Page created by Lois Cohen

A Traveller vehicle and trailer on a negotiated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          temporary site in Manchester © Mike Doherty

                                                             RADICAL TRAVELLER ARTS                                       “All of us at FFT are filled with pride
                                                             The judges at Radical Traveller                              for every single person that took
                                                             Arts had an enormous number of                               part in the Friends, Families and
                                                             entries to their three categories,                           Travellers Awards 2022, from the
                                                             which were ‘junior’, ‘aspiring’ and                          winners, to the nominees, to the
                                                             ‘professional’ artist. So, thank you                         attendees,” say Friends, Families
                                                             to everyone who took part. The art                           and Travellers.
                                                             competition and poster printing                              AND THE WINNERS ARE:
                                                             and insert were fully funded by                              Inspirational Young Person Award:
                                                             Radical Traveller Arts and we hope                           Josie Welsh
                                                             to collaborate with them again soon.
                                                                                                                          Education Award:
                                                             So, watch this space.
                                                                                                                          Future4Fairgrounds                                       GTL visit the Traveller Movement to get
                                                             By now all the winners and                                                                                            support for their sports and mental health
                                                                                                                          Sporting Excellence Award:
                                                             runners up will have been                                                                                             project. Left to right: Jamal (GTL), Greg (TM), Stock image by Matthew Ansley on Unsplash.
                                                                                                                          John Edwards                                             John (GTL), Jenni, Sabrina, Maureen (all                                                      A closed transit site in Wiltshire.
                                                             informed, but we can confirm that                                                                                                                                                                                   © Mike Doherty
                                                                                                                          Inspirational Project Award:                             TM), Tony (GTL), and Anna (TM).
                                                             the three winners are:
                                                                                                                          Showmen’s Mental Health
                                                                                                                                                                                   © Traveller Movement                           PRISONS: EQUAL
                                                             Professional: Dolly                                                                                                                                                  ACCESS TO
                                                             Aspiring: Albi Knight
                                                                                                                          Awareness Charity
                                                                                                                                                                                   GYPSY AND                                      REHABILITATION                                 COUNCILS TO GET £10
                                                             Junior: Hero Korycinska.
                                                                                                                          Arts, Culture and Heritage Award:
                                                                                                                                                                                   TRAVELLER LEAGUE                                                                              MILLION FOR MORE
 Josie O’Driscoll with compere Martin Beanz                                                                               David G Pullar                                                                                          The Traveller Movement will be                 TRAVELLER SITES
 Warde © Lauren Matthews                                     The three winning entries have been                                                                                   A new Traveller-led charity is set             visiting prisons in England to
                                                                                                                          Alexander Award for Lifetime                                                                            investigate and then tackle any                The government is set to provide
                                                             printed out as posters by Radical                                                                                     to tackle mental health among the
                                                                                                                          Achievement: Josie O’Driscoll                                                                           barriers that may stop Gypsy                   funding for councils to build more
                                                             Traveller Arts and you will have one                                                                                  Gypsy and Traveller communities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Traveller prisoners from                   Traveller sites in a bid to “level
                                                             of those winners as an insert in your                        To find out more visit the Friends,                      and is kicking off its campaign with
 Dear readers. Welcome to a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      up” outcomes for Gypsy and
                                                             copy of the Travellers’ Times. You can                       Families and Travellers website at:                      a seven-a-side football and pool               accessing potentially life-changing
 bumper Spring/Summer 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Traveller people.
                                                             find out more at Radical Traveller Arts                                              competition in the south and south             rehabilitation programmes, such
 Travellers’ Times Magazine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The £10 million fund, announced
                                                             at:                                                                                                 east of England.                               as education, well-being and
 To celebrate our 70th issue, we                                                                                                                                                                                                  employment classes.                            on the 20th March, is dedicated
                                                                                                                          PRIDE OF ROMANI                                          The Gypsy and Traveller League
 have four extra pages and a poster                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to making new permanent sites,
                                                             FRIENDS, FAMILIES AND                                                                                                 has already been busy starting a               “We need to ensure that Gypsy
 insert which is the result of our                                                                                        A new grassroots Cheshire-                                                                                                                             improving existing ones, building
                                                             TRAVELLERS AWARDS 2022                                                                                                website, a Facebook group, and                 and Traveller prisoners have equal
 collaboration with Radical Traveller                                                                                     based organisation is holding a                                                                                                                        new transit sites and providing
                                                                                                                                                                                   has been visiting charities, including         access to purposeful activities
 Arts, whose art competition we                              The winners of the Friends, Families                         launch event and open day in                                                                                                                           temporary stopping places.
                                                                                                                                                                                   the Traveller Movement (pictured),             in prisons and that they suit the
 advertised in the last issue of the                         and Travellers Awards 2022 were                              Nantwich Civic Hall on the 24th                                                                                                                        The move was welcomed by
                                                                                                                                                                                   to get support for their project.              needs of prisoners from those
 magazine and on our website at                              announced on Wednesday, 16th                                 June. To find out more contact                                                                                                                         Moving for Change, a charity
                                                                                                                                                                                   GTL organiser John Reilly said that            communities,” said Traveller                                  February at the Embassy of Ireland.                                                                                                                                                which supports the rights and
                                                                                                                                                                                   he hoped that the competitions                 Movement researcher Rebecca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Thompson.                                      cultures of nomadic Gypsy and
                                                                                                          Mike Doherty, Editor, Travellers’ Times                                  would bring the Travelling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rehabilitation programmes and                  Travelling people.
                                                                                                                                                                                   community together. He added
                                                                                                                                                                                   that one of the motivations of the             prisoner group sessions ground to              Adrian Jones, Policy Lead at
 The Travellers’ Times is published by Rural Media. EDITOR: Mike Doherty |EDITOR AT LARGE: Damian Le Bas |PROJECT MANAGER: Julie Colman |YTT EDITOR: Lisa Smith
 CONTENT PRODUCER: Charles Newland |The Travellers’ Times is the national magazine for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers, and people and organisations who work with them.              GTL organisers was to tackle the               a halt during the Covid pandemic               Moving for Change, who worked
 We are guided by our editorial group and strive for accuracy and fairness. |CONTACT US AT: Travellers’ Times, Packers House, 25 West Street, Hereford, HR4 0BX | 01432 344039 |   “terrible” rate of suicide among               as prisons shut down activities that           tirelessly with the government to |                                                                                                                     young Gypsies and Travellers.                  could spread the virus.                        establish the fund, said that Gypsy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Traveller Movement wants to                and Traveller families need the
                                                                                                                                                                                   To find out more please
                                                                                                    COVER PHOTO: SABINA RYBICKA © SZYMON GLOWACKI                                                                                 make sure that Gypsy and Traveller             support of local authorities to
                                                                                                                                                                                   go to the GTL website at
                                                                                                    TRAVELLERS’ TIMES ISSUE 70 NEWS WRITING CREDITS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prisoners will not be forgotten or             secure their future.
                                                                                                    MIKE DOHERTY, JAKE BOWERS, TYLER HATWELL AND LESLIE DRURY
                                                                                                                                                                                   or direct by email and telephone at            overlooked by the authorities as               To find out more visit the Moving
                                                                                                                                                                                          prisons open up and rehabilitation             for Change website at
Travellers’ Times is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation. We abide by the Editors’ Code of Practice. If you want to make a complaint,
please contact If you would like more information about IPSO or the Editors’ Code, contact IPSO on 0300 123 2220 or visit         07424 249 595                                  programmes kick in again.            

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NEWS                                                                                                                                SCOTLAND

The European Roma Rights Centre has opened a fundraiser specifically
to support the Ukraine’s estimated half a million Roma population.
“Funds raised will help those trapped inside the country and those who                 Pray for the Ukrainian Roma: Nadiya, 45,
are trying to rebuild their lives elsewhere,” say the ERRC. “The money                 and family from Uzhhorod. Picture taken in
                                                                                       2018 before the Russian invasion
will be used to pay for gasoline, transport, and other things necessary                © Alex Sturrock
to get human rights monitors in place to monitor the situation of
Romani refugees.”
                                                                                       ARTS COUNCIL
The fundraiser can be found online at                                                  OF WALES FUNDS                                     EXCITING ART
                                                                                       The Romani Cultural and                                                                                                    MAIN: St Boswell’s Fair 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  © Rob Gray / Alamy Stock Photo
                                                                                       Arts Company are pleased to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LEFT: Eilidh McLeod © Eilidh McLeod
                                                                                       announce their new funding                                                                                                 RIGHT: A roadside Traveller camp in Scotland
                                                                                       from the Arts Council of Wales to                                                                                          © Mike Pennington Wikimedia Commons
                                                                                       continue the trailblazing Gypsy
                                                                                       Maker project in Wales.                      ROADSIDE EDUCATION FOR YOUNG SCOTTISH TRAVELLERS
                                                                                       Gypsy Maker 5 will commission                Young Gypsy/Travellers’ Lives:        knowledge which will help them to       seventh year, has supported young
                                                                                       Gypsy, Roma and Traveller artists            Education at the Roadside is a        get a new job or start a business.      people from the Gypsy/Traveller
                                                                                       to produce new work to add to                new project by the charity Article                                            community with opportunies for
                                                                                                                                                                          McLeod’s work on the project
                                                                                       the growing bank of Gypsy, Roma              12 in Scotland that reaches young                                             capacity building, formal and
                                                                                                                                                                          has included creating contacts
                                                                                       & Traveller art, knowledge and               people who are shifting and living                                            non-formal education, community
                                                                                                                                                                          and partnerships with local
                                                                                       culture in Wales and beyond.                 roadside in North-East Scotland                                               advocacy, and peer education.
                                              GATE Herts workers Joseph Baker, Josie                                                                                      authorities, teachers, and others
                                              O’Driscoll, Zahra Kazmi, Orla Dellow,    Isaac Blake, Director of the                 and the Scottish Highlands.           who work with roadside families.        “It is important that the Travelling
                                              Claire Rice © Mike Doherty
                                                                                       Romani Cultural & Arts Company,              Article 12 says that the project      She is now working directly             community are respected, valued,
                                              A NEW COMMUNITY                          said, “This project will strengthen          will bringing opportunites to the     supporting young people who             and listened to,” said Eilidh
                                              HUB FOR GATE HERTS                       the role of Gypsies, Roma and                young people and families living in   have been living roadside.              McLeod. “It is critical to help
Darlington Light and Life missions ready to                                            Travellers on the arts scene in              remote or rural areas that are less                                           young people with opportunities
                                              A Herts-based Gypsy and Traveller                                                                                           “The impact of the project has
set off to Ukraine with donated aid © Light                                            Wales, the UK and beyond.”                   often reached by formal services.                                             to become independent, build
and Life Darlington                           charity is looking forward to                                                                                               helped young Gypsy/Travellers
                                              continuing its work in their new         Gypsy Maker 5 will provide a                 Eilidh McLeod, who has been           learn new functional skills such as     confidence, self-esteem, and form
DARLINGTON GYPSY                              community hub in the year ahead.         platform for three artists, Imogen           with Article 12 in Scotland since     learning to use laptops, numeracy,      their own identity,” she added.
CHURCH HEAD TO                                “It has been my professional and
                                                                                       Bright Moon, Corrina Eastwood                2018, is running the project. She     and literacy,” says Eilidh McLeod.      “Education at the Roadside plays
UKRAINE WITH AID                              personal pleasure to lead GATE
                                                                                       and Rosamaria Kostic Cisneros, to            says, “This is an exciting and        “Human rights workshops have            a key role in developing their
The Darlington Light and Life                                                          develop their art practice.                  challenging project.                  helped them understand and              skills and attitudes, creating
                                              Herts though another year which
Gypsy Church opened its doors                                                          To find out more visit the Romani            I’m privileged and excited to         recognise their rights,” she added.     opportunities for young travellers
                                              has been a somewhat challenging
and announced it would take in                                                         Cultural & Arts Company website              be working on the project as I        “Providing informal education and       to shape their own future. It
                                              but successful one for us as we
aid for Ukrainian refugees.                                                            at                      know it will bring positive change    access to information will empower      promotes their personal and
                                              continue to further our mission,”
                                                                                                                                    to young Travellers’ lives, by        them to make changes to the things      social development which
The response to the appeal for                says GATE Herts Chief Officer
                                                                                                                                    breaking down some of the             they want to change and help them       enables them to have a voice,
donations to help refugees was                Josie O’Driscoll as she reflected
                                                                                                                                    prejudices and barriers they face     reach their full potential.”            influence, and a place within their
“overwhelming”, says Darlington               on 2021.
                                                                                                                                    in their day-to-day lives.”                                                   communities and society.”
Light and Life Missions.                      The community hub is a place                                                                                                Article 12 in Scotland is a
                                                                                                                                    Funded by Moving for Change,          Scotland-wide charity that              To find out more about Education
“Both Light and Life Missions                 where Gypsies and Travellers can
                                                                                                                                    the three-year pilot project will     supports young people’s rights          at the Roadside or to make a
members and the local community               come along to and access the help
                                                                                                                                    work with young Gypsy/Travellers      and particularly works with young       referral to the programme, you
surrounding the church got                    that they need. It was opened near
                                                                                                                                    to address gaps in their education    people from the Gypsy/Traveller         can contact Eilidh McLeod at
together and their response was               the end of 2021 and was made
                                                                                       Artworks left to right © Imogen Bright       and work experience, enabling         community. Its Young Gypsy/             07896 885 771 or
overwhelming,” they added. “And               possible through a grant by the          Moon, Rosamaria Kostic Cisneros and
                                                                                                                                    them to gain new skills and           Travellers’ Lives Project, now in its
thanks be to God for that.”                   National Lottery Community Fund.         Corrina Eastwood © RCAC

                                                                                                                                                                                                    TT ONLINE – YOUR VOICE ON THE INTERNET | 5
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NEWS                                                                                                                  NEWS

                                       © Jo Ellis Holland

                                       SPRING INTO ACTION
                                       Drive 2 Survive, the Gypsy and Traveller-led campaign against the
                                       Police Bill, has had a busy winter campaigning at every opportunity
                                       against the racist new laws that seek to entirely ban nomadic life from
                                       England and Wales. In September it marked the 10-year anniversary of            Tyler Hatwell being tested for HIV © Traveller Pride
                                       the Dale Farm eviction with a protest in Essex; on Holocaust Memorial
                                       Day in January, at Oxford University. It highlighted the parallels
                                       between current attempts to ban travelling with Nazi attempts to the do         TRAVELLER PRIDE MEET-UPS
Kizzy Lovell © Jake Bowers             the same thing in the 1930s; and on March 8th it marked International           Traveller Pride has launched                      At the most recent event on 12th
                                       Women’s Day alongside prominent Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women.                regular monthly meet-ups in                       March the centre was hosting free
FIRST AMONG                            On March 19th Drive 2 Survive led a march of over ten thousand                  London, with the next one                         HIV testing.
EQUALS                                 people against all forms of racism through London with horses.                  scheduled for 23rd April. Held in                 “It’s quick, painless and it’s so
                                       But with the law making its way through parliament undefeated,                  the London LGBTQ+Community                        important to know your status.
The East Sussex town of Hastings
                                       the campaign is now preparing to begin working to directly support              Centre, the popular events are                    The guys delivering it were from       Traveller Pride © Traveller Pride
is thought to be the first place
                                       Gypsies and Travellers who are very likely to have it used against              there to give LGBTQ+ Travellers a                 METRO, who funded us to go to
in Britain to erect a statue of a
                                       them. When the law is passed, which may be as soon as April 2022,               space to meet and find out more                   Pride in 2019! If you can’t get to     with all that already spoken for, we
Romany hero. On April 1st it
                                       it will create a new offence of criminal trespass that specifically targets     about Traveller Pride in a relaxed,               a drop-in there’s plenty of online     can just have a lovely day,” said
installed a statue of Kizzy Lovell
                                       Gypsies and Travellers who have nowhere else to go.                             sober and accessible space.                       services who can post a test to        Percy, one attendee.
in Gensing Gardens, St Leonards.
Kizzy was the main character of        “Part Four is a direct assault on the traditional way of life of Gypsy and      Traveller Pride was launched in                   you,” continued Tyler.                 “It honestly makes me feel so
the 1972 book, The Diddakoi            Traveller communities,” says Drive 2 Survive co-chair Sherrie Smith.            2019 at Pride in London where                     The meet-ups are from 1pm-4pm          incredible and emotional to have
which was set in the nearby town       “When it is passed a new offence of criminal trespass with ‘intent to reside’   they were the first-ever group of                 in the London LGBTQ+ Community         a space I know I won’t be judged
of Rye and turned into a BBC TV        will be created with fines of up to £2500, along with the seizure of homes      LGBTQ+Travellers to march at                      Centre, directly by Blackfriars        in. There’s no need to come out,
series in the 1970s. The book,         and imprisonment as punishment. It likely to traumatise and brutalise           a Pride parade in the UK. They                    Station. Attracting a wide range       any questions are just normal chat
which is 50 years old this year,       families that simply have nowhere else to go.”                                  have since become a registered                    of the community from across           rather than scrutiny,” added Nicole
                                                                                                                       organisation, appeared on the                     the country, they are meant to be      who had travelled from Brighton.
is the first to explore the issue of   Drive 2 Survive have received funding from the Joseph Rowntree
                                                                                                                       BBC in “Cherry Valentine: Gypsy                   low-stress, sober spaces to connect    Traveller Pride plans to launch a
anti-Gypsy bullying in schools.        Charitable Trust to provide mobile human rights advocates who can
                                                                                                                       Queen and Proud” and are in the                   and to feel that you will be neither   northern meet-up soon, and hosts
In the sculpture Romany artist         directly advise people of their rights when having the new law enforced
                                                                                                                       process of launching a series of                  judged for being a Traveller or for    online spaces for those who cannot
blacksmith Jake Bowers has used a      against them. The mobile advocates will also be gathering evidence of
                                                                                                                       services for the community.                       not being straight.                    make it in person. They still run
white-hot forge, the original Gypsy    human rights abuses for Gypsy and Traveller lawyers who are poised to
                                       bring strategic legal challenges. The advocates will work with Gypsies          “It’s a really exciting time for                  “It is really something to spend a     their Trans solidarity fund, phone
craft, to depict the defiant woman
                                       and Travellers from every background because Drive 2 Survive believes           the group,” says founder and                      whole day around people that are       line and binder service and are
Kizzy Lovell may have become
                                       the law is a direct attack on the human rights of all.                          executive director Tyler Hatwell.                 more or less like myself, knowing      looking at which Pride events to
in steel. Working with Year 10
                                                                                                                       “We’ve got a lot of publicity                     that I’m not either going to have      attend this year.
students at the Hastings Academy       So if you feel that your human rights as Gypsies and Travellers are
                                                                                                                       since the documentary and we’re                   to be hiding or over-explaining
and Gypsy and Traveller volunteers     being abused by this or any other law we want to hear directly from
                                                                                                                       getting more and more LGBTQ+                      Traveller stuff to LGBT people or
across Sussex, together they have      you. If you want us to advocate on your behalf you simply need to call
                                                                                                                       Travellers turning up and                         hiding or having to teach 101 on
forged a Romani heroine that will      us on our dedicated mobile hotline on 07840 979 302
                                                                                                                       getting involved.”                                gay stuff to other GRT people. So
last for many years.         

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                                                                                                                                   MAIN: © Szymon Glowacki
                                                                                                                                   LEFT:	Sabina Rybicka’s ghetto papers.
                                                                                                                                          © Szymon Glowacki

                                                                                                                                   RIGHT:	Roma boys in Poland with German
                                                                                                                                          soldiers during World War Two.
                                                                                                                                          Picture courtesy of the Robert Dawson

It is the beginning of November, I am calling my            carriage. The stench of sweat, faeces and fear. There
grandmother to let her know that I will be visiting         is no air. People are dying. I am scared. Someone
Poland soon, and I would like to interview her about        told us that we are being sent to Russia, Sibir. I didn’t
the past. She is reluctant. I am trying to explain to       know what it means but soon I was to find out that.
an older Roma woman Holocaust Memorial Day                  The first thing that comes to my mind when I think
and its importance. She doesn`t understand. “Why            about that time is hunger. That and cold. I cannot
would someone be interested in Romas and what               remember how long we were there. Days turned
has happened to us?” she says. I knew I needed              into weeks and months. Maybe years? Every day
to change my approach. I couldn’t use the word              looked almost the same. Apart from one thing; your
“interview” anymore. “I would just like to talk to          relatives dying or being killed. One never can get
you a little bit about travelling in caravans, life back    used to that.
then, how you met grandad”. I couldn’t see her but I
                                                            We had to work very hard for no money. Maybe the
knew she was smiling then. She still misses him.
                                                            remuneration was staying alive? My mother did not
You pay – she says laughing?                                have shoes. Her feet froze and eventually had to
I am broke.                                                 be amputated. Sometimes I would sneak out of the
I’ll see you soon son.                                      camp, which was not heavily guarded and go to a
A few weeks later I am sitting in front of my               village and beg for some bread. We all learnt new
grandmother. The tea is as always; way too strong           words: tuberculosis, scarlatina, dysenteric, typhus.
and very sweet.                                             I can see she is getting tired. There are things she
I am starting with a very simple question: what             doesn’t want to talk about.
is your name? Sabina Rybicka. How about your                       She stands up and goes to a wardrobe. After
Roma name? – Incioro. Yes, Roma have two names.             a few minutes, she comes back with a little bag
Official for admin purpose. That’s a name for the           wrapped in a white kitchen towel.
non-Roma world and Roma name. The one they are              We managed to come back to Poland. Those of us                              My grandmother then
attached to more.                                           who still were alive. It was still the war. We were                   started to unwrap the little
How old are you? She laughs a bit. Not because you          hiding in forests. Our caravans were not anymore                      package, in the white kitchen
shouldn’t ask a woman about her age but because             colourful or big. We did not want to be visible.                      towel, that she had retrieved from
she simply doesn’t know. “I am old but I do not know        Instead of fifty caravans now there were just a few. It               the wardrobe earlier. Inside the
how old I am”                                               felt lonely.                                                          bag is some old documentation.
Tell me something about the past, something you             Your grandfather Ludwik`s tribe was still travelling                  My family was still hiding but we
remember – I ask her.                                       around this time. From what I know – it was a pretty                  were captured again.
I had a big family. Our camp was made of over fifty         big camp. Around sixty people They just arrived at a                  This is my ghetto ID. I have no
caravans. Our caravan was stunning. It had floral           new place. His father at this time was in Auschwitz.                  words to describe how it was
paintings all over it and wooden dragon statues; you        Ludwik was sent by his mother to a neighbouring                       there. Again hunger, biting up.
know; to protect us from bad luck. I remember us kids       village just to see what was there. When he was                       People dying all around. One
playing in the forest. Women would take care of their       about to come back to the caravan camp, some                          loses hope. A lot of people tried
families. They would cook and do laundry in the river.      Poles stopped him and said not to go there because                    to escape. Some succeeded but
Evenings were the most beautiful. A lot of singing and      the Nazi ambushed the caravan camp. He tried                          those who were caught were
dancing around the bonfire. Older people told stories       to run away but they forced him not to go. When                       killed straight away. Two of my
about ghosts and old fairytales. Then everything            eventually he got there, the whole caravan camp had                   sisters died in the ghetto. A lot of
changed. She is silent for few minutes.                     been murdered. His mother, his siblings – everyone.                   my family members died there as
                                                            All killed by the Nazi. The Poles were burying them.                  well, and in concentration camps.
We were captured in the forest. My whole family.
                                                                                                                                  Some of us survived.
That one day changed everything. I was a little girl        He said once that the air had a scent of death.
and I did not understand what was happening but I                                                                                       Have you ever spoken about
                                                            Many years later he tried to go back there. To pay
knew that there was something bad going on.                                                                                       that gran?
                                                            his respect. Sometimes we would get close, but then
It is dark. The air is heavy. It has to be like that when   he would stop and say: I cannot do it. He never                       No, no one ever asked.
a lot of people are stuck for days in a closed train        went there.                                                           By Szymon Glowacki

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                             On a chilly and rainy Sunday in December 2021, over
                             100 ‘lots’ (horses and carts) met in Wapping, East
                             London, to take part in the London Christmas Drive.
                             The drive ended up in Borough Market, south of the
                             River Thames. The route took in all the major sights
                             of London, including Buckingham Palace, a busy
                             West End and Piccadilly Circus and Soho.
                             The drive was organised on social media to raise
                             money for a sweet little girl called Adelaide, who
                             will need life-long care from her friends and family.
                             “I see the horse drives as the “new/old…,” says
                             Romany Gypsy Sally Barter. “They are one of the
                             elements from our culture which has had a big
                             revival in the past few years.
                             It’s a community-led national movement and
                             these drives are often held for charitable reasons
                             to raise funds for an unwell child or in memory of
                             a respected figure from the Traveller community.
                             They are well-organised, self-policed to ensure
                             safety, and publicised on social media and I
                             feel they highlight the best of one of the most
                             important aspects of Gypsy and Traveller culture,
                             which is our horses.”

                             Photos by © Donna Holpin and Mike Doherty

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     JIMMY CARR – NOT                                                                                                 Writer Ray Wills, affectionately           Each tale has a rich historical

     GETTING AWAY WITH IT                                                                                             known as the Gypsy Poet, is a
                                                                                                                      writer of fiction and non-fiction,
                                                                                                                                                                 background in which Travellers
                                                                                                                                                                 tell of their lives working as brick
                                                                                                                      poetry and prose. He has now               makers, at the fairgrounds and
                                                                                                                      turned his pen to this stunning new        on designated Traveller sites or
                                                                                                                      novel entitled “The Last Stopping          on the road in search of new
                                                                Luton Roma Trust protest local Jimmy Carr show        Place”.                                    adventures or vital stopping
                                                                © Mike Doherty
                                                                BOTTOM RIGHT: Billy Welch – ‘There are many still     This is Rays eighth book based                                                    the northern towns of the U.S.A.
                                                                alive who witnessed the brutality of what happened’   on the Gypsy Traveller community           There are tales of remote              All are told within an imaginative
                                                                © Mike Doherty
                                                                                                                      and only his second novel. It is a         sleepy villages, the creation of       unique extensive collection of the
                                                                                                                      splendid collection of enthralling         a woodland community in the            authors poetry and prose, so sit
                                                                                                                      tales built around the theme of            heart of England where two             back on your wagon and enjoy
                                                                                                                      “stopping places”, a topic of much         sisters enrich the lives of both       the ride.
                                                                                                                      concern to the present Gypsy               Travellers and non-Gypsies alike,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ray’s books are available to
 Comedian’s Roma Holocaust                                                                                            Traveller community.                       tales of military life and life in
                                                                                                                                                                                                        buy on Amazon.
 ‘joke’ sparks almost universal
 In his Christmas special His Dark Material broadcast
 on Netflix, Jimmy Carr ‘joked’ about the suffering and
 murder of “thousands” of “Gypsies” in the Holocaust,       WHO ARE YOU FIGHTING
 calling it “a positive”. A clip of the ‘joke’ came to      FOR, MR. CARR?
 light when it was uploaded to social media earlier
                                                            Who are you fighting for, Mr. Carr?
 this year and went viral, drawing almost universal
                                                            You know, my Great grandfather was
 So, when the Jimmy Carr show rolled into the               In the blitzing
 Dunstable Grove Theatre for a sell-out performance,        Of Bristol Temple Meads.
 the Luton Roma Trust and supporters, including the         1940, a Railway Man and
 Travellers’ Times Editor and the Revd Rachel Phillips      A Gypsy Man,
 rector of a local church, gathered outside with placards   Born to Norwood Workhouse,
 and a Romani flag.                                         Worked his way to
 We were there to make our views known, to support
                                                            Took his family with him.
 the local Roma community, and to remember the Roma
                                                            The year my mother was born,
 and Sinti victims of the Holocaust.
                                                            Babe in arms only two weeks,
 Billy Welch, Shera Rom and Appleby Fair Romany             And he was taken.
 Gypsy lead, also condemned Carr’s ‘joke’ and               She cannot take the train to Bristol
                                                                                                                      TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Kushti Bok
 invited the comedian along to the Auschwitz death          Again, and I,                                             founder Betty Billington © Mike Doherty.
 camp memorial to join the annual August 2nd                No matter how much I wait                                 Samuel White, Bill Rogers (left) with                                             BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT:
 commemoration of the slaughter of the Roma and Sinti       For His ghost                                             friend – also a Romany Gypsy. Caleb                                               Terence Hope, Solomon Keet, Isaac White.
                                                                                                                      Smith – Betty Billington’s daddy.
 by the Nazis.                                              On the platform,
                                                            I cannot tell him Thank You
 Speaking to Cumbria Live, Billy Welch said: “His
 so-called joke was so offensive because there are
 many still living who witnessed the brutality of what
                                                            Nor refrain your comedy,                                  THEY DID THEIR BIT                                             Betty Smith Packman-Billington, the Chair of Kushti
                                                                                                                                                                                     Bok explains: “Every Remembrance Day the photos
                                                            For the dead are always listening.                                                                                       come out and go on Facebook. We love putting
 happened, and many more who lost their families in
                                                                                                                      On Saturday 13th of November, the Travellers’                  them on Facebook and telling people about all our
 barbarous and sadistic murders. Making a joke of it is
                                                                                                                      Times visited a very special event put on by Kushti            ancestors. They were in the war and they played their
 too painful.”
                                                            (In Memoriam, John Reuben Draper,                         Bok, the Dorset-based Romany GRT rights charity.               part. I want them recognised. I spoke to one lady a
 Jimmy Carr has not responded to any Gypsy, Roma or         1891-1940)                                                The event was to honour the Romany Gypsies and                 couple of days ago. She was a lovely lady, but when
 Traveller appeals for an apology and to meet up and find   Poem by Imogen Bright Moon                                Travellers who served in the forces during both                I told her what I was doing, she said ‘ooh Betty, I
 out more about the Roma Holocaust.                                                                                   the World Wars and some of the armed conflicts                 never knew that Gypsies played their part in the
                                                                                                                      that followed.                                                 armed forces.’ This is what people believe.”

                                                                                                                                                                                          TT ONLINE – YOUR VOICE ON THE INTERNET | 13
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MAIN: Channel Lee
                                                                              All images © Donna Holpin

                                                                                                          CUSHTY!                                                     Joe Smith in his Cushty TV studio © Mike Doherty

                                                                                                          First published to critical acclaim as Gypsy Joe, with      crime. His role models were thugs and crooks, no
                                                                                                          The Observer selecting it as Sports Book Of The Year,       longer sportsmen. Only when prison loomed did he
                                                                                                          Cushty is a revised and expanded edition that brings        reflect on his life. Remembering his promise to Rymer,
                                                                                                          Joe Smith’s story up to date.                               he spurned the underworld and returned to golf.
                                                                                                          Joe spent his early years travelling, his father metal-     Cushty is not only a story of redemption, but also
                                                                                                          dealing and mother selling lucky heather, and as            an uplifting account of Joe Smith’s determination to
                                                                                                          an infant he was encouraged by grandfather Rymer            realise his dream.
                                                                                                          to take up golf. When Rymer died suddenly, Joe              Cushty is available to buy on Amazon.
                                                                                                          promised to become a professional golfer. Trophies          The Travellers’ Times went to visit Joe Smith and we
  PHOTO-STORY                                                                                             followed, but not everyone was happy about his              found out that he also runs a YouTube TV Channel

                                                                                                          success. False accusations were made and he was             called Cushty TV, and it’s well worth a look. We will
                                                                                                          asked to leave his beloved golf club. The effect on         also soon be publishing an interview with Joe Smith
                                                                                                          Joe’s self-esteem and game was devastating. Anger           on our website at, so

                                                                                                          burned as he fell into bare-knuckle fighting and            watch that space!

  The Ash Spring Shopping Fair, which took place in Surrey in early April,
  was a great success, says organiser Chanel Lee.                                                         SURREY                                  Surrey Community Action, a local charity in Surrey,

                                                                                                                                                  has launched a tutoring project to deliver a wide
  Chanel has been organising the shopping fairs to support Gypsy and
                                                                                                                                                  range of learning support. This could include
  Traveller stall holders when the traditional horse fairs are not running.
                                                                                                                                                  learning how to read and write, fill in forms, create
  Travellers’ Times photographer, Donna Holpin, went along to record
                                                                                                                                                  a CV, use the internet or manage a budget.
  the event.                                                                                                 Are you a Gypsy and                  Vicky Nash, Skills Impact Co-ordinator and Tutor
  “All the stall holders did very well, lots of people came, and we were                                     Traveller age 18+?                   said: “We want to give people extra skills to help
  lucky with the spring weather with the rain holding off until the end,”                                    Want to learn to read                them in everyday life. Sessions can take place at
  says Chanel Lee.                                                                                           and write? Are you                   home or in a local venue like a coffee shop. We
  “We are planning another Ash Shopping Fair at the end of July, start of                                    home educating and                   can teach students to read and write from scratch,
  August sometime, and we will be repeating last year’s very successful                                      want to learn more                   learn a new subject or improve existing skills. You
  Christmas Shopping Fair.”                                                                                  skills to teach the                  may want to learn how to write better emails or
                                                                                                             children? Want to                                                                         Vicki Nash © Surrey
  Anyone interested in coming along or bringing a                                                                                                 practise the driving theory test – we can teach      Community Action
  stall can contact Chanel Lee through her website at                                                        learn something new                  anything! We put together a plan with the student Also check the Travellers’ Times                                           completely? We can                   that works best around their lives – so if you are working or looking after
  social media for Ash Shopping Fair promotions.                                                             teach anything!                      family, that’s not a problem.”
                                                                                                                                                  Contact Vicky on 07395 117392 or email

                                                                                                                                                                            TT ONLINE – YOUR VOICE ON THE INTERNET | 15
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                        WOMAN – CHARLOTTE
                        PECKHAM’S STORY
                        Millie Cooper speaks to Charlotte Peckham
                        about her singing career, her passion for
                        country music and breaking down
                        stereotypes on disabilities.

                             Charlotte Peckham is a 26-year-old Romany singer and performer from Kent, whose                                                                                                ABOVE: The faster you find out things, the
                             passion is getting up on the karaoke and belting out a country tune for all her family and                                                                                     faster you can get treatment, says Lena
                                  friends to enjoy. Charlotte has been singing since she was five years old and regularly                                                                                   McAllister. Macmillan are good at helping
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to pick you up from those low days, says
                                     sings on Facebook on a page called ‘The Live Bar’, with viewers spanning across the                                                                                    Chris Smith
                                       globe from South Africa to America! Charlotte has had over 10K views on her live     HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH
                                         singing events. As well as her success online Charlotte frequently goes to ‘The
                                           Bounty’ in Strood for a knees-up to country classics.
                                          Because Charlotte has learning difficulties, sometimes life can be challenging.
                                                                                                                            MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT
                                           However, Charlotte has found singing to be an amazing creative outlet and        The Travellers’ Times, Macmillan Cancer Support            Macmillan often have a bus and a stall at Appleby
                                             has found so much confidence in herself through her performing. Charlotte      charity, and Gypsy and Traveller people from across        Horse Fair. They can provide health advice, advice on
                                               tells me how she can listen to a song a few times and know the melody        England have teamed up to make a video showing you         how to deal with the NHS and your doctor, financial
                                                 and the words almost instantly. She now has her own kit and 1950’s         how you can get advice and support if you, or a friend,    advice and how to access benefits, and also emotional
                                                     microphone to complete the show stopping look. ‘I recall a Gypsy       or a family member have cancer, or think you may           support. You can speak to them on the phone,
                                                        woman’ by Don Williams is a song Charlotte loves to sing, which     need to get checked up for it.                             online using their ‘webchat’ or by dropping in to an
                                                          is always a sure crowd pleaser.                                   We know that ‘Cancer’ is a scary word. Some of us do       information desk.
                                                           Charlotte comes from a long line of singers. When talking        talk about it, some call it ‘the bad disease’ or the ‘c’   “The faster you find out things, the faster you can get
                                                            to Charlotte’s mother Esther and her Granny Lily, they all      word and some of us won’t talk about it at all, and we     treatment, try not to bury your head in the sand and
                                                            describe how important music is to Gypsy Culture and            understand why – but there is no doubt that with the       keep on,” says Romany Gypsy Lena McAllister.
                                                            how it brings families together. Lily goes on to discuss        right help and advice you and your family members          Macmillan’s national support line is also open every
                                                            how her mother and aunts would sing at weddings,                can be better supported through it. Macmillan are          day between 8am to 8pm. Anyone affected by cancer
                                                           christenings and at Christmas and at the end of the              there to provide that support to you.                      can call free on 0808 808 00 00. The website, www.
                                                         evening it would bring everyone together. Storytelling, poetry     “What Macmillan are good at, is helping to pick you, has lots of information and an
                                                       and rhyme is a huge part of Romany culture and singing is            up from those low days and helping you to move on,”        option for you to chat to an expert online.
                                                      another form of storytelling for many families.                       says Romany Gypsy Chris Smith, 62.
                                                  Charlotte is extremely proud of her singing and how far she has           When we first started this film with Macmillan, we were
                                               come with it. She would like to thank ‘Karaoke King’ Charlie Driver,         told by many Gypsies and Travellers that, “If Macmillan
                                               who is a good friend of Charlotte’s, and who sings with her at The           want to know how to engage with us, just ask us”. So
                                               ounty in Strood.                                                             that’s what the Travellers’ Times and Macmillan did
                                               To become a famous singer and tour around the world is Charlotte’s           and our video is co-created with the help and support
                                               dream for the future. Charlotte is a huge inspiration for all young          of the Gypsy and Traveller community.
                                               Romany women out there. She has overcome many struggles and is               You can find and watch the video on our website at
                                               breaking boundaries and stereotypes about learning difficulties by 
                                               showing her singing talents and beaming with confidence when she             Macmillan are a charity dedicated to helping people
                                               does it.                                                                     suffering from cancer. Their services are free and they
                                                                                                                            are independent of the National Health Service and
                                               By Millie Cooper                                                             your local hospital and doctors.                           The Macmillan bus at Appleby Fair © Natasha Quarmby

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                                                                                                                     STAR IN THE SKY
                                                                                                                     Our much-loved son Jimmy Smith was 24 years old when he took his
                                                                                                                     own life on the 20th January 2020. Jimmy was a loving father to his
                                                                                                                     beautiful daughter Dolcie, who was three when he died. Jim is one of
    HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH                                                                                         four boys.

                                                                         OUR ACTIVITIES                              Jimmy worked as a plasterer, he was a natural and he really enjoyed
                                                                                                                     it and would often talk about gaining more qualifications and then
                                                                         FREE THERAPY AND COUNSELLING:
                                                                                                                     running his own business. Jimmy had plans for the future.

                                                                         • The charity has its own mental
                                                                            health nurse who takes self-referrals    We all miss Jim more than words could ever say. The pain we feel
                                                                            online, and can assess your current      is relentless. There is the knowing he will never drive through the
                                                                            concerns, whilst getting you set up      gate again or ring us or walk through the door or a million other
                                                                            with a private therapy plan.             little things.
                                               Break the stigma © SMHC
                                                                         • We can also help with funding for        Dolcie asks us questions and we answer as honestly as we can. Some           Jimmy Smith © Mike Doherty
                                                                            private psychiatric assessments          days Dolcie will just say she wants to go to “daddy’s flowers” and so
                                                                            including (but not limited to) OCD       we go. Dolcie says her daddy is the “brightest and biggest star in the
                     I remember reading this on a Facebook post                                                      sky,” and when we let balloons off for Jim’s birthday she will shout
                                                                            and ADHD.
                     before putting my phone down and ignoring                                                       “catch them daddy!” This little girl is trying to make sense of what us
                     calls from my friends. Talking about my                                                         adults cannot.
                     mental health whilst growing up as a travelling     EDUCATION:
                                                                                                                     After Jim’s death I came to realise that he had to have been in
                     Showman was never something that crossed            • We provide educational projects.
                                                                                                                     darkness but now he was in the light – a small comfort but a comfort
                     my mind. Even after the passing of my friend           These include mental health within
                                                                                                                     nonetheless. How I wish he would have reached out and asked for
to suicide, my father, brother, and I sat in an hospital waiting            the fairground industry workshops
                                                                                                                     help, but he never did, he kept it all in.
room, reluctant to turn to each other and talk about the inner              and large one day events across
workings of our minds.                                                      the UK.                                  Why didn’t he confide in any of us? Did he think we would judge
                                                                                                                     him and label him as “not right in the head’, or ‘a dinlo’, or ‘he’s
I thought anxiety was a myth before having my first panic attack at
                                                                                                                     got bad nerves’? As Travellers we have all heard these terms and
24. I can still feel the dread that rushed over me. I thought I was      AWARENESS:                                  more growing up, but things have to change. What we are teaching
going to die. Soon, the anxiety moved into depression, which I often     Check out our social media and                                                                                           Jimmy Smith with Dolcie courtesy of
                                                                                                                     our children? We are teaching them not to say anything because
refer to as ‘getting your trailer stuck in the mud, and not being able   website for upcoming events and news:                                                                                    Donna Smith
                                                                                                                     Travellers, especially men, are strong and fearless and mental health
to get it out’. It was here everything changed, and I began to write     Twitter:                                    issues do not affect them. We are teaching them that to reach out and
down exactly what was going on and to seek support.                      @ShowmensCharity                            ask for help is weakness.
I had what I refer to as ‘the fear’. The fear of being judged in         Instagram:
                                                                                                                     We have to let our children know that we will listen, we will help,
everything I do, the fear of failing and not being good enough,          @showmensmentalhealth
                                                                                                                     if they don’t want to speak to family there are other people who
and the fear of letting my family down. Have you ever felt like          Facebook:
                                                                                                                     will listen and help, all they have to do is reach out and that this is
that? After writing down my thoughts, I did some research and            The Showmen’s Mental Health
                                                                                                                     strength, not weakness.
planned. I created a mental health plan, and most importantly –          Awareness Charity
started to talk.                                                         Website:                                    There are many organisations that are only a phone call away and
                                                                               One Call Away is a telephone service for the GRT community, run by
The Showmen’s Mental Health Awareness Charity started from a
                                                                                                                     good travelling people that speak as we do.
conversation, and the collective hurt of frequently losing friends to
suicide. Together, we began to talk and listen to many friends going     OUR TRUSTEES                                If awareness is not raised and we as a community do not start taking
through the same things, with different generations and genders          Xenna Murphy, Shelby Holmes,                this seriously, we will continue to bury our loved ones. Our story could
talking about mental health and attempting to ‘Break the Stigma’.        Bradley Wright, Devon Hill, Ryan            be yours and we would never want any family to feel as we do.

We are a charity founded and run by people from the Showmen              Barwick, and Sheldon Chadwick               By Donna Smith
and fairground community. Our aim is to break the stigma around          If you are interested in volunteering for
mental health in our community. This includes providing support,         the charity please send us an email.        If you are affected by the issues raised in this article and need
information and mental health services to all Showmen in the UK                                                      someone to talk to call One Call Away on 07748 997 617 or the                Dolcie visiting ‘daddy’s flowers’ courtesy
and Ireland (all ages).                                                  By Sheldon Chadwick                         Samaritans on 116 123                                                        of Donna Smith

                                                                                                                                                                                      TT ONLINE – YOUR VOICE ON THE INTERNET | 19
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NATIONAL SUPPORT GROUPS                                                    GENERAL
GATE HERTS                           DRIVE2SURVIVE:                        SAMARITANS
Community Lead Organisation For      A national GRT led campaign           116 123
Gypsy, Roma and Travellers           charity set up to oppose the new
01707 247 088                        anti-Traveller laws. For advice and
                                     information call
                                     07840 979302 or                       CHILD LINE:
                                     07903 198022                          0800 1111
FRIENDS FAMILIES &             
                                     ROMA SUPPORT GROUP
Working on behalf of all Gypsies,                                          NATIONAL DOMESTIC
                                     Supporting and empowering the
Roma and Travellers regardless or    Roma community.                       VIOLENCE
ethnicity, culture or background                                           Helpline:
                                     07949 089778
01273 234777                                                               0808 2000 247
                                     REPORT RACISM GRT                     WOMEN’S AID
                                     Report Hate Crime against             (DOMESTIC ABUSE)
Confidential support and             Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
advocacy for Gypsies and                                         
Travellers living in or passing
through West Yorkshire                                                     MIND: FOR BETTER
                                     TRAVELLER MOVEMENT
0113 240 2444                                                              MENTAL HEALTH
                                     Providing support and advice
                                     nationally to Gypsies and             0300 123 3393
LGBT TRAVELLER PRIDE                 Travellers visit our website
Advice and support for LGBTQ+
Gypsies, Roma and Travellers         0207 607 2002
07395 355066                                                               ANONYMOUS:
                                     TRAVELLING AHEAD                      0800 9177 650
                                     Support & advice for Gypsy,
ONE CALL AWAY                        Roma and Traveller communities        MACMILLAN
                                     across Wales                          CANCER SUPPORT
Gypsy & Traveller Mental Health
and Support                          0808 802 0025                         Providing physical, financial
                                  and emotional support to
07748 997617
                                                                           people living with cancer
                                     TRAVELLERS ADVICE TEAM                and their families.
PRIDE OF ROMANI                      Legal advice and support
Community-lead organisation based    for Gypsies and Travellers            0808 808 00 00
in Cheshire                          facing eviction                           0121 685 8677                         7 days a week, 8am–8pm

Travellers’ Times has loads of other useful
advice and support numbers on our website
You can also read