Non-Executive Director Recruitment Pack - Gedling Homes - Jigsaw Homes

Page created by Edward Castillo
Non-Executive Director Recruitment Pack - Gedling Homes - Jigsaw Homes
Gedling Homes
Non-Executive Director
     Recruitment Pack
Non-Executive Director Recruitment Pack - Gedling Homes - Jigsaw Homes
 1. Welcome from the Chairs of Jigsaw Homes Group and Gedling Homes    3
 2. Jigsaw Homes Group                                                 4
 3. The Group’s Activities                                             4
 4. Vision                                                             5
 5. Mission                                                            5
 6. Corporate Values                                                   5
 7. Gedling Homes                                                      6
 8. Gedling Homes Board                                                6
 9. About the Role                                                     6
 10. Vision and Values                                                 6
 11. Key Responsibilities                                              7
 12. Competency Profile                                                8
 13. Skills and Attributes                                             9
 14. Pay and Expenses                                                  10
 15. Application Process                                               10
 16 Assessment and Selection Process                                   11
 17. Recruitment Timetable                                             11
 18. Further Information                                               11
 19. Advertisement                                                     12
 20. Jigsaw Homes Group Structure                                      12                                                Page 2
1. Welcome from the Chairs of Jigsaw Homes Group and
 Gedling Homes
 Thank you for expressing an interest in the Non-Executive Director positions on
 Gedling Homes Board.
 Gedling Homes is a member of the Jigsaw Homes Group and the role of Non-
 Executive Director provides an opportunity for you to help shape the strategic
 direction of that business and support the Executive Management team in helping
 to deliver the Board’s vision.
 We’re currently looking for two individuals with a senior level, professional
 background and would particularly welcome applications from female and BAME
 applicants who are currently underrepresented.
 Given the future focus of the Group, applicants with the following skills/expertise
 are seen as desirable:

 Asset Management                           Governance and Regulation

 Business / Financial Planning              Health and Safety

 Contractual Arrangements                   Housing Development

 Customer Care                              Housing Management

 Data and IT                                Human Resources

 We hope you are as excited as we are by the challenges of the non-executive role
 in helping to grow our Group. Please take the time to learn more about Gedling
 Homes and the wider Group by reading this recruitment pack and by visiting our
 website at
 We look forward to receiving your application.

 Yours Sincerely

 Fay Selvan                                       Tim Ryan
 Chair, Jigsaw Homes Group                        Chair, Gedling Homes                                                        Page 3
2. Jigsaw Homes Group
 Jigsaw Homes Group was formed in 2018 through the merger of two of the housing
 sector’s leading organisations: Adactus Housing Group and New Charter Housing
 Trust. Our new Group brings together 13 organisations working in unison to tackle
 inequality throughout the North West and East Midlands.
 The principal members of the Group are:
 •   Adactus Housing Association Ltd.
 •   Aksa Housing Association Ltd.
 •   Beech Housing Association Ltd.
 •   Chorley Community Housing Ltd.
 •   Gedling Homes Ltd.
 •   New Charter Building Company Ltd.
 •   New Charter Homes Ltd.
 •   Threshold Housing Project Ltd.

 3. The Group’s Activities
 Our members build, renovate and manage low-cost housing for rent and sale. We
 work to help regenerate neighbourhoods and increase life opportunities for
 disadvantaged individuals and communities. Our largest members are six housing
 associations, regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) and legally known
 as Registered Providers, and our latest published ratings for governance and
 viability are ‘G1’ and ‘V1’ respectively.
 We also provide a range of charitable and supported housing services to help
 people live independently and to successfully maintain their tenancies. This work
 is often funded through external contracts awarded to the Group’s members, and
 delivered on a commercial basis. As part of this plan, we will be developing a new
 social business strategy to provide a strategic framework for this activity.
 Our core work is supported by a prudent level of non-social housing commercial
 activity, undertaken by the New Charter Building Company. The scope of this work
 will be determined by a building company strategy.
 Our Group was formed to deliver a business case for merger which was approved
 by the boards of Adactus Housing Group and New Charter Housing Trust in 2017.
 The anticipated outcomes from the business case are:
 •   A common strong social purpose with aligned vision and values extending
     beyond housing.
 •   Stronger services aligned to the needs of tenants and customers.
 •   An organisation with a highly engaged, motivated and skilled workforce.                                                         Page 4
•   A step-change in influence and strategic impact within current areas of
     operation and nationally.
 •   Well-placed to make the most of opportunities arising from devolution,
     particularly in a Greater Manchester context.
 •   Adoption of best practice approaches to service delivery from two award-
     winning organisations.
 •   Savings of at least £3m per annum achieved within three years.
 •   Savings of at least £10m per annum achieved within five years.
 •   Additional capacity to respond to risks and opportunities arising in an
     uncertain environment.
 •   Additional capacity from efficiency savings to provide at least 130 additional
     new homes every year, with further capacity being generated following a
     future refinancing.
 •   Additional capacity to regenerate and invest in communities.
 •   A commitment to place-based working where the organisation can make a
     significant impact.
 •   An organisation with a strong community focus.

 4. Vision
 Our Vision is to work towards:
 "A country where everyone has access to good quality, low-cost housing and is
 empowered to live successfully in their home."

 5. Mission
 We will do this by:
 "Creating homes. Building lives."

 6. Corporate Values
 We will ensure that the following values are evident through our work:
 •   Empowerment
 •   Social Impact
 •   Efficiency
 •   Collaboration
 •   Innovation                                                       Page 5
7. Gedling Homes
 A member of the Jigsaw Homes Group, Gedling Homes is a Registered Provider
 based within the Gedling Borough in Nottingham.
 Created following the transfer of stock from Gedling Borough Council in November
 2008, we manage in the region of 3,300 homes. These include a mixture of social
 housing, leasehold properties and Independent Living accommodation. Its in-house
 contractor, GH Response, provides extensive repairs and maintenance services to
 the business.
 The organisation strives on providing high levels of customer service to our
 Customers. During our first nine years of operation, we successfully delivered a £42
 million improvement programme, have built and occupied our first new homes and
 provided the first extra care facility within the borough. We continue to look at
 opportunities to grow and strengthen our brand as the leading housing provider
 within the borough of Gedling.

 8. Gedling Homes Board
 Led by its Chair, Tim Ryan, Gedling Homes Board plays a vital role in establishing a
 much stronger presence in the East Midlands and driving the Group’s ambition to
 develop a clear offer in Nottinghamshire and beyond. This will help to ensure and
 secure a long term meaningful future, centred in the Gedling area.

 9. About the Role
 The role of a Non-Executive Director on Gedling Homes Board provides an exciting
 opportunity to lead and control that business, acting wholly in its best interests
 and in accordance with the vision, values and objectives set out by Jigsaw Homes
 The information in the following pages will help to give you an idea of what the
 role entails.

 10. Vision and Values
 The Group’s mission is ‘Creating Homes, Building Lives’.
 Underpinning this are five corporate values. These are:
 1.   Empowerment
 2.   Social Impact
 3.   Efficiency
 4.   Collaboration
 5.   Innovation                                                         Page 6
11. Key Responsibilities
 The key responsibilities of a Non-Executive Director are laid out below:

    Objective                                Outcomes

 1 To set and oversee the long-term          Uphold the vision, values and objectives of the
   strategic vision and values set by the    Group. Explore new business streams,
   Group Board.                              initiatives and opportunities within the Group’s
                                             aim and objectives, including developing and
                                             acquisition of homes. Ensure homes and other
                                             assets are appropriately managed and
                                             maintained in accordance with approved
                                             strategies, policies and procedures. Ensure
                                             quality homes and neighbourhood services are
                                             provided to Customers through the
                                             development of local offers and by monitoring
                                             performance against national standards.

 2 To approve annually the budget and        Agree rent and service charge levels. Monitor
   business plan (within the parameters      rental income and arrears recovery action.
   set by the Group Board), the financial    Review financial monitoring, cash flow &
   statements for the association prior      covenant compliance information. Ensure
   to publication and to satisfy itself as   Gedling Homes’ resources and assets are
   to the integrity of financial             utilised innovatively and efficiently to deliver
   monitoring information.                   Value for Money products and services for

 3 To oversee and review the                 Contribute to and share responsibility for the
   frameworks of delegation and risk         Boards decisions, including the duty to exercise
   management along with systems of          reasonable care, skill and judgement. Provide
   internal control set by the Group         constructive challenge for the Executive
   Board which safeguard the assets of       Management Team. Ensure internal controls
   the association whilst allowing           are robust through the review of audit
   business to be effectively discharged.    plans/reports, policies & procedures.
                                             Contribute to and review the risk management
                                             framework for Gedling Homes. Contribute to
                                             the development of clear Financial Regulations
                                             and a Scheme of Delegation.

 4 To scrutinise and evaluate                Agree reporting frameworks and key
   performance management                    performance indicators which challenge and
   information to ensure the work of the     drive continuous improvement. Promote and
   Gedling Homes meets the needs of its      embed Value for Money principles. Provide
   Customers and any targets or              leadership by operating in an open and
   expectations set by the Group Board.      transparent manner which demonstrates
                                             accountability to stakeholders. Establish and
                                             monitor communication, scrutiny and feedback                                                           Page 7
with key stakeholders.

 5 To ensure compliance with the             Ensure the association operates in accordance
   governance framework set by the           with its constitution, terms of reference and
   Group Board and all statutory and         the terms of the Intra-Group Agreement
   regulatory requirements.                  Monitor compliance with all regulatory
                                             requirements (Homes England & National
                                             Housing Federation) and promote the adoption
                                             of best practice across Gedling Homes. Ensure
                                             compliance with all applicable legislation (e.g.
                                             Companies Act, Equality & Diversity, Health &
                                             Safety) Uphold the Group’s core policies.

 6 To be a proactive member of the           Prepare for, attend and contribute
   Board by continually seeking to           constructively at Board Meetings and Board
   improve and develop your own skills,      Training events. Actively participate in
   knowledge and performance and that        appraisals and evaluate individual and
   of the Board as a whole.                  collective performance against agreed roles &
                                             responsibilities. Develop constructive working
                                             relationships with peers, Executive Directors
                                             and key stakeholders representing the
                                             Group/association where appropriate at
                                             authorised events. Complying with the Group’s
                                             Code of Conduct for Board Members; in
                                             particular the requirements around
                                             confidentiality and conflicts of interest.

 12. Competency Profile
 The Group believes Non-Executive Directors should demonstrate the following

 Analysing and        Demonstrates the ability to analyse and scrutinise data to
 Scrutinising         determine key issues.

 Applying             Applies specialist knowledge appropriately in a range of
 Specialist           contexts.

 Directing Strategy   Takes a strategic outlook and shows willingness to take
                      calculated risks by identifying new opportunities and any
                      associated long-term implications.

 Group Decision       Makes reasoned appropriate, constructive contributions and
 Making               listens to the views and contributions of others, ensuring
                      decisions are taken with integrity and in good faith.                                                             Page 8
Leading and          Demonstrates commitment to the values of the organisation by
 Motivating           setting and maintaining high standards and developing positive
                      working relationships.

 Personal             Demonstrates and retains learning and is in touch and up-to-
 Development          date with relevant issues.

 Representing         Creates or maintains a good image of the organisation both
                      internally and externally when attending events and
                      communicating with others.

 Self-Management      Attends and prepares for meetings demonstrating enthusiasm
                      and commitment to the work of the Group and shows respect
                      for others.

 Team Working         Supports the Board’s aims and goals whilst developing
                      respectful, constructive, relationships. Does not dominate
                      discussion and debate.

 13. Skills and Attributes
 All Board Members are expected to have the following essential skills and abilities:
 1.   To work as part of an effective team.
 2.   An understanding of the needs and aspirations of our Customers and the wider
 3.   An understanding of the external factors which influence the Group’s work;
      such as financial markets and political agendas.
 4.   Strategic business, finance and/or management skills.
 5.   In addition to those highlighted in the Welcome from the Chair, other relevant
      or specialist skills, such as commercial operations, specialist finance,
      investment, risk management, legal, change management, social services
      and/or business development; which may assist you in your role.
 6.   Effective communication skills and the ability to focus on the key issues facing
      the organisation.
 7.   The ability to foster a culture that enhances commitment, enthusiasm and
      excellent performance from Gedling Homes’ employees.
 8.   A commitment to inclusion and diversity.
 Board Members are also expected to uphold the following seven principles of
 public life, which underpin good governance:                                                          Page 9
Selflessness: You should make decisions based on the Group’s best interests and
 not in order to gain financial or other benefits personally or for your family or
 Integrity: You should not place yourself or the Group under any obligation,
 financial or non-financial, to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to
 influence you or the Group in the performance of official duties.
 Objectivity: You should ensure impartiality in the delivery of services including the
 appointment of staff, the awarding of benefits or the awarding of contracts.
 Choices should be made on merit alone.
 Accountability: You must be accountable to the Group’s stakeholders for the
 Board’s decisions and actions.
 Openness: You should be as open as possible about the decisions and actions you
 take and the reasons for your decisions. Information should only be restricted
 where commercially sensitive or where it may infringe on a person’s right to
 Honesty: You have a duty to declare any private interests relating to your duties
 and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the Group’s
 reputation and values.
 Leadership: You should promote and support these principles through leadership
 and example.

 14. Pay and Expenses
 The Group compensates Non-Executive Directors for the services they provide and
 the time they commit to their role. It is also the Group’s policy to reimburse Board
 Members for reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in connection with their
 official duties for the Group or subsidiaries.
 The current payment level for a board member is: £4,500.
 Receipt of payment in no way constitutes employment by the Group and you are
 not eligible for auto-enrolment in the Group’s pension scheme(s).
 It is your responsibility to ensure you declare any payment you receive or are
 entitled to receive to the relevant authorities / agencies.

 15. Application Process
 To apply for a Non-Executive Director position, please download, complete and
 return the application form.
 We also request that you complete an Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form which
 is available to download in Word format.
 Completed application forms should be returned by 5pm on 2 July to:                                                          Page 10
Group Company Secretary, Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne,
 OL6 7AT or with ‘Non-Executive Director
 Recruitment’ in the subject line.

 16. Assessment and Selection Process
 All applications will be considered and assessed against the current skill
 requirements and competency profile in order to select an initial short list of
 candidates. If you have been successful at this stage, we will contact you via
 telephone / email.
 If you don’t hear from us it means that whilst we appreciated your interest, your
 application was unsuccessful. Unfortunately we are unable to give feedback on

 17. Recruitment Timetable

 Stage                                        Date

 Closing Date for Applications                5pm on Monday 2 July 2018

 Shortlisting                                 Commencing 9 July 2018

 Anticipated date for interviews              Tuesday 17 July 2018

 18. Further Information
 If you have queries about the position or the selection process please contact:

 Brian Moran
 Jigsaw Group’s Company Secretary

 t: 0161 331 2000                                                        Page 11
19. Advertisement

 20. Jigsaw Homes Group Structure              Page 12
Creating homes. Building lives.

 Jigsaw Homes Group Ltd.
 Cavendish 249
 Cavendish Street
 OL6 7AT

 0300 111 1133

 Regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing Registration No. LH 4345                                                   Page 13
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