Obesity Be Dammed!: What It Will Take to Turn the Tide
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Katz: Obesity...Be Damned! Obesity…Be Dammed!: What It Will Take to Turn the Tide David Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP I n the United States, obesity is not only (BMI), at least 15% (over 9 million) of epidemic, but arguably the gravest and children aged 6-19 in the population at most poorly controlled public health large are considered overweight.12,13 The threat of our time.1,2,3 Some 65-80% of prevalence of overweight among some eth- adults in the US are overweight or obese, nic minority groups is higher; over 23% defined as a body mass index (BMI) at or of Mexican American children aged 6-19 above 25kg/m.2,4 The increasingly global are overweight and approximately 20% economy has rendered obesity an increas- of 6-11 year old and 24% of 11-19 year ingly global problem, with the United old non-Hispanic black children are over- States the putative epicenter of an obesity weight.12 The prevalence of overweight pandemic.5,6,7 Rates of obesity are already among Native-Americans has been esti- high and rising in most developed coun- mated at 30%.14 Overall, the number of tries, and lower but rising faster in coun- children who are overweight has tripled tries undergoing a cultural transition.8 In over the past two decades.15 China, India and Russia, the constella- The health consequences of obesity tion of enormous population, inadequate are potentially dire in children and adults control of historical public health threats alike. Obesity in adulthood has been asso- such as infectious disease, and the advent ciated with increased incidence of cardio- of epidemic obesity and attendant chronic vascular disease,16-18 type 2 diabetes19,20 and disease represents an unprecedented chal- most cancers.21,22 More than two thirds of lenge.9-11 children 10 years and older who are obese Since the 1970’s the number of children will become obese adults and it is reason- in the United States who are overweight able to assume that they will suffer from has increased dramatically.12 Despite a similar consequences.23 In fact, obesity conservative definition of overweight in in children has been linked to higher risk children based on the 95th percentile for of developing hypertension,24,25 hyper- age- and sex-adjusted Body Mass Index cholesterolemia,26 hyperandrogenemia,27 David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, is Adjunct Associate Professor in Public Health, and Director of the Prevention Research Center at the Yale University School of Medicine. Katz is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine/Public Health. Twice recognized by the Consumer Research Council of America as one of the country’s top physicians in Preventive Medicine, Katz is an internationally recognized authority on obesity and weight management, nutrition, and the prevention of chronic disease. Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2006 135
Health Highlights gallstones,28 hepatitis29,30 and other disor- more chronic disease and premature death ders. Adults who were obese as children from eating poorly and lack of exercise have increased mortality and morbidity than from exposure to tobacco, drugs, independent of adult weight.31,32 Obesity and alcohol combined (http://www.cdc. during adolescence increases rates of car- gov/nchs/data/series/sr_10/sr10_216.pdf; ac- diovascular disease,17,33-35 and diabetes33 in cessed 5/04). adulthood in both men and women. In The link between obesity and mortal- men, obesity in adolescence is also associ- ity has been a matter of discord.55-57 Until ated with increased all-cause mortality and rather recently, data from the Centers for mortality from colon cancer.33,36 Disease Control and Prevention were used The incidence of type 2 diabetes in the to support the assertion that as many as pediatric population parallels the increase 400,000 premature deaths each year in the in pediatric obesity.37 One in four over- US alone could be ascribed to overweight weight children between the ages of 6 and and obesity.58 This has since been refuted, 12 has impaired glucose tolerance38 and defended, derided, and debated without childhood obesity is associated with an in- evident closure.59 creased risk of hyperinsulinemia26 and in- The resolution of this matter is that it sulin-resistance, a prediabetic state.27 Chil- cannot be fully resolved with current data, dren aged 5-17 who are above the 95th and it doesn’t truly matter. Obesity very percentile for weight are 13 times as likely rarely, if ever, causes death directly. To the to have hyperinsulinaemia when compared extent it contributes to premature death, to children above the 85th percentile.39 it does so by contributing to chronic dis- Obese children also suffer psychoso- eases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cial consequences from being overweight. cancer, that generally manifest over years Obesity diminishes children’s quality of to decades. Thus, attribution of death life severely, to levels of children diagnosed to obesity is nearly always inferential and with cancer, as indicated by questionnaires readily overlooked, because the causal validated to capture health-related quality pathway involved is lengthy, and obesity is of life.40 Many have poor self-esteem41,42 a distant, ‘upstream’ factor. and are subjected to teasing, discrimina- This doesn’t matter for several reasons. tion and victimization and may be socially First, it may be that obesity is not caus- excluded outside of the home.43,44 In third- ing premature death to the extent once grade girls, BMI was shown to be associ- thought because medical advances so ef- ated with depressive symptoms.45 These fectively prevent such deaths. These ad- psychological factors can jeopardize chil- vances do not prevent disability and dis- dren’s ability to perform in school.46-48 ease, however, which leads to the second Projections are uncertain, but include issue: regardless of the number of years the prospect of our children living less obesity is taking out of life it is indisput- long than we as a direct consequence of ably taking life, and quality of life, out epidemic obesity.49-54 More reliable are of years. There is little if any dissent re- statistics suggesting that children growing garding the associations between obesity up in the United States today will suffer and cardiovascular disease,60,61 cancer60,62 136 Harvard Health Policy Review
Katz: Obesity...Be Damned! and diabetes.63,64 And since these consti- ing sedentary when circumstance permit- tute leading causes of death in the United ted was a prudent conservation of energy, States,65,66 it seems rather far-fetched that and doubtless a welcome indulgence. obesity can be entirely exonerated of lethal Thus, one may suggest that human be- influence. We needn’t wait for unanimity ings, adapted to withstand exertion and on the body count to assert this, any more the threat of starvation, have no native than we should wait for Oklahoma to be- defenses against caloric excess. Nature come beach front property before accept- never tested us with this problem before. ing, and confronting, the reality of global Furthermore, we have no native defenses warming.67,68 against the lure of the couch, either. Ani- mals in nature run after what they want to eat, and away from what wants to eat A Rationale for Irrational them. There is little running otherwise. Behavior Exercise is a modern concept, invented for a world where physical activity in the form We may, then, reasonably make the case of work, and mere survival, is increasingly that as individuals, a population, and even expendable. a species, we are ostensibly eating ourselves Human beings in a modern world of to death. Less contentiously, we are over- fast food restaurants, vending machines, eating ourselves- and under-doing our- elevators and video games are as out of selves- into states of chronic disease. Why place as polar bears would be in the Sahara would a putatively intelligent species do Desert. Our adaptations are to a world of such a thing? scarce calories rather than scarce warmth, Because we can. There are many ex- and thus it is food energy we soak up and planations one might invoke, from the retain with noteworthy efficiency. Trans- low cost of food, to its energy density, to port us from our native savannahs to the stress, hectic schedules, technology, and modern suburbs, and we find ourselves advertising. But it all comes back to the floating in a sea of tasty calories. And in it most fundamental explanation of all. Ani- we continue to soak up and retain food en- mals- including we- tend to get fat when ergy as we have always done. But whereas circumstances allow. Circumstances have it always fostered our survival before, in a never so generously allowed for obesity as world of caloric excess it threatens if not they now do. our survival, at least our health. Our ancestors adapted to a world of The modern epidemiology of the Pima scarce calories, and high levels of physical Indians serves to illustrate this point. The activity.69-72 The anthropology literature Pimas are a tribe of Native Americans in- consistently refers to the cycles of ‘feast and digenous to the 4 corners region of Ari- famine’ that characterized most of human zona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. history. In such a world, eating when palat- The American Pimas branched off from able calories were available made constant the mother tribe in Mexico some 1500 sense for calories were very inconstantly years ago, and have been living in the accessible. Similarly, in such a world, be- desert ever since. Their native lifestyle in- Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2006 137
Health Highlights cluded walking long distances across the more decades. The differences in suscep- desert for water, and subsisting on the low- tibility to obesity and its sequelae between calorie, low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber flora the Pima Indians and the population at of the desert, including mesquite and the large are of degree, rather than kind. tepary bean. Until roughly the middle of the 20th Century, the Pimas’ health was unremark- Epidemic Obesity: able. Around that time, new government Complex Simplicity programs brought them indoor plumbing and access to the typical American diet. The persistence and progression of the The Pimas quite rapidly went on to devel- obesity epidemic despite control efforts op the highest rates of obesity and diabetes may suggest an underlying complexity that of any population on the planet (having need not be invoked. Human beings store since been surpassed by one or two oth- body fat as a survival mechanism; it is a ers).73,74 The change in their health was way of using excess calories available today so extreme that a branch office of the Na- as fuel tomorrow when calories may not be tional Institute for Diabetes, Digestive & available. Since we now have an excess of Kidney Diseases of the NIH was set up in calories available every day, we accumulate Arizona to study the Pimas. fat that is never burned as fuel. The result Decades of research culminated in rath- is obesity. We gain weight when calories er self-evident conclusions. The Pimas are ‘in’ exceed calories ‘out.’ The disturbance a uniquely fuel-efficient people. Specifi- in energy balance responsible for obesity is cally, they have a very low resting energy fundamentally simple. expenditure, or basal metabolic rate. Calories in are, of course, quite straight This was a foregone conclusion. Only forward; they come exclusively from the the most fuel-efficient people could sub- food we ingest. Calories out are more sist on mesquite and tepary beans while complicated. We burn calories as fuel for walking long distances each day. Only the physical activity, and to support growth most fuel-efficient people could grow and and development until physical maturity reach adulthood under such circumstanc- is reached. We waste some calories as heat es. And only the most fuel-efficient could (referred to as the thermogenic effect of possibly procreate under such conditions. food), because energy utilization is never And since those who do not procreate completely efficient. And we of course use make notoriously poor ancestors, we may calories to sustain basic body processes, or be confident that today’s Pimas are all the basal metabolism. This is referred to as offspring of highly fuel-efficient stock. Resting Energy Expenditure (REE). REE Suddenly plunged into a sea of calories accounts for 60%-70% of total energy ex- and technology, the Pimas fuel-efficiency penditure, physical activity and heat gen- turned against them, subjecting them to eration roughly 15% each.75-77 epidemic obesity and diabetes. The gen- Weight regulation, admittedly, involves eral population has now achieved a rate of a great deal of complex physiology. Liter- overweight of 65% or more over several ally dozens of genes have been identified 138 Harvard Health Policy Review
Katz: Obesity...Be Damned! that play some role in weight regulation, But for it even to be plausible, we must and hundreds are under investigation.78-81 first overcome a confederacy of dangerous An intricate array of neurochemicals com- diversions. Prominent among these has municating among fat cells, the hypothal- been a parade of fad diets, offering quick- amus, and the gastrointestinal tract regu- fix weight loss promises to desperate adults. late appetite, and satiety.82-84 But nothing First, scientific evidence that fat restriction fundamental in human physiology, and offered compelling health benefits85-87 led certainly nothing fundamental in the hu- to a national preoccupation with ‘cutting man genome, has changed over just the fat.’ Many turned form high-fat, high-cal- past few decades during which epidemic orie, nutrient-poor foods, to low-fat, high- obesity has emerged. Human physiology calorie, nutrient-poor foods, perhaps best is substantially the same as it ever was. represented by ‘Snackwell’ cookies. As a The modern, and obesigenic environment population, we cut dietary fat in a rather is the same as it never was before. In the dysfunctional way, and grew ever fatter. span of less than a single century, we have This created a great opportunity for gone from a world of no cars, to one that iconoclasts who could claim that fat re- enjoys digital photos sent via satellite from striction had been a mistake all along rovers on Mars. Is it any surprise culture, (rather than acknowledging we had gone let alone genes, have failed to keep up? about it all wrong). Reviving a low-car- The US produces some 3800 calories a bohydrate diet he espoused in the 1970’s, day, after export, for every man, woman, Dr. Robert Atkins rose to the head of this and child in the country; and elaborate class with the publication of his “New Diet marketing effectively peddles these excess Revolution” in 1992. The “low carb” era, calories to us. the continuous advent of which seems now to be waning if not ex- new technology continuously reduces the piring outright88-90 recapitulated the follies necessary energy expenditure of a typical of low-fat history. Rather than turn from day. Powerful forces thus conspire to cre- sugar and white flour to more wholesome, ate the energy imbalance that propagates less processed foods, the population turned obesity. from low-fat, high-calorie processed foods, to low-carbohydrate, high-calorie pro- cessed foods. A case of “déjà vu, all over Simple, But Not Easy again” was concurrent with ever rising rates of national obesity. The basic simplicity of obesity regret- Sequential preoccupations with the tably does not imply an easy solution to elimination of a macronutrient class may the crisis. On the contrary, all of human have delayed more productive responses to evolutionary biology, the profit incentive the worsening epidemic of obesity. Eat- of large companies, and the basic momen- ing well for sustainable health and weight tum of technological advance all conspire control never has been, is not, and never against us. Accounting for obesity is any- will be about deciding which of only three thing but complicated. Controlling and main nutrient classes (carbohydrate, pro- reversing it will be anything but easy. tein, and fat) to abandon. Eating well for Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2006 139
Health Highlights lasting health and weight control, for all • Increase micronutrients members of a family, always has been, is, • Control portion size and total and always will be about making good calories choices within each nutrient category. • Increase physical activity This very position is rather explicit in the (Katz DL. TIME Magazine / ABC News 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.91 Summit on Obesity; Williamsburg, VA: Yet another diversion comes in the June, 2004) parsing of nutritional fine points by aca- demics. Perhaps the most salient example Another potential diversion forestalling of this has been defense of competing di- an all-out effort to control obesity through etary pyramids.92,93 The Harvard Medical lifestyle change is the perennial hope for a School, for example, offered up a ‘Medi- wonder-drug. This is driven in part by the terranean’ food pyramid as an alternative recognition that whereas all diets work for to the both venerable and much maligned short term weight loss, no diet to date has USDA food pyramid,94,95 which itself has worked with any consistency for long term since evolved.96,97 Obscured by this com- weight maintenance.101 petition was the widespread consensus Pharmacotherapy is certainly warranted among nutrition experts about fundamen- for managing certain cases of obesity, and tals of healthful eating. Namely, there is advances in drug therapy may offer greater little debate about the merits of a diet rich benefits. But the notion that obesity can in whole grains, vegetables, fruit; moder- be reversed at the population level through ate in fat and protein; restricted in satu- phamacotherapeutic advance seems a mis- rated fat, trans fat, salt, sugar, and refined guided fantasy. First, the prospect of most starch. The typically much-hyped discord adults and a large percentage of children among academic nutrition experts has taking drugs routinely and perhaps perma- always discouraged a dedicated commit- nently to control weight is somewhat dis- ment to healthful eating by a public that tasteful. Second, the costs would almost can then claim, disingenuously or not, to certainly be prohibitive. Third, the history be confused about what healthful eating of pharmacotherapy for obesity has been means.98-100 Some tips for healthful eating quite disappointing, and this may be a pre- that are subject to minimal controversy cautionary tale. among reputable nutrition authorities are: But fourth and finally, obesity is un- like most conditions treated with medica- • Reduce trans fat tions. A body gaining weight when excess • Reduce saturated fat calories are available for consumption is • Reduce sodium behaving normally. Efforts to curtail such • Increase fruits and vegetables weight gain with drugs are not efforts to • Increase whole grains correct an anomaly in human physiology, • Reduce refined starches and sim- but rather to deconstruct and reconstruct ple sugars its normal operations at the core. Advanc- • Replace “bad” fats with “good” es in pharmacotherapy, like advances in • Increase fiber surgery, will serve the weight management 140 Harvard Health Policy Review
Katz: Obesity...Be Damned! needs of individual patients. But looking cally active. This apparent double stan- in this direction for a population-level so- dard is a barrier to the effective cultivation lution is ill advised. of population-level commitment to the fundamentals of healthful eating, a dietary pattern supported by a robust confluence When the Going Gets of evidence.104,105,107,111,129,131-136,72,137,138 Tough Scientific reviews of dietary intake for optimal health do not necessarily demon- There is little argument that regular strate complete agreement on all points at physical activity is vital to both health and all times, but the consensus about funda- weight control. Yet there has never been a mentals is really quite convincing. Diets definitive, randomized trial to prove that rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains; assignment to differing levels of activity restricted in animal fats and trans fat from predicts variation in weight and health. processed foods; limited in refined starches Nor is such a trial likely, or needed. In the and sugar; providing protein principally aggregate, the evidence supporting a role from lean sources; and offering fat princi- for physical activity in both health and pally in the form of monounsaturated and weight management is quite convincing. polyunsaturated oils are linked to good Rather than debating ‘whether’ or ‘what,’ health.102-104 When it comes to diet and we are left to wrestle with ‘how,’ and ‘how optimal health, legitimate debate really is much.’ limited to variations on this basic theme, Oddly, although the evidence charac- not departures from it. terizing fundamentals of a healthful94,102-111 Modern scientific study of optimal hu- and weight controlling87,112-129 diet is also man nutriture and anthropological esti- abundant and convincing, we have thus mates of our native intake levels, have con- far failed to acknowledge consensus in a verged with remarkable consistency69,144,145 way the public finds persuasive. Instead The implication is that until or unless re- of focusing on ‘how’ to make a healthful, search methods answer all our questions, weight-controlling diet more accessible to our native diet is a robust model for filling all, we have continued to debate the rela- in gaps. The dietary pattern that results is tive merits of different diets- including shown in Table 2. This constitutes a basic fad approaches at odds with mainstream ‘theme’ of healthful eating on which there thinking.7,130 This would be rather like re- may certainly be practiced some reason- fusing to commit resources to the promo- able variation. But to deny the theme is no tion of physical activity until alternatives more reasonable than to refute the health to physical activity had been assessed for benefits of physical activity. comparable benefit. It seems unlikely that any who favor studies of diets at odds with the consensus view on healthful eating Actions & Accountability would favor studies of all the ways there are to be sedentary to see if, perhaps, one At the International Congress on Obe- of them is as good for us as being physi- sity in Sydney, Australia, in September of Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2006 141
Health Highlights Table 2. Recommended Dietary Pattern for Optimal Health & Weight Control Adapted from: Katz DL. The Way to Eat. Sourcebooks, Inc. Naperville, IL. 2002 NUTRIENT CLASS/NUTRIENT RECOMMENDED INTAKE Carbohydrate, predominately complex Approximately 55-60% of total calories Fiber, both soluble and insoluble At least 25 grams per day, with additional potential benefit from up to 50 grams per day Protein, predominantly plant-based sources Up to 20% of total calories Total Fat Types of Fat Not more than 30%, and preferably 20-25% of total calories Monounsaturated Fat 10% of total calories Polyunsaturated Fat 10% of total calories Omega-3 and 1:1 to 1:4 ratio Omega-6 Fat Saturated Fat & Trans Ideally, less than 5% of Fat (Partially Hydrogen- total calories ated Fat) Sugar Less than 10% of total calories Sodium Up to 2400 mg per day Cholesterol Less than 300 mg a day Water 8 glasses a day/64oz/2liters Alcohol, moderate intake if desired Up to one drink a day for women Up to two drinks a day for men Calorie level Adequate to achieve & maintain a healthy weight. See Resource 9 for details. Physical Activity / Exercise Daily moderate activity for 30 minutes Strength training twice weekly 142 Harvard Health Policy Review
Katz: Obesity...Be Damned! 2006, it was announced that for the first sponsibility” and others of “environmental time in history, there are more overfed determinism.” We would be well served than hungry Homo sapiens on the planet. by measures that tell us who is sufficiently The implications for obesity management empowered to take control of their weight, are both clear and compelling. A univer- and who is not. If responsibility comes sal, preventive approach is warranted, as with power,146,147,148 the corollary is that the entire population- indeed the species- empowerment is prerequisite to taking re- is in the ‘at risk’ group. sponsibility. Divisive rhetoric all too often The challenge of obesity control is not conceals the middle path of reasoned con- about ‘what;’ it is about ‘how.’ How can sensus from all concerned. we enable an increasingly overweight pop- For example, we cannot expect a hard- ulation to resist the obesigenic forces con- working single parent earning minimal spiring against it? wage in a city neighborhood to have the There are two reasonable approaches. same potential to manage her weight One is to reengineer the modern environ- through “personal responsibility” as a high- ment so that its obesigenicity is attenuated. ly educated, well paid suburbanite.149,150,151 The second is to better exploit native hu- The playing field of opportunity is not man intelligence and resourcefulness, and level, and that calls for policy interven- empower individuals and families with tions. Many reasonable approaches have knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary been espoused.152-155 to resist fixed obesigenic elements of the We should also acknowledge the hypoc- modern landscape. risy in telling children to eat well and be These approaches are both achievable active, then sending them to schools that to some degree and will likely both be re- provide vending machine junk food, but quired. There is a limit to how far either not physical education.156,157 Those who can go alone. Some environmental reforms contend that parental or personal respon- seem much more plausible than others. sibility should carry the day despite these We may, for example, construct sidewalks environmental temptations might consider more consistently in neighborhoods of the the implications of generalizing the prin- future. It seems improbable that having ciple. Perhaps children should be encour- devised snow blowers, leaf blowers, and aged, but not required, to attend school tractors, we will ever renounce them and and tempted each morning by alternatives, return to rakes, shovels, and ploughs. such as buses to the circus, zoo, or beach. How much can be achieved through a Were we to treat what we feed the minds focus on the environment and how much of children as we have treated what we feed through empowering individuals is a mat- their bodies, this might well be the prevail- ter worthy of dedicated attention. To ing standard. strike the right balance will require rec- School policies are rapidly evolving ognition that the approaches are comple- across the nation to raise nutrition stan- mentary, rather than competitive. Current dards158-161 and a number of promising opinion tends to be divisive and polarized, programs are emerging to teach children with some proponents of “personal re- about nutritional health and weight con- Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2006 143
Health Highlights trol.162-166 Multidisciplinary programs in- provided courtesy of the hypothalamus, clude physical activity, but school officials where specialized cells respond to specific are still prone to lament the lack of time taste categories. When eating shifts from for physical education due in part to the salty turkey to sweet pecan pie, a new ap- stipulations of the ‘No Child Left Behind’ petite center is activated, and hunger re- legislation.167 But if the school day is a sumes. round hole and time-honored approaches This is of profound significance in a to physical education a square peg, surely world awash in highly processed foods. human resourcefulness is up to the task of First, a wide variety of foods is available redrilling the one, or whittling the other. almost constantly. Second, a variety of For example, perhaps elementary school flavors is designed into individual foods, teachers could be trained to guide their perhaps as a willful attempt by the food classes through a 5-minute aerobic routine industry to manipulate appetite. Com- during each session of the day.168 Such mercial breakfast cereals routinely contain an approach might serve to dissipate the nearly as much salt as salty snack items. native restlessness of young children, en- Sauces, dressing and condiments that taste hance the behavioral environment in the salty routinely contain sugar in quantities classroom, and improve academics, while to rival dessert items. Processed foods of allowing for the accumulation of 40 min- every variety contain artificial flavor en- utes or so of fitness-enhancing activity for hancers. Efforts by the food industry to student and teacher alike over the course combined flavors for maximal effect on the of the day. appetite center were described in an expose There is comparable opportunity to published in the Chicago Tribune in Janu- empower individuals and households ary of 2006 (http://www.chicagotribune. through innovation. Simply noting that com/news/specials/chi-oreos-specialpack- the challenge of eating well is more about age,1,7094476.special?coll=chi-news-hed). ‘how’ than ‘what’ may be of some use.169 Many other food industry practices, and Of potentially greater utility is the de- cultural patterns, that influence dietary in- tailed elucidation of little known barriers take are addressed in a recent book.171 to weight control, and the strategies that Viewed dispassionately, epidemic obe- serve to overcome them. sity is the perhaps inevitable consequence One example is sensory specific satiety, of a veritable flood-tide of obesigenic fac- the very well researched tendency to be- tors that have accumulated and converged come full faster when flavor varieties are to make an abundance of calories con- limited, and to stay hungry longer when stantly and temptingly available, while flavors are available in greater variety at reducing ever further both vocational and any one time.170 The most universally fa- recreational physical activity. To hold back miliar representation of this phenomenon flood waters requires a complete dam. No is feeling stuffed at the end of a holiday one sandbag, brick, or branch will make meal, but still finding room for dessert. any discernible difference at all. But every Rather than the proverbial hollow leg or dam begins with a first sandbag, brick, or extra stomach, this extra room actually is branch, and could not accomplish its in- 144 Harvard Health Policy Review
Katz: Obesity...Be Damned! tended purpose without them. This, in than elevators the social norm. We need part, explains why epidemic obesity has to overhaul the food supply and eliminate thus far proven intractable. A defense the category of ‘junk’ food. We need to commensurate with the threat has not yet subsidize the sale of fresh fruits and veg- been constructed. etables. We need truth in advertising and What would be the anti-obesity ana- controls on food marketing to children. logue of the Hoover Dam? A compre- We need to educate families about how to hensive system of reforms in knowledge, practice good nutrition, and good physical behavior, policies, and the environment. activity together. It should once again be We need schools that provide nutrition possible for children to walk and bike to education, serve only food that conforms school. And while a place in our barricade to what is being taught, and make a place may be reserved for bariatric surgery and for physical activity as a part of every day. drugs such as rimonabant, it must be in a The remedy for the native rambunctious- small and isolated corner. ness of children is recess, not Ritalin. Accountability for these actions is We need clinicians trained to provide shared. Many anti-obesity policy initia- weight management counseling that is ef- tives warrant and require government in- fective, efficient, and compassionate; and tercession. These include policies related an insurance system that will reimburse to the built environment; food marketing; those who use behavior modification sci- public sector insurance benefits; school ence to counsel artfully. We need physical food standards; food subsidies; and more. activity breaks to be a standard part of the The academic community should accept work day- and perhaps financial incentives responsibility for separating debate about for the pursuit of health when it is not, nutritional fine points from the expression alas, its own incentive. of consensus about fundamentals. The We need food labels for dummies that clinical community should establish and enable consumers to know, at a glance, enforce basic standards in lifestyle counsel- what choices are best, and when to step ing. And ultimately, as more useful poli- away from the box so no one gets hurt. cies are adopted and more resources are Every neighborhood needs to provide rec- made available, individuals and families reational facilities and sidewalks, and new must accept responsibility for making use neighborhoods should be designed so that of them. The control of obesity will ul- it makes sense to get around them by foot, timately require a balance between public rather than car. We need social engineer- policy, and personal effort. ing to give us back time to prepare food at home, or ways to eat out that offer good nutrition at low cost. We need new-age Conclusions tools, such as www.healthydiningfinder. com, to empower our navigation through In a report on the prevention of child- the challenges of the modern nutritional hood obesity, the Institute of Medicine has landscape. offered a useful array of policy recommen- We need to make use of stairs rather dations (Institute of Medicine. Preventing Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2006 145
Health Highlights Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. eat less, and the desire of the food indus- September 30, 2004), while a more recent try to sell more. We will need to confront report indicates that much of the work is the paradox that obesity, due to its health still undone (Institute of Medicine. Prog- toll, is objectionable, even though its root ress in Preventing Childhood Obesity: How causes- an abundance of desirable food do We Measure Up? September 13, 2006). and the opportunity to be sedentary- his- There are several reasons for relatively slow torically are not. The greatest obstacle to uptake of the policy recommendations obesity control is ambivalence. proffered by the IOM, and others (Nestle Obesity trends will not change appre- M, Jacobson MF. Halting the obesity epi- ciably until the aggregation of obesity con- demic: a public health policy approach. Pub- trol strategies is commensurate with and lic Health Rep. 2000;115:12-24). opposite to the aggregation of obesigenic First, obesity control requires an array of elements in modern society. This means coordinated actions, but there is no coordi- that even when actions against epidemic nating entity. Many of the actions needed obesity are robust, evidence of success will to contain academic obesity, such as school initially be sparse. Evidence of success is a nutrition policies, zoning regulations, food potent stimulus to policy reform, whereas marketing, and pricing incentives fall with- its absence is a potential impediment for in the purview of the government. Oth- failing to reward investment of effort or ers, such as media representations, clinical resources. There is thus a need to focus on counseling, insurance benefits, and social intermediate outcomes, such as changes marketing are substantially outside the in dietary pattern or activity level, as early government’s control. Ultimately, the use measures of success in obesity control. Ef- of information regarding dietary choices fects on weight patterns in the population and physical activity must be put to use by will be discernible only after a delay that individuals. While the personal choices of allows for the gradual accumulation of individuals will generally fall outside the necessary, but independently insufficient, purview of public policy, the flow of in- contributions to a comprehensive array formation and resources to empower those of obesity control program, policies, and choices falls within. The US Secretary of practices. Health, or perhaps a designated appointee While simple to explain, epidemic in the position of “obesity czar,” should obesity will be anything but easy to fix. be accountable for the coordinated imple- We must overcome the propensity of our mentation of obesity control strategies genes, the propulsive force of culture and needed to empower individuals. some 6 million years of gathering momen- For this to occur, we will need to rec- tum. The task is daunting, but possible. ognize the magnitude of the obesity crisis Each useful policy, program, or strategy and overcome our general reticence toward implemented will function like one sand- governmental regulation. We will need to bag in a levee. When we have stacked acknowledge conflicts of interest that pre- enough strategies together, the flood tide clude reliance on market forces, such as of obesity will be turned. the need for an overweight population to 146 Harvard Health Policy Review
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