NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College

Page created by Christopher Anderson
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College
 Updates from Balliol alumni around the world
             A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College

Stuart Bebb
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College
News and Notes

                                                                                                                                        NEWS AND NOTES
           We are delighted to share news from the Balliol community

Professor Jonathan Meakins                Shmuel Gelles of Siematycze, and               Leonard Barden (1949)
(Nuffield Professor of Surgery and        became known as Moses Gelles, scholar          Leonard Barden still contributes his
Professorial Fellow 2002–2008)            of the Brody Klaus. I am his 6th-              weekly chess columns to the Guardian
Jonathan Meakins is to be inducted to     generation descendant. On my mother’s,
the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame.        side, the ancestor of my grandmother           where they began in 1955, and to the
                                          Chawa Wahl was Saul Wahl (1545–1617),          Financial Times (from 1975). His daily
Carl Woodall (Fellow and Domestic         scion of the Katzenellenbogen Chief            Evening Standard puzzle, which began in
Bursar, 2000–2009)                        Rabbis of Padua and Venice. I am               1956 and continued for more than 63
Now Director of Facilities, House         his 14th-generation descendant. The            years, was the longest-running daily
of Lords (since 2009) and member          family of my great-grandmother,                column by a single individual in all
of the House of Lords Management          Sarah Matel Chajes, left Portugal in           journalism when it ended, because of
Board (since 2009). Also Chair,           the 15th century and came to Prague            editorial cutbacks, in January 2020.
Parliamentary Safety Assurance Board,     via Provence. My ancestor Isaac ben
and Chair, Parliamentary Fire Safety      Abraham Chayes was Chief Rabbi of
Board. Married Caroline Mary Newell,      Prague and brother-in-law of Rabbi
September 2013 in Oxford (married by
former Balliol Chaplain and Emeritus
                                          Judah Loew (c.1520 – 1609). Many
                                          Chajes rabbis and scholars followed
Fellow Dr H.D. Dupree).                   in Galicia, Italy, Vienna, and the New         John Mallet (1950)
                                          World. Notable ancestors also included         Last year saw the publication of Maiolica
                                          Cohen (HaKohen, Katz, Sacerdote)               in Italy and Beyond: Papers of a Symposium
                                          and Levites (Halevi, Halevi Segal).            in Celebration of Timothy Wilson’s Catalogue
1940s                                        For details see ‘Papers of Edward
                                          Gelles’ at
                                                                                         of Maiolica in the Ashmolean Museum
                                                                                         (Ashmolean Museum, 2021) of which,
Edward Gelles (1944)                                                                     with Elisa Sani, I was joint editor and
I continue my researches into my          Thomas Hughes (1947)                           to which I also contributed a paper. It
ancestral background. I was born          Thomas L. Hughes is the subject of a           contains essays by a number of Tim’s
in Vienna and my parents were Dr          new biography published by Brookings           friends in Great Britain and overseas
David Itzig Gelles and Regina Griffel,    in Washington, The Last Gentleman:             including Elisa and myself, besides a
who came from old Jewish families         Thomas Hughes and the End of the American      bibliography of the writings of this
in Austrian Galicia. My paternal          Century by Bruce Smith (2022). The             distinguished ceramic historian with a
grandparents, Rabbi Nahum Uri             book contains much new information             Balliol connection (Emeritus Fellow).
Gelles and Esther, daughter of Rabbi      about US foreign policy in the 1960s
Zvi Aryeh Weinstein, had Horowitz         – especially Cuba and Vietnam.                 Robin Minney (1950)
mothers. I am a 7th-generation            Hughes was Assistant Secretary of              In January I had my 90th birthday. Our
descendant of Chief Rabbi Isaac           State (Director of Intelligence and            eldest son came with his wife and she
Horowitz of Hamburg. I am a 6th-          Research) in the Kennedy and Johnson           made not only the magnificent cake
generation descendant of Chief            administrations, and subsequently              but also lunches for two sessions, all
Rabbi Shmuel Helman of Metz; 8th-         Minister in the US embassy in London
generation descendant of Chief Rabbi      (1969–1970). Hughes still lives in
Nathan Nata Shapiro of Cracow and         Washington, age 96.
10th-generation from his eponymous
grandfather, Chief Rabbi of Grodno;       Lionel Scott (1948)
and 10th-generation of Rabbi Moshe        My book, Pytheas of Massalia: Texts,
Heilprin of Berdishev and Solotwina       Translation, Commentary, was published
and of Uri Feivush ben David, Chief       by Routledge on 22 November 2021.
Rabbi of Vilna and later head of the      Pytheas deserves to be better known
Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem.         than he is, because it was his account of
I am a descendant of Mordecai Jaffe       his pioneering voyage from Marseille
(1530–1612), Chief Rabbi of Prague,       into the Atlantic in c.325 BC that
Grodno, and Posen, known as the           brought the very existence of the
Levush. His descendant Moses Mendel       island of Britain to the notice of the
Levush married a daughter of Rabbi        Mediterranean world.

Front cover: Caryn Davies (2013) and friends: see her entry on page 24.
Opposite: Old Members gather outside Hall at the Balliol Society Weekend, September 2021.                    NEWS AND NOTES        2
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College

                 served on palm leaf plates and bowls.        era in the United States. Fast forward      but my only other formal connection
                 Because of the pandemic, we invited          40 years and I was attending the            was to be allocated a ‘Moral Tutor’,
                 only local friends to come in four           Commonwealth Heads of Government            Heinrich Kuhn (Fellow and Tutor in
                 sessions: coffee and cake; lunch one;        Meeting in Auckland, October 1995,          Physics 1950–1969). I saw him twice
                 lunch two; or tea and cake. Everyone         as Chair of the Commonwealth of             a year. His field was Fundamental
                 had a piece of cake, so I lit the candles    Learning. I introduced myself to the        Physics and we did not know what
                 four times and then blew them all out,       head of Guyana, Dr Cheddi Jagan,            we were supposed to do. So we talked
                 and people sang ‘Happy Birthday’. Our        and asked if he remembered the              about his work connected with the
                 eldest son also had a birthday a year or     Oxford meeting and the brash young          Manhattan Project.
                 so ago, which he celebrated by taking        Canadian who asked him a question.
                 out a shell four on the Thames. I rowed      He exclaimed: ‘It was you!’ and gave me     Richard Grassby (1954)
                 wearing my Leander pink socks – I am         a big hug. How pleased I was to remind      I published a new book in December,
                 still a member after 70 years.               him that we had established the Cheddi      2021: Richard Grassby, Aesop Redux: Fifty
                                                              Jagan Lecture at York University.           Fables of the Modern Era.
                 James Taylor (1951)
                 In a ceremony at the residence of the        Robert Kernohan (1953)                      Alexander Hopkinson-Woolley (1955)
                 Japanese Ambassador in Ottawa on             I am resigned to being a spectator          My second book, Where is the Evidence?
                 8 September 2021 I was awarded the           of the world’s worries and not a            Finding the Truth in the Gospel of John
                 Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and            participant. Giving up driving has been     (Troubador, 2022), is now in print.
                 Silver Star.                                 more isolating than legal lockdowns.        An important strut in the framework
                                                              In old age one can still share in the       of the argument is that the writer
                 Richard Wheadon (1951)                       new worlds explored by one’s children;      of the Gospel was writing while
                 On 2 August 2021 my wife and I               when very old one draws increasingly        questioning the witness. This process
                 celebrated our Diamond Wedding               on grandchildren. Isolation gave me         is best illustrated by the account of the
                 anniversary. We originally met on a          time to absorb the thesis on aristocratic   informal trial of Jesus following his
                 ‘blind date’ organised by her father,        Victorian visitors to Australia and         arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.
                 Group Captain F.C. Richardson, who           New Zealand which secured my                The writer asked where the party went
                 was President of the RAF Rowing Club.        granddaughter Kirsty a doctorate in         after the arrest; the witness answered
                 I was a Flying Officer and Captain,          anthropology from Aberdeen.                 that they went to the house of Annas
                 coach and member of the RAF VIII. It                                                     first and then to the house of Caiaphas.
                 seems that I was found to be a suitable      Emeritus Professor Colin Apelt (1954)       The writer then asked what happened
                 escort for his daughter at the Coastal       Two articles in Floreat Domus May           and wrote his account without
                 Command Summer Ball on 19 July               2020 highlighted how much Balliol           checking in which house the events
                 1957. Thereafter neither of us ‘went         has changed since my time there.            occurred. As a result all the events that
                 out’ with any other; we announced our        The article ‘Balliol women: 40 years        actually took place in the house of the
                 engagement on 19 July 1959 and the           on’ told of their major contribution        High Priest are said to have occurred
                 rest, as they say, is (also) history!        to College life since the first women       in the house of Annas. C.S. Lewis
                                                              were admitted in 1979. I recalled           remarked on the authentic character
                 Professor Ian Macdonald (1952)               correspondence I had with Sir David         of the stories in John’s Gospel. This
                 It was 70 years ago that I came to           Lindsay Keir (Master 1949–1965), after      book tries to show how the witness
                 Balliol to begin a wonderful three years     my return to Australia. At Christmas        gathered the information and suggests
                 in Oxford. To be accepted by Balliol was     1961, I reported the birth our first        that the witness had a most retentive
                 one of the greatest joys of my life. This    child, a daughter, but regretted that       and detailed memory of all the
                 milestone year has led me to reflect on      she would not be able to follow me          experiences. If this thesis is accepted,
                 many experiences during my Balliol           at Balliol. The Master replied that he      the presentation of Christianity will
                 years such as going to a public meeting      hoped that he would never see that          need to be modified.
                 to hear Dr Cheddi Jagan, Marxist             day. Sir David died in 1973 so he did
                 leader of the independence movement          not have to come to terms with that         Malcolm Fluendy (1956)
                 in Guyana. He was on a mission to            change! The article ‘New rooms for          No publications, no awards, just
                 the UK to seek constitutional change         students’ reported one outcome from         enjoying life!
                 for his country. Part way through the        the new buildings at the Master’s Field
                 meeting, someone threw a smoke bomb          would be to house more of Balliol’s         Professor Roger Doherty (1957)
                 into the hall, which was promptly            graduate students. I was delighted to       Sadly, for the last two years Covid
                 evacuated. When the meeting resumed,         read how well Balliol now is welcoming      has eliminated my regular biennial
                 a question period followed and I asked:      and making special provision for            stay, together with my wife, Judy
                 ‘Dr Jagan, what is it that you are seeking   graduate students. I recalled that when     (LMH 1960), at the Indian Institute
                 for Guyana?’ He replied: ‘I want to          I went up to Oxford to undertake a          of Technology, Bombay – as it’s still
                 deliver my people from colonial rule         DPhil in Engineering Science, I felt        officially titled, although the city is
                 and provide them with a free society.’       that Balliol did not quite know what        otherwise always called Mumbai –
                 I said: ‘That is good enough for me.’        to do with graduate students. I was         where I work as a Visiting Professor
                 Remember that this was in the midst          fortunate to be accommodated in             with an ex-PhD student of mine from
                 of the Cold War and the McCarthy             Holywell Manor for the first two years      Drexel University in Philadelphia. He

                 3   FLOREAT DOMUS JUNE 2022
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College
has a very active and stimulating group          oncoming climate catastrophe may just          Ian Watson (1960)
of research students with whom I have            be avoided. Late in the year, I grieved for    In February 2021 NewCon Press (UK)
been able to maintain contact via email          Archbishop Desmond Tutu, outspoken             published in signed hardback and
and Skype, and thus contribute to a              champion of real Christianity, fighter         paperback my novella The Monster, The
series of research publications. Covid           for human rights and against apartheid         Mermaid, and Doctor Mengele. Suppose
also deprived us of our regular tourist          in South Africa and elsewhere. I               that Victor Frankenstein fulfilled
visits to other places in India (and also        met him when I was working in                  his promise to the Monster to make
to Nepal), which were a vital part of            Johannesburg in the early 1980s. He            him a mate, on the lonely Scottish
our months there. I have often told my           had been talking about sanctions. I said:      island. Suppose that the Monster duly
younger colleagues at Drexel, where              ‘What about foreign investment?’ His           disappeared into
I continue as an Emeritus Professor:             reply was a splendid guffaw!                   South American
‘Always treat your students well – they                                                         jungles to live in
may later invite you for enjoyable visits        Malcolm Brahams (1959)                         blissful secrecy
to interesting places.’ More seriously,          I have been an active member of various        with his equally
Covid also restricted our regular four-          groups in our local Hampstead Garden           long-living mate
yearly visits to our son, Steven, in             Suburb U3A since my retirement in 2017         – until the arrival
Sydney, which oddly always seemed to             (and have been running two of them)            of Nazi war
coincide with the Ashes series; and so,          but I have now become one of their             criminals after
for the first time in well over a decade,        trustees so, if I previously had any free      the Second World
we missed them. I suppose one can be             time, that has taken up a good deal of it.     War … (69 pages.)
grateful for small mercies.                      Also, I turned 80 in August 2021 and my
                                                 children treated me to a ‘surprise’ lunch      Professor Roger Green (1961)
Brian Richardson (1957)                          in the Balliol Old Common Room. It             My translation and commentary of/on
I celebrated my 85th birthday in 2021            was a delightful occasion and persuaded        the Latin poems of Sidonius Apollinaris
with help from all my extended family            at least one of my grandchildren to            comes out this summer, as will a study
here in Canada. I’m still working as             aspire to an Oxbridge education.               of the very different Latin poems
an organist for the Anglican church,                                                            written in the mid-16th century by
funeral homes, and wedding venues;                                                              Roderick MacLean of Iona, produced
and plan to continue as long as possible.                                                       with the help of the Scottish historian
                                                                                                Alan MacQuarrie (introduction,
Anthony Sperryn (1957)                                                                          translation, and commentary). I have
In 2021, I continued my internet                                                                also contributed to the forthcoming
commenting, as Britain fast becomes                                                             Cambridge History of Later Latin Literature
a fascist state and its rulers ditch the                                                        and to the new edition of the Oxford
conventions that should underlie                                                                Dictionary of the Christian Church. My wife
our ‘democracy’. My own health has                                                              and I continue to enjoy life in North
deteriorated, in part because I have                                                            Yorkshire, close to the Dales (or at least
been caught up in the dismemberment              Professor Richard Dawkins (1959                one of them), having left Scotland,
of the National Health Service, with             and Honorary Fellow)                           where I spent a life in the universities
some items forbidden for staff to deal           I published two books in 2021. Books           of St Andrews and Glasgow, teaching
with. In April, after a six months’ wait,        do Furnish a Life (Bantam Press) is            Latin and Classics. After the windswept
I experienced a priceless moment when            a collection of my book reviews,               west coast of Scotland, the average
the hospital consultant administered a           forewords, afterwords and other book-          windspeed is not so different.
treatment saying: ‘I’m not supposed to           related essays; Flights of Fancy (Apollo) is
do this.’ Successive governments have            an account for young people of flying:         Professor David Kirk (1961)
been neglectful about wellbeing, caring          all the methods of staying aloft that          It is some time since I appeared in
only about finance, which is completely          have evolved in insects, pterosaurs, bats,     News and Notes. However, there may
the wrong way round to deal with a               birds and man-made flying machines.            still be some interested in my more
vital service. In September, I renewed                                                          recent activities. After I retired from
my contact with the College with the                                                            clinical surgical practice in 2005, I
very enjoyable Balliol Society weekend.                                                         continued to be involved in the
I had previously made a donation of
a new economics book (P. Allen, P.
                                                 1960s                                          examinations for surgical trainees.
                                                                                                During the last few years this was as an
Konzelmann and S. Toporowski (eds),              Timothy Ades (1960)                            assessor – overseeing the examiners
Return of the State: Restructuring Britain for   Rhyming Translator-Poet on Facebook            rather than examinees. As I had started
the Common Good, Agenda, 2021) and I             and YouTube. Three sons, five                  examining in 1984, before most of the
hope my interventions on that front              grandchildren.                                 recent candidates were born, I decided
will help stir things up. There is a magic                                                      in 2014 the time had come to stop.
money tree, but it needs to be handled           Professor Michael Reeve (1960)                 Since we moved to Dunblane, Gill and
for the common good and not only, as             In October I published The Transmission        I have become involved in the activities
happens now, for those at the centre of          of Pliny’s ‘Natural History’ (Storia e         of its cathedral (about which, see Record
power. If people understand this, the            Letteratura, Rome, 2021).                      2010; 29–34). Despite its name, this is

                                                                                                                   NEWS AND NOTES        4
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College

                                                              Astronomy, and is published by Springer,      turns of corporate life! It will not be
                                                              who publish the scientific journal            easy for her as most of the investors
                                                              Nature. The title is a phrase which was       in US hotels franchised with IHG vote
                                                              used journalistically after the first         Republican.
                                                              detections of gravitational waves were
                                                              published in 2016, to refer to the fact       Professor Wieland Gevers (1962)
                                                              that gravitational waves are a way of         After obtaining a medical degree
                                                              exploring the universe by a means other       in Cape Town, I came to Oxford as
                                                              than electromagnetic radiation. But for       a Rhodes Scholar to complete the
                                                              the book I expand the use of the term         honour school in Biochemistry in
                                                              to include the variety of methods of          one year and a DPhil in Biochemistry
                 one of the Church of Scotland’s parish       detecting astronomical sources, across        by 1966 under Sir Hans Krebs. I
                 churches. We are both elders and are         the full electromagnetic spectrum,            have recently become an Emeritus
                 involved particularly in the work of its     as well as using neutrinos, cosmic            Member of the Academy of Science of
                 Pastoral Care Committee, of which I          rays, meteoritic material, and indeed         South Africa (ASSAf ), of which I was
                 am convener. A historically important        gravitational waves. Each of 12 chapters      President from 1998 to 2004. I had
                 building, it has a Society of Friends (in    is based on one technique, describing         previously been a Helen Hay Whitney
                 1930 the first such organisation to be       how and when it originated, the physics       postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory
                 set up in Scotland). Coincidentally,         behind it and also the results it achieves,   of Dr Fritz Lipmann at the Rockefeller
                 Lord Blanesburgh (1880), who was the         including the most recent results             University, New York, before returning
                 College Visitor from 1933 to 1946, was       in each field.                                to South Africa successively to build
                 also the Society’s first President and       Although I had                                two new departments of medical
                 later its patron. Gill served as its         the New Scientist                             biochemistry at the Universities
                 secretary for 18 years until 2019; I am a    reader in mind,                               of Stellenbosch and Cape Town; I
                 member of its council, a trustee and         friends have said                             was a deputy vice-chancellor at the
                 the convener of its Projects Committee.      that the book                                 latter institution from 1992 to 2002.
                 Also, I have been documenting the            is suitable for                               I founded and directed UCT’s new
                 history of early days of the society.        A Level physics                               Institute of Infectious Disease and
                 Inevitably, since March 2020 the             students, or as                               Molecular Medicine (IDM) from 2002
                 pandemic has interrupted or curtailed        an introductory                               to 2005. For many years I managed and
                 most of these activities. Perhaps by the     text for first-year                           chaired the selection committee for
                 time you read this we may be in              undergraduates.                               the Oxford Nuffield Medical Fellows
                 happier times.                                                                             from South Africa. I was elected to
                                                              Hugh Beevor (1962)                            Fellowship of the World Academy of
                 Neil McQueen (1961)                          Magdalena and I remain well and               Sciences (TWAS) in 2005. My wife
                 Last year I read that Stephen Jessel         enjoying our full-of-light flat in            Elizabeth, whom I married in Oxford
                 (1961), with whom I lunch occasionally       Putney but hoping for a better set of         in 1963 in the University Church on
                 in Paris where we both live, has a new       politicians to govern the country. Our        the High Street, passed away at the end
                 nationality, French, and that my old         daughter, Mariana Szebrat (Economics          of 2016; we have four children living
                 friend Doug Rosenthal (1961) had a           and Management, Pembroke 2000),               in three countries. Of all the phases in
                 new love. I, in turn, now have an Irish      made use of her 2020 furlough time by         our lives, that spent in Oxford was the
                 passport, through my late mother, and        following a Cambridge online course           most memorable.
                 so remain European after the awful           on sustainability. She posted a 29-
                 Brexit. Also had lunch with Bob Huddie       page report on her LinkedIn entry,            Mike Morris (1962)
                 (1960) – first meeting in 58 years.          ‘A Practical Guide to Environmental           What do Balliol people do when they
                                                              Sustainability’, which was seen and           retire? It’s the golf course for some, but
                 Richard Morris (1961)                        liked by hundreds. From reading it,           for me it’s writing letters to prisoners.
                 As it has for many, 2021 has been a year     we decided against further long-haul          I got into this through the choir I sing
                 to forget. Advancing years bring the         travel, sold our diesel car and now use
                 joys of prostate cancer and spouse’s         her petrol car while mostly she travels
                 Alzheimer’s, but these have at least         by bicycle and train. By a strange quirk
                 brought me into new fields of research       of business life, after IHG plc had
                 as a patient specialist. The complexities    made her and many others redundant
                 of setting up current medical research       and she had started to build a profile
                 are a revelation.                            in sustainability consulting with NFP
                                                              work in Wandsworth, she was invited
                 Professor John Beckman (1962)                by IHG plc to take on the project
                 In July 2021, after dedicating my years of   management of their zero carbon
                 professional work to articles in learned     strategy as a consultant and more
                 journals, I finally published a book with    recently to rejoin as an employee at a
                 a style more appropriate to teaching         higher level than before as Director
                 and outreach. It is called Multimessenger    Global Decarbonisation. The twists and

                 5   FLOREAT DOMUS JUNE 2022
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College
with (bear with me on this). The South      graduates, and a tertiary support           Professor Andrew Carstairs-
London Choir supports a charity called      programme for university students.          McCarthy (1963)
Liberty Choir, which sends volunteers       The College can, we believe, take           At Balliol I was a reluctant classicist,
into prisons to sing with prisoners. It     pride in SAEP’s many and diverse            since linguistics was not available. But
was a sight to behold, 30 prisoners and     contributions to SA’s post-apartheid        I have now published a book which
volunteers – mainly women – singing         education and development. We thank         exploits what I learned about the Aeneid
numbers from A Chorus Line complete         all those associated with Balliol for the   and Homer from Robert Ogilvie (1950,
with the dance movements. Of course,        generous support and encouragement          Fellow and Tutor in Classics 1957–1970)
since lockdown we haven’t been              which made this possible.                   and Jasper Griffin (1956, Dyson Junior
allowed in. So instead, we write letters.                                               Research Fellow 1961–1963, Tutorial
Every Thursday morning finds me             Professor the Hon Robin Wilson              Fellow in Classics 1963–2004): Zeus,
sitting down and writing, as you can see    (1962)                                      Jupiter, Jesus and the Catholic Church: What
in the picture. Some never write back,      Four hundred years ago saw the              Good Is a God? (Cambridge Scholars
but others do and then it becomes           founding of Oxford University’s             Publishing, 2021). Also I have become
really interesting.                         Savilian Chair of Geometry, the             a Catholic, despite being in a same-sex
                                            earliest university-based mathematics       relationship for 30 years. How come?
Professor David Pugsley (1962)              professorship in England. To                God does not correct humans’ mistaken
Published on 17 December 2021, ‘Albert      commemorate this event, I organised a       beliefs by force. That is why Jesus could
Borowitz v. Jane Leigh Perrot,’ JASNA,      one-day meeting for the British Society     do no miracles at Nazareth. Hence
Persuasions online, vol. 42, No. 1, after   for the History of Mathematics at the       also the Catholic Church did not
reading Graham Avery’s article on Jane      Bodleian Library in November 2019, at       unequivocally condemn slavery until
Austen in the Annual Record 2017.           which seven lectures were presented.        the Second Vatican Council. And the
                                            I have now edited their presentations       Church on earth still makes mistakes.
Norton Tennille (1962)                      into a book, Oxford’s Savilian Professors   She condemns masturbation and
In 2021 my wife Jane Keen and I retired     of Geometry: The First 400 Years, which     homosexuality because they cannot
from active leadership of the South         has just been published by Oxford           lead to conception – yet she does not
African Education Project (SAEP),           University Press (2022). Written for        forbid married couples to have sex after
an educational and charitable NPO           the general interested reader, the book     the wife’s menopause. The Church also
based in Cape Town created in the           is highly illustrated, and three of the     allows a woman to represent Christ in
US in 1994 ( SAEP’s           chapters have Balliol authors: myself,      baptising a baby – yet not in celebrating
original mission was environmental          Keith Hannabuss (1963, Fellow and           the Eucharist. Such contradictions
education and sustainable development       Tutor in Mathematics 1971–2012 and          benefit no one except the devil. The
in the new South Africa. I arrived in       Emeritus Fellow),                           devil parallels Jupiter in the Aeneid that
Cape Town three weeks after Nelson          and Frances                                 Virgil wrote in case Augustus should
Mandela’s inauguration and have             Kirwan (1981,                               fail. This Aeneid is identical to the one
lived here and devoted my life to           Fellow and Tutor                            he wrote for Augustus’s success. The
SAEP ever since. SAEP was Balliol-          in Mathematics                              second is what almost everybody reads,
led from the outset. Its founding           1986–2017                                   but the first is more subtle and more
board included then Master (1989-           and Emeritus                                powerful. Jupiter deceives Aeneas. Even
1994) Baruch Blumberg and fellow            Fellow), the                                so, Aeneas emerges as the hero. His
Old Members Daniel J. O’Flaherty            current Savilian                            pietas earns him
(1965) and Oliver St C. Franklin (1967      Professor of                                the same praise
and Honorary Fellow). A number of           Geometry).                                  as is lavished
Balliol students and graduates joined                                                   on the young
SAEP as volunteers in the early years,      Professor Gerald Wright (1962)              warriors Nisus
seven with financial support from           I have for nearly nine years been a         and Euryalus at
the College. Many Old Members               member of the National Board of the         the World Trade
supported us from the US, including         Canadian International Council. The         Center memorial:
Jim Rogers (1964), who hosted some          council is approaching its centenary        ‘No day shall
of our earliest events in NYC, and          year (2028) and, as well as producing       erase you from
long-time board member Walter B.            the International Journal and an online     the memory of
Slocombe (1963). The Rhodes Trust           magazine, Open Canada, has 19 branches      time.’
under Warden Anthony J.P. Kenny             that give it a presence across Canada
(Master 1978-1989) provided early           – no small feat in a country that           Professor Carlos Corrêa (1963)
support from the UK. Twenty-six years       spans six time zones and is bounded         I’m 85 years old and I’ve been retired
later, SAEP is a flourishing community-     by three oceans. I am also teaching         since 2006. Death will certainly be the
based project in Philippi township          Asia-Pacific Economic and Political         next news.
with programmes in environmental            Relations in the Norman Paterson
education, youth development, early         School of Ottawa’s Carleton University,     John Hamwee (1963)
childhood education, primary and            an interest that was awakened by two        John Hamwee married Scilla Elworthy
secondary education, a ‘bridging year’      visiting appointments, 30 years apart,      on 19 June 2021, only 36 years after he
programme for recent high school            in Japanese universities.                   proposed.

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NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College

                 Paul Williams (1963)                         David Willington (1964)
                 I read maths, psychology and                 2021 has been of necessity a quiet year.
                 philosophy at Balliol in the 1960s,          However, we were able to celebrate
                 followed by a career in teaching and         our Golden Wedding anniversary with
                 research in the field of social care. Last   all the family, whether in Scotland or
                 year I reported writing my life story        London. Congratulations to Mary for
                 during lockdown and a few fellow             putting up with me for so long. My
                 alumni requested it. I would still be        hip operation at the end of last year
                 pleased to email it to anyone who            has been a great success. Five months
                 might be interested: paulgwilliams@          later, I climbed a Munro with the
                                     grandchildren. I now have an electric
                                                              bike, which takes the misery out of
                 Professor Charles Burroughs (1964)           hills, and there are a lot of hills in
                 Charles Burroughs is about to teach his      Perthshire. Look out for An African
                 absolutely final class, having already       Romance, my fifth novel, which will be
                 retired twice. Recent article on the         coming out in the spring.
                 idea of boundary in humanist culture
                                                                                                           Eric holding Ben Franklin terracotta
                 in the early 16th century and current        Sir Michael Burton (1965)
                                                                                                           medallion by Nini, 1777.
                 work on the crowd of tousled thinkers        I have finally left the Commercial
                 in Raphael’s fresco The School of Athens.    Court in November 2021, driven out
                 Like being back at Balliol, or the Monty     by statutory incapacity at 75, with a        interest in numismatics continues: I
                 Python sketch on the philosophers’           valedictory performed in court in the        have two books published and donated
                 soccer game.                                 best traditions of the Balliol Players:      two large collections to the Ashmolean.
                                                              though I continue judging on Zoom for           Over the years, I and my partner
                 Sandy Gray (1964)                            the Commercial Court of Abu Dhabi            Robert Bell have received visits from a
                 The small group of ’64/65-ers (chemists,     and appealing chartered surveyors,           number of travel scholarship winners
                 engineers, a medic and a historian)          and the odd arbitration and mediation.       of what started as the Coolidge
                 reported last year continues to Zoom         More time to spend with my family            Pathfinders scheme (now the William
                 every six weeks or so, between the Alps      including 10 grandchildren!                  Westerman Pathfinders programme).
                 in the east, across the UK, to the Rockies
                 in the west. We celebrate the successes      J. Eric Engstrom (1965)                      Phillip Gordon (1965)
                 of Oxford science, lament the state of       Graduating from Dartmouth College in         I’m happy to report that while my
                 politics generally, worry about the world    the US, I had only one year at Balliol       career as a practising lawyer is drawing
                 our grandchildren may inherit, but           (as a Recognized Student) due to a           to a close, I remain active in charitable
                 very much enjoy each other’s company.        limited military service deferment.          causes, such as charter schools, Jewish
                 Floreat Domus de Balliolo!                   I studied history and numismatics            studies, the fight against anti-Semitism
                                                              at the Heberden Coin Room of the             and support of the College. I am looking
                 Nicholas Stoy (1964)                         Ashmolean while living at the Manor.         forward to showing my numerous
                 With support and encouragement from              Next was Law School at University        grandchildren around the College
                 my old tutor, Denis Noble (Emeritus          of Chicago and then work at the              this summer when we visit the UK
                 Fellow), I am currently a Visitor            Dewey, Ballantine New York City law          (assuming that we aren’t barred by health
                 in the Department of Physiology,             firm before I was called to active duty.     concerns). I’m also engaged in assisting
                 Anatomy and Genetics at Oxford               I was an Army Captain and served in          a family member who is developing
                 and have had a paper published               Vietnam as a General Staff Officer,          a golf resort on the coast of Oregon,
                 during 2021 in the journal Frontiers         being decorated with two bronze stars.       golfing when the weather permits and
                 in Immunology, entitled ‘Involvement         Upon leaving the service I returned          travelling, so boredom isn’t imminent.
                 of interleukin-1 receptor-associated         to my home in Wichita, Kansas, and
                 kinase 4 and interferon regulatory           joined a law firm where I practised          Roy Hay (1965)
                 factor 5 in the immunopathogenesis           corporate law for nearly fifty years until   We managed to resume the Australian
                 of SARS-CoV-2 infection: implications        the onset of Parkinson’s Disease forced      rights to Aboriginal People and Australian
                 for the treatment of Covid-19’; article      my retirement.                               Football in the Nineteenth Century: They Did
                 accessible in full in Pubmed. I have             During my career, I was very involved    Not Come from Nowhere and published
                 nearly completed another paper on            with historic preservation. I am an          a paperback edition in November
                 Covid-19 which might appeal to a             Advisor Emeritus for Kansas to the           2021. The UK edition was shortlisted
                 more general readership; it is written       National Trust for Historic Preservation     for the Lord Aberdare Prize of the
                 specifically for non-immunologists and       and served on the state’s Historic Sites     British Society of Sports History. My
                 should contain a programmable model,         Board of Review under nine governors         biography of Albert Pompey Austin: A Man
                 if I can ever get it to work!                for over 40 years. When the Board of         Between Two Worlds was commended
                                                              the Wichita Art Museum asked me to           in the Victorian Community History
                                                              become interim Director I continued          Awards. I’m still behind my mother-
                                                              my law practice along with the museum        in-law, Catherine Wells, who did not
                                                              position for some thirteen months. My        publish her first book till she was 86.

                 7   FLOREAT DOMUS JUNE 2022
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College
Ian Mertling-Blake (1965)                   past and present as a whole, and to all       political trust/legitimacy crisis, as the
                                            who chance to read this missive. Be           authority of knowledge, indeed the
Losing It?                                  well; and may the force be with you.          authority of authority itself, erodes; and
                                                                                          an international system/geopolitical
‘Do you know who you are?’ they say.        Ian Prattis (1965)                            crisis, as the post-Second World War
Now she’s asking, ‘Name to-day.’            The revenues from my 2021 book –              international system loses cogency and
Then ‘What month?’ and next ‘What           Past, Present, Future: Stories that Haunt –   effectiveness, shaped by and deepening
   year?’                                   created the Dr Ian Prattis Scholarship        rivalry and hostility between the
They think I’m going potty I fear,          for Indigenous, Black and Racialized          US and China. The Commission’s
Just because when, said and done,           Students at Carleton University,              aim is to have a significant impact
I’ve reached the age of ninety-one!         Ottawa. Value $2,000. Established in          on public discussion in the media,
‘Now tell me, backwards, from               September 2021. Awarded annually by           expert commentary, and specialised
   December months of the year. If          the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral         fora, and directly on policy decision-
   you remember                             Affairs on the recommendation                 making in government and other
Them all and recite them in right order,    of the Chair of the Department of             bodies at national and international
That will mean we can recorder a            Sociology and Anthropology to an              levels. We will be launching a
Tick on the form we both must sign          outstanding Indigenous, Black or              number of specific action-focused
Just down here on the dotted line.’         Racialized student. I was a professor         initiatives, treating lessons learned;
Shall I pull her leg? Pretend               there from 1970 to 2007. I present            the establishment of pandemic early-
I’m already half-way round the bend?        the scholarship to graduates who are          warning systems; managing and costing
Stumble when I get to June?                 outstanding, diligent and intelligent.        risk and resilience; and building trust/
Put in April much too soon?                 I wrote the book because I had to.            treating truth decay. Briefings of
I’d better not in case they might           My responsibility of holding the pen          senior government leaders in several
Send plain van, strong men in white         was a mere posture to place words             countries are in process. In personal
Coats. (I don’t think I could hack it       in a sequence that would resonate             news, daughter Rebecca gave birth to
However warm their padded jacket.)          in the reader’s mind. I had a sense           granddaughter Vivian Selah in New
Now where did I put down my keys …          of reciprocity about what I felt was          York in October, joining a company
When I came in? NURSE! Help me              necessary to heal the world from              of 11 other grandchildren living in
   please.                                  climate emergency and pandemic. The           Toronto, Amsterdam, Boston, Tel Aviv,
                                            chapters play their part throughout as        and New York.
NB I heard that these are some of the       a sort of call and response meter that
questions when testing for senility.        leans on kinship and community rather         Lord Angus Stewart (1965)
                                            than corporate greed. The chapters            My wife Jenny and I joined the 2021
Michael Paling (1965)                       become as seeds in the mind of the            reunion of Modern History alumni
Being well past my allotted three score     reader, so my work cannot be buried           from the years 1965 to 1968. The
years and ten, I sense the presence of      or lost. There is a strong emphasis on        reunion took place in north London
Father Time’s footsteps behind me,          indigenous wisdom that pulls chapters         from 7 to 10 September. The enjoyable
getting closer, and ready to tap me on      together while displaying how easy it is      event was hosted and superbly
the shoulder. Funny how one can take        to fall into destruction. Take a look at      organised by Andrew and Dorothy
for granted the progressive decrepitude         Irving. Other participants were: Martin
of aging as just part of ‘the suchness of   to purchase the book. Folks in Ottawa         Cree, Alan and Lidia Knight, Alex and
life’, albeit hastened by high mileage.     are welcome to get Past, Present, Future      Riitta Pravda, Michael and Jane Orr,
Regrettably I had to cancel my              from my home and also receive, free,          David and Sue Walmsley. The group
volunteer trip to Guatemala at the last     any prior book – no costs for postage.        visited the site of the Battle of Barnet
minute for health reasons, and sadly                                                      (1471); Alexandra Palace (where there
I think it unlikely that I shall make       Berel Rodal (1965)                            was privileged access to the historic
it there again. Just when my Spanish        In case of interest as the world enters       BBC television studios); the Royal Air
was getting tolerable – curses! It is       the third year of the pandemic: the           Force Museum, Hendon; Highgate
many years past that in my travels I        Global Commission for Post-Pandemic           Cemetery; and Kenwood House.
found the profound benefits of insight      Policy, which I co-founded and                Andrew and Dorothy arranged for
meditation, and therein my acceptance       co-direct with Bill Emmott, Editor-           exceptionally good expert guides at
that there is no enduring self occupying    in-Chief Emeritus of The Economist,           each location. Ron and Jane Berenbeim
this corpus. Watching birds, squirrels,     made up of 34 eminent thinkers and            (USA), and Chris Saunders (South
tortoise, and the occasional snake going    doers from around the world, has              Africa) took part by internet link on
about their business in the garden          published its initial assessment. A           the second evening. Bill and Mary
reinforces my understanding that I          core idea is that, from its inception         Makin and Alan and Naomi Fell sent
am in no way different from any other       an accelerator of fractures and               their regrets and good wishes. This
sentient being on this planet, and that     fragilities, the Covid-19 pandemic is         was the 15th such reunion since 2004.
in time we shall all meet the same fate.    being experienced as four intersecting        Earlier in 2021 Ron and Jane Berenbeim
Thus I think this is a fine time to offer   and mutually reinforcing crises: the          (USA), John Green (Canada), Andrew
my very best wishes to all past friends     public health crisis; an increasingly         and Dorothy Irving, Alex and Riitta
at Balliol, to the Balliol community        emergent ecological/climate crisis; a         Pravda, Angus and Jenny Stewart,

                                                                                                             NEWS AND NOTES       8
NEWS AND NOTES Updates from Balliol alumni around the world - A supplement to Floreat Domus 2022 - Balliol College

                 David and Sue Walmsley, and non-            younger person, and probably ten           Professor Christopher Pelling (1966)
                 Balliol others took part in an online       more years to publish, I experimented      Just publications: three books this year,
                 play-reading of A. Chekov’s The Cherry      with combining a conventionally            one of them – Classical Scholarship and Its
                 Orchard. Great fun! There is a plan for     printed and published article with         History: From the Renaissance to the Present:
                 some of the group, led by Alan Knight       a set of transcriptions and rough          Essays in Honour of Christopher Stray (De
                 and Andrew Irving, to canoe from            translations online. The transcriptions    Gruyter, 2021,
                 Lechlade to Oxford in May 2022.             have been on British History Online        – co-edited with Professor Stephen
                                                             (      Harrison (1978). The other two are
                 Stuart Baldock (1966)                       tenants-copies-pre-1400) since April       Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book
                 During lockdown I wrote a book. It          Fools’ Day 2021, and the article,          VI and Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War
                 is an adventure story called Hit Loose,     duly approved for April publication,       Book VII (both Cambridge University
                 published online at,       finally appeared in December 2021          Press and available at www.cambridge.
                 and Balliol is a protagonist. I of course   in Archives, volume 56, part 1 (British    org/highereducation/).
                 recommend it highly!                        Records Association, 2021). Much
                                                             is owed to two helpful editors.            Andrew Scull (1966)
                 Ronald Berenbeim (1966)                                                                Andrew Scull’s new book, Desperate
                 As 2020 began, I had a great career         Andrew Moore (1966)                        Remedies: Psychiatry’s Turbulent Quest to
                 ahead of me. I spent the summer             My first scientific publication was with   Cure Mental Illness, will be published by
                 of 2019 in Shanghai teaching high           Paddy Phizackerley (Fellow and Tutor       Harvard University Press in the USA
                 school seniors who wanted to apply          in Biological Sciences 1960–1994) in       and Allen Lane/Penguin in Britain in
                 to English-speaking universities the        1972; a recent publication marks the       April 2022.
                 Global Business Ethics Practices course     start of a sixth decade of scientific
                 that I had developed over 25 years. I       publishing. It is all rather surprising.   Martin Walker (1966)
                 was offered a contract for 2020. Later      A few years ago I was elected to a         Martin Walker, whose ‘Bruno’ novels
                 that year, my wife and I attended           Fellowship of the Royal College of         are set in the Perigord region of France,
                 a splendid ‘History Boys’ reunion           Anaesthetists, and, to me rather more      was awarded the Prix Charbonnier
                 hosted in Malta by Michael Orr              touching, to an honorary membership        by the Alliance Française for his
                 (1965). We also visited our daughter in     of the International Association for       services to French culture. The Bruno
                 Cambridge, where she is a member of         the Study of Pain (joining Balliol         Cookbook, which won the Gourmand
                 the English Literature Faculty and a        Emeritus Fellow Henry McQuay).             International prize as ‘World’s Best
                 Fellow of Jesus College; we welcomed        Otherwise spending time pretending         French Cookbook’ when it was
                 our second grandson and helped to           to be retired. As an aside, back in the    published in German, comes out in
                 take care of the first. The 2020 summer     late 1960s Balliol ran summer schools      English this year.
                 class in Shanghai didn’t happen, and        for underachieving boys from around
                 it was nearly two years before we saw       the country. The idea was (as I recall)    Oliver Franklin (1967 and Honorary
                 our daughter and grandsons again. I         that these were boys considered to         Fellow)
                 did collaborate with a colleague on         have considerable potential but who        I survived the pandemic in Philadelphia
                 an anti-corruption education book           were not engaged with learning or          by working with the College on the
                 chapter that was published in a SAGE        developing. I was involved in one in       ‘Slavery in the Age of Revolution’
                 Handbook. I wrote an article on Ethical     1968 or (more likely) 1969. I recently     exhibition and project. It was an
                 Stewardship for an IIC Netherlands          found this picture in a drawer from that   excellent opportunity to get back in
                 publication and gave a seminar on           school, with Chris Hill (Master 1965–      touch and realise why the College
                 Ethical Hygiene as part of a webinar        1978), Denis Noble (Emeritus Fellow),      is special in so many ways. On the
                 series, Coffee with Leaders, which I        and Neil MacCormick (Tutorial Fellow       business side, I was appointed to the
                 hasten to add did not much resemble         in Law 1967–1972), though apart from       Ethnic Advisory Board of the NatWest
                 the visions of Vienna and Paris that        Phil Devon (also 1966) in the front        Banking Group. And, on a personal
                 it conjures. As Brooklyn Dodger fans        row names escape me. I am not there,       level, we became grandparents.
                 used to say, ‘Wait till next year.’         though perhaps I was behind the
                                                             camera – who knows? A recent article       Brendan Horton (1967)
                 Christopher Currie (1966)                   on Balliol’s outreach programme to         Not much to report on this year, as
                 My Senior Research Fellowship of the        schools reminded me of this.               life has been largely dictated by living
                 Institute of Historical Research was                                                   with Covid. Have continued with my
                 renamed, perhaps ominously, a Senior                                                   book on the history of stabilisation
                 Fellowship. No marriages or births                                                     and adjustment in Morocco. Sadly, our
                 this year, and no death yet. No book                                                   younger daughter Charlotte was fatally
                 either, but a dual publication on a                                                    injured in a car crash in October in Los
                 similar scale. I had been researching a                                                Angeles. She was 34. We were fortunate
                 moderately numerous type of medieval                                                   to have our older daughter Rebecca with
                 document that had previously been                                                      us for three months, till she returned to
                 thought hardly to exist. Rather than                                                   Edinburgh, where she is the operations
                 a full printed edition, which would                                                    director of an engineering company.
                 have taken a lifetime’s work for a                                                     Her presence helped ease the pain.

                 9   FLOREAT DOMUS JUNE 2022
Professor Jonathan Slack (1967)

                                             Stuart Bebb
Slack, J.M.W., Stem Cells: A Very Short
Introduction, second edition (Oxford
University Press, 2021); Slack, J.M.W.
and Dale, L., Essential Developmental
Biology, fourth edition (Wiley-
Blackwell, 2021).

Professor Sir Drummond Bone (1968
and Honorary Fellow)
Having finally given up my role at the
Arts and Humanities Research Council,
the diary space has been filled in by
becoming the Chair of the National
Library of Scotland. Working too on
a second edition of the CUP Byron
Companion for the anniversary of his
death in 2024.

Julian Manyon (1968)
I have a book coming out entitled
Kidnapped by the Junta (Icon Books, 2022).
It takes its cue from my kidnapping in
Buenos Aires in May 1982 during the
Falklands War while I was reporting
for Thames Television. Newly released
                                                           On 11 March 2022 Fred West (1969) and his wife Debbie stayed in
CIA documents have identified the
                                                           College to celebrate the 50th anniversary of when they first met at
kidnappers as a gang working for
                                                           Balliol on 11 March 1972.
the Argentine secret police led by a
notorious killer, and the book explores
their role both during the so-called
‘Dirty War’ between the Junta and            2019 with good friends from the 1968                   Professor Timothy Weiskel (1969)
left-wing revolutionary groups and in        intake Chris Dunabin, Tim Healey,                      Beyond my daily work on long-term
the war with Britain. Publication to         John Horne and Joe Azizollahoff,                       human survival strategies amidst our
coincides with the 40th anniversary of       just weeks before everything closed                    global ecological and epidemiological
the Falklands conflict on 2 April 2022.      down. In other news, Natasha and                       crises, I have followed with great
                                             I now have two granddaughters                          interest Balliol’s recent initiative
Professor Patrick Thomas (1968)              (Kushla Non and Amala Mali) who are                    in examining ‘Slavery in the Age of
My duties as chair of trustees at            indescribably delightful. And finally,                 Revolution’. Inspired in part by Balliol’s
Theatr Gwaun, our little community           increasingly fed up with the sound                     impressive exhibit and important
theatre which miraculously survives          and the connotations of Nigel, I now                   celebrations of it, I have convened an
on a shoestring, drive out much              use my middle name of Patrick, for                     international group called the ‘Africa
else that I hoped to do when I               preference. Photo taken in the Côte                    Map Circle’ to expand international
retired, although some writing and           Brasserie on George Street, Oxford.                    scholarship in African historical
editing continue. It was a pleasure                                                                 cartography. The point of this new
to meet in Oxford in October                 Sir Nicholas Kenyon (1969 and                          digital humanities research and
                                             Honorary Fellow)                                       teaching initiative is to help African
                                             Nicholas Kenyon completed 14 years                     historians and anthropologists to learn
                                             as Managing Director of London’s                       more about the ecological and social
                                             Barbican Centre in September 2021,                     legacy in Africa of the trans-Atlantic
                                             having previously been Controller of                   maritime trade. Newly available
                                             BBC Radio 3 (1992–1998) and Director                   technologies for digitising rare and
                                             of the BBC Proms (1996–2007). He                       delicate documents combined with
                                             has taken up new roles as Opera Critic                 Zoom conferencing communications
                                             of the Telegraph, and Visiting Scholar                 now make it possible to convene
                                             at the Faculty of Music, University of                 international conferences between
                                             Cambridge. He recently published The                   experts on multiple continents
                                             Life of Music: New Adventures in the Western           to examine the relation between
                                             Classical Tradition (Yale University Press,            European, American and African
                                             2021) and edited Building Utopia: The                  history from multi-disciplinary and
                                             Barbican Centre (Batsford, 2022).                      multi-cultural perspectives, never
                                                                                                    previously possible.

                                                                                                                      NEWS AND NOTES       10

                 1970s                                       Andrew Craig (1971)
                                                             Since retiring from IBM I have gained
                                                             sufficient accounting qualifications
                 Michael Hodges (1970)
                                                             to act as independent examiner for
                 Appointed Architectural Correspondent
                                                             small charities with gross income up
                 of the Catholic Herald (aka ‘The Pointed
                                                             to £250,000. I do not charge for this
                 Arch’) in March 2021.
                                                             service. If you know of a charity that
                                                             is currently paying an accountant and
                 HE Philip McDonagh (1970)
                                                             would rather save that fee for their
                 The centre at Dublin City University
                                                             charity’s beneficiaries, then do get in
                 of which I am Director – the Centre
                                                             contact via the Development Office
                 for Religion, Human Values, and
                 International Relations – was
                                                             to discuss.
                 inaugurated by the Taoiseach (Prime
                                                                                                          through. In family news our eldest
                 Minister) in April 2021. In Vienna
                                                             Professor Adam Fairclough (1971)             son Oliver got married a couple of
                 in October, we led a session at the
                                                             Now in my fifth year of retirement, I        years ago and is a computer systems
                 EU Fundamental Rights Forum on
                                                             live in Washington DC, about three           engineer, making robots do helpful
                 religious actors and public values. We
                                                             miles north of the 6 January 2021 crime      things without catching fire; second
                 have projects with the churches and
                                                             scene. Last year saw the publication of      son Alex (2010) is now using his First
                 religious communities on the island
                                                             my Bulldozed and Betrayed: Louisiana and     to good effect by engaging in the wine
                 of Ireland aimed at new thinking on
                                                             the Stolen Elections of 1876, a study of a   trade and emptying my bank balance.
                 the economy and Europe. Through
                                                             presidential election in which there         He got married last September. Our
                 the OSCE Network of Think Tanks
                                                             were genuine, rather than spurious,          daughter Verity (New College 2013) is
                 and Academic Institutions, we are
                                                             disputes. In contrast to 2021, moreover,     finishing a PhD at Edinburgh, tracking
                 developing a research project in the
                                                             in 1877 the leaders of both parties in       the philo-genetic evolution of viruses
                 perspective of the 50th anniversary of
                                                             Congress agreed to resolve the disputes      including Covid-19. She has a different
                 the Helsinki Final Act in 2025 and the
                                                             peacefully. When a Democratic editor         understanding of PPE and goes to
                 role that a revived European diplomacy
                                                             called for 100,000 protesters to descend     a post at Yale this summer. I’m still
                 founded on values might play in the
                                                             upon Washington, party leaders quickly       involved in theatre and singing from
                 revival of global diplomacy as envisaged
                                                             shot down the proposal. The prospect         time to time, and am the doting owner
                 by the UN Secretary General in ‘Our
                                                             of violence in the nation’s capital          of two Land Rovers (Gussie and Gertie)
                 Common Agenda’ (September 2021).
                                                             appalled Democrats and Republicans           and a small tractor (Albert).
                                                             alike: they feared the ‘Mexicanisation’
                 Professor Anand Pillay (1970)
                                                             of American politics. Implicitly             Nigel Bryant (1972)
                 I began in Balliol in 1970, Mathematics
                                                             and inadvertently, my study of the           Nigel Bryant published Chrétien’s Equal,
                 and Philosophy. I have just been
                                                             1876–1877 electoral crisis illustrated       a translation of the complete works of
                 appointed a Somins Distinguished
                                                             the uniquely appalling nature of the         Raoul de Houdenc (Boydell & Brewer,
                 Visitor at the Fields Institute, Toronto.
                                                             insurrection of 6 January and the            2021).
                 Here is a link:
                                                             decline of the civic virtue that is so
                                                             necessary for making such an unwieldy        Kim Beazley AC (1973)
                                                             political system function. On a lighter      My daughter Hannah was elected to
                                                             note, I am currently researching the         the West Australian State Parliament
                                                             history of the Daily Mirror, where my        at this year’s election. She joined a
                 Jonathan Cox (1971)
                                                             father worked between 1947 and 1973.         Labour party Caucus of 53 out of 59
                 As someone who has to take two types
                                                             When not reading and writing, I like         seats in the Legislative Assembly. She
                 of immunosuppressant I have spent a
                                                             to collect, repair, and take photographs     polled 64% of the primary vote and
                 lot of time indoors. Still manage to do
                                                             with film cameras, the oldest being a        78% of the two-party preferred vote.
                 a bit of voluntary community work,
                                                             still functioning 1915 Kodak.                The best I ever managed in the Federal
                 reading Jordan Peterson and laughing
                                                                                                          division covering the same area would
                 at the woke. I recently purchased the
                                                             Simon Hill (1971)                            have been 58%. I acknowledge a vastly
                 Harry Potter series, not to read the
                                                             Having semi-retired from a career            superior politician.
                 books (my grandson can do that) but
                                                             in the City a couple of years ago, my
                 as an expression of support for J.K.
                                                             wife Jane and I have taken the big           Peter Grant (1973)
                 Rowling and the LGB Alliance. Sorry, I
                                                             step of embracing the retirement gig         Happy to be fully retired and to have
                 would like to support the College but
                                                             fully with a move to Cornwall – the          changed our residence to our house
                 cannot do so until both the Governing
                                                             first time I’ve lived more than 30           in the south-west of France, just
                 and Student Bodies condemn the
                                                             miles from London in my life. We’ve          before the Brexit deadline. The Gers
                 cancel culture. Academic freedom
                                                             taken on a Georgian farmhouse and            is a beautiful part of the world, quiet
                 underpins democracy but the cancel
                                                             a large garden near Liskeard, and            with friendly people. Still very upset
                 culture cares little for that.
                                                             I’d be delighted to hear from any            about Brexit, but at least it inspired
                                                             Balliol alumni who know me that are          us to change residence (and where we
                                                             either in the south-west or passing          mainly pay tax).

                 11   FLOREAT DOMUS JUNE 2022
Brian Groom (1973)                              Martin Kochanski (1974)                        Adam Lloyd (1976)
My book Northerners: A History, From the        My book The Creed in Slow Motion is being      In Golden Bay we have branched
Ice Age to the Present Day was published        published by Hodder & Stoughton in             out from avocadoes into Cos lettuce
in April 2022 by Harper North, a new            April 2022. Gripping and accessible,           production; in Nelson I’ve helped set
imprint of HarperCollins. It’s the first        combining rigour with vigour, this book        up a new organisation to help autistic
general history of northern England to          is for believers who are too busy saying       young people into employment (called
be published for more than 30 years. It         the Creed to hear what it says, and for        ‘The Buzz’) but other than that have
shows how the region, with its history          non-believers who want to know exactly         little to report, which has got to be a
of migration, invasions and battles, has        what it is that they are disbelieving. As      good thing!
had a profound impact on European               a Balliol mathematician I like to take
culture and the global economy – and            everything back to first principles; and       James Ogilvie (1976)
how northerners have shaped Britain             as a Balliol philosopher I find myself         Published A Brief History of the Forestry
and the world in unexpected ways. Our           approaching (as the Schools examiners          Commission (Royal Scottish Forestry
second grandchild, Sidney, was born in          kindly put it) every question as if for        Society, 2020), setting out the story of
December.                                       the first time.          100 years of British state forestry.

Neil Stuart (1973)                              Giles Vardey (1974)                            David Rossington (1976)
I have for many years admired and               My executive coaching practice                 In spite of the pandemic, Sarah Mossop
envied those of my peers who are able           continues to grow and it is work I             and I were able to hold our civil
to cite their latest erudite publications       can do hopefully for many years yet. I         partnership ceremony last summer,
and it therefore gives me great                 continue to enjoy rowing in a mature           and are well settled in east Oxford. I’m
pleasure to report that I have been             gentleman’s quad: we try and get in and        now semi-retired after a career in the
unpublished: one of my letters to               out of the boat without grunting. That         Civil Service, and am continuing with
the Daily Telegraph has been included           remains a challenge.                           some work for public sector bodies and
in their annual book of unpublished                                                            charity trusteeships.
letters still thought worthy of belated         Robert Waller (1974)
publication. In case you wish to rush           Published ‘What if FDR had died of             Professor Tom Schwartz (1976)
to buy a copy it is entitled Wake Me Up         polio in 1921’ in Duncan Brack (ed.),          One bright spot of last year was the
When It’s All Over (Aurum, 2021). I have        Prime Minister Priti … and Other Things That   chance to visit London and give the
also had four letters actually published        Never Happened (counterfactual history)        Saki and Michael Dockrill Memorial
this year, which is something of a              (Biteback, 2021) and ‘Rutherford Hayes’        Lecture at King’s College, London.
record and shows how bored I have               in Iain Dale (ed.), The Presidents (Hodder     I knew, respected, and loved both
been. I have had visits from Paddy              & Stoughton, 2021).                            Saki and Michael and grieved their
Payne (1971) and Nick Demery (1973),                                                           untimely deaths. The opportunity to
both of whom are thriving. I look               Professor Ronald Beiner (1975)                 honour them through this lecture,
forward to visiting the College later           I’m now pleasantly retired from the            based on my book about Henry
this year unless the government                 University of Toronto, after being             Kissinger, was a special privilege to me.
backtracks again.                               happily employed there since 1984.             It was also a privilege to meet Lord
                                                2021 also saw the birth of my gorgeous         Owen, who attended the talk. However,
Martin Edwards (1974)                           grandson, Kai Nikko Zhi-Ai Yao Beiner.         last year was also one of terrible loss, as
In 2021, I published another novel,                                                            my ex-wife, Dr Amy Kirschke, passed
The Crooked Shore (Allison and Busby),          Giles MacDonogh (1975)                         away in November from an aggressive
while Howdunit (Collins Crime Club,             I have been elected a Fellow of the            brain cancer. Amy and I were divorced,
2020), about the craft of crime writing,        Royal Historical Society.                      but it was a ‘friendly divorce’, and we
won the CrimeFest H.R.F. Keating                                                               had been married for 20 years and
Award for best critical/biographical            Ian Fletcher (1976)                            still held a deep affection for each
book about crime fiction. 2022 sees             This relic of 1970s Balliol is alive and       other. Our three incredible daughters
the publication of my history of crime          well in Taiwan.                                set up a scholarship in her honour
fiction, The Life of Crime: Detecting the                                                      to help economically disadvantaged
History of Mysteries and their Creators                                                        students attend college: full details at
(Collins Crime Club), and my latest                                                   I
novel, Blackstone Fell (Head of Zeus).                                                         hope to get back to the UK, Omicron
                                                                                               permitting, sometime in 2022.
Professor John Helliwell (1974)
I have completed my donations to the
Balliol College Library of my books,
three on crystallography, and four in
my general, ‘scientific life’, series: Skills
for a Scientific Life (2017); then the Whys
(2019), the Whats (2020), and the Whens
and Wheres of a Scientific Life (2021).

                                                                                                                 NEWS AND NOTES        12
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