CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand

Page created by Scott Chapman
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand
Pathways at the

Christchurch, New Zealand
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand

                      Your future starts here with UCIC
  • Direct and exclusive pathway to one of New Zealand’s premier universities, the
    University of Canterbury.

  • UCIC offers a supportive learning environment – with smaller class sizes and more
    academic support, giving you the best chance of success.

  • A degree from the University of Canterbury will help you to achieve your career objectives
    and fulfil your personal aspirations.

  • Located on the east coast of New Zealand and near the Southern Alps, Christchurch is
    close to both the sea and the mountains, offering you a huge range of recreational options.

  • Read on to find out more about studying with UCIC in Christchurch, New Zealand.
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand

UCIC provides a supportive learning environment to make sure you reach your goal of
being a successful University of Canterbury graduate.
Unique to New Zealand, our University Transfer Programmes (UTP), allow eligible students
to begin their undergraduate studies and fast-track their degree. Upon successful
completion, students will progress to the second year of their degree at UC, saving them
time and money over any other programme currently offered in New Zealand.
The pre-university Foundation Studies Certificate supports students in bridging the gap to
gain university entrance. From February 2016, UCIC will offer a one semester postgraduate
programme (QUC: Qualifying for UC) for graduates to bridge the gap to UC Master
degrees. UCIC offers the closest alternative to direct entry to the University of Canterbury,
and a supportive, personalised experience to help students achieve their study goals.

                                                                                                                           YOUR DEGREE
                                                                                                                           Year 4 / Honours*

                                                                                                                                  Year 3

                                                                                                                                  Year 2

                                                                                                           =                      Year 1

                        Final year or equivalent                    Foundation Studies Certificate

                       Secondary School                                           UCIC                             University of Canterbury

    * The Bachelor of Commerce and Science is a 3 year programme with an additional optional Honours year for high achieving students. The Bachelor of
    Engineering with Honours is a 4 year programme. Programmes are subject to change without notice. For the latest programme information, visit

    Students requiring English language pathway to UC and UCIC can achieve this through their preferred English Language partner, CCEL. CCEL is located on
    the campus of the University of Canterbury.
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand
2    UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016


                          Message from the Vice‑Chancellor
                          University of Canterbury
                          Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
I am delighted that you are exploring what UCIC           safe, friendly community has few equals
has to offer. UCIC works in collaboration with the        anywhere in the world.
University of Canterbury sharing our campus,
mutually agreed parts of our curriculum and our           The overwhelmingly warm response we get from
world class learning environment.                         our international graduates, many of them now
                                                          leaders in business and in the community in their
The University of Canterbury offers a stimulating         home countries, is ample testimony to the quality
range of courses, a vibrant campus environment            of our teaching and the value of our degree
with students from around the globe and a great           programmes. As a student seeking a qualification
student lifestyle. We host students from more             to equip you for the future, I am sure you will find
than 60 countries and encourage them to enjoy             what you need among our programmes.
not only their time at the University, but also the
many cultural, social and recreational                    I wish you all the best for your studies and
opportunities available in Christchurch and the           look forward to welcoming you to the University
South Island of New Zealand.                              of Canterbury.

                                                          Dr Rod Carr
I believe that as a study destination our
combination of world-recognised academic
                                                          University of Canterbury
programmes, wonderful natural environment, and

                          Message from the College Director
                          UC International College
                          Tū te Ao
UCIC will help you achieve your education goals           moment you arrive on campus. Begin your
through personalised support and the                      degree at UCIC. Live, study and experience a
opportunity to study at one of New Zealand’s              vibrant multicultural community and country. We
premier universities. As a UCIC student, you will         look forward to welcoming you to UCIC.
have full access to University of Canterbury
                                                          Professor Peter Cottrell
facilities and services, so you will feel like a
                                                          College Director and Principal
University of Canterbury student from the
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand

       “ I decided to study
       at UCIC because
       Christchurch has
       all of the outdoor
       activities that I
       love. It is close to
       the beach and the
       mountains so I
       can really balance
       my hobbies with
       my study.”

My UCIC: Alexey Pankov, Russia UTP: Commerce
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand
4      UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Launch your global career
at the University of Canterbury
The University of Canterbury (UC) was established in 1873                                      UC graduates include:
and is New Zealand’s second oldest university. UC has been                                     • John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand
                                                                                               • Craig Neville-Manning, Director
producing global industry leaders for over 140 years and                                         of Google Engineering
has built up an international reputation for its high quality                                  • Rosemary Banks, Ambassador
degrees, excellent teaching staff and cutting-edge research.                                     to the United Nations
                                                                                               • Ernest Rutherford, First Baron
                                                                                                 Rutherford of Nelson — Nuclear
All UC teaching programmes are research-       company QS. This rating was awarded in
                                                                                                 Physicist, winner of the Nobel
based, and are delivered by world-class        recognition of UC’s world-class teaching,
                                                                                                 Prize in Chemistry
academic staff actively involved in research   infrastructure, internationalisation, and its
and publishing in their areas of specialty.    engineering and technology.                     UC offers an inspiring range of courses
As a result, students from undergraduate                                                       and degrees, an exciting and safe campus
                                               In 2014 UC was ranked 19th in the world for
level onwards can expect to be taught                                                          environment that stimulates creativity and a
                                               civil engineering and structural engineering;
by lecturers who are at the forefront of                                                       great student experience. UC balances the
                                               in the top 100 for accounting and finance
knowledge in their fields. Teaching and                                                        best of university life.
                                               and law; and in the top 150 for economics
supervision up to PhD level is available in
                                               and econometrics.
most disciplines.                                                                              Your UCIC student experience:
                                               Mechanical engineering and Chemical             • Be a university student from
UC was founded by scholars from Oxford
                                               Process engineering are both ranked number        the moment you arrive.
and Cambridge universities, and still enjoys
                                               one in New Zealand for their research.
significant connections with these highly                                                      • Have access to all of the world
prestigious institutions.                      UC has a proven track record of producing         class facilities that the University
                                               industry leaders. Graduates of UC have            of Canterbury has to offer.
Ranked in the world’s top 250 universities,
                                               gone on to hold key international positions,    • Choose to live on campus, in
UC was the only New Zealand university in
                                               conduct research in world famous universities     homestay or private rent with your
2013 to receive a five star rating from the
                                               and gain recognition the world over.              friends - all options are open to you.
international university ranking research
                                                                                               • Join one of the many clubs and societies
                                                                                                 on campus, to meet people from all over
                                                                                                 the world, who share your interests.
                                                                                               • Live in a safe but exciting city, the
                                                                                                 second largest in New Zealand, and
                                                                                                 the gateway to the South Island.
                                                                                               • Get out and explore the breathtaking
                                                                                                 scenery that’s right on your doorstep.

                                                                                               Learn from the best
                                                                                               At UC, you’ll learn from lecturers who write
                                                                                               university textbooks, are internationally
                                                                                               respected and push the boundaries of
                                                                                               knowledge. The University’s world-class
                                                                                               education is also enhanced by the many
                                                                                               outstanding international academics
                                                                                               who visit each year on staff exchange
                                                                                               programmes, including the Erskine
                                                                                               Programme. At UC you may be taught by
                                                                                               academic staff from the Universities of
                                                                                               Oxford or Cambridge, and recent Erskine
                                                                                               Fellows have even included two Nobel
                                                                                               Prize winners.
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand

Kick-start your global career at the
University of Canterbury
The University of Canterbury is ranked 1st in New Zealand
and 19th in the world for internationalisation.

In 2014 the University of Canterbury
was ranked one of the top universities
in the world to travel abroad to study
in, according to FlipKey. UC graduates
can look forward to an education from
a top university that provides academic
and personal growth in a vibrant and
stimulating campus.
• UC welcomes staff from all
  over the world and this is
  reflected in the university’s
  global rankings for subject
  expertise in many disciplines.
• UC prepares its graduates
  to live and work in today’s
  global community.
• UC graduates are highly
  employable with internationally
  recognised qualifications.
UC CareerHub helps to link students
with employers in their field.
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand
6      UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Launch your global career at the University of Canterbury
The University of Canterbury is featured in      Experience the best of                             University of Canterbury
the world’s elite (top 200) institutions in 16   campus life                                        Students’ Association (UCSA)
of the 30 subjects featured in 2014 QS World
University Rankings by subject. In 2014, UC      At UC, you’ll meet a diverse range of              The UCSA is 100 per cent owned and
was ranked 19th in the world for civil and       people, make great friends and have new            operated by students. It operates a number
structural engineering, in the top 100 for       experiences. No matter what you’re into,           of facilities across campus. Throughout the
education, geography, history and law and        you’re sure to find something that suits you       year there are end of term parties, lunchtime
in the top 150 for chemical engineering,         and have a great experience at UC.                 concerts, an inter-hall ball and Graduation
statistics, psychology, linguistics, computer                                                       Ball. The end of lectures Tea Party is one of
                                                 UC is like a miniature city designed just for
science, information systems, and                                                                   the highlights of the year.
                                                 you, with cafés, restaurants, shops, a health
communication and media studies. A number        centre and pharmacy, recreation facilities,        Join one of more than 100 clubs covering
of UC subjects are ranked in the top 200.        bank machines, an events centre, a book            almost every sporting, recreational,
The University of Canterbury is proud of         shop and even an art gallery all on one site.      academic and cultural interest imaginable.
the magnificent bequest left by a former         The on-campus health centre provides               If you can’t find one you like, just create
distinguished student John Angus Erskine.        medical, counselling and related services          your own. Joining a club is a great way to
This bequest enables some 70 Visiting            to the students and the wider community            make friends and learn new skills or indulge
Erskine Fellowships to be awarded each year      of UC, so you will always be looked after.         a passion. Whether it be joining a sports
for international visitors to give lectures to   Sports and recreation facilities can be            team, mountain biking, tramping or martial
students in those departments eligible for       found on campus, divided into three main           arts, there’s something for everyone. Faculty
access to the bequest. The similar Visiting      services: the UC Recreation Centre, which          clubs such as ENSOC (Engineering), UCOM
Canterbury Fellowships Programme provides        includes a gymnasium, climbing wall,               (Commerce) or LAWSOC (Law) all provide a
for a number of visits to the balance of         squash courts and sports courts; the Sports        great social venue to meet new people and
academic departments.                            Science Centre, which provides services            find your feet. If it’s arts or cultural clubs that
Breakthroughs involving UC academics             including testing and conditioning/training        you’re interested in, then good news, that’s
which have captured international attention      advice; and social and competitive sport           covered as well. For a complete list of clubs
include the development of a robot               opportunities, including sport leagues for all     see
which can walk on walls, ceilings and on         UC students.
                                                                                                    UC has the most socially active students’
any surface; and the discovery of a new          With modern facilities designed to suit you,       association in the country, which supports
planet, significantly more Earth-like than       the campus boasts four libraries, computer         a huge range of clubs and organises regular
any other planet yet discovered. The UC          suites with 24 hour access, lecture theatres,      festivals and on-campus entertainment. There
SPARK website (           laboratories, studios, six Halls of Residence      are plenty of social and recreational activities
is a searchable database that showcases          on campus and a host of student services           for you to choose from when you need a break
UC’s research. It provides information about     and facilities. The campus is spacious with        from studying.
individual researchers, the projects they are    lots of trees and open areas to relax with
working on, the research groups they belong                                                         The best thing about being a student in
                                                 your friends between lectures and enjoy the
to, the specialist equipment that they use                                                          Christchurch is that you become a member
                                                 gardens and greenery.
and their affiliations.                                                                             of an amazing student body with an
                                                 As Christchurch has quite a flat terrain,          international reputation for its generous and
UC’s unique field stations                       many students choose to cycle to the               friendly community spirit.
                                                 University for lectures, and public transport
UC is very strong in the field sciences,         systems are easy to use. The campus is very
and has the most extensive network of field
                                                                                                    Get involved in the community
                                                 accessible and most students live within a
stations for student and staff research, of                                                         There are many ways you can volunteer
                                                 few kilometres.
any university in New Zealand.                                                                      your time and energy around UC and gain
                                                                                                    valuable community engagement knowledge
This includes stations at                        A student experience you’ll                        and skills.
• Kaikoura                                       remember forever
                                                                                                    When you enrol at UC, you are automatically
• Cass                                           UC is a vibrant and diverse place to live
                                                                                                    registered onto UC CareerHub, a web based
                                                 and study with a student population of
• Westport                                                                                          software programme which features job
                                                 around 14,000, including 1,600 international
• Harihari (South Westland),                                                                        vacancies, links to employers websites, on-
                                                 students from more than 60 countries.
                                                                                                    campus employer presentations, upcoming
• the sub-Antarctic Snares Islands                                                                  careers fairs and news on internships.
                                                 When asked what they enjoy most at
  and Antarctica
                                                 UC, students often mention the student
• New Zealand’s premier astronomical                                                                For more information or to get involved go to
                                                 experience with great social events
  research facility at Mount John, Tekapo.                                                
                                                 throughout the year, the campus atmosphere
In addition, UC operates a field station in      and the variety of activities and places to meet
Nigeria as part of the Nigerian Montane          friends all over campus.
                                                                                                       For more information about the
Forest Project and has a share of the
                                                                                                       University of Canterbury please visit
currently, largest single optical telescope
in the world, Southern African Large
Telescope (SALT).
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand

Campus map

                                                                                                                                    Dentist                         Bank                         Fast Food        Supermarket
                                  To Airport
                                                                                                                                    Student                                                                       Buddhist
                                                                                                                                                                    Dine In                      Movies
                                                                                                                                    Accomodation                                                                  Centre

                                                                                                                                                                    Drinks                       Airport           Mosque
                                                                                                                                    Motel / Hotel


                                                                                                      em                                                   Public transportation:
                                                                                                            ial                                            Bus stops are located around campus and throughout the city.
                                                                                                                  Av                                       Visit for more information.
                                             Waimari Road

                                                                                            Early           Academy
                                                                                          Learning         Motor Lodge New World
                    CCEL                                                                   Centre                                                                          Fendalton
                                                                                                                      Supermarket                                                      Road
                                     dale Ave
                                                                                                                                                      Park           Fendalton                               To Hagley
                                  Campus                                                                 University of
                                                                                                                                      ke R

                                                                                                         Student Library
                                                                            Ilam Fields     UC Health Services
                                                                                                                    Pharmacy &

                                                                                                                     post office                                                                              Chateau on
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the Park

               Rec centre                                                             Ilam
                                                                                                                                       e Ro

                             New World                                               Primary             University
                                                                                     School              Book Shop         Health


                                                                                                                           UC Rec
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   To City
                                                                                                                           Centre                                                                                  Centre

                                                                                                         UCIC                                                   Riccarton Bush


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Deans Avenue
                                                                                                                                Riccarton Ro

                                                            Hansons La

                                                                                                                             Blenheim Ro
CANTERBURY 2016 Pathways at the UNIVERSITY OF - Christchurch, New Zealand
8       UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Colleges on campus
The University of Canterbury has five Colleges: Arts; Business and Law; Education, Health &
Human Development; Engineering and Science.

UC was the only university in New Zealand        College of Business and Law
to receive a five star QS rating in 2013.        Te Rāngai Umanga me te Ture
A typical five star university is generally a
world-class institution in a broad range of      • The University of Canterbury is home
areas, enjoys a high reputation and has            to New Zealand’s oldest Bachelor of
cutting edge facilities and internationally        Commerce (BCom) degree and has
renowned research and teaching faculty.            been producing outstanding legal
                                                   graduates for over 130 years. The BCom
UC received a five star rating for Engineering     is CPA and ACCA accredited and the
and Technology, Research, Teaching,                UC School of Business and Economics
Infrastructure, Internationalisation. UC also      is accredited by the Association for the
received a five star QS rating in 2014.            Advancement of Collegiate Schools
                                                   of Business (AACSB – International),
College of Arts                                    meaning all degree programmes
Te Rāngai Toi Tangata                              offered by the School are accredited.
• UC College of Arts offers a vast array         • The School of Business and
  of programmes across many fields                 Economics has a strong international
  including Fine Arts. Humanities,                 reputation for teaching and research
  Linguistics, Mass Communications                 excellence, and graduates attain
  and Social Sciences.                             challenging and rewarding roles
• Bachelor of Arts graduates are                   both in New Zealand and abroad.
  considered some of the most                    • UC offers practical learning through
  employable in the world as they are able         internships, business case competitions
  to apply critical and analytical thinking        and careers fairs to help students turn
  and develop creative solutions to our            theory into practice in the real world.
  world’s most challenging problems.             • In the 2013 New Zealand Tertiary
• Arts students can enjoy the hands-on             Education Commission Performance
  experience of internships in their               Based Research Fund (PBRF)
  second or third years to gain practical          assessment, UC ranked top in
  experience and develop transferable              New Zealand in Marketing and
  skills that are so highly in demand.             Tourism, and second in Accounting
• Students also enjoy the flexibility to           and Finance, Management and
  study a wide variety of subjects and             Human Resources research.
  courses, while specialising in two
  areas, a major and a minor discipline.           For more information on the
                                                   College of Business and Law:
    For more information on the          
    College of Arts:

College of Education, Health              College of Engineering                       • College of Science
and Human Development                     Te Rāngai Púkaha                               Te Rāngai Pútaiao
Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora                • The University of Canterbury is ranked     • The College of Science, the largest
• Students can undertake the pathway        among the world’s best universities          College in the University, comprises
  to the University of Canterbury’s         for Engineering and Technology.              the School of Biological Sciences,
  Bachelor of Health Sciences, Bachelor     QS World university rankings for             the Departments of Chemistry,
  of Social Work, Bachelor of Sports        2014 show that the University of             Communication Disorders, Geography,
  Coaching, and Bachelor of Arts            Canterbury has maintained its                Geological Sciences, Physics
  majoring in Education from the UCIC       ranking among the top three per              and Astronomy, Psychology, the
  Foundation Studies Certificate.           cent of the world’s universities.            Waterways Centre for Freshwater
                                          • UC Civil and Structural Engineering,         Management and the Gateway
                                            Mechanical Engineering and                   Antarctica Research Centre.
  For more information on the
  College of Education, Health              Chemical and Process Engineering           • The College makes extensive use
  and Human Development:                    departments have been ranked top             of the University’s four unique field                in New Zealand for their research.           stations in New Zealand, as well as
                                          • UC Engineering degrees are                   research facilities in Antarctica, the
                                            accredited by IPENZ, the Institution of      Nigerian rainforest and South Africa.
                                            Professional Engineers New Zealand,          UC also operates the country’s
                                            and are therefore recognised as              leading astronomical observatory at
                                            meeting the academic requirements            Mount John. Other resources include
                                            for professional engineers. IPENZ            cutting- edge laboratories, access
                                            is a signatory to the Washington             to 24 hour computer labs and a
                                            Accord, making your degree an                specialist Physical Sciences Library.
                                            internationally recognised qualification   • With science and technology being an
                                            in many overseas countries.                  integral part of New Zealand’s future
                                                                                         economic prospects, a science degree
                                                                                         at UC is an investment in your future,
                                            For more information on the
                                                                                         leading on to many exciting careers
                                            College of Engineering:
                                                                                         and postgraduate opportunities.

                                                                                         For more information on the
                                                                                         College of Science:
10      UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

UCIC is your pathway to
University of Canterbury
Teaching and assessment                                    Study Abroad
The teaching and learning experience                       Want to determine where your future
at UCIC will help you fully develop your                   will take you? UC International College
knowledge and understanding of each                        can offer you study for a gap semester
course to ensure you are entirely prepared                 in February (summer), June (winter) or
for the next stage of your degree programme.               October (spring). Come and experience
                                                           New Zealand’s culture and amazing
Foundation Studies Certificate                             scenery with the flexibility to credit your
                                                           semester of study to further study overseas
Foundation Studies Certificate for Arts
                                                           or within New Zealand. Experience living
& Mass Communication, Business,
                                                           with a New Zealand family while you study
Engineering, IT and Science are pre‑university
                                                           on the beautiful campus of the University
programmes that, on successful completion,
                                                           of Canterbury that offers such a vibrant
offer pathways to UC or UCIC’s UTPs.
                                                           student life. You have the flexibility to select
                                                           courses ranging from Commerce, Science
University Transfer Programmes                             and Engineering.
UTPs for Commerce, Engineering and
Science are equivalent to the first year                   Find out more about studying abroad at
of the University of Canterbury’s degree                   UCIC at
programmes: Bachelor of Commerce,
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and                         QUC
Bachelor of Science.                                       QUC (qualifying for UC) is a programme
                                                           offered to graduates to qualify for entry
The programmes can be completed over two
                                                           to a Master degree at the University
or three semesters, dependent on individual
                                                           of Canterbury. QUC is a one semester
circumstances and in consultation with
                                                           programme that consists of four generic
UCIC staff.
                                                           courses of Intercultural Issues, Critical
Upon successful completion of the UTP,                     Thinking, Academic Communication and
and once you satisfy university admission                  Introduction to Research. These four courses
requirements and deadlines, you will be                    will ensure students commence their
eligible to transfer into the second year of               postgraduate study at Canterbury with the
the relevant bachelor degree.                              appropriate skills necessary for success at
                                                           postgraduate level in New Zealand.

        Name of programme                                 Type of programme                                           Programme details*
 Foundation Studies Certificate                   Pre‑degree level                               Equivalent to final year of school. Upon completion you will be eligible to
                                                                                                 progress to UCIC and/or UC.
 University Transfer Programme (UTP):             University undergraduate level                 On successful completion of 8 courses you will progress to the second
 Commerce†                                                                                       year of the BCom.
 University Transfer Programme (UTP):             University undergraduate level                 On successful completion of 8 courses you will progress to the First
 Engineering†‡                                                                                   Professional Year (second year) of the BE (Hons).
 University Transfer Programme (UTP): Science     University undergraduate level                 Upon successful completion of the programme you will be eligible to
 (General and Physical Sciences)†                                                                progress to the second year of the Bachelor of Science degree and you
                                                                                                 will be able to choose from a variety of specialisations.
 Study Abroad                                     University undergraduate level                 3 courses selected from Commerce, Science or Engineering. Academic
                                                                                                 English is also available as one of the 3 course selections.
 QUC§                                             Post‑graduate preparatory programme            Upon successful completion, students pathway into the relevant
                                                                                                 Master’s degree.

* See for the English language and academic requirements for each programme and for details on fees.
† This programme is equivalent to the first year of the relevant Bachelor degree at the University of Canterbury. The UTP programmes will normally be completed in two or
three semesters.
‡ UTP Engineering students will need to achieve a B grade average over all UTP courses to be guaranteed first choice specialisation
§ Available from February 2016 - more details are available at

      “The best thing
      about being a
      UCIC student
      is the close
      relationship and
      support you
      get from your
      lecturers. It
      really has helped
      me to achieve my
      goals and feel
      confident in what
      I am doing.”

My UCIC: Hui Zeng (Shirley), China UTP: Science
12      UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

UCIC is your pathway to University of Canterbury (continued)

By choosing to study at UCIC, you will be                  • be part of a diverse and vibrant student            • receive extra academic
undertaking a programme that is moderated                    population, with international students               contact to fully develop your
by the University of Canterbury to ensure the                representing over 60 countries                        understanding of each course
highest academic quality.                                  • have access to student groups                       • experience high standards of
As a UCIC student at the University of                       and many recreational facilities                      teaching, with courses that are
Canterbury, you will:                                        for extracurricular activities                        delivered by qualified instructors.
                                                           • be given academic and personal                      Provided you complete and pass all of your
• have access to University facilities
                                                             support to help you reach your goals                courses, and meet University application
  and services including libraries,
  computer laboratories (some open                         • learn in small classes, complemented                deadlines and admission criteria, you will
  24/7), recreation facilities, on-                          by small group tutorials and workshops              be able to transfer directly into your chosen
  campus accommodation, health                                                                                   programme at the University of Canterbury.
  services and career services

Academic semester
What will my study programme look like at UCIC?

                    Programme                                     First semester                    Second semester                  Third semester
 Foundation Studies Certificate                             4 academic courses                  4 academic courses

 MEAP (Mixed English Academic Programme)                    2 academic courses plus intensive   3 academic courses              3 academic courses
 packaged with UTP                                          English Language programme 5
                                                            days a week

 UTP                                                        3 academic courses                  3 academic courses              2 academic courses

 UTP*                                                       4 academic courses                  4 academic courses

 Study Abroad                                               3 academic courses or 2 academic
 (one semester, Feb, Jun or Oct)                            courses plus academic English

 QUC† (one semester, Feb, Jun or Oct)                       4 academic courses

 * Subject to approval by College Director and Principal
 † Commencing Feb 2016

Your student life on campus
Our commitment to student support                                                              What happens at orientation?
                                                                                               • Opportunity to register in
                                                                                                 your courses of study.
UCIC will support you on your journey           Personal support and
to becoming an independent learner. A           campus wellbeing                               • Obtain further programme information.
range of support services and programmes                                                       • Obtain further information about
                                                A free and confidential advisory service is
are available to ensure you achieve your                                                         your travel and medical insurance.
                                                available to you in case things do not go
academic potential while developing                                                            • Be introduced to UCIC and University
                                                as planned or personal problems arise. If
personally and maintaining a balanced                                                            of Canterbury services and facilities.
                                                anything is preventing you from enjoying
lifestyle. The services and programmes
                                                your academic, social or personal life, then   • Tour the campus and get
outlined below are available to all students.
                                                seeing a UCIC advisor is often a good start.     your UC student ID.
                                                UCIC students also have access to the
Academic and learning support                                                                  • Meet new friends and UCIC staff.
                                                University of Canterbury’s excellent health
At UCIC, we understand that the transition      and counselling services and Student           • Discover places near (and
to university level study can be difficult.     Support team.                                    far) from campus.
                                                                                               • Obtain information about how to
To help you develop the skills necessary                                                         prepare for academic success.
to successfully complete your studies,          Orientation
UCIC offers a variety of study and learning     Orientation is a series of activities and      Further details on orientation will be
support services. Our student advisors,         sessions that provide you with valuable        provided upon successful application.
in conjunction with various teaching staff      information and assistance to help
members, run a number of information            you make the most of your studies at           Transition to the University
sessions and workshops throughout the           UCIC and the University of Canterbury.         of Canterbury
academic semester for students who want         Attendance at orientation is compulsory
                                                for international students in New Zealand.     UCIC organises special information
to develop skills in areas such as time
                                                During Orientation week students receive       sessions for students who are due to
management or examination techniques.
                                                essential information to ensure they are       complete their programme and transfer
Student advisors provide programme
                                                successfully enrolled and registered in        to the University of Canterbury. In these
advice, either on an individual or group
                                                the correct courses at UCIC. UCIC also         sessions you are provided with specific
basis, and organise support such as a
                                                organises workshops, activities and events     advice about the courses and majors
conversation club for you to improve your
                                                during the early weeks of semester to help     available, as well as the programme
conversational English. Teaching staff
                                                you get the information you need to get off    structure and application process for your
members are also available for individual
                                                to a great start.                              chosen degree or postgraduate programme.
or group appointments throughout
the semester, if you need assistance
with assignment drafting, researching,                                                         Campus security
structuring, writing and referencing.                                                          Security is provided 24 hours a day on
                                                                                               the University of Canterbury campus. In
                                                                                               the unlikely event of a problem, security
                                                                                               staff can answer queries and assist you via
                                                                                               strategically placed security call stations.
                                                                                               These staff also deliver specific safety
                                                                                               initiatives and, overall, provide a safe and
                                                                                               secure environment for you to live and
                                                                                               study at the University of Canterbury.

                                                                                               Student activities
                                                                                               We encourage you to interact with fellow
                                                                                               students and enjoy your experience at
                                                                                               UCIC by taking a break from your studies
                                                                                               and having some fun. Being involved in
                                                                                               non-academic, extracurricular activities
                                                                                               while studying at UCIC will help you
                                                                                               develop a network of friends and broaden
                                                                                               your outlook and skills. UCIC coordinates
                                                                                               regular activities and social events that
                                                                                               give you opportunities to enjoy all that the
                                                                                               city and campus have to offer. Students
                                                                                               are also encouraged to participate in the
                                                                                               many events and activities organised by
                                                                                               the University of Canterbury Students’
                                                                                               Association (UCSA).
14     UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Your life in Christchurch
The gateway to the South Island, New Zealand

New Zealand (Aotearoa) is internationally       For the sports-minded, Christchurch is
renowned for its natural beauty, safe           hard to beat, whether you are a player
environments and high standard of               or a spectator. The city regularly hosts
living. It is a welcoming country where         international sporting events such as the
the partnership of the Tangata whenua           2015 Cricket World Cup, one-day cricket
(indigenous peoples of New Zealand) and         internationals, rugby and netball tests,
those who have made New Zealand their           and is home to the legendary Canterbury
home, share a sense of responsibility for the   Crusaders rugby team.
care of the abundant natural resources of
the land and surrounding seas.                  Climate
New Zealand’s education system provides         Christchurch has a temperate climate, with
one of the best learning opportunities in       low rainfall (half as much as Auckland and
the world, with excellent teaching and          Wellington), lots of sunshine and the full
high quality programmes at all levels. For      range of spectacular seasons. From hot
the past five consecutive years, the UN’s       summers when nor’westers whip across
Human Development Index report has              the plains, to crisp winter days with clear
placed New Zealand first in the world on        blue skies (and great skiing), to awesome      thermal resort town of Hanmer Springs,
the Education Index. The New Zealand            autumnal displays and springtime               the mountains and bush of Arthur’s Pass
education system was also ranked as the         blossoms, Christchurch is a city of colour     National Park, and the seaside settlement
8th best system in the world by the OECD        and constant change.                           of Kaikoura famous for whale watching.
Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA, 2011 report), based on        Spectacular scenery                            Attractions
the combined scores in reading, maths           Located on the east coast and near the         There are plenty of things to see in and
and science.                                    Southern Alps, the city is close to both the   around Christchurch:
Christchurch is an ethnically diverse city      sea and the mountains, offering a huge         • A harbour cruise and swim with the
which offers an exciting and easy lifestyle     range of recreational options. The lakes,        Hector’s dolphin, the world’s smallest
for students. With a population of around       mountains, native forest, open spaces and        dolphin and unique to New Zealand
400,000, Christchurch is the largest city in    clean air will provide a magical backdrop to
                                                                                               • Check out the ‘Re:Start’ shopping
the South Island and the second largest in      your student experience.
                                                                                                 mall in central Christchurch or
New Zealand.                                    The Port Hills offer a range of recreational     visit one of the many shopping
The University is located in the suburb         activities and the city is within easy reach     malls around Christchurch
of Ilam, a 10 minute drive from the city        of the spectacular scenery of the South        • Uncover one of the many new
centre. The University is just minutes away     Island for climbing, tramping, mountain          restaurants, cafés and bars
from the cafés and bars in the suburb of        biking, skiing and snowboarding. There are
                                                                                               • Head to one of the many beautiful
Riccarton and the largest shopping mall in      10 ski fields within two hours drive of UC
                                                                                                 swimming and surfing beaches
the South Island.                               and Christchurch.
                                                                                               • Head to the mountains for skiing,
Christchurch is known for its vibrant arts      From the city it is only a short drive to        snowboarding or a day out
and entertainment and there is regular live     the rugged beauty of Banks Peninsula,
music to suit all tastes.                       the historic French town of Akaroa, the

                                                                                                  FAST FACTS
                                                                                                  Population City: 363,200
                                                                                                             Greater: 566,000
                                                                                                  Province      Canterbury
                                                                                                  Currency      New Zealand Dollar
                                                                                                  Time zone GMT +12
                                                                                                  Electricity 240 V
                                                                                                  Language      English and Maori
                                                                                                                are New Zealand’s
                                                                                                                official languages


       A data snapshot of Canterbury

                                                                                                                                       The Christchurch
                                                                                                                                             economy is
                                                                                                                                            expected to
                                                                                                                                       continue growing
                                                                            2,143                                                          over the next
                                                                                                                                               20 years.
                                                                    Annual sunshine hours (higher
                 TOTAL ARRIVALS                                      then Auckland, Wellington,
       9612 new residents in the last 12 months.                     Dunedin and Queenstown).

                                             1 IN 5
 COMMUNITY                              People in Greater
  2nd biggest city in                   Christchurch were                                                     U.S.    U.K. Australia NZ Christchurch China           India
    New Zealand                          born overseas.                                                       2.4%    2.7%  2.7%     3.2%   4.2%      7.3%           7.6%

                                                                                                                       ECONOMIC GROWTH*
                                                                                                                 With the lowest unemployment rate in Australasia,
                                                                                                              unprecedented growth and employment opportunities, the
                                        OVER 1000                                                                        Christchurch economy is booming.
                                City parks, of which 3/4 are                2ND
                                in suburban neighbourhoods
                                   in Greater Christchurch.               LARGEST
                                                                             Employer in
                                                                            Christchurch                             BEST OF BOTH WORLDS
                                                                                                                      Two universities and two polytechnic
                                                                          is manufacturing.
                                                                                                                           institutes of technology.
And positive net migration means Christchurch needs
qualified people to rebuild and develop the city.


                                                                                                                            CANTERBURY GROWS:
                                                                                                                            50% of world requirements for radish seeds.
                          Construction and
                                                   Sales, retail,
                                                  marketing and
                                                                         HR, legal
                                                                                              Education and
                                                                                                                            35% of world requirements for white clover seeds.
                                                    advertising          and admin
                                                                                                                            33% of world requirements for carrot seeds.
      + 12%                  + 15%                 + 14%                 + 6%                  + 18%                        30% of world requirements for Bok Choi seeds.
The sectors with the greatest growth in advertised skilled vacancies in Canterbury between Jan 14 and Jan 15.

Figures are current as at March 2015.
For up to date information visit
* Data details: All sourced from CDC based on OECD and Infometrics Ltd; GDP (expenditure measure) and Statistics New Zealand, growth from same quarter of previous year,
Sept 13 - Sep 14 using seasonally adjusted figures.
16    UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

        With Australasian cities

 POPULATION                                                                            EMPLOYEES IN HIGH-VALUE SECTORS
                                          Greater Hamilton
                                          202,300                                      Christchurch has the highest population of employees in high-value sectors
Auckland                                            217,973                                                        Christchurch                              35.7%
                                                              Wollongong                                              Auckland                               34.8%
                                                              286,581                                                Newcastle                               32.1%
                                                                   Sunshine                                         Wollongong                               30.1%
                                                                   Coast                                         Greater Hobart                              28.5%
                                                                   292,354                                       Sunshine Coast                              28.1%
                                                                                                                     Gold Coast                              27.0%

                                                                                        Across Australasia Greater Christchurch has the highest proportion
                                                                                        of employees working in high-value (enabler) sectors (Manufacturing,
                                                                  425,895               Telecommunications, Professional Services, Production Agriculture, Health).

         Gold Coast                                      Christchurch
                                                                                       COST OF LIVING                                                  Auckland
          605,134                                        465,800                                                                                        $103
                                                                                                               $105                        Sydney
 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE                                                                             $104
                                  Sunshine Coast                                                                                                      Brisbane
                                        6.7%       Brisbane                                Melbourne
                       Newcastle                      6.0%                                                               Christchurch        In New Zealand dollars
                          8.9%                                  Auckland                                                                         Source: Expatistan

                                                                                       CHANGES IN WEEKLY ORDINARY-TIME
                                                                                       EARNINGS FROM END - 2012 TO END-2014
                                          Wellington                                   Average weekly earnings in Canterbury have grown 21%
              Sydney                                                                   (14% NZ) since 2010 and were $913 per week in Q4 2014.
                        6.6%                                     3.5%
                                                                                        New South Wales                       6.60%
                    Melbourne                                  Christchurch             Victoria                              5.00%
                                                                                        Queensland                            6.40%
                                                                                        Auckland                              5.40%
 CHRISTCHURCH IS THE #2 PLACE                                                           Wellington                            5.80%
 TO GO IN THE WORLD IN 2014                                                             Rest of New Zealand.                  4.00%
 Source: New York Times, January 2014
                                                                                        Canterbury                          10.40%

 Stated figures sourced March 2015.
 Additional Notes: An Australasian city hierarchy has been developed using population as a base. Cities of a similar size will have similar characteristics and
 by developing a tier system we are able to undertake sensible comparisons for Christchurch, a tier-three city.
 More information on this hierarchy can be found on Pg 11 of the Background Paper at



2ND BEST CITY                  NZ’S SECOND                          HIGHER                              14 SKI AREAS
New York Times ranked          LARGEST CITY                         EDUCATION                           Nine ski and snowboard
Christchurch as the #2 place   Population of 361,900                Two universities and two            areas within two hours
in the world to go in 2014                                          polytechnic institutes of           drive; 14 within three

WALKING                        RENTAL RATES                          INTERNATIONAL                       GREEN SPACES
80 kilometres of city          Christchurch rents are 14%            AIRPORT                             740 city parks covering
walking tracks                 lower than Auckland                   15 minute drive to CBD              3,000ha

2,143 annual sunshine hours    Ski and snow board, bungy jump, rock climb, mountain bike, river raft, kayak, surf, swim
                               at safe beaches, golf, whale watch, swim with dolphins, gardens and enjoy the vibrant arts
                               and culture scene.

Figures sourced March 2015
18     UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Choose your course at UCIC
Foundation Studies Certificate
                                                Optional courses                                Arts and Mass Communication stream
  The Certificate will enable you to meet
                                                Students choose three courses from one stream   Complete all
  the academic and English language entry
  requirements for most of the undergraduate    Business stream                                 • Information Design
  degree programmes offered by the University   Choose three                                    • Mass Communication I
  of Canterbury.                                • Accounting                                    • Mass Communication II
                                                • Economics                                     Elective courses*
                                                • Mathematics                                   Students choose two courses
Intakes                                         • Statistics                                    • Accounting
February, June, October                         • Management                                    • Economics
Duration                                        • Marketing                                     • Mathematics
Two semesters                                   • Legal Studies                                 • Statistics
2016 Programme fee                              Engineering stream                              • Management
NZ$19,000                                       Complete all                                    • Marketing
                                                • Advanced Mathematics I                        • Legal Studies
Core courses                                    • Advanced Mathematics II                       • Information Design
Three courses                                   • Physics                                       • Programming
• Communication Skills II                                                                       • Introduction to Systems Analysis
                                                Science stream
• Communication Skills III                                                                      • Mass Communication I
                                                Choose three
• Introduction to Computing                                                                     • Mass Communication II
                                                • Chemistry                                     • Introduction to Biology
                                                • Physics                                       • Introduction to Human Biology
                                                • Introduction to Biology                       • Chemistry
                                                • Introduction to Human Biology                 • Physics
                                                • Mathematics OR Statistics                     • Advanced Mathematics I
                                                Information Technology stream                   • Advanced Mathematics II
                                                Complete all
                                                • Information Design                            Entry to UC programmes require
                                                • Programming                                   a GPA of B+ for Engineering and
                                                • Introduction to Systems Analysis              C+ for all other degrees.

University Transfer Programme: Commerce
                                                          UC’s College of Business and Law is ranked                2016 Programme fee
  Potential career paths                                  in the top 100 universities in the world for              NZ$24,500
  A Commerce degree can be applied to                     Accounting and Finance, and in the top 150 for
  almost any career, including the finance                Economics and Econometrics*                               Entry to second year:
  sector, industry and trade, international               UC and its business partners provide many                 University of Canterbury
  commerce, the not-for-profit sector,                    opportunities for you to gain practical business          Bachelor of Commerce†
  government, health care and technology.                 experience and make important contacts.                   Available majors:
  A Commerce degree provides an all-round
                                                          Internships, business case competitions, career           •   Accounting
  knowledge base for management careers or
                                                          fairs and student groups all allow you to put             •   Business Economics
  starting your own business.
                                                          classroom theories to the test in the real world          •   Economics
  Programme facts                                         and network with industry professionals.                  •   Finance
  • Opportunities to gain real-world                      Intakes                                                   •   Human Resource Management
    experience through internships and
                                                          February, June, October                                   •   International Business
    business competitions
                                                                                                                    •   Management
  • Internationally renowned college with                 Duration
                                                                                                                    •   Marketing
    strong links to business communities                  Two or three semesters
                                                                                                                    •   Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Option to complete an Honours year for                Required courses                                          •   Strategy & Entrepreneurship
    high achieving students
                                                          • Accounting
                                                                                                                    For more information on the University of
                                                          • Economics
                                                                                                                    Canterbury’s College of Business & Law, visit
UTP: Commerce is equivalent to the first year of          • Information Systems
your undergraduate commerce studies. Upon                 • Management
completion of the programme you will be eligible          • Statistics
to progress to the second year of the Bachelor of
                                                          Additional options may include
Commerce degree and you will be able to choose
from a variety of specialisations.                        • Financial Accounting
                                                          • Macroeconomics
UC boasts New Zealand’s oldest Bachelor of
                                                          • Management Science
Commerce degree. At the time of its introduction
                                                          • Marketing
in 1906 the UC Bachelor of Commerce degree
was one of the first business degrees in the              • Maths
British Commonwealth.

* QS World University Ranking by Subject.
† Students must complete and pass all courses in the UTP programme, apply before the University of Canterbury deadline and meet any additional requirements
from the University. Access to selected faculties of the University may require the completion of certain prerequisites. UCIC will advise students individually in this
regard as required. Course offerings may change without notice
20      UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Choose your course at UCIC (continued)

University Transfer Programme: Engineering
                                                      Intake                                        Entry to second year: University
  Potential career paths                              February, October                             of Canterbury Bachelor of
  Engineers are designing the future with new                                                       Engineering (Honours)
  and innovative technologies. Engineering is
  about problem solving and creative thinking.        Two or three semesters                        Available specialisations:
  Studying engineering will lead you into a           Required courses                              •   Chemical and Process Engineering
  challenging, flexible, and rewarding future         • Foundations of Engineering                  •   Civil Engineering
  with international opportunities.                   • Engineering Physics (Mechanics, Waves and   •   Computer Engineering
  Programme facts                                       Thermal Physics)                            •   Electrical and Electronic Engineering
                                                      • Engineering Mathematics (two courses)       •   Forest Engineering
  Engineers are responsible for the design
  and operation of the infrastructure which           • Mathematical Modelling and Computation      •   Mechanical Engineering
  underpins our society, in diverse areas such                                                      •   Mechatronics Engineering
                                                      Additional courses are selected from
  as telecommunications, transport, water                                                           •   Natural Resources Engineering
                                                      • Chemistry
  and electricity supply, multistory buildings                                                      For more information on UC’s Bachelor of
                                                      • Engineering Mechanics and Materials
  and airports, processing plants for food and                                                      Engineering (Honours), visit engf.canterbury
                                                      • Computer Programming
  forest products and consumer items like
  tablet computers and cars.                          • Engineering Physics (Electromagnetism
                                                        and Modern Physics)
                                                      2016 Programme fee
UTP: Engineering is equivalent to the final year of
your undergraduate engineering studies. Upon
completion of the programme you will be eligible
to progress* to the second year of the Bachelor of
Engineering with Honours degree at the University
of Canterbury and able to choose from a variety
of specialisations.

University Transfer Programme: Science
                                                      UTP: Science is equivalent to the first year of your    Entry to second year:
  Potential career paths                              undergraduate science studies. Upon completion          University of Canterbury
  A Science degree will give you both general         of the programme you will be eligible to progress
                                                      to the second year of the Bachelor of Science
                                                                                                              Bachelor of Science
  and specialised subject knowledge.
  Science graduates are experts in problem            degree and you will be able to choose from a            Available majors and endorsements:
  solving, teamwork and communication.                variety of specialisations.                             •   Astronomy
  Comfortable with the latest technology,                                                                     •   Biology
  science graduates are ideally suited to                                                                     •   Biochemistry
                                                      February, June, October
  the knowledge economy and are highly                                                                        •   Biosecurity
  employable. You could go on to a career             Duration                                                •   Biotechnology
  in research, business, industry, education,         Two or three semesters                                  •   Chemistry
  environmental science, health and central or                                                                •   Computer Science
  local government organisations.                     Subjects*
                                                      Students will select eight courses from the following   •   Ecology
  Programme facts                                     subject areas; note some subjects offer more than       •   Environmental Science
  • Facilities for science are world-class and        one course, not all subjects may be offered             •   Financial Engineering
    include field stations throughout the             • Astronomy                                             •   Geology
    South Island of New Zealand and                                                                           •   Geography
                                                      • Biochemistry
    in Antarctica.                                                                                            •   Mathematics
                                                      • Biology
  • Cutting-edge laboratories, access to 24                                                                   •   Physics
                                                      • Chemistry
    hour computer labs and specialist                                                                         •   Statistics
    library collections.                              • Computer Science
  • UC’s scientists are involved in                   • Geography                                             For more information on the University of
    internationally ground-breaking research.         • Geology                                               Canterbury’s College of Science, visit
    They have designed components for the             • Mathematics                                 
    largest telescope in the Southern                 • Physics
    Hemisphere, are discovering new ways to           • Statistics
    combat super bugs, developing new
                                                      2016 Programme fee
    non-invasive diagnostic techniques in
    medicine and have ring lasers to measure          UTP Science (General) NZ$26,500†
    Earth’s rotation.                                 UTP Science (Physical) NZ$28,500‡

* Not all courses offered in all semesters
† General Science: (Biochemistry, Biology, Geography and Geology)
‡ Physical Science: (Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics)
22     UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Study Abroad in beautiful New Zealand
Come and experience New Zealand’s culture and amazing                                        of Christchurch, and a number of swimming
                                                                                             beaches less than 40 minute drive from
scenery by taking a Study Abroad semester in New Zealand’s                                   campus. Whether you want to shop, kayak,
second largest city Christchurch; a city bordered by the                                     golf (NZ has the highest number of golf
                                                                                             courses per head of capita in the world,
majestic Southern Alps and the Pacific Ocean.                                                many courses are world standard and set in
                                                                                             scenery that is breathtaking), whale watch
UCIC Study Abroad is a one semester            select courses available from Commerce,       or just enjoy the many beautiful parks and
programme that allows students to improve      Engineering or Science and offered in         gardens of Christchurch there are activities
their English language while also completing   each semester.                                to suit everyone.
two or three academic courses that can                                                       For more information on UCIC Study Abroad
                                               You can enjoy a vibrant campus life during
be either credited to study at home or in                                                    visit
                                               the week and in the weekends, enjoy the
New Zealand. Study abroad is available                                                       study-abroad
                                               many recreational options available during
to high school graduates and tertiary
                                               the summer (February), winter (June) or
students who meet the same academic and
                                               Spring (October) season. There are nine ski
English language entrance requirements
                                               and snowboard areas within a two hour drive
as UTP (see pages 24-25). Students can

Your English language preparation
If you do not meet the English language requirements for                                                        CCEL – English language
your chosen course, you may be eligible to enter a Mixed
                                                                                                                UCIC can arrange full-time English
English Academic Programme (MEAP). You may otherwise                                                            tuition at CCEL if you need to improve
choose to enrol in an intensive English language course                                                         your English skills before beginning your
                                                                                                                UCIC course. CCEL offers a wide range of
at CCEL (Christchurch College of English) to improve your                                                       English language courses, from beginner
English skills.                                                                                                 to advanced levels. Courses begin every
                                                                                                                Monday. Your length of study will depend
                                                                                                                upon your English language needs.
MEAP                                                   MEAP fee:                                                For more information about CCEL including
If your IELTS test score is 5.0 overall (or            NZ$4,800 (in addition to your UTP                        course fees visit
equivalent) with individual band scores of a           programme fee).
minimum of 4.5 you may be offered entry
                                                       During your first semester you will study
to MEAP, which combines English and
                                                       two academic courses from your chosen
academic studies. MEAP, packaged with
                                                       UTP programme, in addition to your MEAP
UTP, can be completed in three semesters
                                                       course, which involves 15 hours of teaching
(12 months). A C+ is the passing grade
                                                       per week. If you complete the MEAP course
required for MEAP.
                                                       with a passing grade, and pass your two
                                                       academic courses, you will study the
                                                       remaining six academic courses during
                                                       the next two semesters.

                                                                                                                                Postgraduate degree

                                           EAP 2
                                          12 weeks

                                                                                                                                Undergraduate degree

      General English
        2-52 weeks
                                                                          MEAP packaged with UTP*
                                                                                3 semesters
                                                                                                                              Year 2 - Bachelor degree
                                           EAP 1                     University Transfer Programme (UTP)†
                                          12 weeks                              2 or 3 semesters

                                                                        Foundation Studies Certificate‡                       Year 1 - Bachelor degree
                                                                                 2 semesters

                           CCEL                                                      UCIC                                 University of Canterbury
    * Foundation Studies Certificate pathways to Year 1 of degree at UC or to UTP.
    † UTP is equivalant to Year 1 of the revevant degree from UC. Successful students then pathway to Year 2.
    ‡ Mixed English Academic Programme (MEAP) consists of English and academic studies and can be completed in three or four academic semesters (12-15 months).
24        UCIC Your pathway to UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY 2016

Your academic entry requirements
Entry into the UTP generally requires                       please send details to the UCIC Admissions                     Mathematics with Calculus and Physics to
the successful completion of Year 12 of                     Office: for assessment.                        an acceptable standard. Students wishing
secondary school or its equivalent (this is                                                                                to specialise in Civil, Natural Resources,
                                                            Study Abroad entrance requirements are the
equivalent to Year 13 in the New Zealand                                                                                   Chemical and Process or Forest Engineering
                                                            same as UTP. All students applying for UTP:
education system). Not all qualifications                                                                                  must also have attained acceptable grades
                                                            Engineering or UTP: Science (Physical) must
are listed, so if you have other qualifications                                                                            in Senior High School level Chemistry.
                                                            have completed senior high school level

                             Foundation Studies                               UTP: Commerce/Science                           UTP: Engineering/Science
        Country                  Certificate                                         (General)                                       (Physical)
 Australia           Successful completion of Year 11 with                Successful completion of Year 12 with a 65%      Successful completion of Year 12 with a 70%
                     acceptable grades                                    average in relevant subjects                     average in relevant subjects (including 70%
                                                                                                                           minimum in Math)
 Bahrain             Tawjihiya (General Secondary School                  Tawjihiya (General Secondary School              Tawjihiya (General Secondary School Education
                     Education Certificate) with 60% average in           Education Certificate) with average 70%          Certificate) with a 80% average
                     academic subjects or US High School Diploma
 Bangladesh          Higher School Certificate/Intermediate               Higher Secondary Certificate with a GPA of       Higher Secondary Certificate with a GPA of 3.5
                     Certificate with a 50% GPA; or Year 11 (10+1)        3.0 or higher                                    or higher
                     with a 70% GPA
 Brazil              Certificado Conclusao de 2 Grau with a               Certificado de Ensino Medio with an average      Certificado de Ensino Medio with an average of
                     grade of 6                                           of 7.0 in 3 academic subjects                    7.0 in 3 academic subjects
 Brunei              O-level: passing grades in 4 academic                GCE A Levels with passes in 2 academic           GCE A Levels with passes in 3 academic
                     subjects                                             subjects (minimum 3 points)                      subjects (minimum 3 points)
 Canada              Successful completion of Year 11 with                Successful completion of Grade 12 with 55%       Successful completion of Grade 12 with 70%
                     passing grades in 4 academic subjects                in a minimum of 4 academic subjects              average in a minimum of 4 academic subjects
                                                                                                                           including Physics 12 and Math 12 (with
                                                                                                                           minimum mark of 70%)
 China               Completion of Senior Middle 2 with an                Senior Middle 3 - Achieved 70% in                Senior Middle 3 - Achieved 80% in 4 academic
                     average of 70% in 4 academic subjects                4 academic subjects excluding English,           subjects excluding English, Chinese, Politics
                                                                          Chinese, Politics
 Egypt               Tawjihiya (General Secondary School                  Tawjihiya (General Secondary School              Tawjihiya (General Secondary School Education
                     Education Certificate) with 65% average in           Education Certificate) with 75% average          Certificate) with 85% average
                     academic subjects or US High School Diploma
 Fiji                Successful completion of Form 6 School               School Leaving Certificate, Form 7 with a C      School Leaving Certificate, Form 7 with a B
                     Leaving Certificate with an overall score            in English and Math and passes in all other      in English and Math and passes in all other
                     of 260                                               subjects with an overall score of 240            subjects with an overall score of 240
 Hong Kong           Successful completion of Form 5 (HKCEE)              Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education         Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
                     with passes in 4 academic subjects. Passing          (HKDSE) minimum 7 points from three              (HKDSE) Level 4 or better in Core Maths
                     grades in four relevant IGCSE/O Level                subjects, or Minimum 2 points from 2 GCE A       and level 2 or better in Math 1 and/or Math
                     academic subjects                                    Level with passes in 2 academic subjects, or     2, Physics and one additional academic
                                                                          1 A level and 2 AS level subjects                subject (students with Math grade lower than
                                                                                                                           requirements may be considered for admission
                                                                                                                           on a case by case basis) or; Minimum 4 points
                                                                                                                           from 2 GCE A Levels with passes in 3 academic
                                                                                                                           subjects, or 1 A-Level and 2 AS-Level subjects
 India               Indian Certificate of Secondary Education            All-India Senior School Certificate/Higher       All-India Senior School Certificate/Higher
                     Examination (CISCE) or All India Secondary           Secondary School Certificate with 60% or         Secondary School Certificate with 65% or
                     School Examination (CBSE) 65% or better in           better in 4 academic subjects                    better in 4 academic subjects
                     four academic subjects; or a Secondary School
                     Certificate awarded by a recognised Board of
                     Secondary Education with 70% or better in four
                     academic subjects; or All India Senior Certificate
                     or the Higher Secondary School Certificate 50%
                     or better in four academic subjects
 Indonesia           SMU II with average of 7.0 or completion of          SMU 3/National Examinations Average of           SMU 3/National Examinations Average of
                     SMU III                                              grade 7.0 or more in 4 academic subjects         grade 8.0 or more in 4 academic subjects
 International       Year 1 of IB                                         International Baccalaureate Diploma score of     International Baccalaureate Diploma score of
 Baccalaureate                                                            at least 20 points over 6 IB units. Successful   at least 22 points over 6 IB units. Successful
                                                                          completion of IB Certificate (or less than 6     completion of IB Certificate (or less than 6
                                                                          subjects) may be considered                      subjects) may be considered
 Japan               General Upper Secondary School: Year                 General Upper Secondary School                   General Upper Secondary School (Kotogako),
                     2 with a Grade 3 average; or successful              (Kotogako), Year 3 with 2.5-3 average            Year 3 with an average of 4
                     completion of Year 3
 Jordan              Certificate of General Secondary Education           Certificate of General Secondary Education       Certificate of General Secondary Education
                     with 50% average in 4 academic subjects              with 70% average in 4 academic subjects          with 85% average in 4 academic subjects
 Kazakhstan          Diploma of Completed Secondary Education             Completion of Ate stat with 3.5 average          Completion of Ate stat with 4.0 average
                     with 3 average or higher
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