Page created by Walter Rodriguez
                                                 WICKLOW                                                                                         WE DELIVER!- for 30 years                              SOUTH EDITION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Delivered to 44,500

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               homes & businesses
                                                                                                                                                RUTTING SEASON                    RATHNEW GAA                     OCTOBER FEAST
                                                                                                                                                       page 4                         page 14                          page 18
  Tuesday 6th October 2020                  First Floor, The Boulevard, Quinsborough Road, Bray. A98 R6D7. Tel: 01 - 2869111 E-mail:

"There are no 'Changing Places' toilet facilities for those with
severe disabilities in the entire county of Wicklow at present
and building regulations need to change to ensure they are
mandatory in future public buildings," said Green Party TD
Steven Matthews.
   Deputy           Steven     with the 'Changing Places'     "While there are standard
Matthews has now               campaign.                      accessible toilets avail-
received a commitment            Currently there are just     able in most public build-
from the Department of         15 toilet/changing facili-     ings, what's needed is the
Housing Planning and           ties in the Republic of        'Changing Places' stan-
Local Government to            Ireland that are suitable      dard toilet facilities. The
form a departmental            for use by older children      Changing Places cam-
working group to review        and teens, and adults with     paign group has estab-
Part M of the building         more severe disabilities.      lished a template of what
regulations to ensure that     None of these are in           is needed for full equity
larger sized accessible toi-   County Wicklow.                of access to bathroom
lets suitable for adults and     While current building       facilities     and      this
those with severe disabili-    regulations require stan-      includes:           Height
ties will be mandatory for     dard disabled toilets in       adjustable adult sized
appropriate new public         public buildings, these do     changing bench; a larger
buildings.                     not cater for those need-      floor space of 12m
   Deputy        Matthews      ing assistance by carers,      squared; a full room cov-
raised the issue with          for example to change          erage ceiling track hoist
Minister          Malcolm      incontinence pads or           system; a centrally locat-
Noonan under topical           those who may require          ed toilet bowl with space
issues in the Dáil last        the use of a hoist.            either       side        for
Thursday after working           Deputy Matthews said,        transfers/assistants; a ceil-

                                                                                               Pictured are Deputy Steven Matthews, Aaron Daly, Sophia McGuinness and Councillor Erika Doyle.

                                                                                              ing height of 2.4m.”           maintain her privacy.
                                                                                                 Deputy Matthews said,         "In recent weeks
                                                                                              "I recently met with           the UK government
                                                                                              Sophia McGuinness and          announced a change in
                                                                                              her family in Bray.            building rules which will
                                                                                              Sophia is a wonderful          make it compulsory for
                                                                                              young woman aged 13            new buildings such as
                                                                                              with cerebral palsy and        shopping centres and
                                                                                              arthrogryposis, a condi-       sports stadiums to include
                                                                                              tion affecting the joints. I   at least one Changing
                                                                                              was stunned to hear from       Place from 2021. This is
                                                                                              her dad Aaron that there       what we should be aiming
                                                                                              is not one 'Changing           for in Ireland and I
                                                                                              Places' facility in the        believe if there is the
                                                                                              entire county of Wicklow,      political will, we can
                                                                                              in which to change             make it happen. The pro-
                                                                                              Sophia, should she             vision of Changing Places
                                                                                              require it.                    toilet facilities will ensure
                                                                                                 “This is a situation        that children like Sophia,
                                                                                              replicated across the          and many others with
                                                                                              country, with just 15          similar needs, can go
                                                                                              facilities in the Republic     about their everyday lives
                                                                                              of Ireland. Aaron told me      with dignity."
                                                                                              that the family must plan        On a local level, Green
                                                                                              their days out around toi-     Party Councillor Erika
                                                                                              let facilities, and often      Doyle recently submitted
                                                                                              have to abandon plans          a proposal to the
                                                                                              when they find out they        Chief Executive of
                                                                                              will have nowhere to           Wicklow County Council
                                                                                              change Sophia. In the past     to include Changing
                                                                                              they have changed Sophia       Places in the County
                                                                                              in their car while trying to   Development Plan.
Times        WICKLOW

2 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                            Tuesday 6th October 2020

                                                                                                                   Not to Bee!
                                                                                                                   While many events and festivals have gone virtual in very innovative ways this year, you
                                                                                                                   simply cannot taste local honey on Zoom! The Ashford Beekeepers Association (ABKA)
                                                                                                                   annual Honey Festival is cancelled this September due to Covid-19 restrictions.
                                                                                                                      Carole           Anne     nators. Honey Sales are      erably - the average hive     we have been having a
                                                                                                                   Vermeulen, Festival          always a huge draw with      would produce up to 12        super September for the
                                                                                                                   Organiser, says the          the best of local honey      kg in a good year and         ivy crop which will help
                                                                                                                   cancellation is very         from our beekeepers          this year it is down to an    the bees fill the brood
                                                                                                                   disappointing but entire-    available."                  average of 3 kg.              chamber for their long
                                                                                                                   ly necessary.                   As if the bees knew          "The bees came out in      winter season. So, while
                                                                                                                      "Our Association has a    there would be no Honey      the early sunshine and        we as beekeepers are
                                                                                                                   clear vision for our         Festival this year, a cold   gathered nectar from          down some delicious
                                                                                                                   Honey Festival as being      and wet summer across        early flowering crops but     honey, the bees are safe
                                                                                                                   a truly unique communi-      Ireland has caused a         the main honey produc-        going into the last season
                                                                                                                   ty event, and we certain-    dramatic fall in the         tion crop in Ireland is the   of the year".
                                                                                                                   ly achieved this last year   amount of honey pro-         blackberry and white             ABKA are already
                                                                                                                   when the sun shone           duced by native Irish        clover in July. When that     planning a great Festival
                                                                                                                   down on the 2000+            honey bees this season.      was     not      available    programme for 2021
                                                                                                                   happy visitors of all ages      According to Alan         because of the inclement      when hopefully the bees,
                                                                                                                   who gathered together to     Pierce, a member of          weather the honey crop        the weather and the
 Pictured are Deirdre Keating, Derri Keating and Mathew Davis from Bray Lakers                                     soak up the atmosphere.      ABKA and beekeeper for       for the year was in trou-     world will be in harmony
  receiving a cheque from Harry Williams (Kilmacanogue Show President) and Liam Allen (Show                        There was a little jazz, a   more than 30 years, after    ble. As a result the bees     once again and ready for
 Chairman). The Kilmac Horse Show went virtual this year and €5,000 was divided among local                        lot of colour and the        the beautiful early          had to feed on their early    a great Festival.
 charities. See more page 12                                                                                       Heritage Centre was          Summer in April, May         stores. Usually by July a        If you want to get the
                                                                                                                   buzzing with side events     into June the rain and       colony of bees would          best of Wicklow Honey,
                                                                                                                   - the demonstration hives    cold weather that fol-       have increased from           check out the website at
                                                                                                                   give an insight into the     lowed in July and August     15,000 to close to 50,000
    New vinyl record store in                                  Sharing excess garden                               fascinating world of our
                                                                                                                   native bees and their
                                                                                                                                                was the main reason the
                                                                                                                                                harvest is so poor.
                                                                                                                                                                             so there were a lot of
                                                                                                                                                                             bees to feed," said Alan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           -Sales.php or look out for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           local producers' stock in
         Blessington                                                  produce                                      invaluable role as polli-    "Yields are down consid-        "On the bright side,       your village store.

    The Screaming Donkeys Emporium, located above           Anyone with an extra supply of garden food
 Dunnes in Blessington, is open every Thursday,
 Friday and Saturday from 12 to 5pm. There’s a large
                                                         produce can drop it outside the main entrance of
                                                         the Brockagh Resource Centre in the crate provid-           Bray Soroptomists lunch raises
                                                                                                                       almost €3,000 for charities
 selection of LPs, CDs and 7-inch singles for sale.      ed for the community to share.

            Wicklow Willow                                 Concern over gatherings at
    More full day courses (9 am to 5 pm),for
                                                            south beach playground                                   The Bray branch of Soroptimists Ireland                 was a major success, raising almost €3,000.
 improvers and beginners coming soon in the                                                                          has, since their inception 60 years ago,                   President Tanja Haak O'Riordan, acknowledged
                                                            Wicklow Times has been contacted by                                                                              the support in ensuring the fundraising event could
 Brockagh Centre. They include materials, tuition,                                                                   fundraised annually to support local,
                                                         Greystones residents expressing concerns over                                                                       be held. "We are so grateful to everyone who has
 tea/coffee and lunch (with cake)! You will make         gatherings of teenagers at South Beach playground           national and international charities.
 and bring home your own basket on the day. Places                                                                                                                           supported our fundraising lunch in very challeng-
                                                         in the evenings.                                               A major event in the annual calendar of events       ing times for everyone this year.
 are limited, so please book early to get the dates         One person who goes to the beach every evening
 you want. For more information, contact local bas-                                                                  is the Charity Lunch.                                      The generosity of our members, friends and
                                                         said he regularly oberves the teenagers hanging out            However, with the arrival of COVID-19, the           those who sponsored raffle prizes, mean we can
 ket maker and artist, Aoife Patterson, on               on the swings and slides and potentiallty leaving
 087-9773622, email or                                                                         2020 Annual Lunch, in its traditional form, could       support the Bray Women's Refuge; Purple House
                                                         traces of the Covid on the equipment.                       not be held.                                            Cancer Support; Soroptimist International
 visit                                He said “I don’t mean to be a killjoy. It’s highly          Not to be deterred the Club members organised        Benevolent Fund and the Malawi Girls Education
                                                         plausable that if any of them have covid,they could         a socially distanced outdoor event. Held on the         Fund. We look forward to continuing our fundrais-
                                                         leave traces of virus on the swings and next day the        grounds of Kilcroney Furniture, with thanks to          ing efforts into the future and to enjoying contin-
         Speak up for nature                             little kids come in with their parents and could            long time Club member Anny Verwijs, the lunch           ued support."
                                                         easily contract virus and spread it throughout the
    Nature doesn’t have a voice but you do. Will         community and the elderly. I never once saw the
 you speak up for nature? As part of their work on       police patrol the area over the summer. Last night
 agriculture BirdWatch Ireland is campaigning for a      (September 27th) was the same. They were there as
 better Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) for wild         usual. It comes as no surprise that covid is now on
 birds, their habitats and other biodiversity. “We are   the rise in wicklow.”
 calling on supporters to Speak Up for Nature by
 leaving a voicemail message which we will send to
 Irish Members of the European Parliament
                                                                 Sports Club funding
 (MEPs). We are asking them to vote for measures            Sports clubs of all kind within the county and
 which will address the biodiversity emergency on        beyond are the focus of a new club funding initia-
 farmland in Ireland in an upcoming important vote       tive just launched under the title Texaco Support for
 on the CAP in the European Parliament.”                 Sport for which a fund of €130,000 has been set
    The voicemail campaign is an ‘online only’           aside for distribution on a twenty-six, county-by-
 campaign. To leave a voicemail and learn more, go       county basis, with successful clubs receiving an
 to and follow the       equal amount of €5,000 in each case.
 instructions. It’s free!                                   Aimed at all clubs irrespective of sporting disci-
                                                         pline, size, membership, age, cultural appeal or gen-
                                                         der, it is expected to attract all whose activities,
                                                         goals and ambitions can, in the view of adjudicators,
             BRAY                                        be materially advanced through the receipt and
                                                         proper use of funding in each case. Open for entries
                                                         until end-December, winners will be announced
                                Vevay Rd, Bray           early next year. Full details can be viewed online at

                           • Free Fitting                    Children’s book Festival
                           • Free Measuring
                             Service                     Do call into Wicklow Branch library any time dur-
                                                                                                                     Nono McQuillan, Rosemary Zarqa and Clare Comerford enjoying the Bray Soroptimists
                                                         ing the month of October as they celebrate
                           • Free In Home                National Children’s Book Festival. There will be            fundraising lunch
                             Advice & Design             quizzes and puzzles for children to test their
                                                         knowledge and complete. Each week will have a
                             Service                     different theme. Week 1 5th -10 October, Space
                           • No Obligation

                                                         Week; Week 2 12th- 17th October Science week;                           WICKLOW

                                                         Week 3 19th - 24th October Math Week; Week 4                                                           Shay Fitzmaurice, Managing Editor -
                              Quote                      26th - 31 October, all about the environment week.                                                                Ian Colgan, News Editor -
                                                         “We have recently purchased a number on new
*12 Month Guarantee on ALL Blinds*                       non-fiction books , so do call in and take the quiz.                                                                   General enquiries -
Tel: 286 5057 Fax: 201 4335           The answers are in the books. You might win a               is published by Wicklow Times,
           email:                    prize.”                                                     First Floor, The Boulevard, Quinsborough Road, Bray. A98 R6D7. Tel: 01-2869111
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 6th October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                      NEWS 3

Residents and families of St Joseph's in Shankill were alarmed last week when St John of
God's announced that it was withdrawing its services. However, Health Minister Stephen
Donnelly was quickly out to reassure clients and their families that the services would contin-
ue no matter what.
   St Joseph's provide         its services directly to the                                    told Wicklow Times “St
dementia specific person-      HSE over the next 12                                            Joseph's is an incredible
centred care, focussing        months. St John of God                                          institution that leads the
on the social, emotional,      Community Services will                                         way in dementia care in
psychological and physi-       cease its involvement in                                        this country. It is critical
cal needs of people at all     the provision of these                                          for the patients, their           Pictured are Hilary Sharpe and Jimmy Balbontin at the Wicklow Town Saturday Market
stages of dementia, in a       services by 1 October                                           families and the staff that
real home environment,         2021. The formal letter                                         those services continue
both residential and day
care. Saint Joseph's
Shankill is home to 60
                               of notice was sent to the
                               Health           Services
                               Executive on Wednesday
                                                                                               to be provided. There are
                                                                                               ongoing discussions
                                                                                               between the HSE and St
                                                                                                                                   Rise in drug crimes during lockdown
people and offers 2 peo-       30 September.                                                   John        of       God's        There was a dramatic jump in drug related crimes during the lockdown period in the
ple a respite bed every           St John of God                                               Community Services to             Wicklow Garda Division, according to the CSO crime statistics for Q2 of 2020, published
week with 120 Day              Community Services cur-         Minister          Stephen       resolve the current               last week.
Centre places.                 rently provides intellec-       Donnelly                        issues.
   Saint John of God           tual disability and mental                                         “My hope is those var-            While significant decreases were recorded in many types of crimes, controlled drug offences jumped to
Community Services last        health services to over         those impacted are in           ious issues can be                242, compared to 160 for the same period last year. Incidents of drug posession for personal use also
week announced that it         8,000 children, adoles-         receipt of day, residential     resolved but if it tran-          increased to 189, compared to 121 for the same period last year.
had served a notice of         cents and adults and            and respite services for        spires the services are              Some of the major decreases in crime in Wicklow were seen in categories such as thefts (down by half,
termination of its Service     employs 3000 staff and          people with a disability.       taken over by the HSE an          from 452 to 223). There were also just 44 burlgaries during this period, compared to 166 for the same period
Arrangement with the           volunteers in 300 loca-         The Order of St John of         interim plan will be put          last year. Non-aggravated burglaries were down to just 40, compared to 163 for Q2 of 2019. Other incidents
Health           Services      tions across counties           God has been providing          in place. Whatever                of theft, including handling of stolen property, were down to 126, compared to 248 last year. Theft of vehi-
Executive and its inten-       Dublin, Kildare, Kerry,         these services for almost       happens services at St            cles fell from 17 to 8.
tion to transfer responsi-     Wicklow, Meath and              a century.                      Joseph's       will      be          Sexual offences fell from 35 to 20, and incidents of rape and sexual assault fell from 27 to 16.
bility for the operation of    Louth. Over 2,500 of                Minister Donnelly           continuing.”                      Attempts/threats to murder, assaults and harassments dropped to 78, from 121.
                                                                                                                                    Offences against the Govrrnment and organisation of crime were also halved, from 120 to 58, as were
                                                                                                                                 offences while in custody and breaches of court orders (from 120 to 57).
                                                                                                                                    Wicklow was one of only four Garda Divisions where there were less than five breaches of the Health Act

Wicklow homes sell                                                                                                               1947 which, in the period up to June 2020, resulted from the enforcement of movement restrictions relating
                                                                                                                                 to COVID-19. The other counties were Kildare, Wexford, and Laois/Offaly.

four weeks faster in
    last quarter
The time taken to sell the average house in                    which could be burst once the Covid-19 supports are with-
Wicklow has fallen by four weeks in the past                   drawn," said Mr Murphy.
quarter, a national property survey has                           "We are seeing an increased demand for one-off
                                                               dwellings that are not too remote - access to community,
                                                               services and quality broadband has an increased impor-
   The REA Average House Price Survey found that the           tance."
average time taken to sell across the county fell over the        North East Wicklow and Bray prices fell over the past
past three months from 14 weeks to 10.                         12 months by 1.9% to €300,000 and 1.5% to €335,000
   As people move away from urban hubs and incorporate         respectively.
new working-from-home lifestyles, the price of the                Prices in Baltinglass were unchanged this quarter but
average three-bed semi-detached house in the county was        rose over the past 12 months by 2.9% to €175,000.
unchanged this quarter, and has fallen 0.4% over the past         Prices were unchanged over the past 12 months in
12 months to €283,000.                                         Blessington and Wicklow Town at €295,000 and
   "The market is very strong. There are a lot of purchasers   €310,000 respectively.
who would have wanted to buy in Dublin but now are                Time to sell fell across the county this quarter. In Bray,
interested in living in the country," said Matt Forkin of      time to sell fell by eight weeks and now stands at seven
REA Forkin North East Wicklow, and Wicklow Town.               weeks.
   "There is an increase in demand for rural properties           Baltinglass time to sell fell by a fortnight this quarter to
with purchasers who do not have an attachment to Dublin.       14 weeks. In Blessington, time to sell fell from ten weeks
They are really interested in moving out to rural Wicklow.     to eight.
   "The demand for detached country properties is very            Time to sell in North East Wicklow fell by six weeks
strong, and prices are reaching higher are expected."          and Wicklow Town fell by five weeks, time to sell in both
   Reduced selling periods reflects a more focused             locations now stands at 10 weeks.
approach from loan approved buyers, according to Simon            The REA Average House Price Survey concentrates on
Murphy of REA Murphy, Baltinglass and Blessington.             the actual sale price of Ireland's typical stock home, the
   "We expect that the current activity may be a bubble        three-bed semi, giving an accurate picture of the second-
                                                               hand property market in towns and cities
                                                               countrywide=The average three bed semi nationally is
                                                               now reaching sale agreed after seven weeks across the
                                                               country - a significant fall from the ten-week average in
                                                                  Despite fears of a downturn in the market during the
                                                               Covid-19 crisis, the price of a three-bedroomed semi-
                                                               detached house across the country rose by 0.6% over the
                                                               past three months to €236,046, an annual increase of
                                                                  Reflecting the beginnings of a flight to rural locations,
                                                               prices in the rest of the country's towns rose by almost 1%
                                                               in 12 weeks to €163,345.
Times     WICKLOW

4 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                Tuesday 6th October 2020

                                                                                        'Wicklow Greenways
                                                                                         to be given added
                                                                                        Minister Simon Harris TD is to meet the Minister for Transport to discuss how Wicklow Greenways can benefit from
                                                                                        the ring-fenced budget for Cycling and Walking facilities in the new programme for government
                                                                                           Minister Harris said "The         occupied with the design for the    a route selection study and con-         "The future development of
                                                                                        new programme for government         upgrade of the M11/N11 to           sultation for the upgrade of the      Greenways in Wicklow should
                                                                                        commits to a substantial             facilitate the thousands of         M11/N11. A number of the pro-         also impact on the site selection
                                                                                        increase in the budget for           Wicklow residents that com-         posed Greenway routes are             for park and ride facilities and
                                                                                        cycling and pedestrian facilities.   mute to work in Dublin.             required to cross this major          public transport hubs along the
                                                                                        I have been working with many        However, it is important that in    national route. What has been a       upgraded M11/N11.
                                                                                        community groups across coun-        doing its work the NTA does not     source of frustration for many           "I will be meeting with the
                                                                                        ty Wicklow seeking to deliver        lose sight of the many short        of the Wicklow community              new Minister for Transport
                                                                                        Greenways that will not only         journeys Wicklow residents          groups developing Greenways is        regarding the development of a
                                                                                        boost tourism but also provide a     make every day by car for the       how NTA will not meaningfully         more holistic approach to the
                                                                                        safe means to travel between         want of a safe alternative that     integrate potential Greenway          upgrade of major infrastructure
                                                                                        our towns and villages.              allows short journeys by foot or    projects into the route selection     with extensive new safe cycling
                                                                                           "The National Transport           bicycle.                            and plans for the M11/N11             and pedestrian facilities,” con-
                                                                                        Authority (NTA) is rightly pre-         "The NTA is now undertaking      upgrade.                              cluded Minister Harris.
 Road traffic accident involving a Sika Deer on the M9. Photo by Joe
                      Public consultation for Kilmac
Motorists urged to be to Southern Cross Greenway
    vigilant during deer                                                                Wicklow County Council (WCC) is proposing to develop a greenway as part
                                                                                        of the proposed Kilmacanogue to Southern Cross Greenway scheme. This
                                                                                                                                                                                           Additionally, the need to promote and sup-
                                                                                                                                                                                           port the development of new greenways and

      breeding season
                                                                                                                                                                                           cycling routes throughout Bray and environs
                                                                                        first public consultation on the Study Area, Route Options & Project
                                                                                                                                                                                           was identified in the Bray Municipal District
                                                                                        Constraints is now underway. See to complete the questionnaire                          Local Area Plan 2018-2024. A greenway
                                                                                        and submit your views.                                                                             along the route of the Kilmacanogue River
 It's autumn and in our forests and across our mountains, tensions                         The council is particularly interested in    project route options and the questionnaire        was recognised as a priority route.
 are rising as the rutting or the deer breeding season gets under                       hearing from local residents and interested     will provide people with an opportunity to            It is hoped that the scheme will: Improve
 way, the time of the year when male deer are driven by an urge to                      parties regarding issues or information that    have their say and to provide feedback to the      the safety for pedestrians and cyclists by pro-
 reproduce.                                                                             may not be in the public domain but that        project team.                                      viding alternative routes; encourage a modal
                                                                                        should be considered by engineers and envi-        If you do not receive the brochure and          shift to non-motorised travel modes to reduce
    From late September until early November the clash of antlers will be heard
                                                                                        ronmental consultants when they are plan-       questionnaire but you wish to contribute dur-      traffic congestion; improve connectivity with
 as males show off their virility to potential mates and, like gladiators entering
                                                                                        ning and designing the route.                   ing the consultation period, please refer to the   other greenways and pedestrian/cycle trails;
 an arena, they parade around showing off their armoury of antlers. While the
                                                                                           Due to Covid-19 restrictions on public       project link at              benefit local businesses and village centres
 rut is an amazing experience to witness it is also a time when there is an
                                                                                        gatherings, Wicklow County Council and the      /Services/Kilmacanogue-to-Southern-Cross-          by attracting tourists to use the amenity.
 increase in road traffic accidents involving deer as male deer go in search of
                                                                                        consultants RPS will deliver a project          Greenway to have your say. Closing date for           Currently cycle and pedestrian routes
 females and younger males are ousted by dominant males forcing deer to cross
                                                                                        brochure and questionnaire to households,       receipt of submissions is 30th October.            along the N11 require users to travel along
 roads and motorways.
                                                                                        premises and businesses in the immediate           The Wicklow County Development Plan             the hard shoulder of the N11 from junction 8
    In a statement issued last week, the Irish Deer Commission is calling on
                                                                                        vicinity of the proposed greenway over the      2016-2022 identifies the need 'to support the      to 7, a distance of 1.8km approx, compromis-
 motorists to be vigilant at dawn and dusk, when deer are most active,
                                                                                        coming weeks.                                   development of new and existing walking,           ing safety and reducing the appeal of walking
 particularly in high risk areas such as woodlands and mountains.
                                                                                           The brochure will provide details of the     cycling, and driving routes/trails.                and cycling.
    What should drivers do in high risk areas? Reduce speed where they see a
 warning sign and stay alert. Prepare to stop, never swerve as you could hit
 another obstacle or oncoming vehicle. When you see a deer "dip your head-
 lights" as the full beam may cause the deer to freeze. If a deer has crossed in
 front of your vehicle, be aware that others may follow. Do not approach an
 injured deer. If you are involved in a Deer road traffic accident or come across
 a deer that has been involved in a road traffic accident, immediately contact
                                                                                          Respiratory rapid response
 the local Gardaí.

                                                                                           service for West Wicklow
                                                                                         On Wednesday 30th September, HSE Dublin South, Kildare and West Wicklow Community Healthcare (CHO7)
                                                                                         and Naas General Hospital officially launched the Sláintecare funded Integrated Respiratory Rapid Response
                                                                                         Service for Kildare & West Wicklow.
                                                                                            Catherine Dempsey GM for         with the principles of              will be provided for GP clients      development could not have
                                                                                         Primary Care explained that         Sláintecare.       The      first   that are referred to the team.       come at a better time for the
Riverview House                   Tel: 01 276 1330 Fax: 01 276 1336                      "This new way of working to         Pulmonary Rehab class took             Brian Kearney, Operations         people of Kildare & West
Seapoint Road,                    Web:                           develop an end to end model of      place on 26th August 2020 in        Manager Naas General                 Wicklow who are living with a
Bray, Co. Wicklow                 E-mail:                        care for individuals who are        the new HSE Primary Care            Hospital said, " Naas General        respiratory illnesses. A num-
                                                                                         diagnosed with respiratory dis-     Centre Athy. The team will ini-     Hospital is delighted to be          ber of health conditions can

 Personal Injury Lawyers*                                                                ease is an innovative integrated
                                                                                         approach between the acute
                                                                                         sector and community services,
                                                                                                                             tiate and develop integrated
                                                                                                                             respiratory care in Kildare West
                                                                                                                             Wicklow with Naas General
                                                                                                                                                                 involved in this new integrated
                                                                                                                                                                 model of service delivery. This
                                                                                                                                                                 service has the potential to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      become worse over the winter
                                                                                                                                                                                                      months, understanding your ill-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ness and how to look after your
                                                                                         to support General Practice and     Hospital in four different          relieve demand on our acute          health is very important. A
   Medical Negligence* Catastrophic Injuries*                                            enhance capacity at primary         venues, Athy, Celbridge,            respiratory service, reduce          number of ways the people of
  Workplace Accidents* Road Traffic Accidents*                                           care level. This integrated col-    Newbridge and Blessington           length of stay and promote           can stay well this winter is by
                                                                                         laborative approach will ensure     Primary      Care      Centres.     admission avoidance whilst           getting the flu vaccination
                Trips and Falls*                                                         a quality patient centred service   Referrals to the team can be        also supporting a new                from their local GP or pharma-
                                                                                         leading to better outcomes for      made by GPs and by the              approach to deliver integrated       cy, attending healthcare
   For professional, confidential and expert legal advice regarding
                                                                                         this cohort of people who have      Respiratory Clinicians in Naas      care in the community for            appointments, listening to the
     Personal Injuries suffered, please do not hesitate to contact                       been       diagnosed        with    General Hospital. The team          members of the population in         advice from healthcare profes-
                Brian Robinson or Clare-Ann Temple.                                      Respiratory disease."               will provide supported dis-         Kildare & West Wicklow who           sionals, complying with
                                                                                            The team includes a              charge for Chronic Respiratory      have been diagnosed with             COVID-19 guidelines such as
                                                 Rory P. Benville B.C.L.                 Respiratory Clinical Nurse          patients post hospital admis-       Respiratory disease"                 social distancing and wearing a
                                            Brian Robinson B.B.L.S., L.L.M.              Specialist and two senior           sion, Pulmonary Rehabilitation         Mary O'Kelly Head of              face covering.
                                          Eilish Bradshaw B.A., L.L.B., L.L.M.           Respiratory Physiotherapists.       and Nurse/Physiotherapist led       Primary Care welcomed the               “If a person develops
                                                                                         This exciting initiative will       respiratory clinics for patients    launch of this service "With         symptoms of COVID-19 they
                                                Clare-Ann Temple L.L.B.                  bring expert care closer to         with chronic respiratory disease    the on-going COVID-19 pan-           should seek medical advice
                                                                                         home for patients diagnosed         in KWW. In addition, self-man-      demic and the flu season fast        immediately and restrict their
   *In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a
                                                                                         with respiratory disease in line    agement and patient education       approaching, this service            movements."
                percentage or proportion of any award or settlement
Times      WICKLOW

Tuesday 6th October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEWS 5

      OVER 10,000
   Wicklow hoteliers call for urgent Government measures to support tourism
The latest industry survey from the Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) reveals a collapse in hotel
bookings on foot additional Government restrictions due to Covid-19. Hotel room occupancy
rates across the Mid East are at 39% for September, 23% for October and 12% for November
based on business currently booked.
   Since the announcement      out the sector. This must      ment subsidies, a reduction    ity business has: confirmed
on 15th September of           form a central plank of the    in tourism VAT, extended       it has undergone the rele-
                                                                                                                               Sandra, Sinead, Sarah, Kiera, Nathan, and Paddy Byrne celebrate Knockananna winning the
revised Government plans       Budget due to be               waiver of local authority      vant infection control train-
for restrictions, the weekly   announced next month."         rates and greater access to    ing; undertaken to main-          Senior Camogie Championship by beating Donard the Glen in Arklow.
rate of new bookings for          Prior to Covid-19,          banking finance."              tain compliance with the
hotels has plummeted by        Wicklow's tourism and             Meanwhile, 80 Wicklow       Government's          public
67% across the country -
representing an enormous
                               hospitality industry sup-
                               ported 13,900 jobs and
                                                              tourism businesses have
                                                              signed up to Fáilte
                                                                                             health guidelines for busi-
                                                                                             nesses; agreed to be sub-          Wicklow pharmacies to start offering
blow to Irish tourism at a     generated €135 million in      Ireland's COVID-19 Safety      ject to assessment, both
time when the sector is
struggling under immense
                               revenues annually for the
                               local economy. We are
                                                              Charter. The COVID-19
                                                              Safety Charter was devel-
                                                                                             announced and unan-
                                                                                             nounced, at all times.
                                                                                                                                   vaccinations outside premises
financial difficulties.        now facing a deepening         oped by the National              Paul Kelly, CEO, Fáilte        Pharmacies across Wicklow will soon be able to offer vaccinations outside of the
Meanwhile the results          crisis with 10,200 tourism     Tourism Development            Ireland said "Fáilte
                                                                                                                               pharmacy. For the past ten years pharmacies have been offering the service in their
today from the Central         jobs across Wicklow at risk    Authority to instil public     Ireland's COVID19 Safety
Statistics Office (CSO)        this year and local tourism    confidence in 'safe breaks'    Charter gives tourism and         premises but now they will be able to travel to homes and even administer a shot to
show number of overseas        revenues forecast to drop      in Ireland. Fáilte Ireland     hospitality businesses the        someone sitting in their car.
visitors to Ireland for the    by €100m as businesses         research shows the public      opportunity to demonstrate           Rathdrum pharmacist Michael Tierney says he expects to administer shots to as many as 100 people
month of August dropped        fight for survival.            expect and regard it as        their actions and commit-         when the new law comes into force later this month. He said he would be looking to go into factories and
by 84% year on year,              "The outlook is excep-      'important' that appropriate   ment to providing con-            schools as well as visit elderly people in their homes to give them the flu jab.
demonstrating the severe       tionally difficult and high-   safety measures are in         sumers with a safe envi-             The change comes after Minister Donnelly expanded this year’s vaccination programme to all of those in
challenges facing Irish        lights the requirement for     place if they are to consid-   ronment. The safety sym-          at-risk groups, including healthcare workers. All children aged from 2 to 12 years inclusive will also have
tourism which would nor-       urgent immediate sectoral      er taking a domestic break     bol displayed on the              access to vaccination without charges. The vaccine will be administered to children through nasal drops
mally rely on overseas vis-    specific measures for          in Ireland this year.          premises will act as a clear      rather than an injection.
itors for 70 percent of rev-   tourism. This situation is        Fáilte Ireland is encour-   visual indicator to cus-             Minister Donnelly said the new law would help boost the number of people receiving vaccines in Co.
enues.                         nothing short of disastrous    aging more businesses in       tomers that it is safe to visit   Wicklow. He said: “Providing an influenza vaccination service at non-pharmacy locations has the potential
   Gerard O'Brien, IHF         for our sector with serious    Wicklow from the accom-        a restaurant, attraction,         to greatly increase uptake of the influenza vaccine in all the groups, who can avail of the vaccine free of
Wicklow Branch chair           implications for the           modation sector, restau-       activity or accommodation         charge, in particular those in the at-risk categories.
said: "It is now 'make or      tourism industry and wider     rants, Charter. attractions    provider. We encourage -             “This is a game changer for pharmacists who have been asking to be given these powers so they can
break' time. Urgent and        economy. We are calling        and activities to sign up to   and look forward to - more        reach more people.
unprecedented intervention     on the Government to           complete the training and      businesses in Wicklow to             “It will also help to ease the pressure on our health services this winter.“Increasing access to the influen-
from the Government is         implement sector specific      receive the Safety. The        sign up, complete the train-      za vaccine is a high priority to protect members of our society, especially the most at-risk groups. There is
required to support tourism    measures as a matter of        COVID-19 Safety Charter        ing and receive the Fáilte        also an expectation that with the wider availability of the vaccine it will almost certainly increase its uptake
businesses and safeguard       urgency. These should          helps consumers identify       Ireland safety charter sym-       which is crucial as we continue to deal with Covid. I would implore everyone and especially those in an
thousands of jobs through-     include enhanced employ-       that a tourism and hospital-   bol."                             at-risk category to get the flu vaccine.”
Times        WICKLOW

6 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 6th October 2020

                                                                                                                           173k for sport
                                                                                                                            and physical
                                                                                                                         activity measures
                                                                                                                         Sport and physical activity in County Wicklow have received a welcome boost with €173,000 being
                                                                                                                         allocated to Wicklow Sports and Recreation Partnership through the Dormant Accounts Fund.
                                                                                                                            The allocation is part of   people who are education-       abilities. The range of           Chairman of Sport
                                                                                                                         a total investment package     ally disadvantaged and          measures funded through        Ireland, Kieran Mulvey,
                                                                                                                         of €7.3m in Dormant            from disadvantaged areas.       the Dormant Accounts           commented:           "Sport
                                                                                                                         Accounts           Funding     The importance of sport         Fund is helping to make        Ireland is delighted with
                                                                                                                         announced by Sport             and physical activity for       sport and physical activity    the significant investment
                                                                                                                         Ireland for a wide range of    our physical and mental         more inclusive and acces-      of €990,000 in Innovation
 Knockananna Senior Camogie team players Eimer Mutton, Shannagh Goetelen, Niamh Byrne,                                   sport and physical activity    health cannot be overstat-      sible for many people right    for Sports Inclusion.
 and Erin Byrne celebrate winning the Senior Camogie Championship by beating Donard the Glen                             measures countrywide.          ed and we have all seen         across Ireland."               These creative Innovation
 in Arklow.                                                                                                                 Sport Ireland's invest-     how beneficial it has been         Minister of State for       projects have the potential
                                                                                                                         ment aims to engage with       for people of all ages dur-     Sport and the Gaeltacht,       to create solutions to the
                                                                                                                         communities across the                                                                        problems that exist in

 €100,000 for libraries
                                                                                                                         country, focusing on peo-                                                                     sports participation. The
                                                                                                                         ple with disabilities, peo-                                                                   announcement of thirteen
                                                                                                                         ple who are educationally                                                                     innovation projects is very
                                                                                                                         disadvantaged and from                                                                        welcomed, stimulating
                                                                                                                         disadvantaged communi-                                                                        collaboration within and
 Minister Simon Harris TD has announced                     This funding announcement, along with the                    ties.                                                                                         beyond the sports sector."
 funding of over €100,000 for upgrades in                library projects funded under the Libraries Capital                Included in the alloca-                                                                       Chief Executive of
                                                         Programme and the Rural Regeneration and                        tion to Wicklow Sports                                                                        Sport Ireland, John
 Wicklow libraries.
                                                         Development Fund, sees a major investment in                    and Recreation Partnership                                                                    Treacy, commented: "The
    Minister Harris said "The government has grant-      public library buildings across the country.                    is Hub Funding for Coral                                                                      increase in Dormant
 ed €100,000 to support a Small Scale Capital               Minister Harris added "When my colleague                     Leisure Arklow €40,000,                                                                       Accounts Funding will
 Works Programme in Wicklow libraries.                   Minister Heather Humphreys announced the initia-                Sport Ireland Innovation                                                                      enable Sport Ireland, sup-
    "The public libraries in Wicklow Town and Bray       tive earlier in the summer the total national fund              for Sports Inclusion:                                                                         ported by National
 will have bike lockers installed, while other           was €2.5million. However given the breadth and                  €100,000,            Sports                                                                   Governing Bodies and
 Wicklow libraries will see works ranging from the       quality of the proposals the government decided to              Inclusion        Disability                                                                   Local Sports Partnerships
 installation of study pods, to perspex screens, to      increase the overall allocation 3million. This                  Programme           Capital                                                                   to have a positive impact
 building extensions. This will make a real differ-      ensured Wicklow libraries will now be in receipt of             Supports:         €10,000,                                                                    on the health and wellbe-
 ence to the library buildings as they adapt to the      over €100,000 for their proposed works."                        Volunteer Training &           ing the current pandemic.       Jack Chambers TD, added:       ing of communities
 new public health guidelines.                              In concluding, the Minister thanked local authori-           Education Programme:              "I will continue to work     "The positive impact of        throughout Ireland. Key to
    These works will strengthen the library's position   ties and library staff for their ongoing work during            €15,000 and Youth              with Minister for Media,        sport and physical activity    the work of Sport Ireland
 as a community hub and ensure that it is a modern,      Covid-19. Additional funds will be provided by                  Leadership: €8,000.            Tourism, Arts, Culture,         on our physical and mental     is the belief that everyone
 well-equipped and comfortable facility that will        local authorities to bring the total investment in                 Denise O'Shea, Co-          Sport and the Gaeltacht,        wellbeing cannot be over-      should have the opportuni-
 leave a positive legacy for years to come".             libraries to over €111,000.                                     ordinator of Wicklow           Catherine Martin T.D, in        stated. The current pan-       ty to partake in sport and
                                                                                                                         Sports and Recreation          order to secure essential       demic has confirmed the        physical activity, no mat-
                                                                                                                         Partnership, said: "As we      funding for community           critical importance of sport   ter what their circum-
                                                                                                                         know dormant Account           organisations and thank         to Irish society and the       stances."
                                                                                                                         Funding is vital to the        her for her commitment."        uplift it provides to peo-        As with previous fund-
                                                                                                                         growth of community and           Minister for Media,          ple's spirits. While keeping   ing announced, the invest-
                                                                                                                         social inclusion through       Tourism, Arts, Culture,         us fit, regular physical       ment is closely aligned
                                                                                                                         sport in disadvantaged         Sport and the Gaeltacht,        activity is an excellent       with the National Sports
                                                                                                                         areas around the county.       Catherine Martin TD, said:      social outlet for many. The    Policy and the National
                                                                                                                         This is going to have a        "A key priority for             investment         package     Physical Activity Plan. A
                                                                                                                         huge impact on people's        Government is the target-       announced today will have      particular emphasis is
                                                                                                                         wellbeing especially at        ing of resources at pro-        a positive impact on the       placed on implementing
                                                                                                                         times like this."              grammes that seek to            health of the nation, and      programmes to promote
                                                                                                                            Speaking about the new      address inequalities in         support the growth of          physical activity, making
                                                                                                                         round       of    Dormant      sports participation, in par-   community and social           sport and physical activity
                                                                                                                         Accounts          Funding,     ticular socio-economic dis-     cohesion through sport."       accessible to people with a
        Marrakesh Ltd is a family run business specialising in                                                           Minister Simon Harris said     advantage. Similarly, we           Among the successful        disability and the develop-
                                                                                                                         ""The investment aims to       are keen to ensure that         Dormant Accounts Fund          ment of programmes to
    Construction and Demolition Waste Management & Recycling,                                                            engage with communities        interventions are in place      projects announced are         address transitions and
      Site Clearance and Supply of Material from 4” down to                                                              in Wicklow, focusing on        to boost participation lev-     thirteen new Innovation        drop out from physical
                                                                                                                         people with disabilities,      els among people with dis-      projects.                      activity.
       Blinding, Recycled Screened Topsoil, Sand, Gravel etc.
                                                                                                                             Funding for nine Wicklow
• Screened Topsoil
• Screened no 2 soil
                                                                                                                            schools under the Creative
• 4" Down Crushed Concrete                   We also accept for recycling: • Clay • Stone • Concrete • Tarmac • Sand           Schools Programme
• 4" Clean Crushed Concrete                                                                                              Nine Wicklow schools will receive funding under the Creative Schools Programme, one of the
• 3" Down Crushed Concrete                                                                                               flagship initiatives of the Creative Ireland Programme.
                                                                                                                           The schools in Wicklow that            Catherine Martin this week was            the richness of their overall learning
• 3" Clean Crushed Concrete                                                                                              were awarded this funding were:          extremely welcome. I was particu-         experience. Supporting an interest
• Crushed Concrete Fines                                                                                                 Colaiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole;       larly delighted to see that nine          and passion for creativity in all
                                                    We can organise SITE CLEARANCES - no job too big or small            Gaelscoil An Inbhir Mhoir; Nun's         schools from across Wicklow were          areas of childhood development is
• Crushed Tarmac Fines                                                                                                   Cross N.S., Ashford; Ss Michael          awarded the grant of €2,000 to            important and I hope that this
                                                                                                                         And Peters Junior School, Arklow;        implement their individual plans          funding will assist in that aim.
• No 2 Stone                                                                                                             St Catherines Special School,            with an additional grant of €1,100           "This funding is particularly wel-
                                                                                                                         Newcastle; St Kevin's Community          being provided on a once-off basis        come at the moment as students are
Also available:                                                                                                          College, Dunlavin; St Laurence PS,       for 2020.                                 still readjusting to being back in
• Granite • Pebble • Sand                                                                                                Greystones; St Peter's Primary              "The funding is there to support       school after such a significant inter-
                                                                                                                         School, Bray; Woodbrook College,         initiatives and ideas that encourage      ruption in their schooling. I know

 Tel: 01 286 8119 Mobile: 087 664 1866                                                                                   Bray.
                                                                                                                           Discussing the news Green Party
                                                                                                                                                                  children and young adults to
                                                                                                                                                                  embrace arts, culture and creativity
                                                                                                                                                                                                            this has been an extremely challeng-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ing period for students and families
                                                                                                                         TD Matthews said "The announce-          and to discover and develop new           alike and any measure that can                                                                                                    ment by Minister Foley and my
                                                                                                                         Green Party colleague, Minister
                                                                                                                                                                  skills and talents that enhance their
                                                                                                                                                                  development and growth and add to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            reduce this stress is extremely posi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            tive," concluded Deputy Matthews.
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 6th October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                      NEWS 7

Wind park project
 director raises
 concerns about
The new Project Director of the Codling Wind Park Project has expressed concerns about the
capacity constraints on the national transmission network.
                                                                                                                                Pictured are Phyl Farrelly; Sally Dunleavy ; Mary Doyle and Ann Acton at the Bray
   Arno Verbeek's appoint-      projects like ours need a      be back in Ireland and to be     will be up to 1.5GW."           Soroptimists fundraising lunch. Club members organised a socially distanced outdoor event.
ment       was     recently     grid connection."              working on such an excit-           Fred. Olsen Renewables
                                                                                                                                Held on the grounds of Kilcroney Furniture, with thanks to long time Club member Anny
announced by the owners            Codling Wind Park,          ing project. Ireland's goal is   AS CEO Ivar Brandvold
of the Codling Wind Park        which is located thirteen      to be carbon neutral by          said, "This is an important     Verwijs, the lunch was a major success, raising almost €3,000.
project, EDF Renewables         kilometres off the east        2050 and to double the           moment for the Codling
and        Fred.      Olsen     coast of Ireland, between      amount of electricity it pro-    Wind Park and we are
   Mr Verbeek will lead the
development, construction
                                Greystones and Wicklow,
                                will make a significant con-
                                tribution to achieving
                                                               duces from renewable ener-
                                                               gy from 35 percent to 70
                                                               percent by 2030 -which is
                                                                                                happy to have Arno here to
                                                                                                take the project forward.
                                                                                                Like our partners, EDF
                                                                                                                                 'Urgent clarification needed to
and operational phases of
Codling Wind Park, which
is set to be the biggest off-
                                Ireland's renewable energy
                                   EDF        Renewables
                                                               hugely ambitious. In order
                                                               to achieve Ireland's Climate
                                                               Action Plan 2030 target,
                                                                                                Renewables, we are keen to
                                                                                                work with the Irish
                                                                                                Government and Eirgrid to
                                                                                                                                schools crisis in North Wicklow'
shore wind farm in Ireland.     Director for Ireland and       offshore wind will be            ensure the path to building     Green Party Councillor from Greystones, Lourda Scott, has called for urgent clarification
   Mr Verbeek said "While       Offshore           Michele     expected to make a sub-          Codling is as smooth as         from the Department of Education in response to the schools crisis in North Wicklow.
Ireland is rightly seen as a    Schiavone said, "We are        stantial      contribution.      possible over the coming          Cllr Scott said "The critical      passed since the school was given     O Reilly, but all to no avail. The
world leader in the integra-    very pleased Arno is join-     Clearly this is where a sig-     years."                        issue with secondary school           sanction to go ahead. Not to men-     recent statement from DES fol-
tion of renewable energy,       ing the project and are        nificant infrastructure pro-        Mt Verbeek was previ-       places and lack of suitable build-    tion the severe lack of special       lowing a meeting with KWETB
we have seen recent reports     looking forward to making      ject like Codling Wind           ously a Technical Director     ings has been ongoing in the area     classes in the area, which is com-    officials has again provided zero
from Energy Storage             progress on Codling Wind       Park has a huge role to          with Diamond Generating        for some time. We have North          pounded by the lack of adequate       clarity.
Ireland and the Irish Wind      Park with our partner Fred.    play.                            Europe in The Netherlands,     Wicklow Educate Together              accommodation.                           "The Department of Education
Energy Association high-        Olsen Renewables. I would         "The strong wind speeds       a 100% owned subsidiary        Secondary School (NWETSS),               "I am contacted on a regular       is failing our community. We are
lighting real concerns          echo Arno's concerns           and favourable site condi-       of      the     Mitsubishi     open since 2016, now moving           basis by parents who are stressed     in a crisis situation as numbers
around the grid capacity        around grid capacity and       tions which we have at the       Corporation, which owns        between two lots of temporary         and frustrated as they try to fig-    applying for secondary school are
currently available for         add that we would also like    Codling Wind Park site are       offshore wind farms in The     accommodations and no sign of a       ure out where they may get a          expected to increase over the next
renewable energy projects.      to see progress on imple-      ideally suited for generat-      Netherlands, Belgium and       permanent solution. CCA in            place for their child to start sec-   few years. This has been high-
   "The transmission sys-       menting the new offshore       ing low cost and carbon          the UK. Before that he ran     Kilcoole was built to cater for       ondary        education.       The    lighted on many occasions. The
tem is struggling to cope       planning framework which       emission free electricity.       his own consultancy busi-      500 students and is currently         Department's lack of communica-       lack of engagement on this prob-
with the rising levels of       is another essential element   We are currently carrying        ness and previously            accommodating approximately           tion and action on these matters      lem is concerning to say the least.
renewable energy projects       for the achievement of         out technical, environmen-       worked for SSE in the UK.      780 in temporary accommoda-           has made a bad situation a lot           "We urgently need a strategic
under development and it is     Ireland's offshore wind        tal, socio-economic and             He was also based in        tion. The newly opened                worse. This is no way to treat        overview regarding secondary
clear the grid requires         ambitions."                    commercial studies to            Ireland for nine years while   Greystones Community College          parents or children as they navi-     school provision in North
urgent reinforcement as            On his appointment,         determine the size of the        working for Airtricity and     (GCS) was informed two weeks          gate this period of change."          Wicklow with specific time-
more renewable energy           Arno said "I am pleased to     wind farm, but we expect it      SSE Renewables Ireland.        before it was due to open in a           Cllr     Scott      continues:     frames on the proposed extension
                                                                                                                               new primary school, that the          "Department officials have been       for CCA, a quick build for the

 Church takes back control                                                                                                     building couldn't be certified and
                                                                                                                               they are currently in the top floor
                                                                                                                               of a tennis club.
                                                                                                                                  "There has been no clarifica-
                                                                                                                                                                     invited to meet with Council offi-
                                                                                                                                                                     cials on this matter. I have
                                                                                                                                                                     pushed for this to happen many
                                                                                                                                                                     times but there has been no
                                                                                                                                                                                                           new Greystones Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                           College and resolution of when
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and where NWETSS will be per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           manently located. Special needs

     of Bray car park                                                                                                          tion from the Department as to
                                                                                                                               the issue with the building or
                                                                                                                               when it will be resolved. There is
                                                                                                                                                                     response. I have asked numerous
                                                                                                                                                                     parliamentary questions of the
                                                                                                                                                                     Minister for Education, written to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           classes should be provided as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                           matter of course in all schools. I
                                                                                                                                                                                                           urge anyone affected by these
Holy Redeemer Church in Bray has taken the decision not to renew the lease with Bray                                           still no update on the acquisition    the Minister directly and contact-    issues to please contact me
Municipal District Council that had been in place to operate a large section of the Herbert                                    of a permanent site for GCS,          ed her office through Green Party     directly and I will collate to send
Road car park.                                                                                                                 even though a full year has           Education spokesperson Senator        to the Minister's office."

   The church has taken back control of the car park and
now a private operator is enforcing the parking on its
behalf and clamping will be in operation.
   Expressing disappointment, John Brady TD said "I
have been contacted by a number of people over the last
week expressing concerns about the introduction of
clamping in a section of the Herbert Road Carpark in
Bray. Unfortunately, it has been confirmed to me by the
council that the Holy Redeemer church that owns a sec-
tion of the carpark have decided not to renew the lease
they had with the council. This agreement allowed the                                      How Clean is                                                         Roofing Specialists
council to manage the entire church car park.
   "The church has instead brought in a private operator
Best Car Parks to manage their section and they have
                                                                                           your water tank?                                                  • New Roofs • Roof repairs
                                                                                                                                                          • Chimney’s • Pointing • Gutters
also introduced clamping. This is a really disappointing                                   Don’t wash in dirty water!                                        • Flat Roofs • Upvc Fascias &
decision that is causing a lot of anger and confusion in
the community."                                                                            Get us to clean it for you                                                   Soffits
   "Having two separate parking operators in one
carpark makes no sense whatsoever. I have spoken to                                       Attic Water Tank Cleaning is a professional                         • Fully Insured • All work
many people who have paid for their parking in the clos-                                  service in removing residues and bacteria from                              Guaranteed
est machine to where they have parked, only to discover
                                                                    TANK LIDS
                                                                                          your attic water tank.                                                   • 24 hour service
afterwards that they had used the wrong machine for
where they had parked. Having clampers loitering                    SUPPLIED               • Work carried out by a qualified plumber                          • New Builds • Extensions
around ready to pounce on people who might be a cou-                 & FITTED              • Plumbing & Heating                                           • Renovations • General Building
ple of minutes late returning to their vehicle or that have          Secure your
                                                                                           • Tiling
paid in the wrong machine is completely wrong and                    tank with a           • Property Maintenance
sends out the wrong message."                                       fitted lid and         • Bathroom Renovations
   "I am urging the church to reconsider their decision           avoid unwanted
not to renew the lease and enter dialog with the council           contamination
                                                                                           • Water Filters
with a view of putting in place a long-term plan for the                                   • Industrial & Domestic Tank Cleaning
Herbert Road car park. A plan that sees one system in
the carpark and one that doesn't involve clamping."                Tel: 087 673 7357                                           w w w. a t t i c w a t e r t a n k c l e a n i n g. i e
Times        WICKLOW

8 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tuesday 6th October 2020

                                                                                                                           Impact of Covid on
                                                                                                                            youth services in
                                                                                                                           Wicklow highlighted
                                                                                                                              in NYCI report
                                                                                                                           Jennifer Whitmore TD has said funding inequalities exist for youth services in County
                                                                                                                           Wicklow and that urgent reform is needed to address funding deficits for the sector.
                                                                                                                              Her call comes following a           groups and who have established         research that informed the report,
                                                                                                                           report launched last week by the        key relationships with the commu-       consultation took place with youth-
                                                                                                                           National Youth Council of Ireland       nities they work in. Anything which     sector representatives nationwide.
                                                                                                                           (NYCI).                                 further jeopardises youth service       Overall, the report highlights how
                                                                                                                              The report, 'A Review of the         capacity should be seriously recon-     the Covid-19 pandemic made it
                                                                                                                           Youth Work Sector Response to the       sidered which I hope the Minister       more difficult for youth services to
  Eabha Cullen, Farrin Wolohan, and Erin Byrne celebrate winning the U12 Division A final after                            Covid-19 Pandemic', was produced        will do in his new role.                engage with 'at risk' or marginalised
                                                                                                                           by researchers Deborah Erwin and           "Wicklow is particularly disad-      young people. 67% of youth
  beating Blessington in Arklow
                                                                                                                           Lorraine Thompson, using a combi-       vantaged by the lack of funding and     workers surveyed cited this as a key
                                                                                                                           nation of quantitative and qualita-     extra requirements loaded onto          limitation of the move to online
                                                                                                                           tive research tools, including a sur-   youth services. Due to the geo-         models of working.
        New windows for St John's Senior                                                                                   vey of youth services, focus groups
                                                                                                                           with young people, 'check-in' ses-
                                                                                                                                                                   graphically dispersed nature of our
                                                                                                                                                                   county, it means the cost and time
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mary Cunningham, CEO of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           NYCI, said: "The research shows
               National School                                                                                             sions with youth workers, and inter-
                                                                                                                           views with youth-sector stakehold-
                                                                                                                                                                   taken for travel to newly expanded
                                                                                                                                                                   areas will place an additional finan-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           clearly that young people who were
                                                                                                                                                                                                           already most at risk became the
                                                                                                                           ers.                                    cial and resource burden on youth       most disconnected during the pan-
  St. John's Senior National School in Arklow have received a grant to replace windows                                        Connect Bray Neighbourhood           services like Crosscare in Bray.        demic. Young people already expe-
  that were in place for over 100 years.                                                                                   Youth Project was one of the            Dublin, on the other hand is geo-       riencing poverty, for example,
     The school was awarded the grant under the Emergency Works Scheme for this year. The new windows will be              Wicklow groups that participated in     graphically denser meaning youth        became even more isolated. Covid-
  put in place in two class rooms, in two support rooms and the school library. It is expected the new windows will be     the stakeholder interviews and          services they do not have the extra     19 had a compounding effect,
  in place over the Christmas break in time for the start of the school term in January. The current windows had           'check-in' sessions that informed the   financial burdens as a result of the    whereby online engagement was
  become a health hazard as it was not possible to open them making it impossible to ventilate the rooms in line with      report.                                 already underfunded Departmental        significantly hampered for young
  Covid guidelines.                                                                                                           As Party Spokesperson for            schemes.                                people already experiencing
     Minister Stephen Donnelly said: "I know the school had been fighting for years to get these windows replaced as       Children, Deputy Whitmore also             "Wicklow is also experiencing a      marginalisation in various ways.
  they were in dire need of an upgrade. The teachers had told me how it was freezing in the winters and boiling in the     said the situation was unique to        growth in population with new              "The pandemic exposed a whole
  summers and of incidents where a sheet of Perspex was blown out by strong winds. The granting of the funds means         Wicklow due to the fact the county      housing developments so we will         range of inequalities and exacerbat-
  the school will now be able to offer a far more comfortable and safe environment for the children.                       is geographically disperse.             need to see youth services matching     ed vulnerabilities in the youth sec-
     "I'm delighted to see monies allocated by the Emergency Works Scheme being put to such good use. I know the              "After meeting with Crosscare        that growth. Also, 34% of people in     tor. While, undoubtedly, youth
  school is also looking to have further renovations such as a new PE hall for their students. I will continue to work     Bray Youth Service, it became           Wicklow are aged under 25 years         workers in Wicklow - and through-
  with them to keep on improving the facilities at the school."                                                            apparent that the Department of         slightly above the nationwide aver-     out the country - showed their cre-
                                                                                                                           Children, Disability and Integration    age of 33%. This automatically          ativity and flexibility in numerous
                                                                                                                           is using a mechanism for allocating     translates into a higher than average   ways, it does not make the

Report warns of collapse                                                                                                   funding to youth services in a man-
                                                                                                                           ner that disadvantages youth ser-
                                                                                                                           vices in Wicklow," said Deputy
                                                                                                                                                                   demand for youth services in our
                                                                                                                                                                      "In addition to this the current
                                                                                                                                                                   process does not reflect the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           marginalisation experienced by
                                                                                                                                                                                                           young people any less challenging.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The drop in engagement levels
                                                                                                                                                                                                           paints a stark picture and demon-

 of post office network                                                                                                       "The Department for Children re-
                                                                                                                           launched two key schemes for
                                                                                                                           youth services in July, requiring
                                                                                                                                                                   increased use of private tenancy
                                                                                                                                                                   (e.g. HAP) as opposed to the use of
                                                                                                                                                                   social housing. This is resulting in
                                                                                                                                                                                                           strates just how important face-to-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           face youth work is, particularly for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           those in marginalised and vulnera-
                                                                                                                           youth services to expand to new         funding allocation not meeting the      ble situations.
An annual Public Service Obligation (PSO)                       Accorrding to the report, The Irish Post Office            towns and villages in Wicklow and       needs of the community. I believe          "What is important now is for the
for the Post Office Network of €17m has                      Network is at a critical juncture. 'The financial             with a specific target of working       this is a key aspect that needs         youth sector to get into a stronger
been recommended in an independent review                    viability and sustainability of the Network is                with minority groups such as            urgent reform.                          position to meet the current and
by business advisors Grant Thornton.                         challenged like never before in its history. Many             Travellers, asylum seekers and             "I have written to the Minister      emerging needs of young people in
                                                             local Post Offices, large and small, urban and rural,         young people at risk.                   outlining the reasons why reform of     the face of challenges arising from
   The report Review of the economic contribution            will likely be forced to close if the financial                  "However, no additional funding      funding allocation is needed and        the pandemic. Youth organisations
and financial sustainability of the Irish Post Office        conditions under which they operate do not change             was allocated to facilitate this        reiterated the fact that Budget 2021    need to be ready to change at a
Network, commissioned by the Irish Postmasters               in the short-term.'                                           requirement meaning youth services      is an opportunity to address these      moment's notice and prepare to
Union (IPU), recommends that the Government                     The report projects the annual cost of running the         will have to reduce the numbers of      anomalies. I hope the Minister takes    offer a 'blended' approach to youth
invest with urgency in the Post Office Network, as it        Post Office Network in 2021 at €70m generating a              young people to avail of services, in   this opportunity to reflect the         services combining digital and face-
provides a multi-fold economic and social return to          retail revenue of €53m, leaving a €17m shortfall.             order to facilitate the expansion of    important work carried out by youth     to-face methods. In the coming
communities, far in excess of the PSO requirement.           Average losses of €19,181 are forecast per Post               the schemes to new areas.               services in Wicklow and across the      months, funding and investment for
   The report warns starkly of the need for this             Office per annum from 2021 impacting all Offices                 "This is an appalling predica-       Country particularly in the context     the youth sector will be vital, as
action to be taken within months as the Network              small, large, urban and rural.                                ment for youth services who are         of COVID 19," concluded                 will technological innovation and
faces significant levels of unrestrained closures by            The report says that PSO models for Post Office            working tirelessly with young peo-      Whitmore.                               ICT infrastructure, training for digi-
the end of 2021.                                             Networks are not unusual and have already been                ple referred to their projects by          While Wicklow youth groups           tal skills and on various digital plat-
                                                             introduced in the UK, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy,          Gardaí, schools and community           and young people were active in the     forms, and Covid-19 compliance.
                                                             Finland and Poland with the approval of the
                                                             European Commission. The study recommends that
                                                             Ireland now follow this model.
                                                                The report says the shortfall is largely driven by
                                                             the ongoing transfer of services traditionally deliv-
                                                                                                                            New funding to tackle litter
                                                             ered by the Network to an 'online first' approach and         €744,739 has been allocated to support local                ness of the issue of litter locally and coming up with
                                                             a reduction in traditional mails business.                    authorities in organising anti-litter and graf-             local solutions to local problems.
                                                                However, the report says that the Post Office              fiti initiatives as part of the National Litter                "I know anecdotally from speaking with Tidy Towns
                                                             Network remains a highly valuable national asset.                                                                         groups across Wicklow that they have noticed an
                                                                                                                           Pollution Monitoring System Report
                                                                Responding to the report, An Post said "Both of                                                                        increase in litter since the lockdown ended. One of the
                                                             An Post's networks, the delivery network and the              launched by Minister Eamon Ryan.                            issues raised with me on several occasions recently is
                                                             Post Office network are performing very well                     The National Litter Pollution Monitoring System          single use face masks being discarded. I would ask that
                                                             through the crisis. An Post does recognise that post-         Report 2019, published last week, has shown an              everyone observes the public health advice and disposes
                                                             master incomes and footfall into post offices have            increase in litter pollution from 2018 to 2019 across the   of them safely or even better, start using a washable and
                                                             come under increased pressure due to the double               country.                                                    reusable one. This is obviously just one small aspect of
                                                             social welfare payment schedules during COVID                    Green Party TD Steven Matthews said                      the overall problem. There's a huge number of factors
                                                             and is working with Government to restore these.              "Unfortunately, the findings of this countrywide survey     at play here but we all have our part to play in this.
                                                                "Any subsidies for independent postmasters is an           indicate that overall, we are going in the wrong direc-        "On the issue of graffiti, Bray in particular has seen a
                                                             issue between Government and the postmasters. An              tion in terms of litter and graffiti. The findings in the   recent increase in targeted graffiti which is not only
                                                             Post earlier this year announced its third year of            Report emphasise the need for projects such as the Anti-    hugely distressing for those targeted but also brings
                                                             profit and revenue growth. The pandemic will cost             Litter & Anti-Graffiti Scheme. The funding is very wel-     down the whole area. This is something that I have
                                                             An Post a significant amount but this is funded from          come and will be provided to Local Authorities to con-      consistently spoken out against and I hope that Wicklow
                                                             An Post's strong balance sheet and we have support-           duct public awareness and education initiatives at a        County Council can in part use their funding allocation
Postmaster Tony Wall and Irish Postmasters’                  ed postmasters during the crisis as double social             local level about both litter and graffiti. Wicklow         to raise greater awareness of its damaging impact on our
Union General Secretary Ned O’Hara                           welfare payments persisted."                                  County Council is best placed to help raise the aware-      towns and villages," concluded Deputy Matthews.
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