ODU Film Student Scores $20K in Film Contest
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JAN 14, 2021 Department of Communication and Theatre Arts ODU Film Student Scores $20K in Film Contest by Sherry DiBari When the congratulatory message Woodard’s film chronicles the internal Norfolk, in and around the Tide light showed up on Adrian Woodard II’s cell struggles many individuals face during rail, Woodard’s grandmother’s pool in phone, he couldn’t tell anyone. He was in the COVID-19 pandemic. He was inspired Chesapeake, James Baptist Church in the middle of filming his father’s church by his own challenges of adjusting to Richmond and a Portsmouth graveyard. sermon. His mother was posting sermon loneliness and new social norms. points live on the computer. “My dad Woodard has long ties to Hampton was preaching, so I couldn’t stop and tell The film features Woodard as the main Roads. His grandfather was the late them,” he said. character and narrator. Harrison B. Wilson Jr., former president of Norfolk State University. His So, he waited patiently. He credits the success of Keeping Faith grandmother, Lucy Wilson, served as to his “dream team,” which included ODU’s associate vice president of the Once the sermon was done, Woodard immediate family members, volunteers Office of Student Services. relayed the news - he had won the grand from his family’s church and friends. prize in the Faith Counts’ Film Your Faith Woodard’s interest in filmmaking started video competition. “Everyone was excited “We were really meticulous about social early. He was a middle-schooler in for me,” he said. “I just felt so blessed that distancing,” Woodard said. “I did it with Newark, New Jersey, when the class took God had given me that gift to do that.” a lot of family members - the people I a field trip to watch director Spike Lee was already quarantined with, and close filming a movie in the neighborhood. Woodard’s two-minute film, Keeping friends that I knew were practicing good Faith, was selected from over 900 social distancing.” “I just remember seeing him working entries. and thinking, ‘That’s what I want to do,’” Woodard calls Lawrence Pettaway, his Woodard said. Woodard, 20, an Old Dominion University godbrother and also an ODU student, sophomore majoring in communication and sister Alek, “troupers” for their help Woodard plans to invest his winnings into with an emphasis in film, received more with the film. For one scene, they began his film company Korrosive Films, along than praise for his win. He also took filming at 5 a.m. In another, they were with stocks and a donation to his church. home $20,000. immersed in a pool with freezing water. Woodard’s goal with Keeping Faith was Faith Counts, a nonprofit, non- Terry Butler, a family friend, composed to inspire people. “I wanted them to know denominational organization aimed the original music. that they’re not alone, that other people at promoting the value of faith, asked are struggling as well,” he said. “I wanted participants to show - in two minutes Most of the scenes were filmed around them to know that faith is a struggle, and or less - how “faith changes lives, Hampton Roads. Sites included an keeping faith is a struggle.” relationships and communities for the alley near The Main hotel in downtown better.” Read the original article here. 12/23/20 1
‘Doomscrolling’ and the role of social media during major news events 13News Now consults a social media expert at ODU following Wednesday’s chaos at the Capitol. NORFOLK, Va. — It’s an overwhelming “I think the principal of ‘doomscrolling’ is that we experience, and it’s been that way for a while. keep filtering through our feed and letting it wash over you,” said McNutt. “Hoping that consuming it For all its flaws, social media plays a major part or exposing yourself to it will help make it better, in keeping people informed during a major news help you understand it or rationalize what’s going event. on.” Such was the case Wednesday, when millions But that can be mentally destructive, right? At the watched chaos unfold at the Nation’s Capitol from same time, turning away feels like we’re turning our the palm of their hands. backs on our civic duty to stay informed. “Which is something that’s challenging,” said Myles “If there’s any sort of advice to people on social McNutt, assistant professor of communication and media, is that you have control of your feed and theater arts at Old Dominion University. how you use it,” he said. “Use that control to provide the best experience that balances the “Processing information is not something we do information you want and how you live your life, and naturally. On a day like yesterday it may as well ultimately how you can balance your mental health have been an impossible task,” he said. and day-to-day existence.” McNutt teaches courses on digital media and View the interview here. 01/07/21 offered insight into the role social media plays in keeping us informed. He weighed in on the phenomenon of “doomscrolling” - people glued to social media, refreshing for constant updates, even when the news is overwhelming. 2
Kent Sandstrom Stepping Down as College of Arts and Letters Dean by Amy Matzke-Fawcett After 3½ years • Implementing and extending a collaborative “For me, he has been both an unfailingly leading the agreement with the Virginia Symphony supportive and encouraging mentor and College of Arts Orchestra that benefits ODU music majors model, a role in which I hope that he will and Letters at by offering them opportunities to perform in continue. And for the College, he has been Old Dominion side-by-side concerts with top professional a consummate leader: a strong advocate, University, musicians and to partner with them in an insightful strategist and a compassionate Dean Kent educational outreach to area schools. guardian,” Miller said. “No one in the College Sandstrom who met him ever had any doubt about how announced • Expanding the visibility and impact of Arts@ much he cared for our well-being, individually he will be ODU programs and initiatives. and collectively. He positively radiates stepping down, kindness and concern.” effective Jan. • Co-sponsoring and implementing a variety 24, to focus of initiatives to enhance diversity and Sheri Reynolds, professor and chair of the on his health celebrate the contributions of communities of Department of English, called Sandstrom one and return to a color. of the greatest teachers of her lifetime. faculty role. He will continue to teach and conduct research Sandstrom said that he is grateful to have “I’ve learned more about leadership from in the Department of Sociology and Criminal led the College during a time of change and him than anyone else I know,” she said. “No Justice. growth. matter what problem he deals with, Kent sees the goodness in people first, recognizing and Sandstrom came to the University in July “I feel especially proud of the depth of appreciating the nuances in every situation. 2017 from North Dakota State University, connection and community that has emerged He has created a climate of support in the where he served as Dean of Arts, Humanities in the College over the past few years, College, and by that, I mean connections and Social Sciences for six years. A especially among departmental and program between faculty, staff, administrators and sociologist with degrees from the University leaders,” Sandstrom said. “In many ways, I students.” of Minnesota, Sandstrom has conducted think that sense of community may be the extensive research on how people living College’s greatest achievement, and I trust She noted that when he announced he would with HIV negotiate and manage identities, that it will continue in the future.” step down in a recent chairs and directors emotions and relationships. He also has meeting, the news was met with sadness and written books on social psychology and And just this week, the college received a even tears. “He provided such steadiness social theory, most recently “Symbols, $300,000 gift from alumnus Will Giandoni and kindness, all while bringing out the best Selves, and Social Reality” (Oxford University to further programs and opportunities in the in so many programs,” she said. Press, 2013) and “Inside Social Life” (Oxford Department of History. University Press, 2017). Mona Danner, professor and chair of the “I am grateful to Dean Sandstrom for his Department of Sociology and Criminal Throughout Sandstrom’s tenure at Old dedication and commitment to excellence,” Justice, where Sandstrom will continue to Dominion, the College of Arts and Letters has Provost Austin Agho said. “He did an teach, expressed gratitude for his leadership grown its enrollments by 10% when many excellent job in supporting and championing skills and compassion. comparable colleges were experiencing ODU’s commitment to student success and notable declines. Faculty have also increased diversity and inclusion.” “Kent has been an extraordinary dean their scholarly productivity, especially as in because he really cares about the College terms of publications, fellowships and grants. Janet Katz, associate dean of the College of and all of its people, really listened to our Additionally, faculty, staff and students have Arts and Letters, said it has been “a joy” to concerns, and worked to make things won more than 100 distinguished awards work with Sandstrom. better,” Danner said. “His collaborative spirit since early 2018. Academic opportunities helped form the chairs into a cohesive and have also risen across the College with the “Kent is the sixth dean I have worked for, and supportive community. We will miss his founding of the Diehn School of Music, and I feel that I can confidently state that he has kindness, compassion, transparency and the new majors in cybercrime and game led the College with integrity and wisdom and advocacy for the College.” studies and design, in response to the growth kindness,” Katz said. “He values openness, An interim dean will be announced in and job opportunities in those fields. accessibility and diversity, and seeks out the January. opinions of others.” Other notable accomplishments include: Read the original article here. 12/22/20 Dale Miller, associate dean of graduate • Sustaining a high level of scholarly studies and research in the college, said it’s productivity, as reflected in annual averages hard to put into words what Sandstrom has of more than 300 publications, 240 meant to him personally, and to the College. paper presentations, and 210 concerts, performances and artistic exhibitions. 3
Omiyẹmi Green to Explore Pathways for JAN/FEB Black Theatre in Anti- 1/19. Racism Speaker Series Spring 2021 classes begin. Omiyẹmi (Artisia) Green, Associate 1/21. Professor of Theatre and Africana 36th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Studies and a W. Taylor Reveley, Observance. 6pm. III Interdisciplinary Faculty Fellow RSVP Link. at William & Mary, will be the next featured speaker in our year-long series focused on anti-racism. 1/22. Green’s presentation, Ògún Yè Mo Department Meeting. 2-4pm Yè!: Paradigms and pathways Zoom Link. for the institutionalization and success of Black Theater faculty, pedagogy, and production at historically white 2/11. universities, will take place on Thursday, February 11th at Anti-Racism Speaker Series: Omiyẹmi 6:00 PM via Zoom. (Artisia) Green. 6pm. RSVP Link. In her talk, African American Theatre Historian and Program Director for Africana Studies Omiyẹmi (Artisia) Green will discuss the mechanisms of support necessary for building and maintaining a thriving Black Theater program at a historically white university. Green is an Associate Professor of Theatre and Africana Studies and a W. Taylor Reveley, III Interdisciplinary Faculty Fellow at William & Mary. A director, dramaturg, and interdisciplinary scholar with a focus on African-American Theatre/Black Theatre, Omiyẹmi is an executive board member of the August Wilson Society, a member-at- large on the Black Theatre Association Executive Board (ATHE), an associate editor of Continuum: The Journal of African Diaspora Drama, Theatre and Performance and the August Wilson Journal, and a former president of the Black Theatre Network. Omiyẹmi is published in Continuum, the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society Journal Peer Review Section, the August Wilson Journal, August Wilson’s Pittsburgh Cycle: Critical Perspectives on the Plays (McFarland), and African American Culture: An Encyclopedia of People, Traditions, and Customs (Greenwood). She holds a ODU will host our 36th annual Martin Luther BA in Psychology from William & Mary and an MFA in Theatre King Jr. Observance, “A Legacy Honored, A Education (Directing) from Virginia Commonwealth University. Future of Change” on Jan. 21 at 6pm. Omiyẹmi is also a resident dramaturg and the project director for Sitelines BLM with Cadence Theatre Company. Norfolk Mayor Kenneth C. Alexander will be the keynote speaker. The Norfolk 17, a group of African American This presentation is free and open to the public and ODU students who desegregated the city’s public schools campus, but registration is required. Register by February on 959, will be presented with the Hugo Owens Martin 9, 2021 at http://odu.imodules.com/oye21. The Zoom link will Luther King Jr. Award. be sent one day prior to the event. A Q&A session will follow Professor Green’s presentation. The event will be held virtually. RSVP by Jan. 20. 4
KUDOS! UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCEMENT Congrats to our Theatre professors Steve Earle and ON SPRING 2021 Ricardo Melendez, winners of the Broadway World 2020 Regional Awards for Central Virginia. OPENING _________________________ Alumni Lamar Giles (ODU - BA in Comm ‘01 and Due to the rising number of coronavirus cases in Hampton MFA ‘17) is a founding member of We Need Diverse Roads and across the nation, and in accordance with our Books and writes award-winning novels and short reopening blueprint, Old Dominion University will start at least the first two weeks of the spring 2021 semester, stories for teens and adults with an aim towards from Jan. 19 to Feb. 1, with remote instruction. This character diversity such as the 2016 Edgar® means nearly all classes will be delivered online, with the Award Nominee Endangered, and Overturned from exception of a limited number of courses and labs that Scholastic Press. His work Fake ID, a 2015 Edgar® require in-person hours. Faculty will reach out to students Award Nominee, was recently optioned by Sony in these programs. Prevailing conditions will determine if Pictures. https://www.lamargiles.com further modifications will be needed. _________________________ The decision to delay students’ arrival on campus and face-to-face instruction, which was made by the Symptomatic: IRL received four nominations in University’s Executive Policy Team, will help protect the the Region IV Kennedy Center American College health and well-being of Monarchs and the Hampton Theatre Festival: Roads community at a time when the Centers for Disease Autumn Ibanez & Nola Payton: Control and Prevention and Virginia Department of Student Performance (Irene Ryan Scholarship) Health project COVID-19 cases will peak. Students facing extenuating circumstances or who need additional support Tracy Harmer: are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office at Student Stage Management oducares@odu.edu or 757-683-3442. Brittney S. Harris: Faculty Director As a community, we will continue to promote Monarchs’ _________________________ safety while providing the same high-quality education and minimizing disruptions. ODU offices will reopen, as scheduled, on Jan. 4 to ensure the continuity of student Ted Gournelos was recently interviewed by FOX support services as well as our academic and research 35 Orlando about the role social media plays in enterprise. Telework and staggered on-site shifts are still freedom of speech. Check out the interview here. encouraged wherever possible. _________________________ We are committed to providing classes in-person — Annemarie Navar-Gill served as a panelist on when it is safe to do so — online and in a hybrid mode the recent Faculty Forum focused on the Capitol this spring. The Executive Policy Team will continue monitoring the latest developments and will provide Insurrection. Navar-Gill spoke to topics on Social updates every Monday of what lies ahead. Media and Insurrection. The Forum was sponsored by ODU’s Center for Faculty Development and the In the meantime, ODU’s CLIA-certified COVID-19 clinical Office of Faculty Diversity and Retention. diagnostics lab in Innovation Research Park is expanding its on-demand and surveillance testing program. More details will follow. SHARE YOUR RECENT Please continue to #ReignResponsibly and follow ACCOMPLISHMENTS HERE! recommended precautions to stay healthy. We will keep you informed of the latest information via email and on ODU’s official social media channels. 5
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