Salisbury University Drug and Alcohol Prevention Plan 2020-2025 - As our centennial anniversary approaches in 2025, Salisbury University is ...
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Salisbury University Drug and Alcohol Prevention Plan 2020-2025 As our centennial anniversary approaches in 2025, Salisbury University is focused on meeting the emerging needs of students, as well as the community, State and nation.
INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Salisbury University is dedicated to a University- Principle 1 – Strategic Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 wide effort of supporting a variety of departments and individuals that address alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues on campus in a holistic and Principle 2 – Communications Plan . . . . . . . . . .6 comprehensive manner. Although many efforts are initiated by the Division of Student Affairs, other Principle 3 – Biennial Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 University offices, departments and organizations address issues of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs through programs and initiatives. All programs are Appendix A: regularly reviewed for participation and 2019 Annual DAAP Plan Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 effectiveness. In order to support the University’s efforts to educate students, employees and visitors on the Appendix B: importance of preventing the illegal use of alcohol Biennial Review of Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs on campus, the following three and Other Drug Programs 2017-19 . . . . . . . . .16 principles are the focus of the University’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention (DAAP) Program: 1. The University will implement an alcohol and other drug (AOD) strategic plan that focuses on nine areas and related subcategories, listed below. Each area contains a status monitoring mechanism and a designated Responsible Office. Additionally, the Student Affairs Wellness Committee will develop assessment mechanisms to assure continuous improvement. 2. The University will facilitate a communications plan to assure that both current and prospective students and employees are made aware of the University’s efforts to promote and support a safe campus environment. 3. The University will conduct a biennial review of the DAAP Plan and the accompanying educational and communication strategies in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and Part 86 of the Department of Education General Administrative Regulations.
Principle 1 Strategic Plan The University’s alcohol and other drug (AOD) strategic plan focuses on nine areas and related subcategories, listed below. Each area contains a status monitoring mechanism and a designated Responsible Institutional Officer. Additionally, the Student Affairs Wellness Committee will develop assessment mechanisms to assure continuous improvement. 1. Promote collaboration between Salisbury d. Join and participate in the Wicomico Goes University and local community and Purple Campaign to address opioid addiction statewide/national organizations concerns. i. Status: Current member; sponsored eight a. Incorporate off-campus student conduct as it programs in the fall 2019 semester relates to alcohol and other drug (AOD) ii.Responsible Office: Associate Vice misuse into the student conduct process by President of Student Affairs collecting local police reports and adjudicating through the Dean of Students Office 2. Increase awareness of University programs i. Status: Currently occurring and ongoing related to substance abuse through ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students University website, social media and educational brochures. b. Meet with off-campus resident students who were reported to the Dean of Students’ Office a. Annually update University website to reflect for large gatherings programs and services available on campus i. Status: Currently occurring and ongoing i. Status: New website (2018) reflects ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students updated materials ii.Responsible Office: Chair of Student c. Join and participate in the Maryland Affairs Wellness Committee Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems b. Purchase brochures for the Counseling Center i. Status: Current member i. Status: New materials purchased in ii.Responsible Office: Vice President of September 2018 Student Affairs and Student Affairs ii.Responsible Office: Director of Student Case Manager Counseling Services 3
c. Add web-based instructional and resource d. Create a mechanism that regularly brings local materials to Health Center website. landlords, police agencies and University i. Status: Created in September 2018 and officials together to discuss concerns updated September 2020 regarding student residents in local apartment buildings ii.Responsible Office: Director of Student Health Services i. Status: Developed and ongoing ii.Responsible Office: Associate Dean of d. Develop an AOD social media structure and Students outreach plan i. Status: In Process e. Create a mechanism for local governmental officials and community interests to meet ii.Responsible Office: Chair, Student Affairs regularly to discuss issues of mutual concern as Wellness Committee they relate to alcohol and other drugs i. Status: Developed and ongoing; last e. Assure annual distribution to all students and meeting occurred September 27, 2019 employees of AOD/Title IV compliance information, particularly as it relates to ii.Responsible Office: President’s Chief of standards of conduct; a description of Staff sanctions for violating federal, state and local law and campus policy; a description of health 4. Work with the Athletics Department to risks associated with AOD use; a description of increase awareness of substance abuse treatment options; and a biennial review of the issues among student athletes program’s effectiveness and the consistency of the enforcement sanctions. a. Dean of Students to meet annually with i. Status: Ongoing; Last distributed coaches to discuss students’ standards of September 2019 conduct related to alcohol and other drugs. ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students and i. Status: In development University General Counsel ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students and Director of Athletics 3. Work with local authorities to discuss high- risk behavior and events involving b. Participate in new student athlete orientation University students and discuss AOD issues and standards of student conduct. a. Annually meet with local alcohol enforcement i. Status: In development agencies ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students and i. Status: Ongoing; last met in September Director of Athletics 2019 ii.Responsible Office: Associate Dean of 5. Enforce a campus-wide no-smoking policy in Students buildings and outside on campus property b. Invite local authorities to the regularly a. Develop appropriate signage indicating SU is a scheduled Campus Safety Task Force no-smoking campus meetings i. Status: Developed and implemented i. Status: Ongoing ii.Responsible Office: Director of ii.Responsible Office: Vice President of Maintenance Student Affairs b. Review campus no-smoking policy as it relates c. Develop structure to meet with Mayor of the to vaping City of Salisbury and the Wicomico County Executive when a student-involved incident i. Status: Completed; policy updated March impacts the community 27, 2017 i. Status: Developed and ongoing ii.Responsible Office: Policy Advisory Committee ii.Responsible Office: Vice President of Student Affairs c. Develop a protocol for enforcement of no- smoking policy 4
i. Status: Completed ii.Responsible Office: Chair of Wellness ii.Responsible Office: University Police and Committee Dean of Students c. Conduct an audit of current services offered through the Counseling Center 6. Challenge behaviors that violate the University’s AOD policies i. Status: In development ii.Responsible Office: Director of Student a. Educate all incoming students on the Counseling Center University’s AOD policies i. Status: Ongoing d. Conduct an audit of current services offered through Student Health Services ii.Responsible Office: Assistant Dean for Student Transitions i. Status: In development ii.Responsible Office: Director of Student b. Annually invite Wicomico County State’s Health Services Attorney and local police agencies to directly meet with incoming students as part of the e. Review sanctions for students found orientation process responsible for violating the Code of i. Status: Ongoing Community Standards ii.Responsible Office: Assistant Dean for i. Status: Ongoing; last reviewed and Student Transitions updated August 2019 ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students c. Educate fraternity and sorority members on the University’s AOD policies 8. Expect all incoming students to complete i. Status: Ongoing an online AOD education program provided ii.Responsible Office: Coordinator of by the University Fraternity and Sorority Life a. Complete AOD training for all incoming d. Educate student-athletes on the University’s students AOD policies i. Status: Completed and ongoing i. Status: In development ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students and ii.Responsible Office: Director of Athletics Assistant Dean for Student Transitions e. Educate residence hall students on the b. Review efficacy of current efforts and make University’s AOD policies recommendations for future programs to the Vice President of Student Affairs i. Status: Ongoing i. Status: In development ii.Responsible Office: Director of Residence Life ii.Responsible Office: Dean of Students 7. Establish a culture that actively supports, 9. Review the structure of the Student Affairs educates and empowers students to make Wellness Committee to assure appropriate healthy choices about AOD consumption communication, potential gaps in service and efficiency a. Develop a student affairs committee charged with assessing current efforts and making a. Charge the Student Affairs Wellness recommendations to support a contemporary Committee chair with expected additional University response. breadth of expectations i. Status: In development i. Status: In process ii.Responsible Office: Chair of Wellness ii.Responsible Office: Vice President of Committee Student Affairs b. Conduct an audit of current wellness activities looking for strengths and gaps in service i. Status: In development 5
Principle 2 Communications Plan The University will facilitate a communications plan to assure that both current and prospective students and employees are made aware of the University’s efforts to promote and support a safe campus environment. The University will annually distribute via email or 2. Maintain current web-based communications paper to each current and prospective student and related to Salisbury University’s DAAP Plan, employee the following information: which can be found at: a. A description of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse a. Student Consumer Information: Prevention Plan. ral-counsel/student-consumer- b. Information related to health risks associated information.aspx with AOD use. i. Responsible Office: Assistant Vice c. Information for individuals seeking assistance President of Student Affairs, Dean of through the University (via Human Resources, Students Student Health Services and Student Counseling Center) along with local referral b. Student Health Services: services. t-affairs/student-health-services/health- d. Standards of Conduct, including how to report links/drugs.aspx a concern. i. Responsible Office: Director of Student e. Potential sanctions for employees and Health Services students. c. Student Affairs: f. Local, state and federal law descriptions related to AOD use. t-affairs/student-health-services/health- links/drugs.aspx g. Federal trafficking penalties. i. Responsible Office: Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of 1. Create and send by email or provide on Students paper the aforementioned information twice a year, in September and January, to current and prospective students and employees 3. The 2019 Annual DAAP Plan Notice, distributed August 21, 2019, is attached as a. Responsible Office: Assistant Vice President of Appendix A. Student Affairs, Dean of Students, Human Resources 6
Principle 3 Biennial Review of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Programs The University will conduct a biennial review of the DAAP Plan and the accompanying educational and communication strategies in compliance with Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and Part 86 of the DOE General Administrative Regulations. 1. Below is a link to the current Biennial review that is posted on the SU website: student-affairs/_files/Biennial_Review_2016- 2018.pdf 2. The 2017-2019 Biennial Review is attached as Appendix B. 7
Appendix A 2019 Annual DAAP Plan Notice Dear Faculty, Staff and Student, In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), each postsecondary institution in the United States that participates in Title IV student aid programs must annually distribute, in writing, to each student and each employee, information about the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program. This document includes standards of conduct for all faculty, staff, and students, a description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol, a description of the health risks associated with the use of illegal drugs and alcohol, information regarding local drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or reentry programs that are available, and a statement of our disciplinary sanctions for employees, faculty, staff, and students. Federal law requires that the University provide the Campus Security Reports to all its students and employees on an annual basis. The Campus Security Report is available online The report and related documents contain information of a historical nature and includes crimes that were committed on campus last year and the two years prior to that. The crimes are categorized for ease of understanding and identification. You can also request a paper copy by contacting University Police located on East Campus at 410-543-6222. Please take a few minutes to review these valuable documents. If you have any questions, faculty and staff may contact the Office of Human Resources and students may contact the Dean of Students. 8
I. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program alcohol syndrome. These infants have Salisbury University is committed to an alcohol- irreversible physical abnormalities and mental , tobacco- and drug-free learning and working retardation. In addition, alcohol use has been environment and adheres to the found to be significantly related to the responsibilities set forth in applicable local, transmission of HIV and other sexually state and federal laws. All members of the transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancy, University community, visitors and guests are fighting, assaults, vandalism, and the incidence required to comply. of acquaintance rape and other crimes. The University provides education and Stimulants prevention resources related to the use of Drugs included in this classification include alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The cocaine (e.g., coke, crack), methamphetamine, University utilizes educational strategies to Ritalin/Adderall, amphetamines (speed), high increase awareness of drug, alcohol or tobacco doses of caffeine and other stimulants. Cocaine use. The University reserves the right to refuse has been known to cause sudden death by any advertising or promotional activities which causing the heart to beat in an abnormal rhythm focus on the consumption of alcoholic resulting in a heart attack. The heart attack can beverages, tobacco or drugs that might be sudden and unexpected and can occur at any encourage use or abuse. time when a person is using cocaine. Stimulants For the benefit of our students, faculty and can cause a person to become emaciated, staff, the University complies with the Drug- resulting from an increased metabolism and an Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free extremely decreased appetite. Psychologically, Schools and Communities Act of 1986, as well cocaine and most amphetamines are extremely as the State of Maryland’s Substance Abuse addictive and affect the pleasure center of the Policy (Executive Order 01.01.1991.16). The human brain. Stimulant intoxication can lead to University System of Maryland authorizes the visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations and University administration to establish, repeal delusional type thinking. After a person develops and/or modify regulations and procedures dependence upon cocaine or an amphetamine, related to ensuring compliance with these laws. sudden or gradual cessation in use can cause markedly diminished interest or pleasure in most II. Health Risks Associated with Alcohol and daily activities. Fatigue, insomnia and feelings of Drug Use worthlessness are also common and can possibly Alcohol result in suicide attempts. Ethyl alcohol, the form of alcohol found in beer, Narcotics wine and liquor, is a psychoactive drug. It is Drugs included in this classification include classified as a central nervous system opium, morphine, codeine, heroin, OxyContin, depressant, although its effects are often methadone, Percodan, Percocet, and other misinterpreted as stimulating. Low doses of opium derivatives and synthetics. Narcotics are alcohol significantly impair the judgment and the most physically addictive illicit drugs. The coordination required to safely operate a first or second administration of narcotics motor vehicle. Moderate to high doses cause results in a tremendous euphoric feeling that marked impairments in higher mental functions cannot be repeated due to the rapid and alter a person’s ability to learn and development of tolerance to the drug. This remember information. Very high doses can leaves the user with high cravings and low cause respiratory depression and death. About benefits from continued drug use. The user one in 10 people will find it difficult to control must continue ingesting the drug in order not consumption, will have continuing problems to develop withdrawal symptoms. A major associated with alcohol use and will develop physical risk associated with the use of the disease of alcoholism. Even those who do narcotics is sudden death resulting from not eventually develop alcoholism can respiratory arrest. Other risks include infection experience and/or cause considerable harm to due to IV drug use. Psychologically, cravings for themselves, others, and the community. narcotics can be severe. Individuals with a family history of chemical dependency face a higher chance of Phencyclidine/Ketamine developing alcoholism or other forms of drug These drugs form a distinct category of their addiction. Women who drink alcohol during own because the effects produced are unlike pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal any other drugs. Ketamine (“Special K”) and 9
Phencyclidine (PCP) act similarly to a performing even the most mundane tasks, and hallucinogen, in some respects. In other serious accidents can result. Long-term effects respects, they act similarly to that of a central can include brain damage, poor concentration nervous system (CNS) stimulant as well as a and memory loss. CNS depressant. Among their side effects are Cannabis delirium, visual disturbances, hallucinations and Drugs in this classification include marijuana, severe violence. Some evidence of long-term tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hashish and memory disorders and psychological hashish oil. Physical risks of marijuana use disturbances resembling schizophrenia also has include damage to the lungs, chromosomes been linked to the use of these drugs. and reproductive system. The most severe Hallucinogens consequences of cannabis use affect brain Drugs in this classification include LSD (acid), functioning. Chronic marijuana use can result in mescaline (peyote), mushrooms (psilocybin), changes in perception, motor activity, amphetamine variants (ecstasy), and other sensation, emotional response, motivation, hallucinogens. The greatest short-term risk memory and states of awareness. associated with ecstasy is dehydration and Depressants overheating. Additionally, consequences that Drugs in this classification include Rohypnol ecstasy may have on the brain include and other barbiturates, benzodiazepines, depression, anxiety and effects on the brain’s Xanax, valium, GIIB and other depressants ability to think and store memories. The greatest including alcohol. Depressants produce rapid risk associated with LSD use is a “bad trip,” tolerance. Severe withdrawal, including which can occur at any time, even with seizures and death, can occur if depressant use individuals who have used the drug many times. is immediately stopped. Depressants also can A bad trip is a psychological reaction to the cause sudden death by respiratory arrest or by ingestion of LSD and is primarily based upon the stroke resulting from a marked increase in user’s mindset and environment at the time of blood pressure. Mixing alcohol with other administration. A bad trip can result in extreme depressants can be lethal. paranoia, panic attacks and a loss of self-control. The most extreme outcome of a bad trip can be permanent psychosis or even death. Nicotine Nicotine is the powerfully addictive substance in tobacco that can “hook” a user in as few as three cigarettes. Short-term health effects related to smoking can include wheezing, coughing, frequent colds, and decreased senses of smell and taste. Smoking can also trigger asthma symptoms. Long-term health effects can include chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, or cancer of the mouth, throat, bladder, pancreas or kidney. Inhalants Inhalants include a wide variety of breathable chemicals that produce mind-altering results. The three major subcategories of inhalants include volatile solvents, aerosols and anesthetics. The most commonly abused inhalants are gas, glue, paint and nitrous oxide (including whippets). A major physical consequence in inhalant use is sudden death occurring from heart beat irregularities. Inhalants produce an inebriation effect with associated bizarre thoughts, dizziness, numbness and a lack of coordination. The intoxicated person will have problems 10
III. Getting Help Eastern Shore Psychological Services Counseling & Psychiatry a. The University provides resources to educate, Dr. Lawrence Pecor (Medical Director) prevent and address alcohol, tobacco, and Dr. Obais Khalid other drug use and abuse. Resources, 1113 Healthway Drive including awareness information, counseling Salisbury, MD 21804 services and referral services are available to 410-334-6961 faculty, staff and students. A list of community Dr. Jay Harkhani resources is available to students and all 1300 South Division St. employees through the following offices: Salisbury, MD 21804 Human Resources - 410-219-9095 Lower Shore Clinic administration-and-finance- Dr. Leynes Batista offices/human-resources/index.aspx Dr. Shashikala Pathy Student Health Services - 505 East Main St. Salisbury, MD 21804 student-affairs/student-health- 410-341-3420 services/index.aspx Pine Bluff Counseling Student Counseling Center - 1506 S. Salisbury Blvd. Suite 6 Salisbury, MD 21801 student-affairs/counseling- 410-677-0466 center/index.aspx Dr. Harley Smoot Children: William Cerrateo b. The University provides resources and referral Adults: Ingrid Orinda services for students, faculty and staff 100 E. Carroll St. confronted with a problem of drug and/or Salisbury, MD 21801 alcohol abuse as part of our substance abuse 410-543-7119 awareness program. Students may obtain Fax: 410-677-6675Dr. Talmadge Reeves information or referrals from: 233 W. Main St. i. Area Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services: Salisbury, MD 21801 410-749-0124 Delmarva Family Resources 805 N. Salisbury Blvd. Dr. Mark Walsh Salisbury, MD 21801 106 Milford St. 410-334-6687 Salisbury, MD 21804 410-677-6500 Peninsula Regional Medical Center 100 East Carroll St. Dr. Justin Wade, M.D. Salisbury, MD 21801 19 Bay Street, Suite 2 Easton, MD 21601 Resource Recovery Center 410-693-8208 726 South Salisbury Blvd. Fax:-410-690-8188 Salisbury, MD 21804 410-749-9482 ii.For regular employees and their families, the University provides an Employee Atlantic Recovery Assistance Program (EAP) that offers a 108 Christensen Ln. comprehensive set of support services Salisbury, MD 21804 and resources paid for by the University. 443-944-9896 The services are confidential and available Chesapeake Treatment Services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 1322 Belmont Ave, #201 days per year. Contact the Office of Salisbury, MD 21804 Human Resources at 410-543-6035. 410-831-3904 Hudson Health Services 1505 Emerson Ave. Salisbury, MD 21801 410-219-9000 11
IV. Standards of Conduct VI. Sanctions The unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, Employees dispensation, possession or use of illegal drugs As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of or controlled substances, and the unauthorized 1988, and as a condition of employment, use or abuse (e.g., being intoxicated) of alcohol employees must abide by the terms of by anyone on University property (including any University procedures and notify the Human facilities leased or used by the University) or in Resources Office in writing, of any criminal drug University vehicles is prohibited. The use of statute conviction no later than five calendar alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age or the days after such conviction. Lack of compliance abuse of alcohol by anyone at any University with these requirements may subject the sponsored or supervised activity off campus is employee disciplinary action up to and also prohibited. The University reserves the including immediate termination in accordance right to refuse any advertising or promotional with USM Policy VII-1.15 (Criminal Background activities that focus on the consumption of Checks for Faculty and Staff). alcoholic beverages, tobacco or drugs that Upon receipt of notification of a conviction, might encourage use or abuse. the University will take the following actions as Salisbury University’s interest in identifying required by law: 1) notify federal agencies, as violators of law and of University policy is not appropriate, of such convictions within 10 intended to be punitive, but rather to establish calendar days, and 2) take appropriate clear limits of conduct for members of the personnel action against the employee, up to campus community. The program is designed to and including termination; and/or 3) require the encourage those persons habituated to drugs employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug and/or alcohol to seek rehabilitation. abuse assistance or rehabilitation program Conscientious efforts to seek such help will not approved for such purposes by a federal, state jeopardize a student’s academic standing or or local health, law enforcement or other employee’s job, and all information related to appropriate agency. such efforts will be confidential. However, efforts Sanctions for employees may include to obtain assistance will not preclude other coaching and counseling, reprimand, disciplinary action for any of the usual reasons suspension with or without pay, or discharge including policy violation or unacceptable job from employment. The University may also performance. Students or employees seeking or require the completion of an appropriate receiving assistance are subject to all University rehabilitation program. policies and procedures. Students V. Reporting Violations Any student member of the University Anyone who witnesses or has knowledge of community who violates this standard of violations of any Alcohol, Tobacco, or Other conduct will be subject to disciplinary Drug Use and Awareness policies occurring on proceedings by the University. Depending University premises or at a University- upon the severity of the offense, the University sponsored activity should contact University will impose one or more of the following Police at 410-543-6222 or activate any of the disciplinary sanctions as may be appropriate: University emergency blue light phones. Sanctions for students may include reprimand, warning, or dismissal from the institution. A complete list of disciplinary penalties for students is included in the Code of Community Standards. 12
VII.Local, State and Federal Law Descriptions (4) It is also illegal in most situations to furnish Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use alcohol to a person under 21. (Md. Code Students and employees at Salisbury University Criminal Art. Section 10- 113) are subject to federal, state and local laws for the possession and distribution of illegal drugs. (5) The penalty is a fine of up to $500 for a first Federal law states that it is unlawful to possess offense, and up to $1,000 for repeat offenses. controlled substances including marijuana, (Md. Code Criminal Art. Section 10-117). In cocaine, LSD, PCP, heroin, designer drugs, etc. addition, state law dictates that it is illegal to possess alcohol in an open container in any (1) If the substance is cocaine, or contains a parking lot of any shopping center or retail cocaine base, the penalty for simple store unless given permission by the owner. possession is a fine and/or imprisonment from The penalty is a fine of up to $100. five to 20 years. (Federal Law 21 USCA/sections 841 and 844 to 845a (1990) (6) It is also illegal to consume alcohol on any public property or highway unless authorized a. In February 2000, a law was enacted to by the governmental entity that has jurisdiction categorize gamma hydroxybutyrate over the property, with penalties including a (GHB), also known as a “date rape” drug, fine of up to $100. (Md. Ann. Code Art. 2B, as an illegal drug. This means that anyone Section 19-204) possessing, manufacturing or distributing GHB may face up to a 20-year penalty. (7) Students and employees are also subject to b. For other illegal drugs, the penalty for state and local laws governing drinking and simple possession is a fine of at least driving. A person may not drive or attempt to $1,000 and/or imprisonment up to three drive while impaired or under the influence of years. The penalties increase if the alcohol. (Md. Ann. Code Art. 2B, Section 19- possession includes intent to 204) manufacture, distribute or dispense a controlled substance, especially if done (8) Individuals under 21 with a blood alcohol level near a public or private elementary, (BAL) of only .02 (approximately 1 drink) will be vocational or secondary school or a public charged with a violation of restricted license or private college or university. and result in suspended license until the age Additionally, any person who violates this of 21. (Md. Code Transportation Art. Sections law shall be liable for an amount up to 21- 902) $10,000 in civil penalties. c. In addition to federal laws, the State of (9) Any individual with a BAL of 0.08 will be Maryland has its own laws dealing with presumed to be driving under the influence of distribution, manufacturing and alcohol. An individual with a BAL of .08 or possession of controlled substances. For more shall be determined to be under the instance, any person who unlawfully influence of alcohol per se. (Md. Code manufactures or distributes a narcotic Transportation Art. Sections 16-113(b)) drug may be fined up to $25,000 and may be imprisoned for up to 20 years for a first (10) Any of these violations will result in fines, offense. imprisonment, or both. It is also unlawful to drive while impaired by any Controlled (2) Students and employees at the University are Dangerous Substance whether or not it is illicit subject to state and local laws for drinking and (prescribed or unlawfully obtained). (Md. Ann. obtaining alcohol. It is illegal in the State of Code Transportation Art. Sections 21-902) Maryland for any person under 21 to drink alcohol. (Md. Code Criminal Art. Section 5-608) (11) A person can still be charged with these violations even though they possess a driver’s (3) It is also illegal for a person under 21 to falsify license from another state. (Md. Code or misrepresent his or her age to obtain Transportation Art. Sections 21-902 (c) and (d)) alcohol, or possess alcoholic beverages with the intent to consume them. (Md. Code Criminal Art. Section 10-114) 13
Federal Trafficking Penalties 14
Federal Trafficking Penalties - Marijuana 15
Appendix B Biennial Review of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Programs 2017-19 Drug-Free Schools & Office of General Counsel. The review consists of three parts: Communities Act Biennial Review A. Documentation and evaluation of the Review Period: August 1, 2016 – July 31, 2018 University’s compliance with the Act’s requirement that a written statement be sent I. Introduction annually to each employee and student; As part of the federal compliance requirements for the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act B. Documentation and evaluation of the Amendments of 1989 (the “Act”), each institution of effectiveness of drug and alcohol prevention higher education must conduct a biennial review of programs; and its Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) programs. Although the review is required by law C. Documentation and evaluation of the and institutions must retain it in their files, it is not enforcement of disciplinary sanctions imposed reported to any federal or state agency unless on students and employees. The Act requires requested. The review has two objectives: that similarly situated offenders be treated in a similar manner. A. To determine the effectiveness of, and to implement any needed changes to, the ATOD III. Annual distribution of written ATOD program; and statement Through the Office of the Vice President for Student B. To ensure that campuses enforce the Affairs, the University annually distributes to all disciplinary sanctions for violating standards of students the University’s substance abuse policies conduct consistently. via the Student Code of Community Standards which can be found on the Student Affairs II. Compliance webpage: The University’s biennial review is an evaluation of its student-affairs/office-of-student- ATOD programs and policies for the August 2016 conduct/code.aspx. Additionally, any student that is through July 2018 time period. The ATOD program referred to the Office of Student Conduct receives a review was conducted by the following offices: hardcopy of the Student Code of Community Student Affairs (Dean of Students; Office of Student Standards to assist them with the process. Conduct; Housing and Residence Life; Counseling Hardcopies are always available upon request in the Center; Student Activities, Organizations and Dean of Students Office. Leadership; and Center for Student Involvement Additionally, faculty and staff are provided with the and Leadership), the Athletics Department, the Universities policies concerning alcohol and drugs via Salisbury University Police Department and the the University’s policy page: 16
administration/general-counsel/policies/index.aspx. e. Enforce a campus-wide no smoking policy Members of the non-exempt bargaining unit are also both in buildings and outside on campus provided with online access to their negotiated property. contract that includes an ATOD policy. f. Challenge behavior that violates the IV. Evaluation of ATOD prevention programs University’s alcohol and drug policies. A. Description of the ATOD Program Elements g. Establish a culture that actively supports, educates, and empowers students to make Salisbury University (University) is dedicated healthy choices about alcohol and drug to a university-wide concerted effort of having consumption. a variety of departments and individuals address alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues h. Except all incoming students to complete an on campus. Although many efforts are initiated online ATOD education program provided by by the Office of Student Affairs, other the University. departments and organizations at the University address issues of alcohol, tobacco 2. ATOD Programs and other drug as well through programs and a. Office of Student Affairs initiatives that are on-going and continually 1. Orientation 2016 and 2017: “It is My reviewed for effectiveness. Department Place” theatre group presented on program is listed below, under ATOD bystander intervention surrounding programs. issues of alcohol, drugs and sexual misconduct. B. Statement of ATOD goals, list of programs and discussion of goal achievement 2. Orientation Spring 2017 and 2018: Office of Institutional Equity, Dean of The University is committed to ensuring that Students, University Police, State’s its students, staff and faculty are aware of the Attorney’s Office talked with students dangers of abuse of alcohol and other drugs, on laws and behavioral expectations having appropriate information and resources around alcohol, drugs, consent and to curb such abuse, and that violators of medical amnesty. University policies are subjected to appropriate 3. Orientation June/January 2016-2018: enforcement. “Campus Expectations” presentation where the Dean of Students Office 1. Program Goals presents on the University Promise, General program goals include the following civility and the behavioral expectations and are sponsored by the campus offices, and of all students, including policies departments listed under ATOD programs. regarding drugs and alcohol. a. Continue to promote collaboration between b. Dean of Students Office University departments, the local community, and to utilize statewide and national The Dean of Students Office uses the Think organizations to increase awareness of About It program, which is an interactive online substance abuse issues. course mandatory for all incoming University students. This course helps prepare students b. Increase awareness of University substance for issues they may confront at college. It abuse related programs through updated covers important topics such as healthy University webpages, social media and relationships, sex in college, partying smart, educational brochures. sexual violence, high-risk situations, stalking, supporting survivors of sexual violence and c. Work with local authorities to discuss high risk more. Adult learners (over the age of 25) and behavior and events involving University graduate students receive versions of the students. courses designed specifically to meet their needs. Training numbers for the Think About It d. Work with the Director of Athletics to increase program are attached as Appendix C. awareness of substance abuse issues among In addition to the prevention course, the student-athletes. University implemented the Think About It 17
sanction courses, which provides focused student housing population, SUPD assists the lessons designed to refresh students on crucial Salisbury Police Department, Wicomico County information from the initial Think About It Sheriff’s Office and Maryland State Police in program. These are 30- minute sanction their respective response to University student courses tailored to reach students who have violations that occur in these areas. Through a been found to have drug and alcohol mutual aid agreement with each agency, SUPD violations. Think About It: Alcohol helps ensures responsiveness on the part of the students navigate and avoid the dangers of University. Criminal and/or incident reports drinking by reviewing tips for partying safely completed by allied agencies are forwarded to and addresses common misconceptions about the Office of Student Affairs for the purpose of alcohol in college. Think About It: Drugs determining violations of the Student Code of challenges students to reflect on why they use Community Standards. drugs, and whether the underlying causes of Additionally, an SUPD representative serves their drug use is due to stress, depression, or as a member of the Wicomico County Opioid chronic pain. The program then challenges Task Force which addresses prevention, students to address these real issues by making treatment and enforcement in efforts to safer, healthier alternatives to narcotics. combat the opioid epidemic in the county. In addition to enforcement efforts through citations or arrests, officers work diligently, on c. Office of Student Conduct an on-going basis, to provide education and The Code of Community Standards promotes awareness for students on the dangers of drug the concept of students taking ownership of and alcohol use. their community and taking responsibility for their behavior. One element of the University’s Code of Community Standards includes f. Student Wellness Program student expectations related to alcohol and The Center for Student Involvement and drugs. When a student exhibits behaviors that Leadership coordinates a health and wellness indicate he or she is under the influence of program specifically designed for college alcohol or drugs, University police or staff will students called the Student Wellness Program. report actions. Thereafter the Dean of Students Its mission is to help students live healthy Office handles all student conduct referrals and balanced lifestyles that incorporate the positive sanctions. A summary of all alcohol and drug attitudes and productive behaviors related to related Code of Community Standards our eight dimensions of wellness. The eight violations is attached in Appendix A. A dimensions within the program are: guideline for conduct sanctioning is attached in Occupational, Emotional, Physical, Appendix B. Social/Interpersonal, Intellectual, Spiritual, Financial and Environmental. The Committee meets regularly to develop programming, d. Counseling Center outreach and education for students. The Counseling Center provides assessment, Representatives on the Student Wellness individual and group counseling, as well as Committee include professionals from Housing referral services for more intensive treatment and Residence Life, Student Health Services, for students with ATOD related matters. The Career Services, the Center for Student Counseling Center also provides mandated Achievement, the Office of Student Conduct, assessments of students for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Center for Student Conduct for alcohol and other drug Student Involvement and Leadership, the related situations and for the Athletics Disability Resource Center, and the Office of Department for students with positive drug Student Affairs Case Manager. tests. Services are confidential and there are no Related to the eight dimensions, the Student fees for services. Wellness Committee also focuses their efforts on ATOD educational programming (as a part e. University Police Department of their Physical dimension) with specific goals The University Police Department (SUPD) geared towards educating students and their works cooperatively with the Office of Student families about the risks of turning 21 and Affairs as well as allied police agencies to alcohol consumption. The Student Wellness address concerns associated with drug and Committee is also partnering with Wicomico alcohol use. As there is a large off-campus County on their Wicomico Goes Purple (held 18
annually in September) campaign to raise sororities need to hold socials that awareness about opioid overdose awareness prevent risk to themselves and others. and prevention efforts. Student Wellness Programing has included: h. Office of Housing and Residence Life 1. The Great American Smoke Out – a Housing and Residence Life staff hold program through the American Cancer programs throughout the year for students Society to invite students on a journey living in University housing. While the programs toward a smoke-free life. are on a large variety of topics that are 2. Think Before you Drink –a program important for students, some of them focus about educating students on the effects specifically on alcohol and drugs. Some of of alcohol abuse. these programs highlight the dangers 3. Arrive Alive Tour – is a program about associated with alcohol and drug use, and texting while driving drunk and the others focus on how to stay safe. Housing and program brings a drunk driving Residence Life also partners with different simulator on campus. campus departments/offices to hold programs in order to reach out to students. Below is the list of programs for the last two years: g. Center for Student Involvement and 2016-2017 programs offered for students Leadership living in on-campus housing: In addition to coordinating the Student 1. Monster Mocktail Party: Social event Wellness Committee, the Center for Student held in the residence halls during Involvement and Leadership focuses on Halloween where students were shown educating the University’s fraternity and sorority how to make mocktails and have fun population on the dangers of alcohol abuse without alcohol. and drug consumption. In that regard some programming has included: 2. How you look when you’re drunk: Outside agency was brought in that had 1. Every year the Office of Fraternity and mirrors with special effects, helping to Sorority Life goes over the expectations show students what they would look like surrounding new member recruitment when drunk and discussed the effects of and specifically discusses alcohol use alcohol. and expectations. This conversation is directed to current members 3. Sip n Paint: An alternative program (sophomores, juniors and seniors). activity where students are invited to paint a portrait and have non-alcoholic 2. Monthly meetings are held for all active cocktails. Again, showing students how students in fraternity/sorority to have fun without alcohol. community. While organizational business is covered, the primary focus 4. Spring Breakers: Program offered to of the meeting includes educational prepare students to make safe decisions topics such as ATOD related issues. In surrounding alcohol and drug use when that regard speakers are often brought going away for spring break. in to speak, such as, Beth Ohlsson, the 5. Message in a Bottle: Program presented Director for the Recovery Resource to discuss the impact of drinking and Center (for individuals recovering from how to understand limits, addictions). When she came, she measurements of alcohol, and discussed what addictions look like, differences between hard liquor, wine how to tell if someone needs support, and beer. how to get them support, and how to 6. Coffee with a Cop: This was a new ensure they are not creating program in conjunction with the environments that can prevent University police department. It was an individuals from getting assistance. open forum where students could meet 3. In spring 2017, Sara Lowery gave some of the officers. They were able to training on alcohol and hazing to the ask them any questions they wanted. University’s fraternities and sororities. Some of those questions pertained to She discussed the event at Penn State, alcohol and drugs. the Piazzi’s, and how our fraternities and 19
2017-2018 programs offered for students 2016-2017 Training for Housing and living in on-campus housing: Residence Life Staff: 1. Arrive Alive: Focused on the dangers of 1. Bystander Intervention Training: Staff drinking and driving. They also were taught how to identify a student in discussed both the personal and need and to get them assistance or financial impact that it could cost remove them from potentially students. dangerous situations. They were also 2. Pool Tournament: Residents played taught on how to train the residential pool together. Unbeknownst to them, students on how to step in to support a there were stickers on the bottom of fellow student. unattended non-alcoholic drinks. They 2. Emergency Response Training, and then had a conversation about the Policies and Procedures Training: Staff dangers of leaving your drink covered material related through a unattended, or taking already opened number of courses, including how to or prepared drinks from someone. identify the smell of marijuana, helping 3. Get Lit in the Lobby: Educated students an intoxicated student, how to respond about safe drinking. Some of the topics to alcohol and/or drug situations, included the importance of staying with emergency response protocol, how to friends, pouring your own drink as well talk to students about alcohol and/or as using Saferide or a cab. drug use, expectations regarding their Housing and Residence Life staff do extensive use of alcohol or drugs in their position. training with staff on topics related to alcohol 3. Behind Closed Doors: This is a session and drugs. These training sessions happen where staff are taken through real-life every August before the semester starts. They scenarios they may come in contact with include our Resident Assistants (undergraduate and how to respond. Those sessions students), Resident Directors (graduate include responding to issues regarding students) and Area Directors (full time masters- alcohol, smoking, drugs and level staff). Each year, they try to build upon the relationship issues. During these trainings of previous years to address some of sessions, RAs act out scenarios and new the different issues seen from prior years. They staff have to address them. cover many topics related to alcohol and 2017-2018 Training for Housing and drugs. They include addressing underage Residence Life Staff: drinking, overconsumption, large parties, The same trainings listed for 2016-2017 were drugs, by-stander intervention, possible mental offered in 2017-2018. In addition, the health issues from alcohol and drug use, and following programs were also held: signs of possible alcohol poisoning or drug 1. Mental Health First Aid Training: This overdoses. training included how to respond to Staff are also trained in how to respond to mental health issues in the residence support students if they may have ingested too halls. This included quick responses for much alcohol or are having a bad reaction to situations that deal with alcohol and/or drugs. If a student has been transported to the drugs. hospital staff learn how to get help, and are trained on how to follow up with that student 2. Training on Alcohol and Drugs with once they are back. The follow up also includes University Police: University Police providing them with campus resources, and trained staff on different scenarios they asking if they need help connecting to any of have seen with our students involving these resources. We also occasionally hold alcohol and drugs, and what has additional trainings throughout the year if we happened with our students. In notice a trend or see an issue that we had not addition, they talked about what to look previously trained our staff on. for in student spaces to identify possible drugs and drug abuse. 3. First Response to Overdosing: In April 2018, staff attended training to learn about Narcan, how to identify someone possibly overdosing on an opioid and what to do. 20
i. Athletics Department 3. Other Campus Initiatives 2016-2018 ATOD related programing for a.Employee Assistance Programs student athletes: The University as an institution within the University System of Maryland has contracted with Inova Employee Assistance to offer a wide 1. New Student-Athlete Orientation: Each variety of work/life services through both year, the Athletics Department has a phone-based and web-based services. All meeting with all new freshman and services are private and confidential and are transfer student-athletes to discuss provided at no cost. Additionally, the State of athletic expectations and discuss issues Maryland has an Employee Assistance Program related to both alcohol and drugs. that provides confidential and professional Activities include student-athlete assessment and referral services to state bystander intervention training and employees who are experiencing general ATOD education. personal/medical problems affecting their work 2. Student Athlete Mentor Program (SAM performance. These services are extended to program): Each sport selects two employees that may have ATOD related issues. representatives to serve on the SAM committee which is a program designed b. Saferide to promote responsible decision Thursday through Saturday nights a student- making in the area of overall student run organization provides students with free, wellness and to increase the knowledge safe and no-questions-asked rides within a 3- and awareness of ATOD issues. mile radius of the University campus during the 3. NCAA Eligibility Team Meetings: At the academic year. The program was initiated to beginning of each year, all team combat drinking and driving. members are required to sign NCAA and University documentation c.Student Wellness Fair indicating that they are aware and Held every fall semester, the fair provides understand the NCAA drug testing students with resources about all aspects of the program and ATOD policies contained Student Wellness’ initiatives. within the student-athlete handbook are discussed. d. Case Manager 4. ATOD policies discussed by coaches for The Office of Student Affairs provides a Case each specific team: Each coach has their Manager who provides support to any student own policies that can be more stringent having a difficult time at the University. This that University’s Athletics Department, person can provide on campus and off-campus but not less than. The coaches discuss resources for students in which alcohol and/or the specific expectations and rules other drugs has been identified as an obstacle regarding ATOD with their respective to their success. teams. 5. Drug Testing Program: Random drug V. Evaluation of Enforcement of Disciplinary testing is conducted four times per year Sanctions Imposed and involves 30 student-athletes in each The University uses software, namely Advocate, to testing period. The number of student- track all student conduct violations and sanctions. athletes that are selected per sport is When students are found responsible for a violation, based on the roster size of that sport. they are assigned sanctions with due dates. The full policy can be found: Students receive reminders regarding deadlines for completing sanctions. If a student misses a ugtestingpolicy deadline, they will receive a reminder and then a hold is placed on their account with the University until the sanction is complete. Holds prevent a student from being able to register for courses for the next semester. 21
VI. Summary of ATOD Program Strengths and B. Recommendations for Revising the ATOD Weaknesses Program The University would like to provide a more A. In conducting this review of all University proactive approach to addressing ATOD ATOD programs and policies the following issues, and where possible, would like to strengths and weaknesses have been partner with parents and the local community identified: to assist in addressing these issues. As such, we are in the process of completing the following Program Strengths: changes to the ATOD program: 1.The University provided alcohol and drug a.Join the ATOD Maryland consortium. policies to its students, faculty and staff. b. Informing students and their families 2.The University maintained records of during the June orientation about student violations of the ATOD policies University expectations regarding alcohol, and implemented a sanctioning process. tobacco and other drugs. 3.The University provided ATOD prevention c.Notify parents of students under the age programs to its students, and made of 21 when they are found responsible for assistance programs available to its faculty any alcohol and/or drug violation. and staff. d. Requiring students to complete a follow- 4.The University hired a student Case up to the initial Think About It program Manager to assist with responding to the for students as a refresher. needs of students who have ATOD e. Continue to conduct environmental related issues. assessments through surveys in order to 5.The University is engaging its fraternity have a clear understanding of the scope and sorority life population as well as its of the issues our campus faces as well as student-athletes in making them aware of to use the data to conduct a social norms the dangers of alcohol abuse and drug campaign. consumption. f. Through campus collaborations, increase 6.The University introduced the online ATOD programming that effects student’s educational program Think About It by attitudes about ATOD. Campus Clarity for all new students. g. Advance the University’s development of 7. The Office of Housing and Residence Life a comprehensive prevention plan to is conducting many ATOD training include wellness initiatives for the entire programs for its staff that interact with University community. students on a daily basis h. To continue to train Housing and Residence Life staff. Program Weaknesses: i. To continue to build the Housing and 1.The University has not initiated a staff and Residence Life Coffee with a Cop faculty wellness initiative. program series to include at least one 2.The University only makes ATOD policies program in the fall and one in the spring. available on its policy page for employees. C. Copies of ATOD related policies distributed to 3.The University has not widely disseminated students and employees Below is the among relevant campus departments the language for students and employees as it results of the ATOD survey/environmental relates to ATOD policies: assessment done by Housing and Residence Life. The lack of said dissemination of data prevents departments from making evidenced based more appropriate, student- centered programing. 22
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