Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association

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Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association
Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association
Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association

                       Quade Cummins                                                                        Austin Eckroat
                                                                                                                     champion and competed in a slew

 Homegrown rivals                                                                                                    of Oklahoma Junior Golf Tour
                                                                                                                     (OJGT) events, which caught the
                                                                                                                     eye of OU coach Ryan Hybl.
                                                                                                                        “Once I got to OU, it was hard
   Eckroat, Cummins two of nation's top collegians                                                                   at first and then I kind of found
                                                                                                                     something with (instructor) Ryan
  by john rohde                                      Latinoamérica, Mackenzie Tour-PGA Tour             Rody (formerly at Gaillardia, now at South-
                                                     Canada (the Canadian Tour) or the PGA Tour         ern Hills) and Coach Hybl, and here we are,”

            wo in-state All-Americans will lead      Series-China – and will be exempt into all         Cummins said.
            two in-state Division I programs         open, full-field events beginning the week af-        Meanwhile, Eckroat was among a gaggle
            this upcoming season. In the pro-        ter the NCAA Championship through the              of junior golfing greats who helped transform
  cess, Oklahoma State’s Austin Eckroat and          conclusion of the current season. Finishers        Edmond North into one of the country’s
  Oklahoma’s Quade Cummins also could                Nos. 6-15 will also be exempt into second          most elite high school programs, winning 13
  jump-start their own professional careers by       stage of that year’s Korn Ferry Tour Qualify-      Class 6A state championships over a 14-year
  earning exempt status.                             ing Tournament.                                    span (2005-2018), which was preceded by
     Stoking this season’s excitement for Eck-          “I always thought of stuff like this, but       three straight crowns from 1994-96.
  roat and Cummins is the debut of the PGA           once I got to college, I didn’t really think it       Playing for the Cowboys was a lifelong
  Tour University program, which rewards             was going to be possible just cause I knew         dream for Eckroat, a two-time Class 6A
  elite collegiate play with varying levels of ac-   how hard it was going to be,” Cummins said.        state champion, who in 2014 became the
  cess to tours operated under the PGA Tour             Eckroat and Cummins grew up just 90             first freshman ever to win the 6A individual
  umbrella.                                          miles apart in Oklahoma, but their career          crown. He was a medalist 15 times in his
     This much-anticipated collegiate path to        paths came on very different courses.              high school career.
  the PGA Tour was launched June 1 and will             Eckroat’s legend has steadily grown while          “I grew up an Oklahoma State fan and
  award the top-15, four-year college players        playing the plush fairways of the exclusive        now kind of being the leader there and being
  with exempt status.                                Oak Tree courses in Edmond, while Cum-             on the No. 1 bag, it’s kind of cool,” Eckroat
     • Collegiate players ranked Nos. 1-5 will       mins honed his skills on the far more modest       said. “I’ll be able to tell my kids about it. It’s a
  be exempt into all open, full-field Korn Ferry     municipal track of Prairie West Golf Club in       pretty cool aspect.”
  Tour events beginning the week after the           windswept Weatherford.                                Eckroat also was recruited by the Sooners.
  NCAA Division I Championship through the              “I wouldn’t say it’s the worst of the worst,”   “I really like Coach Hybl,” Eckroat said. “I
  conclusion of the KFT regular season. The          a chuckling Cummins said of his hometown           was looking at OU pretty heavily, but once
  top five finishers will also be exempt into        course, “but I enjoyed learning how to play        Oklahoma State offered, it was pretty clear I
  the final stage of that year’s KFT Qualifying      golf basically on farmland. I think it blows       was going to go there. There was a chance (of
  Tournament.                                        harder in Weatherford than any place I’ve          going to OU), but I wouldn’t say there was a
     • Collegiate finishers ranked Nos. 6–15         ever been. It’s taught me a lot, how to work       big chance. If Oklahoma State was going to
  will receive membership onto one of the            the ball and stuff.”                               offer me (a scholarship), it was going to be
  PGA Tour’s International Tours – PGA Tour             Cummins was a two-time Class 4A state           very hard to go someplace else.”

  18   W W W.GOLFOKL AHOMA.ORG                                                                          GOLF OKL AHOMA • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020
Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association
be there, but it’s scorecard, they quickly became a supporting
                                                                                going to be fun,” cast.
                                                                                Cummins said.          “By the end of the round, we were all
                                                                                  Ironically, turns cheering for him and hoping he would make
                                                                                out the coronavi- his putts,” Cummins said. “I mean, it was
                                                                                rus helped form awesome to watch.”
                                                                                a Bedlam bond          The 21-year-old Wolff, who already has
                                                                                between Eckroat cracked the Top
                                                                                and     Cummins, 60 in the Official
                                                                                who frequently World Golf Rank-
No one works harder on his game than Cummins, says coach Ryan Hybl. have played to- ings in less than
                                                                               gether at Oak Tree one season on the
      Eckroat and Cummins will return to their National while social distancing.                    PGA Tour, shot 69
   respective teams in August, although college       Asked if playing alongside the enemy was that day alongside
   golf’s fall season remains in limbo.             against the rules, Eckroat said, “Nah, golf’s a Eckroat … and lost
      Eckroat was a starting freshman on the little different than the other sports. You have by eight shots.
   Cowboys’ 2018 NCAA championship team to walk 4½ hours with them if you’re playing                   Hearing Eckroat
   and had decided his junior season would be together. Might as well be friendly, but you speak of Cummins’
   his last at OSU. Eckroat would then embark know you still want to beat ’em.”                     game,      however,
   on the professional circuit, hoping to rejoin      When Eckroat shot his mind-numbing, you would have
   former teammates and budding superstars 10-under-par 61 in early June to break the thought the course
   Matthew Wolff and Viktor Hovland on the OTN course record from the back tees by record                      belonged
   PGA Tour.                                        three strokes, Cummins was playing in the to a Sooner rather
      COVID-19 spawned global touring uncer- same foursome alongside Wolff and former than a Cowboy.
                                                                                                                             Austin Eckroat at 2019
   tainty that brought an abrupt halt to Eckroat’s OSU teammate Nick Heinen, who serves as             “He is a really
                                                                                                                             OGA State Amateur.
   plan, however. As if tour qualifying already Wolff’s caddy on tour.                              good player,” Eck-
   wasn’t challenging enough, the pandemic            Eckroat birdied the first six holes, had 10 roat said of Cummins. “We’ve played a lot of
   completely cancelled the remaining Mack- birdies in a span of 13 holes and was side- golf. He hits it low. He has all the shots. He has
   enzie Tour-PGA Tour Canada (the Canadian tracked by a bogey on No. 10.                           a lot of shots that kids growing up on perfect
   Tour), PGA Tour Latinoamérica and PGA              When other players in the foursome real- courses don’t have, so I think it’s actually ben-
   Tour Series-China seasons in late May, while ized there was no catching Eckroat on the eficial for him.”
   the PGA Tour and Korn Ferry Tour were sus-
   pended until early June. Current playing priv-
   ileges were placed on hold and rolled over to
   the 2021 season.
      Eckroat downshifted and decided to return
   for his senior season.
      “I’m not very conflicted about it,” Eckroat                    124 N Peoria Ave Tulsa, OK 74120 918.832.5544
   said. “It’s one of those things where I was ex-
   cited to turn pro, but coming back to Okla-
   homa State for another year isn’t the worst                         Hickory Hills Country Club
   thing at all, so I’m pretty excited about that.”                                    Springfield, Missouri
      For Cummins, who had helped catapult
   the Sooners to the No. 1 ranking last fall
   and spring before the coronavirus hit, the
   pandemic’s aftermath allows him to return
   for a sixth season with the Sooners after the
   NCAA Division I Council granted an extra
   year of eligibility to all student-athletes in
   spring (but not winter) sports whose seasons
   were canceled because of COVID-19.
      The experienced and ultra-deep Sooners
   will be led by Cummins and fifth-year senior
   Garett Reband, along with fifth-year senior
   Thomas Johnson, juniors Patrick Welch and

                                                     Think Outside.
   Logan McAllister, plus a handful of others ca-
   pable of cracking the starting five.
      Cummins and Reband were freshmen on
   the 2017 NCAA title team and will be seek-
   ing their second national championship rings
   with the Sooners.
      “It’s going to feel kind of weird being on                            
   a team when you’re really not supposed to                                                                         BUILDER

    GOLF OKL AHOMA • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                    W W W.GOLFOKL AHOMA.ORG        19
Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association Official publication of the Oklahoma Golf Association
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