Page created by Sam Wong
How to Empathize Without Seeing Each Other
                                             NO.365 MAR 2021
Death Sentence for K-Quarantine

Sookmyungians Gather Online

                                NG TIMES

                                                                                         CO N TE N TS

            THE SOO

                           MAR 2021                                              | THE SOOKMYUNG TIMES - NO. 365 MAR 2021 |


                       About SMT
 The Sookmyung Times (SMT) is the only official En-
 glish Newspaper at Sookmyung Women's University.
 Founded in 1973, 2020 marks its 48th anniversary.
 SMT publishes a hardcopy magazine each March,
 April, June, September, October, and December and
 publishes a webzine each May and November. The
 Sookmyung Times office is located in the Student
                   Union, room 309.

                                                                                           03     12                                             21
PUBLISHER                            President Chang Yunkeum
                                                                       03                         Death Sentence for
DIRECTOR                             Professor Shim Sookyoung
                                                                       LETTER                                                GLOBAL REPORT

COPY EDITOR                              Professor Matilda Krivan
                                                                       Time To Change                                        The World Is Wide, and
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                    Sang Lim Hyeji                                                            You Can Go Anywhere


                                                Kim Lee Hyunmin

                                                        Ahn Ha Yura
                                                                       04                         FOCUS ON
                                                                                                  Ready for the New          30
                                                                       ALUMNAE                    Semester
SOCIETY SECTION EDITOR                         Jung Kim Hyeseung
                                                                       One Way To Express                                    FORMAL ARTICLE
SOCIETY SECTION EDITOR                          Oh Hwang Junhee        Yourself Is in a Drawing
WOMAN SECTION EDITOR                                   Kim Han Yujin
WOMAN SECTION EDITOR                        Kwak Lee Shinyoung         06                         PEOPLE
                                                                                                  The Helper: A person       ADIEU SMT
WOMAN SECTION EDITOR                        Lee Hwang Hayoung          ON CAMPUS                  who is always with you     So Long, Farewell
CULTURE SECTION EDITOR                         Choi Song Bojeong

CULTURE SECTION EDITOR                         Kwon Jung Eunseo
                                                                       08                         21                         34
SOCIETY SECTION EDITOR                           Na Cho Seongah
                                                                       CHEONGPA                   SMTRACING                  SOOK PICK
TEL                                                    02)710-9152                                Sookmyungians Gather       Songs for the New
                                                                                                  Online                     Year's Playlist
                                      A Refreshing Spring
                                                                       With Beautiful Outfits
                                                                                                  24                         35


DESIGNED BY                                                  ROUM                                 EXPERIENCE                 HEAD TO HEAD
                                                                                                  Physically Far Away, But
KAKAO TALK                                                    @로움      FEATURE
                                                                                                  Mentally Close by
TEL                                                010-5343-5357       How to Empathize
                                                                       Without Seeing Each
                                                                       Other                      26
                                                                                                  SMT CULTURE
                                                                                                  Would You Like to Find
                                                                                                  Your Destiny?


                                Time To Change
         This is the first 'The Sookmyung Times' of 2021. An unimaginable year has
         passed, and a new year has begun. How are you planning on spending the
          school year? Will you be complacent and go along with the status quo or
                              will you show some fresh innovation?
          Personally, I would love to stay in the previous year. We might not be able
            to look ahead this year again, and everything that we planned might be
            wasted. We might be struggling through difficulties that we would have
              never imagined. But we can't live in the past. Change always comes
             unexpectedly. This year, I began the year as new editor-in-chief of The
          Sookmyung Times. I am neither good at writing nor a talented writer, but I
          accepted the position because I wanted to push through the struggles and
            see my new potential through change. Although this issue is my first as
           editor-in-chief, I will try hard to make The Sookmyung Times excellent. I
         promise to be more responsible and careful, which will require a lot of effort
          on my part. These changes are the kind of effort and development I will go
                                through until the end of this year.
         Sookmyungians, I guess you will also experience a number of changes over
          the year. While the changes may be unfamiliar and awkward, our lives will
            continue and there will be a continual series of new changes. It is only
         through progress towards a new tomorrow that we will grow accustomed to
           change. I hope change and the drive to face change are the driving forces
           for you this year. Find the year,a year of challenge, a year of overcoming
          limitations, and a year that moves you forward in life. "Make your Change
                     by yourself. Change does not happen on its own."

                              Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /

                                                                                           NO 365 / MAR 2021 3

                                                                         One Way
                                                                         to Express Yourself
                                                                         Is in a Drawing
                                                                         People communicate with others in various
                                                                         ways. For example, a musician delivers
                                                                         their story through the lyrics of a song and
                                                                         a novelist delivers their story through the
                                                                         written word. There are even those that
                                                                         communicate with others through drawings.
                                                                         The drawings of characters and stories deliver
                                                                         something to others and make them sense
                                                                         various emotions. SMT interviewed cartoon
                                                                         artist Lee Dawoon, who bestows a variety of
                                                                         emotions onto people looking at her cartoons
                                                                         that depict daily life and travel stories.
                                                                         Choi Song Bojeong / Culture Section Editor /

                                                                                                                                                ALL PHOTOS FROM LDW

Before we start the interview, please           a fourth-year student at college, and one day,               how to edit designs so that they shine and the
introduce yourself to our readers.              reality hit me. I sat still in my dormitory                  product is successful. I believe that what I
My name is Lee Dawoon and I published           worrying about the future. Would my long-                    learned there helped me a lot in the character
cartoons for the Naver Best Challenge and       cherished dream of drawing cartoons come                     industry. I learned about the way to deal with
the First League of Daum Webtoon. I am          to end before it had even started? I decided                 some programs and about commercialization
currently working under the pseudonym           right then and there to challenge myself,                    which were both definitely helpful.
'Down' on my @0_713 Instagram account. I        so I took out my tablet and drew a cartoon
                                                about my daily life. I thought about where to                One of your most renowned drawing
mainly draw cartoons and create emoticons.
                                                upload my cartoon, but after some thought, I                 series is 'Good Day', which depicts
And I also try to communicate with my
                                                decided to upload it onto Naver's challenge                  stories of everyday life. What
readers through collaborative activities with
                                                cartoon section. It was my first posting of                  prompted you to use everyday life
various companies.
                                                a cartoon drawing, but it became the most                    stories as the basis of your work?
When did you first dream of                     popular cartoon of the day. Thanks to the                    I would love to say I thought it would be
becoming a cartoon artist and begin             confidence I gained on this day, I have been                 meaningful to record and share my daily
working on that dream?                          drawing ever since.                                          life, but in all honesty, it was the only thing
I dreamt about drawing vaguely since early                                                                   that came to mind as a fourth-year student
                                                You graduated from a College of                              worrying about life after school. Now as I
childhood. And as an elementary school          Fine Arts. How has your training at
student, I materialized my dream as an                                                                       look back, I think I made an excellent choice
                                                the college helped you as a cartoon                          to use daily life as a theme. I'm glad people
animation writer or a webtoon writer. When
                                                artist?                                                      who look at my work remember my days and
I became 20 years old, I bought a cheap
tablet with money that I earned by working      I actually majored in industrial design at a                 share mutual feelings with me about their
part-time at an art academy. However,           College of Fine Arts, and completed my                       daily life.
I didn't know what I should focus my            degree in 2017. The Department of Industrial
                                                Design took me beyond product design, I                      The series 'Good Day' has been
drawing on, and to make matters worse, my
                                                learned about the overall design industry and                operating since January 2016. It
undergraduate life was busy. Soon I became

                                                     I suppose the absence of income was the
                                                     hardest. When I first started, I had to take
                                                     up extra jobs such as working part-time at
                                                     a café. I had a hard time earning a decent
                                                     income just from those part-time jobs and
                                                     having no sense of belonging, so I often
                                                     thought about employment. Reflecting
                                                     on things now, there was no need to be so
                                                     impatient. I'm not sure why I was so afraid
                                                     of everything at that time.

                                                     Then, how did you overcome your
currently has 186 episodes on the                    hardship?                                             each next episode. I have only focused on
Naver homepage, and this means                       I was able to keep on with my dream because           emotion and daily life, but I would like to
the cartoon series has had 186 weeks                 there were people and things that supported           expand my repertoire. If I have a chance,
of publication. How did you keep                     and comforted me. One of my dearest                   one day I would love to get into stories or
coming up with great ideas for the                   friends is 'Remy', the mouse in the movie             cartoons on the subject of romance. I am
cartoon over such a long time?                       . I gained a lot of strength from        also interested in animation cartoons. And I
There are actually about 200 episodes in             Remy, an animal considered the garbage of             believe those works will be made in my own
the series, as some have been deleted over           society but tries hard to be recognized as a          place of work. I imagine myself submerged
time. And the series is ongoing on Instagram.        master chef. Also, the warm words from                in my work at my own place. Producing film
At first, I created the series because it was        my readers were a great help. There was a             animation is another future goal.
something I wanted to do. And as time                time when I was depressed, wondering if I
                                                     had made a huge mistake of choice in life.            Lastly, would you like to leave any
passed, I felt driven to keep up with my
                                                     At that time, I saw a person crying on seeing         final words for Sookmyungians who
work for those eagerly waiting to read the
                                                     me at an offline event. That person came to           support you as readers and follow
next cartoon. I'm going to continue to draw
                                                     speak with me and said, "I gave up my dream           you as their mentor?
episodes for the series with that in mind.
And actually, there was a time when I once           because of the struggles in reality, but you          I always regret things I didn't do during my
took a break from cartoon drawing. In my             are really doing what you want. Thank you             university days because I was always in
5-year career as a cartoon artist, for 1.5           for showing me that, and for never giving             a hurry. I didn't really take a good look at
years I worked at a company and stopped              up on your dream." This comment made me               myself and what I wanted out of life. I will
my cartoons for several months to focus              stop seeing myself as poor but as someone             say, do whatever you want to do, as tomorrow
on company work. However, leaving my                 who is doing a great job realizing my dream.          will be too late. If there is something you
cartoons made me realize their preciousness,                                                               have yet to do and want to do, do it now. This
                                                     Let's talk about some of the good                     will be a great way for you to find out what
so I returned to the work.
                                                     things now. What has been the                         you like. If you know what you like, do it and
You created the characters Wheen                     happiest or most worthwhile moment                    gain great happiness from that. I hope you
Ddeok, Deokku, and Beige and                         working as a cartoon artist?                          are always healthy and happy.
released them as KakaoTalk                           My parents, though they worried about my
emoticons. Can you tell us your own                  career choice once, began to cheer me on at
method of creating such characters?                  some point. I am happy and proud of their
I began by sketching a character that I thought      confidence in me. In the past, they would
would be loved by many people. I then                have likely worried a lot about me after I quit
refined the sketch little by little. I consciously   work at a company to start work as a cartoon
made an effort to create new characters              artist, but I am sure they are now very much
that do not resemble other characters that           relieved at my work.
already exist. Once the character has come
                                                     Can you tell us about your future
somewhat into its final shape, I give it a
                                                     that you drew?
name and personality that I think suits it, and
if necessary, I also think about its gender. I       I think I will work on a cartoon that has a
give the characters personality and character        flow and readers excitedly look forward to
traits because I think each character's story
is important. Before I commercialize the
characters, I piloted my characters' stories to
various readers to show worldviews of the               LEE DAWOON
characters. My readers and I go through the             - Department of Industrial Design '13
process together, and through this process,             - A writer of the webtoon 'Good Day' and 'Good Day to Travel'
I created the background and personality of             - A
                                                           member of 15toons Season 1, a project group composed of Insta-
each character.                                           gram-based webtoon writers
                                                        - Participated in Seoul Illustration Fair
You will have surely experienced a                      - L
                                                           aunched Kakaotalk emoticons with characters named Wheen Ddeok,
lot of difficulties over the years. What                  Deokku, and Beige
has been the most difficult part of the

                                                                                                                             NO 365 / MAR 2021 5

 Beginning of HULT PRIZE at Sookmyung
 On November 28, 2020, the HULT PRIZE competition was at Sookmyung Women's University.
 HULT PRIZE is a global startup competition organized by the Hult Prize Foundation and
 sponsored by the UN. The competition challenges university students from around the
 world to solve social problems through a business perspective. It is comprised of four steps:
 individual university competition stage, regionals, semi final stage named 'accelerator', and
 the final UN stage. A team that has won their university competition stage level qualifies for
 regionals. The final stage is the UN competition, which has teams from campuses around the
 world compete against each other. The theme for the 2020 HULT PRIZE was 'Food for Good'.
 Under the idea of "Transforming food into a vehicle for change", teams should discuss food
 as both a necessity for life but also as a means for human prosperity. Nam Siyeon, director of
 the HULT PRIZE Sookmyung competition stage, said, "I appreciate all teams for their hard
 work throughout the completion and bearing through the harsh 2020 circumstances because of
 COVID-19. Furthermore, I hope that the competition continues annually so that more students                                            SCREENSHOT BY LHM
 have the chance to compete." While the competition is typically held on campus, in 2020
 it was held virtually through Zoom. Five teams joined the competition and presented their                              Kim Lee Hyunmin / Culture Section Editor
 ideas. Judges included Kyu-Dong Kim, professor of Entrepreneurship, Kim Namwook, CEO
 of KIAA, and Kim Bit-Nuri, a certified management consultant. The competition lasted four
 hours, and team 'GLA' was awarded top prize for Sookmyung. GLA reminded the audience
 of the seriousness of food waste and proposed various solutions to manage the problem.
 One member of GLA said, "We worked hard but never expected to win. It was an excellent
 opportunity to learn about this and other social issues." GLA has now earned a place in the
 regional competition.

 Effective Ways To Learn With Fellow Sookmyungians
 Last semester, Sookmyung Women's University recruited participants for its 'Learning
 Community Study Group ONE' and 'Learning Community Study Group Hak' programs. The
 'Study Group ONE' program is a learning activity in which students in the program selected
 their own learning goals such as earning certificates or acquiring a language. The 'Study Group
 Hak' program, on the other hand, had participants help each other with course work. Fellow
 enrollees in courses helped each other to master the class content. Over the semester, 58
 groupings were part of 'Study Group ONE', and 56 student groups joined 'Study Group Hak'.
 The program required participants to submit an interim report that included video conference
 photos as proof of activities and completion of a set documentation. The program operated
 throughout the entire semester. Prior to starting, students were asked to complete a self-
 evaluation survey that could be used to examine personal growth and development over the
 semester. At the end of the semester, participation rewards were given to various groups for
 outstanding work. The best program group submitted the video clip 'Learning Community' at                                      SCREENSHOT FROM SNOWAY
                                                                                                   Announcement of 'Learning Community Study Group ONE&HAK'
 the end of the semester. The conference from the Department of Business Administration, had
 also joined the 'Learning Community Study Group ONE' program. Students examined data                                  Kwon Jung Eunseo / Culture Section Editor
 for a research project and shared their findings. They also discussed the presentation topics
 of other groups. After watching the various contest videos submitted to the contest, students
 discussed the video content and gained information and knowledge about their major. One
 anonymous group member said, "It was too bad that we couldn't get together to carry out the
 study face-to-face because of COVID-19, but this program allowed me to learn many things
 with group members online. It was a meaningful activity." COVID-19 had meant that it is
 difficult to meet and study together in person, but programs like these provide a platform that
 allows students to study together.


The First Step Towards Being the Best
On December 17, 2020, an event was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of SMWU's
ROTC. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, only a small number of people, namely
SMWU president and ROTC officials, attended the event. Others participated via Zoom.
Founded on December 10, 2010, SMWU's ROTC was the first ever female ROTC unit in
Korea. Since its foundation, it has been an outstanding unit and has succeeded in producing 8
color bearers and 221 commissioned officers. For example, Captain Park Kieun, a presidential
award recipient, and Captain Chung Heekyung, the first female troop commander in charge of
a coastal boundary, are both graduates of SMWU's ROTC. SMWU's ROTC took the lead in
improving women's awareness and expanding women's activities in the military by raising the
proportion of female troops, removing restrictions on position and placement of females in the
military, and establishing ROTC units at other women's universities. In other words, SMWU's
ROTC unit has made numerous forefront achievements for women, which were praised at
its 10th anniversary in 2020. At the event, SMWU looked back on the growth of its ROTC                                         PHOTO BY SBJ
over the past decade and offered suggestions for the direction forward. Chang Yunkeum,
president of SMWU, and Hong Kyuduk, professor of Department of POLITICAL SCIENCE                      Choi Song Bojeong / Culture Section Editor
& INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, delivered welcoming and encouraging speeches at
the event, and Minister of National Defense Seo Wook and Major General Kang Sunyoung
delivered congratulatory speeches that expressed affection for the ROTC unit. Ahn Sunbin, a
ROTC cadet participated in the event and had this to say about it: "I am honored to be part of
such a historic moment at SMWU. I plan to become a commissioned officer who will make
Sookmyung proud. I am even more determined to excel so that I am not doing a disservice to
the history of Sookmyung ROTC." She went on to express her aspirations for the future in the
interview. SMWU's ROTC will surely continue to outdo itself to ensure the peace and safety
of everyone in the world and to make new history in the process.

Be a Local Expert
From January 11 to 14, a local expert from Yongsan gave a special lecture through Snowboard
e-class. It was sponsored by the Industrial-Academic and hosted by Sookmyung Women's
University Humanities Research Institute. Anyone interested in the subject of the lecture was
able to view the e-class. The lecture consisted of an hour-long prerecorded video. The lecturer
was Park Heekyung, an alumna of Sookmyung Women's University. She is a graduate of the
Department of History and Culture and is currently working as a manager at the Yongsan
City Memory Exhibition Center. As an SMU alumna, she mentioned at the beginning of her
lecture that she hoped students who viewed the lecture would benefit from learning about the
work of local experts. After graduating from university, Park worked in a field unrelated to
her major, but she switched to working as a local expert in Yongsan at the recommendation
of her professor. She is a resident of Yongsan and has spent her life in the district, so she was
interested in the work immediately upon hearing about it. During her lecture, she details her
activities as a local expert. In particular, she focused on the "Our Village Healing Sketch Team"               SCREENSHOT FROM SNOWAY
                                                                                                     Park is explaining an old map of Yongsan.
project, which created local historical and cultural contents. It was her first project as a local
expert. Park is also working as a civil communication space manager at Yongsan Park. This               Na Cho Seongah / Society Section Editor
job dictates she communicate with the citizens of the district about Yongsan Park. As a civil
communication space manager, she informs citizens about Yongsan Base and helps citizens
imagine the Base renovated into a Park. She said once the COVID-19 situation improves,
students visit Yongsan Memory Exhibition Center to see exhibitions on Yongsan's history
and the plans for the park, learn more about Yongsan, and enhance personal understanding of
local experts. Last, Park hopes that the lecture helps students understand the activities of local
experts so that students could expand their career option choices.

                                                                                                      NO 365 / MAR 2021 7

                    A Refreshing Spring With Beautiful Outfits

         1                                                                                             3



   1. Cardigan / H&M / 23,900 won
   2. Top / ZARA / 9,000 won
   3. Skirt / Unknown / 17,000 won
   4. Shoes / DESCENTE / 89,000 won
   5. Bag / Unknown

PARK CHAEEUN               DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE '21                            Kwon Jung Eunseo / Culture Section Editor /

Please introduce your personal style to our readers.                         Please share your new semester fashion tips with our
I usually wear denim, but today I felt a skirt would look better as it is    I think spring is a season for all types of skirts. Long skirts are good,
spring. I'm also wearing a white sleeveless shirt with fancy lace, which     but since it's the beginning of a new season, I personally recommend
I think it's lovely style. I matched it with this flitz skirt. Because the   wearing a cardigan paired with a mini skirt or a tight fitting dress.
upper and lower parts are all white, I added a light yellowish green         Also, a blouse or a flower-print dress or even a butterfly pattern,
cardigan. March may get a bit chilly, so I also prepared this cardigan       which are popular these days, can be added to heighten the mood of
to keep from being cold. I chose to pair this outfit with basic sneakers     spring. A bright-colored cardigan paired with wide pants can make
as I'm a student which can give a vintage feeling to this outfit.            the wearer appear hip and soft, so it's a look that I often wear myself!
                                                                             Overall, I think the point of the new spring semester, in terms of
                                                                             fashion, is to use bright colored cardigans.

         How To Empathize
         Without Seeing Each Other
         Kwon Jung Eunseo / Culture Section Editor /

         The alarm went off, and someone crawled out from the bed. Waking
         up with chaotic hair, she stretches on the bed to wake up fully. After a
         shower, she takes a seat on the sofa and turns on the TV. She feeds her
         pets and then has breakfast, leftovers from the night before. Her routine
         does not differ from ordinary people. The panel who watches her actions
         says, "We are the same! When I'm at home and resting, I do the same
         thing as you." This is a simulation of TV shows that feature entertainers
         carrying out their daily routines. Why are people interested in observing
         the daily lives of celebrities? What has brought about the popularity of
         observational entertainment shows?

                                                                                     NO 365 / MAR 2021 9

Fascination with simplicity and specialty
Observational entertainment is attracting the attention of many                    In other words, 315 of respondents (93.5%) prefer observational
viewers. It is an entertainment program that has minimal intervention              entertainment. Choi Soobin, a student who often watches observation
from a production team and allows others to view the activities of                 entertainment programs said, "Entertainment shows in which the
people on the program through cameras that are set up in places                    filming crew intervenes or there are predetermined situations are
around the person. Namely, the programs document persons' lives, and               no longer attractive because the content is not funny even if the
it is considered popular entertainment. Unlike typical entertainment               cast includes famous persons. Many people prefer observational
shows, most of the programs are not centered on a specified theme                  entertainment now because it is easier for audiences to connect with
that matches a planned situation or designed by the production team.               the cast of the show in a friendly way." Choi shows the limitations
Instead, the filming crew only informs the cast about the subject of the           with typical entertainment shows and the preference for observational
show and films. Some of these shows feature celebrity families, and                entertainment nowadays. Broadcast companies are also currently
others center on ordinary people without any famous personalities.                 airing more and more observational entertainment programs, and the
Also, because the shows draw laughter from audiences from activities               types are becoming diverse from daily life, to childcare, to travel,
common in life, anyone can relate to them. The main difference with                and so forth. There are also programs that show daily life from more
this entertainment show is the absence of a host. MBC has been                     varied households like single-person households and married couple
focusing on these entertainment programs ever since the boom in                    homes. Examples of daily observational entertainment shows include
observational entertainment. The program  captures                   of tvN, and  of KBS2.
the daily lives of celebrities living alone through hidden cameras in               of KBS2 looks at parenting and has been airing
the living quarters. It highlights life among the growing number of                since 2013. At the moment, observational entertainment based on
single-person households, and it won entertainment program of the                  travel is rare due to the spread of COVID-19, but before the pandemic,
year at the . In addition, the                      there were various shows. The increase in show numbers highlights
longevity program, , which first aired                  the popularity of them among both viewers and broadcasters.
in 2013 and ended in 2015 with two spinoffs, is often considered the
show that changed the nature of the entertainment industry. As this                Utilizing the universal characteristics of people
show illustrates, observational entertainment shows have become                    There are two reasons why observational entertainment has become
more popular since the airing of the MBC program in 2013.                          popular. First, it evokes empathy among audiences. Viewers feel
Although Observational entertainment started some time ago,                        empathy and become more interested in celebrities who are no longer
many observational entertainment programs are still popular even                   distant from them. According to the job portal CAREER, 215 of
now. According to DIGITAL CHOSUN, in a survey of 337 office                        the respondents (63.7%) chose "Watching others' daily lives forms
workers conducted by the job portal CAREER, 35% said they "very                    a natural consensus" for watching observational entertainment.2)
prefer" and 58% said they "prefer" observation entertainment.1)                    That is, daily life observational entertainment connects viewers with
                                                                                   cast members. discussing love observational entertainment program
                                                                                    of CHANNEL A, one anonymous viewer said, "I
1) Kwon Yeonsoo, "Reason for the Popularity of Observational Entertainment         got immersed in the situation of the cast members, so I started to
 Shows, 'Natural Consensus Building' and Preference for Observational
 Entertainment", DIGITAL CHOSUN, June 18, 2018                                     think about love again." Another anonymous viewer said, "Romance
                                                                                   dramas feature fictional characters, but these programs show the
                                                                                   true emotions of the general public. I am able to see myself in the
                                                                                   actions of the cast."3) namely, audiences are able to recall similar
                                                                                   circumstances in their own lives and more closely sympathize with
                                                                                   the love stories on love observational entertainment. The purpose of
                                                                                   using panel talk on observation entertainment shows is also to make
                                                                                   it easier for viewers to sympathize with the shows. SBS's program
                                                                                   , has mothers of the cast narrate their son's
                                                                                   daily lives. It has the mothers join the panel talk, which leads the
                                                                                   show's huge popularity, and it won the grand prize at
PHOTO FROM CHANNEL A                                                           PHOTO FROM YONHAP NEWS

Entertainment Awards>. Talking about the program, Kim Kyoseok,                    lives of a comedian couple. The woman said she was suffering
a pop culture critic, stated that "Panels help viewers reflect on the             from panic disorder because of her husband's affair and gambling.
situation they are viewing in order to better relate to it, so panels will        The controversy over the details of the private information made
continue in the future."4) In other words, besides feeling individual             the ratings rise to about 5%, and her husband and the filming crew
empathy for celebrities through observation, viewers can also have                were ridiculed after it was aired. Experts are not offering favorable
more opportunities to further empathize with the cast through panel               comments on the strategy. Jung Dukhyun, a public media critic, said,
talks.                                                                            "Observational entertainment, itself, is the peering into the lives of
The second reason why observational entertainment has grown in                    others. It invades others' privacy, much more than showing a couple's
popularity is the change in public character. Audiences have gotten               relationship. There is no doubt there will be side effects."6) Experts are
tired of variety programs that highlighted laughter and fun from                  also fully aware of the excessive invasion of privacy in observational
infinite competition and winner-takes-all. Columnist Jung Inho                    entertainment. In order to respect the privacy of celebrities and casts,
said, "Viewers always seek new things. Producers say the game                     it is important to set standards to limit provocative materials.
of entertainment has changed. In the past, entertainment shows                    Observational entertainment programs have received both favorable
invited famous persons to host a program that was pre-designed                    and unfavorable reviews from viewers. However, nowadays, more
to match the famous person, but now shows are selecting the right                 and more viewers are complaining of observational entertainment
cast to match the theme of the show."5) As Jung illustrates, interest             program fatigue. Entertainment programs limited to the observation
in other genres of entertainment has decreased, and observational                 of life are saturating the market, so they are now all showing similar
entertainment has become a hot ticket item to viewers looking for                 content. One viewer said in a YouTube video, "There are so few
new things. Moreover, observational entertainment can be a means to               interesting entertainment shows left to watch these days" in response
observe others' lives and prevent people from feeling isolated offline            to another user commenting that "Most shows are observational
as they often establish relationships through SNS. In fact, according             entertainment shows, and they are boring." The user who said the show
to Lee Donggyu, a professor of Broadcasting & Entertainment at                    has all become too similar received about 500 likes of agreement.
Dongduk Women's University, "The online world has enabled people                  This shows that TV viewers are unhappy with the excessive number
to establish relationships on SNS who would otherwise be isolated                 of observational entertainment. As a result, many viewers have
offline. People overcome isolation by discovering themselves in                   now turned their attention back to old style entertainment shows.
others as they watch their lives unfold on the shows." Along with                 MBC's , which ended in 2018, was viewed by
SNS, people are using observational entertainment as another way to               hundreds of thousands to millions of people per episode, even though
communicate with others. The development of the mobile industry                   it was not an observational entertainment show.7) That is, interest
has also contributed to growth in observational entertainment. Lee                in observational entertainment seems to be gradually decreasing
said, "Nowadays people watch TV on their mobile devices, instead                  and people are longing for more traditional entertainment shows.
of sitting at home in front of a TV. Under these conditions, reality              Observational entertainment programs will need to reconsider their
entertainment has stronger storytelling elements, but observational               content if they wish to continue to attract viewers.
entertainment is booming because a show can be viewed starting
from the middle and stopped at any time." In other words, with online             Endless enjoyment
activities expanding and the number of people using mobile devices                Observational entertainment was addictive because it pulled in viewers
increasing, observational entertainment has been able to grow.                    through collective empathy, a type of entertainment show that differed
                                                                                  from traditional ones. However, because of concerns surrounding
Too much is as bad as too little                                                  privacy violation, and people no longer being meaningfully engaged
There are also side effects to observational entertainment. In                    in the shows, change is needed. Society should reflect hard on whether
particular, there is the issue of privacy invasion because there is a             TV broadcasting companies should be allowed to do whatever they
risk of reaching the level of voyeurism beyond mere observation and               want to get high ratings from viewers, or whether it is time to start a
revealing the private information of celebrities. In particular, concerns         new ethical style of entertainment broadcasting. People will have to
and critical views on shows featuring couples are increasing.

                       Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /

  One year after COVID-19 was reported in China, the cumulative death toll from
the pandemic has exceeded 0.1% of the world's population. Activities in all areas of
healthcare, economics, education, and culture have had to be restricted, and this has
  resulted in a global economic downturn. A large-scale global economic crisis has
  begun. World governments have banned their citizens from engaging in activities
in an attempt to prevent further loss of life and the spread of the disease. New daily
 changes to policies in each country are being implemented to prevent the spread of
              COVID-19 and having citizens quarantine is one method.

                                                                                     NO 365 / MAR 2021   13
TEST, TRACE, TREAT                                     and communication infrastructure to prevent
                                                       further infection. Finally, 'Treat' refers
After the first reporting of COVID-19 in
                                                       to mandatory early isolation for infected
China in December 2019, Korea announced
                                                       persons. A dualization system was adopted
its first confirmed case in January 2020.
                                                       to treat patients with minor symptoms at
For more information on that refer to the
                                                       Residential Treatment Centers and patients
Coverstory in The Sookmyung Times No.
                                                       with severe symptoms at Negative Pressure
358. On February 18, patient number 31 was
                                                       Isolation Rooms. Together, K-Quarantine
confirmed to have participated in religious
                                                       involves smooth supply and production of
activities at the church Shincheonji. The
                                                       quarantine goods, IT and communication
number of cases soared, mainly Shincheonji                                                                                                   SCREENSHOT FROM LHJ
                                                       infrastructure, and public awareness. The                                      An announcement on the website
believers in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-                                                                                       of The Korea Society of Infectious Diseases
                                                       K-Quarantine plan was effective during
do Province. In total the number of cases
                                                       the first wave of the pandemic, and the             for instance, the self-employed standard at
grew to 6,000. This was the first COVID-19
                                                       government continues to promote it. The             the 2.5 social distance level was vague. As
wave in Korea. In response, the government
                                                       Governor of Gyeonggi Province, Lee                  a result, Internet cafés and karaoke shops
strengthened punishments for people
                                                       Jaemyung on his Facebook page on January            were banned, but board game cafés and
suspected of having the infectious disease
                                                       25, 2021 said, "It is undeniable that the           escape room cafés could open. Moreover,
who refused to get tested. They could face a
                                                       results of the quarantine plan in Korea             independently owned cafés were allowed
prison sentence. The government also closed
                                                       will be praised by all nations in the world         to open while franchise cafés were not
down the Shincheonji Church. Obtaining a
                                                       because of its excellence in preventing the         allowed. This resulted in more new cases.
list of Shincheonji believers, the government
                                                       spread of the disease." Lee emphasized the          One self-employed individual complained
quickly set out to test all possible infected
                                                       results of K-Quarantine. K-Quarantine has           about the standard with "This is a selective
people. Because of the effort by the
                                                       also attracted attention from foreign media.        distancing, not social distancing. I oppose
government and citizens, the number of
                                                       The Wall Street Journal praised Korea's             the government policy." on the portal site
COVID-19 cases decreased to double digits
                                                       quarantine achievements, saying, 'Korea             cafe. The person strongly criticized the
by April 2020. However, in August 2020, the
                                                       seems to have found a code corresponding to         government's policy, and the flaws of the
second wave hit, originating from Sarang
                                                       COVID-19' In other words, K-Quarantine is           plan and policies began to appear.
Jeil Church. Unlike the outbreak earlier in
                                                       recognized as effective on the global stage,        The level 2.5 continued through the Chuseok
the year in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-
                                                       but the reality of K-Quarantine is different.       holidays, and the number of cases returned
do Province, the number of cases per day
exceeded 200, due to a nationwide spread                                                                   to double digits only after Chuseok. The
                                                       TRUTH OF K-QUARANTINE
of the disease and uncooperative attitudes                                                                 government immediately eased the standard
among infected people. Because of these two            Unlike praise from the government and               of social distance to level 1 on October 12,
situations, the government set restrictions            foreign media, the COVID-19 pandemic                but on November 1, the number of cases
on the number of people allowed to gather              response is being criticized by the public.         in Korea once again surpassed 100. In
together to no more than 10 people in                  During the first wave, because of the large         response, The Korean Society of Infectious
order to prevent further spread. As a result,          number of infected persons at Shincheonji           Diseases and professional academic
the number of confirmed cases in Korea                 Church, the government was viewed as                organizations made an announcement on the
decreased again. The government called this            partly responsible for allowing the virus to        website of The Korea Society of Infectious
Korean quarantine system, "K-Quarantine."              spread. It was seen as not doing enough to          Diseases: "Quarantine measures should be
K-Quarantine is a three part initiative. The           prevent the disease from being imported             preemptive and strong. It must also be done
first step is 'Test,' which refers to increased        into Korea. Following this, the second wave,        quickly." They warned the government in
COVID-19 testing capability. In Korea, the             originating from Sarang Jeil Church, caused         documentation, but the government did not
testing can be done for up to 40,000 people per        more public indignation. Mostly because the         consider their recommendation in order
day, and the test quickly determines whether           wave occurred at a religious place again.           to minimize economic damage. In the
the individual is infected with COVID-19,              Professor Kim Wooju, at the Department              end, on December 1, when the number of
which prevents the person from spreading it            of Infectious Diseases, Korea University            cases topped 500, the government finally
to others. The second step is 'Trace'. This part       Guro Hospital said, "The fundamental                decided to move to level 2+α. However, it
of the initiative tracks the travel of individuals     reason for the re-proliferation of COVID-19         was not very effective, and on December
who have tested positive. It uses Korea's IT           is the government's quarantine policy               6 when the number of cases exceeded
                                                       failure."1) Kim is holding the government           600, the government announced it would
                                                       accountable for the situation. After the            implement level 2.5 of social distancing.
                                                       first wave, the government did not impose           Experts criticized the government's attitude.
                                                       sanctions on religious organizations or             Professor Kim Wooju said, "The quarantine
                                                       personal meetings, so on August 16, 2020,           measures can't catch up to the number of
                                                       right after the first Sarang Jeil Church case,      cases. The social distance level change is
                                                       the number of cases reached 200 per day. It         lagging behind by a step or two."2) That is, the
                                                       was only then that the government announced         government's slow response to the warning
                                                       a level 2 social distancing policy. However,        from the Korean Society of Infectious
                                                       the number of cases did not decrease, so the        Diseases has led to additional waves.
                                                       government raised the level to 2.5 on August        Fault does not all lie with the poor policy
                                                       21. Still, there were institutional weaknesses,     decisions by the government. In August,
                                                                                                           when the second wave was hitting the nation,
                                                       1) Lee Haein, "An Infectious Disease Expert,
                                                        "COVID-19 Re-proliferation, Obviously a            2) Park Eunjoo, "Experts Say, "Stay Away, It's a
                    PHOTO FROM GLOBAL GANGNAM-GU        Government Responsibility,"" ChosunMedia, August    Week Late...There Needs Level 3", KUKMINILBO,
                                    An Explain of 3T    19, 2020                                            December 6, 2020

not suffered any loss, because no restrictions
                                                  on movement or suspension of large-scale
                                                  factory operation. In a supplement to the
                                                  2020 Asian economic outlook announced
                                                  by the ADB on December 10, Taiwan's
                                                  economic growth rate in 2020 grew 0.9%
                                                  points from 0.8% in September to 1.7%. In
                                                  other words, its quarantine initiatives and
                                                  policies have succeeded, and it has seen
                                                  economic growth. Koreans, hearing about
                                 PHOTO FROM YTN
                                                  Taiwan, wanted the government to be held                                                    PHOTO FROM HANKYOREH
                                                  accountable for failing to block imported              A governor of Gyeonggi Province Lee Jaemyung and Gyonggi
                                                                                                         University President Kim Ingyu are inspecting the dormitories of
the heat of the summer made enforcing             cases. Maeilsinbo reported, "The situation                                                          Gyonggi University

the quarantine harder. Because of the heat,       in Korea is miserable compared to Taiwan.
people would gather inside buildings. They        Unlike Korea, which is suffering from waves            caused the current situation.
were exposed to the virus that spread in          of the pandemic, Taiwan has shown excellent            Against this background, the Korean
the air from air conditioners, fans, and          quarantine results. The Korean government              government is continuing its level 2.5
others, so the number of cases rose. Many         is only complimenting its K-Quarantine                 level social distancing, especially in the
cases were reported in cafés and reading          initiative. That is all it has done over the past      metropolitan area from December 2020.
rooms that had opened due to relaxed              10 months."3) This statement clearly shows             Although the number of visitors has
social distancing at that time. Furthermore,      growing anger towards the government for               decreased due to the ban on gathering of
individuals had grown tired of COVID-19.          failing to stop imported cases from arriving           more than five people and the suspension
The long durations of social distance made        and for its other belated responses.                   of restaurant business after 9 o'clock, the
people tired and depressed, and it became         The resentment is not subsiding. As the                number of visitors is still around 300 per
known as the Corona Blue phenomenon.              third wave continues, Korea is finding                 day. This suggests more quarantine measures
According to a survey by Saramin conducted        itself with a shortage of treatment facilities.        are needed. At the moment, the government
in April 2020, among 3,725 adults, 2967 of        As a result, Gyonggi University and                    is securing vaccines and plans to inoculate
respondents (79.7%) said they were tired of       University of Seoul dormitories have been              its citizens, the last stage of its quarantine
having to keep social distancing regulations.     requisitioned as treatment facilities. The             plan. However, many people are claiming
Corona Blue is problematic because it leads       Gyonggi University notified its students to            the vaccination is coming too late. It has
to rejecting quarantine measures that then        vacate their rooms by 4 p.m. on December               already begun in countries such as the U.K.
leads to group infection. The bigger problem      16, which forced more than 100 students to             and the U.S., while Korea delayed vaccine
will be when Corona Blue is in full bloom. If     leave their dormitory rooms. The student               purchases and distribution for safety reasons.
people lose their will and become depressed       body of University of Seoul expressed its              Yoon Taeho, the head of the quarantine
due to Corona Blue, it will be difficult to       regret to having to notify students to leave           department at the Korea Center for Disease
acquire additional human resources like           so that it could change the dormitory into a           Control and Prevention, at a regular briefing
nurses or doctors compared to now, and            treatment facility, saying, "It is regrettable         on January 15 said, "We will first examine
the medical field has already found it hard       that the school's official announcement was            ill-effects of the vaccine in foreign countries
to secure staff due to the COVID-19 waves.        not made with the collective opinion of all            and then design a safe vaccination plan.
Unlike when the nation could invest all its       stakeholders on campus before designing                We are making an effort to first reduce
resources into the outbreak in Daegu, there       the dormitory a treatment facility." In other          the number of cases before starting the
will be no way to manage all sick people          words, the government that mandated                    vaccination rollout at the end of February."
if the cases become countless. Overall,           change of dormitories to treatment facilities          The government is trying to ensure safety for
there are noticeable weaknesses with the          has damaged civilians. The move by the                 its citizens indicating a cautious choice. Like
K-Quarantine initiative.                          government is even more problematic given              this, Korea is approaching the final stage of
                                                  that the medical association warned the                its K-Quarantine initiative.
IN THE END                                        government several times about the expected
                                                  shortage of treatment facilities before this           NO MORE MISTAKES
Because inaction has increased the number
of COVID-19 patients, anger is setting the        dormitory change happened. "I proposed                 The success or failure of the government's
tone in society, especially after people heard    training programs to increase medical                  K-Quarantine plan is now at stake. Although
about how Taiwan stopped a COVID-19               personnel during the second wave in August.            Korea has made it through three waves of
outbreak right at the beginning. It is now        I don't understand why the government sat              the pandemic, it has entered the toughest
nearing the end of the COVID-19 outbreak          on its hands even though there were clearly            final stage of quarantine, the vaccine stage.
there. Taiwan was quick to stop all direct        opportunities to prepare." said Jeong Kiseok,          Considering it will still be some time before
flights to and from China. They also set fines    professor of Internal Medicine, Division of            herd immunity, the government will likely
of 150,000 NTD (about 615 million won)            Pulmonology at Hallym University.4) These              be unable to ease social distancing levels.
for inaccurate quarantine notices, violations     facts point out the need for the government            Also, the efficacy of the vaccine as well as
of self-quarantine, and false statements and      to be more responsible. It did not follow the          side effects after receiving a vaccination shot
omissions of contact information and health       opinion of the medical association and it              will be the keys to determining the success or
conditions. Taiwan did all these in February,                                                            failure of K-Quarantine. Therefore, the final
the early stages of COVID-19 spread. As a         3) Maeilsinbo, "Failed Quarantine, Sluggish            decision on K-Quarantine will be carried out
                                                   Vaccine Support, What Has the President and His       after nationwide vaccination.
result, it recorded zero domestic case for 200     Administration Done So Far?", December 15, 2020.
days. Moreover, its economic growth rate has
                                                  4) Baek Minjung, "Only 12 Beds for Intensive Care
                                                   Patients in the Seoul Metropolitan Area...Seoul has
                                                   Begun Mobilized Container Beds," Korea JoongAng
                                                   Daily, December 9, 2020

                                                                                                                               NO 365 / MAR 2021 15

           Ready for the
           New Semester
           Gather your class materials and
           actively participate in the class.

           Choi Song Bojeong / Culture Section Editor /

NO 365 / MAR 2021 17

                                                                               PHOTO FROM KPT

Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /

All people need help in life. No one can survive without the help of others.
People who help us are called Helpers. They guide and comfort us and even
push us towards solutions. They are always your absolute supporters. Then,
who can be a good helper? To find the answer, The Sookmyung Times met
Kwon Pyongtai, aide to National Assembly member Cho Junghun.

  - Ph.D. candidate (Political Science Management) Seoul National University
  - Columnist for magazines and newspapers
  - Day laborer at construction sites for 10 years
  - Aide to National Assembly member Cho Junghun

PHOTO FROM KPT                                                                               PHOTO FROM SEOULAND

Before we begin the interview, would              contracted day laborers. In other words, my      solely working day-to-day. After working
you please introduce yourself to our              personal experience as a day laborer gave me     as a day laborer, I saw the harsh reality of
readers?                                          insight and vision for a future world in which   the workers' lives, and I became even more
I entered university in 1987, but by June         workers, fulltime staff and day contractors,     determined to address the issue of contract
1987, I had become active in the Democratic       live harmoniously.                               employment.
Movement. I represented all first year
                                                  You would like your vision, "A world             What has been the most memorable
students at Seoul National University at the
                                                  where staff work harmoniously,                   experience working at all your
time, and ever since, I have continued to be
                                                  regardless of hiring status type" to             different jobs?
involved with student and social movements.
                                                  come true. What are you presently                Let me first tell you that I've worked as a
My life has taken various turns over the
                                                  doing to make this vision a reality?             lecturer at university, a columnist, a day
years. I once worked as a day laborer at
different construction sites. Actually, that      As a parliamentary aide, I'm helping the         laborer, and currently a National Assembly
job lasted for about 10 years until my early      senator create policies that match the vision.   advisor. What comes to mind are my days
40s. Now I am working as Cho Junghun's            Because the senator I am working for shares      as a day laborer. Before actually working
personal aide. Cho is a member of Transition      my vision and puts settlement of polarization    as a day laborer, I had only superficially
Korea working at the National Assembly.           first. One of his Seoul mayor campaign           been in contact with the issues of contract
                                                  pledges is to realize this vision. The vision    employment from a social science
In addition to your current position              would require changes to the employment          perspective. At that time, it was a simple
as aide, you have worked alongside                system. Regular fulltime staff would gain        question of "How can we solve this problem?"
three other members of the National               more stability and contract workers would        However, since being a day laborer, I
Assembly as aides before. What is the             gain high incomes. The initiative attempts to    have begun to ask more in depth questions
most important consideration when                 solve the problem of contract employment         like 'What is living?' which had brought
working as an aide?                               and eliminate discrimination between the         change inside me. In particular, I have had
The most important thing that I must do as        various types of employed staff. That is,        to deal with rough people at construction
an aide is to match my ideas to that of the       it would make the two jobs equal. Since I        workplaces, much more aggressive people
senator's. In an internal decision, I object      cannot work at the Assembly forever, I'm         than those who would be working at office
and discuss the matter, but I try to match my     doing my best to make my vision a reality        jobs. I learned how to deal with conflicts and
ideas to my teams' thoughts when having           before I leave by taking on various tasks and    how to show an inner softness.
an discussion with other teams. Also, the         gaining experience at the Assembly.
                                                                                                   What difficulties have you
greatest ability of an aide is the ability to
                                                  It is clear that your work as a day              encountered as an aide? How did you
work fast. That is, I need to be able to carry
                                                  contractor has had a huge influence              overcome them?
out tasks quickly.
                                                  on your vision. Do you have any                  For me, the hardest part of my work life
For 10 years you worked in a                      experience of setting up your                    is not the actual work or the difficulty of
completely different field. What is               vision when you worked as a day                  a task, but human relationships. Friction
your biggest change between the past              contractor?                                      will enviably exist between the boss and
and present as an aide?                           Before starting my work as a day laborer at      staff. This is also true for people working
                                                  construction sites, I thought foreign workers    as aides, contract public servants. So, there
As I mentioned before, for 10 years I worked
                                                  were the most ignored people in Korean           is fear that we could be fired without prior
as a day laborer in the construction industry.
                                                  society and should be protected. However,        notice. I also was once fired due to friction
The biggest change for me was my idea of
                                                  I found there were large numbers of foreign      and had to challenge difficulties. However,
"liberalism" that I had at the time. At the
                                                  workers employed at construction sites           after construction worksite experience, I
time, the main force of existing liberal was
                                                  compared to offices. I realized there are few    use my inner softness to resolve conflicts
vested interest in society. After experiencing
                                                  jobs for day laborers and how difficult it is    peacefully. I used to battle head-on, but now
hard labor, I believe I understand the need
                                                  for them to sustain a standard livelihood        I strive to overcome problems by managing
to consider both office workers as well as

                                                                                                                   NO 365 / MAR 2021 19
PHOTO FROM SBS & SBS DIGITAL NEWS LAB                                                                                          PHOTO BY LHJ

relationships.                                           you wrote it?                                     of the older generation to solve the
                                                         In the spring of 2011, the issue of contract      unemployment situation. I think we need to
Please tell us your happiest or most                                                                       solve the problem for the younger generation
                                                         workers had really started to come to light
rewarding experience working as an                                                                         by changing the current employment system
                                                         in our society. A reporter from a daily
aide.                                                                                                      so that jobs can be increased or eliminated
                                                         newspaper published a book detailing his
My boss, the senator I work for, ranked first            10-month contract job experiences. The            as needed.
among the standing committee members                     research institute's finances were tight at
in last year's parliamentary inspection.                                                                   Could you tell us more about
                                                         the time, so my salary was cut significantly.
What I was most proud of, though, was the                                                                  your plan for creating an ideal
                                                         Throughout university, I never had the
collaborative effort by the entire team and the                                                            employment system?
                                                         chance to do physical labor, so I decided to
senator. Moreover, during an interpellation              give it a try as a construction day laborer.      It is my hope that all workers are given
session with Prime Minister Chung Syekyun                Then, I started to get more concerned about       the equal chance to succeed in life. And
on July 23, 2020, Cho Junghun announced                  the problem of contract employment. And I         opportunity to work is not based on their
a public holiday designated on August                    recorded my days as a day laborer in a work       social status. Fulltime staff should be
17, 2020. The online video showing the                   diary.                                            guaranteed stability, and contract workers
announcement has drawn a lot of attention.                                                                 should be given higher wages because they
I was responsible for composing part of                  You have also been active for                     forgo stability. Some countries already carry
the speech spoken by the senator, and I                  platform workers. What are you                    out this type of arrangement at workplaces.
also composed a comment on behalf of                     doing or have done for the workers                Not everyone wants fulltime work, and not
day laborers that the Prime Minister read.               on the platform?                                  everyone wants to be a contract worker, so I
The Prime Minister and the senator then                  Staff such as delivery persons keep track         think we can compromise to create a world
discussed the issue. I was able to convey the            of their work on an app. If they mistakenly       that satisfies all types of workers.
voice of the people. I am doing my best to               delete the app, their work record is deleted
work as an aide, especially when the ideas                                                                 Would you like to leave a final few
                                                         and there is no way to prove deliveries.
the senator utters are for policy-making or                                                                words for Sookmyungians?
                                                         Therefore, I helped the senator compose
publicized. In other words, helping him to do            and introduce a work career certificate law.      I'm sure you are struggling, but later when
his job well is the most worthwhile part of              Currently I am working on making delivery         you look back on this time, you will know
being an aide.                                           ride insurance mandatory, considering that        that it was the best time of your life, being an
                                                         they are not properly insured.                    undergraduate student. Study hard, enjoy a
I know that you are a big Facebook                                                                         variety of experiences, and socialize with as
user. Why do you feel it important to                    Because of the current                            many people as possible so that your youth
communicate frequently with people?                      unemployment situation, in the year               can be full of diverse memories.
Rather than flowering up a speech, I write               of 2030, more people will face with
honestly about my past pain and thoughts.                contract worker problems. What do
Sometimes, people who follow me on                       you think needs to be done before
Facebook actually contact me. I have made                2030 to prevent these problems?
a lot of good new associations through SNS.              The world is changing much faster than
Facebook also helped me find my current job              when I was in my twenties. Many jobs
to some extent, and it has allowed me to get             will disappear due to the 4th Industrial
an "important relationship."                             Revolution, but new ones will also be
                                                         created. In all likelihood, workers will not
You wrote a work diary while
                                                         stay forever at one single workplace. Like
working as a researcher at the
                                                         this, it seems that the challenge today is
Institute of Social Design. Would you
                                                         to live a life that always adapts to change.
please tell us a bit about it and why
                                                         Nonetheless, I do feel it is the responsibility

You can also read