Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses

Page created by June Stephens
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
Nuclear Medicine
                          Radiation Therapy
                         Medical Ultrasound

University courses

MARCH 2021

Weekly Career News CCW
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
This document has been developed to assist domestic students and their families in researching
nuclear medicine, diagnostic radiography, radiation science and sonography courses in Victoria,
Canberra, Newcastle and Southern New South Wales.

           Indicative ATAR = the lowest selection rank (ATAR plus adjustment factors such as
           academic and equity adjustments) for the 2021 January intake. Please use indicative
           ATARs as a guide as they may change for future intakes.

           English prerequisite: EAL = English as an Additional Language. ‘Any other English’
           includes English, English Language and Literature.

           Additional selection requirements – applicants may need a current Working with
           Children Check, National Police Check, up to date immunisations, First Aid etc.

           Undergraduate: this is your first course at university. For example - Bachelor degree.

           Graduate: this is study you do once you have graduated from a Bachelor degree. For
           example – Honours, Graduate Diploma, Master degree.

Disclaimer: universities featured in this guide reserve the right to change course information,
admissions and entry requirements at any time and without notice. For up-to-date information, check
the university websites when assessing course information.

Written by Sandie McKoy, March 201
Catholic College Wodonga,

Note: Monash University has requested to not be included in this brochure.
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
Course summary
University                 Course                                                      Campus                  Indicative ATAR
RMIT University            Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations)            Bundoora                80.90
                           (Nuclear Medicine)

Charles Sturt University   Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science                       Wagga Wagga             65.00
                           (Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging)

University of Newcastle    Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours)             Newcastle – Callaghan   69.55
                           (Nuclear Medicine)

University                 Course                                                      Campus                  Indicative ATAR
RMIT University            Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations)            Bundoora                80.30
                           (Radiation Therapy)

Charles Sturt University   Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy)   Wagga Wagga             65.00

University of Newcastle    Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours)             Newcastle – Callaghan   70.50
                           (Radiation Therapy)

University                 Course                                                      Campus                  Indicative ATAR
RMIT University            Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations)            Bundoora                94.80
                           (Medical Imaging - Radiography)

Deakin University          Bachelor of Medical Imaging                                 Geelong Waurn Ponds     95.40
                           Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Regional & Remote)             Geelong Waurn Ponds     90.90

Charles Sturt University   Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science                       Wagga Wagga             65.00
                           (Diagnostic Radiography)                                    Port Macquarie          65.00

University of Newcastle    Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours)             Newcastle – Callaghan   83.10
                           (Diagnostic Radiography)

University of Canberra     Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)     Canberra – Bruce        82.00

University                 Course                                                      Campus                  Indicative ATAR
CQ University              Bachelor of Medical Sonography / Graduate Diploma of        Melbourne               84.90
                           Medical Sonography

University of Canberra     Graduate Diploma of Medical Ultrasound                      Canberra – Bruce        Graduate entry

Charles Sturt University   Graduate Diploma of Medical Ultrasound                      Online                  Graduate entry
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
Nuclear medicine

                                                                                                                        Nuclear Medicine Technologists
                                                                                                                         perform or assist in performing
                                                                                                                          diagnostic examinations using
                                                                                                                                       radionuclides and
                                                                                                                              radiopharmaceuticals, and
                                                                                                                           administer radionuclides and
                                                                                                                                radiopharmaceuticals for
                                                                                                                        therapeutic purposes under the
                                                                                                                          direction of Specialist Medical

                                                                                                                            Victorian Society of Nuclear
                                                                                                                            Medicine Technologists Inc,

                                                                                                                in supervised clinical practice, making you
RMIT UNIVERSITY                                           Radiopharmaceuticals are detected using
                                                                                                                work-ready upon graduation.
                                                          special cameras (gamma camera
                                                          technology and positron emission                                                                                                 You’ll gain experience in a range of
                                                          tomography) that work with computers to
                                                          provide images. During treatment, the                 clinical settings including large public
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical                      radiopharmaceuticals go directly to the               teaching hospitals, small private
Radiations) (Nuclear Medicine)                            organ being treated.                                  practices, as well as metropolitan and
                                                                                                                rural centres. You'll study in facilities with
RMIT is the only Victorian university                     Nuclear medicine technologists work                   the latest medical radiations and IT
offering a multidisciplinary approach to                  closely with patients and other health                equipment.
medical radiations, with the option to                    professionals in the treatment of disease.
study all medical radiations disciplines at               They carry out tests, which may include               Professional accreditation
degree level.                                             cardiac stress tests to analyse heart
                                                          function, bone scans for orthopaedic                  RMIT is currently seeking course
Medical radiations is a rapidly advancing                 injuries and lung scans for blood clots.              accreditation with the Medical Radiation
healthcare discipline involving the
                                                                                                                Practice Board of Australia.
application of ionising and non-ionising
radiation for the diagnosis and treatment                 Clinical practice
of injury and disease.                                                                                          Early entry program
                                                          Clinical practice is a major focus of this
Nuclear medicine uses very small                          degree. You’ll undertake work placement               Schools Network Access Program
amounts of radioactive materials                          in each year of the degree, spending a                (SNAP). This program is only available to
(radiopharmaceuticals) to diagnose                        total of 42 - 44 weeks over the three-                selected schools,
changes in the body and treat disease.                    years.

Course                                        Prerequisites                                                    Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical          Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any        Bundoora                   80.90
Radiations) (Nuclear Medicine)                other English; 20 in either Mathematical Methods or Specialist
                                              Mathematics; and satisfactory completion of Unit 1-2 or Unit
                                              3-4 Chemistry or Biology.
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
The training undertaken in this course               Professional accreditation
CHARLES STURT                                      involves biological tracers
UNIVERSITY                                         (radiopharmaceuticals) used for the                  Graduates will be eligible to register to
                                                   diagnosis and treatment of various                   practice in Australia with the Australian                                     diseases.                                            Health Practitioner Registration Agency.

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science              This specialisation details the
(Nuclear Medicine and Molecular                    administration and imaging of these                  Admission programs
Imaging)                                           radiopharmaceuticals within the patient to
                                                   detect physiological abnormalities and               Includes early entry programs and
A career in nuclear medicine and molecular         deliver appropriate treatment.                       pathway courses. Visit
imaging is a fascinating intersection of                                                      
radiation physics, radiopharmaceutical             This specialisation requires formal training
sciences, radiochemistry, human biology,           and education in clinical, instrumentation           Pathway course
pathophysiology, biomedical engineering,           and computing aspects of single photon
computer science, data analytics                   emission computed tomography                         Completion of the 12-month Diploma of
(radiomics and artificial intelligence),           (SPECT), PET, CT, MRI, ultrasound and                General Studies may guaranteed entry
communication and patient care and high-           newer hybrid systems (SPECT/CT and                   into this degree,
tech life-saving healthcare.                       PET/CT).

Equipment used by medical radiation                Clinical experience                                  UTAS partnership
scientists has become increasingly
sophisticated over the past decade and a                                                                Partnership program between the
                                                   50 weeks of practical experience in
detailed knowledge of equipment function,                                                               University of Tasmania and Charles Sturt,
                                                   clinical departments in country and
operation and computer interfacing is                                                         
                                                   metropolitan areas, including a fourth-
required.                                          year residency.

Course                                            Assumed knowledge                                Campus                        Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science             Mathematics (any) and Physics.                   Wagga Wagga                   65.00
(Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging)

 UNIVERSITY OF                                     You will hone your skills in our $1.5 million
 NEWCASTLE                                         on-campus radiopharmacy laboratory –
                                                   the largest of its kind in the southern

 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science             Clinical experience
 (Honours) (Nuclear Medicine)
                                                   You will complete 42 weeks of clinical
 Nuclear medicine students learn how to            placements in public and private centres,
 conduct nuclear medicine scans of a               preparing you for a successful career in
 person’s body using radioactive material          nuclear medicine.
 called radioisotopes.
                                                   Professional Accreditation
 Radioisotopes are typically ingested or
 injected, travelling through the affected         Tick the boxes for professional
 area to create images of the inside of            registration with the Australian Health
 your body. These images can diagnose              Practitioner Regulation Agency.
 life-threatening diseases such as cancer
 and help monitor a patient’s health.              Other
 You will be taught by the best and
                                                   Special selection procedures apply for
 brightest minds in their fields and get to
                                                   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 celebrate, and possibly participate, in
                                                   applicants. For details call (02) 4921 6863
 ground breaking research discoveries
 that define your practice.

Course                                            Assumed knowledge                                Campus                        Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours)   Advanced Mathematics or Physics                  Newcastle - Callaghan         69.55
(Nuclear Medicine)
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
Radiation therapy

                                                                                                                          Radiation Therapy is the
                                                                                                                  treatment and management of
                                                                                                              cancer by radiation. The modality
                                                                                                                           plays a major role in the
                                                                                                                 treatment of cancer patients by
                                                                                                              offering a cure in many cases and
                                                                                                                     relief of symptoms in others.

                                                                                                                Radiation Therapy may be used
                                                                                                                   alone or with other treatment
                                                                                                                      modalities like surgery and
                                                                                                                  chemotherapy (drug therapy).

                                                                                                                   Australian Society of Medical
                                                                                                                Imaging and Radiation Therapy,

                                                   Radiation therapists work closely with               You'll study in facilities with the latest
                                                   doctors to design, plan and administer               medical radiations and IT equipment.
                                                   radiation treatment for cancer patients.
                                                                                                        This includes a VERT - Virtual
                                                   They use highly sophisticated equipment              Environment of Radiation Treatment
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical
                                                   to work out the dose required for each               Room. Through captivating 3D views and
Radiations) (Radiation Therapy)
                                                   patient and then deliver the treatment to            life-size visualisations, VERT offers
                                                   their patients.                                      radiation therapy students a unique
RMIT is the only Victorian university
offering a multidisciplinary approach to                                                                platform in which to learn.
medical radiations, with the option to study       Clinical practice
all medical radiations disciplines at degree                                                            Professional accreditation
level.                                             Clinical practice is a major focus of this
                                                   degree. You’ll undertake work placement              RMIT is currently seeking course
Medical radiations is a rapidly advancing          in each year of the degree, spending a               accreditation with the Medical Radiation
healthcare discipline involving the                total of 42 - 44 weeks over the three-               Practice Board of Australia.
application of ionising and non-ionising           years in supervised clinical practice,
radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of       making you work-ready upon graduation.
                                                                                                        Early entry program
injury and disease.
                                                   You’ll gain experience in a range of
                                                                                                        Schools Network Access Program
Radiation therapy is one of the main               clinical settings including large public
                                                                                                        (SNAP). This program is only available to
treatment options for patients diagnosed           teaching hospitals, small private
                                                                                                        selected schools,
with cancer.                                       practices, as well as metropolitan and
                                                   rural centres.

Course                                         Prerequisites                                            Campus                      Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical           Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in    Bundoora                    80.30
Radiations) (Radiation Therapy)                any other English; 20 in either Mathematical Methods
                                               or Specialist Mathematics; and satisfactory completion
                                               of Unit 1-2 or Unit 3-4 Chemistry or Biology.
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
In this specialisation you’ll use advanced        Admission programs
CHARLES STURT                                          computer software to design treatment
UNIVERSITY                                             for cancer patients. Then you’ll engage           Includes:
                                                       advanced technologies to implement                                         treatment plans.                                  •    Charles Sturt Advantage early
                                                                                                              admissions program
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science                  Branch out and specialise in areas such           •    Schools Recommendation Schemes
(Radiation Therapy)                                    as tomotherapy and IMRT. Further study                 early admissions program
                                                       and training will prepare you for a career        •    Indigenous entry program
Explore a career as a radiation therapist in           in ultrasound or MRI.
public hospitals or private radiation                                                                    Visit
oncology practices in any state of                     Clinical experience
Australia, as well as overseas.                                                                          Pathway course
                                                       53 weeks of practical experience in
With an emphasis on the techniques and
                                                       clinical departments in country and               Completion of the 12-month Diploma of
equipment used in diagnostic radiography,
                                                       metropolitan areas, including a fourth-           General Studies may guaranteed entry
nuclear medicine and radiation therapy
                                                       year residency.                                   into this degree,
including general radiography, screening,
computed tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), sonography,
                                                       Professional accreditation                        UTAS partnership
positron emission tomography (PET), this
                                                       Graduates will be eligible to register to         Partnership program between the
degree will provide you with a rewarding
                                                       practice in Australia with the Australian         University of Tasmania and Charles Sturt,
and fulfilling career.
                                                       Health Practitioner Registration Agency.

Course                                             Assumed knowledge                                 Campus                        Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science              Mathematics (any) and Physics.                    Wagga Wagga                   65.00
(Radiation Therapy)

 UNIVERSITY OF                                         Our graduates get jobs
                                                       94% employed within four months of

 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science                 Clinical experience
 (Honours) (Radiation Therapy)
                                                       You will complete 42 weeks of clinical
 The radiation therapy degree at the                   placements in public and private cancer
 University of Newcastle is Australia’s                care hospitals and facilities.
 leading study program in the discipline.
                                                       Professional Accreditation
 Our graduates are sought after
 worldwide, working to eradicate cancer                Tick the boxes for professional
 using superb medical competence and                   registration with the Australian Health
 the world’s most advanced cancer                      Practitioner Regulation Agency.
 treatment technology.

 As a radiation therapist, you can make a
 real difference in the lives of cancer
                                                       Special selection procedures apply for
 patients and their families.
                                                       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                       applicants. For details call (02) 4921 6863
 Our 3D radiation therapy simulation lab is
 the first of its kind in Australia, featuring a
 virtual linear accelerator machine and
 radiation therapy planning room.

 Course                                             Assumed knowledge                                Campus                         Indicative ATAR
 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science              Advanced Mathematics or Physics                  Newcastle - Callaghan          70.50
 (Honours) (Radiation Therapy)
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
Diagnostic radiography

                                                                                                                  A Diagnostic Radiographer /
                                                                                                            Medical Imaging Technologist is a
                                                                                                                key member of the health care
                                                                                                                team. They are responsible for
                                                                                                                producing high quality medical
                                                                                                                    images that assist medical
                                                                                                                specialists and practitioners to
                                                                                                             describe, diagnose, monitor and
                                                                                                             treat a patient’s injury or illness.

                                                                                                                   Australian Society of Medical
                                                                                                                Imaging and Radiation Therapy,

RMIT UNIVERSITY                                      in the diagnosis and care of patients. This       Professional accreditation
                                                     course combines knowledge of physical                                      and biomedical sciences with technical            RMIT is currently seeking course
                                                     expertise and patient care.                       accreditation with the Medical Radiation
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical                                                                   Practice Board of Australia.
Radiations) (Medical Imaging -                       Clinical practice
Radiography)                                                                                           Early entry program
                                                     You'll spend 42-44 weeks in supervised
Medical radiations is a rapidly advancing            clinical practice equipping you with              Schools Network Access Program
healthcare discipline involving the                  current, work-ready skills.                       (SNAP). This program is only available to
application of ionising and non-ionising                                                               selected schools,
radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of         This clinical practice takes place in each
injury and disease.                                  year of the degree. You will gain
                                                     experience in a range of clinical settings
You will specialise in Medical Imaging               including large public teaching hospitals,
(Radiography) and undertake both                     small private practices, as well as
common and stream-specific subjects.                 metropolitan and rural centres.

Through medical images such as x-rays,
MRI and ultrasound, radiographers assist

Course                                         Prerequisites                                         Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical           Completion of Units 1-2 or Units 3-4 Biology or       Bundoora                   94.80
Radiations) (Medical Imaging - Radiography)    Chemistry; and minimum study scores of: 30 in
                                               English (EAL) or 25 in any other English; and 20 in
                                               Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics.
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Therapy Radiography Medical Ultrasound - University courses
DEAKIN UNIVERSITY                                       Clinical experience                                    Facilities
                                                        Clinical placements will be a core part of             Take advantage of Deakin’s state-of-the-
                                                        your study and start in your first year. A             art facilities. Our medical imaging
                                                        clinical placement model has been                      practical labs replicate real-world medical
Bachelor of Medical Imaging
                                                        designed specifically for the course in                imaging clinics – two of the main X-ray
                                                        association with metropolitan, rural and               examination rooms even include ceiling
Gain the knowledge and clinical expertise
                                                        regional hospitals, and medical imaging                and floor-mounted imaging systems.
to launch your career as a registered
                                                        clinics throughout Australia.
diagnostic radiographer.
                                                                                                               The medical imaging labs are fully X-ray
                                                        You will gain valuable clinical practice in            operational, so you will constantly be
Using the latest equipment, you will learn
                                                        clinical centres and hospitals, as well our            preparing yourself for your future with
basic x-ray techniques before advancing
                                                        state-of-the-art medical imaging training              practical knowledge and skills
to more complex medical imaging
                                                        unit, giving you diverse experience and
procedures such as general radiography,
digital vascular imaging, mammography,                                                                         Rural entry
computed tomography (CT), general
ultrasound (U/S) and magnetic resonance                 Professional accreditation                             Eligible students from regional
imaging (MRI).                                                                                                 backgrounds can apply for the Bachelor
                                                        This course has been approved by the                   of Medical Imaging (Regional Remote)
                                                        Medical Radiation Practice Board of                    degree,
                                                        Australia (MRPBA).

Course                                        Prerequisites                                                 Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Medical Imaging                   Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any     Geelong Waurn Ponds        95.40
                                              other English; 25 in one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics;
                                              22 in Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics or
                                              30 in Further Mathematics.

Bachelor of Medical Imaging                   As above. Must meet school location eligibility               Geelong Waurn Ponds        90.90
(Regional & Remote)                           requirements.

 CHARLES  STURT                                            computed tomography (CT), magnetic                  Admission programs
 UNIVERSITY                                                resonance imaging (MRI), sonography,
                                                           positron emission tomography (PET), this            Includes:
                                                           degree will provide you with a rewarding
                                                           and fulfilling career.                              •    Charles Sturt Advantage early
                                                                                                                    admissions program
 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science
 (Diagnostic Radiography)
                                                           Clinical experience                                 •    Schools Recommendation Schemes
                                                                                                                    early admissions program
                                                           53 weeks of practical experience in                 •    Indigenous entry program
 Become a diagnostic radiographer /
                                                           clinical departments in country and
 medical imaging technologist and produce
                                                           metropolitan areas, including a fourth-             Visit
 images of the structure of the body to
                                                           year residency.
 assist medical diagnosis, guide treatment
 and help with medical decision-making.                                                                        Pathway course
                                                           Professional accreditation
 You’ll use a large range of imaging                                                                           Completion of the 12-month Diploma of
 technologies including general X-rays, CT,                The extent of clinical experience in the            General Studies may guaranteed entry
 angiography and mammography in various                    course means graduates are not required             into this degree,
 clinical settings.                                        to complete the traditional professional
                                                           development year and are eligible for               UTAS partnership
 With an emphasis on the techniques and                    national registration. Graduates will be
 equipment used in diagnostic radiography,                 eligible to register to practice in Australia       Partnership program between the
 nuclear medicine and radiation therapy                    with the Australian Health Practitioner             University of Tasmania and Charles Sturt,
 including general radiography, screening,                 Registration Agency.                      

 Course                                               Assumed knowledge                                    Campus                      Indicative ATAR
 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science                Mathematics (any) and Physics.                       Wagga Wagga                 65.00
 (Diagnostic Radiography)                                                                                  Port Macquarie              65.00
Diagnostic radiography is an important
                                                     UNIVERSITY OF
                                                     UNIVERSITY OF
                                                                                                       first step to diagnosing, treating and
                                                     NEWCASTLE                                         managing injuries and disease. Along with
                                                                                                       pathology, diagnostic radiography is the
                                                                         largest diagnostic test performed.

                                                     Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science             The medical images you will learn to
                                                     (Honours) (Diagnostic Radiography)                produce will allow patients to be
                                                                                                       diagnosed accurately, and can directly
                                                     At the University of Newcastle, we                impact a patient’s treatment plan and
                                                     prepare diagnostic radiography students           overall recovery.
                                                     for a dynamic career using advanced
                                                     imaging technology.
                                                                                                       Clinical experience
                                                     Learn how create medical images to
                                                                                                       Complete 42 weeks of clinical
                                                     diagnose and manage patient health,
                                                                                                       placements in public and private centres,
                                                     combining sophisticated technology and
                                                                                                       preparing you for a successful career in
                                                     medical expertise to save and improve
                                                                                                       diagnostic radiography.

                                                     Hone your skills using advanced                   Professional Accreditation
                                                     multimodality imaging and post-
                                                     processing facilities, including CT, MRI,         Tick the boxes for professional
                                                     ultrasound, angiography and                       registration with the Australian Health
                                                     mammography facilities.                           Practitioner Regulation Agency.

 Course                                        Assumed knowledge                                  Campus                       Indicative ATAR
 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science         Advanced Mathematics or Physics                    Newcastle - Callaghan        83.10
 (Honours) (Diagnostic Radiography)

UNIVERSITY OF                                       competitive advantage when it comes to             Clinical experience
                                                    future employment prospects.
                                                                                                       You’ll undertake two five-week clinical
                                                    Packed with Work Integrated Learning               placements during the second year of                                 (WIL) opportunities, the course can                your studies, and the same in your third
                                                    include an embedded honours program,               year, plus some longer residences too.
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science               meaning you can choose to study the
(Medical Imaging)                                   bachelor’s degree on its own for four              These will occur across a number of
                                                    years, or undertake a research project in          different local and/or national healthcare
Diagnostic radiography is a growing field           your third and fourth year to graduate             settings, including regional or rural, large
with a unique opportunity to mix                    with Honours.                                      teaching hospital and private practice
technology and patient care in your daily
professional activities.                            Professional accreditation
The Bachelor of Medical Radiation
                                                                                                       Early admissions program
                                                    Upon graduation, you’ll be able to apply
Science (Medical Imaging) is an
                                                    for membership and a Statement of                  Schools Recommendation Schemes,
accelerated four-year degree, completed
                                                    Compliance with the Australian Society of
in 3.5 years.
                                                    Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
                                                    (ASMIRT) and can explore career
The degree’s accelerated learning
                                                    opportunities in areas such as general
program sees classes taught in the winter
                                                    radiography, angiography,
term and allows you to graduate midway
                                                    mammography, computed tomography
through the year, coming onto the job
                                                    (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
market earlier than most similar university
                                                    and medical ultrasound.
courses and giving you a definite

Course                                        Assumed knowledge                                  Campus                         Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science         Biology, Mathematics (any), Physics. Other: may    Canberra                       82.00
(Medical Imaging)                             be required to participate in an interview.
Medical ultrasound

                                                                                                                     A diagnostic medical
                                                                                                               sonographer, or ultrasound
                                                                                                        technician, is a person who uses
                                                                                                        ultrasound machines to view and
                                                                                                              interpret images with sound
                                                                                                              waves for the diagnosis and
                                                                                                         treatment of medical conditions.

                                                                                                              Australian Society of Medical
                                                                                                           Imaging and Radiation Therapy,

                                                                                                 Extensive clinical experience, placed by
 CQUNIVERSITY                                     Graduate Diploma of Medical
                                                  Sonography – a course that is the first of
                                                  its kind in Australia and allows you to                                                                                  State of the art, purpose-built training
                                                  enter a niche medical profession with no
                                                  prior degree in health sciences.               environments for real-world simulation.
 Bachelor of Medical Sonography /
 Graduate Diploma of Medical                      You‘ll explore abdominal ultrasound,           Professional accreditation
 Sonography                                       superficial parts, obstetrics and
                                                  gynaecology, vascular studies,                 Australian Sonographer Accreditation
 Medical Sonographers take diagnostic             musculoskeletal ultrasound and                 Regulatory (ASAR) accredited.
 images using ultrasonic equipment to             paediatrics
 create still, video or 3D studies of
 anatomy and diagnostic data.                     Why choose Medical Sonography at
 They scan, analyse and modify images to
 optimize the information and require             Australia's only four-year combined
 highly developed patient care and                undergraduate/postgraduate course.
 communication skills.
                                                  Fully competent to perform all types of
 Enhance your employability by studying           ultrasound (except echocardiography).
 the Bachelor of Medical Sonography and

Course                                      Prerequisites                                      Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Medical Sonography / Graduate   N/A                                                Melbourne                  84.90
Diploma of Medical Sonography
technology and give you the skills to be         Entry requirements
UNIVERSITY OF                                      proficient in a range of examination
CANBERRA                                           practices including abdominal, paediatric        Applicants must meet the following
                                                   and musculoskeletal.                             criteria:
                                                   This course focuses heavily on interactive       A completed bachelor degree in medical
Graduate Diploma of Medical                        learning and offers a variety of study           radiation science or a completed
Ultrasound                                         modes available to help prepare students         bachelor degree in any field and
                                                   (from both medical and non-medical               successful completion of at least two
The University offers a graduate                   backgrounds), for a career in a public or        units of degree level anatomy and
qualification in Medical Ultrasound.               private hospital radiology practice; or in a     physiology.
Applicants will need to have completed a           community healthcare service.
Bachelor degree first.                                                                              This course requires the completion of
                                                   Career opportunities                             2200 hours of supervised ultrasound
Use sound waves to penetrate soft tissue                                                            experience under the supervision of an
and learn how to diagnose a wide range             There is currently a severe shortage of          Australian Sonographer Accreditation
of medical and health conditions with the          trained and qualified Medical Ultrasound         Registry (ASAR) accredited sonographer.
2-year, part-time Graduate Diploma in              graduates and as such students should
Medical Ultrasound course.                         have no problems securing long-term
                                                   work options on completion of this
As one of only two courses of its type             course.
available in NSW and ACT, this course
will teach you the principles of ultrasound

Course                                        Prerequisites                                       Campus                  Indicative ATAR
Graduate Diploma of Medical Ultrasound        Selection criteria,          Canberra                Graduate entrs

CHARLES  STURT                                     Reputation for excellence                        Entry requirements
UNIVERSITY                                         CSU is a leading provider of medical
                                                                                                    Applicants will:
                                                   imaging practitioners in Australia,                                     preparing sonographers, radiographers
                                                                                                    Hold a medical radiation science, allied
                                                   and nuclear medicine technologists
                                                                                                    health, nursing or medical degree.
Graduate Diploma of Medical                        through the School of Dentistry and
Ultrasound                                         Health Sciences.
                                                                                                    Provide evidence that they have access
                                                                                                    to a clinical ultrasound department under
Charles Sturt University offers a graduate         We maintain strong industry alliances to
                                                                                                    the supervision of an ASAR (Australasian
program in medical ultrasound.                     ensure you gain up-to-date knowledge
                                                                                                    Sonographers Accreditation Registry)
Applicants will need to have completed a           and skills on which to build your career.
                                                                                                    accredited sonographer for at least 3
Bachelor degree first.
                                                                                                    days per week the duration of the course.
                                                   Career opportunities
Why study at CSU?
                                                   Charles Sturt University's Graduate
Comprehensive program                              Diploma of Medical Ultrasound prepares
                                                   you to practise as a sonographer in
Beginning with foundational studies in             hospitals, clinics and community
clinical sectional anatomy and the physics         healthcare settings.
and instrumentation of modern
ultrasound, you will progress to                   Your job prospects are excellent, as
specialised subjects in abdominal and              qualified sonographers are currently in
pelvic, musculoskeletal, obstetric,                high demand across Australia.
vascular, and small parts and paediatric

Course                                           Prerequisites                                    Campus                   Indicative ATAR
Graduate Diploma of Medical Ultrasound           Selection criteria,       Online                   Graduate entry
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