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O F F I C E O F S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2 017 - 2 01 8
2 | H U M B E R C O L L E G E | O F F I C E O F S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2 017 - 2 01 8
We are pleased to present the accomplishments of Year 4 of the
Humber Sustainability Plan 2014-2019. This document summarizes
the progress we have made on the targets and goals of the plan
between April 2017 – March 2018.

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In the Humber Sustainability Plan 2014-2019 we
committed to report annually on our progress made
towards all the objectives, targets and metrics defined
within the plan.                                                                                                                                               A team of Humber students from various
                                                                                                                                                               programs were selected to design
                                                                                                                                                               improvements for Building N in parallel
                                                                                                                                                               with the consulting team of industry
VISION:                                                                                                                                                        professionals. The student team benefitted
                                                                                                                                                               from regular meetings with the architects
SUSTAINABLE IN EVERYTHING WE DO                                                                                                                                and engineers to present their ideas and
                                                                                                                                                               designs and obtain ‘industry’ feedback.

CORE PRIORITIES                                                                                                                               RECOGNITION

       CAMPUS                                    LEARNING                                 ENGAGEMENT
      FOOTPRINT                                       To ensure                           To create a safe and
      To reduce our major                         sustainability is a                      healthy campus by
         impacts and be                         learning outcome for                      encouraging a culture
                                                    all students.                           of sustainability.    In 2017 Humber was named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for the third year
    environmental stewards.
                                                                                                                  in a row. We were awarded Smart Commute’s (a program of Metrolinx) GOLD
                                                                                                                  Workplace for the third year in a row for our demonstrated support of sustainable
In 2017/2018 we continued our progress towards the objectives and targets of the                                  transportation options for commuters. Smart Commute also recognized
three core priorities within the plan. The full framework and how we developed the                                Humber College as the 2017 Employer of the Year Award for the City of Toronto
core priorities can be seen in the full plan.                                                                     and Region wide. Lakeshore campus was the first college in Ontario to receive
                                                                                                                  Fairtrade Campus designation.

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P R IOR IT Y                     OBJ EC T I V E                                TA RG E TS                                        PROG R ESS

                            Recycling                 To reduce the volume of                   A: Increase waste diversion from 42%   • Diversion rate is 72% (up from 63% in 2017)
     CAMPUS                 and Waste                 waste generated and sent                     (2012/2013) to 70% by 2018/2019.    • Overall Waste generated: 1,948 MT (2016) and 2,105 MT (2017)
    FOOTPRINT               Management                to landfill as a result of                                                       • In 2017: 83.2MT of used furniture was donated to local
    To reduce our major
       impacts and be                                 campus operations.                        B: Demonstrate ability to reduce         charities or recycled if broken compared to 69MT in 2016
  environmental stewards.                                                                          overall waste generated on campus   • Textbooks for Change partnership: We collected 3,743
                                                                                                   by 2018/2019.                         textbooks; 1,287 were donated to East Africa, 1,513 were
                                                                                                                                         affordably repurposed and 943 were recycled. In total,
                                                                                                                                         we were able to help divert 9,287 lbs of waste from landfills
                                                                                                                                         and save 112 trees through sequestered greenhouse
                                                                                                                                         gas emissions
                            Sustainability            To help students, staff and               A: Decrease single-driver vehicles     • 1645 VIP sales and 262 TTC post-secondary ID passes sold on
                            Transportation            faculty reduce the impact                    coming to campus and increase          campus in September 2018
                                                      our transportation has on                    travel to campus by transit,        • Received Smart Commute Employer of the Year and are a Gold
                                                      our local communities.                       carpooling, biking and walking         level employer
                                                                                                                                       • Continued strategic planning for Metrolinx LRT to North Campus
                                                                                                B: Reduce traffic and parking          • 50 Dropbikes (bike share service) brought to each North and
                                                                                                   congestion on campus                   Lakeshore Campuses
                                                                                                                                       • Enterprise CarShare Enterprise vehicles to North and Lakeshore
                            Energy and                To reduce the energy                      A: Reduce total energy use by 40% by   • 15.2% reduction in total building consumption per square
                            Climate Change            needs required and the                    2018/19 (using 2005/06 baseline).         foot since 2005
                                                      carbon emissions created                  50% reduction by 2023/24.              • 31.9% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions per weighted
                                                      by the college. Be one of                                                          campus user since 2005
                                                      the most energy efficient                 B: Reduce Scope 1+2 CO2 emissions      • Implementation of Phase 1 of Integrated Energy Master Plan
                                                      post-secondary institutions               intensity by 40% by 2018/19 (using       (IEMP), including:
                                                      in Canada                                 2005/06). 50% reduction by 2023/24.         o Installing energy meters to track energy use by building
                                                                                                                                            o 500,000 ft2 lighting upgrade with LED fixtures that are
                                                                                                C: Begin tracking Scope 3 CO2                 controlled by occupancy and daylight sensors
                                                                                                emissions.                                  o Building Envelope upgrades to several buildings at the
                                                                                                                                              north campus

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P R IOR IT Y            OBJ EC T I V E                      TA RG E TS                                                        PROG R ESS

Green Buildings   To be recognized as a        A: All new buildings and major retrofits     • Construction of the new Centre for Technology Innovation
and Landscape     leader in building flexible,    are built to LEED Silver standards          (CTI), targeting LEED Platinum certification and expected to
                  multi-use spaces which are      or higher.                                  be net-zero energy
                  sustainable in construction,                                              • Construction of a new 8 storey Parking Structure with 700kW
                  and that enhance a                                                          of Solar Panels, covering the roof, south façade and part of
                  connection to and care                                                      the East facade. This is believed to be the largest installation
                  for the surrounding                                                         of solar on any one building at any academic institution in
                  environment.                                                                the province
                                                                                            • A major renovation to Building N, estimated to reduce
                                                                                              building energy consumption by 29% and GHG emissions
                                                                                              by over 40%
                                                                                            • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan developed by
                                                                                              the Arboretum
Water             To reduce the water use       A: Reduce total water use per full time     • 59% reduction in potable water use per weighted campus
                  required by the college.         student equivalent (FTE) by 40% by         user (or 45% reduction per unit floor area) since 2005
                  Be one of the most water         2018/19 using 2005/6 baseline. 50%       • A water project conducted as part of IEMP Phase 1 one
                  efficient colleges in Canada.    reduction by 2023/24.                      included replacing urinals, upgrading toilets, faucets
                                                                                              and showers
                                                B: Reduce the sale of water bottles on      • Water refill stations across both campuses, over 5 million
                                                   campus by 2018/19.                         single use plastic bottles since 2013

Purchasing and To minimize the negative         A: All printing/copy paper purchases        • In January 2017 Humber’s Lakeshore campus became
Ethical Sourcing environmental, social             are 100% FSC certified and 100%            Fairtrade Campus designated. It is the first college in Ontario
                 and economic impacts of           Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) by               to achieve this designation
                 the college’s purchasing          2018/2019                                • We partnered with Mohawk College and the Government
                 practices by embedding                                                       of Ontario to create an Ontario local food calendar and fact
                 sustainability into existing   B: Increase percentage of sustainable         sheet. In November 2017, we presented these materials at
                 sourcing procedures,              food on campus                             the Canadian Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
                 supplier evaluation
                 criteria and procurement

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P R IOR IT Y                     OBJ EC T I V E                                 TA RG E TS                                             PROG R ESS

                            Curriculum                To demonstrate                            A: Develop sustainability learning         • For the third year in a row, the Public Relations grad
    LEARNING                Integration               educational leadership by                    outcomes for all programs.                certificate students ran a vendor fair, and the first year it was
         To ensure
     sustainability is a                              embedding sustainability                                                               extended from the Lake to the North campus. Approximately
   learning outcome for                               into teaching and learning                B: Increase the number of courses            400 students, staff, faculty and community attended
       all students.                                  on campus.                                   that are Sustainability Related (SR) or • Many applied research projects were conducted at the
                                                                                                   Sustainability Focused (SF).              Centre for Urban Ecology
                                                                                                                                           • The Centre of Urban Ecology is revitalizing Humber’s Pond at
                                                                                                                                             the North Campus where multiple programs were involved in
                                                                                                                                             designs, building and monitoring the project
                                                                                                                                           • Faculty ‘Sustainability Champions’ group was formed,
                                                                                                                                             and development of a Sustainability Institutional Learning
                                                                                                                                             Outcome began
                            Learning                  To (1) embed sustainability               A: Increase students, staff and faculty    • Hosted the Annual Humber Earth Week in March 2018.
                            outside the               into student life and                        engagement in sustainability on           Events included a mobile Fairtrade campus coffee cart,
                            classroom                 campus culture (2)                           campus.                                   ‘Break the Cycle’ transportation fair and partnership with
                                                      demonstrate leadership                                                                 WWF Shoreline clean up
                                                      in sustainability through                                                            • We hosted 2 Electric Vehicle test drive events at North and
                                                      co-curricular programming                                                              Lakeshore campuses in partnership with Plug’n Drive to help
                                                      (3) engage students                                                                    educate students and staff about zero carbon commuting
                                                      outside the classroom in                                                             • Partnered with IDI for IDW week – 110 attendees
                                                      conversations and learning                                                           • The Centre of Urban Ecology and the Aboriginal Resource
                                                      about sustainability.                                                                  Centre conduct joint restoration activities in the Arboretum at
                                                                                                                                             North Campus and take care of our Medicine Wheel Garden
                                                                                                                                           • Humber’s students won the grand prize in the first
                                                                                                                                              annual WWF Canada’s Designing Change for a Living Planet

                            Research                  To support best practices    A: Track the number of research                         • 10 research projects conducted in 2017/18 related
                                                      in research projects related    projects that are related to                           to sustainability
                                                      to sustainability.              sustainability.

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P R IOR IT Y                     OBJ EC T I V E                                TA RG E TS                                        PROG R ESS

   ENGAGEMENT               Social Equity and            To (1) support and advance A: Increase number of people that      • Over 6000 Humber community members participated in
                            Wellbeing                    diversity and affordability    attend Center for Human Rights       47 education and training sessions held throughout the year
   To create a safe and
    healthy campus by                                    on campus, (2) promote         and Equity workshops, and complete   to deepen the College’s understanding of equity, diversity
   encouraging a culture                                 equality, (3) champion         training for Mental Health.          and inclusion
     of sustainability.                                  innovative thinking and                                           • Centre staff collaborated with Humber’s Centre for
                                                         programs and services       B: Strong Health and Safety awareness   Teaching & Learning to develop a comprehensive online
                                                         to heighten human rights       and programs.                        training module: the Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence
                                                         and diversity awareness,                                            Awareness training. Approximately 2,500 Humber
                                                         and (4) support work-                                               employees have completed it since launching it in 2015.
                                                         life balance, physical                                            • This past year, the Centre launched new training modules
                                                         and mental health and                                               on the topics of Understanding Humber’s Accessibility
                                                         wellness, and safety.                                               Policies and Social Media Accessibility

                            Outreach,                    Humber has integrated         A: The Humber community knows                     • Created Campus Sustainable features maps
                            Awareness and                sustainability into all areas    what sustainability means and how              • Created Sustainability Toolkit for Meetings and Events
                            Communication                of the institution, and          the college has embedded it into the           • Produced 21 Sustainability News, Blog or highlights on
                                                         Humber Sustainability is         Humber experience.                               our website
                                                         the hub for information,                                                        • March 2018 Earth Week was yet another successful year
                                                         initiatives and programming B: Have a Green Ambassador/Team in                    with great participation from all campuses
                                                         for sustainability on campus.    every school and business unit of              • Students reignited the IGNITE Sustainability Club at North
                                                                                          the college.                                     and Lakeshore campuses. With approximately 40 members
                                                                                                                                           across both campuses
                                                                                                  C: Track on a college-wide basis       • Increased social media reach
                                                                                                     community service hours conducted       - Twitter by 27%: 989 to 1,261
                                                                                                     by students, staff and faculty.         - Instagram by 183%; 105 to 298
                                                                                                                                             - Facebook 168 followers
                                                                                                  D: Continue to advance Humber’s        • Website views increased by 54%: 14,566 (2016) to 22,490 (2017)
                                                                                                     contributions to the community.     • Mailing list increased 28%:
                                                                                                                                             - 1,614 to 2,169 (student)
                                                                                                                                             - 371 to 380 (staff)

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P R IOR IT Y        OBJ EC T I V E                      TA RG E TS                                                     PROG R ESS

                                                                                        • 5th annual vegetarian day in October 2017. This year
                                                                                          included more internal and external partners and students
                                                                                          from the Food Supply and Technology course developed
                                                                                          an educational session, to engage fellow peers on
                                                                                          vegetarian diets
                                                                                        • Multiple workshops related to sustainability in academics,
                                                                                          Fairtrade, travel and fashion were offered at Humber’s
                                                                                          annual Showcase conference
                                                                                        • Humber partnered with WWF Canada as a pilot partner of
                                                                                          the new Living Planet @ Campus Program in Ontario

Investments      To ensure that Humber         A: To develop social and environmental • No changes occurred
                 College seeks investments        criteria for investments by
                 that promote sustainability –    2018/2019 that are included as
                 socially and environmentally     screens when Humber makes
                 responsible, ethical,            strategic investments in industries,
                 impact and mission-related       businesses, funds, and communities.


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