Neural Representations for Modeling Variation in Speech

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Neural Representations for Modeling Variation in Speech
Neural Representations for Modeling Variation in Speech
                                                 Martijn Barteldsa                               Wietse de Vriesa                        Faraz Sanalb

                                                     Caitlin Richterb                           Mark Libermanb                        Martijn Wielingac
                                                     Center for Language and Cognition, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
                                                                     Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
                                                                                        Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, USA

                                              Correspondence: Martijn Bartelds, Center for Language and Cognition, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen,
                                                          Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen, The Netherlands, E-mail:

                                                                     Abstract                                While acoustic variability may be caused by techni-
                                                                                                             cal aspects such as microphone variability (Mathur
                                             Variation in speech is often quantified by com-
                                             paring phonetic transcriptions of the same                      et al., 2019), an important source of variation is
arXiv:2011.12649v3 [cs.CL] 26 Jan 2022

                                             utterance. However, manually transcribing                       the embedding of accent or dialect information in
                                             speech is time-consuming and error prone. As                    the speech signal (Hanani et al., 2013; Najafian
                                             an alternative, therefore, we investigate the                   et al., 2014). Non-native accents are frequently ob-
                                             extraction of acoustic embeddings from sev-                     served when a second language is spoken, and are
                                             eral self-supervised neural models. We use                      mainly caused by the first language background of
                                             these representations to compute word-based
                                                                                                             non-native speakers. Similarly, regional accents are
                                             pronunciation differences between non-native
                                             and native speakers of English, and between
                                                                                                             caused by the (first) dialect or regional language
                                             Norwegian dialect speakers. For comparison                      of the speaker. The accent strength of a speaker
                                             with several earlier studies, we evaluate how                   depends on the amount of transfer from their na-
                                             well these differences match human percep-                      tive language or dialect, and is generally influenced
                                             tion by comparing them with available human                     by a variety of characteristics, of which the age of
                                             judgements of similarity. We show that speech                   learning the (second) language, and the duration
                                             representations extracted from a specific type                  of exposure to the (second) language are important
                                             of neural model (i.e. Transformers) lead to a
                                                                                                             predictors (Asher and Garcı́a, 1969; Leather, 1983;
                                             better match with human perception than two
                                             earlier approaches on the basis of phonetic                     Flege, 1988; Wieling et al., 2014a).
                                             transcriptions and MFCC-based acoustic fea-                        However, accent and dialect variability are often
                                             tures. We furthermore find that features from                   overlooked in modeling languages using speech
                                             the neural models can generally best be ex-                     technology, and consequently high-resource lan-
                                             tracted from one of the middle hidden layers                    guages such as English are often treated as homo-
                                             than from the final layer. We also demon-                       geneous (Blodgett et al., 2016). Given that the
                                             strate that neural speech representations not
                                                                                                             number of non-native speakers of English is almost
                                             only capture segmental differences, but also in-
                                             tonational and durational differences that can-                 twice as large as the former group, this assumption
                                             not adequately be represented by a set of dis-                  is problematic (Viglino et al., 2019). It is there-
                                             crete symbols used in phonetic transcriptions.                  fore important to accurately model pronunciation
                                             Keywords: acoustic distance, acoustic embed-                    variation using representations of speech that al-
                                             dings, neural networks, pronunciation varia-                    low accent and dialect variability to be adequately
                                             tion, speech, transformers, unsupervised rep-                   incorporated.
                                             resentation learning.                                              Traditionally, pronunciations are often repre-
                                                                                                             sented by phonetically transcribing speech (Ner-
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                                             bonne and Heeringa, 1997; Livescu and Glass,
                                         Past work in (e.g.,) automatic speech recognition                   2000; Gooskens and Heeringa, 2004; Heeringa,
                                         has found that variability in speech signals is often               2004; Wieling et al., 2014b; Chen et al., 2016;
                                         poorly modeled, despite recent advances in speech                   Jeszenszky et al., 2017). However, accurately tran-
                                         representation learning using deep neural networks                  scribing speech using a phonetic alphabet is time
                                         (Huang et al., 2014a,b; Koenecke et al., 2020). This                consuming, labor intensive, and interference from
                                         may be particularly true for monolingual as op-                     transcriber variation might lead to inconsistencies
                                         posed to multilingual models (Żelasko et al., 2020).               (Hakkani-Tür et al., 2002; Bucholtz, 2007; Novot-
ney and Callison-Burch, 2010). Additionally, pho-      linear relationships (Schneider et al., 2019; Baevski
netic transcriptions are not entirely adequate in      et al., 2020a; Ling et al., 2020; Baevski et al.,
representing how people speak, as fine-grained pro-    2020b). Generally, neural models benefit from
nunciation differences that are relevant for study-    large amounts of labeled training data. However,
ing accented speech (or dialect variation) may not     self-supervised neural models learn representations
be fully captured with a discrete set of symbols       of speech without the need for (manually) labeled
(Mermelstein, 1976; Duckworth et al., 1990; Cuc-       training data. Therefore, these models can be
chiarini, 1996; Liberman, 2018).                       trained using even larger amounts of data. Previous
   Consequently, acoustic-only measures have been      work has shown that fine-tuning these neural mod-
proposed for comparing pronunciations (Huckvale,       els using transcribed speech resulted in representa-
2007; Ferragne and Pellegrino, 2010; Strycharczuk      tions that resembled phonetic structure, and offered
et al., 2020). Whereas these studies only consid-      significant improvements in downstream speech
ered limited segments of speech, or exclusively        recognition tasks (van den Oord et al., 2019; Kahn
included speakers from a single language back-         et al., 2020). In contrast to previous methods for
ground, Bartelds et al. (2020) introduced a new        comparing pronunciations, these self-supervised
method that did not have these limitations. Specifi-   (monolingual and multilingual) neural models are
cally, Bartelds et al. (2020) proposed an acoustic-    based on large amounts of data from a large group
only method for comparing pronunciations without       of (diverse) speakers and are therefore potentially
phonetic transcriptions, including speakers from       robust against accent variation.
multiple native language backgrounds while us-            Consequently, in this paper, we employ and eval-
ing all information available within the speech sig-   uate several of these self-supervised neural mod-
nal. In their method, they represented accented        els in order to create a fully automatic acoustic-
speech as 39-dimensional Mel-frequency cepstral        only pronunciation difference measure, which is
coefficients (MFCCs), which were used to com-          able to quantify fine-grained differences between
pute acoustic-based non-native-likeness ratings be-    accents and dialects. Specifically, we compare
tween non-native and native speakers of English.       and evaluate five self-supervised neural models,
They found a strong correlation of r = −0.71           namely wav2vec (Schneider et al., 2019, sub-
between their automatically determined acoustic-       sequently denoted by w2v), vq-wav2vec with
based non-native-likeness scores and previously        the BERT extension (Baevski et al., 2020a, sub-
obtained native-likeness ratings provided by hu-       sequently denoted by vqw2v), wav2vec 2.0
man raters (Wieling et al., 2014b). This result was    (Baevski et al., 2020b, subsequently denoted by
close to, but still not equal to, the performance      w2v2), the multilingual w2v2 model XLSR-53
of an edit distance approach on the basis of pho-      (Conneau et al., 2020, subsequently denoted by
netic transcriptions (which showed a correlation of    XLSR), and DeCoAR (Ling et al., 2020). Each
r = −0.77).                                            of these models learned speech representations by
   Bartelds et al. (2020) conducted several small-     predicting short fragments of speech (e.g., approxi-
scale experiments to investigate whether more fine-    mately 300 milliseconds on average in the case of
grained characteristics of human speech were cap-      w2v2) within spoken sentences from the training
tured as compared to the phonetic transcription-       data. These predicted fragments therefore roughly
based pronunciation difference measure. Their re-      correspond to one or more subsequent phonemes
sults showed that the acoustic-only measure cap-       (including their transitions). These neural models
tured segmental differences, intonational differ-      were selected for this study as they achieved state-
ences, and durational differences, but that the        of-the-art speech recognition results on standard
method was not invariant to characteristics of the     benchmarks such as the Wall Street Journal corpus
recording device.                                      (WSJ; Garofalo et al., 2007) and the Librispeech
                                                       corpus (Panayotov et al., 2015), while differing
   The quality of MFCC representations is known
                                                       with respect to their specific architecture.
to be dependent on the presence of noise (Zhao
and Wang, 2013). Recent work has shown that               There are several use cases in which adequately
neural network models for self-supervised rep-         quantifying pronunciation differences automati-
resentation learning are less affected by noise,       cally is important. First, the field of dialectometry
while being well-equipped to model complex non-        (see e.g., Nerbonne and Heeringa, 1997; Wieling
et al., 2011; Wieling and Nerbonne, 2015) inves-        by the neural models, we introduce a visualiza-
tigates geographical (and social) dialect variation     tion approach revealing the location of differences
on the basis of pronunciation differences between       between two compared recordings, and conduct
different dialects. While there are several dialect     several additional small-scale experiments, in line
(atlas) datasets containing phonetic transcriptions,    with those conducted by Bartelds et al. (2020).
differences in transcription practices (sometimes
even within the same dataset; Wieling et al., 2007)     2     Materials
limit the extent to which these pronunciations can
be compared. An acoustic-only method would              2.1     Datasets
solve these compatibility issues, and would allow       Our acoustic data comes from three datasets in two
datasets that do not have phonetic transcriptions       different languages. We use two datasets that con-
to be analyzed directly. Another use case is high-      tain (mostly) non-native American-English pronun-
lighted by a recent study of San et al. (2021). They    ciations, and an additional dataset with Norwegian
automatically compare pronunciations acoustically       dialect pronunciations.
to find pronunciations of a specific word from en-
dangered languages in a large set of unannotated        2.1.1    Non-native American-English
speech files. Such a system, if successful, directly    Pronunciations from non-native speakers of
impacts language maintenance and revitalisation         American-English are obtained from the Speech
activities.                                             Accent Archive (Weinberger and Kunath, 2011),
   To evaluate the quality of the pronunciation dif-    as well as the Dutch speakers dataset described in
ferences, we will use human perceptual judge-           Offrede et al. (2020). The Speech Accent Archive
ments. Previous work has shown that human lis-          covers a wide variety of language backgrounds,
teners can adequately assess and quantify differ-       while the Dutch speakers dataset is suitable for
ences between pronunciations (e.g., Preston, 1999;      evaluating our method on a set of English pronun-
Gooskens, 2005; Scharenborg, 2007). To deter-           ciations that have more fine-grained accent differ-
mine the relative performance of our methods, we        ences, as it only contains speakers with the same
compare the use of self-supervised neural mod-          native (Dutch) language background.
els to the phonetic-transcription-based approach           The Speech Accent Archive contains over 2000
of Wieling et al. (2014b), and the MFCC-based           speech samples from native and non-native speak-
acoustic-only approach of Bartelds et al. (2020).       ers of English. Each speaker reads the same 69-
More details about these methods are provided in        word paragraph that is shown in Example (1).
Section 3.2.
                                                        (1)      Please call Stella. Ask her to bring these
   To investigate the versatility and robustness of
                                                                 things with her from the store: Six spoons
the various models, we use three different datasets
                                                                 of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue
for evaluation. The first is identical to the dataset
                                                                 cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother
used by Wieling et al. (2014b) and Bartelds et al.
                                                                 Bob. We also need a small plastic snake and
(2020), and includes both acoustic recordings of na-
                                                                 a big toy frog for the kids. She can scoop
tive and non-native English speakers as well as hu-
                                                                 these things into three red bags, and we will
man native-likeness judgements to compare against.
                                                                 go meet her Wednesday at the train station.
The second is a new dataset which focuses on ac-
cented speech from a single group of (Dutch) non-       Similar to past work of Wieling et al. (2014b) and
native speakers, for which human native-likeness        Bartelds et al. (2020), we use 280 speech sam-
judgements are likewise available. As we would          ples from non-native American-English speakers
also like to evaluate the effectiveness of the neural   as our target dataset (i.e. the non-native speakers for
models for a different type of data in another lan-     whom human native-likeness ratings are available),
guage, we additionally include a dataset with Nor-      and 115 speech samples from U.S.-born L1 speak-
wegian dialect pronunciations and corresponding         ers as our reference native speaker dataset. As there
human native-likeness ratings. For reproducibility,     is much regional variability in the pronunciation
we provide our code via             of the native American-English pronunciations, we
Bartelds/neural-acoustic-distance.                      use a set of reference speakers (cf. Wieling et al.
  To understand the phonetic information captured       2014b) instead of a single reference speaker.
Among the 395 English samples from the                  Earlier work has used this dataset for compar-
Speech Accent Archive, 206 speakers are male and        ing dialect differences on the basis of the Leven-
189 speakers are female. From these speakers, 71        shtein distance (Gooskens and Heeringa, 2004) and
male and 44 female speakers belong to the native        formant-based acoustic features (Heeringa et al.,
speaker (reference) set. The average age of the         2009) to human perceptual dialect differences. We
speakers in the entire dataset is 32.6 years (σ =       included this dataset and the perceptual ratings
13.5). Non-native speakers have an average age          from Gooskens and Heeringa (2004) to specifically
of onset for learning English of 10.5 years (σ =        investigate whether the self-supervised neural mod-
6.6). The 280 non-native American-English speak-        els (even though these are, except for XLSR, based
ers have a total of 99 different native languages,      on the English language) are able to model differ-
with Spanish (N = 17), French (N = 13), and             ences for languages other than English.
Arabic (N = 12) occurring most frequently.                 The speakers in this dataset all read aloud 58
   The Dutch speakers dataset includes recordings       words from the fable ‘The North Wind and the
of native speakers of Dutch (with no other native       Sun’. The recordings were segmented in 58 sam-
languages) that all read the first two sentences of     ples corresponding to the words from the fable. For
the same elicitation paragraph used for the Speech      five dialects, one or two words were missing, as
Accent Archive. These recordings were collected         speakers were not always perfectly reading the text.
at a science event held at the Dutch music festival     Phonetic transcriptions, which we use as input for
Lowlands, where Offrede et al. (2020) investigated      the Levenshtein distance algorithm, were created
the influence of alcohol on speech production in a      by a single transcriber. The text, recordings, pho-
native and non-native language. While the effect of     netic transcriptions, and transcription conventions
alcohol on the pronunciation in the non-native lan-     are available online.1
guage (English) was limited, we nevertheless only
                                                        2.2     Human accent and dialect difference
included the speech samples of all 62 sober partici-
pants (30 male and 32 female speakers). The aver-
age age of the speakers in this dataset is 33.4 years   Human accent ratings are widely used to eval-
(σ = 10.3). The average age of onset for learning       uate accentedness in speech (Koster and Koet,
English was not obtained, but generally Dutch chil-     1993; Munro, 1995; Magen, 1998; Munro and
dren are exposed to English at an early age (i.e. the   Derwing, 2001). Similarly, human ratings have
subject is mandatory in primary schools from the        been used to determine how different dialects are
age of about 10 to 11 onwards, but children are         from each other (Gooskens and Heeringa, 2004).
usually exposed to English much earlier via mass        To evaluate our method, we report Pearson’s cor-
media).                                                 relation between the computed acoustic (or pho-
   For each speaker in this dataset, we phonetically    netic transcription-based) differences and the aver-
transcribed the pronunciations according to the         aged human accent (or dialect difference) ratings.
International Phonetic Alphabet. These phonetic         While we evaluated read as opposed to spontaneous
transcriptions were created by a single transcriber     speech, Munro and Derwing (1994) found that hu-
(matching the conventions used by Wieling et al.        man accent ratings are not different for the two
2014b), and used to obtain the transcription-based      types of speech.
pronunciation distances (i.e. for comparison with       2.2.1 Non-native American-English
the acoustic methods).
                                                        The perceptual data for the Speech Accent Archive
2.1.2   Norwegian                                       speech samples were collected by Wieling et al.
This dataset consists of 15 recordings and pho-         (2014b). Native U.S.-born speakers of English
netic transcriptions from Norwegian dialect speak-      were invited to rate the accent strength of a set
ers from 15 dialect areas (4 male and 11 female         of (at most) 50 samples through an online question-
speakers). The average age of these speakers is         naire. Accent strength ratings were given using a
30.5 years (σ = 11). Moreover, each speaker lived       7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (very foreign
in the place where their dialect was spoken until the   sounding) to 7 (native English speaking abilities).
mean age of 20 years, and all speakers estimated        While each speech sample contained the entire 69-
that their pronunciations were representative of the    word paragraph (average duration of the samples
dialect they speak.                                  
was 26.2 seconds), participants were allowed to pro-    mally dissimilar from the rater’s own dialect. The
vide their rating without having listened to the full   average duration of the speech samples was about
sample. In total, the ratings of 1,143 participants     31 seconds.
were collected (57.6% male and 42.4% female) for           On average, each group consisted of 19 listeners
a total of 286 speech samples, where each partic-       (48% male and 52% female) with a mean age of
ipant on average rated 41 speech samples (σ =           17.8 years. For the majority of their life (16.7 years,
14). The average amount of ratings per sample           on average), raters had lived in the place where
was 157 (σ = 71). The mean age of the partici-          their dialect was spoken. Only 3% of the raters
pants was 36.2 years (σ = 13.9), and they most          reported to never speak in their local dialect. About
frequently lived in California (13.2%), New York        81% of the raters reported to use their dialect often
(10.1%), and Massachusetts (5.9%). From the 286         or always. The consistency of the ratings was not
samples, six were from native American-English          reported by Gooskens and Heeringa (2004).
speakers. These were also identified as such, as
their average ratings ranged between 6.79 and 6.97      3     Methods
(0.22 ≤ σ ≤ 0.52).
                                                        3.1    Self-supervised neural models
   Human accent ratings of the second (Dutch
speakers) dataset were provided by a different          We compare and evaluate five self-supervised pre-
group of U.S.-born L1 speakers of English (Of-          trained neural models (i.e. w2v, vqw2v, w2v2,
frede et al., 2020). In this case, a questionnaire      XLSR, and DeCoAR). The self-supervised neural
was created in which participants rated the accent      models have learned representations of acoustic
strength of the speech samples on a 5-point Likert      recordings by training the models to predict up-
scale ranging from 1 (very foreign-sounding) to         coming speech frames, without using labeled data
5 (native English speaking abilities). Participants     (Schneider et al., 2019; Ling et al., 2020; Baevski
were not required to listen to the complete sample      et al., 2020a,b). An important characteristic of
(average duration: 18.7 seconds) before providing       these deep learning models is that they contain mul-
their rating. A total of 115 participants (73.0%        tiple hidden layers containing information about
male, 25.2% female, and 1.8% other) rated an av-        the underlying data. Architectures and training
erage of 17 speech samples each (σ = 9.2). On           techniques of these models have typically been in-
average, each sample received 24 ratings (σ = 6.7).     spired by successful methods in natural language
The mean age of the participating raters was 47.9       processing such as word2vec (Mikolov et al.,
years (σ = 16). The participants most often origi-      2013), ELMo (Peters et al., 2018), and BERT (De-
nated from California (13.9%), New York (10.4%),        vlin et al., 2019).
and Pennsylvania (8.7%). As the samples were               All of the evaluated acoustic models, except
shorter than for the Speech Accent Archive, a less      XLSR, were pre-trained on the large unlabeled Lib-
fine-grained rating scale was used.                     rispeech dataset, which contains 960 hours of En-
   The consistency of the ratings was assessed us-      glish speech obtained from audio books (LS960).
ing Cronbach’s alpha (Cronbach, 1951). For both         This dataset is divided into two parts, namely a
studies, the ratings were consistent, with alpha val-   part which includes clean data (460 hours), and a
ues of 0.85 and 0.92 for the Speech Accent Archive      part which includes noisy data (500 hours). Speak-
dataset and Dutch speakers dataset, respectively        ers with accents closest to American-English (rep-
(Nunnally, 1978).                                       resented by pronunciations from the Wall Street
                                                        Journal-based CSR corpus (SI-84) described by
2.2.2   Norwegian                                       Paul and Baker 1992) were included in the clean
Gooskens and Heeringa (2004) carried out a listen-      data part, while the noisy data part contained
ing experiment using the recordings of the Norwe-       accents that were more distant from American-
gian dataset. A total of 15 groups of raters (high      English (Panayotov et al., 2015). The XLSR model,
school pupils, one group per dialect area) were         instead, was trained on 56,000 hours of speech
asked to judge each speaker on a 10-point scale.        from a total of 53 languages, including European,
A score of 1 was given when the pronunciation           Asian, and African languages. Note that the major-
of the speaker was perceived to be similar to the       ity of the pre-training data for XLSR still consists
rater’s own dialect, while a score of 10 indicated      of English speech (44,000 hours).
that the pronunciation of the speaker was maxi-            In addition to the pre-trained model variants,
there are fine-tuned variants available for the w2v2   3.2.1   Phonetic transcription-based distance
and XLSR models. These models were fine-tuned                  calculation
on labeled data in a specific language to improve      The phonetic transcription-based distances are de-
their performance on speech recognition tasks.         termined on the basis of the adjusted Levenshtein
However, the process of fine-tuning might have         distance algorithm proposed by Wieling et al.
influenced the linguistic representations that are     (2012). The Levenshtein algorithm determines the
learned during pre-training. We therefore also in-     cost of changing one phonetically transcribed pro-
clude these fine-tuned model variants in our eval-     nunciation into another by counting the minimum
uation. For English, we evaluate the w2v2 model        amount of insertions, deletions, and substitutions
that has been fine-tuned on 960 hours of English       (Levenshtein, 1966). The adjustment proposed by
speech data (subsequently denoted by w2v2-en),         Wieling et al. (2012) extends the standard Leven-
and the XLSR model that was fine-tuned on 1,686        shtein distance by incorporating sensitive segment
hours of English speech data (further denoted by       differences (rather than the binary distinction of
XLSR-en). The w2v2-en model was chosen be-             same vs. different) based on pointwise mutual infor-
cause it is the largest fine-tuned English model       mation (PMI) (Church and Hanks, 1990). This data-
available, and Baevski et al. (2020b) showed that      driven method assigns lower costs to sound seg-
increasing the model size improved performance         ments that frequently occur together, while higher
on all evaluated speech recognition tasks. For Nor-    costs are assigned to pairs of segments that occur
wegian, we included the XLSR model fine-tuned          infrequently together. These sensitive sound seg-
on 12 hours of Swedish (which was the closest          ment differences are subsequently incorporated in
language available to Norwegian with a fine-tuned      the Levenshtein distance algorithm. An example
model available; further denoted by XLSR-sv).          of a PMI-based Levenshtein alignment for two pro-
   The effectiveness of these self-supervised neu-     nunciations of the word “afternoon” is shown in
ral models was originally evaluated by using the       Figure 1.
learned representations for the task of automatic
                                                           æ     @     f   t   @          n     0    n
speech recognition. However, in this study we
                                                           æ           f   t   @     r    n     u    n
assess whether or not these acoustic models also
                                                               .031                .030       .020
capture fine-grained information such as pronunci-
ation variation. As the investigated algorithms use    Figure 1: PMI-based Levenshtein alignment for two
multiple hidden layers to model the acoustic signal,   different pronunciations of the word “afternoon”. The
we also evaluate (using a development set) which       total transcription-based pronunciation distance be-
layers are most suitable for our specific task. More   tween the two pronunciations equals the sum of the
information about these and other aspects of the       costs of all edit operations (i.e. 0.081).
models can be found in Appendix A.1 and A.2.
                                                          To obtain reliable segment distances using the
                                                       PMI-based Levenshtein distance algorithm, it is
                                                       beneficial if the number of words and segments is
3.2   Existing methods
                                                       as large as possible. As the Dutch speakers dataset
                                                       is relatively small, we instead used the sensitive
For comparison with the self-supervised neural         segment differences obtained on the basis of the
models, we also report the results on the basis        (larger) Speech Accent Archive dataset (i.e. the
of two existing approaches for quantifying pro-        same as those used by Wieling et al., 2014b).
nunciation differences, namely the MFCC-based             After the Levenshtein distance algorithm (in-
approach of Bartelds et al. (2020) and the pho-        corporating sensitive sound differences) is used
netic transcription-based approach of Wieling et al.   to quantify the pronunciation difference between
(2012). Both methods are currently the best-           each word for a pair of speakers, the pronunciation
performing automatic (acoustic- or transcription-      difference between two speakers is subsequently
based) algorithms for determining pronunciation        determined by averaging all word-based pronun-
differences that match human perceptual pronunci-      ciation differences. Additionally, for the two En-
ation differences well, and are explained in more      glish datasets, the difference between the pronunci-
detail below.                                          ation of a non-native speaker and native (American-
English) speech (i.e. the non-native-likeness) is      cally, we investigated for each neural model which
computed by averaging the pronunciation differ-        layer performed best for our task, by evaluating
ence between the non-native speaker and a large        the performance (i.e. the correlation with human
set of native English speakers (the same for both      ratings) using a held-out development set (25%
datasets).                                             of the data of the Speech Accent Archive dataset,
                                                       and 50% of the data of the much smaller Dutch
3.2.2    MFCC-based acoustic distance                  speaker dataset). As layers sometimes show very
         calculation                                   similar performance, we also evaluated which lay-
For the Speech Accent Archive recordings, the          ers showed significant lower performance than the
MFCC-based differences between the individual          best-performing layer. For this, we used the mod-
non-native speakers and native English speakers        ified z-statistic of Steiger (1980) for comparing
were available from Bartelds et al. (2020). For        dependent correlations. After selecting the best-
the native Dutch speakers dataset, and the Nor-        performing layer, the performance is evaluated on
wegian dataset, we calculate these differences fol-    the remaining data (and the full dataset, if the pat-
lowing the same approach. In short, this consists      terns of the development set and the other data are
of comparing 39-dimensional MFCCs of pronun-           similar). Samples are cut into individual words
ciations of the same word (by two speakers) to         after embedding extraction using time-alignments
obtain the acoustic difference between the pronun-     from the Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner (Yuan
ciations. We use dynamic time warping to com-          and Liberman, 2008). For word pairs between a
pare the MFCCs (Giorgino, 2009). This algorithm        reference and target speaker, length normalized
is widely used to compare sequences of speech          similarity scores between the embeddings are cal-
features by computing the minimum cumulative           culated using dynamic time warping.
distance (i.e. the shortest path) through a cost ma-      Scores are averaged across all 69 words (Speech
trix that contains the Euclidean distance between      Accent Archive dataset) or 34 words (Dutch speak-
every pair of points in the feature representations.   ers dataset) to acquire a distance measurement be-
To account for durational differences between the      tween a target speaker and a reference speaker. To
pronunciations, we normalize the minimum cumu-         compute a single score of distance between a target
lative distance by the length of the feature repre-    speaker and native English speech, the distances
sentations. See Bartelds et al. (2020) for more de-    between the target speaker and all reference native
tails. Finally, the non-native-likeness is computed    speakers are averaged.
in the same way as for the Levenshtein distance           We evaluate our algorithms on both datasets by
algorithm, explained in the previous section.          calculating the Pearson correlation between the re-
                                                       sulting acoustic distances and the averaged human
4     Experimental setup                               native-likeness judgements for the target samples.
4.1     Non-native American-English                    Note, however, that the results on the basis of the
        pronunciation differences                      Speech Accent Archive are likely more robust as
                                                       this dataset contains a large amount of (longer) sam-
Following Wieling et al. (2014b) and Bartelds et al.   ples, a variety of native language backgrounds, and
(2020), we compute a measure of acoustic distance      a larger amount of ratings per sample. We visualize
from native English speech by individually com-        the complete approach in Figure 2.
paring the non-native target samples from both
datasets to the 115 native reference samples. Neu-
                                                       4.2   Norwegian pronunciation differences
ral representations of all samples are acquired by
using the full samples as input to the neural mod-     For the Norwegian dataset, we measure acoustic
els. The final output of these neural models should    distances by computing neural representations for
correspond with the original input (including all      the segmented word samples similar to the ap-
frames), and will therefore not contain any new        proach used for the non-native American-English
information. Because of this, we use the feature       samples. The selection of the best-performing layer
representations of hidden layers (discussed in Sec-    for the neural methods was determined again using
tion 3.1) as acoustic embeddings. These representa-    a validation set, containing a random sample of
tions are extracted by doing a forward pass through    50% of the data. Word-based neural representa-
the model up to the target hidden layer. Specifi-      tions of the same word are compared using dy-
Figure 2: Visualization of the acoustic distance measure where features are extracted using several acoustic-only
methods. The output layer of the models is selected in a validation step. After feature extraction, the samples
are sliced into individual words, which are subsequently compared using dynamic time warping. The word-based
acoustic distances are then averaged and compared to human perception.

namic time warping to obtain similarity scores,           U.S. (Boberg, 2010). Third, as the gender distri-
which are length normalized. These are subse-             bution between the native and non-native speakers
quently averaged to obtain a single distance mea-         differed for our reference speaker set compared to
sure between two dialects (i.e. two speakers).            the set of non-native speakers, we investigate the
   We evaluate our algorithms on the Norwegian            influence of gender by restricting the reference set
dialects dataset by computing the Pearson correla-        to a single gender.
tion between the acoustic distances and perception           Finally, while the correlations are determined on
scores provided by the dialect speakers, and com-         the basis of an average over 69 words, we are also
pare this value to the correlation obtained by using      interested in the performance when only individual
phonetic transcription-based distances and MFCC-          words are selected. This analysis may reveal which
based distances instead of the self-supervised neu-       words are particularly informative when determin-
ral acoustic-only distances. As Gooskens and              ing non-native-likeness.
Heeringa (2004) found that dialect distances with
respect to themselves erroneously increased the cor-      4.4   Understanding representations
relation with the perceptual distances, we excluded       To obtain a better understanding of the acous-
these distances from our analysis.                        tic properties to which our final best-performing
                                                          neural acoustic distance measure is sensitive, we
4.3   Influence of sample                                 conduct several additional experiments using the
To obtain a better understanding of the influence of      Speech Accent Archive recordings. We first evalu-
our reference sample, and the specific set of words       ate how well the models are able to capture varia-
on our results, we conduct several additional exper-      tion in specific groups of non-native speakers. By
iments on the (larger) Speech Accent Archive non-         restricting the background (i.e. the native language)
native English dataset using our best-performing          and thereby creating a more homogeneous sam-
model.                                                    ple (similar to the Dutch speakers dataset), human
   First, we investigate the effect of choosing a         accent ratings may lie closer together. Strong cor-
single reference speaker, as opposed to using the         relations between human perception and acoustic
reference set of all 115 speakers. Second, we fur-        distances when the range of scores is large (as in the
ther examine the effect of speaker backgrounds            full dataset), may not necessarily also imply strong
on the correlation with human perception, by re-          correlations when there is less variation. Conse-
stricting the set of reference native speakers to         quently, this experiment, together with the analysis
speakers from the western half of the U.S. and            of the Dutch speakers data, investigates whether or
the English-speaking part of Canada. We opt for           not our models also model human perception at a
this set, as these areas are characterized by less        more fine-grained level.
dialect variation compared to the eastern half of the        In addition, to understand whether the acoustic
distances comprise (linguistically relevant) aspects
of pronunciation different from pronunciation dis-

                                                           distance per frame
tances computed using MFCCs or phonetic tran-                                   10
scriptions, we fit multiple linear regression mod-                                  9
els. In those models, human accent ratings are pre-
dicted based on the acoustic distances of our best-                                 8
performing self-supervised neural model, MFCC-                                      7
based acoustic distances (Bartelds et al., 2020), and
phonetic transcription-based differences (Wieling                                       0     200   400 600       800   1000
et al., 2014b). We evaluate the contribution of each                                                  time (ms)
predictor to the model fit, and assess the model’s
                                                               Figure 3: Visualization of neural acoustic distances
explained variance to determine whether distinctive            per frame (based on w2v2) with the pronunciation of
aspects of pronunciation are captured.                         /hy:d/ on the x-axis and distances to the pronunciation
   Finally, Bartelds et al. (2020) found that acoustic         of /ho:d/ on the y-axis. The horizontal line represents
distances computed by using MFCCs not only cap-                the global distance value (i.e. the average of all indi-
tured segmental differences, but also intonational             vidual frames). The blue continuous line represents
and durational differences between acoustically al-            the moving average distance based on 9 frames, cor-
tered pronunciations of the same word. To assess               responding to 180ms. As a result of the moving aver-
                                                               age, the blue line does not cover the entire duration of
whether this information is captured by our best-
                                                               the sample. Larger bullet sizes indicate that multiple
performing neural method as well, we replicate the             frames in /ho:d/ are aligned to a single frame in /hy:d/.
experiment of Bartelds et al. (2020). Specifically,
we compute acoustic distances between four series
of recordings of the word “living” (ten repetitions
per series) and compare the acoustic distances to              pronunciation of a Dutch speaker pronouncing the
those computed using MFCCs. The first two series               two non-words /hy:d/ vs. /ho:d/. This example illus-
of recordings were unmodified but recorded with a              trates the relative influence of different phonemes
different recording device (the built-in microphone            on the acoustic distance within a word. The dif-
of a laptop, versus the built-in microphone of a               ference between the two pronunciations is lowest
smartphone). The third and fourth series were ma-              in the beginning of the word (/h/), whereas it is
nipulated by changing the intonation (“living?”)               highest in the middle part (comparing [y:] and [o:]).
and relative duration of the first syllable (“li:ving”),       The difference at the end (i.e. /d/) is higher than
respectively. To illustrate the results of this ex-            at the beginning (for /h/), which may reflect perse-
periment, we have developed a visualization tool,              verative coarticulation, despite the transcriptions
which is discussed below and may help understand               being identical. An online demo of this visualiza-
whether or not our best-performing (black box) neu-            tion tool can be used to generate similar figures for
ral method is able to distinguish aspects of speech            any pair of recorded pronunciations.2
that are linguistically relevant from those that are
not.                                                            5                   Results
4.4.1   Visualization tool
For this study, we have developed a tool that visu-            We first report on the performance of the non-native
alizes the dynamic time warping alignments and                 American-English speakers from the Speech Ac-
the corresponding alignment costs to highlight                 cent Archive and Dutch speakers dataset. Subse-
where in the acoustic signal the differences be-               quently, we present the results on the Norwegian
tween two pronunciations of the same word is most              dataset to show how the self-supervised models per-
pronounced. As such, this tool may be helpful                  form on a language different from English. Finally,
for interpreting the acoustic distances returned by            we discuss the phonetic information encoded in
our models, for example by highlighting that the               the pre-trained representations using visualizations
acoustic differences between two pronunciations                of the acoustic distances, and report on the results
are most divergent at the end (or start) of a word.            from our additional experiments.
An illustration of the output (and interpretation) of
this tool is shown in Figure 3, which compares the                        
5.1    Non-native American-English                                    For the neural models, the numbers between
       pronunciation differences                                   parentheses show the best-performing layer (on
                                                                   the basis of the performance on the validation set).
Table 1 shows the correlations between the non-
                                                                   As an example of how individual layers may show
native-likeness scores and the average human
                                                                   a different performance, Figure 4 shows the per-
native-likeness ratings for both datasets. The
                                                                   formance for each layer for the best-performing
modified z-statistic of Steiger (1980) shows that
                                                                   w2v2-en model applied to the Speech Accent
the w2v2-en model significantly outperforms all
                                                                   Archive dataset. It is clear that rather than selecting
other models (including the Levenshtein distance
                                                                   the final layer, the performance of an intermediate
approach, which was already reported to match hu-
                                                                   layer (10) is highest (and not significantly different
man perception well; Wieling et al., 2014b) when
                                                                   from the performance of layers 8 to 11). Further-
applied to the Speech Accent Archive dataset (all
                                                                   more, there is a close match between the observed
z’s > 3, all p’s < 0.001). Similarly, for the Dutch
                                                                   pattern for both the validation set and the test set.
speakers dataset, the w2v2-en is also the best-
                                                                   Appendix A.2 shows these graphs for all neural
performing model. In this case, it significantly
                                                                   models and datasets.
improved over w2v, vqw2v, DeCoAR, XLSR, and
MFCC (all z’s > 3, all p’s < 0.001), but not over                               1.0
the other approaches (p > 0.05).                                                0.8
                                                                  correlation   0.6
   Model                                   SAA       DSD
   w2v (7, 5)                              -0.69     -0.25
                                                                                                             25% validation set
   vqw2v (11, 10)                          -0.78     -0.67                      0.2                          75% test set
   w2v2 (17, 12)                           -0.85     -0.70                      0.0                          all samples
   XLSR3 (16, 16)                          -0.81     -0.47
   DeCoAR (2, 4)                           -0.62     -0.40                            0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
   w2v2-en (10, 9)                         -0.87     -0.71
   XLSR-en3 (8, 9)                         -0.81     -0.63         Figure 4: Pearson correlation coefficients of acoustic
                                                                   distances compared to human accent ratings for differ-
   LD (Wieling et al., 2014b)              -0.77     -0.70         ent Transformer layers in the w2v2-en model. The
   MFCC (Bartelds et al., 2020)            -0.71     -0.34         vertical line marks the layer that was chosen as the best-
                                                                   performing layer based on the 25% validation set of the
Table 1: Pearson correlation coefficients r between                Speech Accent Archive dataset. Layers with a correla-
acoustic-only or phonetic transcription-based distances            tion that is not significantly different (p > 0.05) from
and human native-likeness ratings, using w2v, vqw2v,               the optimal layer are indicated by the thick red line.
w2v2, XLSR, w2v2-en, XLSR-en, DeCoAR, the
PMI-based Levenshtein distance (LD), and MFCCs
to compute distances on the Speech Accent Archive
                                                                   5.2           Norwegian pronunciation differences
(SAA) dataset and native Dutch speakers dataset
(DSD). All correlations are significant at the p < 0.001           Table 2 shows the results for the Norwegian di-
level. The values between parentheses show the se-                 alects dataset. In this experiment, we only include
lected layers of the neural models on the basis of                 neural representations from the best-performing
the 25% validation set for the Speech Accent Archive               fine-tuned monolingual English and multilingual
dataset and the 50% validation set for the Dutch speak-
                                                                   model in the previous section (i.e. w2v2-en and
ers dataset, respectively.
                                                                   XLSR-sv as Swedish is more similar to Norwe-
                                                                   gian than English). Unfortunately, there is no
      We also computed correlation coefficients using the most
                                                                   monolingual Norwegian model available. In this
recent XLS-R model (Babu et al., 2021), which is pre-trained       case, the performance of the PMI-based Leven-
on 436,000 hours of speech in 128 languages. To directly           shtein distance is substantially (and significantly:
compare the results to XLSR and XLSR-en, we used the
pre-trained model with the same number of parameters and           all z’s > 3, all p’s < 0.001) higher than both of
fine-tuned this model on English labeled data available in the     the neural methods (which did not differ from each
Common Voice dataset. However, the results of these newer          other in terms of performance, but were improve
models are not significantly better (p > 0.05) from the results
obtained using XLSR and XLSR-en. We therefore report               over the MFCC approach; z > 3, p < 0.001).
those latter results.                                              Note that the correlations are positive, as higher
perceptual ratings reflected more different dialects.           −0.87 (p < 0.001) and r = −0.87 (p < 0.001),
       Model                                 Mean r                Finally, we calculated the correlation with hu-
       w2v2-en (3)                               0.49           man perception using w2v2-en when instead
       XLSR-sv4 (7)                              0.49           of the full 69-word paragraph individual words
                                                                were selected. These correlations ranged from
       LD (Wieling et al., 2014b)                0.66           r = −0.50 for the word “She” to r = −0.78 for
       MFCC (Bartelds et al., 2020)              0.22           the word “Stella”. The average correlation was
                                                                r = −0.67 (p < 0.001, σ = 0.06). While the
Table 2: Pearson correlation coefficients r between             results on the basis of the full dataset show a higher
acoustic-only or phonetic transcription-based distances
                                                                correlation with human perception, it is noteworthy
and human native-likeness ratings, using w2v2-en,
XLSR-sv, the PMI-based Levenshtein distance (LD),               that some individual words also appear to correlate
and MFCCs for computing pronunciation distances for             strongly with perception.
the Norwegian dialect dataset. All correlations are sig-
nificant at the p < 0.001 level. The values between             5.4   Understanding representations
parentheses show the selected layers of the neural mod-
els on the basis of the 50% validation set.                     To assess whether our best-performing model can
                                                                also identify more fine-grained differences, we eval-
                                                                uate the model against several subsets of data con-
5.3    Influence of sample                                      sisting of non-native speakers from the same na-
In this section, we report on the influence of the              tive language background. The spread in native-
specific sample of reference speakers and the in-               likeness ratings, as well as the correlations for the
cluded words across which we averaged. Table 3                  groups with the largest number of speakers are
reveals the influence of our specific sample of refer-          shown in Figure 5. Except for the native speak-
ence speakers by showing the averaged correlation               ers of German (with a relatively restricted range in
coefficients (and the associated standard deviation)            native-likeness ratings), we observe strong correla-
for the various methods applied to the Speech Ac-               tions for all groups of speakers.
cent Archive dataset. Instead of using the full set of             The low correlation for German speakers sug-
115 native speakers as reference set, in this analysis          gests that a restricted range of native-likeness rat-
each individual native speaker was used once as                 ings may negatively affect the correlation with hu-
the single reference speaker. Particularly of note              man perceptual ratings. However, subsequent ex-
is that only w2v2, XLSR and their fine-tuned vari-              periments using w2v2-en (not shown) revealed
ants, as well as the PMI-based Levenshtein distance             that the correlation when only including speakers
appear to be minimally influenced by individual                 who received average native-likeness ratings be-
reference speaker differences (i.e. reflected by the            tween (e.g.,) 5 and 6 was not lower than when
low standard deviations). Specifically, w2v2 and                increasing the range to include all speakers who
w2v2-en yield the lowest standard deviations as                 received average native-likeness ratings between
well as the highest correlation ranges for individual           (e.g.,) 3 and 6.
reference speakers.                                                To identify whether the acoustic distances com-
   Additionally, we computed the correlation                    puted using w2v2-en capture additional pronun-
coefficient using our best-performing model                     ciation characteristics compared to acoustic dis-
(i.e. w2v2-en) based solely on including refer-                 tances based on MFCCs or phonetic transcription-
ence native speakers from the western half of the               based distances, we fitted a multiple regression
U.S. and the English-speaking part of Canada. The               model predicting the human native-likeness ratings
resulting correlation of r = −0.87 (p < 0.001)                  of the Speech Accent Archive dataset. Table 4
was identical to the correlation when including all             shows the estimated coefficients (for standardized
reference speakers. The results were also simi-                 predictors), and summarizes the fit of the regres-
lar when the reference speaker set was restricted               sion model. Acoustic distances computed using
to only men or women, with correlations of r =                  w2v2-en and phonetic transcription-based dis-
                                                                tances calculated by the PMI-based Levenshtein
     When using XLS-R fine-tuned on Swedish labeled data
from the Common Voice dataset, the correlation coefficient is   distance both contribute significantly to the model
not significantly different (p > 0.05) from XLSR-sv.            fit (p < 0.05), whereas this is not the case for
Model                                      Mean r   Std. Dev.           Range
                                               w2v (7)                                     -0.57        0.11    [-0.14, -0.73]
                                               vqw2v (11)                                  -0.69        0.08    [-0.16, -0.79]
                                               w2v2 (17)                                   -0.83        0.02    [-0.73, -0.86]
                                               XLSR (16)                                   -0.76        0.05    [-0.47, -0.83]
                                               DeCoAR (2)                                  -0.49        0.08    [-0.22, -0.67]
                                               w2v2-en (10)                                -0.86        0.01    [-0.79, -0.88]
                                               XLSR-en (8)                                 -0.78        0.04    [-0.53, -0.83]
                                               LD (Wieling et al., 2014b)                  -0.74        0.04    [-0.52, -0.79]
                                               MFCC (Bartelds et al., 2020)                -0.45        0.10    [-0.20, -0.69]

Table 3: Averaged Pearson correlation coefficients r, with standard deviations and correlation ranges, between
acoustic-only or phonetic transcription-based distances and human native-likeness ratings applied to the Speech
Accent Archive dataset, using w2v, vqw2v, w2v2 (pre-trained and fine-tuned), XLSR (pre-trained and fine-tuned),
DeCoAR, the PMI-based Levenshtein distance (LD), and MFCCs to compute distances when individual U.S.-born
native American-English speakers were treated as the single reference speaker. All correlation coefficients are
significant at the p < 0.001 level. The values between parentheses show the selected layer of the neural models on
the basis of the validation set.

                                r = -0.90 r = -0.94   r = -0.86   r = -0.54   r = -0.91
                            8                                                                provide some (limited) additional information over
Perceived native-likeness

                                                                                             the self-supervised neural models.
                                                                                               Table 5 shows how acoustic distances on the
                                                                                            basis of the MFCC approach and the w2v2-en
                            2                                                               model are affected by intonation and timing differ-
                                                                                            ences, as well as by recording device. For each con-
                                                                                            dition, ten repetitions were recorded. The record-
                                  Spanish    French      Arabic     German Portuguese       ings are the same as those used by Bartelds et al.
                                   (17)       (13)        (12)        (9)      (9)          (2020). To enable a better comparison, however,
                                                                                            all obtained distances are scaled between 0 and
Figure 5: Violin plots visualizing the spread in native-                                    1. It is clear that the averaged distances from the
likeness ratings for speakers of different native lan-                                      repetitions of the same word (which may have
guages. The number of speakers is indicated between                                         differed slightly) are somewhat smaller for the
parentheses below the language. The correlation for                                         w2v2-en model than for the MFCC approach.
each group is indicated above each violin plot.                                             Importantly, whereas the MFCC approach does
                                                                                            not cope well with a different recording device,
                                                                                            the w2v2-en model appears to be much more ro-
the MFCC-based distances. The contribution of                                               bust (i.e. resulting in values closer to those for the
w2v2-en is strongest as is clear from the standard-                                         normal pronunciation). Interestingly, whereas the
ized estimates. Overall, this model accounts for                                            MFCC approach appears to find larger differences
77% of the variation in the human native-likeness                                           between recordings differing in intonation com-
assessments. A model fitted exclusively on the ba-                                          pared to those with a lengthened first syllable, this
sis of the phonetic transcription-based distances                                           is opposite for the w2v2-en model. Both meth-
explains 60% of the variation in the human native-                                          ods, however, appear to be sensitive to differences
likeness ratings. Given that a model fitted exclu-                                          regarding these aspects.
sively on the basis of the w2v2-en-based dis-                                                  For illustration, Figure 6 visualizes a compari-
tances explains 76% of the variation in the human                                            son between a single normal pronunciation of “liv-
native-likeness ratings, these self-supervised neu-                                          ing” and four other pronunciations. Specifically,
ral models capture information that is not captured                                          Figure 6a shows a comparison with another nor-
by phonetic transcriptions. Nevertheless, the ab-                                            mal pronunciation. Figure 6b shows a comparison
stractions provided by phonetic transcriptions do                                            with the same pronunciation, but using a different
Estimate (in z)     Std. Error     t-value    p-value
           (Intercept)                                   2.98           0.03      86.56   < 0.001
           LD (Wieling et al., 2014b)                   -0.15           0.06      -2.35    < 0.05
           MFCC (Bartelds et al., 2020)                  0.08           0.06       1.33      0.18
           w2v2-en                                      -0.98           0.08     -11.75   < 0.001

Table 4: Coefficients of a multiple regression model (R2 = 0.77) predicting human native-likeness judgements on
the basis of phonetic transcription-based distances computed with the PMI-based Levenshtein distance (LD), and
acoustic-only distances based on MFCCs and w2v2-en.

                                                                       w2v2-en            MFCC
              Normal pronunciation                                    0.18 (0.10)    0.23 (0.13)
              Normal pronunciation (different recording device)       0.29 (0.08)    0.88 (0.04)
              Rising intonation                                       0.61 (0.07)    0.92 (0.03)
              Lengthened first syllable                               0.91 (0.05)    0.80 (0.03)

Table 5: Normalized averaged acoustic distances of four variants of the word “living” (each repeated ten times)
compared to the normal pronunciation of “living”, computed using w2v2-en and MFCCs. Standard deviations
are shown between parentheses.

recording device. Figure 6c shows a comparison           of native-likeness or perceived dialect distance.
with a rising intonation pronunciation. Finally, Fig-    Our experiments showed that acoustic distances
ure 6d shows a comparison with a lengthened first        computed with Transformer-based models, such
syllable pronunciation. In line with Table 5, the        as w2v2-en, closely match the averaged human
values on the y-axis show that the distance between      native-likeness ratings for the English datasets, and
the two normal pronunciations is smaller than when       that performance greatly depended on the choice
using a different recording device. Note that these      of layer. This finding not only demonstrates that
distances were not normalized, as they simply com-       these layers contain useful abstractions and gener-
pare two recordings. Both distances, however, are        alizations of acoustic information, but also shows
smaller than comparing against rising intonation         that the final layers represent information that is
(revealing a curvilinear pattern) and a lengthened       tailored to the target objective (which was speech
first syllable (showing the largest difference at the    recognition instead of our present goal of quantify-
beginning of the word; the lengthening is clear          ing acoustic differences). This result is in line with
from the larger circle denoting an alignment with        findings in the field of natural language process-
similar samples differing in duration).                  ing when using Transformer-based methods with
                                                         textual data (Tenney et al., 2019; de Vries et al.,
6   Discussion and conclusion                            2020). Furthermore, the w2v2 and XLSR models
                                                         appeared to be robust against the choice of refer-
In this study, we investigated how several self-         ence speaker(s) to compare against. Even choosing
supervised neural models may be used to auto-            a single reference speaker resulted in correlations
matically quantify pronunciation variation with-         that were not substantially different from those that
out needing to use phonetic transcription-based          used the full set. Interestingly, correlations on the
approaches. We used neural representations to cal-       basis of some words were not much lower than
culate word-based pronunciation differences for          those on the basis of the full set of words, suggest-
English accents and Norwegian dialects, and com-         ing that a smaller number of words may already
pared the results to human perceptual judgements.        yield an adequate assessment of native-likeness.
While these ratings were provided on relatively
crude (5 to 10-point) scales, and individual raters’        Our newly-developed visualization tool helped
biases or strategies may have affected their rat-        us to understand these ‘black box’ models, as the vi-
ings, averaging across a large number of raters          sualization showed where the differences between
for each sample likely yields an adequate estimate       two pronunciations were largest (i.e. the locus of
distance per frame   6.5                                                                        10

                                                                           distance per frame
                     6.0                                                                             9
                     5.5                                                                             8
                     5.0                                                                             7
                     4.5                                                                             6
                     4.0                                                                             5
                             0   100      200      300 400     500   600                                  0   100     200      300 400         500   600
                                                time (ms)                                                                   time (ms)
                                 (a) Normal pronunciation                                                     (b) Different recording device

                        14                                                                           20
   distance per frame

                                                                                distance per frame
                        12                                                                           16
                        10                                                                           12
                             0   100       200      300 400    500   600                                  0    100     200 300 400             500   600
                                                 time (ms)                                                                time (ms)
                                       (c) Rising intonation                                                  (d) Lengthened first syllable

  Figure 6: Visualization of neural acoustic distances per frame (based on w2v2-en) comparing each of the four
  variants of “living” to the same normal pronunciation. The horizontal line represents the global distance value
  (i.e. the average of all individual frames). The blue continuous line represents the moving average distance based
  on 9 frames, corresponding to 180ms. As a result of the moving average, the blue line does not cover the entire
  duration of the sample. Larger bullet sizes indicate that multiple frames in the reference normal pronunciation
  are aligned to a single frame in the variant of “living” listed on the x-axis. Note the different scales of the y-axis,
  reflecting larger differences for the bottom two graphs compared to the top two graphs. See the text for further

  the effect). This type of tool could potentially be                             hard to capture by a set of discrete symbols used in
  used to provide visual feedback to learners of a                                phonetic transcriptions. Importantly, in contrast to
  second language or people with a speech disorder.                               a previous relatively successful acoustic approach
  However, the actual effectiveness of such an ap-                                (Bartelds et al., 2020), our present neural acoustic
  proach would need to be investigated.                                           approach is relatively unaffected by non-linguistic
     Our results seem to indicate that phonetic tran-                             variation (i.e. caused by using a different recording
  scriptions are no longer essential when the goal is                             device). Nevertheless, further detailed research is
  to use these to quantify how different non-native                               needed to obtain a better view of what phonetic
  speech is from native speech, and an appropriate                                information is (not) captured by these models.
  Transformer-based model is available. This sug-                                    In contrast to the performance on the English
  gests that a time-consuming and labor intensive                                 datasets, we found that Transformer-based neural
  process can be omitted in this case. While our                                  representations performed worse when applied to
  regression model showed that phonetic transcrip-                                the Norwegian dialects dataset. However, pronun-
  tions did offer additional information not present in                           ciations of the Norwegian dialects dataset were rep-
  our neural acoustic-only approach, this information                             resented by a model which was trained exclusively
  gain was very limited (an increase in R2 of only one                            or dominantly on English speech. Unfortunately,
  percent). We furthermore showed that our neural                                 Norwegian was not among the pre-training lan-
  method captures aspects of pronunciations (such as                              guages included in the multilingual (XLSR) model,
  subtle durational or intonation differences) that are                           nor available for fine-tuning. We expect to see im-
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