October 2022 - SVDP Georgia

Page created by Sally Mcguire
October 2022 - SVDP Georgia
October 2022
    The bi-monthly newsletter for the Members, Officers and Staff of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia

           SVdP Calendar

Webinar: Learn how you can refer
neighbors in need of health insurance
                                                                     A Note from Pat
This is a virtual webinar in partnership
                                           Greetings Vincentians & Friends,
with the Health Insurance Navigators
at Georgians for a Healthy Future
                                           It has been great to see the return of “in person” activity. As
                                           most of you know, this is such an important ingredient of
Tuesday, October 18th
                                           everything we do at St. Vincent DePaul….in fellowship,
12pm -1pm
                                           prayer, meetings, and in service to others. For the last nearly
                                           three years, we have had to adjust, adapt, and modify. While
                                           we are proud of the way the organization (all of you!)
Veterans Day
                                           responded, the real “secret sauce” is seeing the face of Christ in those we serve,
The Conference Support Center will be
                                           and that certainly is more apparent, evident and real when we are face to face.
closed on Friday, November 11th in
observance of Veterans Day.
                                           Speaking of fellowship, we were able to experience a statewide gathering of
                                           friends and neighbors at two recent events; our Morning of Hope in late August
Thanksgiving Holiday
                                           and Tee Off for Hope in late September, were both very well attended. Thank you
The Conference Support Center will be
                                           for your support as these two events exceeded our dreams and goals and most
closed on Thursday, November 24th
                                           importantly, will allow us to provide more Hope and Help to our neighbors in
and Friday, November 25th in
observance of Thanksgiving.
                                           We will be sending out fiscal year-end and Christmas season greetings soon, but I
                                           would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you for your support over the last two-and-a
Treasurer Function
                                           -half years. We have weathered a tough time through the pandemic and have
This training is designed for all new
                                           emerged stronger in the face of uncertainty. The organization is poised to assist
Treasurers and those looking for a
                                           more folks in a greater variety of locations and situations. This “enhancement as a
refresher course in Treasurer
                                           whole” could not have happened without your tireless efforts and guidance from
responsibilities within CMS.
                                           the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, November 29th
                                           It’s my sincere honor to have served you and the entire organization. I’m confident
                                           we are better today than we were yesterday. The organization will be in excellent
                                           hands in the years to come under the leadership of long-term Vincentian and
   Click Here for More Details and to
                                           leader, Mike Mies.
    Register for Vincentian Events &
                                           As we enter the season of gratitude and thanksgiving, please accept my earnest
                                           and heartfelt “thanks” for your prayers and kindness along the way.
                                                                                                                   — Patrick McNulty
                                           God bless you all!                                                  Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                            678.892.6180 | PMcNulty@svdpgeorgia.org
   Connect with us @svdpgeorgia!

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Workforce Development Resources
Click on the links below for the most current workforce development resources and share with neighbors in need of


                                                Join Our Team
St. Vincent de Paul Georgia is growing and we are excited to share the following position with you. Please feel free to share this
opportunity with your network and/or neighbors in need who may be interested.

                                                                                  To apply for the GRANTS MANAGER
                                                                                  opportunity, please submit a letter of
                                                                                  interest, resume, and salary requirements
                                                                                  to Sonji Bates-Boston.

                               SVdP Georgia Giving Catalog
Discover the wonderful feeling that comes with giving a gift that changes someone’s life! When you give a gift of hope featured
in St. Vincent de Paul Georgia’s Giving Catalog, you provide Help and Hope to neighbors in need across Georgia. For those
facing challenges such as poverty, job loss or sickness, there is nothing more meaningful and impactful.

                                                                To view Catalog or to Give a Gift, visit:

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Moving Out of Our Comfort Zones
Am I capable of being a case worker, spiritual advisor, or conference president? Can I spontaneously pray for our neighbors
when I meet with them? Can I organize and facilitate a Vincentian retreat for my conference? Will I know what to do?

Being a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society means change for us is on the horizon. Changes of all kinds, rather than
remaining comfortable where we are. Maybe we are the best at what we do, but what else could we learn? What else does
God want us to experience? We might be afraid to try something new. Normally, most of us are.

God provides what we need when we say “yes,” as Our Blessed Mother
Mary did when the Angel Gabriel told her she would have a son.

For example, let’s focus on something very important; that is, learning to
pray for others spontaneously, in the moment. This requires us to be
humble, as we then find a fulfilling presence of the Holy Spirit, causing our
words to pour forth from Him. The more we pray for others in their
presence and in the moment, the more present the Holy Spirit is within us,
because we are serving “the suffering Christ.”

It is during these special moments that Vincentians grow in Vincentian
spirituality. The following scripture verses provide more insight.

“For I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day
that Christ Jesus returns.”1 Our hearts are marked for serving those who are the least of our brothers and sisters, the
marginalized. If God called us to do this good work, he will help us by giving us all the blessings, gifts, and graces we need to
follow through with His Will for us. And we must trust that he will do this in his Divine Providence for us.

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking it is impossible. But with God all things are possible.’”2 On my
spiritual journey many things have happened that without God, would not have been possible. He causes me to step out of my
comfort zone, as I trust Him.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to
you.”3 We turn to Him asking for His help as we go through life’s challenges. When we first begin the journey, we may not have
the wisdom we need, but along the way, as we trust Him, he gives us the wisdom we need to gain confidence to do whatever
he asks of us.

Give it a try! Especially, pray with someone in need, who may not have ever had anyone pray for them, in their presence, or
over the phone, or through a video call. Notice how it affects them. There is a calming presence of God that you will notice, a
stillness. “Be still and know that I am God.”4

Enjoy the journey!
                                                                                                        — Sr. Mary Francis Power, ESEH
                                                                                                          SVdP Council Spiritual Advisor

  Philippians 1:6 of the Holy Bible.
  Matthew 19:26 of the Holy Bible.
  James 1:5 of the Holy Bible.
  Psalm 46:10 of the Holy Bible.

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National President Election Update
Dear Vincentians,

The process for the Election of the President of the National Council of St. Vincent de Paul began at the National Meeting held
in Baltimore on September 3, 2022. At that time, National Committee members voted for the top 2 of 4 potential candidates.
The final selection for president is one in which every active Vincentian has a vote.

Sometime before the November 14th deadline, a vote will be held by secret ballot in your local conference. The results of that
majority vote will determine the 1 vote cast by your conference. SVdP Georgia will then cast a single vote in the national
election that reflects the majority vote of each of our conferences.

The “paper process” for conducting this election is prescribed by the National Elections Committee, and I thank you for your
cooperation and compliance with it. The two candidates are: John Berry and Brian Burgess.

                                                              The winner of the National Election will be announced in
                                                              January and the National President will serve for a term of six
                                                              years. To help in your decision making, please click on the
                                                              “platform statements” from each of the two candidates as well
                                                              as this link to a video of their live speeches before the National
                                                              Committee in September.

                                                              May the Peace of the Lord and the spirits of St. Vincent de Paul
                                                              and Blessed Frederic Ozanam be with all of you.

   John Berry Statement          Brian Burgess Statement                                                            — Denise Fisher
                                                                                                                    Acting President
                                                                                                       Atlanta Archdiocesan Council
                                                                                                         St. Vincent de Paul Georgia

                          SVdP Annual Disaster Campaign Appeal

Hurricane Ian Response Update: As we pray for everyone in the most recent
storm’s path and those otherwise affected, we ask you, your Conference, and
your Council to consider contributing generously to our National Council
Annual Disaster Appeal, which is the most effective way to get disaster aid to
Vincentians working with Disaster Services Corporation, and to provide
disaster relief throughout the world.

Your support aids our long-term Disaster Recovery efforts for current and
future disasters. To donate to the Disaster Appeal or more information, visit
the National Council Annual Disaster Appeal website.

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SVdP Georgia Selects Mike Mies for CEO Position
 St. Vincent de Paul Georgia’s Board of Directors overwhelmingly approved a resolution to hire
 Mike Mies as CEO/Executive Director to replace Pat McNulty, who will retire at the end of the
 year. Mike brings 20+ years of successful leadership and service at all levels of St. Vincent de
 Paul Georgia including Conference Caseworker, Conference Spiritual Advisor, Conference
 President, District President, Council Vice President, Council President, and National
 Committee Member, and will assume the new role in 2023.

 Mike will replace St. Vincent de Paul Georgia’s CEO, Pat McNulty, who recently announced his
 2023 retirement. “Having worked closely with Mike for the last few years, I have seen firsthand
 his visionary leadership, passion and his genuine dedication to our Mission and Values for the
 people of Georgia,” said McNulty. “He will help guide our organization to new heights, as we
 continue to strengthen our capabilities in the areas of Hunger, Housing and Health.”

 Strong financial and management skills, as evidenced by Mike’s experience as CEO and Director of Finance of several public
 and private companies, afford St. Vincent de Paul Georgia continuity of service delivery, fundraising, and
 continued forward momentum in executing the Strategic Plan.

 Mike will work alongside Pat for the next few months to ensure a seamless transition into this role with careful attention to
 maintaining existing relationships with key donors and constituents.

                                                 Helping Mamas

SVdP Georgia at St. Patrick in Norcross, GA recently partnered with Helping Mamas to distribute diapers and feminine hygiene
products through the St. Patrick pantry located at 2140 Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross, GA 30071.

                                                     Helping Mamas is a Gwinnett based non-profit that collects and distributes
                                                     essential items, including diapers, baby food & formula, and hygiene
                                                     products. For more information on Helping Mamas, please visit

Helping Mamas is only able to help mamas in our community through the support of people like you! Please consider donating
items to the Helping Mamas warehouse located at 4487 Park Dr. Ste A1, Norcross, GA 30093. The warehouse is open for
donations Monday through Friday, 9:30AM - 3:30PM.

   The following NEW items will be accepted for donation. For a complete list, visit https://helpingmamas.org/donate-items/

   - Diapers & Pull-ups: All sizes (open packages okay)                - Health/Hygiene Items (Baby Shampoo, Lotion, etc.)
   - Bottles, Feeding Supplies                                         - Pacifiers
   - Breast Pumps                                                      - Period Products (open packages okay)
   - Car Seats                                                         - Swimsuits
   - Cribs/Mattresses                                                  - Toys
   - Food & Formula (doesn’t expire within 3 months)                   - Wipes

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Formation & Training
Watch the recording here:
                                                       Topics covered in the September 15th Town Hall:
                                                       * Vincentian Recruitment – A Conference case study
                                                       * Success Story – Conferences collaborate to help house a family in need
                                                       * Helping families fleeing domestic violence
                                                       * Results from the in-person meeting survey
                                                       * Preparing for the Annual Close
                                                       * Open Forum Q&A

                                                       Click here to download the presentation shared at the Town Hall.

NEW! WEBINAR: HELPING WITH HEALTH                                                      CMS TRAINING:
INSURANCE OPTIONS                                                                      TREASURER FUNCTION
(in partnership with Georgians for a Healthy Future)                                   TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2022
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2022                                                              12:00PM-1:30PM
                                                                     This training is designed for all new Treasurers and those
This virtual Webinar is for ALL Vincentians who are interested       looking for a refresher course in Treasurer responsibilities
in learning how to refer neighbors in need to health                 within CMS. In this training, we will walk through how to
insurance options. In this Zoom session, Health Insurance            maintain current and accurate vendor information,
Navigators from Georgians for a Healthy Future                       approve check & pledge requests, maintain an accurate &
(healthyfuturega.org) will answer questions about Medicaid           up-to-date check register, reconcile bank statements and
eligibility, insurance qualifications, open & special                close the month, print and submit published month-end
enrollment, CHIP for uninsured children, and more.                   reports, and more. Registration will open in November.


                  Spirituality Updates from National Council
New Formation Resource: 500 Little Prayers for Vincentians
For more than two years, National Formation Director Tim Williams has written a daily prayer for
Vincentians, many of which can be found on social media. Now those prayers have been collected in a new
booklet, 500 Little Prayers for Vincentians, which is available for download from our members' site.

                               Special Fred Talk Series: Our Vincentian Virtues
                               From September 15 thru October 20, there will be a new Fred Talk each
                               week focused on the Essential Virtues (Rule, Part I, 2.5.1).
                               Click here to start watching Part 1 of 6.

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Twinning Spotlight in District 3: Gwinnett
Earlier this year, Family Promise reached out to the St. Lawrence Conference in Lawrenceville, Georgia to help the Hockers - a
family of six at the time - with hotel payments until their Section 8 house became available. Unfortunately, the Hockers did not
meet the qualifications of Family Promise, which require both husband and wife to be employed. With four children at home
and a lack of childcare options, Mrs. Hocker, who was pregnant with her fifth child, was unable to work. Although her
husband and oldest daughter were able to find employment, their wages could not cover the cost of housing on top of two car
payments, gas, and insurance, so the Hockers decided to live in a tent at a park, and when the temperature got too hot, they
switched to living in their cars.

                                                          TWINNING TO HELP A FAMILY IN NEED

                                                          Upon receiving the referral, Pam Kramer, Conference President at
                                                          St. Lawrence, emailed several other Conference Leaders in District 3
                                                          asking for help and received “Twinning” funding from FIVE
                                                          Conferences - St. John Neumann, St. Oliver Plunket, St. Stephen’s,
                                                          Prince of Peace, and Mary Our Queen.

                                                          The funds collected helped the Hocker family pay for four weeks at a
                                                          motel as well as a down payment for their Section 8 house. With
                                                          twinning money left over, and with donations from parishioners, the
                                                          St. Lawrence Conference helped purchase four complete bed sets
                                                          and furnish their 5-bedroom house.

                                                           “Our community gathered together to help this family live safely ,
                                                           thrive, and get in permanent housing. It took all these parishes
                                                           and agencies and good parishioners from St. Lawrence to make
                                                           this happen!”
                                                                                                                - Pam Kramer

                                                         The Hockers were able to move into their new house on July 29th
                                                         and welcomed their new baby girl a few weeks later.

                                   PARTNERING WITH OTHER MINISTRIES

                                   In addition to helping with housing, the Hockers were referred to various St. Lawrence
                                   ministries, including:

                                   •   Helping Mamas, a non-profit organization in Norcross, GA that provides essential baby
                                       supplies to families in need. Helping Mamas was able to provide the Hocker family
                                       with diapers, wipes, and a new pack-n-play.
                                                                                               “SVdP has been a huge
                                   •   Obria Medical Clinic, a Women’s health clinic in        blessing to our family and we
                                       Lawrenceville, GA, helped provide prenatal care for     do not know what we would
                                       Mrs. Hocker.                                            have done without your
                                   •   Lawrenceville Co-Op for food.                           help!“
                                                                                                  - Marcus & Onekeia Hocker
                                   •   Lawrenceville Thrift Store for clothing.

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Vincentians in Action

Members from the SVdP conference at St. Mary Mother of God in Jackson, Georgia recently put together 100 Curbside
Comfort Kits to hand out to the homeless and needy that they encounter day-to-day. The kits were shared with the
parishioners to extend their ministry to all that were interested in participating. The kits included hygiene items, various
healthy snacks as well as a prayer card and a copy of our church bulletin.

                                                    "People's eyes light up when you give them one of these bags. They just
                                                    don't expect for someone to hand them a bag full of things that they
                                                    need but didn't expect from a driver who was just passing by."
                                                                                                             - Bill & Lee Love

                                                                 ANNUAL SVDP DRIVE AT ST. PETER CHANEL

 “All together we filled 74-feet of trucks. What a GREAT weekend because of
 our great parish, SVdP team and volunteers from SPC Men's Club, Knights of
 Columbus and Blessed Trinity High School! Thank you to all!”
                                                          - Mark & Ginny Nixon

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Other Vincentian Happenings
On Sunday, September 18th , Conference members at Our Lady of
the Assumption gathered during the 11:30am Mass to recommit
themselves to faithfulness as they carry out their vocation as
Vincentians. Joining them in celebration was Jennifer Maxwell, Sr.
Director of Vincentian Services.

                                         St. Ann’s Encounter Adult Faith Ministry and St. Vincent de Paul Georgia recently
                                         hosted Sister Theresa Sullivan of the Daybreak Resource Center in Macon. Using wit
                                         and charm, Sister Theresa led a prayer-filled evening on being open to an encounter
                                         with Christ while serving others. Daybreak provides meals, laundry and other services
                                         to the homeless. Attendees brought donations for Daybreak to the event, held in La
                                         Salette Hall.

On Saturday, October 8th, Mary Our Queen in Peachtree Corners
hosted an all-day Vincentian Retreat, where attendees participated in
group discussions, Vincentian Stations of The Cross, singing, prayers,
confessions, and more. This spiritually-motivating event also included
role play demonstrations and Saturday Vigil Mass.

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Thank You For Your Support!

The first annual Morning of Hope held on August 25,
2022 at the Westin Perimeter was an overwhelming
success! The sold out event hosted over 400 attendees
and raised $350,000 in support of St. Vincent de Paul
Georgia's critically-needed programs and

Morning of Hope featured speakers included Georgia
Power President, CEO and Chairman, Chris Womack;
NFL Superbowl Champion and UGA Football Legend
Kevin Butler; and former Director of Corporate
Citizenship for IBM, Ann Cramer. Mayor of Atlanta
Andre Dickens was presented with the Hope Builder
Award for his efforts to address affordable housing.

                    THESE EVENTS POSSIBLE!!

                                                                                  TEE OFF FOR HOPE 2022
                                                                                  The 13th Annual Tee Off For Hope was held
                                                                                  September 26, 2022 at The Standard Club in
                                                                                  Johns Creek. The sold out event raised a
                                                                                  record amount of revenue to support the
                                                                                  work of SVdP Georgia.

                                                       SAVE THE DATE AND
                                                       MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!
                                                           2023 Morning of Hope - April 18, 2023 @ The Cobb Galleria Centre

                                                           2023 Tee Off For Hope - September 25, 2023 @ The Standard Club

                                                       Registration for both 2023 events opens soon! Be sure to register early
                                                       before they sell out!

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Welcome to the SVdP GA Team!

 Ann Frazer joins us as the new Corporate Giving Manager on the Development Team.
 Ann will be responsible for managing and growing our portfolio of corporate donors and
 supporters. Prior to joining SVdP Georgia, Ann spent seven years at St. Joseph Catholic
 School, where she held a variety of roles, including the Director of Enrollment and
 Communications. In that role, she was responsible for developing and implementing a
 marketing, sales and communications plan aimed at increasing enrollment at the
 school. Before moving to the not-for-profit world, Ann honed her skills in the corporate
 world, holding a variety of sales, marketing and management positions at The Kellogg
 Company and Parisian.

 A native of Illinois, Ann has lived in Georgia for over 20 years and is a proud graduate of
 the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!). She currently lives in Woodstock with her husband
 of 28 years. They are the proud parents of three children: one daughter who is on her
 own and off the payroll, a daughter that is a junior at UGA and a son that is a senior in
 high school. She also has one cat and one very spoiled dog.

 When not fighting the 285 traffic, Ann enjoys hiking, painting, photography, reading, gardening (though most of it dies) and
 her family, of course. She is especially looking forward to impacting our very important mission.

                                    Mariel Risner Sivley joins the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia in the newly
                                    created position of Housing Director. In this role, Mariel will be responsible for
                                    overseeing our strategic and tactical housing related initiatives, including the Motel to
                                    Home program.

                                      Most recently Mariel was the Executive Director of the Georgia Supportive Housing
                                      Association (GSHA), a nonprofit organization that seeks to advance the creation and
                                      preservation of quality supportive housing in Georgia and ensure sufficient resources for
                                      this effort through education and advocacy. Mariel started her career as an attorney with
                                      the Georgia Law Center for the Homeless and was the co-recipient of a Distinguished
                                      Service Award from the Atlanta Bar Association in 2012. She served as the volunteer
                                      coordinator for the Atlanta Long Term Care Ombudsman Program and as an Adjunct
 Professor for the Externship Program in the area of Public Interest Law at Emory University School of Law. She is a graduate
 of Emory University and the Georgia State University College of Law. Mariel has presented on homelessness and housing
 topics at several events, including those hosted by Georgians for a Healthy Future, National Association of Women Judges,
 and NAMI Georgia. She helped develop a supportive housing development guidebook and training for GSHA. Her work
 with GSHA was awarded the Freedom Righter Award from Metro Fair Housing in 2021.

 Mariel grew up in Sandy Springs and lives in Roswell. She loves to read, indulge in creative writing, take her dog for long
 hikes, go camping, and travel any place she can get to. Her next highly anticipated international trip is to Israel, but before
 that trip, she is looking forward to spending time with family this winter in Idaho, where she will attempt to learn how to

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SVdP Prayer List
                       Please keep the following Vincentians and their families in your prayers.

       Joanne Capies                                             For the Holy Spirit to guide our work and our donors
       Lonnie Sundermeyer                                         that support our mission.
       Dick Valentino                                            For Those discerning to be Vincentians.
       Jennifer Dunagan & family                                 For our fellow Vincentians that have passed.
       Patricia Daughrity & family                               For our Vincentians that are suffering with illness.
       Deloris Hartnest & family                                 In thanksgiving for our parishioners who give
       Mario Dias & family                                        generously supporting our conference.
       Juanita Williams                                          For all those who struggle to earn enough to
       Lea and Ray Custer                                         financially thrive in our city.
       Doreen Dunlap                                             All members of our military serving our country
       Michael Cribbs                                             around the world.
       Butch Thompson                                            All who seek to bring peace to the world as Jesus
       Joe and Lorraine DeWitte                                   taught.
       David Bir                                                 The health and well-being of all affected by the
       Claudia Sells                                              Coronavirus Pandemic; comfort to those whose
       Marcus Schuchs                                             loved ones have suffered lost loved ones; peace for
                                                                   those living with uncertainty; patience to those who
       Pam Stratton
                                                                   are isolated; strength for our medical professionals,
       Repose of the soul of James Kimbel
                                                                   caregivers and researchers, and all involved in our
       Eternal rest for Felix & Regina Marcinkiewicz              National response efforts.

         Right Around the Corner! Clark’s Christmas Kids
                                            For the past several holiday seasons, the Georgia Division of Family and
                                            Children Services has partnered with WSB Radio’s Clark Howard and St. Vincent
                                            de Paul Georgia to fulfill Christmas wish lists for children in foster care. Over the
                                            course of the next few weeks, donations and gifts will be collected to ensure
                                            these children are given a wonderful holiday.

                                            WE NEED YOUR HELP! Be on the lookout for how you can donate online or give
                                            in person by volunteering your time!

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Conference Support Center Staff Information
                                  St. Vincent de Paul Conference Support Center - 2050 Chamblee Tucker Road Suite C, Chamblee, GA 30341
                             Receptionist: 678.892.6160      Donation Pick Up: 678.892.6162 Fax: 770.457.3021 Assistance Line: 678.892.6163

Patrick McNulty – Chief Executive Officer                                                 Eileen Parker – Case Manager
678.892.6180 | PMcNulty@svdpgeorgia.org                                                   678.705.7828 | EParker@svdpgeorgia.org
Patrick is the legal and functional senior executive of SVdP Georgia and is responsible   Eileen coordinates casework at the Lakewood and Dallas Family Support Centers.
to the Board of Directors for the management of all aspects of the operations of the      Contact Eileen if you have questions regarding casework or community resources.
organization. As the chief advocate and spokesperson for the Society, he also
promotes the work of the Society with donors, supporters, elected officials and other     Linda Gurrant—Operations Manager
organizations.                                                                            678.892.6165 | LGurrant@svdpgeorgia.org
                                                                                          Linda manages the donation line and mapping for the truck drivers as well as
Cheryl King – Chief Financial Officer                                                     processes and maintains EFSP (Emergency Food & Shelter Program) cases, schedules
678.892. 6172| CKing@svdpgeorgia.org                                                      Conference pick-ups for the Food Distribution Program and coordinates Food and
Cheryl is responsible for overseeing the organization’s finances, the accounting          Clothing Drives.
department, managing the Council’s budget, financial reporting, cash flow and the
annual audit.                                                                             Christa Frye—Volunteer/Community Outreach Coordinator
                                                                                          678.892.6168 | CFrye@svdpgeorgia.org
Jerry Veltri – Chief Mission Officer                                                      Christa oversees volunteer and community outreach programs for council and
678.892.6170 | JVeltri@svdpgeorgia.org                                                    conference wide efforts.
Jerry has leadership responsibility for support of all 73 SVdP Georgia Conferences.
This includes Formation and Training, Vincentian Support, and strategic community         Sequoyah Moody — Contract Accountant
alliances and partnerships.                                                               678.892.6173 | SMoody@svdpgeorgia.org
                                                                                          Sequoyah is responsible for managing grants and Capital Campaign financial reports.
Darrell Hooker — Chief Operating Officer
678.892.6176 | DHooker@svdpgeorgia.org                                                    Alejandra Cadiz—Caseworker (bi-lingual)
Darrell facilitates the logistics and coordination of the operations of SVdP Thrift       678.892.6174 | ACadiz@svdpgeorgia.org
Stores, Family Support Centers, Food Recovery and Distribution Program and the            Alejandra performs casework for our Motel to Home Program and Rapid Rehousing
Warehouse & Recycling program in Chamblee.                                                Program Initiatives.

Elizabeth Sirk— Chief Development Officer                                                 Krystiona (“Krys”) McLean—SNAP Case Manager
678.892.6171 | Esirk@svdpgeorgia.org                                                      770.576.2615 ext. 1053 | KMclean@svdpgeorgia.org
Contact Elizabeth for donor information as well as information on Planned and             Krys is responsible for SNAP benefits eligibility screening, enrollment assistance, and
Monthly Giving.                                                                           education.

Sue Hansen— Controller                                                                    Heidi Eveleigh—Program Manager
678.892.6173 | shansen@svdpgeorgia.org                                                    678.488.7241 | M2H@svdpgeorgia.org
Sue manages the accounting department and oversees financial reporting and other          Heidi provides program administration and casework for our Motel to Home program
financial duties needed in day-to-day operations.                                         and Rapid Rehousing Program Initiatives.

Jennifer Maxwell—Sr. Director of Vincentian Services                                      Laura Gibbs—Program Manager
770.576.4080 | JMaxwell@svdpgeorgia.org                                                   678.892.6188 | LGibbs@svdpgeorgia.org
Jennifer coordinates, develops, and delivers training for Vincentians and Conferences     Laura provides program support for Homelessness Prevention and Supportive Housing
through the Vincentian University program. Her primary focus is to support                initiatives.
conferences and their operational needs.
                                                                                          Jazzmin A. Smith—Staff Accountant
Tara Johnson—Director of Administration                                                   678.892.6166 | JSmith@svdpgeorgia.org
678.892.6161 | TJohnson@svdpgeorgia.org                                                   Jazzmin handles all accounts payables, accounts receivables, recording of daily
Tara leads the overall daily office operations including office management, vendor        deposits, credit card transactions, and month-end closing entries.
relationships, benefits, payroll, IT, and record keeping.
                                                                                          Ebony Baldwin—Accounting Clerk
Sonji Bates-Boston — Director of Human Resources                                          770.687.2603 | EBaldwin@svdpgeorgia.org
678.892.6160 | SBatesBoston@svdpgeorgia.org                                               Ebony provides support to Thrift Stores and Conferences for financial reporting.
Sonji performs general clerical tasks and personnel oversight to ensure effective day     Contact Ebony for information regarding monthly/annual reporting and treasury
to day operations.                                                                        questions.

Dr. Samantha Ricks—Director of Pharmacy                                                   Alyssa Deslauriers – Development Manager
678.892.6181 ext. 1004 | SRicks@svdpgeorgia.org                                           678.892.6164 | ADeslauriers@svdpgeorgia.org
Dr. Ricks is responsible for all aspects of the SVdP GA Pharmacy operations, growing      Alyssa is responsible for donor database management, events coordination and small
our client base, and educational programs for those we serve. Contact Dr. Ricks for       donor engagement and recognition.
questions about client referrals to the pharmacy.
                                                                                          Nisha Mossing – Web & Information Systems Analyst
Mariel Risner Sivley — Housing Director                                                   770.576.4076 | NMossing@svdpgeorgia.org
678.892.6185 | MSivley@svdpgeorgia.org                                                    Nisha supports digital communications for Vincentians and Conferences.
Mariel oversees our strategic and tactical housing related initiatives, including the
Motel to Home program.                                                                    Elizabeth Langston—Receptionist
                                                                                          678.892.6160| ELangston@svdpgeorgia.org
Ann Frazer—Corporate Giving Manager                                                       Contact Elizabeth for food and clothing vouchers.
770.687.2613 | AFrazer@svdpgeorgia.org
Ann is responsible for managing and growing our portfolio of corporate donors and

October 2022
September 2010                                                                The
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