NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada

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NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada
NFL Draft Comes
                to Las Vegas:
    You Can BET It Will Be Fun
                                                    BY BRIAN SCROGGINS JR.

      In April 2020, millions of National Football League (NFL) fans will flock to Las Vegas from
     around the world. While Las Vegas is used to having large crowds and blockbuster events,
    this will be the first time Las Vegas will host the NFL Draft. These fans will be coming to Las
     Vegas excited to enjoy the city but also eager to see who their favorite NFL team will select
     in the 2020 draft. The draft is an exciting time of year, as every fanbase has championship
            aspirations for the team they have been cheering for since they were children.

     With so many fans in town for the        while also offering some different action    rushed for a 1-yard touchdown. Although
draft, sportsbooks around the city will be    for the more-seasoned bettor. Simply         the bookmakers lost that bet, both the
competing for their time and money. One       put, a prop bet is a wager made regarding    bettors and bookmakers won that day as
of the most effective ways to differentiate   the occurrence or non-occurrence of an       the oddsmakers figured out that prop bets
and draw patrons to a specific book is        event during the course of a game that is    would entice the fans to stay at the casino
to offer bets and odds that are different     not directly affecting the outcome of that   property longer and increase their handle
from other establishments. Greeting you       game. Though these exotic bets have been     on the sporting event.
at any sportsbook will be bright, green       around for many years, we can pinpoint            According to CBS,1 one in 10
lights consisting of traditional wagers       Super Bowl XX as the game that gave          Americans is expected to place prop
(money line, spread, under/over, etc.) and    them traction and popularity in the U.S.     bets during the Super Bowl. While
non-traditional bets, known as proposition         Vegas bookmakers were looking to        some of these prop bets are similar to
bets (prop bets).                             increase the betting handle for the big      the one mentioned above, regarding
                                              game and decided to offer 20-1 odds          who will score a touchdown, they can
Origin of Prop Bets                           that William “Refrigerator” Perry would      also become a lot more exotic. From the
                                              score a touchdown. That Sunday, the          color of Gatorade poured on the winning
     These prop bets, or exotic bets, are
                                              sportsbooks exploded with excitement         coach after the game or the length of
great ways to get even the most casual
                                              as the 330-plus pound defensive lineman      the national anthem, these exotic bets
fan interacting and betting on the games

20 Nevada Lawyer December 2019
NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada
really do run the gamut.2 While these         the instructions to bookmakers that,        amateur sports organizations to identify
exotic prop bets are not currently legal to   “Any additional wagers which deviate        which types of bets simply pose too
wager on within the state of Nevada, the      from those listed below will require a      significant a risk to the integrity of
odds that some books assign to them are       separate application and approval.” This    sports and to work with regulators not to
entertaining, and serve as great publicity.   process of getting bets approved could      authorize them,” Moore said.
                                              take anywhere from a few weeks to a              The U.S. Supreme Court repealed
Prop Bets in the NFL Draft                    few months. As offshore books continue      the Professional and Amateur Sports
                                              to offer different types of prop bets and   Protection Act (PASPA) or the Bradley
      With the NFL Draft coming to
                                              in-game wagering, legal book makers         Act, which made sports wagering illegal
Las Vegas in 2020, we are sure to see a
                                              must wait for the approval of the GCB       in all but four states. Since then, the
plethora of interesting prop bets offered
                                              before taking wagers on certain action.     constant regulatory and legal discussion
by different bookmakers. The draft could
                                                                                          has revolved around what the leagues
arguably appeal to more audiences, as all
                                              Opposition to Prop Bets                     will do to ensure that the integrity of
32 teams have representation and not just
                                                                                          the game is kept intact. By allowing
the two clubs competing for a Super Bowl           In her testimony before the
                                                                                          individual player performances to
title. With these 32 teams, bookmakers        U.S. House of Representatives on
                                                                                          determine the outcome of a wager, some
have the chance to allow bettors to put       September 27, 2018, NFL Executive
                                                                                          have argued that outside influences begin
their “money where their mouth is” and        Vice President Jocelyn Moore asked to
                                                                                          to play a bigger role into why an athlete
let them place bets on who their team         get rid of prop bets that involved the
                                                                                          under- or over-performed. Even if there
should draft.                                 performance of the individual athlete
                                                                                          is no foul play or outside pressure, a
      While more conventional prop bets       during the course of a game.
                                                                                          team employee or scout would have
are available for the NFL Draft, the               “To address concerns regarding
                                                                                          inside information that allows them to
breadth of bets comes very close to that of   risky betting fixtures, we encourage
the Super Bowl. Once again, these exotic      Congress to allow professional and
bets can range anywhere from whether
the drafted player will hug his mom or
dad first, to the type of suit the player
will wear when he walks on stage.3 The
creativity of the prop bet is only limited
to what the books can come up with and
what the Nevada Gaming Control Board
(GCB) will approve.
Approval Process of Prop
Bets in Nevada
                                                                 WILL YOU CHECK YES to
     For many years, the GCB restricted
                                                                                                         YES IN
                                                                 support Pro Bono?
prop bets to only include events on the                          100% of your contribution
field. Books operating legally within                            supports pro bono.
the state could only take money on bets                                                                  2020
sanctioned by the GCB. Many exotic prop
bets were only available with offshore
bookmakers. In the past decade, Nevada
regulators have relaxed the restrictions
and allow betting on post-season awards
(Heisman Trophy, Super Bowl MVP,
etc.) and limited eSports activities.
     In 2018, the GCB began to allow                                  DUES
bookmakers within the states to take
wagers on what would happen in the
NFL Draft.4 In the approval notice, the                               CHECK                         WILL YOU CHECK YES to
GCB listed out more than 30 wagers                                                                  support the Nevada Bar
that could be taken by sports books.                                                                Foundation?
Interestingly enough, only two of                                                                   100% of your contribution
the approved bets allowed bettors to
                                                                                                    supports law related
wager on where specific players will                                                                education.
be drafted. The notice also included

                                                                                          December 2019      Nevada Lawyer      21
NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada
continued from page 21

NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas:
You Can BET It Will Be Fun
make a bet in real time before the sports       Future of Prop Bets                        waiting for the GCB, as well as other
books can adjust the line.                                                                 regulators, to give them the green light to
                                                     In the 18-plus months since
     Now, it is important to note that                                                                              allow these bets
                                                PASPA was
sports books have the right to post these                                                                           on mobile devices
crazy prop bets but limit the amount they                                                                           throughout the
                                                the tech and
will take in the wager or even refuse                                     In  the   18-plus  months                 Silver State.
to take any action at all. Prop bets are                                                                                 The GCB
sometimes used primarily to get publicity
                                                in sports                 since PASPA was
                                                wagering                                                            has reason   to
rather than actually increase the action                                  overturned, the tech                      be hesitant  with
                                                has quickly
of a sports book. A popular prop-betting                                  and    innovation    in                   in-game   prop
                                                evolved. These
website, Odds Shark, even posted the                                                                                betting. This
odds on who would rule Westeros at the
                                                growing areas             sports wagering has
                                                include in-                                                         branch of prop
end of the popular HBO series “Game                                       quickly evolved.                          bets has its own
                                                game betting of
of Thrones.”5 These odds are made for                                                                               set of difficulties.
                                                both traditional
the fun of the consumer and have great                                                                              Courtsiding, the
                                                sports bets
entertainment value.                                                                       practice of transmitting data or betting
                                                (money line, point spread, etc.) and prop
                                                bets. Once again, these innovations are    directly on sporting events as they happen
                                                focused on increasing viewership and       in stadium, is a large problem in the
                                                handle. The innovators in this space are   international markets that currently have

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22 Nevada Lawyer December 2019
NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada
legalized in-game wagering, such as the
United Kingdom. It arises as a result
from the delay between the live action             1.
and television delay. Though that is the                on-the-super-bowl-1-in-10-americans-              BRIAN
                                                        placing-bets-on-super-bowl-liii/                  SCROGGINS JR.
prominent problem, it is just one of many
concerns for regulators.                                                                                  is a native Nevadan
      At their core, prop bets are created              bets-2018-pink-national-anthem-justin-            who is excited to be back in his
and used to keep the consumer engaged                   timberlake-halftime-performance                   hometown. In his time away,
in the event. They are used primarily by           3.                he attended the University of
sporting events to keep people watching                 nfl_draft_2018_prop_bets_trades_sam_              Kentucky, earning both his
                                                        darnold_saquon.html                               Juris Doctorate and Master of
the game, even during an otherwise                 4.
unentertaining game. We also see                                                                          Business Administration degrees.
bookmakers offering odds on who will               5.                        He is currently enrolled in the
win awards in the entertainment industry6               entertainment/game-thrones-prop-odds-             LLM program at UNLV, studying
(Emmys, Oscars, etc.), which can get                    bet-who-will-be-ruling-westeros                   gaming law and regulations. His
those events additional viewership they            6.                        research has focused on the
                                                        entertainment/primetime-emmy-awards-              areas of intellectual property,
would not otherwise be receiving.                       betting-odds
      With Nevada transitioning from                                                                      sports and gaming law. After
                                                   7.   Mission of Nevada Gaming Control Board
being the gaming capital of the world to                                                                  graduating from UNLV in May
the entertainment capital of the world,                                                                   2020, Scroggins is looking to join
it is important that we keep in mind the                                                                  a firm with strong mentorship
regulatory process and how we must have                                                                   and community involvement in
“strict regulation of all persons, locations,                                                             Nevada. He can be reached at
practices, associations and related                                                              or
[gaming] activities.”7                                                                                    (702) 635-1884.

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                                                                                                                                     Lawyer        23
                                                                                                                                             2:09 PM
NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada NFL Draft Comes to Las Vegas: You Can BET It Will Be Fun - State Bar of Nevada
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