2015 BELL'S BEER BAYVIEW MACKINAC RACE - Notice and Conditions of Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
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2015 BELL’S BEER BAYVIEW MACKINAC RACE The World’s Most Challenging Freshwater Yacht Race Saturday, July 18, 2015 Notice and Conditions of Race
2015 BELL’S BEER BAYVIEW MACKINAC RACE NOTICE AND CONDITIONS OF RACE 1. Management design/level class shall be subject to their class rules. If there is any difference between a class rule and a handicap rule Bayview Yacht Club is the organizing authority of the 2015 Bell’s of the respective Division, the Notice of Race, the Sailing Beer Bayview Mackinac Race (Race) and has appointed the Instructions or any additional Sailing Instructions, the more Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Authority (Race Committee) restrictive rule shall apply. Boats racing in a one-design/level to conduct the Race and related activities. The Race Committee has class shall be subject to any class-imposed crew weight and/ the authority to interpret the rules and conditions of the Race and, or number. All one-design/level classes shall have their class subject to RRS 76.1, to reject the entry of any boat at any time before rules on file with the Race Committee. Additionally, each one- the start of the Race. The Race will start on July 18, 2015. The design/level class boat shall have a One-Design/Level Class fleet will be divided into divisions and classes according to rating/ Certificate of Compliance endorsed by the respective class handicap and other factors at the discretion of the Race Committee. authority and submitted at the time of entry. A minimum of eight boats is required and at least one of the boats must have 2. Rules a valid 2014 DRYA PHRF certificate for a one-design/level class to be approved. The Race shall be governed by the “rules” as defined in the current Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016 (RRS), which include the following (except as changed by the Sailing Instructions): 3. Responsibilities of Person-In- a. The prescriptions of the United States Sailing Association (US Charge and Crew SAILING). a. Sailing is an activity that has an inherent risk of damage and b. This Notice and Conditions of Race (Notice of Race) and any injury. Competitors in this event are participating entirely amendments. at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race. The Race organizers (organizing authority, its officers, members, race c. The Sailing Instructions and any amendments. committee, international jury or other protest committee, d. For monohulls, Bayview Mackinac Safety Requirements & sponsors, or any other organization or official) will not be Recommendations 2015 – Monohulls (SRR). responsible for damage to any boat or other property or the injury to any competitor, including death, sustained as a result e. For multihulls, Bayview Mackinac Safety Requirements & of participation in this event. By participating in this event, Recommendations 2015 – Multihulls (SRR). each competitor agrees to release the Race organizers from any f. RRS Part 2 will be replaced by Part B, the Steering and Sailing and all liability associated with such competitor’s participation Rules, of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions in this event. at Sea (COLREGS) between 2200 hours and 0600 hours. b. As used in the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the g. Applicable U.S. and Canadian governmental rules and term “Person-in-Charge” means the person who is designated regulations. on the Entry Form as the Person-in-Charge, whether or not h. Rules of the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF), the owner. as administered by the Detroit Regional Yacht-Racing c. The safety of a boat and its crew is the sole and inescapable Association (DRYA), for boats racing in Division I, and II. In responsibility of the Person-in-Charge, who must assure that addition, cruising class entrants will be subject to the Mackinac the boat is fully sound, thoroughly seaworthy and sailed by Cruising Class Race Rules. an experienced crew who have undergone appropriate training i. Rules of the Great Lakes Multihull Racing Association and are physically fit to face bad weather. The Person-in- (GLMRA) for multihulls racing in Division III. Charge must be satisfied with the soundness of the hull, spars, rigging, sails and all gear. The Person-in-Charge must assure j. One-Design/Level Class – Boats racing in an approved one- that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
and that the crew knows where it is kept and how it is to be Course instead of Division I. used. Neither the acceptance of a Crew List, the establishment ii) Boats in approved one-design/level classes with a 2015 DRYA of equipment or safety requirements nor an inspection of a PHRF certificate that have a Base Rating of 231 seconds per boat in any way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited mile or less (faster), except that any one-design/level class responsibility of the Person-in-Charge. with a Base Rating between 99 and 231 seconds per mile, inclusive, may elect to sail in Division II – Shore Course 4. Conduct instead of Division I. The Person-In-Charge shall be responsible for the conduct iii) Upon application and in the sole discretion of the Race of the crew before, during and after the Race. In the event of a Committee boats may be accepted into a Cove Island Course serious misconduct, destruction of property or failure to comply Cruising Class. Upon acceptance, boats will be required to with a request of the Race Committee or instructions from the sign the Cruising Class Certificate of Compliance agreeing harbormaster in the Black River or on Mackinac Island, the Race to comply with the “Cruising Class Race Rules”. These Committee may file a protest or take such other action as it deems documents may be found on the Official Bayview Mackinac appropriate against the Person-In -Charge, boat and crew. Race website at www.bycmack.com. Power-driven winches and electromechanical steering devices 5. Advertising are permitted in Cruising Class. This changes RRS 52. In accordance with RRS 80, advertising on a boat shall comply with b. Division II – Shore Course the requirements of ISAF Regulation 20. An application for entry i) PHRF boats with a 2015 DRYA PHRF certificate that have a shall contain brief details of any advertising that a boat intends to Base Rating between 99 and 231, inclusive. carry. The Race Committee shall be advised of any changes to that ii) Boats in approved one-design/level classes that have a Base advertising. The Race Committee may reject any advertising not- Rating between 99 and 231, inclusive. compliant with ISAF Regulation 20. iii) Upon application and in the sole discretion of the Race If supplied, a boat shall display the sponsor’s bow decals and Committee boats may be accepted into a Shore Course backstay flags in accordance with this Notice of Race and the Cruising Class. Upon acceptance, boats will be required to Sailing Instructions. This Section 5 applies from 0700 hours on sign the Cruising Class Certificate of Compliance agreeing Saturday, July 18, 2015 until protest time ends. to comply with the “Cruising Class Race Rules”. These The Race Committee or the International Jury shall be the only documents may be found on the Official Bayview Mackinac parties that may initiate any protest regarding a possible breach of Race website at www.bycmack.com. this Section 5. This changes RRS 60.1(a). Power-driven winches and electromechanical steering devices are permitted in Cruising Class. This changes RRS 52. 6. Eligibility iv) Double-handed class boats must be a monohull, have a valid Participation in the Race is by invitation of Bayview Yacht Club. 2015 DRYA PHRF rating of 231 seconds per mile or less An invitation may be requested by sending a letter, fax or e-mail to: (faster) and sailed with two experienced and capable crew. Bayview Mackinac Race, 100 Clairpointe, Detroit, MI 48215, Fax: Double-handed class boats shall be equipped with a functioning (313) 822-8020, e-mail: mack_chair@byc.com, or by submitting a electromechanical steering device. Power-driven winches are Race Information Request Form electronically, available at www. allowed. This changes RRS 52. bycmack.com. A boat’s invitation to race shall be conditioned upon the Race Committee’s acceptance of the boat as an entrant in the c. Division III – Cove Island Course - Multihull Race after application as provided in this Notice of Race. Boats with a valid GLMRA Certificate are eligible to compete To be eligible, boats must be of a seaworthy offshore type, at least in this division. 24 feet LOA with accommodations and equipment in accordance Multihulls may request GLMRA applications from: with the SRR. Note – monohulls and multihulls have separate SRR. GLMRA, C/O LE Multihull Competitors will have the option to select from the following 2131 N Camp Perry Rd., Clinton OH 43452 Divisions to race in: www.lake-eriemultihull.com E-mail: lemultihull@coastalwave.net a. Division I - Cove Island Course The Race Committee may divide any division into multiple i) PHRF boats with a 2015 DRYA PHRF certificate that have a classes and may offer one or more one-design/level classes Base Rating of 231 seconds per mile or less (faster), except within a division as deemed appropriate by the Race that any boat with a Base Rating between 99 and 231 seconds Committee in its sole discretion. per mile, inclusive, may elect to sail in Division II – Shore Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
7. Ratings & Handicaps PHRF Handicaps. Multihull ratings are the sole responsibility of the issuing authority. Competitors in Divisions I and II who do not have a 2015 DRYA PHRF rating certificate should submit an application to the DRYA to obtain a 2015 single purpose, Mackinac Race only DRYA PHRF rating 8. Entry certificate. The application can be found online at www.drya.org. Entrants are directed to the Official Bayview Mackinac Race Competitors may appeal their 2015 single purpose, Mackinac website, www.bycmack.com, for electronic registration and Race DRYA PHRF rating to an independent Mackinac Race PHRF downloading of all forms required to complete the entry and Rating Appeal Committee by following the procedures identified registration process. In addition, the website contains up-to-date on the Race website, www.bycmack.com. The only grounds for information on the Race in-cluding any official changes to the appeal will be that the DRYA made an error in calculations or relied Notice of Race and/or Sailing Instructions, ratings and class splits. upon inaccurate or incomplete information. The Race Committee must receive the following items before 1700 All PHRF boats must furnish a copy of the boat’s valid 2015 DRYA hours on Monday, June 1, 2015: PHRF handicap certificate with the Entry Form. Competitors a. Completed Entry Form, submitted electronically. will be deemed to have knowledge of their boat’s rating when it is posted on the Official Bayview Mackinac Race Website www. b. Entry fee payment of $14.00 per foot Length Over All (LOA) bycmack.com. Accordingly, competitors are encouraged to check stated on the boat’s measurement certificate (rounded down the website regularly. to the nearest whole foot). Payment can be made online by credit card or by check made payable to Bayview Yacht Each competitor’s boat, rig and sail inventory carried in the Race Club. Bayview members will have the option to have their must conform in all respects to the DRYA PHRF handicap certificate entry fee charged to their member account. Entry fees are not and/or One-Design/Level Class Certificate of Compliance submitted. refundable. Owners who are first-time competitors in the If a DRYA PHRF Handicap or other rating application is in progress Bayview Mackinac Race are entitled to a $50 (US funds) on June 1, 2015, the Entry Form may be submitted without the discount from the applicable fee. rating or handicap, provided that (i) the “IN PROCESS” box is c. Certificate of Insurance that verifies the Person-In-Charge has checked on the Entry Form and (ii) the applicant contacts the a minimum of $300,000 Boat Liability Insurance in force on Bayview Yacht Club Race Management Office, (313) 822-9771, the boat entered in the Race for the period of the Race. no later than 1700 hours June 1, 2015 for additional instructions. d. Preliminary Crew List (submitted electronically), which shall Competitors electing to change their division after the June 1, 2015 be completed online on the Official Bayview Mackinac Race entry deadline may do so only with Race Committee approval website, www.bycmack.com, including the names, addresses and payment of a $200 (US funds) administrative fee. Except for and email addresses of at least the minimum number of crew changes initiated by the Race Committee, no division or class per Section 10(a), 10(b) or 10(c), the Person-In-Charge, changes will be permitted after class splits have been determined. navigator and watch captains and enough information to Changes to ratings/handicaps will be allowed prior to 1700 demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Race Committee that hours on June 30, 2015, by submitting a copy of a valid changed Person-In-Charge and crew are sufficiently experienced to certificate. No original or revised handicap certificates will be compete safely in offshore conditions. accepted after this time. Exceptions to this may only be made e. Copy of the boat’s 2015 DRYA PHRF or GLMRA valid by the Race Committee in its sole discretion and as a result of handicap or rating certificate. any rating appeal as described herein. f. If a one-design/level class boat, One-Design/Level Class Competitors who did not submit a valid 2015 DRYA PHRF Certificate of Compliance by the respective class authority. Handicap Certificate or GLRMA certificate on June 1, 2015, but had an application in process on that date must submit a valid 2015 g. Race Tracking Application – Electronic submission of a DRYA PHRF or GLRMA certificate by 1700 hours on June 30, 2015 completed Race Tracking Application, including a credit card or they shall not be permitted to race. Exceptions to these deadlines number for deposit purposes, to be completed online via the may only be made by the Race Committee in its sole discretion. Race website. The Race Committee may correct obvious rating or handicap errors Entry forms, entry fees or documents submitted (except as noted at any time. herein) after the entry deadline of 1700 hours on June 1st will be at the sole discretion of the Race Committee and subject to a special PHRF handicaps assigned by DRYA are final subject only to a processing fee of $300 (US funds) in addition to the applicable pre-race appeal to the independent Mackinac Race PHRF Rating entry fee. Entry Applications received after June 19, 2015, shall Appeal Committee by adhering to the dates in this NOR and the not be accepted without the prior approval of the Race Committee. procedures identified on the Race website, www.bycmack.com. The International Jury will not entertain protests related to DRYA Incomplete applications will be subject to rejection. Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
9. Registration The Inspection Committee will inspect randomly selected boats immediately after finishing the Race at Mackinac Island. Boats not The Person-In-Charge of each boat or a representative with the in compliance with the SRR or hindering the inspection process written authorization from the Person-In-Charge shall register the will be subject to protest by the Race Committee. boat at one of the following locations and times: a. Bayview Yacht Club: 1200-1900 hours on Thursday, July 16, 2015. 12. Sailing Instructions b. Port Huron Race Headquarters: 0900-1600 hours on Friday, July 17, 2015. Sailing instructions will be distributed at registration and will be available on the Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race website, The Person-In-Charge or their representative is encouraged to www.bycmack.com. register their boat at Bayview Yacht Club at the times noted. Your cooperation with this request is appreciated. The following shall be required prior to registration: 13. Courses a. Electronic certification of compliance with the SRR on the a. Cove Island Course - Divisions I and III: From the Official Bayview Mackinac Race website, www.bycmack.com. starting line in lower Lake Huron then to the Cove Island buoy set off Cove Island, Ontario, Canada, then to the finish b. For boats accepted to the Cruising Class, electronic certification line at Mackinac Island, leaving the Cove Island buoy to of compliance with the Cruising Class Mackinac Rules. port, the Duck Islands to starboard, Bois Blanc Island to port c. Final Crew List submitted electronically online containing and the Round Island Passage Light to starboard. The Cove the information referred to in Section 8(d) of this Notice of Island buoy will be set at approximately latitude 45° 20.00’ Race for those that will actually be on board for the Race. Any N, longitude 081° 51.00’W. change of crew after registration must be submitted to the Race The Cove Island buoy is a conical buoy with a yellow strobe Committee in writing prior to 0900 hours, or via VHF before light flashing once every four seconds. The Round Island the boat’s scheduled starting time, on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Passage Light is described on NOAA Chart 14880 (Straits of Mackinac) as “ROUND ISLAND LT Fl R 5s 71ft 11 St 10. Special Requirements and M HORN RACON (-..-)”. The description on NOAA Chart Restrictions 14881 is the same except that it omits “ROUND ISLAND LT”. a. The number of crew for Double-handed class boats shall be b. Shore Course - Division II: From the starting line in two experienced and capable sailors otherwise the minimum lower Lake Huron, then to the finish line at Mackinac Island, number of crew for Divisions I and II shall be five experienced leaving Thunder Bay Island, Bois Blanc Island to port and the and capable sailors. Exceptions to this requirement may be 4 Round Island Passage light to starboard. See Section 13(a) for granted at the sole discretion of the Race Committee. the chart descriptions of the Round Island Passage Light. b. The minimum number of crew for multihulls in Division III shall be three experienced and capable sailors. 14. Scoring c. The sale of commercial items by a boat owner, Person-In- a. Division I and II: Time allowances for boats accepted to Charge, crew or guest in or near the racing area, including the race in the cruising classes will be based upon the boat’s DRYA Black River and Mackinac Island, a week prior to the Race and PHRF “Cruising Class Handicap” rating. Time allowances for until 1200 hours Wednesday, July 22, 2015, will be grounds all other boats racing in Divisions I and II will be based upon the for rejection or cancellation of the boat’s entry in accordance boat’s DRYA PHRF “Racing Handicap” rating using time-on- with RRS 76.1 or subject to protest by the Race Committee. time coefficients as recommended by the US SAILING formula. b. Division III: Time allowances shall be based on time-on- 11. Inspection time scoring. Each competing owner and Person-In-Charge is responsible for c. One-Design/Level: Elapsed time will be used for those one- assuring that the boat meets the SRR. However, as a courtesy and design/level classes that elect to race level. Corrected time will without relieving the owner or Person-In-Charge of responsibility, be used to determine Division scoring using the boat’s PHRF the Inspection Committee will be available for consultation before “One Design Handicap” rating. Boats racing in a one-design/ the Race. The Race Committee may also require any competitor level class will be eligible for Division scoring only if they to submit to an Inspection Committee safety consultation before have submitted a valid 2015 DRYA PHRF rating certificate. the Race. Such consultations may be arranged through the Race d. Doyle Sails Yacht Club Challenge: Teams will be scored Committee by submitting a request in writing via e-mail to mack_ based on corrected times in accordance with the applicable chair@byc.com or by mail to, Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race rules published by the Race Committee at www.bycmack.com. Committee, 100 Clairpointe, Detroit, MI 48215. Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
15. Protests and Alternative Penalties 17. Black River Rendezvous a. There will be an International Jury constituted in compliance Boats may rendezvous in the Black River before the Race. Boats with RRS Appendix N, and there may be a second Jury not are requested not to arrive in the Black River before Tuesday, July so constituted. In accordance with RRS 70.5, there shall be 14, 2015. Boats arriving on Friday, July 17, 2015, should plan to no appeal from the decisions of the International Jury. The arrive as early as possible and before 1800 hours unless special Chairman of the International Jury in his discretion may assign arrangements have been made with the Race Committee. Contact protests, requests for redress and reports received under RRS the Port Huron Dockmaster at (810) 531-4497 for any special 69.1 to either Jury. docking arrangements. b. Two-Turns Penalty shall only apply within two hours of a The Port Huron Harbormaster will give specific docking instructions boat’s starting signal. This changes RRS 44.1. to each boat as it enters the Black River. c. Penalties that may be imposed by the Jury include The Race Committee and the Commodore request all Persons-In- disqualification, or in lieu of disqualification, the Jury may Charge dress ship while in the Black River. penalize a boat by (a) increasing her elapsed and corrected times by an amount that the Jury deems appropriate or (b) assigning a penalty score equal to the place worse than her 18. Docking at Mackinac Island finishing position by the whole number (rounding 0.5 upward) Dock assignments are determined in part by the timing of the nearest to 40% of the number of boats entered in its respective complete satisfaction of requirements of Section 8 herein. class. The scores of other boats shall not be changed; therefore, Upon finishing, the Race Committee will direct competitors to dock two boats may receive the same score. in a Docking Zone. Docking Zones will be labeled A through J. This changes RRS 44.3. Competitors will receive a card labeled “Mackinac Island Docking Chart” at registration identifying the location of the various Docking Zones. Dockage is provided until 1200 hours Wednesday, July 22, 2015. Those wishing to stay after 1200 hours on Wednesday must 16. Communications While Racing make such arrangements with the Mackinac Island Harbormaster, a. RRS 41(c) - Outside Help is changed to read as follows: Help (906) 847-3561, and pay applicable dockage fees. in the form of information freely available to all boats and any Due to the limited amount of dockage available on Mackinac Island, publicly offered internet or broadcast weather information the Person-In-Charge is required to follow the docking instructions from sources available to all competitors, whether on a given by the Harbormaster or the Race Committee. Boats shall race subscription or free basis. with sufficient and appropriately sized dock lines, spring lines and Allowable services must provide the same information to all fenders appropriate for rafting with up to ten other boats. Boats competitors and not provide boat-specific weather or routing unable to comply with this regulation maybe required by the Race information. Competitors may use any means to retrieve the Committee to depart from all Race Committee controlled docking data. Accessing other information during the Race will be locations. considered a violation of RRS 41. In addition, upon leaving the harbor, the Person-In-Charge and/or b. The Race Committee is requiring the use of position crew shall act responsibly when untying any boat rafted off from it. transponders for all boats. Transponders will be supplied Failure to comply with this Section 18 or with instructions from the by the Race Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the Harbormaster may result in the Race Committee filing a protest, or Person-In-Charge to ensure that the transponder is installed taking such other action as it deems appropriate, against the Person- according to supplied directions and must make every effort to In-Charge, boat and crew. In addition, such failure to comply may ensure it is functional for the duration of the Race. The Person- result in the boat not being invited to compete in future races. In-Charge is also responsible for returning the transponder to the Race Committee in a timely fashion after the Race as directed in the Sailing Instructions. The Person-In-Charge 19. Awards will be required to provide a valid credit card number to the Flags will be awarded on Tuesday afternoon, July 21, 2015, on Race Committee to serve as a security deposit for any loss Mackinac Island as follows: of or damage to the transponder and for any postage/shipping expenses incurred as a result of the failure of the Person-In- a. Class flags will be awarded to the first, second and third place Charge to turn the transponder in timely fashion as directed in finishers in each class. the Sailing Instructions. b. Division flags will be presented to the first, second and third place boats in Divisions I, II and III, provided that there is more than one class in the Division. Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
c. The J.L. Hudson Trophy will be awarded to the boat with the best corrected time in Division I. d. The Canadian Club Classic Trophy will be awarded to the boat with the best corrected time in Division II. e. Flags will be awarded to the 1st place team in the Doyle Sails Yacht Club Challenge. A formal trophy presentation will be made at the invitational Mackinac Awards Dinner at Bayview Yacht Club on Saturday, September 12, 2015. 20.Environment Control The laws of Michigan and Ontario prohibit any through-hull fittings that may be used to pump toilets or holding tanks overboard. The Race Committee will not inspect for compliance, but governmental Important Dates to Remember authorities may do so. 21. Website and E-mail Bell’s Beer Bayview Yacht Club The Race Committee will post information on the Official Bayview Mackinac Race..........July 18, 2015 Mackinac Race website at www.bycmack.com, and competitors will be deemed to have knowledge of such information from the Entry Deadline..........June 1, 2015 time it is so posted. The posted information will include assigned ratings and may include amendments to the Notice of Race and/or Rating/Handicap the Sailing Instructions. Accordingly, competitors are encouraged Deadline..........June 29, 2015 strongly to check the website regularly. Notices to competitors also will be posted on the Official Notice Board(s) as provided in the Registration at BYC..........July 16, 2015 Sailing Instructions. Competitors are required to supply a working email address Registration at Port Huron..........July 17, 2015 and cell phone number on the Entry Form as a condition to entry in the Race. The Race Committee will attempt (but not be Awards Party at obligated) to notify each competitor of amendments to the Notice Mackinac Island..........July 21, 2015 of Race and/or the Sailing Instructions by e-mail or text message to the address or cell phone number so supplied. Awards Party at Bayview Yacht Club..........September 12, 2015 22. Photography For and in consideration of participation in the Race, each of the boat’s Person-In-Charge, owner(s)/char-terer(s) and crew extend to Bayview Yacht Club, its officers, directors, agents and committees the right to reproduce and use for any purpose, in their sole discretion, any photographs, drawings and other pictorial representations of the boat and any persons racing on that boat. Bayview Yacht Club Mackinac Race Saturday, July 18, 2015
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