Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...

Page created by Ryan Mccoy
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Northern Lights
A Europe a n CO 2 tra nsport a nd stora ge ne twork

 International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by
 Ministry of Environment, Japan
 11 March 2021

 Dr Per Sandberg,
 Sr. advisor, Equinor Low Carbon Solutions

Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Northe rn Lights CCS ha ve ta ke n FIDs, in ope ra tion 20 24

  15 May 2020 : NL CCS confirm our conditional FID                  21 September 2020 : The Norw. Gov’t confirmed their

  14 December 2020 : The Norw. Parliament confirmed their support
2 | Conce pt Re port Upda te
                                                                     15 December 2020 : Press Conference with the three CEOs and the Minister
                                                                                                         Open                 24 April 20 19
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Northe rn Lights – tra nsport, inje ction a nd pe rma ne nt stora ge of CO 2

Norcem                   Northern Lights

                                                                    Potential 3rd party

   3 | Northern Lights                                                                    Open
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Visua lisa tion of onshore fa cilitie s, We st Coa st Norwa y

4 | Ma s te rcla s s                                            Internal
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Construction Activitie s ha ve Comme nce d

5 | Conce pt Re port Upda te                 Open   24 April 20 19
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Concept Overview

Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
CO 2 ca pture Norce m Ce me nt Pla nt – the first use r of Northe rn Lights

                                                 400.000 tons per year
                                                    55 tons CO 2 pe r hour
                                                    50 % ca pture ra te

 7 | Northern Lights                                                          Open
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
CO2 ship transport

•   Ca rgo Syste ms for CO 2
            750 0 m3 ca pa city
            Ta nk Ope ra ting Condition: 15 ba rg, c.- 26°C
            Offloa ding @ ma x 80 0 m3 /hr

•   ‘LPG sta nda rd’ de sign
            Prove n conce pt (ba se d on food industry mode l)

•   Fle xible mode l - milking route could work - Ea ch ship
    comple te s trip in ~ 5/6 Da ys to Cope nha ge n

8 | Northern Lights                                               Open
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Northe rn Lights innova te s the va lue cha in: Se pa ra ting source a nd sink -
ope n source busine ss mode l - ope n innova tion

                        Traditional                        Northern Lights

  9 | Northern Lights                                                              Open
Northern Lights A Europea n CO2 tra nsport a nd stora ge network - International Symposium on CCUS and Hydrogen organized by Ministry of ...
Enables “open source” offer for CO2 emitters to establish capture

                                                   Large potential with long-life sectors:

                                                   •   Hydrogen and power from natural gas
                                                   •   Waste incineration
                                                   •   Cement
                                                   •   Biomass and biofuel
                                                   •   Steel
                                                   •   Refinery

                                                   • Northern Lights is relevant and within
                                                       reach for about 350 facilities and 300
                                                       MTPA of these “most attractive

 10 | Northe rn Lights - Te kna CO2 confe re nce                                             Open
Northe rn Lights indica tive ta rrifs – public informa tion

  “In order for the Northern Lights project to become a successful business operation we will need to offer our
  future industrial clients transport and storage tariffs that are competitive with alternative decarbonation
  measures. Actual tariffs will depend on asustainable business model, the level of volumes handled, market
  maturation and optimization of transport and storage facilities     . It is the ambition of the Northern Lights
  partners to achieve by 2030 cost levels for transport and storage in the range for this type of project of around
  30€ -55€ per ton of CO2”

11 | Northe rn Lights Proje ct                                                                                        Open
A mulititude of clima te a mbitions - importa nt growth drive rs

12 | Northern Lights                                               Open
Se ve n MoU’s signe d in Se pte mbe r ‘19

• Fortum Group; Finland, waste to energy
• Ervia, Ireland, gas power & refinery
• Air Liquide, Belgium, hydrogen
• Stockholm Exergi, Sweden, biomass CHP
• ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg (France), steel
• Preem, Sweden, refinery
• Heidelberg Group, Germany, cement

• Logistics studies
• CO2 specifications optimized across value chain
• Roadmap towards potential start of operations
• Joint advocacy for CCS and its importance for decarbonization of European industry
• Initiate dialogue with National and Norwegian Governments

                                                                                       13 | Northern Lights Project
…and we signed a new
MoU in October ‘20…

3rd pa rty CO2 sourcing for Longship - progre ss

                                                                                  We a re he re

           350                               25
                      50                                         ressources
         emitters                           NDA                  toLoS/LoI
                      RFI                                           9 MoU
                                                                 main                  12
                                                                 terms and            >10 MTPA
                                             20                        11

           300         40                                        dueMtpa
           Mtpa       Mtpa                                       diligence

                    In good track to fulfill volumes requirements for Phase 1 and 2

 15                                                                                                      Open
NW Europe ba se d compa nie s tha t NL CCS ha ve a positive
dia logue with, MoU-pa rtne rs +++
- This is a dynamic picture, subject to change
- This will not be realized, but provides an impression of the scope/size of the prize

                                                                                           Approx. 75 mtpa


16 |   c                                                                                                 Open
Europe a n e co-syste m for CCS I
towa rds a nd inte gra te d Europe a n tra nsport a nd stora ge ne twork
Full cycle ca rbon re mova l a nd stora ge

   Cre a te e co- syste m for CCS – a community

   Emitte rs a s we ll a s inte gra te d ne twork with othe r stora ge
    loca tions - sa fe , se cure a nd cost e fficie nt                                     Northern Lights
                                                                                                                    Fortum Oslo Varme
   Position for CEF funding (unde r TEN E)                                                                    Norcem AS
                                                                                                                                    Stockholm Exergi
                                                                                                                             Borg CO2
                                                                                                       Eyde Cluster
                                                                                                                            Preem Lysekil

   A spe cific, concre te solution for industry by 20 24/5, to                                                             Preem Gothenburg

    ma inta in jobs a nd re a ch e mission re ductions by 20 30                              Offshore Storage

   Fle xible to sca le up a s ma rke t de ve lops               Cork
                                                                 Storage         Porthos                    ArcelorMittal Hamburg
                                                                                                      H2, Eemshaven
                                                                                           Air Liquide
                                                                                               Port of Antwerp and Fluxys
                                                                           ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal Gent
                                                                                                                                          Proje ct of Common Inte re st
                                                                                                                                            Curre ntly be ing re ne we d 20 21
                                                                                                         3rd   parties from Switzerland

      17 | Northern Lights                                                                                                                                            Open
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