NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...

Page created by Christopher Lynch
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
ADOPT                 VOLUNTEER                  FOSTER                  DONATE

          JA N UARY 2022                                   SUP P O RT I NG T H E P R O G R A M S O F T H E J A C K S O N C O UNT Y A N IMA L S HELTER

   IN THIS ISSUE:                       FEATURE:


Meet Bob Crowley
                                            Business Partner Plays Santa Paws
                                        In early December, Friends of the Animal              Shelter, but were backordered until late
                                        Shelter was contacted by George Hines,                December. After asking what else the dogs
                                        the Chief Innovation and Technology                   needed to make them more comfortable, the
                                        Officer at Lithia Motors, Inc., telling us            following week George made a personal
                                        that his company would like to present                donation of 20 brand new beds, 80 high-
                                        us with a $10,000 check. What a                       quality and comfy blankets, tennis balls, and
Dog SHOWCASE                            wonderful holiday surprise!                           high-quality treats. He explained that his own
Meet some great canines!                                                                      dog loves the type of blanket he selected, so
                                        This is one of the largest corporate gifts            he thought the Shelter dogs would also enjoy
                                 8      we have received to date. Needless to                 the softness and warmth they provide. Becky
                                        say, this very generous donation lifted               Cohn, Board President, said “the new
                                        the spirits of the staff and volunteers just          blankets are awesome.”
                                        before the holidays.                                                                    Continued on page 4

                                        In mid-December, George visited the
Family REUNION                          Shelter and met with Friends of the
A Shelter story                         Animal Shelter Board Treasurer, Michael
                                        Murray, who provided George a tour
      Featured photo:                   of our facility and an introduction to
Becky Cohn, Friends of the Animal       everything Friends of the Animal Shelter
 Shelter Board President, Michael       volunteers do to help the animals.
     Murray, Board Treasurer,
  Kim Casey, Program Manager,           While walking through the dog kennels,
    Jackson County Animal Shelter       George noticed that many dogs were
    George Hines, SVP, Chief            laying on beds in various states of
  Innovation and Technology Officer,    disrepair. He learned that an order of                 Just a few of 80 new blankets donated by
          Lithia Motors, Inc.                                                                  George Hines to keep the dogs warm and
                                        new beds had been placed by the                        comfy this winter.
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Friends of the Animal Shelter                      COVID RESTRICTIONS
        supports the programs of                           STILL APPLY
        the Jackson County Animal
        Shelter in Phoenix, Oregon.
                                                           Jackson County is still under COVID
        We provide hundreds of volunteers                  restrictions, so the Jackson County
        to help increase pet adoptions                     Animal Shelter will continue to
        and improve the quality of life for                embrace social distancing and safety
        Shelter animals while waiting for                  measures by being a “by appointment
        their new forever homes.                           only” facility, except on weekends,
                                                           when an appointment is not needed
        Because preventing unplanned                       to visit with dogs.                         Arnold
        litters is the first step to reducing
        pet overpopulation, all Shelter                    Appointments continue to be required
        animals are spayed/neutered                        to visit with cats.
        before adoption.
                                                           We’ll make sure an Adoption
        And to ensure animals get a
        second chance, the Jackson                         Counselor is available to show
        County Animal Shelter and                          you around and arrange “meet
        Friends of the Animal Shelter fund                 and greets”.
        preventative and rehabilitative
        medical treatments.                                Masks are required.

        All of this is in service to our                   Browse online at,
        vision that all adoptable animals                  then make an appointment:
        in Jackson County find a loving                    (541) 774-6654, Option 0
        home. And you can help!                            9 AM to 4 PM
                                                           Tuesday - Sunday

                                                                                                                  View adoptable
                                                                                                                animals anytime at:
        Jackson County Animal Shelter
           5595 S. Pacific Hwy, Phoenix
                (541) 774-6654
        Appointments always needed for cats.
           Appointments for dogs needed
                                                              OUR MISSION
                 Tuesday – Friday.
               Open House for dogs
                                                              Friends of the Animal Shelter is dedicated to the well-being and
             (no appointment needed)                          adoptability of animals at the Jackson County Animal Shelter.
         Saturday & Sunday, Noon – 4 PM                       It also supports programs promoting the humane treatment of
                                                              homeless cats and dogs in the community.

rbara Talbert
         Board of Directors              Staff                          FOTAS Photographers     Contact Friends of the   Jackson County
         Becky Cohn, President           Sky Loos,                      Richard Jacquot         Animal Shelter           Animal Shelter
         Tricia DeFelice, Vice President   Executive Director           Sunny LeGrand           PO Box 1013              Kim Casey
         Michael Murray, Treasurer       Alex Spindler,                 Nancy Uravich           Phoenix, OR 97535        Program Manager
         Barbara Talbert, Secretary        Support Services Associate   Don Walker              (541) 774-6651
                                         Liz Obelenus,                                                                   5595 S Pacific Hwy 99
         Members at Large                  Support Services Associate   Newsletter              Phoenix, OR 97535
         Lorna Bolton                    Michelle Fox,                  Issue: 2022.1 
         Aiden Costello, DVM               Foster Coordinator – Dogs    Production:          (541) 774-6654
         Bob Crowley                     Terri Frazier,                 Vicki Chamberlain
         Samantha Johnson                  Foster Coordinator – Cats    Printer: Pronto Print
         Christina Ruby                  Eliza Kauder, Bookkeeper
         Robynne Whitaker
                                         Eliza Kauder
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Bob Crowley

Volunteers are the heartbeat of Friends of the
Animal Shelter. And, we’d like to introduce you
to one of our “always there for you,” volunteers,
Bob Crowley.

After 33 years of service with AT&T, Bob and his
wife, Jo Cooper, moved from California in 2014
to a home on five acres in Ashland. Lucky for us, both
Jo and Bob decided to spend a lot of their valuable
free time benefitting animals by volunteering for
Friends of the Animal Shelter.

Jo began volunteering with the Street Dogs Project
and Bob assisted her, when needed. However, Bob
continued to look for more ways to help animals in
need. In 2017, Bob started walking dogs at the
Shelter and then became a weekly participant in
the dog’s “Playing for Life” playgroup program.

Over time, Bob eagerly became involved with a little
bit of everything at the Shelter. He is trained to be a
member of the Holding Crew, which works with the
large dogs needing more attention to become adopt-
able. He was involved with the startup of the Working
Cats program. In addition, he has helped plan, set up,
and run fundraising events.

Bob helps out at the Shelter’s monthly low-cost vaccine    Bob with his dogs (left to right), Ozzy, Darla, Eddie, Riley,
clinics and coordinates the maintenance of the exercise    Gemma and Rumor
yards for the dogs. In 2018, he was elected to the
Board of Directors, and when they needed someone to        a permanent member of their household. Prior to adopting
get the new spay/neuter trailer ready for surgeries,       Eddie, they fostered Darla, who had some medical issues
Bob raised his capable hand. He now sets up the            that would make her challenging to put up for adoption.
trailer for each spay/neuter clinic and participates in    She, too, never left this loving home.
everything, from surgical assistance to animal recovery.
                                                           In addition, Bob and Jo also have 10 cats and 2 miniature
When Bob isn’t volunteering for Friends of the Animal      donkeys. All the cats were rescued from the streets or
Shelter, he can usually be found working on their          abandoned by their owners.
property and kayaking with Jo. He enjoys wood-
working projects and, of course, taking care of their      We are so very fortunate to count Bob as one of our
animals. They have six dogs, all of whom were              valued volunteers. Maybe you’ll want to join him to walk
adopted from shelters, including two recently from the     dogs sometime soon?
Jackson County Animal Shelter, Eddie and Darla.

In September 2020, Bob and Jo fostered a large dog,        We are delighted to announce that our
Eddie, who ended up at the Shelter’s temporary set-up      Volunteer Orientation meetings are back!
at the Expo Center during the evacuation prompted
                                                           Attend one of our monthly Orientations to hear about
by the Almeda fire. A few months later, Eddie became
                                                           current volunteer opportunities. Space is limited, so please let us
                                                           know you’d like to participate by calling (541) 774-6651, or
                                                           email us at We’d love to meet you!
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Partnerships make the difference
Together, we are saving more animals
Lithia Motors continued...                                    Celebrating 8 Years
                                                              with Petsmart Charities
Santa Paws Delivered Even More
George wasn’t done playing Santa Paws. Just before
Christmas, more high quality dog treats, jolly balls,
bully sticks, Martingale collars, and leashes were
delivered, followed by a significant personal donation
from George and his wife, Wendy. A few days later,
Ronald Sircar, Director of Technology Service Opera-
tions at Lithia Motors, made a big donation as well!

                                                               Volunteers Becky Cohn, Lorna Bolton, and Vincent Leandro
                                                               showing dogs at Petsmart on a Saturday afternoon.

                                                              Since 2013, Friends of the Animal Shelter has been an
                                                              Adoption Partner with Petsmart Charities. Monthly, our
                                                              volunteers take adoptable Shelter dogs to Petsmart
                                                              where they can meet potential adopters.
Brutus expresses his appreciation for George’s donated bed,          144 Shelter dogs have been adopted
blanket and toys.
                                                                                 at Petsmart!
George moved to the Rogue Valley in 2018 from
Scottsdale, Arizona, along with a rat terrier he rescued      This relationship is truly win-win-win! We get more dogs
from a shelter there. He also loves cats and still donates    adopted. Petsmart Charities donates funds to the Shelter
to the shelter in Arizona. He’s compassionate about           for each adoption. The adopter gets a coupon book that
animals and makes his own dog food. His work at               includes discounts on Petsmart supplies, a free bag of dog
Lithia Motors involves creating a system for car buyers       food, and a free ½ hour private training lesson.
to purchase a car online and have it delivered to their

We are so very grateful to Lithia Motors and George
                                                              Paddington Station
Hines, who made a significant difference in the lives         is truly a friend to Friends of the Animal Shelter
of Shelter animals for the holidays and beyond.
                                                              Visit Paddington Station at 125 E Main St, in
                                                              Ashland, and you’ll see that Friends of the Animal
                                                              Shelter will receive $5 for every “Giving Collection”
                                                              item purchased.

                                                              The Collection includes a large assortment of cozy
                                                              sweaters, hats and heated scarves, plus some
                                                              adorable gnomes and bears.

                                                              Thank you, Paddington Station, for supporting
                                                              the animals!
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
US Cellular Delivers Goodies
US Cellular’s Women in Action (WIA) is an
associate resource group that looks for ways to
create volunteer and outreach opportunities in the
communities they serve in order to spread joy and
keep people connected.

On Friday, December 17th, they did just that! Several
WIA members delivered a huge load of donated items
that will bring joy to the Shelter animals awaiting their
fur-ever homes as a “thank you for being a voice and
advocate for animals that need it most.” They also
delivered two boxes of huge yummy cookies for the
staff and volunteers.

In addition, WIA members personally donated $900,
with $400 matched by US Cellular.
                                                            Tammy Hoefft, Myra Casey, Kathleen Holtschneider, Becky Cohn, Friends
Thank you, US Cellular and WIA for delivering so            of the Animal Shelter Board President, and Lindsey Hicks
much holiday joy.

                                                              Shannon’s Pretty Pawz Salon
                                                              Owner Shannon Kress, of Pretty Pawz Salons in
                                                              Central Point and Gold Hill, took it upon herself to reach
                                                              out to her clients for donations for our canine kids, then
                                                              did some shopping to add to the wonderful gifts she
                                                              collected. Yup, the holidays and beyond were are
                                                              definitely happier for our pups now that we have all
                                                              these wonderful gifts!
                                                              Shannon Kress, with her elves (daughters), Madisyn and Aybree,
                                                              gleefully delivered the donated goodies to Kim Casey, Shelter
                                                              Program Manager and Becky Cohn, Friends of the Animal Shelter
                                                              Board President.

Jacksonville and Ruch Businesses
Supporting our work
THANK YOU, AnimalKind Holistic
Veterinary Clinic in Jacksonville and
Sweets -N- Eats Cafe in Ruch!

Throughout 2021 and now in 2022, these two local
businesses have supported FOTAS by displaying and
selling merchandise handcrafted by our volunteers, an
invaluable way for us to reach animal lovers in
the community.
                                      Stop in and shop!
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Long-timer dogs need your help

Unfortunately, adoptions of large dogs have slowed during the last few months, not just in Jackson County, but in
shelters throughout the country. Yet, another side-effect of the pandemic. These friendly pups have been at the Shelter
or in foster care for months, waiting to find their “forever” homes. If you have room in your heart and home for one
of these deserving dogs, you can find out more information about them, and the rest of our adoptable dogs,

Some of these pups are at the Shelter, so we invite you to drop in during our weekend Open House for dogs,
Saturdays and Sundays, Noon to 4 PM. To make an appointment during the week, please call the Jackson County
Animal Shelter at (541) 774-6654, option “0” to be transferred to a staff member. If you are interested in fostering,
check out

                                              Sweet Bella entered the Shelter at the end of June and eventually
                                              found a home in August, living on 10 acres. Unfortunately, the
                                              property was not fenced and Bella chased the wildlife, so she
                                              was returned in August and has been waiting for her forever
                                              home with a fenced yard ever since. She is about 2 years old,
                                              weighs 55 pounds, and will do best with someone home most of
                                              the time.

  This fun, adorable gal was brought to the Shelter in early June.
 She’s estimated to be 2 years old and weighs about 55 pounds.
She was adopted in July, but her owners had to work long hours.
 So, she was left alone for long periods of time and barked a lot,
which bothered the neighbors in the mobile home park. She was
 returned to the Shelter in October and is hoping to find a family
         that will be home most of the time to keep her company.

                                              Rufus is cute, 6 years old, affectionate, easy to have around,
                                              and weighs about 50 pounds. He found a happy home in
                                              Grants Pass in March 2020, but his owner had to move to
                                              Medford a year and a half later to a situation that didn’t work
                                              well for Rufus. So, he came back to the Shelter in October and
                                              has been in foster care since then waiting for a new home.
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Be a Foster
                                                   Save a Life
                                                   Providing foster care for a few days, weeks, or
                                                   occasionally months, can be a lifesaving gift for

Lei f                                              an animal and a rewarding experience for you.

                                                   More kitten and large dog
Leif has been waiting patiently for a home since
                                                   foster families are always needed.
mid-November, when he was brought to the
Shelter as a stray. He’s a sweet and energetic
guy, who is 1-2 years old and weighs about         TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING
65 pounds. He gets along well with other dogs      A FOSTER FAMILY, PLEASE VISIT
and is looking for love and lots of attention.

                                                    Supplies needed at the Shelter:
                                                    • Bath towels
                                                    • High quality dry dog food: Diamond Natural
                                                      Lamb Meal & Rice from the Grange Co-op,
                                                      Blue Wilderness, Nutra Pro, Nutro,
                                                      Taste of the Wild
                                                    • Dry and canned red-dye-free Kitten food:
                                                      Purina Kitten chow, Diamond Naturals,
                                                      Blue Buffalo, Royal Canin

Lainey                                              • Flat sheets
                                                    • New cat toys - mice, balls, feathers
                                                    • New dog toys
Lainey is a very affectionate, 3-year-old girl
with lots of positive energy. She entered the
Shelter in October and is looking for an active            DROP OFF AT THE
family that will provide her with regular exer-            Jackson County Animal Shelter
cise. Lainey is easy to train, walks well on a             5595 S Pacific Hwy 99 * Phoenix
leash and is super friendly with people.                   TUE - FRI 11 AM - 4 PM
                                                           & SAT - SUN Noon - 4 PM

NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
FAMILY REUNION                                          Tearful reunion spotlights legal
‘We are both just over the moon’                        entanglements of pets held as evidence
                                                        at shelters.

                                                        By Buffy Pollock for the Mail Tribune

                                                        An emotional reunion at the Jackson County Animal
                                                        Shelter recently involved copious amounts of happy tears,
                                                        tail wags and bear hugs with a large brindle pup named

                                                        Housed at the Phoenix shelter since January 2021, the
                                                        big, lovable Catahoula/Mastiff mix had a long, lonely
                                                        wait for his return to the life he knew before everything
                                                        flipped upside down.

                                                        Faced with a domestic violence situation and unexpected
                                                        life changes, Cassius’s owner, Kerri Thomas, entrusted
                                                        someone she believed to be a dog lover with her 3-year-
                                                        old pup in 2020.

                                                        The man had vowed to care for Cassius until Thomas
                                                        could figure things out and reclaim the dog. Regular visits
                                                        and check-ins went well until the man stopped responding
                                                        to calls and texts.

                                                        “I was in a really unhealthy situation and had dogs and
                                                        kids involved. I was forced to choose between my kids
   Kerri Thomas, Cassius’ owner gets kisses from
   her dog after being reunited at the Jackson County
                                                        and dogs … so I had to re-home all of my dogs. I had
   Animal Shelter.                                      three dogs. Two of them were given to permanent homes,
   Photo: Andy Atkinson, Mail Tribune shelter           but Cassius was supposed to just be a temporary
                                                        situation. I always planned to take him back,” she said.
                                                        Her closest companion for over three years, Cassius once
  The following article appeared in the November        saved her and her family from a cougar attack, Thomas
  24, 2021 edition of the Mail Tribune, which has       says, and was known for being a giant lap dog with a
  given us permission to reprint parts of it here.      zest for life — and for wandering off to take a swim.
  It tells the story of a dog named Cassius who         Thomas said rebuilding her life was impossible with
  ended up being seized by law enforcement in           Cassius still missing from it.
  January 2021 and the long journey it took to
  find his way back to his previous owner ten           Going through the paces of rebuilding her life, Thomas
  months later. Cassius spent seven months in           panicked when the man caring for Cassius virtually
  the Animal Shelter until the District Attorney’s      disappeared. When contact ceased — she later found
  Office granted permission to move him into            out because the man had been arrested on a slew of
  foster care, which helped to relieve the stress       charges — Thomas feared she would no longer see
  of confinement at the Shelter.                        Cassius before finally leaving Southern Oregon.

  Managed by Friends of the Animal Shelter,             Jackson County Animal Services program manager Kim
  foster volunteers provide temporary, caring           Casey said it’s a little known fact that the shelter deals
  homes for shelter animals to recover from             with a number of animals seized as evidence each year.
  medical issues, distress, wait for spay/neuter        Because the dogs are not officially surrendered to the
  surgeries, or to learn better skills before being     Shelter — and in some instances the owners cannot be
  adopted into a permanent home.                        contacted — the dogs cannot be fostered or adopted or
                                                        even walked by volunteers.

NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Snaggle gets Snagged
When Thomas’s unlikely dogsitter was arrested,
Cassius and another dog were seized and had to                 Because of his endless charm
wait for the case to be played out in court. After
months of searching, Thomas figured out that Cassius
was at the shelter and set about the process to
eventually reclaim him.

Casey said it is hard to watch owners fight so hard
to reclaim their dog, but be stuck in the legal system.
“We had to keep him as evidence until the case was
resolved. It was a very sensitive case, and knowing
that the dog could have been a victim, we had to
keep him until it was all resolved,” Casey said.

Finally, wading through the red tape, and with her
own life back together, Thomas said the tears flowed
when she was reunited with her gentle giant. “It was
just amazing to be back with my boy. The reunion was
really amazing. I think it took him a second to realize
who I was,” Thomas said.
                                                          For almost five months, a friendly and charismatic FIV
“Once he realized it was me and I’d come back for         (Feline immunodeficiency Virus) kitty, Snaggle, hung out
him, he didn’t calm down for over an hour and a half.     at the Shelter, patiently waiting for his perfect new home.
He hasn’t let me out of his sight, and we are both just   FIV cats live long and illustrious lives, inside only, and we
over the moon.”                                           knew Snaggle would make a fabulous companion for the
                                                          right owner.
In 2021, 28 “evidence” dogs entered the
                                                          Although we promoted Mr. Snaggle-puss repeatedly, no
Animal Shelter, which was a significant
                                                          one came forward to adopt him.
increase from previous years. Shelter Program
Manager Kim Casey, said she believes “the recent          Friends of the Animal Shelter volunteers spent hours with
rise in evidence holds is a result of an increase in      Snaggle, giving him love and attention, and escorting
the number of contacts that law enforcement               him for walks on a leash and harness. He was very
officers are having related to animal cruelty and         popular and made many friends during his extended stay.
neglect concerns, which are often related to
mental health issues, stress, and financial               And then, in early September, while on a walkabout
difficulties that the animals’ owners are                 around the Shelter, Snaggle found his new mom, a friend
experiencing.”                                            of a Friends of the Animal Shelter volunteer. This sweet
                                                          woman was looking for a kitty to fill the emptiness in her
The result is an increased need for foster                home after recently losing her dog and cat. She looked
homes to accommodate these dogs for                       at all the available adult cats and pondered the thought
indefinite periods of time until their owners’            of adopting a kitten or two. Then, along came Snaggle,
cases are resolved.                                       who worked his magic and charmed his way into her

                                                          Snaggle was equally smitten, and gleefully agreed to
                                                          go to his new home. Joyfully, the new adopter found out
                                                          that one of our generous donors, Sid, had already paid
                                                          Snaggle’s adoption fee.

                                                          Snaggles is now named Bubba. His new mom says
                                                          he is absolutely wonderful! He continues to go outside for
                                                          walks with his mom on his leash and harness. This once
                                                          streetwise cat is now enjoying a warm home and
                                                          a human who loves him beyond words.
NEWS - Friends of the Animal ...
Let Your Love of Animals
                                                                          Be Your Legacy
                                                                            You can’t change an animal’s past,
                                                                            but you can rewrite their future.

Every year, the Jackson County Animal Shelter takes in thousands of lost,
stray, and unwanted animals. No matter their condition, the Shelter attempts
to save the animals and find them loving, permanent homes. Friends of the
Animal Shelter volunteers are essential in this effort and are dedicated to
the well-being and adoption of animals at the Shelter.

Because of your belief in our commitment to helping these deserving
animals, we would like to invite you to become a member of our growing
Legacy Society. The Society is composed of generous and forward-thinking
donors who support our long-term success through planned giving.

Leaving a legacy is easy. You name Friends of the Animal Shelter as a
beneficiary in your will, trust, insurance policy, donor advised fund, or
foundation. Your gift can either be anonymous or publicly acknowledged,
with your permission. We encourage you to consult with your financial
advisor to discuss the options, which may include donating real estate,
stocks, marketable securities, or other assets.

Including Friends of the Animal Shelter as part of your personal legacy will
help create solutions that celebrate animals who find themselves in our care.

Please contact our office at (541) 774-6651 if you are considering
a legacy gift.

• Will or Trust. Sample language: “I give and bequeath to Friends of the
  Animal Shelter (Tax ID #94-3153463), a nonprofit corporation located
  at Phoenix, Oregon, for its (general or endowed) purposes, ______
  (dollar amount, percentage of estate, or residual of estate), giving
  preference to supporting programs for the Jackson County Animal                 Friends of the Animal Shelter
  Shelter.”                                                                       Founded: July 1990
• Beneficiary of life insurance or retirement savings plans. Simply               Tax ID #: 94-3153463
  fill out and submit a beneficiary change form directly to your fund             Address: PO Box 1013,
                                                                                  Phoenix, Oregon, 97535
• Personal or Community Foundation. Instruct your representative that you
  intend to leave Friends of the Animal Shelter a legacy gift. Community          Phone #: (541) 774-6651
  Foundations may have suggestions of how you can accomplish this                 Email:
  using existing or new fund vehicles.                                            Website:
Why I joined
the Legacy Society

I started as a FOTAS volunteer walking dogs in 2008,
after adopting my second dog from the Jackson
County Animal Shelter. I soon got more involved in
other volunteer efforts, joined the Friends of the Animal
Shelter Board of Directors, and began to better
understand how the fundraising done by FOTAS
directly helped the animals. So, in addition to
donating my time, I started to respond to various
fundraising requests from FOTAS. Later, as a Jackson
County employee, I managed Jackson County Animal
Services for almost 8 years, before retiring in 2020.

During that time, I experienced the challenges of           How WORKING CATS
running a shelter operation 7 days a week with limited
staffing and financial resources provided by the            Help You
County. Although the County's contribution has
increased over the years, it still does not cover the
entire cost of the operation. Thus, I was in a unique
position to appreciate the critical role that FOTAS
volunteers and its financial contributions play in
saving as many animals as possible, while keeping
them happy and healthy until they find a new home.
                                                            Have rodents? We have cats who need new
Although volunteers donate their time, I know that it       homes that have been rescued from burned areas
takes money to hire staff to recruit, train, and            and construction zones where it is no longer safe to
manage them. I've also seen over the years how              return. They can help keep those pesky vermin at bay!
financial contributions made by FOTAS to the Shelter        In fact, even the scent of a cat is enough to
have enhanced the well being of the animals, which          discourage rodents from inhabiting an area!
include the expanded exercise yards for the dogs,
Kitty Korner, Puppy Place, and the recent on-site           Our Working Cats Program provides up to 4 (but
spay/neuter trailer.                                        not less than 2) cats, depending on your situation.
                                                            We set them up in large crates, which remain in
My husband, Kevin, and I both worked in paid                place for 4 weeks while the cats get used to you
positions for many years and now have the luxury of         and their new surroundings. And, we provide
donating our time to organizations that are meaningful      supplies and tips on how to successfully transition
to us. As past and present board members of several         them to your property to do their job.
local nonprofits, we know the challenges of raising an
annual budget every year.                                   Working Cats love a good barn, but they can also
                                                            take shelter in an outfitted storage shed, shop,
Therefore, FOTAS is one of the beneficiaries we have        garage, or any place that is safe, warm and quiet.
named in our wills. Joining the FOTAS Legacy Society        We work with you to find the best spots on your
gave us peace of mind knowing that some of our              property.
resources in the future will help FOTAS continue
supporting the Animal Shelter and saving the                Please note, we are not accepting any new cats
lives of abandoned animals after we are gone.               for relocation at this time. We are just seeking
                                                            new homes.

FOTAS Volunteer and                                         Call: (541) 223-9818
former Manager of Jackson County Animal Services            Email:

                                           Low-Cost Vaccination and Licensing
                                           Clinic Schedule
                                           Jackson County Animal Shelter Low-Cost Vaccination and Licensing
                                           Clinics are held on the third Saturday of every month by
                                           appointment only.
                                           Vaccinations available: (Cash only)
                                           • Rabies ($10) for dogs and cats
                                           • Distemper/Parvo booster ($15) for dogs
                                           • Distemper/Rhino/Calici booster ($15) for cats

                                           Schedule your appointment online:
                                  or call 541-774-6654.

            Friends of the Animal Shelter’s Low-Cost
                                                               1 in 3 pets will get
                     Microchip Clinic                          lost in their lifetime.

                                                               Don’t let your pet
                               March 5, 2022                   be one of them.
       per chip        at the Jackson County Animal Shelter

                   Schedule your appointment online:
                                  or call 541-774-6654.

                       Details at                Scan
                                                                   to sign up

                                                      David C. Harder, DVM, Medical Director
                                                                   Jamie Chilton, DVM
                                                                   �a�� de �et, DVM
                                                                    Ema Thigpin, DVM
                                                       902 East Jackson  Medford, OR 97504
                                                              at the corner of Crater Lake Ave
                                                     (541) 779‐4893 

We’re looking forward to facing the challenges in the coming year
with your generous support!

Donations: September 16 – December 31, 2021

(We apologize for any errors or omissions.)                                                                               Brutus

LEGACY SOCIETY BEQUESTS                       WORKING CATS PROGRAM                Judy Blind                            Anita Charters
Shirley Wilson Estate                         John Warden                         Jane and Robin Blomquist,             Allison and Adam Chenoweth
Frank Wigand Estate                                                                   in memory of Baxter               Yvonne and Charles Chilcoat
                                              GENERAL FUND DONORS                 Judith Blue                           Wayne Ching
KITTEN FOSTER CARE                            Grace Abbott, in honor of           Marcia Boeckl                         April Christiansen
Surya Bolom, in memory of                        Mary Bjorkholm’s birthday        Kevin Boekhoff                        Dana Christner
  Jeannie Kimball                             Accent Spas, inc.                   Marilyn Boesch                        Cindy Clark
Kelleigh Duncan,                              Brahn Adams                         Cheryl Bohren                         Gayle Clason
  for kittens and cats                        Carol and Donald Adams              Lorna and Matt Bolton                 Heather, Louise, Christian and
Bari and Steven Frimkess,                     Jeanie and Gracie Adams             Marydee Bombick                          Sarah Clausen, in honor of
  in honor of Eliza Kauder                    Laura Ahearn                        Debra Borchers                           Rebecca Solomon
Patti and Rick Gilstrap                       Rachel Aldrich                      Sam Both                              Joseph Alexander and
Noel Hastings                                 Audrey Allen                        Ken Kelley and Jeannette Bournival,      Janine Clayton
Patricia Jeffery                              Phyllis and Glenn Allen                 in honor of Jan Spindler          Betty Coate
Erik and Sarah Morris-Peterson                Jim Amberg                          Anne Bouse                            Frank Coffey
Diane Pace and William Swartz                 Althea Anderson, in honor of her    Alice Bowen                           Sophia and Mark Cohen
Matthew Sheehan                                  pets adopted from the Shelter    Li Lan Chen and John Bowler           Keith Colahan
                                              Debra Anderson                      Sheree and Byron Boyer                Linda and Jerry Colivas
OLDER ANIMALS                                 Genie and Gary Anderson,            Eddie Bradley                         Cydne Collins
MEDICAL CARE                                     in honor of Zhaddi DeFelice      Maren Breazeale                       Nancy and Donn Comte
Brandy Carson,                                Larraine and Bryce Anderson         Barbara and John Breneiser            Sylvia and Tony Connor
   in memory of Barkley                       Lynn Anderson                       Jill Brenkman                         Paul Larson and Donna Cook
Paul Larson and Donna Cook                    Marilyn Anderson                    Carryl Breon                          Ashley Cooney
Trudy and Bob Downing                         Mark Angle-Hobson,                  Laura Bridges                         Ed Cooper
Allison Fess                                     in honor of Nancy Hayes          Jalene and Dennis Brierley            Elizabeth and Philip Cooper
Lisa Garnet                                   Dori Appel                          Joani Bristol                         Jenny and Rich Cooper
Karen Polsgrove and                           Maryann Aruti                       Kathy Bristow                         Mary Copple
   Gary Guthmueller                           Viki and Dick Ashford               Cherie Brooks                         Erin and Randy Cordray,
Heather, Mary and                             Jerry Atnip                         Seth Brower                              in memory of Maddie and Billie
   Donovan Hanson,                            Tamie Austin                        Charles Brown                         Sandy and Jerry Cornett
   in honor of Junior                         Rabbitt Babbitt, in loving memory   Ken Brown                             Fernando Corona
Claudia Harrington                               of David Harrer                  Stephen Brown                         Sheila Couey
Sheila Kenny                                  Susan and Michael Bahr              Susan Brown                           Anne Cowles
Leanne and Richard Krieger                    Jan Bailey                          Thomas Brown                          Julie and Gary Crites, in honor
Claire Krulikowski,                           Annette and Henry Baker             Jenni Brusca                             of Mary Bjorkholm’s birthday
   in honor of Denise Butler                  Marlene Baker                       Jean and Jim Buck, in honor of        Ruby Crofoot
Tyra Lowell, in memory of                     Marlie and Kyle Bamford                 Dianne Quarg                      Barbara Cross
   Sally and Gypsy                            Scott Bandoroff                     Risa Buck                             Dale Crowe
Virginia Morell,                              Cindy Barnard                       Joan Langley and Peter Buckley        Judy Crowe
   in memory of Buckaroo                      Linda Barnett                       Amy and Francis Bull                  Connie and Ken Cullen,
Marcia Sims, in memory of Leah                Claire Barr Wilson                  Nancy and Thomas Burnham                 in memory of Candy
Judith Sundaram                               Marlyn Barrick, in memory           Janice Burr                           Carita Culmer
US Cellular Women in Action                      of Joey, a special guy           Lynne Burroughs                       Chris Cummings
   Northwest                                  Tom Barry                           Lenna and Bobby Burton                Deanna Dahl
Sharon White, in honor of Gin                 Tracy and Ron Bass                  Melinda and George Busby              Tom Dalrymple, in honor of
Kristianna Woods                              David Batty                         Elizabeth Busso                          Linda Stickle
                                              Terry Bauer                         Sharon and Herbert Cabral             Tammie and Darren Davidson
SPAY/NEUTER TRAILER                           Melinda Baumer                      Gail Calhoun                          Alexander Davie
Angela and Edward Dillon,                     Alvin Beatty, in memory of Archie   Sandy Callicoatt                      Gerri and Scott Davis
  Raymond James                               Nicole and Terry Beggs,             Sherry and Steve Cameron              Marsha Davis
Patricia Jeffery                                 in memory of Bridget             Eleanor and Russell Cannon            Geri Esposito and Jack DeFontaine
Jeanette Larson                               Richard Bell                        Mike Card,                            Sunny Dehlinger
Mary Sundberg                                 Linda Bergquist                         Combined Transportation           Kathleen Devitt
                                              Roberta and Kumar Bhasin,           Paul Collins and Cathy Carrier        Natashja Dewolfe
STREET DOGS PROGRAM                              in honor of Mary Bjorkholm’s     Mary Carroll                          Dale Simpson and Jane Dietz
Vivian Blackford and                             birthday                         Brandy Carson                         Janis and Steve Dinardi,
  William Cuddy, in honor                     Carrie Billson                      Peggy Carson                             in honor of Charlie
  of Laurie Cuddy                             Margaret and Steven Bismarck        Donna Carter                          Judy Dolmatch
Kathleen Holtschneider,                       Mary and John Bjorkholm             Joann and Dave Cassidy                Christine Donchin, in memory
  in memory of Rarri                          Cynthia Blachly                     Dawn and Phillip Castro                  of Tina, Nancy and Oso
Marilyn Mulhall and Ron Nutting               Lisa and Marc Blackburn             Cynthia and Sidney Cavanaugh          Patty Dover
Wenda Puzzo                                   Leesa Bleicher                      Julianne Chai                         Trudy and Bob Downing,
                                              Clint Blevins                       Don Chapin                               in memory of Tula

Annie and Eric Driver                Jill and Joel Gordon,             Jason Isbell                          Betty Laurs
Christine Ducey & Howard Bissell         in honor of Amelia Mercado    Mackenzie Ives                        Sharon Laws, in memory of Sophie
James Duffield                       Nicki and Barry Gottula           Samuel Lucas and Jan Jacobs           Sid Layton
Barbara Dunlap-Pearne                Donna Gould, in honor of          Sudee and Richard Jacquot             Marilyn Bailey and James Le May
Chris and John Dutcher                   Suerte and Kiloboy            Carol James                           Judy Lee
Lori Dyer                            Joyce Grace                       Janet and Stephen Jamieson,           Laura Leebrick, in honor of
Gene Miller and Chris Eberhardt      Patti Graham                         in memory of Tapanga                 Lolly and Momo
Thomas Edwards                       Grace and Gerald Green            Carlotta Jamison                      Nora and Mike Leestma
Karen and Len Eisenberg              Jeannie and Ken Green             Barbara Jarvis                        Keith Aeschliman and
Lucienne Eisenhaure                  Lynn Green                        Sue Jennings                          Nancy Leonard, in memory of Koda
Gloria and Jim Elder                 Roseanne Green                    Patricia and Robert Jensen            Mary Lesher
Audrey Eldridge, in memory of        Niki Newkirk and Don Greene       Theresa Jermain                       Rena and Loren Lew
   Steve Ahearn                      Diane Greer                       David Johnson, in memory of           Gayle and Jim Lewis, in memory of
Donna and Matt Epstein               Sharon Greer                         Sofie, Bruno, Maji and Princess      Lewis Shreeve and Steve Ahearn
Paula Block and Terry Erdmann        Lisa Greif                        Joni Johnson                          Constance Davis and Grant Lind
Sharon and Craig Erwin,              Barbara Gresak                    Mary Johnson                          Georgia and David Lipscomb
   in memory of Buddy Jack           Julia and Floyd Grimes            Samantha Johnson                      Carol Little
   and Princess Harley               Teresa Grote                      Vicki Johnson                         Gloria Locke
Elizabeth Escher                     Josie Gutierrez                   Victoria Johson                       Chris and Don Lockridge
Shannon and Bill Esry                Don Haas                          Helen Jones                           Kim Lodwich, Press, for Oil
Barbara Evans, in honor              Laura and David Hagie             Lois Jones                            Lorraine and Robert Lofgren
   of Martha Ollivier                Lloyd Haines                      Richard Benjamin and Sally Jones      Jan and Bill Lofthouse
Marian Evensizer                     Margaret Haldane,                 Judy Jordan                           Barbara Longhurst, in memory
Tina Bolling and Bob Evoniuk             in memory of Mikala Haldane   Judie and John Jory                     of Schatz
Carol Fahmi                          Jodi Hangartner                   Patty Joseph                          Gizelle Luccio, in memory of
Elizabeth Fairchild                  Heather, Mary and                 Val Julian                              Lois Starr
Beth Falkenstein                         Donovan Hanson                Carole Julyan                         Julie Lucero
Dawn Fallon                          Judy Hardage                      Stacy Kaber                           Jo Luther, in honor of the FOTAS Dog
Carol Ferdinand                      Judy Hardie                       Joan Kalvelage                            Holding Crew
Carmen Ferguson                      MariJo and Bob Harr               Shirley Kammel                        Connie, Jeff and Cody Lynn
William Ferguson                     Ava and Gene Hart                 Joan and Ken Kaplan                   Holly MacGowan
Sue Finley                           Timothy Harvey                    Phyllis Kappeler                      Claudia and James Macmillan,
Adrienne Fitzgerald                  Ken and Marti Hawes               Ian Kapros                              in honor of Mary Bjorkholm’s
Sevanah Fitzgerald                   Nancy Hayes                       Rose Kasal                              birthday
Donna Fogel                          Carol and John Hazeltine          Patrice Kaska                         Barbara and Richard MacMillen
Joanna and Jerry Foster                  and The Remnants              Ronald Kaufman                        Jean Mailander
Ellen and Dennis Fowler              Donna Healy                       Rick Kawata                           Barbara and Kenneth Makature
Mary Fowler                          Mary and Dan Heath                Nancy Keeley, in memory of            Nancy and Calvin Malcor
Stacy Fowler                         Karen and Edgar Hee                  Richard Payette                    Alice and Darryl Mallory, in honor
Robert Fox, in honor of              Jill and Larry Henderson          Barbara Keen, in honor of Luke          of Diane Novak
   Michelle Fox                      Charly and Carl Henkel            Juliana Kelsall                       Letitia Manley
Vicki Fox                            Emilee and Matt Herrin            Ann Kennedy                           Barbara Marall
Karen and Lester Frair               Char Hersh                        Susan Kensinger                       Janell Martinez
Aileen and Joe Franke                Katherine Hicks                   Marva and Edwin Kentner               Maureen and Gregory Marton
 Fred Meyer                          Kathy Hilde                       Anita Kile                            Melinda Marwede
Bea Frederickson                     Wendy and George Hines            Cal and Rita King                     Cathy Masch, in memory of Zek
Leslee Freeman                       Polly Hodges, in honor of         Victoria and Earl King                Jeff Mastromonico
Richard Frey                             Nan Schulman                  Nina Kiskadden, in memory             Rosemary McAuley
Deanna Frohreich                     Virginia Hodgson                     of Constance Maria Murphy          Kathleen McCants
Lani Fujitsubo                       Laura Hodnett                     Thomas Knapp                          Laurie McClain
Patty and Stacy Funk                 Seth Hofstetter                   Janay Kneeland                        Peter Zukis and Karen McCoy
Gaila Gale                           Jenny Sill-Holeman and            Noel Kneeland                         Patrick McDonald
Gardner Grout Foundation                 Dennis Holeman                Patricia Knoble                       George McEwan
Lisa Garnet                          Susan Holmes                      John Kobal                            Helen McKee
Karen Garrett, in honor of           Carol Bogedaian and               William Koenigsberg                   Robin McKenzie, in honor Sophie
   Leslie Miller                         Charles Holmgren              Rob, Rachel, Wesley and               Nancy and Russell McKinley, in
Kathy and Bruce Garrett,             Maureen Horne                        Case Koning                          memory of Kheva and Kaylee
   in memory of Charlie and Kaydin   Tory Horvath                      Kimberly Kovacs                       C.J. Mclaughlin
Tami and Tim George                  Joan House                        Karen Kozleski                        Mariah McLaughlin, in memory
Seth Gilbert                         Michelle and Steven House         Bev and Fred Krasner                    of CiBi
Mallory Lynch and Marilyn Gilder     Christopher Howard                Roberta and Richard Kuegler           Pamela and Kent McLaughlin
Shea and Ginny Gillanders            EhShee Htoo                       Mary Kwart                            Robert Phillips and Marji
Susan Hindawi and JT Gillett         Vinnie and Ralph Hubbard,         Ruth Lacey, in honor of Vilma Silva     McLeod-Phillips
Patricia and Raymond Gillette            in honor of Vinnie Laramore      and David Wood                     Norma Meadows, in memory of
Kathy Esslinger and Dave Glen        Erika and Chris Huber             Richard and Susan Laipple               John Meadows
Anne and Stephen Godshall            Art and Nancy Hughes,             Jeff LaLande                          Yvonne Medina
Patricia and Michael Gohde               in memory of Josephine        Joan Lamont                           Sandra Dufault and Roberta Meiners
Don and Ellen Goheen                 Noreen Hughes                     Liz Landreth                          Wendy Meri
Melody Goldizen                      Laura and Daniel Hunter           Katharine and Ron Lang                Deborah Merrill
Cheryl and Ed Goldman,               Sandra and Gary Huntington        Philip Lang                           Deborah Merritt
   in memory of Archie               Kevin Hutchison                   Jonathan and Maria Lange              Mary and James Merritt
Donna Golphenee                      John Hyatt                        Janet Langley, in honor of            Warren and Gayle Merz
Michael Elich and                    Anita and Eugene Iacopi              Vilma Silva and David Wood         Penny Metropulos
   Robin Goodrin Nordli              Diana Ianora                      Angie LaNier                          Colette and James Meyer
Craig Gordon                         Laura and Paul Imperia            Christine Larson                      Barbara Miller
Jean and Greg Miller                 David Peterson                       Michael Seidel                       Barbara and Kevin Talbert
     JoAnn and Keith Miller               Harnel Peterson                      Dave Seiden, in memory of Duke       Target
     Maria Miller                         Mary Pfister and Sean Curry          John Semple (anon), in memory of     Jordan Taylor
     Sandra Miller                        Robert Phillips                          Dancing Willie and Sister Dog    Loretta Taylor
     Elke and John Milne                  Judy and Bob Pierce                  Pam Sessions                         Juli Teitelbaum
     Margaret Milnes                      Peggy and Robert Pitt                Carole and Jack Shaffer              Karen Thierolf
     Kimberly Larson and David Minter     Ted Platz                            Marlis Shaffer                       Jill Tillinghast
     Nancy Mitchell                       Lauren Ploch                         Rita Shale, in honor of              Terry Tobey
     Jan Hines and Jordan Mo,             Jere Plumer                              Cheri Stockfleth                 Betty and Ronald Toussaint
        in honor of Janet Schaible        Susan Kramer-Pope and                Andrea and Steven Shapiro            Barbara and John Traynor
     Philip Mongrain                         Michael Pope                      Lisa Shapiro                         James Treadway
     David Kennedy and                    Sherry and Daniel Post               Wendy and David Sherman              Cynthia Triplett
        Teresa Montgomery                 Sharon Powell                        Katheryn McElrath and                Rhonda and Michael Updike
     Lynn Michaels and                    Ethel Pritchett-Weekly                   Stan Shulster                    Robin Utter
        Donald Montgomery                 Donna and Charles Pryor              Amy Shuman                           Gretchen Vaatveit
     Virginia Morell                      Nadine Purcell                       Liisa and Shanti Shunn               Cathy Valdes
     Katy Morgan                          Maggie Purves                        Barbara Sibley                       Mark Davis and Lois Van Aken
     Sherri Morgan                        Patricia and A.K. Raja Rao           Cherie and Eli Silberberger          Barbara and Ruben Vasquez
     Diana Morley                         Ramona Rausch                        Cathy Silver                         Janet Vernon
     Linda Morris                         Joyce and Janet Reavis               Michael Silversher, in honor         Becky and Charlie Versteeg
     Lloyd Morris                         Debbie Reed                          of his family                        Carole Villegas
     Lannette Moutos                      CJ and Richard Reid                  Irene Simms                          Jessica Wade
     Donna and George Mozingo             Elizabeth and Alexander Reid         Julie Simon                          Carol Walker
     Marilyn Mulhall and Ron Nutting      Kip Sigetich and Rebecca Reid        Melissa and Terry Simons, in         Carol and John Walker
     Vella and Dick Munn                  Mark Williams and Mary Renaud            memory of Otis, Sadie and Mona   Don Walker
     Barbara Murphy                       Phyllis Reynolds                     Angela and Shawn Simpson             Susan and Kevin Walsh
     Janet and Michael Murphy, in         Linda and Tom Ricciardi              Jill Simpson, in memory of Dazee     Mary Ward
        memory of Louise Hueners and      Virginia Rilling                     Ronald Sircar, Lithia Motors         Mimi Warnecke
        Carol Heuners Snider              Elaine and Charles Ritchey           Tom Skinner                          Marjie Warner
     Janet and Tom Murphy                 Nancy and Guy Robby,                 Sharon and Gary Slack,               Sue Ann and Stephen Warrington
     Linda and Michael Mustain               in memory of Tom Seigfried            in honor of Becky Cohn           Julia Pogue and Ute Waterman
     Alexandra Myers                      Shirley Roberts                      Annmarie Slavenski, in memory        Teresa Jenkins and Mary Watt
     Annalena Nahan, in memory of         Tom Roberts                              of Charles Slavenski             Karen Weathers
        Douglas Munro                     Reve and Hans Rocke                  Ruth Sloan                           Leslie and Dennis Weber
     Paula and Scott Nelson               Catherine Rodgers, in memory         Eileen and Jozef Slowikowski         JoAnn and John Webster
     Michele Newby                           of Steve Ahearn                   Dyane Smith                          Faye Weisler, in memory of
     Wendy Newman                         Lavonda Roe                          Jo and Neal Smith                        Teena Crandall
     David Newton                         Rogue Canine Agility                 Karen Smith                          Catherine and
     Connie and Jerry Nolan               Curt Smolen and Stephanie Roland     Louise Smith                             Buddy Bobcat Welsh
     Teresa Northcross                    Dianne Root                          Marjorie Smith                       Richard and Diane Werich, in the
     Paul Novak                           Barbara and Stephen Ross             Sara Smith                                spirit of the Puss ‘n Boots Ball
     Lars Oberg                           Joan Roth and James Ross             Jan Sneider-Brown                    Gwen and Frank Werner
     Patricia O’Brien                     Laura Roundy, in memory of           Angela Soper                         Jeffrey Nagel and
     Connie Olivas, in memory of Zippy       Ross Jesswein, Jr.                Southern Oregon Runners                  Robynne Whitaker, John L. Scott
     Barbara Roastingbear and             Julia and Brad Roupp                 Jan Spindler                         Beth and Tim White
        Henry Oliver                      Linda Russell                        June and Jeffrey Spindler            Joan and Frank White
     Gay Olson                            Ila Sachs                            Matt Spurlock                        Sue and Gery Whiteman
     Lee Olson and Beth Dolos,            Kelly Sacks                          Cynthia Stanley                      Karin Widmaier
        in memory of Finn                 Barbara and Roy Saigo, in memory     Chris Stapleton, in memory           Michelle Wigand, in memory
     Melanie and Steve Olsrud                of our furry Brittany children        of Alex Shepherd                     of Frank Wigand
     Tom O’Rourke                         Rae and Bill Saltzstein              Elizabeth Stark                      Jaci Wilkins, in honor of
     Marcella Owens                       Marjorie and Louis Samples           Natalie Johnson and                      Pam Leandro-Notch
     Angela Padgett, in memory of Remi    Robin Schauffler and Peter Samson,       Susan Stendebach                 Linda, Bob and Toby Williams, in
     James Palazzolo, in honor of            in honor of Barbara Talbert       Karen and Don Steyskal                   honor of Ada and Bear Hibbard
        Rick Harris and Ellen Dennis      Dorothy Sandberg, in honor of        Jeannine Stickle                     George Wilson
     Glen Paris-Stamm                        Brent and Peter                   Linda and Rich Stickle               Marilyn and Chet Wilson
     JoAnn and Guy Parker, in honor       Jane Sandrock                        Barbra Stimson                       Nancy Wilson
        of Susan Parker                   Tom Sarason                          Lynne and Stephen Stolzer,           Nina and Paul Winans
     Pat and Tom Parks                    Lynn Anne Scalzi, in memory of           in memory of Herbie              Susanne Wingate
     Margaret Ann Pashko                     Blue kitty                        Wende (Me) Strand-Miles              Margery and Tom Winter
     Andrea Patterson                     Josh Sceva                           Barry Harris and Lark Stratton       Linda Winterburn
     Tom Peil                             Janet and Brian Schaible             Betsy Strebe                         Judy and Joseph Wismann
     Penney’s Penney’s                    Pam Schiller                         Bonnie and Randy Stroh               Donna Wojczynski
     Randall Perkins                      Nancy Schlangen                      Phyllis and Bob Strosser             Rachel Wolfe
     Jeanne Perry, in honor of Sudee      Mark Schneider                       Debra and Joe Strunk                 Dee Wollter
        and Richard Jacquot               Carol Schott                         Vivian and Daniel Stubblefield,      William and Sherril Wood
     June Perry                           Nancy Schulman                           in memory of June Poe and        Donna Wright
     Teresa Rennick and David Petersen,   Charyl and John Schulze                  Elizabeth Schulman, and, in      Andrea and Steven Yancey
        in memory of Monty Dehlinger      Schwab Charitable                        honor of Nan Schulman            Susan Yates
                                          Nancy Schwarz                        Shirley Stuelpnagel, in memory       Margo Young
Added COLOR to this newsletter            Brenda Schweitzer                        of the dogs I have loved         Whitney Baker and David Young
        donated by                        George Scott                         Judith Sundaram                      Elva Younkin
                                          Christine Sears                      Julie Swallow                        Kevin Zade, in honor of
                                          Janet Sears                          Jana and Nick Sweet                      Lucy and Buddy
                                          Doris Segner                         Carolyn and Jim Tabor
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Jackson County Animal Shelter

Weekends are the time to come to the Shelter to                 Come meet our adoptable dogs.
meet your new best friend. On Saturdays and
Sundays, noon to 4:00 pm, you can drop on by
without an appointment to visit the dogs.

Come Visit Dogs on the Weekends
No appointments needed!
Appointments are still needed Tuesday – Friday
for dogs. Appointments are always needed to
visit with cats. (541) 774-6654, option 0.

We encourage you to preview all of the
available animals at

COVID-19 restrictions are still in effect.
Masks are required.

STOP BY and meet your fur-ever friend!
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