New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration

New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
New Small Wheel Front-End
 and Back-End Electronics
 Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration

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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
Why New Small Wheel?
• HL-LHC instantaneous luminosity: 5 − 7.5 × 1034 cm−2 s−1
• Cavern background rate increase exponentially when
 closer to beam-line up to ~20kHz/cm−2 / 1 MHz per Chan.
• NSW detector must be able to operate efficiently at this
 high rate and aid in triggering in coincidence with large
 Big Wheel
 Small Wheel
 Need to reduce
 fake trigger
 rate in endcaps

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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
MicroMegas (MM)
• Micro-Mesh gaseous structure
• Precision tracking: σr ≤ 100 µm, ~1 mrad

 Primary electrons due to ionization
 in drift volume

 MM Basic Parameters
 Drift distance 5 mm
 Pillar height 128 μm
 Resistivity 1-4 MΩ/cm
 Readout Strip Pitch 425/450 μm
Amplification in amplification gap between Ar+7% CO2
 Operating Gas
mesh and resistive electrodes (+2%Isobutane) Mix
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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
small-strip Thin Gap
 Chamber (sTGC)
• Multiwire proportional chamber

• Spatial resolution: σr ≤ 100 µm
• Angular resolution: ~1 mrad

• Pad used to quickly obtain region of interest
• Strips used for precision tracking
 sTGC Basic Parameters
 Cathode-anode gap 1.4mm
 Wire pitch 1.8mm
 Cathode Resistivity 100-200 kΩ/□
 Strip Pitch 3.2mm
 Operating Gas N-pentane + 45%CO2
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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
Main Front-End ASIC: VMM
• Amplifier + Shaper for 10 bit ADC for precision charge measurement (dead-time: 250ns)
 both MM+sTGC 8 bit TDC for timing information
• Large analog dynamic 6 bit ADC for fast trigger charge information (dead-time: 40ns)
 Fix latency
• Detector capacitance: Trigger data
 ~100 pF – 3 nF
 Trigger matched
• Input charge: ~70 fC –
 Readout data
 50 pC (cavern bkg)
• Linear response up to 2 pC
• Ability to quickly recover TTC input
 from large charges Configuration
 Data buffer + Event Builder using SPI
 L0 trigger matching
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 Siyuan Sun, TWEPP 2021
New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
Slow Control input TTC/Clock input

 Front End Boards Monitoring output Readout data output DC-DC
 • Amplifier Shaper
• Slow Control ASIC (SCA) converter
 • Configuration
 • Monitoring + Calibration
• Readout Controller (ROC)
 • Clock distribution
 • TTC distribution
 • Readout data aggregator Slow Control input TTC/Clock input DC-DC
 • L1 trigger matching Monitoring output Readout data output converter
 • Event builder
 • Data serializer and TX
 • Up to 4x320 Mbps or DC-DC
 • 640 Mbps converter
• Trigger Data Serializer (TDS)
 • Gigabyte transceiver used to send
 trigger data
• DC-DC converters on board
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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
Back-End Electronics: Data Readout

Detector Save data to
analog input hard-drive

 Back-end data
 hits assembled into Gigabit transceiver
 trigger matched events Conversion to optical signal

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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
swROD • Collect readout
 FELIX data from all
 FE electronics
 • save data to
• Used as universal slow hard-drive
 control + readout system • Software
 for all ATLAS phase I+II specific for
 upgraded detectors. NSW decodes
• Communicate with data
 network using
 • Broadcast readout
 data to network
• Acts as a server PC.

 • Distribute TTC, clock
 • Communicate with
 • send configurations
 front-end electronics
 • Receive monitoring
 through optical fibers
 on 4.8 Gbps links
 • Receive readout data

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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
sTGC Trigger Algorithm
 sTGC Quad Find 3 out of 4 coincidence in
 pads to find region of interest

 Hits in pads


 Hits on strips Read out 6 bit charge info from Null Reconstruct
 strips corresponding to region of Rejection+ segments
 interest Convert to
 fiber optic
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New Small Wheel Front-End and Back-End Electronics - Siyuan Sun on behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
sTGC Trigger Electronics
 Pad Trigger Board Rim L1DDC 8x Router

• Receive pad trigger signal • Slow control • Receives strip hit data
• Programmable 3 out of 4 • Clock distribution • Forwards data to trigger
 pad coincidence to • Monitoring processor through fiber
 determine region of interest • Data sampling
• Sends ROI info to strip FEBs

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MM Trigger
• Look for hits that line up along a
 “road” pointing from the interaction

• 8 MM detector layer: Interaction
 • 4 horizontal x-layers point
 • 2 stereo u-layers Identified Region
 • 2 stereo v-layers of interest u layer
 1.5 °
• u/v stereo layers are tilted by 1.5
 degrees with respect to horizontal x-
 x layer

• Hits in stereo layers further narrows Muon v layer
 down the region of interest location

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Gigabit transceiver send data to trigger
MM Trigger Data Path processor via fiber optic to trigger processor

• ART ASIC aligns and deserializes the 32x input
 data streams
• Selects up to 8 hits
• Send a package of hit data + BCID time stamp to VMM sends location of first hit every 25ns (Address
 Gigabit transceiver in real time/ART) to ART data driver card (ADDC)

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NSW Trigger Processor

• Construct MM + sTGC segments
 based on trigger hit data

• Remove duplicate segments and
 construct combined MM+sTGC

• Send segment information to
 ATLAS sector logic for match
 with big wheel and L1 muon
 trigger reconstruction

 Slow control + monitoring
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NSW Trigger Processor
 6.4 Gbps
segment output 1st sector
 Interface to
 1x 4.8 sTGC
 sTGC backend detector
 pad input links
 FPGA control system and
 32x 4.8 sTGC monitoring
strip input links MM
 32x 4.8 MM FPGA
 input links
 6.4 Gbps
segment output sTGC FPGAs with
 1x 4.8 sTGC FPGA algorithms to
 pad input links reconstruct
 32x 4.8 sTGC MM segments
strip input links FPGA
 32x 4.8 MM 2nd sector
 input links
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Detector Integration + Commissioning

Validate all on-
detector electronics Final back-end
connectivity + electronics used*
 *only enough to
MM checks detector run 3 sectors at
performance with once
cosmic muons

sTGC checks
detector HV and gas

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Examples of Commissioning Tests
 sTGC Test Pulse Hits in Readout Chain
 MM cosmic track efficiency map

 Receive test pulse
 hit for every sent

 Single dead

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Examples of Commissioning Tests
 Eye Diagram from sTGC trigger link Received sTGC Trigger Packets

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Tie each individual layer to the outside copper
 faraday cage
 One connection near each FEB
 for sTGC

1. Reference that voltages are compared to
2. Large charge reservoir which can absorb large
 amounts of current without changing it’s
3. Equipotential “0” of the system
4. The common return path for all current Connection of MM ground to it’s
 support frame
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High Frequency
 common mode LV Power Supply Added CM
 filter to power
 disturbances flow
 back via shield supply

300 V Control 10 V to
input Unit Detector

 + +

 - -

 Switch Transformer Rectifier

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Effect on Electronics Noise
 MicroMegas Noise
 sTGC Noise



 High noise channels improved

 High noise channels improved
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Current Status

 Wheel C finishing commissioning
 Wheel A installed inside ATLAS
 Scheduled for installation this November
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• Detailed look into the New Small Wheel front end and backend electronics

• Electronics, detector, power-supply form a inseparable interconnected
 electrical system
• Planning of low impedance paths to return for each current path is critical
 when there are sensitive amplifiers involved

• New Small Wheel is on schedule to have both wheels installed in ATLAS
 during long shutdown 2 this year.

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Backup Slides

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Detector Ground
1. Reference that voltages are compared to
2. Large charge reservoir which can absorb large
 amounts of current without changing it’s potential
3. Equipotential “0” of the system
4. The common return path for all current

 Outer metallic shell = Thick copper
 Largest charge reservoir = wire to wheel
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Stronger Together 4 layers tied
 together + outside
 Each layer faraday cage
• Now disturbances of the same by itself
 power level (dBmW) will disturb
 the voltage of fully connected
 ground (mV) much less

• =
 6 2
 ~ 4 0
 = 40 
 1 1
• ΧC = ~ =
 2 f 2 ∗ 5 ∗ 40 
 ~1 Ohm

• The grounds were never truly
 isolated at high frequency
 Easily disturbed by
 anyways Much more difficult to
 current/EM waves
 wiggle the combination

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Chapter 3: Common vs Differential Mode

 Power Power


 Return Return

• In the ideal case, we send power and signal over • Situations can arise where both power and
 “differential pairs.” return inject “common mode current”
• One line to send, one line to return • Common mode current cannot return via the
 return as it is also being injected via return.
 • The shield serves as a third path for common
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 mode current to return 26
Common mode current can return via
 copper faraday cage

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FEB Connected to Detector Layer
 Signal path
 Each front-end board is connected to it’s
 Return path
 own layer. Layers are not connected to
 one another except at one point with a
 copper wire


Inductance for center channels ~ 300 nH
impedance = 2πf * L ~ 10 Ohm at 5 MHz
Significant impedance to GND for central channels at
high frequencies
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Adding one jumper

 Trigger cables not
 terminated - Blue

 Adding first jumper. – Red
 Does not help the noise

 Trigger cables terminated -
Adding second jumper

 Trigger cables not
 terminated - Blue

 Adding second jumper. –
 Helps the noise in the circled
 area. Channels on VMM C

 Trigger cables terminated -
Adding third jumper

 Trigger cables not
 terminated - Blue


 Adding third jumper. –
 Helps the noise in the circled
 area. Channels on VMM B

 Trigger cables terminated -
Controlling current return path


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No Degradation of Noise when More Detectors
 are Turned On Simultaneously

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Ground Impedance Turns Electronics
 Components into Parallel Circuits

 Component 1

 Impedance on GND


 Component 2

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sTGC Cross-Section

 Gas amplification: 2e5

 1.5 pC charge deposited
 per MIP (MPV of landau)

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MicroMega Detector

 Mesh = GND

Copper Drift
 HV plane
 Back Aluminum Amplification HV / Signal
 Frame Strips
MicroMega Braids


 Drift HV
Aluminum Mesh = GND
 Amplification HV / Signal
 Strips 37
sTGC Trigger pad trigger find
 clk dist., config
 8x Routers
 3 out of 4 pad tower coincidence
 Data Path Determine ROI
 Strip info
 4.8 Gbps pad hit fiber to trigger
 information processor

 Region of interest 4.8 Gbps strip
 Input hit information

 Pad Front-End Board

 23/9/2021 Siyuan Sun, TWEPP 2021 Strip Front-End Board 38
Rim Crate Contains Trigger Electronics
 Rim L1DDC

 Pad trigger

 8x Router
 One per layer

 Water cooling system in the
 crate cools the electronics

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NSW Trigger Latency Budget

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