NYSSMA Executive Council Meeting - MINUTES
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MINUTES March 5-6, 2022 – Century House, Latham, NY (Albany) NYSSMA® Executive Council Meeting NYSSMA® Executive Council Meeting NYSSMA® 3rd Vice President – Lyn- “virtual summer” program. NYSED OFFICIAL MINUTES - March 5-6, da Keech nominated Kathy Perconti. announced that the NYS Summer 2022 – Century House, Latham, NY School of the Arts (NYSSSA) will offer Zone 1 Representative – Paige Hardison (Albany) a total of $150,000 in scholarship nominated herself. opportunities for high school stu- Welcome – Call to Order Zone 3 Representative - none at this dents to attend regional summer arts The 2022 March NYSSMA® time. programs for summer 2022. Students Executive Council meeting was called Zone 7 Representative – Gregory can apply for a scholarship through to order at 2:03 p.m. on Saturday, Verheyn nominated himself. May 1, 2022, via an online application. March 5, 2022, by President Russ Zone 11 Representative – none at Faunce. Not in attendance: Zone 4, IAAP pilot this time. Zone 8, Zone 15 and Jeanne Gray, • Pilot Schools have been notified Advisory Council. Zone 15 Representative - none at of their acceptance into the pilot President Russ Faunce welcomed this time. as of January 6, 2022. everyone to the meeting. He went • IAAP Development Committee around the table and had members Nominations will be open again members will assist in providing of council introduce themselves. at the June 2022 Executive Council technical support throughout the President Faunce asked members of meeting, August 2022 Executive IAAA application and implemen- council to observe a moment of si- Council meeting, and the August tation process. lence in memory of Elizabeth Howell, 2022 NYSSMA® General Business a Crane School of Music senior, cellist meeting to be held at the NYS Sum- • Monthly regional and statewide and music education student who was mer Music Conference in Albany. coordinator meetings will tentatively tragically killed. begin in early February 2022. Adviser Michael Brownell Officer Reports • • Applications will open to all inter- remarked that for the first time in ested districts in winter 2023. history there are a majority of female President: Russ Faunce Zone Representatives seated at Call for RSA Performing Groups – NAfME/NFHS/CDC - The definition of council. President Faunce asked for council’s “Extracurricular” - Ed Chiarello gave assistance in identifying an instru- a brief overview of the NFHS meet- Minutes mental or vocal performing group of ing to discuss current CDC guidance Approval of minutes from the no more than 20-25 students to per- regarding aerosol studies, social December 2021 Executive Coun- form at 6:30 p.m. at the Rural Schools distancing and recommendations that cil meeting. The minutes from the Association Summer Conference at will impact the field. December 2021 Executive Council Cooperstown July 10, 2022. Other discussion centered meeting at Rochester were previously on removal of the use of the word approved by an e-mail vote. Call for NYSSBA Performing Groups – “extracurricular” when categorizing A similar request was made to council music instruction in a general way. A Nominations to encourage small school music statement was made endorsing the President Faunce announced the groups interested in performing at importance and continuance of music opening of nominations for the fol- the NYSSBA Fall 2022 Convention to education. lowing NYSSMA® offices beginning be held in Syracuse in October 27 and Both NAfME and NFHS are work- January 1, 2023, with the following 28, 2022. ing to clarify the updated guidance results: regarding the delivery of school NYSSMA® 2nd Vice President – NYSSSA update - The Summer music programs in times of Covid. Daryle Redmond – nominated by School of the Arts will be doing a Immediate Past President Brown clar- Ruth Breidenbach. ified the current mandate as it applies 40 School Music News
MINUTES to Covid and isolation/masking and Concert applications accepted playing a wind instrument/sing- First week of February through June 10, 2022. ing during days 6-10 following the Call for Sessions sent via Submittable • Student Electronic Composition Covid diagnosis. There are no other to all 2020 clinicians. applications accepted through requirements regarding distancing/ Call for Sessions/Groups appears on June 10, 2022. mandating bell covers for wind in- the NYSSMA® website and published • Student Songwriters applications struments, etc. in the January/February Issue of the accepted through June 10, 2022. School Music NEWS: https://nyssma. All pertinent information/dates Diverse curriculum workshop - Pres- submittable.com/submit. can be found in the SMN or on the ident Faunce announced that there April 29 – Session form closes. NYSSMA® website. would be an online event on April 5, May 2 – Session form links sent to 2022, “Incorporating Diversity, Eq- reviewers. uity, Representation, and Belonging May 13 – Performing group session Immediate Past President: into Your Music Curriculum,” spon- form closes. Dr. David Brown sored by the Curriculum Committee May 16 – Session reviews completed. that will offer CTLE credit (1 hr.). June 1 – Conference schedule created. County President’s meeting – Sunday, There is a link to this workshop on the June 3 – Performing groups selected. March 6, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. NYSSMA® web page. June 7 - Submitters notified of ses- sion status. June 10 - Performing groups notified 2nd Vice President: Daryle Redmond President-Elect: Ed Chiarello of status. Festival season 2022 - Daryle Red- The homepage of the NYSSMA® mond spoke about the upcoming Winter Conference 2022, Rochester - website includes a new subcategory 2022 NYSSMA® Solo and Major NYSSMA® will be returning to Roches- titled: Winter Conference / Student Organization Festival season. NYSS- ter December 1-4, 2022, for the NYSS- Showcases: https://www.nyssma.org MA® is looking forward to a normal, MA® Winter Conference. The 2021 conference proved to be a bit smaller, in-person season this year. While Additionally, there is a Call for there have been a few cancellations however, none the less successful: Winter conference attendance Creators: and moving of festivals to alternative by year: Student Piano Showcase Submissions locations, it appears that all of the 2021 = 1,354 registered attendees for the 2022 Winter Conference: festival sites are in place and that we 2020 (Cyber-Summit) = 1,193 https://nyssma.submittable.com/ can look forward to a normal season. 2019 = 1,570 submit/214096/2022-nyssma- 2018 = 1,591 student-piano-showcase-application 2023 Festival Season calendar - Zone representatives are encouraged to Looking ahead with the experi- Young Composers Honors Concert develop their 2023 festival zone cal- ence of running an in-person win- application for 2022 Winter endar dates soon. More discussion on ter conference this past year and Conference: the 2023 calendar development will observing and maintaining all health https://nyssma.submittable.com/ take place at the special meeting with protocols, we are encouraged that we submit/216670/2022-nyssma- Daryle Redmond and George Smith can continue to navigate the circum- young-composers-honors- at this evening’s special meeting with stances and proceed with planning as concert-application zone representatives. usual. Similar to last year, NYSSMA® Student Electronic Compositions for will monitor guidelines and abide by the 2022 Winter Conference: Area All-State Summary 2021-22 - all protocols that potentially emerge. https://nyssma.submittable.com/ Daryle Redmond gave a brief overview We cannot predict potential obsta- submit/216689/2022-nyssma- of the 2021-22 area all-state festivals. cles that could materialize in the fall; electronic-music-showcase-application however, it is hoped that this year’s All-State 2022 - Discussion cen- 2022 conference will be without Student Songwriters for the 2022 tered on all-state for 2022 in specific masking and minus the social distanc- Winter Conference: regard to a new performance venue ing protocol. https://nyssma.submittable.com/ for the all-state jazz ensembles. The Please note the following import- submit/216686/2022-nyssma- pool of student all-state candidates ant dates: songwriters-showcase-application hopefully will be strong as we transi- February 1 – Submittable forms open (ses- • Piano Showcase applications tion back to a normal in-person solo accepted through July 9, 2022. festival season. sions, showcases and performing groups) • Young Composers Honors continued on next page May-June 2022 41
3rd Vice President: Kathy Perconti Zone Representative achievements thing seems to be moving forward. 2022 Summer Conference - Join us! Some capping of festivals has been Welcome back to an in-person NYSS- Zone 1: SUNY Fredonia hosted the undertaken. MA® Summer Music Conference! We high school festival, and while num- Zone 11: Westchester numbers are have an outstanding array of music bers were smaller, the quality was down slightly this year and there has sessions from NYACDA, NYSCAME, outstanding. Solo / small ensemble been some shifting of sites. NYASTA, and NYSBDA, as well as festivals are down by one festival in 2022. Majors: One festival site had no Zone 12: NYC’s new mayor is loos- NYSSMA's Classroom Music, Tech- registrations but the two other major ening up on mandates and there is a nology and Collegiate Committees. sites are functioning. Niagara County move back to some degree of nor- We will have reading sessions and lost its festival due to weather. Some malcy. President Faunce stated that director’s ensembles again! of the other festivals have been re- he is enthusiastic about a resurgence Don’t forget that we have a new duced in size. of NYSSMA’s presence in New York manual starting July 31, 2022. The City. Alvin Atkinson, Jr., was named new manual will be there for you to Zone 2: Several all-county festivals the recipient of the NFHS Award. view, and we will have sessions on the have taken place in the past several new manual. We hope that you will weeks. Students were able to perform Zone 13: NYSSMA® numbers are connect with us at this conference unmasked. Audiences have also been somewhat down in Nassau County. because we belong together so that unmasked. This weekend is the 100th There is concern over the available we can create music with our stu- anniversary of Eastman School of Mu- adjudicator pool and piano adjudi- dents. Hope to see you at the Albany sic. Nazareth College has hosted some cations. Major organization numbers Hilton August 14-16, 2022. festivals. The arts are returning slowly. are OK. Zone 3: Hosted an area all-state with Zone 14: Concerns were expressed reduced numbers but with some about the cost of piano rentals. The Executive Director Report: county lost its western Suffolk piano modifications, including a string Dr. David Gaines adjudication site. Some of the individ- orchestra and split choral ensembles Code of Conduct - Dr. Gaines brought ual sites are way down. Major organi- into a treble chorus and tenor-bass a discussion to council regarding a zation numbers are OK. chorus. There has been a wonderful NYSSMA® Code of Ethics for mem- response to folks stepping up to help bers of the NYSSMA® Executive in hosting festivals (Trumansburg). Council. Dr. Gaines put together a Committee Reports draft of a NYSSMA® Code of Eth- Zone 5: There were some cancellations ics based on a document shared by of festivals but there are opportunities Adjudication Festival Committee NAfME. This document was shared for professional development oppor- Chair: George Smith with all members of the NYSSMA® tunities for teachers. There will be a county festival happening in several The NYSSMA® Adjudication Executive Council (officers, zone rep- weeks. The local Army band is hosting Festival Committee met December resentatives, the collegiate president, music opportunities for students. Solo 2, 2021, at the Winter Conference. committee chairpersons and advisers). festival registration is ongoing. This report contains a summary of Discussion ensued in council relevant agenda items discussed at regarding the intent/need for a Code Zone 6: Things look pretty good in the December meeting. of Ethics and how it relates to each the various counties in Zone 6. Essex 2022 Adjudicator Orientation member of council and his or her par- County and Clinton County festivals Seminars - Enrollment for 2022 ticipation at council. In addition, the were curtailed/shortened due to Adjudicator Orientation Seminars as information shared at a NYSSMA® weather. Some music staff has been of February 14: Executive Council meeting can be lost. Students were very enthusiastic confidential or for public information. to return to performing. Jericho HS (piano only) March 11-12 Total - 3 Following discussion at council the Johnson City HS April 1-2 Total - 13 Zone 7: Everything looks good for Smithtown West HS April 8-9 Total - 27 following motion was made: festivals. Festival size is down about Kingston HS April 22-23 Total - 26 Motion: Russ Faunce (NYSSMA® 30% in the zone. Frontier HS April 29-30 Total - 20 President), seconded by Jame Uzzi (Zone 14 Representative), “that the Zone 8: NYSSMA® festivals are mov- Grand total: 96 (42 reg, 10 all-state, 3 NYSSMA® Executive Council accept ing forward. major organization, 8 second area) and adopt the NYSSMA® Code of Eth- Zone 9: Will be hosting an adjudicator ics as distributed to Executive Council orientation site. There has been a re- Deadline for applications: March 1, members.” Motion carried unanimously. shuffling of audition sites but every- 2022. 42 School Music News
Zoom adjudicator refreshers - Ad- 2022 Topics for Solo Adjudicators • All-state auditions are evaluated judicator refreshers for all specialty (regular and all-state) - Advise adju- with a consistent standard across areas were provided through eight dicator to carefully read and follow the state. Zoom sessions. They were organized NYSSMA® Principles of Solo and • The use of pluses and minuses as follows: Ensemble Adjudication. for Comments Only is encour- Voice and Piano – February 6 and 9 • Scale scoring: Score first at- aged/acceptable. tempt. Piano scales are scored Instrumental (Br, Perc, Str, WW) - differently. 2022 topics for major organization February 10 and 12 • Refer to R-11 in the NYSSMA® adjudicators - Major organization Instrumental and Vocal Jazz – Febru- Manual for sight-reading scoring. assignments are sent before solo as- ary 17 and 20 A zero may not be given unless signments; adjudicators need to keep Major Organization – February 16 & 19 no attempt is made. committed solo dates available. These refreshers take the place • Please review the solo evaluation • Adjudicators should check and of previous in-person refreshers held descriptors on the back of the replace batteries as needed. This at the summer and winter confer- evaluation sheet and incorporate is especially important in 2022 ences. Many adjudicators who had that terminology in the narrative since the recorder may not have not attended previous in-person re- portion of the evaluation sheet. been used since 2019. Bring ex- freshers took advantage of the Zoom This is especially important in tra batteries to each adjudication refreshers. The AFC will evaluate and 2022 since the descriptors were assignment. discuss the Zoom refreshers at the not available in the 2021 virtual • Adjudicators need to be familiar March 18-19 AFC meeting. platform. with recording device and prac- • Voice sight-reading: Clef is by tice with it prior to adjudication 2021 Winter Conference sessions -The student choice. assignment. This is especially following AFC sessions were held at • Must use pen for scoring and important in 2022 since major the winter conference with atten- print and /or legibly sign evalua- organization evaluation has not dance indicated: tion sheet. taken place since 2019. • Comments about NYSSMA® ad- • Remind adjudicators that adults Instrumental and Vocal Jazz Round- judication should never be made may not perform in or accompa- table - 8 on social media. ny instrumental ensembles. This Instrumental (Br, Perc, Str, WW) • Adjudicators should dress pro- is especially important for instru- Roundtable - 13 fessionally when adjudicating. mental adjudicators who often Voice and Piano Roundtable - 5 • Avoid cutting solos unless nec- hear elementary orchestras with essary. Time allocation for solo: a piano accompaniment. All-State Roundtable - 18 Level 1 to 4 – 6 minutes, Level 5 • Adjudicators should make final Major Organization Roundtable - 6 and 6 – 11 minutes. recorded comments after the NYSSSMA Adjudicator Drop-in • Please note the information ensemble has left the perfor- (Assignor and Dir. Of Adj.) - 18 concerning repeats and da capos mance area. These final com- on page R-9 of the NYSSMA® ments should be generic and not How to Chair a Successful Major Manual. address specific performance Organization Festival - 3 • Percussion: Student is allowed to issues or strengths. Maximizing Success – How to Pre- “air drum” or play on leg during • Adjudicators need to be familiar pare for NYSSMA® Solo Eval. - 12 sight-reading study time. with the march requirements as • Check your schedule to ensure stated on page R-24 of edition Preparing for NYSSMA® Major that you are not adjudicating 32 of the NYSSMA® Manual. Organization Festival - 24 your own students (school or • The use of pluses and minuses private). for Comments Only evaluations is 2022 coordinator letters - Letters • Instrumental and vocal jazz adju- acceptable and encouraged. were sent electronically in January. dicators need to be familiar with Principles of Solo and Ensemble Ad- the requirements listed in section 2022 Reminders for Adjudicators re- judication were sent with coordinator 9 of the Manual. vised - The Reminders for Adjudica- letter. • All-state proficiency sheets must tors for both solo and major organi- be printed and legible. Adjudica- zation were revised for 2022. tors will be asked to redo them if The 2022 Reminders for Adju- they are not legible. School dis- dicators have been sent to festival trict names must be fully listed. chairs and included in the adjudicator continued on next page May-June 2022 43
folder at festivals. NAfME Eastern Division: Michael dents inspired to serve NYSSMA® at Zone representatives will not go Brownell the state officer level this year. over the Reminders during the zone The 2022 Collegiate Conference April 2023 update - Michael Brownell, representative meeting. slated for March 25 and 26 at Syr- Division President-Elect, gave a brief Zone representatives will go over acuse University was cancelled this update of action by NAfME Eastern NYSSMA® Principles of Solo and En- year due to Covid-19 policies on the Division. There is a new incoming semble Adjudication during the zone campus. The State e-board is deter- NAfME President with New York representative meeting. mining next steps, and we anticipate roots. The 2023 Eastern Division that the Syracuse chapter will host a Conference will take place April 13- Belonging, Equity, Diversity and Rep- state collegiate event in the fall. What 16, 2023, at Rochester, NY hosted resentation (BEDR) Committee: Adele will need to be determined will be the by NYSSMA®. The theme is Create, Bovard host institution for the 2024 return Connect. Call for 2023 Eastern Divi- The committee has focused on of the state collegiate event. sion session proposals and perform- the following actions since approval We appreciate the financial com- ing groups will be available starting of the BEDR statement in December: mitment to collegiates who assisted on March 15, 2022. • Communicating and explaining and traveled to the annual winter the BEDR statement and goals to conference! Thank you to NYSSMA® NAfME Collegiate Advisor: the membership. members across the state who con- Dr. Keith Koster • Finalizing a survey to solicit tinue to mentor and inspire the next stakeholder input on the work. There were many highlights from generation of music educators here The target groups are members, the 2021 Winter Conference: col- in New York. nonmembers, students, and legiate sessions were well attended, In closing, we are deeply sad- administrators. the presentations were excellent, and dened by the death of Elizabeth • Establishing collaboration with there was good capture through social “Beth” Howell, a senior music edu- NAfME Equity work. media in real time during the event. cation major at the Crane School of • Partnering with Curriculum The Collegiate Executive Board Music, SUNY Potsdam. We anticipate Committee to jointly plan a appreciated members of the NYSS- a statewide collegiate response to roundtable discussion for music MA® Executive Council attending the this senseless tragedy. Our hearts are teachers. session after the Collegiate Busi- with all of the Crane School of Music • Establishing a rotation for each ness meeting. This was a wonderful community and Elizabeth’s family. NYSSMA® committee to do a opportunity for collegiate students to review of its work in light of the meet with council members and learn approve statement. more about leadership, reconciling is- NYSSMA-NAfME Collegiate President: • Working with New York State sues and contemplating the future of Chris McAfee School Boards to align the call collegiate engagement in New York. What a wonderful time it was for performing groups with the The State Executive Board has for collegiate members at the winter BEDR goals. met twice, and the spring newslet- conference this year! This was bol- • Working with the all-state chairs ter was circulated (see attached). stered by opportunities to connect to ensure a diverse selection of The board is preparing for activities with each other and you, the Execu- conductors for all state ensembles. associated with Music in Our Schools tive Council, and I hope to see these • We are in the process of planning Month, upcoming state officer elec- new opportunities, such as the Colle- a systematic review process for tions, and the Collegiate Advocacy giate Interaction Hour continue and all NYSSMA® committee work Summit in Washington, DC. grow. There are many ways in which to align with the elements of our We hope that chapters also will my colleagues were able to grow BEDR statement. submit applications to the national from your advice, and I am sure the The committee will meet on Sun- recognition program that NAfME voices of these collegiate members day and focus on expansion of voices offers. One way that we have made will continue to help NYSSMA® grow at the table. We realize that represen- this information more accessible is as a whole. tation on the committee needs to be to include hyperlinks to the appli- While we were all very excited to diverse to capture the varying needs cation, as well as information about build this momentum toward a col- of all music programs in our state. the award programs. In addition, the legiate conference in March, Covid application for state office candidacy has bested us in this case. This does is also on line and hyperlinks were not mean we are without opportu- included in the newsletter. We hope nity. In place of the conference, the for a robust pool of collegiate st Collegiate Executive Board will be 44 School Music News
hosting a Virtual Leadership Summit Senator Kemp told us that if it weren’t years. The Foundation Funding on March 26 in which campus NAfME for our hard work and visible presence bill will be up for renewal before leaders from across the state will be in Albany for so many years, music we get back to Albany next year, invited to meet and discuss the state would have lost support years ago. so we must ask for our legislators’ of NYSSMA® Collegiate. We can only hope that in 2023 support when the bill comes back At the summit, we hope to pro- our 50th Joseph R. Sugar NYSSMA® to the floor for renewal. vide an open forum for discussion, an Day in Albany celebration will be in 4. The State Ed Curriculum Associate opportunity to connect with NYSS- person and a true gala celebration. Conundrum: Close to 14 years ago MA® executives, and to determine We should never forget that Joe state budget cuts caused the arts the location of our next in-person Sugar started Music in Our Schools curriculum office in NYSED to go Collegiate Summit. If you are inter- Day, which turned into Music in Our from six positions to one. There is ested in joining us, there will be a Schools Week, which turned into no specific music curriculum asso- planned hour for conversation with Music in Our Schools Month 49 ciate for anyone in the state to call executives, whether that be a Q+A, years ago, and that this unique New with problems or questions about networking event, or presentation of York creation is now celebrated in music curriculum (and, indeed, all NYSSMA’s current work. all 50 states and in all the Army base the arts). Year after year we ask, I will provide an e-mail with more schools of Europe. We should never and we are always given a cocka- information on joining us as the event forget the leadership NYSSMA® mamie answer as to why the jobs approaches. This would be a first-of- has always provided, and that we can’t be reinstated, with the Gov- its-kind event, and, along with the are always on the forefront of Music ernor’s office blaming NYSED and Collegiate Interaction Hour, would be Education innovation. We should be vice versa. We must get these jobs a capstone of my platform on building proud of our MIOSM creation. reinstated. It is vital to the growth connections between collegiate lead- This year, the “ask “messages we of music education in our state. ers, their peers, and the NYSSMA® will explain in Albany center on the 5. Senate Bill S4525 / Assembly Bill Executive Council. word “relations.” More important than A1788 are still in play. These “same Finally, as we get deep into any bill or rule or number is using as” bills would move music from another conference season, I encour- our visits to our legislators to create a regulatory status in NYSED to a age you all to take note of confer- personal relationships. It allows us to statutory status protected by both ences being held by your local NAfME present a truly human view of what the Senate and the Assembly. The Collegiate and Tri-M chapters. Many we have gone through during the protections these bills provide are schools have students working hard Covid 19 pandemic to keep music incredible and unheard of through- to provide a wonderful experience for education in the lives of our students. out the country. We would be their peers and local professionals, The asks, simplified, are: the second state to establish this and I am certain that your presence 1. Tell our legislators just what we status, and music would never be would be beneficial to all. individually had to do to keep our subject to the budgetary whims of music programs alive during the school boards and administrators. pandemic, again establishing a true 6. The NFHS (National Federation of GRC Chair: Alan Orloff personal relationship with the legis- State High School Associations) After 46 years of consecutive lators and their offices. aerosol study has gained sup- NYSSMA® legislative visitations in 2. We want to make sure that all port from the CDC. This can help Albany to kick off Music in Our Schools Covid Relief Fund revenues ear- performing groups immensely to Day/Week/Month, we now face our marked for music education were change the mask, bell cover, and second virtual year making visits. It distributed properly. We especially spacing requirements, as well as is disappointing, but the fact that we hope that districts didn’t use the reinstate whole programs that were make this effort is definitely recog- money for stopgap extra salaries simply canceled because of Covid. nized by our legislators. We are a small for general music positions that re- 7. The License Plate Bill is also still in organization compared to some that placed performing groups in their play. I have been told point blank by seek meetings with legislators, and, as music programs. members of both houses that this a non-profit organization, we can’t con- 3. Support renewing Foundation Aid. will never pass because it would tribute anything to political campaigns After years of fighting and having open a floodgate of license plate like many of the groups who visit. the governor’s office never release bills from hundreds of groups and Still, when you consider that we the proper funds to education, they just don’t want so much time represent close to 2 million school Gov. Hochul has settled the lawsuit being devoted to bills like these. music students, our importance in the and is distributing half the remain- Lhttps://nyassembly.gov/leg/?b- eyes of Albany skyrockets! Former ing funds in each of the next two n=A04381&term=2021 continued on next page May-June 2022 45
Wishing you all successful efforts nor’s NYS Budget does not include via the NYSAAE Facebook page (NYS with your legislative and MIOSM efforts. this ask; however, there have been Alliance for Arts Education). Please good discussions between NYSED “like” the Facebook page to get up- and the Governor’s Office regarding to-date information. Advocacy Chair: Lori Orestano-James the dire need to have this included. Bills S4525 & A1788 (former bills Please use the “Swiss cheese letter” District/budget updates - The Advo- S7550 & A9660) - We are excited to in the link above specific to this issue cacy Committee is working with more have and continue to receive support to contact your local officials to help than 683 teachers/schools/districts letters from professional agencies support this initiative. regarding concerns of scheduling, and organizations. We still need to As a reminder, this is just the program cuts, budget cuts, Covid advocate locally to get State Assem- start of this work as Regent Tilles and Gap Recovery, and staffing concerns. bly members and State legislators to Regent Wills are ultimately seeking In addition, we are working with sign on to the respective bills. The full reinstatement to prior depart- districts regarding utilization of the advocacy zone reps will continue to ment staffing. ARP and ESSR funds. How to do live reach out to those in their areas to Still advocating for New Stan- concert/performances within Covid get additional support as well. dards Electronic Workbook funding. restrictions is also a key “ask” from Our “fat file” is growing, but we Sadly, not a lot of money. Believe it throughout the state now and long still must push harder. Please use is more about the marketing and not term. We are awaiting updated Covid the “Swiss cheese letter” in the link the concept. guidance at this time as we continue shared by President Faunce through our work to assist. CyberNotes. The link along with all NYS Alliance for Arts Education Arts We need to continue to focus materials from the NYSAAE Advo- Education Advocacy Summit - Presi- on efforts in NYC. Many to almost all cacy Summit can be found here dent Faunce has been attending the schools have suffered, with the bulk as well: https://drive.google.com/ NYSAAE Executive Board meetings (I of those schools having no music or drive/folders/1Vv6DMg78SUxXGVn- attend as NYSAAE President, Michael arts education of any kind at all. We hDeOk3Qnkmp1LQtqo?usp=sharing( Brownell attends as NYSAAE Treasurer, will continue to work with Robert There is additional information from Marc Greene attends as NYSCEA Past Rams to build support for music edu- the summit available in this link for President and Adam Shatraw attends as cation in this post-pandemic world. your use. Please give credit where NYSTEA President). A reminder to all that it is im- appropriate should you use any of The executive board has adopted portant to be involved in commit- this information.) its new by-laws and will be meeting in tee work in your district around the Continue to circulate this letter to a few weeks regarding its member- continuation of Covid planning (as we those you know who will support this ship structure. Work has been done continue to move forward,) as well as legislation. Remember that the letter to open lines of communication on a any budget committees. Your voice is a changeable template and those regular basis with NYSED and Board is important to be heard at the table sending the letter should make it their of Regents representation. The or- in order to be proactive and not re- own. Directions on how to “grass root” ganization has garnered support for active. Budget planning is well on its advocate are also included. the advocacy items above from the NYS way – Don’t wait. Stay informed. Ask We will be sharing shortly a link Board of Regents, NYS PTA, NYSUT, questions. Help find solutions. that can also be shared with support- SANNYS, NYSCOSS, and individual ers, community partners/supporters, school boards from throughout the Advocacy Leadership Force (ALF parents and others. The link will be state. In addition, they have worked hard – NAfME) - I continue to attend an electronic form letter of support. with Arts Partners to gain support on the virtual ALF meetings providing President Faunce will share the link these issues in a collaborative manner. updates and remaining current on once it becomes active. Look for it The Arts Education Associations issues regarding legislative actions/ within a week or so. (NYSTEA, NYSATA, NYSSMA®, NYS- discussions at the national level, as DEA, and NYSMATA), have agreed well as Covid-19. NAfME’s web page NYSED music associate - We have to share online PD sessions through continues to provide more informa- been working hard with Regent Tilles NYSAAE to broaden learning oppor- tion and updates to help you talk to and Regent Wills who have brought tunities for all arts educators. Those superintendents, parents, community to the forefront the need to ensure a on the current e-mail listserv will members, faculty and other stake- music associate is funded and hired receive a direct e-mail of upcoming holders regarding the regulatory at NYSED. This item is an ask from events. Others may access the infor- federal legislation. NYSED as one of the 168 positions mation through President Faunce via Watch soon for a podcast with being asked to restore. The Gover- CyberNotes or through information Jazzmone Sutton. 46 School Music News
Link from NAfME for advocacy A reminder about the School Music Web Editor: Terry Nigrelli Issues noted above. When received, NEWS (electronic online version) - The NYSSMA® website is run- please share with all music education The School Music NEWS falls into the ning well. Working with David, Stuart stakeholders (teachers, administrators, mailing category of SECOND CLASS and Marc we reorganized some of the school board members, parents, arts EDUCATIONAL PERIODICALS and, as items on the home page. There is a affiliates, arts organizations, neighbors such, is mailed at a REDUCED RATE new “Festival Information” section in – you get the idea- EVERYONE!) and cost to NYSSMA®. We are well aware the left column. This section will have follow up to be sure folks have filled out that not all New York State local post the festival calendar, all-state regis- the automated response. offices prioritize the timely delivery of tration and major organization links. It Advocacy must be in the fore- the NYSSMA® magazine each month. will always be available. front of what we do on a daily basis. In fact, there are some months that I Below that there is a new “Winter With concern at the federal, state receive my mailed copy of the maga- Conference/Student Showcases” sec- and local levels, as well as our contin- zine the day after it is mailed out from tion. This section contains links for ued concerns on our goal to achieve the local post office on Long Island the “Calls for Compositions” and the a Pre-K-12 high- quality, sequential (only 15 miles from my home) and then “Session Proposals.” The “Upcoming Events” has been moved to the right music education delivered by certi- some days when it arrives a full week column below the “Jobs” section. fied music teacher for ALL students, to 10 days after mailing! This is pre- The job-posting page has been we need to remain vigilant to ensure cisely why we have an online presence very active during the past couple of our students get what they deserve on the NYSSMA® website. months. This may be due to retire- and are entitled to. Please continue to I routinely upload an electronic, ments and federal and Albany edu- reach out, as we are here to assist you. slightly truncated versions of the cation funding. Here is the link to the NEW magazine on the first day of online job posting form: http://www. Public Relations: Dr. John Gallagher each month corresponding to the nyssma.org/post-a-job/ https://www.nyssma.org/information/ date on the cover with these excep- If you are new to editing your press-room/press-releases-published/ tions: the Jan/Feb double issue is up- page on the site, please e-mail me at https://www.nyssma.org/information/ loaded February 1 and the May/June webeditor@nyssma.org. I will send press-room/press-releases-swiss- issue is uploaded June 1. Time-sensi- you your log-in credentials and the cheese/ tive material (downloadable applica- instructions for editing your page. tions, etc.) are always made available Alternately, you can send me the https://docs.google.com/spread on line first. NYSSMA® members information and I will post it for you. sheets/d/1XMoB_hvij1Nk3MOhhxk- receiving their mailed copy of the The link to log in to edit your kSNs-Cfd5L3g/edit#gid=1358916576 School Music NEWS weeks after it is page is: https://www.nyssma.org/ mailed should discuss the matter with wp-login.php?wle Obtain Twitter or Instagram ac- their local USPS. If you need help with your NYSS- count log in from predecessor. Membership directory coming in MA® e-mail, please call the NYSSMA® E-mail bio and headshot for local April! - The 2022 NYSSMA® mem- office. They will be able to help you. PR efforts. bership directory is coming as a part As always, I have been answer- of the April School Music NEWS. ing or forwarding the many e-mail As a reminder, only those “active” messages that get sent to info@ School Music NEWS Editor: members as of March 1, 2022, will nyssma.org from parents, teachers Thomas N. Gellert have their information printed in the and students regarding the virtual solo Masthead additions / corrections membership directory. festivals. I answer as many as I can and / changes - Please check over the Openings for SMN review edi- forward the rest to zone reps, com- masthead information as it appears in tors (2) -I am looking for two review mittee chairs or the NYSSMA® office. the January/February School Music editors to write for the School Music I’d like to ask committee chairs NEWS and please let the NYSSMA® NEWS – someone for vocal jazz and zone reps to review your pages to office know if there are any chang- and someone for technology in music make sure the information is accurate es that should be made (names, education. Prerequisites for the posi- and up to date. addresses, phone numbers, e-mail tions include proven expertise in the contacts, etc.). Thank you for your specific area, strong writing skills and assistance. a willingness to volunteer to submit Review of Written Committee Reports articles for publication several times a year. Interested NYSSMA® members COMEA: Holly McCoy should contact me at: schoolmusic Third Quarter: COMEA would like news@nyssma.org to thank the NYSSMA® Executive continued on next page May-June 2022 47
Council for a WONDERFUL luncheon President-Elect - Michael Rodgers, the database of this updated re- at the 2021 All-State Winter Con- Plainview-Old Bethpage Schools. source guide by accepting and edit- ference. We truly appreciate your ing instructional ideas. All NYSSMA® Vice-President - Jeffrey Smith, partnership. COMEA will be meeting members are invited to contribute to Churchville-Chili Schools. in April. this innovative venture by submitting Preparations are continuing for our Secretary - Marc Schneider, New exemplary lessons for inclusion in the 2022 NYSSMA® Summer Conference. Rochelle Schools (Ret.). document using the link that can be See 3rd VP Kathy Perconti’s report. Treasurer - Dr. Katherine Sinsabaugh, found on the Curriculum Committee Port Chester Schools. web page at nyssma.org. Updates/Events from the COMEA Web Master - Dr. Nichelle Rivers, KONY- KONY hosted our 2nd annual BEDR online workshop - We are West Hempstead Schools. Equity and Diversity Summit, "Sing collaborating w/Adele Bovard and the for Change," on Saturday, September • We have achieved our federal BEDR Committee, creating another 25, 2021. We had an incredible day 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and are opportunity for teachers to collabo- making music together and learning pursuing tax-exempt status in NYS. rate by participating in dialogue: from Abbie Betinis, Arianne Abela, • Google for Non-Profit status is Incorporating Diversity, Equity, Rep- Dr. Maredia Warren, and Francisco J. almost complete and will create resentation, and Belonging into Your Núñez. direct e-mail addresses, i.e. Pres- Music Curriculum: A Conversation On Saturday, March 5, we look ident@NYSCAME.org; Treasur- Facilitated by the NYSSMA® Curricu- forward to the return of our annual er@NYSCAME.org, etc. lum and BEDR Committees, Tuesday, Tri-Chapter Workshop with New York • Area president vacancies have April 5, 2022, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. City's local Orff and Dalcroze chap- been filled by Adam Shatraw, Join us for a roundtable con- ters. This workshop is hosted by NY- Liverpool Schools (Area 2) and versation on how you can address CCAOSA and features Laura Bercaw Megan Cabral, Carmel Schools standards through a diverse lens. Petersen presenting "Visual Arts as (Area 4). Members of the committee will share Inspiration." • Plans are in place to recognize the context of the NYSSMA® State- Later this spring, on Saturday, Kevin Bayen for his years of ser- ment of Belonging, Equity, Diversity, April 30, KONY is co-hosting our vice as treasurer. This will occur and Representation. Collaborate in an virtual spring workshop "Sowing the on Long Island at a combined informal setting as committee mem- Seeds: Music in Early Childhood" with meeting of Nassau and Suffolk bers share their teaching experiences Kodály of Westchester. Join us for chapters on March 15. and initiate a robust discussion with an exciting virtual mini-conference participants that will enhance instruc- to deepen and broaden your skills NYSBDA - President Michael Corda- tional practice through an exchange to sow the seeds with our youngest ro: NYSBDA Symposium March of ideas and strategies. Please join students (Pre-K to first grade)! Watch 4-6,2022 us by registering at this link: https:// demo lessons, partake in active ses- rebrand.ly/NYSSMACurrComm/ sions and hear from a panel of early NYACMP - For NYACMP, nothing to Conversation childhood experts. report. Our next (annual) meeting is Participants will be eligible to in September. receive one (1) hour of CTLE Credit ACDA - ACDA members attended the from NYSSMA®. Eastern Division ACDA Conference in Curriculum: Fred Weingarten Boston this February. That has been Winter Conference sessions 2022 our big highlight and activity. We are - Planning for winter conference is Classroom Music Committee: in the process of working on summer under way. Kerry Mero conference and starting back the It was wonderful to get back to honors choir. We are also looking Initiatives - The Curriculum Com- an in-person conference this past into a collegiate activity next fall for mittee has revised its Statement of winter, and, overall, our session NY-ACDA members. Purpose. Now posted on line on our attendance was both strong and committee page. The Curriculum enthusiastic! My committee had put NYSCAME- New Executive Board Committee is beginning design work together a wonderful slate of ses- (two-year terms ending December for a standards-based unit/lesson sions with a variety of topics, and the 2023): planning template. Work continues response from participants was very President - Dr. John J. Gallagher, on Innovative Instruction for Stan- positive. Longwood Schools. dards-Based Music. Our headliner, Dr. Heather We are in the process of filling Shouldice, presented four sessions 48 School Music News
(“Research to "Real Life: Applications types of support each state needs November 2020: for Recent Research for Elementary from the NAfME Council for General 2,626 members General Music,” “Teaching Harmony Music Education. Active/Spousal – 1,928 Step-By-Step: A Sequential Approach I believe there were about 35 Introductory - 22 to Developing Harmonic Audiation,” people in attendance, but they are Retired/Spousal - 518 “Individual Musicking: Developing Ele- hoping to have additional meetings on Collegiate - 158 mentary Students' Musical Indepen- a regular basis so we can continue to March 2020: dence,” and “Fostering Vocal Creativ- share and learn. I am looking forward 3,489 members ity and Improvisation in Elementary to attending future meetings. It was Active/Spousal – 2,326 Music”), which were both informative interesting to hear what the Council’s Introductory - 16 and stimulating! Some of our 16 role was in the scope of NAfME, and Retired/Spousal - 544 additional sessions included “1-2-3: it was also an eye-opener to hear how Collegiate - 603 Improvise with Me,” “Centers in the fortunate we are in NYS to have the Music Room,” “Kplanlogo Drumming,” support for classroom music from General reach-outs – E-mail remind- “Don’t Fret: UKE Can Do It,” “Just Gen- both the state organization and the ers to renew membership, including der: Pathways to Inclusivity,” and “The state education regulations, when “What Does NYSSMA® Do for Me?” Heart of the Matter: Managing Music compared with other states. As the Making with Little People.” Western Division rep typed in the chat Winter conference - Professional de- after I shared some information, “New velopment, support, and advocacy. Summer Conference 2022 - The York State is AMAZING.” Classroom Music Committee has a Current committee projects Covid and safety resources slate of 17 exciting sessions planned - Our committee is planning an for the upcoming summer confer- in-person meeting this spring so NAfME resources ence! Our headliner will be Matthew we can do some group work on our Stensrud, an Orff and Responsive current committee projects. This Spring and summer PLC through Classroom specialist who presented will be the first time in quite a while Greater Capital Region Teacher a “teaser” session for us at the 2021 that we have been able to devote a Center to review, reflect, create, and virtual Summer Conference. We weekend to project work. We have share content for music education are looking forward to having him in been doing some behind-the-scenes person for three sessions: “Infusion of work on the updates to the song list, Maintain Facebook official NYSSMA® Responsive Classroom in Orff Schul- committee history book, and the (Members Only) page. werk,” “Teaching Without Words” and CMC chairperson handbook over the • Around 1,200 members. “How to Hook ‘Em: Enhancing Move- past year-and-a-half, but we will be • Post content to advertise specific ment in Upper Elementary.” Addi- able to accomplish more when we are NYSSMA® events. tional sessions will include “Recorder all together. We also plan to continue • Approve content that meets our Through the Ages, Grades 3-12,” to use Zoom as a quick-and-easy way draft guidelines. “Ukulele Jam,” “Beat the Burnout: to meet for more urgent committee • Solo festival and conference Refresh and Renew in 2022,” and business whenever possible! seasons are the busiest times on “Building a Community of Learners in this page. Your Youngest Musicians.” Membership: Kate Jarrard Biggest challenge and project - NAfME General Music Leadership Membership info Reaching out to non-members. Town Hall - On February 8, I attended October 2021: NYSSMA® does not have information a virtual meeting on Zoom hosted by 2,911 members about them, so I correspond with and the NAfME Council for General Music Active/Spousal – 2,166 rely on local (county) associations Education. This was the first time the Introductory - 16 to reach out and encourage their group had hosted a town hall, so I had Retired/Spousal - 563 registration. a chance to “meet” the general music Collegiate - 166 Fall e-mail to all 54 county/local reps for the various regions. They association presidents, 15 responded, were very interested in gathering February 2021: 13 shared teacher personnel lists. some information from the attendees 2,857 members E-mail sent to 1,127 teachers identi- to get a better idea of what general Active/Spousal – 1,942 fied as non-members, 93 (8%) joined music looks like throughout the coun- Introductory - 24 in the three months after the e-mail. try, how the general music leadership Retired/Spousal - 563 The 58 schools (at least a dozen is selected in each state, and what Collegiate - 328 continued on next page May-June 2022 49
private) without any members, re- New Business It was further discussed that the duced to 52 after the e-mail. current process is fraught with the Electronic Manual - President Faunce potential for errors in information. announced that NYSSMA® will pro- Current goals This necessitates that NYSSMA® plan duce one more printed manual (July 1, Acquire information on to move to a much more streamlined 2022) but that the next manual (in dig- non-members in other counties/local system by which we can improve the ital format) will require input from the associations and reach out. creation and subsequent development NYSSMA® Executive Council regard- Target schools without any of this information. As such, Dr. Gaines ing content, revenue, delivery/access NYSSMA® members. They are pos- stated that NYSSMA® is pursuing to the next NYSSMA® manual, etc. sibly missing important NYSSMA® In addition, there are questions the development of this proprietary correspondence/information. regarding the expense of producing system with NYSSMA’s approval. a digital manual and policy related to County President responses - Most future NYSSMA® manuals. It will, there- Next meeting - June 11-12, 2022, focused on hosting area all-states fore, be incumbent upon the NYSSMA® Strathallan Hotel & Spa, Rochester and all-counties, safely getting back Executive Council to discuss various to “normal.” Some would like to hear concerns that impact the content of the Adjournment more about what others are doing future NYSSMA® manual. The following motion was successfully. brought to council: Remember: NAfME has updat- AS selection and management plat- Motion: Adam Shatraw (Zone 3), sec- ed its membership join/renew page: form - Dr. Gaines initiated a discus- onded by James Uzzi (Zone 14), “that the https://nafme.org/join-renew/ sion and gave background informa- meeting be adjourned.” Motion carried. tion on the current all-state selection The meeting was adjourned at process and touched upon the paper 10:40 a.m. Old Business Respectfully submitted, intensive and long, drawn-out pro- There was no old business. cess of creating a master database. Thomas N. Gellert Official Recorder YOUR PASSION. OUR PROGRAMS. DIGITAL MUSIC AND BEAT PRODUCTION CERTIFICATE MUSIC CERTIFICATE MUSIC AUDIO TECHNOLOGY A.A.S. PERFORMING ARTS: MUSIC A.S. Individual lessons in musical theatre, jazz and classical styles. Classes in traditional, hip-hop and contemporary styles. SCHEDULING AN AUDITION The SUNY Schenectady School of Music is an accredited Contact us at schoolofmusic@sunysccc.edu member of the National Association of Schools of Music. or 518-381-1231 ext. 2 for audition dates. Scholarships available. sunysccc.edu/music 50 School Music News
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