October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online

Page created by Judith Herrera
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
October 16/17, 2021

                                                                      Fax: 303-422-8251     www.spiritofchrist.org
                                                                              Email: staff@spiritofchrist.org

                                                                                 Parish Office Hours
                                                                        Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 AM to 8 PM
                                                                                Friday: 8:30 AM to 3 PM
                                                                          Closed each day from noon to 1 PM
                                                                        The church is open during all office hours.
                                                                                    Mass Schedule
                                                                             Monday through Friday: 9 AM*
                                                                                  Saturday: 5 PM*
                                                                      Sunday: 7:00, 8:30,10:30 AM, 12:15 & 5 PM
                                                                              * indicates live streamed
                                                                    Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM outside of the chapel
                                 Fr. Chris’ Catholic Cultural Corner
              ISAIAH AND THE MESSIAH                             through suffering is unique among prophetic books.

Have you ever contemplated the Book of the Prophet Isai-         Isaiah did not predict the coming of Jesus specifically (by
ah? Have you ever read the Book of the Prophet Isaiah? At        name), but he described a world turned upside down by
66 Chapters, it is the longest book of the Bible. We hear it     God's victory and the restoration of Israel. Mountains
oen read at Mass as part of the Sunday Readings. Yet,           would be made low, what is crooked made straight, rivers
many are unfamiliar with this greatest of prophetic books.       run in the desert, and those who are humiliated and
Isaiah came along at an opportune time. The second half of       brought low would be raised up. This is the "new creation"
the 8th century B.C. witnessed the collapse of the northern      God was working out.
kingdom under the invasion of Assyria, while Jerusalem
itself saw the army of Sennacherib drawn up before its        Early Christians saw the life, works, death and resurrection
walls. Isaiah had received his prophetic call in the year thatof Jesus Christ through the lens of Isaiah. Mary herself
King Uzziah died (742 BC).                                    quoted the prophet in her "Magnificat". Jesus was the ful-
                                                              fillment of those Scriptures because what the early Chris-
Through this difficult time for the people of Israel, Isaiah   tian read fit their own experience of Jesus so closely. As
prophesied, calling the people back to the Lord. In the       Christians, we need the Old Testament to explain the iden-
midst of the destruction around them Isaiah speaks of the tity of Jesus. The words of Isaiah help us understand the
Lord enthroned in glory. His own call is reflected herein, as object of our belief; in turn, our belief provides some illumi-
he speaks of being taken possession of by the spirit, which nation on the words spoken so long before Jesus.
gained him a new awareness of human peiness and sinful-
ness. How much a people needed a Messiah! Isaiah fore-        With the coming of Advent, we will hear of the prophet
told the coming of the Messiah as one who comes to suffer. Isaiah a great deal, in both Sunday and weekday liturgical
In today's First Reading from Isaiah, we hear of the          readings. Perhaps it would be a good time to "study" Isaiah
"suffering servant". Beginning about Chapter 49, the Messi- in advance, so as to be beer prepared to hear the beautiful
ah is spoken of as one who will come to free his people       and wondrous foretelling of the coming of the Messiah,
from the yoke of sin and slavery, albeit through suffering.    which we will celebrate at Christmas.
The prophecy of a servant who would redeem Israel
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. (Ps 33)

We have LBC classes for preschoolers at the Satur-           Thanks for Helping the Homeless THANK YOU to
day 5 pm Mass, Sunday 8:30, 10:30, and 12:15 Masses.         all of the wonderful, generous SOC parishioners who do-
Please take your preschool downstairs to room 102 start-     nated to help the Homeless Ministry. We are so grateful
ing 15 minutes before Mass. Exception-Saturday 5pm pre-      for the shelf-stable food, socks, hats, scarves, gloves &
school class is dismissed with the K-3 children at Mass.     hand warmers. You have helped to make the upcoming
                                                             winter season more tolerable for our homeless Arvada
                                                             neighbors. We are still in need of volunteers to help pre-
Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta‼ This year we are               pare & deliver meals to 3 area motels that will house the
planning to have a fiesta on Sat. Dec. 11 aer the 5:00 pm   homeless this winter. Please call Diane Hildebrand at
Mass to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe.                     (360) 903-2891 and leave a message if interested.
In order to make this happen we need lots of volunteers.
Please contact Janee in the church office to help or email

Liturgical ministry sign up is Oct. 23/24 in the
Gathering Space. If you are interested in being an
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, lecture,
usher, altar server or greeter, then please stop by to       Blood Drive this Sunday Oct. 17 Donations are be-
signup or ask questions.                                     ing accepted between 8am and 1:30pm in the St. John 23rd
                                                             (lower level) hall. It’s not too late to donate…walk-
Trick-or-Treat Street is happening on Saturday, Octo-        ins are welcome. This is the final blood drive of the year at
ber 30, from 2:00-4:00 pm! Families are encouraged to        Spirit of Christ. There is
come, dressed in costumes, to Trick-or-Treat! Trick-or-      currently a shortage of
Treat Street will take place in the John XXIII Center. We    blood, please plan to do-
hope to see you there!                                       nate the gi of life; for
                                                             those in our community
We are taking candy donations for Trick-or-                  who may need blood.
Treat Street! Please bring your individually wrapped         Note that youth 16-17
candy donations to the orange pumpkin in the Gathering       years of age can now do-
Space. We will be taking donations all the way up until      nate with a parent’s signed approval waiver.
the event begins on Saturday, October 30 at 2:00
pm! Thank you for your donations!

Archdiocese of Denver ST. CECILIA MASS
     Prelude | Mass | Reception                              Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Church of the Risen Christ                                   is available in the chapel
3060 S Monaco Pkwy, Denver                                   Mon-Thur. 9:30 am - noon.
Friday, November 12 7:30pm                                   Fridays 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. (In the event
Choirs from around the diocese are invited to participate    of a funeral in the chapel, Adoration will
in the prelude and Mass.                                     be in the Church.)
REHEARSAL Wednesday, November 10 6:45pm
Risen Christ, Denver
To sign up, contact our music director Ron Marinelli at

Our nursery is now open for
                                                                                   The next saint featured is:
 children up to the age of 3                                                       St. Luke
  during the 8:30 AM and                                                           The links are on our website
 10:30 AM Masses on Sun-                                                           spiritofchrist.org. If you get the bul-
  day. No signup needed;                                                           letin emailed to you weekly, the link
                                                                                   will be in that email.
  Drop in registration only.
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—Oct. 17
First Reading: Is 53:10
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22
Second Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16
Gospel: Mark 10:35-4

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time—Oct. 24
First Reading: Jeremiah 31: 7-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 126: 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 (3)
Second Reading: Hebrews 5: 1-6
Gospel: Mark 10: 46-52                                                     (Please note: These are subject to change)
          Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time                       Saturday, October 16
                                                                            5:00 PM      Fran & Lucie Hoelsken ++
Oh, James. Oh, John. You were the eyewitnesses. You were                          Bruce & Jeannine Dickerhofe (sp. int.)
called by Jesus himself, straight off your father’s boat. You were
with him from the beginning of his public life. You witnessed        Sunday, October 17
heart-stopping things, like crippling unclean spirits expelled,              7:00 AM    Mary Ann Matassa +
and blind eyes opened, and a paralyzed man dropped down the                  8:30 AM    Leroy Mondragon +
roof so that you could heal him, body and soul.                             10:30 AM    The People of SOC
You alone, with Peter, were part of the privileged triad Jesus              12:15 PM    Bobby Sorrentino +
allowed to witness the raising of Jairus’ daughter (Mk. 5:37), and           5:00 PM    Bob Hagglund +
the blinding light of the Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-13). How is it   Monday, October 18
that, aer your nearness to him, you didn’t grasp that to drink             9:00 AM     Mable Baker +
the cup he would drink meant you would join him in suffering?         Tuesday
Remember when Peter tried to remove Jesus from that suffering,                9:00 AM    Charla Cannon +
assuring him that he would never die a violent death? Jesus was      Wednesday
looking RIGHT AT YOU when he said to Peter, “Get behind me,                  9:00 AM    Nick Sedillo +
Satan” (Mk. 8:33)!                                                                      Tom Callahan +
That’s okay. We would have thought the same thing. Aer all,         Thursday
look at all the miracles! But surely you realized, that terrible             9:00 AM    JoMarie Turner +
night in Gethsemane, when you were once again singled out,           Friday
with Peter, to stay awake and pray with him (Mark 14: 32-36),                 9:00 AM   Judy Scanlan +
that when he prayed the cup be taken away from him, that cup                              + indicates deceased
must be terrible? And did you remember, then, how you had
once begged for that cup?                                            Our Prayer List for the Sick and the Military are
We don’t know how you died, John. Tradition believes you lived       both online at www.spiritofchrist.org. under Prayer Inten-
a long life and died in Ephesus. But you, James, were stoned by      tions and on the altar for the priest’s intentions. Contact
order of Herod Agrippa I. According to Spanish tradition, your       the office for additions.
body was taken to Santiago de Compostela, where your shrine
aracts Christian pilgrims from all over the world. And the cup
of suffering continues for martyrs even today.                               Please Pray for Those Who Have Died
What cup of suffering do you accept every day?
Kathy McGovern ©2021 www.thestoryandyou.com                          Dolores Lombardi, friend of Bill and Kristine Wolfe
                                                                     Flavio Silva, friend of Marge Cobb
Library/Resource Center will have resources to fol-
                                                                     Funerals here at SOC are listed on our website:
low along with the parish Saint journey. They are open:              spiritofchrist.org under Schedules/funerals
Sundays from 8 AM—Noon
Monday and Tuesday from 10 AM—11:30 AM
Contact soclibrary@spiritofchrist.org for more info.

Gis of the Spirit is located in our Gathering Space.
They sells candles, bibles, rosaries and many other reli-
gious items and gis. They are open:
Saturday before the 5 PM Mass
Sunday on the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 9:30-11:45 AM.
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
OUTREACH - Your Stewardship (time, talent, treasure) In Action
       STEWARDSHIP OF YOUR TITHE                                              COMMUNITY Table
Your Tithing continues to enable Spirit of Christ to be      The “Table” serves northern Jefferson County. Be-
Stewards by supporting so many and varied ways we can        yond food, we offer programs to stabilize lives and
bring the Gospel to our community and the world. The         provide a hand up. Please continue to support our ef-
following organizations have received grant money from       forts by dropping food off in the box in the Gathering
Spirit of Christ:                                            Space during office hours or before Mass.
Growing Home              growinghome.org 303-426-0430
Growing Home’s mission is to guide children and their
families on the path to a brighter future.
Growing Home envisions its community working together
so that all children and their families
have a place to call home, food on the table, and the op-
portunity to pursue their dreams. Growing Home is re-
spectfully requesting $10,000.00 in funding from Spirit of
                                                             Thank you SOC for your continued support.
                                                             Items Most Needed: Canned fruit (pears, apple sauce,
Christ to support its Strengthening Families Program.
Strengthening Families includes four service areas includ-   pineapple, fruit cocktail), peanut butter, pinto beans,
ing a Food Pantry, Housing Stability and Homelessness        cold cereal, spaghetti and pasta, baking items (flour,
Prevention, 19 affordable housing units, and collaborative    sugar, cake mix), personal care items (soap, body
coaching to help families set near and long-term goals for   wash, shampoo)
stability and resiliency.
                                                             13th Annual SOC Christmas Sock Project In con-
Fair Trade - On October 23 and 24th we will resume           tinuing the passion project of Mary Ellen Feely, SOC will
Fair Trade table sales in the Spirit Center aer all the     once again be collecting socks, personal care
masses, EXCEPT the Sunday 5:00 Mass. If you wish to          items, and snacks to be distributed to the
pay by credit card, please use the online ordering and       homeless served by the Haven of Hope - Jay
have your orders in by October 11th at midnight. There       Gould Center, Items needed include:
will be no Saturday morning pick up, you can pick up         New Men's Crew Socks
online orders during the table sales. For anyone avoiding    Toothbrushes
gatherings and crowds, we are at the table on Sunday         Travel size soap, shampoo, lotion, hand sani-
mornings between 8 and 2 and you could pick up your          tizers, bandaids, and Kleenex packages
order between masses. Sales at the table will be by cash     Lip Balm
or check only. Masks and social distancing are encour-       Snacks like granola bars, packages of crack-
aged. Thank you for your support and patience.               ers, cookies, peanuts, and Jerky
                                                             Small wrapped candy bars and gum packages
Migrant Ministry’s Sharing About Day of the                  Donation boxes will be in the gathering space. You
Dead, DÍa de los Muertos, has roots in the indigenous        can also donate via the Amazon registry created for this
cultures in Mexico who observed the harvest season with      event through the buon on the Spirit of Christ website.
rituals that embraced mortality and celebrated life aer
death. The Spanish conquistadors eventually arrived, and
in aempts to convert the indigenous peoples to Catholi-     The Fall 40 Days for Life campaign runs September
cism, they moved the dates of the celebration to coincide    22 - October 31. Come join us for this peaceful vigil of
with All Saints’ Day on November 1 and All Souls’ Day on     prayer across the street from the Stapleton Planned
November 2.                                                  Parenthood. You may also sign up for private prayer in
Traditionally, families in Mexico, Central and South Amer-   your home and receive the daily meditations. Spirit of
ica and even in the United States begin making prepara-      Christ has again adopted 2 days: Friday, October 15th
tions on October 31 by cleaning the gravesites. The cele-    and Saturday, October 30th. Father Adam will be joining
bration of Halloween has spread to these countries with      us to celebrate Mass at noon on the 15th and at 11am on
the addition of parades of people dressed like skeletons     the 30th. We will have sign-ups and
and elaborate skeleton facial paintings and something like   more information in the Gathering
“Trick or Treating” to the more traditional Day of the       Space aer Masses October 16/17.
Dead festivities. On November 1, the families celebrate      You may also sign up
the children that have died and call that day “DÍa de los    at 40daysforlife.com/denver or for
Angelitos” “Day of the Lile Angels”. On November 2,         assistance. Contact
adults are honored and remembered on “DÍa de los Muer-       socrespectlife@gmail.com and we'd
tos”.                                                        be happy to help.
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Financial Update


                                      Stewardship at Spirit of Christ
                                                                                    By Silvia intana, Director of Outreach
Each of you should use whatever gi you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Fiscal year of July 2020 to June 2021 was a true testament of the stewardship of time, talent, and treasure of Spirit of
Christ’s parishioners. Even during a difficult pandemic situation, during a tumultuous time, during a time of change, of
the unknown, you have been present, you have been a great support not only to your parish but to the community at
large. We are called to share God's blessings, because He blesses us every day… and by sharing the blessing He has pro-
vided you with today, God multiplies His love through your gi of time, talent, and treasure for a multitude of people

-How am I helping by tithing?
At Spirit of Christ, 15% of your tithe is allocated to the Outreach department. These funds help the parish support the
outreach ministries, it funds the second collections that the Archdiocese does not require the basket to be passed, it sup-
ports your fellow parishioners experiencing financial hardship, and it also helps to provide funds to non-profit organiza-
tions providing direct support locally, nationally, and internationally.

-What causes am I supporting through the Stewardship at Spirit of Christ?
This is a short list of some of the areas your Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure have assisted the community:
Child protection Services                         - School and sport supplies
Counseling services                               - Military veteran support
Medical care, dental and nursing services         - In-home caretaking
Shelters                                          - Youth Mentors and ministers
Education                                         - Drug/alcohol addiction support
Food pantries and food for the homeless, for working families, for the migrant community
Housing for families, single moms, working adults, and at-risk youth
Provide car repair/maintenance to single moms
INTERNATIONAL—Provide clean water and sanitation in rural Latin America: Bolivia, Nicaragua
Medical equipment in Zambia
Education: Establish libraries in Kenya, enterprise education in Uganda, school support and equipment in Mexico, and
mental health and dental care in Mexico

-Am I making a difference in people’s lives? Does the Church need my stewardship of time and talent?
Absolutely! You are the hands and feet of Jesus. Every minute you volunteer your time to feed the hungry, you pray for
someone, you comfort the sorrowful, you donate to a drive, you visit the sick or the imprisoned, and you advocate for the
less fortunate, you are living your faith by being a model of Jesus’ teachings and you are helping someone to overcome
To find out more about Spirit of Christ’s Stewardship and how you can get involved with the outreach ministries, please
go to our website or call Silvia intana in the parish office.
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Annual Statement of Financial Activities

                   Total $2,679,698

                                                  Offertory Main source of revenue for the parish

                                                  Programs & Ac vi es
                                                         Collected through registra on fees to offset
                                                             opera ng expenses in each department

                                                  Unrealized Gains
                                                          Money received for specific expenses
                                                         Unused transferred to Statement of Financial
                                                          Posi on for future disbursement
                                                          Unrealized gains reported from investments
                                                              Transferred to Statement of Financial
                                                                Posi on un l investment is liquidated

                                                  Grants (PPP forgiveness loan)

                  Total $2,503,148
                                             Tithe (First 15% of offertory is set aside for Outreach)
                                                     35% for parishioner assistance
                                                     65% for Community, State and Interna onal
                                                            Organiza ons
                                             Liturgical and Prayer Life
                                                    All Sacramental and Liturgical Events
                                                    Music and AV support
                                             Evangeliza on, Forma on and Educa on
                                                    Adult, Youth and Children cateche cal programs
                                             Community Ministry and Rela onships
                                                    Welcoming, Fellowship, and Ministry Programs
                                             Facili es
                                                    Maintenance for all Parish buildings including the
                                             Administra on
                                                    Staff, Office Equipment, Insurance, and Supplies
                                             Archdiocesan Fees
                                                    Fee for Archdiocese support
                                                             Finance, HR, Liturgical, Legal, Safe Environ-
                                                                 ment, Communica ons, etc.
                                                    Catholic Schools Support
                                                             Office of Catholic schools
                                                    Seeds of Hope Scholarship Fund
2020-21 Net Income $176,551                                  Catholic school scholarships for families
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Annual Statement of Financial Position
                                                             Cash Assets are most liquid and used to run the en re parish


                                                             Fixed Assets
                                                                Investment in the Sanctuary, Grounds and Infrastructure of
                                                                the plant

                                                             Designated (unpaid Tithe)
                                                                Money to be granted in 2021-22 through Outreach Com-
                                                                mi ee

                                                             Temporarily Restricted
                                                               Dona ons made with a specific expense expecta on

Liabili es
Administra ve Liabili es-$88,749
       Includes Accounts Payable, Payroll obliga ons, and all money due to other organiza ons

Net Assets
Total Assets minus Liabili es = $15,916,114

Spirit of Christ has invested in the value of the property, building and fixtures of the parish. There is sufficient liquid assets
to cover all outstanding liabili es along with resources to maintain the facili es while being able to address areas for
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Reflection on the past year by Finance Council
I was first asked to join the Finance Council by Fr David Bluejacket and Deacon Dick
Baker. I was humbled by the request then and even more so now that Father Chris has
asked that I take responsibility for Chairing Finance Council meetings.
Deacon Dick Baker was a mentor to me and helped me understand how faithful stew-
ardship applies to the decisions and responsibilities of the SOC Finance Council. There
are just a couple of “rules” to keep in mind: First, certain faith that the Holy Spirit moving
through the Spirit of Christ community will provide all that we need through the Offertory.
This means that we set the annual budget based on the expected Offertory, not our de-
sired spending. Secondly, be generous and share your gis with those in need and God will
increase His gis to you. This means that the Outreach tithe of 15% of Offertory is main-
tained, even when it might be far easier to spend the money otherwise.
With these thoughts in mind I offer the following as a brief re-cap of the past year, with
a particular focus on improvements to the building and facilities. This brings to mind
the third stewardship “rule”: take care of what God gives you.
Pandemic review:
The pandemic presented a challenging time to manage parish finances. The Finance
Council, Father Chris and George Ketchel, SOC Business Manager, held numerous
meetings over a period of months to arrive at a process to guide our decision making in
four critical areas. First, to meet our monthly operational costs, while keeping expenses
in line with the actual Offertory being received; Second, to remain loyal to our 15% tithe;
Third, to avoid staff reductions as a result of the pandemic; Fourth, to continue to main-
tain our buildings and facilities through thoughtful planning and scheduling.
We were able to navigate the situation fairly well, successfully meeting our goals with
the exception of an expense overage for the 2020 fiscal year.
Facility Improvements:
The Finance Council is keenly aware of our responsibility to keep care of the gis that
God has given to us. This means we pay close aention to the condition of all our build-
ings and facilities. Working closely with David Dudden, our Facilities Manager, we help
set priorities, examine alternatives and evaluate proposals to address our greatest needs.
Following is a list of the main Building and Facilities improvements completed since
October 2020:
 Completed payment for Carollin Bell system
 Upgraded AV Booth and Equipment
 Updated the Fire Control System                                                               Thank you to our
 Completed repair of Church Capstones and sealed the Sanctuary windows                         dedicated and wonder-
 Replaced the roof over the Church, Chapel and aached Walkways                                ful Finance Council
 Patched, sealed and re-marked the parking lot surface
 Installed LED lighting in the parking lot, improving lighting and reducing expenses           members:
     by $3,500 a year
 Commenced work on St Joseph statue installation                                               Adrian Feijoo
There are additional improvements being planned that will be implemented over the                Rick Langfield
near term:
 Complete St Joseph statue installation                                                        Tom Lyons
 Repair the outside stairs and railing south of the Gathering Space                            David Reinicke
 Improve drainage on the east side of the Spirit Center and Church Offices                      Michael Shephard
 Repair and replace rusting exterior doors and frames
 Continue to put funds aside for eventual HVAC replacement

None of these projects, either completed or planned, would be possible without your
faithful sharing of Treasure in the Offertory. On behalf of the Finance Council, I want to
thank you for your steadfast commitment to sharing not only your treasure but your
time and talent as well. God has indeed blessed us with an amazing Catholic Communi-
ty !
Tom Lyons, Finance Council Chair
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
Fellowship and Support Ministries
Al-Anon is a mutual support group of peers who share
                                                                            KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS
their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to
                                                                            Knight of the Month - Tom Ingram
problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in
their lives. Meetings are Mondays at 7pm in John XXIII.                    Family of the Month - David/Cindy Dudden
Newcomers are welcome to join us at 6:30 pm for an intro-               For ALL Catholic Men in the State of Colorado
duction meeting. For more info:                                - Limited Time - Sign up FREE for Chris Stefan-
                                                               ick's RISE 30 day challenge at
alanon@spiritofchrist.org                                      RealLifeCatholic.com/RISEColorado
                                                               Planning meeting 1st Thurs. each month
Let Jesus the healer, heal any disappointments in your         Business meeting 2nd Thurs. each month
marriage. Strengthen your relationship, rekindle your ro-      Call Grand Knight, Jeff Adrian at 720-323-7124 or email
mance and renew your sacrament by aending the World-          gk@kofc12979.org.
wide Marriage Encounter Experience in Colorado Springs:
Nov. 5-7
For questions, or to find out more about a Virtual Encoun-
ter Weekend, feel free to contact:
                                                              Have you or someone you know lost a child to
Brenda & Gary Granger: 720-213-8833                           miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant loss? We
For more information about World Wide Marriage En-            would love to pray for you and support you in this diffi-
counter, please visit www.wwme.org.                           cult time. Please contact the Respect Life Ministry
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! @wwmeColorado            at: socrespectlife@gmail.com

Automotive services for single moms Are you a                 The Divorce Ministry Phase I, Surviving Divorce:
working single mom with concerns about the condition of       Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family meets on Thurs-
your car, or you need a reliable vehicle to transport kids    days from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.
and get to work? Hands of The Carpenter (Hands) is here
to help. Since 2003 Hands has been serving single women,
most of whom live in Jeffco. To see if you are eligible for
services and to apply, go to: handsohecarpenter.org. Aer
                                                              Young At Heart We are continuing our YAH Masses
an application process, you’ll be contacted to schedule a     on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Our next Mass will be
vehicle assessment. Act today before a vehicle repair emer-   Tuesday October 26 at 11am. For those that would like,
gency takes you off the road                                   we will go out for lunch aer Mass. See you all there‼

                                                              ANAWIM Ministry Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
                                                              and questioning support ministry for SOC members, fami-
                                                              lies and friends. Please contact Ralph at rreschkejr@q.com
                                                              or 303-425-9995 for any questions.

Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver is looking               Love & Unity (AA Group) Meets each Tuesday from
for volunteers to help make an impact in building and pre-    7:30-9 PM in room 103-104. AA@spiritofchrist.org for
serving affordable homes for low-income families. Habitat      more info.
has volunteer openings on new construction, home repair,
the production shop and in their ReStores. No experience      Feeling Anxious? Stressed Out? Overwhelmed?
is required; volunteers are led by Habitat’s construction     St. Raphael Counseling, part of Catholic Charities of Den-
team. Minimum age is 16 on the construction site and 14       ver, seeks to bring together the teachings of the Catholic
in the production shop. To view openings and sign-up for      Church and the very best in clinical care to diagnose and
volunteer days, click on the volunteer tab on Habitat’s       support during challenging times. We provide family, cou-
website. www.habitatmetrodenver.org ReStores are half         ple and individual counseling, in addition to a host of other
day shis, all other volunteer opportunities are full days.   services including psychological testing and school coun-
If you have questions, or would like to schedule a group,     seling. We operate across the Front Range in ten locations
please contact Rita Mohler, Faith Relations Manager for       and are a fully functioning psychological clinic addressing
Habitat Metro Denver.                                         issues from addiction and anxiety to parenting and the
 rmohler@habitatmetrodenver.org 303-597-1681.                 pandemic. To learn more, visit ccdenver.org or
                                                              call 720-377-1359.
October 16/17, 2021 - Parishes Online
How Will You Remember Our Parish?
                                                          Creating a will is one of the most important ways to record
                                                          and remember what maers most to you---personally, fi-
                                                          nancially, and spiritually. It is an opportunity to make per-
                                                          haps the most significant charitable gis of your life-
                                                          time. We are so grateful to the many who have gone be-
                                                          fore us and those who have chosen to remember us in their
                                                          wills. We partner with The Catholic Foundation to provide
                                                          for our future financial needs. Please consider making a
         Welcome to our newly baptized:                   gi or designating a bequest in your will for our fund at
               Eliza Bakita Izere                         The Catholic Foundation.

                                                          Please give Deacon Steve, Lisa or Joshua a call at 303-468-
                                                          9885 to learn more or to set up a meeting to discuss more
                                                          about your personal goals.

                                                          Bulletin considerations should be sent to
                                                          phayes@spiritofchrist.org. Submissions are due
                                 Welcome to our
                                                          Monday at 9 AM with the exception of holidays
                                                          and then they are due ten days before. Thank you!
                              John Raphael Voboril        Please let me know any of your bulletin needs.
                             to Peggy Louise Asmus

                                                                 Pastoral Staff / Email / Direct Phone Line
                                                           Pastor: Very Reverend Christopher Renner:
                                                           Parochial Vicar: Father Adam Bradshaw
                                                           Deacons: Charlie Hahn, Norm Ridder, Joe Nowak 3/-867-9178
                                                                       A.J. Misiti 303-867-9163. (Retired: Earl Webster)
                                                           Receptionists : Pam Ariniello pam@spiritofchrist.org
                                                                         Carla, Darlene, Becky and Mary Lu: 303-422-9173
                                                           Business Administrator: George Ketchel
                                                                                      gketchel@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9167
                                                           Facilities Manager: David Dudden
          Sacramental Information                                                       david@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9181
Sacrament of Confession: Sat. from 3:30- 4:45 PM,          Maintenance Staff: Ana, Jose
or by appointment                                          Liturgist: Janette Fayhoe janette@spiritofchrist.org
                                                           Director of Music: Ron Marinelli ron@spiritofchrist.org
Sacrament of Baptism: Parents wishing to have a            Christian Formation Associate: Bev Smith
child baptized call Deacon A.J. 303-867-9163. Please                                    bsmith@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9172
allow 4-6 months.                                          Pastoral Assistant: Deacon A.J. Misiti
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please allow 10-12                                       deaconAJ@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9163
months for preparation. Call the parish office.            Outreach/Stewardship: Silvia Quintana
                                                                                       silvia@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9164
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Please call        Youth Minister: Krissy Jensen
the parish office if someone is ill or hospitalized and                                krissy@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9175
would like to be anointed, or if you would like to make    Evangelization: Richard Deanda
arrangements to come into the office or to a daily                                    richard@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9171
                                                           Children’s RE and Sacramental prep: Jolene Stolz
Mass to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the                                   Jolene@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9166
Sick.                                                      Small Church Communities and Welcome: Susan Levesque
For sacramental emergencies outside parish of-                                           susan@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9165
fice hours, please call the parish office and follow       I.T. Support and Communications: Patti Hayes
the message instructions to be forwarded to the                                         phayes@spiritofchrist.org 303-867-9179
                                                           Audio Visual Ministry: Greg Splitt gsplitt@spiritofchrist.org
appropriate person.
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