November 2021 retail wine list - Dynamic Vines

Page created by Michael Bowman
November 2021 retail wine list - Dynamic Vines
November 2021

                                              retail wine list

                                                          All prices DDP incl. VAT

0207 064 6841 •                                                     Company No. 05530826
Unit 5, Discovery Business Park, St. James’s Road, London SE16 4RA                      VAT No. 877767056
November 2021 retail wine list - Dynamic Vines

Producer in Focus                                                                                     france • corsica
Oriol Artigas.................................................................................. 3     Domaine Abbatucci......................................................................44
France • South west                                                                                   france • Languedoc
Domaine de Souch......................................................................... 4           Domaine de la Marèle..................................................................46
Clos Larrouyat............................................................................... 5       Alain Chabanon............................................................................ 47
Domaine Causse Marines................................................................ 6              Ludovic Engelvin.........................................................................48
Domaine Cosse Maisonneuve......................................................... 7                  La Terrasse d’Élise........................................................................49
france • Bordeaux                                                                                     Domaine de Courbissac................................................................50
Ormiale.........................................................................................8     Domaine Ledogar..........................................................................51
Le Puy........................................................................................... 9   france • Roussillon
f r a n c e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                                    Le Casot des Mailloles.................................................................. 52
Domaine de Bellevue.................................................................... 11            Les Vins du Cabanon.................................................................... 53
Terre de l’Élu................................................................................12      Les Enfants Sauvages................................................................... 54
Clos de la Coulée de Serrant..........................................................13              Domaine Danjou-Banessy............................................................. 55
Le Clos de la Meslerie...................................................................14           Domaine du Traginer.................................................................... 56
La Grange Tiphaine.......................................................................15           Europe • Europe
Domaine de Veilloux.................................................................... 16            Vin des Potes............................................................................... 57
Julien Courtois..............................................................................17       italy • Friuli
Reynald Héaulé............................................................................ 19         Radikon ...................................................................................... 58
france • champagne                                                                                    italy • lombardy
Francis Boulard & Fille.................................................................20            Azienda Agricola Divella..............................................................60
Franck Pascal................................................................................21       italy • Tuscany
f r a n c e • s av o i e                                                                              Montesecondo..............................................................................61
Domaine Prieuré Saint-Christophe................................................ 22                   Tenuta di Valgiano....................................................................... 62
Marie et Florian Curtet................................................................. 23           Fonterenza.................................................................................. 63
Domaine Giachino........................................................................ 24           Ampeleia.....................................................................................64
Jacques Maillet............................................................................ 25        italy • abruzzo
france • jura                                                                                         Emidio Pepe................................................................................ 65
Domaine de la Tournelle.............................................................. 26              De Fermo.....................................................................................66
France • Alsace                                                                                       austria • burgenland
Domaine Josmeyer...................................................................... 27             Gut Oggau................................................................................... 67
France • Burgundy                                                                                     spain • Catalunya
Château de Béru.......................................................................... 29          Oriol Artigas................................................................................69
Athénaïs de Béru..........................................................................30          Sicus.............................................................................................71
Fanny Sabre..................................................................................31       Cosmic......................................................................................... 72
Emmanuel Giboulot..................................................................... 33             Els Jelipins................................................................................... 73
France • Beaujolais                                                                                   spain • Murcia
Anthony Thévenet....................................................................... 35            La del Terreno.............................................................................. 74
F r a n c e • R h ô n e Va l l e y                                                                    spain • Rioja
Domaine les Bruyères.................................................................. 36             Olivier Rivière.............................................................................. 75
Domaine les Aphillanthes............................................................. 37              Bodegas Moraza.......................................................................... 76
Matthieu Dumarcher.................................................................... 38             spain • Galicia
Domaine de Villeneuve................................................................ 39              Forjas del Salnés.......................................................................... 77
France • Normandy                                                                                     Bodegas y Viñedos Rodrigo Méndez............................................. 78
Cyril Zangs...................................................................................40      Greece • Pella
France • Provence                                                                                     Ktima Ligas.................................................................................. 79
Valérie Courrèges..........................................................................41         S w i t z e r l a n d • Va l a i s
Château Fontainebleau................................................................ 42              Domaine de Beudon.....................................................................80
Domaine Milan............................................................................. 43

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November 2021 retail wine list - Dynamic Vines
Producer in Focus                                                                                                       Oriol Artigas

T    his picturesque and flavourful story
     starts in the ancient winemaking
Denominación de Origen of Alella in
Penedès, nestled in a nature reserve with
the most spectacular views of Barcelona
and the sea – only a few kilometres away.
A winemaking region made famous by the
Romans; and which today is being restored
and nurtured by Oriol Artigas and his small
team and young family.

Protecting the area of outstanding natural
beauty from the hands of property
developers is at the heart of what they do.
A native to the region, Oriol explains that it
was always his dream to make wine in Alella.
"It is what I always wanted… vineyards are all
about roots, my roots are here, and when you
are totally connected like I am, it makes it
easier to overcome obstacles that come with
making natural wine in this region, it's not
easy to make wine here, there aren't many
other people doing it."

                                                                                                                                                        @ tomdmorgan

Little could deter this spirited and             terroir to Oriol's. "The idea is always to find a   wines is made with pieces of land, and the
determined man even after losing 90% of          solution with life, not chemicals."                 Pansa Blanca grape helps us to show the
his crop in 2020 due to an aggressive attack                                                         different landscapes that we have. Pansa
of mildew - leaving just enough to make          And thankfully, the 2019 vintage was kinder.        Blanca planted in Sauló soils (a mixture of
one cuvée from his own grapes. But true to       "The 2019 vintage has great minerality,             granite and sand) has the ability to retain
his character, he turned it into something       and acidity; it's the best vintage that we've       acidity well, and what makes it different to
positive and delicious for us all to drink!      had. The health and quality of grapes, in all       Xare-lo is the shape of the grapes and the
                                                 aspects - it's soft, gentle and balanced – it's     thickness of the skins. Pansa Blanca is thicker,
Introducing cuvée SOS 2020, a collaboration      fantastic" says Oriol.                              whereas Xarel-lo is soft. There are a lot of
with Oriol's winemaker friends whom he                                                               polyphenols in Pansa Blanca. But of course,
worked with and bought fruit from to make        "I have beautiful vineyards with magnificent        it depends how it is made and where it is
each cuvée. Spanning all different shades of     views, and I encourage the landscape to             grown…."
pink and orange, each of these skin contact      thrive in the vineyard. My aim is to capture
wines comes from a different but similar         this and put this in the glass. Each of my          Go to Oriol Artigas listing

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France • South west                                                                                        Domaine de Souch

                                               W       hen she lost her husband at 60 years
                                                       old, Yvonne decided to fulfil their life
                                               dream of planting a vineyard around their
                                                                                                  really deep into the sub-soil to find moisture
                                                                                                  and nutrients. The unique soil, along with
                                                                                                  biodynamic farming, rigorous work all year
                                               house. On the hillsides, with the Pyrénées         long, manual harvesting and low yields,
                                               in the distance, the vines are planted in          allow for the making of elegant, delicate
                                               the local soil type called poudingues. This        and beautiful wines with unparalleled
                                               gravelly clay allows for the roots to push         balance and freshness.

w h i t e 		                                                                                              50cl             75cl            1.5L

• 2019    Jurançon Sec ”Monplaisir”                   Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                         £28

• 2016    Jurançon Sec                                Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £32
 2015     Jurançon Sec                                Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £35             £72
 2014     Jurançon Sec                                Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £36             £82
 2011     Jurançon Sec                                Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                         £40
 2010     Jurançon Sec                                Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £42
 2009     Jurançon Sec                                Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                         £44

 2015     Jurançon Sec “Antoine”                      Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £38

• 2020    Jurançon Moelleux ”Monplaisir”              Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £32

• 2017    Jurançon Moelleux                           Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                          £42

• 2017    Jurançon Moelleux “Marie Kattalin”          Petit Manseng		                                                       £62            £130
• 2016    Jurançon Moelleux “Marie Kattalin”          Petit Manseng                                        £39              £59            £120
 2015     Jurançon Moelleux “Marie Kattalin”          Petit Manseng			                                                                     £129
 2014     Jurançon Moelleux “Marie Kattalin”          Petit Manseng			                                                                     £134
 2012     Jurançon Moelleux “Marie Kattalin”          Petit Manseng		                                                      £86

• 2017    Jurançon Vendanges Tardives                 Petit Manseng		                                                      £135            £280
 2014     Jurançon Vendanges Tardives                 Petit Manseng                                        £85
 2011     Jurançon Vendanges Tardives                 Petit Manseng                                        £92

 2005     Jurançon Moelleux “Félix et Catherine”      Petit Manseng                                        £111

• New arrivals

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France • South west                                                                             Clos Larrouyat

                                   M        axime Salharang planted 3 hectares
                                            of vines in Jurançon on calcareous
                                   soil in 2011. He worked at Domaine de Souch
                                                                                 biodynamic principles during his time there.
                                                                                 Préambule 2014 was his first wine and he
                                                                                 has kept the same fresh and distinctive style
                                   for many years and learned gradually about    for Météore.

w h i t e 		                                                                             50cl            75cl             1.5L

• 2019    Jurançon Sec ”Météore”         Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                     £28             £60

• 2019    Jurançon Sec “Comète”          Petit Manseng Gros Manseng		                                     £38

• New arrivals

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France • South west                                                           Domaine Causse Marines

                                  d      omaine Causse Marines in Gaillac,
                                         South-West France spans across 8
                                  hectares. Patrice mainly grows indigenous
                                                                               management is very respectful of the grapes
                                                                               and the terroir, and the winemaking is based
                                                                               on very low interventions in the cellar.
                                  grape varieties, such as Mauzac, Loin de     Patrice excels in all styles of wines from
                                  l’Oeil, Braucol and Prunelard. His vines     dry whites, sweets, and red and sparkling.
                                  are planted on limestone and calcareous
                                  soils, on a rocky plateau. The vineyard

w h i t e
            50cl 75cl

 2016     VDF “Zacmau”                  Mauzac			                                                                      £27
 2014     VDF “Zacmau”                  Mauzac			                                                                      £27
 2013     VDF “Zacmau”                  Mauzac			                                                                      £27
 2012     VDF “Zacmau”                  Mauzac			                                                                      £27
 2011     VDF “Zacmau”                  Mauzac			                                                                      £27
 1996     VDF “Zacmau”                  Mauzac			                                                                      £45

 2014     VDF “Dencon”                  Ondenc			                                                                      £27
 2011     VDF “Dencon”                  Ondenc			                                                                      £27

 2014     VDF “Et Caetera”              Chenin Blanc Mauzac Manseng			                                                 £43

 2015     VDF “Causse Toujours”         Syrah			                                                                       £27
 2014     VDF “Causse Toujours”         Syrah			                                                                       £27

 2015     VDF “7 Souris”                Syrah			                                                                       £43

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France • South west                                                        Domaine Cosse Maisonneuve

                                      T    his project started in 1999 when
                                           Matthieu and Catherine took over 5
                                      hectares of old vines of Malbec in Cahors.
                                                                                   are redefining the style of the Cahors
                                                                                   appellation with wines that are the
                                                                                   antithesis of the rustic style the region is
                                      They’ve since grown to 15 hectares           sometimes known for. The winemaking is
                                      and produce 5 different Malbec wines         precise and creates elegant, smooth and
                                      from single vineyards. Passionate and        vibrant wines that truly express their terroir,
                                      perfectionists, Matthieu and Catherine       and have incredible ageing potential.

r e d 				                                                                                                   75cl            1.5L

• 2012    VDF “Les Béraudies”               Malbec Merlot		                                                  £24

• 2017    Cahors “Le Combal”                Malbec		                                                         £24
 2016     Cahors “Le Combal”                Malbec			                                                                         £49
• 2013    Cahors “Le Combal”                Malbec		                                                         £24

• 2018    Cahors “La Fage”                  Malbec		                                                         £29              £62
 2016     Cahors “La Fage”                  Malbec		                                                         £28              £65
 2015     Cahors “La Fage”                  Malbec			                                                                         £69

• 2015    Cahors “Le Sid”                   Malbec		                                                         £42
 2005     Cahors “Le Sid”                   Malbec		                                                         £48             £100

• 2018    Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec		                                                         £45              £96
 2017     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec		                                                         £48             £100
 2016     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec			                                                                        £110
 2015     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec			                                                                        £120
 2011     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec			                                                                        £160
 2007     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec		                                                         £85             £190
 2006     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec		                                                         £90             £195
 2005     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec		                                                         £92
 2004     Cahors “Les Laquets”              Malbec		                                                         £96

• 2018    Cahors “La Marguerite”            Malbec		                                                         £76
 2017     Cahors “La Marguerite”            Malbec		                                                         £79             £165
 2016     Cahors “La Marguerite”            Malbec		                                                         £82
 2015     Cahors “La Marguerite”            Malbec		                                                         £86             £180
 2014     Cahors “La Marguerite”            Malbec		                                                         £90             £190
 2013     Cahors “La Marguerite”            Malbec		                                                         £92

 2018     VDF “Abstemes S’Abstenir”         Gamay		                                                          £28
 2016     VDF “Abstemes S’Abstenir”         Gamay		                                                          £28

• 2018    VDF “Carmenet”                    Cabernet Franc		                                                 £45
 2017     VDF “Carmenet”                    Cabernet Franc		                                                 £52
 2010     VDF “Carmenet”                    Cabernet Franc		                                                 £69
 2009     VDF “Carmenet”                    Cabernet Franc		                                                  £72

• 2018    VDF “Sidérolithe”                 Cabernet Franc		                                                 £76             £158
 2017     VDF “Sidérolithe”                 Cabernet Franc		                                                 £79

• New arrivals

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france • Bordeaux                                                                                                         Ormiale

                                             F     ounded in 2007 by owner Fabrice
                                                   Domercq and Jasper Morrison, Ormiale
                                             is situated in the north of the Entre-Deux-
                                                                                           The parcels are Demeter certified and cover
                                                                                           2 hectares on the Côtes de Castillon and
                                                                                           Côtes de Francs.
                                             Mers region, 15 Kilometers south of St.
                                                                                           Yields are typically, around 20-25
                                             Emilion and 8km from Castillon la Bataille.
                                                                                           hectolitres/hectare. In comparison, the
                                             Ormiale is vinified and bottled on the        maximum authorised yield for Bordeaux
                                             property as an appellation Bordeaux           Supérieur in 2009 was 59 hl./ha!
                                             contrôlée – Grand Vin de Bordeaux.

S p a r k l i n g R o s é 			                                                                                      75cl              1.5L

• 2018    VDF "James" Effervescent Naturel         Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon		                                    £48

• 2017    VDF "Ormiale"                            Merlot		                                                        £29               £115
• 2016    VDF "Ormiale"                            Merlot			                                                                         £120

 2017     VDF “Merlotinox”                         Merlot		                                                         £67              £145

• 2018    VDF "Borto"                              Merlot		                                                        £80

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france • Bordeaux                                                                                                                       Le Puy

                                                  L    e Puy has been in the Amoreau family
                                                       since 1610 and overlooks the Dordogne
                                                  River, on the same geological plateau as
                                                                                                     sites in olden times. They grow old vines of
                                                                                                     Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Carménère
                                                                                                     for the red wines, and only old vines of
                                                  Saint-Émilion and Pomerol. The vineyards           Sémillon for the white wines. Jean-Pierre
                                                  account for 50 hectares of land spread             and his son Pascal maintain a long family
                                                  across 3 plots with soils made of clay,            tradition of natural fermentation and long
                                                  limestone and silica. It’s quite common to         ageing in old barrels, crafting wines of
                                                  find some sharpened flints between the             finesse, purity and outstanding ageing
                                                  vines as battles were waged on these very          potential. Bordeaux as it should be.

		                                                    75cl       1.5L         3L         5L         6L         9L         12L        15L         18L

rosé – “Rose Marie” – merlot
Obtained from the run off of the Merlot vats juice during the fermentation process, a practice known as ‘la saignée’. The juice is then fermented in
barrels for 6-10 months, with no added substances. The resulting rosé is bottled without filtering or sulphites, producing a perfectly natural wine.

 2019 VDF “Rose Marie”                                 £55
 2018 VDF “Rose Marie”                                 £48
 2016 VDF “Rose Marie”                                 £52

Red – “DUC DE NAUVES” – Merlot blend
The fruit of the vine plot planted with 85% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Franc, 6% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Malbec and 1% Carménère.
“Duc de Nauves” is matured in the tank for 12 months.

• 2019 VDF "Duc de Nauves"                             £25

Red – “EMILIEn” – Merlot blend
The fruit of the vine plot planted 85% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Franc, 6% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Malbec and 1% Carménère.
“Emilien” is matured in oak barrels and casks for 24 months.

• 2018 VDF “Emilien”                                   £43       £100       £260       £450       £530       £890      £1200      £1540        £1920
 2017    VDF “Emilien”		                                         £106       £280       £460       £550       £925      £1250      £1600        £2000
• 2016 VDF “Emilien”			                                                     £290       £470       £570       £940      £1280      £1650        £2100

 2014 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		£140                             £300        £480
                                                                                            £960                       £1320
 2013    Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”            £69       £145
                                                                        £980                                           £1350      £1750        £2300
 2012    Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”            £85				£770                                          £1060      £1400      £1900
 2011    Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”					£850
 2009 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”              £170      £380
 2006 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”              £160      £340
 1998 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                      £620
 1994 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                      £680
 1990 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”              £770
 1989 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”             £850      £1800
 1988 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”             £940
 1986 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”             £680
 1976    Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”         £1100

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france • Bordeaux                                                                                                                    Le Puy

				                                                            75cl       1.5L         3L         5L        6L         9L        12L        15L

 1975   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                  £1000
 1973   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                  £1100
 1971   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                   £850
 1970 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                    £3300
 1967   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                  £2500
 1961   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                 £11000
 1958 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                    £8400
 1957   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		 £12000
 1955   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                 £14500
 1949 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Emilien”		                   £16300

Red – “Barthélémy” – Merlot blend
The fruit of the vine plot known as ‘Les Rocs’, planted with 85% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, the Barthélemy undergoes a long
vinification process with no added substances. The wines are matured in oak barrels for 24 months, without technical interventions, optimised
with reference to the lunar calendar and with no added sulphur dioxide or other chemical products. They are then bottled without filtration.

• 2018 VDF “Barthélémy”		                                       £144
 2017   VDF “Barthélémy”		                                      £154
 2016 VDF “Barthélémy”		                                        £162

 2014 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                   £170      £380
 2012   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                 £180
 2011   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                 £190
 2010 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                  £240
 2009 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                  £260
 2008 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                   £275
 2007 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                  £290
 2006 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                   £310
 2001 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                  £480
 1995 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Barthélémy”		                  £550

Red – “Retour des îles” – Merlot blend
The “Retour des Îles” casks set sail from Douarnenez in Brittany, travelling down the Spanish coast, the first stop off is at Lisbon, Portugal.
They continue along their way as far as Cape Verde and set off to take the Atlantic Ocean by storm. After a short stopover at Bélem in Brazil,
they sail back up to the Caribbean with a stop in Barbados and Dominican Republic. They leave the warm waters to head for the Azores and
then Falmouth in the United Kingdom. The journey could end there but, keen to explore the world, the wines sail back up the North Sea as
far as Amsterdam and Copenhagen. Having had their fill of sea air and gorgeous landscapes they finally returned to Douarnenez. A year later
“Retour des Îles” is bottled.

 2014 Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Retour des îles”		 £360
 2012   Francs-Côtes-de-Bordeaux “Retour des îles”		 £375

• New arrivals

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                                 Domaine de Bellevue

                                             D      omaine de Bellevue is located
                                                    in Muscadet, the most western
                                              appellation in the Loire Valley. Started in
                                                                                               Chardonnay, Sauvignon Gris, and Merlot. The
                                                                                               soils are made up of silica pebbles, white and
                                                                                               pink quartz, and some volcanic rocks that
                                              2005 by Jérôme Bretaudeau, the 9 hectares        give an intense minerality and complexity
                                              of vineyards are home to 11 grape varieties,     to the wines. The flagship wines are aged in
                                              some quite unusual for the region: Pinot Gris,   concrete eggs or clay amphorae.

w h i t e 				75cl

 2017     VDF “In Solidum”                              Sauvignon Blanc			                                                               £21

• 2020    Muscadet                                      Melon de Bourgogne			                                                            £22

• 2018    Muscadet Gabbro “Clos des Bouquinardières”    Melon de Bourgogne			                                                            £29

• 2019    Muscadet Granit "Les Perrieres"               Melon de Bourgogne			                                                            £32

• 2020    VDF “La Justice”                              Chardonnay Savagnin			                                                           £38
• 2019    VDF “La Justice”                              Chardonnay Savagnin			                                                           £38
 2018     VDF “La Justice”                              Chardonnay Savagnin			                                                           £38
 2017     VDF “La Justice”                              Chardonnay Savagnin			                                                           £38

• 2019    Muscadet "Gaia"                               Melon de Bourgogne			                                                            £38

• 2020    VDF "Maceration"                              Pinot Gris			                                                                    £36

 2017     VDF “Èphémère”                                Cabernet Franc Merlot			                                                         £24

• 2020    VDF “V Sens”                                  Cabernet Franc Merlot			                                                         £34
• 2019    VDF “V Sens”                                  Cabernet Franc Merlot			                                                         £34
 2018     VDF “V Sens”                                  Cabernet Franc Merlot			                                                         £34
 2016     VDF “V Sens”                                  Cabernet Franc Merlot			                                                         £34

• 2019    VDF “Ornaté”                                  Merlot			                                                                        £39
 2018     VDF “Ornaté”                                  Merlot			                                                                        £39
 2016     VDF “Ornaté”                                  Merlot			                                                                        £39

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                                        T e r r e d e l’ É l u

                                        A      n agronomist by trade, Thomas,
                                               spent his formative years working
                                        in Champagne, Burgundy, Provence and
                                                                                         In 2018, the duo decided to relinquish
                                                                                         the word “Clos” which is reserved only for
                                                                                         appellation wines. Due to the restrictions
                                        California before settling down in the schist-   imposed under the appellation rules,
                                        rich lands of Anjou Noir with his partner        Charlotte and Thomas say “we prefer to
                                        Charlotte in 2008. Together they started         give priority to our freedom and creativity
                                        Terre De l’Élu (formerly known as Clos de        rather than trying to make wines that do not
                                        l’Elu), which tends to eight different grape     resemble us.”
                                        varieties, covering 20 hectares of organically
                                        farmed land in the heart of the Loire.

s p a r k l i n g
                    75cl 1.5L

 2011     Crémant de Loire “Albatros”         Chenin Blanc		                                                     £44

• 2019    VDF ”Roc’h Avel”                    Chenin Blanc		                                                     £26
 2018     VDF ”Roc’h Avel”                    Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £30

• 2017    VDF ”Désirade”                      Sauvignon Blanc		                                                   £32
 2016     VDF ”Désirade”                      Sauvignon Blanc		                                                   £32

• 2019    VDF ”Bastingage”                    Chenin Blanc		                                                      £32

• 2018    VDF ”Ephata”                        Chenin Blanc		                                                     £60
 2016     VDF ”Ephata”                        Chenin Blanc		                                                      £62
 2013     VDF ”Ephata”                        Chenin Blanc		                                                     £68             £140

• 2019    VDF “Maupiti”                       Cabernet Franc, Gamay		                                            £26
 2016     VDF “Maupiti”                       Cabernet Franc, Gamay			                                                           £50

 2016     VDF “L’Aiglerie”                    Cabernet Franc		                                                    £32
 2014     Anjou “L’Aiglerie”                  Cabernet Franc		                                                    £34

• 2018    VDF “Espérance”                     Pinot d’Aunis		                                                     £42
 2016     VDF “Espérance”                     Pinot d’Aunis		                                                     £42

• 2018    VDF “Magellan”                      Cabernet Franc		                                                   £49
 2017     VDF “Magellan”                      Cabernet Franc			                                                                  £114

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                          Clos de la Coulée de Serrant

                                         N      icolas Joly France’s leading authority
                                                on biodynamic farming has written at
                                         least 18 books on the subject and regularly
                                                                                         on steep slopes of schist soils. The heritage
                                                                                         here is rich as the vineyard was initially
                                                                                         planted by Cistercian monks in 1130 and
                                         holds lectures on the topic. Indeed, his        Louis XI and Louis XIV are said to have
                                         estate has been farmed this way since 1984.     celebrated the wines. To this day, Nicolas
                                         He is also the founder of Renaissance des       and Virginie make absolutely superb wines
                                         Appellations. Nicolas and his daughter,         that have outstanding ageing potential.
                                         Virginie, grow 7 hectares of Chenin Blanc

w h i t e
            75cl 1.5L

• 2019    Savennières ”Les Vieux Clos”         Chenin Blanc		                                                      £50
 2018     Savennières ”Les Vieux Clos”         Chenin Blanc		                                                      £48

• 2019    Coulée de Serrant                    Chenin Blanc		                                                      £92
 2017     Coulée de Serrant                    Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £260
 2016     Coulée de Serrant                    Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £275
 2015     Coulée de Serrant                    Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £290

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                    Le Clos de la Meslerie

                                    c     los de la Meslerie is a property that
                                          dates back to the early 1600s and
                                    grapes have been grown there ever since.
                                                                                     exposures, Peter makes only one wine: a
                                                                                     true expression of Chenin Blanc in a given
                                                                                     year. In 2013, he made a sparkling Chenin
                                    The current vines are between 20 and             for the first time.
                                    60 years old, a mere 2 hectares of them
                                    around the beautiful manor house. From
                                    the four plots on slightly different soils and

s p a r k l i n g 				75cl

 2012     Vouvray Sparkling                Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £36

• 2019    Vouvray Sec                      Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £36
 2017     Vouvray Sec                      Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £36

• 2018    Vouvray Tendre                   Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £36

 2016     Vouvray Demi-Sec                 Chenin Blanc			                                                                    £36

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                                        La Grange Tiphaine

                                                 c     oralie and Damien Delecheneau took
                                                       over the family estate in 2002 and are
                                                 now writing new pages in its long history.
                                                                                                   farming for their 10 hectares of vines as
                                                                                                   the means to respect their land and let
                                                                                                   the grapes express themselves.
                                                 Trying to stay as true as possible to the
                                                 particularities of their vineyards in Montlouis
                                                 and Touraine-Amboise, they chose organic

s p a r k l i n g
                    75cl 1.5L

 2018     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Nouveau Nez”            Chenin Blanc		                                                       £30

 2018     Touraine ”Quatre Mains”                      Sauvignon Blanc		                                                     £38

• 2019    Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Clef de Sol”            Chenin Blanc		                                                       £30
 2018     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Clef de Sol”            Chenin Blanc		                                                        £32
 2017     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Clef de Sol”            Chenin Blanc		                                                        £34

 2018     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Grenouillères”          Chenin Blanc		                                                        £32
 2015     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Grenouillères”          Chenin Blanc		                                                        £32

• 2018    Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Les Epinays”            Chenin Blanc		                                                        £42

 2018     Touraine-Amboise ”Bécarre”                   Cabernet Franc		                                                      £28
 2015     Touraine-Amboise ”Bécarre”                   Cabernet Franc		                                                      £28
 2014     Touraine-Amboise ”Bécarre”                   Cabernet Franc		                                                      £28

• 2018    Touraine-Amboise ”Clef de Sol”               Cabernet Franc Malbec		                                              £30
 2017     Touraine-Amboise ”Clef de Sol”               Cabernet Franc Malbec		                                              £30
 2015     Touraine-Amboise ”Clef de Sol”               Cabernet Franc Malbec		                                              £30
 2014     Touraine-Amboise ”Clef de Sol”               Cabernet Franc Malbec			                                                                £65

• 2018    Touraine ”Côt Vielles Vignes”                Malbec		                                                              £39
 2017     Touraine ”Côt Vielles Vignes”                Malbec		                                                              £42

 2018     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”Buisson Viau”           Chenin Blanc		                                                       £49

 2018     Montlouis-Sur-Loire ”L’Equilibriste”         Chenin Blanc		                                                       £60

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                            Domaine de Veilloux

                                             D     omaine de Veilloux dates back to
                                                   the French Revolution. Michel and
                                             Sylviane bought Domaine in 1994, and right
                                                                                          The Quenioux family put a lot of energy into
                                                                                          their 25 hectares of land, their work is very
                                                                                          precise and their wines are stunning.
                                             from the very beginning, they implemented
                                             organic and biodynamic practices.

s p a r k l i n g 				75cl

 NV       Crémant de Loire                         Chardonnay			                                                                   £29

• 2018    Pétillant Naturel "Et Vie Danse"         Orbois			                                                                       £30

• 2019    Cheverny                                 Sauvignon Blanc, Orbois			                                                      £24

• 2019    Cheverny “Les Veilleurs”                 Sauvignon Blanc, Orbois			                                                      £26

 2016     Cheverny “Argilo”                        Sauvignon Blanc, Orbois			                                                      £30

• 2019    VDF "Romorantin"                         Romorantin			                                                                    £32

• 2019    Cheverny                                 Cabernet Franc, Gamay, Malbec			                                                £23

• 2018    Cheverny ”Les Veilleurs”                 Gamay, Pinot Noir			                                                            £26

 2016     Cheverny “Argilo”                        Cabernet Franc, Gamay, Malbec			                                                £30
 2014     Cheverny “Argilo”                        Cabernet Franc, Gamay, Malbec			                                                £29

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                                 Julien Courtois

                                    c     reated in 1998 in Soings-en-Sologne,
                                          Clos de la Bruyère was founded by
                                    Julien Courtois, son of the famous (and
                                                                                    to make wines from low yielding vineyards in
                                                                                    order to reach optimal concentration. With
                                                                                    4,5 hectares of vines, Julien works in close
                                    infamous!) Claude Courtois, from Domaine        relation with natural cycles and waits for
                                    Les Cailloux du Paradis. His passion for wine   perfect maturity to harvest the grapes. The
                                    was born when he started learning how to        whole estate is harvested by hand and work
                                    run a vineyard and make wine with his father.   in the cellar is left to the simplest expression.
                                    Like his father, Julien’s aim has always been

w h i t e
            75cl 1.5L

• 2019    VDF ”Résonance”                 Chenin Blanc		                                                       £52
 2018     VDF ”Résonance”                 Chenin Blanc		                                                       £52
 2015     VDF ”Résonance”                 Chenin Blanc		                                                       £52

• 2019    VDF ”Originel”                  Romorantin Orbois		                                                  £52
 2018     VDF ”Originel”                  Romorantin Orbois		                                                  £52
 2017     VDF ”Originel”                  Romorantin Orbois		                                                  £52
 2016     VDF ”Originel”                  Romorantin Orbois		                                                  £52
 2015     VDF ”Originel”                  Romorantin Orbois			                                                                 £120

 2017     VDF ”Autochtone”                Romorantin		                                                         £52
 2016     VDF ”Autochtone”                Romorantin		                                                         £52
 2015     VDF ”Autochtone”                Romorantin			                                                                        £120

 2015     VDF ”Savasol”                   Orbois		                                                             £54
 2013     VDF ”Savasol”                   Orbois		                                                             £58
 2011     VDF ”Savasol”                   Orbois		                                                             £62
 2008     VDF ”Savasol”                   Orbois		                                                             £66

 2016     VDF ”Esquiss”                   Orbois		                                                             £68
 2014     VDF ”Esquiss”                   Orbois		                                                             £72
 2010     VDF ”Esquiss”                   Orbois		                                                             £76

 2018     VDF ”100% Rosé”                 Gamay		                                                              £42
 2016     VDF ”100% Rosé”                 Gamay		                                                              £42
 2015     VDF ”100% Rosé”                 Gamay			                                                                              £86

• 2019    VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay		                                                              £45
 2018     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay		                                                              £46
 2017     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay		                                                              £48
 2016     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay		                                                              £50
 2015     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay		                                                              £52             £120
 2014     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay			                                                                             £125
 2013     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay		                                                              £54
 2011     VDF ”Eléments”                  Gamay			                                                                             £145

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y               Julien Courtois

					                                                  75cl             1.5L

• 2019    VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £45
 2018     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £46
 2017     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £48
 2016     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £50
 2015     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £52             £120
 2014     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £54             £125

 2013     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £54
 2009     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £62
 2008     VDF ”100% Red”            Gamay		             £64

• 2019    VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £45
 2018     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £46
 2017     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £48
 2016     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £50             £110
 2015     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £52             £120
 2014     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £54             £125
 2013     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £54
 2012     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £56             £140
 2011     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £58
 2010     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec			                     £150
 2009     VDF ”Ancestral”           Gamay Malbec		      £62

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f r a nc e • L o i r e va l l e y                                                                     Reynald Héaulé

                                        r     eynald has worked in several wineries
                                              in Burgundy and the Loire. A disciple
                                        of Claude Courtois, he still does part time
                                                                                        atypical selection of grape varieties: Pinot
                                                                                        Meunier, Chardonnay, Gascon and Pinot Gris
                                                                                        are just a few of the 20 varieties he grows.
                                        work for his mentor but spends most of his
                                        time in his own 3 hectares of closely planted
                                        vines. Assiduous work in the vineyard and
                                        long aging periods complement Reynald’s

s p a r k l i n g r o s é 			                                                                                   75cl            1.5L

• 2018    VDF ”Silices en Bulles”             Cabernet Franc Blend		                                             £30
 2017     VDF ”Silices en Bulles”             Cabernet Franc Blend		                                             £26
 2016     VDF ”Silices en Bulles”             Cabernet Franc Blend		                                             £29
 2014     VDF ”Silices en Bulles”             Cabernet Franc Blend		                                             £28

• 2017    VDF ”Terre de Silice”               Blend		                                                            £34
 2016     VDF ”Terre de Silice”               Blend		                                                            £36

• 2017    VDF ”Rive Droite”                   Chardonnay		                                                       £36
 2016     VDF ”Rive Droite”                   Chardonnay		                                                       £36

• 2020    VDF "O" Macération                  Pinot Gris		                                                       £32             £72

• 2020    VDF ”Atypique”                      Blend		                                                            £28
 2019     VDF ”Atypique”                      Blend		                                                            £28
 2018     VDF ”Atypique”                      Blend		                                                            £28

 2017     VDF ”A Contre Courant”              Gamay Malbec Meunier Pinot Noir		                                  £28
 2016     VDF ”A Contre Courant”              Gamay Malbec Meunier Pinot Noir		                                  £28

• 2017    VDF ”Rive Droite”                   Meunier Pinot Noir		                                               £36
 2016     VDF ”Rive Droite”                   Meunier Pinot Noir		                                               £38

• 2017    VDF ”L’Insoumis du Village”         Blend		                                                            £34
 2016     VDF ”L’Insoumis du Village”         Blend		                                                            £36
 2011     VDF ”L’Insoumis du Village”         Blend		                                                            £36
 2010     VDF ”L’Insoumis du Village”         Blend		                                                            £36

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france • champagne                                                                    Francis Boulard & Fille

                                       F    rancis ran the family estate with his
                                            siblings for a decade before they
                                       became estranged over the farming practices
                                                                                       certification having been achieved in 2007.
                                                                                       Their vines average around 35 years and
                                                                                       the three grape varieties are almost equally
                                       he had introduced and decided to split the      represented in the vineyard.
                                       family holdings. Francis and his daughter
                                       Delphine, with their three hectares, finally
                                       farm the way they want, the biodynamic

s p a r k l i n g 		                                                                           75cl            4.5L              6L

 NV       ”Les Murgiers” Brut Nature         Meunier		                                                         £620
 NV       ”Les Murgiers” Brut Nature         Meunier			                                                                         £820

 2011     ”Les Rachais” Brut Nature          Chardonnay                                        £100
 2008     ”Les Rachais” Brut Nature          Chardonnay                                        £120

 2012     ”Petraea” Brut Nature              Chardonnay Meunier Pinot Noir                     £100

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france • champagne                                                                                          Franck Pascal

                                           I  n a past life, Franck Pascal trained
                                              soldiers on the topic of chemical warfare:
                                           what to expect from those types of attacks
                                                                                           Needless to say, those were the first to go.
                                                                                           After a few trials, he opted for biodynamic
                                                                                           farming as he loved what it brought to
                                           and how to counteract their effect. What a      his wines, specifically that strong mineral
                                           shock it was, when he took over the family      character. Frank and Isabelle are driven by a
                                           estate in 1994, to realize that farming         desire to preserve life and create wines that
                                           products were derived from the very same        are as healthy as they are delicious.
                                           chemical compounds used to harm humans.

s p a r k l i n g
                    75cl 1.5L

• NV      ”Fluence” Brut Nature                  Chardonnay Meunier Pinot Noir		                                    £50             £110

 NV       ”Reliance” Brut Nature                 Chardonnay Meunier Pinot Noir		                                    £62             £135

 2011     ”Harmonie” Extra Brut                  Meunier Pinot Noir		                                               £92

 2009     ”Quinte Essence” Extra Brut            Chardonnay Meunier		                                               £92
• 2008    ”Quinte Essence” Extra Brut            Chardonnay Meunier			                                                              £200
• 2007    ”Quinte Essence” Extra Brut            Chardonnay Meunier		                                               £92

 NV       ”Pacifiance” Brut Nature               Chardonnay Meunier		                                               £135

 2011     ”Sérénité” Brut Nature                 Chardonnay Pinot Meunier		                                        £290

sparkling rosé
 NV       ”Tolérance” Extra Brut                 Chardonnay Meunier Pinot Noir		                                     £72

• NV      Coteaux Champenois “Confiance”         Chardonnay		                                                       £54

• 2018    Coteaux Champenois “Confiance”         Pinot Meunier		                                                    £54
 2015     Coteaux Champenois “Confiance”         Pinot Meunier		                                                    £54

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f r a nc e • s avo i e                                                Domaine Prieuré Saint-Christophe

                                               A     fter having worked on the family
                                                     estate for 10 years, Michel bought
                                               a piece of land with a ruined building
                                                                                             in 1983. It was only a decade later that
                                                                                             Michel discovered biodynamic farming
                                                                                             through a series of meetings and
                                               that would later become Prieuré Saint-        conversatios with winemakers.
                                               Christophe. He left the family business on
                                               1982, bent on making Mondeuse a famous
                                               grape, and did his first vintage on his own

w h i t e 				75cl

 2013     IGP D’Allobrogie ”Altesse”                 Altesse			                                                                         £95

 2014     Vin de Savoie ”Mondeuse Tradition”         Mondeuse			                                                                        £72

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f r a nc e • s avo i e                                                           Marie et Florian Curtet

                                  A      fter working 4 years with Jacques
                                         Maillet, Florian took over the estate
                                  in 2017. A new adventure began for this
                                                                                  express and represent their beautiful terroir
                                                                                  from Chautagne. A dragon has been added
                                                                                  to their labels, symbol of their region.
                                  passionate couple! They will of course
                                  carry to grow Roussette, Jacquères, Pinot
                                  Noir, Mondeuse and Gamay with the same
                                  philisophy. As Jacques did, they aim to

w h i t e
            75cl 3L

 2016     Savoie ”Autrement”            Altesse Jacquère		                                                  £31

 2016     ”Roussette de Savoie”         Altesse		                                                          £36

 2016     Savoie ”Autrement”            Gamay Mondeuse Pinot Noir		                                         £31            £160

 2016     Savoie ”Pinot Noir”           Pinot Noir		                                                       £45

 2016     Savoie ”Mondeuse”             Mondeuse		                                                         £48

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f r a nc e • s avo i e                                                                                     Domaine Giachino

                                                  D      omaine Giachino was created in
                                                         1998 when Frédéric took over
                                                  the 1,5 hectares family estate from his
                                                                                                  estate to 9 hectares, 6 of which are planted
                                                                                                  to Jaquère, and decided that they would
                                                                                                  only grow grapes native to Savoie. The
                                                  grandfather Marius Genton. Later joined by      conversion to organic viticulture in 2006
                                                  his brother David, they sold the cereal plots   was the culmination of work they were
                                                  down in the valley and focused on grape         already doing prior to certification and also
                                                  growing. They progressively expanded the        something close to their personal values.

s p a r k l i n g
                    75cl 1.5L

• 2018    Vin de France Mousseux ”Don Giachino”                 Jacquère Mondeuse		                                        £30
 2017     Vin de France Mousseux ”Don Giachino”                 Jacquère Mondeuse		                                        £30

• 2020    Vin de Savoie ”Monfarina”                             Jacquère		                                                  £24
 2018     Vin de Savoie ”Monfarina”                             Jacquère			                                                                 £58

• 2020    Apremont                                              Jacquère		                                                 £26

• 2020    Roussette de Savoie "Altesse"                         Altesse		                                                  £29

 2017     Roussette de Savoie ”Prieuré St Christophe”           Altesse		                                                  £48
 2016     Roussette de Savoie ”Prieuré St Christophe”           Altesse		                                                   £47

• 2020    Vin de Savoie “Giac Potes”                            Gamay Mondeuse		                                            £24

• 2020    Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse		                                                 £29
 2019     Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse		                                                 £30
 2018     Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse		                                                 £30
 2016     Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse		                                                 £30
 2015     Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse		                                                 £30              £65
 2014     Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse		                                                 £30              £65
 2013     Vin de Savoie ”Black Giac”                            Mondeuse			                                                                 £69

 2019     Vin de Savoie ”Persan”                                Persan		                                                    £32
 2017     Vin de Savoie ”Persan”                                Persan		                                                   £30
 2015     Vin de Savoie ”Persan”                                Persan		                                                   £30
 2013     Vin de Savoie ”Persan”                                Persan		                                                   £30

 2019     Vin de Savoie ”Ma Douce”                              Douce Noire Persan		                                        £35
 2018     Vin de Savoie ”Ma Douce”                              Douce Noire Persan		                                        £35

 2016     Vin de Savoie ”Prieuré St Christophe”                 Mondeuse		                                                  £47
 2015     Vin de Savoie ”Prieuré St Christophe”                 Mondeuse		                                                  £52            £110

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f r a nc e • s avo i e                                                                                     Jacques Maillet

                                                I  t was while working conventionally
                                                   for the local wine coop that Jacques
                                                developed a cancer because of the chemicals
                                                                                              His vineyards are on two lieu-dits
                                                                                              overlooking the Rhône river, Les Vignes du
                                                                                              Seigneurs and Le Cellier des Pauvres, and
                                                he was spraying on his vines. It took three   account for about 5 hectares. His wines are
                                                years for him to get well enough to start     liquid purity.
                                                farming again. When he did, he did so for
                                                himself and ‘Autrement’, or differently.

w h i t e 		                                                                                          75cl            1.5L             3L

 2015     Vin de Savoie ”Le P’tit Canon”              Altesse Jacquère		                                               £74
 2014     Vin de Savoie ”Le P’tit Canon”              Altesse Jacquère		                                               £77

 2015     Roussette de Savoie ”Autrement”             Altesse                                          £36             £89            £184
 2014     Roussette de Savoie ”Autrement”             Altesse		                                                        £92

 2015     Vin de Savoie Chautagne ”Autrement”         Gamay Mondeuse Pinot Noir		                                      £74
 2014     Vin de Savoie Chautagne ”Autrement”         Gamay Mondeuse Pinot Noir		                                      £74            £166

 2015     Vinde Savoie Chautagne ”Pinot Noir”         Pinot Noir		                                                     £99            £240
 2014     Vinde Savoie Chautagne ”Pinot Noir”         Pinot Noir		                                                   £100
 2013     Vinde Savoie Chautagne ”Pinot Noir”         Pinot Noir                                       £44

 2015     Vin de Savoie Chautagne ”Mondeuse”          Mondeuse                                         £48            £110            £240
 2014     Vin de Savoie Chautagne ”Mondeuse”          Mondeuse                                         £48            £110
 2013     Vin de Savoie Chautagne ”Mondeuse”          Mondeuse                                         £48

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france • jura                                                                       Domaine de la Tournelle

                                           P    ascal and Evelyne started in 1991 by
                                                renting some Chardonnay vineyards.
                                           By 1995, they had jumped in full time and
                                                                                         naturally for ten years before obtaining
                                                                                         the official stamp. Their customer base has
                                                                                         been growing steadily as their production
                                           nowadays they own 7 hectares of land          develops. Their wines are considered some
                                           planted with all local varieties: Savagnin,   of the best in the region.
                                           Chardonnay, Trousseau and Ploussard. They
                                           were certified in 2010 but had been working

w h i t e 		                                                                                     62cl            75cl             1.5L

• 2018    Arbois ”Cul du Brey”                   Chardonnay		                                                     £50

 2018     Arbois ”Ambre de Savagnin”             Savagnin		                                                       £48

• 2019    Arbois ”Uva Arbosiana”                 Ploussard			                                                                     £89

• 2019    Arbois ”Cul du Brey”                   Syrah Trousseau		                                                £45
 2016     Arbois ”Cul du Brey”                   Syrah Trousseau		                                                £48
 2015     Arbois ”Cul du Brey”                   Syrah Trousseau		                                                £50

 2018     Arbois ”Trousseau des Corvées”         Trousseau		                                                      £48
 2017     Arbois ”Trousseau des Corvées”         Trousseau		                                                      £52             £110
 2016     Arbois ”Trousseau des Corvées”         Trousseau			                                                                     £115
 2015     Arbois ”Trousseau des Corvées”         Trousseau		                                                      £56
 2014     Arbois ”Trousseau des Corvées”         Trousseau		                                                      £56             £120

vin jaune
• 2012    Arbois “Vin Jaune”                     Savagnin                                         £89
 2011     Arbois “Vin Jaune”                     Savagnin                                        £102
 2009     Arbois “Vin Jaune”                     Savagnin                                        £120
 2005     Arbois “Vin Jaune”                     Savagnin                                        £150
 2004     Arbois “Vin Jaune”                     Savagnin                                        £170

 NV       Macvin du Jura                         Chardonnay		                                                     £48

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France • Alsace                                                                                 Domaine Josmeyer

                                            S    ettled in Wintzenheim in Alsace,
                                                 Domaine Josmeyer is an estate with
                                            a long family history. Founded in 1854 by
                                                                                        were making wines in the area. He added
                                                                                        the beginning of his father’s name, Joseph,
                                                                                        to their surname and thus created the
                                            Aloyse Meyer, a noted restaurateur and      Josmeyer brand. Since 1966, the 28-hectare
                                            gourmet, the estate was rechristened        estate has been managed by Jean along with
                                            in 1963 by Hubert Meyer, his grandson       his two daughters, Céline and Isabelle.
                                            because numerous families named Meyer

s p a r k l i n g
                    75cl 1.5L

• NV      VDF ”Chante Pinot”                              Pinot Blanc Muscat Gewürztraminer		                   £26

 NV       Alsace ”Fleur de Lotus”                         Gewürztraminer Pinot Gris		                           £24

• 2019    Riesling ”Le Kottabe”                           Riesling		                                            £32

• 2018    Riesling ”Le Dragon”                            Riesling		                                            £42
 2016     Riesling ”Le Dragon”                            Riesling			                                                           £120
 2014     Riesling ”Le Dragon”                            Riesling			                                                           £125
 2013     Riesling ”Le Dragon”                            Riesling			                                                           £130

 NV       VDF ”Icare”                                     Pinot Gris		                                          £30

• 2017    Pinot Gris ”Le Fromenteau”                      Pinot Gris		                                          £32

• 2017    Pinot Gris ”Un Certain Regard”                  Pinot Gris		                                          £42

• 2017    Gewürztraminer ”Les Folastries”                 Gewürztraminer		                                      £35

• 2018    Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois		                                     £39
 2017     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois		                                     £37
 2016     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois		                                     £39             £106
 2015     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois			                                                    £110
 2014     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois			                                                    £113
 2013     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois			                                                    £116
 2012     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois			                                                    £120
 2011     Pinot Auxerrois ”H”                             Pinot Auxerrois			                                                    £124

 2017     Riesling Grand Cru ”Brand”                      Riesling		                                            £62
 2014     Riesling Grand Cru ”Brand”                      Riesling			                                                           £175
 2009     Riesling Grand Cru ”Brand”                      Riesling			                                                           £240

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France • Alsace                                                         Domaine Josmeyer

            75cl 1.5L

 2016     Riesling Grand Cru ”Hengst”                      Riesling		            £62
 2014     Riesling Grand Cru ”Hengst”                      Riesling			                           £150
 2011     Riesling Grand Cru ”Hengst”                      Riesling			                           £170
 2010     Riesling Grand Cru ”Hengst”                      Riesling			                           £220
 2009     Riesling Grand Cru ”Hengst”                      Riesling			                           £200

 2014     Pinot Gris Grand Cru ”Brand”                     Pinot Gris		          £58

• 2020    VDF "Libre Sous le Ciel"                         Gewürztraminer		      £38

• 2020    Alsace "Pinot Noir"                              Pinot Noir		          £38

 1995     Riesling ”Vendanges Tardives”                    Riesling		          £100

 2001     Riesling Grand Cru ”Hengst” Vendanges Tardives   Riesling		           £120

 2009     Pinot Gris Grand Cru ”Brand” L’Exception         Pinot Gris		          £60

 1990     Pinot Gris d’Alsace ”Vendanges Tardives”         Pinot Gris		         £120

 2017     Gewürztraminer ”Vendanges Tardives”              Gewürztraminer		      £65
 1990     Gewürztraminer ”Vendanges Tardives”              Gewürztraminer		     £120
 1989     Gewürztraminer ”Vendanges Tardives”              Gewürztraminer		     £120

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France • Burgundy                                                                                         Château de Béru

                                               O      wned by the Béru family for over
                                                      400 years, the old vineyards at the
                                               estate had been devastated by phylloxera
                                                                                              to the family estate. Athénaïs immediately
                                                                                              undertook measures to improve the quality
                                                                                              of the wines and chose to convert the
                                               in the late 19th century. One hundred years    vineyards to organic viticulture. She made
                                               later, Count Eric de Béru decided to replant   her first vintage in 2005 and since then,
                                               the vineyards, especially the famous Clos      the quality and the reputation of the wines
                                               Béru. In 2003, his daughter Athénaïs left      have improved every year, becoming a true
                                               her career in finance in Paris and came back   reference for Chablis wines.

w h i t e 		75cl                                                                                                      1.5L             3L

 2018     Chablis “Terroirs de Béru”                         Chardonnay                                £39             £85

 2018     Chablis “Montserre”                                Chardonnay                                £46           £100

 2018     Chablis “Côte aux Prêtres”                         Chardonnay                                £46           £100
 2015     Chablis “Côte aux Prêtres”                         Chardonnay		                                            £100
 2014     Chablis “Côte aux Prêtres”                         Chardonnay		                                            £100

 2018     Chablis “Orangerie”                                Chardonnay                                £52            £110

 2018     Chablis 1er Cru “Vaucoupin”                        Chardonnay                                £82            £175
 2015     Chablis 1er Cru “Vaucoupin”                        Chardonnay		                                             £175
 2014     Chablis 1er Cru “Vaucoupin”                        Chardonnay		                                             £175

• 2018    Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole                       Chardonnay                                £89           £190
 2017     Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole                       Chardonnay                                £96           £200             £450
 2015     Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole                       Chardonnay		                                            £200
 2014     Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole                       Chardonnay		                                            £200             £450
 2012     Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole                       Chardonnay		                                            £200             £450
 2011     Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole                       Chardonnay			                                                            £450

 2017     Chablis “Clos Béru” Monopole Limited Edition       Chardonnay		                                             £275

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