Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and weight loss - A patient's guide

Page created by Kent Porter
A patient’s guide

            Sleep Apnoea
           and weight loss
                    A patient’s guide

A patient’s guide

    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea            As Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
    (OSA) is caused by repetitive       can improve with weight loss,
    narrowing or closure of the air     we may be able to lower your
    passage in the throat whilst        CPAP pressure as your weight
    sleeping. These pauses in           reduces. This would make your
    breathing can cause oxygen          treatment more comfortable
    levels in the blood to drop and     to tolerate. Patients that
    brief awakenings from sleep.        use higher pressure bilevel
    This leads to an unrefreshing       ventilators may be able to be
    night’s sleep and excessive         managed with CPAP which is
    daytime sleepiness. It is more      smaller and quieter.
    common in people that are
    overweight especially if the        If enough weight is lost, it
    excess weight is carried around     is also possible to perform a
    the neck.                           sleep study off CPAP treatment
                                        completely. This could be
    OSA and daytime sleepiness          performed, at your request, to
    can improve with weight loss        reassess your need for CPAP.
    and can even be resolved
    if enough weight is lost. By        Refer to the charts on page
    losing weight, general health       two and three which are used
    is also usually improved,           as a quick tool for working out
    lowering risks of heart disease,    BMI.
    high blood pressure and
    diabetes. Untreated OSA can
    increase the likelihood of
    becoming more obese due
    to the sedentary lifestyle
    caused by excessive daytime

    This leaflet gives advice and
    information on ways of losing

A patient’s guide

Are you the right weight for your height?

BMI is worked out by dividing weight in kilograms by the square
of the height in metres.

BMI = weight in kilograms / height in metres2

A patient’s guide

    Classifying overweight & obesity
    What is a healthy weight?
    There are a couple of ways you can check you are of a healthy
    weight and shape:

    1) Body Mass Index (BMI) is a way of assessing if you are the
       right weight for your height.

    2) Measuring your waist circumference is another way of
       assessing whether you are storing too much fat around your
       abdomen. This type of fat distribution is often referred to as
       ‘the apple shape’ and is linked with higher risks of diabetes
       and cardiovascular disease.

                                   Men                         Women

         Low risk        Below 94cm (37 inches)       Below 81cm (31½ inches)

        High risk       94-102cm (37 to 40 inches)    80-88cm (31½ to 35 inches)

      Very high risk     Above 102cm (40 inches)       Above 88cm (35 inches)

           BMI          Interpretation
                                            Above are the cut off values
                                            given to indicate the risk of
                                            developing complications
       Less than 20     Underweight
                                            based on waist circumference
                                            for men and women.
          20-25         Normal range*
                                            See where you fit in; taking
          25-30          Overweight         both waist circumference and
                                            BMI into consideration, can
                                            give an even better idea of the
                                            associated health risks. This can
      More than 40      Morbid obesity      be discussed with your General
                                            Practitioner or Dietitian.
    * In some sub-groups of the population such as in the Asian population the
      normal range is 18.5-25kg/m2
A patient’s guide

How can I lose weight?               Ask yourself the following
Many people are aware that           questions to help you get on
they are overweight and they         the right track:
are also aware of the risks of
this to their health. It is often    Why do I want to lose weight?
daunting when considering the        Assess your level of motivation
extent of weight loss needed         to lose weight, possible
to get close to the healthy BMI      answers can include:
range or to reduce the waist         • I want to improve my OSA
circumference in line with the         and therefore get a more
guidelines.                            restful night sleep and not
                                       feel so tired during the day.
When contemplating weight              Or
loss, numerous doubts and
concerns may surface. Negative       • I want to reduce my chances
thoughts may appear, such as;          of developing heart disease
“How can I possibly achieve            and feel better about myself.
these targets?”,”Will I have to      What is a realistic weight loss
give up all the things I love?”,     goal for me?
“It is just all too much; I don’t    • Don’t set yourself up
have enough will power”.               for disappointment. We
                                       recommend a steady weight
It cannot be denied that will          loss of 1-2lbs (0.5-1kg) per
power will be required and             week.
changes to your eating habits
and lifestyle will be necessary      • Significant health benefits
to achieve your goals. Small           are experienced by reducing
and consistent changes are all         just 10% of your body
that it will take however; this        weight (for example if you
is dependent on a different            lose 9.3kg or 1st 7lbs when
mind set which is essential to         you originally weighed 93kg
successful weight loss.                or 14st 9lbs).

A patient’s guide

    How will I lose weight?            • Eat regularly (three main
    It is important to understand        meals with snacks in
    the basic concept behind why         between if necessary)
    we gain, lose or stay the same     • Always have breakfast
                                       • Include a carbohydrate
                                         based food at each meal (for
       Eat more than you need
                                         example: potatoes or bread)
           You gain weight             • Increase your fruit and
                                         vegetable intake, aim for
        Eat the same amount              five-a-day
                  i                    • Think about reducing your
         You stay the same               portion sizes

        Eat less than you need         • Eat slowly and get more
                   i                     acquainted with feelings of
           You lose weight               fullness and hunger
                                       • Be aware of times when
    Obviously, to lose weight you        you may falter and slip into
    must eat less in the way of          old habits. Put obstacles in
    energy or calories but the key       the way such as a note to
    to weight loss is to do this in      yourself on the biscuit tin.
    a sustainable way and one in
    which hunger does not get the
    better of you.

    The idea of dieting should be
    put to one side and a long-
    term healthy eating approach
    adopted. This doesn’t need to
    be done overnight but rather
    by making slow changes (for
    example one change a week)
    to incorporate these healthy
    eating tips:

A patient’s guide

Further help and support is          Food is listed in traffic light
available to help you to lose        colour categories.
weight                               • Red light foods, which you
Commercially available diets           should avoid, if you want to
such as Weight Watchers                lose weight.
have a good track record and
many have found the group            • Yellow light foods, that you
dynamics helpful.                      can eat occasionally and
                                       green light foods, which you
www. weightwatchers.co.uk              can eat as much as you like.
Meetings hotline: 08457
123000                               Recommended books
                                     • Living the Gl Diet: To
www.slimmingworld.com                  Maintain Healthy, Permanent
Group meetings hotline: 0844           Weight Loss by Rick Gallop
897 8000
                                     • The New Glucose Revolution
Books advocating a Low GI diet         by Jennie Brand-Miller and
are helpful in adopting good           Anthony Leeds
eating habits. GI stands for         British Heart Foundation
Glycaemic Index. This measures       provides useful educational
the speed at which foods are         materials, please go to www.
broken down by the body to           bhf.org.uk/publications or call
form glucose, the body’s source      08701 600 6566.
of energy.
                                     Your GP can refer you to
High GI foods break down             your local dietetic service for
quickly and leave you looking        support and advice and give
for food again sooner. Low GI        help with exercise prescriptions
foods break down more slowly,        if you are eligible.
leaving you feeling full for

It is these low GI foods that
form the core of the diet.

A patient’s guide

    Weight loss medication             Doctors are given guidelines
    Sadly, there is no ‘magic drug’    on when to prescribe this
    that will get rid of excess        medication.
    weight forever. However, there
    is a place for drug therapy in a   Orlistat (Xenical)
    structured and well supported      Studies have shown that by
    weight loss plan.                  using Orlistat together with
                                       a healthy diet and exercise,
    Drug treatment should only         there is increased weight loss.
    be considered after dietary,       Some people can lose up to
    exercise and behavioural           10% of their body weight in six
    approaches have been started       months but in others, it is less
    and tried for at least 3 months.   successful.

    To lose weight the best chance     How does it work?
    of success is a healthy diet and   Orlistat works by blocking
    regular exercise. There is only    chemicals (enzymes) in your
    a limited role for medication      gut that digest fat. Orilstat
    for weight loss. Your GP may       can block digestion of nearly
    consider prescribing medication    a third of the fat that you eat.
    if you do not succeed in losing    The usual dose is one capsule,
    weight with exercise and diet,     three times a day with each
    your BMI is above 30 or you        meal. You do not need to take
    have a medical condition that      one if the meal is fat free.
    would benefit from improved
    weight loss.                       Orlistat works with a weight
                                       loss diet, but not by itself. You
    There is currently only one        still have to eat less as Orlistat
    medicine available for GPs to      only blocks some of the fat in
    prescribe for weight loss. This    your diet. If you were to eat
    is a medicine called Orlistat      more fat and not stick to a
    (Xenical) and can only be          weight loss diet, the extra fat
    considered for patients who        will easily cancel out the effect
    have not reached their target      of Orlistat.
    weight loss or have reached a
    plateau on a dietary, activity
    and behavioural changes alone.
A patient’s guide

Side effects                        Rimonabant was linked to
The main side effects of            a considerable increase in
Orlistat are caused by the fat      psychiatric disorders during
which your body is passing out      clinical usage.
in your faeces.
                                    Some people who use Orlistat
You may have an increased           to help them lose weight find
urgency to go to the toilet,        they put weight back on when
fatty smelly faeces and excess      they stop taking medication.
wind. These side effects are        Try to anticipate this, stick to a
less likely if you follow a low     healthy diet, exercise regularly
fat diet and tend to settle with    and weigh yourself once per
time.                               week.

Side effects will recur if more
fat is introduced to your diet.
Other side effects are rare:
please read the packaging and
patient information leaflet
for a full list of possible side

Unfortunately, other
medications such as
Sibutramine (Reductil) and
Rimonabant (Acomplia) have
had marketing authorization
suspended due to safety

The cardiovascular risks of
Sibutramine outweighed
it’s benefits of clinical use
following a review by the
European Medicines Agency.

A patient’s guide

    Keeping weight off                  Moderate intensity means
    Increasing activity levels and      working hard enough to make
    exercise                            you breathe more heavily and
    Increasing your activity levels     raise your body temperature,
    whilst following a healthy          but not so hard that you are
    diet will help you to lose          unable to talk and exercise at
    weight. Everyone can benefit,       the same time.
    whatever your size, age and
    physical condition.                 Getting active can simply mean
    Most people are fit enough to       doing the same things that you
    exercise without problems. If       would normally do, but more
    you have heart disease, high        often and in a more energetic
    blood pressure, dizziness,          way. Work these activities
    fainting, or joint problems, you    into your daily routine. Take
    should consult your GP. Just        a bit of extra time, each day,
    remember, you are never too         for physical activities. This will
    unfit to start doing something.     quickly build up your fitness
    In fact, the greatest health        and increase your energy
    benefit is felt by inactive         levels. For those who have not
    people who start to take            been active for some time,
    regular moderate physical           gentle, steady progress is the
    activity. Your health risks         key. Walking is often the best
    improve as soon as you start to     way to begin.
    do more.

    Any increase in activity will
    help, but experts agree that
    all adults should aim to take at
    least 30 minutes of moderate
    intensity activity for five days
    a week. Build up this exercise
    to 60-90 minutes a day for five
    days a week if possible.

A patient’s guide

Taking the first steps
• If you use public transport,
  try to get off the bus one
  stop early and walk the rest
  of the way
• If you drive, try parking the
  car further away from where
  you want to go and walk the
• Walk or cycle, rather than
  drive to the shops
• Walk or cycle to work if
• Take the stairs instead of the
• Walk or cycle to social events
• Get a friend or family
  member to join you, exercise
  together and support each
• Join a Gym or structured
  exercise programme
• Try swimming with your
  family and friends.

A patient’s guide
Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Papworth Everard
CB23 3RE
Tel: 01480 830541
Fax: 01480 831315
A member of Cambridge University Health Partners

Papworth Hospital is a smoke free site

Large print copies and
alternative languages can
be made available
on request.

Author ID:        Jacqueline Archer
Department:       RSSC
Printed:          September 2010
Review date:      September 2012
Version:          2
Leaflet number:   21

© Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust                     185 10
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