Automatic Generation of German Drama Texts Using Fine Tuned GPT-2 Models

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Automatic Generation of German Drama Texts Using Fine Tuned GPT-2 Models
Automatic Generation of German Drama Texts
                                                                  Using Fine Tuned GPT-2 Models

                                     Mariam Bangura, Kristina Barabashova, Anna Karnysheva, Sarah Semczuk, Yifan Wang
                                                                  Universität des Saarlandes
                                {maba00008, krba00001, anka00001, s8sasemc, yiwa00003}
                                                 7009604, 7023878, 7010958, 2573377, 7023035

                                                               Abstract                           drama generation. The approaches considered in
                                             This study is devoted to the automatic gen-
                                                                                                  our study are mentioned in Section 2.
                                             eration of German drama texts. We suggest               Nowadays, some of the most advanced methods
                                             an approach consisting of two key steps: fine-       for text generation comprise transformer decoder or
arXiv:2301.03119v2 [cs.CL] 10 Jan 2023

                                             tuning a GPT-2 model (the outline model) to          encoder-decoder architecture pre-trained on large-
                                             generate outlines of scenes based on keywords        scale unsupervised texts. In previous study refer-
                                             and fine-tuning a second model (the generation       ring to drama generation, GPT-2 is applied (Rosa
                                             model) to generate scenes from the scene out-        et al., 2021). In the current study, we propose an
                                             line. The input for the neural model comprises
                                                                                                  approach to the generation of drama texts in Ger-
                                             two datasets: the German Drama Corpus (Ger-
                                             DraCor) and German Text Archive (Deutsches           man, based on the production of outlines (Fan et al.,
                                             Textarchiv or DTA). In order to estimate the ef-     2018; Yao et al., 2018), and compare it with two
                                             fectiveness of the proposed method, our mod-         baseline GPT-2 models. The detailed information
                                             els are compared with baseline GPT-2 models.         about these models and their comparison can be
                                             Our models perform well according to auto-           found in Section 4. The datasets, used as training
                                             matic quantitative evaluation, but, conversely,      materials for the system, are described in Section
                                             manual qualitative analysis reveals a poor qual-
                                             ity of generated texts. This may be due to the
                                             quality of the dataset or training inputs.              In order to analyze the performance of story gen-
                                                                                                  eration models, various evaluation metrics can be
                                         1   Introduction                                         involved (Alabdulkarim et al., 2021). For the mod-
                                         Text generation is a subarea of natural language pro-    els represented in the current study, we propose
                                         cessing (NLP), appearing in the 1970s (Goldman,          automatic quantitative evaluation along with man-
                                         1974). Its main purpose is the automatic genera-         ual qualitative analysis, described in Section 5. The
                                         tion of natural language texts, which can satisfy        main challenges and limitation referring to the pro-
                                         particular communicative requirements (Liu and           posed approach and ideas for further improvement
                                         Özsu, 2009). Text generation can be a constituent        of drama generation are discussed in Section 6.
                                         of AI-based tools related to machine translation, di-
                                                                                                  2   Related Work
                                         alogue systems, etc. Computational generation of
                                         stories is specifically challenging task, as it refers   Automatic text generation has long been a task
                                         to the problem of selecting a sequence of events or      of research interests, and various approaches have
                                         actions that meet a set of criteria and can be told as   been proposed to improve the quality of generated
                                         a story (Alhussain and Azmi, 2021). Many studies         outputs. Among all genres, story generation sees
                                         focus on automatic story generation (Cheong and          the most innovation and progress. Before the era of
                                         Young, 2014), however, a limited number of them          deep learning, some structural and planning-based
                                         emphasize drama generation (Rosa et al., 2020).          models have been applied to perform story gener-
                                            Dramatic texts differ from other genres by hav-       ation. The prevalence of RNN (Rumelhart et al.,
                                         ing dialogues of acting characters, authorial notes,     1986) and LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber,
                                         scenes, and other specific elements, usually written     1997) motivated researches to introduce deep learn-
                                         for the purpose of being performed on stage (Leth-       ing to the field of text generation, which results
                                         bridge and Mildorf, 2004). Therefore, the methods        in higher model capacity and better performance.
                                         described in research devoted to generation of nar-      Leveraging language models with more complex
                                         ratives or poetry is not always applicable for the       architecture and pre-trained on large scale datasets
further improved the generation quality by a con-         dramas used from GerDraCor. In the corpus, speak-
siderable margin. (Alabdulkarim et al., 2021)             ers, stages and sets1 , scenes and acts are annotated.
   In addition to the increasing complexity of            There is also metadata available for the whole cor-
model architecture, researchers are also committed        pus and containing information about number of
to proposing innovative generation schemes. Peng          speakers and their sex, number of acts and words,
et al. attempted to steer generation by adding con-       etc.
trol factors. They extracted control factors from ex-        DTA, hosted by the CLARIN service center at
isting corpora and trained a model conditioned on         the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and
them, so that users can control the generation pro-       Humanities, is the largest single corpus of his-
cess by selecting different control factors. Fan et al.   torical New High German that contains around
(2018, 2019) explored the possibility of a hierarchi-     1500 cross-genre texts from the early 16th to the
cal story generation process, where an intermediate       early 20th century. 92 drama texts with an ortho-
stage expands the given prompt and simplifies the         graphic normalization of historical spelling were
following generation process by conditioning it on        extracted from the corpus. One of them was ex-
expanded prompts. Similarly, Wang et al. (2020)           cluded, as it was a poem. All historical spellings
also applied a two-stage story generation scheme,         are adopted true to the original, i.e., they are not
where the system additional generates a story out-        implicitly modernized. However, modern or oth-
line as a guideline for the second stage. It is shown     erwise normalized equivalents of historical writ-
that the hierarchical generation scheme effectively       ings may be noted with the tags  (histori-
enhances the consistency and coherency of outputs.        cal spelling) and  (modernized/normalized
   Despite the similarities with story generation,        spelling) (Deutsches Textarchiv, 2022).
drama generation faces some extra challenges.                The standard GerDraCor format and DTA basic
Firstly, a drama play is usually longer than the          format (DTABf), which were used in this work,
upper limit of pre-trained language models, thus an       follow the P5 guidelines of the Text Encoding Ini-
iterative generative process is necessary. Secondly,      tiative (TEI), which are specified for the annotation
the lack of prompt-output data makes it impossible        of historical printed works in a corpus (Deutsches
to adopt the same approaches as in story generation,      Textarchiv, 2022; Fischer et al., 2019). The TEI
and the model must learn to generate plays from           Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and In-
nothing. The inherent difficulty of drama genera-         terchange determines and document markup lan-
tion task discourages researches in this field. To our    guages for the representation of the structural and
best knowledge, the only drama generation model           conceptual text features. They refer to a modu-
is THEaiTRE project (Rosa et al., 2020, 2021). The        lar, extensible XML schema, consisting of a set
system leverages a GPT-2 model to generate each           of markers (or tags) and accompanied by detailed
scene step by step conditioned on both local and          documentation, and they are published under an
remote contexts. However, the generative model is         open-source license2 .
not fine-tuned on any drama texts, and the genera-           The following sections describe how dramas
tion process requires intensive human interference,       from aforementioned sources were parsed and pre-
which compromise usability of the model and is            processed in Python.
not suitable for amateur users.
                                                          3.2    Drama Parsing
3     Drama Preprocessing                                 Parsing of dramas in XML format was performed
3.1    Corpora                                            with XMLHandler class inheriting from Con-
                                                          tentHandler class from “xml.sax” module. This
The input for the neural model were dramas from           class reads xml-tags and operates with their param-
the German Drama Corpus (GerDraCor) developed             eters and/or content between starting and closing
by the Drama Corpora Project (DraCor) (Fischer            tags. The class contains methods that were over-
et al., 2019) and German Text Archive (Deutsches          written in order to suit the task of parsing dramas
Textarchiv or DTA) (Deutsches Textarchiv, 2022).          from both GerDraCor and DTA (Table 1).
   GerDraCor consists of 591 German dramas, with
the earliest written in the 1640s and the latest in the         Stages and sets are texts describing the setting (decora-
                                                          tions, position of characters) or commenting on characters’
1940s. 46 dramas appeared to be the same with the         actions and manner of speech.
ones in DTA and were removed, resulting in 545        
Method         Parameters                                              Functionality
 __init__       output: the empty dictionary that is filled with the    - initializes instant variables used for the XML tags
                data from processed XML file                            and processed text
                                                                        - assigns the empty “output” dictionary to the in-
                                                                        stance variable
 startElement   xml_tag: the start xml-tag (of the  form) which    - stores xml-tag and its attributes in instance variables
                is passed to the method from the file
                attrs: attributes of the tag
 endElement     xml_tag: the end xml-tag (of the  form) which     - stores the text processed between start and end tags
                is passed to the method from the file                   into a specific instance variable
 characters     content: the text between start and end xml-tags        - processes the text by skipping empty lines, tokeniz-
                                                                        ing text into words at spaces
                                                                        - normalizes words spelling if needed (in GerDraCor
                                                                        - stores processed words by adding them into a list

                                        Table 1: XMLHandler Class Structure

   The tag passed to “startElement” and “endEle-                Eventually, the latter version was used for the fur-
ment” defined how the content between tags should               ther model training. Figure 1 shows an example of
be stored. For example, if “startElement” read                  a drama parsed from GerDraCor with characters’
 tag, then the value of the “xml:id” tag was               speeches alone.
stored from that as drama id; if a tag “ was
passed to the “endElement”, then it signaled of
the end of the drama, and stored all the previously                 $id_ger000066
parsed text in a dictionary under the drama id as a                 ...a
key. The text itself was the content read and written               $scene
in “characters” method and could be the speech of                   b

a particular character between specific opening and             $sp_#dalton
closing “speech tags”, or, similarly, a description             Ein abscheuliches Unglück – ich kann es nicht
of a stage or a set. Additionally, inside “charac-              erzählen – dieser Tag ist der letzte dieses
ters”, text was orthographically normalized: histor-            Hauses.
ical spelling of words was replaced with modern                 @sp_#dalton
spelling, which was looked up in a file containing
obsolete-modern spelling pairs and was produced                 $sp_#frau_von_wichmann
earlier with a File Comparator (described in detail             Dalton – ist es –
in Section 3.3). That was done for GerDraCor ex-                @sp_#frau_von_wichmann
clusively, as DTA already contained normalized
versions of dramas. In general, XMLHandler was                  $sp_#dalton
designed to go through each drama, and extract                  Belmont –
all the drama text, excluding the front page and                @sp_#dalton
the cast list. Further, parsed dramas were conse-
quently written into a single text file. In order to            $sp_#frau_von_wichmann
separate dramas and their parts from each other,                Ach – lebt meine arme Julie noch?
specific tags were introduced: “$” as opening tag               @sp_#frau_von_wichmann
and “@” as a closing tag, which were followed by                ...
the attribute name or value without a blank space.              @scene
For example, at the start/end of each drama a line              ...
with an opening/closing tag and drama id was writ-              @id_ger000066
ten (e.g., “$id_ ger000569” at the beginning and                  ”. . . ” replaces the text skipped in this example.
“@id_ger000569” at the end) (Table 2).                            Blank lines are added for the convenience of reading the
   The function for writing parsed drama allowed                Figure 1: A Shortened Example of a Drama Parsed
to produce two different outputs: dramas with the               Only with Speeches
whole text parsed or only characters’ speeches (sep-
arated by scenes as well) without sets or stages.
Attribute name      Text following the “$” or “@” tag    Text enclosed between tags            Example of opening/closing tag
  Drama id            id_dramaid                           Parsed drama                          $id_ger000569 / @id_ger000569
  Set / stagea                                             A set / a stage                       $/@
  Scene/actb          scene                                A scene / an act                      $scene / @scene
  Speaker id          sp_#speakername                      A speech of a particular character    $sp_#detlev / @sp_#detlev
       There was no text following “$” and “@” signs for sets and stage, and the text was enclosed just between those signs.
       126 dramas in GerDraCor and 15 dramas in DTA did not contain scenes and were separated by acts or equivalent text
                                       delimiters, which were marked with a “scene” tag.

                                   Table 2: Tags Used in Parsed Dramas with Examples

 transliterated      Hinweg       sie           nah’n        Dort           sind          wir           sicher
 normalized          Hinweg       sie           nah          ‘n             Dort          sind          wir          sicher

                       Table 3: Example of Erroneously Added Blank Space After Normalization

3.3     File Comparator                                                Since the normalized version resolved hyphen-
Since it was undesirable for generated dramas to                    ation at the page and line break and sometimes
contain antiquated spellings and characters, the                    replaced one word with two words, or connected
version of DTA texts used for training the model                    two words into one, the word pairs could not be col-
was the normalized version offered by the resource.                 lected by simply comparing each line word by word
GerDraCor did not offer normalized versions of                      in both version. Sometimes, it was indicated in the
their drama texts, though. To mitigate the influence                DTA normalized version, if words were previously
of historical spelling on the training of the model,                merged (e.g., “wie_es” in the normalized version
an effort was made to normalize GerDraCor texts                     corresponded to "wie’s" in the original text). How-
by using DTA texts.                                                 ever, such indication was not done consistently:
   The DTA offers different versions of each of                     “thu’s” for example was normalized into "tu es"
their drama texts, two of which were important for                  without an underscore, and therefore, could be
the File Comparator.                                                treated by the algorithm as two words rather than a
                                                                    single unit.
  1. transliterated: A character-normalized ver-                       Issues like these could be easily solved by check-
     sion with transliterated orthography. Given                    ing for a specific pattern. The algorithm detects
     the age of many of the dramas, the original                    words ending with “‘s” in the transliterated ver-
     texts included characters outside the Latin-                   sion and tests whether the corresponding word in
     1 encoding, as for example the ’langes s’                      the transliterated version is followed by an “es”,
     (U+017F) or the elevated ’e’(U+0364) for                       and if this is the case, then the normalized ver-
     marking umlauts.                                               sion likely contains two words (e.g., transliterated
                                                                    “thu’s” is correctly paired with the normalized "tu
  2. normalized: A version standardized with
                                                                    es"). But sometimes the normalized version added
     regard to spelling, as well as transliterated
                                                                    spaces between words, which could not be pre-
     orthography. Historical spellings such as
                                                                    dicted and caused wrong indexing, meaning two
     "Erkandtnuß."  and "weißheyt" are transferred
                                                                    different words in the line to be compared to each
     to their modern equivalents "Erkenntnis" and
                                                                    other, as shown in the example in Table 3. Added
                                                                    space in the normalized version (“nah ‘n”) causes
                                                                    the algorithm to combine wrong words in pairs,
   Therefore, a collection of word pairs was created,
                                                                    e.g., “Dort – ‘n”, meaning that “’n” is considered a
by comparing the transliterated and the normalized
                                                                    normalized version of “Dort”.
versions of the DTA drama texts (Table 4). Punc-
tuation and other unwanted characters (e.g., “%”,                      In order to exclude wrong pairs, where two
“(“, “/”) were cleaned from the strings before com-                 different words were treated as normalized and
parison. Each word pair consists of the old spelling                transliterated versions of the same word, an al-
of a word, as well as its modern equivalent. Using                  gorithm to compare the similarity of words was
this list of word pairs, words in GerDraCor with                    implemented. If the normalized version was too
the old spelling could be changed into their new                    different from the transliterated version, the word
form.                                                               pair was considered faulty (consisting of two dif-
ferent words). Firstly, Levenshtein Distance was                 Transliterated             Normalized
                                                                 Wohlhäbige                 Wohlhabende
used to find possibly faulty word pairs. With using              Verlaubst                  Laubest
similarity threshold of 3, which appeared to be the              Thu’s                      tue es
most optimal threshold, this method excluded 576                 daß’s                      dass es
                                                                 hoamgangen                 heimgegangen
word pairs, but many of them seemed to be correct                Zen                        Zähne
edits of old spellings (Table 5).                                veracht’                   Acht
   For that reason, it was decided to try another
                                                                Table 5: Examples of Word Pairs Excluded After
method and estimate word similarity in each pair                Checking for Faulty Word Pairs with the Levenshtein
with the SequenceMatcher class from the “difflib”               Distance Algorithm
module. SequenceMatcher uses “Gestalt Pattern
Matching” algorithm for string matching. In case,                Transliterated             Normalized
similarity ratio between words in a pair was less                Hizt                       Jetzt
                                                                 nachi                      nage
than 0.53 , this word pair was deleted from a list               itz                        Jets
of transliterated-normalized pairs. As getting rid               Creyß                      Kreis
of wrong pairs was the priority, the 0.5 threshold               Flick                      Flügge
                                                                 Vehd                       Fett
allowed us to exclude as many as possible faulty                 dy                         die
pairs at the cost of losing a few correct ones. Al-
though, this method excluded 712 pairs (more than               Table 6: Examples of Word Pairs Excluded After
Levenshtein distance), more of them looked like                 Checking for Faulty Word Pairs with the Sequence-
                                                                Matcher Algorithm
real faulty pairs (Table 6).
   Thus, the final version of File Comparator nor-
malizes words by using word pairs left after exclud-            Fan et al. first generate a storyline, which is subse-
ing faulty word pairs with SequenceMatcher.                     quently used as input to the model that generates
   While parsing GerDraCor, if the word from                    the story, we train a model to produce outlines,
drama was found in the dictionary of word pairs, it             which become part of the input prompt in the sec-
was lowered, changed to its normalized version and              ond stage. Likewise, our approach is different from
restored with regards to its original capitalization.           Yao et al.’s in that it uses just 10 keywords instead
                                                                of one keyword per sentence in the story. With this
    Transliterated              Normalized
    Ueberraschungen             Überraschungen                  approach, we aim to guide the generation process
    Medicinerei                 Medizinerei                     of the model by providing it with the keywords sum-
    practicieren                praktizieren                    marizing the most important parts of each scene.
    Caffeegeschirr              Kaffeegeschirr
    Cigarettentasche            Zigarettentasche                Our second goal is to reduce the workload of the
    Hausflurthür                Hausflurtür                     user by allowing them to provide only 10 keywords
    Nachtheil                   Nachteil                        and let the hierarchical model do the rest of the
    Legirung                    Legierung
    legirt                      legiert                         work.
    Gratulire                   Gratuliere                         First, we fine-tune a GPT-2 model (the outline
    nothwendigerweise           notwendigerweise
    adressirt                   adressiert
                                                                model) to generate outlines of scenes based on an
    cuvertiert                  kuvertiert                      input of keywords extracted from the text. In the
    todtgeboren                 totgeboren                      second step, we fine-tune a second model (the gen-
                                                                eration model) to generate scenes based on input
Table 4: Examples of Pairs Collected from Transliter-
ated and Normalized Versions of DTA Drama Texts                 which consists of the outline of the scene, a sum-
                                                                mary of the remote context as well as that of the
                                                                local context.
4     The Proposed Approach
                                                                4.1   GPT-2
Inspired by the two-stage story generation ap-                  GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) has been demon-
proaches employed by (Fan et al., 2018; Yao et al.,             strated to achieve state-of-the-art results in a range
2018), we also decided to divide the drama scene                of NLP tasks such as natural language inference,
generation process into two stages. However, while              semantic similarity, text classification as well as
     Ratio varies from 0 to 1, where 0 means no commonalities   question answering. Moreover, GPT-2 has success-
and 1 means identical strings.                                  fully been used for story generation (Wang et al.,
2020; See et al., 2019).                                   In addition, as there are no real outlines available
   GPT-2, introduced by Radford et al., is an auto-     for the plays, we experiment with two summariza-
regressive transformer consisting of 12, 24, 36         tion algorithms to get the gold standard outlines.
or 48 decoder blocks, depending on the size of          First, following Wang et al.’s approach we employ
the model. In contrast to BERT (Devlin et al.,          TextRank, an extractive text summarization algo-
2018), which consists of encoder blocks only, GPT-      rithm, to extract the outlines from scenes. We also
2 stacks decoder blocks. Furthermore, an important      try abstractive summarization with a BERT2BERT
property of GPT-2 is its autoregressivity, i.e. the     model6 trained on MLSUM, a dataset of 1.5M on-
model conditions the next token on the previous         line news articles. Upon inspection, we found that
token thus allowing text generation.                    the BERT2BERT model’s output was unsatisfac-
   According to Radford et al., an additional key       tory: most of the time the summary consisted of 2-3
feature of GPT-2 is its ability to learn a downstream   sentences and was often truncated. Furthermore,
task in a zero-shot manner, i.e. without any need       as the format of a play presupposes some form of
for parameter tweaking or modifications to the ar-      a dialogue, it is quite different from that of a nor-
chitecture of the model.                                mal text written in prose. We hypothesize that the
   GPT-2 was trained with a slightly modified lan-      strange output of the model is due to it having been
guage modeling objective: instead of estimating the     trained on news articles. Thus, we proceed with
conditional distribution P (output|input), GPT-2        utilizing the TextRank algorithm for outline gen-
estimates P (output|input, task). But, instead of       eration. Prior to performing summarization with
separately modeling this at the architectural level,    TextRank, we remove the speakers, and add them
the task can be prepended to the input sequence.        back in to each sentence in the outline.
   As there is no official GPT2 model for Ger-          4.3    The Outline Generation Model
man, we use the German GPT2 model4 uploaded
to Huggingface. It uses the 12-block setting, result-   As the data set we use does not have gold standard
ing in a 117M parameter model. The model was            outlines, we decided to follow Wang et al.’s ap-
trained on a 16GB and 2,350,234,427 tokens data         proach, in which they use Textrank (add citation to
set consisting of data from the Wikipedia dump, EU      extract the outline of the story (or the scene in our
Bookshop corpus, Open Subtitles, CommonCrawl,           case). We then utilize these outlines as the ground
ParaCrawl and News Crawl.                               truth output for our model. As input to the outline
                                                        model, we use keywords extracted from the scenes
4.2    Pre-processing & Train/Dev/Test Split            and their outlines.
First, we pre-process the Dracor dataset, generating    4.3.1 Keyword extraction
training instances needed for training both models.     In the search for a keyword extraction algorithm
As both the outline and the generation models use       which could yield a good set of keywords for each
scenes and gold standard outlines as input, we gen-     scene/outline, we have experimented with 6 differ-
erate those first.                                      ent algorithms: Yake (Campos et al., 2020), Rake
   For both scenes and outlines we create two ver-      (Rose et al., 2010), MultiRake 7 , KeyBert (Grooten-
sions: one with speakers left in the text and one       dorst, 2020), TextRank(Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004)
without speakers. The first version serves as in-       and tf-idf.
put to both models, while the latter is only used
                                                        Keyword Extraction Algorithms RAKE first
once during the keyword extraction process. In the
                                                        generates a set of candidate keywords for the doc-
first version, each utterance starts with a  and is followed by a newline character,
                                                        trix from those. In the next step, for each can-
so that the actual utterance is on a separate line.
                                                        didate a score, defined as the sum of its member
For the version without speakers, we simply make
                                                        word scores, is calculated. The word scores are
sure each utterance is on a separate line. For sen-
                                                        calculated using word frequency (freq(w)), word
tence boundary detection, we employ the NLTK
                                                        degree (deg(w)),and (3) ratio of degree to frequency
tokenizer for sentences from the NLTK Tokenizer
package 5 .
   4           german-finetuned-summarization
   5                                                       7   
MultiRake is simply the multilingual version of       case. Furthermore, some keywords were simply
the RAKE algorithm which has some additional pa-         a concatenation of neighboring tokens which do
rameters such the addition of one’s own stopwords        not make much sense when put together, especially
or the possibility to vary the length and number of      if the preceding tokens are missing. In addition,
keywords.                                                RAKE and MultiRAKE return lowercased version
   KeyBert is based on creating BERT embeddings          of the keywords, which can be problematic for Ger-
for both the individual tokens in a document as well     man text, as casing signals the POS of a word and
as the document itself. Then, the cosine similarity      thus serves an important function, distinguishing
of the embedding of each word and the document in        nouns from other parts of speech. As GPT-2 uses
which the word appears is calculated. Those words        byte-pair-encoding, the starting vocabulary, i.e. the
that have the highest cosine similarity with the doc-    set of all individual characters, consists of both
ument embedding are identified as the keywords of        lower and upper case characters. This means that
the document.                                            when the BPE algorithm learns to merge adjacent
   TextRank is a graph-based ranking model which         characters, it treats AB and ab as different tokens.
takes into account the co-occurrence of words in a          In light of our observations, we decided to ex-
window of N words, adding edges between those            tract keywords using tf-idf and TextRank and train
nodes and then applying applying a ranking algo-         two outline models.
rithm until convergence.
   In contrast to the algorithms mentioned above,        Keyword extraction As a large number of
tf-idf not only quantifies the importance of a term      scenes are quite long and the keyword extraction al-
to a specific document in a collection of documents      gorithms often return phrases that are only uttered
but also off-setts it by the number of occurrences       once by the speaker, we decided to try out keyword
of this term in other documents in the set. This al-     extraction from both whole scenes and outlines of
lows to mitigate the effect of highly frequent terms     scenes. We have noticed that keywords extracted
occurring in a large number of documents on the          from outlines are often more relevant to the outline.
final score.                                             As a result, our models are trained on keywords
                                                         extracted from outlines, where the outline version
                           f (t, d)                      is that without speakers.
              tf (t, d) = P                        (1)
                             f (t0 , d)                     Another important parameter for our keywords
                           t0 ∈d                         input is the number of keywords (k) to be extracted
   YAKE differs from the other algorithms in that        from the scenes. Our experiments have shown that
it relies on a set of features which are supposed        when k > 10, many of the terms in the lower half
to characterize each term. These include casing,         of the keyword list are extremely random and unre-
the position of the word in the document, word fre-      lated to the outline. As a result, we chose k=10 for
quency, word relatedness to context and frequency        both tf-idf and TextRank.
of word in different sentences. Finally, these fea-
tures are combined into a single score which repre-      Tf-idf Despite using existing implementations of
sents the word (Sw ).                                    tf-idf 8 and TextRank 9 , we had to apply some pre-
                                                         processing steps. In the case of tf-idf, we first apply
                       Q                                 a SpaCy10 POS tagger with the de_core_news_sm
                           w∈kw    S(w)                  German model in order to exclude auxiliary verbs,
  S(kw) =                                          (2)
             T F (kw) ∗ (1 +
                                    w∈kw   S(w))         particles, adpositions and adverbs. In addition, any
                                                         tokens appearing in NLTK’s stopword list for Ger-
Algorithm Comparision In order to select the
                                                         man are dropped.
most suitable algorithm for this task, we performed
a qualitative evaluation of the keyword extraction       TextRank Similarly, we only keep keywords that
results. We used a small set of 5 randomly chosen        are not part of the list of German stopwords. In
scenes. Upon inspection of the extracted keywords,       addition, as TextRank extracts sequences of tokens,
we observed that only the keywords obtained us-          not individual tokens, repetitions containing tokens
ing tf-idf and TextRank actually yielded acceptable         8
results. For example, Rake, MultiRake and YAKE           feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer.html
return quite a few repeating keyword or keywords             9
or keywords that differ only in the grammatical      
that only differ by grammatical case are inevitable.      summarizer to produce the prompt for next
In this case, we discard repeated keywords. For           iteration.
instance, in the case of die gute Oma and der guten
Oma we only keep the lemmatized version of the         2. Dynamic prompt: In our system, the prompt is
first occurrence of the keyword.                          split into three individual parts: outline, sum-
                                                          mary of remote context and local context. The
4.3.2    Model training                                   outline is either drawn from the original play
To fine-tune the German GPT-2 model to produce            or generated by the first part of the system,
outlines given keywords as input, we concatenate          and remains unchanged in all generative itera-
the keywords K and the corresponding outline O            tion. When the outline and generated outputs
extracted using TextRank and separate them with           are longer than 924 tokens, only the nearest
the  token. In addition, the concatenated            250 tokens are preserved, and the remote con-
sequence C is prepended with a  token and            text is summarized by a TextRank model. The
a  token is attached to the end of the con-          three parts are concatenated with a  to-
catenated input.                                          ken to form the prompt of each generation
   The model is trained for 3 epochs with a training      step. In this way, our model can maintain
batch size of 4 and a test batch size of 8. The           local coherency as well as memorizing impor-
default optimizer AdamW is used and the number            tant information even if it is mentioned far
of warm up steps for the learning rate scheduler is       ahead of the current position. The introduc-
set to 500. The model is evaluated every 400 steps.       tion of outlines provides a guideline for the
During training, we compute the cross-entropy of          plot and guarantees global consistency. Thus,
the tokens in C.                                          the model is provided with dynamic prompt
   At test time, the model is fed the sequence            with different information in each iteration. A
 + K +  and is expected to gener-               figure describing the model structure can be
ate the outline tokens. Generation stops once the         found below. (Figure ??)
 token is generated. We use top p sam-
pling, wherein the next token to be generated is
selected from the vocabulary items that make up
70% (top_p=0.9) of the probability mass. In addi-
tion, repetition_penalty is set to 2.0.
   As has been mentioned before, we have trained
two versions of the outline model (using the same
settings): one in which the keywords are extracted
using tf-idf and the other using TextRank. The two
models are evaluated with respect to their perfor-
                                                                 Figure 2: Model architecture
mance on the downstream task of scene generation,
discussed in Section 5.2.

4.4     The Generation Model                           3. Automatic post-editing: Despite the improved
                                                          performance of our fine-tuned GPT-2 model,
In the second part of our system, another fine-tuned      it still fails to produce drama as human ex-
GPT-2 model is leveraged to generate a drama              perts. This can be attributed to the inherent
scene from given start and outline. The genera-           difficulty of drama generation and the diverse
tion model can be characterized by the following          writing styles and formats of our collected
three aspects:                                            training corpora. To address some recurring
                                                          format problems, we apply a few automatic
  1. Iterative generation: As many drama scenes
                                                          post-editing methods. In particular, we have
     are longer than the upper length limit of GPT
                                                          resolved the following issues:
     model (1024 tokens), it is not possible to gen-
     erate a whole scene at once. Therefore, we         • Repetitiveness: As the input information is rel-
     adopt an iterative generation strategy: in each      atively little at the beginning of generation, the
     iteration, the model only generates 100 tokens,      model tends to repeat sentences from prompt
     and all generated tokens are then fed into a         or generated lines. To counter repetitiveness,
we set the repetition penalty to 1.01 and for-    with an early stopping patience of 10. The fine-
       bid repeated 4-grams during generation. We        tuned baseline model is trained on the raw drama
       also discard any new lines (excluding charac-     scripts directly with the same set of hyperparame-
       ter names) that have already been generated.      ters as generation model training, except that it is
       Since we have a strict penalty for repetition,    trained for 10 epochs, as there are fewer optimiza-
       it can occur that the model cannot generate       tion steps in each epoch compared to generation
       a valid line in an iteration. To prevent these    model fine-tuning.
       cases, the model returns 10 sequences each
       time for the post-editing module to select, and   5.1   Evaluation Metrics
       it is backed off to generation without outline    To evaluate the performance of our approach, we
       when none of the 10 returns include any valid     adopt several automatic quantitative evaluation met-
       lines.                                            rics as well as a manual qualitative analysis. 100
     • Bad character names: In most cases the model      scenes from test set are generated by each model
       is able to identify characters in the play and    given start of the scene (approximately 100 tokens)
       continues the dialogue with their names. How-     as well as an outline (approximately 200 tokens,
       ever, it sometimes misspells names or adds        set to NULL for baseline models) and their perfor-
       new characters abruptly, which harms the plot     mance is measured and compared by the following
       consistency. In our system we identify mis-       metrics.
       spelling by its edit distance from any given
                                                            • Average number of sentences per speech:
       character name. If the edit distance is small
                                                              In general, drama is comprised of conversa-
       (less than or equal to 2), it is considered as
                                                              tions, which means each character is supposed
       misspelling and the wrong name is corrected
                                                              to take turns to give their speeches. Thus, it
       to a given character name. Otherwise, the new
                                                              is important that the model should not gener-
       name is seen as an invalid character and will
                                                              ate a text where only one or two characters
       be removed along with its speech.
                                                              give very long speeches. Average number
     • Empty speeches: The model may output char-             of sentences per speech is a metric reflecting
       acter names at the start of a new line but does        how well the generated plays resemble a hu-
       not assign any speech to them. We manage to            man written play in format. Abnormally high
       resolve this problem by identifying character          value in this metric indicate that model fails
       names followed immediately by another name             to capture the format features of drama.
       and discarding the lines.
                                                            • Average sentence length: Average sentence
5        Experiments and Results                              length is a simple yet effective measurement
To study the effectiveness of our proposed ap-                of performance of generative models(Kincaid
proach, we compare our models with baseline GPT-              et al., 1975; Roemmele et al., 2017). While
2 models. In particular, we have two baseline mod-            too long sentences might harm readability, too
els: a not fine-tuned GPT-2 model and a GPT-2                 short sentences are more likely to be incor-
model fine-tuned on the same training set but with            rect or illogical in the context. In our experi-
no outline or summarization (-dynamic prompt).                ment, we compare the average sentence length
All models are based on a German-language GPT-                of generated texts to that of human written
2 model named german-gpt2 from HuggingFace.11                 scripts, to evaluate and compare how each
   For generation model training, we first extract            model performs in generating fluent and read-
prompt-generated output pairs from collected cor-             able sentences.
pora and fine-tune our model on them. In particular,        • Perplexity: We also measure the perplexity
the outline part in the prompt is extracted from the          score of the generated scenes from each model
original scene using TextRank. We run the training            (including human written plays) using german-
for 3 epochs with a batch size of 8, evaluating on            gpt2. Perplexity is usually assigned by a to-
the dev set every 400 steps. A default optimizer is           be-evaluated language model on a real text
used with 500 warm-up steps and the checkpoint                (Jelinek et al., 1977), while in our case we
with the lowest perplexity on dev set is chosen,              reverse the process and leverage a pre-trained
    11             language model to evaluate the fluency and
Models                 w/o fine-tuning   w/o outline   w extracted outline   w TextRank outline   w TF-IDF outline   Human
 Sentences per speech        64.74           5.40               4.47                 5.97                6.04           3.21
 Sentence length              4.60           6.89              6.16                  6.82                6.60           8.82
 Perplexity                  20.58          18.90              19.18                18.82               19.46          17.13
 1-gram overlap               0.11           0.19               0.20                 0.17                0.18           0.10
 2-gram overlap              0.012          0.028              0.040                 0.020              0.022          0.009
 3-gram overlap             0.0007          0.0053            0.0109                0.0024             0.0032         0.0013
 Topic drift (2-gram)       -8.33%          34.3%             18.2%                 27.3%               42.3%         20.0%
 Topic drift (3-gram)        28.6%          66.3%             23.0%                 34.6%               79.2%         57.1%
 Distinct-1                  0.503          0.433              0.463                0.438               0.443          0.576
 Distinct-2                  0.880          0.842              0.860                0.846               0.846          0.921
 Distinct-3                  0.969          0.963              0.966                0.962               0.960          0.982

                                  Table 7: Automatic evaluation results on 100 test set.

      coherency of generated texts. In particular, to              perform reasonably well in average number of sen-
      balance the evaluation efficiency and accuracy,              tences per speech. The human-written scripts have
      we use a stride of 100. Lower perplexity score               the lowest value.
      indicates better coherency.                                     Similar patterns can be observed in average sen-
                                                                   tence length and perplexity. Human-written scripts
   • N-gram overlap: For n=1,2,3, we measure                       demonstrate the best readability and coherency.
     the F1 score of n-gram overlap between the                    Among the machine generation approaches, despite
     start of scene and generated text. Low value                  the gap being trivial, the model with no outline
     means lower similarity between the generated                  and the model with outline generated by keywords
     text and start of the scene.                                  (TextRank) display superiority to the model with
   • Topic drift: In addition to n-gram overlap,                   extracted outlines in terms of fluency.
     we also calculate the overlap for the first half                 When it comes to n-gram overlap, the model
     and second half of generated texts separately,                with extracted outlines has by far the highest over-
     and measure the proportion of decrease in F1                  lap with the given start of the scene, followed by the
     as a metric for topic drift. We assume that, if               model with no outlines. The models with generated
     a story is globally consistent, the topic drift               outlines do not reach a decent result, probably be-
     should be relatively small, while a story lack-               cause of the poorer quality of outlines. It is worth
     ing plot consistency tends to have larger topic               mentioning that the real drama scripts have the
     drift.                                                        lowest overlap score. We attribute this to the out-
                                                                   standing ability of human experts of rephrasing and
   • Distinct-n: To examine the model’s ability of                 controlling the flow of plot, thus it is not directly
     producing diverse words and phrases, we also                  comparable to machine generation approaches.
     compute the average proportion of unique n-                      Besides, we notice that introducing extra out-
     gram in the whole generated text (Li et al.,                  line information indeed contributes to a better
     2015). Higher proportion of unique n-grams                    global consistency: models using both extracted
     reflects that the model is highly capable of                  outlines and outlines generated by TextRank key-
     generating unseen words or phrases, either by                 words show competitive or even better performance
     rephrasing existing expressions or introducing                than the human-written plays in topic drift, while
     new contents.                                                 model that do not leverage such information suffer
                                                                   severely from topic drift.
5.2   Quantitative Results                                            Finally, no significant difference is observed in
                                                                   the ability of using diverse vocabulary among ma-
Table 7 shows the results of our automatic evalu-
                                                                   chine generation models. Human playwrights, as
ation. It is obvious that the model without fine-
                                                                   we have expected, show their irreplaceable advan-
tuning fails to produce texts that are formally sim-
                                                                   tage in diction.
ilar to drama: each speech consists of on average
64.74 sentences and each sentence is composed                      5.3     Qualitative Analysis
of only 4.6 words, indicating it just start a speech
randomly and many sentences are only one phrase                    5.3.1      Qualitative Evaluation of Outlines
or even one word. For this reason, it will not be                  Firstly, in most of the cases, only the first line of the
analyzed later in this section. All other models                   outline contains a speaker. Naturally, this makes
it impossible for the subsequent generation model         a challenging task even for human experts, and in
not to come up with random characters that do not         our work, there are still some problems remaining
appear in the outline. Furthermore, after the first       unresolved:
couple of sentences, the generated outline quite
often consists of direct speech followed by a report-         1. Abrupt ending: Although a special token
ing clause (i.e. "sagte der Mann" - "a man said",                 is added to the end of each scene
"fragte er" - "he said"), as can be seen in both gener-          and used for training, we notice that in most
ated outlines in Table A1 in the Appendix. This is               cases the generation only stops when a max-
quite surprising, considering that the gold standard             imum iteration number is reached. This will
outlines do not contain any such text, as all of the             lead to an abrupt ending problem. A better
drama pieces are in dialogue format. A possible                  method should be explored to provide more
explanation for this could be that the amount of                 control over the story ending without dramati-
drama texts used for training is insignificant com-              cally harming the conciseness of drama.
pared to the large amounts of news data the model             2. Non-uniform format: Despite an extra post-
was pre-trained on.                                              editing process during generation, some in-
5.3.2 Qualitative Evaluation of drama texts                      consistency in format is still not completely
Manual evaluation reveals that none of the models                avoided. Some bad names are not detected as
were able to produce coherent and meaningful texts.              well and are thus kept in the text and compro-
On average the texts created by the model with no                mise readability.
outline are shorter compared to the texts from other          3. Instability: While some previous works (Rosa
models, which mostly end after a maximum itera-                  et al., 2020, 2021) rely on manual interven-
tion number is reached. Though all of the models                 tion to detect and prevent unsatisfactory gen-
produced texts that ended with the repetition of                 eration results, we decided to adopt a more
mildly changed words or phrases, the model using                 convenient fully automatic approach, which
an extracted outline did so more frequently. This                inevitably induces accumulated errors and re-
can be seen quite well in the generated example                  sults in instability in generation.
text found in Table A2 Part 3/3 given in the ap-
pendix and might explain the extremely low topic              4. Incompetence of generating a whole play: The
drift values for this model. The two models using                proposed model can only generate one scene
generated outlines did not introduce as many new                 at a time and cannot produce a whole play. Fu-
characters and did not switch between speakers as                ture work can focus on this more challenging
often as the other two models, creating mostly long              task, for example by introducing an additional
monologues instead of dialogues. All of the models               layer to the hierarchy, aiming to generate out-
overused ’»’ and ’«’ in normal dialog and started                lines for each scene based on a outline of the
a lot of sentences with a hyphen. Since this is a                whole play and summary of previous scenes.
problem occurring in all of the models, it can be
assumed that the varying formalization across dif-        7     Conclusion
ferent dramas used in the training process caused         This paper compares the quantitative results of dif-
this issue. In multiple drama texts two or more fol-      ferent models attempting the generation of German
lowing hyphen were used to mark pauses in speech.         drama texts. Furthermore it explores the oppor-
One example of an excessive use of hyphen in the          tunity of generating German drama texts with ex-
original drama texts can be found in the excerpt          tracted outlines. While the quantitative results of
from ’Die Pietisterey im Fischbein-Rocke’ given           the models suggested sensible outcomes, qualita-
in Figure A1 in the appendix. The models tend to          tive analysis of the generated texts found them to
overuse hyphens in a way, that hinders meaningful         be lacking in regards of coherency, meaning and
text generation instead.                                  form. A lot of issues can be hypothesized to stem
                                                          from the varying formalization in the drama texts
6   Discussion and Outlook
                                                          used in the training of the models and the poor qual-
Our proposed method described above is able to            ity of the generated outlines. A bigger and cleaner
handle some known issues like lack of global infor-       dataset of German drama texts would be desirable
mation. However, drama generation/completion is           for further testing of generational models.
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A   Appendix

       id            model                                     Generated outline
                                Liddy: Ich muß sagen – ich bin entzückt..?« »Do is doch was zu do«, sagte er
                                     zum Käthchel und wies auf die große Verantwortung hin; Herr Littmann
                                meinte so schön es im Scherz ang’scheckt wie eine Maus in einer Mädl’n oder
                                 Frauenzimmerin des Herrn von der Hellenen-Pensionärsfeuerwehre mit dem
                                 Namen Ihnen ’nen Kauz auszulachen«. „Mein Vater war ein alter Knabe aus
id_ger000018_5      textrank
                                 dem Dorf Der hat sich für einen Berufsstart als Tischler entschieden Aber da
                                      kommt man ja nicht mehr drauf zurück...“ Nun das ist wahrhaftig kein
                                Wortschatzfehler sondern daß mir auch noch ganz ungebildete Leute zuhören
                                 können Als ob mich mein Sohn nur um seine gute Laune gebeten hätte wenn
                                                     meine Tochter einmal über ihm wäre...
                                Valeria: Ich wollte dich nicht verlassen. – Ich habe dir es noch gesagt; ich bin
                                    dein Freund und deine Dienerin gewesen!« »Und du hast mich verraten?«,
                                sagte er zu mir mit dem Augenschmalze auf den Lippen in der Sprache seiner
                                eigenen Muttersprache so leise als möglich.« Nun komme endlich nach Hause
                                zurück von diesem Abend hier im Garten meiner Schwester Liddy oder dieser
                                Ihen Tochter Molly... wenns kein Irrtum ist gegen das Schicksal meines Vaters
                                    für die gute Sache aufzuwarten?’ laß ihn allein sprechen!». ’tschuldigung
                                Vater, aber da war ein Brief an Sie bei Ihrer Ankunft am Bahnhof : Er kam aus
                                Wien ohne Ihre Erlaubnis herüber ins Haus Ihres Sohnes Marquis de La Salle
                                . . . Und nun kommen sie alle wieder hierher um sich ihren Spaß daran gönnen
                                    ; denn wie gewöhnlich haben wir beide uns schon einmal unterhalten über
id_ger000018_5        tf-idf          einige Dinge zwischen Ihnen beiden.... man muß doch sagen daß diese
                                Begegnung eine gewisse Wahr heit enthält!!’ Ach was soll nur sein – lassen Sie
                                    mal hören!’.Das wird ja wohl niemand sehen wollen ob Ihr Sohn wirklich
                                einen Fehler begangen hat unter seinem besten Namen.Herr Baronin, erlauben
                                  Herr Graf Renz-Honau, bitte recht freundlichst unsere Hand deines Mannes
                                    küssend anzubezeigen....binde Fräulein Gräfin Marie wird alles verzeihen
                                  müssen meine Frage wäre jetzt keine Antwort nötig öffne deinen Mund weit
                                genug.” / So sagt mein Bruder zum Doktor – das tut weh!’, fragt er scherzhaft
                                   nach einer Bemerkung des Herrn Kommissars... vielleicht sei der Mann zu
                                  jung dafür geworden, weil er nicht anders kann tun als seine Frau lieben Zu
                                       machen ihm seinen Kummer verständlich darzustellen als auch seine
                                                            Leidenschaften zu zeigen.

     Table A1: Examples of outlines generated by the two outline generation models (tf-idf and textrank)
START_OF_SCENE        Rosamunde: Ja er ist es! Gelobt sei Gott!
                      Flodoardo: Eure Durchlaucht...
                      Doge: Seid willkommen, Edler Ritter, tausendmal... Habt Ihr Euer Wort gelöst?
                      Flodoardo: Alles, wie Ihr mir geboten, Ist erfüllt; die Republik Frei von jeglicher Gefahr; Und der
                      Himmel lächelt heiter.
                      Doge: Und der Mörder unserer Freunde?
w/o outline           Flodoardo: Wir sind gerettet.
                      Doge: Der Tag wird kommen, Daß er sich uns naht.
                      Flodoardo: Stimme: Euer Tod ist unser Tod!
                      Doge: Gelobt ist Gott! ...
                      Flodoardo: Das Glück ruft nach uns! – Der Ritter Des Todes, Der die Stadt umringt, Der Ritter von
                      Florenz, Der den Kaiser stürzen will! – Hört mich an!
                      Flodoardo: O Gott!
                      Doge: Und er, der den Kaiser stürzen wollen –?
                      Flodoardo: Er soll sich erheben, Und der Herr ist frei! Weh ihm, daß er es erfährt! Ich bitte Euch,
                      laßt ihn, er soll nicht mehr Euch, Ihm allein, sprechen. Fluch und Haß und Tod sind für uns Leben.
w extracted outline   Flodoardo: Auch dieser Mensch, der mit uns ins Gefängnis kam, Der auf diesen Felsen gesprungen
                      ist, Und sich vor mir entblößte, so als der Retter der Republik?
                      Flodoardo: Er war der letzte, der hier saß, bis zum letztenmal. Ich bin, wer er? Dogt mir.
                      Doge: Wer war der erste? O wie Ihr ihn nennt, den ersten.
                      Flodoardo: Wen nannte der König?
                      Doge: Mein Herzog. Dogt nicht das Gerücht.
                      Doge: Die Republik hat ihn ausgerufen.
                      Flodoardo: Ein Fürst.
                      Doge: Ein Mann. – Ihr, mein edler Herr Abbate; Ihr, hochfürstlicher Herr Follo liegt bereits in den
                      Flodoardo: Was wird aus Eurer Freiheit? – Contarini, Euer Oberst Frosso liegt schon In den Eisen;
                      Es wird von der Nacht so viel geredet, Die ihn verderben und aufhetzen.
                      Parozzi: seht, daß Ihr, das schwöre ich, Den Prinzen Valerio vor euch schützt.
                      Flodoardo: Wünschst du, daß der Herzog nicht? –
                      2-3: Wünschest du, daß ich es nicht könne? – Alle anderen? – Die ganze Republik? – – Wir?
                      Flodoardo: Denselben, den ihr im Dunklen habt?
                      Doge: So wie sie sind, so muß ich auch das sagen. Wir müssen ihn selbst holen.
                      Flodoardo: Und der Richter von Florenz?
                      Doge: Der Herzog kommt mir zu nah.
                      Flodoardo: Ist die Flucht so ein Glück?
                      Flodoardo: der Herzog von Parozzi.
                      Doge: Er wird mich mit seinen Kindern einsperren.

                         Table A2: Example texts generated by the different models.
                                       Part 1/3. Continued on the next page.
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