O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...

Page created by Harry Garrett
O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
ONE                                   VOICE

June 2021, Issue No. 2                                                                              Quarterly Issue

                                        Front of Mind
                                        Remember to Social Distance

                                        Our second summer with coronavirus is here, and

                                        masks are off outdoors! Notice that not everyone

                                        is taking advantage of that right now, so what was

                                        a mask mandate outdoors is now mask etiquette.

     INSIDE                             As Hawaii sees total vaccination rates continue to

                                        rise,   we    will         get   accustomed          to    seeing        each
          News You Can Use p. 2

                                        other’s smiling faces in passing soon enough. Until
          Union Goods & Services p. 3

                                        then,   it   is    still    okay   to   scramble          for   your    mask
          Political Education Program

          p. 4                          because       social        distancing    is    still      a    thing    until

          Community Services Program    we’re in the clear.

          p. 6                          While you’re out there enjoying the second year of

                                        drive    through            celebrations,       remember            to     be

                                        mindful that, “Maintaining a safe distance remains

                                        important         until    more    people      are    immunized          and

                                        the pandemic is clearly on the way out.” See the

                                        Huffpost      article        “Experts    Predict          What     Summer

                                        2021 Will Be Like With The COVID-19 Pandemic.”

 One Voice, June 2021                                                                                                    1
O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
News You Can Use
Union Career Opportunities                                         Inter-County Travel

AFGE, TSA Transportation Security Officer                          On    June      4,    Governor          Ige        announced                that

TSA is hiring TSOs statewide. Visit their                          from June 15, there would be no testing and

website jobs.tsa.gov.                                              no   quarantine            requirements            for   inter-county

                                                                   travel.    In    addition,         people          who    have             been

United Public Workers AFSCME Local 646                             vaccinated in Hawaii do not have to test or

Union     Representative          positions    available      in   quarantine upon returning from out of state

Honolulu and Hilo. Also open is a position for                     travel.    All    other       travelers,           including               those

Statewide Director for Organizing and Field                        vaccinated           outside       of    Hawaii,          must             have

Services. View career information and apply                        their negative test results prior to departing

online.                                                            as an alternative to Hawaii’s mandatory 10-

                                                                   day     quarantine.           View           the        Hawaii             Safe

                                                                   Travels    Program           and     visit     the       Safe         Travels

                                                                   Digital    Platform          for   a    summary           of          traveler

                                                                   data       such       as     number            of        travelers            in

                                                                   quarantine and number exempt.

Honolulu Reopening Strategy Tier 4

So     far,    June’s       daily    passenger         counts

average is 29,139 which is up 1,913.2% from
                                                                   Give it a Shot #HIGotVaccinated
last    June.        With    more      humans       roaming

                                                                   If you have received at least one COVID-19
Hawaii’s streets and a more relaxed Tier 4 on

                                                                   vaccination          shot     of    Moderna              or       Pfizer      or
Oahu,     where       most    of    the    passengers        are

                                                                   Johnson & Johnson, you are eligible to enter
arriving,     social    establishments–bars,           clubs,

                                                                   from    any      island      or    county          in    Hawaii.            See
etc.    may    operate       at     50%    capacity     if   all

                                                                   official     contest         rules      for        more           eligibility
attendees       are     tested      within     48   hours     of

                                                                   information. Complete and submit the online
attending       or    show     proof      of   vaccination.

                                                                   entry   form.        All   entries      must       be    received            by
Although indoor gatherings are still limited to

                                                                   11:59   pm      on    6/30/2021.          Prizes         include            one
10   people,    outdoor       social      gatherings    allow

                                                                   million    HawaiianMiles;              fifty   roundtrip               tickets
for up to 25 people. Once vaccination rates

                                                                   on   Southwest;            Zippy’s     for     a   year       .   .    .   need
hit 60%, restrictions will ease a bit more, and

                                                                   more? Check it out!
at 70%, all restrictions will be lifted.

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O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
Union Goods &
Be Union, Buy Union, and Support

Local Small Businesses

Support local small businesses at the Made

with Aloha Gift Fair by Island Craft Fairs &

Events runs from August 14–October 10 every

day from 10am to 5pm at Pearlridge Center                   Union Made Promo Items and Apparel

inside the former American Eagle Outfitters
                                                            Is it time to restock your union swag? Here’s
store and near the escalator leading to the
                                                            a list of companies that make it possible to
                                                            be union and buy union in style. Pick up items

                                                            that   you   and   your   members   will   appreciate

                                                            and use.

                                                               All Union Promos–American made and

                                                               union made apparel, bags, drinkware,

                                                               pens, stickers, etc.

                                                               American Made Clothing Union House
The Made in Hawaii Festival will be in-person
                                                               Apparel–Union made and made in the
this     year   from       November     11–14,   at   Ala
Moana’s     Mauka      Ewa    parking   structure,    4th
                                                               BuyUnionMade.com Promotional
level.    Tickets   will    be   available   beginning
                                                               Products–The most complete database of
August 2021. There’s still time to become              a
                                                               union-made promotional products.
vendor too!
                                                               BuyUSPromos.com–American made

                                                               promotional items with a union made


                                                               Union Line–Union made clothing.

                                                               UnionMadeBoots.com–Union made boots.

                                                               Union Made Supply–Union made and USA

                                                               made promotional items.

                                                               USA Promo Items–Category of union

                                                               made pop up tents, umbrellas, cooler

                                                               chairs, etc.

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O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
Political Education
By Dion Dizon, COPE Director

                                                                        2021 Reapportionment

                                                                        The    Reapportionment                Commission        ensures

                                                                        each    political        district      has     been     created

                                                                        equally using census data. Reapportionment

                                                                        is   conducted       every       10    years   following      the

                                                                        census, which means reapportionment should

                                                                        happen this year. In its May 17 meeting, the

Governor Ige’s Intent to Veto List
                                                                        Commission unanimously approved acting to

Gov. Ige intends to veto 28 out of 268 bills                            request     relief       from    the    constitutional       and

passed     during    the       2021       Hawaii     legislative        statutory     reapportionment                 deadlines      that

session. He has until July 6 to make his final                          cannot be met because of delayed delivery

decisions. There is still time for the public to                        of the 2020 redistricting data from the U.S.

comment      on    legislation       because         legislation        Census      Bureau.        The       Commission        proposes

being on the Veto List does not mean it will                            the    following         timeline:      “(a)    issue     public

be vetoed. Bills passed by the Hawaii State                             notice of the

Legislature       that    are       not    on     the   list     will   Commission’s             proposed         reapportionment

become      law     with       or    without       Gov.        Ige’s    plans by no later than January 8, 2022 and

signature.                                                              (b) file the final reapportionment plans with

                                                                        the   Chief   Election      Officer       by   no   later    than

Legislative Priorities
                                                                        February      27,    2022;       and     (2)   authorize      the

Affiliates, please join the COPE weekly chats                           Chairperson         to   sign    a    declaration      and   any

on     Thursday    mornings         at    9am.     We     will    be    other supporting documentation

shifting back to legislative chats as we move                           on    the   Commission’s             behalf    which    reflects

towards     firming       up    legislative       priorities      in    the    Commission’s             concurrence         with     and

late August. As always, you are welcome to                              support of the petition ....”

join whether you have legislative priorities or

updates     to    share    or   are       there    to   observe.

This    meeting    will   continue         to   be   on    Zoom,

with the exception of one meeting per month

which will be in-person for those who choose

to attend. The calendar invite will be shared

via email at a later date.

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O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
Political Education
2021 Reapportionment (cont.)                                              Pass the PRO Act Postcard Campaign

The Commission’s delay subsequently delays                                Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is

determination           of   the    associated        contests       in   landmark       worker        empowerment           legislation,

the    2022          elections.      How        reapportionment           and it will take the effort of all 50 States to

affects         Hawaii         districts        and      precincts        get it to President Biden’s desk. Hawaii’s U.S.

remains         to    be     seen,     but      for   illustration,       Senators       are     among         the    46    co-sponsors,

consider the results of the apportionment of                              however, let’s ask them to reach out and get

the    U.S.      House        of    Representatives.            As   a    their    3    Democratic            colleagues     on       board:

result     of    the    2020        U.S.    Census       Data,   the      Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Mark Kelly

majority of states, including Hawaii, had no                              (D-Ariz.) and Mark Warner (D-VA).

change,         7    states    lost       one    seat;    5   states      Between       July   17–25,     the     AFL-CIO        is   calling

gained       one      seat;    and        Texas    was    the    only     for a PRO Act Week of Action. Save the date

state that gained two seats.                                              for    Thursday,      July    22      for   Hawaii’s        action.

Be    on   the      lookout!       Next    year,   we    may    have      Details to come, but in the meantime, watch

some interesting contests depending on the                                your mail for pre-paid postcards to sign and

U.S.       Census       data        and     the    Commission’s           send    to    Senators       Hirono        and   Schatz.       Let’s

reapportionment plans.                                                    thank    them    for   co-sponsoring             the    PRO    Act,

                                                                          and ask them to help get their colleagues on

                                                                          board.       Postcards       will    also   be    available      at

                                                                          the state fed office if you want to drop in to

                                                                          fill    one    out.     Just         send    an        email     to

                                                                          COPE@hawaflcio.org              if    you   want       to   receive

                                                                          postcards for sending.

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O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
Labor Community
Services Program
By Cathy Lederer, LCSP Director

                                                                            Learning Sessions

                                                                            Great information shared on Your Right to a

Labor Community Services Program
                                                                            Safe     and    Healthful         Workplace          by    HIOSH’s

Aloha United Way (AUW)
                                                                            Alan     Yamamoto,          attorney         Vladimir      Devens,

Agency No. 82020                                                            and    DOH     Epidemiological               Specialist     Lauren

                                                                            Usagawa. If you missed it, you can visit our
As    a   new     partner   agency       of   AUW,        you       may

                                                                            website and view the recording.
designate your donation to LCSP. When you

donate      to    AUW    simply     designate LCSP by
using its partner agency number 82020 ,
and LCSP will receive the donation! LCSP is

focused on helping union members and their

                                                                            Public    speaking,        not     your      favorite     thing     to
families     through      our   direct     services        such       as

                                                                            do?    Don't    worry,      many       people        rate      public
our       Food     Distributions,        Rent    and            Utility

                                                                            speaking       in   the   top     3   most     scary      things    to
Assistance        Program,      Learning       Sessions,            and

                                                                            do. The National AFL-CIO is offering a Public
our   community          service     events     such           as    our

                                                                            Speaking Learning Session as a 3-part virtual
Drive-Thru to Beat the Flu Clinic. LCSP works

through           our       partnerships             to         unite       course.      When     you    join     this    cohort,      you     will

organizations, working people, and resources                                practice public speaking and offer feedback

to build a healthier community.                                             to     one      another           about        strengths         and

                                                                            challenges when speaking in public. Work to

                                                                            improve your technique and utilize strategies

Unite Hawaii
                                                                            that     can        minimize          fear     and        maximize

Unite Hawaii is a coordinated care network
                                                                            communication!            Additionally,         you     will     hone

of health and social care providers working
                                                                            your speech-writing skills in order to be more

together to address social factors affecting
                                                                            effective.      There      will   be    homework           for    this

people’s         well-being        and   improve          health       in
                                                                            class,    although         not        more     than       an     hour

our       communities.      There     are     close       to    50    in-
                                                                            between        classes.     You       will   have     some       time

network          organizations       and      LCSP    is       one     of
                                                                            during class to brainstorm ideas as well. This

them..      If   you    have    a   member      in    need,          this
                                                                            is a special cohort for Hawaii and Alaska, so

shared       platform       will    enable     LCSP        to       send
                                                                            have fun while engaging one another in the

and       receive      electronic     referrals      with           other
                                                                            art of public speaking. This cohort is close to

nonprofits on your members behalf and begin
                                                                            capacity       so   sign    up     ASAP       to   reserve       your

the coordinated care effort.

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O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
Labor Community
Services Program

Learning Sessions (cont.)

July   26,    August    6,       and    August       16,    from       9-

10:30 a.m.

                                                                             ClimbHI Bridge Connecting

This   public    speaking          class   is       limited      to     15   Graduates to Business and Industry

people from Hawaii and taught by AFL-CIO
                                                                             The state fed has signed on with ClimbHI as

Leadership      Development              Coordinator,             Kate
                                                                             a    way   to    connect         young   workers    to    union

Shaughnessy. We will be joined by 15 people
                                                                             career pathways.

from    Alaska.      This   is    open    to    affiliates        only.
                                                                             ClimbHI         has     been       developed        to        seek

We will use the same Zoom link each time so
                                                                             community support to sustain education and

please       KEEP    your        confirmation         as    it    is    a
                                                                             culture         for     students         through    real-life

unique       code.    After       you    register,         Kate       will
                                                                             exposure. Students will be able to pick areas

send calendar invites with the same universal
                                                                             of    interest    and    visit   businesses   and    entities

Zoom link for each of the 3 sessions
                                                                             in that field for a guided experience of the

                                                                             operation,       the    opportunities       available,        and

For    affiliates     only-Register            in   advance            for
                                                                             the    requirements        to    take    advantage       of    the

this meeting at:
                                                                             opportunities in the future, all conducted by

                                                                             volunteer       professionals       from    those    specific

                                                                             businesses and institutions and ClimbHI.

                                                                             Depending         on    student    or    educator   interest,

                                                                             you may get a request to speak or otherwise

                                                                             share about your industry!

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O N E - Front of Mind - American Postal Workers Union Honolulu Local ...
Labor Community
Services Program
Golf Tournament

Hawaii       State         AFL-CIO’s            Charity        Golf

Tournament           is     scheduled            for         Friday,

November       19,    2021,        at    the    Pearl    Country

                                                                       Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

                                                                       The   National          Association      of    Letter     Carriers

Thankfully, despite cancelling last year’s golf                        (NALC)      Stamp        Out     Hunger       food      drive    was

fundraiser, we were able to quickly respond                            unable      to     happen        again      this     year      as   it

to    the   crisis    and     in      March      2020        began     usually does in May.

offering weekly food distributions to those in                         NALC is asking members of the community to

need across the state, held a drive-thru flu                           participate by donating food directly to food

shot    clinic       during      flu      season       for     1000    banks      in   their    area.   Click    to    find     the    food

uninsured      individuals         on    Oahu      and       Hawaii    bank nearest to you.

Island, distributed $20,000 of Foodland Gift

cards    during      the   holidays        to   members        who

were    unemployed          or     underemployed,             assist

those who are unable to pay their utility bill,

and    offer   Learning       Sessions          that    focus    on

timely and relevant issues. We feel fortunate

to   have   been      able       to     continue   to    provide
                                                                       Labor of Love at Iao Middle School
much-needed services to our community and

                                                                       This year’s Labor of Love project will be held
look    forward       to    seeing        you    on     the    golf

                                                                       at   Iao   Middle       School    on   Maui        on   Saturday,
course to raise funds for LCSP. Here’s how to

                                                                       April 9, 2022. Principal Matt Dillon is excited
register     and      support           the     program        that

                                                                       to have his school be the lucky recipient! The
supports your union and membership!

                                                                       school is working on their wish list that will

                                                                       support         their    students      as      they     strive      to

                                                                       succeed! Details will be coming soon!

One Voice, June 2021                                                                                                                       8
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