NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET

Page created by Philip Palmer
NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET
                                                                                           A Successful Model for Controlling &
                                                                                           Preventing Bed Bugs at the Community
                                                                                           Level in Affordable Housing Complexes

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Affordable housing represents a significant challenge for property managers and PMPs tasked with controlling and preventing bed bugs in these
complex environments. Yet nothing is more gratifying than successfully addressing a bed bug problem at an affordable housing complex, enhancing
the ‘quality of life’ of residents while making a positive difference in your community. Unfortunately, the year-over-year remediation costs for controlling
bed bugs in these high-traffic accounts can be overwhelming for cash-constrained management companies serving affordable housing. Through an
impressive partnership between PMPs, residents and property managers, however, Allergy Technologies has successfully created and coordinated a
comprehensive prevention program that has produced impressive, long-term results, while saving these organizations time and money. The result is
a state-of-the art bed bug remediation and prevention program that can serve as a model for similar initiatives throughout North America.

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NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET

 New Bed Bug
 Program for
 Affordable Housing
 Delivers Results
 Controlling bed bugs in affordable housing
 is a huge challenge, but a large-scale pilot
 program launched in Philadelphia proves
 prevention is possible and sustainable.

              he City of Brotherly Love is known for many                According to Joseph Latino, president of Allergy Technol-
              things. Having bed bugs, unfortunately, is one          ogies, significant results were achieved in the pilot program’s
              of them.                                                first year:
                 These pests are particularly difficult to con-
              trol in affordable housing. According to a study          97% of units did not have a reintroduction or
              by Rutgers University Entomologist Changlu                     re-emergence of bed bugs
              Wang, who inspected 2,372 low-income apart-               81% reduction in the number of required treatments
 ments in 43 buildings in four New Jersey cities in 2016, bed                as compared to historical frequency
 bug infestation rates in community living facilities average
                                                                        $40K savings to property management
 12.3 percent.
    Unfortunately, current control strategies often fail to achieve     40% reduction in technician on-site time
 long-term success with the pests re-emerging or being reintro-
 duced and starting the cycle of infestation all over again.             Corbett Exterminating, which specializes in pest control
    But a new, program-based approach tested at a 470-                for multi-unit housing and is the provider of record for the
 unit affordable housing community in Philadelphia proved             Philadelphia housing complex, was eager to approach bed
 bed bug control and prevention is not only possible but              bug control in a different way to end the cycle of reinfesta-
 sustainable.                                                         tions of this pest.
    The two-year pilot, called the Affordable Housing Con-               “It’s not doing justice to the community and to the people
 trol and Prevention Program for Bed Bugs or ATAHC (pro-              who live there to just continue to kill bed bugs over and over.
 nounced “attack”), is a proactive versus reactive approach           That doesn’t improve their ‘quality of life’; it just maintains
 that targeted the entire living community, not just individual       the situation as it is,” explained Charles Cerbini, executive
 units with bed bug problems.                                         vice president of the Mountainside, N.J.-based company.
    The ATAHC Program was developed by Allergy Technol-                  Cerbini said implementing the new prevention-based pro-
 ogies, manufacturer of ActiveGuard® Mattress Liners. Sup-            tocol wasn’t difficult because Corbett Exterminating was al-
 port was provided by Philadelphia Councilmember Mark                 ready using similar control tactics in its affordable housing
 Squilla, the Philadelphia Housing Authority, its property            accounts. It was employing these tactics community-wide in
 management company, leading industry researchers and pest            a cohesive manner that made all the difference in the success
 control companies.                                                   of the program, he pointed out.

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Pillars of Success                                                                                                       STRATEGY

Year One
The first year of the ATAHC Program
involved five collaborative steps:

    1    Getting Buy-in
         Being a facility-wide effort, all
parties had to be on board. To build trust     surrounded by rows of townhouses. To          calized treatments (for more limited bed
and collaboration, multiple training           make bed bug work more manageable             bug introductions).
sessions were held for property manage-        and easier to track, the 470 units were
ment staff and residents. Led by an expert
from Cornell University’s Northeastern
                                               divided into four color-coded quadrants.
                                               All work was completed in the first quad-
                                                                                               4      Remediating Units
                                                                                                      with Bed Bugs
Integrated Pest Management Center, the         rant before moving to the second, and so      Initially, every unit that had bed bugs
sessions demystified the stigma of bed         on.                                           (confirmed through PMP inspection)
bugs; alleviated eviction concerns; out-          A detailed database helped Corbett         underwent heat remediation with residu-
lined individuals’ roles in the program;       Exterminating track progress. The com-        al chemical products applied per label as
and taught basic bed bug detection and         pany had to adjust some of its reporting      needed. (Heat is Corbett Exterminating’s
what to expect from ATAHC. Training            practices to ensure documentation was         preferred method of bed bud control;
materials were translated into multiple        consistent from unit-to-unit while ad-        chemical-only treatment may be consid-
languages, and volunteer residents served      hering to the program’s strict timeframes     ered in lieu of heat in future projects.)
as in-person translators during meetings,      for follow-up activities. “Everything was     Steaming and vacuuming (extraction)
where refreshments were provided.              pretty regulated (from a timing stand-        of bed bugs was performed as needed.
   Meetings with Resident Council              point), but it wasn’t a problem; you just     The use of clothes dryers and portable
members were held throughout the year          had to schedule it properly,” explained       heat enclosures were used to eliminate
and newsletters highlighting program           Cerbini.                                      bed bugs from personal items and large
updates and communicating reminders               Being methodical is key to ATAHC’s         furniture pieces.
were distributed to build resident sup-        success. “The organizational level and
port and enthusiasm. Management was
trained on how to engage early with new
                                               attention to detail is a great deal higher
                                               than with reaction-based bed bug con-
                                                                                               5      Installing Preventive
                                                                                                      Measures in All Units
residents who may introduce bed bugs           trol,” said Dr. Jim Ballard, the bed bug      All units, regardless of remediation ef-
during move-in.                                consultant who audited ATAHC Pro-             forts required, were then outfitted with
   A basic tenet of the ATAHC Program          gram data. This dedication to detail al-      prevention measures, with the exception
is building a culture of trust through re-     lows for more efficient use of labor and      of 13 units where property management
spectful interaction with residents. Resi-     streamlined deployment, resulting in          continued to work with residents to gain
dential engagement, coupled with regu-         significant cost-savings for the program.     access.
lar communication between the housing                                                           Desiccant silica gel dust was applied
staff, management and pest control ser-
vice personnel fosters early reporting and
                                                 3     Conducting Community-
                                                       Wide Inspections
                                                                                             to wall voids. ActiveGuard liners were
                                                                                             installed on all box springs and inverted
rapid intervention, ultimately allowing        Each unit underwent canine inspection         on mattresses if box springs were absent.
for localized treatments of re-introductions   for bed bugs by Key K9, an indepen-           (In some cases, to salvage the mattress,
rather than more disruptive and expen-         dent bed bug detection company based          liners were used in conjunction with en-
sive unit-wide remediation. The old ad-        in Unionville, PA. Corbett Exterminat-        casements.) These products were chosen
age, “treat the snowball rather than the       ing technicians then visually inspected       for their years-long residual activity and
avalanche” is particularly relevant in this    the apartments where dogs alerted, to         ability to kill any introduced bed bugs.
case.                                          both confirm bed bug presence and                In addition, passive monitors were in-
                                               grade infestations by their level of sever-   stalled under the legs of beds, sofas or re-
   2    Dividing up the Work
        Like many affordable and multi-
                                               ity. Grading was performed throughout
                                               the course of the program to determine
                                                                                             cliners. “Wherever people sleep, they got
                                                                                             the interceptors,” Ballard said. In com-
unit housing complexes, this facility was      whether to remediate unit-wide (for           mon areas, a limited number of active
large, comprised of an apartment tower         more severe infestations) or perform lo-      monitors with lures were installed.

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NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET

                                                                                                                        ATAHC continues to provide robust
                                                                                                                     bed bug prevention in year two of the
                                                                                                                     program. For those few units requiring
                                                                                                                     remediation, less costly and diminished
                                                                                                                     disruptive localized treatments based on

 Year Two Underway:
                                                                                                                     low-grade introductions were indicated
                                                                                                                     and proved successful.
                                                                                                                        As per the program’s dynamic design

 Monitoring and Intervention
                                                                                                                     and further sustainability, year one data
                                                                                                                     supports that a revision in the frequency
                                                                                                                     of inspections to a quarterly basis may

          esidents and property man-                       many challenges, and routine month-                       be warranted. However, units that are
          agement staff, the latter who                    ly surveillance visits prescribed by the                  remediated will be designated as “high
          enter units quarterly for rou-                   ATAHC Program were placed on hiatus                       vigilance” and remain on a monthly in-
          tine housekeeping review, were                   from March to August of 2020 and then                     spection schedule for at least three (3)
 trained to inspect passive monitors and                   again, between November 2020 through                      months post treatment before being rel-
 report bed bug activity. Residents were                   February 2021. Despite these pauses,                      egated to quarterly inspection.
 incentivized with “thank you” gifts to re-                surveillance has resumed as of March                         Corbett reiterated a basic ATAHC
 port bed bug issues early.                                2021, and results to date indicate for the                tenet that regular inspection is key to
    During monthly pest control service                    entire complex, whose tenants were ini-                   catching an introduced bed bug early.
 visits for other structural pests, Corbett                tially enrolled in the ATAHC Program                      “The sooner it’s found, the easier it is
 Exterminating employees now also in-                      16+ months ago:                                           to eliminate; the less chance that it’s go-
 spect bed bug monitors, ensure mattress                                                                             ing to be transferred from unit to unit
 liners remain installed and address resi-                    99.1% success rate of prevent-                         or that the bed bug is going to migrate
 dent concerns about the pests.                               ing infestations (4 units required                     out of this apartment into an adjacent
    Any report of bed bugs triggers a full                    remediation)                                           apartment,” said Cerbini. Catching in-
 visual inspection of the unit by a Corbett
NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET

The Goal:
‘quality of life’

               he ATAHC Program will make a huge differ-
               ence for managers, staff and residents of afford-
               able housing,” assured Joseph Latino, president
               of Allergy Technologies. Founded on the prin-
ciples of integrated pest management, the protocol reduces
the bed bug burden in housing communities so residents can
enjoy an improved ‘quality of life’ free of these pests.
   “I had bed bugs, myself, and the mental health and anx-
iety that goes along with it is a problem that people don’t
realize,” said Philadelphia Councilmember Mark Squilla.
                                                                      COLLABORATION is Key
   Relieving this stress is a win for residents, as well as for the   Many hurdles have historically stood in the way of
property management companies and owners who constant-                long-term bed bug control in affordable housing.
ly must respond to bed bug problems, he said.                            Pest management professionals cite the lack of
   “The adoption of the ATAHC bed bug program since                   resident cooperation. Property managers and housing
January 2020, including the installation of ActiveGuard, has          authorities point to the exorbitant costs of continuous
been a great addition to our community,” said the Resident            treatments as a result of the traditional reactive strategy.
Council president at the program demonstration site. “Our             They don’t want to talk about bed bugs in their facilities
residents and I agree that it has been wonderful. We have not         fearing negative publicity. Residents fear reprisals for
had any outbreaks of bed bugs.”                                       reporting the pests and the elderly may not realize
   “The ATAHC bed bug program has changed the land-                   they have a problem, allowing infestations to grow and
scape of bed bugs in our 450+ unit community living hous-             spread to neighboring units.
ing complex,” added the community manager for the prop-                  The ATAHC Program flipped this script by changing
erty management group, a national leader in commercial real           community culture about bed bugs. It did this by
estate specializing in affordable housing. “Most importantly,         building collaborative relationships between residents,
it has improved the ‘quality of life’ of our residents. Both res-     property management and pest control professionals.
idents and staff have really embraced the program and have            Education sensitive to cultural and language diversity
often commented they are eager to assist in improving their           destigmatized the topic of bed bugs and was geared
living and work environment.                                          toward re-establishing dignity and self-esteem. Doing
   “Personally, as the community manager, it has been a               so took time and effort. “It’s a lot of work early on, but in
relief not to receive frequent bed bug complaints, that are           the end at least in our pilot the results were astronomical,
both time-consuming and quite expensive to treat,” he add-            even better than projected,” said Mark Squilla, the City
ed. “My staff can now focus on non-bed bug issues as the              of Philadelphia councilmember who helped facilitate the
preventive success of this program has reduced the bed bug            ATAHC pilot program.
presence on site to extraordinarily low levels.”

Sponsored by                                                                                                     Novel Bed Bug Strategy   5
NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET

     n 2019, Philadelphia was named the #1 bed bug infested city in the U.S. by
     a national pest control provider. That didn’t sit well with the folks at Allergy
        “The fact that our hometown is ranked as one of the topmost bed bug-infested
                                                                                            Industry Rallies
 cities in the country is not acceptable, so we decided to do something about it,”          to Change Bed Bug
 said Gus Carey, managing director and founder of Allergy Technologies. “While
 this demonstration alone will not immediately solve the overall bed bug problem in         Control Outcomes
 Philadelphia, it will ultimately showcase an effective and cost-sustainable strategy for   A number of organizations donated time and
 bed bug control and prevention that will improve the quality of life of Philadelphia       materials to the ATAHC pilot program.
 residents.”                                                                                    In addition to Allergy Technologies’ do-
    Carey expects the success of the ATAHC Program will lead to it being replicated         nation of more than $100,000, the company
 throughout the City of Brotherly Love and across the country. As a tangible illus-         contacted its manufacturing and industry col-
 tration of the company’s commitment to this effort, Allergy Technologies donated           leagues to rally their efforts in co-sponsoring
 more than $100,000 of ActiveGuard liners to the Philadelphia Housing Authority             this major initiative.
 building complex as part of a community outreach effort that is core to its mission            Collaborating sponsors were Rockwell
 as a PhilanProfit organization.                                                            Labs Ltd, Bayer Environmental Science, Target
    Allergy Technologies is a subsidiary of A. Carey Co. LLC, which focuses on using        Specialty Products and MGK; they donated
 philanthropy as a core business strategy for its businesses. Through its PhilanProfit      products and expertise valued at more than
 strategy a portion of all ActiveGuard proceeds go to help fund inner city homeless         $50,000.
 and women’s shelters and asthma clinics.

                                “While core principles of the ATAHC
                                Program include early detection and
                                intervention, A KEY COMPONENT OF THE
                                PROGRAM’S SUCCESS COMES FROM
                STAFF AND RESIDENTS — all of whom have been
                incredibly supportive. The ‘magic’ occurs when all of these
                stakeholders come together and work toward a solution.”
                  – Joseph Latino, President, Allergy Technologies

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NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET

ATAHC = New Business Opportunity
     n the past, Hoffman Exterminating              Data results and referrals from the         new multi-unit housing clients using the
     in Mantua, N.J., stayed away from           demonstration will open doors to new           ATAHC protocol.
     bed bug work in affordable and              clients. “This project from Philadelphia          ATAHC’s preventive strategy intro-
     multi-unit housing complexes.               has given us a story to tell,” said Schwen-    duces a paradigm shift to the industry. A
    “If you don’t get the results, then          ker, who also sees the potential to bring      clear benefit of the program is it allows
the pest control company is on the               a modified version of the preventive pro-      for the PMP to better deploy their tech-
hook,” explained Vice President Robert           gram to hotels, casinos and other com-         nical staff, facilitating scheduling and
Schwenker, who cited the high risk of            mercial properties in his market.              saving in labor expense.
bed bug reintroductions and retreats in             But because fewer remedial bed bug
this sector. Nor does the company want           treatments are needed, pest control com-                        “The ATAHC program is a
to get paid to put a bandage on the prob-        panies may earn less revenue using the
                                                                                                                 REAL-WORLD FORMULA
lem; it wants to solve bed bug problems          ATAHC protocol at an account. “We
                                                                                                                 FOR SUCCESS. It’s
to improve residents’ quality of life, he        absolutely have lost income from insti-
said.                                            tuting this program,” admitted Charles                          absolutely sustainable.”
    The ATAHC Program provides this              Cerbini of Corbett Exterminating’s work          – Chuck Cerbini, Corbett Exterminating

opportunity. “If you can get the results         at the Philadelphia housing complex.
from the very beginning and you’re not              He said it’s more important, however,
returning, it’s a win for the complex and        to eliminate residents’ bed bug misery.
it’s a win for the pest control operator,”       “That in itself is its own reward because
said Schwenker, who is “ready to push            that’s what we’re here for; we’re here to
the go button” on a project using the            get rid of problems.” Cerbini expects to
ATAHC protocol.                                  make up for the lost revenue by gaining

                 and would like to see it duplicated in other facilities, whether it’s public
                 housing or private housing complexes.”
                     – Mark Squilla, Philadelphia City CouncilmEMBER

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NOVEL BED BUG STRATEGY A Successful Model for Controlling & - NET
ATAHC                       ®
                           Finally, the Program that Perfects
                                   Bed Bug Prevention

                                                                  Year One Results
                                                                  • 97% of units
                     hemic                                          did not have a
                                                                    reintroduction or

       nt                                 Guar
   icca                                ive                          re-emergence of
Des                                 Act
                                                                    bed bugs

                            TAHC                                  • 81% reduction
                m          A                            ine
                                                     Can ction
                                                                    in the number of
                                                       pe           required thermal
                                            e       Ins
                                      Passiv                        treatments
                                  ive ors
                               Act onit                           • $40K savings
                                                                    to property
                c uumon
              V acti                                                management
                                                                  • 40% reduction
                                                                    in technician
                                                                    on-site time

   CALL TODAY to learn why the ATAHC program is a win-win-win
  for the PMP, Residents, and Property Management in affordable
       housing and all multi-occupant dwelling environments.

                                          Bed Bug Prevention is Good Business
                                       Visit or call 866.978.6288
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