Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit

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Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
Ocular Innovation Summit
ASCRS San Diego 2019

Oliver Klaproth
Senior Product Manager Biometry
                                  Not all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
Wouldn’t you like to
               never worry about IOL power calculation again?

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
Subjective visual perception can be described objectively
Applied Physiological Optics

                                                                                                                                    © Brian Barsky PSF
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth                      Not all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
Optical properties can be translated to visual perception
Reconstruction of Retinal Images with Fast Fourier Transformation

                                         Object           Wavefront                                 Image

                                                  PSF = FFT of Pupil Function

                                         FFT                                                   FFT-1


Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth                                         Not all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
SWEPT Source Biometry® enables assessment of individual optical properties

        3 Zone
                                                                  Patented cornea-to-retina SWEPT Source OCT scan with                                                                                                     Fixation
      telecentric                                                   Patented cornea-to-retina SWEPT Source OCT scan
                                                                            segmential refractive index AL                                                                                                                  check

  Telecentric                                                                                                  Individual iterative power optimization
                                         PLP Prediction, Tilt Compensation                                                                                                                                   Retinal Image
Central Corneal                                                                                                                based on
                                                 and IOL Design                                                                                                                                                 Quality
  Power Maps                                                                                                 neuronal weightened retinal image metric
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth             The concepts presented in this presentation are not currently marketed in- or outside the Not
                                                                                                                                             USA.all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
Iterative Calculation of Retinal Image Quality
Changing the SPHERE

                                               SPHERE increasing
                              CYL increasing

                                                                                         IOL selection based on
                                                                                            predicted VA and
                                                                                           neuronal weighted
                                                                                          retinal image quality

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth                             Not all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
When to Choose a Toric IOL
Case Example, Hirnschall et al, JCRS 2019

                                                                                                                                          3,87      3,87                     23,57
                                                      4,38      4,00                    24,70

                          Ast: 2,05D 4°                                                                         Ast: 2,35D 173°
                          AT Asphina 409MP:                          SE 15,50                    PVA: 42%       AT Asphina 409MP:                        SE 22,50                      PVA: 57%
                                     14,00    14,50          15,00      15,50     16,00         16,50   17,00        21,00        21,50          22,00     22,50       23,00         23,50       24,00

                          SE                                                                                    SE

                           AT Torbi 709MP:            SE +15,50 Cyl +3.00 A 95°                 PVA: 162%        AT Torbi 709MP:            SE +22,50 Cyl +2.00 A 72°                 PVA: 59%
                                SE                                                                                      SE         21,50         22,00     22,50       23,00         23,50
                                             14,50      15,00          15,50    16,00       16,50
                             Cyl                                                                                     Cyl
                                    2.00                                                                              1.50

                                    2,50                                                                              2,00

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hirnschall et al, Pilot
                                    3,00                                                                              2,50
                                                                                                                                                                                                   evaluation of refractive
                                                                                                                                                                                                   prediction errors
                                                                                                                                                                                                   associated with a new
                                    3,50                                                                              3,00
                                                                                                                                                                                                   method for ray-tracing –
                                                                                                                                                                                                   based intraocular lens
                                                                                                                                                                                                   power calculation JCRS
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth                                                                                                Not all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Ocular Innovation Summit ASCRS San Diego 2019 - Oliver Klaproth Senior Product Manager Biometry 2018-08-14 - Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
A glance at first clinical results
Hirnschall et al, JCRS 2019, in press

Study Design                                                                                       • Calculation of refractive spherical equivalent
                                                                                                     absolute error of the ray-tracing method, based on
•      Monofocal aspheric plate haptic IOL (CT
       Asphina 409M/MP) implantation                                                                  • individualized eye model data,
                                                                                                      • a physical lens position predictor,
•      40 cataract eyes
                                                                                                      • retinal image quality metrics criteria for IOL
•      1 month postoperatively manifest refraction and                                                  power selection,
       optical coherence tomography–based biometry                                                    • and exact IOL design information
       (IOLMaster 700)
                                                                                                      Comparison to outcomes with
                                                                                                      •   Barrett Universal II,
                                                                                                      •   Hill-RBF,
                                                                                                      •   SRK/T, and
                                                                                                      •   Haigis formulas.

         Hirnschall et al, Pilot evaluation of refractive prediction errors associated with a new method for ray-tracing – based intraocular lens power calculation JCRS 2019
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth
A glance at first clinical results
Hirnschall et al, JCRS 2019

       Cumulative percentage of eyes within the stated amount of                                     Box plots of absolute prediction errors of the different formulae and
       absolute prediction error in the raytracing group and for the                                 raytracing based IOL power calculation.
       different IOL calculation formulae.

         Hirnschall et al, Pilot evaluation of refractive prediction errors associated with a new method for ray-tracing – based intraocular lens power calculation JCRS 2019

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth                                                                              Not all concepts shown in this presentations are currently available for sale in- or outside the USA.
Translating precise calculation to the OR: Intra-operative Toric IOL Alignment

•     Matches the reference biometry image with the real-time
      view from the microscope

•     Continuosly tracks the live image to provide assistance
      overlays for toric IOL alignment, incisions and rhexis

•     Records intraop snapshots and videos in HD quality

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth
Proven Clinical Performance
More Precise Alignment and Shorter Overall Surgery Time

                                             •      Prospective comparative study of 57 eyes of 29 patients
                                                    using manual and ZEISS markerless workflow
                                             •      Toric IOL misalignment from intended target axis is
                                                    significantly better with markerless: 2.0° vs. 3.4° with
                                                    manual marking
                                             •      Overall surgery process time was significantly reduced by >
                                                    6 minutes (35% reduction) with markerless

                                                 “I align toric IOLs 40% more precisely and save 6 minutes in
                                                 surgery workflow per patient compared to manual marking.”

                                                          Wolfgang Mayer, MD, Center for Refractive Therapy, LMU Munich, Germany

                                                 W. Mayer (2017). “Comparison of visual outcomes, alignment accuracy, and surgical time between
                                                              2 methods of corneal marking for toric intraocular lens implantation”.
                                                                                      JCRS, October 2017

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth
Proven Clinical Performance
Better Toric Outcomes Compared to ORA

                                         •   Randomized, prospective and contralateral eye study of 104
                                             eyes of 52 patients
                                         •   More than double the number of patients within ±0.25D post-
                                             op cylinder compared with ORA
                                         •   Residual refractive astigmatism was significantly better as
                                         •   0.28±0.24 D with CALLISTO and
                                         •   0.48±0.28 D with ORA (P =0.0003)

                                               “I achieve 40% better outcomes compared to using ORA
                                                         intraoperative aberrometry system.”

                                                    Jonathan Solomon, MD, Bowie Vision Institute, Bowie, USA

                                                                          Solomon JD, Ladas J.
                                              Toric outcomes: Computer-assisted registration versus intraoperative aberrometry.
                                                               J Cataract Refract Surg 2017;43(4):498–504.

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth
Are we on the right track?

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oliver Klaproth
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