Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas

Page created by Heather Banks
Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas
Ocean Literacy Toolkit
Connecting to the oceans:
Supporting ocean literacy and
public engagement
Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas
Ocean Literacy Toolkit
Connecting to the oceans:
Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement

Version 1.0

This toolkit was created as part of the Future Seas initiative.

Cite as:
Kelly, R., K. Evans, K. A. Alexander, S. Bettiol, S. Corney, C. Cullen-Knox, C. Cvitanovic, K. de Salas, G. R. Emad,
L. Fullbrook, C. Garcia, S. Ison, S. D. Ling, C. Macleod, A. Meyer, L. Murray, M. Murunga, K. Nash, K. Norris,
M. Oellermann, J. Scott, J. Stark, G. Wood and G. T. Pecl. (in prep). "Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean
literacy and public engagement." Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.

Document designed by
Dr. Stacey McCormack
Visual Knowledge
Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas
Future Seas
Future Seas is a unique interdisciplinary research collaboration focused on addressing real-world challenges to provide a
clear foundation for future research activities that can facilitate desirable transformative change, i.e. in the context of the
UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. The initiative is spearheaded by the Centre for
Marine Socioecology in Tasmania, Australia, and brings together over 100 researchers from the University of Tasmania
(UTAS), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and other institutions. Within UTAS,
members come from the Colleges of Arts, Law and Education, Health and Medicine, and Sciences & Engineering (specifically
the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies and the School of Technology, Environments and Design). The collaboration
includes psychologists, public health and education experts, philosophers, ecologists, oceanographers, climate modellers,
economists, social scientists, engineers, information and communications technology researchers, as well as governance,
law and policy experts.

Future Seas takes a fresh, people-centred approach to thinking about key ingrained sustainability challenges over the coming
decades. Using a strategic technique called ‘foresighting’, the collaboration has developed interdisciplinary, evidence-
informed plausible scenarios of the future 2030, for each of several key challenges, including the focus of this toolkit.

Challenge 4 - Connected to the oceans: supporting ocean literacy and public engagement

This challenge collaboration synthesises knowledge and perspectives from a range of disciplines to identify and outline the
potential for positive change in global ocean literacy and connectedness to the ocean. In doing so, we highlight four key
drivers through which to achieve our aims:
1. Education,
2. Cultural connections,
3. Technological developments, and
4. Knowledge exchange and science-policy interconnections

Our collaboration explores these drivers in-depth, to identify how each may play a role in improving understanding and
perceptions of ocean sustainability and engender widespread societal support for effective ocean management and
conservation at local, regional and global scales. In doing so, we develop this toolkit for ocean literacy, a practical broad-
focus resource for enhancing ocean connections worldwide. The toolkit is founded upon the four drivers and aims to equip
the user with approaches to overcome limitations to developing ocean literacy.

In this document, we consolidate a three-phase approach to progressing ocean literacy that can facilitate behavioural
change as a pathway to achieving a sustainable future. This phased approach is central to building a sound understanding
of the diverse approaches available for increasing ocean literacy, as well as ensuring that the toolkit can be useful and
accessible to a range of end-users (i.e. communities, educators, managers, and policy-makers). The applicability of the ocean
literacy toolkit is illustrated by our provision of examples of diverse existing ocean literacy initiatives (see C). This toolkit
aims to guide the engagement of diverse communities with (and in learning about) ocean issues.

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Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas

Ten best practice principles for
ocean learning communication
Evidence-based principles for communicating about ocean issues and engaging people with the ocean.

              1. Understand what people already know
              It is crucial to understand current knowledge levels before presenting to groups, working with communities
              or engaging with policy-makers. Identify who your target audience are1 and what they know and/or want to
              know. This can be assessed, for example, by conducting target-group surveys2,3, identifying peoples’ values
              and perceptions4,5, or directly asking target groups, ‘What knowledge is needed to inform policy right now?’ or
              ‘What do you want to know?’ (e.g. as successfully demonstrated by the Curious Climate Tasmania science
              communication programme).

              2. Build on existing knowledge
              Understanding what groups already know provides clarity for building upon their knowledge base. This
              foundation can guide a ‘best fit’ for developing a communication and education strategy6. Engaging with
              people on their current understanding about an issue (e.g. plastic pollution) and inviting them to reflect
              on this understanding (e.g. ‘What are the sources of this plastic?’; ‘What can I do to minimise my contribution
              to plastic pollution?’, etc.) can kick-start the constructive, analytical thinking key to learning and developing

              3. Be relatable
              Communicating information in formats that connect to individuals’ lives and experiences can allow them to
              better understand marine issues and impacts. Personal relevance is key to driving changes in individualist
              societies6,9. For example, Schuldt et al. (2016) demonstrated that framing communication (i.e. on ocean
              health) around personal experiences, rather than on ‘distant’ environments or issues, allowed people
              to better understand the impact of emerging issues. Relatability also includes the language used; using
              understandable, accessible language is key to conveying messages for impact11.

              4. Appeal to emotions
              Individuals need to feel an affinity towards the ocean if they are to engage in the pro-environmental
              behaviours central to ocean literacy12. ‘Sense of place’ is the emotional bond that people have (or can
              develop) towards a specific place13, and an individuals’ attachment to a place (e.g. to a favourite beach)
              increases their likelihood to engage in environmentally-friendly behaviour related to that place (e.g. coastal
              and ocean environments more generally)14. Communicating through emotional means (e.g. vivid images,
              personal places, etc.) can allow people to connect and engage with environmental information more
              readily11. Note that care should be taken to ensure this appeal to emotions employs positive messaging, to
              reduce the chance of isolating or polarising groups within a community.

              5. Be positive
              Relaying and describing positive ocean success stories can create feelings of optimism that inspire action
              and future positive outcomes1. However, balancing the communication of information (e.g. relating to ocean
              success stories) between optimism and reality is important for building community resilience and hope
              as the oceans (and global climate) face unknown and unprecedented changes15. These positive strategies
              (and resulting emotions) are demonstrated to increase engagement with, and sustainment in, behavioural
              change strategies16.

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Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas

     6. Adopt action-orientated approaches
     Creating and demonstrating knowledge in action can empower people by demonstrating what they can do
     and achieve11. ‘Learning by doing’ approaches to communicating ocean issues include ocean games17, citizen
     science18 and systems dynamics learning approaches3. These experiential approaches to ocean learning
     can build the skills necessary to inform pro-environmental behaviour8, and improve understanding on how
     individual behaviours can (positively or negatively) impact the ocean19.

     7. Frame around social norms
     Social norms are peoples’ beliefs or perceptions about common or accepted behaviours within a group20.
     Messages that are based around reinforcing and upholding norms frequently result in positive change and
     impact by highlighting appropriate behaviours and attitudes that reflect collective or group behaviours21.
     Communicating norms around ocean-friendly behaviours is a promising approach to improving ocean
     literacy19. For example, framing fishing regulations around social norms has demonstrated the potential to
     increase pro-environmental fishing behaviours22. Note, however, that it is important to highlight positive
     (and not negative) group behaviours whilst leveraging social norms11.

     8. Collaborate
     Positive collaboration can create unity and collective capacity to deal with ocean issues1. In particular,
     participatory approaches to designing ocean literacy activities (e.g. between scientists, communities,
     teachers and students) can improve and expand learning outcomes and impacts23 by including a diversity
     of knowledge types24 and, in turn, producing outcomes that are likely to fit with the desires and worldviews
     of different demographics25,26. These benefits are achieved via the cumulative effects of internalised
     values which are engendered through collaboration, and the associated commitment to achieve desired
     outcomes which allow for self-actualisation. Working in collaboration with others can also reinforce a more
     environmentally-connected sense of self-identity as well as pro-environmental social norms; key factors in
     predicting pro-environmental thoughts and behaviours27-29.

     9. Update
     Science is a complex and constantly evolving process that continues to challenge prior understandings24.
     This continuing development of new knowledge should be considered when developing ocean literacy
     interventions and activities, with the potential to actively involve communities and stakeholders in the
     discovery and development of new understandings30. For example, whilst communities can learn and engage
     with the ocean through participation in citizen science31, they can also contribute to the production of new
     knowledge and marine science32-34. Ocean learning initiatives should work to incorporate new activities and
     materials based on learner interests, current issues, and emerging discoveries35.

     10. Celebrate
     Improved ocean literacy will occur across diverse scales and in many forms, all of which should be celebrated.
     Championing successful initiatives and developments allows others to learn, and can inspire innovative
     approaches to improve ocean literacy36. In addition to communicating positive stories and messages (i.e.
     Best Practice Principle #5), global achievements including establishing ocean literacy networks, defining
     shared ocean science goals (i.e. the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development), committing
     to conservation targets (e.g. marine protection) and global ocean events (i.e. World Ocean Day) should be
     celebrated as progression in this movement to achieving ocean literacy. Developing strong, consistent and
     inclusive ways to communicate and share achievements (and resources) will enhance mutually beneficial
     partnerships towards achieving ocean literacy19,36-39.

                                 Photo credit: Scott Ling
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Ocean Literacy Toolkit - Connecting to the oceans: Supporting ocean literacy and public engagement - Future Seas

Ocean literacy activity / intervention
design framework
We draw on several established frameworks (e.g. Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Seven Principles of Ocean Literacy) to create a
guide for ocean literacy-focused activities and interventions40-43.

Phase 1
i) Identify the target group and their current level of ocean literacy
If we seek to achieve improved ocean literacy outcomes, we must first understand the target audience; i.e. Who is (are)
they? What are their demographics (age, gender)? What is their current behaviour, and why are they exhibiting this behaviour?
What are their experiences and perspectives of the ocean? Addressing questions, we gain insight into those we are aiming to
engage with, as well as an awareness of their existing needs and experiences that may help or hinder both developing and
improving ocean literacy.

ii) Establish an ocean literacy goal (i.e. an outcome)
Given that the ‘achievement’ of ocean literacy cannot be assessed as the attainment of a defined end-point but rather
a continual progression towards improvement in literacy, we suggest that the goal in engendering change be defined as
‘improved literacy state’ following the delivery of a change intervention. A model of improved state can be drawn from
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy44 which was developed to categorise and order thinking skills and objectives.

iii) Determine how a process of change can develop / improve ocean literacy
Behavioural change is a complex multifaceted process that centres on the individual, whilst simultaneously being
influenced by a range of internal (i.e. person-level) and external (e.g. societal, organisational, and governmental) factors.
We draw from the transtheoretical model of behaviour change45,46 to understand how to most effectively target energies
towards behavioural change strategies. Understanding the mechanisms that underpin behavioural change can allow for
the development of strategies that are feasible and effective in achieving change (that spans individual differences in
behavioural change readiness) and progress in ocean literacy.

Phase 1: Understand the target group

  Identify the target group and their current
  level of ocean literacy
  Identify the group (i.e. location, gender, age), and
  their current:
  • perceptions
  • behaviours                                                      Determine how a process of change can
  • and experiences of the ocean                                    develop / improve ocean literacy
                                                                   Is the group:
                                                                   • ready: willing / reluctant to adopt new
                                                                        perceptions / behaviours?
                                                                   • active: already taking steps to change
  Establish an ocean literacy goal                                 • sustaining past / existing behaviour change?
  (i.e. an outcome)
  Will the group:
  • remember
  • understand
  • apply
  • evaluate or
  • create knowledge about the ocean?

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Phase 2
i) Identify the type of activity / intervention
Identifying the range of potential interventions that can bring about improved ocean literacy allows for comparison across
diverse approaches.

ii) Assess the feasibility of the proposed activity / intervention
Before implementation, the feasibility of the proposed intervention should be fully assessed using the APEASE Framework
– i.e. whether the intervention is Affordable, Practical, Effective, Acceptable, Safe and Equitable47 for the target group and
ocean literacy goal. Ocean literacy interventions should be assessed against these criteria prior to implementation, as an
inability to meet any of these factors will undermine successful implementation and maintenance of anticipated behaviour
change (i.e. improved ocean literacy).

Phase 2: Assess the proposed activity / intervention design (i.e. prior to implementation)

  Identify the type of activity / intervention                      Assess the feasibility of the proposed activity /
  e.g. school curricula, citizen science programme,                 intervention
  community project, snorkeling experience, online                  Is the activity / intervention:
  game, visual / performance art, etc.                              • affordable
                                                                    • practical
                                                                    • effective
                                                                    • acceptable
                                                                    • safe
                                                                    • equitable?

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Examples of existing ocean literacy activities
and interventions
Specifically aligned to four drivers, i.e.

i.    Education

ii.   Cultural connections

iii. Technological developments drivers

iv. Knowledge exchange and science-policy interconnections

1      The EU Horizon 2020 funded Sea Changes #LoveTheOcean hosted on Valentine’s
       Day 2018 aimed to engage people through their love of ocean spaces by committing
       to take real action every day. The campaign reached out to communities and asked
       them to post photos or short videos indicating the changes they planned to make in
       their daily lives, and coincided with the final conference event of the Sea Changes
       Project in Paris. Participants shared project pledges, actions and the small changes
       they planned to make online, tagging them with #LovetheOcean.

       Tags: Fun, scalable, experiential, social media, technological/digital
       Link: https://vimeo.com/showcase/4588555

2      I Live By The Sea International Youth Photo and Film Contest is a worldwide competition for youths up to the ages
       of 21. Contestants are invited to use any type of visual art to present a story of their sea with the goal of spreading
       and sharing knowledge about marine environments and marine conservation issues, and promoting knowledge
       exchange between marine users across regions.

       Tags: Fun, experiential, knowledge transfer, technological/digital, global, youth
       Link: http://www.todaywehave.com/CONTEST.html

3      The Institute for Shipboard Education (ISE) is a non-profit based in the USA that administers the Semester at Sea
       study abroad program in conjunction with the Colorado State University. The mission of ISE is to educate individuals
       with the global understanding necessary to address the challenges of our interdependent world.

       Tags: Fun, experiential, youth
       Link: https://www.semesteratsea.org/

4      The Good Fish Sustainable Seafood Guide is a website and app tool that provides easily available information on
       sustainable seafood choices in Australia. The initiative is run by the Australian Marine Conservation Society and
       recognises that the food service industry has a huge influence on current seafood supply chains. The guide aims to
       teach communities about their seafood options and encourage them to become marine stewards who make informed
       consumer choices. The guide has also developed partnerships with suppliers and vendors around the country so that
       consumers can learn and be informed of the sustainability of the fish they choose to eat.

       Tags: Online, knowledge transfer, all ages, scalable, technological/digital
       Link: https://goodfish.org.au/

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5    There are many ocean science outreach and communication channels on social media platforms. The @oceanseaicenpi
     channels on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are one such example that have been used for the past six years by a
     team of researchers based in Norway to communicate ocean and sea ice science to the wider public groups48. This
     science outreach through social media covers topics including science concepts, science history, fieldwork, new
     findings and highlights scientists.

     Tags: Low-cost, all ages, educational, social media, technological/digital, fun
     Link: https://www.instagram.com/oceanseaicenpi/ https://twitter.com/OceanSeaIceNPI

6    Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans is a public art program that brings the oceans into
     streets around the world to highlight global issues occurring in our oceans. The
     program uses public art to (re)connect and educate communities, both coastal
     and landlocked, with the ocean. Since 2014, Sea Walls has been organising
     festivals around the world (in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico).

     Tags: Art, local, scalable, cultural, experiential, all ages, knowledge transfer
     Link: https://www.pangeaseed.foundation/sea-walls/

7    Members of the public traveling with Global Vision International learn how to survey coral reefs in a number of
     different locations worldwide. The volunteers attend a short practical course (the PADI Distinctive Specialty ‘Coral
     Reef Research Diver’) which helps participants develop skills in reef creature identification and using transect tapes
     underwater. The course was specifically created to provide participants with a sense of accomplishment with respect
     to their ability to understand and learn about the ocean.

     Tags: Scalable, fun, experiential, certified divers, knowledge transfer
     Link: https://underwater.com.au/article/id/6450/

8    OCEAN Film Festival is a World Tour that aims to inspire people to explore, respect, enjoy and protect our oceans.
     Every year, the festival tours in Australia, Belgium, New Zealand, China and the UK to screen over two hours of
     inspirational, educational and entertaining films related to the ocean from independent film makers around the

     Tags: Art, local, scalable, cultural, educational, fun, all ages, knowledge transfer, technological/digital
     Link: https://oceanfilmfestivalworldtour.com/

9    ORCA Marine Mammal Surveyors is a citizen science project based in the UK
     that engages people ‘from all walks of life’ in collecting observations of whale
     and dolphin populations that are used for marine mammal conservation action.
     The project trains the participants, who then board ferries and cruise ships
     leaving ports across the UK to conduct scientific surveys to record the species
     they see. The project serves to i) educate public groups about marine mammal
     conservation in the UK and also ii) conduct valuable scientific surveys that are
     used in ocean management.

     Tags: Fun, knowledge-transfer, all ages, experiential, educational, local
     Link: https://www.orcaweb.org.uk/get-involved/train-to-be-a-marine-

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10   A Practical Introduction to Temperate Marine Biology is a one-week field
     course for high-school students taught by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic
     Studies at the University every year. The course aims to engage, challenge,
     excite and inspire high school students through an experiential and hands-on
     marine science learning. The students learn about marine biology concepts and
     research techniques as they explore marine issues including climate change,
     invasive species and marine pollution.

     Tags: Experiential, youths, fun, knowledge transfer, remote locations
     Link: https://www.utas.edu.au/courses/cse/units/xas101-a-practical-
     introduction-to-temperate-marine-biology                                             Photo credit: Mary-Anne Lea

11   The Octonauts is an English-language children's television series, based on books by Vicki Wong and Michael C.
     Murphy, produced by Silvergate Media in the UK and animated by Brown Bag Films in Ireland. The series follows an
     underwater exploring crew, made up of accurately stylized marine animals, who embark on undersea adventures.
     Although the storylines are fictional, the creatures and locations are based on real marine animals in their natural
     habitats. This television series has had massive success (particularly in the UK and Australia) and been nominated for
     several awards for its outreach and success as an educational children’s television programme.

     Tags: Fun, knowledge-transfer, youth, art, educational, technological/digital
     Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXLLQkbYE-G9jYrra7R4Qsw

12   #PassOnParrotfish is a community-based conservation campaign working under part of the Caribbean Marine
     Biodiversity Program. The campaign engages with communities on the need to protect parrotfish in order to help
     protect coral reefs. Employing social media and other outreach tools, #PassOnParrotfish encourages fishers,
     merchants and consumers to refrain from catching, selling or eating Parrotfish, by educating communities on the
     important role parrotfish play in maintaining coral reef health.

     Tags: Knowledge-transfer, all ages, educational, scalable, online, technological/digital
     Link: https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/caribbean/stories-in-caribbean/pass-on-parrotfish/

13   ‘Marine Match’ is a playing card game developed by the citizen science
     programme Redmap, in collaboration with scientists from the Institute for
     Marine and Antarctic Studies and traditional Indigenous communities in
     Tasmania. The cards were developed as a fun way to learn about local marine
     species. Through playing the game, players learn the names of species (in both
     English and the Tasmanian Indigenous languages), as well as ‘fun facts’ from
     descriptions and images of the species on each card.

     Tags: Fun, knowledge-transfer, all ages, cultural experiences
     Link: https://www.redmap.org.au/news/2020/01/15/time-to-go-fish--redmap-

14   Sgeulachdan na Mara (‘Sea Stories’) is an online cultural map of the sea based around the island of Barra, in the Outer
     Hebrides of Scotland. This ocean literacy project explores the relationship between people and their rich cultural
     knowledge of the seas around Barra and emerged through an art-science collaboration exploring the ocean. The
     online map was launched in 2013 and involved school pupils interviewing local Barra fishermen and the older
     members of the community.

     Tags: Fun, online, art, knowledge transfer, cultural experiences, scalable, technological/digital
     Link: http://www.mappingthesea.net/barra/

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15   The Monterey Bay Aquarium in California runs a dynamic education and outreach programme that engages visitors
     of all ages in learning about topics including marine ecology, sustainable seafood, climate change and plastic pollution.
     The Aquarium runs multiple ‘project-based science’ activities including the Ocean Plastic Pollution Summit which
     engages school teachers and equips them with the tools and knowledge necessary to teach and engage their students
     in plastic pollution issues and solutions. The summit has resulted in many diverse school groups working to co-create
     research projects that explore these key issues whilst also learning and developing their marine stewardship skills
     and behaviours.

     Tags: Fun, scalable, knowledge-transfer, all ages, experiential
     Link: https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/for-educators/teacher-professional-development/teacher-

16   Tuna Champions programme is a community founded upon a code of practice for responsible recreational Southern
     Bluefin Tuna fishing in Australia. A collaboration of scientists and recreational fishing groups created the programme
     to engage and teach recreational fishers that everyone can ‘be stewards of Southern Bluefin Tuna’ by minimising
     the impact on the fishing stock. The programme is a guide and community that shares information on how to catch,
     handle, release, keep, prepare and tag tuna in ways that are sustainable and ethically responsible.

     Tags: Experiential, all ages, knowledge-transfer, online, fun, scalable, technological/digital
     Link: http://www.tunachampions.com.au/

17   The board game Ocean Limited is a table-top, role-playing game for high-school
     level ages and above. Players act as diverse ocean stakeholders to negotiate and
     tackle problems related to marine sustainability and climate change. Through
     game activity, players learn about critical ocean issues and also engage with
     diverse stakeholder viewpoints and interests, developing understanding and
     empathy whilst working to collaboratively achieve marine agreements and
     sustainable solutions for the ocean17.

     Tags: Fun, experiential, all ages, portable, collective learning
     Link: https://www.ocean-limited.de/

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