Reporter all the way around your head. Feature Those masks are not Covid-19 We all hate it but we all use proof. them. Masks are now something Gaiters are not good masks that you never leave your house because they are thin. They only without. It has become a staple have one layer, and the layer is thing you always have, but is typically stretchable cotton that your mask protecting people? creates tiny holes for the virus to On March 24th, 2020, the pass through. stay-at-home order took place. The other reason the gaiter Proper way to wear a mask. Photo Courte- From then on some people used mask is not a good mask is that sy of Pixabay. masks in public to protect them- the ordinary mask that uses elas- If you are successful, that mask selves and others from contract- tics to go around your ears is de- isn’t safe. You will find that as I ing the virus. signed to not have your exhale mentioned before, the gaiter will It wasn’t until June 26th that go through the mask but to go not pass the flame test. Governor Jay Inslee and Secre- out the sides. But with the gaiter Now that you have the cor- tary of Health John Wiesman or- there are no sides so your exhale rect type of mask, are you sure dered that masks must be man- will go through the masks bring- you are wearing it correctly? datory when going into public. ing Covid-19 along with it. So if The proper way to wear a The Food and Drug Admin- you are wearing a gaiter, it prob- mask is to first pull the straps stration has not approved of all ably needs to be subbed out for around your ears, or all the way the masks that people use. For a better mask. around your head if you are instance, one of the most popular The only mask that can stop wearing a N-95. Then take the ones, gaiters, are the masks that 95% of all particles that pass top and bottom and pull the bot- through is the N-95. But, that tom around your chin and the mask is known for itching top over your nose. Your nose and because it stops so much should not be hanging out, as air, the air inside of it gets that defeats the whole purpose very warm and your face will of the mask. Then pinch the ad- start to sweat. justable nose clip so it cradles Although, that doesn’t your nose perfectly. Now you mean that you have to wear are ready to go out in public. the N-95 mask. A simple If you do not own a mask, cloth or splash mask will do or your mask is not safe, Ellens- just fine. burg High School provides per- But is that mask too thin? fectly safe and adjustable splash Here is a test that scientists, masks over a range of sizes that including Bill Nye, say will you can find in The Commons help you determine if your near the entrance. mask is safe. Remember to stay six feet Simply light a flame. Put apart, stay home, and most im- Sophomore Ashely Callan wears her mask cor- your mask on and try your portantly stay safe, because the rectly. Photo Courtesy of Ashley Callan. hardest to blow out the flame. Alutant and EHS care.
Alutant February 19, 2021 17 A Film to Die For “Rear Window” Movie Review A Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor Review “Rear Window,” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, came out in 1954 and is a truly unique film despite its age. L.B. Jeffries, or “Jeff,” played by James Stewart, is shown at the opening of the movie to be confined to a wheelchair due to a leg injury. He moves through his daily life with the help of a nurse, Stella, played by Thelma Ritter, and is also visited several times by his socialite girlfriend, L.B. Jeffries (James Stewart) and Lisa Fremont (Grace Kelly) in the 1954 movie “Rear Lisa Fremont, played by Grace Window.” Photo courtesy of Flickr. Kelly. rey. While they all, especially it more enticing, as it leads peo- While Jeff is stuck in his Thomas Doyle, initially have ple to feel Jeff’s curiosity as some apartment, he begins to observe many suspicions, they are all things are cut off from sight. the lives of his neighbors through eventually convinced of some While an overwhelming his rear window. From a dancer shady activity. majority of the movie cen- to a salesman to a songwriter, all As the group begins to in- ters around Jeff trying to get of his neighbors, which he can vestigate Mr. Thorwald from to the bottom of the mystery see by looking across their court- afar, the varied personalities across the courtyard, there is a yard, are clearly different from and talents of all four members side plot with his girlfriend, in each other. becomes apparent, especially in which they debate marriage and However, Jeff begins to sus- how important they all are to whether they could live within pect one of his neighbors of kill- making the movie enjoyable. each other’s lives. Honestly, it ing his wife after he sees quite Stella is an especially inter- felt thrown in at the last minute, a few odd moments. Under the esting character, and she adds a dry, and unremarkable. After watchful eye of Jeff, salesman bit of humor to every scene, but about 15 minutes or so, though, Lars Thorwald, depicted by Ray- never to an uncomfortable de- this plot nearly vanishes, and the mond Burr, leaves his apartment gree. More than jokes, she often rest of the movie does not suffer in the early morning with his is sassy or sarcastic, which is a because of it. sales case, takes a large roped- fun factor of the movie. This is, all in all, a great clas- up case out of his apartment, The fact that Jeff cannot move sic that many will enjoy because and cleans a knife and a saw in very far even within his apart- of the amazing plot and execu- his kitchen. ment and spends most of his tion. I rate this movie 4.5 paws Jeff immediately shares his time by his rear window is trans- out of 5. If you are interested, the concerns with his girlfriend Lisa ferred beautifully into the film. movie is available for streaming and nurse Stella, as well as an Throughout the movie, there on Hulu, and there is also a DVD old friend, Detective Thomas is nothing shown to the viewer available for checkout at Ellens- Doyle, played by Wendell Co- that Jeff does not see. This makes burg Public Library.
18 February 19, 2021 Alutant Season 1 Sports Lookbook A Stephen Martin Associate Editor Sports
Alutant February 19, 2021 19
20 February 19, 2021 Alutant Women’s History Month Word Search Famous People Ginsburg Ride Barton A Sotomayor Wollstonecraft Bouman Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor Games Kagan Bethune Mother Teresa Oprah Earhart Lovelace Anthony Parks Tereshkova Williams Malala Pavlinchenko Curie Austen O’ Connor O’ Keefe Nightingale Boudicca
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