Letter From the Editor - Originality and modernity are wings of Islamic thought
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Letter From the Editor Originality and modernity are wings of Islamic thought There is a dire need to evaluate the Is- for the welfare of humanity. lamic thought constantly and revise its meth- Certainly, universities should pay more odology and mission in order to identify the attention to the cultural and intellectual pub- problems of this thought and its recent devel- lications, which contribute to awareness and opments. This should occur when there are guidance of people. This is the most impor- deviations from the approved methodologies tant mission of the university in the service and mission just like the case of many ex- of the community. tremists and delinquents. Consequently, the The positive effects of the human thought title “Islamic Thought: Methodology and appear in the development of science, cul- Mission” was chosen as the theme of the ture and businesses. Paying attention to the conference organized by the Muslim World human thoughts at our universities and insti- League in Dakar under the auspices of Sen- tutes leads to the desired development and egalese President Macky Sall. progress. This approach will lead to putting Serious talks and discussions took place Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa’s speech into practice, and resulted in important visions and ideas especially the bringing-up of the Muslim including the importance of linking the hu- youth who will carry the banner of the Is- man mind to faith in a way that makes the lamic thought. belief and faith the key reference of the Mus- Thought leaders and intellectuals know lim intellectual. Prophet Muhammad’s Sun- very well that systematic thinking and con- nah is the approved methodology that draws sideration are based on goals and purposes up the right path for all Muslims. Such link- including solving problems, interpreting ing is the reason for the strength and excel- strange phenomena and addressing issues lence of Islamic thought. facing communities together with taking The Secretary General of the Muslim positive attitudes towards them. World League Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Nowadays, Muslims suffer from weak- Abdulkarim Al-Issa has stressed the origi- ness and underdevelopment in all areas and nality of the Islamic thought at the opening at all levels due to their intellectual back- session when he said “Originality and mo- wardness although they were in the past the dernity are the wings of Islamic thought used role models of the whole world in culture to reach the reform, creativity and cultural and thought. The lack of resources is not the influence.” real reason, but departing from the correct The outcomes of the conference are thought and path is. Therefore, the only way closely related to the concept of authentic- to progress and development is to reform the ity and modernity. The participants called systematic approach and abide by the su- upon academic, scientific and intellectual in- preme mission of Islam. stitutions to enhance their role in addressing By following this approach, demands of modern legal issues and understanding them the participants in the conference can be ful- correctly in order to reach accurate and cor- filled through removing all the negative ef- rect answers that introduce for all a road map fects in the old and modern thought together. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 1
11 Dhul-Qadah 1440/ July 2019 4 MWL holds international conference in Dakar 14 Ghanaian Vice-President opens MWL conference in Accra 2 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
12 President of Senegal decorates Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa with State Greater Medal 20 Dr. Al-Issa meets King of Ashanti and launches food aid campaign in Ghana lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 3
Dakar (Senegal) - MWL Under the patronage of His Excellency, the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, the International Conference on Islamic Thought, Methodology and Mission wrapped up its activities in the Senegalese capital of Dakar. The conference was organized by the Muslim World League and saw the participation of distinguished African scholars and intellectuals. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 5
Dr. Al-Issa addresses the opening of the conference Participants stressed the impor- Qur’an and the Sunnah to be able to tance of linking the human mind to undertake the Islamic sciences and the faith framework, to be on the confront extremist and violent ideas path of guidance and vision, adher- with their entire negative approaches ing to the traditions of civilization and developments, including terror- and human advancement in its moral ist delinquency. context, seeking peaceful and digni- Participants also stressed the fied life, and keen to unify the rows need to call on universities and sci- and do good to all. entific and intellectual institutions Conferees noted the authentic- to enhance their role in the study of ity of Islamic thought, which is ex- modern Islamic issues and to take pressed by the qualified and the com- cognizance of them in order to come petent specialists who can consider up with correct answers, solutions developments and have the ability to and perceptions that provide the separate the wheat from the chaff in road map for the benefit of the entire the contemporary intellectual trends. humanity. Conferees called for constructive Participants expressed their grati- thought based on the guidance of the tude to the Senegalese president 6 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Part of the opening session of the Conference and his government for their gener- welcomed MWL’s Secretary General ous care and hospitality. They also His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Muham- thanked the Muslim World League mad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa and the and its Secretary General for their attendees. He expressed his pleasure commendable efforts in disseminat- at holding this conference hosted by ing the tolerant principles of Islam the Senegalese government and peo- and confronting extremism, vio- ple and thanked the Muslim World lence and terrorism and calling for League for organizing the confer- more activism and programs that ence as part of its programs aimed provide wise intellectual guidance at promoting the scientific and intel- in the contemporary issues that are lectual communication with differ- necessary for the Muslim nation and ent nations and cultures. the entire humankind. His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mu- The conference’s activities kicked hammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa de- off with a speech delivered on the livered a speech in which he thanked behalf of the Senegalese president the Senegalese President for his gen- by Speaker of Senegal’s Parliament, erous patronage of the conference, Mr. Moustapha Niasse, in which he asserting that the importance of its lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 7
A huge numbers of participants in the Conference theme lied in the distinguished Afri- He added, “The Islamic thought can scholars’ presence. has illuminated the world with its His Excellency stressed the mercy, humanity, reform, justice, MWL’s constant keenness to express openness and tolerance within the the truths of Islam and its tolerant guidance of Islam, as well as the re- principles and its positive openness alities of the bright Islamic history to a number of cultures and civiliza- which is attributed to Islam, and not tions, its dedication to the establish- those who misuse its name for their ment of moderation and confronta- material and political interests and tion of exaggeration and extremism their ideological ideas. Those are and its call to make the scientific and fully attributed to their greed and intellectual meetings of Muslims ex- misguidance. We all know that the press their unified word, away from Islamic law has not preserved any- labeling and exclusion under any one from sinning or falling a prey slogan other than the slogan of Islam to misguidance or darkness but the and its name and collective descrip- only preserved and perfect is our tion. He stressed the importance of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon absorbing others with the supreme him.” His Excellency indicated that manners of Islam. authenticity and modernity are the 8 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
The attendees of the conference are the excellencies, researchers, scientists, scholars wings of Islamic thought, hovering Islamic personality, especially the in the horizon of reform, creativity young people to hold an enlightened and cultural influence. He stressed Islamic thought that is helpful for the importance of the Islamic mod- them, the nation, the homeland and eration in the face of the intellectual all humankind. deviation. His Eminence Sheikh Al-Hajj Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa stressed the Imam Emai Anayang, Minister of importance of understanding the sig- Religious Affairs, delivered a speech nificance of the texts of the Shari’ah in which he said: “The Islamic and exploring its purposes and rules. thought, which we are discussing He underscored the importance of some of its theses today, is marked understanding the jurisprudence of by open and flexible characteristics priorities, balances and consequenc- and innovations, but they are guided es as well as spreading awareness of by Islam and follows its course. the rules of Shari’ah in changing the His Eminence said that the law fatwas and rulings, by the change of of Allah Almighty is concerned with times and places, conditions, cus- organizing the life of humans. In this toms, intentions and people, and sense, it is a comprehensive thought contributing to the shaping of the that deals with everything that exists lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 9
Senegal’s Speaker of the parliament recieves Souvenir from the SG of the MWL in life. It does not overlook any as- acterized by the escalation of vio- pect and no aspect has primary over lence in its various forms, and many another. It embraces the issues of life scholars and researchers attribute with integrated and balanced totali- this to the growing intellectual crisis tarianism. that has resulted in extremism and He pointed out that the Islamic terrorism. thought is keen on the careful bal- Dakar’s Mayor Mrs. Seham ance between one’s innate desires Wardini delivered a speech in which and the growth and development of she thanked the MWL for organizing normal life. They should not limit this international conference and its themselves to one thing in particular, pivotal role in enhancing the values as they can’t have political or eco- of moderation, especially in the face nomic thought without a system of of extremist ideas. She emphasized ethics and values, or a system of eth- that the Islamic thought extends ics and values without wise political, bridges of communication with ev- social and economic arrangement. eryone confidently and aptly. He pointed out that the confer- On the sidelines of the confer- ence came in a global context char- ence, a Memorandum of Under- 10 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Dakar’s Mayor Mrs. Seham Wardini recieves Souvenir from the SG of the MWL standing (MoU) was signed between the MWL, represented by His Excel- lency Sheikh Dr. Mohammed bin Ab- dulkarim Al-Issa, and the Supreme Authority of Senegalese Endowment represented by Her Excellency Mrs. Halima Joub. The MoU included co- operation in activating endowments to contribute to the promotion and development of charitable work cul- ture in Senegal, particularly the im- plementation of mutual endowment, social and investment programs, as well as exchanging experiences in the field of charity and cooperation and coordination with other endow- ment organizations and institutions in the Arab and Islamic worlds. Part of the audience during the conference lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 11
President of Senegal decorates Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa with State Greater Medal Dakar - MWL President of the Republic of Sen- nating religious values of moderation, egal Macky Sall has decorated the boosting cooperation among the fol- Secretary General of Muslim World lowers of cultures and religions, and League Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin his initiatives and humanitarian pro- Abdulkarim Al-Issa with the State grams around the world. Greater Medal in Dakar in recognition The honorary ceremony took place of his international efforts of dissemi- during President Macky’s meeting 12 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Senegalese President mimics Sheikh Al-Issa and the Order of the largest state with Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa at the Pal- Senegalese President and expressed ace of Government in the Senegalese his pleasure for visiting Senegal, capital of Dakar. President Macky stressing that the services of the Mus- praised Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa for orga- lim World League around the world nizing the international conference especially in the African continent and for the great efforts made by the represent an Islamic and humanitar- Muslim World League all around the ian duty ordained by the values of the world and in African, especially in Islamic religion, especially the pro- Senegal. motion of harmony among followers Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa thanked the of religions, cultures and ethnicities. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 13
Ghanaian Vice-President opens MWL conference in Accra 14 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Accra (Ghana) - MWL His Excellency Vice-President of the Republic of Ghana Dr. Maha- mudu Bawumia inaugurated the International Conference organized by the Muslim World League (MWL) in the Ghanaian capital under the title “Religious and Ethnic Minorities ... Rights and Duties”, with the participation of His Excellency Secretary General of the Muslim World League, Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa and a number of selected Excellences and Eminences. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 15
Dr. Al-Issa addresses the opening ceremony of the conference Dr. Bawumia stressed the paramount im- societies where holistic shift is achieved and portance and seriousness of the theme of the national and religious discrimination is elim- Conference, saying he was heartened by his inated. presence and participation in the discussion His Excellency the Vice-President spoke of an important issue seeking to achieve na- of the MWL’s initiative to bring these impor- tional and social harmony and peace through tant issues to the discussion table. His Ex- the consolidation of the culture of preserving cellency also commended His Excellency the minority rights and their performance of Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa’s ceaseless desire and duties. willingness to provide all support and help He pointed out that faith is the element required to promote dialogue, peace, coex- and the driver leading most of humankind istence and positive national integration, and and forming life systems, and this is why the take part in supporting the humanitarian and topic discussed in the symposium is very im- development work targeting the poor, the portant. He said that granting religious mi- needy and the orphans. norities their full rights, status, positive in- Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa stressed that the MWL tegration into society, their full participation is pleased to organize this significant confer- in all matters of their homeland and ensuring ence and always wishes to be a forum collect- performance of their full national duties hon- ing the shared values, which Allah Almighty estly are the best way to build just and equal has granted to the humankind so life would 16 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Part of the Opening Session of the MWL Conference on Minority Issues go on a straight path that pleases everyone in The Secretary General continued, “In Is- their harmony, peace, rise and development. lam, our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa asserted that achiev- him, says: ‘No one of you becomes a true ing that hope would only take place when believer until he likes for his brother what he everyone lives under the umbrella of love, likes for himself’, and Allah commands us to tolerance and understanding the Almighty be kind, good and fair to everyone, regard- Creator’s way with regard to difference and less of their religions and races.” He asserted diversity, and when open brotherly dialogue that today’s world is in a dire need to acti- prevails. vate the humanitarian commonalities, some He added, “We will not find the harmony of which are sufficient to bring the desired and peace that we seek and will not eliminate peace and harmony around the world. the suffering of many poor, disadvantaged, He added, “We say this in the face of the persecuted and oppressed people around the greedy materialistic view, which sees only world, unless when we vanquish the brutal- its own interests to the detriment of the rights ity that is still dominant in some hearts. Be- and the pain of others, and then developers sides, we will not reach the true happiness in of this theory come to blame on the religions its world unless when we take into account for the clash of civilizations. While the fact is bringing joy to others and keeping evil away that religions disavow that, because religion from them.” is primarily based on bringing joy to humans lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 17
Ghanaian vice-President receives Souvenir from H.E. Dr. Al-Issa in the worldly life and the hereafter, but the racism together with fearing others and the values of religions unmask that theory and possibility of the civilizational clash.” He face its immoral challenges.” also stressed that the countries of coexis- Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa pointed out that this tence and religious and ethnic harmony could materialistic conception lacking values and overcome these evil orientations and extrem- principles recognizes that religions are the ist ideas and took the path of religious, po- threat to its reputation and entity. Through- litical and intellectual moderation and tem- out its history, this conception tried to dis- perance that is the key base for any stability tort its image and hold it the responsibility and development. He concluded his speech of any extremism or terrorism dressed in a by extending gratitude to the Vice-President fake religious cloak. He highlighted fabrica- of the Republic of Ghana for attending the tions experienced by the religions through- conference. Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa also thanked out history. He also underscored dark ages the Ghanaian leadership and people for their in which the Enlightenment in the West had generosity. been hindered for decades because of the re- The Secretary General of the Conference ligious extremism having no relation with of Ghana Catholic Bishops Pope Lazuris An- the correct religion, injustice and persecution und stressed the importance of holding this suffered by followers of religions including conference in Africa that is characterized by Muslims, Christians, Jews and others. a wide variety of religions and cultures, con- Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa stressed, “We are all firming that the leaders of religions represent aware that the absence of the correct and ac- the hope to achieve harmony and peace away curate piece of information would lead to from differences and clashes. misunderstanding or deliberate negative in- Pope Lazuris Anund pointed out that the terpretation due to the rooting of hatred and coexistence between the Islamic traditions 18 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Ghanaian Catholic Bishops Pope Lazuris Anund and rituals from one hand and principles and sen. This coincides with the outspread of rituals of Christianity would result in peace manifestations of religious extremism that and prosperity among different peoples. He violated the rights of all people without ex- said: “Cooperation and understanding are re- ception. Consequently, we seek to contribute quired things to achieve harmony and peace to discussing of the problems of minorities among peoples with different faiths.” and stopping violence together with achiev- Pope Lazuris Anund made clear that ing sustainable development for all people leaders of religions should work together to without discrimination.” get rid of the hassles of the past and pres- Advisor of the President of the Republic ent. They also should work on common hu- of Burkina Faso Dr. Abu Bakr Abdullah Da- man denominators to be able to confront all khouri praised the human goals of the sym- policies of corruption, forms of extremism, posium calling for abiding by the humanitar- violence and negative competition with the ian brotherhood necessitated by Islam. aim of achieving the positive integration and It is worth mentioning that high-rank- fruitful partnerships that would lead to pros- ing religious, media and political figures of perity, peace and stability. Director of the Is- various affiliations attended the conference. lamic Center of Education and Development The symposium discussed a raft of pressing of the Republic of Ghana Sheikh Ibrahim minority issues, most notably national and Kudjo Kwai confirmed that the MWL led by common denominators, the cultural rights Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al- of multi-religious communities and the role Issa has come a considerable distance in the of religious education and bodies in achiev- path of peace and global harmony. ing citizenship and promoting coexistence Sheikh Ibrahim Kudjo Kwai said, “The among religions together with elements and theme of the symposium was carefully cho- obstacles to social peace. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 19
Dr. Al-Issa meets King of Ashanti and launches food aid campaign in Ghana Kumasi (Ghana) - MWL King of the Ashanti Kingdom retary General of the Muslim World Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, in the prov- League, Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin ince of Kumasi the capital of the Abdulkarim Al-Issa who paid an of- province in Ghana, received the Sec- ficial visit to the Republic of Ghana 20 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
King of the people of Ashanti receives Sheikh Al - Issa during a tour that included a raft of tended the meeting. It is noteworthy African countries. that the population of the Ashanti The King of the Ashanti wel- Kingdom reaches several millions comed the delegation of the Muslim in whole Africa. World League, headed by the Sec- During his visit, Sheikh Dr. Al- retary General, praising the arduous Issa inspected a raft of educational efforts of the Muslim World League facilities. He also launched a food in the humanitarian sphere that cov- aid campaign provided by the Mus- er the entire Africa. lim World League for hundreds of Many Africans belonging to dif- thousands of residents of the prov- ferent religions, races and ethnics ince. make use of these efforts without The Secretary General arrived in discrimination. The Secretary Gen- the Republic of Ghana on an offi- eral of the Muslim World League cial visit. He was received by Grand put spotlight on the deeply rooted Imam of Ghana Sheikh Osman Sha- history of the Ashanti people and its roboto, a number of high-ranking wide impact all over Africa. governmental officials, senior reli- A number of senior and high- gious figures and scholars in Accra ranking government officials at- International Airport. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 21
Al-Issa inaugurates developmental and orphan sponsorship in Ghana Ghana - MWL The Secretary General of the Muslim val of Orphans organized by the Muslim World League (MWL) Sheikh Dr. Mu- World League and attended by thou- hammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa has sands of orphans in El Wak Stadium, in inaugurated a package of developmental the presence of the Minister of Gender, and orphan sponsorship projects in the Children and Social Protection. He an- Republic of Ghana, a move which was nounced the MWL sponsorship of thou- supported and welcomed by state offi- sands of orphans and the establishment cials and religious figures in the country. of a vocational and technical center un- Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa started the projects by der the supervision of the Government of participating in the International Festi- Ghana. 22 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Dr. Issa with a group of orphans during the celebration of the MWL orphan sponsorship The MWL spokesperson Abdulwahab of food, medical services and orphan spon- Al-Shehri said this is part of MWL’s mega sorship, and projects of mosques that serve program in the African continent aimed at Muslims in the African countries. supporting affected and needy people and Al-Shehri added that this festival comes victims of crises and disasters in the conti- within the framework of the special program nent. The program is adopted by MWL for approved earlier by Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa to its benefit serving all targeted needy seg- contribute to bridging the gaps in the needs ments in the societies with no religious, eth- of Africa, where the Africans are targeted nic or political discrimination. It includes with a package of various projects covering projects to provide potable water, baskets the most important weaknesses and need lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 23
Group photo of Sheikh Al - Issa with a number of students points, through a comprehensive range of health, development and training initia- tives. In addition to the housing projects, food baskets, orphan sponsorship, water supply and many others for Muslims and non-Muslims, MWL’s humanitarian and religious work is not based on religion, color or ethnicity. Al-Shehri stressed that MWL pays special attention to orphans as one of the needy segments vulnerable to various types of problems from an early age, es- pecially in poor communities, due to the absence of one or both family sponsors. The MWL has previously launched its Global Humanitarian Project for the Or- phan Sponsorship to sponsored thousands of orphans in many countries around the world and provide them with financial, health, social and educational support, and share their own joys and international occasions. He said Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa launched 24 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
SG of the MWL, reassuring the conduct of the medical program for beneficiaries the project of distributing food baskets for to combat eye diseases, seeking to treat the poor and needy in Ghana, aiming to pro- hundreds of beneficiaries as part of MWL’s vide hundreds of thousands of poor people medical project to combat blindness in the with basic foodstuffs for long periods, based African continent. on a periodic plan adopted by MWL to help These projects are part of programs and the needy. initiatives offered by MWL in Africa, which He launched a project to provide potable are based on its belief in its global humani- water to a large segment of those who are tarian role in standing with the poor and the deprived of having access to water supplies affected in their countries. To achieve its to where they live, as they have to travel Islamic slogan “There is a reward for every long distances to get drinking water. MWL one with a moist liver”, the MWL enhanced is one of the largest international organiza- its presence and positive impact on the Af- tions that has dug thousands of wells and rican continent and consolidated its long- connected water networks to homes of the standing alliances and agreements with of- beneficiaries, as well as provided purifica- ficial bodies, civil society organizations and tion plants and launched awareness-raising humanitarian organizations. programs on the importance of conserving MWL affirmed its intention to continue the water resources. exerting greater efforts in Africa towards a Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa inaugurated one of humanitarian and development activity that the biggest mosques established by MWL to is orderly and sustainable. MWL’s work serve the Muslims in Ghana and thousands focuses on coordination with government of the members of the Muslim community agencies in the countries targeted by its pro- there. He launched the medical campaign grams. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 25
Islam is a moderate approach that does not emphasize or exaggerate Mohammad Zakir Hossain Dr. Hakan Gülerce is the director of the tend an international conference on “The Migration Policy Application and Research Values of Moderation and Centrism in the Center of Harran University in Turkey. He Holy Qur’an and Sunnah’,” which was is also a lecturer on Religion, Modernity, held under the auspices of the Muslim Social Movements and Migration at the World League (MWL). Mohammad Za- Department of Sociology. He has been to kir Hossain, the MWL editor, interviewed several countries in the world conducting him on the sidelines of the conference on conferences and seminars. He is also Sec- a range of issues concerning Islam and retary General of International Federation Muslims all over the world as well as the of Social Science Organizations (IFSSO). Ummah. Following are the excerpts of the Mr. Hakan was recently in Makkah to at- interview: 26 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Dr. Hakan meets with H.E. the Secretary General of the MWL during the conference 1. How productive and effective did and needed by the Muslim World today. I you find the international conference on believe today the Muslim World needs this ‘The Values of Moderation and Centrism understanding of “wasatiyah” more than in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah’? ever. What we can call as “Positive action” First of all, I would like to thank MWL or “meaningful action”, based on revelation for inviting me to this very important con- and faith, is an important way of approach- ference in Makkah Al-Mukarramah. I be- ing life which needs to be discussed both in lieve it is more than a conference where theory and in practice. It is a Faith Service many scholars around the world come to- Through The Guidance Of The Qur’an and gether, meet and discuss several issues Sunnah. So, serious discussion is required related to the Muslim world in particular to explore how this concept can give mean- and humanity in general. The topic, “The ing to all aspects of life and human rela- Values of Moderation and Centrism in the tionships, and how it can provide sustain- Holy Qur’an and Sunnah”, is very timely able solutions for humankind’s problems. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 27
A large number of scholars attended the Makkah Declaration Conference So, I believe that this conference helped to ation, lasting solutions to these problems achieve/contribute to this mission a lot. have not been found. How can the happi- 2. Instability and disunity are harming ness of humanity be obtained both in this the Ummah. What could be the reasons world and in the next? What kind of ap- for this growing phenomenon and how do proach is needed in order to solve or, at you see these should be controlled? least, reduce these problems? Is reconstruc- In these difficult times, the Muslim tion possible without further spiritual and World and in general humanity is suffer- material harm being done? Can a universal ing from the problems which threaten both and sustainable solution be found that tar- our spiritual and material well-being. Not gets these problems at their very roots? The only instability and disunity, throughout need for answers to these kinds of question the world, hunger, poverty, social injustice, is more urgent than ever before. I believe oppression, war, enforced migration, anar- the enemies of the Muslims are “ignorance, chy, violence, terrorism, climate change, poverty, and conflict”. Muslims should fight environmental pollution and a host of other against these three enemies by the weapons negative trends are on the increase. Despite of “education, work/science, and unity”.. numerous efforts to better the human situ- In general, this is the faith service through 28 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
the guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah and I have mentioned this in my early writ- MWL is a good example to implement this ings. For example; about the so-called Is- mission in our lives. lamic State that appeared a couple of years 3. In your opinion what are the major ago in the Middle East, I said, Islamic State issues facing the Muslim Ummah? is not Islamic and is not a state. So, I think As I mentioned above, the major issues we cannot use a term called “Islamic Ter- facing Muslim Ummah are “ignorance, rorism”. Because terror has no religion. No poverty, and conflict” and for these issues, Abrahamic religion in the World promotes we should struggle with “education, indus- terror or violence I believe. But here again, try, and unity”. In addition to this, I would our living for Islam and sincerity has a lot of like to use the metaphor of six sicknesses importance about the growing Islamopho- that we all see in contemporary Muslim cul- bia in the world. So, If we were to display ture and then reach into our “bag of medi- through our actions the perfections of the cines” for six cures for these six illnesses. morality of Islam and the truth about faith These “diseases” of the social life of Mus- and facts about its beliefs, without doubt, lim Ummah include despair, ignorance, ha- the followers of other religions would enter tred, disunity, despotism, and selfishness. Islam in whole communities; some entire The cures for these six sicknesses are all in regions and states, even, would take refuge the “pharmacy of the Qur’an and Sunnah” in Islam. These cures are all to be found in the very 5. The MWL initiative on the religious word of God Almighty, as revealed to the and civilizational dialogue has received Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). great attention in the West. How better It is important to point out that MWL is can we build up a global culture of dia- mainly addressing the ills of society and I logue among civilizations? believe these conferences should continue The great attention (MWL and the with workshops and discussions organized WEST) expresses the need to explore lev- by several institutions. els of peace and the principle of the Qur’an 4. Can you please elaborate on these and Sunnah through a series of activities by other issues? Some of them are as fol- MWL. Under the circumstances of our cur- lows: rent times with continuous struggles around a. The image of Islam today stands tar- the world, there is an increasing feeling of nished; a faith of peace, love, and modera- insecurity and fear. The question of how to tion is being equated with violence, poverty, succeed in achieving peace as an individual, and indignity. Both the external forces that as a society and internationally triggered a are out to damage Islam and a minuscule series of lectures on this subject. I believe extremist group within the community are MWL will have more responsibility to work responsible for this; on this mission to present the true Islam and c. Western media is doing much harm its principles, provide humanitarian aid, ex- by linking Islam to so-called “Islamic ter- tend bridges of understanding and coopera- rorism”. This is accentuated by the vulner- tion with all, engage in positive openness ability of Muslim youth to extremist ideas, to all cultures and civilizations, follow the especially through social media; path of centrism and moderation to realize lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 29
Shari’ah is such a term. The demonization of Is- lam via a subjective recon- struction of political Islam as a movement pushing for the implementation of Shari’ah law must know two things: 1. Shari’ah law is a dy- namic law to be reinterpret- ed in accordance with the needs of Muslim Societies. It is not monolithic and ahis- torical. 2. Shari’ah law is humane and open to multiplicity. Its position on such controver- sial issues as human rights, women rights, political pluralism, and some penal codes are open to discussion and need to be freed from “demonizing” biases. 3. Shari’ah law is based on the consent and is not something unilaterally and via state imposition. In short: A major part of Shari’ah is concerned with morality, worship, after-life, and virtue, which fall under the freedom of conscience and has no connection to MWLJ editor interviewing with Dr. Hakan state affairs or politics while some parts deal with state the message of Islam for a and its vital institutions? affairs and politics. This better world full of peace, One of the often-voiced does not mean that religious justice and coexistence. frustrations of Muslims is and moral values, such as 6. Critics of political Is- how some specific terms abstaining from lying and lam consider Shari’ah law from their religion have bribery, will be completely as a threat to their society. been taken over by the West- left out of politics and gov- How can we change this ern press and their mean- erning. It only means that stereotyped image of Islam ing substantially altered. such values can be incor- 30 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
porated after being adopted one or something in a wrong in mutual workshops, con- as universal or moral val- way, which also can lead us ferences, visits, many activi- ues once it has been filtered into hatred. Usually, when ties and day trips with a view through common sense, people get confused they to solving the problems in reason, sciences, and con- look for someone or some- our respective countries. By science. One’s intentions thing to blame. This damag- strengthening the connec- need to be pure, sincere, and ing attitude puts up enormous tion between us, we will be free from ulterior motives barriers in relationships. So able to have a more detailed for his message to echo in even if it is just a matter of and intimate understanding the minds and the hearts. confusion, such confusion of the problems affecting 7. What could possibly created barriers in cross-cul- our countries. We also be- be the best global mecha- tural connection. We can say lieve we can develop and in- nism to create a conge- that to have peace and rec- crease the level of cross-cul- nial atmosphere that can onciliation in the world, we tural communication among facilitate civilizational must love each other; to be Muslim Ummah. There are interactions and bring able to love we must know some attitudes and skills to about peace and security each other; to know we must make cultural adjustments in the world? What role have the willingness to en- and cultural interactions that the MWL can play in this gage different cultures. For should be applied. These regard? me the thing most deserv- attitudes have three dimen- I would like to start with ing of love is love, and that sions, which are openness, a very well-known issue. It most deserving of enmity is acceptance, and trust. These is in human nature to hate enmity. It is love and loving are the attitudes that we need the unknown. Many psy- others that make a person’s to adopt as we approach an- chologists today agree that social life secure and lead to other culture. They get us human beings are quick to happiness. For this purpose, started in the right direction judge, fear and even hate to strengthen communica- and help us stay on the right the unknown. If we do not tion between cultures and track towards building posi- know something, we feel each other, and to increase tive connections with people afraid of it. Once we get to understanding and respect, who are different. know something, if we en- the MWL should put more 9. What are your sug- counter the good names and effort to bring people from gestions to the MWL to attributes of that thing then different cultures together as build peace and security we can embark on the path it is doing now at this confer- all over the world? towards loving it. The more ence. I strongly suggest keep- we learn about it, the more 8. How do you see the ing the good work that we love it. This analogy may practical implementation MWL is currently doing and also work for human beings. of those resolutions? look for the ways and means If we do not know someone I think, in addition to this to improve it. Not only we may simply choose to not conference, facilitating the MWL should keep serving love or sometimes even hate. participation of young peo- the faith, sincerity, and fra- Sometimes we know some- ple from different countries ternity for a better world. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 31
Freedom in Islam: Including Choice of Religion By Ahmed Kamal El-Din Izzeddin Despite much controversy and several misconceptions about the extent of personal or public freedoms al- lowed in Islam, the ceiling of Islamic liberties is high- er than depicted by most poorly informed narratives. While ‘Islam’ itself connotes total submission to God the Almighty, this by no means erodes any part of the space allowed for the individual to exercise her or his freedom. The intended submission to God is a matter of personal belief and conscience which is itself sub- ject to the will of the relevant individual. 32 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
The Temporal and Divine Spheres of Existence: There are basically two broad intertwin- ing spheres of action in Islam. The first is a temporal, worldly one, which is deter- mined by human will and social covenant. It includes the organization of the political society, under a social pact and a system of governance based on popular consensus. Human actions in the political society are governed by the promulgated rules of law, to which all members of the society are subject. Wrong doing is sanctioned by pre- ordained punishments exacted by judicial officials and executed by law enforcement officers. In sum, it is the quintessence of tions fetter the freedoms of the believer? the nation state. This is a rather tricky question. On the The second sphere is more directly outset, duties may denote the existence of dominated by the divine will, under which some kind of limitation on the human free- the deeds of man are judged, subject to re- dom, since one has to do certain things un- ward or punishment by God, in the here- der the compulsion of religion. Well, while after, or the Day of Judgment. While the the options may be narrowed as a result first, mundane sphere depends on human of the imposition of such duty, freedom covenant and design, this divine sphere is a is not necessarily squeezed or suppressed conceptualization of utter faith. Only those in consequence. An honest believer will who believe in God consider themselves as being subjects of His dominion, includ- ing His rewards as well as His punishment, depending on the deeds of the believer. The systems in both spheres can operate simultaneously in complete mutual syner- gy and coordination, free of any collision or contradiction. This enduring harmony is made possible due to the fact that the divine sphere has no physical existence which could collide with the temporal sphere. Rather, its effect is demonstrated through the actions of the believer, which are in turn governed by her or his concep- tion of the world. Duties and Freedom: To what extend do the Islamic obliga- lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 33
have willingly submit- ted to the relevant duty to such an extent that it becomes part and par- cel of his freedom! This seemingly ironical con- cept can easily be found in sufi or mystical litera- ture and mythology. The well-known sufi poet and devoted worship- per, Rabiaa Al Adawi- yah, expresses some of such meanings in one of her famous poems, where she surreptitious- ly and solemnly appeals to God: “I have known love since I have expe- rienced your love, and closed up my heart to all, other than You.” The Prophet of Islam used to ask his caller for prayer, or muazzin, Bilal ibn Ra- bah, to ‘bring comfort’ and ease to him and his companions by calling for prayers. Without a high level of conviction and purity of faith, it is not always conceivably easy to see divinely or- dained duties as a source of comfort, serenity and relaxation. And it is this delicate juncture of to- tal human assimilation with divine duty which is missed by researchers into the tenets of Islamic faith, especially when 34 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
relating it to modern con- about the essence of free- pinge upon the freedoms cepts of human rights and dom of faith. A few quota- of other humans, which liberties. tions from the Muslim Holy would be an encroachment When Rabei ibn Aamir, Book, the Quran, may help upon the oneness of God back in the year 14 A.H, ap- illustrate thisindispensable the Almighty who – alone - proximately, 636 A.D, was conviction: has the ultimate power and asked by the then Persian (1) “Say, ‘The truth is control over all humans. monarch about the Islamic from your Lord’: Let him His dominion is shared by message carried by Prophet who will, believe, and let none, absolutely. Muhammad he said: “God him who will, reject [it]”. (2) “Let there be no com- sent us to relieve people, Reference to the Lord, or pulsion in religion: Truth- whom God so wills, of wor- God, as the ultimate source stands out clear from Error: shiping slaves [of God] to of truth is crucial here. No whoever rejects evil and be- the worship of God, of the human being should attri- lieves in Allah hath grasped narrowness of the world to bute to her or him the origin the most trustworthy hand- its spaciousness, and of the of truth, not only because hold that never breaks. And injustice of religions to the man continues to be fal- Allah heareth and knoweth justice of Islam”. The con- lible, but also because such all things”. This should text tackled in the previous attribution of truth to man be quite natural, since by paragraph is essential to would bestow upon him a definition ‘faith’ should be comprehend the meanings measure of authority and a purely willful exercise. conveyed in this message control over other human Once belief is ‘forced’ or carried by Rabei ibn Aamir beings. And if that would coerced it becomes shorn on behalf of the Prophet. be the case, then man would of its core attribute that The Quran is quite clear avail an opportunity to im- endows it with its essen- lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 35
tial meaning. If someone is (3) “Therefore do thou ‘manage’ (corresponding to compelled into embracing give admonition, for thou the Arabic ‘yudeer’) in this a religion, the result will be art one to admonish.Thou translation of the versed- void. No religion would be art not one to manage enotes a lighter weight in embraced at all. (men’s) affairs”. The word meaning than that carried 36 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
by the original Arabic word ‘musaytir’, most appro- priately meaning ‘control- ling’. Therefore the proper meaning of the second verse should go as follows: “Thou art not one to con- trol (men’s) affairs”. Again, this is because if the acts of man are controlled by any person other than the doer of the act, then the whole of such act becomes void. Prophet Muhammad says: “verily, acts are based on the intentions. And verily, every person gets what he [or she] has intended.” The word ‘intention’ here, from the Arabic ‘niyyah’ denotes free will. Once the compo- nent of freedom is stripped from the intention, the cor- responding act becomes void of its content. Should it be an act of worship, it goes unaccepted by God. compelled to believe. In considered in Islam, be Should it be an evil act, not other words, it is a contra- they good or bad deeds, for freely intended, it will not diction of terms to speak of the purposes of rewarding incur punishment by God. ‘compelled belief’, since and punishment alike, be- This is due to the ultimate such element of compul- cause without his freedom divine justice. sion would negate believ- man is relieved of all re- (4) “If it had been thy ing, an act which should sponsibility. Suffice it that Lord’s will, they would all only be deliberate and free- from inception, the reli- have believed, - all who ly expressed. gion of Islam itself cannot are on earth! Wilt thou In conclusion, freedom be embraced except with then compel humankind, is placed in a uniquely high full freedom and unfettered against their will, to be- place in Islam, not just as will. Consequently, respect lieve”! Again, God reminds a decorated icon but as an for the freedom of the in- his apostle of the human essential ingredient of hu- dividual in Islam is funda- freedom of faith, and that man action. Only willful, mental and cannot be com- human beings may not be freely exercised acts are promised. lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 37
Hong Kong Muslims - Keeping Islamic ethos alive amid multi-culturism Aftab Husain Kola Islam today is an intrinsic component of Hong Kong’s dynamic hybrid culture as it was 100 years ago and serves as a fine example of peaceful cultural co-existence. AFTAB HUSAIN KOLA charts out the Islamic com- munity’s history and developments of the vibrant city-state comprising of a cluster of 263 islands. Hong Kong became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China on 1 July 1997. With a population of 7,213,338 as on 2018 with Chinese 92%, Filipino 2.5%, Indonesian 2.1%, others 3.4%, Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading financial centers. 38 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
Religion-wise, Buddhists or Taoists form across Central Asia, and from the southeast 30%, followed by Christians 12 % and Mus- through the ancient trading ports on the South lims 4.2%, and rest others. Out of the near- China Sea. Guangzhou (formerly Canton), at ly 300,000 Muslims in Hong Kong, most the mouth of the Pearl River and a short train are of Indonesian origin (150,000). Ethnic ride from Hong Kong, has always demon- Chinese Muslims number 50,000 and there strated more willingness to foreign influence are 40000 South Asian Muslims, most of than other Chinese cities, and its Huaisheng whom are Pakistani and the remaining popu- Mosqueconstructed in the Tang Dynasty is lation include Indians, Bangladeshis, Malay- recorded to be the oldest mosque in China. sians and others. China started receiving Muslims after the Muslims make Hong Kong their home rise of Islam in the seventh century, main- Muslims in Hong Kong are fully inte- ly as ambassadors or merchants. They took grated in civic society since the first Indian the land as well as the sea route, along the lascars (merchant sailors from, mainly, the Silk Roads through Central Asia, and by sea, Indian subcontinent employed on European over the Indian Ocean via the Straits of Ma- ships) arrived on East India Company ships lacca. We learn from historical sources that in the 1830s. The East India Company’s in 651AD, an envoy representing the Islam’s trade with China reached its peak in the early third Caliph Uthmanbin Affan, came to the 19th century and thereafter it opened the gate Tang court at Changan in central China. As for the early Muslims making Hong Kong as Islam spread in the Central Asia coupled their home. Prior to these Muslims, Islam with the conversion of the Turks to Is- was already introduced in China from the lam, cities in the western province of Xin- northwest along the overland caravan routes jiang became important centers of Muslim lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 39
culture as early as the 10th century. Guards, Prison Guards, Dockyard Guards, The words Hong Kong translate into ‘Fra- Watchmen, Bank Clerks, Royal Naval Dock- grant Harbor’, aptly named because of its yard Police, Ferry Supervisors, Post Office deep-water harbor, which has contributed to Mail Launch Guards, Sanitary Foremen and Hong Kong’s great success as a center for in- Government Servants. The diamond mer- ternational trade and finance. Naturally, the chants from South India, especially Mus- early seamen mostly came from the shores of lims, also arrived in good numbers. Malabar (India), Bay of Bengal, Campbell- pur (north of Pakistan’s Punjab Province,), Organizing into a community Hazara (Abbottabad), Lahore, and Gujarat. When the Muslims maritime traders be- Besides those others came from Shanghai, gan settling in Hong Kong during the early Aden (Yemen), Java, Sumatra, Malacca, Ma- 19th century getting proper accommodation laya (now Malaysia), Sarawak, South-Sea was a big problem they encountered. Moro Borneo, Brunei, Port Said (Egypt), Turkey Kai (streets of the people of the Moros) in and Zanzibar (Tanzania). an area known as Lower Lascar Row in the With Hong Kong’s trade firmed up more Central area was the locality they somehow and more Muslims landed here from India managed to stay. The Muslims organized (principally Punjabis) filling most of the post themselves into a Jamat (organization) for as Hong Kong Police Constables, Marine social and welfare development of the com- 40 lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019 l
munity and used to meet often at Lower manages the present 5 mosques and 2 Mus- Lascar Row. As Muslims managed to grow lim Cemeteries, besides madrasas and mak- in business hundreds of the Muslims and tabs attached to these mosques. The BOT is their families vacated their shops and resi- also the authority to make all arrangements dences for elsewhere in Hong Kong, their for funerals and burials of deceased Mus- shops were taken over by Chinese traders lims; to employ Imams, Quran Teachers, selling Curios, Souvenirs, Old Scrolls and Cemetery and Office Staff; to announce the Relics and these streets of Lower Lascar dates and days of Muslim festivals, e.g. be- Row are now better known to many tourists ginning of Ramadan and Eids; to buy air- as the ‘Cat Street.’ time on Radio and conduct suhoor and if- Also, during their stint in Kowloon Penin- taar program during Ramadan; to carry out sula the Muslim garrison was one of the first halal inspections and issue halal certificates groups to make arrangements for prayers in Hong Kong and some parts of China; to for the Muslims. On their request a tem- undertake dawah work for the Muslims and porary site was allotted within the Whit- Non-Muslims and carryout any other activi- field Army Barracks between Austin Road ties in the general interests of the Hong Kong and Nathan Road, especially for Friday and Muslims and propagation of Islam. The pre- Eid prayers. The first Mosque in the Kow- mier organization is also engaged in enhanc- loon Peninsula was built in 1896. The grand ing better understanding among different Moorish type Mosque was built entirely by religious leaders and conducting interfaith the Muslim garrisons with assistance from meetings and visiting and educating Mus- their respective commanders. lims held in the prisons. Though Muslims are found all over the The Islamic Union of Hong Kong is an- Island State their main concentration is in other prominent organization whose prima- and around a Masjid; for e.g. near Kowloon ry purpose for coming to Hong Kong was Masjid in Tsim Sha Tsui, Masjid Ammar in to enter into trade and commerce with Wan Chai and Cha Wan Masjid in Cape Col- China. Because of their enthusiastic spirit, linson. they finally settled in Hong Kong to pursue their trading activities. With a member- Active Organizations ship roll of over 700 Muslims of differ- Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Com- ent nationalities such as Indians, Pakistanis, munity Fund, the coordinating body for Chinese, Malays and British, the activities all Islamic affairs in Hong Kong, is a well of Islamic Union include: to improve the respected apex organization. Popularly general welfare of Muslims in Hong Kong; called among Hong Kong Muslims as to promote and foster the practice of Islamic ‘The Board of Trustees (BOT)’, it is rec- principles; to spread, expound and propa- ognized by the government of Hong Kong gate the truth of Islamic knowledge; to es- as the main body representing the interests tablish and maintain homes and hostels for of the Muslim Community in Hong Kong. Muslims in need; to establish and operate The powerful 7-member Board, serves as a schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, homes federation of four founding and oldest Mus- for the aged and any other charitable and lim Organizations of Hong Kong. The BOT educational institute which the Union shall lDhul-Qa’dah 1440/July 2019l 41
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