NEW ZEALAND PRODUCTION MUSIC RATE CARD - For more information contact us on - apra amcos nz

Page created by Virginia Sullivan
For more information contact us on
0800 69 2772
ADVERTISING                                                                                                                                           DISCOUNTS
                                                                                           LICENCE          WOR LD WIDE WEB                           ‘CUT DOWN’ DISCOUNTS
ONL I NE                                                                                    CODE                ( WWW )
                                                                                                                                                      A 15% discount applies to a maximum of two ‘cut-
                                                                                                                                                      downs’ in addition to the primary version which must
                       Free/organic social media use only (e.g. organic/unpaid social                            $57.00                               be of greater duration.
                       media content for followers & subscribers only)                                      per track/version
                                                                                                                                                      CAMPAIGN DISCOUNTS
     ONL I N E &       Free social PLUS website use only (e.g. organic/unpaid social                             $103.00                              Apply if you are producing a series of ads as part of
       DIGITAL         media content, email blast, company websites, YouTube)                               per track/version                         one campaign, across all advertising mediums and
    P L ATF ORMS                                                                                                                                      territories, provided they are all licensed at the same
                       All online platforms, paid and unpaid (e.g. Pre-Rolls, Sponsored/
                       Promoted Social Media Posts, News Feed Ads, Pop Ups, Ad              APD                                                       20% - 4-6 Ads in the campaign
                                                                                                            per track/version                         25% - 7-9 Ads in the campaign
                       Banners, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                      30% - 10+ Ads in the campaign

B R OADC AST                                                                                                                                          50% TAG ENDING CHANGE
                                                                                                                                                      Where a series of advertisements are produced and
 All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified.                                                                                      the only variation is the end line “tag ending” (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                      “starts Monday, starts tomorrow”), the licence may
 Broadcast licences include clearance for all online platforms i.e. AFD, AVD, & APD
                                                                                                                                                      be charged at 50% of the applicable rate, multiplied
                                                                                                                                                      by the number of versions (including the primary
                                                              LICENCE      REGIONAL         M ET LOW          M ET H IGH      NATIONAL                version). This concession will only be granted for tag
                                                                   CODE    U N I T R ATE    U N I T R ATE     U N I T R ATE   U N IT RAT E            changes on ads licensed for the same duration and
                                                                                                                                                      broadcast area, and approved by the APRA AMCOS
                       Free to Air Television                      ATF       $65.00          $136.00           $204.00          $358.00               Production Music Department.

    TE L E VIS ION     Pay Television                              ATP       $62.00          $124.00           $186.00          $323.00

                       All Television (Free to Air and Pay)        ATA       $98.00          $210.00           $311.00          $544.00         RATES AVAILABLE FOR:
                                                                                                                                                • International territories
                       Free to Air Radio (includes Digital
                                                                   ARF       $37.00          $67.00            $105.00          $175.00         • Community Service Announcements
                       Streaming Services)
                       Digital Streaming Services (e.g.                                                                                         • All productions are subject to an $11.00
                       Spotify, iHeart Radio, Apple                ARD       $26.00          $48.00             $71.00          $123.00           processing fee (per territory, per licence
                       Music, etc.)                                                                                                               category)
                                                                                                                                                • All figures exclude GST
                       Outdoor (includes indoor) (e.g.
                                                                   AOPE      $63.00           $132.00           $197.00         $345.00         • All licences issued are cleared in
                       played at a football stadium)
     P U B L IC                                                                                                                                   perpetuity
                       Indoor (excludes outdoor) (e.g.                                                                                          Please see page 7 for defined terms and
                                                                   AOPI      $37.00          $67.00            $105.00          $175.00
                       played on an in-store display)                                                                                           territory definitions.

      C I N E MA       Cinema Advertisements                       AOC       $37.00          $67.00            $105.00          $175.00
                                                                                                                                                                      N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772                CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS              LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                        20 20

  AUDIO VIS UAL                                                                    PER TR ACK
                                                                                     R ATE
                                                                                                CAPPED FL AT FEE

    LICENCE CODE                                                                      VND              VNF
                                                                                                                             For any online use with a paid spend behind it (promoted social use, pre
    Corporate Event & Intranet Use Only                                                                                      rolls etc.), please refer to our APD rate on page 2.
    (e.g. In-house produced content for staff training/conference,
                                                                                    $33.00           $312.00                 Audio Visual & Audio rates are cleared for World all Territories.
    awards show content, exhibition films and audio/visual guides
    (e.g. museums, art installations and trade shows))                                                                       All rates include permission for translated versions.
                                                                                                                             FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production.
    LICENCE CODE                                                                      VOD              VOF                   All Corporate Content rates provide clearance for unlimited hard copies

    Corporate Event & Organic Online Platforms (including Intranet)

    To extend the clearance above (VND & VNF) to cover general online               $136.00          $866.00
    platforms (YouTube, social media, company website etc.), please
    upgrade to these options.

                                                                                                                          IN FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT UNIT RATES:
                                                                                   PER TR ACK
                                                                                     R ATE      CAPPED FL AT FEE          • National: $201.00
                                                                                                                          • World: $2,829.00
    LICENCE CODE                                                                      UND              UNF
                                                                                                                          • Capped production Flat Fees also available.
    Corporate Event & Intranet Use Only                                             $21.00           $142.00
                                                                                                                          • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per
    LICENCE CODE                                                                      UOD              UOF                  territory, per licence category)
                                                                                                                          • All figures exclude GST
    Corporate Event & Organic Online Platforms (including Intranet)
                                                                                                                          • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity
    To extend the clearances above (UND & UNF) to cover general                     $124.00          $394.00
                                                                                                                          Please see page 7 for defined terms and territory definitions.
    online platforms (e.g. for background music on a corportate
    website etc.), please upgrade to these options.

    To be licensed under these rates, audio productions which contain production music must consist mainly
    of spoken words. Use of the production music must be strictly incidental to the overall content of the
    production (e.g. a comedy album where the production music is background to skits).
    Audio productions for retail sale, streamed or available for download on a digital platform primarily for the
    commercial exploitation of the music are specifically excluded. They cannot be cleared under these rates.
    Please contact the Production Music department if you have any questions regarding this use.

                                                                                                                                                                          N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772                        CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS       LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                        20 20
                                                                                                                           For minimal use - All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified.
                                                                                                                           All rates include reproduction for online and digital platforms.

                                                                                                               LICENCE            WWW                             WWW
ONL I NE                                                                                                        CODE            PE R T RAC K            F LAT F E E PE R E PISOD E

                        For SVOD/TVOD Online Platforms (e.g. Apple TV, Netflix, Lightbox, Spark Sport, etc).     PVD               $75.00                         $750.00
 DIG ITAL               For Organic/AVOD platforms only (i.e. Catch-Up TV, episodic YouTube series)              PND              $24.00                          $168.00

                        Podcast                                                                                  PUD              $16.00                          $112.00

                                                                                                               LICENCE      REG IONAL              M E T LOW             M E T H IG H   NATIONAL
                                                                                                                CODE         U N IT RAT E          U N IT RAT E          U N IT RAT E    U N IT RAT E

                        Free to Air Television                                                                   PTF          $21.00                 $31.00                 $32.00        $34.00

 TE L E VISION          Pay Television                                                                           PTP          $19.00                 $28.00                 $29.00        $31.00

                        All Television (Free to Air and Pay)                                                     PTA          $28.00                 $44.00                 $45.00        $48.00


                                                                                                                                                              NEGOTIABLE RATES ARE AVAILABLE

                                                                                Flat Fees clear unlimited use of production music, per episode.               FOR A SERIES. CONTACT THE PM
                                                                                All rates include reproduction for online and digital platforms.
                                                                                                                                                              DEPT FOR MORE INFORMATION.

                                                                                     LENGTH OF PR OGR AM M E
CLEARANCE                                                                 30 M I N         60 M I N             90 M I N

                             Free to Air Television                      $475.00          $725.00              $1025.00                        • All productions are subject to an $11.00
                                                                                                                                                 processing fee (per territory, per licence
 N E W Z E AL AN D           Pay Television                              $390.00          $600.00              $800.00                           category)
                                                                                                                                               • All figures exclude GST
                             All Television
                                                                         $675.00          $1000.00             $1350.00                        • All licences issued are cleared in
                             (Free to Air and Pay)
                             + Australia                                 $400.00          $600.00              $800.00                         Please see page 7 for defined terms and
 ADDITIONAL                                                                                                                                    territory definitions.
                             + World                                    $1,500.00         $2,250.00            $3,000.00

 AL L M E DIA                World                                      $2650.00          $3650.00             $4650.00
                                                                                                                                                                             N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772                CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS             LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                            20 20
                                                                      FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production.
                                                                      Gaming and mobile app rates are cleared for World all Territories.

                                              P E R TRAC K                FL AT FEE

     LICENCE CODE                                 VGD                      VGDF

     Apps                                       $58.00                    $606.00

     LICENCE CODE                                 VGH                      VGHF

     Video Games                               $207.00                  $10,000.00

   All rates include reproduction for online and digital platforms.

   MUSIC ON HOLD                                                      Music on hold rates are cleared for World all Territories.

                                                                                                                                                      • All productions are subject
                                                                                                                                                        to an $11.00 processing fee
                                                                                                                                                        (per territory, per licence
                                          LICE NCE
                                                             PER TR ACK
                                           CODE                                                                                                       • All figures exclude GST
                                                                                                                                                      • All licences issued are
     Use of Production Music for                                                                                                                        cleared in perpetuity
                                             H1               $17.00
     music on hold
                                                                                                                                                      Please see page 7 for
                                                                                                                                                      defined terms and territory
   Users of APRA AMCOS controlled Production Music will also need an APRA AMCOS Music on Hold Licence for the
   communication of those works on their telephone system.
   Call 1300 852 388 or visit for more information.

                                                                                                                                                                 N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772                 CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS           LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                   20 20
PER UNIT - Per 30 secs or part thereof.

FILMS                              FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production.
                                   All rates include reproduction for online and digital platforms.

                                                                   R ATE FOR ALL TER R ITOR IES

                                                                           PER U N I T            FL AT FEE

                    Film Festivals Only                  FF                $100.00              $1,000.00

                                                                                                                                                        • All productions are subject
                    Budget up to $1 Million             FC1                $175.00              $1,250.00                                                 to an $11.00 processing fee
  FI L M                                                                                                                                                  (per territory, per licence
  AL L M E DIA                                                                                                                                            category)
                    Budget $1 - $5 Million              FC2                $250.00              $2,250.00
                                                                                                                                                        • All figures exclude GST
                                                                                                                                                        • All licences issued are cleared
                    Budget $5 Million +                 FC3                $300.00              $3,000.00                                                 in perpetuity
                                                                                                                                                        Please see page 7 for defined
                    Film Festivals All Media            FSA                $150.00                $800.00                                               terms and territory definitions.

  SHOR T F I L M    Film Festivals & Online Only         FSF                $38.00                $365.00

                    All Online Platforms                 FD                 $28.00                $250.00

FILM TRAILERS                                                Trailer rates are per track (not per unit)          NEGOTIABLE RATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR
                                                                                                                 TRAILERS USING MULTIPLE TRACKS

                                                                                                              N EW Z EAL AN D        N Z & AU          WORL D

                                                                      All Media                     AAT          $725.00             $827.00           $1,656.00
                   For Trailers relating to Films with budgets
                   up to $1 Million
  FI L M
                                                                      All Online Platforms         AOTD                                                $133.00

                   For Film’s with budgets over $1 Million                                                                      Price On Application

                                                                                                                                                                    N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772                   CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS          LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                     20 20
DEFINED TERMS                                  designed or intended to inform the
                                               public of matters of public interest. It is
                                                                                                Production: An audio-visual or audio
                                                                                                production identified by a unique title and/
                                                                                                                                                     Podcast: A podcast is an audio programme
                                                                                                                                                     that is made specifically for online
Flat Fee: Clears unlimited use of production   transmitted to the public for no fee or other    or number applicable only to those audio-            broadcast, as opposed to first airing on
music per production.                          consideration. It does not promote the use       visual or audio productions with identical           radio. It is available via both download or
                                               of particular goods or services or solicit the   content.                                             streaming format. Podcasts typically range
All Media: All media refers collectively to
                                               sponsorship of any organisation. Rates for       Promotional: Drawing the attention of the            from 5–60 minutes in length.
mass media technologies: Television, film,
                                               bona fide CSA’s are available on application
radio, the Internet, digital platforms &
                                               and are subject to the completion of a
                                                                                                public or a targeted audience, to a brand,           F I LM & TRAI LE RS :
                                                                                                product, service, person, organisation or
storage media formats (DVD, USB, etc.).
                                               signed warranty. Contact the Production          line of conduct, in a manner which intends           PAG E 6
Digital: Encompasses online streaming and      Music department.                                                                                     Film: Film encompasses individual motion
                                                                                                to promote or oppose it for the intended
downloading of media in all formats.
                                               Infomercial (i.e. ATI): Segments within or       audience.                                            pictures, and the motion picture industry.
Download: Transfer of data or programs         an entire programme which a broadcaster                                                               Films are produced by recording images
from a server or host computer to another      receives payment or other valuable               T V & ONLINE                                         with cameras, or by creating images using
computer or digital device.                    consideration and which directly promotes                                                             animation techniques or special effects.
Online Streaming: Referred to also as          goods or services offered to viewers for                                                              Trailer: A trailer or preview is an
Internet streaming. It is multimedia           sale during the segment or programme.            PAGE 4                                               advertisement or a commercial for a
constantly received by an end-user and                                                          AVOD - Advertising-funded Video on                   feature film to be exhibited in the future.
delivered by a streaming provider. This        CORP ORATE                                       Demand                                               Short Film: A short film is an original
is delivered by an audio-visual or audio       CONTE NT: PAGE 3                                 TVOD - Transactional Video on Demand                 motion picture with a typical duration of
production public announcement designed                                                                                                              under 40 minutes.
                                               Audio Visual Production: A disc, tape or         SVOD - Subscription Video on Demand
or intended to promote or encourage the
purchase, use or support of goods and          other device in which sounds and images          In-Context Promo: must consist of direct             TE R R ITORY
                                               or text are embedded. This includes              edits of previously licensed programme
services. This includes programme promos
                                               audio productions containing electronic          footage. Additional works added during the
                                                                                                                                                     DE F I NITIONS
or station identification.
                                               signals designed to control or trigger the       production of teasers, trailers and other            Regional: Covers all of New Zealand, but
                                               representation of images, such as slides,                                                             excludes Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch
ADVE RTISING:                                  computer graphics and images contained
                                                                                                advertisements are not covered by this
                                                                                                                                                     and Dunedin.
PAGE 2                                         on a CD-ROM.                                     Internal Online: refers to a company’s               Met Low (Metropolitan Low): Covers ONE of
Advertisement (i.e. ATA, ATF, ATP, ARF,        Download: Transfer of data or programs           intranet platform, which cannot be                   Wellington, Christchurch or Dunedin.
AOPE, AOPI, AOC, APD, ARD, AVD, AFD):          from a server or host computer to another        accessed or viewed by external parties.
An audio-visual or audio production as a       computer or digital device.                                                                           Met High (Metropolitan High): Covers
public announcement designed or intended                                                        Organic Online: unpaid/non-promoted                  Auckland only.
                                               Audio Production: A disc, tape or other          online content, without boosted
to promote or encourage the purchase, use
                                               storage device in which sounds are               distribution via a paid media spend.                 National: All of New Zealand.
or support of goods and services to a wider
                                               embedded.                                        Programme: A television/radio programme
audience. This includes programme promos                                                                                                             World: Covers all territories worldwide.
or station identification.                     Flat Fee (VNF, UNF): Clears unlimited use        also called television/radio show, are
                                               of production music, per production.             segments of content intended for broadcast           If you require clearance for a specific
Campaign: A coordinated series of linked                                                                                                             territory, please contact us directly on
advertisements with a single idea or           For Sale and/or Rental: Means a fee is           on television/ radio. It may be a one-time
                                                                                                production or part of a periodically recurring       0800 69 2772 or
theme. An advertising campaign is typically    charged to the audience or individual
broadcast through several media channels.      to whom the production is directed or            series.
It usually focuses on common themes            distributed, specifically to view or listen to   Webisodes: A webisode is an episode of an
and one or several brands or products.         the production.                                  audio visual series that is made specifically
They are often targeted towards particular     Looping: Where a piece of music (the             for online broadcast, as opposed to first
demographics.                                  initial reproduction) is reproduced              airing on television or radio. It is available via
Community Service Announcement                 repeatedly in a non-stop, continuous             both download or streaming format.
(CSA): An audio-visual or audio production     fashion for a predetermined or                   Webisodes typically range from 3–15
                                               indeterminate number of times.                   minutes in length.
                                                                                                                                                                      N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772              CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS              LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                          20 20
Adrenalin Sounds Pty Ltd              Adrenalin Production Music           Beatbox Music Pty Ltd               Beats Fresh Music                  BMG Production Music
Unit 205/570 New Canterbury Rd        Libraries P/L                        PO Box 669                          Level 2, 270 Devonshire Street
Hurlstone Park NSW 2193               32 Foord Avenue                      Pennant Hills NSW 2120                     Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Mob: 0431 810 285                     Hurlstone Park NSW 2193              Ph: 02 9484 2321                                                       Ph: 02 9326 9122              Mob: 0403 495 245                                                            Fx: 02 9326 9166                                                           

EMI Production Music                  Erwin Pitsch Publishing              Extreme Music                       Fable Music Pty Ltd                Jingle Punks Music Australia
(part of Sony/ATV Music Publishing)   PO BOX 1061                          Suite 2.01, 55 Miller Street        Suite 38, Level 1 Fawkner Towers   c/- Mushroom Music
Locked Bag 7300                       Macleay Island QLD 4184              Pyrmont NSW 2009                    431 St Kilda Road        
Darlinghurst NSW 1300                                      Ph: 02 9660 9005                    Melbourne VIC 3004                 PH: 03 9690 3399
Ph: +61 2 9324 9661                                                        Ph: 03 9820 3111         
Fx: +61 2 9324 9606                                                                  Fx 03 9820 8711                    MushroomMusic                                                                                                                                                                                         

Motion Focus Music                    Off the Shelf Music                  PMF Media Pty Ltd                   Red Music Publishing Pty Ltd       Score Addiction Pty Ltd
PO Box 454                            4 Aster Avenue                       6 The Boulevard, Bellevue Heights   Media City, 8 Central Avenue       17a Smith Street
Paddington QLD 4064                   Asquith NSW 2077                     Adelaide SA 5050                    Eveleigh NSW 2015                  Manly NSW 2095
Ph: 0403 406 412 - Daniel         Ph: 0413 562 560                    Ph 0450 529 369                    Ph. 0414 074 586
Ph: 0404 664 054 - Raf                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Sonic Dojo                            Universal Production Music           West One Music                      Woodcut Productions Ltd
247 Beaumont Street                   4th Floor, 150 William Street        West One Music Group Pty Ltd        8 Ruru St, Eden Terrace, 1021
Hamilton South NSW 2303               Woolloomooloo NSW 2011               c/o CFO Plus Pty Ltd                PO Box 68885, Newton, 1010
Ph: 02 4962 5242                      Ph: 02 9207 0564                     Level 1, 125 York Street            Auckland, New Zealand                              Sydney                              Ph: +64 9 374 4542,                        Ph: +61 2 8317 1294       

                                                                                                                                                         N E W Z E AL AN D
For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772           CALCULATE YOUR PM COSTS         LICENSE YOUR MUSIC NOW                    20 20
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