Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,

Page created by Sarah Hampton
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
Number 210 – July 2021
                    SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne)

The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,       Dr Karl Kruszelnicki

            ‘Up’,                         stickers galore
                        (More photos inside)
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
Meetings:- St Augustine’s Anglican Church Hall, 100
                                                Sydney Rd, Coburg, Vic.

                                                Getting there: Tram No 19 North Coburg, from Elizabeth St in
                                                the city, or Tram no 8, Moreland Rd from Glenferrie Rd, Toorak,
                                                to Stop 132.
                                                Upfield train line to Moreland Station.

                                                On street parking. Space on the road next to it, which is closed to
                                                through driving. Melway Ref 29 H3. Cyclists can use the Upfield
                                                bicycle path.

                                          Meetings of the Melbourne Science Fiction Club take place on the third
                                          Friday Night of the month. Unless it is Good Friday. All attendees must
Since 1952
                                          sign in.
The MSFC is a place where people who
enjoy science fiction and fantasy meet to
discuss their love of books, TV, film and Most Club Nights – Gold coin for members, $5 for non-members.
coffee.                                   Some nights may cost an extra fee, such as Trivia Nights.

CONTACTING THE MSFC.                      Premises open at 8pm on the third Friday of the month, events start
                                          at 8.30pm. Lights out at 11pm.
General enquiries.                   Sustenance - Hot food, cold snacks, coffee and hot chocolate are
Editor: LynC                                ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP                            DISCOUNTS FOR MEMBERS

                                   Single membership                  $35             Ask us for an MSFC membership card
                                   Family or household                $45             before asking for these benefits.
                                   Interstate Ethel the Aardvark email
                                   subscription                       $25*
Our Facebook page:                                                         5% off books and magazines at:
bourneSFClub                       *plus $10 for interstate subscribers                      Minotaur
                                   wishing a hardcopy Ethel subscription.                    121 Elizabeth St
Our open Facebook group:          (Hard copy not available O/S)                             Melb 3000
                                   All denominations are in Australian                       phone 9670 5414
Postal address                     dollars. Please send us Australian
MSFC                               currency or equivalent, able to be banked         10% off all SF books at
                                   in Australia.                                            Dymocks
PO Box 110                         Our treasurer will thank you.                            Southland shop 3067-68,
Moonee Vale Vic 3055                                                                        Westfield Centre Cheltenham
                                   MSFC membership benefits                                 phone 9584 1245
2020/2021 MSFC Committee
                                   A year-long subscription to this                    MSFC LIFE MEMBERS
Alison Barton
                                   fanzine, Ethel the Aardvark, five/six               Alan Stewart
                                   issues per year.                                    Bill Wright
Financial Secretary/                                                                   Bruce Gillespie
Treasurer:                                                                             Dick Jenssen aka Ditmar
Mark Ford                          Discounts at selected Melbourne
                                                                                       Helena Binns
                                                                                       James Allen aka Jocko
Committee:                                                                             Lee Harding (deleted by request)
James Allen (Librarian-in-exile)   Voting rights at the Annual General                 Merv Binns (dec)
LynC (Ethel Editor,                Meeting! If you are good you can actually           Race Matthews
Memberships & Outgoing             stand for election!                                 Robin Johnson
Communications)                                                                        Krin Pender-Gunn
Craig MacBride (Webmaster)         Access to use the MSFC email list via the
                                   Communications Officer

 [Copyright for all artwork        The pleasure of being in a place where
and articles remain with the       people share your enjoyment of science
                                   fiction and fantasy.

 Original artwork will only
 be returned on request.]          A copy of our constitution can be found at:

                                                          Page 2
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
Editorial:                                                      is my somewhat lethargic answer to the question
We’ve had a few successful Zoom meetings now,                   of what the MSFC librarian is up to in the
so maybe we’ll be able to continue with that                    pandemic. By the way I would seriously
whenever we have a lockdown preventing us                       recommend THE SPARKS BROTHERS, 2021
getting together in person. I am sorry to those                 documentary directed by Edgar Wright (who also
members whom we cut off with that decision                      directed SHAUN OF THE DEAD, HOT FUZZ, SCOTT
though. I much prefer to see you all in person.                 PILGRIM VS THE WORLD and BABY DRIVER; 4
Just a heads up – Our August Meeting will be the                films I thoroughly enjoyed) I saw THE SPARKS
AGM. That will be in person if possible; but since              BROTHERS at the nova Cinema in Carlton.
it has to happen, we will go to Zoom if we have                 I'm writing this column rather than watching SBS
to.                                                             TV. I could be watching Secret Scotland, as it is a
                                                                Monday night. I have just watched another quite
          And an addendum from last issue:                      nice episode of the seemingly forever series
          Alan Stewart tells me the artist for this             about the Tower of London in England. Lyn (our
          cover is: Barclay Shaw                                editor) has been there, but right now I make
          (My own copy is still in boxes.)                      do with the weekly hour documentary series. It is
                                                 Lyn            quite an informative show as there is 1,000 years
[Artwork this issue: Cover and all other Photos –               of history to talk about. Watching on TV is not
LynC, unless otherwise credited. Actual Artwork –               a substitute for being able to travel. Ah, the
mainly David L Russell unless otherwise credited.]              ongoing pandemic; all those "Cosy Catastrophe"
                                                                novels never predicted how long the whole
                                                                disaster would be. We have made it through the
                                                                fourth Melbourne lockdown, even though current
                                                                restrictions meant we had to have the June trivia
                                                                quiz via zoom. First MSFC meeting I have been to
                                                                where people brought their own wine and
                                                                cheese! I did enjoy a drink though and had a good
                                                                time with the trivia which was ably hosted by
                                                                Roman Orszanski from Adelaide. I even had fun
                                                                coming up with some of the questions. (I put the
The Librarian's column.                                         Babylon 5 season one opening quote in because I
"It's the break in the song,                                    love it, even though it is fairly obvious what TV
When I should say something special.                            show it is from. I am searching at home for my
But the pressure is on and I can't make up                      hard drive with MP4 copies of all the show
nothing special,                                                and movies, so I can watch it again.) Nothing
Not when I'm with you"                                          wrong with a bit of Space Opera in these strange
From ‘When I’m with you’ by Sparks 1980.                        times. Looking forward to the July meeting with
                                                                other members in Coburg.
Hello, Thanks to winning two tickets in a 3RRR-                                                       Cheerio, Jocko
FM radio contest I have various alternating Sparks
songs stuck in my head (‘Number 1 in                            Meetings:
Heaven’, ‘This town ain’t big enough for the both               MSFC Video night (May 21, 2021)
of us’). Mainly ‘When I'm with you’, which I loved              We promised the members something to do with
the first time I heard it. Edgar Wright's                       Dr Who, so when the promised DVD was late
documentary has nothing to do with SF or                        arriving we showed the animated Dr. Who Web
Fantasy, but it does show another kind of                       series instead. Starring Richard E. Grant, SCREAM
fandom. Sparks is an influential band that has                  OF THE SHALKA is a 6 part Mini-series set
never made it anywhere as big as they wanted to.                between classic Dr Who and ‘New’ Dr Who.
Something to do with being amusing and just not                 Unlike the tenth and 11th doctors his doctor is just
somehow creating a huge hit song. This column                   a little tired of rescuing Humans and a bit world
                                                       Page 3
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
weary. He felt right for the follow up by the grief            [2] This Series?
ridden Christopher Eccleston Doctor (#9).

Canonically Grant’s Doctor never happened but
he fits right into the sequence between Paul                   [3] Novel/Film Tie-in: Roadside Picnic by the
McGann (#8) and Eccleston. The animated format                 Strugatsky brothers has an Andrei Tarkovsky film
wasn’t really made full use of. This series could              loosely based upon it. What is the film title?
easily have been filmed live with existing special             Bonus: Which Spy Movie features this film?
effects of the time, but that wasn’t the point. It             [4] What was Hermione’s original surname in JK
was a good old fashioned 6 part Dr Who series                  Rowling’s early notes for the Harry Potter books?
and perfect for a Friday night MSFC meeting.                   [5] “Ethyl The Aardvark Knows. All of the answers
As usual – some watched, some hovered outside                  for these questions can be found in the past 6
the kitchen, and some had a quiet discussion                   Ethel the Aardvark issues.”
away from the main group. A pleasant relaxed                   (Amazing the number of people caught out not
meeting.                                                       actually ‘reading’ Ethel. ;-) )

June 18:
We held our annual Trivia Quiz. Due to Lockdown
we were unable to do this in person so invited an
interstate MC (Roman Orszanski) to host a Zoom
session. Small numbers (10), and all MSFC
members despite Nova Mob and Critical Mass
being invited, but very enthusiastic and vocal –
You should have heard our rendition of ‘Daisy’.                In MY ROOMATE IS A CAT what does Subaru
Many interesting questions were asked –                        name the little cat who follows him home from
including the one about what HAL sang as he was                his Parents’ grave?
powered down (and why). It was interesting to
see the ones no-one could get as well as fun
hearing a chorus of shouts when everyone knew
the answer.
Sample Questions (Answers at the end):
[1] TV Series: What series is this?

                                                                        (from the archives of Dennis Calligari)

                                                      Page 4
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
Supanova 2021:                                                us off. Not Gate 1. So we followed the other
Held the weekend from May    21st-   23rd  2021 at            people dressed up until they started milling
the usual place – Royal Melbourne Showgrounds,                around looking lost too. I asked someone and
after a delay caused by slowness in getting                   got told to keep going. Gate 11 is tucked up
permission from the ‘Authorities’.                            between the railway station and the shops. I
Last year Victoria went into Lockdown shortly                 would not have known it even existed if – by
after Supanova (March 2020). This year it                     that time – there weren’t people in hi-vis vests
                                                              directing us. The next puzzle was – where – in
happened again. But this year most attendees
                                                              the grounds – the event actually was!
were sensible and wore their masks and gloves –
                                                              Eventually we found a queue, checked
either as part of their costume or despite their
                                                              ourselves in via the QR, and off we went.
costume. Crowds were down and most lectures                   As well as Dr Karl, I got an autograph off one of
were strictly limited but it was still fun and                the artists for ‘The Phantom’.
vibrant and exciting. I got to talk with Karl
Kruszelnicki! So much so that his minder had to
step in and remind him that there was a queue. It
hadn’t been there when I started.
Look what he wrote in the two books I bought!

                                                              Here are some other highlights of the day:

                                                              Fan Clubs and Fans:

The first puzzle of the day was how to get in!
Only one gate was open – gate 11. At Gate 10
we were told Gate 1 so that is where Jocko let
                                                     Page 5
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
                                       The usual Festival Fare. Multiple trucks outside
                                       with everything from Nachos to Pies (see front
                                       cover). Inside was Fairy Floss, Popcorn, Fudge,
                                       Handmade chocolate, and roasted Nuts.
                                       We did eat outside before we left but it wasn’t
                                       what I was there for.


Booksellers and Publishers:

                              Page 6
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
Just Having Fun. (Light Sabre training)

                                 T-shirts and Stickers and and …

Cosplay and Clothing:

                        Page 7
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
MSFC AGM 2021                                       in arrears) can submit an application
                                                    for membership at the conclusion of
Hello all MSFC Members,                             official proceedings. Guests and
Our Annual General Meeting will be                  observers are welcome but are not
held on Friday, August 20th at 20:30. If            eligible to vote.
permitted it will be ‘In Person’, but if            Any nomination forms or proxy forms
Lockdowns persist and ‘in person’                   should be sent to the Returning
meetings are not permitted we will use              Officer, to be received no later than
Zoom again (as per last year).                      8pm, Thursday 19th August to;
Stay tuned for further details.                                 Returning Officer,
Ordinary Business of the AGM shall be:                        c/o MSFC PO Box 110
  -       To confirm the Minutes of the                       Moonee Vale, Vic 3055.
  2020 AGM.                                         or via
  -         To elect Officers of the MSFC            Positions open for nomination are:
  and Ordinary Members of the                         • President
  Committee.                                          • Vice President
  -        To receive and vote upon the               • General Secretary (Public Officer)
  Treasurer’s Report. (Other Committee                • Financial Secretary (Treasurer)
  members shall also present reports.)                • Ordinary Committee Member (5
  All current members over the age of                     positions available)
  18 are eligible to vote. Membership                              Alison Barton (President)
  renewals will be accepted at the
  meeting prior to the commencement                   The draft minutes of the previous
  of official proceedings, and including              AGM are included below. These
  any members whose renewal is less                   need to corrected and ratified at this
  than 61 days overdue.                               AGM.
  New members (including members
  whose renewal is more than 60 days

              Draft Minutes for 2020 MSFC AGM – Sunday 13/09/2020
    1.   Meeting opens.                             Time: 14:05

         1.a Members present                        Alison Barton, LynC, James Allen (Jocko), Mark Ford,
                                                    Alan Stewart, Ken Wallace, Roger Wells, Robin
                                                    Johnson, Craig Macbride, Clare McDonald, Peter
                                                    Fagan, Thomas Bull, Jan MacNally Wilson
                                                    Total: 13

                                           Page 8
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
2.   Presentation and voting upon minutes from last       Vote to accept minutes;
         AGM.                                                 Proposed – Alison Barton

                                                              Seconded – James Allen

                                                              Vote; For - 11 ; Against – 0

                                                              Abstained – 2

Comments / questions; None

    3.   Presentation of reports by Committee              Vote to accept Treasurer’s Report;
         - President                                       Proposed – Alison Barton
         - Treasurer
         - Librarian                                       Seconded – Robin Johnson
         - Membership
                                                           Vote; For - 12 ; Against –

                                                         Abstained – 1
No further discussion or motions raised from the floor about the reports.

4.       Positions declared vacant by Returning Officer.
Vote for new committee positions.

President Nominations;                                        Vote;
         1. Alison Barton
Prop- LynC                                                    For –
2nd- Robin Johnson                                            Against –
                                                              Abstained –
                                                              Carried Unanimously

Vice President Nominations;                                   Vote;

None received.                                                Position vacant

Treasurer Nominations;                                        Vote;
        1. Mark Ford                                          For – 12
Prop- Alison Barton                                           Abstained - 1
2nd- James Allen
Public Officer;                                               Vote;
         1. Mark Ford                                         Carried Unanimously
Prop- Clare McDonald
2nd- LynC
General Committee Nominations;                                Vote;
        1. James ‘ Jocko’ Allen                               All nominations carried unanimously.
Prop- LynC
2nd- Clare McDonald

                                                    Page 9
Number 210 - July 2021 - SupaNova 2021 (Melbourne) - The crowds at the outdoor food trucks,
2. LynC
Prop- Alison Barton
2nd- Mark Ford

         3. Craig Macbride
Prop- Clare McDonald
2nd - Alison Barton
No other nominations received
9. Other business.

Thanks to those present for attending and contributing this afternoon.

10. Meeting Closes; Time: 14:38

Treasurers Report:                                           President’s Report for 2020 MSFC
Statement of Accounts: July 2019 –                              AGM – Sunday 13/09/2020
June 2020                                                   Good afternoon and welcome to the 2020
Income:                                                     MSFC AGM. It certainly has been a year in
Memberships                       $ 770.00                  two parts, it’s almost difficult to
Kitchen                           $ 229.35                  remember a time ‘before’.
Book Sales                        $ 534.10                  This year got off to a great start with an
Door Fees                         $    9.00                 anniversary of the Moon Landing party
Donations                         $ 5300.00                 where Mark shared with us some rare
Interest                          $ 254.09                  videos and lots of interesting information
Other                             $ 58.60                   about the lunar program, clearly
Total Income                      $ 7294.14                 something in which he has a great deal of
                                                            interest. This was combined with a huge
Outgoings:                                                  book sale which got off to a slow start but
Rent                              $ 606.00                  ended up being quite financially successful
Insurance                         $ 666.60                  for the club. Our calendar for the year
Ethel Printing                    $ 621.47                  once again combined monthly meetings
Kitchen                           $ 62.00                   on a Friday evening with quarterly
Po Box                            $ 139.00                  meetings on a Sunday afternoon, with
Library Storage                   $ 3540.00                 activities including guest speakers, video
Other                             $ 117.00                  evenings and board games. I personally
Total Expenditure                 $ 5752.07                 enjoyed Paul Poulton’s presentation on
                                                            Queen of the Damned which was filmed in
Position as of June 2019          $ 17059.86                Melbourne. The last time we all gathered
Position as of June 2020          $ 18601.93                together was at our February meeting for
                                                            Games night where Lord of the Rings
Made up of the following accounts                           Monopoly proved especially popular.
Term Deposit                $ 14007.12                      Hopefully our members’ penchant for
Society Cheque Account      $ 4594.81                       speculative books and movies helped with
                                                            the sudden transition which came next as
Net position profit               $ 1542.07                 we all moved to life in lockdown. Our
                                    Mark Ford               March Food and Trivia night had to be

                                                  Page 10
cancelled, and who knows what may come                      Librarian’s report:
next. Please stay tuned for developments                    We live in interesting times, here in Stage
about our meetings as they unfold as we                     4 Lockdown Melbourne. Hello to all the
eventually move out of lockdown, as these                   MSFC members, I miss meeting with you
will also likely look and feel different to                 all and I miss Libraries. With the club
how they were before with changes to                        Library books in storage since 2014 I have
social distancing and cleaning                              used public libraries and my work's school
requirements.                                               library to get access to books I want to
I would like to extend my gratitude to all                  read. Now that all Melbourne libraries are
committee members and assorted                              closed because of the Pandemic, all I can
volunteers without whom we simply                           do is read what is at home or what can be
would not be able to run the club. My                       bought online and delivered. (Australia
thanks in particular to LynC who has                        Post is slow but still wonderful.) I have
continued to produce Ethel on schedule                      bought books, including Kim Stanley
even during lockdown, and I hope                            Robinson's 2140, (2017, paperback, 624
everyone has enjoyed reading the latest                     pages) which I have been slowly working
issues. Thanks also to the various                          my way through during lockdown 2 and
contributors of articles, reviews and                       four of the Murderbot diary novellas by
artwork.                                                    Martha Wells. 2140 is a club library
We had a few vacancies on the committee                     donation, but it is here at home, as the
this past year, and we really would like to                 club library is stored more than 5 km from
see more people putting their hands up to                   home. Well, we are working through this
volunteer. We do not at present have a                      and I look forward to going to a club
dedicated kitchen person which would                        meeting, getting a coffee and seeing all
definitely be of benefit, as would any                      the other club members.
other volunteers.                                                                        Cheerio, Jocko
Also, if you have any items or ideas you
would like to present for the club, please
let us know, as we are always looking for
more guest presenters and hosts for our
Thanks for coming today, and here’s to
another year.
                                 Alison Barton
Membership report:
39 paid up memberships (+3 family
members) giving 42 actual members.
1 new and unfortunately 1 deceased. 6
lapsed, but these have not been active for
some years anyway. Since we decided to
do a unilateral extension of a year to all
members there has been no further
changes. No new members, no lost
Viva La Status Quo.

                                                  Page 11
AGM Form: Nomination for Committee Member
If you would like to nominate for a position on the 2021 - 2022 committee, please submit a
nomination using the wording below, ensuring the nomination has been both accepted by the
nominee and two nominators (all of whom must be current MSFC members.)

Nomination Form

I, ____________________ nominate ________________________ for the position of ______________________ for the
MSFC for the 2021 - 2022 operational year.


Seconded by ________________________(signature) ________________________(name)

Accepted by _______________________________________(signature)

Dated ____/_____/_____


                         AGM Form: APPOINTMENT OF PROXY
If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may appoint a proxy (who is a current
member of the MSFC) by sending the following form to the Returning Officer to be received no
later than Thursday 19th August, 2021.

Form of Appointment of Proxy

I, _______________________(name) of __________________________________________(address) being a member

of the Melbourne Science Fiction Club Inc., appoint ___________________(name of proxy holder) of

___________________________________________________________(address of proxy holder), being a member

of that Incorporated Association, as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General
Meeting of the Association to be held on Friday 20th August 2021 and at any adjourned meeting.


Dated ____/_____/_____

                                                   Page 12
accept that time travel may be possible as a plot
                                                             device in order for various events to occur. But I
                                                             prefer those novels where Jane Austen herself is
                                                             at the centre of events, rather than being the
                                                             launching point for other characters’ adventures.
                                                             Acting almost unwillingly as a result of this
                                                             compulsion, I have read a lot of Jane Austen-
                                                             inspired books lately, and seem destined never to
                                                             find one capable of transporting me into delights
                                                             or winning my unstinting approbation, despite
                                                             those authors’ best intentions and my willingness
                                                             to be entertained and transported.
                                                             My latest foray into Austenian worlds comes
Reviews: Books, Films, Manga, Games,                         courtesy of reading two novels in a new series
etc:                                                         entitled The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen
Books: Time travelling with Jane Austen                      and The Unexpected Past of Miss Jane Austen, by
Review by Jan MacNally                                       Ada Bright and Cass Grafton. The premise sees a
The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen and The             modern-day character and Janeite fan caught up
Unexpected Past of Miss Jane Austen                          in time travels with Miss Austen herself, by way
by Ada Bright and Cass Grafton                               of a Georgian topaz cross that once belonged to
                                                             Writers Ada Bright and Cass Grafton are talented
                                                             and have fine imaginations, and their prose flows
                                                             easily, luring one into their world. They obviously
                                                             did a great deal of research into Miss Austen’s
                                                             time in Bath for the first novel, as well as her later
                                                             (and final) years at Chawton for the second book.
                                                             Such attention to historical detail is always a
                                                             winner for me, having devoured so many
                                                             biographical volumes devoted to Miss Austen
                                                             that I can become quite vocal when detecting a
                                                             distortion, omission, or outright fabrication of
                                                             historical facts. I had no difficulty in reading each
                                                             book, being entertained, and engaged enough to
                                                             go on without finding it a chore.
                                                             But where these two books lose their charm for
                                                             me is through the apparent necessity of having a
                                                             modern-day heroine, in this case the rather
                                                             colourless Rose Wallace, around whom most of
                                                             the action occurs. Rose has thoughts, often
                                                             strong ones, but other people and situations tend
                                                             to leave her unable to speak up for herself. She
                                                             gets a bit bullied or buffeted at times or has
                                                             romantic daydreams about a distinguished
                                                             scholar who barely knows she exists, pining for
It is a truth universally acknowledged (well, by             him to recognise her worth and become her
myself at least) that I’m instantly drawn to                 personal Mr Darcy or other Austenian hero.
reading novels offering a new take on the author             Despite this, she has a satisfying job, an overseas
Jane Austen or her novels and characters. I’m                friend she will shortly meet for the first time in
even happy enough to suspend disbelief and                   person, and the pleasure of being in Bath during
                                                   Page 13
the annual Austen festival that celebrates all                    restore the world order accordingly. Rose is
things Jane. Rose has her own home and car, a                     somehow also able to make an impression on the
boss whom she likes and who appreciates her, so                   man of her dreams, historian Dr Aiden Trevellyan,
her life, while lacking romance, certainly has                    despite them having only known each other
meaning and satisfaction for her in general.                      superficially for three years Before Jane, when
When Rose comes to suspect that the neighbour                     nothing ever happened to bring them together
upstairs is impersonating Jane Austen, whether                    romantically. I wasn’t ever convinced that Rose,
for a bet, as part of an acting role during the                   timid and self-deprecating as she was, would
Austen festival, or to just mess with Rose’s mind,                attract someone like Aiden, and she certainly
we as readers fairly quickly realise this is actually             didn’t hold my interest as a riveting character. I
the author herself. Rose and Jane become                          had to ask myself how a second book in the series
acquaintances, and Jane’s mysterious activities                   might remedy this, but unfortunately it only
are soon revealed as part of her secretive trips                  made her even less engaging.
forward and backward in time, landing in the                      The sequel has Jane Austen appearing again like
same location but across centuries. Yet the                       Doc Emmett Brown from Back to the Future 2 to
potential for us as readers to see modern Bath                    basically kidnap Rose and her newly declared
through Jane’s eyes, gauge her reactions and                      beau, Dr Aiden Trevellyan and take them back to
thoughts on technology and 21st century morals                    her past to help rectify a possible historic mistake
is sadly wasted.                                                  in Rose’s life. Rose lost her father when she was
Rather than having Jane Austen at the centre of                   very young, but by some staggeringly unlikely
the action, she is reduced to being a means by                    coincidence he, or someone very like him,
which events happen to the prosaic Rose and her                   appears to be living just down the road from Jane
friends. I would have much preferred the focus to                 in Chawton in the 1800s. There is so much time
be on Jane and how she copes being transported                    spent on Rose’s agonies of indecision concerning
across time (two hundred years or so) thanks to a                 this surprise relation and what choices she should
charmed topaz Georgian cross pendant gifted to                    make, while Jane and her sister Cassandra are
her by her brother Henry. The major plot point of                 mainly reduced to floating around in the
the first novel is Rose’s discovery that due to                   background offering sage snippets of advice.
certain events (when Jane becomes trapped in                      They have lives, yes, including sustaining
modern-day Bath), Jane Austen never writes or                     themselves through their gardening efforts,
has her six novels published, so no-one aside                     keeping house and enabling Jane to have time to
from Rose remembers her. I genuinely                              focus on her writing. One of her brothers lives at
sympathised with Rose’s horror at this loss, for                  the Great House in Chawton, and remarkably he
what a bleak world this would be for Rose and                     and another brother, as well as Cassandra and
those of us who love Austen’s works.                              her mother, are all aware that Jane has been
It is a similar theme to the way history was re-                  travelling back and forward in time. They seem to
written in the films It’s a Wonderful Life or Back                cope with this knowledge incredibly well, but very
to the Future 2, owing to people meddling in                      little time is spent showing how they have
events that have already occurred and thereby                     adjusted to this amazing situation. Must be part
altering history as we know it. It works well                     of being British and stoic! The only excitement
enough here, too, although we don’t get nearly                    comes from finding a way to return Rose and
enough of the surprisingly unruffled Jane’s                       Aiden to their own time, while also allowing Jane
reactions to being propelled forward in time.                     to continue her time travels, should she so wish.
Rose’s world is changed a great deal as well, with                I was particularly frustrated by the whole premise
her stuck in a dead-end job, bereft of her car and                of the second book. There was so much scope to
home, forced to live with her unlikable mother –                  focus more on Jane’s life, her influences, and
worse for her because she still remembers the                     inspirations. Not once does Rose ask her, for
life she had.                                                     example, where Jane gets her ideas for her
The first book deals with how Jane Austen is able                 novels, how she writes, or what impact having
to return to her own time, write her books, and                   travelled to the future might have on her writing.
                                                        Page 14
Not once. Rose is so distracted by her own                        or giving yourself an easy start and events which
problems that it apparently never occurs to her                   are slower paced.
to ask, despite her having been established in the
first book as an ardent Janeite. It just seems to be
such a wasted opportunity, especially given that
Rose is a fairly colourless, meek heroine not
interesting enough to take centre stage and hold
my attention. I wanted more of Jane, her sister
and brothers, their daily life in Chawton, and
some insight into Jane as a writer.
So while these books had original ideas, and the                  Pictured: The Storytellers who control your colony with
writing was always engaging and allowed me to                     events designed to make you and your colony suffer.
                                                                  (From left to right: Phoebe Chillax, Cassandra Classic, and
keep reading to find out how things would work                    Randy Random.)
out, I was disappointed by having Jane relegated
to a contrivance, a supporting role, while the                    The game terms the colonists as “pawns”, and
understudy Rose took centre stage, and just                       you can control them, set them tasks, have them
didn’t have the personality or sparkle to deserve                 build structures, fight off threats, tame animals,
her time in the limelight. She was so much more a                 grow crops, whatever you want them to do,
Fanny Price than an Elizabeth Bennet or Emma                      really. Create the most amazing town ever built,
Woodhouse.                                                        design a rich and fertile farmland, research all the
                                                                  science in the world to build a new spaceship and
Game: Rimworld: Colony Building in Space                          escape the planet...
Reviewed by Stella                                                The trick here is that the game is distinctly
                                                                  unforgiving about how you use your time. Far
                                                                  from a relaxing and serene building game, even
                                                                  on the easiest settings, the game will throw
                                                                  things at you designed purely to inflict suffering
                                                                  on your pawns.
                                                                  Now, admittedly, I’m just not very good at this
                                                                  style of game. However, in spite of the hellish
                                                                  torrent of traumatic and horrifying events
                                                                  unfolded on my innocent pawns and the constant
                                                                  blood pressure spikes of trying to figure out how
Rimworld is a colony simulator and strategy game                  to solve a problem before it took down every
for the PC, wherein you play as crash landed                      pawn I had, I enjoyed every second of it
survivors of a spaceship attempting to build a                    thoroughly.
new life for themselves. That’s the default
storyline, in any case. The game is incredibly
difficult to put into words, it has such a vast scope
to what can happen and what you can discover
that even after a month of addicted gameplay,
I’ve barely scratched the surface of what it has to
The game uses AI storytellers to determine what
occurs in each playthrough, and each
playthrough, while vaguely similar, is distinctly
unique in the way it plays out. You can choose
from different starting premises and different
                                                                  Pictured: Your colonists all being brutally murdered by
kinds of AI storytellers, to decide what kind of                  invaders, which will happen a lot.
game you want to play, ramping up the difficulty,
                                                        Page 15
One thing this game is not, and could never be, is               centre of their foreheads, and there were none
boring. Between rabid dog packs attacking your                   left for another chapter!
base, invading raiders from neighbouring                         I hoped the other DVDs were better! But it did fill
colonies, freak weather events setting your crops                up an afternoon!
on fire and making your colony starve, invasions                                         [PORTAL seems to have also
from horrifying mech abominations, or the ever                                          been filmed under the name
present threat of accidentally unearthing ancient                                       DOORS, and ‘stars’ Josh Peck
tombs with cryogenically frozen warriors ready to                                       and Lina Esco, amongst others
unthaw and slaughter you on sight, there is an                                          – Lyn]
abundance of things that can, and most likely will,                                     [Back to Ed] I tried PORTAL,
go wrong.                                                                               and had a minor setback when
It’s well worth playing it yourself just to see what                                    I kept falling asleep! But I
gameplay style fits you best, as there are so many                                      played it on my computer, and
ways to customise the experience. That’s not                     all went well. It is not worth buying, but I saw it
even getting into the modding community that                     all. It is a series of short pieces, about some aliens
exists for the game, which allows even further                   wanting to wipe us all out, which is very
customisation of the gameplay. The possibilities                 downbeat. There are four parts, most of which do
are, more or less, endless. As colony simulators                 not go very well for us. The second and third
go, this is by far one of the best I’ve ever                     parts are best.
encountered, for it’s depth and difficulty, and for
the sheer fun and humour it gives you while
watching everything go horribly wrong.
Surviving in this game is obviously the challenge,
but the many possible routes to death are the fun
of it.

Films: Vanquish, Birds of Prey, Monster Hunter,
Portal (aka Doors) and Chaos Walking
                                                                 I bought BIRDS OF PREY, and realised I had seen it
Reviewed by Ed McArdle
                                                                 already. I suspect it was a vanity project, as
In the tradition of Charlie Pickering, I have
                                                                 Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn) was a producer,
watched a few DVDs so you don’t have to.
                                                                 but I enjoyed it a lot. It was way over the top in
                                                                 violence, and did not get to the formation of
                                                                 Birds of Prey as a group, but I already had the TV
                                                                 series from way back, with Batgirl as the founder.

                                                                 MONSTER HUNTER, with Milla Jovovich, was
I first watched VANQUISH, with Morgan Freeman,                   enjoyable. There is a prequel where a pirate ship
(operating from a wheelchair) and Ruby Rose.                     sails over sandy seas - no water - but then we are
Ruby had no Batwoman outfit, but she was pretty                  back on our world as a pair of army units are
agile. She shot about a thousand villains in the                 suddenly sucked into another dimension -well it
                                                                 happens occasionally! and get to have to fight
                                                       Page 16
monsters. Which is all the plot. Eventually the                   suddenly turned out to be a space alien, who puts
Army units are back in our world. Possibly.                       on his glasses and stood being a tangle of
The redeeming feature of this film is the superb                  tentacles.
graphics. The dragons look real!
CHAOS WALKING was a show I was expecting to
enjoy! It was real science fiction with a clever plot
line. A colony had been set up on a distant planet,
but (a) all the men had their secret thoughts
displayed, and (b) all the women were killed off
by raiders. Now a young woman is the sole
survivor of a trip to join them. Unfortunately it
didn’t make sense to me. The men all had wisps
of smoke around their heads to show their                         Another is LEGACIES. which may or may not have
thoughts, and it made them seem confusing! And                    been a comic, but it involves a school set up to
why would men and women be so different? I                        protect students who are prejudiced against
may give this another go, but not at the moment!                  because they are witches, poltergeists, and
It seems to be well thought out though.                           demons. One is even a phoenix. Except he may
                                                                  now be the series bad guy! Sometimes they
                                                                  move on, but there is a core of put-upon

Reviewed by Ed McArdle                                            THE FLASH has been going downhill lately, but it
There are a number of shows on Foxtel which are                   had a couple of problems. One of the actors,
from comics, and a few are very good.                             Ralph Dibny, the Elongated Man, got into trouble
                                                                  because as a teenager he made some unpleasant
                                                                  remarks, and these things live with you forever.
                                                                  However we seem to have a small cast being
                                                                  involved in separate adventures, and they may be
                                                                  being winnowed down, with the main cast being
                                                                  involved elsewhere! Or it may be a problem with
                                                                  the pandemic!
                                                                  BATWOMAN got stuck somewhere at the start
                                                                  with ALL the women being involved in
                                                                  homosexual relationships, which may or may not
My favourite is LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, which                        be why Ruby Rose, as Batwoman, suddenly quit.
is from an actual comic, but which can go                         The other problem was that the villain, as
anywhere. The ship is called the Waverider, and                   Batgirl’s twin sister, was killing off too many
supposedly gets around repairing timelines. It has                passersby. Suddenly Batwoman had disappeared,
a basic crew, but they can come and go, and can                   and someone took over. But lately it seems that a
change! My favourite at the moment is Gary, who                   villain has Batwoman in his thrall. and she
was a Time solver (not one of the crew) but he                    seemed to be rescued, but then was not!

                                                        Page 17
                                                               “The Weight of the Air, The Weight of the
                                                               World”, T R Napper (Neon Leviathan, Grimdark
                                                               BEST COLLECTION
                                                               The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners and Other
                                                               Stories, Angela Slatter (PS Publishing)
                                                               BEST ANTHOLOGY
                                                               Rebuilding Tomorrow, Tsana Dolichva (Ed.)
                                                               (Twelfth Planet Press)
                                                               BEST YOUNG ADULT NOVEL
There is a series called SUPERMAN AND LOIS
                                                               The Erasure Initiative, Lili Wilkinson (Allen &
which is so far pretty good, but its villains are
from other worlds, so we will soon find out what
                                                               BEST HORROR NOVEL
is going on. We have two teenaged sons, who
                                                               None Shall Sleep, Ellie Marney (Allen & Unwin)
may or may not have superpowers!
                                                               BEST FANTASY NOVEL
There are other series, which I have not followed.
                                                               The Left-Handed Booksellers of London, Garth Nix
PENNYWORTH follows the Batman's butler in his
                                                               (Allen & Unwin)
early days as a crimefighter, and KUNG FU, with a
                                                               BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL (tie)
girl now a crimefighter.
                                                               The Animals in That Country, Laura Jean McKay
                                                               (Scribe Publications)
                                                               Repo Virtual, Corey J White ( Publishing)
                                                               CONVENORS’ AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE
                                                               Never Afters: Female Friendship and
AUREALIS AWARDS Winners:                                       Collaboration in Contemporary Re-visioned Fairy
(The Australian Spec Fiction Award judged by a                 Tales by Women
jury)                                                          Kirstyn McDermott
Awarded via Zoom on Thursday 8th July.
BEST CHILDREN’S FICTION                                        [Congratulations to everyone for winning in such
The Lost Soul Atlas, Zana Fraillon (Hachette                   a tough field - Lyn]
Under-Earth, Chris Gooch (Top Shelf)
“Dingo & Sister”, Nikky Lee (Andromeda
                                                               Third Friday of the Month. Meetings are usually
Spaceways Magazine #78)
                                                               held in St Augustine’s Church – details page 2.
                                                               July 16: 20:30-22:30: Coffee and Conversation
“Phoenix Pharmaceuticals”, Jessica Nelson-Tyers
                                                               August 20: 20:30-22:30 AGM (yes it has to
(Cancer, The Zodiac Series, #7, Deadset Press)
                                                               happen) and Discussion. Proxy forms and last
                                                               year’s draft minutes are in this issue of Ethel
“The Saltbush Queen”, Chris Mason (Outback
                                                               September 17: 20:30-22:30: Presentation by
Horrors Down Under, Things in The Well)
                                                               LynC – Keri Arthur
“Truth Be Told”, Louise Pieper (Unnatural Order,
                                                               Critical Mass:
                                                               This is Adelaide’s SF Discussion Group. All SFF
                                                               fans are welcome, and while they are on Zoom,
“Dingo & Sister”, Nikky Lee (Andromeda
                                                               we can also attend from the comfort of our own
Spaceways Magazine #78)
                                                               lounges here in Melbourne.
“Mary, Mary”, Fiona Bell (Aurealis #135)
                                                     Page 18
Meets every fourth Wednesday via Zoom.                          "Raiders of the Lost Empire" Gala Dinner,
July 28th: British Fan Rob Hansen chats on SF         
Fandom in the UK and the reprint of fannish                     Matthew Flinders Hotel, Chadstone
writing.                                                        Saturday 16 October 2021, 7pm-11.30pm.
6:30pm Adelaide, 7:00pm Melbourne                               Hosted by Star Walking Inc., the dinner will
August 26th: TBA                                                celebrate the 40th anniversaries of "Raiders of
Go to their website for details of the Zoom                     the Lost Ark" and "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes
session                                                         Back".
                                                                Tickets are $60 per person for a 3-course meal,
Nova Mob                                                        with special dietary requirements catered for.
“Science Fiction as a cultural form”. 1st                       Highlights will include a charity auction, costume
Wednesday of the month, February to December.                   parade, tributes, keepsakes, prizes, and photo
20:00 (08:00 pm)                                                opportunities in themed sets. Raiders and
Contact:                                Empire/Star Wars costumes encouraged.
Nova Mob are sometimes on Zoom – when their                     Tickets are limited due to COVID-19 seating
guest is not local, and sometimes in person –                   restrictions. Check the web site to book tickets
when their Guests are local.                                    (under "Force V" tab).
Next meeting will be August 4th: TBA
September                                                       Discon III
Contact the address above for details if you are      
not already on their emailing list.                             79th World Science Fiction Convention
                                                                15th-19th December 2021
AUSTREK                                                         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, USA
( )                                              Guests:
Is back to meeting on the 1st Saturday of every                 • John Harris – Artist Guest of Honour
month at the Northcote Town Hall at 14:00                       • Nancy Kress – Author Guest of Honour
when Lockdown permits (June meeting was on-                     • Malka Older – Special Guest
line).                                                          • Sheree Renée Thomas – Special Guest
Next Meeting:                                                   • Ben Yalow – Fan Guest of Honour
Saturday 7th August (Probably)
Contact:                                SAMPLE TRIVIA QUESTIONS: ANSWERS
                                                                [1] Pandora
Dr Who Fan Club of Victoria                                     [2] Hungry Ghosts
( )                                          [3] Stalker and Atomic Blonde.
The Dr. Who club have returned to physical
Meetings. The Hub Docklands
July DWCV Meeting: Annual General Meeting
Jul 10 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
September 11: 13:00-17:00 – Games Day

Conflux 16: Visions of Time
2nd-4th October, 2021
Rex Hotel, 150 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra
This will be this year’s Natcon
(There may be events on the 1st Oct. This is a long             [4] In early drafts, Hermione’s surname was
weekend in Canberra, NSW and SA only. Not                       actually ‘Puckle’.
Victoria or the rest of the country.)                           [5] The little cat is called ‘Haru’ which means
GoHs: John Birmingham and Helen Marshall                        ‘Spring’

                                                      Page 19
LOCS:                                                            local SF store to fill in the gaps. I did a little
(Letters of Comment)                                             searching online, and there are some websites
                                                                 that will tell you what order to read all the books.
Dear MSCFers:                                                    There’s a couple of months of reading right there.
Thank you for Ethel 209…We’re inside, hiding                     My loc…we are now in month 15 of the
from the heat! As your autumn carries on, our                    pandemic, and month 7 of lockdown in the
spring is here, and right now, at 32C, it feels more             province of Ontario, and while the case rate and
like summer. No complaints, though!                              death rate continue to drop, we probably won’t
Good to see that you can return to regular                       be out of lockdown until mid-July, if then. We
meetings. We’re not there yet, but the number of                 haven’t been to cons in almost two years, and I
COVID-19 cases country wide are continuing to go                 am in dire need of a haircut! There is the
down, and the number of people fully vaccinated                  possibility that when it comes to future episodes
are continuing to go up. I got my first AstraZeneca              of ST: Strange New Worlds, Scott Bakula might
shot in late March, and with luck, I can get my                  reprise his role as Jonathan Archer, probably an
second shot later this month. Please do get your                 Admiral by that time. And, the novelty of this
shots; every shot means we’re that much closer                   pandemic is completely gone. At least summer is
to putting this pandemic to bed in the history                   here early, and there are plenty of parks nearby.
books where it belongs. Don’t you hate living                    Everyone, continue to stay safe, we will try the
through an historic period?                                      same, and with some luck, we will see you with
I should dig out some C.J. Cherryh books to go                   the next issue.
through the Alliance-Union series in order. I have                                                Yours, Lloyd Penney.
most of them, but I should be able to go to our                                           (Sent June 05, 2021, Canada)

                                                       Page 20
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