Page created by Micheal Lucas

We’re putting                          About OfficeMax
a stake in the                         New Zealand
ground                                 OfficeMax New Zealand Ltd. is owned by
                                       Platinum Equity, a US based firm with
This is our second sustainability
                                       a global portfolio of companies across
report, which seeks to
                                       diverse industries.
communicate the economic, social
and environmental impacts of its       We trace our roots back to 1871 with the
operations to stakeholders.            establishment of Coulls Somerville Wilkie, a
                                       printing and publishing company. Through
This report covers the operations
                                       various changes of ownership, mergers and
of OfficeMax New Zealand, for
                                       acquisitions, the company honed its office
the period January 1, 2018 to
                                       and school supplies focus, and grew its
December 31, 2018.
                                       national network.
This report uses the Global
                                       In New Zealand, OfficeMax operates from
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
                                       more than 19 locations offering distribution,
as a reference. Where applicable,
                                       retail, sales and shared service activities.
the relevant standards are noted.
                                       OfficeMax is a progressive provider of
                                       office supplies, solutions and services, as
                                       well as workplace products and furniture;
                                       its product range extends to more than
                                       100,000 products.

                                       Our dedicated account managers and
                                       product specialists support businesses of all
                                       sizes, plus schools and families throughout
                                       the country. Orders are taken online, by
                                       phone or email, or through a store visit.
                                       OfficeMax’s account team and courier
                                       partners provide highly reliable, extensive
                                       rural and urban delivery, too.
About OfficeMax New Zealand                 2

Message from our MD                         4

What’s important to us                      5

How we’ve made a difference in 2018         6

We couldn’t do it without our people        8

Caring for our community                   12

Putting our customers first                14

Keeping our supply chain ethical           19

Managing freight efficiently               22

Waging a war on waste                      24

Moving forward every year                  27

Message from our MD
Kia ora and welcome                 Our ownership change to Platinum Equity,
                                    has further enabled our progress as we
                                    continue to improve our systems and
Our headway with sustainability
                                    processes driven by our Kiwi values and long
is one of the things I am most      history of serving New Zealanders.
proud of this year – after more
                                    In terms of economic sustainability, our
than a decade of hard work          strategy to offer a broader range of
we are building tangible            categories such as safety, cleaning, hygiene
momentum with customers,            and technology has led to strong sales
                                    growth and a more complete product range
suppliers and, of course, our own
                                    to our customers.
dedicated team of eco-warriors.
                                    Purchasing Waiwhetu Distributors, a
It’s making a real difference to
                                    Wellington-based supplier to cleaning
the way we approach every           companies, has further allowed us to
business decision.                  extend our product range. Everything
                                    from highly efficient vacuum cleaners and
                                    floor scrubbers, to automated dispensers
                                    that help customers reduce chemical use.
                                    Along the way, we have also been able to
                                    improve the health, safety, and efficiency of
                                    Waiwhetu’s own operations.

                                    As a nationwide provider of business
                                    consumables, we have our finger on the
                                    pulse of New Zealand when it comes to
                                    sustainability and this year customers
                                    have been especially focussed on
                                    reducing plastics.
In response to this and to make this goal           When CEO of Barnardos, Jeff Sanders,            So, I’m extremely proud of OfficeMax and       MATERIAL ISSUES
achievable, our retail stores have done away        visited OfficeMax this year, he talked about    our ongoing commitment to Kiwi kids.
with single-use plastic bags, we’ve reduced         the difference we’re making to individual
                                                                                                    With ongoing progress in our sustainability
the packaging required for some products
and we’re exploring opportunities for further
                                                    children through our ongoing sponsorship
                                                    of Max e-Grants and the 0800 What’s Up
                                                                                                    journey, we are frequently being asked         important
                                                                                                    to share our experiences and our
improvements in 2019.                               helpline. His presentation struck a chord
                                                                                                    expertise. Both existing and potential         to us
                                                    with me as I grew up in a family that was not
To help our customers recycle e-waste such                                                          customers include sustainability in their
                                                    materially wealthy, so I know how it feels to                                                  The six topics outlined in this
as computers and printers, we’ve introduced                                                         tender documents and we’ve seen an
                                                    go without. My Dad was an immigrant to                                                         2018 report are those that
the TechCollect recycling service. Unwanted,                                                        increase in interest from customers
                                                    New Zealand on an assisted scheme to be                                                        stakeholders identified in 2017
end-of-life items can simply be dropped at                                                          and suppliers who want to learn how to
                                                    a farm labourer.                                                                               as being most relevant and
one of our OfficeMax retail stores and for                                                          create, implement, and manage their own
                                                                                                                                                   important to the sustainability
corporate organisations, we collect larger                                                          sustainability programmes.
                                                                                                                                                   of the OfficeMax business.
volumes directly, across the country.
                                                                                                    Our people remain the most vital and
                                                    Without realising it the ‘Reduce,
This year our first four electric vehicles (EV’s)                                                   valued part of OfficeMax. I am constantly      1   W
                                                                                                                                                        e couldn’t do it without
took to Auckland roads and we are now
                                                    Re-use, Recycle’ ethos was built                impressed by their determination to find the       our people
exploring other opportunities for EV use.           into our daily lives.                           best solutions to drive improved customer
We also added a new GPS tool to assist                                                              experience and satisfaction.                   2   C
                                                                                                                                                        aring for our community
driver safety and manage fuel consumption           The local supermarket brought bruised fruit
                                                                                                    They care about sustainability. They are       3   Putting our customers first
through better driver behaviour.                    and veges as well as out of date bread and
                                                                                                    creative and passionate. I am very grateful
                                                    cakes to the farm for the pigs. We would
Community involvement right across the                                                              for their ongoing support.                     4 Keeping our supply
                                                    sort through it, cutting out the bad bits and
country is a core value for us. In 2018, we                                                                                                            chain ethical
                                                    using the rest. Mum bottled the things she      Regards
gave back more than $817,000 through our
                                                    could, making chutney’s and sauces and
School Rewards programme (totalling more                                                            Kevin Obern                                    5   M
                                                                                                                                                        anaging freight efficiently
                                                    pretty much everything else came from our
than $4.8 million over the past 12 years).
                                                    own vege garden. Clothes were patched                                                          6   W
                                                                                                                                                        aging a war on waste
This funding has been used by schools
                                                    and darned to make them last longer and
to give young Kiwis access to technology,
                                                    toys were handed down amongst family
furniture, sporting equipment and other
                                                    and friends. This was my first lesson in
teaching resources vital to their education.
                                                    sustainability – it has never left me!
How we’ve made a
                          difference in 2018
We’re chasing that        > Introduced TechCollect, New Zealand’s       > R
                                                                            eported a steady increase and sustained
                             first free dedicated e-waste recycling         increase in employee engagement and
magical 1%.
                             service, hosted at OfficeMax retail            participation rates.
With TechCollect and         stores across the country. TechCollect
                                                                         > D
                                                                            eveloped a mental health programme
Croxley Recycling, less      gives households and small businesses
                                                                            as part of our broader wellness initiative.
                             a recycling option for out-of-date and
than 1% of your old                                                      > Julie Roberts, our Health, Safety and
                             unused office technology products such
printer is ending up         as computers, tablets, mice, keyboards         Sustainability Manager, played a
in landfill.                 and more.                                      pivotal role in winning major contracts
                                                                            as sustainability continues to gain in
EMPLOYEE                  > Invested more than $872,000 in
                                                                            importance for our customers.
                             Max e-Grants as of December 2018,
                             helping more than 14,000 kiwi kids          > P
                                                                            urchased Waiwhetu Distributors, a
                             (working in partnership with 11 preferred      Wellington-based business that supplies
                             suppliers). Max e-Grants provides grants       cleaning products and machinery.
                             of up to $5,000 per child for basics such      The acquisition expands our range of
                             as uniforms, stationery and school trips.      cleaning machinery and has contributed
                                                                            to a 30% increase in sales in this category.
                          > G
                             ave back more than $817,000 through
                             our School Rewards programme, bringing      > F
                                                                            or our own-brand OfficeMax
                             our total School Rewards giving to more        products, we updated our stringent
                             than $4.8 million.                             sustainability audits to be more focussed
                                                                            on sustainability and product life
                          > Introduced four electric cars to the
                                                                            cycle considerations.
                             fleet and a new GPS system to better
                             understand driver behaviour.
                             Both initiatives will contribute to a
                             lower emissions profile for OfficeMax.
We couldn’t do it
                              without our people
                              They’re at the heart of OfficeMax.                 In research for this report, customers,             Our employees have stood beside us
The people who are            Our 700+ employees serve customers                 suppliers and employees reiterated the              through the change of ownership of the
involved in our contract      from Northland to Southland, ensuring              importance of OfficeMax’s people to our             OfficeMax business, remaining resolute and
                              customers receive a friendly and                   business and praised our supportive and             engaged. In fact, many ideas for sustainability
really want it to succeed.
                              efficient service.                                 respectful working culture.                         improvements implemented across our
They will do anything to                                                                                                             business have come from them.
make it work.

                              Staying engaged                                    Engaged employees are committed to
                                                                                 OfficeMax and its goals, and care deeply
I think they’re a fantastic                                                      about its reputation and performance.
                              We conduct an employee engagement

people organisation.
                              survey annually to measure how                     The commitment and hard work of our
They have had similar         employees are feeling about OfficeMax              Human Resources team is demonstrated
leadership for a long time.   as a place of work.                                through an increase in employee
The staff are engaged                                                            participation in the survey.
and you can feel that
when you walk into            2015                       2016                    2017                       2018                            An engagement score of 72%
their premises.                                                                                                                             compares very favourably to
                                                                                                                                             international benchmarks.
                                         Rate                    Rate                       Rate                     Rate

                                         Rate                    Rate                       Rate                     Rate
“I work with good people
                                                      in my department, who are
“Leaders in our organisation                           practically now my family.”
    allow opportunities for                                                           “A fantastic culture of hard
 learning and development.                                                            working and driven people
   Team members create a                                                             all striving for the same goal.      “I am treated with
warm working environment.                                                                 OfficeMax also has a         respect and there is a
    There is a desire to be                                                          fabulous family feel and this     friendly atmosphere.”
                                      “OfficeMax is an
   the best we can for our       inclusive, diverse, caring                            comes from the Executive
         customers.”           organisation with a pleasant                             Leadership Team and is
                                    culture and friendly                             endorsed by the managers.”
                                   collaborative people.”

The year’s                           Wellness for all
highlights:                          Our Tracksuit-Inc® wellness initiative
                                     grew from 327 employee participation in
> Flu
   vaccines or vouchers were
                                     2017 to 491 in 2018.
   provided to 354 employees in
   2018, up from 332 in 2017.        Tracksuit-Inc® gives our employees
                                     personalised access to holistic health
> Employees
         were able to
                                     resources, activities and goals, including
   participate in and self-fund
                                     fitness, diet, sleep, social connections
   evening yoga classes on site.
                                     and/or team competitions.
> All
   employees have Death in
   Service Benefit Insurance.

> H
    ealth and Safety
   Representatives hold monthly
   meetings to evaluate progress
   on various initiatives. The
                                           Keeping our                               and Highly Commended awards for
                                                                                     outstanding leadership in health, safety
                                                                                                                                    Partnering with St John New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                    we supported 120 managers as
   meetings ensure OfficeMax
   meets its legal obligations             people safe                               and sustainability.                            they initiated conversations around
   and embeds a culture of                                                                                                          mental health with their team. We also
                                                                                     > Highly
                                                                                               Commended HSS Representative
   safety, focusing on all aspects         OfficeMax has a fully integrated                                                         provided advice so that managers
                                                                                        – Corey Murphy from our Highbrook
   of health and wellbeing.                Health and Safety management                                                             would know what to do if an employee
                                                                                        Distribution Centre.
                                           system, working towards an                                                               needed help.
> S
    ponsored participation                                                        > H
                                                                                        SS Representative of the Year –
                                           accident-free, hazards-controlled,
   in Rotary Walk/Run for                                                                                                           During our annual Health, Safety and
                                           physically and emotionally                   Jill de Lacey from our Hickory Place
   28 entrants.                                                                                                                     Sustainability Week, we held lunchbox
                                           safe environment.                            Christchurch office.
                                                                                                                                    talks with experts from 0800 What’s
                                           Each site (19 in total) has a nominated   In 2018, the HSS team focused on               Up, the Barnardos helpline for young
                                           Health, Safety & Sustainability (HSS)     reducing waste, and improving safety and       people that OfficeMax sponsors, to
                                           Representative who leads OfficeMax’s      staff wellness.                                help our employees talk with children
                                           safety and sustainability work                                                           about mental health issues.
                                                                                     As part of its wellness initiative, the team
                                           programme. During our annual HSS
                                                                                     developed a mental health programme, with
                                           Representative conference, we award
                                                                                     the aim of creating a culture of acceptance
                                           our HSS Representative of the Year
                                                                                     and helpfulness.
Managing risk better                           Legislation Registers
OfficeMax has a fully integrated system        – Compliance                                           We’ve reduced
to proactively identify hazards and risks in                                                          the number
the workplace.
                                               OfficeMax has an active register for
                                               Environmental Legislation, Council Bylaws,             of workplace                                       Marilyn Vickery
We conduct annual health monitoring, to        Standards and Relationships with Other Acts                                                               Retail Manager
monitor employees for exposure to health       Register (Register of Legislation and Other            incidents                                          OfficeMax, Christchurch
hazards. Employees can raise hazards           Requirements Plus Compliance Procedures).
through our ‘Find It Fix It’ form or when an                                                          The Health, Safety and Sustainability              My job is to make every customer
                                               These are reviewed during each internal
accident or incident has occurred. We also                                                            team made a concerted effort in 2018               happy who walks in our door.
                                               audit and annually to ensure compliance.
conduct regular reviews and monitor critical                                                          to make trainings for employee’s fun,
                                                                                                                                                         When it comes to sustainability,
                                                                                                      engaging and creative. As a result,
hazards and environmental issues in our
Health and Safety Hazards & Risk Register.
                                               Audits and                                             there was a decline in reported
                                                                                                                                                         we move forward really quickly.
                                                                                                                                                         We continue to look at ways we
                                               Compliance                                             workplace incidents in 2018.
                                                                                                                                                         can improve.
Site HSS                                       We participate in external audits and
                                                                                                      We recorded two Lost Time Injuries
                                                                                                                                                         Mine’s been a great experience –
                                                                                                      in 2018, resulting in 14 days of
Internal audits                                have gained certifications for our systems             employee absence. During 2018,
                                                                                                                                                         everybody here is open and willing
                                                                                                                                                         to discuss issues. We continue to
                                               to comply with legislative requirements.               there were 23 accepted ACC claims
All of our sites participate in an annual                                                                                                                give good feedback internally and
                                                                                                      and five customer H&S incidents
onsite Health, Safety and Sustainability       OfficeMax is independently audited by the                                                                 reduce our waste.
                                                                                                      involving products.
audit conducted by the HSS Manager             following organisations:                                                                                  The big thing for us in terms of
& Coordinator.                                                                                        There were four formal complaints
                                               > A
                                                  S/NZS 4801 Health and Safety                                                                          sustainability is: what will that
                                                                                                      about driver behaviour involving
The audit includes a gap analysis around                                                                                                                 product do to the environment?
                                               > M
                                                  inistry for Primary Industry, to maintain          company cars; this is a 50% reduction
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and                                                                                                                 Anything we can direct away from
                                                  compliance with food safety requirements            from 2017, showing that the new GPS
areas of improvement. We also request                                                                                                                    waste to landfill is good. We are
                                                                                                      safety monitoring system is making a
employee feedback. Sites must achieve 80       > E
                                                  nvironmental Protection Authority
                                                                                                      positive difference.                               focused on these areas because
percent to pass the requirement.                  (EPA), to maintain requirements under
                                                                                                                                                         we have goals and targets, and we
                                                  the Hazardous Substances and New
In addition, employees complete an online or                                                                                                             want to hit those targets. We have
                                                  Organism Act. All distribution centres
in-person training programme to review H&S                                                                                                               moved away from plastic bags and
                                                  are certificated for the management
policies and legislation; the programmes are                                                   This section of OfficeMax’s Sustainability report         that’s exciting. As a business we
                                                  of dangerous goods, test location
reviewed at least bi-annually.                                                                 references GRI 401, GRI 401-2, GRI 403-1 and GRI 403-2.   want to hit the targets that show
                                                  certificates and stationery certificates
                                                                                                                                                         we are doing our bit to improve
                                               > ISO14001 for its Environmental                                                                         the environment.
                                                  Management System
Caring for our community
                             The year 2018 saw growing national
                             sentiment focused on child wellbeing.
                                                                             0800 What’s Up
                             It’s an issue we know well: for more than       We are an official sponsor of 0800 What’s
                             a decade, OfficeMax has played a part           Up, a free phone counselling helpline and
                             in improving the lives of young New             web-chat service for kids to talk confidentially
We really value our
                             Zealanders who are ‘doing it tough’.            to trained counsellors.
relationship with
                             In the last decade, OfficeMax’s support of      Facilitated by Barnardos, 0800 What’s Up
                             Max e-Grants, in partnership with Barnardos,    takes approximately 30,000 calls per year
They make such a             has improved the lives of thousands of

large contribution via       children who are going without the basics.
                                                                             from children as young as 5-years-old. The
                                                                             service has been helping young people
                                                                                                                                Max e-Grants
supporting Max e-Grants      Barnardos is also the facilitator of the 0800   across New Zealand for the past 13 years.          Max e-Grants provides grants of up to
                             What’s Up helpline, which we fund. This                                                            $5,000 per child for basics such as
and 0800 What’s Up that                                                      0800 What’s Up is available 7 days a week,
                             service gives kids a person to talk to when     365 days a year, from 12pm to 11pm (and            uniforms, stationery and school trips.
the lives of many children   they have nowhere else to turn.                 3pm to 10pm for the online chat service).          The extra help also prevents boys and
in need are changed                                                                                                             girls from feeling isolated or left out
                             Our School Rewards programme provides           In 2016, OfficeMax developed a
for the better every         much needed funds for schools all over                                                             due to economic disadvantage.
                                                                             colour-me-in bag to raise awareness of
single day.                  New Zealand and aligns directly to the                                                             In the year to December 2018, we
                                                                             0800 What’s Up, with $5 of each sale being
                             education channel of our business. It’s also    donated to Barnardos to help run 0800              supported another 1209 Kiwi kids.
                             another way we can help Kiwi kids – and         What’s Up.                                         In total over eight years, we have
                             their teachers – thrive.                                                                           provided much needed support
                                                                             To date, OfficeMax sold more than 4,000
                                                                                                                                to more than 14,000 children and
                                                                             bags and raised more than $20,000.
                                                                                                                                their families.

                                                                                                                                OfficeMax has invested more than
                                                                                                                                $872,000 in Max e-Grants as of
                                                                                                                                December 2018, in partnership
                                                                                                                                with 11 preferred suppliers.
Education Sponsorship
                                                                                                   & Business Partnerships
School Rewards                                 Since the programme began 12 years
                                               ago, OfficeMax has given $4.8 million
                                                                                                   OfficeMax also supports businesses and
                                                                                                   organisations that contribute to the education
School Rewards enables parents who             to schools. In 2018, more than $817,000             community, including the following:
shop online or in-store for student supplies   was donated and used by schools for
                                                                                                   > Association of Integrated Schools (Platinum Sponsor)
to nominate a school to receive rewards.       resources or improving facilities.

Schools report that the rewards are often                                                          > Catholic Primary Principals Association and Catholic
                                               65% of all parents surveyed* said that
used for technology and new furniture,                                                                Education Office
                                               School Rewards was important when
as well as sporting equipment and other        choosing a retailer for their back to               > Early Childhood Council (Business Partner)
teaching resources.                            school purchases.
                                                                                                   > Independent Schools of NZ (Silver Sponsor)
                                               *OfficeMax Survey conducted February 2018
                                                                                                   > N
                                                                                                      ational Association of Secondary Deputy
                                               This section of OfficeMax’s Sustainability report
                                               references GRI 201-1 and GRI 203-2.                    & Assistant Principals

                                                                                                   > NZ Area Schools

                                                                                                   > NZ Kindergarten Association

                                                                                                   > NZ Principals Federation (Bronze Business Partner)

                                                                                                   > N
                                                                                                      Z School Executive Officers Association
                                                                                                      (Gold Sponsor)

                                                                                                   > Rural and Teaching Principals

                                                                                                   > Secondary Principals Association of New Zealand

                                                                                                   > R
                                                                                                      egional Principals Associations (from Northland
                                                                                                      to Southland)

                                                                                                   > New Zealand Kindergarten Inc.

                                                                                                   > New Zealand Playcentre Federation

                                                                                                   > Te Rito Maioha / Early Childhood New Zealand

Putting our customers first
                               Our customers represent all facets           Our business strategy reflects the changing      This year, customer feedback identified
                               of New Zealand society. From the             needs of our customers. As office product        packaging as a major focus area for us –
                               education products we provide to             volumes such as paper, envelopes and             and one we are taking action to address.
                               families and teachers, to café, packaging,   traditional items decline in use, other          Our customer-first culture is deeply
I think having a sustainable   technology, furniture and cleaning           categories such as health and safety and         embedded in what we do and how we
supply chain is critical       solutions for large businesses and           cleaning are growing. We are concentrating       provide our services.
for OfficeMax because          government departments, we support           on expanding these growing categories
                               New Zealanders with our products from        and providing products and services that
we know increasingly
                               early childhood through education, work      provide solutions for our customers as
consumers are interested       and even in aged care.                       their needs evolve.
in these issues and will
pry into things to find out
CUSTOMER                             Our customers                          The increasing interest in sustainability
                                                                            is also an indication of public sentiment:
                                                                                                                             Julie’s presentations and expertise
                                                                                                                             were critical in OfficeMax winning a
                                     love sustainability                    our customers are responding to their            number of major contracts in 2018
                                                                            audiences, who are increasingly interested       and we anticipate that sustainability
                                     While service and price continue       in the life cycle of products and services       will continue to play a role in future
They look to see where               to be important priorities for our     they purchase. As proof of the change in         RFP responses.
                                     customers, in 2018, OfficeMax          sentiment across New Zealand, OfficeMax
changes in society
                                     was increasingly asked during          sold more paper bags in 2018 than previous
are happening and                    presentations and RFP responses        years as our customers moved away from
adapt their business                 to describe its sustainability         plastic in response to public sentiment.
to take advantage of                 strategy and values. It is a welcome
                                                                            This trend also gives our sustainability
                                     trend that allows us to detail our
those changes.                                                              manager, Julie Roberts, a platform to lead the
                                     sustainability credentials.
                                                                            discussion on how customers may improve
                                                                            their own sustainability initiatives.

                                                                                                                               Julie Roberts – OfficeMax Health,
                                                                                                                               Safety and Sustainability Manager
Introducing our very                          Products and                                 Building up STEAM
own Customer                                  offerings are on                             Schools are mandated to have a digital technologies

Satisfaction Police                           the up and up!                               curriculum by 2020 and to assist schools to achieve
                                                                                           this target, OfficeMax has launched a range of products
Service and delivery is important to us.      OfficeMax boosted its product lines          to support teachers. We have partnered with leading
OfficeMax has 17 stores from Whangarei                                                     educators and a digital learning specialist to work with
                                              by 6% in 2018, with the acquisition
to Invercargill and offers free, next-day                                                  customers to develop workshops and products with a
                                              of Waiwhetu adding to our cleaning
business delivery for orders over $50 excl.                                                focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts
                                              category offer; in this category,
GST to most of New Zealand. Our sales team                                                 and maths) learning for children.
                                              our sales are up by more than 30%
– the largest business-to-business team in    compared to 2017.                            To support this exciting new initiative, OfficeMax’s
our industry, in New Zealand – is available                                                Specialised Helpdesk is a phone, email and online
                                              We saw a decline in the number of orders
to customers by phone or in person.                                                        service that enables customers to give feedback and to
                                              as customers consolidated their purchases
In 2018, OfficeMax created a new team                                                      request advice on products.
                                              into fewer deliveries.
that is focused on identifying reasons
why customers may be dissatisfied
                                              Our education category continues to
                                              grow and innovate. As schools adopt new
                                                                                           Recycling made easy
with our service or products. The team
will identify gaps in our processes and,
                                              teaching methods such as digital learning,   for customers
                                              classroom needs change and we adapt
through continuous improvement, will
                                              to teachers’ needs. OfficeMax provides       OfficeMax partners with Croxley Recycling, who operate
take action to improve outcomes for
                                              furniture and education products to          a nationwide collection service through its Recycling
our customers.                                support open learning environments; this     Collection Box. When customers have filled the box with
In 2018, we introduced a customer             category has grown 10% on the prior year.    empty toner and inkjet cartridges, Croxley Recycling
self-service element to our online ordering                                                will collect the box free-of-charge. OfficeMax also hosts
system to enable easy and convenient                                                       TechCollect, featured earlier in this report.
processing of products for return to us;
previously returns were processed by
phone through our Customer Contact
Centre or in person; this option is already
proving popular with customers.
Great Customer Feedback
                                     OfficeMax uses the Net Promoter Score             to continual improvement and place            interest to our customers: in Quarter Three
                                     methodology to gain customer insight              importance on all customer feedback           of 2018, in response to the question ‘what is
Our EcoMax                           to enable us to continually improve our           we receive.                                   the single biggest thing we should improve

range sets the                       customer experience.
                                                                                       NPS scores also help us identify trends
                                                                                                                                     upon,’ 11% of customers answered “eco
                                                                                                                                     packaging” – an increase from 5% in Quarter
bar high                             Our NPS score in 2018 was 51 – this is
                                     considered to be a very high score for a
                                                                                       around customer attitudes and sentiment.
                                                                                       NPS feedback in 2018 shows us that
                                                                                                                                     Two. For government customers, the figure
                                                                                                                                     was 15% in Quarter Three.
                                     business in our sector. We are committed          increasingly, packaging and plastics are of
OfficeMax EcoMax products must
have a minimum of 30% recycled
content, and/or are made from
recyclable plastics, and feature     Understanding Carbon Emissions is just the start
one or more environmental
                                     In 2015, OfficeMax introduced a                   Using the tool, customers can accurately
accreditations. These products
                                     carboNZero Compatible Freight Carbon              predict carbon monoxide emissions
are highlighted in green in the
                                     Emissions Calculator for customers to             associated with each order.
OfficeMax catalogues. There were
                                     use to track freight carbon emissions
1728 products available in the
                                     from orders.
EcoMax range in 2018.

To ensure customers are well
informed concerning products’
environmental and social
footprints, OfficeMax investigates
accreditations during the                  Managing carbon
procurement phase and assigns
labels, such as ‘Fair Trade’ or
                                           emissions just got easier
‘Totally Chlorine Free’ where
                                           Climate change is arguably the              the greenhouse gases we generate.
a product meets a standard.
                                           biggest issue of our time.
Catalogues contain information                                                         In 2016, with the assistance of carbon
on more than 13 social and                 As a large company, OfficeMax has a         specialists Catalyst® Ltd, we embarked on
environmental accreditations.              role to play in limiting our contribution   a journey of measuring, monitoring and
                                           to global warming through minimising        mitigating the carbon we emit.
To reduce our carbon footprint,                                                                                                                                       2018 GHG Emissions

we’re putting on smaller shoes                                                                                                                                        BY SCOPE: 1,703 TONNES CO2e

                                                                                                                                                                       SCOPE 1                        48%
In 2018, our organisation’s carbon                         by one employee on a full-time basis; this                  Below we summarise the boundary of
                                                                                                                                                                       SCOPE 2                        25%
footprint was 1,703 tonnes CO2e.                           latter figure is referred to as our intensity               this measurement, the emission sources
                                                           carbon footprint.                                           (i.e. the activities that contribute to the     SCOPE 3                        27%
This equates to 2.29 tonnes CO2e Per Full
                                                                                                                       footprint) and the hotspots.
Time Equivalent (FTE), the hours worked
                                                                                                                                                                      BY SOURCE

                                                                                                                                                                       PETROL                         33%

    SCOPE 1:                                                                                                                                                           LPG                            12%

    DIRECT                                   48%                                                                                                                       REFRIGERANTS


    EMISSIONS SOURCES                        of OfficeMax’s
                                                                           Fuel combusted              Natural              LPG used by       Refrigerant gas
                                             Footprint in 2018
                                                                           by fleet vehicles           Gas use                forklifts        losses to the           AIR TRAVEL                     12%
                                                                           (petrol & diesel)                                                   atmosphere
                                                                                                                                                                       WASTE                          15%

    SCOPE 2:
    INDIRECT                                 of OfficeMax’s
    EMISSIONS SOURCES                        Emissions                                                                                                                When we set our 2026
                                                                              Lighting               Copiers                Machinery
                                                                                                                                                                      target, we aimed high
                                                                                                                                                                      As part of OfficeMax’s carbon
    SCOPE 3:
                                             27%                                                                                                                      management plan, we have set
                                                                                                                                                                      ourselves a 2026 target of a 20%
    INDIRECT                                 of OfficeMax’s                                                                                                           reduction in GHG emissions per
    EMISSIONS SOURCES                        Carbon Footprint
                                                                              Air Travel       Waste disposal at landfill                                             FTE (against 2016 levels).

                                                                                                                                                                      OUR 2026 TARGET

The head office and sales offices accounted for 52% of all carbon emissions.
Retail stores accounted for 30% and distribution centres 18%.

At time of publication, OfficeMax’s carbon footprint has not been formally verified. Plans are in place to have our carbon emissions independently audited in 2019.
We’re using technology   How we’re going                               So, how are we                                            increased by 14.5%. The increase in absolute
                                                                                                                                 emissions is in part driven by the acquisition
to reduce travel
                         to get there:                                 tracking after                                            of Waiwhetu Distributors.
for meetings.
                         1   Diverting
                                     organic waste                   2 years?                                                  Against our baseline, after two years we
EMPLOYEE                                                                                                                         have actually increased our intensity
                             from landfill by recycling
                                                                       Good, but not good enough. To achieve                     emissions by 1.3% as the graph below
                             all cardboard packaging
                                                                       a 20% reduction in intensity emissions by                 demonstrates. We understand that our
                             and paper, composting
                                                                       2026 (against 2016 base levels) an average                long-term reduction strategy cannot be
                             kitchen waste and reusing or
                                                                       annual reduction of 2% is needed.                         expected to achieve immediate, consistent,
                             repurposing unwanted
                                                                                                                                 linear reductions all the time, but we will
                             wooden pallet bases                       In 2017 we achieved a 2.7% reduction
                                                                                                                                 carefully monitor and review the direction
                                                                       in intensity emissions and a reduction in
                         2   Reducing
                                    travel for meetings                                                                        our 2019 footprint to ensure we achieve our
                                                                       absolute emissions of 4.1%.
                             where practical                                                                                     10-year target.
                                                                       In 2018, however, intensity emissions
                         3   Staged
                                  and systematic                                                                               This section of OfficeMax’s Sustainability report
                                                                       grew by 4.1%, and absolute emissions
                             conversion of company cars                                                                          references GRI 404-2.

                             to electric vehicles

                         4   Improving
                                     energy efficiency in                             2.40
                             stores, offices and distribution
                             centres through a LED light

                                                                  Tonnes CO2e per FTT
                             replacement policy and the                                                   2.7%            4.1%                             Overall increase

                             possible installation of solar                                                                        2.29
                             panels to selected distribution                                   2.26

                             centres and/or office buildings.                                                      2.20
                         Our journey to lowering emissions
                         is already underway, with waste and
                         energy audits in place at all of our
                                                                                               2016               2017            2018
                         sites (as described in this report).
                         We are converting to virtual meetings
                         whenever possible and will scope                                      Percentage of Emissions

                         our electric fleet conversion strategy                                Overall increase of 1.3%
                         in 2019.
Keeping our supply chain ethical
Ethical sourcing is core to who we are
and what we do. In 2018, we continued
                                             We stand behind                                 Our sourcing process leaves no
                                                                                             stone unturned:
to hold ourselves and our suppliers          our OfficeMax                                   1   Our
                                                                                                   sourcing team starts with thorough
accountable to maintain high standards
in this important area.
                                             own-brand products                                  research to determine if the supplier
                                                                                                 has a good reputation. In doing so, we        I think they are a good
OfficeMax’s range of 18,000 stocked          More than 1,200 of our 18,000 products              check existing accreditations such as
                                                                                                                                               corporate citizen – from
products falls into 47 categories.           are OfficeMax own-brand products.                   ISO 9001:2015 on quality, Business
                                                                                                 Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), or
                                                                                                                                               a corporate citizen
                                             When a consumer picks up an OfficeMax
For our own-brand OfficeMax products,
                                             pen or file folder, they can be assured             the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)          perspective they want to
we conduct stringent sustainability audits
which were revised this year to be even
                                             these products have been through an                 certification. We also investigate whether    be doing the right thing.
                                             extensive vetting process.                          the supplier already works with large,
more focused on sustainability and product                                                                                                     SUPPLIER
                                                                                                 recognised international brands who are
lifecycle considerations.                    Each manufacturer is audited, assessed
                                                                                                 known to have high ethical standards.
                                             and scored on health and safety, housing,
For other brands, we carefully choose to
                                             working hours, ethics, freedom of               2   Next,
                                                                                                     we initiate a factory audit carried
only work with reputable organisations,
                                             association, environmental compliance               out by our specialist auditors – usually
who share our values both in New Zealand                                                                                                       We give them the data
                                             and remuneration.                                   SGS or UL, two of the world’s leading
and internationally.
                                                                                                 inspection, factory audit, verification,      around the content of our
                                             In 2018, OfficeMax updated its Request for
                                                                                                 testing and certification companies.          products and they use
Keeping our                                  Proposal (RFP) terms for OfficeMax-branded
                                                                                                 Our suppliers are located all over the
                                                                                                                                               that information in their
                                             products. We now gather information on
suppliers honest                             a potential product’s packaging, safety,
                                                                                                 world, so our auditors will visit factories
                                                                                                                                               OfficeMax catalogues.
                                                                                                 from cities in China to small towns in
                                             recyclability, disposal and end-of-life
OfficeMax has in place formal contracts                                                          Brazil to assure compliance.                  SUPPLIER
                                             prospects, as well as its social impact
which ensure our suppliers adhere            before we make a decision on its suitability.   3   The
                                                                                                   auditors will ask between 25 and
to stringent rules related to working        We also request a copy of the supplier’s            50 employees of the factory up to
conditions, employee rights, pay and         environmental policy and evidence of                100 questions each about working
environmental outputs.                       its commitments.                                    conditions, health and safety, general
                                                                                                 HR, environmental practices and more.

4    If the factory passes, and the auditors
     and OfficeMax in New Zealand are
                                                > Of those audited, two had Zero
                                                   Tolerance-level violations and were
                                                                                                Legal compliance
     satisfied with the report, we set             removed from the supply chain (they          matters, too
     the supplier up in our system and             no longer produce or supply goods
     start trading.                                to OfficeMax).                               OfficeMax has an active directory of
                                                                                                Environmental Legislation, Council Bylaws,
5    O
      ur auditors will return to the
     factory every year to ensure               If it’s not our brand,                          Standards and Relationships with Other Acts
                                                                                                Register (Register of Legislation and Other
     ongoing compliance.
                                                we make it our                                  Requirements plus Compliance Procedures)
Our OfficeMax procurement managers
                                                business to know
                                                                                                that lists all the legalisation, bylaws, product
also meet suppliers in person to ensure                                                         compliance (standards) that the business
mutual commitment to ethical practices,                                                         needs to meet.
                                                More than 80% of OfficeMax products
and work with factory management
                                                are supplied through third-party sourcing       This is audited annually and reviewed for
teams to correct any violations, large
                                                and distributing companies, rather than         compliance of procedures.
or small.
                                                being manufactured specifically for
                                                                                                This section of OfficeMax’s Sustainability report
Any Zero Tolerance violations, such as          OfficeMax. OfficeMax chooses to work with       references GRI 308-1 and GRI 308-2.
employment of child labour, withholding         manufacturers and global brands, such as
passports, lack of fire escapes or attempted    3M, that are already known to have high
bribery, leads to supply being cancelled        ethical and environmental standards.
immediately. Non-critical violations must be
                                                New Zealand-owned suppliers are required
fixed within a prescribed time period.
                                                to complete a Global Self-Assessment Survey
Manufacturers that are unable to meet           (GSAS) and provide evidence to back up their
our requirements, or show proof of              claims. The GSAS is diligently reviewed prior
improvement, will no longer be able to          to being accepted by OfficeMax.
supply to OfficeMax.

> In the year 2018, OfficeMax affiliates
    conducted audits on 67 suppliers and
    102 factories.
When it comes to                                   > P
                                                      rogramme for the Endorsement
                                                      of Forest Certification (PEFC): PEFC
sustainable paper,                                    best practice standards promote

we leave no sheet                                     environmentally sound, socially just,
                                                      and economically viable management
unturned                                              of forests globally.

                                                   Our paper suppliers range from small mills
As the largest importer and seller of cut-
                                                   in developing countries to large operations
sheet paper in New Zealand, we know how
                                                   owned and run by European and/or
vital it is that we play a lead role in ensuring
                                                   local entities.
our products are sustainably sourced.
                                                   Our most trusted suppliers have impressed
Every single sheet of our paper is
                                                   us with their on-site educational facilities;
environmentally certified; we simply
                                                   clean water management practices; and
only sell paper that meets stringent
                                                   dedication to sustainable tree farming,
environmental standards.
                                                   including educating local populations on
This means, no matter where in the world           the value of native forests.
our paper is supplied from, our customers
                                                   OfficeMax branded paper – our biggest
can be confident in buying from us.
                                                   seller – is carbon neutral. Audited by the
We accept two major certifications:                Carbon Reduction Institute, we pay per-unit
                                                   carbon emissions, and invest those charges
> F
   orest Stewardship Council ® (FSC ®):
                                                   in clean wind power generation.
   FSC ® certification guarantees that the
   product has been grown in a sustainably
   managed forest and that the supply chain
   is managed responsibly.

Managing freight efficiently
                              Our nationwide reach is one of our
                              great strengths. Customers know that
                                                                               Reducing fuel                                      LogbookMe is also used to monitor driver
                                                                                                                                  behaviour and safety: measured indicators
                              OfficeMax account managers understand            consumption                                        include hard acceleration, hard braking,
                              their regions and can get products to                                                               speeding and sudden deceleration.
                              them quickly.                                    OfficeMax aimed for a 3% reduction in
We had GPS in the cars                                                         fuel consumption in 2016 and achieved
                                                                                                                                  Driving safely also reduces fuel consumption.
                              This year saw the introduction of two                                                               If speed limits are exceeded, the driver and
for the first four years.                                                      a 4.5% saving. Our goal for 2018 was a
                              exciting initiatives: we introduced our first                                                       safety officer at OfficeMax are alerted by
We changed the system                                                          further 1% reduction, which we achieved.
                              four electric cars to the OfficeMax fleet, and                                                      email. The system also measures drivers’
and it gives better metrics   we introduced a new GPS system to better         Mobile sales staff and managers are                hours to determine if they have driven for
to ensure our drivers are     understand and improve driver behaviour.         educated to reduce idling, which consumes          too long. The parameters are four hours
                                                                               an average of two litres of fuel an hour;
driving safely.               Both initiatives will contribute to a lower                                                         maximum trip time for a single journey;
                              emissions profile for OfficeMax.                 reduce speed; and, improve transitions             the minimum break after that period is
EMPLOYEE                                                                       between accelerating and braking.                  15 minutes.
                              Our customers have also indicated that they
                              would like to see more sustainable void fill     Our new GPS tool, LogbookMe, is now                Since being implemented in June, the new
                              and packaging solutions. We currently use        installed in all of our fleet vehicles, allowing   system has shown that while only a small
                              plastic air pillows as void fill; while these    us to improve health and safety. In                percentage of drivers regularly exceed
                              are made from recycled plastic and are           emergencies or natural disasters, we are           speed limits, that percentage has diminished
                              recyclable, new technology is enabling us to     now able to alert our fleet drivers directly       over time. Driver behaviour can be improved
                              plan to replace air pillows with even more       and know where people are and ensure they          and where appropriate, OfficeMax considers
                              environmentally-preferable options in the        are safe. The system has already proven            driver improvement options such as a Driver
                              near future.                                     its worth during heavy snowstorms and              Development programme for its employees.
                                                                               flooding incidents.
Sustainable                                    Filling the void                                  Going electric
procurement                                    Void fill is the packaging material that keeps    In 2018, OfficeMax introduced four electric

guidelines                                     products safe from physical damage during         vehicles that are engaged for short runs
                                               transportation and delivery.                      within the Auckland region.
OfficeMax adheres to the SBC Freight           The return of damaged stock and                   The Hyundai Ioniq cars charge
Efficiency Guidelines, which seek to shift     replacement/re-delivery of products
freight choices from a lowest transportation                                                     at our Highbrook site each
                                               to customers produces additional
cost model to mutually beneficial outcomes     carbon emissions, uses more fuel and
                                                                                                 evening and are a popular choice
linked to improved health and safety,                                                            with drivers and our broader

                                               packaging. As such, suitable void fill is
driver wellbeing, better economic and          an important element in OfficeMax’s               stakeholder community.
environmental performance, reduced             environmental planning.
emissions, and a more resilient sector.                                                          These four electric vehicles have been
                                               In 2016, OfficeMax changed its void fill          used by OfficeMax as proof of concept.
In 2018, during the renewal of a freight       solution from recycled paper to AirPlus           We are now looking into other options for
contract, we worked with the transport         Air Pillows, which are recyclable and             electrification, including for warehouse
providers to ensure their compliance with      reduce the volume of waste produced.              heavy machinery.
the SBC Freight Efficiency Guidelines.
                                               We have noticed an increasing desire from         Many of our vehicles are driven over long
These guidelines enable us to lead             our customers and employees to find a             ranges unsuitable for electrification; where
conversations and include sustainability       new void fill solution that avoids any type of    possible, we replaced and upgraded our
as a core objective.                           plastic material. In 2019, we will be exploring   petrol-powered vehicles to more fuel-
                                               options for void fill that makes use of the       efficient models.
                                               latest technology in packaging solutions.         This section of OfficeMax’s Sustainability report
                                                                                                 references GRI 302-1 and GRI 302-4.

Waging a war on waste
                             OfficeMax aims to be as waste efficient       we’re proud to be the initiator of TechCollect,    the world. At OfficeMax, we do not use
                             as possible, while helping our customers      New Zealand’s first free dedicated e-waste         single-use plastic bags in our retail stores
                             achieve the same goal.                        recycling service. This new service has            and we are working towards packaging
                                                                           already proven popular with communities,           solutions that will see a significant reduction
                             New Zealanders produce an estimated 20kg
                                                                           our employees and with our customers.              in our plastic packaging materials in 2019.
We have goals and            of tech waste per person each year, and
                             much of that is being recycled incorrectly,   Plastics are of increasing concern to
targets when it comes to
                             or not at all. Launched in November 2018,     New Zealanders and to people around
reducing waste, and we
want to hit those targets.
As a business we want to
show that we are doing
our bit to improve the          TechCollect                                Our goal is to work with New Zealanders to divert thousands of kilograms
                                                                           of e-waste from landfill. TechCollect accepts and recycles the following items:
environment.                    TechCollect offers drop-off recycling
                                points for technology products at
EMPLOYEE                        OfficeMax’s retail locations across
                                New Zealand and is funded by technology
                                brands including Dell, Epson, Canon,
                                Microsoft, Toshiba and HP.                                                   Computer Monitors
                                                                                                             (CRT & Flat Screen)
                                Already proving popular with                               Copiers                                      Computers
                                                                                                                                        & Laptops
                                communities, our employees and our
                                customers, we will extend our e-waste
                                recycling offer in 2019 with a broader
                                commercial service offer, designed              Scanners                                                            Printers
                                to attract larger companies to utilise
                                the service.

                                                                                           Peripherals                                Cameras &
                                                                                                                                    Video Cameras

Toner and Inkjet                               We’re consuming
Cartridges Recycling                           less energy
Services                                       OfficeMax’s energy consumption strategy
                                               guides employees to make easy changes           CASE STUDY
At OfficeMax, we are committed to playing
our part in building a circular economy;
                                               that save energy.
                                                                                               Brian Cossey
our recycling partners will ensure at least    In 2017, we set a target of a 15% reduction
                                                                                               Health, Safety & Sustainability Rep
90% of commodities recovered are used          on baseline against 2016 energy usage;
                                                                                               OfficeMax Whangarei Retail Store
as raw materials in the manufacture of new     by the close of the year, consumption was
products. Collected, chipped plastic is sent   down by 12%.                                    I am a retail sales assistant in Whangarei and an
to local manufacturers to be used in items     In 2018, we set a target of a 7% reduction      OfficeMax Health, Safety & Sustainability Rep.
such as electric fence insulators.             and achieved this goal.                         I’m very proud of the fact that we as a company take
                                               This year, a number of energy-saving            sustainability seriously. We put a lot of effort into

Getting rid of                                 initiatives were put in place at our head       choosing what we sell, from sourcing to the disposing
                                               office in Highbrook, our biggest site. We       of goods.
plastic bags                                   introduced sensors to automatically             I’m proud that, in one month in 2018, we didn’t have
                                               turn off lights when rooms are empty,           any waste to landfill – only recycling. We are doing
Along with other large corporates, we
                                               we also installed data loggers to identify      everything we can to reduce waste with the tools
made a decision to remove single-use
                                               opportunities for savings.                      available to us.
plastic bags from our retail stores.
                                               All OfficeMax sites receive a monthly report    Over the counter, we get a lot of feedback around
In 2018, we completed a full review of
                                               on energy efficiency progress. Each site        plastic bags and moving to paper bags – which we have
the plastic we use internally, i.e. in our
                                               team reviews this data and identifies ways to   done. There has been some feedback both ways, but
distribution and bagging processes.
                                               reduce energy consumption.                      most people are in support.
In 2019, we anticipate further reduction
of our plastic use through new packaging                                                       In Northland, we have no recycling for polystyrene –
processes and technologies.                                                                    but now through our internal programme I can now
                                                                                               send back polystyrene to be made into useful goods,
                                                                                               and it’s not filling up our landfill.
Warehouse                                      We have increased our cardboard recycling from more than 269
                                               tonnes in 2017 to 301 tonnes in 2018. We use compactors and
Waste Management                               high-density balers for efficient recycling of cardboard and plastic.
                                               In 2018, we trialled a waste compactor in our Blenheim Road Retail
We’re proud of our waste reduction             store to maximise recycling opportunities.
accomplishments, which are driven by
our enthusiastic and diligent employees.
We provide regular training to ensure          OfficeMax composts food waste from its Highbrook cafeteria,
staff understand the recycling options         which serves up to 200 people per day. In 2018 we diverted over
available to them.                             18 tonnes from landfill.
Internally, OfficeMax conducts regular waste
audits and works with Waste Management
to measure waste generation. Our rubbish
bins are only collected when they are          During site clear-ups, we changed our process to ensure furniture,
full, which reduces fuel consumption and       metal and old promotional materials follow a recyclable pathway
carbon emissions.                              rather than being sent to a landfill.

In 2017, we exceeded our own targets and
managed an 8.9% reduction in waste going
to landfill. Unfortunately, our efforts were   Our warehouse staff recycle bubble wrap, air pillows and plastics,
not reflected in meeting our overall target    including strapping. Both Distribution Centres are now using a
of a 3% reduction in diversion to landfill     recyclable shrink-wrap for delicate goods that is engineered to use
in 2018. Whilst disappointed, we continue      less wrap with the same stability and strength.
to make improvements in other areas of
waste reduction.                               When we have physically damaged stock that is still safe to
For 2019, OfficeMax locations have a waste     consume such as tea, coffee, and Milo, we send it to Ronald
reduction target of an additional 1.5%         MacDonald House and Mercy Hospice. We have supported these
diversion to landfill.                         charities for more than seven years and are exploring other
                                               categories where they may benefit.

                                               This section of OfficeMax’s Sustainability report references
                                               GRI 306-2 and GRI 203-2.
Moving forward                                We initiated a fleet car replacement

every year
                                              programme and promoted video
                                              conferencing between NZ and
                                              Australia offices as well as locally to
                                                                                        2011                                       2018
                                                                                          We gained ISO 14001 accreditation,        Introduced TechCollect,
                                              minimise fuel emissions; we reduced                                                   New Zealand’s first free e-waste
                                                                                          which we still hold.

                                              trans-Tasman flights by two-thirds.                                                   recycling service for households and
                                              Our Power Savers programme                                                            small businesses.
                                              reduced energy consumption by 5%
    We formalised our Health, Safety
    & Environment work programme
                                              and landfill programmes reduced
                                              landfill waste by 10%.
    and assigned representatives to
                                                                                         OfficeMax was named one of the
    encourage these initiatives.
                                                                                         World’s Most Ethical Companies

                                                                                         by the Ethisphere Institute and our        In the seven years to December 2017,
                                                                                         Director of Merchandise, Richard           13,094 disadvantaged New Zealand

2004                                          Our Promise Tree Project was
                                              launched amongst three South
                                                                                         Meares, was nominated into
                                                                                         the executive committee of the
                                                                                                                                    children and their families have had
                                                                                                                                    their lives changed for the better.
                                                                                                                                    Thanks to OfficeMax’s Max e-Grants,
    We joined the Packaging Council                                                      Packaging Council of New Zealand
                                              Auckland schools, teaching Year 5          as a representative of Distribution &      which provides a grant of up to
    of New Zealand, which promotes a
                                              students’ ways to cultivate a clean        Sales for Wholesale.                       $5,000 per child for basics such as
    whole-of-life approach to balancing
                                              and green future.                                                                     uniforms, stationery and school trips.
    environmental, health and safety
    impacts/outcomes and economics
    throughout a product’s lifecycle.

                                            2009                                        2013                                       2016
                                                                                         OfficeMax joined the Sustainable

                                              Health, Safety & Sustainability            Business Council (SBC), which is a         OfficeMax introduced AirPlus Air
                                              Manager, Julie Roberts, won                group of CEO-led companies that            Pillows and a wider variety of cartons
                                              Employee of the Year in the                have a leading role in creating a          to increase packaging efficiency and
    We introduced our EcoMax Range
                                              Sustainability category at the             sustainable future for business,           effectiveness, and reduce waste.
    of nearly 800 products with
                                              annual Packaging Council Awards.           society and the environment. We
    environmental credentials, including
                                              OfficeMax was presented the                were named one of the World’s Most
    descriptions agreed upon by the

                                              Manukau Business Excellence Award          Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere
    Ministry for the Environment.
                                              in both the Sustainability category        Institute for the second year in a row.
                                              and the Health & Safety category.
                                                                                                                                    OfficeMax introduced a carboNZero

                                                                                                                                    Compatible Freight Carbon

                                                                                                                                    Emissions Calculator for customers

    We received an Enviro-Mark® NZ
    Gold certification for our three main
                                            2008                                         Packaging Buyer, Bruce Campbell,
                                                                                                                                    to use to track freight carbon
                                                                                                                                    emissions from orders.

    operations. This was upgraded to          We expanded our range of Fair
                                                                                         was nominated into the executive
    Enviro-Mark® NZ Diamond across            Trade products and launched Paper
                                                                                         committee of the Packaging Council
    our entire organisation in 2009.          Pig reusable cardboard recycling
                                                                                         of New Zealand as a representative
                                              trays. For every tray purchased, we
                                                                                         of Distribution & Sales for Wholesale.
                                              donate a percentage of the sales to                                                                                            27
                                              CCS Disability Action.
Let’s get it done

       2018 Sustainability Report
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