Page created by Louis Pratt
  FALL 2020
Dear Publishers and Friends,

These are challenging times – but that’s no news for Angela Merkel, who since 1990 with patience and strong
nerves has asserted herself against the men in the political arena to become the most powerful woman in the
world. Next year, her resignation as first German female Chancellor will be a turning point for Germany, Europe
and for international politics. Since his time as parliamentary reporter, historian and journalist Ralph Bollmann
has been following Merkel on her way. His biography of Angela Merkel is the first to cover her entire political life
and an indispensable reading for anyone who wants to understand not only her thinking but also the German and
European history of recent times.

Everything spoke against little Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti (1792 - 1878) becoming something. Hubert Wolf
in his recently published book The Infallible. Pius IX and the Invention of Catholicism in the 19th Century describes
the amazing path of the ailing young nobleman from the province to the most powerful and longest-serving pope
in history (1846 - 1878), who reinvented Catholicism. This captivating and vividly written book has reached rank
20 on the Spiegel bestseller list. Hubert Wolf has won the Leibniz Prize of the DFG, the Communicator Prize, the
Gutenberg Prize and an honorary doctorate from the University of Bern. His bestsellers published by C.H.Beck
include The Nuns of Sant‘Ambrogio (2013), which has been translated into 15 languages.
Anti-semitic stereotypes are back in vogue today and anti-semitic prejudices are on the rise. Sometimes they are
openly displayed, sometimes hidden behind criticism of Israel. In his new Short History of Anti-Semitism, Peter
Schäfer clearly and concisely describes how anti-Semitic stereotypes have spread since antiquity, have led to
persecution and annihilation and are still virulent today. His enlightening book is a must-read for all those who
want to understand why anti-semitism is so old and at the same time so topical and what it means for Jews in the
neighbourhood, in Israel and all over the world.

Zora del Buono`s fascinating major family novel of the 20th century The Marshalless was already the “cover
story” of NZZ Books on Sunday. The Swiss author tells us about the fate of a political woman, inspired by her
own grandmother: an impressive, dazzling main character, told on the basis of profound research, and yet a very
personal story - exciting and stirring, informative and eye-opening.
Just out, Laura Lichtblau’s debut novel Black Powder was already praised by Spiegel online: “Seldom have we read
about the dystopian future in such a funny, exhilarating – and thus all the more oppressive – way”, and poet and
novelist Nora Gomringer promises: Anyone who reads this book, “will not want any other reading ammunition for
this autumn”. Sample translations for both fiction titles are available.
© Christoph Mukherjee


                                          5    Hardcover Non-Fiction
6   Translation Funding |                 8    Angela Merkel | Ralph Bollmann
    Geisteswissenschaften International
7                                         9    How we Became Who we Are | Heinrich August Winkler

                                          10   Germany | Andreas Fahrmeir (Ed.)

                                          11   The Weight of a Human Life. Sophie Scholl.
                                               A biography | Maren Gottschalk

                                          12   Tito – the eternal Partisan | Marie-Janine Calic

                                          13   My Journey to Beethoven | Christian Thielemann

                                          14   Cult and Art. Beethovens Missa solemnis as religious service
                                               Jan Assmann

                                          15   Democracy. A German Affair | Hedwig Richter

                                          16   Writings on Art and Film | Günther Anders

                                          17   The Saviours | Michael Stausberg

                                          18   A short history of Antisemitism | Peter Schäfer

                                          19   The strangest Places of Religions | Johann Hinrich Claussen

                                          20 Gladius . Romes Legions in Germania | Thomas Fischer

                                          21   Henry Kissinger | Bernd Greiner

                                          22 The Life of Lola Montez | Marita Krauss

                                          23 The Infallible | Hubert Wolf

                                          24 Karl Lagerfeld | Alfons Kaiser

                                          25 12 days and Half a Century.
                                             A History of the German Empire 1871-1918 | Christoph Nonn

                                          26 Blood and Iron | Christoph Jahr

                                          27 Everybody writes for Himself. Writers during Nazism
                                             Anatol Regnier

                                          28 Between Heaven and the Elbe river | Jan Bürger

                                          29 Mao’s long shadow | Daniel Leese

                                          30 Rebel Minds | Melanie Jahreis

                                          31   Sexism – A History of Oppression | Susan Arndt

                                          32 The Artists’ Anecdote | Werner Busch

                                          33 From Rome to the borders of the world | Arnold Esch

                                          34 History of German Literature 1830-1870 | Peter Sprengel
35 The End of Money as we know it | Alexander Hagelüken     51   Pandemics | Jörg Hacker

36 America First | Stephan Bierling                         52 Notre–Dame | Thomas W. Gaehtgens

37 The Yiddish Joke | Jakob Hessing                         53 History of Antisemitism | Werner Bergmann

38 China – 101 important questions | Hans van Ess           54 Auschwitz | Sybille Steinbacher

39 China First | Theo Sommer                                55 History of Turkey | Klaus Kreiser

40 The History of the World | Ewald Frie                    56 History of Israel | Noam Zadoff

41   Turn of an Era 1979 | Frank Bösch                      57 Spanish History | Walther L. Bernecker

42 Hungary in a Nutshell | György Dalos                     58 Moorish Spain | Georg Bossong

43 Authenticity | Erik Schilling                            59 Women’s movement and Feminism | Ute Gerhard

44 Eating Insects | Florian J. Schweigert                   60 Yoga | Vanamali Gunturu

45 Ma’at | Jan Assmann                                      61   Witches | Wolfgang Behringer

46 Native Americans | Heike Bungert                         62 Military History of the Middle ages | Martin Clauss

47 The little Wagner-Fan | Enrik Lauer and Regine Müller    63 Jesus | Jens Schröter

48 Respect is something different | Gabriele Krone-Schmalz   64 Mahler’s Symphonies | Peter Revers

49 Germany’s Political System | Manfred G. Schmidt          65 Albrecht Dürer | Thomas Schauerte

50 Depression in Childhood and Adolescence                  66 The Language Acquisition of the Child | Jürgen Dittmann
   Christiane Nevermann and Hannelore Reicher

                                                            67   Fiction
                                                            68 The Marshaless | Zora del Buono

                                                            69 Black Powder | Laura Lichtblau

                                                            70 Dresden. The Second Period | Kurt Drawert

                                                            71   The Tomb of the Virgin | Stefan von der Lahr

                                                            72 Three Flies | Nico Bleutge
Translation Funding by

                         Geisteswissenschaften International
                         for Translations of Outstanding Research into English

                         Our following titles have received funding:
                         Title                                                            Author                       Licensee
                         Kafka. Der ewige Sohn                                            Peter-André Alt              Northwestern UP
                         Den Islam neu denken                                             Katajun Amirpur              The Ginko Library
                         Tambora und das Jahr ohne Sommer                                 Wolfgang Behringer           Polity Press
                         Florenz und Bagdad                                               Hans Belting                 Harvard UP
                         Götter und Mythen des Nordens                                    Klaus Böldl                  I.B. Tauris
                         Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart   Michael Brenner              Indiana UP
                         Kleine jüdische Geschichte                                       Michael Brenner              Princeton UP
                         Propheten des Vergangenen                                        Michael Brenner              Princeton UP
                         Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker                            Jörg Fisch                   Cambridge UP
                         Caravaggio                                                       S. Ebert-Schifferer          Getty Publications
                         Der lange Sommer der Theorie                                     Philipp Felsch               Polity Press
                         Meister Eckart                                                   Kurt Flasch                  Yale UP
                         „Ein Leben wie im Traum“ Kultur im Dritten Reich                 Moritz Föllmer               Oxford UP
                         Das Mittelalter                                                  Johannes Fried               Harvard UP
                         Bild und Mythos                                                  Luca Giuliani                University of Chicago Press
                         Europa ja – aber welches?                                        Dieter Grimm                 Oxford UP
                         Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert                       Ulrich Herbert               Verso
                         Erlöste und Verdammte                                            Thomas Kaufmann              Oxford UP
                         Der Schrecken Gottes                                             Navid Kermani                Polity Press
                         Gott ist schön                                                   Navid Kermani                Polity Press
                         Ungläubiges Staunen. Über das Christentum                        Navid Kermani                Polity Press
                         Die Büchse der Pandora                                           Jörn Leonhard                Harvard UP
                         Latein                                                           Jürgen Leonhardt             Harvard UP
                         Gottes Körper                                                    Christoph Markschies         Baylor UP
                         Die Wahrsagekunst im Alten Orient                                Stefan M. Maul               Baylor UP
                         Carl Schmitt                                                     Reinhard Mehring             Polity Press
                         Die Welt der mittelalterlichen Klöster                           Gert Melville                Liturgical Press
                         Über das Glück des philosophischen Lebens                        Heinrich Meier               University of Chicago Press
                         Die Verwandlung der Welt                                         Jürgen Osterhammel           Princeton UP
                         Die Entzauberung Asiens                                          Jürgen Osterhammel           Princeton UP
                         Die Ära der Ökologie                                             Joachim Radkau               Polity Press
                         Das letzte Jahrhundert der Pferde                                Ulrich Raulff                Penguin
                         Das islamische Recht                                             Mathias Rohe                 Brill Academic
                         Der katholische Rubens                                           W. Sauerländer               Getty Publications
                         Der Islam und die Frauen                                         Irene Schneider              Markus Wiener
                         Des Kaisers alte Kleider                                         Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger   Berghahn Books
                         Maria Theresia                                                   Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger   Princeton UP
                         Das Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation                      Barbara Stollberg Rilinger   Princeton UP
                         Der Kalte Krieg                                                  Bernd Stöver                 Cambridge UP
                         Philosophie des Traums                                           Christoph Türcke             Yale UP
                         Egozentrizität und Mystik                                        Ernst Tugendhat              Columbia UP
                         Theoderich der Große                                             Hans-Ulrich Wiemer           Yale UP
                         Geschichte des Westens, Bd. 2                                    Heinrich August Winkler      Yale UP
                         Papst und Teufel                                                 Hubert Wolf                  Harvard UP
                         Die Nonnen von Sant‘Ambrogio                                     Hubert Wolf                  Alfred A. Knopf
Ralph Bollmann
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 8

                       ANGELA MERKEL
                       The Chancellor and her Time

                       This is the first biography of Angela Merkel covering
                       her entire political work.

                       Angela Merkel seems to be “the last woman stand-
                       ing” among Western politicians. When the Ger-
                       man chancellor leaves office in autumn 2021 at
                       the latest, she will leave a world in disarray - with
                       the US under the leadership of Donald Trump, a
                       Britain ravaged by Brexit and a French President
                       Macron in big trouble. For many people around
                       the world, the German Chancellor embodied
                       liberal values and a multilateral order in times of
                       emerging populism and new nationalism.
                       Angela Merkel’s resignation as Chancellor is a turning point    Ralph Bollmann
                       for Germany, Europe and for international politics. Since       ANGELA MERKEL
                       his time as parliamentary reporter, historian and journalist
                                                                                       The Chancellor and her Time
                       Ralph Bollmann has observed Merkel up close. In this com-
                                                                                       Approx. 700 printed pages with approx.
                       prehensive biography, he shows how the outsider was able
                                                                                       50 illustrations
                       to assert herself against the men in the political arena with
                       distance, patience and strong nerves and rose to become the     German title:
                       most powerful woman in the world.                               Ralph Bollmann
                       Angela Merkel’s term of office was an era of crises in which    Angela Merkel
                       certainties dissolved. As a former citizen of the GDR she was   Die Kanzlerin und ihre Zeit
                       much better prepared than any other politician, for having
                                                                                       Date of publication: close to the with-
                       already experienced a break in politics in 1989/90.
                                                                                       drawal of Angela Merkel, probably in
                       Crises did not diminish her popularity - on the contrary:       late autumn 2021.
                       Merkel became popular as the woman who kept all impo-
                                                                                       A manuscript, complete except for
                       sitions away from the Germans, although disapproving of
                                                                                       the final part, will be available from
                       their unwillingness to change. This harmony ended with the      September 2020.
                       refugee debate. Instead of putting political passions aside,
                       the Chancellor now polarized even in the new major ideo-        Ralph Bollmann was born in 1969
                       logical conflict between cosmopolitans and protectionists       and studied modern history, politics
                       - not only in Germany but also on a global scale. She once      and public law in Tübingen, Bologna
                       again made herself available for election in 2017 against her   and Berlin and attended the German
                       original intention. Unlike her predecessors she will proba-     School of Journalism in Munich. After
                       bly still manage to shape her own withdrawal from politics.     13 years as editor of politics and parlia-
                       So far, her management of the Corona-Pandemia in Germa-         mentary correspondent at the left-wing
                       ny has strengthened her reputation and popularity as well as    daily newspaper “taz”, he has been the
                       that of her party CDU.                                          economic policy correspondent of the
                       For anyone who wants to understand not only the politics        “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszei-
                       of the first German female chancellor, but also the German      tung” since 2011. Since his years as par-
                       and European history of recent times this is an indispensable   liamentary correspondent, he has follo-
                       reading.                                                        wed the work of Angela Merkel closely
                                                                                       and has accompanied the Chancellor
                                                                                       on numerous trips. Ralph Bollmann is
                                                                                       author of several publications.
Heinrich August Winkler

                                                                                                                   C.H.BECK FALL 2020 9
                                                 How we Became Who we Are
                                                 A short History of the Germans

                                                 The quintessence of the German history –
                                                 expertly portrayed by Heinrich August Winkler
Heinrich August Winkler                          Heinrich August Winkler became famous as the author of
How we Became Who we Are                         the masterpieces „The Long Road to the West“ and „History
                                                 of the West“. His books are considered to be the epitome of
A short History of the Germans
                                                 historical expertise, clear political judgement and an excel-
256 pages
                                                 lently readable language. After the great standard works,
€ 22,–
                                                 which have reached bestseller dimensions with a total print
German title:                                    run of more than 250,000 copies, one of Germany‘s most
Heinrich August Winkler                          prominent historians is now presenting a book of radical
Wie wir wurden, was wir sind.                    brevity: Anyone who believes having no time for the Ger-
Eine kurze Geschichte der Deutschen              man past can now take a master class in the most concise
                                                 form. There are more convenient national histories than
Further works published by C.H.Beck:             the German one. But it is not only the great catastrophes of
                                                 the 20th century that continue to influence current debates
Is the West Collapsing? (2017)
                                                 and shape German politics and German self-image. Older
Simplified Chinese: CITIC Pess Corporation
Serbian: Albatros plus d.o.o.                    historical events such as the history of the German Reich,
                                                 the Reformation or the conflict between unity and free-
The Long Way West, 2 vols. (2010)                dom in the 19th century have also had a profound impact on
English: Oxford University Press
                                                 Germany. It takes a great historian to describe the depth of
Italian: Donzelli Editore
French: Librairie Arthème Fayard                 all these developments and at the same time translate them
Polish: Wydawnictwo Universytetu Wroclawskiego   into tangible political lessons for the present. With “How
Hungarian: Osiris Kiado                          we Became Who we Are” Heinrich August Winkler wrote a
Japanese: Showado Publishing Co.                 brilliant German history for enlightened citizens.
Simplified Chinese: Moveable Type Legacy
A History of the West:                           Heinrich August Winkler taught modern history from 1991
The Era of the World Wars 1914 – 1945 (2011)     to 2007 at the University of Berlin.
English: Yale University Press                   In 2014 he received the European Prize for Political Culture of
Italian: Donzelli Editore
                                                 the Hans Ringier Foundation, in 2016 the Leipzig Book Prize
Simplified Chinese: Social Sciences
         Academic Press                          for European Understandig. In 2018 he was awarded the
                                                 Grand Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Weimar (3rd ed. 1997)
Italian: Donzelli
Russian: DHI Moscow
Simplified Chinese: Social Sciences
         Academic Press
Andreas Fahrmeir (Ed.)
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 10

                        A Nation’s global History

                        There has never been a portrait of Germany like
                        this before: 2000 years of history and stories of
                        people and powers, events and inventions, ideas
                        and works of art - the first global history of Ger-
                        many. Outstanding historians, publicists and
                        cultural scientists narrate the influences from
                        Germany on the world and also how the world
                        affected Germany.
                        Thus, from many perspectives, a surprisingly different         Andreas Fahrmeir (Ed.)
                        picture of our history emerges, a completely new national      Germany
                        world history. Every national history is a “container” with
                                                                                       A Nation’s global History
                        historical content. But how did these contents actually get
                                                                                       944 pages including 6 illustrations and
                        into the container? If one consistently pursues this ques-
                                                                                       6 maps
                        tion, it becomes clear that every country`s history consists   € 38,-
                        of an infinite number of networks forming a dense histori-
                        cal network. This work takes a look at the most important      German title:
                        junctions in the history of Germany - on the one hand, its     Andreas Fahrmeir (Hg.)
                        global impact, on the other hand, at influences coming from    Deutschland
                                                                                       Globalgeschichte einer Nation
                        outside. In an astonishing panorama we meet the Romans in
                        Germania, Charlemagne and the Caliph’s court in Baghdad,
                        the first university in Prague and the black art of Johannes
                        Gutenberg, we travel with Sybille Merian to Surinam, follow
                        the worldwide traces of Moses Mendelssohn, Kant or even
                        Max Weber. The Code Civil as a legal import, communism as
                        an export of ideas, the strange career of a meatball named
                        Hamburger, Neuschwanstein and the Blaue Reiter, all these
                        are also topics as well as the destructiveness of the world
                        wars and the Cold War period, the magic of the Gewand-
                        haus Orchestra under Kurt Masur, the success of German
                        directors in Hollywood and the breakdown odyssey of Berlin
                        Airport which amuses the world.

                        Andreas Fahrmeier teaches as professor for modern history
                        at the University Frankfurt on Main.

                                                                                       Further works published by C.H. Beck
                                                                                       German History (2017)

                                                                                       Revolutions and Reforms (2010)
                                                                                       Simplified Chinese: Social Sciences
                                                                                       Academic Press
Maren Gottschalk

                                                                                                          C.H.BECK FALL 2020 11
                                       The Weight of a Human Life.
                                       Sophie Scholl. A Biography

                                       Incorruptible humanity: The life of Sophie Scholl
                                       “We are not silent, we are your bad conscience,
                                       the White Rose won’t leave you alone”, was writ-
                                       ten on a leaflet of the small student resistance
                                       group in Munich, whose inner circle included
                                       Alexander Schmorell and Hans Scholl, his younger
                                       sister Sophie, Christoph Probst, Willi Graf and the
                                       university professor Kurt Huber. Posthumously,
                                       the student, who fearlessly raised her voice with
                                       her friends against the Nazi regime of injustice
                                       and the war of annihilation, actually became a
                                       conscience of the Germans. Today she is one of
                                       the most famous personalities in German history.
Maren Gottschalk                       Just a few days after the war began, 18-year-old Sophie had
The Weight of a Human Life.            written to her friend Fritz Hartnagel, an officer-to.be: “I
                                       can’t understand why people’s lives are now constantly in
Sophie Scholl. A Biography
                                       danger. I will never understand it and I find it terrible. Don’t
320 pages including 30 illustrations
                                       say it’s for the fatherland.” And even when she stood in front
€ 22,95
                                       of Robert Freisler on February 22nd, 1943, the 21-year-old
German title:                          said what she thought in the courtroom: “What we wrote
Maren Gottschalk                       and said, that’s what you all think, but you don’t have the
Wie schwer ein Menschenleben wiegt     courage to say it.” The same day Sophie Scholl was executed
Sophie Scholl. Eine Biographie         by guillotine.

                                       Maren Gottschalk studied history and politics in Munich.
                                       She works as a journalist for Westdeutscher Rundfunk (West
                                       German Broadcasting Cologne) and has written numerous
                                       critically acclaimed biographies. Ten years after her much
                                       praised life story of Sophie Scholl, she is working on the
                                       basis of previously unpublished sources and conversations
                                       with contemporary witnesses once again with Sophie Scholl.
Marie-Janine Calic
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 12

                        Tito – The eternal Partisan
                        A Biography

                        The man, who was Yugoslavia
                        Josip Broz Tito was a typical man of the Age of
                        Extremes, which he personally experienced, suf-
                        fered and shaped. At his death he was considered
                        an internationally recognized statesman, today
                        many consider him a brutal dictator. But who was
                        he really? Marie-Janine Calic makes the historical
                        person behind the legends visible and tells the
                        story of his adventurous life, in which the rise and
                        fall of Yugoslavia is reflected.
                        Tito was a politician of his own calibre. He was a visionary      Marie-Janine Calic
                        and pragmatist, a strategist and doer, one who, through           Tito – The eternal Partisan
                        extraordinary talents and under very special historical
                                                                                          A Biography
                        circumstances, made an unprecedented career. During the
                                                                                          400 pages including 25 illustrations
                        Second World War, he and his partisans liberated Yugoslavia
                                                                                          € 29,95
                        from German occupation. It was the role in which he felt
                        completely at home and which legitimized his long years           German title:
                        of rule. Without him, Yugoslavia would probably no longer         Marie-Janine Calic
                        exist after the Second World War. For 35 years he remained        Tito – Der ewige Partisan
                        the indispensable moderator of a more or less prosperous          Eine Biografie
                        coexistence. But Tito‘s Yugoslavia hardly survived its creator
                        for a decade, and an outbreak of violence followed which
                        Europe had not experienced since the Second World War.
                        Thus the shadow of bitter failure lies over Tito‘s life‘s work.

                        Marie-Janine Calic teaches as professor of Southeast Eu-
                        ropean history at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of
                        Munich. Her most recent publications by C.H.Beck are:
                        „Geschichte Südosteuropas“ (2019), „Geschichte Jugoslawiens“

                                                                                          Further works published by C.H.Beck
                                                                                          History of Yugoslavia in the 20th Century
                                                                                          Serbian: Clio Publishers
                                                                                          Croatian: Naklada Ljevak
                                                                                          English: Purdue University Libraries
                                                                                          Southeastern Europe (2nd ed. 2019)
                                                                                          Simplified Chinese: Social Sciences
                                                                                                   Academic Press
                                                                                          English: Harvard University Press
                                                                                          Sovenian: Cankarjeva Zaloba
                                                                                                   Zalonitvo, d.o.o.
Jan Assmann

                                                                                                                    C.H.BECK FALL 2020 13
                                                 Worship and Art
                                                 Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis as Service

                                                 Jan Assmann’s great book about Beethoven
                                                 Beethoven’s “Missa Solemnis”, his often underesti-
                                                 mated late work, is great art and solemn service in
                                                 one. Jan Assmann shows why this work represents
                                                 a climax in the long history of worship service
                                                 and at the same time marks the point at which
                                                 religious worship becomes autonomous art. A
                                                 masterful étude on art and religion, which makes
                                                 us better understand Beethoven’s music and at the
                                                 same time the Christian worship service.
Jan Assmann                                      Missa solemnis, “solemn mass”: This is what the Catholic
Worship and Art                                  high mass was called since the Middle Ages. Jan Assmann
                                                 approaches Beethoven’s “Missa” from the origins of Chris-
Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis as Service
                                                 tian worship and draws an impressive historical arc span-
288 pages including 50 sheet music samples
                                                 ning two millennia: from the Last Supper of Jesus and the
€ 28,-
                                                 commemoration ceremonies of the early Christians, through
German title:                                    the emergence of liturgical forms, which in the High Middle
Jan Assmann                                      Ages became music through polyphonic singing, to mo-
Kult und Kunst                                   dern music settings. Beethoven’s “Missa” was also inten-
Beethovens Missa Solemnis als Gottesdienst       ded for liturgical use, but it went beyond the purpose, not
                                                 only because of its length, but also because of its immense
                                                 intensity. To follow Jan Assmann`s relating musical details
                                                 to the great historical lines is very pleasurable. He shows us
                                                 the birth of art from the spirit of worship and even makes it
Further works published by C.H.Beck:             almost audible.
Cultural Memory (8th edition 2018)
English: Cambridge University Press              Jan Assmann is professor emeritus of Egyptology at the
French: Flammarion                               University of Heidelberg and Professor for general cultural
Italian: Giulio Einaudi Editore                  studies at the University of Konstanz. He was often awar-
Spanish: Editorial Gredos                        ded, among others, the Sigmund Freud Prize for scientific
Greek: Crete University Press
                                                 prose (2016) and the Peace Prize of the German Book trade
Chinese: Peking University Press
Turkish: Ayrinti Yayinlari                       (with Aleida Assmann, 2018). His latest book published by
Polish: Warsaw University Press                  C.H.Beck is “Axis time. An Archaeology of modernity” (Ach-
Czech: Prostor Nakladatelstvi                    senzeit. Eine Archäologie der Moderne, 2019).
Hungarian: Atlantisz
Serbian: Prosveta
Bulgarian: Open Society Publishing House
Romanian: Universitatea “Al.I.Cuza”–
         Editura Universitatii                Death and the Hereafter in
Bosnian: Vrijeme Publishers                    Ancient Egypt (2nd ed. 2010)
                                              English: Cornell University Press   Ma’at (3rd edition 2020)
Religion and Cultural Memory (3rd ed. 2008)   Italian: Giulio Einaudi Editore     Polish: Warsaw University Press
English: Stanford University Press            French: Editions du Rocher
Spanish: Fundacion David Calles               Arabic: The National Center         Achsenzeit (2018)
Korean: Ulyuck Publishing House                        for Translation            Simplified Chinese: Yilin Press
Christian Thielemann
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 14

                        My Journey to Beethoven

                        Christian Thielemann about Ludwig van Beethoven
                        – a musical summit
                        Beethoven has accompanied Christian Thielemann
                        on his musical path like hardly any other compo-
                        ser. In his book, Thielemann tells what he learned
                        about Beethoven’s music along the way and why
                        we cannot do without Beethoven.
                        For Christian Thielemann, it is the fundamentally human           Christian Thielemann
                        aspect of Beethoven’s music that lies at the core of its fasci-   My Journey to Beethoven
                        nation. With its infinite richness of expression, it traverses
                                                                                          288 pages including 20 illustrations
                        the entire cosmos of art. This music feels with us, and that is   € 22,–
                        why we find ourselves in it. Christian Thielemann explains        German title:
                        what constitutes the unsurpassed greatness of Beethoven’s         Christian Thielemann
                        symphonies, why the composer was unlucky in opera,                Meine Reise zu Beethoven
                        why the “Missa solemnis” represents for him the peak of
                        Beethoven’s creativity. He reflects on good and bad pathos,
                        on Beethoven the sceptic and the big question of how to play
                        his music. The famous Beethoven interpreters appear in his
                        book showing us also the enormous difficulties that every
                        conductor hast to face with Beethoven. This is the book of
                        an artist who, like few people, has looked into Beethoven’s
                        workshop and sought the traces of his genius.

                        Christian Thielemann is one of the most important conduc-
                        tors of his generation worldwide. Since 2012 he has been
                        principal conductor of the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dres-
                        den, and in 2013 he also took over the artistic direction of
                        the Salzburg Easter Festival. Since 2015 he has been Music
                        Director of the Bayreuth Festival. For a long time now he has
                        worked regularly with the Vienna and Berlin Philharmoni-
                        ker. His book “My Life with Wagner” (2013) was published by

                                                                                          Further works published by C.H.Beck
                                                                                          My life with Wagner (2013)
                                                                                          Spanish: Ediciones Akal, S.A.
                                                                                          English: The Orion Publishing Group
                                                                                          Simplified Chinese: Bejing Imaginist
                                                                                                   Time Culture
Hedwig Richter

                                                                                                             C.H.BECK FALL 2020 15
                                           A German Affair
                                           From the 18th Century to the Present Day

                                           Freedom, equality, justice –
                                           A slightly different history of democracy
                                           For a long time it was considered absurd that all
                                           people – really all! – were supposed to be equal.
                                           Hedwig Richter shows how this revolutionary idea
                                           came up and gradually took root, also in Germany.
                                           Especially here it was so radically rejected and
                                           became the norm again as naturally as nowhere else.
                                           Anyone who is afraid of the new authoritarian men
                                           today should read this wonderfully lightly written,
                                           optimistic book, which shows us the Trumps and
                                           Erdogan’s of this world as grotesque last survivers.
Hedwig Richter                             Low participation in elections makes the alarm bells ring: di-
Democracy                                  senchantment with democracy! But from the beginning, spe-
                                           cial efforts - from alcohol to money to state coercion - were
A German Affair
                                           needed to get people to vote. A better indicator of democra-
From the 18th century to the present day
                                           tisation is therefore the way the human body is treated: the
400 pages including 22 illustrations and   abolition of serfdom and corporal punishment, increasing
€ 26,95                                    prosperity, the humanisation of work, equal treatment of
                                           the sexes. Hedwig Richter tells the story of democracy as a
German title:
Hedwig Richter                             chronology of mistakes, coincidences and learning processes
Demokratie                                 with the breach of civilisation by the Holocaust in its center.
Eine deutsche Affäre                        Her vivid, refreshing book focuses on Germany, because it
Vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart      is precisely the German affair with democracy that makes
                                           it clear how internationally binding the paths to freedom,
                                           equality and justice are.

                                           Hedwig Richter is a professor for modern and contemporary
                                           history at the Bundeswehr University Munich. For her re-
                                           search she was awarded the prize of the Democracy Founda-
                                           tion. She regularly presents her topics to a broad audience in
                                           major newspapers and on radio.
Günther Anders
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 16

                           Writings on Art and Film
                           Günther Anders: The posthumous writings –
                           the new volume
                           This volume is the first to collect previously unpublished
                           writings and scattered published texts on art and film by the
                           philosopher and writer Günther Anders. These works are
                           mainly from the years 1925 to 1956 and show the philosopher
                           and committed supporter of the anti-nuclear movement in a
                           new light.
                           In his analyses and commentaries on Weimar cinema, sound
                           film and Hollywood film production, his interpretations
                           of works of art from the Louvre in Paris, his diary notes on
                           Italian Renaissance art and pointed portraits of artists from
                           Rubens to Goya, Anders proves to be a phenomenologically
                           trained aesthetician and media philosopher. The texts, edited
                           for the first time from the author‘s estate, also allow a new
                           look at Anders‘ oeuvre, especially at his much-read media cri-
                           ticism in the „The Outdatedness of Human Beings“ (1956).

                                                                                                 Günther Anders
                           Günther Anders (1902 - 1992) counts among the most impor-             Writings on Art and Film
                           tant philosophers of the 20th century. His intellectual and poli-
                                                                                                 560 pages including 37 illustrations
                           tical radicalism is without precedent in the German-speaking          € 58,-
                           world. His main work is “The Outdatedness of Human Beings”.
                           Reinhard Ellensohn is assistant in research projects on the           German title:
                           Günther Anders estate at the Institute of Philosophy at the           Günther Anders
                           University of Vienna and Secretary of the International Gün-          Schriften zu Kunst und Film
                           ther Anders Society. Most recently, he has edited Günther
                           Anders’ writings on music philosophy with C.H.Beck.
                           Kerstin Putz is assistant at the Literature Museum of the
                           Austrian National Library in Vienna and the research project
                           “Günther Anders: Media Aesthetics and Intellectual Networks”.
                           Most recently she published the correspondence “Write ‘hard
                           facts’ about yourself” between Günther Anders and Hannah
                           Arendt at C.H.Beck.

                        Further works published               We – sons of Eichmann              To Love Yesterday (3rd edition 1997)
                        by C.H.Beck:                          (3rd edition 2001)                 French: Fage éditions
                                                              Japanese: Shobunsh Publishing      Italian: Bollati Boringhieri
                        The Molussian Catacombs (1991)
                                                              French: Editions Payot & Rivages
                        Dutch: Lemniscaat Rotterdam                                              Diaries and Poems (1985)
                                                              Spanish: Ediciones Paidós
                        A Fight of Cherries: Dialogues with                                      French: Fage editions
                        Hannah Arendt (2012)                  Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen,
                                                              volume 1 (7th edition 1983)        Hiroshima is everywhere (1995)
                        Italian: Donzelli                                                        Spanish: Ediciones Paidós
                        French: Payot                         French: éditions ivrea
                                                              Italian: Bollati Boringhieri       French: Editions du Seuil
                        Spanish: Paidos
                                                              Japanese: Hosei University Press   Man without world (2nd edition 1993)
                        Kafka, Pro and Contra                 Spanish: Editoral Pre-Textos       Japanese: Hosei University Press
                        (4th edition 1972)                    Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen,
                        Brasilian: Cosac & Naify                                                 Ketzereien (Heresies) (1996)
                                                              volume 2 (4th edition 1983)
                                                                                                 Japanese: Hosei University Press
                        The View of the Tower                 French: fario
                        (3rd edition 1984)
                                                              Italian: Bollati Boringhieri       Visit to Hades (3rd edition 1997)
                                                              Japanese: Hosei University Press   Italian: Bollati Boringhieri
                        Japanese: Hosei University Press
                                                              Spanish: Editoral Pre-Textos
                        Italian: Mim-Edizioni                                                    About Heidegger (2001)
                                                                                                 Italian: Bollati Boringhieri
Michael Stausberg

                                                                                                              C.H.BECK FALL 2020 17
                                            The Saviours
                                            A global History of Religions in the 20th

                                            Preachers, Gurus, Charlatans:
                                            A Global History of Religions
                                            The 20th century was the century of religions.
                                            Michael Stausberg uses 47 biographies to describe
                                            how saviours of all kinds - from Rudolf Steiner to
                                            the Dalai Lama - spread religious energy around
                                            the globe who overcame geographical and often
                                            even denominational barriers and created the
                                            dazzling religious multiverse in which we live
Michael Stausberg                           The transformation of the world in the 19th century led to
The Saviours                                cross-border new beginnings. Leo Tolstoy created the proto-
                                            type of a universal religion that links Western and Eastern
A global History of Religions in the 20th
Century                                     traditions. Eastern teachers spread their post-religious
                                            teachings of Zen, Yoga or mindfulness in the West. For Ma-
784 pages including 45 illustrations
€ 32,-                                      hatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Bob Marley religion
                                            was the starting point for political liberation, while the Bea-
German title:                               tles sang of inner liberation through Transcendental Medi-
Michael Stausberg                           tation. Besides the peaceful world- and self-improvers, there
Die Heilsbringer                            were violent preachers like Osama bin Laden or Jim Jones,
Eine Globalgeschichte der Religionen im
                                            but they also reached people beyond traditional bonds. This
20. Jahrhundert
                                            is all the more true for the writers, film directors, psycho-
                                            logists and physicists who were religious visionaries. In his
                                            brilliant panorama Michael Stausberg shows how in the 20th
                                            century new announcements of salvation changed not only
                                            the established religions, but also politics and culture.

                                            Michael Stausberg is Professor of Religious Studies at the
                                            University of Bergen, member of the Norwegian Academy of
                                            Sciences and European editor of the international journal
                                            Religion. C.H.Beck published his book “Zarathustra and his
                                            Religion” (2018).

Further works published by C.H.Beck:
Zarathustra and his Religion (2018)
English: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
Italian: Carocci Editore
Japanese: Hara Shobo
Peter Schäfer
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 18

                        A Short History of Anti-Semitism

                        Why anti-Semitism is so old and yet so topical.
                        Anti-Semitism is visible again, partly openly, part-
                        ly hidden behind “thoughtless” statements and
                        criticism of Israel. But where does anti-Semitism
                        begin, and how new is what we experience today?
                        Peter Schäfer describes clearly and concisely how anti-Semi-     Peter Schäfer
                        tic stereotypes have spread since antiquity, led to persecu-     A Short History of Anti-Semitism
                        tion and annihilation and are still virulent after the Shoah.
                                                                                         352 pages
                        One doesn’t have to understand anti-Semitism, but has to         € 26,-
                        know it in order to fight it off.
                        Already in pre-Christian antiquity there was hatred against      German title:
                        Jews, there were ghettos and pogroms, but it was only the        Peter Schäfer
                        New Testament writings, with their opposition to Judaism         Kurze Geschichte des Antisemitismus
                        which created the conditions for ritual murder and persecu-
                        tion of Jewish people in the Middle Ages.
                        Luther called for the extermination of the “devil’s children”,
                        the Enlightenment philosophers found Judaism unreasona-
                        ble, scientists justified the hatred of Jews on racist grounds
                        and all too many were prepared to participate in the “Final
                        Solution of the Jewish Question” or preferred to look away.
                        One might have thought that the shock of the mass murder
                        was salutary, but anti-Zionism and right-wing ideologies
                        have been penetrating into the middle of society with anti-
                        Semitic baggage for years, preparing the ground for new
                        violence. Peter Schäfer’s enlightening book is a must-read
                        for all those who want to understand why anti-Semitism is
                        so old and at the same time so topical and what it means for
                        Jews in the neighbourhood, in Israel and all over the world.

                        Peter Schäfer, professor emeritus of Jewish Studies, has
                        been working at the University of Berlin and Princeton Uni-
                        versity and was until 2019 Director of the Jewish Museum
                        Berlin. C.H.Beck has already published his book “Two Gods
                        in the Sky” (2017).
Johann Hinrich Claussen

                                                                                                               C.H.BECK FALL 2020 19
                                          The Strangest Places of Religions
                                          Of hidden churches, magic trees and
                                          forbidden shrines

                                          Places of religions – a travel guide of a very
                                          different kind
                                          No one has any intention of creating a strange
                                          place. It just happens. The oldest rock garden in
                                          Japan is overgrown with moss, trees suddenly
                                          prove to have healing powers, and churches have
                                          to be hidden from persecutors. Johann Hinrich
                                          Claussen describes 39 Christian and non-Christian
                                          places, amazing, frightening or funny as they may
                                          seem and yet they deserve our respect.
Johann Hinrich Claussen                   „Shan-ti... ooooooooooooooom!“ Where the holy rivers Ganges
The Strangest Places of Religions         and Yamuna meet the invisible river Sarasvati is the navel of
                                          the world. Whoever bathes in this „honey of immortality“ at the
Of hidden churches, magic trees and
forbidden shrines                         right time can be redeemed. But beware: 100 million pilgrims
                                          want to do the same at the same time. In the Congo, after a
256 pages
€ 19,95                                   lonely journey on gravel roads, one reaches the heavenly Jeru-
                                          salem: a huge temple with 37,000 seats. Just as remote is the
German title:                             sanctuary of Difunta Correa, where truck drivers offer V-belts,
Johann Hinrich Claussen                   rims and whole trucks.
Die seltsamsten Orte der Religionen       Johann Hinrich Claussen invites us on an entertaining world
Von versteckten Kirchen, magischen Bäu-
                                          tour into another dimension. Whether animal cemetery or rat
men und verbotenen Schreinen
                                          temple, cathedral made of garbage or hermitage made of world
                                          war debris, place of survival or place of death, in the desert or
                                          right next door: the strangest places of the religions let us dis-
                                          cover reasons and abysses of human existence:
                                          The burial cave of the patriarchs
                                          The porcelain church in Meissen
                                          The mountain of nocturnal prayers
                                          The mausoleum of the postman
                                          The temple of the infinite green
                                          The druid tree of Herchies
                                          Highway City of Faith
                                          A doll‘s cupboard for Jesus
Further works published                   The holy rats of Deshnok
by C.H.Beck:                              Where you can buy eternal life
The 101 most important Questions:
                                          Johann Hinrich Claussen is the cultural representative of the
Christianity (2016)
Corean: Sanhae Publishing Co.             Protestant Church in Germany and honorary professor at the
Chinese: South & North Publishing         University of Berlin. C.H.Beck‘s publications include „The book
Japanese: Sogensha Inc.                   of Flight.” (Das Buch der Flucht, 2018), „God’s houses“ (Gottes
                                          Häuser, 2012) and „God’s Sounds“ (Gottes Klänge, 2015). Through
God’s Sounds (2015)
Simplified Chinese: Bookzone Publication   his articles for the newspapers Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter
Service Co., Ltd.                         Allgemeine Zeitung and the magazine Spiegel he is known to a
                                          large readership.
Thomas Fischer
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 20

                        Rome‘s Legions in Germania

                        The Romans in Germania – a Story of War and
                        For five hundred years Romans and Germanic
                        tribes lived side by side – often as enemies, at
                        times also as neighbours. Thomas Fischer il-
                        luminates their eventful history from Caesar`s
                        conquests to the beginning of the Merovingian
                        Empire. His detailed and informative work is
                        indispensable for all who want to know more
                        about warriors and legionaries, their weapons and
                        equipment, units and battles.
                        The Roman legions were famous for their discipline, the         Thomas Fischer
                        Teutons for their wild courage. But how was a legion orga-      Gladius
                        nized? And how was it possible that apparently unorganized
                                                                                        Rome‘s Legions in Germania
                        Germanic hordes could have three legions in Teutoburg
                                                                                        352 pages including 63 illustrations
                        Forest? Thomas Fischer is a widely acclaimed specialist in
                                                                                        € 26,95
                        the archaeology of the Roman provinces. He designs in his
                        latest book a clear and vivid picture of the military life of   German title:
                        the Romans and Germanic peoples, whose heritage is still        Thomas Fischer
                        visible in many places in Germany today.                        Gladius
                                                                                        Roms Legionen in Germanien
                        Until his retirement, Thomas Fischer was professor of Archa-
                        eology of the Roman Provinces at the Archaeological Institu-
                        te of the University of Cologne.
Bernd Greiner

                                                                                                        C.H.BECK FALL 2020 21
                                       Henry Kissinger
                                       Guardian of the Empire
                                       A Biography

                                       From Fürth to the White House – Henry Kissingers
                                       Life of a Century
                                       Henry Kissinger - security advisor to two Ameri-
                                       can presidents, Secretary of State, Elder States-
                                       man, bestselling author, political advisor, oracle.
                                       As an adolescent fleeing from the Nazis, he be-
                                       came a popstar in politics in his new home count-
                                       ry. Bernd Greiner gets to the bottom of this life of
                                       a century. Drawing on a variety of unknown
                                       sources, he paints the portrait of a man whose
                                       self-dramatization reveals much about his wishes
                                       but nothing about his politics.
Henry Kissinger                        Hardly anyone enjoys such a reputation. There are few peo-
Guardian of the Empire                 ple about whom opinions differ so widely. He was friends
                                       with Helmut Schmidt, but he did not get along with Willy
A Biography
                                       Brandt. And even as an elder person, his speeches pola-
464 pages including 25 illustrations
                                       rize. Kissinger belonged to the Guard of Guardians when
€ 26,95
                                       unpleasant problems were pressing onto the agenda of the
German title:                          American empire: how should the USA deal with the loss
Bernd Greiner                          of importance? Where is America’s place in a multipolar
Henry Kissinger                        world? What role to assign to diplomacy, what role to the
Wächter des Imperiums                  military? Is it about common security or security at the ex-
Eine Biografie
                                       pense of others? This is why Kissinger is still relevant today
                                       - in an often disturbing way and in any case differently than
                                       he would like to be. For he overestimated the possibilities of
                                       the empire. The closer you get to him, the less of the smooth
                                       facade remains.

                                       Bernd Greiner is founding director and member of the “Ber-
                                       lin College of Cold War”. He taught Non-European history
                                       at the Hamburg University and headed up the Research Unit
                                       “History and Theory of violence” at the Hamburg Institute
                                       for Social research. His publications with C.H.Beck include
                                       “The Cuba crisis. The World on the threshold of nuclear war”
                                       (2015) and “9/11. The day, the fear, the consequences” (2011).
                                       Bernd Greiner
Marita Krauss
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 22

                        I challenged the stronger sex
                        The Life of Lola Montez

                        “A woman’s reputation is often nothing but the
                        echo of male viciousness.” Lola Montez, Memoirs.
                        Dancer overthrows Bavarian king! A scandal!
                        Nevertheless her whole life was a scandal for the
                        better society of her time – thus it was completely
                        self-determined. On the occasion of her 200th
                        birthday, a modern biography is being published
                        which recalls the courageous life of this emanci-
                        pated woman in a misogynist world.
                        Lola Montez had many faces and many names. The daugh-           Marita Krauss
                        ter of a British officer, whose real name was Eliza Gilbert,    I challenged the stronger sex every-
                        defied moral conventions at an early age: At 16 she eloped,     where
                        married her lover and moved with him to India, at 22 she        The Life of Lola Montez
                        dallied around the capitals of Europe as a “Spanish dancer”
                                                                                        304 pages including 30 illustrations
                        and at 25 she began her affair with King Ludwig I. When she     € 24,-
                        was consequently driven out of Munich Lola Montez marke-
                        ted her story on Broadway in New York and in the outbacks       German title:
                        of Australia. The fate of the self-confident dancer, who was    Marita Krauss
                        raised to the rank of Countess Landsfeld as the King’s mis-     Ich habe dem starken Geschlecht überall
                                                                                        den Fehdehandschuh hingeworfen
                        tress and never allowed herself to be intimidated by the
                                                                                        Das Leben der Lola Montez
                        male world. She inspired filmmakers and theatre directors.
                        The historian Marita Krauss describes the path of Lola Mon-
                        tez in all its ups and downs evaluating the diaries of Ludwig
                        I, which have been neglected so far.

                        Marita Krauss is Professor of European Regional History and
                        Bavarian and Swabian Regional History at the University of
Hubert Wolf

                                                                                                                   C.H.BECK FALL 2020 23
                                                 The Infallible
                                                 Pius IX and the Invention of Catholicism
                                                 in the 19th Century

                                                 “I am the tradition!” Pius IX.
                                                 Everything spoke against little Giovanni Maria
                                                 Mastai Ferretti (1792 - 1878) becoming something.
                                                 Hubert Wolf describes the amazing path of the
                                                 ailing young nobleman from the province to the
                                                 most powerful and longest serving pope in his-
                                                 tory (1846 - 1878), who reinvented Catholicism.
                                                 This captivating and vividly written book is a cold
                                                 shower for all wishing to see in the Pope the repre-
                                                 sentative of ancient traditions.
Hubert Wolf                                      After the French Revolution, the magnificent but centuries-
The Infallible                                   old crooked house of Catholicism lay in ruins and had to be
                                                 rebuilt. But in what style? Romantic-medieval? Or contem-
Pius IX and the Invention of Catholicism in
the 19th Century                                 porary modern? While some were still arguing, others were
                                                 already building anew: Hubert Wolf describes how Catho-
400 pages including 27 illustrations and 1 map
€ 28,-                                           licism, in the name of invented traditions, was completely
German title:                                    geared towards Rome. With Pius IX, the right pope was
Hubert Wolf                                      elected in 1846 for this programme: Conscious of his own
Der Unfehlbare. Pius IX. und die Erfindung des    perfection of power, he proclaimed the dogma of the Imma-
Katholizismus im 19. Jahrhundert                 culate Conception of Mary, isolated the Church from demo-
Further works published by C.H.Beck:             cracy and modernity with the “Syllabus errorum” and had
Celibacy (2019)                                  himself declared infallible at the First Vatican Council. To
Italian: Donzelli                                traditional critics he coolly replied: “La tradizione sono io”,
Czech: Prostor                                   I am the tradition! When shortly afterwards the Papal States
Conclave (2017)                                  were finally lost, this could only increase the worldwide
Czech: Prostor                                   veneration of the “prisoner in the Vatican”. The book makes
Crypt (2nd ed. 2015)                             impressively clear how since then everything stands with the
Czech: Vysehrad                                  Pope - and falls with him.
The Nuns of Sant’Ambrogio (2013)
French: Editions du Seuil                        Hubert Wolf is Professor of Church History at the Univer-
Italian: Mondadori
Korean: Sigma Books                              sity of Münster. He has been awarded the Leibniz Prize
Spanish: Knopf                                   of the DFG, the Communicator Prize, the Gutenberg Prize
English: Oxford University Press                 and an honorary doctorate from the University of Bern. His
Simplified Chinese: SDX Joint Publishing          bestsellers published by C.H.Beck include “The Nuns of
Czech: Prostor
                                                 Sant’Ambrogio” (2013), “Krypta. Suppressed Traditions of
Pope and Devil (2012)
                                                 Church History” (2015), “Conclave. The Secrets of the Election
Catalonian: Pagès editors
Polish: Bellona SA                               of the Pope” (2017) and “Celibacy. 16 Theses”(2019).
French: CNRS Editions
Hungarian: Szent István Társulat
English: Harvard University Press
Greek: Logeion Publications
Croatian: Sandorf Index
The Vatican and prohibited books (2007)
Italian: Donzelli Editore
Alfons Kaiser
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 24

                        Karl Lagerfeld
                        A German in Paris
                        A Biography

                        „It starts with me and it ends with me.“
                        Karl Lagerfeld
                        Karl Lagerfeld (1933 - 2019) was one of the most
                        important fashion designers in the world - and
                        one of the most famous Germans. The charismatic
                        designer, who influenced brands such as Chanel,
                        Chloé and Fendi, stylized himself into a living
                        logo, to a myth of the fashion world.
                        What is behind this larger-than-life figure who, despite all     Alfons Kaiser
                        his desire to communicate, kept his own life story a secret?     Karl Lagerfeld
                        In this first German biography, Alfons Kaiser, who has long
                                                                                         A German in Paris
                        been acquainted with the legendary fashion designer, comes
                                                                                         A Biography
                        close to the person Lagerfeld: the precocious boy from the
                        North German lowlands who preferred to draw in the attic         320 pages including 50 illustrations
                        rather than play with his peers. The son, who was criticized     € 24,-
                        all his life by his emotionally cold mother, but who never-
                                                                                         German title:
                        theless brought her to Paris. The rival of Yves Saint Laurent,   Alfons Kaiser
                        the brother, the nephew, the friend - and finally the partner    Karl Lagerfeld
                        of Jacques de Bascher, the great love of his life. The book      Ein Deutscher in Paris
                        takes off the mask of „Emperor Charles“ and presents an          Eine Biografie
                        extremely active, historically educated man of radical decis-
                        ions, who worked with Prussian discipline and was at home
                        in many styles - an extremely versatile, multi-faceted and at
                        the same time down-to-earth genius.

                        Alfons Kaiser is an editor at the „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zei-
                        tung“. His favourite subject is fashion.
Christoph Nonn

                                                                                                                C.H.BECK FALL 2020 25
                                              12 Days and Half a Century
                                              A History of the German Empire
                                              1871 – 1918

                                              In 1871 the German nation state was founded. In
                                              the five following decades modern Germany was
                                              born. In his vividly written book, Christoph Nonn
                                              shows the Janus-faced German Empire, which
                                              paved the way for both the Third Reich and our
                                              present-day democracy, and tells the story of half
                                              a century, starting with twelve days.
(2017).                                       Versailles, January 18, 1871: In the Hall of Mirrors of the
Christoph Nonn                                famous castle of the French Kings the German Empire is
12 Days and Half a Century                    proclaimed. Its development was characterized by im-
                                              mense economic dynamism with extensive political stand-
A History of the German Empire
1871 – 1918                                   still, democratic learning processes and authoritarian
                                              incrustation, groundbreaking social reforms and the most
496 pages including 25 illustrations
                                              intense social conflicts. In twelve chapters, each of which
€ 29,95
                                              is based on the events of a particular day, Christoph Nonn
German title:                                 illuminates this fascinatingly colourful epoch and evokes the
Christoph Nonn                                life the contemporaries who designed it. For example, the
12 Tage und ein halbes Jahrhundert            artist Anton von Werner, who painted the Emperor‘s Procla-
Eine Geschichte des deutschen Kaiserreiches   mation several times, Julie Bebel, who confidently took the
                                              place of her husband August in politics as well as in the joint
                                              turnery workshop, when he was once again in prison, or the
                                              shoemaker Wilhelm Voigt, who as the „Captain of Köpenick“
                                              made a fool of a town and thus made a nation laugh.

                                              Christoph Nonn teaches modern history at the University of
                                              Düsseldorf. His publications with C.H.Beck include:
                                              „Bismarck“ (2015) and the knowledge volumes „History of
                                              North Rhine-Westphalia“ (2009) and „The German Empire”

1871 - 1918
Further works published by C.H.Beck:
Bismarck (2015)
Simplified Chinese: Social Sciences
        Academic Press
Christoph Jahr
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 26

                        Blood and Iron
                        How Prussia imposed Germany
                        1864 – 1871

                        How the German nation state came into being –
                        the history of the founding of the Reich recoun-
                        The Paulskirche (Francfort Parliament) had failed
                        its attempt to found a German nation state in
                        1848/49. But the “German question” remained
                        open until the Prussian-dominated German Reich
                        was proclaimed in January 1871. Nothing was
                        without alternative and everything could have
                        turned out differently. But the way in which Prus-
                        sia forced Germany had consequences which con-
                        tinue until today.
                        “The great questions of the day are not decided by speeches      Christoph Jahr
                        or majority decisions, but by iron and blood.” With these        Blood and Iron
                        words, Otto von Bismarck, on September 30, 1862, justified
                                                                                         How Prussia imposed Germany
                        the need for higher military spending. Ten years later, the      1864 – 1871
                        weapons had spoken - in the war against Denmark in 1864,
                                                                                         352 pages including 20 illustrations
                        in the inner-German war between Austria and Prussia in           € 26,-
                        1866, and finally in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71.
                        Diligent historians hastened to celebrate Prussia’s mission as   German title:
                        the inevitable fulfilment of German history. Christoph Jahr      Christoph Jahr
                        combines the dramatic events of the 1860s with the major         Blut und Eisen
                                                                                         Wie Preußen Deutschland erzwang
                        trends of the time and the perspective from above with the
                                                                                         1864 – 1871
                        experiences from below. Whether loyal to his convictions
                        as a liberal, resolute conservative or Prussian-critical South
                        German, Bismarck’s cynical power politics found many
                        critics and resistance to the founding of the Reich was great.
                        Nevertheless, contemporaries saw no alternative in the end.

                        Christoph Jahr teaches history at the University of Berlin. He
                        regularly publishes on historical topics in the Neue Zürcher
                        Zeitung and other newspapers.
Anatol Regnier

                                                                                                       C.H.BECK FALL 2020 27
                                        Everyone Writes for Himself
                                        Writers in National Socialism
                                        Writers in the Third Reich: Stories of surprising
                                        Artists are said to be pronounced individualists.
                                        The poets who remained in Germany after 1933 also
                                        behaved very differently. Whoever wanted to publish
                                        as an author in the Third Reich had to be officially
                                        registered as a member of the “Reichsschriftums-
                                        kammer” (National Chamber of Writing). But what
                                        did that mean? How much adaptation was required?
                                        What was the relationship to the state and how did
                                        the writers see themselves as representatives of Ger-
                                        man intellectual life? Did they maintain contact with
                                        emigrated colleagues? And what was their attitude
                                        towards persecution and deportation of the Jews.
Anatol Regnier                          Anatol Regnier, who himself comes from a family of artists
Everyone Writes for Himself             who decided against emigration, approaches the topic
                                        through literary self-testimonies of such diverse personali-
Writers in National Socialism
                                        ties as Gottfried Benn, Hans Fallada, Ricarda Huch, Hanns
336 pages
                                        Johst, Erich Kästner, Ina Seidel and Will Vesper. Were they
€ 26,-
                                        part of the system? Or was it possible to maintain integrity
German title:                           as writers in National Socialist Germany? The findings are
Anatol Regnier                          often surprisingly ambivalent and much greyer than the
Jeder schreibt für sich allein          black and white logic of Nazi/Antinazi suggests.
Schriftsteller im Nationalsozialismus
                                        Anatol Regnier is a classical guitarist, chanson singer and
                                        freelance writer. He was awarded the Ernst Hoferichter Prize
                                        and 2012 with the Schwabing Art Prize. C.H.Beck also publis-
                                        hed his book: “We Future generations” (2014).
Jan Bürger
C.H.BECK FALL 2020 28

                        Between Heaven and the Elbe
                        A cultural History of Hamburg

                        The gateway to the world – a cultural history of
                        Hamburg, the city on the river Elbe, did not gain
                        importance through princes or the clergy, it does
                        not offer castles and palaces. Hamburg grew so-
                        lely through trade and with its port as the gateway
                        to the world for travellers and emigrants for half a
                        Earlier than other German cities, Hamburg became a mel-
                        ting pot of lifestyles and cultures. The Hanseatic city as we

                        know it today was mainly created in the past one hundred          Jan Bürger
                        and fifty years. Yet in many places we suddenly encounter         Between Heaven and the Elbe
                        the older past. Using the network of Hamburg‘s under-
                                                                                          A cultural History of Hamburg
                        ground and suburban trains as a guide, Jan Bürger roams
                                                                                          368 pages including 40 illustrations
                        the streets and districts with us and tells us the story of its
                                                                                          € 24,-
                        diverse culture and those who created it. A cultural and his-
                        torical journey of discovery through one of the most exciting     German title:
                        German cities from literature and theatre, from music and         Jan Bürger
                        museums, from graves and scholars, to the street and the          Zwischen Himmel und Elbe
                        harbour, the Beatles and the Elbe Philharmonic Orchestra.         Eine Hamburger Kulturgeschichte

                        Jan Bürger, born in 1968, studied in Hamburg. He published
                        books on Hans Henny Jahnn, Gottfried Benn and Max Frisch
                        and is a member of the Free Academy of Arts in Hamburg.
                        He was an editor in Berlin and guest professor in Nashville,
                        Tennessee. Since 2002 he has been working at the German
                        Literature Archive in Marbach, where he is in charge of the
                        estate of Peter Rühmkorf, among other things. C.H.Beck
                        has published „The Neckar. A literary journey” (2013) and
                        two new editions of Joseph Roth‘s reportages: „Travels in the
                        Ukraine and Russia“ (2015) and „Paris Nights“ (2018).
Daniel Leese

                                                                                                                 C.H.BECK FALL 2020 29
                                               Mao’s Long Shadow
                                               China‘s dealing with the past

                                               Between refurbishment and the final stroke: The
                                               Chinese Communist Party and the legacy of Mao.
                                               How can a dictatorship deal with the legacy of in-
                                               justice and state crimes committed under its rule?
                                               The Chinese Communist Party was confronted
                                               with this question after the death of Mao Zedong
                                               in 1976. The mass campaigns of the „Great Leader“
                                               had claimed horrendous numbers of victims and
                                               brought the country to the brink of civil war.
Daniel Leese                                   Under Mao‘s successors, the party began a large-scale
Mao’s Long Shadow                              experiment in historical crisis management. Millions of
                                               politically persecuted people were rehabilitated, compensa-
China‘s dealing with the past
                                               tion payments were made and perpetrators were brought to
600 pages including 20 illustrations
                                               justice, above all the „gang of four“ around Mao‘s wife Jiang
€ 38,-
                                               Qing. The aim was to focus all energies on economic reform
German title:                                  policies. But the shadows of the past could not be so easily
Daniel Leese                                   dispelled, and the effects of this policy are still felt today.
Maos langer Schatten                           Based on a large number of hitherto unknown documents,
Chinas Umgang mit der Vergangenheit            the Freiburg sinologist Daniel Leese draws a broadly based
                                               panorama of Chinese politics and society during the critical
                                               phase of upheaval between 1976 and 1987.

                                               Daniel Leese teaches Sinology with a focus on „History and
                                               Politics of Modern China“ at the Albert-Ludwigs-University
                                               Freiburg. C.H.Beck published his book: „The Chinese Cultu-
                                               ral Revolution 1966 – 1976” (Die chinesische Kulturrevolution
                                               1966 – 1976, 2016).

Further works published by C.H.Beck:
The Chinese Cultural Revolution (2016)
Turkish: Repar Tasarım Matbaa ve Reklamcılık
         Tic Ltd Sti
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