Sleep Matters The impact of sleep on health and wellbeing Mental Health Awareness Week 2011 - Mental Health Foundation

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Sleep Matters The impact of sleep on health and wellbeing Mental Health Awareness Week 2011 - Mental Health Foundation
Sleep Matters
                                  The impact of sleep
                                  on health and wellbeing
                                  Mental Health
                                  Awareness Week 2011

Mental Health Foundation
Sea Containers House
20 Upper Ground
London SE1 9QB
United Kingdom
020 7803 1100
IBSN 978-1-906162-65-8
Registered charity number
England 801130
Scotland SC039714
© Mental Health Foundation 2011
Contents   04   Executive summary
           08   Introduction
           12   Part 01 – Sleeping and sleep patterns
           28   Part 02 – Poor sleep
           48   Part 03 – Sleeping well
           62   Conclusion
           66   Useful resources
           68   References
           72   Appendix: Sleep diary
           76   Acknowledgements

‘The main facts in
 human life are five:

E. M. Forster
Executive   We spend approximately a                  Poor sleep over a sustained period
                                                      leads to a number of problems which
                                                                                                   One of the most widely used and
                                                                                                   successful therapies is Cognitive
                                                                                                                                               – The new Public Health Outcomes
                                                                                                                                                  Framework should include a specific
Summary     third of our lives asleep. Sleep
            is an essential and involuntary           are immediately recognisable, including      Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This is             outcome on reducing sleep problems
                                                      fatigue, sleepiness, poor concentration,     useful even for people who have                across the whole population.
            process, without which we                 lapses in memory, and irritability.          had insomnia for a long period of time.        Sleep should also be reflected in
            cannot function effectively.                                                           A full course of such a therapy with           new national mental health outcome
            It is as important to our                 Up to one third of the population may        a sleep specialist is potentially costly,      indicators, including improving
            bodies as eating, drinking                suffer from insomnia (lack of sleep          and is most appropriate for people             sleep for people who experience
            and breathing, and is vital for           or poor quality sleep). This can affect      with severe sleep problems. Still, some        significant sleep problems requiring
            maintaining good mental and               mood, energy and concentration levels,       CBT principles can be appropriate              specialist help.
                                                      our relationships, and our ability to stay   and easily practiced for anyone who is
            physical health. Sleeping helps           awake and function during the day.           experiencing a sleepless night.           – The National Institute of Health
            to repair and restore our brains,                                                                                                   and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
            not just our bodies.                      Sleep and health are strongly related,       Key points:                                  should develop guidance for the
                                                      poor sleep can increase the risk of          – Sleeping poorly increases the risk of     management of insomnia using
            During sleep we can process               having poor health, and poor health             having poor mental health. In the same    non-pharmacological therapies,
            information, consolidate memories,        can make it harder to sleep. Common             way that healthy diet and exercise can    to complement existing guidance
            and undergo a number of maintenance mental health problems like anxiety                   help to improve our mental health,        on using pharmacological therapies.
            processes that help us to function        and depression can often underpin               so can sleep.
            during the daytime. Sleep is crucial      sleep problems. Where this is the case,                                                – People with sleep problems should
            to the health of individuals within the   a combination approach to treating           – There is no universal answer to           be recognised within the Improving
            UK and to the public health of the UK     the mental health problem and sleep             the question of how much sleep            Access to Pyschological Therapies
            population.                               problem in tandem is often the most             a person needs. This varies from          (IAPT) programme, especially
                                                      effective.                                      person to person. What is important       regarding access to Cognitive
            We all need to make sure we get the                                                       is that people find out how much          Behavioural Therapy (CBT). IAPT staff
            right amount of sleep, and enough         It is essential for us to better                sleep they need and ensure that           should be suitably trained on sleep
            good quality sleep. There is no set       understand the sleep process in                 they achieve this.                        issues.
            amount of sleep that is appropriate       order to ensure that we get a regular
            for everyone; some people need more amount of good quality sleep. Sleepio,             – The consequences of poor sleep           – Further research should be carried
            sleep than others. Our ability to sleep   co-founded by Professor Colin Espie,            should be taken seriously in                out to establish the effectiveness
            is controlled by how sleepy we feel and Director of the University of Glasgow             healthcare, education, family life,         of low cost, non-intrusive CBT-
            our sleep pattern. How sleepy we feel     Sleep Centre, is a new organisation             and society at large.                       based interventions for sleep
            relates to our drive to sleep. The sleep  that is dedicated to raising awareness                                                      problems, such as self-help books
            pattern relates to the regularity and     of the importance of sleep. Sleepio          We recommend that:                             and online courses.
            timing of our sleep habits; if we have    collected data from a large-scale,           – The importance and benefits of
            got into a pattern of sleeping at set     national survey on sleep habits; some           sleep for both mental and physical
            times then we will be able to establish   of these revealing new data appear              health should be highlighted in
            a better routine, and will find it easier throughout this report.                         national and local public health
            to sleep at that time every day.                                                          campaigns, including in schools and
                                                      We can all benefit from improving the           workplaces. New and easily accessible
            Sleep is a more complex process than quality of our sleep. For many of us, it             resources should be made available
            many people realise, much of it is still  may simply be a case of making small            advising people on what they can do
            a mystery to scientists. During sleep,    lifestyle or attitude adjustments in            themselves to improve their sleep.
            the body goes through a variety of        order to help us sleep better. For those
            processes and sleep stages. Good          with insomnia it is usually necessary        – The Royal College of GPs should
            quality sleep is likely to be the result  to seek more specialist treatment.              provide up to date, evidence-based
            of spending enough time in all of the     Sleep medication is commonly used,              training and information for its
            stages, including enough deep sleep       but may have negative side effects and          members on the importance
            which helps us feel refreshed.            is not recommended in the long-term.            and benefits of sleep for physical
                                                      Psychological approaches are useful             and mental health. GPs should also
                                                      for people with long-term insomnia              have access to a diagnostic tool for
                                                      because they can encourage us                   use in recognising sleep problems
                                                      to establish good sleep patterns,               in primary care settings.
                                                      and to develop a healthy, positive
                                                      mental outlook about sleep, as well
                                                      as dealing with worrying thoughts
                                                      towards sleeping.

04                                                                                                                                                                                     05
‘Sleep is the best
Dalai Lama
Introduction   We spend, on average, approximately a third            In Part II, we review the literature on sleep problems
               of our life asleep. Along with eating, drinking        and explain what can happen if we don’t sleep
               and breathing, sleeping is one of the pillars for      properly. In Part III, we describe ways in which
               maintaining good mental and physical health.           we can improve our sleep and explain possible
               Ultimately, we would die if we did not sleep.          treatments for those who find achieving good
                                                                      quality sleep difficult. The primary focus of this
               Despite its obvious importance, sleep remains          report is sleep and mental health; both how mental
               a mysterious realm that has fascinated us for          health can affect our sleep, and how sleep can
               thousands of years. For example, in the Greek          affect our mental health.
               pantheon sleep is represented by the winged god
               Hypnos, himself the son of Nyx, goddess of the         The report includes primary data from the Great
               Night. Closely related to Hypnos were Thanatos         British Sleep Survey, developed by Professor Colin
               (god of death) and Morpheus (god of dreams).           Espie at the University of Glasgow in association
               As human beings, most of us cross the bridge           with Sleepio Ltd.
               between the conscious to the unconscious on at
               least a daily basis. Yet, we seldom give a second      The survey has been available online from March
               thought to the countless physiological and             2010, and aimed to take a snapshot of the UK’s
               psychological processes that occur within our          sleep habits. By December 2010, there had been
               bodies and brains when we are deep in slumber.         6708 responses to the survey. This survey is still
                                                                      online: you can take part by visiting the Sleepio
               The aim of this report is to raise awareness about     website,
               the importance of sleep and its crucial role for
               our health, both physical and mental, just like diet
               and exercise. In Part I of this report, we provide
               information about sleep, why we need to sleep, and
               what happens during sleep.

08                                                                                                                         09
‘A good laugh and
 a long sleep are
 the best cures in
 the doctor’s book.’
Irish proverb
Sleeping and
Sleep Patterns

12               13
What is Sleep?                             Sleep affects our ability to use
                                                                              language, sustain attention,
                                   Sleep is often seen as time                understand what we are reading,
                                   when the body is inactive.                 and summarise what we are
                                   In fact, the opposite is true.             hearing03. If we compromise on
                                   Sleep is an active, essential              our sleep, we compromise on our
                                   and involuntary process,                   performance, our mood, and our
                                                                              interpersonal relationships. Sleep
                                   without which we cannot                     has also been shown to protect
                                   function effectively. Sleep is             the immune system04.
                                   not a lifestyle choice; just like
                                   breathing, eating or drinking,              Animals have evolved to sleep
                                   it is a necessity.                          in many different ways. Dolphins
                                                                               can sleep using only one half of their
                                   Sleep is a complex process during           brain at a time. Even hibernating
                                   which our body undertakes a number          animals have been shown to
                                   of essential activities. It involves low    temporarily cease hibernation, go
                                   awareness of the outside world, relaxed to sleep (a different, active05process),
                                   muscles, and a raised anabolic state        then return to hibernation . Sleep
                                   which helps us to build and repair          is an inconvenient, time consuming
                                   our bodies.                                 process,   but it is so essential that
                                                                               we have simply evolved to fit it into
                                   Primarily, sleep is for the brain, allowing our lives.
                                   it to recover and regenerate. During
                                   our sleep, the brain can process
                                   information, consolidate memory,
                                   and enable us to learn and function
                                   effectively during daytime01. This is
                                   why we are encouraged to get a good
                                   night’s sleep in the run up to a job
                                   interview or exam rather than staying
                                   awake all night to prepare.

The first part of this report      Whilst we sleep, our brain is not
                                   only strengthening memories but

describes the sleep process
                                   it is also reorganising them, picking
                                   out the emotional details and helping
                                   us produce new insights and creative

in detail, providing information

about how and why it is
essential to maintain good
quality sleep throughout our
lives, and on the problems that
can arise during sleep.

14                                                                                                                      15
How Much Sleep?                                                                                        Sleep Patterns
We all need different amounts of sleep.                                                                Equally important as the total amount
Different species of animals require                                                                   of sleep is the pattern of sleep. Babies
vastly different amounts, as shown in the                                                              and small children tend to sleep multiple
estimated average sleep times of several                                                               times across each 24 hour period, but
species06:                                                                                             as we mature into school years and into
                                                                                                       adulthood we tend to sleep in one long
                                                                                                       phase; daytime sleeping decreases and
                                                                                                       the person instead tends to sleep
                                                                                                       throughout the night.
               Table 1                                    Still, it is important for us to gauge the                  A mechanism called the circadian           It is possible to think of a “master
               The sleep needs of various species         amount of sleep that we need and to                         timer regulates the pattern of our         clock” which regulates our circadian
                                                          ensure that we get the right amount.                        sleep and waking, and interacts            rhythms. This clock is made up of a
               Species             Average total sleep    There is no set amount of sleep that is                     with the sleep homeostat. Most             group of nerve cells in our brain called
                                   time per day (hours)   appropriate for everyone. For example,                      living things have internal circadian      the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).
                                                          although Margaret Thatcher once said                        rhythms, meaning they are adapted          The SCN controls the production of
               Python              18                     that she only needed five hours sleep                       to live in a cycle of day and night.       melatonin, which is a hormone that
               Tiger               15.8                   a night when she was Prime Minister,                                                                   makes us feel sleepy. During sleep,
               Cat                 12.1                   this would have been unremarkable for                       The French geophysicist Jean-              melatonin levels rise sharply. The
               Chimpanzee          9.7                    her if she was naturally a short sleeper.                   Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan was the         SCN is located just above our optic
               Sheep               3.8                    Just as people may need different                           first to discover circadian rhythms in     nerves, which send signals from
               African elephant    3.3                    size shoes they may need different                          an experiment with plants in 1729.         the eyes to the brain. Therefore, the
               Giraffe             1.9                    amounts of sleep. It is vitally important                   Two centuries later, Dr. Nathaniel         SCN receives information about the
                                                          to find out how much sleep we as                            Kleitman studied the effect of             amount of light in the environment
               In humans, the amount of                   individuals actually need, and to then                      circadian rhythms on human sleep           through our eyes. When there is less
               sleep a person needs depends               recognise that it may be different from                     cycles09. These rhythms respond            light, such as during night-time, it tells
               upon their age. New born babies            the amount of sleep that others need.                       primarily to light and darkness. The       the brain to create more melatonin
               tend to sleep for an average of                                                                        cycle is actually slightly longer than     (see Figure 1).
               16–18 hours per day, which decreases       Sleeping less than we need                                  24 hours10 11.
               to about 13–14 hours after one year.       as individuals has negative
               Adolescents tend to require more           consequences. Whilst awake, we
               sleep than adults, possibly due to         build up a sleep debt which can only                                                   Figure 1
               the physiological changes that are         be repaid through sleeping. This is                                                    Diagram of sleep homeostat and circadian timer
               happening in the body during this          regulated by a mechanism in the body                                                   (adapted model from Professor Derk-Jan Dijk,
               period.                                    called the sleep homeostat, which                                                      Surrey Sleep Research Centre)
                                                          controls our drive to sleep. If we have
               As the person reaches adulthood they       a greater sleep debt, then the sleep
               tend to sleep 7–8 hours per day. Older     homeostat indicates to us that we                                                                       Performance whilst awake
               adults tend to sleep roughly 6–7 hours     need more sleep.
               per day07, but take more frequent naps
               throughout the day. The amount of          In a healthy situation this debt is
               time an average adult needs to sleep       paid off night by night. However, the
                                                          debt can also build up and be repaid
               varies from person to person, and can
               range between 5 and 11 hours.              gradually over a period of weeks or                                                                  Sleep Wake Cycle
                                                          even months, for example, if we under-
                                                          sleep for several nights in a row then
                                                          we will need to repay the sleep debt in
                                                          the near future. Interestingly, for people
                                                          with bipolar disorder, the state of mania
                                                                                                                                                               Circadian           Homeostat
                                                          is associated with decreased perceived
                                                          need for sleep08. However, despite this
                                                          perception, the person is still building
                                                          up a sleep debt which needs to be

16                                                                                                                                                                                                      17
Serotonin is another chemical that        Sleep patterns vary greatly, some
     affects sleep; produced by the            animals are diurnal and tend to sleep
     brain, insufficient levels of serotonin   during the night time, and others are
     are also related to mental health         nocturnal and sleep mostly during
     problems such as depression and           the daytime. Within humans, each
     anxiety. Levels of serotonin are          person’s circadian timer is set slightly
     highest in the brain when we are          differently; some people function
     awake and active, and the brain           best in the mornings (larks), others
     produces more serotonin when it           best in the evenings (owls), many of
     is lighter outside. This is why most      us are somewhere in between.
     people feel tired at night-time, and
     why it is a good idea to turn off the     Some people suffer from what is
     lights when we are trying to sleep.       known as circadian rhythm sleep
     The immune system also influences         disorder, which is an extreme end of
     serotonin, and therefore influences       this spectrum, but is often associated
     sleep patterns12, which may explain       with mental health problems. An
     why we need to sleep more if we are       extreme ‘owl’ may have delayed
     feeling ill.                              sleep phase syndrome, tending to
                                               fall asleep and wake up very late. An
     As humans are mainly daytime              extreme ‘lark’ may have advanced
     animals, the period we choose to          sleep phase syndrome, rising very
     sleep is determined naturally by          early in the morning but plagued
     the level of light in the environment;    with sleepiness in the evening. These
     principally due to the setting and        irregularities can become problems,
     rising of the sun. But we can now         depending upon what we are trying
     manipulate light levels through the       to do in life, although for some they
     use of artificial lights, which means     can prove to be an asset.
     that we can continue activities long
     into the evenings. People who work       Similar effects are commonly seen
     nightshifts may wish to reduce the       in people whose sleep pattern is
     level of light they are exposed to       disrupted due to external factors,
     during the daytime in order to sleep,    such as working regular night shifts
     and can do this through the use of       (particularly after working regular
     blackout curtains.                       day shifts in the weeks beforehand).
                                              Another example is jetlag which
     The story of the Copiapó mining          is caused by travel between
     accident in Chile in 2010 shows          different time zones. Both shift
     the importance of light for circadian    work disorders and jetlag are very
     rhythms. Miners’ sleep-wake              common expressions of circadian

                                                                                          Humans are not designed
     cycles were completely disrupted         rhythm disorders. Humans are not
     in the absence of sunlight. The          designed to be awake during the
     National Aeronautics and Space           night and asleep during the day.

                                                                                          to be awake during the night.
     Administration (NASA) consultants        People who regularly work night
     advised the miners to segregate their shifts are thought to be at a greater
     space into working, sleeping, and        risk of cancer14 and heart disease15.

                                                                                          People who regularly work
     recreation areas.                        International flight crews are also at
                                              elevated risk of cancer, possibly due
     They used the lights on their helmets to repeated disruption of circadian

                                                                                          night shifts are thought to be
     and the headlights on the mining         rhythms.
     trucks to create a communal ‘light’
     area. The sleeping area was kept         Disruption of sleep and circadian

                                                                                          at a greater risk of cancer and
     dark, meaning that the miners could rhythms are also documented in
     regulate the daylight cycle artificially people who suffer from bipolar
     and maintain a regular pattern of        disorder, although it is unclear

                                                                                          heart disease.
     sleep. This is an extreme example,       whether the circadian timer or sleep
     but in fact, even moderate changes       homeostat is responsible for the
     in lighting can affect our internal      underlying sleep disturbances16. It
     circadian timers .
                                              has been suggested that changes
                                              in a person’s circadian rhythms can
                                              act as a trigger for bipolar disorder17,
                                              particularly mania18.

18                                                                                                                      19
‘The machinery
 is always going.
 Even when you sleep.’
Andy Warhol
The stages of sleep
In humans, sleep can be broadly divided
into non-rapid eye movement (non-REM)
sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

              We typically pass through four stages       Non-REM stage one                                               Non-REM stage two
              of non-REM sleep before beginning           The first of the five sleep stages is a                         Within a few minutes, the sleeper
              REM sleep. In total, non-REM sleep          form of light sleep, or non-REM stage                           may pass into another form of light
              accounts for about 75–80% of total          one sleep. This stage is essentially                            sleep known as stage two of non-
              sleep in an average adult.                  the bridge between being awake                                  REM sleep. The sleeper’s breathing
                                                          and sleep.                                                      pattern and heart rate slow down
              This process is cyclical and during a                                                                       and they become less aware of the
              single night we may experience four         Sleepers drift in and out of light sleep                        outside world. Eye movement stops
              or five recurring cycles of non-REM         and can be awakened easily. During                              and sleepers’ theta waves become
              and REM sleep each lasting between          this stage, the person may begin to                             even slower with the occasional
              90–110 minutes. Only recently have          breathe more slowly and evenly, the                             bursts of brain activity every minute
              scientists begun to understand              brain produces theta waves, which                               or so; these bursts of activity are
              the process, especially since sleep         are smaller and lower in frequency                              sometimes known as sleep spindles.
              research has been aided by three            than alpha waves. Muscle activity,
              measurements:                               measured by the EMG, shows a                                    Stage two non-REM sleep is also
                                                          slowing down of movement and the                                characterized by a type of brain
              01 Brain wave activity using an            sleeper may begin to twitch.                                    wave activity known as a K-complex.
                  electroencephalogram (EEG),                                                                             A K-complex is a high voltage of
                  which measures electrical activity
                  in the brain.
              02 Muscle tone through an
                                                          These twitches are called hypnic jerks
                                                          and sometimes wake the sleeper,
                                                          particularly if the jerk is accompanied
                                                                                                     The first of the     EEG activity with a sharp downward
                                                                                                                          spike followed by a slower upward
                                                                                                                          component; it sometimes resembles
                  electromyogram (EMG).
              03 Movement of the eye via
                  an electro-oculogram (EOG).
                                                          by the sensation of falling, which
                                                          many people experience from time
                                                          to time. Since individuals may have
                                                                                                     five sleep stages    a mountain. This stage accounts
                                                                                                                          for the largest part of human sleep
                                                                                                                          (45–50% of sleep in adults19) and is

              Of these three, the EEG is the most
              important in helping to differentiate
                                                          some knowledge of the world around
                                                          them, it is in this stage of sleep that
                                                          some people report out-of-body
                                                                                                     is a form of light   sometimes referred to as true sleep.
                                                                                                                          Like stage one sleep, stage two is
                                                                                                                          also considered relatively ‘light’ sleep
              between the different sleep stages.
              While awake, our brains display a
              pattern of brainwaves known as
                                                                                                     sleep, or non-REM    and if sleepers were to be woken up
                                                                                                                          during either of these stages they
                                                                                                                          may deny that they had been asleep
              beta waves. Beta waves are high
              in frequency, meaning they occur in
              quick succession, but they are low
                                                                                                     stage one sleep.     at all.

              in amplitude, meaning they are quite
              small.                                                                                 This stage is
              Whilst we are awake these waves do
              not follow a consistent pattern. This
              makes sense because when we are
                                                                                                     essentially the
              awake, our brains are often doing a
              number of different tasks, stimulating
              the brain in a variety of different ways.
                                                                                                     bridge between
              When we rest with our eyes closed,
              our brain wave activity slows down
              and becomes more synchronised,
                                                                                                     being awake
              these brain waves are known as
              alpha waves.                                                                           and sleep.
22                                                                                                                                                              23
Non-REM stages three and four
                                Stages three and four are typically
                                                                         Deep sleep is a very refreshing
                                                                         type of sleep, and it is particularly
                                                                                                                     Dreaming                                 The part of the brain involved in
                                                                                                                                                              emotions, sensations and memories
                                grouped together as the last stages      important in helping the brain              Dreams have been a subject               becomes more active during REM
                                of non-REM sleep, also referred to as    consolidate what it has learnt during       of awe and inspiration for               sleep. So the brain may attempt to
                                synchronised sleep.                      the day20. If awakened during these         thousands of years, appearing            make sense of this internal activity
                                                                         stages, sleepers report feeling             in the oldest works of literature,       and the result is a dream27. Dreams
                                For these stages, sleepers pass from     groggy and disoriented for several          such as Epic of Gilgamesh                may therefore be the result of signals
                                the theta waves of stages one and        minutes. Illustration of the sleep          (c.2200 B.C.), as well as in             generated within our brains.
                                two to delta waves, the largest and      stages is shown in Figure 2.
                                slowest brain waves. There is no real                                                recent Hollywood blockbusters            Another theory28 suggests that
                                distinction between stage three and      Eventually, the sleeper will pass into      such as Inception and Shutter            dreams may help humans to
                                four except typically during stage       REM sleep. This takes its name from         Island (2010). Some people               maintain sleep, by keeping the mind
                                three, sleep is comprised of less than   the rapid eye movements that the            are better at remembering                occupied so that we don’t wake up.
                                50% delta waves, and in stage four       sleeper displays, usually with their        dreams than others, but most
                                more than 50% of the waves are           eyes closed, as discovered in 1953          would agree that their dreams            It suggests that dreams may
                                delta waves. Thus these stages are       by Nathaniel Kleitman and Eugene                                                     entertain the brain so that other
                                often referred to as slow wave sleep     Aserinsky. The frequency of one’s           are meaningful to them. Many             areas can rest and recover, and
                                or deep sleep. Sleepers’ breathing       rapid eye movements is known                people believe that dreams are           without this kind of diversion, the
                                and heart rate are at their lowest       as their REM density.                       a gateway for understanding              brain would keep telling us to wake
                                levels, they breathe rhythmically                                                    our feelings, thoughts,                  up. However, these are merely
                                and their muscle activity decreases.     During this stage, the brainwaves           behaviours, motives and values.          theories, and the exact reasons
                                                                         are similar to when we are resting,                                                  why we dream are still uncertain.
                                                                         although our breathing rate and             The theoretical link between
                                                                         blood pressure rise, all our voluntary      dreaming and eye movements during        What we do know is that dreams
                                                                         muscles also become paralyzed and           sleep was made as far back as in         are associated with an abundance
                                                                         our muscle tone becomes relaxed so          186824, and the explicit connection      of a chemical called dopamine
                                                                         that we cannot move our limbs. This         between REM sleep and dreaming           in the brain. Dopamine is a
Figure 2                                                                 is a relatively shallow stage of sleep;                                              neurotransmitter (a chemical that
Brain waves during the stages of sleep                                                                               was made almost a century later25.
                                                                         the average person will have around         It is possible that our eyes move        transmits signals within the brain)
                                                                         three to five episodes of REM sleep         because we are following the images      that helps to direct our attention to
Awake – eyes open/Alpha Waves                                            per night, and the first period is likely                                            important things in our environment.
                                                                                                                     of the dream in our sleep. Since we
                                                                         to begin about 70–90 minutes after          all experience REM sleep, we all have    Both dreams and hallucinations
                                                                         falling asleep. It is during this stage     the potential to experience dreams.      involve deregulation of dopamine
                                                                         of sleep that we experience dreams.         Still, the purpose and function          production. It is thought that
Awake – eyes closed                                                                                                                                           dreaming may be similar to some
                                                                                                                     of dreams remains unclear.
                                                                         The amount of time spent in the                                                      of the symptoms of schizophrenia,
                                                                         different sleep stages appears to           There are many theories on the           since they appear to have similar
                                                                         relate to people’s mental health.           meaning of dreams. Some scientists       neurochemical backgrounds29.
Non-REM – Stage 1/Theta Waves                                            Those who suffer from depression            believe they serve no real purpose,
                                                                         have been shown to have more REM            while others believe they are            Dreaming and REM sleep are also
                                                                         sleep, enter this stage earlier, and        integral to our mental, emotional,       strongly related to major depression,
                                                                         have increased REM density21. For           and physical wellbeing. The most         and people who suffer from this
Non-REM – Stage 2
                                                                         people with schizophrenia, there can        well-known theory comes from             illness often display more frequent
                                                                         be a delay in reaching deep sleep           the Austrian neurologist Sigmund         rapid eye movements than normal
           Sleep Spindle                      K Complex                  and REM sleep22. Similarly, people                                                   - literally, people with depression
                                                                                                                     Freud who founded the school of
                                                                         who suffer from anxiety may spend           psychoanalytic thought. According        dream more15. It actually appears
                                                                         less time in deep sleep23. However,         to Freud, dreams are subconscious        as though getting too much REM
                                                                         this is an area to be explored in future    wishes26. He believed that the           sleep can increase our vulnerability
                                                                         research to provide more precise            images, thoughts and emotions            to depression. Interestingly, many
Non-REM – Stage 3 & 4/Slow Waves and Delta Waves
                                                                         information.                                experienced in a dream were              antidepressants aim to limit REM
                                                                                                                     attempts by our unconscious to           sleep30.
                                                                                                                     resolve a conflict in waking life, and
                                                                                                                     that the process of dreaming allowed     One night of sleep deprivation,
                                                                                                                     for an interaction between the           particularly the deprivation of
                                                                                                                     unconscious and the conscious.           REM sleep, may relieve depressive
                                                                                                                                                              symptoms in the short term.
                                                                                                                                                              However, this cannot be
                                                                                                                                                              recommended as a treatment
                                                                                                                                                              for depression since individuals
                                                                                                                                                              become susceptible to symptoms
                                                                                                                                                              again once they have repaid their
                                                                                                                                                              sleep debt31 32. More importantly,
                                                                                                                                                              the negative consequences of
                                                                                                                                                              sleep deprivation can be far more
24                                                                                                                                                                                                  25
 is a desert
 without vegetation
 or inhabitants.’
Jessamyn West
Poor Sleep

28           29
Poor sleep relates not only to the total amount                                                        A person with insomnia may get
                                                                                                       into a habit of sleeping in short shifts
                                                                                                                                                   Sleeping poorly increases the risk to
                                                                                                                                                   poor mental health, which is often
of sleep, but also to the quality of sleep and                                                         throughout the day, which then may          neglected when aiming to improve
                                                                                                       make it difficult for them to sleep at      health and wellbeing. Insomnia is
the amount of time spent awake. Good quality                                                           bedtime. The problem with napping           inextricably related to mental health.
sleep includes all of the aforementioned sleep                                                         like this is that the person only sleeps
                                                                                                       for short periods of time. This means
                                                                                                                                                   Many of us will have experienced a
                                                                                                                                                   sleepless night due to worrying about
stages, with a significant amount of time                                                              that they are likely to get lots of light   an upcoming event, such as an exam
                                                                                                       sleep without ever passing through          or a job interview.
spent in deep sleep.                                                                                   all the sleep stages. In particular,
                                                                                                       they fail to achieve the essential          A prolonged period of stress or
                                                                                                       deep sleep necessary for restoration        worry can also seriously affect our
                                                                                                       of mind and body, and fail to recover       ability to sleep. In a sample of roughly
                                                                                                       their sleep debt.                           20,000 young adults, lack of sufficient
                Insomnia                                  Sleep quality is of paramount
                                                          importance to our health. People                                                         sleep was linked to psychological
                Most of us have experienced a             who have slept poorly are likely to          Sometimes insomnia can be related           distress37, and a history of insomnia
                sleepless night, which although           suffer from fatigue, sleepiness during       to physical health problems. Most           has been shown to increase the
                upsetting, is nothing to worry            daytime, poor concentration, irritability,   of us will have experienced an              risk of developing depression38 39.
                                                          memory loss, depression, frustration,        illness which has made it harder to         Unsurprisingly, anxiety and depression
                about since the sleep debt can                                                         sleep due to physical discomfort or         are also common causes of chronic
                be repaid over the course of the          and a weakened immune system.
                                                          Fatigue – feeling weary and lacking          irritation, such as a blocked nose or       insomnia40. People who suffer from
                next few nights. The inability            in energy whilst awake – is the most         sore throat. Some chronic conditions,       depression may experience sleep
                to fall or remain asleep over             common problem associated with               such as osteoporosis or diabetes,           disturbances which disrupt the
                a period of several nights is             poor sleep.                                  can drastically affect sleep in the long    process of falling and staying asleep.
                known as insomnia.                                                                     term. Addressing physical health            The sleeper may wake intermittently
                                                          This is different to sleepiness because      problems could improve sleep quality.       throughout the night, or wake early in
                People with insomnia have poor quality it doesn’t necessarily increase the             It may be possible also to address the      the morning and be unable to sleep
                sleep, may be unable to get enough        likelihood of falling asleep. Signs of       sleep problem alongside the health          again41.
                sleep, and may wake up for long           sleepiness include yawning, muscle           problem rather than just treating it as a
                periods during the night, resulting in    ache, and drifting off to sleep.             symptom.                                Furthermore, insomnia is a common
                fatigue during the daytime. Insomnia      Furthermore, poor sleep can make us                                                  complaint in people who suffer
                is a psychophysiological disorder,        less receptive to positive emotions34        Our mental state is perhaps even more from schizophrenia42, and some
                which means that it is a combination      which in turn can make us feel               important in allowing or preventing     schizophrenia medications can
                of our thoughts, behaviour, emotions      miserable during the day, and may            insomnia from developing from an        profoundly affect a person’s ability
                and physiology. Insomnia can be           increase the likelihood of us developing     acute into a chronic problem. This      to maintain constant sleep43. People
                acute (lasting less than a month), or it  depression35.                                refers particularly to our thoughts and visiting sleep disorder clinics with the
                may develop into a chronic, long-term                                                  attitudes about sleeping. For example, complaint of insomnia often have
                condition.                                Evidence from experiments involving          some of us, after suffering several     another underlying mental health
                                                          rats suggests that in extreme cases,         consecutive sleepless nights, may       problem44. This type of insomnia is
                Essentially, insomnia is associated with sleep deprivation may even be fatal36.        become anxious that we have not had more difficult to treat since it involves
                arousal of our mind and body. Typically Indeed, there is an extremely rare             enough sleep. This type of thought      treating the underlying problem as well
                people complain of a racing mind          genetic disorder called fatal familial       process is likely to lead to thinking   as the insomnia.
                and get into a vicious cycle of poor      insomnia, affecting around 100               about the problems associated with
                sleep, concerns about poor sleep, and people worldwide. This usually begins            not sleeping.
                patterns of thoughts and behaviour        between the ages of 35 and 60, and
                that are unhelpful. This means that       leads to death several months later.         This can lead to anxious thoughts,
                the normal operation of the sleep         Poor sleep can also affect the               which can then lead a person to see
                debt and circadian mechanisms do          circadian timing mechanism. Keeping          themselves as failing to sleep well.
                not work properly. The result of a series an irregular sleep pattern can make          These thoughts perpetuate a negative
                of sleepless nights can be serious.       insomnia worse. People who suffer            cycle, making it even more difficult
                                                          from insomnia are likely to feel the         for the person to sleep. Many of us
                Insomnia is by far the most common        effects of sleep deprivation throughout      may recognise this behaviour if we
                sleep complaint in the general            the daytime.                                 have watched the clock during the
                population. It is a massive public health                                              night. This is a very common activity
                problem, and the most commonly            It may be tempting to catch up               for people who suffer from insomnia,
                reported mental health complaint in       on sleep by ‘grazing’ at opportune           where the clock starts to be used as a
                the UK .33                                moments across the day, but even             gauge to monitor sleep performance.
                                                          though this temporarily recoups              This pressure to perform in turn makes
                                                          a small amount of sleep debt,                it more difficult to sleep.
                                                          unfortunately it also disrupts the
                                                          sleep pattern.

30                                                                                                                                                                                       31
The Great British                                                              Some caution should be used when
                                                                                          discussing the results of this survey,
                                                                                                                                                         Figure 5
                                                                                                                                                         Negative impact of poor sleep on daily life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             People with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Nearly 95% of respondents with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           insomnia reported low energy levels
           Sleep Survey: new                                                              since those who responded were                                 (N=5328)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sleepers      in their daily lives, considerably more
                                                                                          more likely to have taken an interest                                                                                                                            than twice the percentage for good
           data on the impact                                                             in their own sleep, possibly because                                                                                                                             sleepers (just over 40%). This has a
           of poor sleep
                                                                                          they had a problem with sleeping.                                                                                                                                range of mental and physical health
                                                                                          The sample therefore cannot be truly                                      90                                                                                     implications, particularly with regard
           The Great British Sleep Survey                                                 representative of the UK population.                                                                                                                             to an individual’s ability to take regular
           was launched by Sleepio to                                                                                                                                                                                                                      exercise, which in itself is an effective
           measure the sleep quality of theOnly 38% of survey respondents                                                                                           70                                                                                     way of reducing stress, anxiety and
           UK population. By December      (2522 people) were classified as ‘good                                                                                   60                                                                                     depression.
                                           sleepers’, whilst 36% were classified
           2010 there were 1870            as possibly having chronic insomnia                                                                                      50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The impact of insomnia on energy
           responses from men and 4838     (2414 people). Insomnia was slightly                                                                                     40                                                                                     levels indicated by the survey therefore
           from women (total = 6708).      more common in women (37%) than                                                                                          30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           has the potential to create a vicious
                                           in men (32%), and 79% of those who                                                                                                                                                                              cycle of deteriorating health: insomnia
           The average age of respondents had insomnia reported having it for                                                                                                                                                                              decreases an individual’s capacity

           was 40 years for men and 37 for at least two years. Other estimates
                                           of insomnia have put the total figure
                                                                                                                                                                    10                                                                                     for exercise, negatively affecting their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           mental wellbeing, in turn worsening
           women. Average sleep scores     at around 30% of adults, although                                                                                        0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           their insomnia.
           were calculated for each person rates depend upon the criteria used                                                                                            Mood            Energy   Relationships   Staying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Concentration   Getting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Things Done
           based upon the answers that     to define it45. Of the people reporting                                                                                        Aspects of Daily Life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The survey data indicated that
           people gave to the survey, with insomnia in the survey, over 30% have                                                                                                                    Other data from the survey showed                      over 75% of people with insomnia
                                           had insomnia for 2–5 years, and over                                                                                                                     that insomnia had a negative effect                    experienced poor concentration, and
           a higher score representing                                                                                                                                                              on people’s mood, energy,
           better sleep quality (0% = very 25% for over 11 years (Figure 4)                                                                                                                         concentration, personal relationships,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           nearly 70% reported difficulties in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ‘getting things done’. In both instances,
           poor, 100% = excellent).                                                                                                                                                                 ability to stay awake during the day, and              this is approximately three times more
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ability to carry out daily tasks (Figure 5).           than the percentage for good sleepers.
           The results showed that men had           Figure 4
                                                     Duration of insomnia                                                                                                                                                                                  This inability to concentrate and carry
           better sleep quality than women; the                                                                                                                                                     In comparison to good sleepers, over                   out tasks shows how the implications
           average sleep score was 61% for men (N=6708)                                                                                                                                             four times as many respondents                         of poor sleep can affect wider society,
           and 57% for women. Unsurprisingly,                                                                                                                                                       with insomnia reported relationship                    for instance, in terms of impairing
           sleep was related to health; people         40
                                                                                                                                                                                                    difficulties. The ability to maintain                  productivity in the workplace.
           who rated their physical health as ‘poor’                                                                                                                                                good relationships with friends, family
           had an average sleep score of 47%,          35                                                                                                                                           and partners is naturally important                    Overall, the data from the survey has
           significantly worse sleep than people                                                                                                                                                    to an individual’s personal happiness,                 demonstrated the extent to which
           who rated their health as ‘good’ (63%).     30                                                                                                                                           affecting their mood and, in the longer                sleep influences people’s everyday
           The average sleep score tended to                                                                                                                                                        term, their susceptibility to depression.              lives, both in terms of physical and
           decrease with age, though there was                                                                                                                                                      More than 80% of respondents                           mental health. Factors adversely
           some inconsistency in the relationship      20                                                                                                                                           with insomnia said they regularly                      affected by insomnia, such as exercise,
           between age and sleep (see Figure 3).                                                                                                                                                    experienced low mood. This is more                     can create vicious cycles where
                                                                                                     15                                                                                             than three times the figure for good                   the impact of insomnia worsens an
           Figure 3                                                                                                                                                                                 sleepers. Sustained low mood can lead                  individual’s capacity to tackle the

           Chart of average sleep score by age                                                       10                                                                                             to depression.                                         problem. As such, the data illustrate the
           (N=6708)                                                                                  5                                                                                                                                                     complexity of tackling sleep problems.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Over 45% of respondents with                           Effective methods of breaking this
                                                                                                     0                                                                                              insomnia had difficulty staying awake                  cycle are detailed in Part III of this
                                                                                                           0-3   3-6   6-12  1-2
                                                                                                           Mnths Mnths Mnths Yrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                    during daylight hours, compared                        report.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to just over 10% of good sleepers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Although sleepiness is to be expected
     Average Sleep Score (Percent)

                                                                                                                                                                                                    in people with insomnia, it may
                                     40                                                                                                                                                             encourage the person to keep an
                                                                                                                                                                                                    irregular sleep pattern. This in turn
                                                                                                                                                                                                    upsets the circadian rhythm and can
                                     20                                                                                                                                                             make the insomnia worse.

                                          16-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60   61+
                                          Age Group

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  33
Oversleeping                         Hypersomnia
                                  Although it is nowhere near
                                  as commonly reported as
                                                                       and narcolepsy
                                                                       There are also some conditions
                                  insomnia, sleeping too much          such as hypersomnia and
                                  may also cause problems.             narcolepsy in which a person
                                  Oversleeping has been linked         suffers from extreme sleepiness
                                  to physical health problems such     during the day. Sufferers of
                                  as diabetes46 and cardiovascular     hypersomnia may complain
                                  disease47. Oversleeping can occur    that they do not feel fully awake
                                  in some people who suffer from       until several hours after getting
                                  depression, roughly 15–40% of whom
                                  oversleep48.                         up. People who suffer from
                                                                       narcolepsy may suffer from
                                                                       extreme sleepiness, often
                                                                       at inappropriate times in the
                                                                       form of sudden sleep attacks.
                                                                       Cataplexy is also common in people
                                                                       with narcolepsy. This is defined by a
                                                                       sudden loss of muscle tone, which can
                                                                       often leave the sufferer paralysed for
                                                                       a short term.

                                                                       Both hypersomnia and narcolepsy
                                                                       are rare (estimated at 0.3% of the
                                                                       general population for hypersomnia
                                                                       and 0.045% for narcolepsy49); however,
                                                                       they can have severe consequences
                                                                       for a person’s daily life. They could
                                                                       be misconstrued as insomnia due

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy                                             to the extreme tiredness, but they
                                                                       are very different and should be treated
                                                                       as such.

could be misconstrued as
insomnia due to the extreme
tiredness, but they are very
different and should be treated
as such.

34                                                                                                          35
‘All men, whilst they
 are awake, are in
 one common world:
 but each of them,
 when he is asleep,
 is in a world of his own.’
Problems that                                         Snoring
                                                      Of all sleep problems, snoring
                                                                                                 Sleep Apnoea
                                                                                                 Snoring during REM sleep

happen whilst asleep                                  may seem one of the more
                                                      innocuous. However,
                                                      it can cause problems for the
                                                                                                 is often a sign of obstructive
                                                                                                 sleep apnoea, a potentially
                                                                                                 serious respiratory problem.
                                                      partners of snorers whose own              While sleeping, an individual
As detailed earlier, sleeping is a complex process    sleep quality may be affected.             will experience pauses in
which involves the body going through a number        Strictly speaking, snoring is a            breathing or shallow breath.
                                                      respiratory problem heightened
of different stages. During the sleep cycle we        when a person is sleeping,                 Sufferers may stop breathing for up to
can react in several different ways, and a number     not a sleep problem in itself.             minutes at a time, potentially starving
                                                                                                 the brain of oxygen. Normal breathing
of problems can occur. These problems can impact
                                                      Snoring is very common, approximately usually       resumes, with the individual
on our sleep quality.                                 37% of UK adults snore50. It is twice      often  making   a loud snort or choking
                                                                                                 sound   causing   the airway to unblock,
                                                      as common in males as females,             waking    the individual up and disrupting
                                                      although post-menopausal women
Some are very common, such as snoring. Others         are more likely to snore than pre-         their sleep.  Obstructive   sleep apnoea
                                                                                                 occurs   in approximately    3–7% of adult
are much rarer but can cause great problems for       menopausal women. Partners may             men   and   2–5%   of adult women.
                                                      find their own sleep disturbed and may It is more common in older people and
the sleeper. Abnormal movements or behaviour          need to sleep in separate rooms. There in those who are overweight52. Both
that occur during sleep are sometimes called          is a suggestion that after undergoing      smoking and alcohol also increase the
                                                      surgery to stop snoring, sleep quality
parasomnias. Well-known parasomnias include           of partners improves51.                    risk of developing it.
nightmares, teeth grinding, night terrors and                                                    Sufferers may find themselves
                                                      The snoring sound is produced
sleepwalking. Often these problems can be related     through a partial obstruction in the
                                                                                                 waking up sweaty, with a dry
                                                                                                 mouth and a headache. The frequent
to the mental and physical health of the individual   airway, within which the organs that       waking throughout the night can
                                                      help us breathe vibrate. The muscles
that suffers from them.                                                                          lead to insomnia, excessive fatigue
                                                      relax at the base of the tongue and the and sleepiness during the daytime.
                                                      uvula (the small fleshy piece which        Undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea
                                                      hangs at the back of the throat).          is associated with increased likelihood
                                                                                                 of hypertension, cardiovascular
                                                      The relaxation of muscle tone can          disease, stroke, sleepiness during
                                                      cause the airway (composed of              the daytime, and motor vehicle
                                                      nose, throat, mouth and windpipe)          accidents53. The most widely used
                                                      to become partially or completely          treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea
                                                      obstructed. Other possible causes          is positive airway pressure. The sleeper
                                                      that can restrict airflow can be jaw       wears a special mask over the nose or
                                                      problems or nasal congestion.              mouth during sleep, whilst a breathing
                                                                                                 machine pumps a stream of air in
                                                      A person’s size and body shape can
                                                      also have an impact on whether they        the nose or mouth through the mask.
                                                      are likely to snore. For instance, people
                                                      with shorter, wider necks are more
                                                      inclined to snore because the muscles
                                                      around their windpipe cannot support
                                                      the tissue that surrounds it when they
                                                      sleep. Alcohol also increases snoring,
                                                      since it relaxes the tissue at the back of
                                                      the throat causing it to collapse into the
                                                      airway and vibrate more easily.

                                                      There are a number of treatments
                                                      for snoring, most of which rely on
                                                      unblocking the breathing passage,
                                                      such as nasal strips and sprays. Still,
                                                      if snoring becomes a problem, then it
                                                      is better to seek professional medical
                                                      advice first.

38                                                                                                                                      39
Case Study                                               Nightmares                               Night Terrors
                                                         Many of us will have                     Night terrors are perhaps
K* is a 36 year old female from Bedfordshire,            experienced a nightmare from             the most disturbing type of
whose sleep cycle is out of synch. She goes              time to time. This is defined            parasomnia. Like sleepwalking
through periods of not sleeping very much, merely        as an intense, frightening               and sleep talking, they occur
                                                         dream that wakes the sleeper             during deep sleep. They can
a couple of hours per night, to sleeping all the time,   in the throes of panic. Usually          be intense, frightening, and
sometimes up to 19 hours a day. During this period       nightmares occur in the early            severely disabling experiences.
of oversleeping, she has a strong desire to sleep        morning and often they are               A night terror is different to
during the day and stay up all night. In spite of        influenced by frightening                a nightmare since the latter
                                                         experiences that have occurred           occurs during REM sleep and
such long periods of sleep, she doesn’t wake up          during the day.                          can be recalled on waking.
feeling refreshed.
                                                         Recurrent nightmares are said to         Most often night terrors begin and end
                                                         typically occur due to anxiety. People   in childhood. It has been estimated that
She first remembers her sleep problems starting          who suffer from post-traumatic stress    18% of children experience them59,
around the age of 13. She would wake up from             disorder (PTSD) can experience           but only 2.2% of the adult population55.
                                                         distressing dreams or nightmares         Like sleep walking, night terrors are
a frightening experience feeling anxious but             as a consequence of past traumas,        more likely to occur under sleep-
ultimately unable to recall what it was she              and may experience significant           deprivation, after drinking alcohol,
was experiencing. Sometimes she would wake               interruptions during REM sleep56.        or during a period of stress.
up and find she was unable to move her body              Occasionally, we may experience          Upon experiencing a night terror,
or to scream out. As a result of the frequency           an episode of sleep paralysis; this      the sleeper will feel a deep sense
                                                         happens after waking suddenly from       of fear and panic, their heart rate
of these experiences, she began to feel afraid to        REM sleep, which often happens           will rise, and they may begin sweating
go to sleep and eventually she got out of the habit      following a nightmare. Our muscles are   and screaming. There will often be
of sleeping properly.                                    paralysed during REM sleep, but during   very little, if any, recall of the details
                                                                                                  of the event the following morning.
                                                         an episode of sleep paralysis they
                                                         remain paralysed for a short period
She now knows that these episodes are known as           of time after waking. In old English     Little is known about how to treat
                                                                                                  people who experience persistent
night terrors and still continues to have them today     folklore, sleep paralysis was said to
                                                         be due to supernatural forces sitting    night terrors. However, more severe
in adulthood, though they come and go in phases.         or pressing down upon the sleeper’s      cases could be related to traumatic
                                                         chest (Figure 6).                        experiences, particularly in childhood.
                                                                                                  If this is true, then evidence-based
                                                         Figure 6                                 treatments for trauma may help.
                                                         The Nightmare, Henry Fuseli (1781)

40                                                                                                                                         41
Sleepwalking                               Teeth Grinding                              Case Study
                                                Also known as bruxism, this
     and sleep talking                          is characterised by grinding                G*, 46, from Liverpool has had problems with
     Sleepwalking (somnambulism)
     and sleep talking (somniloquy)
                                                one’s teeth, and is sometimes               her sleep for the past 15 years. Initially they began
                                                accompanied by clenching
     are commonly reported                      of the jaw. It can occur during             with trying to stay asleep. She’d wake up frequently
     parasomnias. Both activities               day or night. During the day,               throughout the night after sleeping for 1 ½-2
     occur during deep sleep
     (stages 3 and 4), and are
                                                it is often in reaction to certain          hours, and on average she would sleep a total
                                                feelings or events that may                 of 3-3 ½ hours a night. There was a time when
     unrelated to dreaming, with                occur. During sleep, however,
     people rarely recalling them               bruxism is characterised                    G* was a good sleeper. Sleep problems however,
     upon waking.                               by automatic teeth grinding                 developed after back surgery following a 12 year
     Sleepwalking most commonly occurs          and rhythmic jaw muscle                     stretch of shift work. The pain associated from
     in children between the ages of five
     and twelve years; 15% of children in
                                                                                            the surgery kept her awake at night and since then
     this age group are said to walk in their   In one study, 8.2% of the general           she has had trouble maintaining a constant night
                                                population were estimated to grind
     sleep at least once57. It is much less
     common in adults, occurring in about       their teeth at least twice a week during    of sleep.
     2–5% of the adult population58, the        sleep, and 4.4% were reported to
                                                fulfil the criteria for a full diagnosis
     majority of whom began sleepwalking
     when they were children. Sleep walking     of bruxism. It was also found to be         She has tried keeping good sleeping habits on
     is more likely to occur when people        more common in those who regularly          recommendation from her doctor: she doesn’t
                                                consume large amounts of caffeine,
     have been sleep-deprived, drinking
     alcohol, or under stress.                  alcohol and nicotine54. Importantly,        keep a TV in the room, abstains from caffeine and
                                                bruxism can be symptomatic of               alcohol and adheres to a strict routine by going to
                                                underlying stress and anxiety; one
     Sleep talking occurs in about 4% of
     adults, though again more frequently       study found that roughly 70% of             be bed at 11pm and getting up at 4am. No matter
     in children. This can range from           sufferers attributed their teeth grinding   what she’s tried though it doesn’t seem to make
                                                to these causes55.
     non-verbal utterances to eloquent
     speeches, which occur several times
                                                                                            any difference.
     during a night’s sleep. The speech
     may or may not be comprehensible to
     listeners. Sleep talking rarely presents
                                                                                            In the last 5 years, G* discovered she was
     a serious problem. In fact, it is much                                                 sleepwalking. She’d find objects in strange places,
     more likely to be problematic for the
     partner if they are disturbed during the
                                                                                            such as the remote control in the bin, as well as
     night on a regular basis.                                                              odd cooking experiments left out on the hob, such
     Sleepwalking can become a problem
                                                                                            as cereal covered in washing up liquid. After finding
     when people run the risk of injury,                                                    herself outside her building, she went to see a
     either within the house or if they go
     outdoors. Some sleepwalkers conduct
                                                                                            sleep specialist fearful she might end up doing
     activities during their sleep, such as                                                 more serious harmful behaviour. Unfortunately
     cleaning. It can also be associated
     with bedwetting; it is not uncommon
                                                                                            she was told there was little they could do to help
     for people to urinate in closets and                                                   her, as they told her the sleepwalking problem was
     cupboards during a sleepwalking
                                                                                            a symptom of her poor sleep pattern.
     In extremely rare cases people conduct
     violent activities. In the UK, a man
     unknowingly strangled his wife while on
     a caravan holiday. He thought he was
     fighting off some assailants who he
     believed had broken into their caravan.
     He was acquitted on all charges on the
     grounds that he was not conscious
     and not in control of his actions.

42                                                                                                                                                43
REM Behaviour                              Sleep Related
                               Disorder                                   Motor Disorders
                               This is a rare condition in which        People with periodic limb
                               people can be seen to ‘act out           movement disorder may
                               their dreams’. This parasomnia           experience an intense or
                               tends to begin later in life and         prolonged set of hypnic jerks
                               is more common in adults                 (involuntary twitches that occur
                               over the age of 50, particularly         between wakefulness and
                               in men.                                  sleep), and may involuntarily
                                                                        twitch muscles, particularly
                               Most people are unable to move during the legs, whilst sleeping. It
                               REM sleep because their muscles
                               are paralysed. However, people with      occurs in approximately 3.9%
                               REM behaviour disorder maintain          of the general population
                               some degree of muscle tone during        and is slightly more common
                               REM sleep. Therefore, the sleeper        in women than men60. This
                               is not paralysed and the muscles         becomes a problem when
                               stay partially active, sometimes with    it disrupts the sleep of the
                               violent results. People acting out their
                               dreams during REM behaviour disorder sufferer or partner.
                               can injure their partners, and it is not
                               uncommon for couples to get into the       The reasons for periodic limb
                               habit of sleeping apart for this reason.   movement disorder are unclear,
                               Interestingly enough, this has also        but it may be related to a disturbance
                               been noticed in other species, such        in circadian rhythms. Medication
                               as dogs.65                                 can help, particularly those that
                                                                          reduce muscle function during
                                                                          sleep. A similar disorder is restless
                                                                          legs syndrome. Figures from the US
                                                                          estimate that it affects around 7%
                                                                          of the population61, increasing with
                                                                          age and being more common
                                                                          in women62. Sufferers experience
                                                                          unpleasant sensations in their legs,
                                                                          and thus feel irresistible urges to
                                                                          move them; they may only gain relief
                                                                          by walking or moving. Symptoms are
                                                                          said to occur typically in the evenings

There is some evidence that                                               potentially leading to difficulties
                                                                          in falling asleep.

both periodic limb movement                                               There is some evidence that both
                                                                          periodic limb movement disorder
                                                                          and restless legs syndrome can

disorder and restless leg                                                 be side effects of antidepressants63.
                                                                          The large majority of sufferers of
                                                                          restless legs syndrome do respond

syndrome can be side effects                                              to treatment. Mild cases may be
                                                                          treated by abstaining from caffeine
                                                                          and alcohol. There is also some

of antidepressants.                                                       evidence that regular exercise during
                                                                          the day may reduce symptoms, though
                                                                          further research is needed to confirm
                                                                          this64. Those who are more severely
                                                                          distressed by restless legs syndrome
                                                                          may experience relief with drugs that
                                                                          mimic the neurotransmitter dopamine
                                                                          in the brain.

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‘A sleepless night
 is as long as a year.’
Chinese Proverb
Sleeping Well

48              49
This section of the report         Sleep hygiene
                                   Many people can benefit from improving
describes ways in which we         the quality of their sleep. The phrase sleep
                                   hygiene is often used to describe how
can all improve the quality        lifestyle and environmental factors can
                                   affect our sleep. Positive sleep hygiene
of our sleep.                      may help to improve sleep quality, but
                                   is not enough to treat chronic insomnia.

As highlighted in Part II, sleep                  Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine           Eating habits have the potential

is crucial to the health of all                   are all substances which                 to affect sleeping. It is important
                                                  can impair sleep quality.                not to go to sleep whilst feeling
                                                                                           hungry, so eating a light snack before
                                                  Caffeine makes it harder to
individuals. It is important
                                                                                           bedtime may be helpful. However,
                                                  sleep because it stimulates              eating large meals shortly before
                                                  the central nervous system,              bedtime should be avoided, because

to remember that poor sleep
                                                  increasing your heart rate and           the body will spend time digesting
                                                  adrenaline production, and               before it can sleep. Some foods may
                                                  also supressing melatonin                have sleep inducing properties; for

has massive implications for
                                                                                           example, rice and oats may contain
                                                  production. It takes a long              small amounts of melatonin, which
                                                  time for the body to break               increases the desire to sleep. Some
                                                  down caffeine, so drinking
our health; it is in all of our
                                                                                           foods, such as dairy products, contain
                                                  coffee during the day can                the amino acid tryptophan which
                                                  affect sleep at night.                   is useful in manufacturing melatonin.

interests to ensure that we                       Alcohol can help people fall asleep,
                                                  but it also impairs sleep quality
                                                                                           Other foods, such as those that
                                                                                           contain caffeine or large amounts

sleep better.                                     during the second half of the night,     of refined sugar, make sleeping
                                                  and it is a diuretic which means that    more difficult. A study in the Isle
                                                  we may need to wake in the night to      of Wight examining the effects of
                                                  go to the toilet, disrupting the sleep   food additives on health, found that
                                                  pattern. However, a rapid reduction      preschool children who received
                                                  in alcohol intake for someone who is     additive-laden drinks were more
                                                  a heavy drinker can lead to alcohol      hyperactive than when they did not
                                                  withdrawal syndrome, which itself can    have drinks containing colours and
                                                  lead to insomnia. Alcohol can also       preservatives67.
                                                  contribute to depressive mood, which
                                                  in turn can contribute to insomnia.

                                                  Nicotine may impair sleep, smokers
                                                  take longer to enter sleep and have
                                                  less total sleep time (approximately
                                                  14 minutes less per night) compared
                                                  to those who have never smoked66.
                                                  Reducing nicotine intake is unlikely
                                                  to lead to immediate improvements
                                                  in sleep, but the long term
                                                  health benefits are likely to have
                                                  implications for sleep quality.

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