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Volume 10 Issue 01 JANUARY 2021   `50

  New Year Resolution:
  A Self-Contract
  EAT by Citrine: AN ODE TO

                        CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN

            Emergency Angioplasty for                                  Helpline
            H E A R T AT TA C K                                0471 6609900
      C O M P L E X A N G I O P L A S T Y W I T H F F R , O C T & R O TA B L AT O R
      R A D I O F R E Q U E N C Y A B L AT I O N    O F F - P U M P B E AT I N G
      H E A R T B Y PA S S S U R G E R Y     M I N I M A L LY I N V A S I V E V A L V E
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C H AC K A , N H BY PAS S , T H I R U VA N A N T H A P U R A M - 6 9 5 024 , K E R A L A
 2      E-mail
      January 2021- |
                 nother edition of Metro Mart is with you.
                    An eventful year is bidding farewell to us.
                    Covid-19 which turned the world upside down,
           which distorted human lives, which severely hit the
           financial fortunes of businesses across the world,
           which pushed the industry’s boundaries of resilience,
           which rewrote the equations of doing business,
           which brought in radical changes in the chores of
           man’s day to day life, which upped the supremacy of
           advanced technology is slowly fading away. Human
           life is returning to normalcy. Businesses have started
           to gear up for a world where the old norms are being
           reframed and instead new rules and different social
           mores are being put into place. Resuming operations
           after an unforeseen pandemic has necessitated bold
           and courageous thinking and using innovation as the
           mantra for sustenance of any enterprise.
           It would not be an exaggeration to say that as

           2020 is fading into history and the new year 2021
           is ushering in, what we see is a new world order.
           This is not forgetting the new threats which have
           surfaced in some parts of the world in the form of a
           slightly changed form of the Corona virus. The certain
           prospects of Covid vaccine becoming an effective
           reality are adding brightness to a world which was in
           the gloom contributed by the pandemic.
           We have endeavoured to include many interesting
           features and articles in this issue and hope our readers
           would find them informative as well as interesting.
           On this occasion, Metro Mart wishes all its readers
           and their families a very happy, peaceful, healthy and
           prosperous New Year 2021.
           Happy reading.

                            SIJI NAIR
                            Managing Editor & Director

                                                     January 2021     5
Volume 10 - Issue 01 - JANUARY 2021
         Read our e-edition:
    Annual Subscription Rs- 500

    			                       Hari Shanker
    Managing Editor & Director

    			                       Siji Nair
    Executive Director
    			                       Prasad M.
    Executive Editor
    			                       N. Vijayagopalan
                                                  08   Cycle Expedition : 'WONDERS OF
    Editor                                             KERALA by CHARLY’S ANGELS'
    			                       V. Viswanath
    Editorial Assistant
    			                       Ampili Nair
    Sub Editor
    			                       P.J. Sam Alex
    Business Development Manager
    			                       Ratheesh Kumar
    Asst Manager - Sales & Marketing
    			                       Jayaprakash R. P.
    Digital Marketing Officer
    			                       Preethi J. L.
    			                       Ananthu P. Nair     17   New Year Resolution:
                                                       A Self-Contract
    			                       Naveen               Published, Edited and Printed by Hari Shanker A.G. and
    Manager - Administration                       Owned by Haritha Media Pvt Ltd and Printed by him at
    			                       Sabu C.N.            SB Press Private Limited, Statue, Trivandrum 695 001
                                                   and Published from Tharangam, Kodunganoor Post,
    Manager - Accounts                             Trivandrum 695 013
    			                       Sindhu R.            Metro Mart is a monthly journal published from
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Pune | Kolkata | Bangalore | Kochi
6      January 2021


8    January 2021
WONDERS OF KERALA by                  great success. It was undertaken
CHARLY’S ANGELS, the Cycle            with the twin missions of giving
Expedition by two young               a vehement public message that
girls Parvathy and Meera,             after the receding of the pandemic,
which started from Poovar at          Kerala is now open and all our
Thiruvananthapuram on December        hotels, resorts and destinations
7th successfully concluded            are safe to travel maintaining all
at Wayanad. Waynad Travel             the protocols and guidelines set
Organization gave a rousing           by the Government and letting the
reception to the two travel           world know that Kerala tourism
enthusiasts. Throughout their         destinations are safe for women
journey from Thiruvanthapuram         travelers.
the expedition received cheers,
                                      The two young girls who have
greetings and warm receptions
                                      set out on the Cycle Tour to ride
from the people. At Kochi, India
                                      through the important tourist
Tourism India Tourism felicitated
                                      destinations of Kerala have a clear
the expedition at Abad Plaza, Kochi
                                      mission for the following reasons:
on December 14th (Monday).
                                      1. With the entire travel and
The expedition Organized by
                                      tourism industry going through
Citrine Hospitalities promoted by
                                      a very crucial phase over the past
India Tourism Kochi, under the
                                      few month, the girls through this
Ministry of Tourism, in association
                                      ride aim at creating awareness
with Metro Media and 1913 PIX
                                      that tourism in Kerala is now open
Entertainment turned out to be a

                                                              January 2021   9
and all our hotels, resorts and        visited 17 popular tourist
     destinations are safe to travel        destinations in Kerala. Vinu
     maintaining all the protocols and      Vidyadharan a renowned Ad Film
     guidelines set by the Government.      Director (1913 PIX ) captured all the
     This will not only help the Hotel,     golden moments of the trip along
     travel and tourism industry directly   with his crew to promote Kerala
     but also help in creating economic     tourism at these difficult times.
     improvements in the sector.
                                             This initiative was supported by
     2. The second message is to let the    Kerala Travel Mart, South Kerala
     world know that Kerala tourism         Hoteliers Forum, Wayanad Tourism
     destinations are Safe for women        Organisation, Travel Agents
     travelers.                             Associations of India, Thekkady
                                            Destination Promotion Council,
     During the ride, the expedition
                                            SHOWCASE MUNNAR.

10    January 2021
January 2021   11

     Christmas Plum Cake
     The ‘Making’ Is Such Fun!
     There is Never A Christmas
     Without a Plum Cake
                                                               Deepika Dewan

             o Christmas festivities are     fort of your kitchen.
             complete without a classic
             plum cake. It is not just a
     Christmas special - it shrinks in       1. To make the Christmas mix-
     size - minutes after it is baked and    ture: mix the dried fruits and nuts
     kept on the dining table. And you       (you could add the nuts at a later
     can guess why? More than the            stage) with the rum/brandy and
     ingredients, there is a lot of love,    orange juice and leave it closed
     bonding and camaraderie (and            for at least 24 hours (meaning one
     kilos of it) that goes in its making.   day). Based on your like/prefer-
     Most of us as kids, fondly recall       ence, you can reduce the alcohol
     the Christmas memories in Kinder-       content.
     garten and of course the simple
                                             2. Separately, beat the butter and
     pleasures of ‘stealing’ a plum cake
                                             sugar for around 10 minutes until
     at the neighbourhood bakery.
                                             it turns fluffy.
     Such fun it was. Even if our par-
     ents spotted us making these it-        3. Add the eggs and vanilla es-
     sy-bitsy mischiefs, it was pardoned     sence, and mix it for a minute or
     the very next minute. In fact, there    so.
     are many bakeries in Kerala who
     do a stellar job, and still.            Ingredients:
     Did you know - it was King George       Butter - 200gm
     I - who is supposed to have pop-        Icing sugar - 200gm
     ularised the King George's Plum
                                             Eggs - 4
     pudding in the 18th Century? Back
     then, the puddings combined dry         Flour - 200gm
     fruits with minced meat and suet        Baking powder - 2 tsp
     (a form of animal fat). In fact, they   Vanilla essence - 2 tsp
     were also called ‘bag puddings’
                                             Nuts and dry fruits - 400gm
     because they used to be hung in a
     cloth and boiled.                       Mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg,
                                             cardamom, cloves) - 40 gm
      With the Christmas season near-        Rum and/or brandy - 200ml
     ing, here is the recipe of making a
                                             Orange juice - 100ml
     Christmas Plum Cake in the com-

12    January 2021
4. Add flour and baking powder to
the butter-sugar mixture.
5. Now add Christmas mixture and
mix it properly.                      Did you know? - it
6. Transfer the complete mixture in   was King George I -
the ring mould.                       who is supposed to
7. Bake in a pre-heated oven at a     have popularised the
temperature of 180 degree C for
40 to 45 minutes.                     King George's Plum
(Recipe by Chef Anil, Hyatt Regen-    pudding in the 18th
cy, Chennai)                          Century!
Hope you enjoyed reading this
small and absorbing piece on cel-
ebrating Christmas with the Christ-
mas Plum cake. Do share it with
your loved ones and tell us their
experience on making this cake
that binds hearts.

                                                  January 2021   13

     Tales of a
     Christmas Cake

14    January 2021
       hristmas is the time for love,   oatmeal being steamed or boiled,
       happiness, and of course,        later variants were oven-baked.
       lots of Christmas cakes. And     Historians note that the baked
nothing beats the traditional Indi-     variants originated in the more
an plum cake, filled in abundance       prosperous houses of the 16th
with all the good stuff one can im-     century. During this time, marzipan
agine. The rich and fragrant plum       and sugar icing also were used
cake is one thing that instantly        as a decoration on cakes in these
comes to our minds when some-           houses.
one mentions Christmas. It is so
                                        The plum cake came to India as
intricately intertwined with Christ-
                                        part of the English culture. And
mas in our minds that it has come
                                        when it came to India, many dried
to represent the Indian Christmas
tradition. As December approaches
with the spirit of Christmas, this
delicacy is also being prepared in
with all the love and joy of the
The Christmas cake has a long
story which started very long ago.
The plum cake comes from a long
tradition where a special pudding
was made for Christmas to line
the stomachs of devouts who fast-
ed on the eve of Christmas. This
pudding, or porridge, was made
with plums, and very humble in-
gredients. This was meant as a
light meal prior to the feast of the
coming day.
With the passage of time, the
ingredients took a decadent turn
with raisins, dried fruits, honey,
butter, flour, sugar, eggs, and
other goodies being added to the
mix. Exotic spices became a com-
mon ingredient in Christmas cakes,
as they came to represent the gifts
the Wise men from East brought.
The method of cooking the dish
also changed. While the earlier
version consisted of plums and

                                                               January 2021   15
fruits and nuts became part of it,      the cake are soaked in rum way
     except the plum. Ironically, plum       ahead of Christmas. Many consid-
     was hard to produce and procure         er this a ritual prior to Christmas
     in India. Despite that, the cake re-    and families get together for this
     tained the name till this day.          merry event. Cake mixing events
                                             are held in some places where
      The Christmas pudding changed
                                             people come to be part of the fun.
     tremendously over time. This deli-
                                             This mixture is stored in a cool
     cacy travelled from England during
                                             place and allowed to ferment for
     the Victorian Age and took on its
                                             a month or two. It is occasionally
     Indian avatar, vastly different from
                                             stirred to keep the fruits and nuts
     its ancestors. Now, the plum cake
                                             moist. Soaking it in rum gives the
     is a unique dish found only in the
                                             fruits a very rich and sweet flavour.
     Indian subcontinent. Like the first
                                             At the time of baking, other dry
     snow of winter heralds Christmas,
                                             ingredients are added and baked
     the arrival of plum cake heralds
                                             to perfection.
     Christmas for the desi heart.
                                             The Christmas cake is packed in
     The plum cake, or fruitcake, as it is
                                             abundance at every store during
     called in other parts of the world,
                                             the Christmas season. Be it for
     is prepared months of Christmas.
                                             gifting or indulging in the rich
     The dried fruits, nuts, raisins and
                                             goodness, the plum cake is a tan-
     other chunky goodies that go into
                                             talizing option every time.

16    January 2021

New Year Resolution:
A Self-Contract

       nother New Year is slowly        resolutions at the beginning of
       ushering in. Every New Year      a year, mostly the financial year,
       gracefully walks into our life   which will be disseminated to their
with a bouquet of exotically fra-       workforce.
grant and colourful flowers, which
                                        A New Year Resolution is like a
are nothing but our aspirations,
                                        self-contract, a kind of commit-
our hopes, our unfulfilled desires,
                                        ment where you write down what
our ambitions.
                                        you want to achieve as well as
The dawn of a new year is the           how to achieve it. Making New
most ideal time for indulging in        Year Resolutions is a good thing,
a retrospection and re-evaluating       provided the one who makes
some of our life choices and prac-      it does it seriously and with all
tices. Making New Year resolutions      earnestness and enthusiasm and
at the beginning of a year which        strives to live up to what is re-
is a common practice in the west-       solved, maintaining the original
ern countries has now become            tempo throughout. Of course, one
very common in our country also         is not losing anything by having a
among many individuals who take         New Year Resolution, as it will at
life seriously, irrespective of age     least give some focus or attention
or gender. Many corporates also         to some of the chosen areas or
have the practice of making such        goals.

                                                               January 2021   17
There are no hard and fast rules          according to one’s imagination
     regarding making a New Year               and creativity. But having too
     resolution. There is no universal         many goals or areas in a New
     content or format or structure as         Year Resolution will never work for
     such for the resolution. Instead          obvious reasons.
     of weaving dreams in the air,
                                               The reality about New Year
     one should make a resolution
                                               Resolutions is that the majority
     that would have significance in
                                               of people fail to stick to their
     and add a meaning to one’s life.
                                               resolution, since they lose focus,
     New Year Resolution can be on
                                               enthusiasm or attention and get
     achievement of anything which is
                                               distractions or get different or
     positive, on any specific or broad
                                               higher priorities. But a sincere
     goals, life style changes, attitudinal
                                               attempt to make a workable New
     changes, financial habits, social
                                               Year resolution and live upto it in
     habits, charity, skill acquisition
                                               letter and spirit will definitely be
     and so on and so forth. The
                                               greatly rewarding to an individual.
     resolution can be as much on self-
     development as on development             We will now have a look at various
     of one’s community or society.The         New Year Resolutions that can be
     resolution is drawn in any manner         made for the year 2021.

                          My New Year Resolution 2021
        I resolve to have more and more of many things and less and less of
                           many other things during 2021.

      More and more of these things           Less and less of these things
      Reading good books                      Spending time on social media
      Acquisition of new skills               Procrastination
      Book writing                            Net surfing
      Saving for future                       Going to bed late
      Eating fruits and vegetables            Junk foods
      Meeting new people                      Non-vegetarian food
      Relaxing                                Financial debts
      Charity                                 Coffee and tea

18    January 2021
My New Year Resolutions 2021

 Resolution   My Goal                How I Will My Goal
 First                               1
 Second                              1
 Third                               1

                   My New Year Resolutions 2021
                (The deficient areas to be borne in mind)

This year I must without fail:-       D Learn how to dress with style
D Get in shape.                       D Spend more time with the peo-
                                      ple that matter
D Improve your concentration and
mental skills.                        D Get out of debt
D Meet new people                     D Start saving money
D Become more confident and           D Learn a new language
take some chances
                                      D Volunteer and give more to
D Earn more money                     charity
D Become more polite                  D Become more organized in life.
D Reduce stress:                      D Travel more and see the world
D Learn to be happier with mylife     D Learn to cook
D Read more books                     D Learn how to be more self-re-

                                                             January 2021   19
D Start being more responsible       ahead, a Personal Growth Plan
                                          (PGP) as suggested below would
     D Learn more about art, music,
                                          be worthwhile. Dawn of a new
     culture etc
                                          year is the ideal time for making a
     D Spend less time on social media    PGP as well. The PGP needs to be
                                          at the beginning of every subse-
     D Become more social
                                          quent year.
     D Start being more creative
                                          My New Year Resolution 2021–
     D Start writing a book/journal       My Personal Growth Plan
     D Develop good healthy eating        I hereby make an unbreakable re-
     habits                               solve to myself that I will take this
                                          Personal Growth Plan (PGP) in all
     D Stop smoking.
                                          earnestness and will live up to it,
     D Start saving for future.           as I am convinced that no individ-
     D Learn music.                       ual will be able to realize his am-
                                          bition, his goals to his satisfaction
     D Give more to charity.              without having a well laid down
     D Increase the time spent for ex-    PGP and I am no exception to it.
     ercise.                              I firmly resolve that I will remain
                                          wedded to my goals in life with a
     Long Term New Year                   strong focus, untiring efforts and
     Resolution                           steadfastness and achieve them.
     The above are suggested Resolu-      I also resolve to make periodic
     tions only for the year. Those who   reviews of my PGP and take the
     want to make a transformation in     required course correction so
     life and make a big life changing    as to face any challenge which I
     New Year Resolution which will       confront in my journey towards
     have relevance also in the years     achievement of my goals.

      Sl.No.         My Specific Goals           When would I achieve
                                                 them (By which year)

20    January 2021
I believe that the following deficiencies are to be got corrected for
achievement of my goals and I must ensure their getting corrected.

1.   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

2.   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

3.   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

4.   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

5.   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

I also resolve that I will adopt the following strategies and steps to over-
come my deficiencies and acquiring the traits indispensable for success
and for achieving my goals.

1)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

2)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

3)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

4)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

5)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

6)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

7)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

8)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

9)   ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………

10) ...........…………………...........…………………………………………………………………
I once again firmly resolve to           The matter is really interesting.
myself that I will overcome my           Go ahead and make a practical,
deficiencies and acquire the traits      sensible New Year Resolution for
indispensable for achievement of         2021 and live upto it. You will
my goals and do full justice to this     definitely see yourself reaping
PGP to make a mark in life. I know       rich benefits. And you would
that I have only one life to fulfilmy    repeat/ review it every year. Try
ambitions.                               it out.

                                                                 January 2021   21

         From Taj to CITRINE:
          Another Gem in the
         Hospitality Industry
                              Prasad Manjali, CEO & MD, Citrine
                              Hospitality Ventures delightfully
                              shares his two decades of
                              experience with Raja Gopaal Iyer,
                              CEO, Raj Hospitality Management.
                              Prasad Manjali, an ambitious
                              gem of the emerging Hospitality
                              Industry brought the success
                              mantra- Honesty, Professional
                              Approach, Safety and Reliability
           Raja Gopaal Iyer   for the industry through Citrine
                              Hospitality, one of the most
                              well-established Hospitality
                              Management Companies in India.

22    January 2021
Q How did CITRINE, new hospitality
   was born? What is the inspiration
   behind it?

A Taj was my inspiration, after my
   hotel management, the time we
   started. I started my career with Taj
   Hotel early 1990s and the simple
   passion for the hospitality industry
   that I enjoyed right from the
   beginning. During the studies, the
   training process, when we started
   to work, every moment, the pure
   passion which was driving us. I
   always want to get into something
   interesting, that's how the dream
   project, CITRINE took shape. We
   have hotels and resort divisions
   across Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
   Our other division is MICE which
   handles conferences, congresses
   and weddings. CITRINE holidays
   is another division, an outbound
   holiday division. We have a
   newborn baby during the COVID
   era, a food beverage concept,
   called Eat By Citrine which brings
   traditional flavour as well as trivial
   cuisine to the people.
Q The unique logo, as well as the
   name “CITRINE”, is an alluring
   one. What is exactly CITRINE?
A CITRINE is a kind of precious stone.
   You can see butterfly-like things
   at the right top of the logo, but
   they are four stones which bring
   you good luck and positive energy.
   Let it impart positive energy to

                                            January 2021   23
Q What are the qualities you look               same job. They have accountability
     at to a leader?                            and responsibility, they need to
                                                mould, train and make the team
A It is an interesting question. First
     and foremost, the leader should            more efficient. They are also driven
     have the right balanced attitude           by passion, only then they will be
     to the entire scenario including           able to achieve the results. A team
     the people, the team, the clients.         leader is also a coach. They have to
     Inspiration, a leader should be able       have the abilities of a coach. Then
     to inspire his team. Just preaching        they achieve the results.
     is not enough, preach, and practice. Q What metrics do you use to
     One of the best qualities of a leader  evaluate team performance?
     have, he should be able to show         A It is simple in play. We use pure
     an example to his team members.            business volume performance
     For instance, an inquiry that is           and pure business volume
     coming in, don’t postpone it. Go           evaluation. As you said, we have
     straight into the particular inquiry,      daily reporting, weekly reporting,
     finishing it off, sending them an          and monthly reporting plans. We
     email, following up the calls that I       go through that and understand
     have done, what I have to do, and          the performance, pattern as well
     continue to follow. That is one of         and find who is performing well.
     the greatest things that a leader          That is one side, as any other
     should have and that something             organizations, we follow the same
     which inspires the rest of the team        pattern. But at the same time,
     as well. That is all about leadership      we also give value to teamwork.
     and the passion that a leader              You know, somebody who is not
     carries forward to take his team           directly responsible for producing
     together.                                  results, but he is one of the
                                                contributors or one of the factors
Q What are the similarities between
     a team leader and a coach? And             who contribute to achieving results.
     how do you define both?                    The team player who is somebody
                                                who is behind the scenes is also
A In point of fact, between a team              very important. We have certain
     leader and coach, there are so             parameters, through which we
     many similarities. Team leader and         understand what their performance
     coach, like for example, the team          is and what the metrics we used,
     leader tries to mould his team, for        very simple.
     him making them competent is
     very important. Similarly, a coach      Q What do you think that today's
     also needs to train his team and           generation should adopt for
     keep them competent so that                being a great leader? Do you
     they produce whatever results              think that attitude, passion,
     are required. More or less if you          patience, consistency is needed?
     ask me, the team leader and the         A I have been seeing a lot of
     coach are the same. They do the            youngsters getting into the

24    January 2021
industry, unlike the day we started
   our career. At the time, we were
   aggressive, top to be aggressive,
   probably we had in it us, our DNA
   to be aggressive. And we had a
   lot of patience. We knew that it
   would take some time and it was
   a step by step process. But today's
   youngsters, they want to make it
   overnight, which is not the right
   attitude that they must carry. We
   had a lot of patience, you know,
   two things they want to do to top
   the ladder as pretty as possible,
   which is good. Then the elements
   of patience are very limited. And
   the aggressive nature, they really
   need to be very aggressive as
   far as the hospitality industry is
                                             never used ideally. Because even
   concerned which I saw they lack
                                             if you say it is a failure, failure is
   quite a lot, which they want to
                                             the first step. I don’t say that this
   work on. I am not talking about
                                             is a stepping stone, it is the first
   everybody in the industry as far
                                             step to success. We all had heard
   as the newcomers' concern, there
                                             the story of Robert Cruse who
   are 12-20 per cent who are really
                                             has attempted and failed multiple
   aggressive and serious about the
                                             times. And then he learned the
   hospitality industry and tourism
                                             lesson from a spider. He kept
   industry, they are doing well. But
                                             on attempting, attempting,
   the other 80 per cent, I will figure it
                                             attempting until he succeeded.
   as 80 per cent because I have seen
                                             Failure should always be taken
   that for so many years, the energy
                                             as a lesson or a second lesson
   that they carry is not enough.
                                             or third lesson, you keep trying,
   So they have to have patience,
                                             keep trying until you succeed.
   commitment, dedication and move
                                             Determination is something we
   forward as advice. They have to be
                                             need to have. Persistence is very
   aggressive. The most important is
                                             important what I seem to do. You
   attitude. That is something they
                                             should always keep putting effort,
   have to prepare their mindset to
                                             don't run back or think that this
   get ready for that.
                                             is not my cup of tea or I won't
Q Everyone can handle success,               be able to do it. Keep trying, you
   how failures can handle,                  definitely succeed in one point or
   especially for today's                    the other. This is what I strongly
   generation?                               believe. If somebody says that you
A The term is called failure which we        cannot do it and don't do it that

                                                                      January 2021    25
is the time when you have to tell        hospitality industry.
     yourself that you are able to do it,     Today what happens is, a four-
     I am going to do it, I will definitely   year degree holder from one of
     do it, definitely be successful. We      the universities can't handle a
     must carry that kind of attitude. You    hotels’ department or he doesn’t
     will be successful in whatever you       even understand when to start
     do, there is nothing that is called as   unless he goes through aggressive
     impossible in this world. This is what   training program during his
     I believe.                               education. But otherwise, he may
Q You have been associated with               shoot out from the first walk into
     many of the colleges. What kind          the hotel. Of course, the program
     of changes do you suggest for            can be for 4 years, but then I
     today's hospitality education?           would suggest more than 2 years
                                              should be practical training and 2
A If you ask me about hospitality
     education, I know there are              years should be academic. So they
     institutions and colleges which          should be allowed to go to hotels
     prefer a four-year degree program        after each semester. For example,
     or a three-year diploma program, all     one semester in academics and
     is good. But then the traditional way    the second one is hardcore
     of operating hospitality education       training in a hotel, then third in
     has to change, it should be high         classrooms and fourth in again
     tech. From the time we learn and         hardcore training in a hotel. That
     what you have now, right from the        is probably one way of aggressive
     syllabuses has to change. We need        training. So that after third-year or
     to update ourselves. We still follow     fourth year these kids are perfect,
     the same systems in the schools,         they can just enter and blend into
     even after 56 years. And we have         the system. This is something
     to modify our syllabus to a certain      that we need to create. That is
     extent. But don’t talk about the quite   the change that our hospitality
     status, including IHMs across India.     industry should go through. And
     We need to upgrade, we need to           include all the latest activities
     include new technology activities        happening, we need to upgrade
     that are currently popular in the        ourselves.

26    January 2021
Q What do you like to speak to               and resorts do very well for them.
   people, especially youngsters?            And for those youngsters who are
   What is the advice for how they           stepping into the industry, welcome
   can focus on coming months after          to the beautiful industry, enjoy
   the pandemic?                             this industry, and the future in this
                                             industry is immense. Do not look at
A Corona, I think, it is an opportunity
   if you look at it that way. For those     it as one six months, 8 months, or
   who sit down and cry, absolutely          10 months when the industry stands
   there is no chance. You can do so         still, now we start to see the signs
   many things during corona. I have         of recovery. I am very confident that
   seen a lot of my friends in the           we will do well in terms of the entire
   industry who have not even wasted         industry, the travel fraternity, the
   one instance, an inspiration to all       hospitality fraternity, the tourism
   youngsters. I heard a lot of Hotel        industry as such the entire industry is
   management colleges had no good           bouncing back. All of us are going to
   luck in terms of admission. Some of       do very well and this definitely could
   them have 50 per cent, some have          happen soon. The youngsters who
   30 per cent, some have 70 per cent        are reluctant to get into the tourism,
   of admission, not to that extent          hospitality industry, please do not.
   the people use to come to hotel           Restrict yourself and get into the
   management. That trend is gone            industry.
   down purely because hospitality is        This is one of the most promising
   badly affected during COVID.              industries where you can do so
   Yes, we are the last one to recover       well and you can live a wonderful
   after COVID. But we will be the           life. This is something you really
   most successful of the industries to      enjoy because you can interact
   bounce back and to do so well in          with a lot of people. Not even one
   the next few months. Probably you         day is monotonous, every day is
   would see that the hospitality or         different, each day, and the industry
   hotel industry, the tourism industry      is different. I have two and a half
   will boom to such an extent. The          decades of experience but I felt it
   people who are all stuck at homes         was like two and a half years, that
   who rely on the values of their life      quickly the number of years gone. I
   and relationship with the family are      enjoyed every moment in my work
   travelling with their family to various   in the hospitality industry right from
   destinations and most of the hotels       the Taj.

                                                                       January 2021    27


            he soft buttery flavour of        A revival of forgotten flavours
            freshly caught fish enhanced      Traditional cuisine has faded into
            by subtle spices that tantalise   obscurity amidst the modern
     yet do not overpower. And what           demand for easily accessible fast
     was that undertow? Could it be           food. The time and care required in
     betel leaves or maybe it’s mmm…          the preparation of each dish deters
     this is what trying out the Meen         many from attempting to recreate
     Vettilayil Pollichathu feels like. An    them. While you might have heard
     almost forgotten recipe from the         grandmothers reminisce about
     valleys of Malabar authentically         the dishes that they enjoyed
     recreated at Eat by Citrine              during childhood, it is often near
     For Prasad Manjali, the founder          impossible to recreate them in
     of Citrine, ‘EAT by Citrine is an        our homes today, given our fast
     attempt to bring the forgotten           paced lives. A lot of these heavenly
     flavours of the food and beverage        recipes are forgotten and even
     concept that rekindles an ancient        their names are unfamiliar to the
     tradition, blending taste and health     current generations. EAT By Citrine
     in unique mouth-watering dishes.’        brings back those dreamy flavours,
     It promises an exclusive experience      carefully recreated, after years of
     of the slowly fading flavours of the     painstaking research. They offer a
     past. Each dish is a legacy with its     veritable array of dishes from all
     own story closely tied to the vibrant    over Kerala including delicacies
     culture of past Kerala.                  from the innermost recesses of

28    January 2021
January 2021   29
tribal settlements in various parts    simple—uncompromising quality
     of Kerala. Many of these are recipes   when it comes to ingredients.
     carefully handed down through          Where taste meets health
                                            There’s no overpowering spice
     The secret behind delicious dishes     or masalas in any of the dishes
     They say “Great ingredients make       and that is probably because the
     great food”. Vipin Unnikrishnan,       masalas are used very sparingly.
     Executive Chef at EAT by Citrine       As many of these dishes were
     takes this maxim very seriously        created by farming communities
     indeed! For the masala blends          and tribals there was minimal use
     they organically source the base       of oil and other spices which were
     ingredients which are then sun         often very expensive back then. As
     dried and hand ground to retain        such none of their dishes are heavy.
     their true essence and to ensure       It’s quite a discovery to realise that
     the best quality.                      a deliciously satiating experience
     “This was the way it was done in       does not need to be heavy on the
     the past” says Prasad Manjali “and     stomach or even unhealthy.
     so we have 100% confidence in          Tasting Zone comes to Kerala
     our ingredients because we make
     it ourselves”. So the secret seems     This is a unique dining experience

30    January 2021
where small portions of several
     dishes are offered as combos
     in the tasting menu. This is a
     wonderful experience for all those
     foodies who love to experience
     new flavours, for you can try out
     a variety of dishes at a go. The
     portions together are enough to          Vipin Unnikrishnan, Executive Chef
     make you pleasantly full.
                                              Stage of EAT by Citrine
     Sampling of dishes are also offered      — Research, Passion and
     on a complimentary basis to guests,      Commitment
     so you can try out a dish to see
     if it is to your liking. This lets you   Stage of EAT by Citrine, is a
     make an informed choice, offering        platform where all these exotic
     myriad varieties of dishes to cater      dishes are carefully researched and
     to different palates. Whether you        chefs trained. Citrine recruits fresh
     prefer the rich and fiery Attinkal       graduates of Hotel Management
     Paya, the aromatic Kozhi Gundu           and trains them in the preparation
     Milagu Curry or the tangy flavour        of these traditional recipes so that
     of Thenga Aracha Meen Curry, you         when a new outlet is planned,
     can trust that you will find a dish      these chefs are ready to take over.
     that not only meets but exceeds          The re creation of the authentic
     expectations.                            flavours took 5-6 years of research
                                              in specific areas like Kozhimala,
     A CITRINE Venture                        tribal regions from North to South
     “EAT by Citrine is a big plan of         of Kerala, etc, explains Vipin
     Citrine Hospitality Ventures Pvt.        Unnikrishnan. After that, extensive
     Ltd. With the rising demand for          surveys were taken, over several
     expertly created food in Kerala,         months, where food samples were
     we developed the idea of Eat by          given to people in the food industry
     Citrine”, says Samson Benedict,          and opinions carefully noted. Even
     Director, Citrine Hospitality. They      the combos seems to have been
     have several other projects lined up     carefully researched because while
     as well.                                 the dishes themselves are delicious
                                              the combination makes for a
                                              transcendent experience.
                                              Beyond mere satiation of hunger,
                                              EAT by Citrine promises a joyous
                                              experience of a forgotten past. And
                                              they are open from 16th November
                                              in Trivandrum, near UST Global and
                                              Infosys Campus.
                                              Give those past flavours a try and
                                              add a few to your present.
      Samson Benedict,
      Director, Citrine Hospitality
32    January 2021


       ailing Kerala as the ‘light-    the UN Women will offer project
       house of the global south’      development and capacity build-
       in women empowerment,           ing to The Gender Park for the
UN Women today entered into            empowerment of women in South
an agreement that recognized the       Asia.
state government’s Gender Park
                                       “Undoubtedly, Kerala is one of
as South Asia’s hub for gender
                                       the best places in the region to
                                       emerge as a hub of gender dis-
While the world body reiterated        course,” Shri Vijayan said. Noting
that Kerala has been a role model      that the state’s women are among
for the rest of the world through      the country’s most educated, he
exemplary leadership in gender         quoted a recent official survey
equality initiatives, Chief Minister   that cited a rise in female work-
Shri Pinarayi Vijayan described the    force participation to 20.4 per cent
partnership as a “step in the right    in 2018-19 from16.4 per cent in
direction” to further the cause of a   2017-18.
“just and equal society”.
                                       The Chief Minister stressed the
Dr P T M Sunish, CEO of The Gen-       need for social enterprises and
der Park which is an autonomous        businesses to be gender-inclusive
body under the state government,       so as to empower communities.
signed the MoU with UN Women           “This is important for us to achieve
Deputy Country Representative Ms       the Sustainable Development
Nishtha Satyam at Cliff House the      Goals by 2030,” he said, adding
Chief Minister’s official residence    that the government looks forward
here. The two officials exchanged      to the cooperation with UN Wom-
the agreement, marking the start       en and its contributions to Kerala
of many ambitious projects where       society.

                                                               January 2021   33
34   January 2021
January 2021   35
36   January 2021
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