News to Suit You - Dress for Success Houston

Page created by Jeanette Salazar
News to Suit You - Dress for Success Houston
News to Suit You
          SUMMER                      A N E W S L E T T E R F R O M D R E SS F O R S U C C E SS H O U STO N              2021

                                                      “ I don’t know
                                                      where I would
                                                      be if I did not
                                                      have DFSH in
                                                          my life.”

                                                                                                      “I feel like a
                                                                                                     confident and
                                                                                                 successful business-
                                                                                                    woman after my
                                                                                                 suiting appointment.
                                                                                                 I am ready to take on
                                                                                                      the world!”

Dear Friends,
As you may know,
according to the U.S.
Bureau of Labor
Statistic, 2.2 million
fewer women were in the
labor force in October
2020 compared to
October 2019. This mass
exodus was not voluntary; they were forced
out due to unforeseen barriers the pandemic
has presented. We are working diligently
to remain a catalyst for positive change for
women in our community. While many
still face uncertainties, we are collaborating
with our community partners to ensure our
continued support of women as they reenter
the workforce.                                     with DFSH. We will honor our community         April. These experiences enhance our team
Your commitment and passion for the                partner, H-E-B and the more than 46,000        personally and professionally allowing us to
women Dress for Success Houston (DFSH)             Houston-area women and 60,000 children         best serve the women of Houston.
has the privilege of serving, allows us            DFSH has impacted. Over the last 14 years,     Thank you all for your support to ensure we
to support them now, more than ever,               H-E-B has provided meals, gift cards and       continue to empower the women and families
by offering job search and professional            vital financial support to the mission of      of DFSH.
development programs, women veterans               DFSH. Event details on page 6.
networking workshops, curbside suiting, as         Our mission is to empower women to achieve With heartfelt gratitude,
well as H-E-B gifts cards to those who are still   economic independence while breaking
facing food insecurities. See pages 3-5 to learn   down barriers regardless of race, sexual
more about your impact.                            orientation, and religion to help women     LAUREN LEVICKI COURVILLE
Please join co-chairs, Allie & Eric Danziger       thrive in work and life. Our team remains
and Drs. Crystal and Randall Wright on             engaged in developing our leadership, as we
Saturday, October 16, 2021 for Rendezvous          began an eight-week Dare to Lead course in
News to Suit You - Dress for Success Houston
PWG                                                                                          392
                                                                                                                         23 YEARS
                          THE PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S GROUP                                                  CURRENT                                                                                                                                    demographics of
                          ONGOING PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                     MEMBERS                                                                                                                                    women entering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      dfsh programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RECEIVE PUBLIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ASS I STA N C E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         D O M E ST I C A B U S E

                                                                                                                           of addressing the needs of women and                                                                                 I D E N T I F Y AS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   H O M E L E SS

                                                                                                                           creating systemic change in their lives , their                                                                         F I R ST S U I T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TO OW N

                                                                                                                           families and our community all because of                                                                     S I N G L E M OT H E R S                 28%

                                                                                                                           supporters like you .                                                                                                       SINGLE                      36%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      0%    20%        40%    60%   80%   100%

                                                                                                                                      1,400+                                                  258 volunteers                                 TOP E M PLOY M E N T
                           Health & Wellness                                                                                            veterans                                              donated                                           IN DUS TRIE S
                                                                                                                                                                                              3,358 hours
                                                                                            I am proud the We Are
                                                                                         Houston 5K is now part of my                    served                                                                                                             24% Healthcare
                           For the first time in its history, the Chevron Houston
                                                                                                                                                                 2 014                                in 2020
                                                                                                                                                 since                                                                                                    11% Social Services

                           Marathon was hosted virtually in January 2021. With          accomplishments. Thank you for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             9% Education
                           determination and team t-shirts in tow, 35 PWG
                           members showed up to cross their own finish lines
                                                                                           keeping me accountable.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of women
                           around Houston. DFSH has participated in the event’s                                                                                                                      suited gained
                           charity component, Run for a Reason, for the past
                           nine years. Sponsored by Comerica and Maria & Terry                                                                                                                       employment
                           Bryant, Team DFSH raised more than $10,000 for                                                                                                                                  IN 2020                      Only 8% of charities nationally evaluated have received at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        least seven consecutive 4-star evaluations.
                           the women of Houston with a total of 74 participants.
                           Email to join our team for the
                                                                                                                                       N E W H Y B R I D M OD E L F OR WOR KS H O P S                                                                                      CURBSIDE
                           January 2022 race weekend!

                                                                                                                                  400+ 80
    In an effort to continue health and wellness journeys year-round, the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TO MORE THAN
    Professional Women’s Group is introducing a Mind-Body series. The goal is                                                                                                                        MORE THAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      KIWICO STEM KITS
    to provide strategies about taking care of ourselves so we can show up fully for
    others and our careers. PWG members will have access to practice items in                                                                                                                                         DISTRIBUTED TO
    their weekly emails and Facebook group along with small-group opportunities                                                                                                                                       PWG CHILDREN
    for deeper discussions.                                                                                                 WOMEN RECEIVING                                                                                                                                WOMEN
                                                                                                                            SUPPORT THROUGH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MORE THAN

    Women’s Veteran Program
    The goal of the Women’s Veteran        throughout all DFSH programs.
                                                                                       OVER 1,400 WOMEN VETERANS
                                                                                       SERVED SINCE 2014
                                                                                                                                  33           700                                                                         H-E-B GIFT CARDS
                                                                                                                            VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS                                                                                 TO VETERANS
    Program is to empower women
                                           This year, we launched Veteran
    veterans through a network of
                                           Virtual Meet Ups ‒ a place where                                                           after three years                                                  IN 2020,                         w e r e i m pac t e d by
    support that continues to connect

                                                                                                                                                                                                        1,331                           9,402
                                           women veterans can connect,                                                               o f pa r t i c i pat i n g i n
    them to community resources,
                                           encourage and motivate each other.                                                           dfsh programs
    build professional relationships and
                                           Over 30 veterans have attended                                                       RECEIVE PUBLIC
    cultivate personal growth in a safe,                                                                                           ASS I STA N C E
                                           this new networking opportunity.
    uplifting environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        wom e n
                                                                                                                                      RECEIVED A
                                                                                                                                    P R O M OT I O N
                                                                                                                                 I M P R OV E D J O B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         units of service
    In 2020, the Women’s Veteran                                                                                                             SKILLS
                                                                                                                         R E G U L A R LY A F F O R D
    Program hosted 23 events covering                                                                                                                                          50%

                                                                                                                                                                                                     s u c h a s p r o f e s s i o n a l at t i r e , c a r e e r
                                                     I feel connected because other veterans share similar
    PTSD, nutrition, military                                                                                            S AT I S F I E D W I T H L I F E                                    90%

    career transition, and more!
                                                 experiences. There is a better understanding within the group.                  I N C R E AS E D                                           84%
                                                                                                                                                                                                     e d u c at i o n , p e r s o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and veterans programs.
    Workshop attendance was up 54%                                                        —CATHERINE
                                                                                                                                                            0%   20%    40%     60%   80%     100%

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News to Suit You - Dress for Success Houston
“DFSH makes me feel
    Job Search Program Update                                                                                    part of a family who
                                                                                                                challenges me to rise
     Over two million women in the              The eight-step Job Search program                               above any situation.”
     United States left the workforce in        includes completing an initial survey,
     2020, with Black and Latina women          attending a Google Suite Basics                                           —
     comprising over 35% of those newly         recorded workshop, participating in                                    MARILESSE
     jobless. The women served by DFSH          Resume Review, attending a Speak
     are no different, with nearly 70% of       for Success workshop, mastering the                                                                                                           “Susan Nelson
     their jobs affected last year.             60-Second Elevator Pitch, participating
     Recognizing a staggering need to get our   in Mock Interviews, learning how to                                                                                                            always brings
     women back to work, DFSH                   market themselves on LinkedIn and                                                                                                            such a thought-
     relaunched the Job Search program          attending one-on-one coaching with                                                                                                          provoking position
     virtually with a goal to assist 125        Adecco recruiters.
     women in securing employment.                                                                                                                                                              to the table
                                                                                                                                                                                             which allows me
                                                                                                                                                                                               to continue to
                                                                               “We are all coping and            “I now feel whole and                                                        grow and learn
                                                                          attempting to survive to the best     empowered to believe in                                                      something new.”
                                                                           of our abilities. Thank you for    myself. I have direction and                                                              —
                                                                          showing concern, kindness and       purpose, and I want to make                                                            AMELIA
                                                                             responding to our needs.”         a difference in my career.”
                                                                                           —                              —                     “DFSH always gives me
                                        “PWG has been the                                 KENYA                        KIMBERLY
                                      resource I’ve needed to                                                                                   the hope that these hard
                                       get through the tough                                                                                        times will pass.”
                                         times in my life.”                                                                                                      —
                                                                                                                                                             PAULET TE
    “Empowering women
     means giving women                                                                                                                 Success Story | Joy
      the voice in society                                                                                                              REGISTERED DIETITIAN
    which was silenced for                                                                                                              At the age of 17, Joy enlisted in the    The preparation helped her land a
    so many generations.                                                                                                                United States Navy and served 14         position at H-E-B. Joy then joined the
                                                                                                                                        years before making the decision to      PWG and began regularly attending
    We must all work hard                                                   “The workshops add to my                                    pursue her passion of nutrition. She     workshops. She says the various program
     to continue to speak                                                  hopes and dreams of moving                                   moved to Houston and struggled           topics taught her “to love myself and
     out to let our voices                                                   forward. I appreciate how
                                                                                                                                        to feel settled while she transitioned   know my worth”. In April, Joy was
                                                                                                                                        into civilian life. After graduating     selected to commission ​with the United
     be heard, the voices                                                   intentional DFSH is about                                   from the University of Houston           States Navy ​as a registered dietitian in
     of empathy, love and                                                 wellness and career endeavors.”                               with a 3.5 GPA, Joy was introduced       Okinawa, Japan. Joy will oversee nutrition
           healing.”                                                                                                                    to DFSH for her interview suiting        for the Navy and Marine Corps service
                                                                                           —                                            appointment.                             members and their families.
                  —                                                                       ELOISE

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
News to Suit You - Dress for Success Houston
Her Path Forward                                                         GET INVOLVED

                        T H ANK YO U CLE AN SW E EP S PONS ORS

                                                                             Corporate Guild
                                                                             The Corporate Guild is a networking       To learn more about joining visit       Norbert from Total Wine and More
                                                                             association of women helping                      while the hotel’s Senior Sous Chef
             JOAN & STANFORD                                                 women, supporting and promoting                                                   Marcos Navarro prepared delectable
             ALEXANDER                      SPONSOR                                                                    On June 2, Four Seasons Hotel
                                                                             each other as professionals, while        Houston hosted our Corporate            bites to pair with each wine.
                                                                             simultaneously providing impact to        Guild’s PowHER Hour for a 19th          Members enjoyed a game of ‘Heads
                                                                             DFSH programs and the women we            year. Over 90 Corporate Guild           or Tails’ for the chance to win a VIP
                                                                             serve. In 2020, the Corporate Guild       members and their guests attended       shopping experience and $1,500 gift
                                                                             consisted of 62 companies from            the wine tasting led by Sabrina         card from J. Landa Jewelry.
                                                                             various industries.

              I N -KI N D S PO N S O R S
                                                         SCAN TO CONTINUE
                                                         SUPPORTING DFSH!
                                                                                                                     Women of Wardrobe
                                                                                                                       Our popular young professionals         throughout the year. Thank you to
                                                                                                                       group is busy planning their event      everyone who attended Spring Fling,
                                                                                                                       of the season, Tootsies Summer          presented by Camden, and helped us
                                                                                                                       Soiree! Join WOW on August 25 for       raise more than $17,000 for DFSH!
                                                                                                                       fashion, fun and philanthropy. Active   Contact for
                                                                                                                       members receive complimentary           membership questions.
                                                                                                                       entry to this event and more

                                                                             Legacy Giving                                     PLANNING FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS

                                                                             The Legacy Giving Society is comprised of dedicated DFSH supporters whose planned gifts lay the foundation for
                                                                             the agency’s future. Their generosity will impact thousands of women in years to come. For more information about
                                                                             Legacy Giving, please contact Nancy Levicki at 713-337-0876.
                                                                             LEGACY GIVING SOCIET Y FOUNDING MEMBERS
                                                                             Joan and Stanford Alexander                 Kasey and Mark Dunn                      Jerri and Jim Moore
                                                                             Anonymous                                   Diedra Booker Fontaine                   Linda Padon
                                                                             Marla and Rick Barnard                      Mia Gradney and Troy Clendenin           Mary and Ben Patton
                                                                             Pamela H. and Hayne S. Blakely              Arline Guefen                            Amanda and Jeff Polich
                                                                             Kearston Block                              Kim and Ted Hartz                        Rebekah and Gary Reaves
                                                                             Tali and Eric Blumrosen                     Janis and Paul Jarosz                    Bonnie Reitz
                                                                             Genora and Dwight Boykins                   Myrtle Jones                             Rebecca and Dick Roberts
                                                                             Kristy and Chris Bradshaw                   Marie Louise and David Kinder            Nikki Rosenberg
                                                                             Jennifer Briscoe                            Caroline and Jeff Lafond                 Jane and Dick Schmitt
                                                                             Maria Bryant                                Nancy Levicki                            Arthur L. Smith and Family
                                                                             Katherine Chomout                           Ellen M. Levin                           Connie and Kylyn Taylor
                                                                             Laura and Ralph Clinard                     Kristi and Michael McCarthy              Linda Webb
                                                                             Monisa Cline                                Kimberly McCormick                       Staci Voll and Erick Wegmann
                                                                             Mary Ellen Coombe                           Melkeya McDuffie                         Debra Witges
                                                                             Lauren Levicki Courville and Kyle Courville Niloufar and Amir Molavi                 French Anne and Chris Young
6                                                                                                                                                                                                      7
News to Suit You - Dress for Success Houston
Join the                                                                  Success Story
Conversation                                                              Isabel
DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION                                              GC QUALITY MANAGER
In addition to our revamped Job Search                                      Isabel spent two years unemployed -
program, DFSH hosted a virtual Town                                       attending workshops to improve her
Hall on June 8. We collaborated with three                             interview skills and gain confidence. She
community partners to address removing                           participated in over 20 classes at DFSH while
barriers for women looking for employment          updating her LinkedIn profile and keeping her interview
with more than 200 in attendance. Isabel           skills fresh.
(right) is just one example of the millions        In early March, Isabel finally landed the opportunity she’d
of women who have experienced long-term            be searching for. After nailing the interview in her suit from
unemployment.                                      DFSH, Isabel received
                                                   an offer and started
                                                   her new position as a
                                                   GC Quality Manager.
                                                   She is now in her third
                                                   month of employment
                                                   and attributes DFSH
                                                   for the “invaluable
                                                   knowledge and
                                                   guidance” she received.

                      recommended social distancing or as a selfie in the privacy of the person’s home.
                      Photos featuring unmasked individuals were taken following the CDC’s guidelines of

                                                                                                Lauren Levicki Courville
                                                                                                           PRES IDENT

                                                                                                    Myrtle Jones
                                                                     Connie Simmons Taylor          Janis Jarosz
                                                                     Gary Reaves                    Courtney Hopson
                                                                     Ben Patton                     Kim Hartz
                                                                     Niloufar Molavi                Kate Dearing Fowler
                                                                     Kristi McCarthy                Susie Cunningham
                                                                     Nancy Levicki                  Kristi W. Chickering
                                                                     Caroline Lafond                Chris Bradshaw
                                                                     Carla Kneipp                   Eric A. Blumrosen
                                                                                             BOARD OF D I RE CTORS

    Profit#12576                                                                                    d fs h o u sto n . o r g
    Houston, TX                                                             tel 713.957.3779 | fax 713.957.3774
        PAID                                                                3310 Eastside Street | Houston, Texas 77098
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