New Product and Backlist Catalog -

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New Product and Backlist Catalog -
New Product and Backlist Catalog
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
                                                                    Spring 2021
                                                                    Summer 2021
                                                                 22 Fall 2021
                                                                 30 New and Recent
                                                                 44 Books
                                                                		  Cookbooks, 45
                                                                		  Memoir and Biography, 49
                                                                		  Children and Youth, 50
                                                                		  Fiction, 51
                                                                		  Amish and Mennonite, 52
                                                                		  Christian Living, 53
                                                                		  Devotional and Inspirational, 56
                                                                		  Family and Relationships, 57
                                                                		  Church Life, 58
                                                                		  Stewardship, 58
                                                                		  Missions, 59
                                                                		  Social Issues, 59
                                                                		  Peace and Justice, 60
                                                                		  Biblical Studies, 61
                                                                		  Theology and Ethics, 62
                                                                		  Church History, 63
                                                                 64 Index

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New Product and Backlist Catalog -
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G   2 0 2 1

                                                   Lamenting Racism
                                                   A Christian Response to Racial Injustice
                                                   Rob Muthiah with Abigail Gaines, Dave Johnson, Tamala Kelly, Brian Lugioyo,
                                                   Anthony Powell, John Ragsdale, Jessica Wai-Fong Wong
                                                   Racism feeds on denial. Lament moves us to tell the truth. And the truth can
                                                   set us free.
                                                       Stories of racial injustice fill our news feeds. Yet for too long many in the
                                                   church have been hesitant to speak up about racism in its many forms. We fear
                                                   offending others, using the wrong words, not knowing what to say.
                                                       In Lamenting Racism, a team of leading pastors and theologians invite us into
                                                   the transformative and motivating practice of biblical lament as a powerful way
                                                   to confront racism. Through their conversations in six thought-provoking vid-
                                                   eos, they name that God’s people of every race are called to consider how we
                                                   have been shaped and formed by race, and they guide us into experiencing
                                                   lament as an anti-racism practice.
                                                       Encouraging congregations to reclaim the lost art of biblical lament, these
                                                   pastors and theologians model a powerful way to pour out the fear, shame, grief,
                                                   and rage of racism as we cry out to God in prayer. In the process, we will be
                                                   transformed and motivated to reclaim hope and to act for a world shaped by
                                                   God’s inclusive vision of love and blessing.
6-session streaming video series
2021. $59.99 USD. 9781513809472.                       This six-session study invites church groups to engage in the practice of bib-
                                                   lical lament as a powerful tool in the church’s struggle against racism.
Participant Journal
2021. 48 pages. PB.                                K E Y F E AT U R ES
9781513808628. $11.99 USD.                            • Thought-provoking video conversations to equip churches to have hon-
Ebook. 9781513808635. $11.99 USD.                       est, transformative conversations about race
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues           • Accompanying leader’s guide and participant journals strengthen rela-
                                                        tionships within churches by providing safe spaces to share personal
Leader’s Guide                                          stories around race
2021. 54 pages. PB.
                                                      • Learn the lost art of lament as a powerful tool for anti-racism
9781513808642. $16.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513808659. $16.99 USD.
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues

4   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G      2 0 2 1

                                                     Holy Experiment
                                                     The Warwick River Mennonite Colony, 1897–1970
                                                     Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, Volume 52
                                                     Jo Anne Kraus
                                                     In 1897, Mennonite and Amish families from northern and western states began
                                                     to relocate to former plantation land in southeastern Virginia along the banks of
                                                     the Warwick River. Their move to these 1,000 acres was part of a larger, though
                                                     little known, movement in the Mennonite church in the late 19th century to
                                                     settle church colonies in the post–Civil War South.
                                                         By developing the depleted soils of former plantations into successful farms
                                                     and creating new Mennonite congregations, Mennonite leaders hoped to keep
                                                     their church vital and growing in a time of shrinking membership. They also
                                                     hoped to find a strategy for mission work in keeping with their faith. Holy
                                                     Experiment: The Warwick River Mennonite Colony, 1897–1970 explores a criti-
                                                     cal period of church history through the story of the only Mennonite colony
                                                     planted in the American South to survive this experiment and eventually thrive.

                                                     K E Y F EAT U R ES
                                                        • In-depth narratives of the families, leaders, and congregations that
                                                          shaped the Warwick River Mennonite Colony
2021. 400 pages. PB.
                                                        • Analysis of the Mennonite church mission strategy that focused on plant-
9781513807621. $34.99 USD.
RELIGION / Christian Church / History                     ing colonies and congregations in the post–Civil War American South
                                                        • Volume 52 in the Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History series
              Jo Anne Kraus is an indepen-
              dent scholar, teacher, and natu-
              ralist born in Newport News, Vir-
              ginia, and based in the New York
              City area for 50 years. She holds an
              MA in medieval studies and a PhD
              in comparative literature from
CUNY. Krauss helped develop an earth ministry
at Christ Church Riverdale in the Bronx, founded
and directed a literacy program for women and
children in transitional housing in New York
City, and has taught remedial reading skills to
children since 2006. She currently lives in Balti-
more, Maryland.

                                                                                             1-800-245-7894 •   /   5
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G   2 0 2 1

                                                                                              SERIES TITLES
                                                                                              What Is the Bible
T H E J E S U S WAY: S M A L L B O O K S O F R A D I C A L F A I T H                          and How Do We
The Jesus Way series delves into big questions about God’s work in the world. These con-      Understand It?
                                                                                              by Dennis R. Edwards
cise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse commu-
nity of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series   Why Did Jesus Die
                                                                                              and What Difference
helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness. Start small.
                                                                                              Does It Make?
                                                                                              by Michele Hershberger
  • Accessible Jesus-centered theology from an Anabaptist perspective                         What Is the Trinity and
                                                                                              Why Does It Matter?
  • Written by a diverse and internationally renowned community of scholars, pastors,         by Steve Dancause
    and practitioners
                                                                                              Why Do We Suffer
  • Designed for use by individual readers, small groups, and Christian education             and Where Is God
    classes                                                                                   When We Do?
                                                                                              by Valerie G. Rempel
  • Glossary of terms and discussion and reflection questions in each volume
                                                                                              Who Are Our
                                                                                              Enemies and How
                                                                                              Do We Love Them?
                                                                                              by Hyung Jin Kim Sun

                                                                                              What Is God’s Mission
                                                                                              in the World and How
                                                                                              Do We Join It?
                                                                                              by Juan Francisco Martínez
                                                                                              and Jaime Pitts

                                                                                              What Is the Church
                                                                                              and Why Does It Exist?
                                                                                              by David Fitch

                                                                                              What Does Justice
                                                                                              Look Like and Why
                                                                                              Does God Care about It?
                                                                                              by Judith and Colin McCartney

                                                                                              What Is God’s Kingdom
                                                                                              and What Does
                                                                                              Citizenship Look Like?
                                                                                              by César García

                                                                                              Who Was Jesus and
                                                                                              What Does It Mean
                                                                                              to Follow Him?
                                                                                              by Nancy Elizabeth Bedford

6   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G          2 0 2 1

What Is God’s Kingdom and What Does                                             Who Was Jesus and What Does It Mean to
Citizenship Look Like?                                                          Follow Him?
César García                                                                    Nancy Elizabeth Bedford
2021. 88 pages. PB. 9781513805733. $12.99 USD.                                  2021. 96 pages. PB. 9781513805726. $12.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513806228. $9.99 USD.                                                Ebook. 9781513806211. $9.99 USD.
RELIGION / Christian Theology / General                                         RELIGION / Christian Theology / General
What is God’s kingdom? And what does it look like to live as                    Who was Jesus? And what does it mean to follow him?
a loyal citizen of God’s reign?                                                    Nancy Elizabeth Bedford helps us consider the identity
    César García leads us on a searching examination of what                    and mission of Jesus of Nazareth. Learn about the incarna-
it means to belong to God’s kingdom, what Jesus’ life and                       tion, how Christians have understood Jesus to be both human
ministry demonstrate about our call to seek it first, and how                   and divine, and what his radical teachings and ministry can
our allegiance to Jesus challenges and reshapes our loyalties                   mean for us today. Find out how Christians through the cen-
to political systems and governments. Learn about theolog-                      turies have understood who Jesus is, and explore communal
ical concepts such as the separation of church and state and                    and individual practices for following him.
kingdom ethics, and explore practices for people seeking to
embody God’s kingdom community.

                                                                                                Nancy Elizabeth Bedford was born in Comodoro Rivada-
                                                                                                via, Argentina. She has been the Georgia Harkness Professor
              César García is general secretary of Mennonite World Con-
                                                                                                of Theol­ogy at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary since
              ference (MWC), an organization that serves some 1.5 mil-
                                                                                                2003 and is a member of Reba Place Church (Mennonite) in
              lion members around the world in the Anabaptist tradition.
                                                                                                Evanston, Illinois. Previously she taught theology at Instituto
              García is from Bogotá, Colombia, and his appointment in
                                                                                                Universitario ISEDET and Seminario Internacional Teológico
              2012 marked the first time a leader from the Global South has
                                                                                                Bautista in Buenos Aires. Her most recent books are Galatians:
              served in this leadership role. He has been a church planter,
                                                                                A Theological Commentary and with Virginia Azcuy and Mercedes García, Te-
              pastor, and professor of Bible and theology. Prior to his elec-
                                                                                ología feminista a tres voces. Bedford holds degrees from University of Tübingen
tion, García was chair of the Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia
                                                                                and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is married to Daniel Stutz
(Mennonite Brethren Churches of Colombia) and secretary of the MWC
                                                                                and is the mother of three daughters.
Mission Commission.

                                                                                                           1-800-245-7894 •            /   7
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G          2 0 2 1

What Is God’s Mission in the World and How                                       What Is the Church and Why Does It Exist?
Do We Join It?                                                                   David Fitch
Juan Francisco Martínez and Jamie Pitts                                          2021. 96 pages. PB. 9781513805702. $12.99 USD.
2021. 88 pages. PB. 9781513805665. $12.99 USD.                                   Ebook. 9781513806198. $9.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513806150. $9.99 USD.                                                 RELIGION / Christian Theology / General
RELIGION / Christian Theology / General                                          What is the church? And why does it exist? These are essential
What does God’s mission look like? Who is supposed to                            questions for those who seek to follow Jesus in community.
carry it out—and how?                                                                David Fitch delves into the origins of the church, explor-
   Juan Francisco Martínez and Jamie Pitts lead us on an                         ing the identity and calling of the body of Christ in Scripture
inquiry into God’s mission in the world: what it is, what it is                  and church history. Learn about the Christian practices that
not, and who is invited to be part of it. If Jesus is truly God’s                shape the church and how our understandings of church
mission incarnate, we need to look at what Jesus did and                         might change in light of the life of the church through the
how he did it. Martínez and Pitts help readers understand                        centuries. At a time when the church in the United States
what mission means, why Christians in the past have made                         is losing credibility and cultural privilege, Fitch calls us to
missteps, and how we can learn from Christian communities                        embrace historic Anabaptism as a model for thriving as
that are spreading the good news of Jesus today. Doing mis-                      God’s people in our own time and place.
sion in the way of Jesus may look different from what many
assume, but it is a call that the church cannot afford to miss.
                                                                                                 David Fitch is B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology
                                                                                                 at Northern Seminary Chicago, Illinois. He is also one of the
                                                                                                 co­founders of Missio Alliance and coaches a network of church
               Juan Francisco Martínez is vice president of Ashland Uni-                         plants in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He is the
               versity and executive dean of Ashland Theological Seminary.                       founding pastor of Life on the Vine Christian Community, a
               Previously he was professor of Hispanic studies and pastoral                      missional church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and re-
               leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary and rector of the                       cently has joined the pastoral staff of a daughter congregation,
               Latin American Anabaptist Seminary (SEMILLA) in Guatema-          Peace of Christ Church in Westmont, Illinois. He writes on the issues the local
               la City. Martínez is an ordained Mennonite Brethren pastor        church must face in mission, including cultural engagement, leadership, and
               and received his PhD in intercultural studies from Fuller. His    theology, and has lectured and presented on these topics at many seminar-
academic work has focused on Latino Protestantism in the United States.          ies, graduate schools, denominational gatherings, and conferences. His books
Martínez is the author and editor of numerous books and articles.                include The Church of Us vs. Them and Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That
                                                                                 Shape the Church for Mission.
               Jamie Pitts is associate professor of Anabaptist theology at
               Anabaptist Mennonite Theological Seminary, where he also
               serves as director of the Institute of Mennonites Studies and
               edits the journal Anabaptist Witness. His teaching focuses on
               theology and history, with an emphasis on global Anabaptist
               traditions past and present. His current research interests in-
               clude pneumatology, baptism, and gender and sexuality. Pitts
has degrees from New College at the University of Edinburgh and Fuller Theo-
logical Seminary.

8   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G          2 0 2 1

                                                   All about the Amish
                                                   Answers to Common Questions
                                                   Karen Johnson-Weiner
                                                   Everything you want to know about the Amish but are afraid to ask.
                                                       Do the Amish pay taxes? Are they Christians? Why do they use horses and
                                                   buggies but agree to ride in other people’s cars? And how can they even survive
                                                   in the contemporary world?
                                                       In All about the Amish, Amish expert Karen Johnson-Weiner answers the most
                                                   commonly asked questions people have about the Old Order Amish. After more
                                                   than 30 years of being friends with the Amish and studying their faith and cul-
                                                   ture, Johnson-Weiner offers authoritative answers to the most common ques-
                                                   tions about the unique Amish faith and lifestyle.
                                                       Got questions about Amish beliefs? Families? Churches? Schools? What they
                                                   think about the rest of us? Find answers here.

                                                   K E Y F EAT U R ES
                                                      • An expert’s succinct introduction to Amish life and faith
                                                      • Easily accessible prose with answers to the most common question about
                                                        the Amish
                                                      • Divided into succinct sections about Amish faith, churches, lifestyle,
2021. 120 pages. PB.                                    courtship and marriage, and what holds Amish communities together
9781513806297. $14.99 USD.
EBook. 9781513806310. $9.99 USD.
                                                   “Authoritative and accessible, this book        “Karen Johnson-Weiner ably and
RELIGION / Christianity / Amish
                                                   answers your questions thoughtfully and         comprehensively presents answers to
              Karen Johnson-Weiner is coau-
                                                   thoroughly.” —Steven M. Nolt, author of         pervasive questions about Amish life.
              thor of The Amish (with Donald B.    A History of the Amish                          This book is an accessible introduction
              Kraybill and Steven M. Nolt) and                                                     to Amish culture.” —Joshua R. Brown,
              author of Train Up a Child and New   “Johnson-Weiner is a superb guide to            professor of German and linguistics at the
              York Amish. With degrees from        the perplexing questions of Amish life.         University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and co-editor
              Hope College, Michigan State, and    A wealth of information and wisdom.”            of Pennsylvania Germans: An Interpretive
              McGill University, she is profes-    —Donald B. Kraybill, author of The Riddle of    Encyclopedia
sor emerita of anthropology at SUNY Potsdam.
                                                   Amish Culture
        Weiner has studied and related to the
Amish for more than 30 years.

                                                                                                  1-800-245-7894 •        /   9
New Product and Backlist Catalog -
S P R I N G      2 0 2 1

                                                      Faithful in Small Things
                                                      How to Serve the Needy When You’re One of Them
                                                      Kevin Wiebe
                                                      How can you help the poor when you can barely pay your own bills?
                                                          Pastor Kevin Wiebe grew up below the poverty line, with his mother hunting
                                                      for change in the couch to buy food for the baby. Wiebe now pastors a “low
                                                      resource” church of mostly immigrants—a congregation that transcends defini-
                                                      tions of the helper and the helped and that doesn’t fit neatly into any stereotype
                                                      of poverty. In Faithful in Small Things, Wiebe shows readers that writing big
                                                      checks isn’t the only—or even the best—way to alleviate poverty. Along the way,
                                                      he shines a spotlight on the value of small acts of love as a means of changing
                                                      the world, and as vitally important to following Jesus.
                                                          Investigating scriptural definitions of poverty and God’s heart for the poor
                                                      throughout the Bible, Wiebe calls readers not only to “help the needy” but to
                                                      acknowledge their own need and to work with God to serve others. By delving
                                                      into concepts like brokenness, mutuality, dignity, and systemic injustice, Wiebe
                                                      exposes gaps in the mainstream Christian understandings of economic inequal-
                                                      ity and explores holistic ways of reducing poverty. In doing so, he provides a bet-
                                                      ter way forward for Christians committed to working for the flourishing of all.
                                                          Jesus ministered to the poor, Jesus was poor. If both are true of our Savior,
2021. 224 pages. PB.
                                                      both can be true of us too.
9781513807744. $16.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513807768. $9.99 USD.
                                                      K E Y F E AT U R ES
RELIGION / Christian Living /
  Stewardship & Giving                                   • Thoughtful treatment of poverty from a Christian perspective in the tra-
Available March 16, 2021                                   dition of When Helping Hurts and Toxic Charity
                                                         • Practical ideas for individual Christians and congregations for walking
               Kevin Wiebe is an Anabaptist
               writer, pastor, and the creator of
                                                           alongside those living in poverty
               Pov.ology, a small-group curriculum       • Theological and biblical reflections on poverty, wealth, generosity, ser-
               on poverty and the church that has          vice, and mutuality
               been used around the world and
               featured in publications across the
               U.S. and Canada. Wiebe grew up
among the working poor, with parents who had a
standing family rule that “there is always room for
one more,” even as they struggled to get by them-
selves. He is senior pastor of New Life Christian
Fellowship in Stevenson, Ontario, a rural congre-
gation whose members are primarily Mennonite
immigrants from Mexico. He has degrees from
Providence University College and Conrad Grebel
University College and is an ordained minister in
the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. He and
his wife, Emily, have three children.

10   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
S P R I N G      2 0 2 1

                                                     Learning the Lost Art of Talking about Faith
                                                     Sara Wenger Shenk
                                                     Are you tongue-tied about faith?
                                                         Many Christians easily and eagerly talk about movies, sports, politics, jobs,
                                                     and emotions. So why are we tongue-tied when it comes to talking about our
                                                     faith—even with each other? Even with our kids? What renders us incapable,
                                                     embarrassed, or hesitant to talk about God?
                                                         In Tongue-Tied, theologian and former seminary president Sara Wenger
                                                     Shenk investigates the reasons that people who claim the name of Christ are so
                                                     reluctant to talk about him. Recovering an authentic vocabulary of faith—and
                                                     learning to speak in trustworthy, captivating ways—is an urgent task for follow-
                                                     ers of Jesus today. In an era of dying churches, polarizing cultural arguments,
                                                     and environmental and humanitarian crises, many people are longing for deep
                                                     conversations about things that matter. We are longing for genuine spiritual
                                                     connection with a just and loving God. By reflecting theologically on biblical
                                                     wisdom and our shared humanness, Shenk calls readers to recover the winsome
                                                     language of Christian faith.
                                                         We don’t need to relearn Christianese or brush up on churchy clichés. We
                                                     need a language of faith that is authentic, candid, and robust enough to last.
2021. 288 pages. PB.
9781513807782. $16.99 USD.                           K E Y F EAT U R ES
Ebook. 9781513807805. $9.99 USD.
                                                        • Theological and biblical reflections on the loss of an authentic and win-
RELIGION / Christian Living /
  Personal Growth                                         some vocabulary of faith among Christians
                                                        • Analysis of cultural factors that make speaking of faith difficult
              Sara Wenger Shenk is a theolo-            • Practices for speaking about faith in ways that awaken our desire to know
              gian, preacher, and the author of
              six books. She served as president          God and reconnect us with each other
              of Anabaptist Mennonite Bibli-            • Study guide available for use by small groups
              cal Seminary (AMBS) for almost
              10 years, where her blog, Practic-
              ing Reconciliation, was lauded as a
steady and deeply theological resource in anxious
and polarized times. Shenk earned degrees from
Eastern Mennonite University, Garrett-­Evangelical
Theological Seminary, and Union Presbyterian
Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. For nine years,
she and her husband, Gerald Shenk, served as stu-
dents and teachers in the former Yugoslavia, and
she has served on the faculty and administration
of Eastern Mennonite Seminary.

                                                                                             1-800-245-7894 •   /   11
Coming in
C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R        2 0 2 1

                                                       Dear White Peacemakers
                                                       Dismantling Racism with Grit and Grace
                                                       Osheta Moore
                                                       Dear White Peacemakers is a breakup letter to division, a love letter to God’s
                                                       Beloved Community, and an eviction notice to the violent powers that have
                                                       sustained racism for centuries.
                                                           Race is one of the hardest topics to discuss in America. Many white Christians
                                                       avoid talking about it altogether. But a commitment to peacemaking requires
                                                       White people to step out of their comfort and privilege and into the work of
                                                       anti-racism. Dear White Peacemakers is an invitation to White Christians to come
                                                       to the table and join this hard work and holy calling. Rooted in the life, min-
                                                       istry, and teachings of Jesus, this book is a challenging call to transform white
                                                       shame, fragility, saviorism, and privilege in order to work together to build the
                                                       Beloved Community as anti-racism peacemakers.
                                                           Written in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Dear White Peacemakers draws
                                                       on the Sermon on the Mount, spirituals, and personal stories from author
                                                       Osheta Moore’s work as a pastor in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Enter into this story
                                                       of shalom and join in the urgent work of anti-racism peacemaking.

                                                       K E Y F EAT U R ES
2021. 248 pages. PB.                                      • Affirmation of the identity and calling of White Christians in the work of
9781513807669. $18.99 USD.                                  dismantling racism and building beloved community
Ebook. 9781513807683. $9.99 USD.
                                                          • Personal stories of racial bias and racial justice
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues
Available May 18, 2021                                    • Christian approaches to transforming white shame, fragility, saviorism,
                                                            and privilege
                Osheta Moore is a writer, pastor,
                                                          • Everyday practices for building Beloved Community rooted in Jesus’
                speaker, and podcaster in Saint
                Paul, Minnesota, as well as a               Sermon on the Mount
                mother of three and an economic           • Foreword by Jen Hatmaker
                justice advocate for women in de-
                veloping countries. In addition to
                pastoring along with her husband
at Roots Covenant Church, a multiethnic com-
munity in Saint Paul, Moore is the outreach and
teaching pastor at Woodland Hills Church. Moore
has consistently been a voice for peacemaking,
justice, and anti-racism. Her work has been fea-
tured on numerous websites and blogs, including
Sojourners, SheLoves Magazine, Deeper Story, The Art
of Simple, ReKnew, and Rachel Held Evans’s blog.
She is the author of Shalom Sistas: Living Whole-
heartedly in a Brokenhearted World, published by
Herald Press in 2017. Connect with her at Osheta
.com and

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C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R        2 0 2 1

                                                       Activate Your Congregation to Spark Lasting Change
                                                       Glen Guyton
                                                       Every church wants to make a lasting difference. Light the spark in
                                                       your congregation.
                                                           More and more people are moving away from the church—not because they
                                                       lack faith in God but because the church is no longer relevant to their lives. The
                                                       church, not God, is the problem. In Reawakened, Glen Guyton explores eight
                                                       keys to developing the abilities of congregations to bring healing and hope to
                                                       their communities. These eight keys give voice to the most urgent needs of a
                                                       community and offer practical suggestions for how churches can spark holistic
                                                       and lasting differences in their communities.
                                                           Built on a solid biblical framework, Reawakened positions churches as cata-
                                                       lysts for transformative mission and change. Filled with stories from success-
                                                       ful ministries that are actively engaging their communities, Reawakened helps
                                                       Christians ask the big questions about God’s ongoing work in the world.

                                                       K E Y F E AT U R ES
                                                          • A compelling vision for churches as catalysts for holistic healing and
2021. 244 pages. PB.                                      • Outlines eight keys as strategies for unlocking the power of a church’s
9781513808079. $16.99 USD.                                  mission
Ebook. 9781513807645. $9.99 USD.
                                                          • Offers biblical and theological solutions for churches in an era of waning
RELIGION / Christian Church / Growth
Available May 18, 2021                                      influence
                                                          • Foreword by Josh Packard
                Glen Guyton is executive direc-
                tor of Mennonite Church USA, the
                first African American to serve in
                that role, and consults with leaders
                to help them reap the benefits of
                developing more diverse, inclusive,
                and culturally competent organi-
zations. A proven leader, Guyton is a former Air
Force officer and has years of experience serving in
executive roles, coaching leaders, and cultivating
relationships with diverse volunteers and donors.
A father of two and a native of Houston, Texas,
Guyton stays in shape and helps to offset his pas-
sion for great food by running. He holds a BS in
management from the U.S. Air Force Academy
and an MS in education from Regent University.

14   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R       2 0 2 1

                                                       Let the Light In
                                                       Healing from Distorted Images of God
                                                       Colin J. McCartney
                                                       Do you feel that God is angry with you? Or at least disappointed?
                                                           Our view of God shapes our minds, behavior, and relationships. What hap-
                                                       pens when we view God as a furious, frustrated deity? What changes when we
                                                       glimpse a God who looks like Jesus?
                                                           Building on personal experience, biblical study, and recent discoveries in
                                                       neuroscience, pastor and ministry coach Colin McCartney warns of the dangers
                                                       of viewing God as a judgmental, angry dictator. Such a negative view of God
                                                       poisons the mind and produces alienation from God and others. McCartney
                                                       lays out a strong case, rooted in Scripture, for a more accurate image of a God
                                                       who is Love. Healing from distorted images of God is one of the primary tasks
                                                       of the maturing Christian, and McCartney gently leads readers on this healing
                                                       journey. He also refuses to shy away from difficult topics such as God’s wrath,
                                                       hell as eternal punishment, and violent depictions of God in the Bible. By shar-
                                                       ing the beliefs of the early church fathers and mothers and pointing to a Christ-
                                                       centered hermeneutic, McCartney inspires readers with the truth of a God who
                                                       is extremely involved and deeply in love with every one of us.
                                                           What if the boundless love that we see in Jesus Christ isn’t just one of many
2021. 280 pages. PB.
                                                       traits of God? What if that infinite, absolute love is, well, everything?
9781513808093. $16.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513808116. $9.99 USD.
                                                       K E Y F EAT U R ES
RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Available June 1, 2021                                    • Contains strong biblical case for a God whose character is fully revealed
                                                            in Jesus
                Colin McCartney has worked in
                                                          • Offers pastoral and therapeutic perspectives on how distorted images of
                urban missions for over 35 years.
                He is the founder of two urban              God fuel dysfunctional relationships with God and others
                ministries and the author of The          • Presents solid theological examination of related topics such as hell,
                Beautiful Disappointment, Red Letter
                                                            Jesus’ command to love enemies, and violence in the Old Testament
                Revolution and with with his wife,
                Judith, What Does Justice Look Like       • Foreword by Tony Campolo
and Why Does Care about It? He has appeared on
Canadian television and radio and published ar-
ticles in national newspapers regarding urban
issues. He is a mentor to pastors and businesspeo-
ple and serves as a ministry trainer and coach. He
is also a popular speaker and currently leads an
urban church planting movement called Connect

                                                                                               1-800-245-7894 •   /   15
C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R         2 0 2 1

                                                      The Land Is Not Empty
                                                      Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery
                                                      Sarah Augustine
                                                      White settlers saw land for the taking. They failed to consider the perspective of
                                                      the people already here.
                                                          In The Land Is Not Empty, author Sarah Augustine unpacks the harm of the
                                                      Doctrine of Discovery—a set of laws rooted in the 15th century that gave Christian
                                                      governments the moral and legal right to seize lands they “discovered” despite
                                                      those lands already being populated by Indigenous Peoples. Legitimized by the
                                                      church and justified by a misreading of Scripture, the Doctrine of Discovery says
                                                      a land inhabited by “heathens, pagans, and infidels” can be considered “empty”
                                                      and therefore free for the taking.
                                                          In this prophetic book, Augustine who is Pueblo (Tewa), reframes the coloni-
                                                      zation of North America as she investigates ways that the Doctrine of Discovery
                                                      continues to devastate Indigenous cultures, and even the planet itself, as it justi-
                                                      fies exploitation of both natural resources and people. This is a powerful call to
                                                      reckon with the root causes of a legacy that continues to have devastating effects
                                                      on Indigenous Peoples around the globe and a call to recognize how our lives
                                                      and our choices are interwoven.
                                                          What was done in the name of Christ must be undone in the name of Christ,
2021. 224 pages. PB.
                                                      the author asserts. The good news of Jesus means there is still hope for the
9781513808291. $16.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513808314. $9.99 USD.                      righting of wrongs. Right relationship with God, others, and the earth requires
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues           no less.
Available June 22, 2021
                                                      K E Y F E AT U R ES
               Sarah Augustine is founder and
                                                         • Insightful commentary by a Pueblo (Tewa) community activist on the
               cochair of the Dismantling the
               Doctrine of Discovery Coalition             ongoing legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery
               and executive director of the Dis-        • Moving personal narrative interwoven with perceptive historical analysis
               pute Resolution Center of Yakima
                                                           of the dehumanization of Native Americans
               and Kittitas Counties. Augustine
               has written for Sojourners, The Men-      • A powerful call for Christians to right the wrongs done to Indigenous
nonite, and other publications, and she is an ad-          communities in the name of the Christ
junct professor at Heritage University. She and her
husband, Dan Peplow, and their son live in the
                                                         • Foreword by Mark Charles
Yakima Valley of Washington.

16   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
C O M I N G      I N   S U M M E R        2 0 2 1

                                                     Peanut Butter and Dragon Wings
                                                     A Mother’s Search for Grace
                                                     Shari Zook
                                                     Longing for permission to be real about your own needs and struggles?
                                                     Permission granted.
                                                         As good Christian moms, we’re not supposed to ask for much. Jesus meets
                                                     all our needs and we’re the light of the world to everybody else, right? Wrong.
                                                         Shari Zook appeared to be an overachieving supermom who deftly supported
                                                     her pastor-husband and their congregation, looked after their children, and
                                                     cared for foster children through the ups and downs of placements. But inside,
                                                     her world was growing increasingly desperate as she struggled with the grief of
                                                     miscarriage, parenting a difficult child, and spiraling depression.
                                                         In her darkest hour, Zook let go of her need to appear superhuman and
                                                     reached out to receive God’s unfolding grace. With humor and artistry, Peanut
                                                     Butter and Dragon Wings gives us permission to step out from behind the appear-
                                                     ance of rose-filtered perfection and embrace the authenticity of honest need and
                                                     human limitations. In the book’s 12 chapters you’ll find 12 practical ways to
                                                     reach for a faith that includes doubt, and holiness that includes failure.

                                                     K E Y F EAT U R ES
2021. 208 pages. PB.                                    • Authentic stories of the challenges of motherhood, family, and faith in a
9781513807706. $16.99 USD.                                culture that too often leaves women feeling inadequate
Ebook. 9781513807720. $9.99 USD.
                                                        • An invitation to release perfection and embrace authentic vulnerability
RELIGION / Christian Living /
  Women’s Interests                                     • Twelve practices for Christian moms to seek and receive the care of faith
Available July 6, 2021                                    community

              Shari Zook is a pastor’s wife,
              mother of four, and foster parent
              for the past six years. She bakes
              cakes, raises herbs, and reads amaz-
              ing books, but her heart is in rais-
              ing children, crafting words, and
              connecting with women. She lives
with her family in northwestern Pennsylvania
and attends Meadville Mennonite Chapel, where
her husband, Ryan, pastors. She blogs at Confes-
sions of a Woman Learning to Live (ShariZookcom).

                                                                                            1-800-245-7894 •   /   17
C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R       2 0 2 1

                                                      How to Have an Enemy
                                                      Righteous Anger and the Work of Peace
                                                      Melissa Florer-Bixler
                                                      Does Jesus’ call to love our enemies mean that we should remain silent in the
                                                      face of injustice?
                                                          Jesus called us to love our enemies. But to befriend our enemies, we first
                                                      have to acknowledge their existence, understand who they are, and recognize
                                                      the ways they are acting in opposition to God’s good news. In How to Have an
                                                      Enemy: Righteous Anger and the Work of Peace, Melissa Florer-Bixler looks closely
                                                      at what the Bible says about enemies—who they are, what they do, and how
                                                      Jesus and his followers responded to them. The result is a theology that allows
                                                      us to name our enemies as a form of truth-telling about ourselves, our commu-
                                                      nities, and the histories in which our lives are embedded. Only then can we
                                                      grapple with the power of the acts of destruction carried out by our enemies,
                                                      and invite them to lay down their enmity, opening a path for healing, recon-
                                                      ciliation, and unity.
                                                          Jesus named and confronted his enemies as an essential part to loving them.
                                                      In this provocative book, Florer-Bixler calls us to do the same.

                                                      K E Y F E AT U R ES
2021. 244 pages. PB.                                     • Compelling counter-narrative that centers on Jesus’ practice of naming
9781513808130. $16.99 USD.                                 and confronting enemies
Ebook. 9781513808154. $9.99 USD.
                                                         • Practical guidance for faith communities seeking to discern how they and
RELIGION / Christian Living /
  Personal Growth                                          others have acted as enemies of the good news of Jesus
Available July 20, 2021                                  • Examines themes such racial injustice, oppression, and coercive power
                                                         • Foreword by Otis Moss III
               Melissa Florer-Bixler is a writer
               and pastor with degrees from Duke
               University and Princeton Theo-
               logical Seminary. Her ministry at
               Raleigh Mennonite Church has
               been featured in The Atlantic and
               Sojourners. She writes for Geez Mag-
azine, Christian Century, and Anabaptist World,
among others. She is the author of Fire by Night:
Finding God in the Pages of the Old Testament. She
lives with her husband and three children in Ra-
leigh, North Carolina.

18   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
C O M I N G      I N     S U M M E R        2 0 2 1

                                                       The End of Religion
                                                       Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus STUDY GUIDE
                                                       Bruxy Cavey
                                                       Sick of religion? So was Jesus.
                                                           Around the world a movement is growing. People are waking up to the spiri-
                                                       tual beauty of the teachings of Jesus while rejecting the many ugly aspects of the
                                                       religion that bears his name. If you are among those who are disappointed with
                                                       religion yet are still strangely pulled toward spirituality, author Bruxy Cavey will
                                                       help you make sense of it all.
                                                           Join Cavey in an exploration of how 21st-century people can live into the
                                                       subversive spirituality of a first-century radical and discover what the Bible claims
                                                       is the world God originally intended and still desires: a world without religion.
                                                           The End of Religion Study Guide will help you and your group unpack Cavey’s
                                                       teachings in The End of Religion to help you understand, discuss, and live into
                                                       the subversive spirituality of Jesus.

                                                       K E Y F EAT U R ES
                                                          • Guide that helps small groups and house churches engage with The End of
                                                            Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus
                                                          • Thought-provoking discussion questions applicable to believers and non-
2021. 128 pages. PB.                                        believers alike
9781513808666. $9.99 USD.                                 • Disciple resource to help new believers understand and live the subversive
Ebook. 9781513808673. $9.99 USD.
                                                            spirituality of Jesus
RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Available August 3, 2021                                  • QR codes that link to online videos and resources

                Bruxy Cavey is a bestselling au-
                thor and the teaching pastor at The
                Meeting House (Ontario, Canada),
                a church for people who aren’t into                                  The End of Religion
                church. Cavey is a sought-after                                      Encountering the Subversive Spirituality
                speaker and preacher, and he is the
                author of Reunion: The Good News
                                                                                     of Jesus [Expanded Edition]
of Jesus for Seekers, Saints, and Sinners. Bruxy and                                 Bruxy Cavey
his wife, Nina, have three daughters and live in                                     2020. 416 pages. PB. 9781513805498. $18.99 USD.
Hamilton, Ontario. Connect with him at Bruxy.                                        Ebook. 9781513806976. $9.99 USD.
                                                                                     RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

                                                                                                 1-800-245-7894 •   /   19
C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R         2 0 2 1

                                                      Leaving Silence
                                                      Sexualized Violence, the Bible, and Standing with Survivors
                                                      Susannah Larry
                                                      #MeToo. #ChurchToo. #GodToo?
                                                          What if survivors of sexualized violence experienced the Bible as a powerful
                                                      spiritual resource rather than an oppressive tool in the hands of those seeking
                                                      to dismiss or justify abuse? Bible scholar Susannah Larry leads fellow survivors
                                                      and those who care for them in a journey toward reclaiming the Bible amid the
                                                      trauma of sexualized violence.
                                                          Leaving Silence is an unflinching examination of sexualized violence in the
                                                      Bible and the God who stands steadfastly with survivors. Larry addresses biblical
                                                      experiences of coercion, familial betrayal, and self-blame while also illuminating
                                                      God’s constant care and concern.
                                                          By centering the experiences of survivors in Scripture, Larry opens new
                                                      insights into some of the Bible’s most difficult texts and releases its ancient sto-
                                                      ries to serve as a powerful healing witness to the God who has shared in the
                                                      experience of sexualized violence. Under Larry’s skillful guidance, readers will
                                                      rediscover the God who is present in experiences of trauma and who desires
                                                      ultimate wholeness for survivors.

2021. 240 pages. PB.                                  K E Y F E AT U R ES
9781513808178. $17.99 USD.                               • Reclaims the Bible as a powerful spiritual resource for survivors of sexual-
Ebook. 9781513808192. $9.99 USD.
                                                           ized violence
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues
Available August 3, 2021                                 • Examines experiences of sexual coercion, familial betrayal, and self-blame
                                                           in the Bible
               Susannah Larry is a writer and
                                                         • Illuminates God’s presence with survivors of sexualized trauma and God’s
               scholar who works in between the
               piles of blocks and baby dolls on           desire for their wholeness
               her living room floor. Raised in At-
               lanta, she brings together academic
               rigor and deep faith commitments
               in her writing. Susannah is assis-
tant professor of biblical studies at Anabaptist
Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana.
Though denominationally nomadic for several
years, she now feels at home in Anabaptist and
Mennonite traditions and attends Hively Avenue
Mennonite Church. Susannah enjoys writing cre-
ative nonfiction, running, and cooking vegetarian
meals. She blogs at

20   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
C O M I N G      I N    S U M M E R         2 0 2 1

                                                       The Space Between Us
                                                       Conversations about Transforming Conflict
                                                       Betty Pries
                                                       Engage conflict to strengthen connections and build understanding.
                                                           Conflict is inevitable. But rather than approaching conflicts as threats or
                                                       problems to be solved, what if we could see our disagreements as opportunities
                                                       for personal growth? Could our differences push us toward developing healthier
                                                       relationships and communities? In The Space Between Us, facilitator and medi-
                                                       ator Betty Pries gently guides readers toward seeing discord as an opportunity
                                                       for positive change and a way to build resilience. Rooted in the conviction that
                                                       conflict can strengthen our relationships and deepen our self-knowledge, Pries
                                                       offers practical skills for engaging conflict and casts a vision for a future filled
                                                       with more joy.
                                                           To get there, Pries plumbs the depths of both conflict theory and contempla-
                                                       tive spirituality, proposing a vision for engaging conflict in new and life-giving
                                                       ways. Rooted in Christian practices of mindfulness, connecting with our most
                                                       authentic selves, and deep listening to uncover new possibilities, this book offers
                                                       new ways forward in the face of interpersonal and organizational conflicts.

                                                       K E Y F EAT U R ES
2021. 216 pages. PB.                                      • Reframes conflict as an opportunity for positive change in our
9781513808680. $16.99 USD.                                  relationships
Ebook. 9781513808703. $9.99 USD.
                                                          • Draws on contemplative Christian spirituality as a resource for navigating
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues
Available August 17, 2021                                   conflict in life-giving ways
                                                          • Offers practical guidance for engaging everyday conflicts with curiosity
                 Betty Pries is founder and CEO
                                                            and grace
                 of Credence & Co., a consulting
                 a­gency dedicated to working with
                 organizations and their leaders
                 to help them thrive and flourish.
                 With over 26 years of experience
                 coaching, mediating, training, fa-
cilitating, and consulting, Pries is highly regarded
as a specialist in conflict, change, and leadership.
She brings a unique mix of biblical and theolog-
ical reflection, spiritual guidance, organizational
leadership, and facilitation skills to her work with
congregations, faith-based institutions, univer-
sities, healthcare entities, government agencies,
and businesses.

                                                                                                1-800-245-7894 •   /   21
Coming in
FALL 2021
C O M I N G      I N    F A L L     2 0 2 1

                                                            A Cloud of Witnesses
                                                            Celebrating Indonesian Mennonites
                                                            John D. Roth
                                                            Indonesia is home to the oldest Mennonite community outside of Europe and
                                                            North America. Author John D. Roth traces the 170-year history of Mennonites
                                                            in Indonesia alongside the larger cultural and religious history of the country. By
                                                            placing the legacy of European colonization from the 16th century to national
                                                            independence in 1945 beside the history of the Dutch Mennonite mission to
                                                            Indonesia in the 19th century, Roth creates a rich narrative tapestry.
                                                                A Cloud of Witnesses traces the emergence of the three Mennonite-related
                                                            groups found today in Indonesia. Like all churches, they have each integrated
                                                            the good news of the gospel with local culture, ethnic identity, religious cur-
                                                            rents, and national history in a distinctive way.
                                                                In July 2022, these three Mennonite groups in Indonesia will collaboratively
                                                            host the 17th global assembly of Mennonite World Conference in Semarang, Java.
                                                                A Cloud of Witnesses helps to orient other members of the global Anabaptist-
                                                            Mennonite church to the history and identity of this unique group of churches
                                                            while also providing practical travel tips, recipes, and reference notes on culture
                                                            and language and tourist sites—making it the perfect accompaniment for those
                                                            who plan to travel to Indonesia for Mennonite World Conference in the sum-
2021. 200 pages. PB.
                                                            mer of 2022.
9781513809397. $19.99 USD.
Ebook. 9781513809403. $9.99 USD.                                Selamat dating!
RELIGION / Christianity / Mennonite
Available September 7, 2021                                 K E Y F EAT U R ES
                                                               • Published ahead of a Mennonite World Conference gathering in
               John D. Roth is professor of his-
                                                                 Indonesia in summer 2022
               tory at Goshen College, editor of
               Mennonite Quarterly Review, and di-             • Orients readers to the unique story of the Indonesian Mennonite church
               rector of the Institute for the Study           • Brings together for the first time a history of all three Indonesian
               of Global Anabaptism at Goshen
                                                                 Mennonite groups
               College. He received his PhD from
               the University of Chicago. Roth’s               • Appendices with Indonesian recipes and travel guidance
many books include Choosing Against War: A
Christian View, Beliefs: Mennonite Faith and Practice,
Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be, and Practices:
Mennonite Worship and Witness. Roth lives in Gos-
hen, Indiana.

                                                                                                    1-800-245-7894 •   /   23
C O M I N G      I N    F A L L     2 0 2 1

                                                         A Gentle Boldness
                                                         Sharing the Peace of Jesus in a Multi-Faith World
                                                         David W. Shenk
                                                         A global citizen. A commitment to sharing the peace of Jesus. A witness to the
                                                         difference that Jesus makes.
                                                             The story of David Shenk either begins in Shirati Village in Tanganyika, East
                                                         Africa, or we might decide it begins among the orchards of Lancaster County,
                                                         Pennsylvania, where farmers with their horses line up a mile for water as they
                                                         rearrange their loads for their trek home on market day. In either reading, this is
                                                         a story of mission—a story of people chattering along a roadside spring on the
                                                         way to and from market.
                                                             At age six, Shenk asked his parents, “What difference does Jesus make?” The
                                                         answer to that question is the reason he became a Christian. Day by day, as he
                                                         travels in the way of Jesus—living, serving, and ministering around the world—
                                                         Shenk continues to unpack what difference Jesus makes.
                                                             This is not just the story of Shenk and his remarkable work in Christian
                                                         missions. It’s the stories that David has heard within societies, cultures, and reli-
                                                         gions when he asks the question, What difference does Jesus make?

                                                         K E Y F E AT U R ES
2021. 240 pages. PB.                                        • Each chapter is centered in a story of the church in mission and how lives
9781513801353. $16.99 USD.                                    are being transformed—from Tanzania to Somalia to Pennsylvania
Ebook. 9781513801360. $9.99 USD.
                                                            • Stories tell of the transforming power of faith in Jesus from across the
Available September 21, 2021                                  world
                                                            • Celebrates the joys and challenges of living as a people of Jesus devoted
                David W. Shenk is the founder
                                                              to peace
                emeritus member of the Christian-­
                Muslim Relations Team for Eastern
                Mennonite Missions. His particular
                focus is on bearing witness to the
                peace of Christ in a world of reli-
                gious and ideological pluralism. He
is a professor and author or coauthor of 20 books,
including A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue,
Journeys of the Muslim Nation and the Christian
Church, Teatime in Mogadishu, and Christian. Mus-
lim. Friend.

24   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
C O M I N G     I N    F A L L     2 0 2 1

                                                          Not Quite Fine
                                                          Mental Health, Faith, and Showing Up for One Another
                                                          Carlene Hill Byron
                                                          A practical guide for people who care.
                                                             There is no time in history and no place in the world where so many people
                                                          have understood themselves to be suffering from mental health challenges.
                                                          There is also virtually no time and no place in the world where people who are
                                                          suffering have been so readily ostracized.
                                                             In Not Quite Fine, author Carlene Hill Byron tackles the mounting dilemmas
                                                          that pastors and churches face around mental health. Medicines and therapies
                                                          have their roles in supporting those who live with mental health problems or
                                                          mental illness. But God’s own body as the church is intended to be our greatest
                                                          support in this world. How can the church step up for such a time as this? How
                                                          can the body of Christ become a healing community for its members in pain—a
                                                          place where the weary find strength for the journey, a place where those who
                                                          mourn are raised up as rebuilders of the cities left in ruins?
                                                             Drawing on her own history of mental health problems and her experi-
                                                          ence as a teacher and lay counselor, Byron offers words of hope for those who
                                                          struggle as well as practical insights to equip congregations to better support
                                                          those who are suffering in their midst.
2021. 206 pages. PB.
9781513808215. $16.99 USD.                                K E Y F EAT U R ES
Ebook. 9781513808239. $9.99 USD.
                                                             • Draws on the author’s own experiences with depression or bipolar disor-
RELIGION / Christian Ministry /
  Counseling & Recovery                                        der since the age of 19 to offer a new vision for the church’s response to
Available October 5, 2021                                      mental health problems
                                                             • Offers many examples of care from stories of people with mental health
               Carlene Hill Byron is a fund-
               raiser and communicator for non-
               profits that serve people with dis-           • Chapters offer practical insights in the form of a “competent care­
               abilities and other profound life               giver’s toolkit”
               challenges. The former editor of
               New England Church Life and The               • Provides a vision for how the body of Christ as the church can come
               New England Christian, she is a spir-           together to support those who are suffering
itual wellness volunteer in the MaineHealth hos-
pital system and is active in her Lutheran church.
She has been medically treated for depression or
bipolar disorder since the age of 19, with doctors
attempting more than 20 different medications to
contain her symptoms. Find her online on The
Mighty, Mad in America, The Redbud Post, and
The Church and Mental Illness.

                                                                                                 1-800-245-7894 •   /   25
C O M I N G      I N   F A L L     2 0 2 1

                                                           On Love and Mercy
                                                           A Social Justice Devotional
                                                           Stephen Mattson
                                                           A hopeful and Christ-centered devotional for Christians who know social justice
                                                           to be a good and holy endeavor.
                                                               On Love and Mercy is a 60-day devotional that invites readers to expand their
                                                           vision of both personal faith in God and the redemptive and saving work of
                                                           social action. Breaking down the premise that Christians must choose between
                                                           being either socially conscience or theologically sound, author Stephen Mattson
                                                           offers the hopeful message that Jesus—and Christianity—is both. Each day’s
                                                           entry offers Christians who long to see justice and equity within society a much-
                                                           needed source of affirmation, solidarity, and encouragement.
                                                               These heartfelt devotions bring readers hope and encouragement to embrace
                                                           social justice as the Christlike discipline that it always was and is meant to be.
                                                           On Love and Mercy validates social justice practices within the Christian faith by
                                                           centering the example of Jesus as the ultimate standard.
                                                               Although our religion will fail us, Jesus never will. He walks alongside us in
2021. 300 pages. HC.                                       living out God’s commands to us to love our neighbors to the best of our ability.
9781513809373. $21.99 USD.                                 Step into this journey and discover anew what it means to be devoted to Jesus
Ebook. 9781513809380. $9.99 USD.                           and justice.
RELIGION / Devotional
Available October 19, 2021                                 K E Y F E AT U R ES
                Stephen Mattson is a writer and
                                                              • Timely devotional that holds together Christian faith and social action
                activist whose work has been pub-             • Offers words of hope for Christians devoted to Jesus and putting his
                lished in Relevant, Huffington Post,            words about justice into practice
                Sojourners, Red Letter Christians,
                and a variety of other venues.                • Rooted in the Bible to expand our understandings of justice
                Mattson graduated from Moody
                Bible Institute, served as a youth
pastor, and now works at University of Northwest-
ern—St. Paul. He is the author of The Great Reckon-
ing: Surviving a Christianity That Looks Nothing like
Christ, published by Herald Press in 2018. He and
his wife and children live near Saint Paul, Minne-
sota, and attend Woodland Hills Church.

26   /   Herald Press, PO Box 866, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
C O M I N G       I N    F A L L      2 0 2 1

                                                          1 & 2 Kings
                                                          Believers Church Bible Commentary
                                                          Lynn Jost
                                                          Violence in the streets. Military expansion. Consumerism. Policies exploiting
                                                          people and natural resources. Harassment and abuse: 1 & 2 Kings could hardly
                                                          be more relevant. In the 34th volume of the Believers Church Bible Commentary
                                                          series, Old Testament scholar Lynn Jost claims 1 & 2 Kings were written to form a
                                                          community that would embrace the Ten Commandments and the Great Shema
                                                          and would champion righteousness and compassion. Jost traces the character-
                                                          istics of royal justice, with its systems of excess and indulgence, as well as the
                                                          court intrigue, succession politics, interfamily rivalries, and prophetic judgment
                                                          that mark the books. Through it all, Israel remains in a covenant relationship
                                                          with a delivering God. Through it all, God calls the leaders and the people to
                                                          practice justice, protect shalom, and live righteously. In vivid and accessible
                                                          prose, Jost invites pastors, scholars, and lay readers to read 1 & 2 Kings as books
                                                          of promise—ones that gesture toward a faithful God who rescues, judges, com-
                                                          mands, and provides.

                                                          K E Y F EAT U R ES
                                                             • Biblical commentary from an Anabaptist perspective
2021. 518 pages. PB.                                         • Unique format that includes sections on The Text in the Biblical Context
9781513802633. $34.99 USD.                                     and The Text in the Life of the Church
Ebook. 9781513802640. $12.99 USD.
                                                             • Cooperative project of the Brethren in Christ Church, Brethren Church,
RELIGION / Biblical Commentary /
  Old Testament                                                Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Brethren Church, Mennonite Church
Available November 2, 2021                                     Canada, and Mennonite Church USA

               Lynn Jost is a professor and pro-          “This readable commentary series is for all who seek more fully to understand the
               gram director of Old Testament             original message of Scripture and its meaning for today—Sunday school teachers,
               and director of the Anabaptist Cen-        members of Bible study groups, students, pastors, and other seekers.” —From the Series
               ter at Fresno Pacific University. He
               graduated from Tabor College and
               received his MDiv from Mennonite
               Brethren Biblical Seminary and his
PhD in homiletics and Hebrew Bible from Van-
derbilt University. Jost has served as president and
academic dean of Mennonite Brethren Biblical
Seminary and has also worked in church planting
in Spain and pastoral ministry in Kansas. He and
his wife, Donna, have two adult children.

                                                                                                     1-800-245-7894 •   /   27
C O M I N G      I N   F A L L     2 0 2 1

                                                          Been in the Struggle
                                                          Pursuing an Antiracist Spirituality
                                                          Regina Shands Stoltzfus and Tobin Miller Shearer
                                                          The work of dismantling racism doesn’t happen overnight.
                                                              Been in the Struggle nurtures, challenges, and fosters the work and witness of
                                                          dismantling racism for the long haul. In a book filled with wisdom and insight
                                                          from nearly three decades of partnering across racial lines in this work, authors
                                                          Regina Shands Stoltzfus and Tobin Miller Shearer offer a powerful mix of practi-
                                                          cal direction and poignant reflection to empower and sustain those working to
                                                          dismantle racism, regardless of their stage in the journey.
                                                              Stoltzfus and Shearer draw on the power and promise of interracial rela-
                                                          tionships to offer a vision for an anti-racist spirituality. Together this Black
                                                          woman and White man address the spirituality of conflict and crisis, embrac-
                                                          ing Blackness amid an anti-Black culture, and the importance of spiritual disci-
                                                          plines in the work of antiracism. Whether we are working to dismantle racism
                                                          in our own lives or inside institutions, their words on transformation, historical
                                                          trauma, spiritual formation, and the importance of authentic, restorative cele-
                                                          bration will inspire and sustain us for road ahead.

                                                          K E Y F E AT U R ES
2021. 250 pages. PB.                                         • Offers a model of interracial friendship rooted in nearly 30 years of
9781513809434. $18.99 USD.                                     practice
Ebook. 9781513809458. $9.99 USD.
                                                             • Tackles addressing racism from the lens of Christian spirituality
RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues
Available November 2, 2021                                   • Helps readers understand dismantling racism as an unfolding journey
                                                             • Both authors are seasoned presenters and speakers on topics related to
               Regina Shands Stoltzfus was
                                                               dismantling racism
               born in Cleveland, Ohio, and lived
               there the first half of her life. She
               currently lives in Goshen, Indiana,
               and teaches at Goshen College in
               the peace, justice, and conflict
               studies. Stoltzfus is cofounder of
the Roots of Justice anti-oppression program (for-
merly Damascus Road Anti-Racism Process) and
has worked widely in peace education. She holds
a master of arts in biblical studies from Ashland
Theological Seminary and a PhD in theology and
ethics from Chicago Theological Seminary. She is
the author of two previous books, and her many
articles have appeared in publications such as So-
journers and The Mennonite. She has also written
for the Anabaptist Historians blog.

               Tobin Miller Shearer is cofound-
               er with Regina Shands Stoltzfus of
               the Damascus Road Anti-­     Racism
               Process (now Roots of Justice) and
               an award-winning professor of his-
               tory and African American studies
               at the University of Montana. He
is the author of five books and more than one
hundred articles. His work has appeared in publi-
cations such as The Chicago Tribune, Conspire, The
Mennonite, and Anabaptist Historians. He blogs at
Truth and Grace. Shearer is also the cofounder with
Cheryl Miller Shearer of the anti-racism training
and consulting nonprofit Widerstand Consulting

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