Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3

Page created by Andrea Lang
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
of El Katif Shriners
			       March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
March Unofficial
                                 Stated Meeting

                                    March 2, 2022
                                 El Katif Event Center

                               Corned Beef & Cabbage
                                      Main Event:
                                    Sumo Wrestling
                                  Doors open at 5:00PM
                                       Dinner at 6 PM
                                   Short meeting at 7PM
                                Wrestling to start shortly after

                                       Meeting highlights
                                   Quick vote on new petitions,
                                    Cold Sands April Meeting

2   March 2022   elkatif.org
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
Note From The Pote
                     Ill.Sir Justin Hughes

The snow is melting, the days are getting longer
and spring is just around the corner. February, like all Shrine
calendar months, was extremely busy. Lady Shannon
and I were able to visit Blue Mountain Shrine Club, the
Waverly Lodge Pulled Pork Feed and the Winner-Winner
Spangle Lodge Chicken Dinner.
We had a fantastic night with Calam and El Katif Nobles, La-
dies, friends and families at the Shrine Hockey Night. It was
fun to have Illustrious Sir Dustin and Lady Elle in attendance
as well as all the Past Potentates from both Temples. It was
great to get out and visit with all the Shrine Masons.
A big thank you to Greg Morgansen and everyone else who
helped sell Duck Race tickets at the Spokane Boat Show.
The Duck Race is up and running (or is it up and swimming?)       Brothers, you are members
so there is no slowing down now. The Spokane Golf Event           of one of the greatest
and The Home & Garden Show both brought in good Duck              organizations on earth and
Race sales. I am calling on all you sportsman an outdoor          most recognized for your
enthusiasts to come help sell Duck Race tickets at the Big        great contributions to
Horn Show, March 17th – 20th. This is a terrific way to help      humanity. Be proud of what
support your local Spokane Shrine Hospital – plus get into        you do and get out in the
the show for free!                                                community and show it.
                                                                  Hope to see you all soon.
In February, the members of the Elected Divan had a good
business trip to PNSA in Butte Montana. It was time well spent
with counterparts and Imperial Officers and the most recent
member of the Elected Divan, Chris Wirts, was indoctrinated       Faithfully
into PNSA. Membership was the number one topic at PNSA            Justin Hughes, Potentate
this year and not all Temples are doing as well as yours. We      El Katif Shrine
are proud to say El Katif is doing well so keep up the
excellent work! My personal philosophy is,
“Make good Masons and good Shriners will follow.”
I believe we can make Gold Membership status again in 2022,
and as TFR said, “Believe you can and you’re
halfway there.”
We have fun events planned for this March. The Stated
Meeting, March 2nd, should be a unique experience – we
have special entertainment from the far regions of Japan
coming to wrestle. I hope to see everyone come out and root
for your favorite Sumo Warrier. March 12th is the 42nd annual
St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Spokane; we hope to get as many
Shriners as possible decked out in green for this fun parade.
Please get with Parade Marshal Jerry Combs and let him know
if your Club or Unit will be attending.

                                                                     elkatif.org   March 2022   3
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
In Memoriam                                                                           March Birthdays
The following Nobles were
                                          1-Mar         Charles R Young			                                      18-Mar       Chester L Smith
                                                        Robert S Monroe		                                                    Kent Osborne
summoned to mount the                     3-Mar         Doug M Baker		                                                       Dale R Hearn P.P.
                                          4-Mar         Allen H Smith		                                                      Marc Egerton
                                                        Stewart C Slinger			                                    19-Mar       Stan R Webb
Black Camel and cross that                              Melvin F Neil		                                         20-Mar       Rod Schmidt
                                          5-Mar         Guy D Fisher		                                                       Bruce E Vesper
                                                        Claus R Joens		                                         22-Mar       Kim D Berg P. P.
                                          6-Mar         Gregory B Jordan			                                                  Blaine W Sullivan
                                                        Paul W Tunnell		                                                     Robert E Racicot
                                                        Dale C Abrams		                                         23-Mar       Bruce Bothman
                                          7-Mar         Lee R McGuire		                                                      Christopher E Attrill
                                          8-Mar         John M Boggs		                                          24-Mar       Brian D Mickavicz
                                          9-Mar         Micheal M Cox		                                         25-Mar       David W Seagrave
                                          11-Mar        Richard J MacGillivray		                                             Gary L Friberg
Richard Field                                           Gene E Endslow		                                                     Russell L Jamison
                                          13-Mar        Jack C Hughes			                                        26-Mar       John W Chamberlain
Mar 29, 1942 to Dec 07, 2021                            Gary D Roecks		                                         27-Mar       William R Snow
Created a Shriner:                                      Wes G Suksdorf                                                       Ewell T Johnson Jr.
                                          14-Mar        Tomas B Richardson P. P.                                28-Mar       Michael C Provost
Jun 5, 1972                               15-Mar        Mark A Querio		                                                      Gary C Tellessen
                                                        Kalen M Finn                                                         Steve Van Dyke
                                          17-Mar        John H Jeffries		                                                    I.S. Justin M Hughes
                                                                                                                29-Mar       Glenn T Hodge
                                          		                                                                    31-Mar       Jack M McCaw
                                                                                                                             Dan W Gerth

                                                                                                EL Katif Shrine
                                                      EASTERN WASHINGTON TEMPLE FOR THE SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL

                                                                       DIVAN                                               SHRINE CLUB REPORTERS
                                          Justin Hughes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Potentate      Michael Castelan  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1st Responders
                                          Gary Wood .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Chief Rabban         Jerry Schieche PP .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1899 Club
                                          Jeff Lane .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Assistant Rabban         Doug Warnock .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .Blue Mountain
                                          Michael Castelan  .  .  .  .  High Priest & Prophet                   Larry Smith .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Columbia Basin
                                          Chris Wirts .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Oriental Guide      Howard Wynia .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Legion of Honor
                                          Dale Hearn, PP .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Treasurer       Ray Schulz .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Columbia Basin LOH
                                          Mike Harper, PP .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Recorder        Jamie Bockstruck .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Moonshriners
                                          John Lawson  .  .  .  .  .  . 1st Ceremonial Master                   Reporter TBD .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  North Spokane
                                          Erik Haynes  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2nd Ceremonial Master                TBD .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Northeast Washington
                                          Tomas Richardson  .  .  .  .  . Ceremonial Director                   Brad Wood .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Okanogan County
                                          Justin Rowland .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Marshal      Jim Kirkpatrick .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Pomeroy
                                          Collin Visser  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Captain of the Guard            Reporter TBD .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Shurtah Club
                                          Eric Rieckers .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Outer Guard       John Robertson PP  .  .  .  .  .  .  . South Spokane
                                          John Robertson, PP  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Chaplain          Glenn Edgemon  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Whitman County
                                                                                                                Gary Newton .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Sportsman’s Club
                                                   SHRINE UNIT REPORTERS                                        Stephen Sykora .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . TAPS Club
                                          Ryan Leonard  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Actors
                                          Reporter TBD .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Animals                      THE WORD STAFF
                                          Dick Dawe .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Band   Mike Harper PP  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Managing Editor
                                          Ken Massender  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Chanters         Mary Flatt .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Design and Layout
                                          Michael Castelan  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Clowns
                                          Kim Berg .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Directors Staff                  SPOKANE SHRINERS
                                          Greg Morgensen .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Greeters                    HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN
                                          John Robertson PP  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Mobile Unit                              911 W. 5th Ave.
                                          Von Chimienti PP  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Oriental Band                                P.O. Box 2472
                                          Ken Massender  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Provost Guard                           Spokane WA 99210-2472
    We regret when Nobles pass away                                                                                               (509) 455-7844
     without proper acknowledgment.
    As Brothers, they are worthy of our
     recognition. When you learn of a           THE WORD of El Katif Temple (USPS 626360) is published monthly (except July and August)
    Noble’s passing, please contact us:         for $1 per year by El Katif Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., 7217 W. Westbow Blvd., Spokane WA 99224.
                                                      Periodical postage paid at Spokane WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
              (509) 624-2762                             THE WORD of El Katif Temple, 7217 W. Westbow Blvd., Spokane WA 99224.
         OfficeAdmin@elkatif.org                        Phone (509) 624-2762 | Fax (509) 624-8333 | Email: officeadmin@elkatif.org

4        March 2022         elkatif.org
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
March 2022                                                                 The Recorder’s Ramblings
                                                                                            Ill.Sir Mike Harper PP

Happy almost everybody. You know just about the time that it
looked like spring was here old man winter had to drop by for a
week to remind us that the groundhog saw his shadow and we still
have 5 more weeks of winter.

The Duck Race is off to a great start with the Golf Show. From the
people that worked the show they said that the public were very
happy to see Shriners back promoting the Duck Race. We have the
Big Horn Show coming up on the 18th thru the 20th of March. We
will need help selling tickets for the 4 days. A Constant Contact will
be going out shortly with all of the details. Noble Greg Morgensen,
Duck Race Chairman is doing a quack up job setting up the booth
and coordinating the volunteers. The outlook for outside venues for
sales this year is looking very good as things return back to normal.
Please keep an eye out for our Constant Contact reminders.

The Circus is around the corner and there is a lot of work to be
done prior to the 15 – 17 April and 22 -24 April. We are doing two
weekends this year. The Circus will be held at the Valley Mall same
as last year. With the earlier dates it should be cooler than last year.
The main change in the Circus is that it is a hospital fund raiser.
More news will follow in Constant Contact and the April issue of the
Word. Circus daddy tickets will be going out shortly.
                                                                            Think green
The March meeting will be a little different. We will have the bar
and dinner (corned beef) and then a very brief meeting. The meet-                and
ing will then be closed and will then move to the Sumo wrestling
ring in the middle bay. It should be a lot of fun.

Parades are starting to come back with the St Patrick’s parade on
March 12th. Pleas contact Parade Marshall Jerry Combs about get-
ting you application in for the parade. No idea where the staging
area will be yet as the old area is under construction for the new          St. Patrick’s

April 2nd will be the first Annual Corn Hole Tournament at the
                                                                             day to all.
event center. This will be a big event with over 100 cornhole boards
laid out. Stay tune for more info thru Constant Contact

Your Divan just returned from the Winter PNSA session in Butte
Montana. Seems like El Katif is ranked number one in a number of
categories including membership. Its great to see our Membership
team get credit for their hard work last year.

On a brighter note, its good to say that we have kicked the Covid
bug and our return to normal is around the corner. Just in time for
our spring weather to come back.

                                                                              elkatif.org        March 2022     5
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
Hospital Happenings
                        Kristin Monasmith, Director of Marketing

For this month’s hospital update, we are pleased to share with you the newest gift opportu-
nities that will allow us to continue providing outstanding support to our patients and patient
families. Your generosity truly makes a difference in improving their lives through excellence in

Stryker Cordless Driver
Reliable and effective equipment like this Stryker Cordless Driver means that our fellowship
trained pediatric orthopedic surgeons will have the best outcomes during complex operations
aimed at increasing the quality of life for our young patients.

Investment Total: $15,613

Steris Surgical Bed
A superior operating table is the foundation for better patient outcomes. This surgical bed of-
fers versatility, will be easy-to-use and made for today’s modern surgical procedures.

Investment Total: $57,688

6     March 2022    elkatif.org
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
Leave a Legacy that Will Change Lives
We invite you to join us to make a lasting
difference for generations to come by in-
cluding the Spokane Shriners Hospital in
your estate plans. We are grateful for your
support in ensuring the future provision of
the quality care provided at our hospital.
Shriners Hospitals for Children – Spokane
may be named as a charitable beneficiary
in the following legacy gift options:

•     Wills
•     Retirement Accounts
•     Trusts
•     Life Insurance
•     Bank Accounts
•     Brokerage Accounts

To name our hospital location in a will,
please include the following specific

I give and bequeath to Shriners Hospitals
for Children, a corporation, for the use and
benefit of its Spokane location, or to its
successors in interest.

Once you have named us, or to learn more
about supporting your Spokane Hospital,
contact :
Angelique Heinzen,
Director of Development,
at (509) 744-1242 or by
email at aheinzen@shrinenet.org.

                  elkatif.org   March 2022     7
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
El Katif
                                                  Club & Unit Reports
                            Welcome to all, and thank you for your support here! Have an article to submit?
                          Email your article to OfficeAdmin@elkatif.org no later than the 15th of every month!

               Chaplin’s                                                   Directors Staff
Our journey on this earth is like a raindrop   Spring is soon to be here and although the temperatures don’t feel like
in the ocean of time. We as Shrine Masons      Spring, it may be time to think about some cleaning. Did you know????
have been blessed with an extra gift which
gives the world Hope. Have Faith that the
work we do does not go unnoticed yet we        Iceland is the cleanest country in the world
do not ask for praise or accolades for all     https://www.forbes.com/2010/04/21/environment-cleanest-countries-busi-
that has been done. Our true gift is seeing    ness-iceland-cleanest-countries.html?sh=59b5a8d64479
the successes in the eyes and hearing it       Sinks have more germs than toilet seats. Dust particles are mostly dead
the voices of those we help along the path     skin https://www.woot.com/blog/post/the-debunker-is-most-household-
of our journey. Our life as a Shrine Mason
is filled with purpose and love.
Share it where ever you may go.                One square/yard of carpet can hold two pounds of dirt.
                                               Spring cleaning, as we call it, is a time to get rid of the clutter. Most of
“The Daffodils”                                us have messy closets; junk filled drawers or garages and basements in
By William Wordsworth 1770- 1850               chaos. Over time clutter collects and gets in our way. But while we vacu-
I wandered lonely as a cloud                   um under furniture, flip mattresses, and rearrange junk drawers—are we
                                               forgetting anything?
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
                                               Spring cleaning isn’t just about removing the mess, but it is also about
When all at once I saw a crowd,                renewing ourselves.
A host, of golden daffodils:
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,            What brought us to Masonry? Although our house may not be spotless, let
                                               us try to keep our apron that way. We are a model to more than we will
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
                                               ever know.
Continuous as the stars that shine
                                               While in college and on the weekends, I cleaned homes for beer
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
                                               money. One house had been a little neglected. It took me most of the
They stretched in never-ending line            day. I worked hard and I was pleased with the results when I finished.
Along the margin of a bay:                     That evening the client called me to tell me her son’s reaction to my work.
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,                He was about 8 years old. He called his mom at her work when he got
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
                                               home from school, just to tell her that I had installed all new faucets, (be-
                                               cause they were so shiny).
The waves beside them danced,
but they                                       Doing our best takes starting with a clean heart and mind. Eliminate the
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:            negative and extenuate the positive. Whether it’s your marriage, a friend-
                                               ship, or even a work relationship, we all need second chances from time
A Poet could not but be gay,
                                               to time. Who needs to hear that you’re sorry? Who needs to know you
In such a jocund company:                      forgive them? It’s time to refresh what you want to thrive.
I gazed- and gazed - but little thought
                                               In our world, so many feel the same as Erma Bombeck. “A house should
What wealth the show to me had                 be clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy.” Ms.
                                               Bombeck uses humor to remind us that with a cheery heart, we can all do
For oft, when on my couch I lie                better at cleaning up our world. Spring is the time of renewal and setting
In vacant or in pensive mood,                  ourselves back on a clean path. Let us all take time to thank the Supreme
They flash upon that inward eye                Architect for reminding us of our humanity and encouraging us to spread
Which is bliss of solitude;
                                               a clean spirit.
And then my heart with pleasure fills,         Looking toward restoration…
And dances with the daffodils.

8         March 2022            elkatif.org
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
Museum Committee                                                     Membership
                                                                        Greetings from the Membership
Museum update                                                           Committee!
We finally got some of the glass doors on the displays installed.
The doors really give the displays a finished look.                     As a fraternal organization, our
There are a few more to be installed, some were the wrong size.         mantra has been (and will continue)
The rest should be installed soon.                                      to increase membership and we’re
                                                                        doing just that. Noble Chris Wirts led
                                                                        the charge last year and we obviously
We received a Palomino Patrol silver saddle from Andy Hansen’s wife,    had a successful campaign. One
courtesy PP John Robertson who was gracious enough to pick it up        reason for that success is you
and bring it to the Shrine Center.                                      because ALL of us Nobles are on the
We would like to get a saddle used by the Arab Patrol to compliment     membership committee and Chris,
the rest of the Arab Patrol memorabilia.                                myself, and Noble Herb Postlewait
                                                                        could not have been as successful
                                                                        without your help.
                                 There is another mystery about a Fez
                                 with a white tassel.                   Enlisting new Nobles is only part of
                                 Anybody with information about the     the equation, though. It’s actually the
                                 white tassel, please contact :         easy part. The difficult part is keeping
                                                                        the new Nobles engaged enough to
                                 PP Jim Stewart or                      not only attend stated meetings but
                                 Noble Herb Postlewait.                 to actively participate as well. Our
                                                                        membership roster is diverse with
                                                                        the largest age demographic being
                                                                        70 years old. A collective hats-off
                                                                        to them because most have been
                                                                        Shriners for 20-40 years or more and
                                                                        have donated countless hours and
The displays are to be rotated featuring different clubs and units so   money towards our continuing goal
we are looking for more items from the past as well as current clubs    of supporting the Hospital.
and units.                                                              Unfortunately, our other mantra,
All items are being logged in with who donated them and when the        “That’s the way we’ve always
                                                                        done it”, can, and usually is,
items were used.                                                        detrimental to keeping the newer
                                                                        members interested. Younger men
                                                                        today have a different set of interests
                                                                        and we must embrace a little change
                                                                        in order to keep them active. Some-
                                                                        thing as simple as the ability to pay
                                                                        annual dues online is a huge step
                                                                        and a fairly recent one at that. Home
                                                                        brewing is hugely popular and starting
                                                                        the Tap Club is an even bigger step in
                                                                        the right direction.

                                                                        My challenge is this: when inviting
                                                                        a prospective member, really pay
                                                                        attention to their interests and point
                                                                        them in the right direction once they
                                                                        get Fezzed. Listen to their sugges-
                                                                        tions for making El Katif a little more
                                                                        appealing to the younger generation
                                                                        and let them follow through with some
                                                                        of these ideas. They may sound a
                                                                        little absurd to some of us older guys
                                                                        but we must keep in mind that it’s
                                                                        the younger Shriners now who will
                                                                        be doing the heavy lifting in the near
                                                                        I’ll see you all at the March meeting!

                                                                        Eric Rieckers

                                                                            elkatif.org     March 2022        9
Of El Katif Shriners March 2022 Volume 85 Issue 3
We would also like to hear from you
                Fraternal                   as to how we might better serve you
                                            as Nobles and better serve our
                Relations                   Blue Lodges and El Katif!
                                                                                       The parade season starts with the
                                            If you have any questions, comments        St. Patrick’s day parade on March 12.
Greetings Nobles!                           or concerns, please contact me at          We hope to see everyone there. We
I hope this article finds you and your      (509) 951-1263 or via email at             put on a hillbilly degree for the
loved ones continuing to remain safe        ryanleonard7470@comcast.net                Potentate at the February meeting and
and healthy. Now that our Lodges            or Noble Doug Schroeder at                 that was a lot of fun.
are meeting again and there ap-             (509) 999-3702 or via email at             Congratulations Ill. Sir Justin on
pears to be plenty of degree work to        dbschroeder-1@msn.com.                     being our newest member of the
go around, I’m hoping this will be a                                                   Moonshriner’s!
source of new Nobles! I also hope to        That’s all for now Nobles.
see many of our Nobles, who have            Let’s make 2022 a year to                  The Shrine hockey game was well
either dimitted or dropped for              remember!                                  attended by the Moonshriner’s.
nonpayment of dues, restored to                                                        The Cornhole tournament will be held
membership in the year ahead.               Fraternally,                               on April 2 and if you can help out,
                                            Noble Ryan Leonard                         please contact our President,
I have a favor I would like to ask you.     Chairman,                                  Jim Tourtillotte for details.
If you have something                       Fraternal Relations Committee
special taking place in your Lodge this                                                Duck Race ticket sales are coming
year (a Centennial for the Lodge, a                                                    soon so please call Greg Morgensen
Brother reaching a 50-year                                                             if you can help him.
membership milestone, a Brother
receiving an award, etc.) please tell
                                                       1899 Club                       Upcoming events include the Shrine
us about it so that we can share your                                                  Circus and more parades.
good news with the nobility!                Parade Season is almost upon us            More details to follow.
Please email either                         and we all need to help our Potentate
Noble Doug Schroeder at                     and become visible in our                  Jamie Bockstruck,
dbschroeder-1@msn.com                       communities. The people all love
or myself at                                                                           Reporter
                                            the Shriners, but if they don’t see us,
ryanleonard7470@comcast.net                 they think we have gone away and
with your special event!                    we all know that isn’t going to happen.
As stated throughout 2021,                  We need more Nobles to step up to
El Katif (and the Fraternal                 the plate and fill our parade vehicles
Relations Committee) needs Shrine           with Shriners.
ambassadors! The purpose of the             I would personally like to thank all the                First
fraternal relations committee is to
keep our respective Lodges informed
                                            Shriners that attended the Shrine
                                            Visitation and Chicken Dinner that
of the fun activities in which the Shrine   was held Feb. 23 at Spangle Lodge.
is engaged: The annual All Masonic          Your support was certainly                 The First Responder club continues
Night, The Circus; the Duck Race; the       appreciated and it was special for         to grow as we have gotten 2 new
Potentate’s Cruise; the WSU football        all the Spangle Masons to have a           members. At our last meeting we
game, the Haunted Property Tour; and        member of our Lodge close Lodge as         have agreed to have a screening
so much more!                               the Potentate of El Katif Shrine. His      clinic this summer in Deer Park. We
Now that in-person meetings have            message was positive and everyone          have also reserved the fireside room
resumed, the Fraternal Relations            listened to what he had to say. We         at the Shrine for September 10th
committee is seeking Nobles to serve        are all so proud of him and what he is     for our 2nd Annual First Responder
as Shrine ambassadors to their              trying to do while leading the El Katif    appreciation event. We are always
respective Blue Lodges and/or               Shriners through 2022. It seems to         looking for those who has served
Districts. Ideally, we would love to        me that there is always something          as a First Responder to join us for
have a Shrine ambassador in every           to attend or get involved in with the      comradery and fun.
Lodge. If that’s not feasible, then we      Shrine, whether it be South Spokane
would love to have a Shrine                 Shrine Club, hockey, a circus,             We will be attending the
ambassador in at least every district       Bloomsday, Duck Race sales,                St. Patrick’s parade in Spokane
within our El Katif Jurisdiction.           Whitman County Shrine Club, and so         on Saturday, March 12th.
                                            many more. Just look around and            Please come join us.
Already serving as a Shrine                 you can find something to do with the
ambassador, tell us about it!               El Katif Shriners and I know that you      For more information on our events
Please let us know what Lodge(s) or         will enjoy it. Don’t be caught on the      and our club please contact me direct.
District where you are serving. This        sidelines when you can easily get into
will help us to determine where we          the game.                                  Thanks
have Shrine ambassadors and where
we need to focus our efforts!               Jerry Schieche, PP                         Michael Castelan

10       March 2022         elkatif.org
Greeters                                                       Mobile Unit

Greetings NOBLES -                                                                      You can feel that spring is just around
                                                                                        the corner with the birds coming
At this point the Greeters Unit is still awaiting word as to when we will be back       home, the grass starting to get a tinge
on duty at the Hospital, due to the current, continuing Covid situation, which has      of green in it and the spring flowers
once again restricted most visitors from entering unless for appointments. So, no       starting show a little life. With Saint
tours required. But, we will have to have some orientation or re-training prior to      Patrick’s Day Parade in sight and a
beginning again, I would expect.                                                        with a little “Irish Luck” the weather
                                                                                        will be good for the parade. History
Put on your thinking caps, Greeters and see if anyone comes up with any type of         has shown us that regardless of the
fund raiser that the Greeters might use to raise funds for the Hospital while we        weather we have always had a great
are still waiting to return to Greeter Duty.                                            time and it shows the community we
Contact your officers: Pres. IS Jon Lind, PP; Herb Postlewait, Secy/Treas.              are still here and fun raising aware-
In case you have not seen a recent new commercial on TV for Shriners, when              ness about not only our Philanthropy
you do the new wording for our brand is SHRINERS CHILDREN’S . Another sign              but also our Fraternity. We will try and
of changes coming from H.Q.                                                             be out at the property behind Yokes
                                                                                        in Airway Heights the first weekend in
We want to give a special THANK YOU to PP Roger Nelson’s                                March. Call John Robertson for more
Lady Marsha, for the donation of $1,081.00 from the Potentate’s Ladies Group to         details. Let’s get out and have some
the Greeters’ Blanket Fund. Also, many THANKS to all others who have                    fun. Together we make a difference,
generously given to support this wonderful project that Greeter Jim Babb started        together we make change, and being
several years prior to the Pandemic, of providing a blanket for New Patients to         a Shrine-Mason is more fun when
take home a comforting reminder of their visit at Shriners Children’s Spokane.          there is more than one and things can
Remember that the Greeters have a continuing need for more funds to purchase            get done.
additional blankets to then have the LOGO applied before having them be
available to hand out at the Hospital.                                                  An Irish Proverb to ponder…
                                                                                        “As you slide down the banister
Past President, Don Richards
                                                                                        of Life, May the splinters never
is still having health issues, so
                                                                                        point in the wrong direction.”
keep him in your thoughts &
                                                                                        Author unknown
                                                                                        Enjoy the sunshine and may you
Remember, Collectively,
                                                                                        always be happy!
Shriners Hospitals for
Children have treated over
                                                                                        John Robertson
1.5 Million patients.
BECOME a Greeter!

IF YOU want to be more active
at the Hospital greeting our
patients and their parents and
providing Tours, we need YOU!
Join US now !!!

Bob Valentine
Reporter for The Greeters

                                    Shriners Children’s Spokane – a caring
                                    patient Joylyn, 9, donated gifts and toys for our
                                    hospital she purchased with her birthday money.
                                    According to her father, when Joylyn learned
                                    some children might not get to celebrate their
                                     birthday the same way she did, she wanted to
                                    help make them happy.

                                                                                            elkatif.org     March 2022        11
South Spokane Shrine Club                              Whitman County Shrine Club
We hope you all had a great Valentines       Whitman County Shrine Club met in Rosalia at the Brass Rail on
Day and enjoyed the Presidents Day           February 8 with President Gary Newton conducting the meeting.
weekend. We had our annual                   There were about 30 in attendance along with Illustrious Potentate
Valentine’s dinner with our Lady’s and       Justin Hughes and his Lady Shannon. Having changed our meeting
oh what a hoot. I had to let Lady            night to the second Tuesday of the month has allowed nobles from
Bridget go on her own as I was afraid
Lady Mary Hogan might try and con
                                             Spangle Lodge with a chance to attend our meetings. This is working
me into wearing wings again…..               out well. President Gary found a place that can refurbish our scooter
Now that is a story for another day-         and was told that Mr. Cushman was a Shriner and he custom designed
maybe…. It is hard to believe but we         and built the scooters the club has. We will have one redone and see
have just about finished the first           how it turns out. Hollis Jamison won the 50-50 Bingo prize and
Quarter of the year. Parades are             graciously donated it back to the motor patrol.
starting, sunshine is making the
spring flowers start to bloom and            The Club needs second signers on our bank accounts so it was moved,
we all should be getting                     seconded and passed that David Swannack, treasurer, Steve VanDyke
“Fired up to help kids!”                     and El Katif treasurer Dale Hern have access to all Whitman County
Ill Sir Justin isn’t letting the grass       Shrine bank accounts at First Interstate Bank.
grow under his feet. Let’s all get
involved in talking about the Duck
Race, our Philanthropy and our               We had a short discussion on how the Basketball Tournament Books
Fraternity. Invite one of your friends or    should proceed for next year. President Gary paid some wages and
neighbors to join you in selling Duck        presented Glenn Edgemon a plaque for his outstanding performance as
Race tickets. See what happens when          treasurer of the club. Lee McGuire was not at the meeting to receive his
they hear some one say “Thank you”           award as he is now in the Courtyard in Colfax. Barbara Wachter said the
for what Shriner’s have done for them.       Whitman County Daughters of the Nile contributed $3,000 to a new
Make sure you let everyone know that         special therapy room in the Spokane Shriners Hospital and be thus
if the are interested in becoming a          honored. The Club also moved, seconded and passed that all present
Shriner to go to beashrinernow.org.          and past Potentates of El Katif Shrine are now and forever lifetime
                                             members of Whitman County Shrine Club.
Our President Jeff Duty has us
planning to be in the Saint Patrick’s
                                             Illustrious Sir Justin invited all to join him and Lady Shannon in
Day Parade as long as the Irish              Charleston, SC on May 19-25. Lady Shannon has a project that provides
Blessings help us get the Caddie out         new books or donations of money for books to the patients of the
of the barn. He invites all of you           Spokane Shrine Hospital. These can be coloring books, picture books
around town to come join us at Darcy’s       or whatever they may like.
in the Spokane Valley just off Univer-
sity Rd and Sprague for our monthly          Julie Stolz thanked the Shriners for son Wyatt’s recent surgery in the
meetings. Just call Denny or Eric            hospital. He is back in school in Colfax.
Thompson to confirm that you will be
joking us. They will let you know if it is   Don’t forget the Shrine Circus April 15-17, April 22-24, the Sporting
a stag dinner or if we have our Ladies       Clay Shoot on June 5 and support the Duck Race.
joining us. The more the merrier. We
are moving forward to man and
operate the Fair Food booth and if you       The next meeting will be at The Rialto in St. John on March 8 at
are interested make sure to reach out        6:00 social, 7:00 dinner.
to John Robertson. Your success in
making your journey in the Shrine fun        RSVP 509-648-3876
and exciting is directly dependent on
how much time you invest. Make sure          Tom Simpson,
to laugh often and laugh together and        Reporter
always smile as it changes the world
around you and it took but a second.
May the luck of the Irish be with you
“There are good ships and wood
ships, Ships that sail the sea, But the
best ships are Friendships, May they
always be!”

John Robertson

12       March 2022         elkatif.org
Legion Of Honor                                                    Daughters of
                                                                                           the Nile
All El Katif Shriners that are former Military Personnel, (USA, USN, USAF,    Daughters of the Nile is an Int’
USMC, USCG) are invited to join the EL KATIF LEGION OF HONOR, a               fraternal organization for women
Military Orientated Organization that meets in two locations, Spokane, Wa.    18 years of age or older. We are re-
And in the Tri-Cities area of Washington. Members may choose which            lated by birth or marriage to a Shri-
location suits them the best. The Headquarters location is in Spokane, Wa.    ner, Master Mason, or a Daughter
and the Commander CHUCK YOUNG is located there also.                          of the Nile. You may also be a
His Phone Number is 509-951-0093. Monthly Dinner Meetings with your           majority member in good standing
Wives are the 2nd Monday of every month at the EAGLES LODGE on the            of a Masonic-related organization
North Side of Spokane at 5:30 pm. Members are called for Dinner               for girls, or a former patient at a
selections each month. Cost is $15.00 per meal, paid at the Meeting.          Shriners Hospitals for Children®
Details of the Tri-City LOH Meetings will be reported in a future issue.      (with or without a Masonic
The Legion of Honor is an International Shrine Organization, located at       relationship). Founded in Seattle,
most all of the Shrine Temples throughout the World, with Annual              Washington in 1913, Daughters of
Conventions every year, for all of its members.                               the Nile members total over
Besides the Shrine Fez, Legion of Honor Members usually wear a simple         17,800 in 131 cities throughout the
Uniform style Short, or Long Sleeve White Shirt with Military Medals,         United States, Canada, and South
Ribbons, or other appropriate style devices, and Black Pants, and Shoes.      America. Our members are proud
Some of the activities that Legion Of Honor Members take part in are          of their long association with
Color Guard Flag Bearers, at Shrine Circus Performances, local Baseball       Shriners International and their
Games, other Sports Activities, Funerals, Cemetery Burials, Firing Squads,    continuing support of Shriners
Military Air Shows. And other local activities, Parades, when called upon.    Hospitals for Children®.
You are cordially invited to join us and take part in Public Activities and   The Daughters of the Nile
Parades.                                                                      contribute monetary donations
                                                                              of over $2 million annually to
Howie Wynia (USAF RET)                                                        Shriners Hospitals for Children®
It’s an Honor to Belong to the LEGION OF HONOR!                               through our Foundation and Trust.
                                                                              Since 1924, we have contributed
                                                                              over $68 million, second only to
                                                                              the Shriners themselves.
                                                                              This will be my last article for the
                                                                              Word as Queen. It has been an
                                                                              honor and a privilege serving as
                                                                              Queen of El Karnak Temple No. 6,
                                                                              Spokane, WA. It has been a wild
                                                                              ride with Mr. Covid in the copilot
                                                                              seat. If I learned anything this year
                                                                              it is to be flexible and not to sweat
                                                                              the small stuff. Thank you to
                                                                              Ill. Sir Roger Nelson, and Lady
                                                                              Martha and Illustrious Sir Justin
                                                                              Hughes and Lady Shannon for
                                                                              your unwavering support during
                                                                              my rein. March 8th is International
                                                                              Women’s Day.
                                                                              “March on, Do not awry. To go
                                                                              forward is to move toward
                                                                              perfection. March on, and fear
                                                                              not the thorns, or the sharp
                                                                              stones on life’s path.” Kahil Gabran
                                                                              Jana Castelan, Queen,
                                                                              El Karnak Temple No.6 DON

                                                                                  elkatif.org   March 2022       13
Columbia Basin                                                 Actors
As we welcome the much anticipated spring weather, a chance to               Greetings Nobles!
get our gardens and yards spruced up, I would like to catch you up on        This is likely to be a short one.
the happenings at Columbia Basin Shrine club.                                After performing the Cold Sands
                                                                             Ceremonial for three new Nobles
Our new officers and trustees for 2022 are:                                  at our January stated meeting,
President: Richard Reddick                                                   the Actors got to take a break
1st Vice President: Rafael Romero                                            in the month of February. If
2nd Vice President: Bob Baker                                                memory serves me correctly, this
3rd Vice President: Marc DeHart                                              is the first time since before ethe
Secretary/Treasurer: Larry Smith                                             pandemic started that we didn’t
Trustee: Mike Bostic and Robin Swartz                                        perform a Cold Sands, whether
                                                                             in person or via Zoom. However,
Larry Smith received the Shriner of the year award for 2021                  I’m sure I speak for everyone in
presented to him at the installation of officers event, a well deserved      the Actors Unit when I say we are
acknowledgement for all of his hard work and dedication.                     looking forward to resuming Cold
We were honored to have in attendance Both the 2021 and 2022                 Sands ceremonials and hope to be
El Katif Potentates the illustrious Roger Nelson and illustrious Justin      able to perform one in March! A
Hughes and their ladies.                                                     friendly reminder to all of our new
                                                                             Nobles, you’ve heard that you will
At February’s stated meeting we started with a special pledge of             get out of Masonry what you put
allegiance presented by the El Katif Divan Liaison Michael Castelan.         into Masonry. The same holds true
He recited the pledge as originally done by Red Skelton on Jan 14, 1969.     for the Shrine, so I encourage you
Those of you who have heard it know that it profoundly reminds us of         to check out (and then join) the
what the pledge wording means to so many of us in this great nation.         various clubs and units and then
I encourage you to find it online and watch it again.                        get involved in the fun. I believe
                                                                             the Actors to be the best, but I’ll
We also discussed the Revitalizing, Reenergizing and Reimplementing          admit to being biased.
of the Clown units. Michael Castelan presented information of both the
good and bad surrounding the organizations reminding us that Shriners        The Actors are looking forward to
”The fun group” really is about family philanthropy and fun, how can         the year ahead, conferring various
you not hit all three as a clown, seeing the faces, the smiles and the joy   Cold Sands ceremonials, the Hot
that “clowning” brings to the people around you. He encourages, and          Sands on November 12, as well as
will support any efforts put forward by both new and longtime Nobles.        any other rituals that we might be
Please reach out to the units with your support and enthusiasm.              called upon to perform. We are
                                                                             looking forward to great things in
Legion of Honor has been collecting coins from the mall fountains,           2022!
and had a great haul last month. If you’re in the mall, toss in your spare   As always, the Actors are always
change, and set the example to the other mall patrons.                       looking for Nobles to add to our
                                                                             ranks. If you enjoy dressing up in
Dinner was a delicious Lasagna with sides prepared by our                    costume, performing on stage, or if
exemplary Chef Russ Campbell.
                                                                             you would prefer to help with such
We look forward to our next meeting on                                       things as lighting and stage setup
Friday, March 4th.                                                           or takedown, then we want to hear
Social at 6:00 p.m.                                                          from you!
Dinner/Program at 7:00 p.m.                                                  Please contact our President,
If you’d like to join us, we meet in                                         Illustrious Sir Dale Hearn,
Pasco at 1811 West Sylvester Avenue                                          at (509) 475-7636 or
Mick McCoy
Reporterh                                                                    Hoping we can put the
                                                                             pandemic behind us in 2022!
                                                                             Noble Ryan Leonard

14      March 2022       elkatif.org
The word is “THANKS”
                                                        We appreciate our “VIPS”!
                                                 (Very Important Publication Supporters!)
                 of El Katif Shriners

                                         PLATINUM VIPs (donation of $250+):        Jim & Reggie Heebink
                                         Delby Rodgers                             Denise Lane
   Show your support for                 Ernie Roberson                            Donald & Nancy Giese
           The Word                                                                Manny Eres
   by joining our list of                GOLD VIPs (donation of $100–$249):        Bob & Barb Valentine
                                         Ill Sir Jon Lind & Lady Sue               Jerry & Nola Combs
     Very Important                      David & Donna Easley                      Ill Sir Mike Harper & Lady Linda
  Publication Supporters                 Frank & Donna Ling                        Ron Allen
     with your annual                    Tom Redeye                                Ill Sir Tom Richardson & Lady Cheryl
                                         Carl Grub                                 Ill Sir Jim Stewart & Lady Michele
   donation of just $25                  Ill Sir Tom Hodges & Lady Pauline         Ill Sir Robert Faulkner & Lady Renae
                                         El Karniak Temple No. 06                  Doug Bates
 (Larger amounts gratefully accepted).   Ill Sir Dick Sayer                        Dick & Dale Cooper
 See your name in every issue!                                                     Diane Berger
                                         SILVER VIPs      (donation of $25–$99):   R. James Smith
Please make checks out to:               Don & Pat Richard                         Ron & Julie LaPoint
                                         Merle Harlow                              Ken & June Lee
El Katif and note the word
                                         Janelle Justice                           P.P. Special Lady Lorna Schieche
“VIP” in the memo.                                                                 Claudia Hart
                                         Ill Sir Richard Sayre and Lady Karen
                                         Bob Patzer                                Jerry & Sandy Klinkenberg
Mail to:                                 Ron & Barb Wachter                        PP Special Lady Luanne Gehrig
The WORD VIPs                            Chris & Norma Petersen                    Donna Fisher
7217 W. Westbow Blvd.                    Ill Sir William Henry & Lady Nancy        Herman Collins
Spokane, WA 99224                        IIl Sir Andy Anderson                     Steven Black
                                         John & Gerry Wiess                        David & Leslie Swannack
                                         James W. Babb                             Howie & Kathy Wynia
Please add the following name(s):                                                  George Frank
                                         Lyn Ferguson
                                         Floyd Klinkenberg                         Marie Felton
_____________________________            Tom & Shirley Upchurch                    Herman Collins
                                         Herb & Diana Postlewait                    Bob and Carolyn McVicker
_____________________________            Ed & Mona Weber                           Gene Lane
                                         Billy & Judi Eberly                       O.D Cooper- In Honor of his 103rd
Amount:____________________              Ill Sir Jerry Schieche & Lady Patty       Bday& 55th year of membership!
                                         Ill Sir Kurt Kimberling                   Job’s Daughters Bethel #3 Spokane
Date:_______________________             Ill Sir John Robertson & Lady Bridget     Joe Baird
                                         Robert Deife
                                         Roland and Carolyn Redelings

                                                                                       elkatif.org   March 2022           15
16   March 2022   elkatif.org
2022 El Katif
Spangle Lodge
Chicken Dinner

     elkatif.org   March 2022   17
18   March 2022   elkatif.org
elkatif.org   March 2022   19
El Katif Shriners                                                                       PAID
7217 W. Westbow Blvd.
Spokane WA 99224

                    What is the Shrine?
                    A fraternity built on fun, fellowship, and the
                    principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

                    Most importantly, it’s a group committed to helping children
                    (and their families) with specialized medical treatments.

                    Ask any Shriner how you can join — or visit elkatif.org — and start helping today!
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