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MARCH 2022


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                                                                         also in this issue...
                                                                         Contents                      Page                                         Page
                                                                         General President & CEO                                                       2
                                                                         Far Northern Region Roundup                                                   6
                                                                         Northern Region Roundup                                                       8
                                                                         Central Region Roundup                                                        9
                                                                         North Coast Region Roundup                                                   11
                                                                         Southern Region Roundup                                                      12
                                                                         Metro South Region Roundup                                                   14
                                                                         South East Region Roundup                                                    16
                                                                         Polair Wings Spread                                                          20
                                                                         Vest Up                                                                      26
                                                                         SDRP Mackay Halt                                                             33
                                                                         Blue Building                                                                36
                                                                         A Man Named Fay                                                              42
                                                                         Barking Effective                                                            47
                                                                         Swimming for a mate                                                          50
                                                                         Members’ Benefits                                                            56
COVER STORY                                                Page 20
                                                                         A Memorial in the Daintree                                                   58
POLAIR WINGS SPREAD                                                      Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 10                                           61
Strong advocacy from the Queensland Police Union                         National Police Bravery Awards                                               65
has resulted in a significant upgrade and expansion of                   Book Review – The Promise                                                    66
the Polair fleet with a new contract to include three new                Police Recipes                                                               67
helicopters, drones, and fixed wing aircraft.                            From the Archives                                                            68
It must be distinctly understood that any expressions of opinion
                                                                         Police Living                                                                69
by correspondents in our columns must not be considered the              Police Health                                                                71
opinion of the Editor, and no responsibility arising from there can      Notice to members                                                            72
be accepted.
                                                                         QRPA                                                                         74
The Editor of the Police Journal reserves the right to grant
permission to reproduce articles from this magazine. Such                Journal Contact
permission is hereby granted to any Police Association or Police         Queensland Police Union Journal
Union in Australia and to the Police Association of New Zealand.
                                                                         PO Box 13008 George Street Brisbane QLD 4003
Permission is also granted to any Police Association, Police Union
or organisation representing police employees in any other               TEL: (07) 3259 1900 FAX: (07) 3259 1950

Acknowledgement of the source must be contained in any reprint.          MEDIA ENQUIRIES: TEL: 0459 241 291
Where an article indicates that copyright is claimed by the author,      ADVERTISING: TEL: (07) 3259 1989
then permission to reproduce is withdrawn unless permission              SUBMISSIONS: The Journal accepts letters and articles to be
from the author is granted.                                              considered for inclusion.

                                                 UNION STAFF                                        EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES
                                                 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES		                              Legal Defence                S. Prior (Chair)
                                                 Membership          Kaye Ellis                                                  G. Wilcox
                                                                     Carly Beutel                                                C. Muller
                                                                     Melissa Lindner                                             A. Williams
                                                 Reception           Monika Bailey                  Finance, Audit and           I. Leavers (Chair)
                                                                                                    Risk Management              S. Maxwell
                                                 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SERVICES                      (Farm)                       P. Thomas
                                                 Senior Industrial Officer Stephen Mahoney                                       K. Groth
                                                 Industrial Officer        Luke Hodge                                            C. Muller
                                                                           Kev Thomas               Rules                        K. Groth (Chair)
                                                 Workplace Health          Rosemary                                              K. Haines
                                                 & Safety                  Featherstone                                          S. Prior
                                                                                                                                 A. Williams
                                                 EXECUTIVE SERVICES                                 Membership Services          P. Thomas (Chair)
                                                 Executive Services        Simon Tutt                                            K. Haines
General President             Ian Leavers
                                                 Media & Journal           Andrea Appleton                                       S. Treasure
General Secretary             Mick Barnes                                                                                        A. Williams
Assistant General Secretary   Shayne Maxwell     Media & Journal           Darren Curtis
                                                                                                    Workplace Health             K. Groth (Chair)
Vice President                Shane Prior
                                                 Systems Specialist                                 & Safety                     A. Williams
Treasurer                     Peter Thomas
                                                 & Journal Sub Editor      James Johnston                                        P. Thomas
                                                 Finance Officer           Alex Kulakowski                                       S. Prior
Far North Region              Gil Dyett          Executive Secretary       Emma Macfarlane          Inclusion and Diversity      K. Haines (Chair)
Northern Region               Peter Thomas                                                                                       S. Treasure
Central Region                Kev Groth          LEGAL SERVICES                                     Operational Capability       S. Prior (Co-Chair)
North Coast Region            Grant Wilcox       Gnech and Associates      Calvin Gnech                                          S. Treasure (Co-Chair)
Metro North Region            Kerrie Haines
                                                                                                                                 M. Barnes
Metro South Region            Shayne Treasure
HQ & Support Region           Shane Prior        Barristers (retained)     Troy Schmidt             General President, General Secretary, and
Southern Region               Col Muller                                   Steve Hollands           Assistant General Secretary are ex-officio
South Eastern Region          Andy Williams      Legal Secretary           Larissa Lea              members of all committees.

                                                                                          Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022                  1
General President & CEO

                              IAN LEAVERS
It’s very pleasing to report that our police colleague in the Northern Territory Constable Zach Rolfe was
acquitted of a murder charge and two other alternate charges in March after a lengthy trial in the Darwin
Supreme Court.
This prosecution should never have                   put at risk the livelihood, liberty and    Carroll admits there have been failures
been initiated and there are some                    careers of Australia’s 66,000 police       and acknowledges the work is difficult
serious questions to be answered                     who respond every day never knowing        and relentless and ‘if we do not do
by the Northern Territory Police                     what they will face.                       what is expected of us it is quite
Commissioner and his Executive                                                                  simply unacceptable’.
Leadership Team about why they had                   After the verdict was delivered Zach’s
such a desire to charge Zach just four               father Richard told me in states like      My interpretation of this email is clear
days after the incident and before a                 Queensland where police are forced         the community expects we conduct
Coronial Inquiry and other internal                  to draw and use their firearm they are     a thorough and full investigation
investigations could be conducted.                   supported and that’s what is meant         on each and every occasion, we all
                                                     to happen. It’s pleasing to see the        need to be cognisant of this and
I attended the hearings and saw
                                                     reputation and actions of your Union       the evidence is obvious the Service
the evidence presented and it only
                                                     are recognised as the best in Australia.   will throw you under the bus when
reinforced my view that Zach Rolfe
                                                                                                it comes to inquiries and ethical
was lawfully entitled to use his firearm             DOMESTIC VIOLENCE                          standards investigations.
and take the course of action he did,                Recent coronial inquiries have again
mainly because he was using his                      highlighted the complicated web that’s     My view now is if you are tasked with
training and defending himself and a                 been woven dealing with domestic           a domestic violence job and it takes
colleague from a violent dangerous                   violence and it appears again all of the   4 hours or 4 shifts you stay with the
offender who had already stabbed                     blame is being sheeted towards our         investigation. Take the time and only
both officers.                                       members on the frontline.                  deviate if someone’s life is in danger
                                                                                                then return to that DV.
                                                     We admit sometimes mistakes are
                                                     made and that is never pleasant to         This is bound to cause a backlog of
                                                     confront. There are times when police      jobs and code priority calls for service
                                                     could have done better dealing with an     but that will be the responsibility
                                                     incident, however domestic violence        of management to handle the
                                                     legislation is cumbersome, time            workload and arrange appropriate
                                                     consuming, problematic and in many         and additional overtime to cover the
                                                     cases simply unworkable.                   demands. There can be no exceptions
                                                                                                to this and the culture of senior police
                                                     Police are on the frontline of dealing     needs to change to be adaptive to the
                                                     with domestic violence in the              priority set by the Commissioner.
                                                     community while many other agencies
                                                     who are meant to have domestic             Training has also come into the
                                                     violence response as their core business   spotlight during the coronial inquiries.
                                                     are asleep at the wheel and literally      The QPU has always supported face
A beaming smile from Constable Zach Rolfe after      at home in their beds operating only       to face learning for recruits and during
the trial, grateful for the support from police in
                                                     during business hours Monday to Friday     the COVID pandemic suspension we
                                                     leaving the hard work to be done by        understand this became a necessity
The QPU and Police Federation of                     police at any hour of the day or night.    but it is now obvious this has been to
Australia supported Zach Rolfe from                                                             the detriment of frontline police.
the outset and through the entire legal              On March 10, the Police Commissioner
process. There was a fundamental                     distributed an email to all police         At the QPU 2021 annual conference the
reason; to ensure this action did not                across the State about domestic            delegates unanimously supported a
set a terrible precedent that could                  violence, in the message Katarina          prompt return to face to face learning

2       Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
General President & CEO

in all aspects of recruit training,         to ensuring the promotions system             obstacles and they were receiving the
detective training and OST.                 is fair and equitable so positions            best health care possible.
                                            and transfers are awarded lawfully
POLAIR                                      and on merit however another issue            This incident is another example of
Our Polair unit and Remote Piloted                                                        just how unpredictable and dangerous
                                            has arisen concerning relieving
Aircraft team will receive a significant                                                  frontline policing can be.
boost with the Treasurer Cameron
Dick agreeing to invest $53 million         Sadly we have seen processes have
dollars to lease and operate three new      been ignored and people have been
helicopters and expand the RPAS fleet.      appointed to positions based on
                                            who they know or have a connection
A decade ago I pushed for the               with. Disturbingly there have been
establishment of a police helicopter and    occasions when a person has been
had some strong opposition along the        selected for a relieving opportunity
way but since it’s inception the tactical   and sometime later the expressions
benefit and situational awareness the       of interest go out only to satisfy the
helicopters have delivered has proved
                                            rules. I want complete transparency
its worth over and over.
                                            and to end this deceitful practice.

Again I’ve had to stand against the                                                       The damage to the police vehicle was dramatic
                                            Some very good candidates have                and fleet services will review the hyundai’s crew
lobby groups demanding a dedicated                                                        protection devices.
                                            been ruled out immediately because
helicopter for Townsville and Cairns,
                                            travelling and accomodation
they may have good intentions but                                                         The alleged offender survived and is
                                            allowances would need to be paid.
have forgotten about the practicality                                                     expected to face multiple charges. The
                                            This process must cease immediately.
of how a helicopter will operate over a                                                   QPU will be encouraging the service to
                                            It’s a very short leap to bastardisation
city with a large domestic airport and                                                    lay the most serious charges possible
                                            and a failure of transparency.
in Townsville’s case a Defence base in                                                    and follow through with prosecution.
the same area.                              Relieving positions and opportunities
                                            must also be based on merit putting           I know this incident may have
Flight paths and controlled flight zones                                                  increased the anxiety of some of our
                                            people with appropriate skill sets into
cannot work in harmony with what a                                                        members particularly at Caboolture
                                            higher duties placements. It is not only
Polair unit will need to do.                                                              following the death of Dave Masters.
                                            fair but will help officers in their career
                                                                                          I encourage you to reach out to Blue
RPAS is a far better solution and most      and professional development.
                                                                                          Hope for support or contact the QPU
importantly the frontline operational                                                     at
                                            DELIBERATE ACT
officers in Townsville and Cairns tell
                                            In March three of our members were
me that’s what will best suit their                                                       FLOODS
                                            injured when their general duties
needs and tactics.                                                                        The unexpected and extensive flood
                                            iload van was apparently rammed by
                                                                                          crisis in South East Queensland
The drones will be full military            an offender fleeing a crime scene at
                                                                                          again showed the community look to
specification and have an array of          Caboolture.
                                                                                          police for leadership, compassion and
sensors and an ability to send live                                                       bravery in times of crisis.
                                            The impact was intense and crushed
video to a commander on the ground
                                            both vehicles, severely injuring a
to make solid assessments and                                                             Many of you worked long hours,
workable safe solutions to apprehend        Senior Constable who was driving the
                                                                                          took manageable risk and provided
offenders.                                  police van, a First Year Constable in         assistance above and beyond the
                                            the front passenger seat and a recruit        call of duty. It’s something police do
I’ve also put the Government on             in the rear seats. It took emergency          without a second thought assisting
notice that if new technology               services some time to clear them of           their communities. I’m sure many
becomes available through the life          the debris and get them to hospital.          lives were saved by the quick thinking
of this contract to 2034 I will again                                                     actions of our members in these
be knocking on the door of Cabinet          QPU Executives mobilised rapidly
                                                                                          flooded areas on the ground and above
to amend and extend the deal so our         and attended the scene and hospital
                                                                                          through Polair and drone operators.
people are safe and have the best           providing support to our members
equipment available.                        and their families. As President it was       Unfortunately the responsibility of
                                            important to be there assisting our           retrieving those who lost their lives in
PROMOTIONS                                  colleagues and ensuring their loved           floodwaters often fell on the shoulders
The QPU achieved a significant legal        ones had the security of knowing              of police dive teams and later scenes
milestone against the QPS in regards        the Union was available to clear any          of crimes officers providing forensic

                                                                                Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022                    3
General President & CEO

support for coronial inquiries. It is one          I’d also like to praise the actions of the                  You can read more about the fit, form
of the most unpleasant tasks of being              recruits from the Oxley academy who                         and function trials for the ILBV in this
a police officer but a crucial role in             stepped up to help with the community                       edition of the Journal.
providing answers for the families of              clean up when the floodwater receded.
the deceased.                                      This experience will be a memorable                         TOWNSVILLE STADIUM
                                                   moment in their careers and also                            After months of negotiation with the
                                                   establishes how important the                               State Government it was pleasing
                                                   community values the police.                                to see the old Cowboys Stadium in
                                                                                                               Townsville will remain a public asset
                                                   ILBV                                                        and accommodate a new police
                                                   After nearly a decade of development                        complex that will initially house 120
                                                   the Integrated Load Bearing Vests are                       police in Kirwan.
                                                   in the final phase of testing. While the
                                                   officers involved in the procurement                        The facility doesn’t officially have a new
                                                   project over time have changed I have                       name but it will bring together frontline
                                                   been steadfast in my support for the                        general duties police, specialist units
                                                   QPS providing the best possible vest                        and the district office into a fit for
                                                   available. One pleasing aspect of this                      purpose building. This type of complex
                                                   project is the design of the ILBV is what                   will provide modern amenities and have
                                                   we asked for, not an off the shelf model                    design features that have been initiated
Recruits get into the dirty work assisting flood   a company thought we should have.                           by our members.
recovery efforts in Brisbane.
                                                   The initial testing confirmed the heat                      I have been working with Police
                                                   mitigation properties were exceeding                        Minister Mark Ryan on significant
                                                   expectations and the combination                            upgrades across the State and we
                                                   of soft armour will be significant in                       are now reaping the benefits of new
                                                   reducing bladed weapon injuries and                         capital works and facilities that suit
                                                   provide increased protection from                           our needs not what a builder or other
                                                   blunt force trauma.                                         government department decided
                                                                                                               would be suitable.
                                                   At this stage, the rollout is due to start
                                                   towards the la ter part of this year. I                     Demolition works on the existing
                                                   encourage every member to look at                           stadium will begin during the middle
                                                   the ILBV with an open mind, take the                        of this year with construction of the
                                                   time to have it fitted correctly and take                   police complex beginning in 2023 and
                                                   the advice of reducing unnecessary                          open by 2025, however the Premier
                                                   extra equipment on the vest.                                has assured me if streamlining can be

                                                   One of the short listed ILBV’s in the final trial with the removeable hi-vis cover.

4        Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
General President & CEO

done to have the construction finished
earlier everything will be done to get
the facility opened sooner.

I recently had the opportunity to
undergo my firearms re-qualifications
and in-service training at the Bob
Atkinson Operational Capabilities
Centre at Wacol.

The $52.8 million facility opened
in 2020 and the firearms ranges
in particular are outstanding. The
instructional staff are the best in
their field and I can see how they are
producing great results with recruits
and staff that is the envy of other
States and Territories.

General President & CEO
0419 786 381

                                         The firearms training staff at BAOCC are world class and have developed techniques and practices that
                                         produce quality results.

                                                                                    Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022                   5
Far Northern Region Roundup

                        GIL DYETT
What a big few days it has been. Firstly, it was a rain event as big as 2011, but then those claims have been
exceeded. There has been death and misery with extreme flooding and damage to property in southern
Queensland. This has not only impacted the population living down, there but as I get around Cairns and
communicate with our colleagues in far north Queensland, everyone has family and friends who have been
impacted by the rain and storms. It is going to be another massive clean up for all of those people involved.
We had been dealing with the ongoing        alone for 12 staff, with another 20          to hear that the Government and the
impact of Covid-19 on the population,       currently offline with various types of      Minister have decided to give Cairns
the economy, and society in general,        sick leave and injuries.                     an extra 12 staff before the end of this
and now this extreme weather event.                                                      financial year, and a further extra 50
                                            That is only talking about Cairns and        staff for the Region before the end of
Thoughts and prayers go out to              yet the whole region is suffering, with      the 2023 financial year.
everyone who has lost a loved one. It is
                                            numbers short everywhere in the Cape
also heartbreaking for people who have                                                   I would like to publicly thank the
                                            and Torres Straits.
lost property and possessions with the                                                   Minister and the Government for
storms and extreme flooding that has                                                     listening and providing these extra
                                            We had a critical incident in the Cairns
damaged and destroyed homes.                                                             staff members. I am very proud to be
                                            area with a single vehicle stolen car that
                                                                                         on the Executive of the organisation
One of the positives is the resurgence      crashed with a number of occupants
                                                                                         that represents you, as members of our
of the mud army to get the recovery         inside the vehicle. This was a tragic
phase underway. The insurance claims        incident that sparked an ESC and CCC
and clean up work that will be required     investigation with the police who were       I would like to think that I played a part
is going to take months and months.         involved.                                    in advocating on your behalf to get this
                                                                                         Government to listen to our concerns
                                                                                         and to react by providing us with these
                                                                                         extra numbers. I can assure you that
      “The Government and the Minister have                                              these staff will be very well received.

    decided to give Cairns an extra 12 staff before                                      TREE PLANTING
     the end of this financial year, and a further                                       I had the pleasure of accepting an
                                                                                         invitation to attend a tree planting
    extra 50 staff for the Region before the end of                                      ceremony in the Daintree area up at
               the 2023 financial year.”                                                 Cow Bay.

                                                                                         The organisation known as Daintree
                                                                                         Life conducted a tree planting exercise
STAFFING                                    Now we have criminal charges arising         of behalf of recently fallen officers
In my last article I took issue with a      out of this incident, with a death and       Dave Masters and Brett Forte, as well
‘police spokesperson’ making a claim        others with serious injuries. This matter    as naval officer, a police horse, and a
that the staffing levels were adequate      will now go before the criminal courts       police dog. The trees were sourced
in the Cairns District, and that includes   so I am unable to comment any further.       locally and funded by donations in
the Far Northern Region.                    There will be a Coronial inquest.            Brisbane.

As previously stated, I have been           The next thing, the Police Minister is in    The Daintree Life crew invited the
contacted by many and varied                town to make an announcement that            Mossman Mayor and local police. I
members of our Union asking about           the Government has been listening to         must say it was a lovely gesture of
staffing levels: ‘Where is everybody?’      us and to my ongoing communication           goodwill and support from Connie and
I was told we had vacancies in Cairns       about staff shortages. It was pleasing       David Pinson from Daintree Life. There

6     Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
Far Northern Region Roundup

is no mobile phone service in the area,    Please stay safe and enjoy what 2022
but the GPS co-ordinates are available     brings us.
from the website if anyone would like
to visit.                                  Gil DYETT
                                           Regional Representative
     “The Regional                         Far Northern Region
     Representative                        0418 927 172
  position for the Far           
   Northern Region is
  up for election. I am
  nominating for this
  position, alongside
    another member.
  Please take the time
        to vote.”
One last thing: the Regional
Representative position for the Far
Northern Region is up for election. I am
nominating for this position, alongside
another member. Please take the time
to vote.

                                                                           Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022    7
Northern Region Roundup

                         PETER THOMAS
Welcome to 2022 where it appears old News can be new News and some managers are still trapped in the late
70s and early 80s with their managerial and leadership skills.
In this months journal article I am only       It has been way too long now that          This is not the late 70’s and early
covering the good and the downright            our police in this district have worked    80’s where yelling and swearing at
ugly. It is hard to have any topics that fit   understaffed and in substandard,           subordinate staff; treating people
the middle ground when the behaviour           overcrowded, archaic conditions and        with contempt; not enabling equal
of some of our own members and                 the new Kirwan police precinct will        opportunity in the workplace; nepotism
senior management is so bad.                   be very welcomed. One would also           being commonplace; and people not
                                               hope that prior to any design that local   being treated with dignity and respect is
THE GOOD                                       management have the opportunity to         acceptable any longer.
On October 1 2020 Police Minister              provide input to the facility.
Mark Ryan announced the $30 million                                                       I admire and congratulate those that
government commitment to the                   THE DOWNRIGHT UGLY                         have been brave enough to come
                                               The Working for Queensland survey          forward and report these behaviours
redevelopment of Kirwan Station. On
                                               2021 clearly identified across the         so that they can be finally addressed
25 January 2022 Police Minister Mark
                                               majority of the state that the trust in    through investigation
Ryan attended the 1300 smiles site (old
                                               QPS Senior management was severely
Cowboys football stadium) and the also                                                    If you are being subjected to these
                                               lacking. It was also clearly identified
Kirwan police station and re-announced                                                    type of behaviours I encourage you to
                                               that the behaviours of some of our local
the redevelopment of the Kirwan police                                                    report them to your local regional union
                                               senior management was poor - to say
station to be renamed the Kirwan police                                                   representative who can assist you in
                                               the least.
precinct.                                                                                 having these behaviours addressed.
                                               The first time in the history of the
This is a very welcome announcement;           working for Queensland survey the ‘free    No person in any field of employment
however I am hoping that we will               text comments’ were removed from           should go to work and feel unsafe,
not have another announcement                  the reporting and one can only think       threatened, or limited in their career
announcing news that is now two years          this was due to the comments being so      opportunities by management bullies.
old. In Police Minister Ryan’s address         damning.
to officers from Kirwan police station                                                    Emotional intelligence, leadership
he stated that the first stage of the          The working for Queensland results         qualities, and The Working for
                                               are buried so deeply that they are         Queensland results should form part
new development should be officially
                                               near impossible to locate, and it is       of the assessment for suitability for
opened in 2024.
                                               apparent that the Commissioner and the     any senior officer in the QPS going for
On the 10th day of February 2022               Executive Leadership Team are reluctant    interview - wishful thinking - I know.
Police Minister Mark Ryan announced            to air the QPS dirty laundry.
                                                                                          Until next month take care of yourselves
the government commitment for 50
                                               The words; “Our people are our greatest    and each other; call out bad behaviour in
new police officers to be allocated
                                               asset” roles so easily our Commissioner    your workplace, take the time to attend
to Townsville. This is a further re-
                                               and Executive Leadership Team              your next branch meeting (now that the
announcement of the 2020 commitment
                                               members tongues and yet they entrust       COVID emergency has passed we can
for 150 additional police officers to be       the same people to really bad manages.     recommence meetings), and remember:
placed in the northern region.                 The sad thing is that most of these        no union Rep= no interview.
                                               bad managers behaviours have been
I sincerely welcome the commitment
but am reluctantly excited as it appears
                                               previously identified and they are         Peter THOMAS
these commitments are dragging out
                                               allowed to continue unabated.              Regional Representative
and one would hope that they do not            These behaviours are not being             Northern Region
form part of a further government              addressed by our senior leaders and in     QPU Treasurer
election promise in the upcoming               one location the behaviours of members     0409 591 270
election.                                      of local management have amplified.
8      Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
Central Region Roundup

                        KEV GROTH
As I sit here writing this article, all eyes are focussed on the Zac Rolfe trial in the Northern Territory. Police from
all over Australia are watching because this trial could have serious ramifications across all jurisdictions. Police
Federation of Australia CEO Scott Webber and President Ian Leavers have been up in Darwin to support Zac, his
family, and the NT Police Association during this difficult time. As always, Unity Is Strength. Hold strong Zac: we
are all behind you.
There has been a lot of talk in the        What concerns me is that Moreton            ASSET MANAGEMENT
media recently concerning integrity        didn’t have the staffing to make this       Having worked in QPS facilities, we all
issues in Government. We have also         work, and Mackay has also been              know that we are working well below
seen recently a Commission of Inquiry      scrapped in part due to staffing            the poverty line as far as Government
called into the CCC. These matters         concerns. Well, here’s the hot tip for      establishments go. Sure, we have
will be played out over the next six       QPS management: no District has the         some shinny new buildings out there,
months, but what concerns me is the        capabilities to run SDRP. Everywhere        but we also have some that are well
lack of transparency within our own        is short on the frontline! How is this      and truly past their used by dates.
organisation.                              possible, you ask?
                                                                                       The fact we still have stations and
The annual Working for Queensland          For too many years the frontline has        facilities that date back 50-60 years
survey that we are all asked to take       been robbed of staff to prop up other       is a disgrace. Buildings have an
part in has become nothing more            sections, start up boutique units,          operational life expectancy, as do
than a farce. Staff have no faith in the   backfill country and remote stations,       officers. The QPS enforces a strict
                                           and generally fulfill any other issue       retirement age for its officers at 60
survey because the powers that be
                                           that pops up. Management turn
refuse to release information that is                                                  years of age. Well how about we
                                           primarily to the frontline for resources.
damaging to the organisation.                                                          enforce a retirement age for our
                                           Enough is enough.
                                                                                       buildings and workplaces?
If the survey is truly used to get an
                                           Until you adequately staff the
accurate snapshot of the feelings and                                                  No matter how many coats of paint
                                           frontline, no District will be able to
sentiments of your workforce, why                                                      you put on a building, once it’s past
                                           attempt to implement SDRP. With the
hide the data?                                                                         its used by date, all you are doing
                                           promised influx of 1,450 frontline staff
                                                                                       is putting staff at risk. No other
                                           by 2025, does it not make sense to
The fact QPS management only                                                           Government department puts up with
                                           wait until that staff is here?
release limited information and does                                                   conditions that police do.
nothing to address the concerns of
                                           Move on to another project, perhaps,
its members is a reason why staff do                                                   You can put lipstick on a pig; it may
                                           like getting staff back onto the
not complete the survey, or treat it                                                   look prettier but it’s still a pig. If you
                                           frontline where they are needed and
as a joke. If the QPS and Government                                                   want a truly engaged workforce,
                                           belong. Then and only then should
are truly serious about honesty and        you look at rolling these models out.       give them the facilities to operate in.
integrity, it’s time for true reporting.                                               A happy workforce is a productive
                                           ILBV                                        workforce.
SDP                                        As a panel member and due to the
The circus that is SDRP continues          strict protocols surrounding this           While we are at it, when we design a
to roll on. Moreton still has major        process, I am still limited in what I can   new station can we please ensure all
issues and while I’m glad that Mackay      say. Rest assured that the project is       relevant agencies are involved in the
has now been shelved as next to be         moving along and I soon hope to be          process? There is no point opening
gutted by this rollout, it concerns me     able to reveal some much-awaited            a multimillion-dollar facility if basic
that management are still looking at       information to you all about this new       standards aren’t met. Let’s ensure the
other Districts to confront the beast.     bit of equipment. See the article in        safety and wellbeing of our members
Capricornia and Logan are being            this Journal and stay tuned for more        is fully catered for and not left to be
considered as the possible next stops.     information.                                fixed after opening.

                                                                              Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022            9
Central Region Roundup

Finally, I am proud to have been
re-elected to represent Central Region
as your Executive member for another
term. I will continue to be here to
support you 24/7. We have a busy
year coming up with EB negotiations
commencing soon and many other
projects still underway.

Until next we speak, stay safe and
watch each other’s backs.

Remember, YOU are the Union, so
stand up and be heard!

Regional Representative
Central Region
0401 672 997

10    Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
North Coast Region Roundup

                       GRANT WILCOX
Wow: nothing’s changed. The QPS would like to review the now defunct SDRP model in Moreton with the new
Mackay model after giving Mackay a trial period of 6-12 months. Well, that’s just great…NOT. Comparing apples
with oranges and a system that is devoid of sufficient capacity to meet demand is not quality engagement.

Too little too late, this is not an         Moreton in their time of need, and I        would be in my future. I see a lot of
appropriate Band-Aid to fix the broken      hope the relevant external authority        great community-minded police being
Moreton District. I have nothing from       smacks the QPS resoundingly for such        smashed internally by overzealous
the Moreton District which identifies       continued harm to our members.              policy. This is policy that has removed
that the now defunct SDRP is being                                                      the ability to maintain your oath of
fixed. The same staffing issues, the        What was the result of the                  service: the pursuit policy, access to
same absence, the same lack of staff        Commissioner’s review about SDRP…           information, and social media policy
at appropriate times.                       smile and wave, smile and wave…             are just a few.
Members are being pushed to get to                                                      Is it any wonder this is just a job
jobs, and there is a manipulation of        WORKPLACE SURVEY                            and no longer a career? We have no
statistics to generate more acceptable      Does anyone else believe that the           real ability to stop motivated and
service delivery times. The QPS may         QPS is going to fix anything from any       vehicle-orientated crime. We are not
fool some, but those who are still here     survey? I walk stations in my QPU role,     allowed to explore our curiosity in the
know the truth.                             and I see the troops are turning up,        community. We are not to comment
                                            but it’s just as easy to not turn up. The   on social media on anything which
The answer is simple: get your              desire to attend and not let down your      could identify that we are police.
numbers right so that capacity meets        mates and the public in the current         Heaven forbid we have a different
capability to service demand. Most          climate seems a faraway dream. That         view to the Commissioner, the QPS or
importantly, do not roster your             historical commitment, I’m sad to say,      the Government.
capacity and capability to minimums         is gone.
                                                                                        Just know this: I will not go quietly,
and then have no plan for maintaining
                                            I watch the hierarchy and I’m left          and if this Journal is the only place
minimum staffing levels when
                                            thinking they are so out of touch.          I can safely identify the shortcomings
absence impacts service delivery.
                                            The troops are so disengaged they           of the QPS… I will.
Mr Barnes and the QPU have                  don’t have the heart or the energy to
                                                                                        Stay Safe and remind yourself that it’s
complained to the relevant external         continue to identify survey responses
                                                                                        okay not to be perfect…and if you’re
authorities on the worst kept secret in     and solutions, only to see them totally
                                                                                        not, I’m here to help.
the QPS. SDRP didn’t work and they          dismissed and ignored.
have done nothing but abandon hard
working police with a broken model.         We are asked to engage, to fix the          Grant WILCOX
                                            problems, but frankly I’d rather have a     Regional Representative
Oh yes, I hear you say: 43 extra staff.     hot dog and a cold drink.                   North Coast Region
Here’s a thought. Where are they                                                        0411 359 555
being placed over three divisions, and      The hierarchy is keen to review stats
is that the most appropriate placement      and ensure they are getting bang for
given the shortages in meeting              their buck. The lack of understanding
demand? If this is the solution, show       that your most important asset is your
us that it’s working. Crickets is what      people will be the end of what we
the troops hear.                            know as policing.

It’s not rocket science and I hate to say   What’s the answer? I’m sad to say
it, but, yes, the QPS has abandoned         this is not what I thought policing

                                                                              Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022     11
Southern Region Roundup

                       COL MULLER
Where is the common sense of QPS HR when considering the partners of transferred members?
Why am I so often being called in for        My advice is to be vocal on this point
assistance by members who have               so there is no confusion. If you feel
been Gazetted for transfer and their         that you have not been treated fairly or
QPS partner has heard nothing?               in a timely manner, send me or one of
                                             the Union Executives an e-mail.
I have had members who have uplifted
and moved and their partners are forced      COOYAR STATION
to take leave after being left behind,       Welcome to our latest OIC to Cooyar
trying to navigate the nightmare.            police station on the fringe of the
                                             Darling Downs. I am told that the
Members are applying for positions and
                                             station was created after a community
making it clear they have a QPS partner
                                             petition as pictured.
who will require a position as well, yet
arrangements still do not occur.             Senior Constable Olivia Hetherington
                                             has taken the reigns after transferring
I have knowledge of a member who
                                             from the Gladstone area. I caught up
eventually took a reduction in rank in
                                             with Olivia recently and she is keen
order to follow his wife and children.
                                             and enthusiastic. I had the opportunity
We have a Certified Agreement-Clause         to recount a few memories of the area
65(12) about Transfers                       with her.

OPERATIONAL FACTOR ‘PARTNERS                 I don’t think the watch house has
EMPLOYMENT’                                  changed much since 1906 but I am
(12) Partners Employment:                    proud to say at least the house and
                                             station have caught up with the times
(a) This is where a Service employee
                                             and are well presented. Good luck,
     (police officer or staff member)
     is transferred and the employee’s
     partner is a police officer. This
     factor then allows the transfer
     of the partner in the case of the
     partner being a police officer.

(b) This factor also applies where
    a police officer seeks a transfer
    because the officer’s partner [not
    being a police officer or staff
    member] receives a transfer as a
    result of a direction by the partner’s
    employer to relocate.

(c) This factor may also apply where
    the request for a transfer is at the
    employee’s instigation and is purely
    to suit their partner’s choice to
    relocate their employment where
    the partner is neither a police
    officer nor a staff member.

12    Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
Southern Region Roundup

DALBY STATION MOVES FORWARD               Great work Matt Minz, Justin Drier,
Dalby’s version of Noah’s Ark Police      and Lindsay Small, and thanks to
Establishment opened in 1986 is finally   Inspector Wayne Rasmussen and
progressing forward and will see some     Superintendent Gareth Channels for
welcome transformations.                  allowing the members to have a voice
                                          and some genuine consultation.
Planning, lobbying, and negotiating
have been afoot for many years to         CONGRATULATIONS
bring the dream to reality: a modern      Congratulations on your retirement
policing and watch house facility.        Sergeant Karlene Trezise, 12570, OIC
Things are now coming to the pointy       Esk police station. Thank you for your
end.                                      commitment to the Southern Region.

I was impressed by local management
when a meeting was called at the town
hall and members were invited to
attend, peruse, and comment on the
planned layout of the building. I was
unable to attend the meeting due to
work restraints, but I spoke with the
QPU local reps who negotiated with
management and the QPU to secure
some sensible modifications.

                                                                                    Col MULLER
                                                                                    Regional Representative
                                                                                    Southern Region
                                                                                    0407 177 207

                                                                           Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022   13
Metro South Region Roundup

                         SHAYNE TREASURE
Particularly in South Brisbane District, I am increasingly being asked as to why the Union partakes or supports
any Our People Matter activities when there is a strong sentiment as to it being a farcical endeavour.
I can understand the emotions of staff in regards to this when they feel management activities are odds with
this statement and its intents. Is this how we want our police to feel? That this is just a management ‘one liner’
and no more than that?
The flow-on effects of decisions,             MOVING FORWARD OR JUST IN                    customer service has been completely
intentional or inadvertent, are often         CIRCLES? SDRP PHASE 2 AND QPS                managed and in ways dictated by the
the chief causational factor in low           MANAGEMENT CULTURE                           organisation supplying it. Apples and
morale. It’s not the crooks, it’s not         At its core, SDRP is really all about        oranges, some may say, but there
public sentiment it’s what our own do         attempting to meet demands (ie               is certainly merit in this approach
to us within our framework. Across            Calls for Service (CFS) and Crime            instead of trying to keep pace with
the board we saw this with the SDRP           Statistics (CS)) by providing resources      infinite demand.
Phase 1 false start, with its absence of      to meet demand for these two very
humanism in decisions.                        different beasts by some future              Maybe before we visit operational
                                              impending doomsday date. In trying           Service reform we should reform QPS
I am reliably informed an external            to tie resource allocation to an ever-       managerial culture. Do we need to
survey is on the way as to this very          increasing demand, we are chasing a          transcend from the individual or small
subject, and before you heavy sigh,           dragon we won’t ever catch.                  team, short term ‘bold statement/
this one has to be published externally,                                                   vision victory’ for the next ‘step up
warts and all. It’s not owned by the          All we will do is revisit the same           syndrome’, to instead rewarding
QPS and likely to be buried. That             process again in the near future. We         leaders for efficiently completing their
will be worth doing and reading the           tend to fall back on this solution now       component parts of the long haul
results.                                      as we did 20 years or more ago when          strategic goal?
                                              decision makers were operational.
At times I am advised that matters            None of these methodologies address          In the context of South Brisbane, we
I raise are not really matters for the        the core issues of crime itself or           have stations that need rebuilding,
Union, even though they come from             bringing ownership from other                we have stations that should not have
members who hold the concerns                 Departments to us.                           been rebuilt as they are, and we have
seriously. I find this unusual in that                                                     stations no longer fit for purpose that
members need to be able to conduit            We are often prisoners of our past           we pour good money into after bad,
any concerns they have about their            experience, which can lead us to be          for no real gain from a maintenance
workplace through their elected               arrogant in managerial approaches.           or operational point of view. Why are
industrial advocates to raise with            When we retain the arrogance of ‘we          we not reaping positive legacies from
management.                                   are always right,’ it becomes very           a decade ago as to new infrastructure
                                              difficult to dispel the ignorance of         design and placement?
This is a sound and essential function        choices or methodologies that may be
of a Union and will continue to be so         more applicable as suggested from            Was there a plan? If not, why? I fear by
while I hold this role. It is irrelevant if                                                the time decisions are finally made,
                                              the workforce.
the concern is not able to be actioned                                                     the stations targeted under SDRP will
industrially or legally. The mileage for      It would be sad to see us implement          be even more integral to their local
managers is about improving staff             an approach just in time to see other        communities by virtue of population
morale.                                       jurisdictions disregard it.                  increases via high rise developments
                                                                                           within their divisional boundaries.
One would think that the airing of            There appears to be little effort to train
a concern would allow reflection,             those who demand the service in what         Why do we cry crisis when we
awareness, or modifications of one’s          service can be delivered effectively.        apparently have boffins in HQ pulling
own decision making in matters for            The banks and Department of                  levers, pushing buttons, and studying
managers.                                     Transport are good examples of how           data to predict such things as growth

14     Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
Metro South Region Roundup

in the juvenile population and
corresponding offending, population
growth, and corridors?

We federally paid people to propagate
in the early 2000s and now a
proportion of that larger cohort of
young people are offending. How can
this be surprising? Why did CPIU not
have growth factored long ago?

How can we be shocked at crime and
population growth in the Rochedale
corridor when in the early 2000s this
was identified as an area for police
growth, with a station to be built?

                                                                                      (THIS IS SERIOUS MANAGEMENT)
                                                                                      • Minimum staffing levels
                                                                                        eidentified application processes
                                                                                       for a true meritorious selection
                                                                                      • Fulltime Polair coverage
                                                                                        workable Injury Management
                                                                                        n urgent overhaul of psychological
                                                                                        egional parity for staff, vehicles,
                                                                                       and training
                                                                                        rowth of staff and resources in line
                                                                                       with population growth
                                                                                        oving our first class people out of
                                                                                       third class facilities at the Academy

                                                                                      Shayne TREASURE
                                                                                      Regional Representative
VALE SENIOR SERGEANT LACEY                 The longer the chair of a man like this    Metropolitan South Region
We recently had the sad duty of            remains empty, the more we will feel       0447 569 483
farewelling an iconic and well             his loss. With Honour He Served. 
respected NCO and mate to many in
SBD and beyond with the passing of
‘Lace‘, aka Detective Senior Sergeant
Lacey. It was heartwarming to see the
amount of current and former police
in attendance at both the Chandler
service and the Souths wake events.

These events were the privilege
of the Union to support and an
excellent demonstration that positive
police culture still exists. The loss of
someone of this character resonates
in an organisation because we assume
they will always be there to provide
guidance and advice into the future.

                                                                             Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022        15
South East Region Roundup

                            ANDY WILLIAMS
Well we are off the borders, out of the hotels, the kids are (finally) back at school, we are into 2022 with a
vengeance! It is already a busy year!
BEAUDESERT STATION OPENING:                        neighbouring police stations are called      statement, identified the deceased and
What a great day it was for the                    upon to provide some of the staffing.        were notifying the next of kin before
members of Beaudesert and the                                                                   the first member had sat down to
community they serve. The old shoe                 In a first as far as anyone can recall       receive the direction.
box circa 1981 has gone and in its                 Pimpama opens with 36 new police
place is a 2020s model purpose built               positions. That’s an extra Senior            Your Union had two Solicitors, Shayne
station, that will not only provide the            Sergeant OIC, 4 Sergeants and 31             Maxwell and myself, ready to conduct
members with the most modern in                    Constable/Senior Constable positions.        interviews we could have conducted
policing facilities, but it is massive!                                                         4 interviews at the same time. I don’t
4 modern holding cells, a livescan,                These extra positions will make a            see how the initial response needed
breath analysis section, interview s               massive difference to policing the           to run until 2am and then 3 witnesses
and Major Incident rooms.                          Northern Gold Coast, which has               needed to return the next day.
                                                   experienced explosive growth over the
                                                   last few years. Local Branch Officials,      It is time to revisit the handling of
   “After living in each                           Ian Leavers and I campaigned hard to         these matters, I would argue with
    other’s pockets for                            make this a reality and it is great to see   the improvements to technology,
   decades, Beaudesert                             it come to fruition.                         capturing the members version
                                                                                                could be done much earlier in
  members now have a                               CRITICAL INCIDENT                            the investigative process without
  facility they deserve!”                          On Friday 25 February 2022, a                impeding the investigation.
                                                   male person entered a McDonald’s
                                                   restaurant armed with a knife.               Should further questions arise, they
                                                   What occurred next has been well             can be put to the member at a later
                                                   covered in the media, video taken by         time. There is nothing worse for a
                                                   bystanders has been widely available,        member than sitting around with their
                                                   and the matter is under investigation        thoughts, waiting for the interview.
                                                   by the Coroner. I won’t revisit the          We need to do better, I would hate
                                                   matter other than to say I am in awe of      to get to the point we are telling our
                                                   the professionalism.                         members it is in their best interest to
                                                                                                go home, and await an interview time
                                                   What I will say when the QPUE                the next day.
Police Minister Mark Ryan, South East Region Rep   advocated for the use of Body Worn
Andy Williams and Inspector Mark White at the
official opening of Beaudesert Station.            Cameras, it was not only to provide          FLOODS
                                                   cover for members with an impartial          The flood event certainly pushed us
The station is what the members                    eye witness, but also to expedite the        to our limits, the slow build up had
deserve and will accommodate and                   subsequent investigation.                    members repeatedly drenched as they
allow for the planned expansion of                                                              went about their duties, I am certain
Beaudesert. After living in each other’s           I do not want to take a shot at the          that boots weren’t dry for at least a
pockets for decades, the members now               investigators, they were certainly           week. Front line members managed to
have a facility they deserve!                      doing their best, but one questions          get to and from work and performed
                                                   why an incident occurs at 5pm and the        duty in atrocious conditions all
PIMPAMA STATION                                    first click of a micro recorder does not     weekend.
While we are on new facilities, the new            start until closer to 10:30pm.
greenfield police station at Pimpama                                                            Motivation certainly dropped when
is about to open. Usually when a                   As a comparison the local CIB had            the Commissioner sent an email
greenfield police station opens, the               compiled at least 21 statements, a 93A       which in part said non-operational

16      Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
South East Region Roundup

members can work from home. Sorry?           The focus on Online learning products       your ability and move on to the next
Our front-line members had been              squeezed between jobs, and the              only when you are satisfied that you
up against it for days, dealing with         failure to recognise that people learn      can do no more. Protect yourself and
the flash flooding, rescues and road         in different ways.                          your partner first and foremost. Let the
closures, they were probably looking                                                     Commissioner wear the risk of the lack
forward to some relief from fresh (dry)      It led the Council Assisting to focus       of resources.
boots on the ground.                         on police training in his submissions,
                                             his summary was that there was a            As always, I’m available 24-7 if it is
It was an insult to them, and further        ‘systematic failure’ by the Service to      important to you, it is important to me.
shows the front line being treated as        train our people to equip themselves
second class citizens. If members are        with the knowledge and skills to police     Andy WILLIAMS
working from home, how can they be           the ever changing legislative and           Regional Representative
deployed?                                    investigative environment, where the        South East Region
                                             need is to be ‘trauma aware’.               0404 460 773
When public transport has been shut
                                             I agree with the Commissioner that
down, front line members are likely
flooded in and schools have been             ‘if we do not do what is expected of
closed, it is highly likely that the front   us, it is, quite simply unacceptable’. I
line will be depleted, it is the time for    again draw attention to the ‘systematic
the Commissioner to direct those so-         failures’ in training police, and the
called non-operational staff to dust off     inability to properly resource the
their duty belt and report to their local    front line, hard working members
station for deployment on the front line.    in the Logan District. Unfortunately,
                                             Commissioner they are yours to own.
Who knows, they might bring some
operational ‘learnings’ back to their        What I have learnt from the inquest
substantive positions? The front line        is, what we already know. The inquest
is the reason for the existence of the       will look at that one job, they will all
organisation and deserves better!            give sympathy when you tell them
                                             about the resource limitations, they
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE                            will nod when you tell them about the
Recently I supported members in              lack of training. They will talk about
the Coronial Inquest into the murder         breaches in a manner that does not
of Doreen Langham and suicide of             reflect the reality.
Gary Hely. I heard 5 days of evidence.
During this matter the Commissioner          Whilst this inquest was occurring,
sent an email addressing this issue.         another offender was sentenced for
I agree that there were failures, and I      dangerous operation:- DV offence
will not comment further on these.           (following an victim’s car flashing
                                             headlights and sounding horn before
It is a matter for the public record that    ramming her vehicle) break and enter
the Council Assisting the Coroner            and wilful damage (breaking into the
made submissions that no member              victim’s house and smashing her TV) :-
acted with malice or ill will.               both DV offences. The result 100 hours
                                             community service…
The hearing heard evidence of the
reality in Logan. That 52% of all call       You need to protect yourself, ignore
outs and 48% of all assaults were            the resource limitations, they are an
DV related, and that Logan alone             organisational issue, Ignore judicial
deals with 10-11,000 DV occurrences          fatigue from poor sentence outcomes
annually. The Court was further told         that fail to protect the victims of
that Logan District was currently 60         domestic violence.
police officers short of what it needs
to address supply.                           This is the judiciary trying to push risk
                                             back onto you, by criticising you for
Throughout the inquest there was             taking action on minor breaches in the
scrutiny of the service’s provision of       hope that next time you wont. Do the
training in the Domestic Violence field.     one job you have, do it to the best of

                                                                               Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022     17
18   Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022

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Queensland Police Union of Employees, PO Box 13008, George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4003
Phone (07) 3259 1900           Fax (07) 3259 1950         Email
Polair Wings Spread

     Polair Wings Spread
     By Darren Curtis

     Strong advocacy from the Queensland Police Union has resulted
      in a significant upgrade and expansion of the Polair fleet with
       a new contract to include three new helicopters, drones, and
                            fixed wing aircraft.
QPU General President Ian Leavers                      ‘It’s great that we not only have the
                                                       resources but it is properly funded,
                                                                                                              for opening the purse strings to fund
                                                                                                              this new venture for Polair because it is
was a driving force for the initial                    otherwise it’s a hollow promise,’                      really important. This will enable police
establishment of helicopter resources                  Mr Leavers said. ‘For that reason I want               to ensure the safety and security of
ten years ago and he has worked hard                   to really thank Treasurer Cameron Dick                 Queenslanders.’
to convince the Government to invest
heavily in new aircraft and operational
air time, along with the purchase of                          “The Polair funding has been increased to
new surveillance drones and initiating                               $53 million dollars a year.”
drone operations in North Queensland.

Commissioner Katarina Carroll, Treasurer Cameron Dick, and QPU President Ian Leavers confirm a new deal for Polair through to 2034.

20      Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
Polair Wings Spread

                                                                                QPU President Ian Leavers worked with Tactical Flight Officer Sergeant Cameron
The Bell 429 helicopter is a preferred aircraft for police around the world.    Bourke from the Gold Coast Polair base and others to come up with a list of
NSW Police have also opted to buy three 429s.                                   requirements for the new helicopter deal.

                                                                                                             The Polair funding has been increased
                                                                                                             to $53 million dollars a year, and the
                                                                                                             lease and commercial contract to
                                                                                                             operate three new Bell 429 helicopters
                                                                                                             is part of it. The deal also includes
                                                                                                             Australia’s first Bell 429 training
                                                                                                             simulator which will initially be for

                                                                                                               “The Remote Piloted
                                                                                                                Aircraft (RPAS) will
                                                                                                               be military spec multi
                                                                                                                 rotor drones that
                                                                                                               can be packed into a
                                                                                                               vehicle and launched
                                                                                                                by a single officer.”

                                                                                                             the exclusive use of QPS pilots. The
                                                                                                             simulator will mean less in-aircraft
                                                                                                             training hours, saving operating costs
                                                                                                             and freeing up the helicopters to fly
                                                                                                             more missions. The addition of the
                                                                                                             third helicopter will cover maintenance
                                                                                                             periods ensuring at least two Polair
                                                                                                             choppers are online for duty at any

                                                                                                             The Polair base on the Gold Coast
                                                                                                             will be relocated from Carrara to
                                                                                                             Coombabah airfield where there is
                                                                                                             larger hangar space and where faster
                                                                                                             response times will be possible with
                                                                                                             the use of a runway and airspace clear
                                                                                                             of commercial flight paths.

                                                                                                             The Bell 429 helicopters will be
The Trakka tactical light beam and FLIR camera have proven to be excellent tools for Queensland Police.      delivered fully equipped with a Forward

                                                                                                    Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022              21
Polair Wings Spread

The drones coming online will have powerful optics, infra red, lighting, and air- to-ground live video connection.

Looking Infrared (FLIR) HD camera,
Trakka beam tactical search light,                       “Each drone has a flight radius of five kilometres
advanced mapping, tactical radios, and                     and can operate at a height where the rotor
software to allow a live video camera
                                                                     noise is undetectable.”
feed to disaster management control
centres and incident commanders on
the ground, along with a powerful PA                     acquired they will be used primarily in                     and detection of stolen vehicles based
system enabling voice connection with                    Townsville and Cairns, with another                         on intelligence operations.
people on the ground.                                    two based in Brisbane.
                                                                                                                     The drones can operate in airspace
‘I thank the tactical flight officers for                Each drone has a flight radius of five                      without having to restrict commercial
their support every step of the way                      kilometres and can operate at a height                      flight paths, nearby airport operations,
in bringing this excellent package                       where the rotor noise is undetectable.                      or in the case of Townsville, without
together,’ Mr Leavers said. ‘They are                    The infrared camera has the capability                      impacting on Defence air ops.
the experts in their field, and they’ve                  to lock onto ten targets at a time. (For
been able to really assist me to achieve                 example, it can identify five people                        The QPU General President Ian Leavers
this project result.’                                    and five vehicles. The operator can                         said that at this stage RPAS seems a
                                                         nominate it to track one of those                           better option than a helicopter in the
The Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPAS)                       vehicles or people and provide details                      far north.
will be military spec multi rotor drones                 for police on the ground to intercept.)
that can be packed into a vehicle and                                                                                ‘I’ve spoken with my colleagues in
launched by a single officer. So far 80                  The drones will be used to provide                          Townsville in particular and their
police have been trained and accredited                  situational awareness, linking the video                    preference is not for a police helicopter
by CASA to operate the surveillance                      to incident commanders on the ground                        because of the restrictions,’ Mr
craft anywhere in Queensland.                            for missing persons searches, disaster                      Leavers said. ‘I listen to the people on
                                                         management, overwatch at a siege,                           the ground in Townsville and Cairns
The Service is waiting on delivery of                    gathering imagery for evidence, crash                       and they have asked for this drone
the units from the supplier, and once                    investigation, intelligence gathering,                      technology.’

22      Queensland Police Union Journal March 2022
You can also read