2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre

Page created by Patricia Dawson
2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre

    2022-23 Publications
2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
WELCOME                                                                             UK postage and
                                                                                    packaging on all
                                                                                   print publications

                 elcome to                          each responding creatively to a novel, poem
                                                    or play frequently studied in KS3 and 4.
                 the 2022-23
                                                    Full details of these publications and
                 EMC catalogue.                     the free resources to accompany them
                  2021-22 saw more schools          can be found on pages 14-17 and on the
buying and using EMC publications than              EMC website.
ever before. It’s been such a joy to hear
                                                    Just Write and Write On, our beautiful
of the different ways in which schools
                                                    workbooks, continue to encourage students
have been using our materials. We’ve had
                                                    to explore their own writing voice, to
feedback about our short story anthologies
                                                    experiment, to take a risk and develop
Iridescent Adolescent, Diverse Shorts and
                                                    resilience when faced with the blank page.
Literary Shorts, for example, being used
                                                    There are free downloadable PowerPoints
in library lessons, in tutor time, as part
                                                    based on the workbooks so you can give
of reading weeks and with intervention
                                                    the approach a try, risk-free!
groups, as well as providing a focus for
exploring stories from critical and creative        If you’re keen to widen your students’
perspectives during English lessons.                reading, don’t forget Andrew McCallum,
We’ve also been delighted to receive                Kate Oliver and Lucy Hinchliffe write the
such an enthusiastic response to the free           resources for the novels shortlisted for
downloadable PowerPoint resources                   the Carnegie Award – as always these are
accompanying Iridescent Adolescent.                 available to download for free from
                                                    EMC’s website.
Free downloadable PowerPoint resources
will also accompany three new print                 Lucy has also written a new
anthologies due for publication over the            resource in our EMC Teaching a
next few months. All three publications             Novel series: the When Shadows
focus on new and exciting writing. EMC              Fall resource is available
Poetry Playlist – Contemporary voices for           as a free download from
the classroom is an anthology with diversity        our website.
at its heart – a diversity of voices, identities,   As a small charitable
experiences and approaches. These are               organisation, we’re unable
poems to engage, challenge, puzzle, excite          to provide inspection copies
and provoke.                                        of our publications, but
Published under our Cultural Conversations          sample pages from all our
banner, The Facility and Other Texts –              material – print and download – are
Re-imagining Antigone is a collection               available from our website. Here you will
of specially-commissioned new writing,              also find a wealth of free materials – search
including a standalone play, ideal for both         EMC_Free for the full list.
English and drama classrooms, poems and                                           Lucy Webster,
short stories. An Inspector Called and Other                     Publications and Web Manager
Stories – Textual Transformations by Barbara
Bleiman provides 15 original short stories

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering


Forthcoming                                                           4      Spotlight on Literacy                           29
Highlights                                                            6      Downloads English Language 11-16                30
English 11-16: Literature                                            11      For Teachers                                    31
Iridescent Adolescent: Diverse Literary                              11      What Matters in English Teaching                31
Short Stories                                                                Harold Rosen: Writings on life, language        31
Diverse Shorts                                                       12      and learning, 1958-2008
Literary Shorts Anthology and Resource                               13      16-19                                           32
EMC Poetry Playlist – Contemporary voices                            14      Leaping into...                                 32
in the classroom                                                             emagazine and MediaMagazine                     33
The Facility and Other Texts –                                       16      English 16-19                                   34
Re-imagining Antigone
                                                                             Exploring Atonement                             34
An Inspector Called and Other Stories – Textual
Transformations                                                      17      Exploring Mrs Dalloway                          34
Sight/Unseen: Poetry                                                 18      Exploring Things Fall Apart                     35
KS3 Poetry Plus                                                      18      Exploring Nineteen Eighty-Four                  35
Revision-in-Action Workbooks                                         19      Exploring A Doll’s House                        35
for GCSE Poetry                                                              The Literature Reader                           36
EMC KS3 Curriculumplus                                               20      Language Handbook: Key Thinkers on Key Topics   36
Curriculumplus Card Collection                                       21      Studying A Streetcar Named Desire               37
EMC Full Text Study Editions: Animal Farm                            22      Studying The Handmaid’s Tale                    37
EMC Full Text Study Editions:                     23                         Studying King Lear                              38
Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol,                            Studying Hamlet                                 38
Frankenstein, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
                                                                             Tragedy: A Student Handbook                     39
Downloads Literature 11-16                                           24
                                                                             Studying Othello                                39
Curriculum Conversations: Poems that Inspire                         24
Curriculum Conversations: Going on an                                        Doing Close Reading                             40
Odyssey at KS3                                                               Studying Blake’s Songs                          40
EMC Teaching a Novel: The Bone Sparrow                               25      Studying The Great Gatsby                       40
More Downloads Literature 11-16                                      25      Downloads English 16-19                         41
English 11-16: Language                                              26      Downloads Media 11-19                           42
Just Write – EMC Let Them Loose                                      26      Find out about NATE                             43
Write On – EMC Let Them Loose                                        27      Also by EMC...                                  44
KS3 Language Laboratory                                              28      How to Order EMC Publications                   45
Non-fiction Shorts for KS3                                           28      A-Z Index of EMC Print Publications             46
Sight/Unseen: Non-fiction for GCSE                                   29

Design: Sam Sullivan, Newington Design
Cover: cropped from a cover by Rebecca Scambler (© 2022) for Cultural Conversations: Poems that Inspire at KS3
2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre

          See page 14

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering


     See page 16                         See page 17

                             Free downloadable
                     classroom materials will be available:

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
                  FOR 11-16-YEAR-OLDS

‘Love this
Nikki Bee on

‘A fresh &
course through
a diverse range
of contemporary
short stories.’
Victoria Rogan,
The Use of
English (2021)

stories to promote
choice, connection
  and cognition         See page 11

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

                                 See page 13

                             ‘A fantastic resource. The stories
                             are engaging, challenging and
                             varied, the teaching strategies
                             are creative and well-designed
                             to support students in becoming
                             curious, independent readers.’
                             Eleanor Cox, Swanlea School

interesting ways
of engaging
students in
issues and of
a range of
students’ skills.’
Sascha Cumiskey,                                       See page 12
Largy College

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
‘Thank you
so much for
this fantastic
resource. It’s so
beautiful to look
at as well as being
well-planned. It’s
lovely to be able
to give students a
thing which really
                                     See page 26
looks and feels
like a treat, but
which is great for
developing their
writing at the
same time.’
Alison Binney, The
Netherhall School,

‘Huge variety of writing prompts,
beautifully illustrated, stimulate
Head of English,
Birmingham on Twitter
                                        See page 27

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering


           See page 22

‘Your edition of
Animal Farm looks
Paul Taylor Peace,
Waldegrave School

‘Excellent approach                                                 See page 23
to the novella, with
a clear focus on this
work as a piece of
literature, rather than
a tool to analyse the
Russian Revolution.’
Lily Eadie, Harton Academy   ‘YES to these.
                             I’ve yet to come
‘Your set texts are my       across any EMC
‘go to’ even though I        resource I don’t        Free home learning packs for
already have copies!’        think is amazing.’     A Christmas Carol and Jekyll &
                             Lauren Maguire on           Hyde available online
Raina Parker on Facebook

2022-23 Publications - LANGUAGE MEDIA LITERATURE - English & Media Centre
                               A LEVEL                              16-19

                                               ‘This text is not just recommended
                                               reading: indulging in The Literature
                                               Reader will send shivers down your
                                               spine and make your heart race.’
                                               Angela Rodrigues, The Use of English (2021)

                             Foreword by Professor John Mullan

                            See page 36

 ‘A must read for those
interested in studying
English Language at A
Level. It will, without a     See page 36
doubt, leave students
The Use of English          Foreword by Professor Ron Carter

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

Iridescent Adolescent                                   ‘A much needed resource
Diverse Literary Short Stories                          for enlivening short story
1-9 copies: £20                                         study in the classroom
10-99 copies: £10                                       and an essential addition
100-199 copies: £7.50                                   to school libraries.’
200+: £6.90                                             Victoria Rogan, The Use of
160-page, pupil book                                    English (2021)
ISBN: 978-1-906101688
EMC’s new anthology brings together the principles
behind both Literary Shorts and Diverse Shorts, to
offer a wide and exciting range of short stories that
challenge and engage students.
In putting together this anthology featuring new
and established writers, we did a lot of reading! The
stories which made it into Iridescent Adolescent
exemplify the best of the contemporary short
story, reflecting not only diverse voices but diverse
approaches to the form. All offer plenty for students
to get their teeth into thematically and all provide
opportunities for literary discussion – both creative
and critical.

Stories in the anthology by:
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, David Almond,
Margaret Atwood, Barbara Bleiman, Rebecca
Boroson, Anita Desai, Neil Gaiman, Jessie
Greengrass, Caroline Hadilaksono, Barbara Jenkins,
Earl Lovelace, Alison, Macleod, Shirley Jackson,
Milly Jafta, Jamil Jan Kochai, Phoebe Roy, George
Saunders, Kamila Shamsie, Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi.

              Free downloadable
      classroom materials available now:

Included in EMC KS3
       Curriculum Plus

                                    Diverse Shorts
                                    1-9 copies: £20
                                    10-99 copies: £10
                                    100-199 copies: £7.50
                                    200+: £6.90
                                    160-page, pupil book
                                    ISBN: 978-1-906101510
                                    • Literature to challenge, entertain and inspire.
                                    • Develops vital critical reading skills.
                                    • Engages young people with real world values.
                                    • Activities to use with each short
                                      story or extract.
                                    • Can be read singly or in thematically
                                      linked clusters.
                                    • Includes nine specifically developed critical
                                      literacy cards:
                                      ‘Identity’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Tolerance, Rights &
                                      Respect’, ‘Justice’, ‘Diversity & Community’,
                                      ‘Democracy’, ‘Equality & Responsibility’,
                                      ‘Change & Action’, ‘Power & Control’.

                                    Stories and novel extracts
                                    for 11-16-year-olds:
                                    • David Almond          • Andrea Levy
                                    • Sita Brahmachari      • George Orwell
                                    • Anne Cassidy          • ZZ Packer
                                    • Ted Chiang            • Bali Rai
                                    • Helen Dunmore         • Gillian Slovo
                                    • Hans Fallada          • Angie Thomas
                                    • Elizabeth Laird       • Alex Wheatle
                                    • Patrice Lawrence      • Benjamin Zephaniah

               200+        COPIES

              JUST   £6.90   EACH

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

         Included in EMC KS3

                                             Literary Shorts
                                             Pupil Anthology
                                             1-9 copies: £20
                                             10-99 copies: £10
                                             100-199 copies: £7.50
                                             200: £6.90
                                             160-page paperback pupil book
                                             ISBN: 978-1906101329
                                             • Stories to challenge, entertain and inspire.
                                             • Seminal world literature from all six
                                               continents, pre-1914 and contemporary
                                               English literature.

                                             Photocopiable Teacher Resource
                                             A4, 176-page photocopiable publication
                                             including PDF on CD
                                             ISBN: 978-1906101336
                                             • Classroom activities to accompany each story
                                               in the anthology.
                                             • A focus on key aspects of narrative.
                                             • Interesting, accessible ways to get pupils
Stories in the anthology by:                   thinking comparatively.
Guy de Maupassant, Rudyard Kipling,          • Six steps for planning and writing a
Rabindranath Tagore, Saki, Katharine           critical essay.
Mansfield, Thomas Hardy, Gabriel Garcia
Marquez, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, Yasar Kemal,
Alice Walker, William Trevor, Jean Rhys,
Roald Dahl, Isabel Allende, John Updike,
Joe R. Lansdale, Geraldine McCaughrean,                    A fantastic resource. The stories
Jamila Gavin, Meg Rosoff, Barbara Bleiman,                 are engaging, challenging and
Kate DiCamillo.                                            varied, the teaching strategies
                                                           are creative and well designed.
                                                           Eleanor Cox, Head of English,
                                                           Swanlea School

EMC Poetry Playlist –                                      Poets include:
Contemporary voices                          Maya Angelou, Raymond Antrobus, Simon
for the classroom                           Armitage, Caroline Bird, Valerie Bloom, Jean
1-9 copies: £20                         ‘Binta’ Breeze, Marianne Chan, Chen Chen, Franny
                                          Choi, Alfonso D’Aquino, Brennig Davies, Kwame
10-99 copies: £10
                                            Dawes, Imtiaz Dharker, Tishani Doshi, Helen
100-199 copies: £7.50                    Dunmore, Jonathan Edwards, Safia Elhillo, Caleb
200+: £6.90                                 Femi, Choman Hardi, Kathleen Jamie, Jackie
192-page anthology with free             Kay, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Ava Leavell Haymon,
downloadable resources                     Ada Limón, Hannah Lowe, Robert Macfarlane,
ISBN: 978-1-906101-71-8                       Aisha Mango, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan,
EMC Poetry Playlist is an                   Andrew McMillan, Holly McNish, Daljit Nagra,
anthology of approximately                Sharon Olds, Alice Oswald, Don Patterson, Kira
150 contemporary poems for               Pelowitz, Jacob Polley, Vidyan Ravinthiran, Roger
11-16 year olds. The collection            Robinson, Michael Rosen, Jacob Sam-La Rose,
is designed to excite students’           Joshua Seigal, Naomi Shihab Nye, Warsan Shire,
interest in reading, writing and           Idrissa Simmonds, Lemm Sissay, Danez Smith,
talking about poems – both in               George Szirtes, Lucy Thynne, Kate Wakeling,
the classroom and beyond.                    Derek Walcott, Luke Wright, Zahra Fathima

The anthology has diversity
at its heart – a diversity of
voices, identities, experiences
and approaches.
Inside you’ll find poems
which engage, challenge,            Free downloadable
puzzle, excite and provoke.          resources – look
These are poems which open
                                      out for details
up the world of poetry to
young people.                        Resources and ideas for
                                    studying and enjoying the
As well as poems selected by
                                     poems in the classroom
EMC, the anthology includes
                                        will be available to
a selection of ‘poets’ playlists’
                                    download, free of charge,
submitted by poets such as
                                    in PowerPoint form, from
Jacob Sam-La Rose, Hollie
                                        the EMC website.
McNish, Peter Kahn, Daljit
Nagra and Moniza Alvi.

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering


                 Free downloadable
          classroom materials forthcoming:

The Facility and Other
Texts – Re-imagining
EMC Cultural Conversations
1-9 copies: £20
10-99 copies: £10
100-199 copies: £7.50
200+: £6.90
160-page, pupil book with free downloadable resources
ISBN: 978-1-906101-70-1
The latest in EMC’s Cultural Conversations series, The
                                                                                      IN         G
Facility and Other Texts – Re-imagining Antigone is
                                                                            R T H COM
a collection of specially-commissioned new writing                       FO
for KS3 by poets Valerie Bloom and Inua Ellams,
short story writers Phoebe Roy and Barbara Bleiman        Look out for
and playwright Sarah Hehir, inspired by, and in
conversation with, Sophocles’ play Antigone.
                                                          details of the free
The anthology also includes short commentaries by
                                                          downloadable resources
                                                          • An introduction to Sophocles’
each writer exploring their own new writing in the
                                                            play, with some exploration of its
context of the original to help students engage with
                                                            enduring impact
the issues of the play alongside the new texts.
                                                          • Ways in which it has been
This innovative collection, written with the support        adapted over time
of the Classical Association, takes the study of          • The nature of tragedy and myth
classical Greek drama in schools to a new level. ‘The     • Ways of exploring critically and
Facility’, the most prominent text in this collection,      creatively with the original texts
works brilliantly as a stand-alone play for English and   • Drama approaches
Drama work, as well as shedding light on Sophocles’       • Suggestions for how students might
original text. The short stories and poems bring even       write their own texts.
greater depth and sophistication to the conversations
established by this ground-breaking piece of work.                       Fantastic - a true classic
• A prose summary of Sophocles’ Antigone                                 reborn in a modern
• ‘The Facility’, a 60-minute play by Sarah Hehir                        context which really
• ‘Being Antigone’, a short story by Barbara Bleiman                     helped my students
                                                                         identify how the themes
• ‘The Dragon and the Girl’ and ‘A Time’, two poems
                                                                         are timeless. Clever use of
  by Valerie Bloom                                                       language and character
• ‘Rage Against the Machine’, a poem by Inua Ellams                      interpretations make this
• ‘I Heard One Cry in the Night’, a short story                          gripping throughout!
  by Phoebe Roy                                                          Jess Moore, The
• ‘A Letter from Antigone’, a poem by Barbara Bleiman                    Rochester Grammar
• Commentaries by each writer                                            School on ‘The Facility’
• Rehearsal stills of ‘The Facility’.

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

An Inspector Called
and Other Stories
Textual Transformations by
Barbara Bleiman
EMC Cultural Conversations
1-9 copies: £20
10-99 copies: £10
100-199 copies: £7.50
200+: £6.90
160-page, pupil book with free
downloadable resources
                                                                                         IN  G
ISBN: 978-1-906101-72-5
                                                                               R T H COM
15 original short stories by Barbara Bleiman,                               FO
each responding creatively to a selection of
novels, poems and plays regularly studied
                                                     Texts that the stories are in
in KS3 and 4. Although in conversation with
                                                     conversation with:
the original text, opening up new angles or
providing a commentary on them, the stories          • An Inspector Calls
can also be enjoyed in their own right.              • Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
                                                     • Macbeth
An Inspector Called and Other Stories is also an
                                                     • Oliver Twist
anthology of different genres and approaches
                                                     • William Blake’s ‘London’
to the short story, so allowing students to
                                                     • A Christmas Carol
explore the flexibility of the form.
                                                     • William Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet 130’
The stories transform, respond to and engage         • Thomas Hardy’s ‘Neutral Tones’
with the original texts in a wide variety of ways,   • Romeo and Juliet
all of which we hope will encourage students to      • The Tempest/Lord of the Flies
experiment with their own transformations.           • Animal Farm
                                                     • Robert Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’
                                                     • The Odyssey
                                                     • Antigone

              Free downloadable
       classroom materials forthcoming:

Included in EMC KS3

Sight/Unseen:                                        KS3 Poetry Plus
                                                     1-9 copies: £20
Poetry                                               10-99 copies: £10
£60                                                  100-199 copies: £7.50
112-page, photocopiable publication                  200+: £6.90
ISBN: 978-1906101398                                 160-page, pupil book
A publication to prepare students for dealing        ISBN: 978-1-906101596
with unseen poetry, including comparison,
across all GCSE specifications.                      Creative, critical and
Poets in the anthology: John Agard, Moniza           comparative approaches
Alvi, Elizabeth Bishop, William Blake, Phil          With an eclectic mix of poems designed to
Brown, Julius Chingogo, John Clare, John             intrigue and engage, this publication offers
Cornford, Maura Dooley, Vicki Feaver, Emily          a rich experience of poetry at KS3 and an
Hasler, Melissa Lee-Houghton, Rudyard Kipling,       excellent foundation for GCSE.
D.H. Lawrence, Denise Levertov, Norman
MacCaig, Charlotte Mew, Helen Mort, Linda            Key Aspects
Paston, Ezra Pound, Kevin Powers, Siegfried          • Encourages students to read with pleasure
Sassoon, Penelope Shuttle, Matthew Sweeney,            and confidence.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Edward Thomas, Alice          • Lively and memorable activities to promote
Walker, William Wordsworth                             debate and close reading.
                                                     • Opportunities for both critical and
      ...full of ideas and approaches to develop       creative writing.
      the requisite skills and strengthen the        • Poets include: Queen Elizabeth I,
      confidence of students facing the challenges     W.B. Yeats, Emily Dickinson, James Berry,
      of writing about unseen poetry... coherent
                                                       Wendy Cope and Sujata Bhatt.
      and imaginative.
      Paul Clayton, Teaching English

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering


Love & Relationships
ISBN: 978-1-906101-52-7

Power & Conflict
ISBN: 978-1-906101-53-4

Time & Place
ISBN: 978-1-906101-57-2

ISBN: 978-1-906101-55-8

ISBN: 978-1-906101-56-5

EMC’s student                                    From as little as
• Place personal response at
  the heart of revision
• Build on class work
• Develop confidence
                                                  per copy!
• Encourage independent,
  fresh thinking
• Support students in ranging
  across the collection
• Demonstrate the importance
  of reflecting on what is
  distinctive about each poem.
                                 1 set of 10 books: £25
                                 2-5 sets (10 books per set): £15
                                 6+ sets (10 books per set): £10

What makes KS3 Curriculumplus stand out from the crowd?
• Well-designed books with age-appropriate challenge
• High quality texts that combine the contemporary and the canonical
• Close attention to the how as well as the what of English teaching
• Goes beyond the minimum requirements of the National Curriculum
• Extensive range of material that exposes learners to a huge repertoire of styles and ideas
• Practices rooted in the established discipline and best practices of English
• Inclusive and diverse interpretation of ‘cultural capital’.
The full package comes with additional planning and resources – all with the English and Media
Centre’s commitment to rigorous creativity and disciplinary excellence.

     What’s included                  What’s included                    What’s included
     in package 1 for                 in package 2 for                   in package 3 for
         £1,390?                          £3,450?                            £4,950?

• 30 copies of Literary           • 100 copies of Literary          • 200 copies of Literary
  Shorts Anthology                  Shorts Anthology                  Shorts Anthology
• 1 copy of Literary Shorts       • 3 copies of Literary Shorts     • 6 copies of Literary Shorts
  Teacher Resource                  Teacher Resource                  Teacher Resource
• 30 copies of Non-               • 100 copies of Non-              • 200 copies of Non-
  fiction Shorts                    fiction Shorts                    fiction Shorts
• 30 copies of Diverse Shorts     • 100 copies of Diverse Shorts    • 200 copies of Diverse Shorts
• 30 copies of KS3 Poetry Plus    • 100 copies of KS3 Poetry Plus   • 200 copies of KS3 Poetry Plus
• 30 copies of KS3                • 100 copies of KS3               • 200 copies of KS3
  Language Laboratory               Language Laboratory               Language Laboratory
• 2 boxes of EMC                  • 6 boxes of EMC                  • 12 boxes of EMC
  Curriculumplus Cards              Curriculumplus Cards              Curriculumplus Cards
• USB with curriculum map,        • USB with curriculum map,        • USB with curriculum map,
  EMC curriculum processes,         EMC curriculum processes,         EMC curriculum processes,
  medium term plans and             medium term plans and             medium term plans and
  additional resources              additional resources              additional resources
  for planning.                     for planning.                     for planning.

         Need additional texts? Additional texts cost just £6.90 (instead of £20).

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

EMC Curriculumplus
Card Collection
1-5 boxes: £70
6+ boxes: £60
ISBN: 978-1-906101619
The EMC Curriculumplus Card Collection box
includes eight decks of three different sets of
cards – enough for pupils to use working in
groups of three or four.
Providing wide-ranging prompts to support
discussion, analysis and writing about texts,
these cards introduce pupils to some key ideas
about the ways texts work – and the role they
play in society. Perfect for interleaving!
• Analysing Texts (prose fiction, drama, literary
• Analysing Poetry
• Critical Literacy.

          Animal Farm
          1-9 copies: £20
          10-99 copies: £10
          100-199 copies: £7.50
          200+: £6.90
          176-page, pupil book
          ISBN: 978-1-906101695

          This full-text study edition brings Orwell’s
          pocket-sized classic to life with before, during
          and after reading activities written by the
          English and Media Centre’s award-winning
          team of English education specialists.
          Written directly to young readers, these
          creative and critical activities offer guidance
          about how to interrogate the text further
          while always respecting the value of drawing
          on personal response as the most direct and
          effective starting point for detailed textual

          Areas covered include:
          • Language and style
          • Characters
          • Genre
          • Context
          • Setting
          • Themes and ideas
          • Plot
          • Structure
          • Critical response

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

Suitable for use across all
                                      A Christmas Carol
specifications*, these study
                                      176-page pupil book
editions include the full text,
divided into manageable               ISBN: 978-1906101381
sections and lightly-glossed to
support independent reading.          Jane Eyre
                                      432-page pupil book
Key Aspects                           ISBN: 978-1906101473
• Activities to prime a
  first reading.                      Great Expectations
• Activities to support pupils        400-page pupil book
  during reading.                     ISBN: 978-1906101480
• More extensive after reading
  activities on key aspects           Strange Case of Dr
  such as language, style and
  genre, as well as theme,
                                      Jekyll & Mr Hyde
  character and plot.                 176-page pupil book
• Contextual information              ISBN: 978-1906101374
  to support students’
  understanding and analysis          Frankenstein
  of the novel.                       224-page pupil book
• Useful criticism and activities     ISBN: 978-1906101466
  to support students
  in using it.
• Exam preparation                    1-9 copies: £20
  and revision.                       10-99 copies: £10
                                      100-199 copies: £7.50
 Free Home Learning Packs             200+: £6.90
 For A Christmas Carol and            A special library collection
  Jekyll & Hyde Available             including 1 copy of each study
           Online                     edition is available for £42.50

       Superb. Really thoughtful and
       inspiring materials.
       Lisa Livermore, St Margaret’s School

* EMC Full Text Study Edition: Frankenstein uses Mary Shelley’s original text from 1818. Before
ordering, please check that this is suitable for your awarding body.                              23
                       LITERATURE 11-16
Cultural Conversations:                        Cultural Conversations:
Poems that Inspire at KS3                      Going on an Odyssey at KS3
£20                                            £20
Download publication                           Download publication
Including poems by Maya Angelou, Emily         Plunge KS3 students into the world of The
Dickinson, Seamus Heaney, Rudyard Kipling      Odyssey – and explore how this text has been
and William Wordsworth, lyrics by Bob Dylan,   (and is still being) transformed and re-made.
Stormzy and John Lennon, as well as work on    An ideal way both to introduce a culturally
Amanda Gorman’s poem ‘The Hill We Climb’,      significant text and to explore critically how
this download publication supports students    and why it has been so influential – why it has
in exploring:                                  provoked so many creative conversations!
• How texts are read differently, by           With texts by Simon Amitage, Emily Wilson,
  different people                             Derek Walcott, Tennyson, Margaret Atwood,
• How that can change in different             Madeleine Miller and Akala, as well as
  times and places                             references to stories from the Ramayana, the
• How poems work and what makes them have      Mahabharata and Gilgamesh, this is a unit
  a powerful impact                            which tackles a heavyweight topic with a light-
• How writers are influenced by the texts      touch – and offers plenty of opportunities for
  they’ve read and seen, and sometimes         creative as well as critical engagement.
  draw on them, or quote from them, in
  their own work
• How texts connect with each other, and are
  in conversation
  with each other.

                                                                      Includes full-colour
                                                                        illustrations by
                                                                         Linda Combi.

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

EMC Teaching a                     Free revision resources
Novel:                             All awarding bodies – search EMC_Free
The Bone Sparrow
Download publication
Before, during and after
                                   Download versions                  Download only
reading activities to support      The Hunger Games                   When Shadows Fall
the teaching of The Bone           £25                                Free
Sparrow as a class reader.                                            34-page print PDF
                                   64-page print & 100pp screen PDF
Drawing on approaches                                                 Never Let Me Go
explored in EMC’s Teaching a       The Curious Incident               £20
Novel at KS3 project, students     of the Dog...                      42-page print PDF
are encouraged to read the         £15
novel at a lively pace, and
                                   64-page PDF                        Kindertransport
to engage with the story, its
themes and its ways of telling,                                       £25
                                   To Kill a Mockingbird              33-page print & 68pp video PDF
critically and creatively – with
plenty of opportunities to
explore and then build on          56-page print PDF                  A Different Story
personal response.                                                    £6.50
                                   Of Mice and Men                    117-page print PDF
The overall approach and the       £12.50
carefully-selected activities                                         Junk and Stone Cold
                                   43-page print PDF &
support students in learning
not only about this novel,
                                   7pp video PDF                      £8.50
                                                                      18-page print PDF
but about narrative more           Richard III
generally, learning how to
read, discuss and write about
                                   £30                                Holes
literary texts.
                                   112-page print PDF                 £4.50
                                                                      17-page PDF
                                   Romeo and Juliet
          Includes a PDF of        £19.95                             Oliver Twist
           EMC’s Analysing         115-page print PDF                 £7.50
             Texts cards.
                                                                      37-page print PDF
                                   Much Ado About
                                   Nothing                            Kit’s Wilderness
                                   £30                                £7.50
                                   129-page print PDF                 26-page print PDF

                                   An Inspector Calls                 Coraline
                                   £12.50                             £10.50
                                   48-page PDF                        45-page print & 82pp screen PDF


                Just Write
                EMC Let Them Loose
                1-9 copies: £20
                10-99 copies: £7.50
                100+ copies: £5.90
                96-page A4 student workbook
                ISBN: 978-1-906101640
                Over the last three years EMC’s Just Write has
                captured the imagination and enthusiasm of
                1000s of young writers and their teachers.
                This beautifully-illustrated student workbook
                for Year 7 offers 44 writing activities drawing
                on the same principles of creativity, freedom
                and choice.
                From speeches to poems, playscripts to novel
                openings, this is a workbook both to harness
                pupils’ enthusiasm for writing and to develop
                their writing ‘muscles’!

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

It’s lovely to be able to give students
a workbook that looks and feels
like a treat, but which is great
for developing their writing at
the same time.

                                          Write On
Alison Binney on Just Write, The
Netherhall School, Cambridge

                                          EMC Let Them Loose
                                          1-9 copies: £20
                                          10-99 copies: £7.50
                                          100+ copies: £5.90
                                          96-page A4 student workbook
                                          ISBN: 978-1-906101640
                                          Write On extends students’ Just Write
                                          adventures into Year 9 and beyond.
                                          • The same spirit of freedom and
                                          • The same high-quality design.
                                          • Greater level of challenge – perfect
                                            preparation for the rigours of GCSE.
                                          44 new creative tasks to encourage students to
                                          develop their writing muscles, including:
                                          • A fearsome critic
                                          • A festival of your own
                                          • Ghostwriter
                                          • Looking to the future
                                          • Happy times
                                          • Manifesto for power
                                          • #smileyface #sadface
                                          • The science of genre
                                          • Dishing the dirt on genre
                                          • Beginnings and endings
                                          • Working with fragments
                                          • Changing a classic
                                          • Creative constraints

KS3 Language                                                     Included in EMC KS3
1-9 copies: £20
10-99 copies: £10
100-199 copies: £7.50
200+: £6.90
160-page, pupil book with online audio/video
ISBN: 978-1-906101602
A pupil book with nine units of work for Years
7-9 organised around three key areas of the
language curriculum: Literature and Language;
Standard English; Vocabulary, Grammar and

Key Aspects
• Develops pupils’ understanding of how
  language works.
• Adds critical and creative depth to the
  language knowledge students bring from KS2.    Non-fiction
• Adds substance to the light-touch language
  requirements of the KS3 National Curriculum.   Shorts for KS3
• Draws on real-life examples of language in     1-9 copies: £20
  use in literature and the wider world.         10-99 copies: £10
• Encourages understanding of the choices        100-199 copies: £7.50
  available in all language use.                 200+: £6.90
• Close language study develops broader skills
                                                 160-page, pupil book
  of reading and writing.
• Includes video interviews with well-known      ISBN: 978-1906101497
  writers from fiction and journalism.           A pupil book with a diverse range of non-fiction
                                                 texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries
                                                 with activities designed to help pupils to
                                                 develop the skills they will need for GCSE.
                                                 • Builds pupils’ skills and stamina with a
                                                   wide range of texts to amuse, inspire and
                                                   provoke discussion.
                                                 • Activities on 19th-century texts are designed
                                                   to build pupils’ knowledge and understanding
                                                   of historical context.
                                                 • Texts grouped together into six units of work.
                                                 • Activities include big picture and close reading
                                                   approaches, and encourage both personal
                                                   and critical responses.
                                                 • Opportunities for a range of group, pair
                                                   and individual work, as well as critical and
28                                                 creative writing.
Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

Non-fiction for GCSE
1-9 copies: £20
10-99 copies: £10
100-199 copies: £7.50
200+: £6.90
192-page, pupil book | ISBN: 978-1906101367
Develops the skills needed to tackle unseen non-fiction across
all GCSE Language specifications.
• Lively, memorable lessons.
• A range of activities to develop pupils’ reading skills: from
  close language work to creative writing and from comparative
  analysis to role play and debate.                                      PERFECT FOR GCSE ACROSS
• Activities to develop pupils’ writing.                                   ALL LANGUAGE SPECS
• Challenging text extracts from the 19th, 20th and 21st
  centuries to develop close reading skills.

Spotlight on
Creative Interventions in English
and Across the Curriculum
A4, 352-page photocopiable resource and full
publication in PDF form on DVD inc site license for
whole school/college use
ISBN: 978-1906101299
With over 350 pages of innovative ideas for
teaching literacy in English and across the
curriculum, this is an indispensable toolkit for
the English department and beyond.                    Key Aspects
                                                      • Intervention at all levels, not just for lower
• Basics are addressed in ways that really              ability pupils.
  get pupils thinking about why these skills          • Approaches for one-to-one support, group
  are important.                                        and whole class work on specific areas.
• Accessible ways into more challenging areas,        • 125 pages of teacher strategies and 192 pages
  such as structuring a piece of writing, reading       of classroom-ready materials.
  for inference and adapting spoken language          • Explanations and CPD support for teachers,
  to different audiences.                               plus classroom resources.
• Ideal for developing grammatical                    • DVD with customisable resources + full PDF
  understanding.                                        publication for use on your intranet or VLE.

                              LANGUAGE 11-16

English Language GCSE                                Language Works: Words That
AQA English Language                                 £10.50
FREE                                                 25-page print PDF
54-page print PDF
                                                     Arctic Adventure
Edexcel English Language                             £20
FREE                                                 32-page print PDF & 60pp video PDF
56-page print PDF
                                                     KS3 Non-Fiction: Dirty Dogs
Eduqas English Language                              £4.50
FREE                                                 14-page print PDF
52-page print PDF
                                                     KS3 Non-Fiction: Captain Scott
OCR English Language                                 £10.50
                                                     26-page print PDF
50-page print PDF

                                                     Days Like These
Revision bundles
                                                     24-page print PDF & 48-page video PDF
EMC’s downloadable revision resources for language
and literature are also available in Awarding
Body bundles.
                                                     The Knight’s Tale – Storytelling
                                                     at KS3
Language resources                                   £8.50
                                                     22-page print PDF & 36-page screen PDF
Language Works: My Language
£10.50                                               Scribble Away
26-page print PDF                                    £5.50
                                                     14-page PDF & 17-page screen PDF
Language Works: Mathilda
Speaking                                             The Poetry Writing Spark
£12.50                                               £12.50
23-page print PDF                                    16-page print PDF, with 34-screen video PDF

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

What Matters
in English Teaching
Collected Blogs and Other Writing
Barbara Bleiman
Drawing and expanding on Barbara Bleiman’s
thought-provoking and highly influential blogs,
What Matters in English Teaching gives an informed,
principled – sometimes unashamedly polemical –
account of the most important issues in English teaching
                                                                        208-page paperback
today. In it Barbara reflects on and argues for a particular
                                                                        ISBN: 978-1-906101664
vision of the subject – its pedagogies, practices and
curriculum content. Topics covered include:
• What English is and what it could and should be
• Big picture thinking                                                Harold
• Challenge and text choice                                           Rosen:
• Diversity in the English classroom                                  Writings
• What is significant knowledge at KS3?                               on life,
• Cultural capital – is it a useful term?
• Vocabulary                                                          learning,
• Group work and talk in English classrooms                           1958-
• Teaching writing, poetry and the novel                              2008
• Assessing English                                                   Edited by John Richmond and
• Teaching English                                                    published by UCL IOE, this
  Language                            ‘A tour de force!’
                                                                      tribute to Harold’s life and
                                      Rachel Roberts,
• Research, theory,                                                   work contains over 50 pieces
                                      University of Reading
  practice and CPD.                                                   of his writing.

      ‘On the ‘messiness’, the rigour, the importance of English, I    £24.50
      can’t think of a book I’d rather read about English teaching
                                                                       582-page paperback
      then, now, and in the future, than @BarbaraBleiman’s
      indispensable What Matters in English Teaching.’                 ISBN: 978-1782771890
      Geoff Barton, Twitter, April 2021


LEAP INTO                       A LEVEL WITH EMC!
 Help your Year 11 students to make the leap into A Level with
 enthusiasm and confidence!
 Three free download publications written for students
 working in the classroom or independently.

Leaping into                    Making the Leap                    Leap into Media
Language                        • Introduces students to           • Introduces students to
• Gives students a taste of       new ways of thinking,              key ways of thinking
  the range of language study     reading, writing and talking       about media texts
  available at A Level            about literature                 • Widens understanding of
                                • Widens understanding of            what media study involves
• Offers accessible
                                  what literary studies involves   • Encourages students to
  introductory activities
                                • Encourages students                experiment and take risks
• Encourages students             to take risks with their         • Demonstrates the value and
  to think about the              reading and writing                importance of theory to
  language around them          • Makes links between                studying media texts
• Stimulates                      creative and critical            • Makes links between
  thinking and debate             approaches to analysis             production activities and
• Provides access to key        • Develops students'                 responding to texts
  thinkers and writers.           confidence in expressing their   • Develops students’
                                  ideas in reading and writing       confidence in approaching
                                • Promotes enjoyment.                media texts.

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

EMC                                         FOR A LEVEL
MAGAZINES                                   STUDENTS
 ‘For anyone thinking                        ‘A fantastic resource that
 of applying to read                         has followed me pretty
 English at university it is                 much everywhere I have
 indispensable.’                             worked in education.’
 Professor John Mullan, UCL                  Jamie Cash, Confetti

                         Print and Web subscriptions
                       includes unlimited access to the
                   subscription website for all teachers and

www.englishandmedia.co.uk/e-magazine     www.englishandmedia.co.uk/media-magazine


Exploring Atonement                              Exploring Mrs Dalloway
£45                                              £45
96-page PDF                                      96-page PDF
• Activities to prime the reading                • Activities to prime the reading and introduce
• Creative and critical activities to support      literary, cultural and historical context.
  students’ reading of the text                  • Mapping the text.
• Narrative voice and perspective                • Creative and critical activities – to support
• Character and characterisation                   students’ reading of the text.
• Themes (including a focus on childhood)        • After reading activities on key aspects:
• Structure, plot and the handling of time         • Getting the big picture
• Genre and intertextuality                        • Structure
• Literary crime                                   • Themes
• Style – critical and creative explorations       • Character
• Through the lens of the film adaptation          • Voice
• A realist narrative, an experimental             • The handling of time
  narrative? Both?                                 • Style
• A wide range of criticism from reviews and       • Literary contexts
  academic articles, as well as a selection of     • Criticism and the context of reception
  articles originally published in emagazine.      • Women and literature.

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

Exploring                         Exploring                         Exploring Nineteen
A Doll’s House                    Things Fall Apart                 Eighty-Four
£35                               £35                               £45
52-page PDF                       48-page PDF                       68-page PDF with video interview
Critical, creative and            Critical, creative and            • Voice and point of view
contextual activities for after   contextual activities for after   • Textual components
reading, including:               reading, including:               • Narrative structure
• Themes, motifs and symbols      • Characters and                  • Genre: literary fiction,
• Debating themes                   characterisation                  dystopia, satire
• The cultural context            • Key themes                      • The importance of language
• Close analysis of a scene       • Narrative voice and             • Character
• Exploring character               point of view                   • Key elements and ideas
• Staging the play                • Language                          including: state control,
• The power of props              • Close textual analysis            politics, truth, freedom of
• The ‘woman’ question            • Exploring the structure           thought and doublethink
• Nora through time – a           • Genre – tragedy                 • Critical exploration of
  critical history                • Beliefs and customs               context
• The context of reception        • Contexts                        • emagazine articles
• Theorists’ conference           • Criticism and critical          • Video interview with
• A Doll’s House for the            perspectives                      Dr David Dwan
  21st-century                    • Alternative approaches to       • Comparing Nineteen Eighty-
• Creative-critical approaches.     exploring the novel.              Four with other texts.

The Literature                                         Language
Reader                                                 Handbook:
Key Thinkers on Key                                    Key Thinkers on Key
Topics                                                 Topics (2nd edition)

1-9 copies: £20                                        1-9 copies: £20
10-99 copies: £10                                      10-99 copies: £10
100+ copies: £8                                        100+ copies: £8
176-page paperback student book                        224-page paperback student book
ISBN: 978-1906101657                                   ISBN: 978-1906101626
Eighteen chapters by leading                           • Foreword by Ron Carter
academics and practitioners on key aspects             • Introduction by Dan Clayton
of English Literature to inform, engage and            • Deborah Cameron: Gender and
pique the interest. A perfect overview of the            Communication
subject for advanced level students, first year        • Dan Clayton: Attitudes to
undergraduates and the general reader.                   Language Change
• Foreword by Professor John Mullan                    • Rob Drummond: Urban
• Robert Eaglestone: What is English Literature?         Youth Language
• Judy Simons: The Critical Essay                              • Sue Fox: Spoken Language
• Peter Barry: Reading in Context                              • Angela Goddard: Language
• Michael Rosen: Poetry – A                                    and Technology
  Conversation Across Time                                     • Chris Hart: Critical Discourse
• Emma Smith: Shakespeare and
                                                               • Paul Ibbotson: Child
  Historical Context
• Jenny Stevens: The Rise of the Novel in                      Language Acquisition
  the 18th and 19th Centuries                                  • Paul Kerswill: Social Variation
• Malcolm Hebron: The Romantics                                • Nicci MacLeod:
• Stephen Donovan: Modernism                                   Forensic Linguistics
• Sean McEvoy: Modern Drama in Britain                         • Lynne Murphy:
  and Ireland – The European Influence                         American English
• Pamela Bickley: The Novel in the 20th                        • Jane Setter: English
  and 21st Centuries                                           Around the World
• Nicolas Tredell: Declaration and Dream
                                                       • Peter Stockwell: Textual Analysis
  –American Literature
• Leila Kamali: Postcolonial Literature                  and Stylistics
• Andrew Michael Hurley: Gothic and the                • Graeme Trousdale: Language Change
  Supernatural                                         • Kevin Watson: Accent and Dialect.
• Nathan Waddell: Dystopia
• Christopher Pittard: Crime
• Chris Powers: The Short Story                     Whichever essay you consider within the
• Nicolas Tredell: ‘Isms’ and the Critical Reader   collection, there is inspiration for those of us
• Andrew McCallum: Experimental Literature          who are passionate about literature because
  Past, Present and Future                          of the conversations in which each essay
                                                    encourages us to participate.
                                                    Angela Rodrigues, The Use of English

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

Studying                                              Studying
A Streetcar Named                                     The Handmaid’s Tale

£80                                                   £80
A4, 96-page photocopiable publication with PDF        A4, 80-page photocopiable publication with PDF
ISBN: 978-1906101459                                  ISBN: 978-1906101442
• Literary, generic and historical contexts           • Resources to support the study of Atwood’s
  (including New Orleans, the American South,           novel in its generic context.
  the first stage production and censorship),         • Structured approaches for reading, with
  integrated into the study of the text.                activities to encourage critical engagement.
• Draws on literary, stylistic and creative           • A strong focus on the most significant aspects
  approaches to analysis, to engage with the            of language and structure.
  play’s structure, language, characterisation        • Critical material woven into the activities to
  and dramatic qualities, as well as its themes.        enrich and extend students’ interpretations.
• Activities to support students in balancing         • Connections with texts such as
  close analysis of individual scenes with a            Nineteen Eighty-Four, Frankenstein and
  sense of the play as a whole.                         Never Let Me Go.
• Critical material to sharpen up students’           • Fresh new angles, including creative
  responses and suggest new ways of                     responses, to sharpen up critical thinking.
  interpreting the text.

                                                                                               WITH PDF ON CD

      Simply superb. With a wealth of practical,            A fantastic resource written by people who
      easy-to-navigate resources, the publication           know what they're talking about. It provides
      works its magic in every aspect of study from         engaging and thought-provoking lesson
      pre-reading to revision.                              materials to stretch pupils and teachers alike.
      Victoria Edgar, Eltham College                        Dr Charlotte Campton, Repton School

Studying                                           Studying
   King Lear                                          Hamlet

   1-4 copies: £80 inc 1 USB per order                1-4 copies: £80 inc 1 DVD per order
   5-9 copies: £20 inc 1 USB per order                5-9 copies: £20 inc 1 DVD per order
   10+ copies: £15 inc 1 USB per order                10+ copies: £15 inc 1 DVD per order
   176-page book with printable PDF & video           176-page book with printable PDF & video
   lectures on USB*                                   lectures on DVD*
   ISBN: 978-1906101589                               ISBN: 978-1906101503

   Key Aspects                                        Key Aspects
   • Combines practical classroom materials and a     • Activities for before reading.
     critical guide to the play.                      • Key activities on each act.
   • Before reading activities to introduce key       • Substantial after reading activities to allow
     ideas and encourage engagement.                    students to explore key ideas in greater depth.
   • Key activities on each act.                      • Critical and contextual material (including
   • Substantial after reading activities to allow      on a range of productions) is integrated
     students to explore core aspects of the            throughout the publication.
     text through critical, creative, stylistic and   • Production stills and case study of a
     investigative approaches.                          production, including an interview with
   • Critical and contextual material (including on     director Robert Icke.
     a range of productions) integrated throughout    • Four articles from emagazine on tragedy,
     the publication.                                   revenge tragedy and early modern drama.
                                                      • Four articles from emagazine on Hamlet.

                                                                             INCLUDES VIDEO LECTURES &
                                                                             PHOTOCOPIABLE PDF ON DVD

                                                                                 I think this is the best EMC
                                                                                 A Level resource yet!
                                                                                 Guyan Mitra, teacher

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering




Tragedy: A Student Handbook                          Studying Othello
1-9 copies: £20                                      £80
10-99 copies: £8.50                                  A4, 128-page photocopiable publication with
100+ copies: £6.90                                   90-minute DVD

256-page paperback student book                      ISBN: 0907016812

Also available for iPad/iPhone in iTunes or the      • Contextual material on Venice and Cyprus,
iBookstore and Kindle on www.amazon.co.uk              women, magic, race, stage and film
ISBN: 978-1906101060                                   productions, all embedded in activities on
                                                       the play itself.
A comprehensive introduction to tragedy
                                                     • Short ‘soundbites’ by a diverse range of
for advanced level students. It provides clear
                                                       critics in during reading activities and a more
explanations of key concepts in tragedy and
                                                       sustained focus after reading.
changing ideas about tragedy over time,
                                                     • A strong focus on language, incorporating
from classical theories and Renaissance
                                                       new ideas in accessible ways.
thinking through to modern interpretations.
                                                     • Strategies for reflecting on and recording
A paperback for classroom sets, the library or
                                                       important issues, themes, images and angles
individual student purchase.
                                                       on character.

Key Aspects
• Short introductions to broad periods and
  contexts – Greek and Renaissance tragedy, late
  19th-century European playwrights, modern
  American, British and Irish tragedy.                     Tragedy: A Student Handbook – sparky,
• Accounts of significant playwrights, including           nicely written and, in spite of its terrific
                                                           scope, aesthetically engaged with a
  Sophocles, Shakespeare, Webster, Marlowe,
                                                           feast of vivid examples. Go and get your
  Ibsen, Beckett, Miller, Williams and Friel.
                                                           copy right away!
• Short critical extracts and a glossary of terms.         Ewan Fernie, Reader in English,
• Questions to provoke reflection.                         Royal Holloway

Doing Close Reading                                Studying Blake’s Songs
Activities • Anthology • Analysis
                                                   A4, 128-page photocopiable publication, with
£80                                                downloadable audio-visual resources.
A4, 176-page photocopiable publication with full
                                                   ISBN: 0907016871
publication and A5 anthology booklet on CD
ISBN: 978-1906101305
                                                   • Analytic and
                                                     creative approaches
• Activities to develop and hone skills of close     to language,
  reading in different ways.                         structure and form.
• A set of practices and a methodology that        • Close study of
  students can use with confidence.                  individual poems
• 20 approaches for developing the skills of         complemented
  close reading, ranging from close stylistic        by activities
  analysis to re-creative writing.                   encouraging
• Ways of doing close reading on                     students to read
  unseen texts.                                      comparatively.
• 58 texts (fiction, poetry, drama, non-fiction)                                    RESOURCES TO
                                                   • Contextual material             DOWNLOAD
  from Sidney to Billy Collins, Shakespeare to       closely connected to
  Sam Shepard, Jane Austen to Hilary Mantel          textual study.
  and Mary Wollstonecraft to Alan Clark.           • A range of critical responses.
• 20 close readings by academics, critics
  and writers.                                            An exciting resource with varied and
                                                          stimulating activities.
                                                          NATE Classroom

                                                   Studying The Great Gatsby
                                                   A4, 96-page photocopiable publication with
                                                   45-minute DVD
                               PHOTOCOPIABLE       ISBN: 978-1906101-11-4
                               WITH PDF ON CD
                                                   • Strategies for
                                                     reading the text.
                                                   • Themes,
                                                     voice, structure.
                                                   • Nick as character and
                                                   • Close linguistic
                                                     analysis: symbolism,
       Brilliant! Creative and practical.            lexical clusters.
       Jemima Kettle, Guildford High School        • Contexts – historical,
                                                     social, cultural and literary.
                                                   • Creative writing and media approaches.
       A superb resource for close reading.        • Active approaches to criticism.
       Gary Snapper, NATE
                                                   • DVD interview with Professor Nicolas Tredell.

Visit englishandmedia.co.uk for sample PDFs and ordering

                               ENGLISH 16-19
Literature                                   Studying The Road
Never Let Me Go                              £30 57-page video PDF
£20 42-page print PDF
                                             Studying Wuthering Heights
Studying Beloved                             £25 96-page PDF
£30 59-page PDF
                                             Studying Narrative: Genre
Studying Cold Mountain                       £4.50 10-page PDF
£25 81-page PDF
                                             Studying Narrative: Themes
The Poetry Pack: Developing                  £4.50 7-page PDF
Critical Skills at 14-19
                                             Studying Narrative: Structure
£15 71-page PDF
                                             £4.50 14-page PDF
Teaching Arcadia
                                             Pre-1770 Drama: Context &
£30 105-page PDF
Regeneration: EMC Interview                  £7.50 33-page PDF
with Pat Barker
                                             Pre-1770 Drama: Belief & Learning
£20 45-page video PDF
                                             £4.50 11-page PDF
Studying The World’s Wife
£25 128-page print PDF                       Pre-1770 Drama: Class & Women
                                             £5.50 27-page PDF
Studying Spies
£35 84-page video PDF                        Pre-1770 Drama: Order & Disorder
                                             £4.50 17-page PDF
Pre-1770 Drama
£25 127-page PDF                             Language
                                             Language Frameworks – AQA
Studying Blake’s Songs                       (2nd edition)
£25 128-page PDF with embedded video clips   £45 152-page print PDF with audio-visual assets
Studying The Great Gatsby                    Language Frameworks – Gender
£45 100-page video PDF                       £15 34-page print PDF

Media Approaches to                           For the Love of...
Shakespeare’s Language                        £8.50
£6.50                                         29-page video PDF
14-page print PDF & 23-page video PDF
Bait: Editing the Director’s                  £8.50
Rushes                                        34-page video PDF
Package of video clips for editing            Doing Ads – Levi’s
Sold                                          20-page video PDF
24-page video PDF                             Doing Ads – Reading an Ad
Double Take                                   22-page video PDF
22-page video PDF                             Doing Ads – Starting Points
Dipper                                        24pp PDF
30-page video PDF

        As always with EMC resources,
        there is an enlightened approach to
        classroom activities
        Gareth Calway, Secondary
        English Magazine


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     Access to exclusive publications and teaching                                                    Promote, share and publish your work
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