November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America

Page created by Mildred Benson
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show
  USEF Welsh ‘A’ Rated Competition
    WPCSA Gold Rated (Provisional/Gold Sanction Applied For)

Region 7 IFSHA Regional Championships
                     Friesian, Gypsy & Morgan

               English & Western USEF Classes
           Opportunity Classes Open to All Breeds

November 12-13, 2021

                                 COVID-19 Guidelines

                                         Local -

                                         State -

                                      Federal -
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
Judge – Friesian, Gypsy, Morgan & Western                  TBA
Judge – Gypsy                                             TBA
Judge – Welsh                                             Shawn Bigley, MD
Manager                                                   Kathy Brunson, TX
Co-Manager                                                Kimberly Brunson, TX
Secretary                                                 Amy Frenzel, TX
USEF Steward                                              Nannet Read, FL
Veterinarian                                              Kenton Arnold, TX
EMT                                                       Katrina Easterling, TX
Announcer                                                 TBA
Farrier                                                   Lance Heitz, TX
Paddock Marshall -- Indoor                                TBA
Ringmaster – Welsh                                        Brooke Williams
WPCSA Rules Committee                                      Ruth Wilburn, Charlotte Upchurch &
                                                           Sally Ross Davis
Stabling                                                   D’Anne Liljestrand – 903-882-8696
Concessions                                                Blue Ribbon Bakery & Café
                                                           Located on grounds – North end of
Photographer                                               Lynn Novay –

                                 TEXAS ROSE AUTUMN BREED SHOW
                                            USEF #333131
         Friesian Regional Championship Classes are approved and licensed by USEF & IFSHA
                     Morgan Classes are approved and licensed by USEF & AMHA
                           English & Western Pleasure are licensed by USEF
                               Welsh Classes are sanctioned by WPCSA
                        All Classes are approved and recognized by TRHP LLC
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
USEF Competition Name: Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show                                                  333131
                                         Friesian, Morgan & Welsh ‘A”
                                         USEF English Pleasure & USEF Western Pleasure


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November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
                                          Show Rules, Entry Fees & Stabling Information


1.  The 2021 Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show is a US Equestrian Federation licensed competition. Every Friesian & USEF Open to All
    Breeds class offered herein is covered by the rules and specification of the current Federation rule book will be conducted and judged
    in accordance therewith. The rules of the Federation take precedence over the rules of any other association. Exhibitors are encouraged
    to refer to the current Federation Rule Book, which is available at A Federation Steward approved by the Show
    Committee shall be present to administer these rules at the show.
2. Opportunity Classes: Will be conducted in accordance with USEF rules. There will be no USEF membership requirement for
    Opportunity Classes.
3. Rules & Specifications: For All Breed Opportunity classes are contained in this booklet. If you would like a paper copy, please contact
    D’Anne Liljestrand at 903-882-8696 or Show rules will be available in the horse show office. USEF
    Show rules are also available at
4. The Horse Show Executive Committee: reserves the right to itself, to interpret all questions and conditions in regard to, or arising out
    of, or incident to, the show, without claims for damages or recourse of any kind. Any question not covered in these rules and regulations
    shall be decided by the Horse Show Executive Committee, their decision to be final. The Horse Show Executive Committee is to consist
    of Horse Show Manager, Horse Show Secretary.
5. Responsibility: Submission of entry to this show constitutes an agreement to the following: Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold
    harmless the TRHP, LLC, Texas Rose Horse Park, WPCSA, IALHA, IFHSA, AMHA, GYPSY, USEF, Show Management, their
    officers, respective directors, agents, employees or representatives against any claims, demands, costs and expenses, including
    reasonable attorney fees for the defense thereof, arising from the conduct or management of Exhibitor’s business or its use of the
    premises or from any breach on the part of Exhibitors of any conditions of this Agreement, or contractors, agents, employees, guests, or
    invites in or about the premises. In case of any action or proceeding brought against the TRHP, LLC, Texas Rose Horse Park, WPCSA,
    IALHA, IFSHA, AMHA, GYPSY, USEF, Show Management or their officers, respective directors, agents, employees or
    representatives by reason of any such claim, Exhibitor, upon notice covenants to defend such action or proceedings by counsel,
    acceptable to the TRHP, LLC, Texas Rose Horse Park, WPCSA, IALHA, IFSHA, AMHA, GYPSY, USEF, or Show Management.
    Exhibitor is responsible for his/her own property.
6. To be eligible to participate: as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions,
    Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above, Dressage Competitions, Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced
    Level, Endurance Rides, Reining Competitions, Para Equestrian Competitions and Vaulting Competitions, persons must be Members
    of the Federation as provided in Bylaw 201.
7. Life, senior active and Jr active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing
    Competitions at the Modified Level or above and Combine Driving Competitions at the Advance Level, Dressage, Reining and
    Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent,
    coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined
    Driving Competitions upon payment of a $45 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the
    Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot (exception:
    Friesian performance FR222) and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson
    program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deaux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions; 8)
    Opportunity classes; 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their
    own National Federation; 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding
8. All owners and exhibitors: will be held responsible for any damage incurred by them or their agents to barns or Texas Rose Horse
    Park properties on the showgrounds and will be billed accordingly.
9. OPERATION OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES: In accordance with GR 1301.7: Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license
    which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle
    of any kind, including but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed
    competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are
    accompanied by an Ad with a valid driver’s license. The parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or
    guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or
    actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for penalties against those responsible for the child committing
    the offense. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. The unsafe
    use of personal electronic transport devices, as determined by the competition officials and management in their sole discretion, that do
    not require a driver’s license to operate, including but not limited to segways, hover boards, and single wheeled scooters is prohibited
    on competition grounds. Operating such devices in areas where people gather may be deemed “unsafe use” if there is a risk of harm to
    others. If the operator of the device is a minor, the parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian
    of a minor operating the device in violation of this rule is accountable and may be subject to penalties. Wheelchairs and other mobility
    assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.
10. Amateur Non-Members: Amateur cards are no longer available for non-members. Only active Federation members may obtain
    amateur certification. Every person who has reached his/her 18 th birthday and competes in classes for amateurs under Federation rules
    must possess current amateur certification issued by the Federation.
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
11. Management: reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or cancel any entries, and to cancel award prizes, without claims for
    damages; to change any course, to cancel or combine any unfilled classes; and to change judges or other officials. Class Schedules:
    The Tentative Class Schedule is included in this booklet. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Management reserves the right to
    adjust the class schedule and class order. If entries warrant, performance may begin earlier or later than published. Please check with
    the horse show office for each day’s final schedule.
12. Balances: Any prior balances owed from owner, trainer, rider and any connection to a horse, those balances must be paid in
    full before allowed on TRHP properties.
13. Class Fees: All regular USEF/Opportunity/Special classes $30.00. IALHA Regional Championship classes $45.00.
14. Entries: To be accepted, the entry blank must be COMPLETELY filled out and accompanied by a check covering all fees and proof
    of a negative Coggins Test dated within twelve months of show dates for each horse. In addition, for out of state horses, Federal law
    requires a health certificate within 30 days of traveling. In the case of a minor the entry blank must be signed by the parent or guardian.
    If there is no trainer, the trainer line on the entry blank must be signed by the owner. Send the completed entry blank along with all
    entry fees, stall fees, all other fees, and if applicable, copies of the front and back of the Certificate of registration, USEF membership
    card. No entry will be accepted and processed without the above. NEW USEF VACCINATION RULE FOR SHOW HORSES.
    Effective December 1, 2015, all horses entering the grounds of a licensed competition must have proof of Flu/Rhino vaccination
    within 6 months of entering the grounds. Read the details:
15. Online Entries: Online entries may be submitted via
16. Closing date: Nov 1,2021. Entries must be postmarked by Nov 1, 2021.
17. Post Entries: are accepted with a penalty of $25 per horse.
18. Refunds: Entries will only be refunded (less a $25 handling fee) if a Vet Certificate is received within five days of the event. No
    refunds on stabling fees.
19. Federation Fees: for every horse participating in any competition recognized by the Federation, a $23.00 Federation fee will be
    collected ($8.00 is of USEF) and ($15.00 shall be a drugs and medications fee to provide for research, inspection and enforcement of
    rules regarding use of medications and drugs; see Federation GR407.1, 2, 3).
20. Office Fee: there is an office fee of $20.00 per horse
21. Stalls: whether occupied by horses, feed or tack, will be available for a fee of $95 (horse stall only includes 3 bags of shavings) for first
    3 days. $20.00 per day for each stall thereafter. Tack Stalls will be available for a fee of $75 (no bedding included) for first 3 days.
    $20.00 per day for each stall thereafter.
22. Stall availability: 12’ x 12’ stalls with doors, will be available on Thursday, Nov 12, 2021, after 12:00 noon. Early arrivals MUST be
    pre-arranged with D’Anne at by Thursday, Nov 12, 2021. Early arrivals will be charged $20 per stall
    per day.
23. Grounds Fees: the fee for trailering in (Grounds Fee) is $35 per horse/per day.
24. Bedding: Additional bedding is available at the show for $9 per bag, NO OUTSIDE SHAVINGS ALLOWED. Coastal hay is available
    at $13 per bale.
25. Class Calls: Due to unforeseeable problems with any mechanical device, the PA System and paddock calls must be considered a
    courtesy. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be sure that his horse is at the gate at the prescribed time. Every effort will be made
    to maintain a working PA System to carry class calls, however, no protest will be upheld, nor will any class be changed on the basis of
    PA malfunctions alone. The two minute gate rule will be strictly enforced. The in gate will be closed two minutes after the first horse
    enters the ring.
26. Food Service: During the competition food service will be available for purchase by Blue Ribbon Bakery & Café.
27. Camping: RV camping is available in the RV park for a fee of $40 per night. The RV reservation form contained in this booklet must
    be completed and returned with payment prior to arrival.
28. Golf Carts: Golf carts are available for rent for the fee of $75 per day. Golf Cart Reservations must be made on the enclosed form and
    returned with payment to guarantee a cart.
29. Dogs: Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competition ground and must be on a leash or otherwise contained. Individuals must not
    lead dogs on a leash while mounted. Dog owners are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from
    their dogs’ behavior. Dog owners failing to comply with this rule may be subject to penalty under Chapters 6 and 7, issuance of
    warning cards pursuant to rule GR 1301.6 and a fine of $100 per occurrence.
30. Arena Dimensions and Footing: Triple M Ring is 160’ x 300’, Rose Ring is 160’ x 280’, Indoor Arena 125’ x 225’ with all-weather
    footing in both the competition arena and the Triple M warm-up arena.
31. Show Arena: is indoors and is 125’ x 235’ composed of sand.
32. Horse Show Office: will be open Thursday, Nov 12, 2021 from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The office will open one hour prior to the first
    class each day and will remain open for 30 minutes after the last class each day. The Horse Show Office telephone number is 903-881-
33. Coggins Regulations: Each entry must include a copy of the animal’s registration papers. Current Coggins (12 months) must be
    presented to Show Secretary in accordance with state law.
34. Health Requirement:
         a. Horses entering the grounds must be accompanied by documentation of Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus
              (Rhinopneumonitis) vaccinations within six months prior to entering the stables. Horses not in compliance with this rule may be
              required to leave the competition grounds upon request by Competition Management. Documentation should consist of one of the
              following methods mentioned below. The frequency of vaccine administration should be per the vaccine manufacturers’ or
              veterinarian’s recommendations. It is recommended that vaccines are administered by or under the direction of a veterinarian.
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
b.   In the case of vaccines administered by a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide
               documentation from the veterinarian on documenting that the horse in question received the vaccinations; name of the vaccines
               and date of vaccine administration.
           c. In the case of vaccines administered by a person other than a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management,
               must provide a receipt of the vaccine purchase which is signed by the owner, or agent with care, custody, and control of the horse;
               name, serial number and expiration date of the vaccine; and date of vaccine administration.
           d. In the case of a horse that is unable to receive either of the vaccinations due to a history of adverse reactions, the exhibitor,
               upon request by Competition Management, must provide a letter from the veterinarian on official letterhead stating that the
               horse in question cannot be vaccinated due to medical concerns and a log of temperatures taken twice daily for the seven days
               prior to entering the competition grounds. These horses must also have their temperature taken and logged twice daily while
               on the competition grounds. The log of temperatures should be provided to the Competition Management, steward, or technical
               delegate when requested.
35.   Driving: For animals in harness, animals must be fully bridled while hitching and unhitching. Removing the bridle from an animal
      harnessed to a vehicle, or leaving an animal unattended while hitched; anywhere on the show grounds will result in the instant
      elimination and removal from the show grounds. A properly attired groom or passenger is required for all pairs, tandems, unicorns
      or 4 in hand, capable of rendering assistance in case of an emergency. Failure to comply will result in elimination from the
      competition. Wire-wheeled vehicles will be acceptable in the Carriage Driving division at this show.
36.   Attire: All riders in any class where jumping is required and/or when jumping anywhere on the show grounds must wear protective
      headgear. Anyone violating this rule will be prohibited from further riding until in compliance. NOTE: Protective headgear is advised and
      welcome in all classes of any age group, with no judging penalties.
37.   Junior Exhibitors:
           a. An individual that has not reached their 18th birthday as of December 1st, of the current competition year. When dividing Jr
               divisions into two separate age groups, these will be split into youth (age 12 and under) and
           b. youth (13 and over but who have not reached their 18th birthday by December 1st of current competition year). Jrs under 14 years
               of age cannot show a stallion. Jr Drivers under 14 years of age must have an experienced Ad in the carriage at all times.
           c. Jr exhibitors must wear approved protective headgear (ASTM/SEI) at all times whenever mounted or in a driven vehicle at all
               times while on the show ground. Harness must be secured and properly fitted. Any rider violating this rule at any time must
               immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in place.
38.   Memberships: All exhibitors MUST show their current USEF membership card at the show or send a copy with show entries. EXHIBITORS
      only applies to professional and Jr competitors. In order to have amateur certification a competitor must be a member of USEF. USEF Show-
      Pass Fee does not apply to GYPSY entries.
39.   Measurements: All ponies in WPCSA performance classes must present a USEF measurement card to the show secretary or be measured at
      the show. All ponies and cobs (age 6 & over) entered in Halter classes must show a USEF or WPCSA measurement card or be measured.
      Ponies and cobs (age 5 & under) only showing in Halter classes do not have to be measured. Measurements will be done Friday, Nov 12, 2021
      at 6:30am. Any measurements required after this scheduled time will be at owner’s expense.
40.   Premium Checks: Premium checks will be mailed within 30 days of the show. No prize money will be deducted or paid without a
      social security number on file.
        Prize Money           Total Money              1st Place              2nd Place               3rd Place              4th Place
                                  $50                     $20                    $15                     $10                     $5
                                  $75                     $30                    $20                     $15                    $10
                                 $100                     $40                    $30                     $20                    $10
                                 $150                     $60                    $40                     $30                    $20
                                 $200                     $80                    $60                     $40                    $20
                                 $350                    $120                   $100                     $80                    $50

41. Prizes: Ribbons to be given through sixth place. Championships will be awarded on points in each respective division.
42. Returned Check Policy: No post-dated checks will be accepted. Returned checks will be subject to a $50 fee and must be cleared within 30
    days of the last day of the show or disciplinary actions will be sought through the WPCSA, USEF, and/or the District Attorney.
43. Schooling: Schooling will be allowed in the show ring up to 15 minutes before the start of the show and at any time in the schooling area.
    Schooling over fences in the show ring is not allowed after the show starts.
44. SAFE SPORT STATEMENT: Effective immediately, any competition with the start date of September 1, 2020 and later will be required
    to include the following Safe Sport statement in the Rules and Regulation section of the prize list: Reminder: All USEF Life and Senior
    Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the U.S. Center for
    SafeSport training requirement to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S. Center for
    SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found
                                                             **NO TELEPHONE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED**
Mail Paper Entries to:
Texas Rose Horse Park                                      Enter Online at!
14078 State Hwy 110 N
Tyler, TX 75704                         Please see last three pages for a complete fee schedule, and paper entry blanks. Do not forget to                                   include your liability releases with your mailed entries.
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
Fleming Farm & Ranch Supply                                     Atwoods
       2518 S Main St                                      3000 W NW Loop 323
         Lindale, TX                                             Tyler, TX
       903-882-3361                                           903-526-6030

     VZ Farm & Ranch                                          Tractor Supply
        118 E Main                                          3509 Robertson Rd
         Van, TX                                                 Tyler, TX
      903-963-3651                                            903-533-9122

                              LOCAL RESTAURANTS

               Chili’s                                        Farmhouse
          3210 S Main St                                     1125 S Oak St
            Lindale, TX                                         Van, TX
          903-882-3227                                       903-963-7700

             Posado’s                                        Brisket Love
          3201 S Main St                                    15338 FM 849
            Lindale, TX                                      Lindale, TX
          903-881-0434                                      903-881-5725

          Cracker Barrel                          Texas Music City Grill & Smokehouse
        13821 US Hwy 69N                               55 Miranda Lambert Way
          Tyler/Lindale                                       Lindale, TX
          903-882-1322                                      430-235-2100
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
110 exit #548. Turn right/south. Go
                                               approximately 1 mile. TRHP is on the

                                               Address for GPS: 14078 State Highway
                                               110 N, Tyler, TX 75704

        Directions to Texas Rose Horse Park:

From the East (Shreveport Area):
Take I-20 west to the Van/Tyler exit,
Highway 110 exit #548. Turn
left/south. Go approximately 1 mile.
TRHP is on the left.

From the West (Dallas Area): Take I-
20 east to the Van/Tyler exit, Highway
November 12-13, 2021 - Texas Rose Autumn Breed Show - Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
Texas Rose Horse Park Autumn Breed Show
                                                       Complete Class Listing

                                                                         FRIESIAN CLASSES
701. Friesian In-Hand Mares - All Ages                                                       722. Friesian Liberty - All Ages - Genders (Sound Check - Friday during 1st break -
702. Friesian In-Hand Geldings - All Ages                                                    This will be the only sound check)
703. Friesian In-Hand Stallions - All Ages                                                   723. Friesian Park Horse
704. Friesian In-Hand Champion In-Hand (1st & 2nd places from classes 701, 702,              724. Friesian Carriage Pleasure Driving Working
703)                                                                                         725. Friesian Carriage Pleasure Driving Turnout
705. Friesian Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders                                         726. Friesian Carriage Reinsmanship
706. Friesian Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to Handle                     727. Partbred Friesian In-Hand - All Ages/Genders
707. Friesian In Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to Handle                                 728. Partbred Friesian In-Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to Handle
708. Friesian Pleasure - All Seats (English/Western)(Walk/Trot) - Am/Youth                   729. Partbred Friesian - Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders
709. Friesian Country English Pleasure                                                       730. Partbred Friesian - Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to
710. Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat                                                   Handle
711. Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat                                                     731. Partbred Friesian - All Seats (English/Western) WTC - Am/Youth
712. Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Amateur                                         732. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat - Open
713. Friesian Western Pleasure - Open                                                        733. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat - Amateur
714. Friesian Western Pleasure - Amateur                                                     734. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Open
715. Friesian Dressage Suitability                                                           735. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Amateur
716. Friesian Dressage Hack                                                                  736. Partbred Friesian Western Pleasure - Open
717. Friesian English Show Hack - Open                                                       737. Partbred Friesian Western Pleasure - Amateur
718. Friesian Trail U/S                                                                      738. Partbred Friesian Trail U/S
719. Friesian Trail In-Hand                                                                  739. Partbred Friesian Trail In-Hand
720. Friesian Costume - Period                                                               740. Partbred Friesian Costume Period
721. Friesian Costume - Fantasy - No Armored                                                 741. Partbred Friesian Costume - Fantasy - No Armored
                                                                                             742. Partbred Friesian Costume - Armored
                                     OPPORTUNITY CLASSES (ALL CLASSES OPEN TO ALL BREEDS)
900. Opportunity In-Hand Colts/Stallions - All Ages - OTAB
901. Opportunity In-Hand Geldings - All Ages - OTAB
902. Opportunity In-Hand Fillies/Mares - All Ages - OTAB
903. Opportunity In-Hand All Genders -- All Ages -- OTAB
904. Opportunity Showmanship - All Ages - OTAB
905. Opportunity Walk & Favorite Gait - OTAB All Seats
906. Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure OTAB All Seats
907. Opportunity English Pleasure Hunt Seat - Open – OTAB
914. Opportunity Equitation - English/Western - OTAB
915. Opportunity Walk/Trot Equitation - OTAB All Seats
916. Opportunity Dressage Seat Equitation - Amateur - OTAB
917. Opportunity Dressage Suitability - OTAB
918. Opportunity English Show Hack - OTAB
919. Opportunity Trail In-Hand - OTAB
920. Opportunity Trail Under Saddle - OTAB
921. Opportunity Costume - Walk/Trot - OTAB
922. Opportunity Leadline - 10 & Under - OTAB
923. Opportunity Pleasure Driving – OTAB

908. USEF English Pleasure Hunter Seat - Open – OTAB                                              914. USEF Western Seat Medal - Junior
909. USEF English Pleasure Hunter Seat - Championship - OTAB (shown & judged in class 952)        915. USEF Western Seat Medal - Amateur
910. USEF English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Open - OTAB
911. USEF English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Championship - OTAB (shown & judged in class 954)
912. USEF Western Pleasure - Open - OTAB
913. USEF Western Pleasure - Championship - OTAB (shown & judged in class 913)
1. Morgan In-Hand Yearling Fillies In-Hand
2. Morgan In-Hand 2 year old Mares In-Hand
3. Morgan In-Hand Mares 3 year or older In-Hand
4. Morgan In-Hand Mares In-Hand Championship (classes 1-3 qualify placings 1st & 2nd)
5. Morgan In-Hand Yearling Colts In-Hand
6. Morgan In-Hand 2 year old Stallions and Geldings In-Hand
7. Morgan In-Hand Stallions and Geldings 3 year or older In-Hand
8. Morgan In-Hand Stallions and Geldings In-Hand Championship (classes 5-7 qualify placings 1st & 2nd)
9. Morgan In-Hand Showmanship 17 and under
10. Morgan Walk-Trot/Jog Pleasure Championship All Seats
11. Morgan English Pleasure Open
12. Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle
13. Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Championship
14. Morgan English Pleasure 17 and under Championship
15. Morgan Walk-Trot English Pleasure 12 & under
16. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Amateur
17. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open
18. Morgan Hunter Pleasure 13 and under
19. Morgan Hunter Pleasure 14-17 and under
20. Morgan Walk-Trot Hunter Pleasure 12 & under
21. Morgan Hunter Pleasure 17 and under Championship
22. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Jr Horse
23. Morgan Hunter Pleasure - Ladies
24. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Championship
25. Morgan Walk-Jog Western Pleasure 12 & under
26. Morgan Western Pleasure Limit Horse
27. Morgan Western Pleasure 17 and under
28. Morgan Western Pleasure Championship
 29. Morgan Western Pleasure 17 and under Championship
 30. Morgan Western Pleasure - Open
 31. Morgan Western Pleasure - Jr Horse
 32. Morgan Walk-Trot/Jog Equitation Championship - all seats
 33. Morgan Hunter Seat Equitation 13 and under
 34. Morgan Hunter Seat Equitation 14-17 and under
 35. Morgan Walk-Trot Hunt Seat Equitation 12 & under
 36. Morgan Hunter Seat Equitation 17 and under Championship
 37. AMHA Morgan Hunter Seat on the Flat Medal
 38. Morgan Walk-Trot Saddle Seat Equitation 11 & under
 39. AMHA Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation Medal
 40. Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation 17 & under
 41. Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation 17 and under Championship
 42. Morgan Walk-Jog Western Equitation 12 & under
 43. Morgan Western Seat Equitation 17 and under
 44. Morgan Western Seat Equitation 17 and under Championship
 45. AMHA Western Seat Medal
 46. Morgan Road Hack
 47. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Ladies
 48. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Mares and Geldings
 49. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Open
 50. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving- Mares & Geldings Championship
 51. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Ladies Championship
 52. TBA
 53. TBA
 54. TBA
 55. TBA

401. GYPSY In-Hand 2 Year Old and Under Stallions                              442. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J/L - Open
                                                                               443. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J/L - Amateur
402. GYPSY In-Hand 3 & 4 Year Old Stallions                                    444. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J/L - Youth
403. GYPSY In-Hand 5 Years & Over Stallions                                    445. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T - Open
404. GYPSY In-Hand Champion & Reserve Stallions (1st & 2nd place stallions     446. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T - Amateur
all ages compete)                                                              447. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T - Youth
405. GYPSY In-Hand 2 Year old and Under Geldings                               448. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T/C - Open
406. GYPSY In-Hand 3 & 4 year old Geldings                                     449. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T/C - Amateur
407. GYPSY In-Hand 5 Years & Over Geldings                                     450. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T/C - Youth
408. GYPSY In-Hand Champion & Reserve Geldings (1st & 2nd place geldings       451. GYPSY Hunter Hack - Open
all ages compete)                                                              452. GYPSY Hunter Hack - Amateur
409. GYPSY In-Hand 2 Year old and Under Mares                                  453. GYPSY Hunter Hack - Youth
410. GYPSY In-Hand 3 & 4 year old Mares                                        454. GYPSY Ground Driving Obstacles - Open
411. GYPSY In-Hand 5 Years & Over Mares                                        455. GYPSY Trail Obstacles in Hand - Open
412. GYPSY In-Hand Champion & Reserve Mares (1st & 2nd place mares all         456. GYPSY Trail Obstacles in Hand - Amateur
ages compete)                                                                  457. GYPSY Trail Obstacles in Hand - Youth
413. GYPSY In-Hand Supreme Champion (Champion Stallion, Mare & Gelding         458. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J - Open
compete)                                                                       459. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J - Amateur
414. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter - Geldings                                     460. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J - Youth
415. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Halter - Geldings & Stallions                       461. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J/L - Open
416. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Halter Mares                                        462. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J/L - Amateur
417. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Halter Championship                                 463. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J/L - Youth
418. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter – Mares                                        464. GYPSY Costume Class - In Hand or U/S
418b. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter – Stallions/Geldings                          465. GYPSY Pleasure Driving Working - Open
419. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter Championship                                   466. GYPSY Pleasure Driving Working - Amateur
420. GYPSY In-Hand Color - Broken Color                                        467. GYPSY Pleasure Driving Working - Youth
421. GYPSY In-Hand Color - Solid & Blagdon                                     468. GYPSY Ladies Driving - Open
422. GYPSY In-Hand North American Bred                                         469. GYPSY Gentlemen’s Driving - Open
488. GYPSY In-Hand International Bred                                          470. GYPSY Pleasure Driving - Open
423. GYPSY In-Hand Texas Bred and Shown by Owner                               471. GYPSY Pleasure Driving - Amateur
424. GYPSY In-Hand Bred & Shown By Owner                                       472. GYPSY Pleasure Driving - Youth
425. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Showmanship                                         473. GYPSY Concourse D’Elegance Driving
426. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Showmanship                                           474. GYPSY - Ranch Riding W/J - Open
427. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T - Open                           475. GYPSY - Ranch Riding W/J - Amateur
428. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T - Amateur                        476. GYPSY - Ranch Riding W/J - Youth
429. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T - Youth                          477. GYPSY - Ranch Riding W/J/L - Open
430. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T/C - Open                         478. GYPSY - Ranch Riding W/J/L - Amateur
431. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T/C - Amateur                      479. GYPSY - Ranch Riding W/J/L - Youth
432. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T/C - Youth                        480. GYPSY Reinsmanship - Open
433. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T - Open                             481. GYPSY Liberty – Open
434. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T - Amateur                          482. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJ – Open
435. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T - Youth                            483. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJ – Youth
436. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T/C - Open                           484. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJ – Amateur
437. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T/C - Amateur                        485. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJL – Open
438. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T/C - Youth                          486. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJL – Youth
439. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J - Open                                         487. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJL - Amateur
440. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J - Amateur
441. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J - Youth
                                              USEF FRIESIAN, MORGAN & GYPSY – Friday, Nov 12, 2021
                                                              Indoor Arena – 9:00am
                                                 Judge: TBA – Friesian, Morgan & 2nd Gypsy Judge
                                                               TBA – 1st Gypsy Judge

                                                      HALTER CLASSES – Friesian, Morgan & Gypsy

1. Morgan In-Hand Yearling Fillies In-Hand                                    704. Friesian In-Hand Champion In-Hand (1st & 2nd places from classes 701,
409. GYPSY In-Hand 2 Year old and Under Mares                                 702, 703)
701. Friesian In-Hand Mares - All Ages                                        707. Friesian In Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to Handle
2. Morgan In-Hand 2 year old Mares In-Hand                                    405. GYPSY In-Hand 2 Year old and Under Geldings
3. Morgan In-Hand Mares 3 year or older In-Hand                               406. GYPSY In-Hand 3 & 4 year old Geldings
4. Morgan In-Hand Mares In-Hand Championship (classes 1-3 qualify             407. GYPSY In-Hand 5 Years & Over Geldings
placings 1st & 2nd)                                                           408. GYPSY In-Hand Champion & Reserve Geldings (1st & 2nd place geldings
410. GYPSY In-Hand 3 & 4 year old Mares                                       all ages compete)
411. GYPSY In-Hand 5 Years & Over Mares                                       413. GYPSY In-Hand Supreme Champion (Champion Stallion, Mare & Gelding
412. GYPSY In-Hand Champion & Reserve Mares (1st & 2nd place mares all        compete)
ages compete)                                                                 417. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Halter Championship
416. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Halter Mares                                       420. GYPSY In-Hand Color - Broken Color
5. Morgan In-Hand Yearling Colts In-Hand                                      727. Partbred Friesian In-Hand - All Ages/Genders
401. GYPSY In-Hand 2 Year Old and Under Stallions                             728. Partbred Friesian In-Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to Handle
703. Friesian In-Hand Stallions - All Ages                                    421. GYPSY In-Hand Color - Solid & Blagdon
6. Morgan In-Hand 2 year old Stallions and Geldings In-Hand                   422. GYPSY In-Hand North American Bred
7. Morgan In-Hand Stallions and Geldings 3 year or older In-Hand              488. GYPSY In-Hand International Bred
8. Morgan In-Hand Stallions and Geldings In-Hand Championship (classes 5-7    423. GYPSY In-Hand Texas Bred and shown by Owner
qualify placings 1st & 2nd)                                                   424. GYPSY In-Hand Bred & Shown By Owner
402. GYPSY In-Hand 3 & 4 Year Old Stallions                                   705. Friesian Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders
403. GYPSY In-Hand 5 Years & Over Stallions                                   706. Friesian Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to Handle
404. GYPSY In-Hand Champion & Reserve Stallions (1st & 2nd place stallions    729. Partbred Friesian - Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders
all ages compete)                                                             730. Partbred Friesian - Sport Horse In-Hand - All Ages/Genders - Amateur to
415. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Halter - Geldings & Stallions                      Handle
702. Friesian In-Hand Geldings - All Ages

                                           PERFORMANCE CLASSES – FRIESIAN, GYPSY VANNER, MORGAN
52. TBA                                                                       736. Partbred Friesian Western Pleasure - Open
711. Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat                                      737. Partbred Friesian Western Pleasure - Amateur
16. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Amateur                                            912. USEF Western Pleasure - Open - OTAB
17. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open                                               913. USEF Western Pleasure - Championship - OTAB (shown & judged in
22. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Jr Horse                                           class 913)
23. Morgan Hunter Pleasure - Ladies                                           914. USEF Western Seat Medal – Junior
24. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Championship                                       915. USEF Western Seat Medal – Amateur
732. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat - Open                      474. GYPSY 9 - Ranch Riding W/J - Open
733. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat - Amateur                   475. GYPSY 9 - Ranch Riding W/J - Amateur
433. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T - Open                            476. GYPSY 9 - Ranch Riding W/J - Youth
434. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T - Amateur                         477. GYPSY 9 - Ranch Riding W/J/L - Open
435. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T - Youth                           478. GYPSY 9 - Ranch Riding W/J/L - Amateur
436. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T/C - Open                          479. GYPSY 9 - Ranch Riding W/J/L – Youth
437. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T/C - Amateur                       482. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJ – Open
438. GYPSY English Pleasure Hunter Type W/T/C - Youth                         483. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJ – Youth
717. Friesian English Show Hack - Open                                        484. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJ – Amateur
46. Morgan Road Hack                                                          485. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJL – Open
918. Opportunity English Show Hack -- OTAB                                    486. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJL – Youth
53. TBA                                                                       487. GYPSY Ranch Rail WJL - Amateur
713. Friesian Western Pleasure - Open                                         720. Friesian Costume - Period
714. Friesian Western Pleasure - Amateur                                      740. Partbred Friesian Costume Period
30. Morgan Western Pleasure - Open                                            464. GYPSY Costume Class - In Hand or U/S
31. Morgan Western Pleasure - Jr Horse                                        721. Friesian Costume - Fantasy - No Armored
439. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J - Open                                        741. Partbred Friesian Costume - Fantasy - No Armored
440. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J - Amateur                                     742. Partbred Friesian Costume – Armored
441. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J - Youth                                       921. Opportunity Costume – Walk/Trot - OTAB
442. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J/L - Open                                      722. Friesian Liberty - All Ages - Genders (Sound Check - Friday during 1st
443. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J/L - Amateur                                   break - This will be the only sound check)
444. GYPSY Western Pleasure W/J/L - Youth                                     481. GYPSY Liberty - Open
                                USEF IALHA, FRIESIAN, MORGAN & GYPSY – Saturday, Nov 13, 2021 Indoor Arena – 8:00am
                                        Judge: TBA -- Friesian, Morgan & 2nd Gypsy Judge, TBA – 1st Gypsy Judge
                                                            Driving – Friesian, Morgan & Gypsy
900. Opportunity In-Hand Colts/Stallions - All Ages - OTAB                   49. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Open
901. Opportunity In-Hand Geldings - All Ages - OTAB                          50. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving- Mares & Geldings Championship
902. Opportunity In-Hand Fillies/Mares - All Ages - OTAB                     51. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Ladies Championship
903. Opportunity In-Hand All Genders -- All Ages -- OTAB                     465. GYPSY Pleasure Driving Working - Open
9. Morgan In-Hand Showmanship 17 and under                                   466. GYPSY Pleasure Driving Working - Amateur
414. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter - Geldings                                   467. GYPSY Pleasure Driving Working - Youth
418. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter - Mares                                      724. Friesian Carriage Pleasure Driving Working
419. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Halter Championship                                 725. Friesian Carriage Pleasure Driving Turnout
425. GYPSY In-Hand Amateur Showmanship                                       726. Friesian Carriage Reinsmanship
904. Opportunity Showmanship - All Ages - OTAB                               473. GYPSY Concourse D’Elegance Driving
426. GYPSY In-Hand Youth Showmanship                                         468. GYPSY Ladies Driving - Open
723. Friesian Park Horse                                                     469. GYPSY Gentlemen’s Driving - Open
470. GYPSY Pleasure Driving - Open                                           480. GYPSY Reinsmanship - Open
471. GYPSY Pleasure Driving - Amateur                                        923. Opportunity Pleasure Driving - OTAB
472. GYPSY Pleasure Driving - Youth                                          924. USEF English Pleasure Driving - Open - OTAB
47. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Ladies                                925. USEF English Pleasure Driving - Championship - OTAB (shown & judged
48. Morgan Carriage Pleasure Driving - Mares and Geldings                    in class 950)

                                                PERFORMANCE CLASSES - FRIESIAN, MORGAN & GYPSY
11. Morgan English Pleasure Open                                             710. Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat
12. Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle                                           712. Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Amateur
13. Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Championship                              734. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Open
708. Friesian Pleasure - All Seats (English/Western)(Walk/Trot) - Am/Youth   735. Partbred Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Amateur
709. Friesian Country English Pleasure                                       910. USEF English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Open - OTAB
908. USEF English Pleasure Hunter Seat - Open - OTAB                         911. USEF English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Championship - OTAB (shown & judged
909. USEF English Pleasure Hunter Seat - Championship - OTAB (shown &        in class 954)
judged in class 952)                                                         922. Opportunity Leadline - 10 & Under - OTAB
907. Opportunity English Pleasure Hunt Seat - Open - OTAB                    25. Morgan Walk-Jog Western Pleasure 12 & under
15. Morgan Walk-Trot English Pleasure 12 & under                             42. Morgan Walk-Jog Western Equitation 12 & under
20. Morgan Walk-Trot Hunter Pleasure 12 & under                              905. Opportunity Walk & Favorite Gait - OTAB All Seats
35. Morgan Walk-Trot Hunt Seat Equitation 12 & under                         906. Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure OTAB All Seats
18. Morgan Hunter Pleasure 13 and under                                      914. Opportunity Equitation - English/Western - OTAB
33. Morgan Hunter Seat Equitation 13 and under                               915. Opportunity Walk/Trot Equitation - OTAB All Seats
19. Morgan Hunter Pleasure 14-17 and under                                   731. Partbred Friesian - All Seats (English/Western)(Walk/Trot/Canter) -
34. Morgan Hunter Seat Equitation 14-17 and under                            Am/Youth
21. Morgan Hunter Pleasure 17 and under Championship                         10. Morgan Walk-Trot/Jog Pleasure Championship All Seats
36. Morgan Hunter Seat Equitation 17 and under Championship                  32. Morgan Walk-Trot/Jog Equitation Championship - all seats
37. AMHA Morgan Hunter Seat on the Flat Medal                                43. Morgan Western Seat Equitation 17 and under
451. GYPSY Hunter Hack - Open                                                44. Morgan Western Seat Equitation 17 and under Championship
452. GYPSY Hunter Hack - Amateur                                             26. Morgan Western Pleasure Limit Horse
453. GYPSY Hunter Hack - Youth                                               27. Morgan Western Pleasure 17 and under
715. Friesian Dressage Suitability                                           28. Morgan Western Pleasure Championship
716. Friesian Dressage Hack                                                  29. Morgan Western Pleasure 17 and under Championship
916. Opportunity Dressage Seat Equitation - Amateur - OTAB                   45. AMHA Western Seat Medal
917. Opportunity Dressage Suitability - OTAB                                 454. GYPSY Ground Driving Obstacles - Open
427. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T - Open                         719. Friesian Trail In-Hand
428. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T - Amateur                      739. Partbred Friesian Trail In-Hand
429. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T - Youth                        919. Opportunity Trail In-Hand - OTAB
430. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T/C - Open                       455. GYPSY Trail Obstacles in Hand - Open
431. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T/C - Amateur                    456. GYPSY Trail Obstacles in Hand - Amateur
432. GYPSY English Pleasure Dressage Type W/T/C - Youth                      457. GYPSY Trail Obstacles in Hand - Youth
445. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T - Open                           718. Friesian Trail U/S
446. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T - Amateur                        738. Partbred Friesian Trail U/S
447. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T - Youth                          458. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J - Open
448. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T/C - Open                         459. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J - Amateur
449. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T/C - Amateur                      460. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J - Youth
450. GYPSY Suitability for Dressage U/S W/T/C - Youth                        461. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J/L - Open
38. Morgan Walk-Trot Saddle Seat Equitation 11 & under                       462. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J/L - Amateur
40. Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation 17 & under                                 463. GYPSY Trail Obstacles U/S W/J/L - Youth
41. Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation 17 and under Championship                  920. Opportunity Trail Under Saddle - OTAB
39. AMHA Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation Medal
    Opportunity Classes – Halter – Open to All Breeds: Classes 900, 901 & 902. Shown at the discretion of the judge. To be judged on conformation, quality, way of going,
    substance and manners.
    Opportunity Classes Walk and Favorite Gait – Maiden/Costume: Open to All Breeds. Classes 904 & 909. Horses to enter the ring at the walk in a counterclockwise direction.
    Exhibitors will walk and take their favorite gait both ways of the arena. They are required to halt, stand quietly and back readily. A quiet mouth is imperative. Judged on
    manners, performance, way of going. Entries may show in other classes at this show.
    Opportunity Class – English Show Hack – Open to All Breeds: Class 907 – Horses will enter the ring at the normal trot in a counterclockwise direction. Horses to be shown at
    a walk, trot, canter (shortened, normal and lengthened) and hand gallop both ways of the arena. Judged on manners, performance, quality and conformation.
    Opportunity Class – English Pleasure Hunt Seat – Open – Open to All Breeds: Class 906 – Enter counterclockwise at the trot. Walk, trot, canter and hand gallop both ways of
    the ring. May ask to extend any gait. In the lineup may ask to back individually or as a group. Judged: Performance, manners, type, quality and conformation.
    Opportunity Class – Dressage Suitability – Open to All Breeds: Class 908 – Horses to enter the ring at the trot and are shown both ways of the ring at the walk, trot and canter.
    Exhibitors may be asked to lengthen or shorten strides, walk on a loose rein, halt, stand quietly and back. Horses are judged on gaits, type and correctness and manners
    consistent with United States Dressage Federation rules.
    Opportunity Classes – Equitation – English Western & Dressage Seat Equitation – Open to All Breeds: Classes 910 & 911 – Horses to be shown at a walk, jog/trot & lope/canter
    both ways of the ring. Judged on riders seat, hands, use of aids and suitability of horse and rider.
    Opportunity Class – Showmanship 17 & Under – Open to All Breeds: Class 903 – Horses to be shown at the judges instruction. When presenting to the judge the ¼ system
    will be used. Judged on handler’s ability to present the horse.
    Opportunity Class – Pleasure Driving – Open to All Breeds: Class 905 – Horses to be shown: Enter counterclockwise at the normal trot. Walk, normal trot, and strong trot
    both ways of the ring. To stand quietly and back readily. Judged on attitude, manners, performance, type, quality and conformation.
    Opportunity Class – Leadline – 10 & Under – Open to All Breeds: Class 912 – Shown at a walk only. If under 3 Years of Age a handler must be at both sides of the horse. All
    get first place.

                                                         USEF WPCSA - Tentative Class Schedule
                                                            Friday, Nov 12, 2021 – 7:30 AM
Indoor Arena – Judge: Shawn Bigley                                                               220b. WPCSA Working English Pleasure (HWPB) - Ad
201. USEF Conformation Pleasure Driving (Section A&B) – Jr/Ad                                    221a. WPCSA $50 Conformation English Pleasure Stake (HWPB) – Jr
202. WPCSA Working Pleasure Driving (Section A&B) – Jr/Ad                                        221b. WPCSA $50 Conformation English Pleasure Stake (HWPB) – Ad
203. WPCSA $150 Conformation Pleasure Driving Stake (Section A&B) – Jr/Ad                        2010. USEF HWPB Eng. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (219A-221A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2000. USEF Ch & Rs Pleasure Driving A&B (201-203) (No Entry, Qualify Only)                       2011. WPCSA HWPB Eng. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (220A-221A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2001. WPCSA Ch & Rs Pleasure Driving A&B (202,203) (No Entry, Qualify Only)                      2012. USEF HWPB Eng. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (219B-221B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 2013. WPCSA HWPB Eng. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (220B-221B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
Triple M Ring (Hunter Ring) – Start time @ 9:00am
204. Hunter Warm-up – (Fence heights dependent on division) Jr/Ad                                222. USEF Conformation English Pleasure (Section A&B) – Jr
205. USEF Welsh Pony Hunter Model (Section A&B) – Jr                                             223. WPCSA Working English Pleasure (Section A&B) – Jr
206. USEF Welsh Pony Working Hunter (Section A&B) – Jr                                           224. WPCSA $100 Conformation English Pleasure Stake (Section A&B) – Jr
207. WPCSA Working Hunter O/F (Section A&B) – Jr                                                 2014. USEF A&B Eng. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (222-224) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
208. WPCSA $150 Conformation Hunter Stake O/F (Section A&B) – Jr                                 2015. WPCSA A&B Eng. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (223-224) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
209. WPCSA Conformation Hunter Under Saddle (Section A&B) – Jr
                                                                                                 225a. USEF Conformation English Pleasure (Section C&D) – Jr
2003. USEF Sec A&B Hunter Jr Ch & Rs – Classes 205-209 (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 225b. USEF Conformation English Pleasure (Section C&D) – Ad
2004. WPCSA Sec. A&B Hunter Jr Ch & Rs – Classes 207,208,209 (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 226a. WPCSA Working English Pleasure (Section C&D) – Jr
                                                                                                 226b. WPCSA Working English Pleasure (Section C&D) – Ad
210. WPCSA Working Hunter O/F (Section A&B) – Ad                                                 227a. WPCSA $50 Conformation English Pleasure Stake (Section C&D) – Jr
211. WPCSA $150 Conformation Hunter Stake O/F (Section A&B) – Ad                                 227b. WPCSA $50 Conformation English Pleasure Stake (Section C&D) – Ad
212. WPCSA Conformation Hunter Under Saddle (Section A&B) – Ad                                   2016. USEF C&D Eng. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (225A-227A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2005. WPCSA Sec. A&B Hunter Ad Ch & Rs – Classes 210,211,212 (No Entry, Qualify Only)            2017. WPCSA C&D Eng. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (226A-227A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 2018. USEF C&D Eng. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (225B-227B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
213a. WPCSA Working Hunter O/F (HWPB) – Jr                                                       2019. WPCSA C&D Eng. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (226B-227B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
213b. WPCSA Working Hunter O/F (HWPB) – Ad
214a. WPCSA $75 Conformation Hunter Stake O/F (HWPB) – Jr                                        228. USEF Conformation English Pleasure (Section A&B) – Ad
214b. WPCSA $75 Conformation Hunter Stake O/F (HWPB) – Ad                                        229. WPCSA Working English Pleasure (Section A&B) – Ad
215a. WPCSA Conformation Hunter Under Saddle (HWPB) – Jr                                         230. WPCSA $100 Conformation English Pleasure Stake (Section A&B) – Ad
215b. WPCSA Conformation Hunter Under Saddle (HWPB) – Ad                                         2020. USEF A&B Eng. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (228-230) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2006. WPCSA HWPB Hunter Jr – Ch & Rs (213A-215A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)                        2021. WPCSA A&B Eng. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (229-230) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2007. WPCSA HWPB Hunter Ad – Ch & Rs (213B-215B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 231. USEF Conformation Western Pleasure (Section A&B) – Jr
216a. WPCSA Working Hunter O/F (Section C&D) – Jr                                                232. WPCSA Working Western Pleasure (Section A&B) – Jr
216b. WPCSA Working Hunter O/F (Section C&D) – Ad                                                233. WPCSA $75 Conformation Western Pleasure Stake (Section A&B) – Jr
217a. WPCSA $75 Conformation Hunter Stake O/F (Section C&D) – Jr                                 2022. USEF A&B West. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (231-233) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
217b. WPCSA $75 Conformation Hunter Stake O/F (Section C&D) – Ad                                 2023. WPCSA A&B West. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (232-233) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
218a. WPCSA Conformation Hunter Under Saddle (Section C&D) – Jr
218b. WPCSA Conformation Hunter Under Saddle (Section C&D) – Ad
                                                                                                 234. USEF Conformation Western Pleasure (Section A&B) – Ad
2008. WPCSA C&D Hunter Jr – Ch & Rs (216A-218A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 235. WPCSA Working Western Pleasure (Section A&B) – Ad
2009. WPCSA C&D Hunter Ad – Ch & Rs (216B-218B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
                                                                                                 236. WPCSA $75 Conformation Western Pleasure Stake (Section A&B) – Ad
                                                                                                 2024. USEF A&B West. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (234-236) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
Triple M Ring:                                                                                   2025. WPCSA A&B West. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (235-236) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
219a. USEF Conformation English Pleasure (HWPB) – Jr
219b. USEF Conformation English Pleasure (HWPB) – Ad                                             237a. USEF Conformation Western Pleasure (HWPB) – Jr
220a. WPCSA Working English Pleasure (HWPB) – Jr                                                 237b. USEF Conformation Western Pleasure (HWPB) – Ad
238a. WPCSA Working Western Pleasure (HWPB) – Jr                                       241b. WPCSA Working Western Pleasure (Section C&D) - Ad
238b. WPCSA Working Western Pleasure (HWPB) – Ad                                       242a. WPCSA $50 Conformation Western Pleasure Stake (Section C&D) - Jr
239a. WPCSA $50 Conformation Western Pleasure Stake (HWPB) – Jr                        242b. WPCSA $50 Conformation Western Pleasure Stake (Section C&D) - Ad
239b. WPCSA $50 Conformation Western Pleasure Stake (HWPB) – Ad                        2030. USEF C&D West. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (240A-242A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2026. USEF HWPB West. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (237A-239A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)       2031. WPSCA C&D West. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (241A-242A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2027. WPCSA HWPB West. Pleasure Jr – Ch & Rs (238A-239A) (No Entry, Qualify Only)      2030. USEF C&D West. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (240B-242B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2028. USEF HWPB West. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (237B-239B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)       2031. WPSCA C&D West. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (241B-242B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)
2029. WPCSA HWPB West. Pleasure Ad – Ch & Rs (238B-239B) (No Entry, Qualify Only)     243. WPCSA Stock Seat Equitation (A, B, C, D, Half-Welsh, Part-Bred) – Jr
                                                                                      244. WPCSA Stock Seat Equitation (A, B, C, D, Half-Welsh, Part-Bred) – Ad
240a. USEF Conformation Western Pleasure (Section C&D) - Jr
240b. USEF Conformation Western Pleasure (Section C&D) - Ad
241a. WPCSA Working Western Pleasure (Section C&D) – Jr

                                    Please refer to Texas Rose Welsh Lite Prizelist for additional in-hand classes.

                                                                       Welsh Class Specifications

                                     All current Class descriptions and specifications can be found at:


                      The WPCSA Rule Book can be found at:

    Applicant(s) Name
   City/State/Zip                                                                                       Telephone
   Email                                                                            Website
   *NOTE: All Annual Memberships expire on December 31 of the current year, regardless of date submitted.
   Type of Membership (check one): Fee (Add $10 for Foreign Memberships) All Canadian & Foreign payments must be in U.S. Funds.

          Renewal                         New Membership
         $1,000 Life – Individual Only
         $1,000 Jr Life – Individual Only – Birth Date
         $60 *Annual Family/Firm – Immediate family unit consisting of parent/guardian and minor children (who have not
         reached their 18th birthday) or a corporation/firm or association. *List names below.
         $50 Annual – Individual Only
         $35 Annual Associate – Individual Only – *Limited Membership Privileges. No discount on registration & transfer fees;
         no vote; will not receive yearbook or be listed in the Member/Breeder Directory.
         $30 Annual Jr - Individual Only - Age 18 & Under - Birth Date                                                           . No vote; will not
         receive yearbook or be listed in the Member/Breeder Directory.
   *Family/Firm membership please list individual’s names, name of designated voter & dates of birth for children under 18.
*New members receive a literature packet: Member-breeder list, Welsh Pony Leaflet; Welsh Cob Brochure; Care/Feeding
booklet; Fee Schedule; WPCSA Newsletter; WPCSA Rulebook & By-Laws; 3” WPCSA Window Decal.
Complete form & mail with fee to: Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America, Inc., 720 Green St., Stephens City, VA 22655

Amount Enclosed                              or charge to my (circle one) Visa or MasterCard

Name as it appears on card
Card Number                                                                     3-digit Security Code________________
Exp. Date_______________________Signature


a) Any person, firm or corporation owning or interested in Welsh ponies or cobs shall be eligible for membership.
b) There shall be two (2) classes of membership: voting and non-voting.

Voting memberships are defined as follows:
        1. Senior Life Membership – those persons who have reached their 18 th birthday by January 1st of the current year.
        2. Annual Membership – those persons who have reached their 18 th birthday by January 1st of the current year.
        3. Family/Firm – immediate family unit - parent/guardian and minor children (who have not reached their 18 th
           birthday) or a corporation/firm or association. The Family/Firm unit will be entitled to only one vote.

Non-Voting Memberships shall be defined as follows:
        4. Jr Life Membership – those persons who have not reached their 18 th birthday by January 1st of the current year.
           Upon reaching 18, the membership will become Senior Life.
        5. Annual Associates - those persons who have reached their 18 th birthday by January 1st of the current year & who
           are interested in the breed but do not desire full membership privileges. No reduction of transfer & registration
        6. Jr Membership - those persons who have not reached their 18 th birthday by January 1st of the current year.

Privileges WPCSA Members: Reduced registration and transfer fees (with the exception of Annual Associate members);
Privilege of appearing in the Member-Breeder Directory (with the exception of Jr & Annual Associate members); Right to
compete for High Score Awards; Subscription to quarterly WPCSA Welsh Review Newsletter. All new members receive a
complimentary literature packet. New Life members receive a complimentary pin; new Annual, Family/Firm & Annual Assoc.
members receive a complimentary three-inch decal; new Jr members receive a complimentary poster.
Note: Your dues or contribution to the association are not deductible as charitable contributions. Please consult with your tax
advisor to determine whether they may be deducted under other provisions of the law (such as the provisions relating to the
deductibility of business expenses.
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