Page created by Oscar Walton

                   PORTAL USER GUIDE


 NL Tourism Operator Portal Team
 Department of Tourism, Culture,
 Industry and Innovation           709-729-5599 (Portal)
 P.O. Box 8700                     709-729-2835 (Licensing Accommodation/Campgrounds)
 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6            709-729-3889 (Occupancy Accommodation/Campgrounds)
                                   709-729-6857 (Outfitting)

6th Edition

December 3, 2021
TABLE OF                                                                                             To quickly move around the
                                                                                                     document, click the Ctrl button
                                                                                                     on your keyboard and title

CONTENTS                                                                                             within the Table of Contents.

   Communications from NL Tourism ......................................................................................... 5
REQUIREMENTS FOR LISTINGS............................................................................................. 6
   Is your business eligible for a listing? ..................................................................................... 6
   Tourism Assurance Program (TAP) ........................................................................................ 7
   Tourist Establishment Licence - Accommodations, Campgrounds and Outfitters Only ........... 8
      Occupancy Statistics Reporting .......................................................................................... 8
PRIVACY ................................................................................................................................... 9
PREPARING TO USE THE PORTAL .......................................................................................10
CREATING AN ACCOUNT .......................................................................................................12
   New Owners of an Existing Licenced Business .....................................................................12
   Create a Portal Account ........................................................................................................12
   Verify your Email ...................................................................................................................14
   Forgotten Password ..............................................................................................................15
PORTAL BASICS .....................................................................................................................16
   Navigation Bar .......................................................................................................................16
   Updating a Current Year Business Listing .............................................................................17
   Renewing a Business Listing .................................................................................................18
   Understanding Status and Actions on Homepage .................................................................19
   Submit Occupancy/Annual Reports .......................................................................................19
   Save for Later ........................................................................................................................20
   Hints and Rules .....................................................................................................................21
   Updating or Renewing More than one Business Listing .........................................................21
   Do not use the Browser Back Button .....................................................................................21
AT A GLANCE: HOW TO APPLY, RENEW AND UPDATE.......................................................22
RENEWING ..............................................................................................................................23
   Deadlines ..............................................................................................................................23

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New Business - Select Business Category ............................................................................25
   Location and Season Dates...................................................................................................27
   General Business Information ...............................................................................................29
   Online and Social Media ........................................................................................................30
   Rates .....................................................................................................................................32
   Electronic Payment................................................................................................................32
   Capacity Description..............................................................................................................33
   Insurance ..............................................................................................................................33
   Accessibility (optional) ...........................................................................................................34
   Products ................................................................................................................................34
   Amenities ..............................................................................................................................35
      Amenity - No Pets Allowed (Service Animals Welcome) ....................................................35
   Support Documents ...............................................................................................................35
   Images ..................................................................................................................................36
   Submit Your Application, Update or Renewal ........................................................................40
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR LICENCING APPROVAL DOCUMENTS ..........................................41
TRAVEL OFFERS, PACKAGES AND EXPERIENCES.............................................................42
OCCUPANCY/STATISTICAL REPORTS..................................................................................49
   Accommodations and Campground Instructions....................................................................49
      Entering Your Reports – Accommodations and Campgrounds...........................................51
      Occupancy Report Definitions ............................................................................................52
   Outfitter Instructions ..............................................................................................................52
      Entering Your Reports –Outfitters ......................................................................................54
HELPFUL HINTS WHEN WRITING BUSINESS LISTINGS ......................................................55
EXAMPLES OF DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................56
FAQs ........................................................................................................................................58
CATEGORY AND PRODUCT DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................59
   Accommodations ...................................................................................................................59
   Parks and Campgrounds .......................................................................................................59
   Attractions .............................................................................................................................60
   Festivals and Events .............................................................................................................62
   Tours .....................................................................................................................................63

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Shopping ...............................................................................................................................64
 Food and Beverage Establishments ......................................................................................65
 Non-Resident Inbound Province-wide Tour Operators...........................................................67
 Transportation Service Providers...........................................................................................67
 Visitor Services......................................................................................................................67
 Travel Offers, Packages and Experiences – Definitions & Criteria .........................................68
 Hunting and Angling Packages – Definitions & Criteria..........................................................70

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                                                        Page 4 of 70
The Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Operator Portal is an online tool that allows tourism
operators to:

   ●   apply, update and renew your Business Listings and Images;
   ●   submit Travel Offers/Experiences and Packages;
   ●   apply and renew your Tourist Establishment Licence (Accommodations, Campgrounds
       and Outfitters only);
   ●   submit your occupancy statistics (where required).

You can log in to the Portal to access your information at any time throughout the year to (1)
check on the status of your application; (2) submit your annual business listing renewals (3)
ensure your website listing(s) is current and correct online; (3) submit your occupancy statistics
(accommodations, campgrounds and outfitters only).

Each year, you must use the Portal to renew your listing(s) and re-licence your Tourist
Establishment licence(s) to continue operating under the Tourist Establishment Act and to be
included in the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism marketing initiatives such as business
listings online and/or in the Traveller’s Guide.

Communications from NL Tourism
Email is the primary channel to receive communications from Newfoundland and Labrador
Tourism (NLT). Tourism operators registered with the NL Tourism Operator Portal will
automatically receive emails.

Through email, you will receive important notices such as deadlines for renewing your business
listings, Tourist Establishment Licence(s), statistical/occupancy reports, deadlines for marketing
initiatives like ads in the Traveller’s Guide and packages/experiences ads on

Emails will be addressed from,, and
Add these emails to your contact list to ensure the
Portal emails arrive in your inbox and not in your         Add these email addresses to your
                                                           contact list to ensure the Portal emails
spam/junk folder.                                          arrive in your inbox and not your
                                                                  spam/junk folder.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                   Page 5 of 70
Listings are designed to bring the most important information about your business front and
centre for travellers. Tourism operators must provide their business information to NL Tourism
through the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Operator Portal. The Portal uses this
information to publish business listings online and/or in the Traveller’s Guide and to issue
Tourist Establishment Licences where required.

Only businesses whose physical addresses are within Newfoundland and Labrador will be able
to list within the Portal. Exceptions are Non-resident In-Bound Tour Operators and certain In-
bound Transportation Providers servicing Newfoundland and Labrador.

A business’s physical location, headquarters, watershed (Outfitters only) will determine which
community/region the listing will appear in on our website. No alternative community can be
selected. If a business has no physical address and only has a P.O. Box, it will not be listed.

Is your business eligible for a listing?
The following types of businesses are eligible for listings in the NL Tourism Operator Portal:

Business Types          Online Listing                     Travel Guide   Submit/Edit Listings
                                                           Listings       via Portal
Accommodations           Yes            Yes
Parks and                Yes            Yes
Attractions              Yes            Yes
Tours                    Yes            Yes
Shopping                 Yes            Yes
Festivals and Events           No             Yes
Food & Beverage           No             Yes
Hunting and Angling    No             Yes
Non-resident In-bound           No             Contact Portal Team
Province Wide Tourism
Transportation           No             Contact Portal Team
Providers               (Basic Listings)
Visitor Information           No             Contact Portal Team
Services                (Basic Listings)

There are category and product options under each business type                 Also see CATEGORY AND
(e.g. under Tours, you’ll select the category and the product that              PRODUCT DEFINITIONS
applies like ‘Day Tours’ and ‘Whale Watching Tour’). Please refer               section (page 59) to determine
to the CATEGORY AND PRODUCT DEFINITIONS section (page                           your business group and your
59) of this User Guide for a full list of options.                              products.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                     Page 6 of 70
All Portal submissions/applications, updates and renewals are reviewed individually to ensure
businesses meet all requirements. Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism reserves the right to
refuse any applications that do not meet requirements.

Examples of businesses generally not eligible: standard retail establishments (e.g. grocery
stores, hardware stores, pharmacies); organizations, groups, clubs, and online-only businesses.

Tourism Assurance Program (TAP)
All tourism businesses wishing to participate in Newfoundland and Labrador partnership
initiatives, such as,,, and in the annual Traveller’s Guide, must meet the
Tourism Assurance Program (TAP) minimum standards, as established by the tourism industry.

Please visit Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador to                Also see
ensure that you meet these minimum standards to be         
considered TAP approved.                                             ory/tourism-assurance-plan/
The five minimum standards are:

   ●   The ability to communicate and receive messages from customers by telephone, email
       and an online presence; and at a minimum accept credit, debit payment and or
       electronic payment; and respond to inquiries daily.

   ●   Possess and maintain all valid licences, permits and other regulatory requirements to
       operate a business in this province.

   ●   Maintain current and sufficient levels of liability insurance. Proof of insurance must be

   ●   Must promote actual experiences or services being offered to the consumer.

   ●   Must be in good standing with Tourism Assurance Plan’s complaints procedure.

Tourism Assurance Program (TAP) approval is not required to obtain a Tourism Establishment
Licence. Accommodations, Campgrounds and Outfitters who want a license but do not want
TAP approval must contact the Portal team to apply and renew for their license rather than use
the Portal.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                   Page 7 of 70
Tourist Establishment Licence - Accommodations, Campgrounds and
Outfitters Only
Accommodations, Campgrounds and Outfitting Operators must meet the requirements for
Tourist Establishment Licence to operate. They will use the Portal to annually renew their
Tourist Establishment Licence and submit their occupancy/annual statistical reports.

Accommodations and Campgrounds: Licence renewal and business listings renewal begins
on April 1 and must be submitted by May 31 each year

To complete your renewal for next year the following must be up-to-date by August 28:
1. Your occupancy records for the current year must be submitted up to and including July.
2. Your Canada Select / Camping Select file must be up to date.

Outfitters: renewal begins November 1 and must be submitted by March 31 each year.

To complete your renewal for next year the following must be up-to-date by March 31:
1. Your main lodge statistical records must be submitted for the current licensing year.

Occupancy Statistics Reporting
Accommodations, Campgrounds and Outfitters submit their occupancy/annual statistical
reports. The accumulated results from all operators are a critical source of information on the
trends, performance and economic impact of the Tourism Industry regionally and provincially.

Learn more
The following documents are available on the Department’s                More licensing information is
website.                                                                 available on the Department’s
                                                                         Tourist Establishment Licence
   •   Roofed Accommodation Licensing Requirements                       Requirements webpage.
   •   Campground Licensing Requirements
   •   Outfitter Licensing Requirements
   •   Occupancy Statistics Reporting Form – Accommodations and Campgrounds
   •   Annual Statistics Reporting Form – Outfitters

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                  Page 8 of 70
Please note, the information you provide in the NLTO Portal is being collected for the purpose of
providing travellers to Newfoundland and Labrador with information about your business and for
contact information for use by the Department and other partners. Please be aware that your
contact information may be made available to the public and may be shared with other entities.
Any personal information you provide is collected under the authority of section 61(c) of the
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. If you have any questions, please
contact 709-729-5599.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                 Page 9 of 70
   ●   For the best user experience use a desktop or laptop rather than a mobile device or

   ●   Add NL Tourism email addresses to your contacts: You will be receiving important
       email notifications from NL Tourism regularly, concerning deadlines, your account,
       business listings, licence, statistical reporting, marketing opportunities, etc.

       To ensure you do not miss an important deadline or announcement, add the following
       email addresses to your email contact list so that these emails are delivered to your
       inbox rather than your spam box.

   ●   Bookmark for easy access to the Portal.

   ●   Time out: For security purposes, your Portal session will time out after 30 minutes of
       inactivity. Plan accordingly and hit the Save As button to save your progress.
   ●   Be prepared: One business renewal can take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
       Please consider this when scheduling time to update your listing(s).
   ●   For your business listings, have the following ready before you start:
          ○   latitude and longitude map coordinates of your business's physical location in
              decimal degrees. Useful websites to find your coordinates are getLatLong and
              Google Maps.
          ○   descriptions of your business. Accommodations, campgrounds, attractions,
              tours, and shops have a 200-character Traveller’s Guide description and a 500-
              character website description (includes spaces and punctuation).
              Festivals, Events Food & Beverage listings have a 500-character website
              description. Outfitters have two 500-character website descriptions; one for
              angling and one for hunting;
          ○   insurance agency and policy number;
          ○   contact information, social media and booking information for your business;
          ○   pricing information;
          ○   Building Accessibility Number from Service NL for building only (optional).
          ○   5-images for each business. For their main camp listings, Outfitters can submit 5
              images for their hunting listing and another 5 for their angling listing.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                     Page 10 of 70
●   When applying for a new Tourism Establishment License, have the following
       approvals ready (does not apply to Outfitting):
          ○   Fire and Life Safety Plan Review and Building Accessibility Registration from
              Service NL;
          ○   Fire Inspection Approval;
          ○   Municipals Approval and/or Service NL Environmental Health Approval
          ○   Canada Select confirmation of inspection and fee payment;
   ●   If purchasing an existing accommodation and campground, first contact the Portal
       Team before applying online. Proof of purchase will be required with your application.
   ●   To renew your Tourism Establishment License, your occupancy/annual statistics
       must be up-to-date in the Portal.
   ●   For your occupancy statistic reports see the Occupancy                 Also see
       Reports section of this User Guide for instructions.                   REPORTS section (page 49)
   ●   For your travel offer/experience/package listings have
       the following ready:
          ○   package title
          ○   500-character description (includes spaces and punctuation)
          ○   one image
          ○   package locations
          ○   pricing
          ○   terms and conditions
          ○   contact and booking information

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                               Page 11 of 70
New Owners of an Existing Licensed Business
If you have purchased an existing licensed business, contact the Portal Team before applying
online. Proof of purchase will be required with your licensed application. The seller should also
contact the Portal Team to request a change of ownership.

Create a Portal Account
New operators will need to create a Portal account. Visit
and click “Login/Register”. On the next page, click ‘Create an Account’.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                  Page 12 of 70
Create an account by entering your details. The account information you submit in this section is
for administrative purposes only and is not published in the Traveller’s Guide or on
Newfoundland Labrador Tourism websites. It will be used by Newfoundland and Labrador
Tourism and partners to contact you. Click ‘Submit’.
                                                                        Also see the PRIVACY
                                                                      section (page 9)

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Verify your Email
Once you submit your account information, you will receive an email (from NLportal- containing a verification code. Return to the Portal, click “Verify Your Email
Now’. Follow the instructions on the email and in the Portal to verify your account. Login and
click ‘Apply for a New Business Listing” and begin your application.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                 Page 14 of 70
Forgotten Password
To reset your password visit and click “Login/Register”. On
the next page, click ‘Forgot Password’. Once you enter the email for your account and then click
‘Submit’. You will receive an email (from containing a verification
code. Return to the Portal, click “Verify Your Email Now’. Follow the instructions on the email
and in the Portal to verify your account.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                               Page 15 of 70
Below are some of the basic concepts and processes on the NL Tourism Operator Portal.
Operators should become familiar with them.

Navigation Bar
Once you log in to the Portal, the Home Page will display your existing business listing(s). You’ll
see navigation buttons to view your Account Information, History, Travel Offers; and add/apply
for a New Business listing.

       When Updating and Renewing, the navigation will include the following selections:
       Submit Occupancy, Update Location/Season and Support Documents.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                  Page 16 of 70
Updating a Current Year Business Listing
Scroll down to view the Current Year section and click ‘Update’ to edit your current online
listing(s) and/or submit occupancy reports (if required). You can update your business listing at
any time.

Please note current year tourism business listing will appear online until December 31. Outfitter
business listings will appear online until March 31.

                                                                        Remember to make
                                                                        edits/updates to both your
                                                                        Current Year business listing and
                                                                        you Renewal business listing.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                  Page 17 of 70
Renewing a Business Listing
Each year, you must renew your business listing(s) whether you make changes or not to avail
of the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism marketing programs such as business listings in the
Traveller’s Guide and on During the Annual Renewal, the
Renewal Section will appear on the ‘Home’ page. Scroll down and click the ‘Renew’ button to
begin the renewal for your business listing. Operators will be notified by email when the
Renewal process opens.

When you can renew:
     ● Accommodation, campgrounds, attractions, tours, shops, festivals, events, food and
        beverage establishments - renewal opens April 1 and closes May 31.
     ● Outfitters - renewal opens November 1 and closes March 31.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                            Page 18 of 70
Understanding Status and Actions on Homepage
Existing businesses will see a complete listing of all their business listings on the Home Page.
Each business will have a Status and Action button.


   ●      Renewal Incomplete: You have yet to finish the application to renew your business
   ●      Renewal Approval Pending: You have submitted your application to renew your
          business listings but it has yet to be approved by NLT.
   ●      Active-TAP Approved: Your application has been approved. The listing will be
          published in the Traveller’s Guide, if applicable and providing you have met the
          deadlines. The listing will appear on or one of the outfitting
          websites at the appropriate time:
               ○ January 1 for accommodations, campgrounds, attractions, tours, shops &
                   galleries, festivals & events, food & beverage
               ○ April 1 for outfitters
   ●      Active – Non-TAP Approved: Your application has been reviewed and it has been
          determined that the business does not meet the Tourism Assurance Program (TAP)
          standards. These business listings do not appear in the Traveller’s Guide, on
 or the outfitting websites.
   ●      Application Incomplete: An incomplete application for a new business listing. You have
          yet to submit your application to NL Tourism for approval.
   ●      Application Pending: An application for a new business listing has been submitted to
          NLT but has not been approved yet.
   ●      Expired: On December 31, all current year tourism business listings change to expired
          status and move to the History section of the Portal. On March 31, all current year
          outfitter business listings change to expire status and move to the History section of the

Actions Buttons:

   ●      Renew: Click to complete your renewal listing for the next season.
   ●      Update: Click to update your business listing, licence application, images, and
          occupancy reports.
   ●      Continue: Continue to complete your submission. Your renewal, update or new
          business application has not been submitted to the Portal Team.

Submit Occupancy/Annual Reports
For renewing Accommodations, campgrounds and outfitters only - Before your renewal
submission is approved, you must submit past occupancy statistics report. See the
Occupancy/Statistical Reports section (page 49) for instructions

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Save for Later
The ‘Save for Later’ button allows you to save your progress to come back later and finish and
submit your application. Required fields must be filled in before you can ‘Save for Later’. If you
do not have the information available, you can add ‘TBD’ to the required field (text fields only)
and click ‘Save for Later’. Do not submit your application until you have all the information for
those required fields. Your application will be returned to you for completion, and this will cause
unnecessary delays.

         Required fields must be filled
         in before you can “Save for

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                   Page 20 of 70
Hints and Rules
Throughout the Portal, you will see        symbols and ‘Click here for instructions’ to indicate there
are hints or rules for certain fields. Click on those to view.


Updating or Renewing More than one Business Listing
If you have more than one business listing, each listing will require renewal. After each business
has been renewed, return to ‘Home’ page and follow the same steps through the Portal for all
your business listings.

Do not use the Browser Back Button
For the best user experience, use the “Back” button provided in the Portal

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                     Page 21 of 70
Applying: New Businesses            Renewing: Existing Businesses

1       Check that your Business is Eligible                1     Login to Renew
        Accommodations, campgrounds, attractions,                 You will be notified by email when the
        tours, shops, events, food, beverage                      renewal opens. You must renew annually.
        operations and outfitters located in
        Newfoundland and Labrador can apply for a                 Accommodation, campgrounds, tours,
        business listings and Tourist Establishment               shops, festivals, food, beverage and
        Licence (accommodations, campgrounds                      attractions - renewal begins April 1 and
        and outfitters only)                                      ends May 31.

        See ‘Requirements for Listings’ and                       Outfitters - renewal begins November 1 and
        ‘Categories and Product Definitions’ for                  ends March 31.
        eligibility. (Pages 6 and 59)                             .
                                                            2     Review your Business Details
        Create an Account and Verify Email
2       on the NLTO Portal.                                       During the Annual Renewal period, a
                                                                  renewal section will appear on the Home
                                                                  page. Scroll down and click ‘Renew” to the
        Click “Login/Register’, then ‘Create an
                                                                  right of your business name.
        Account’. Follow the instructions to verify
        your account.
                                                                  On several screens, you will review your
        Enter Business Details                                    business details, descriptions, location, and
3                                                                 add extra information such as images and
        Login and click ‘Apply for a New Business                 travel offers and experiences. Make edits
        listing’. On the next few screens, enter                  where necessary for next year’s listing.
        business details, descriptions, location, and
        extra information such as images and travel               Enter Occupancy Statistics
        offers and experiences. New                         3
        accommodations, campground and outfitters                 Accommodations, campgrounds and
        can upload their licence requirements                     outfitters must enter their occupancy/annual
        documents.                                                statistics as a requirement to renew their
                                                                  licence. Use the Current Year Section of the
        See ‘Preparing to Use the Portal’ (page                   Home Page and/or the History section of the
        10) and ‘Applications Steps for                           Portal to submit occupancy/annual reports
        Applying/Renewing and Editing’ (page                      for the current/previous year.

    Approval                                                           Updating/ Editing your
                                                 4                     Website Listing
    The Portal Team will review your                        24/7
    application. You will be notified through
    email when the business listing(s) renewal              365        Once your website listing is live, you
    has been approved.                                                 can update it yourself at any time of
    Depending upon your business type and                              year through the Portal.
    you have met the publication deadline,
    your listings will appear online when               Submit Occupancy/Annual Statistics
    approved and will appear in the next issue          Accommodations, campgrounds and outfitters can
    of the Traveller’s Guide.                           enter their reports any time before the deadline.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                        Page 22 of 70
Each year, you must use the NL Tourism Operator Portal to renew your business information to
continue inclusion in the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism marketing initiatives such as
business listings on the website(s) and/or in the Traveller’s Guide.

Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism will notify you via email (
when the renewal process begins.

 Accommodation, campgrounds, attractions,       Renewal opens April 1 and closes May 31
 tours, shops, festivals and events, and food
 and beverage establishments

 Outfitters                                     Renewal opens November 1 and closes
                                                March 31

For renewing Accommodations, campgrounds and outfitters only - Before your renewal
submission is approved, you must submit past occupancy statistics. Accommodations and
campgrounds must also be to date with Canada Select/Camping Select. See the
Occupancy/Statistical Reports section for instructions

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                            Page 23 of 70
From the home page you can (1) apply for a new business listing/licence; (2) renew your
listing/licence for next year; (3) edit a current listing. The steps are basically the same.
New applicants will select ‘Add a New Business Listing’ from the top navigation. Existing
businesses wishing to edit their business listing will scroll down the Home page and select
‘Update’. Businesses renewing, will scroll down the Home page and select ‘Renew’.
Once you begin the process, a series of pages will                 See HELPFUL HINTS WHEN
allow you to add/edit the necessary information for                WRITING BUSINESS LISTINGS
your business listing. Follow the steps and make                   (page 55) and EXAMPLES OF
changes as necessary. The exact information will                   DESCRIPTIONS (page 56) before
                                                                   you begin your application.
differ slightly depending on what type of business you




NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                   Page 24 of 70
New Business - Select Business Category                           Also see CATEGORY AND
When applying for a new business listing, you will first select   PRODUCT DEFINITIONS (page 59)
                                                                  to determine your business
and then confirm your business category.
                                                                  category and your products.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                       Page 25 of 70
                                                                  Also see EXAMPLES       OF
Traveller’s Guide Description: for accommodations,
                                                                  DESCRIPTIONS (page 56) for
campgrounds, attractions, tours, and shops only.

This description will help form a traveller’s initial
impression of your business. You’re limited to 200 characters, which is just a couple of
sentences, so be sure to make them count. Focus on what makes your business unique and
appealing. Include the most attractive and interesting highlights to encourage travellers to
contact you. Here, you should include the top one or two things that will make someone excited
to book with you.

Website Description: for accommodations, campgrounds, attractions, tours, shops, festivals
and events, food and beverage establishments and outfitters.

In addition to the highlights included in your short
(Traveller’s Guide) description, you should include other            Do not include the business name,
                                                                     location, season dates, website
top-selling features. If there’s a popular tourist attraction
                                                                     address or contact information in your
nearby, like a museum, hiking trail, or the ocean, include it        description. There are other sections of
here. You may want to include a quick note about the                 the application for that information.
distance from an airport or ferry, any recent awards; or
information about the surrounding area.

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Location and Season Dates
When adding a new business, the Location and Season page will appear automatically.

When renewing a listing, you must click “Edit” to review the location and/season dates before
you can click the “Continue” button.

When updating a business listing, click “Update Location/Season” in the top navigation bar to
make edits.

Physical Location: Enter the physical location of your business. Do not include mailing
address information.

Latitude and Longitude: Enter the map coordinates of your business in decimal degrees (e.g.
Latitude: 47.583578, Longitude: -52.723787). This allows travellers to find your business using
the map and direction functions online. Useful websites to find your coordinates are getLatLong

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                               Page 27 of 70
and Google Maps. On Google Maps search for the location of your business. Right-click the
location, select “What’s here?” and an info card will appear with the map coordinates.

Season Date Information: Enter your “Open From” and                       Festivals and Events
“Open To” dates, followed by the Season Summary. Only the                 organizers are encourage to
“Season Summary” is published in the Traveller’s Guide and                add current year and future
on The Season Summary
should be in the following format: Jan 1-Dec 31. Do not include the year. Exception: Festival
and events must include the year.

Multiple Locations and Season Dates: Attractions, tours, shops, festivals and events, and
food and beverage operators can add multiple locations and multiple seasons on this screen.
Festival and events are encouraged to add future dates too (i.e. Current Year and Next Year on
the Current year folder). Additional seasons can be added to one location.

Accommodations, campgrounds and outfitters cannot add multiple locations on this screen as
each location requires a Tourist Establishment Licence.

          Hints for Festivals and      If the event date is unconfirmed, event dates enter your
          Events operators with        Season Summary as TBD. Example: July TBD. Your “Open
          unconfirmed event dates      From” date would be July 1 and your “Open To” date would
          and/or reoccurring events:   be July 31.

                                   Once your date is confirmed, return to the Portal to update
your dates to ensure users on find you when searching for events
happening on a particular date.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                   Page 28 of 70
General Business Information
The business information you supply in the next sections is published either in print and/or
online and may be used for other marketing purposes. Travellers will use this information to plan
their visit to Newfoundland and Labrador. For help with completing any fields on this screen,
please refer to the instructions below. Throughout the Portal, you will see          symbols and ‘Click
here for instructions’ to indicate there are hints or rules for certain fields. Click on those to view.

Owner Name: Returning businesses, to edit the Owner Name below, please contact the Portal
Team to request a change the ownership. Owner Name is not published.

Phone Numbers: Enter a valid 10-digit phone number in the following format 7095551234. Do
not use spaces, hyphens or brackets.

Primary Phone Number and Toll-Free Number: To be Tourism Assurance Program (TAP)
approved, you must provide a primary phone or a toll-free number.
                                                                            Email is published. Use an
Email: To be Tourism Assurance Program (TAP) approved,                      email address that is for
you must provide an email address. Ensure this email                        public use and not a personal
address is for public use. Format: KirbysB&                     email address.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                      Page 29 of 70
Online and Social Media
The following fields require you to enter the URLs or website addresses that can be found in
your browser's address bar and can be copied on this form. To have Tourism Assurance
Program approval, you must provide a website or a Facebook business page; and an email

Website: Entering your website places a “Visit Website” button on your business listing to drive
visitors to your website, giving them access to more information about your business and a
means of contacting you to book directly.

Facebook Business Page: Facebook Business pages only. Facebook group or community or
profile pages are not acceptable.

Social Media Links: Tourism operators can engage with visitors by listing their social media
channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blog, Instagram) within their business listing.

Twitter – Add the URL for your Twitter account. @ handles are not acceptable.

Online Reservations System: Businesses that have online reservations can add a “Book
Online” button to their website listing. It gives customers a direct link to your reservation system.
Whether you have a booking component on your website or you use an external booking agent
such as, this is what most travellers are looking for today. Online forms that send
availability requests and do not accept payment are not acceptable.

Review Site – Add the URL for your business page on Google, TripAdvisor or Yelp for example.
Content on review sites like TripAdvisor can have a considerable impact on visitor traffic and

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                    Page 30 of 70
Review Site (Continued)

     If you have not set up a listing on Google or
     Tripadvisor, there may already be a listing there for you
     to claim. Click for more information from



NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                            Page 31 of 70
Enter your “Minimum Rate” and “Maximum Rate” and “Rate Summary”. Only the Rate Summary
is published in the Traveller’s Guide and on Keep the summary
simple. Leave the details on your website. Businesses that do not charge a fee must enter “0” in
the minimum and maximum rate fields.

Food and beverage operators can select from the dropdown menu to indicate applicable rate
options. Rate represents the approximate cost per person for a meal, including one drink, tax
and tip. $ - inexpensive (under $10), $$ moderate ($11-30) $$$ Pricey ($31-60) $$$$ Ultra
High-End (over $61). This is the same scale used on the popular restaurant website Yelp and
Google restaurant listings.

Electronic Payment
To have Tourism Assurance Program approval, you must accept at least one form of electronic
payment. Attractions, tours, festivals and events, and food and beverage operators that
charge less than $10 are exempt. This exemption is not applicable for shops and galleries

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Capacity Description
Accommodation: brief description of the Number of Rooms/Units. E.g. 13 rooms and 4

Campgrounds: brief description of the sites. 10 Full services sites, 34 unserviced sites

Outfitters: number of guests you accommodate in each facility

Festivals and Events: number of attendees

Tours: number of passengers/guests

Attractions: your maximum capacity (if applicable).

Restaurants: number of seats.

Not required for Shops and Galleries.

To have Tourism Assurance Program approval, you must have insurance for your business.
This information is for office use only and is not published on any website or Traveller’s Guide.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                  Page 33 of 70
Accessibility (optional)
For businesses with buildings only. Service NL grants Business Accessibility (BA) numbers
to buildings that comply with the Buildings Accessibility Act and Regulations, and Exempt
Accessibility (EA) numbers to buildings that are exempt from the regulations. Your BA # is
required to have the wheelchair amenity in your business listing on the website(s) and the
symbol in the Traveller’s Guide.
                                                               Adding the accessible symbol to your
                                                               listings is optional. Do not delay
                                                               submitting your application if you are
                                                               unsure of your BA#. Simply select no and
                                                               continue submitting your application. You
                                                               can return to the Portal later when you
                                                               have the information.

New Businesses: Products identify your type of
business. Select the products that complete the                    Also see CATEGORY AND
statement “My business is a…” By selecting the                     PRODUCT DEFINITIONS (page 59)
                                                                   to determine your business’
products available at your business, you ensure that
potential visitors searching for a specific type of
product will find you. These products can be found in the Filters on a Plan and Book search of

Accommodations and campgrounds operators: your business category is determined by
Canada Select during your inspection.

Outfitters products: By selecting the species available at your lodge, you ensure that potential
hunters and anglers searching the outfitting website for a specific species will find you. Hunting
species are predetermined by licences, except small game.

Change your products during renewal or updates: For attractions, festivals and events,
tours, shops and food and beverage wishing to request changes to their products, please review
the Category and Products Definitions section in this User Guide and email with your request. The Portal Team will review your
request and apply the update if appropriate.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                     Page 34 of 70
Amenities are business facilities and services that are available on-site at your business, not in
the surrounding area. By selecting the amenities available at your business, you ensure that
potential visitors searching and outfitting websites, for a specific
type of amenity will find you. Amenities are in the Filters on a Plan and Book search of and the hunting & angling websites.

Amenity - No Pets Allowed (Service Animals Welcome)
While your business may have a “No Pets Policy”,
remember service animals are not pets. Service                 Also see the Service Animals Information
                                                               Sheet at
animals are trained to do a specific job related to a
person’s disability. In Newfoundland and                       Information-Sheet.pdf
Labrador, the Service Animal Act ensures a
person with a service animal has equal access to
accommodations, services or facilities. Support Documents.

Support Documents
Support documents include any document/form needed to support your application or renewal.
For example new accommodations and campgrounds must submit their municipal and Service
NL approvals for fire and safety to support their Tourism Establishment licence application.

If you have no documents to add to your application, click “Continue” to go to the next page.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                     Page 35 of 70
Get travellers excited about your business by adding five images to your listing. Give them
another reason to choose your business by showing off your food, decor, facilities, and
experiences – anything that sets you apart from the competition.

Each business can submit up to 5 images. Your main image should be one that best sells your
business. This image will appear on the search results
                                                                Outfitters can submit 5 images for
page and encourage users to click through to your full          their hunting main lodge listing and
business listing. It is also the first image visitors see       another 5 images for their angling main
when they get there. The remaining images will display in       lodge listing.
a gallery on your page. All images should have captions.

                                                                           Logos, black and white images, collages
                                                                           and images with watermarks/text are not
   •   Submit only full-colour photographs. Do not
                                                                           permitted and will be rejected.
       submit logos, black and white images, collages
       and images with watermarks/text.                        If your image is too big, find out how to resize
   •   Select large, high-quality images. Pixel
       dimensions must be at least 2000 x 2500. The
       maximum file size is 3 MB. Uncropped images from most modern cell phones will be in
       this range.
   •   Try to have the main subject centred in the photo and not too close up.
   •   Email programs will often reduce image sizes to make emailing easier. Make sure you
       are using the original, highest-quality version of any image.
   •   Choose images that have a wide crop,
       and landscape-oriented (wider instead of taller)
       rather than a portrait-oriented image.

                                                                          Landscape          Portrait

Legal: By posting images to your business listing on or the outfitter
websites, you are confirming that the images are your property, that you/the business have the
rights to these images. You are also granting copyright permission to Newfoundland and
Labrador Tourism and certain third parties as part of the marketing efforts to promote
Newfoundland and Labrador as a tourism destination.

Approval: Your submitted images will be reviewed within a few days and published online once
approved. You will be notified via email if your images are rejected.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                          Page 36 of 70
Upload a New Image: On the Home page, locate the business from the “Current Year Updates”
listings or the Renewal for next year” listings, then click “Update”. You may need to add images
to both “Current” year and “Renewal” year. If the Renewal Period is closed, you will only see the
Current year listing on the Home page.
                                                               Remember to make image
                                                               edits/updates to both your Current
                                                               Year business listing and your
                                                               Renewal business listing.

Once the business listing opens you will click “Update Images” on the right of the blue
navigation located at the top of the page.

Click ‘Choose File” to upload an image file directly from your computer.

Browse to the image location on your computer and click ‘Open’. You will return to the Portal
where you will click ‘Add New Image’.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                    Page 37 of 70
The Image Editor will open. Follow the instructions to adjust your image. Add a caption and click
‘Save’ when you have finished.

                                                                         Try to have the main subject centred in
                                                                         the photo and not too close up.

                                                                         Choose images that have a wide crop,
                                                                         and landscape oriented (wider instead
                                                                         of taller

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                  Page 38 of 70
Continue adding the remaining five images.

Submit Your Application, Update or Renewal
By submitting your application, you certify that the statements made in the foregoing application
are, to the best of your knowledge, true and correct; that you have signing power for the above-
noted business; the business has the necessary licences and permits required by law to operate
in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and that all municipal, provincial and federal
laws applicable to the business will be observed.

An email will be sent to the account email address when your request is processed, or if
additional information is required.

All applications and renewals will be reviewed individually to ensure each business listing meets
all requirements. New and updated listings should appear online with a few business days, and
the next publication issue of the Traveller's Guide, if applicable, and provided you have met the
May 31 deadline. Renewed listings will appear online January 1 for accommodations,
campgrounds, attractions, tours, shops, festivals and events, and food and beverage
establishments; April 1 for outfitters.

Owners of Multiple Businesses/Licences: You must renew all your businesses each year,
whether you make changes or not. Return to the Home page to ensure all your businesses have
been renewed.

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From the Home page, scroll down to the ‘Current” section and click “Update’ to the right of the
business. On the next page click ‘Support Document’. Follow the instructions to upload and

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                Page 41 of 70
Travel Offers, Packages and Experiences are travel
                                                                See the criteria in Travel Offers,
experiences and tours where travellers immerse                  Packages and Experiences –
themselves in the local culture and participate                 Definitions & Criteria (page 68)
whenever and wherever they can.                                 before submitting.

From the Home page, click ‘Travel Offers.

From this page you can:
Add a New Travel Offer: Click the “Add a New Travel Offer” button above. You can also create
a new package by copying an existing or expired package. Scroll down to find the package and
click “Copy”
Edit an existing Travel Offer: Scroll down view your Existing Offers and click Update.
Your offer will go live once approved and will be automatically removed from the website(s)
once the valid dates have passed.

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Select and confirm your Travel Offer type by clicking one of the selections.

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On the next few pages, enter the details of your package, add one image, then and submit.
Your submission will be reviewed within a few days and published online once approved. You
will be notified via email if there is any further information required, or if the submission has
been rejected.

Enter Name of the offer (64 characters maximum) and Description (500 characters

Conditions include all that may apply. E.g. black-out dates, off-season vs. peak rates, second
night rates, upgrades, etc.

Note: The following disclaimer applies to all offers. Any repeated information will be removed:
"Offers are subject to availability. Additional taxes may apply. You may have to pre-book and/or
mention the promotion at the time of booking. Please check with the operator for more details."

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Add Applicable Businesses: Add your business(s) and any partners (if applicable). This will
ensure that the offer will be displayed on the business listing page for each business you own
as well as your partner’s business listing page(s).

Select communities: Select all the communities included in the offer. This will help website
users find your package when searching by community. And it will
also place your offer on any Top Destination pages you have selected.

General Information: Enter your contact information and relevant websites that an interested
traveller will use to find more information and book the offer.

Link to Book this Package Online: Enter your online reservation system or your page on for example. Must give users the ability to purchase this package directly.

Company Name: 128 characters maximum. If there is room, you could include your partner's
business names as well.

NL TOURISM OPERATOR PORTAL USER GUIDE                                                Page 45 of 70
Enter Prices and select one of the qualifying options: per person, per couple, per family, per
package, per night, for two nights, CDN or USD. If you have any additional price qualifiers or
your qualifier is not listed, please place it/them in the conditions box below. Only one price point
is permitted in each placement. If there is no charge for the experience, enter 0 and “FREE” will
appear on your travel listing on

Multi-Day, Number of Days, Includes Overnight: will determine where your offer will appear
in the Itinerary Planner on

Enter Valid From and To Dates – once approved, your offer will go live on the website(s). It
will be removed when the end date has expired.

Enter Package Categories – categories will ensure your package appears in the appropriate
‘Things to do’ section on or Species pages on the outfitting
websites. These categories are also used by website users to filter the travel offer/package
search results to find exactly the type of experience they are seeking.

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