November 2020 Welcome - Eurobodalla Shire Council
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November 2020 Welcome Educators and staff in all programs remain com- It has been a year like no other and as we en- mitted to supporting the health of children ter the final months of 2020, like many of us, whilst continuing to provide quality early and we are hoping for the continued positive middle childhood programs and participating in management of the pandemic throughout a range of professional learning opportunities. the festive season. They have remained focused during challenging Children have experienced a great deal of times while balancing their work and own family change this year – many interruptions to the responsibilities. Their commitment is highly val- normality of their lives with restrictions ued and acknowledged – our people are certain- across a range of areas – attendances at ly our best asset. Whilst we may have limited school and our services, inability to partici- our excursions and contact with the general pate in extracurricular activities and limita- public and our community, we have been en- tions around outings they would usually en- gaged in many activities and projects, including joy. celebrating 30 years of Eurobodalla Family Day It is hoped that the combined efforts from all Care, the Australian Backyard Bird Count, Chil- within our community will continue to sup- dren’s Week treasure hunt, transition to school port access to activities for children and their packs, and the Convoy of Hope bushfire regen- families. eration, to name a few. Council’s Family Day Care, Out of School The Batemans Bay OOSH building is being built Hours Care, 3Bs playgroups and Embracing off site and is due to arrive at the school before programs continue to be diligent in respect of the end of November. I visited the BBOOSH kids the heightened health and hygiene practices many times this year and they have been offer- through compliance with NSW Health and ing up lots of ideas for the new building. We are Department Of Education, Early Childhood all starting to get a little excited! Education and Care Directorate’s guidelines. Although the year has been tough, there are still It is interesting to note that the usual coughs many things to be grateful for and being a part and colds have been much less this year of children’s lives is one of them. We are so priv- which indicates the increased focus on hy- ileged to work with you and your child and have giene across everyone in the community is an opportunity to support their lifelong learning. working. Wishing you a safe and relaxing holiday and one Thank you for placing your trust in our ser- that is much more pleasant than last year! vices to provide education and care for your children. Louise Hatton Coordinator, Children and Family Services C h i l dr e n ’ s S e r v i c e s N e w sl e tt e r N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 0 E U R O B O D A LL A S H I R E C O U N C I L T 0 2 4 4 7 4 7 3 3 3 1
Self-regulation It’s important for adults to show empathy to the child’s struggle and be patient. In their early years, children are just beginning to Changing behaviours and learning new skills learn about emotions and feelings, and how to often takes time and practise. manage them. Self-regulation skills develop gradually. It’s From time to time, most young children display important to know which developmental behaviours such as aggression, emotional out- milestones are appropriate for your child. bursts and inattention. Gradually, children learn what situations are likely to upset them and how Accounts they can handle emotions better when these situ- ations arise. This learning continues into adoles- Thank you to all clients who took advantage cence. of the “free childcare period” to catch up on Children vary in the way they perceive, respond outstanding accounts and continue to access and interact with the world around them. Children’s Services. They vary in how they switch between moods Please continue to contact the office or your (with some taking longer and needing more help educator if you have any account queries or than others to recover from being upset), how concerns. they respond to new situations (some dive We are more than happy to help. straight in while others tend to withdraw and ob- Families with preschool-aged children may serve from a distance), and how long they can find the attached information released by concentrate for. DESE regarding the “Preschool Exemption to Children who have experienced a lot of stress or the Child Care Subsidy Activity Test” particu- grief, or have ADHD, sensory processing issues or larly useful. executive functioning challenges, may also find self-regulation more challenging. Ruth & Pennie Helping your child with self-regulation Finance and Administration Officers The first step is helping your child recognise when the information coming in is a problem. That could be information coming in through the senses or through internal thoughts (eg a crowd- ed place, having completed eating and wanting to go home, not feeling well, not getting a toy). You can help your child develop self-awareness by talking things through ahead of time, teaching your child to tell you when the input is too much and explaining how some behaviours affect other people (eg I get scared when you shout). You can help your child with impulse control by understanding they may not know any other solutions than the ones they generally use (eg, crying, shouting, or throwing things) and provid- ing them with better options (eg. when some- thing happens take a deep breath, count, talk about it). It is also good for your child to know that they have a choice and some choices hurt other peo- ple. 2
Moruya OOSH kids news Narooma OOSH kids news Well it’s that time again, it’s hard to believe it’s Plenty of fun experiences were had at NOOSH during nearly Christmas time. the holidays. We have all had a very unpredictable year with The ever popular dig for treasures in the sand bushfires, floods and COVID-19. Let’s hope 2021 will pit and mobile construction had the children us- be much nicer and more enjoyable for us all. ing their imaginations. We have planted, and are looking after, the plants Our disco with musical chairs and the limbo ex- we were given through the bushfire regeneration posed some interesting dance styles. project ReGrow Eurobodalla, and they are ready to Chloe was the champion when it came to the be given out to our families who were affected by doughnut on a string challenge. the bushfires. If this is you please don’t hesitate to come in to the centre and collect plants or contact Zac dressed as a magician and Kye took the role either Selena or myself on 4474 5050. as his assistant during our dress-up and comedy day — plenty of laughs. We had great time in the last holidays, SingStar was the most popular activity. The children absolutely Face painting transformed most of the children loved singing and having competitions with their into scary faces. friends. We iced biscuits for National Smile Day. They Our Kokodamas were fabulous, they were taken didn’t end up looking very smiley but it was fun home, which is wonderful. A big thank you to Susan and they tasted great. Beney for all her help with the Kokodamas. NOOSH kids repotted plants for the Convoy of We have tried to make the next program a lot more Hope ReGrow project. Our thanks to “hat Gar- exciting due to still having some restrictions from den Centre Narooma for their kind donation of COVID-19. We will be having a wheels day, water pots and potting mix! The plants have been dis- day activities, cooking days and so much more. tributed to people affected by last summer’s fires. A great community effort! We hope to see you all at MOOSH over the summer holidays, remember hats, drink bottles, sunscreen if We also had a crafty day with a visit from the you need it and label all items you bring. All chil- Save the Children van. The children made these dren must wear a rashie while playing the water clever dioramas. games. Tracie, Selena and the MOOSH Kids MOOSH Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor You can contact us on 4476 4744. Donna, Cathie and the NOOSH Kids NOOSH Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor 5
Batemans Bay OOSH kids news We had some really fun days last holidays from cricket to AFL clinics, Red Nose Day to Mad Hello term 4, where did you come from?? Wow Hatter Tea Parties, tie dying and much, much the year is moving so quick the kids are already more. counting down for Christmas and asking if our Elf We also sadly said goodbye to a couple of our will find us this year (being in the hall and all), so beautiful OOSHIES Tayah and Vincent Whatman, Santa if you are reading this, we currently have a who have now moved towns. We wish them all new address just across the yarning circle and the best at their new school. Please come visit us inside the hall. But I have told the kids that you whenever you like. We miss your giggly smiling are a pretty clever man and probably already faces. know that detail. Things are starting to get a bit exciting— Louise has given me the catalogues and the go ahead to COVID has made this year very challenging for us order furniture, craft and toys for our new OOSH all and some employments have been put on building!! Yay shopping time. hold for now, I know it has not been easy but we Have a great term 4 everyone. have been very lucky to gain some amazing new Cheers, Mouse casuals to help us out while they wait for the all Melinda and the BOOSH Kids clear to start their jobs again. For as little or as long as you are with us we really appreciate all BOOSH Supervisor your help! And to the rest of our fantastic regu- lar casuals we love you and thank you so much for everything you do, holidays just wouldn’t work without you! Book now for our OOSH school holiday program The school holidays are fast approaching! Booking forms for our OOSH school holiday program are now available to download from Council’s website (search Children’s Services). Our bookings week Monday 7 December—Friday 11 December 3-6pm at BBOOSH,MOOSH and NOOSH Bookings must be made at the centres as you will need to complete excursion forms and view risk assessments. To secure your booking you must have your child care account paid up to date. If you are having trouble paying your account please contact the office on 4474 1280 or 4474 1213 as soon as possible so we can assist you with a payment plan option. 6
Family Day Care news about town Embracing Babies Embracing Babies has been very popular, allow- During October we celebrated 30 years of Family ing families to come together to socially connect. Day Care with big prize giveaways from a local This has been especially important as many of restaurant, Mogo Wildlife Park and also Na- the babies attending our sessions were born dur- rooma Kinema. We had guessing comps, selfies ing bushfire and COVID times. Our sessions have with flyers within the community and lots more. a focus on meeting other parents, creating friendships as well as offering support during the Curently educators are having their annual as- exciting time of welcoming a new baby into the sessment of FDC business, which this year we are family. We share information about language doing slightly differently. development, infant cues, sleep and feeding, as well as introducing parents to the benefits of in- Educators are starting to complete yearly assess- fant massage. Spread the word… if you are about ments on individual children and transition to to welcome a new addition or know someone school statements. If you would like more infor- who is please mention our Embracing Babies program. mation just ask your educator. We are sad to see one of our educators, Anita Mitchell retire. Anita has been working with us since 2002. Anita has provided care to many families and built such special bonds with chil- dren, families and staff. Anita was a role model to others, charismatic and kind. Anita always was flexible and accommodating for all families. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your hard work, commitment and passion. Children’s Week was celebrated this year with a Jessica and Natalie Wombat Stew hunt. We headed into the bush, Child Development Officers searching for animals and objects from the book Wombat Stew, marking them off on a bingo card Embracing Babies as we found them. It was lovely to see many hap- py children, families, Family Day Care educators and early childhood services enjoying some time in nature, engaging in literacy and carefully choosing a prize on completion. There were also three Wombat Stew prize packs to be won. I wonder who were the lucky three recipients of these? Jenny Embracing Babies Facilitator 7
3Bs Playgroup News Photos Playgroups are back and we are continuing our nature-based program for this term and even the rain has created all sorts of opportunities to learn about the weather. We will be gather- ing sticks, rocks and flowers, exploring in the soil and playing out in the rain. Studies show that growing up in microbe-rich environments, such as traditional farms, can have protective health effects on children. Our modern lifestyle means we don’t get down and dirty or just touch things in nature in general enough in our daily life. Early-life expo- sure to environmental microbes increases good gut bacteria which means stronger immune systems and less allergies. Being outdoors also has other benefits if you want to find out more come along and join in on our adventures. Bookings essential Alira weaving with magical treasures found in na- ture. Locations: Moruya Primary School Monday 9-10am (fortnightly only) Batemans Bay Primary School Tuesday 9-10am Sunshine Bay Primary School Wednesday 9-10am Wallaga Lake is at the Umbarra Thursdays 10.30-11.30am PlayStrong Cultural playgroup Thursday 9.30 –11am Playstrong Muddy Puddles Friday 9.30-11am Delilah measuring how big a tree trunk is — never too young to learn about the environment at Sun- shine Bay playgroup. Lisa Heinze Supported Playgroup Coordinator 02 4474 7382 8
Family Day Care educator spotlight Belinda Morris — Malua Bay Bush Explorers Family Day Care has been busy ex- Tracey Murchie — Long Beach ploring the natural environment on excursions. We 2020 has really encouraged me to reflect on have been to the boat ramp and surrounding areas my philosophy. to talk about marine safety — wearing life jackets in My focus is to teach children to be kind — to boats. We have been enjoying the rain with our themselves, each other and the planet. muddy puddles stomping and also tasting the rain. This is a life skill we work on forever... We have explored beaches and learnt about crabs, fish and other living things at the beach. We are cur- rently growing tomatoes and also learning about the life cycle of tadpoles into frogs. 9
Dot Kinnane — Surfside Raine Callaghan — Moruya The children at Dot’s have been enjoying the At Little Dreamers we have loved being outdoors new elements being added to the outdoor play and exploring the property lately. One of our fa- space — elements that encourage and foster vourite things to do is go for a walk down to the the imagination and creativity, allowing chil- mail box where we check the mail and say hello to dren to share their ideas and through play our animal friends along the way. We've got some demonstrate an understanding of the world dogs and horses that we like to say hello to. around them. Kerry Bergan — Batehaven Alison Burns — Dalmeny With the weather warming and the sun shining We have been having a wonderful time experienc- the children at Kerry’s have been bathing their ing and enjoying the outdoors and have loved bush babies. walking and exploring the bush. The children have been displaying their nurtur- ing skills in caring for their babies as they ex- plore different identities in dramatic play. 10
Sam King — Catalina I have so many photos I would love to share ( I take too many) here are some of my favourites from this month. We have been researching Japanese culture. Azami shared her knowledge and helped our group make sushi. Lucas Bronte and Rolly shared some stories while out on our picnic morning tea. 11
Katherine Wagner — Tuross Head Down the Path FDC enjoyed some holiday cooking. With plans for woodfired pizza washed out, we measured, mixed, rolled and sprinkled some pizza magic. The children explored some pre-writing skills in the dusty flour on the table. All made for a fun day in care. 12
In other news A big congratulations and well done to Bev Davis who was recently added to the Hidden Treasures Honour Roll. The Hidden Treasures Honour Roll is an initiative of the Department of Primary Indus- tries Rural Women’s Network. Bev has worked as an OOSH educator for many years and we at Children’s Services are pleased that Bev has received this acknowledgement. Bev is a community treasure who has been working tirelessly as a volunteer working throughout the community and assisting with bushfire relief, providing comfort and hands on assistance. She has been involved with fundraising, visiting and distributing food to the many people affected by the summer fires. Bev is also a volunteer for several organisations, including the Bodalla Rural Fire Brigade, Presby- terian Church and the Bodalla CWA. Children’s Services has greatly valued Bev’s contribution working in a variety of centres throughout Eurobodalla. It is no news to Children’s Services that Bev is a treasure, they have known this for a very long time. Some reminders……….. Council’s Christmas shutdown Friday 25 December 2020 to Monday 4 January 2021. Facebook With the launch of the new Eurobodalla Children’s Services Facebook page we are now able to provide a range of videos to support families with play-based learning activities at home. COVID safety If you or your child are experiencing a fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or loss of smell of taste please get tested and stay home until you receive a negative result. • For the latest COVID safety recommendations visit NSW Health. 13
Preschool exemption to the Child Care Subsidy activity test What is the ‘preschool exemption’ to the activity test? Parents who do not meet and are not otherwise exempt from the Child Care Subsidy activity test will be entitled to 36 hours of subsidised care per fortnight to support their preschool-aged child to attend a preschool program at a Centre Based Day Care service. When does the preschool exemption apply? A family is entitled to the preschool exemption if: they are eligible for Child Care Subsidy the parent/s do not meet and are not otherwise exempt from the activity test, meaning their usual entitlement is less than 36 hours of subsidised care per fortnight (0 or 24 hours based on the family’s income) they have a preschool aged child and that child attends an early educational program at a Centre Based Day Care service. The preschool exemption does not apply to other children in the family who are not preschool aged. For those chil- dren, the family’s usual entitlement will apply. What is a preschool aged child? For the purpose of the Child Care Subsidy preschool exemption, a preschool aged child is a child in the year before their first year of primary school. States and territories refer to the first year of primary school differently (see the Services Australia website for details). To establish when children are preschool aged for Child Care Subsidy purposes, parents indicate their child’s expected school (i.e. primary school) start date in their Child Care Subsidy claim or when they later update their details with Centrelink. For example, if a parent indicates their child will start school in February 2020, the child is considered to be a preschool aged child for 2019. How do families tell Centrelink when their child will start school? It is important that families provide their child’s expected school start date when making a Child Care Subsidy claim, or later updating their details with Centrelink (either in Centrelink Online via myGov or the Express Plus mobile app). Centrelink uses this date to work out when their child is a preschool aged child for the preschool exemption. 14
Steps, for families: Log into the myGov site Select the menu on the top left Select the Child Care Subsidy heading Select the View/Update Child Education Details In the Select a child screen, click on the Action icon for the child In the Schooling details screen, ensure the child’s education level is set to ‘Has not started studies’. In the question box When is [your child’s name] expected to start primary school?, enter the date the child is expected to attend primary school. You only need to estimate a date (e.g. 1 February 2021). What is an early educational program? For the Child Care Subsidy preschool exemption, the definition of early educational program is based on requirements set out in the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations. This means an approved Centre Based Day Care service delivers an early educational program if it is delivered by (or where applicable, the service has access to) a qualified early childhood teacher, and the program is based on and delivered in a manner that accords with an approved learning framework. How is the preschool exemption applied? 1. The parent lodges a Child Care Subsidy claim. Centrelink will use information in the claim to work out whether: • the family’s entitlement is usually 0 or 24 hours of subsidised care per fortnight and • the parent has a preschool aged child(ren), as defined above. 2. If the claim establishes ‘Yes’ to the two above criteria, Centrelink will send the parent a claim out- come letter indicating: their ‘Subsidised hours per fortnight’ is either 0 or 24 however, they may be entitled to 36 hours of subsidised care per fortnight for their preschool aged child(ren) if they attend a preschool program at their child care service (Centre Based Day Care service). 15
3. The Centre Based Day Care service will need to indicate in session reports when a session of care for a child was, or included, an early educational program, based on the definition above. Please note that the ‘preschool indicator’ in session reports: is a ‘Yes/No’ field may be worded slightly differently depending on the software provider used or Provider Entry Point (PEP) interface will only be available for approved Centre Based Day Care services will only be available for children aged three to five when the session report is created. Where the preschool indicator response is ‘Yes’, the Child Care Subsidy System (Centrelink) will de- termine whether the child is preschool-aged and calculate the parent’s entitlement. If the response to the preschool indicator is ‘No’: if the family’s usual entitlement is 24 hours per fortnight, Child Care Subsidy can be paid up to the balance of this entitlement if the family’s usual entitlement is 0 hours per fortnight, no Child Care Subsidy can be paid. What happens if a child will start school at a later date? If a family decides to defer commencement of their child at primary school for another year, it will affect their Child Care Subsidy entitlement. As soon as a parent or carer decides their child will not start school the following year, they are re- quired to update their child’s expected school start date with Centrelink. This will mean the pre- school exemption will no longer apply until their child is again in the year before primary school. 16
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